The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, January 10, 1890, Image 2

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The CollJlmlia.n..8uo,, p' my itignuid. iy
I me
B. limit, wju...
BL.'J3tfSBURGr. PA,,
Prom our regular oorrospondont.t
Washington, D. .0. Jan. 5, 1890.
Vice Presidont Morton lisa shied
his castor into tho Presidential ring
with n oonli.Ienco that has causu I a
mixture of nmusomont and consterna
tion among tho other republican as
pirants for tho nomination. Mr. Moi -ton's
campaign began with tho grand
Now Year's reception af. tit residence
here, which is a veritlble palace, and
is to bo kept up by tho most lavish
hospitality ho bBliuvcs 'with "the lato
Sam Ward that ono of tho best ways
to control men j through tholr
stomachs. His JjAapartineiit bouse
hero is also to bonHs t
to help along
his aspiration, , i d-any peounfous but
y. . i .P ei.n I
w "n Ba,on v,a,Br ? ! I DI,lB' "
no will omy p.eogo dm muuenoo to
ovoiner jvu ii ne s .miuem.a.
" .niiu.A' " Vl ' t
""? " r ."
iP om fo? m r r o Dg.
1,U1UU hllf A.Cjr I'JIIV VII1 lllU 1U
to ready cash. It will readily be seen
that Mr. Morton will ben furmtblo can
didate for tho nomination with the
largo class that aro always on the
make. It is said that Mr. Ulaine is
very much pleased at Mr. Morton's
"oominir out as he hops it wilt draw
the attention of tho public away from
the prematurely oxposect lilaino boom
and that ho has not tho slightest fear
of tho banker politician a a rival
Congress resumed business to-day.
The attendance in both
II mses was I
fair, considering the great prevalence
of Biokncsa among the mombers. There I
was more than a quorum present in I
both House and Senate. Among the I
notable absentees in the Hiuse were ex-
opeaicer itanaau, wno nas not occupiea
his seat this session, and Judge Kelly,
of Pennsylvania, who is lying at the
point of death in a Washington hotel.
in the Senate Mr. Brown's seat is still
vacant, and there are grave fears that
it will never again be ocoupied by the
distinguished Georgian.
Tho now member of tho Supreme
' Court, Justioa B,-ewer was to-day sworn
in by Chief Justice Fuller. In appear
ance ho oompares favorably with bis
colleagues, but hie new Bilk
new Bilk gown
caused him to walk rather awkwardly
when be came into the oouit room; but I
wearing a gown always has that effect
on a man until he gets used to it. in I
(act more than one ot mr. justice
Brewer's colleagues have never gotten
used to wearing tho gown, they still
strut in and out of tho court room
hke'theatrioat "sopes" in thn togas.
Ex-Speaker Carl'sle had lots of fun
with a Texas wool grower, who
KivinKhis views before the House
WftVH una Means committee. The
uentleman expressed himself as a
wni nAhnnot ortri nrn ra r on inn t an rr rin
w6ol -aiBed. Bv adroit cross-question-
tn i nri!.i in a four minnina I
brooebt out tho faot that the protect-
ionst wool grower was in favor of free
trade in everything else but wool and
woolen goods. The whole committee,
republicans included, joined in a hearty
laugh at the Texan's expense.
A man and his wife, claiming to be
British sabioots, have presented a
petition to Sir Julian Panncofoto, the
British minister, reciting the curious
faot that tbev have been shot and
beaten by white citizens of North Car
olina beoause they persisted in preach
ing to, and teaching the negroes of
that .Slate. Sir Julian is now investi
eating their story.
Politics mako a auoor complication
omeUmes For instance: a democrat
was recently discharged from the
machine shop of tho Washington Navy
, yard beoause he helped Wilkes Booth
to cross the river wbon be was trying
to get away. He was disoharged at
the special request of Mr. Madd, who
is a republican contestant for a seat in
the House from Maryland distiiot, and
who is also a near relative of Or. Mudd,
tbo man who set Wilkes Booth's leg
after it was broken and afterwards
aided bin in his desperate efforts to es
The civil service commission is in
vestigating a queer obarge now. One
man in the Government printing office
.an ,u ..iu uuti.iuuii.uu ... i.i.iii, w ii w.
i. ni,.. .ith nniitoi Aom.
eaign Funds from tbo employees of the
h&Sa for both political parties during
the last campaign.
