COLUMBIAN AJSTD DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 . t 0llftl8TlAH BOIKNOE AOAIN. ANOTHER VICTIM AllDRIt TO TIIK At.ltr.AtlT LONG I.18T. The Christian Sclonco troatmont In iho caso of n young sufferer from cor mtmritton, MUs Florenoo Gillespie, of Chattanooga, Tenn., klllwl her after throo months. Sho dlod last Friday In Boston, and on Saturday her body was Bent to tho homo of her father, J. 0. Gillcsnle. In Chattanooga. I seomR that tho young lady's aunt,JMlss Flor cnoo Whiteside, having studied Christ ian Soienco at Mrs. Eddy's collogo in this city, became an ardent dlaciulo and was instrumental in bringing hei niece here to be troated. Thoy hired rooms at No, 39 Claromont Park and the con suraptivo put herself under the treat menu Tho so-called dootors told her that "'nothing was really tho matter wun noi't Hut tier malady was onietly imagination and that prayer and faith in God wcro sure panaceas." Shejboro ny heroloally and followed tho treat ment to tho letter. Sho helped in tho work round the houso, did part of tho cooking and cot out of bed at daybreak all becauso her doctor so recommend ed. Miss Gillespie used oilcn to ask for some-thing to eat between meals, but this was strictly forbidden. At lunoi sho often ask for a bit of meat or fow but this was also B'rictly forbidden. Towards the end Miss Gillepie failed rapidly and looked very badly, Sho was trying to do tho boat she could to carry out tho idea of her aunt, of whom he always spoke with affection and respect. She oiton said: "In belief I'm dying. In belief I have tho most dreadful pains." Tho day before Miss. Gillospio died sho got her own break-: last, iter dant was away all tno alter noon, and sho slept alone that nigbt. Stop, Look and Listen. With alt the warnings printed almost daily in tho newspapers, people will be so reckless as to walk on railroad tracks and attempt to cross trestles and high bridges, whoa they ought to know that tboy arc liable to be run down by an apptoaahioc train at any moment. The. warning against getting on and ou trains when in motion is also dure carded every day, with the usual oooa aionaloonsequonoe of maimincr or death And how few traveling in vohicles heed the law, as laid down by tho highest judioial athorities, that it is their duty to "Stop, Look and Linton" whoa no proaohing a crossing at grade. Tho railroad companies, under their ohar ters, have the right of way, and in oaie of accident, unless oiralo-Hnoaj cin be shown on their part, ditmges oau not de reoovered. A fatal mistake often mado by drivers, aid even by thoso on loot, is the failure to properly estimate the speed at which a train is movinsr. whioh may be from eight to ton times as fast as they are troine It is always best to lose a few minutes than to tako the risk of consequence of such a mis calculation. PIOLLET, What have the farmers of Pennsyl vania done to Victor E. Piollet that be should journey to Washington and sot only make an ass of himself, but misrepresent their interests! Whoa questioned by Mr. Breakenridge of the ways and means committee, before which he appeared, as to how beef could be protected when we export zuu.uuu.uuupouum annually, riollet, to we astonishment ot everyone, replied, "bnild np our manufacture, crealn a home market, and let us eat up our beef here." Now we knew why the workingmen aren't receiving the roast beef promised thera by the republican during tha presidential campaign, for Piollet hai told us. The "pauper foreign iaborerj'' seem to have monoy to buy our beef while our own "protected" workingmen seem to be without the necessary funds to get it. Keep the foreigners from patronizing our beef market, as Piollet suggests, and let the protected wage worker of Amerioa spend the rest of his days attending f reo-for all barbecues Verily, the great men ore not all dead. I'atirot. AUonfessba Coming. There now appears the faintest hope that the Crouin mystery is about being solved. Weakened by inoipient consumption and by the terrible strain and suspense of the trial, O'Sullivan, the iceman, is rapidly breaking down and is likely to make a full confession. Like Maobeth, he has "murdered sleep'' and in a dream a few nights ago he was heard to say: "I oanuot faco m Jlaker with this load upon my mind. It is