, . h i i ..-- - re r, i i,-, , ..... Tin , , , , ., .,-,,,-- . .. ....-,--.- . 1 ' THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCBAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.! w Mi ni i2l. fr. " The Golunibia.ri. I BLOJVljBURQ, PA.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, IBOq. Tho scramblo for the appointment to fill llio vacanoy In the associato judgeship has been giving the republi cans much troablo. It was aappoaed that Major M. Vanco had the inside track as ho had tho support of the local politicians. Copt, II. J, Conner was also urged for tho place, and he had tho support of the Grand Army, but his head oamo oil in tho first round as he supported Stowart for Governor against Beaver, and even tho fact of his being a war veteran Bhould not atono for so groat an offense. It is also reported that David Albertson of Greenwood wont to Ilarrisburg and saw the authorities, and oamo homo with the assuranco that ho would bo appointed. None of the local leaders here, however seem to havo heard of this arrangoment. Just whon ovory thiug was supposed to be in good shape for Major Vance, M. AV. Jackson of Berwick Bteps in and wants the plaoe, and this upset all plans. Mr. Jackson is a man of wealth, and presumably con. tributes liberally to campaign funds when the "greatest American principles ot protection'' that has assisted so materially in putting him in possesion of a fortuno, is in peril. Besides he is a personal friend of Goternor Beaver's and bis claims could not be ignored Adjutant General Ilastings was in Berwick on Monday, and when this became known in Bloomsburg there were mutterings loud and deop, and threats that indicated that llostinus must not ezpoct any help from Colum bia county in his guber natorial separ ation .because of his interference in this local fight. WABHIKuTON IiETTEB. From our regular correspondent. "Washington, D. C. Jan, 20. 1890, Mr. Harrison has sprung another English'idea on tho country in the shape of a Government Measure to bo pushed before Congress. His prede cessors bavo contented themselves with raoommended what thoy thought ought to bo done, and leaving tbe rest to Congress, bat in the case of tho silver bill to-day introduced in the House the English idea of legislation has been tnotlv followed. The b'll was nrnna red by Secretary Windom, submitted to the cabinet and tbe Jt resident, appro ved.by the latter and a majority of tbe former, and is now introduced in tho .House as an administration measure. .Now if Mr. Windom could only be admitted to the floor of the House to champion the measure the whole pro Gooding would be entirely Eaz'isb. The bill has been referred to the House committed on Coinage, Weights and Measures and I understand that Sec retary Windom nas already been pro k raised a favorable report by the repub- licans of that committee. It will be interesting to see whether Congress will present tbis clearer usurpation ot its functions by the executive branoh of the Government, or whether it will Do quietly accepted and allowed to stand as a precedent for future admin istrations. Gov. Cambell was to-day partiativ examined by the House committees investigating the Ohio ballot box for gery. Nothing new wis brought out. Ei-Gov. Foraker, who was examined . j nuay ana Saturday, did not raise himself any in the esttmition of honur able men by his testimony, telling how he bribed Wood to get possession of tbe forged document. Under cross-exam- iaation he admittted that be should have discovered the forgeries if he had made as careful an examination of tho paper as he should have dono. Mr. Jforaker seems lor some reason or other to be extremely bitter agains Representatives McKinley and But- torwortb, of Ohio. Tbero was a lively time in the room of the House committee on Reform in the Civil Service tbis mornintr, caused by a discussion before that committee on tbe merits ot tbe present Civil oer vice law. uuposed to tbe law were Representatives Hoaok and Kwart, and favoring it tbe Civil Servian Com mtssioners. Tbe law received some very bard knooks, but if the private Claim oi trie iomtmssioners-tbPt a maj onty of tbe committee is pledged to them-is true, nothing is likely to come ot tbem. Secretary Blaine tjas the sympathy or everybody in ine teirribie bereave ment whioh has fallen upon him, by the sudden death of bis brilliant young son walker liiaine. Us funeral took place Saturday and was attended by nearly every puoiio man in Washing ton and an immense crowd of private citizens. Ex Senator Tom Piatt, of New York heard about tbo Incipient Morton l'rest dental boom, and oame over hero to read the riot act to the Vice