7. . . Dl
The "big head" U growing instead
of diminishing among the members of
tho present administration. It would
seem that the soma of absurd'ty had
been reached when the chief of u de
partmental bureau sends a circular
letter to Senators notifying them that
tboy would be admitted to his office
only between 12 and 2 o'clook diily.
Suoh a letter was recently sent, and
has been the cause of some senatorial
lien, ll'jsoorans, Uegistcr of the
Treasury, will soon go. Already the
position has been tendered to ex-Congressman
Guentbor, of Wisconsin, who
declined it beeaus. he insists on having
the Recordjbip of Deeds of the Dis
trict of Columbia, or nothing.
Headquarters of the Dannoratio Btato
Central Committee.
IlAuniBiicno, Pa.., January 7th,1890.
Tbe Domocratlu State Central Com
mittee wilt moot at tbe rooms of tbo
Committee, Market Street, Ilarrisbnrg,
Pa, on Wednesday, January 22d, 1891),
at twelve o'clock, noon, to eleot one
person to tervo as Chairman of Demo
cratic committees, for tbe ensuing yeart
and to transact suoh other businoss as
may properly bo brought before the
Tho rules that relate to this meeting
are the following:
ItoLK Okk Tho Democratic Organ
(cation of the State of Pennsylvania
aball consist of:
J?irl A Chairman of Democratio
Committcee, and a permanent Secre
tary. hecond A Democratio Slato Erccu-
tivo Committee, composed of nine
Third A State Central Committee.
Fourth Nine State Division Com
raittees. Uolk Two Tho Chairman of
Democratic Committees shall be ex
officio, a member of all committees and
the Acting Chairman of the Democrat
io State Executive and State Central
Uout Tiihhk Tho Chairman of
Demoorstio Committees Bball be elected
Ly tho Democratic State Central Com
mit toe at an annual mooting thereof
to be held on tbe first Wednesday
W the third Monday in January, at
oiaio j&xcouiive uomnmieo ami
shall bold offloo for a period of ono
year or until liin successor shall ho
duly clcotod. Any qualified Pemo
oratlo yotor of trio Statu of 1'fntnyi-
vania Blinll bo eligible to Raid office.
ltut.K fivr The state Uonttal Uotn
tnitlco shall oonrtiu of ono member
from each county, and tbo Chairman
of the lounl couuty organization shall
be ex-officio tbo tiif mb-r of tho Demo
oratio Slate Central Oommittto from
said county, provided that any county
that i itilitVtl to raoro than one Btato
Senator Bbnll bavo an additional iiirm.
bor for oaoh additional Senator, which
fluid additioml member shall be clcotod
in snoh intntirr m tho looil con ty or
ganizations of the respective counties
mm ili'lciiniiii, ara iiruvitieti luai not
more than one member of tlu Stalo
Central CommitUo ifeall bo uleotcd in
any senatorial district from the same
conn'y. And thi) Committee shall el
ect ono petmanont Seoretary who shall
havo charge of tho record of the Com-.
mittee atiit transmit too samo to nin
Kui.k six Members of tho State
Central Commit teo unable to attend,
may, for any meeting deputize in
writing, substitute, to act pro tern tor
- J -rs in he
and senatorial district which
their nnncinalri rorresrtnt
Rui.k FoOBTKM-(Part of old rule
N . , (nfft,, io lbe Sut0 Cen
. n--, mav at ,hU (r(,fflrW t0
the annual meeVntr in January) oriab-
sequent meotintm fis.tlie time tor tho
Slite Convewiun and arrange there-
for." Kmjott P. KisNKit,
Benjamin M. Neap, Chairman.