thought that unless Cougblin took him into bis confideroe ho knows little or nothing of the earlier stages of the conspiracy to murder Cronin. He knows, enough, however, to point out not only the aotual murderers, but the -most prominent of the conspirators behind them, ana this information he will likely barter for his liberty. The indefatigable State's Attornoy win Dring an me pressure that he pos sibly can to bear on the daily weaken ing ioeman, aud it is not improbable that one of these days the whole story of the Cronin murder will bo laid barr. Times. The agents representing the com panies in whioh the late Franklin B finwen carried lifn innnrancna l.n.l conference with a viow to ascertaining what an effect bis suicide would have upon tno payment ot the poltoies. It is probablo that all the policies will be paid without protest. The insurance held by tho different companies on the lifn nf Mr (I $221,000, and the sums are distributed 1 1 1 XT T 1 -r . -r nniuiiuwa; now iorK 1,110 insur nnn $71,000. Hniiitnlila T !f, Tn.... anoo Society, $00,000; Mutnal Life In surance Company, of Now York, $10,000; Providont Life and Trust Company, $20,000; Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, of Newark, A . n rrn r . . . r . i -r . . iu,uw, iuueuuuut mutual Xiiie in suranco Company, $10,000, The Now York World "addressed to many of the most prominent men at nomo ana auroaa dispatches request ing them to give their fondest wishes for the year 1890." The repllos are printed, but tbey are not very start ling. Most of the, prominent men abroad excused themselves from sav. ing anything, tho two exceptions being I. T, Barnumand Cardinal Manning, wao are never uaexwara auout getting into print, m nome mo worm was more successful. It drew from the President that profound sentiment : "I hope for tho continued prosperity of our country,' ana irom the department of State this, signed by Wnlkor Blaine: "Father says he hopes everything will be all right tho coming year." During the past year $8,502,752 wero embezzled from corporations, pnvato persons and the United States Government. Most of the monoy is being spent In Canada. " O, ah, lot ran sec, what do you tire for cold on tho chostf " asked Jones. In n tort of Indifferent tone, of a doctor with whom ha was slightly acquainted, as ho met him on tha street. Advleo." was the laconlo repl v. So do wo. We advtap you not to neglect that hacking rough and drowsy feeling, the coated tongue, tho falling appetlt", the Indigestion and general lassllude and dcbllltr that "tired feeling," as so many express it, Tako Dr. Fierce a Oolden Medical Discovery. In time, and It will not disappoint. It Is not only tha most wonderful alterative, or blood-cleanser, known to medlon! science, but also possesses superior nutritive and tonlfl or strength-giving properties. For Ilronchlal, Throat and Lung Diseases, accompanied with llngorlng cougns, the "Golden Medical Discover " la absolutely uhequaled as a remedy. For Weak Lungs, Spitting ot Iltood, Short Tlreath. Consumptive Night-sweats, and kin dred affections, it surpasses all other medi cines. It's the only lung remedy, sola by druggists, guaranteed to benefit or euro, la every case, or money refunded. $500 2 for an Incurable case of Ca tarrh In the Head, by tho proprietors of Dr. Base a Catarrh Ilemedy. ny Its mild, soothing and healing nroDartiea. U mlrea tha worst eases, no natter of how long standing. Only Ml oonta. Sold by druggist everywhere. D spiipi nr-aiw B II ntm hnCH M German Remedy.0 TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. h or thoso (leallilv! lltl.onsSpeildeieiiu O n S II LPH U K HlTTKKfl it irlllctiro yon, J)o vou smler witn fliM tired and allgone Sulphur Brmms: liwuicuroyoij. UAX)wlT. bo paid for a caMi where 6ul rnuR IkiTEna will InoC assist or cure It never rails. t InnratlvcB w ha are cloudy confined In the mlllft and work- snoD: cicrks.'wnoao not procure so melon J exercise, ami auwiw are con Q nod In doors, should use fiuLpmml HtTTERfl. TlieV Will not tben bo weak ADd sickly. Cleanse the vitiated blood when you seel tta Impurities burst ! ling through the skin in PJmp1cs,ls1otchea,l Lind Sores. Koly on I rtULFHUK HITTERS. and health will follow. If vou do not wish 1 10 suaer iron itneura I aasm. use a bottle 01 I