President and to inform him that New York would have but one candidate to pre sent to tbe .National republican norm Bating convention in 1892, and bis same would be Piatt. Mr. Morton re fused to see things in just that light, but before Mr. i'latt went back home tho two would-bo candidates patched np somo rort of a truce. Mr. Piatt was heard to say to a friend, "Oh let Mor ton think be is a candidate, and spend his money, it will put it ln'oiroulation As every Congressman asked about it expresses himself in favor of an im mediate settlement of the question of looation for the World's Fair, it is fair .to presume that it will bo sol tied this week, or next at tho farthest. The bill admitting Wvomini has been favorably reported by tbe Senate committee on Territories, and the same oommltteo has decided to lay aside the bill for the adimsiou of Idaho until the Supreme Court deoides a caso now before it, affeoting the constitute onality of th? constitution recently adopted by the people of that Terri tory. Committed Salome by Shooting Danviixe, Jan. 20 William Reiner a grocer, a oot CO years of ago, com mitted auioide tbis afternoon by shoot ing himself through the head with a rifle. He had been troubled sometime with dyspepsia, aud tbis with other trouble had made him despondent and led to his taking his life. He was dis. covered by his Uttlo boy, who heard the report of the gun and who thought his father was shooting at a mark. He wont into tho yard and found him lying on an ash heap, whoro he bad seated himself and placed the muzzle of (be gun in bis mouth and pulled tbe trigger with a string, tbe ball going clear through his bead. Death was isstautaneoue. flte, e J-Mi"" contest UAM.OT COUNT1NO 11KOUN. JUDOR nOCK- KFEI.LKR ON RROKNT DECISION. WiLUAiisi-onT. Jan. 20 In tho Iudiclnl contest court this afternoon udges Baehcr and Rockefeller began counting tho iiallols ot tbe Seventh Ward, to ascertain tho discrepancy in tho returns. Tboy were assisted by tho examlmrs, and conducted tbo proceeding with closed doors. Indue Kookefcllcr mado a statement In which ho declared that the publlo had placed a wrong construrtion on his opinion, in which it was stated that tho burden cf prof rested on John J. Motzger. On tho contrary both part ies will be n quired to show tho correct ness cf registry. Mr. Botitly mnst alio tho registry from tho distrio.s where bo had mnjoritlfs, and vice versa In caso tho originals cannot bo produc ed, then tho Court will consider tlo queston of secondary evidenoo. Either party may show thu there were votes polli d that were not on the list. Jud ge Rcckofellor also said that he intend ed to be present at tho proceedings of tho case from now on, and expressed tho hope that the end would soon bo reached. A HEW BURIAL BOflBME. OUR HOWES TO DK DRIED AND PUT AWAY IN VAULTS WITH OI.ASS PRONTO. A new disposition of the dead as proposed may bo called tho "latest thing in life." Ground for a "new mausoleum" is to bo broken, it is said, in the spring. Tbe idea underlying the now mausoleum is bated on tho, fact that a current of dry air will pre serve a body from decomposition and chango it into a condition resembling Vf V -I. Ml . ! m?, iu wuiuti lb win remain jur an in definite time. This process is applied by nature to tho unfortunate traveler and bis bean who succumb upon tbo (Treat deserts. In tho Smithsonian Iu stltntion are many bodies thus dessic cated by nature whioh have been brought from the battle fields of Mex ico aud Peru, from Southern plains and. Indian districts ot tno tar west, ino ancient Colchians and Tar' are bus ponded their dead from branches of trees to be dried by air and sun. Tho Peruvians brst dried their deceased friends and then burned them in a sit ting posture. Salvages of South Aus tralia place the dead body on the top of the hut till perfectly dried, when it is bandagod and hidden among the branches of tbe trees. Tho body re tains its form in the process, and tho skin, though it becomes hard and dry like leather, remains white, while tbe face, though more or less tmaciated remains life liko and recognizable. Modern science and skill are to be applied to the original preservative power of the atmospht-re. Experiments' have recently been made by specialists, brst on animals and later on human bodies. In the course of one recent experiment conducted by a sanitary engineer in Washington, in nine weeks a pig was reduced in weight from to 7$ pounds, and remained just as plump and round as in life. In a lab oratory in this city the bodv ot a man weighing 104 pounds was subjected to the process iu 1888 and the effect was marvelous. The arrangement for the interment