Permanent Secretary.
Does Experienos Oaunt.
It does, in every line of business,
and especially in compounding and
'preparing !! uiciues. Ihis is tllus
tratert in tho great superiority ol
Hood's Sarsaparilla over other prepar
ations, ns shown bv the rtiuarkaulu
cures it has amwrapiiahi'd
Tho head of the firm of C. 1. II iod
& Co. is a thoroughly competent and
experienced pharmacist, having dt-
voted his whole life to the ftu iy and
autnal prepv'ra'ion of medicine". He
is also a member oi tne jnas.acnusciis
and American Pharin iceutio! Associa
Hons, and continues act:vely devoted
to 8U-rvising lbe preparation of and
mannging iuq uuhiih.'bh uuuiu-uitm wnut
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Hence tho superiority and peculiar
merit of Hood's Sirsapaiilla is built
noon the most substantial foundation
In its preparation thnre is represented
all tho knowledge whiob modorn re
search in medical science has develop
ed, oombined with long experience.
brain-work, and experiment. It
only necessary to give this medieino
a fair trial to realis its gieat curative
La Grippe Still Prevalent.
The epidemio of influoi za has as-u
roed an alarming condition. It has
I spread all over the world, and its oom-
plications wi bother diseases is making
U fatal. In New York ci'y there
were over 400 deaths laH we. k. attn-
uuiauic u m uiaufw
deaths for the wti k from all oaui-es
was over 1200. The influenza seems
to attack the middle aged and the old
and especially 1'iose constitutions in
which other diseasis aie lurking.
Children constitutions are strong
and exempt any other ehrnnn
ailments are free fri ra attackssalfo aie
those of middle a'd old age who an
temperat" id their habits.
iu Urooklyn mere lPero uo aeains
last week against 49 tho previous
In Philadelphia thero arc about 5000
oases, and tno ueatn rate w on me in
crease. Chicago is reported to bavo 40,000
cases. Two polio fineors, ano i'iu
fireman boing confined to their beds.
Thu. great inoreaso is attributable to
the warm, damp weather.
In Boston the di ath rate reaohed
827, of which 40 per pent was duo to
"la grippe.
Denver, Colorado reports that one
half if not two thirds of iu people are
down with the disease.
In New B'unswick, New Jersey
there aro over 1000 cte.
Buffalo has had its full share of the
disese, 0 members of the police foroe
aro prostrated with it,
The disease abroad shos no abate
ment. One day there were 425 funer
als tho greatest a versa h of funerals
Drevious to that being 200 a day, The
It . . Tr - ...
I diseaso is spreading in Venice, Milan
nd Geno. In Venice there were 43
deaths from the disease in a single
A New Game aw ,
There is no disuutinr lh fact that
name is crowinc tcaroi-r in tlija State
overv vear. Tho mountains of Ponn
svlvania, which ono) wereinliabi el by
herds ot dt-er and hundretl if brown
bear, can ba hunted ovtr now without
seeing mor than a few scattered an
imus ol either epocies. ivua neer nr
rapidly becoming aninct in th'i forests,
and the bear U follow ugoloiely o-i the
heels of bis fleeter ooinpauiun, G.tine
laws protect them to a great extent,
and have proyented their toUl exter
mination. Hut the Htate statutes, as
they now are, must either ba modified
so as to mako tho huntiug -oason short
or.or changed in some other way to
lessen the number of deer and bear
killed annually, or else tno annihilation
of both kinds of gam", which hat been
going on steadily and rapidly, will soon
bo complete. Would it not be a god
plan both to eborlen tlio season for
hunting, and to restrict tho number
of deor or bear to be killed by any mm
to one during a season? Professional
hunters go into the woods for several
weeks at a time and havo no trouble io
killintr every deer in that section.