StTLPfltTB BlTTERfl : it never rails roenre. Don't To without a! j bottle. Try It: yon I win not rn" iu ladtea In doiicatci health, who are antra us run down, should uselyou IJULrmm iuitkhh. SULniUU ItlTTKRSl Iwlll cure LUer Com I malnu Don't bo dls- :ouragcu: HwUicurci HULI'IIUIt ItlTTKRSl will bnlld rou uu and I ffrnake yon strong and I HULP1IUR II ITT EM I Swill make Tonr blood I mure, rich and stromr.l iinu your uesn nam. Tba cecret of my happloffs H, I hit thrown awaj mj old liltcunic lirnui; uta navti ATERPROOF BOOTS BEAUTIFULLY WolffsACMEBIacking IVodTioa a polish without Um oU bruh, and A iktn Kill lotl a um m mn'i, d fXr on wvmtn't Am TThy stick to old wars In thesa Uri of progrsw ? j Sold bf Bhoa Btorca, Oroom, Drocglsts, wU. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA USE -cHRAMh in mi i-mw-ci i ask' YOUR Grocer Tbo l4lot tlcvolopmorit of the ad vertising nrt comes from Paris, whero u tnlfrprliitiR iulillshtr has employ itl a largo corps of Bnndwlch moo to ndvorlisu n book by wnlktug down tho boulevards and rra'dlnct It with rapt at tention, An Intpitstlivo gontleman, nnxioim to know how ftr this would hnvo tin cdiioalional rttVut upon tho readvip, crept up behind ono who seemed runre rapt linn nil tho othors, and found that ho was ro.iditic tho book upside down. One Faot Is worth a column of rhctorio. said an American statesman. It is n faot, es tablished by tho testimony of thous ands of people, that Hood's S irsapa- illa tloes euro sorofuta. salt rhoum. and other dhe.ises or affections arising from Impuro state or low condition of tho blood. It also ovoruomes that tlr od fo;lln(r, creates a boo.1 aunetito. and gives strength to every p irt of tho system, i ry it. Senator Vo rhees, of Indina, indul cod in aomo vt'ry plain talk conccniincr tno u.iuioy scnnaai, on the tioor ol tuo Bnnate. "If tho Uudlev letter is a for gcrv,' said he, "why is it that he has not brought his libel suits against the wow loric woritt ana other news' papers to a trial, and why is it that he has skulkrd and oiwcd and hid himsjlf in exile for the last twelvo moutln or moret' and tlw silenoa whioh followed his query on tho republican sido of the sonato'was as uoep as it was BigniH cant. C.H .PEARSON & C2. BALTIMORE. Ma J. R SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa. DKILER3 IN TryttULruuitUiT-l i to.iiiKm. ana will slceo wclll trul fwl better forlt I Da vou want the best Medical Work trabllsherir Send t 2-ccnt stamps to A. 1'. Oruway & Co Boston, lines., and receive a copy, tree. "Boss wouldn't blanket him in the stable. Said it wasn't no use." FREE Get from your dealer free, the Y. Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a Sa Hons Blanket will make your horse worth mora ana eat leas to Keep warm. Ask for 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. SOKE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE S'A LABEL a-itird by Wm. Avkb & Kos. rniiadi whe maka tbe (unoui Horse L'nn'l nk-r uunV"t CLOTHING 1 CLOTHING O. W. BBRTSOH, THE MKHUFIANT TAILOR. Gonts h:mi GoodsfHats k Caps OF EVKUV DESCRIPTION. Suits made to order at short notice and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine tho largest and best seieoieu siooic ot goods ever shown in ivoiumDia oounty. Btoro next door to First National Hank MAIN STREET, Rloormburc: Pa. PIANOS, By the following wellknown makers; Chickcri!i, Knabe, Weber, Hallcl & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy .a piano be tore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists HlMt.p.--1. On 4plication DISEASES OF MEN OKLY sans. ttVili omm).. N.fTuu. D. itlf'y. Lort Maith.io4 r. P11CHOI t r'or. tn routl srKPMJUf .ml pvrui.ue ill, (Inn tl tntlnn .n.1 tr. irlBH IubIi.Ii frn It. in H AdJreM HE, OBIilSLE, 171 W, 12tt Et., Ktvr York J B. WUiUAMS, lAUCTlONEER. BLOOUBUUliO, PA. P.?jil E:tat9 Eoaght atd S;ld. Parties dealrinr to buv horses and Wacom -ouiu ut wen 10 can nn inn inove. How Lostl How Regained, Sg L. KNOWTHYSEIE the sciEKinsr nm icmr snd PhjsluJ Dehllltv. Imnultlas at thi BliiiL - SM Mil - I lleidnpj rom Jollv, Vies, Imoruu, Hxcrseu or . .'rH?" ,""!. "ilnnflUlnf lb vleUn, Avoid unikUlful preunden. I'oiihi this (tre-it Z 'T.U cnUln WRMi "Til 8ro. U.auUrul WnJinj, embjMei. folfrllt. Pries nlj il.oo It trU Prospectoi lfret.U yoo spplr pow. lit dUUspiUlie author, Wm. II. rrrr,- M. fa., ri! celrei tU OOI.D AND JEWEIXKO iivVAl. llils I'ltl.B KSMAV os MiUVUUH aud SLI? ,US' 1 h'f,ld"; ""T be consnlted. coid dratlsllv, bv mU or tn person, st tha offlcs of rUAUOOjr fllKfJICAf. lNHTITUra! No. t JlulaackHI.,lla.liin,Ia.,towhonis ordsrs for books oi kttcn for sdilcs thauM to dlrtctsd si tbovs. 