of desiccated bodies in the new man solemn will bd similar to that of the drawers in safety deposit vaults, while the interior plan ot the building will resemble that of a wt-ll-appoiuted pub Ho library, with main corridor and di versing halls leading ti differont si'C tion. These drawer or s-'pu'ehre will bo of solid oonorete four indie thick, without joint or seam, of cor. tain sizes, and arranged in tiers of si on either side of tbe hallway. Th opening into each sepulchre will be provided with two doors, the inner one of class hermetically sealed as soon as occupied, through which the. body may bo viewed by those holding the keys ; the outside of iron, wrought gold, silver or bronze, decorated and adorned according to the ability and taste of relatives. Neu York tiun Western Snow Blockade. TELEORAnilC COMMUNICATION AND TRAV EL BADLY INTEHRUrrED, WEST AND NORTHWEST. Chicago, Jan. 20.r Tho enow block ade in the West and Northwest is one of the most complete on record. Not only has travel become an impossibility on tbe Western divisions of the (Jen tral and Northern Pacific, but the tele graph oompanies are equal sufferers and every through wire is down on both these routes. The only means of telegraphic communication with tho Paoifio coast now is by tho indirect route of the Southern Pacifio and the volume of business trantaoUu is neoee- sarily limited. Washington and Oregon are shut off from communication from tho en tire world, with the exception of ono little zigzag wire that still ticks feebly between ban Francisco and Portland, When this wire gots down these two Nortwesttrn States will hn further away from New York than China, far as ttlegrapMo communication oonoernt o, as tue trains aro not run ning and the snow bloekido renders it impossiblo for tho ti legrahia force to reach the scene ' f the break. xne western union repairers are snowed up' at a half-dozen points 1 the West, and there is little prospect oi renewed communication until tu railroads hare mastered tbe elements. The snow blockade on tbe Central Paoifio Road is at Imigrant Gap, near tbe summit of the Sierra. Last night eigui west bound trains were saowod in, aud tbo prospect of the road being oponed in the next forty-eight hours is poor, as tno snow plows cannot woi through the freezing ice and the force of tbe shovelers is inadequate. There are 1500 men at work, but as tbe snow is seven feot deep on tho level, and fathomless in tho outs, the work of clearing the track while the snow fall is a tremendou-i labor, On the Northern Pacifio there is complete suow blockade at Sissons near Mouot Shasta. Colonel Fred Crocker, of the Southern Paoifio, who was going North, has been snowed in tnere lor throa nays in a special train and Lopes to get out to-morrow. The Southern paoifio Road has been badly injured in tho Tehaobcpi Moun tains by washouts, and beyond Los Angeles tbo Hoods have dono much damage. The only unobstructed road now is the Atlantio and Pacific, but as this depends on tbo boutbern 1'aeifi connections betwoen the Mohave Djs ert and San Francisco, and on the washed out Southern Paoiflo line be tween Los Angeles aud Sau Franolsco, travel on that may alto be delsypd at any moment, as it has been raining heavily in Southern California for days past, while it Is snowing in the .North . Tbe Western Union advices this uoralng are that suow is still falling throughout tbe West, so that tho prospect U by no means encouraging, f irrtirlp ;i.1it'j!ii u i. CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. INNOCENT l.tVBS SACRIFICED ON T11E O ALLOWS. Somo limo ago Sir James Makintosh most cool and disnasslonsto observer declared that, taking a long period tf time, ono innocent man was hanaod in very threo years. Tho late Chief Baron Kelloy Btated as tho result of his experience that from 1802 to 1840 no fewer than twenty-two Innocent men hnd been sontenced to death, of whom Bovon woro actually executed. These tirrible mistakes aro not confined to England. Mittctmarer refers to oases of a similar kind in Ireland, Italy. France and Gernvuiv. In comnarnt. ively recent years there have been several striking Instances of the falll billity of the most carefully ooustitmod tribunals. In 1805 for instance, an Italian named Pelizzioni was tried be foro Baron Martin for tbe murder of a fellow-countryman in an affray at Saffron Hill. After an eUb irate trial he wan fnnnd guilty and sentenced to death. In passin? contenoo the Judge took occasion to make the following remarks, whioh should always be rem embered when the acumen begotten of 'sound legal training' and long ex perience is relied upon as a saft-guard against crrois 'In ray