Neither old doer nor young fawts ara
spared. If it is possible to fix the time
in wbioh it is lawful to mini neer ami
other uame. and also possible to
ureeute tho nrohibiiiorr laws, it would
also bo possible to carry into effect a
law wnicn would maife it crime, pun
iahablo bv a laruo Due. for any man
to kill wore than ono deer or bear in a
year, A elmiltar law would work wtji
with reference to smaller animalf, suoh
as robbitu, srjuirrels, raccoon", and wild
fowl suoh as pbeasaota antj duxks.
One Dollar Well Invested.
If you have bad breath, constipation
pain tn tho (man oi ino uacs, uisooior
d akin, nervousness, or dizziness,
vour onlv wise course is to take Dr.
David Kennedy's Favoriti Jleraedy,
of Itondout. N. Y. It will oleanse the
" . , , , ,
blood of all impurities, regulates the
mi ...I riL nl llni. rnatnrft a
Kidueys and Ilver, aua tnua restore a
Viunllhv rrlnw to vour OueeKS attain,
nealttiy glow w 5 i"T,i "b
All druKuuts; one dollar a bottle.
14 'it
His Family Had Perianal-
" I
Hmlln Ktolnc, a puddttr in tho o
ploy of tlio Cambria Iron Company at
Johnstown, left that placo shortly be
fore tho Hood of May 31 and went to
hts native plaoo in Germany for the
purpofo of talcing possession of some
property lott lilm by a relative. Tho
will was oonti-Hlcd and the wife and
fivo children ho left bolilnd heard noth
ing from htm lie was Hnally succes-
lnl in his suit and a few clam ago re
turned with a draft for $20,000 in hi
On rcaohlng J ihnstiwn ho was am-
ftzid ti so tno desolation wrontrin ny
tho flood, of wh'oh he had heard noth
ing, nud vigilant inquiry on hit part
has failed tn reveal lu him the fate of
his wife and children. Tho house in
whtce ho lived was swept awav and it
is presumed that his family was buried
among tho uniclenttnvu deal, as they
were but little known and their names
do not appear upon the roll ol deaths
Etoiuo will roturn to Germany. .
Took First PriM
The State board of pharmacy re
cently aualj-js-d twetvo of tho most
popular medicines in ordor to sen
whether they were what they wero re
commended to be. After two wei'ks
of careful work, they awarded the first
prize, a gold medal, to Messrs. A. 1
Ordway &. Co., proprietors ol Sulphur
Bitters, it being in their opinion the
best and only strictly puro blood puri
fying medicine in the mpket. weerc-
ly Giemht.
Hakes the Utcs ot many peopla miserable,
and often leads to self-destruction. Dlstrest
after eating, sour stomach, sick headache,
heartburn, loss of appetite, n faint, " all gone"
feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and lrregn
larttjr of the bowels, aro
Distress Bomo of the more common
After symptoms. Dyspepsia does
- .. not get well ot Itself. It
tailng teqnircs careful, persistent
attention, and a remedy like Hood's Barsa
parllla, which acts gently, yet surely and
efficiently. It tones tho stomach and other
organs, regulates tho digestion, creates a
good appetite, and by thus Sink
overcoming tho local symp
toms removes tho Kjrmpa-MOauaCnU
tbetlo effects ot the disease, banishes the
headache, and refreshes tbo tired mind.
"I hate been troubled with dyspepsia. I
had but little appetite, and what I did eat
I rf distressed me, or did mo
l. ut,,e food. In an hour
bum after eating I would expe
rience a talntncss, or tired, all-gono feeling,
M though I had not eaten anything. My trou
ble, I think, was aggravated by my business,
which is that of a painter, and from being
more or less shut up In a Sour
room with fresh paint. Last
spring I took nood's Sarsa- StOmacn
rttta took threo bottles. It did me an
Immense amount of good. It gave ma an
appetite, and my food relished and satisfied
the craving I had previously experienced."
Qeoboie A. Faqe, Watertown, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all dragglits. SI i tlx for S3. Prepared only
by a I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mu.