11 d 4t. OUR MKWI HurthSlOU.j Wktck In tha woa-lil. Piwi Writ). Nkt ltd QtUl tlu. Oil BBnktl. Mh locallir mb ttttn on 4 Aubl)lp of House hold M tb wtrtt, art IVe. All tfa work Ta n4 do U t tbow l4l Mnd TO to Uut WU tJl-JB ptosoa tu4 oirhbort to 4 tbM about y oi Inalalw rg rvsulu lu valMbU Uado fuf us, which holit for ru bta otica iina4. u4 Utu wo sua rapli Wa pay all atftfaM, rralf kit, ti. AttZ yom know all. If yuw wyl4 Oka la f o to work fur ui, o iu Mrs from Uu i. aKaLik ..w a. I i ... KtiBaoai .fz Co., UuxMltf, forClattd. MaUir. 18.18 tf. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE 1-3 l 4i WITH B0IUNG MILK. Peacupco I n I nbk Ch world. Ur racll um aupariof f cm4j wf will aaadrkli UOII Miaou la uca laMUtr, M !. ttri who writ Uuai oacaiaaj Mka aiua o tha cbaaco. All j kaialodaU NlitraUla ikaw oar (o4a l UaMWboialWfou Kalfbboff u4 tkaaa uaiiM to. Tka k. 'ttsaUt i ttla alvartUaaaal Hf. TU feUw1af cml tra lk appraA f H ro4a i btMt ta AJtUth pt of Ht VJk. lib ft, 4kU aUt tal MM,aaUrca M U oaaf la trj. Wa wtU aUa w o fcw ro aa oaa fts to 1 a Uj t lawl, Aaat U r1,Uk i Mlrtdii. paw wrUa . Wa jay, au a ka Ia n a SULV Br- Afott on Bpeor's Wine Dr. Mott, of the Bellevne Hospital uoiiego, gives Ilia unqnalitied endor soment to opeer.s Wines: mid recom mends tueir U80 to siukly femalea and conBumptivo. It can bo procured oi any first-class tlrngcjHt in the county. Dultli, tbe "city of tha niualted sooa bo antinzed by I'roctor Kuoti, has i great deal more than realized the ex pectationB of iu founders. Some idea of its baiinesj activity nnd cnterpriiie 18 lurnighed by the statement that one of iu cornoiations has contracted for 5,000 tons of Btoel ship pliten. They aro to be used in tho construction at Duluth of seven great vessels, of 30,, 000 ton ageregfite capacity, oil of which arc to be built this year. A Weighty Question to Make Light Of. Gazzam I ceo a lighthouse on the shore of Lake Michigan has been blown, away bv a gale. Mrs. Gazztm Well, I think the Government ought to stop building licht houses nnd build heavier ones. New York tittn. It is said that the germs of the Itus- sain influenza may easily be oonveyed in greenoacKs. we Haven't lost any sleep yet. on that account, however. In faot, we are rather anxious to be ex posed in that way. fAOTS OF 0USI0U8 HTTERE8T. A novelty is auounced in the shape of, a "recording and alarm" compass whioh, it is declared, will greatly in crease tho safety of veasols. The ap paratus is said to to be composed of a binnacle and recording and alarm in struments connected by elcotrio wires. Tho prinnit'jle, in brief, is to sound an alarm whenever tho course is not kept. A French electrical journal estimates that the total length ot the telegraph wires (inolnding Biibinarino cables) of the world in use at the present timo xoeecis half a million miles. Four fifths of tbe lasd w'res a-e in Europe and America. All tbe submarine cab les together give a length of 80,150 miles. ' A peculiarity about the blind is that there is seldom one of them who smokes. Soldiers and sailors acustom to smoking, and who have lost ttnir sight in action, continue to Bmoko for a shot while, but soon give up the habit.- They say that it gives them no pleasure when they can not see tha make, and some have said that they can not taste tho smoke unless tbey see it. The Making of a Great Diplomat Mr. Winn Well, Callis, how's Papal Callis (a flvo year old) Nioely, I thank you. Mr. Winn What a polite little fel low you are 1 Here's a niokel for you. Callis Pardon me; but I am not al lowed to take it. Mr. Winn (to himself) What per fect discipline 1 Callis However, nothing was said whioh will will prevent you from buy ing some of those oocoanut taffies frvra the man ou the Corner. 