judgment it was utterly impossible for the j'iry to have oorae to any other conclusion. Tho evidence was about the clearest and mo-t direct that, after a long course of experionco in the administration of criminal justice, I have ever known. I am as satisfied as I can bo in any thing Gregoria did not infLot this wound and that you were tho person who did.' The trial was over. The Home Secretary would most certainly after the Judge's expression of opinion never baveinterfered. The date of the exeoutlon was fixed. Yet tho unhappy prisoner was guiltless of the orime, and it was only through the exertions of a pr'vate individual that an innocent man was saved from the gallows. A fellow-countryman of his, a Mr. Neg retti, succeeded in poisuading the real culprit (the Gregoria so expressly ex culpated by the Judge) to ,come for ward and acknowledge the crime. He waMubsequently tried for manslaugh ter ano convicted, while x'elliz om re ceived a free pardon. Again, inr-1877, two men named Jackson and Ureenwood were tried at the.Livt rpool Assizes for a serious of fence. They were found euihv. The J idge expressed approval of verdict and sentenced them to 10 years penal servitude. Subsequently freBh facts came to light and the men received free pardon. Once more, in 1879, Habron was tned for killing a police man, xto was tound guilty and sentenc ed to death. An agitation for a reprieve immediately touowed. The sentence was comuted to penal servitude for life. Threo years afterwards, the no torious Peace, just before bis execution fnr the murder of ur myson, confess ed that be had committed the murder for whioh Habron had been sentenced JVom the lortnighlly Review. The Grip is doing. 4If as many persons bad died in New York of cholera as the grip and its allied ailments have carried off in the past month," said a learned doctor yesterday, "the country would be panic stricken. People would talk of -it with fear and trembling. But the influenza has been mado a joke of. There was something funny about the word 'grip' mat nas cauaed people to make lanuhing stock of what was dealing dram in tnnr minst. For the past few days the diseases of the respiratory organs have been decidedly on the decrease in New Y rk Tho dutits of doctors and undertakers have been lightened, the hospitals have bren overrun aud with tbe incoming of cold weather tho days of the grip have in ine oenoi ot meaical authorities, been numbered. It may be that the grip has taken flight and gone to seiza hold upon We;teran towns, uut now more ter riblo news comes to New York that the Asiatio cholera, which it was feared would follow in tho train of the influ enza, has broken out in tbe Trans-Css pian cities whence tho sneezing epid emic has taken its departure. Doctors in this city ae in receipt of copies of the London medical papers containing reference to the danger. The Lancet of Jin. 4 sayp: There is, unfoitunately, but too good reason for believing that the epidemic ot cholera, whioh lias tor so many months hung about the Tigris and Euphrates valleys and the interior of Mesopotamia, has made considerable inroads into Persia. News ot its having crossed the west ern boundary of that empire has been received from time to lime, but it is now anounced in tbe Faculty of Medi cine of Paris that there has been an alarming increase of the disease in Central Persia and In the Turoo-Persian frontier, and that the inbabitance are fleeing northward. Those wbo can aff .rd tbe journey aro endeavoring to reach Russian ports on the Caspian and remembering that this is the route into Europe which cholera has so often taken before, tbe announcement must be regarded as one of no litttle gravity. This is tbe more so because the Cas pian port towns and fishing villages have a bad reputation in regard to those sanitary circumstances which are known to favor tbe diffusion of chol era. The New York health authorities aro as yet una moerned about the ad vent of cholera, and will be content enough when they can be certain that the grip has loosed for good. At present tbe reports from Chioago and other Western cities show that the influenza, of wbioh only occasional oases have hitherto been manifest, has settled down in deadly earnest. The Grab Defeated. Tht) Congressmen who lost their monoy through the defaiuatit n of the Deputy Sergant-al-Arms will havo to poiikvt thejr losses and roiolve to keip stricter watch of tlitir monoy heipafter. The Republican majority of tho Biloot investigating committee reported a bill appropriating $75,000 to reiinbursti ttie memb ra whoxo money was gone, notwithstanding tho money had been Said by the Treasury onco. Hemphill's lomooratio