IOO Doses One Dollar
iwm - wm
or Songi
This feraedv Is Uie poraortnUoii ot one ot tho
leading phrslclaua of Paris. France, and was used
by him with unparalleled success for over thirty
years, tt was first given to the publlo as a propii -ary
medicine In islB- Mnce which time It bas
found Its war into almmt every county on the
face or me giooe, ana wro-ne a mvonte rmntxiy
with thousands of the leading plnslcla"S. Medial
soclutles have discussed Its marvelous success at
thsir nntiiul conventions, and otter their o ucUl
chemists have analyzed U and found that tt con
lamed no opUtfa. bronldes or other harmful In
gredients placed It among their standard reme
dies. '('ESTIWJWAf,
I. 1L BIlOH H, M. D.,
n West Jersey St..
EuriBiTH N. J. June 8, IMi).
This Is to certify that I nave used fur some
months with much satisfaction, the combination
ot remedies, for Ueadache, known as Brlggs'
Headache Troches The remedy cures more head
ache, especially such as affect Nervous Women,
than anything I am acquainted with, and It this
certificate win be the meaus ot bringing it to the
favorable attention ot BUfferers from that trouble,
I shall feel that 1 have done tbem a anrvloe.
Hold by all Druggists, or sent by Mall on
oetpt of Price.
Briggs' Medicine Co.,
9 27 lv.
Prevents JLuiijj Fever X
Cores Distemper, naT8,l landers, Jjoea
of Appetite, Founder, Fevers, &,
lib, to each package. Sold by al( dealers,
Cures Wind!) A OVDIID
coua,&c. bap i oT itUr
Facilitates TcetliiiigI
Regulates the Bowels I
Sold by all druggists. Price 23 cents.
For the enreof
(lMreuu 4 fsa I
and for the relief ol
(Jowipllre .per
sons, For Sale vy nil
druggUts." S9cents
em9l)ftt"rH frimocu, itfiiiiiLim.
Jittale qCliarUi J. Kramer, atetaua.
Tbs undersigned, hating been anpoln'ad an
Auditor to distribute tbe fund In tbe bands of the
Kieeutor of Charles i. Kramer, late ot PUhloK.
MWm WVUVBVU, "111 111! . 1 11U U1IV109
(ntersswil the eln at bis ooioe It llloomsbunf, on
Ihurwlsy, Juutry, 89rd A. U. 1S8J, at nine
fc , whieb uws ana place an penns havinsp
uiuv u,iuaii, iuwwii, wilt lucvv tuo piniea
iatosagjiun,5iiiuua wm appear aua present
thaorlMtorr 4b4rd fram commit Io
JersiC cisUd mul
"rbo regular annasl election for lMrnctors of tho
Catawlfta Deposit, IMnc will be hflld at tbo omce
ftSR!?,H5 ffsO&VS&S
r. jh. u. m i ustik, casiiier.
tiKOllOtf fiOTIUE.
Tlicm trill be an elMtton of a hoard of Directors
Of tuo Bloomsburg llinklng Company at their
banking ho .no. In llloomsburg on rutsday, Jan.
uary ih, isw, at o'cIjcu p. m. to tcrvo tot the
easulng year.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named persons have filed with the Clerk of
the Court or Quarter Sessions ot the Pence of
Columbia County their petitions for License,
which will be presented tothe said Court on
Monday, the Twentieth day of January A.
V. 1W0, at 10 o'clock A.M.
1. E. I'. Albertaon, Ilesldence, Central.
Hotel. Situate at the village of Central, la
the Township of Ruirarloal at the Intersec
tion of the publlo road leading to Laporte,
with the publlo road leading to Jameson
3. George Anrand and Harry Anrand,
trading aa O force Anrand A Bon, ReMdence,
Bloomsburg. Hotel, Bltnate In the Town or
llloomsburg, on the south aide ofHecond
street, at corner of Raid second street and
Miller's alley, adjoining property of Joshua
Fetterman, and having a frontage on said
Hecond street of sixty-six feet.