1'uck. A Doston Institution' TUB PKAIlODV MKtXOAtj INSTITUTE AN1 ITS giMUTF.rt cuNTunrs work. Onn of the self evident tiroDOtitlons regarding most. If not all, human Insti tution', is that their survival itulioatos their fitness to exist. In other words, when nn lustitution best sorvos some good purposo it is apt to livo whlla uch a purposo is to no, or snouiu oo sorved. To combat tho ordinary Ills to which the llosh is holr, wo havo good physicians by the thousand nnd hospitals by tho hundred) but thoro aro ailments of so subtlo a nature, many of which Infest sojioty like a dry rot, that require special skill nnd care in their trcatmont, that tho epeoialist aloiic and ho must bo a man of rare qualifications onn beet treat thorn. Of such ailments as thoso which have their origin in tho disorders of tho nervous system are usually tho most difficult to deal with! or to treat suc cessfully. Their origin may bo rcmoto to tho oyo of the ordinary practtuioner, while to the eye of tin sp'joiaHst it my bo plainly indicated by tho naturj of the manifestations. At any rate, they are always more or less diHiuult of troatmont, requiring pcouliar ni'thods aod patient nnd persovonng attention on the part of the modio li man. To treat such miladies was thu object of tho foundor of tho Peabody Medical institute when somo 25 years ago, he established it at No. ! Bui- hncli street, liost m wncro it is located to this day and where it will, no doubt, continue fur many years to come, it being an established faot in the history of medical institutions that where tnoy aro eminently useful to humanity they become permanent. Its mission being largely philanthropic it was iiamul after that eminent Amoriean pliilan thropist, tho lato George Peaboiy, whose beneficence claddons and will oonttnue to gladden thousand of his fellow-boings on both Bides of the At lantlo for anes to com?. It has had a wonderful history of success, has this Peabody Medical Institute, and it has .'xtend its usefulnes not only throughout the length nnd breadth of this laud, but in tho countries of Europe and Asia. Si system lio are the methods pursued in the conduct of the business pertaining to this insti tt'tion that it can treat by letter at any distance the most obstinate cases of disoises which oome within tho soopi of Its tr alment. The Peabody Modioli Institute, a!o, has done a vast amount of philanthropic work in us publication'', whioh boiiitr standard medical works, nrj yet writ ten for tho purpose of bringing ab ut that most necessary condition of solf knowleege that is embodied in the motto, "Know Thv-elf." Indeed, there is no estimating the value of such publications, written as theso aro for popular comprehension, for tho disseminate the information that i most essentia' to tho man or woman who would lead a moral, sober and virtuous life. Filling such a us-ful sphere in the education and enlightenment of the world, and in ''ministering to tho mind diseased," as well as tho body, as is the case in most nervous diseases, it is not to be wondered at that the P.)3 body Medical Institute lives and thrives, but tho wonder would be that it should not livo and extend its in tlaence in behalf of stiff- ring humanity, Boston, Mass , Ilerald, Do. J9, 1889. KAZLROAD TIMS TSX.SI "rrajl, Ml JMi jQKLAWARK, LACKAWANNA & WHSTERN RAILROAD. 11I.OOMSBUKO DIVISION. NOtlTII. STATIONS. P.M. P.M. N0RTHU1I11SHI.AN0 5 40 1 60 Oitneron M Chulassy mnvllle 6 04 11 UaUwUsa 0J5 .... ltupcrt SSI J J uioomsburg sal Kipy of,' 1 Mm lttdirfl...u SfiO , willow Grave..... 6 51 A.M. 10 00 1. . 6 15 CATARRH, Catarrhal Doafntss and Hay Fivir. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally awaro tht tlieso diseases are contagious, pr that ftiey aro ili.e to the presence of living parasites lii the lluliik' membrane of the uoeo and eus tachian lubes. Microscopic research, how ever, has proved this to bo a fact and tho result Is tiiat a simple remedy lias been for initiated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness anil hay fever are permanently cured In from (mo to three slnipie applications made at lioniii by the patient once in two weeks. 