minority proposition was to li-t llu Ioroih sue the government lafiiro the Court of Claims, and if their claims proved to be just they would get the money. That was re jected by a close vote and the majority bill pressed to Its passage. On (he last stsgo it was defeated by s vote of 121 yeas and 142 nays. Don't oire Up booavie you feel )ae and are troubled with that tired and ll-gon feeling. Do as I di1, use a bottle of Sulphur Milters, it will mike jou feel Jike a new persoBj it did me. Jtnvia Iloufts, 354 Tremopt Sroet, Boston. M7 2t. - a. Be Sure If you hato mado tip your mind to bny Hood'i Sarjapiulll.i ilo not bo Induced to Uks any other. Hood's Barsaparlll Is a peculiar Btedlclne, possessing, by virtue ot Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curatlra power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what tho wanted, and whose ciatnplo Is worthy Imitation, tells her experience bclowi To Get "In one store nhcro I went to buy Hood's Barsapartlla the clerk tried to Induce me buy their own Instead ot Hood's; lie told mo thelr's would last longer) that I might take It on ten days' trial) that It I did not like It I need not pay anything, etc. Uut he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood'i Barsaparilla was. I had taken It, was satiated with It, and did not want any other. Hood's When I began taking Hood's Barsapartlla I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at time J I could hardly stand. I looked, and bad for somo time, like a person In con sumption. Hood's Barsaparilla did mo so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of It." Mns. Blla A. Gorr, CI Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla JeldbyaUdxnggliti. Ill si for fS. Prepared only ty ai. HOOD CO, Apotbecrti, Lowell, Him. lOO Doses One Dollar JBRIGGS' -FOIl HEADACHE SICK -IK ITS This Hemedr Is tho Deracrintton of one of the leading phyticlans of Parts. France, and woe used by him with unparalleled succens for over thirty yean. It was Drst given to the publlo as a proprie tary medicine In ISIS- since which time It has round Its way Into almost every county on the face ot the globe, and become a favorite remedy with thousands ot the leading ph slclaus. Medloal societies have discussed lta marvelous success at Uwtr annual conventions, and nf tor their oinclal chemists have analyzed It and found that It con tained no opiates, oromiaes or omer narmiui in Teaieiits pucea it among tneir standard reme les. TESTIMONIAL. l. a nnowN, m. n., S3 West Jersey St., Euzisarn rf. J. Jane 38, 1839. This la to certlf r that I nave used for some months with much satisfaction, the combination or remedies, for Headache, known as llrlgga' Headache Troches. The remedy cures mora neaa ache, especially such as afreet Nervous Women, than anvthuiir I am acaualnted with, and It this certificate will be the meant ot bringing it to the favorable attention or sufferers from that t rouble, I shall feel that I have done them a service. u . BKUWH. PRICE; 26 CENTS. sold by all Druggists, or sent by Mall on Be oelpt ot Price. Briggs' Medicine Co., ELISABETH, H. J. 9 27.1?. DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents JLung Fever! Cures Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Lees of Appetite, Founder, Fevers, &c 1 lb. In each package Bold by all dealers. DR. BULL'S Cures Dysentery, and Diarrhoea. " :SBABYSYRUP Believes GripingandSummer Complaint, Facilitates TeetWng! Regulates the Bowels I Sold by all druggists. Prico 25 cents. mm m RULLS 'TnE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For the cure ot COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness ROUGH Asthma, Incipient Con sumption Croup, Whooping Conch. and tor the reliefof SYRUP Consumptive per sons. For Baloby all druggists. 25 cents. unrrLA"CC3 cubcb ciOAierris for ca- QMUAC torrhi Prlaiocti. AtallttmjgltU. SPECIALIST. Ia TWe Treatment afChroule llrnirn eonflnes his practice to such cases only as are so clearly and fully developed as to make a complete and positive magnosia wimout questioning or auowiug rati cuts to make a statement of their condition, on this basis of Positive Diagnosis, for treatment, Dr uiara'a sxperience dm Deeotae ainruy niimii d hv m Tutrtv Veari Prartlea whlrh lu Bvlent variety, una aur-eeorul rentH U rijunllrd by few aad exrHled by none, Pallraia, uiale d feuiale. not cur ed livordlnarr Treatiuent nr la daubt hs lo the. natarncr their dUeasea Uipcelally Inrlled. Dlt, CLAHK Originated, Toaehes and Practices PotUin DlaanotU and by conflnlng Ills Practlie Exclusively to fully det eloped chroolo dlnoaaot of Men ana womm, has attained unusual success In tbe treatment of many of the so called Incurable maiadiescan im consuitea ires oi cnarge. AT NEW VOH1C CITY, at the "nvron," 107 West mh street, June 10 to 20. Bent. 18 to 22, Bept. 29 to Oct. 2, Oct. 17 lo 23 Nor. 6 to 18, 1880; Jan. 20 to Feb. 2, Feb, 10 tn 23 and March u lo lo. 1UUU. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Bingham House, Monaay.ireo. a. SUNUUltY, I'A.. City Itotil, Tundsy, fen. . O ATA W IBS A, PA., Busaucbsnna House. Wednesdoy, Feb. 0. 1 ' BLOOMBBUHO. I'A., Etchange Hotel. Thursday, Feb. MILTON. PA., Illvertlde Feb. 7. Hotel, Friday, iQET YOJJIl JOf PBlN'fING AT TH COJiTJMBUK OFVICS New York City. fcBMBMMBMMMBMM ,.hu!3ltWv. 'lt'i. '''iH u..ifci' U B rinANUJUHons. T The following larr term lseo tr Is ft list of (Irand Jnrora for Feb. raary term iswi Bearer Wheeler Schllaker. Benton V. W. Force. Kdtvarrf Ur.rtftnrr. Denslck-U. D. Kreas, umy Hess. John D. With ers. BtoorntlMrg-Wm. F, Hod lno, IL D. Manning, vumiF-s itaoo Cato;ca-Jolin Srwlno, T. B. Harder, Jeremiah Yeager. Centre I. n. noone, 2. T. Fowler. OuniiioHam iis-ry K Evans. MUifnOCTw-Noah W. Hess. Crentuood-Joiathan llartman. HeiilocLP. A. Vftttitrnir. n. u. TFwllHiM, Iakuu Lewis nitner. Mtjflln H. K. Andreas. John Michael. ML imsatK-Uenry Ale. Sugurloaf w. M. dinger. rjARAVEIWE JUHOH3. riasr win. Beaver John A. Bret ten. Ilenton-Eenton O. Cole. BeruHck Herbert a AUbach, Peter J. Salt, Dan el Walburn. Bloomiburg-o. It Byerly, Jacob Holder, W. H. jiuusti, it writ uartmau, u. u. iiowcr, u. A. Mover. Cata'tttta -Clinton kills, Amos nils, (leo. Kelt- snyoer, Charles Wantch. Centre Milton Ad ims, W. II. Ueas, Jtmes Kocher. Cinynohnm K0vrt Cantleld. rniitngcreek-1. H. Campbell, B. T. Edrar. rr.mMIi-JobO Artljr. UemliKk Clark F jroel. itti-Franlc Young, Lloyd Young. octm Daniel Artman. Main A il'son Dorr, 1 Wesley John, John Longer berger. Df(.i-oeonro Kmerlck. urnnge-ivuuain Neyharo, M. A Williams. Roartnocreek Hoi mon umirr. SroU-lialils White. rov esley soics. SucarUxtfu, K. H Kilo. icond win. Beaver C. K. Unnlnger. UniZon-ciemuel Mellenrle. Berwfrle Abnor Welsh. Brtarcreek Samncl 8. Bltler. J3toowiourcp-W. u. Mien, W. M. Lemon, Charles On I, w.J. shutt. CataiMsm-'Vm. a. FlihT, Lewis Itayhuret, May. vurrj MUKue, Will MCbauKnuu, 1. I. Bno- man. John Waltz. Canmaham U. .1. Dorle. Ftshtntxretic-ulram Karnes, Utah Itaber, Dartd Prankltn -Edward Bnglehart. Oreenteood-Bamuel Lemlnger, Isaao Haycock, John Monn. Heiiitorfc p. s. Brugler, Samuel airton, M. B. nuynes. Amos llartman, Mathlas WW to nlfht. Jr. ocu:-Kllas Ueby, obedlah Yccutn. Madtgon Clinton Pegg. Jafn-Jonn A. Shaman, J. a Bhuman. ItoartnocreekJ acob Hoffman. Scou- -J. M. llulahUer, Isaao ltelchaid. T EQISTEIt'n NOTIflK. Notice Is herebr trlren to all leratftML envntorn ard other person fnterestod la thi estates ot the respective decedents and minors that the follow ing administrators', execulois'. guardians ac counts hare been Sled In the office ot the Keglster ot Columbia county, and will be pre-ented for connrmau n and allowance In the uiibans' Court to;be held In Bloomeburg, February 3rd, IS90, at s o'o oclc p. m. ot said day. No. 1. The nrst and final account of A. J. Craw ford and levizahner, executors, a, of Heni-y c. Crawford, 1 ite of the town ot Bloomsburg, Col. Co. deceased. No. S. First and final account ot 0. W. Cher- tngt-on, executor ot Mary Ann Chert gton, late of fiuaiiiitcuiTCJi ujwnsuip, iuumoia uoumi, de ceased. NO. 3. Flint anl final account of O. W. Cher- lngton, executor ot ltat hcl Cnerlngum, late of lloatlnircreelc townshlo. Columbia couutr. di. ceased. No 4. First ana final account of Jesao J. John. executor ot the laic will an-1 testament of llza v. Walter, late of the township ot .'.ocust, Colum bia oonnty, deceased. Na.fi. The tint una flnnl ftrvount of 11. W. Bratn&tctler, administrator 0. of Jeeso Brum atvtler, late ot the towmhlp ot Orange, Columbia Co., decebed. No. S. Thfl nrat an I nnnt nru-mint nr A. P. Young, executor of the last will and testament of Ann Young, late or Qreonwood townshlo. col. Co.. deceased. ..V. .1... nuu UUI.1 UUWUUV U. .