1$. . lor catarrhal discharge peculiar to femalea (whites) this remedy Is a specific A pamphlet explaining this new treatment U m-nt ou receipt of ten cents by A. II, Dixon & Son, sin West King St, Toronto. Canada. SciciMfta Amcrtoan. Sufferers from catarrhal tronbks twul4 read tho ubove careful. a aaam CM " fromOato. Ilr la a poruall af Mr, (sarrt. su. at ).!.. Ma trrtuii "ffii at work on a (anu M h rt uninc wuiuc i niuii MWai 'HO a tnunih J how bar au agrney r LCillln if aislhums nA .T,.l.ll' icaUob and fln wakaHieO Jy,'' mni " lit UBBIMH, Wltliata Jtllr,., II.rTtiburr. pl arnuit r ,ua navar kboMA kayiblac ta tall Ilka your ait.u.1. (Urdr 1 took wctcri anouffa i p7 w ovtrHtta." W. J. l. nora, llaaior, kit., wrliaai H Uka aoorUcr fur our album at iva7 RINH I V 1411, Mr prooi la o tlmo a tnurba SUO if or a !! Oi ban ara doing tjulia at n til i hava not aura lo rtu n. ratlm hnn itl sr . . - ona ikaa bwld artbli rraod bualnata pllaa up ara M vtvtui. Miull we start VOl in ttiis business miUrl Writt U u and laara all about tt foryourair. Wa arun1iif manyt wa will tUrt you If you dun t dtlav until auotUrKtuabt-adofyoaln your part of ibacoanlrr. Ifyon laka bold yoti will baablata pick uproldfatt. raICul- ' " .Vw""41' Dwnnfaeurar a aala 1 SA.OtlO rn dwlliir lholorph Albumnarato baaold ton., Sf'rS uT.d ltr1 aiaon ftllk Vthul I lush. Ltaarniiurrlr dtcuratvd Inaidaa. Ilandaoiutil album (a Ilia world. Urn( bUa. Uraataat Urgalna avtr known. Ai wauled, blf moumy lor a(nta. Anynaran bacvuiNa lucrauful arnt. Italia llaalf on alfktlmU or af UHltif uaiaiury. Uttrravar abown, out Mania to pur. caa, AgfMt fakt Iboouoda ofordara wlib rapldli navir llWa kowwn. Urwl prolti i await a r norkar, Afinf ara maklaf rortuuaa. Udlaa waka aa MUrli at nan. Tou.raadtr. can doaa wall aiauyoaa. J-ulliufurmaUonaad tanua frrr. UmUt blbUa, UooVa and fariodlcala. Atitt jwt know all. bvtild van conclude to go un furthar. br no kinu U L,- s.w mm M.flM t Ail UU AiuuiTa. Man i. 3 1 iili,AlKl.rillA, lA, Iad At oucuouuirstlpa SSffutl'i5Sirl,,!ll',,.",l!M ivnSuuSii2 cunitatijrctlMK wuiinl. buil (ur Circuur. CURE GUARANTEED. omUUSW&i. FARMS11 7 HolL (lllium., ..j LocaUoo la Uia eouth HNJJl.CIvrej)at, V Iirl trcreck. , lierwlck Iieiicb llavru ...... II K's mt'T Mtilckihlnay Huniriaics Nuntleoke Avondile Ivmoutti ..., Plrmouth Junction . Kingston lmnDutt. Mil tnv.... , Wyomlni; Vtest t'llLSWQ Httlton. .-. Lickawauna. TnilorviIH.. ueucvue. BCKiNTON HTATiOSS. SCRiNTON nollevuc. a 59 6 M Ilfl 7 II ... TIS .... 7 SO S'."0 7 4.1 rto 7M 7 69 801 8 03 8 11 817 8 21 3 34 i'ii 4 09 4 01 4 II 8 83 8 40 ..... 8 49 DM .... 9 00 4 r.H.r. u. 10 1.1 tuo 10 19 .... 10 i1 8 41 1011 8 68 lu ft) 7 05 10 6t 7 11( 5 Ul mi ut 1I1S 731 11 90 7 31 11 SI 7 41 1131 7 49 ll.i8 7 1148 BU8 11 8 8 17 13 04 8 21 14 10 8 24 1913 8 31 1120 8 34 12 27 8 41 12 31 8 49 12 31 HI 12 40 8 53 12 41 9 01 12 M 9l 1 01 V 17 1 09 9 23 1 13 VSfl 1 20 9 83 r. u. r. m AT YOUR. SliRVlGE AVith llic best lino of Overcoats in. Philadelphia for Men, Youths nnd Children. No mutter wlmt kind of iln Overcoat you want you will find it here, mado in our well-known reliable way, at tho lowest jiriccs. A. C. YATES & CO. IJtDUSU BUILDING. Sixth-nnd Chestnut. a sr. 8 10 on Taylnrvlllo 0 20 bOUTH. A.M. 9 SO 9 33 r. li. r. u IU 6 20 .... 0 23 2K2 8 30 210 8 37 218 8 4S 2 21 W 2 29 6 61 .... 6 39 2.87 7 03 9 40 7 07 2 43 7 12 2 30 7 1A 2 61 7 21 2 69 7 23 3 00 7 41 8 SO 7 6.1 331 8 07 1000 Lickawamu 62s loos I'lttsion ) oi8 West llttrtrm 6 41 10 22 WjO'lllllkT 1 S7 Mallby .... 6.M 10 30 nonnrtt. i "61 1" 31 Klnrston dm ioa I'lvinonth Junction 7C6 1042 Pis-mouth ?in 10 47 Avondile 7 14 1031 Ntntlcnko 7 19 1061 uuniooK's utu ShlcKihlnnr 7 37 11 12 iiick'8 Kerrr.. 7 63 uaa Ueach Haven 801 11 31 8 40 8 s HurwICK 8 07 11 40 3 47 8 50 Itrlar Crock 813 3 63 8 27 WIUOW drove. 8 10 11 60 3 91 8 31 IJinnltlJiO 8 40 11 31 4 It! 8 31 Kspy i ozo itv IRI 0 41 IllO'imsbnri? 8 32 1100 4 13 8 47 ltupcrt 8 37 12 12 4 22 8 62 Oatawlaaa 8 42 '217 4 2 8 67 Duvl lO 8 37 12 32 4 43 9 16 UllUlaikV 4 64 Cuucron 9 07 1 1 41 6 00 9 1' NOKTIICUBJKUNt) 9 21 12 53 3 11 VI3 a. m. r. m. r x. r. u. Connootiins at Ituairt, wltu I'lillaldnhli 4 Uendlnir Itallroail tor Tommoul Ta'naaua. Will- lamspoit. iiinb'ir.v. IMitivlllo. eW. At North lm- Lock Haven, Kmponu o, ivarreii, oory, am Krlo W. r. HALiT'JAD, Oen Man., Scranton, fa. BAKERS SND CONFECTIONERS Exchange Block, Bioomsdurg, Pa. WHOLESALri ana KiiiAiu SI Crftcken Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. -N rniin, tpv 0'ir FAMOUS 15 Lent btews- Willi a tniril ot tbe Winter giro ana not a poun.l ot ico narvetett uny, whevo in the country, tho outlook for a crop of the cooling material for next Summer is anything but bi it'll t. Even when in oth-r neighborhood' the proa pict looked auuioiii at tliin saaon, Miino and New Hampshire could be depended upon to furnish ample anp ply. This year, however, those two States were as destitute of ico ou the first of January as thi district arouud Philadelphia is. Lanl year at this time thoro wa nearly a third of a orop left over from the large supply gather ed in the previotn Winter. This re serve added to the scant trop of last Winter proved to ba enough for the demands of a oool summer. But there will be no stock left over this year and the country will havo to d pend upon what can be gathered between this date and Spring. So tho pr-six-ct U more than usually dubious, hut Jack Frost may have some meteorologioal surprises in store. He Can Handle Eleotrlo Wires, Jacob Pfetch,, Superintend -nt of the Erie Motor Car Company, gavo an exhibition Jan. 0 of Irs invonlion of a personal insulation whioh enables him to handle livo wires with impunity. Pfetoh took the "buzz rod" of the dynamos which operato tho entire Erie o'tty system of street-oars and with baro hands received tho full chargo of fclmost sir hundred volts of electricity, and, although his clothci wero wet and he stood on wet soil, he did nit ground the current. His invention will prove a savior to all men engaged in handling electric wiro, l'foioh was prompted to tho necessity for such an invention by the electriti fa tilities so oomm 'ii His persuna! ir sulation oan bo wrn by a iy one with out eith'r inconvenience nr'harm. OH ! MY: HEAD 1 1 Wtp mt k Kw Jsmt BstMl.r. Pt ynm lbs stooMh U ttrU II sooa UsomM slot. tl-wllhbir 6itU& ButlM. b Uooi Uocmm TlUsMkiidtoali th olbw oimos ttU to tot nor. ?f ot STmptocns. nh ss dji ptKds. Hi htUUch, aixrinsM, arowslMM. rtliJU la tha Uek,IoH of MxwUta. "to s lr thlas that I Mllm la irtto sil aj bMrt tM II sAords ms flMran to UU of on of Mmd." ThsspssrwM ex-SsoslorAlbsH MarritL hmi of to. U. frail fimi, Tuk tbsMoUoas. "I wm risk sod fesna X Ui ... Tprturo ..of Dyspepsia ,th (iiia fill a aa. tint " p.Tori. PsndabloMtpirlii A.rrriowu. m. y. SuiSc0 Blind 81olC Hnttrlnnhn iqinin WXa IU OltotAmA .1.1. 41.. I reoommi 9 r1ranj,ti . FAXS,R,TIE REMEDY. Wos Od dollar. Tnwt at BoDdont, K, y. Dr. Kennsdy's Favorite Remedy, rrapr4 bv ' BK. DAVID KKNNKDY, HONDODT, K. Y. aiHtbaiUa Ui luH, Brill dreuu. Carp Amoriean Carp Culture (1I'K6 Monthly, lllustreted, , only w cnu year,) Tbfl Only Jmimal In K. t,nt.. Uon.I'ond Construction and Msli Proluctloi. ' Kcdorted by KUli t'ommlaalonera la every state la tho Union, bend t cent stamp for a amp's ccpr? Addles, tv.iii.oiUN, " AUUBce,OhJo. Fiiila' H.MMI ILADELPII1A & HEVDING ItOAD. ON AND APTEIt NOV. 10th 1SX9. TRAINS LBAVK BLOU.MSIIUItO Od follows: (8CMDAY SXCBFTID.) For New York. I'alla lelpbli, lleadloj, fottsvllle, aiuiui'ti ci... u..f, iii.u u iu. For Ull.liimpjrt, Milton and Dinvllla 7:3 1 a.'m, 3:1c. 11:01 p. in. For Oiltawl si i'i-W, 7:30, 1 1:0 a. m., U.81. :00 Mi p. ra. For Hiiport 6.0i,7.W, 11.01a. m., UM, 8:16, (1:00, TRAINS FOIt DLOOMSBVJUO Leive New Vortc vl. I',;lohU7:l5 a. m. 4:00 p. m. ana via ttasian u: h. m. 3:4.) p. m. Uuve I'uuailelpliK to.uO a. in. t:ou p. m. Leave Ite&dln? 11:50 a. in. 7.51 p. m. Levo IMUivlUo I2JJ p. in. Leave Tamci'i,i 1:2; a. m. ir.'S p. m. Leave WliLamsport.0 15 a. m. 4:11 p. m. usive catawlaw 8.55, 8:00 a. m., 1:30, 3:20, &15 Iwav'o ltupert 4:16, 7:03, 8.03, 11: Ji a. m. 1:38. 3.3 1 :W. 11:21 D. m ' tor ualtlmore Waihln?ton and the West vU n. O. It. It., through trains l"avo ulrard Avenue ouuiuii rniia. (r. s it k. .) 4:(5, :X), 11:00 a. m, 1:0, 4311, s:m. ?:au p. in. auniars 4:43, 11:00 a. m. i:ou p. ui. ATLANTIC CITV DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Pier 7, Chestnut Street wuuii, iiuu Duu1.11 Direei, Mnan: FOR ATLANTIC CITT. weeic oays-nxpws, .oo, a. m. 4:00 p. m. Ac, comodatloo, ,:J0 a. ra. 4:3 1 n. in. Hudais Rxpress, Accomodations) u. 111. uuu :a 1 p ui KSTDRNtNO, UUI ATHHTIO C(rr. Depot ornor Atlantic and ArKamis Wenuea t Weeicday8-r3fpresa,7: 0, a. m. and 4.00 p. r Accoin'xl.itlon a;ii6 a, m. and 4:3 1 d. m. sundais-Kmresa, 4:00 p. m. Accjraoditlon, C. O. HANCOCK, A, A McLKOD, Qsnl. Pott. Agent. Klon Jvm. Ji Orti'i. Manager. Peansyivaiu Riilroii. M Pniladlphia a Erie R. R, Divis and Northern Central ion. Railway. HI TIME TABLE in enteot Nov. 10, 1889. Trains leave Kunnury KASTWAKD U.40a. m.. Sea Hhnrn BinN., f..n A. 1 Hnm-lavl. fnr rfftrH.hiiw onn .r s.Mp. m.; Baltimore, .io p. in. Wvihtnvion anore rjoinia. Through adelphla tor all Sea passenger coach to l;3P. m.