-V. administrator d. b. n. of Merer A. Uoberts. late of Columbia county, deceased. NO.B. The first and nnal account of Webster nippenstcel, admlnlitrator of tbe uoods and Chattels, rights, and credits, which were of Wil liam lltppensteel, late ot Centre township, CoL Co. decease J No. 9. Fir t and final account of noo. IE. R1. well, administrator ot James Commons, late of the townof Uloonuburg, CoL Co. deceasod. No. 10. First and final account of M. A. Htcita. executor ot the estate ot J. M. L lllcis, lata ot the township of Briarcreelc, col. Co. do -eased. Kegister. SHERIFF'S SALE. Dy virtue of a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county, Pa., and to me directed there will be ex. posed to public sale at tbe Court House, tn the Bhenn's onije, mootnsbun;, l'a., on SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1890. at 10 o'clock a, m. All that certain mesmago, tenement and tract of land situate in Locust ttrp,, Columbia county, Stats of Pennsylvania, bound d aud described as follows, viz. Beginning at a spruce and running thence by land of Daniel "t'.no north eighty and a halt degrees east, tort -six and four-tenth perches to a atone ; thenco by tno same an 1 1 ind of Mich ael Sllae Jr., south nine and thrue-q i irter degrees east, one huu Ired and nlnity-threa perch's to s'one; thence by land of said John llrotee south eighty-three and a quarter degrees west sixty eight and four-tenth perches to a stone on tbe west banlc of Mercer's run; thenco by land of Aaam Dlramlck north thirty-two aerees west thirteen perches to a spruce ; thence by the same north nvo and on.quarter degrees west eighty and elght.t'ntu perches t a spruce; thenco by tne same north sixteen and a halt degrees east thirteen pen-hes and one-tenth to a spruce: thence by the same north tblny-scvja and a half degrees east eighteen perches to a spruce theoc ) 07 ine same nortn nine ana a q urter digre s east nine and eighteenth per hs to a spru o : thence by the Bame north thirteen and a q iarter degrees oast ten ana three-tenth perches to a SDruce; tuence norm nvo oegreea east twelve perches and six-tenth ot a porch to spruce; thence north four teen aid three-quarter degrees west twenty, nine ana nvc-tenih perches t a breau of thosiw mill dam; thenoe north three and a quarter degrees west nine ana four-tenth parches lo a spruce thence by the same nortn twelve degrees west sxiy-bix and three-tenth perches to a maple thence by land of Uinlel Stlne north twenty -ono and a quarter degrues east ten perhai to the place or beginning, containing SIXTY-FIVE ACRES. evenly Perches of land, bd the same more or leas, on which Is erected A DWELLING HOUSE, Seized, taken Into execution at the suit of John uroree, now to the use of Kreamer and Mann, and ri. M. lloagland vs. John T. Uawic and to be sold as the property ot John T, llawlc. JOHN B. CASEV, Oitir & IIibbinu, Sheriff. l-;-'9C Attorneys. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ ot Vend. Ex, issued out ot the Court ot common Plea ot Columbia County Pa., and tt ma dtre.teu, tnere will be exposed to puni c Bale at the Court House, Bloomsburg, l'a., on MOND V, FEBRUARY 3r., 1890 ar 2 o'clock p. m. All that certain piece or par eel sf land sltutte In .laokiun tow ami p, coiuin blacoumy, Pa., described and bmnded as fol lows, to-wlt: on the north by land of Joshua Savage, on the east br lind ot(l3rgs Mollsnry on the south by land of Abram Knouse and on the west by land of Josbui Savage, containing SIXTY-SEV liN ACRES of land, more or less, whereon are erected a Frame Dwelling House, Bam uay emeu unu oiuer ouiouitumga, seized, taken Into execution at the suit of E Kerlec& Co., versus 11 Y. Savage and to be sold as the propei ty of I). P. Savage. MULSH, Atty, JOHN li. OASKT, J-io-tJ- sheriff, UpfTOIVS NOTIOB Xitate of Amot Qratsley, deceased. The undersigned auditor appointed to make dla. trlbullon ot tbe fundi in the nanus of ileadly Suit. aan mstrauir in saia estate will inert the parties Borough of Berwick, on Prlday, January 3lsi lseo, ate o'clock a, m., to perform :the duties c nis aDDOintinent. wuoa ana where all iimm. should prt'ieut luelr claims or be lorever debarred from ooml ig In on said fund, CliAHLMC. BVANH. Jan. 10 It. Auaitor A. YANKEE KING ARTHUR to , AGENTS WANTEOV Mtt-Qurw, fl 131-8W, SUBSOHII3I? FOR TUft COLUMBIAN, CLOSING WINTER UNBIEWEAJEt, HOSfflBY, LOYffi, MA.W and CAPS, at X. MAIlM'a The 'mild December weather ia tho cause for making a clean Bwecp betoro stock taking. As ia generally known, ours iatho LARGEST andCHOICEST STOCK of MEN'S WEAR in Columbia and Montour counties. With three montliB of winter weather before us, tho opportunity is a rare one, and one that will undoubtedly bring to our store many buyers. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, B. F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER DEALEQ IN Sic. Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door ll'o Jtiwhurg Oporn House. 20 Per Cent. Inducement Extra Sale. Our season for selling winter goods is getting short. We must carry over stock or "extra induce" buyers. We therefore decide by a timely sacrifice to convert goods into cash, by giving this unusual discount : Twenty per cent, ojf from regular marked prices, which gives the buyer goods at net cost. During thirty-three years of business it is our proud record to have won a reputation for avoiuing an misrepresentations and keeuinrr all n.ir nmmisi . . . 