-Day Kipress dlate stations, arriving at Phlladelpn 6.60 p. m. 6.43 d. in, through to Phlladel New York, .SS p. m.; Washlnirton. a. n. m, lelchla and navip through to Philadelphia aud Baltimore. Baltimore Parlnr m. hla and paseenirer coaohea ii. m. itennvn for Ilarrisburg and all InUrraedlate stations, arrlv Ing at Philadelphia 4.85 a. m. ! New York a. m. lliltlmnre. 6.16 a.m.! w&stlneton 6.30 a. m. PttUman steeping eirtrorn liarrlsburg to PhUadeV Cot..rT ... .ii. . miwniiuia pasKnirnra can remain In aleper nndnturtd until 7 a. m inti?2,t:,5?;rKlB..Mau t1"') 'r narrisburg ana Intermediate station?, &rr!ng at Phllidltphta J;fiir Now Yon. 0.30 . m.; Tttroufh PuluaaS sleeping can and paswnger oownes to Phlladel. burr ana l t-r ndi 119 atnnni arrtv tna u atl. throii)th Pii:im?M pi it; .um tn liVrairs Iw n.? '. A. lurdOaTD piwagjr ouuaej to WBSTWAUU. 8.10a. ra. Brie Mall Maim. Mr rh tr. llntfilo i .d Ntairara Fails, witn thi-oaTh PuU- " PvnenferioaouB 10 Brie and 9.S3 News Eipres? (dally and Intermediate station. 1.43 p. m NUeara BuireAa (ditivMnonr m n. J K,iH'i? J '!'" M mterniiUlatestj). h. " inn .lajara Falls wttl tbroiurupawKaee, cowui-rto KanPand Ko"u.i" 1 and Parlor car to Willi m-pnrt. I!;.nh ,Fa81 uno 11 l! M-lt nundayilnr ?2!?' Wi""n n ict.vrr)tatV statlois, . tnro'tirh paafngr no 1 liix: tniinovo and w,.i . .,! p' WIIllaiHonrt Itprp-( July 1 ur niaiiuiit. iuuvuuu IJIAIDH FOIt BlTNBlrRY PKOV fU 01 ,ock Haven KAbr AND SOUTH. nii?i!?25??.M "rea PMladelpma 4.S0 a. "'i'l010"' liarrlsburg, s.10 a. m. ii. arriving at sunbury 9.63. a.m. ' PhttMnh.. y.. ....xar.,i.';prri" Philadelphia and llaltrino'rJT ' "' nhi'a 11 1,1. , f 5. h! ""' " ! Milladei. pnia.n 10 1. in. j Wnh nirmn ,0 M n Haiti. S?Jg- 'r -u-Pt vindty ifrtVln J . hlroSiihiiWnv..?' I,!,.".'.5. n'iter WllllaosDor Bp -i le wm Ni Y.1-1? ini m. l'hllale:nhl 11 isn m ii ihi... . . JJ""o-Sp.m.lfuiy) airlmf at, SaSbuFy -k,ne.;"J" lelTes New York 8.00 p.m.: p '"'J V v' m-1, asmn-'lcn, lino p. m. ; Ualti. ?m'llJf;r,-.,?-wllP "rlTtamt .Sunburyvin I'ttlli-typhU. Wwhlaaton t-i 1 lUitLnire ah3 throuuh paisenier .ra uhia (ri-ri h ! u.V.f,'1." mrriWrLJA. .... ?'1' mtT '- . Wllk-b-.rre ..?!?e,?1,a le'iVl', fmourr 6.15 p. ni., arnviim aylr.(?,f;vvr.rfTft,!',p-,,',''i wiiicr.ubffrn.Sop l Banbury Mallleivraw Ikesbirreil.iTa m arni: ing at Bloom Forry u 37 p. n-., sunbiiry I 30 n il Express West loaves Wuin.,' birre d 05 ii m S Ting at Bloom Ferrv 4 80 n ,n . "inbury 6 j?,' BUNDA1 TIIAU.K. wiikesbarro m ill iiuvaSu-iinryiotMa m r Buniay accommodation leavra wtikti-Harre s-o i. m .vrlviii. uinim trry. ..v ! "T ",010 thi d Clams WHOLF.SAI.B DF.ALEUS IN (LVvy, U(ot (EanVj, Fvofiy an Kolj. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars 1 Hey Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver ith. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, u islisaalll Orn5. Lemon5. CSream NUij. J Bananas, lean, w Vm?a English Walnuts. Pop BMIs. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. 6. ftOBBIffe, Foreign and Domestic W0ii m umm BLOOMSBURG PR. INDUCEMIN T8 -IN- Pianos, Ops, and Sewing Machines -AT- p. lii" o in CHA. K. I'll 111, Oeu, Manager, , It. WOO 1 1, Gen. Pa nent-er Act. IS, Music . Warerooms Blaomaburg, Ea. vea-,4 ini rrila all Vsten t offick We he no '. V. KBen& a.' bru.8t?.r.s 'J,?"0.W.".Plnt T business in uur ini nnt aue nil patent la secured. ' a oook.-jiow to Obtain Fatnta.wlth rrtmr,.. iv iOuliTBY k WILD am SHIPPEB3 WANTED. patentable or not, free ot cuaSIS e till patent la aeourtd. ' C. A. SNOW & CO., VDltfl yn'ttom e. Wa.nmKion, ri.0 suuscmnK FOIt TI1E COLUMBIAN. ABERDEEN, SOUTH DAKOTA Kmtk tiiiKl r&riii nuZ. uu,a BTiamntwl ru.rcent. nil. lSKSt:,"l iWKroi Il-J-lw, , .,TJ""l l-r:i(t id. annum. Klllli. full Ilk. I.OIUHACH EM.BALUR1&C0., Produce ana General Con.m.s.lon Merchanta. ke'TliVJolrJS1,9Nty.OUe'near WUJout Mar. nTlprr tKm dafcrtl t-3 i4t COsVAIIMDTIVsV . LU IU Ukllm. LLXl. atrul 1 mT MT-d-tt. Aa rHHl PAN Be cured.