1 . . auu tins is not one low Dan- price to catch average profits, but is a well-defined, broad gauge policy to "extra induce" buyers, and turn a long winter's stock in a short season. , . lnts 20 per cent, discount includes our entire stock of Ready-made Clothing with Blue and Black goods, at ten per cent. E. O. THOMPSON, SPECIAL READYMADE CLOTHING IMS CUKSTNUr BTItKBT, orroaiti TDiwiNr, 1'UlHDKLPUIA. Afarraoll00Mrea,wlttnaQlsoiiio ta hauae ud bira, na upplle4 with bundant water, wilt pa rented at a low rent lor tUe term ot are yean. toasoMUnaptwUo-an turnlsn hu own itScit ni wu.pment. Tno tarm la tn tho OrttawiSr Valley on tne Township road rrom tlrandon.iii in Aucenrem. two mllm from UrundonTlle and near . ihiiiwiu I jt Lm WJ. AQUA U pHAUTER NoTlCB Sctloe la hereby alven that an application will te aade to the Governor ot tbe Htate ot Venturl. Tanla on Friday, January Slat, a. II. ih by Josoph ltatu. o. V. Miller, l-oinpM ltat. Herman Kauftera. It)'. Williams and Wfller unde? the Act ot Assembly ot the Commonwealth ot Incorporation aid itcguUtlon ot certain Corpora, tlona'' approved April sstu 1871 and the supple, menu thereto, tor the charter ot an intended Intended uurvurouun, ui ue caiiea ire uuioomtbunf Mlu." the character and object ot wtlii li manufacture of mile and for these purposes to : utuc Is the and poesess and enloy all the rl';hta, Kneatal rd UlrnAUw r li a era suppteocuti P. V7.liiu.ia, toiicitor. issoumuw wonuK. otloo la herebr irlvAn thfti. thA e.m ni hk,. . uiuai - wo iutwi will DO Don ducted In tbe future by White Conner, rwnun. Iff .me5 ' ,nB ana- U bl will be paid br rtlte Conner, and all account, nei itofore inado Mvaytbletutluiu. c. li. Wait J. '. Oomia, OrugnVi, ra. lao. II, lseo. OiJt. AND FALL I.MAIER. CLIAMTO SALE. REDUCTION IN CARPETS, Tapestries, Velvets and Body Brussels. During the next 30 days I wi'I prices . $1.25 Bjdy Brussels at $1.00. $1.25 Velvets at $1.00. .90c Tapestries at .75. .75c Tapestries at .65 c. .65c Tapestries at 50c. All choice styles and good lengths at P Next Door to I. W. Hartmsn & CLEARING OUT SALE OF FAliLi AWD WINTER CLOTHING. IF YOU WANT TO BUY BARGAINS IN OVERCOATS, WINTER CAPS UNDER CIOTHINtt, &c, In fact anything in CLOTHING for MEN. BOYS AND CHILDREN. CALL AT THE POPULAR CLOTHING STORE OF D. LOWENBERGS Est. Blooitisburg, GREAT BARGAINS IN CANNED GOODS. TEA, COFFEE, AND GRO CERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SELLING OUT i ! uncic tormerly owned by the ? ?. '..9 ' bouah.t Sheriff salo ' "y J '. weaver, ami to oe oloBed out ny w i on tinst, it powiWc. Cotne and , 1 V " Ptook of &00'u at half Pce. ' TEA AT COST , :"'ciai, y0Il want at 10o A co n worth 15o., sugar corn, only , Bo' ' j?n.B.M yu wis''- boaps, all kinds, at cost, and we have lots of it. All the spices vou want at 25c lb., pure. 9c, 3 cans lor 25c, lomatoes 9c, 3 cans lor good. I Parlor matches, 1 8c a dozen boxes, best fresh oyster crack ers 9c lb., all you want, special prices oy ddi. Lots of best canned peaches 15c a can, worth 20c. Every thing is going cheap, and we are Selling lOtS Ol them, I "Vl! f!.i . . v-u" we Will convince 1 vn it. w,,v,ll-e yOU that We are Selling POods ' il o buuui -"caiJ, Very Resn't. f. J. WEAVER, P't William. THE HOTlLlSfANr IIOTHHKINGH, AMU. The largest and OnPst ItKiOKT IIOTRi in ca, with the uoest Ilath Uousus In t he wSrM'r nected. will onen (under m wir-Jmeny nr n00,11, HijkaoK.ot White MouutilnllS&Wf n? imo. January lsib. Ticket. ihoqiX rxfuiht rfi M?" tt Uawuta itoutnerult K, Bn a UmI !" "WB crulned 0UttV MMU prater BhelU, FUnt and prlcemu ,TOrfW8ft"dyg,S THE BOY'SHOMAY! The nest Youth's Paper JSyer Published. WILL HM OUT JANUAUY 7TII Biaoilne the yirat Number. Jtorbynewadeale,. rt.cenU. SALE CLOTHING sell at the following reduced BonV, BiiOOMSBtrne. Pa. 5 . B. F. SAVITS, i -- mil has tecured the solo agency of Columbia county for tho Nation--al Sheet Metal Roofing Co. These roofs aro guaranteed to be far superior to any other roof, as they are both Btorm and wind proof. Sheet iron roofs of this manu iacture can bo put up as cheap as tin, and hut much longer. Roofs are made of sheet iron, tin, or copper, as parties may desire. J Orders may bo secured ' through B. P. Savits, Blooms ourcc, Pa , who will put on tho roofs and guarantee the work, or may be ordered direct from tho 0. 510-520 East 20th Street, N. Y". 9 m 4 kATARRH . . line Yon Trletl Cream Balm THE BEST Remedy ? ...... HouLiiu'.icrSmiff HAY-FC VCD Rill i m luiti rail h u e. iimmm u S1 19