. Oeo. W.AibandBtewart A. Ash, trading
under the firm name of Ash A llro., Ilesldence,
Brlarereek twp. Distillers. Bltnate In a room
In tbe northeast corner of the second floor of
the flouring mill owned by Charles Ash and
O. W. Ash, sals mill being situated In Hrlar
creek township, bounded on the north by lot
of O. W, Ash and Btewart Ash, on the east
by land of KM Whttaey'a estate, south by the
publlo road and west by land of O. and u. W.
4. Thomt Boran, Ilesldence, Centralla
Borough. Itestaurant, Situate lu said bor
ough of Centralla, at the corner of ltallroad
and Paxton streets on tbe west sldeof Locust
Avenue, on a lot being 25 feet front on ltall
road street and 68 feet deep on Paxton street,
being tbe southeast corner of said ltallroad
and Paxton street.
6. George W. Blllman, Residence, Oonyng.
ham township. Hotel. Situate In Conyng
ham township, on a plot or ground, bounded
on the north
by isnat or James Koatenbau-
der, on the east by a publlo road leading
Ashland, on the soulfi bv a onbllo road
street, and on the west by lands of the Le
high Valley Company.
6. Urovannl liuoci or John Bush. Resi
dence, Jameson City. Restaurant. Situate
tn Busarioof township, on a lot desorlbed as
rouowst westwmraiy oy tne main pnouoroac
leading from Central to Jameson City, north
wardlv. eastward! y and southwardly hv
lands now or late of J, II.- and A. M. Van
ttokle. i
T. Rlnehard Berger, Residence, Berwick.
Restaurant. Sltcate lntbe borough of lie, -wick,
on the south side of Front street be
tween Market and Mulberry streets, bound
ed on tbe north by Front street, on the south
by an alley, on tbe cast by John Hill's land
and on the west by other land of It. Berger.
8. Joseph Rakey. Residence, Centralla.
Itestaurant. Situate In Borough ofCentralln,
on ltallroad Avenne, bounded on the north
by said Railroad Avenue, on the east by lot
of Mrs. W. U. Price, on the south by an alley
and on the west by lot or Joseph Zelgler.
9. Thomas Collins, Residence, Centralla.
Restaurant. Bltuate In borough of Centra,
lla, on the east side of ixxnist Avenue,
hounded on tbe north by lot or James Uan
non, on the east by an alley, on tbe south by
lot of John Spring and on the west by Locust
Avenue aforesaid.
10. Norman Cole, Resldence.Sugarloaf twp.
Distillery. Situate In Beaver township, on
the Bunbury, llnileton and Wilkes. llarre
Railroad east of Mifflin Cross Roads, bound
ed on tbe north by said railroad and on the
east, south and west br lauds of All nas
11. John I,. Crawford, Residence, Light
Street. Hotel. Hltuste on the east side of
Main street In the town of Light Street, In
Scott township.
13. Daniel Y, Curry, Resldenoe, Centralla.
Hotel. Situate In borough or Centralla, on
the northwest corner of Locust A venue and
Centre street, bounded on the north by lot
owned by U.O. Murphy, oi the east by Lo
eust Avenue, on tbe south by Centre street
ind on tbe west by an alley.
13. Allnas Cole and Howard 8. Cole, trail
log as A. Cole A Bon, Residence, of Allnlaa
Cole, Greenwood township. Residence of
Howard B. Cole. Burarloaf towmhln.
, tlllery. Bltuate tn Sugarloaf township, along
' Coles Creek, about one mile north of the
i town of Coles Creek, In the dwelling house
- oco tpled by said Howard B. Cole, itnd ad
joiuliig said distillery premises on the south,
aid distillery and dwelling house being sit
uated on the east aide of Coles Creek afore
sold. 1 14. Lemuel Drake, Residence, Benton.
Hotel. Bltuate In tbe village of llenton, ou
the M tin street of said village and Known aa
the Kxcbauge Hotel.
I IS. Charles H.Dletterlck, Residence. Buck,
horn. Hotel. Bltuate In tne town of Buck-
11V11,I .1.1. ..... u. . w.u. U ' -mo .mm
stteetof said village and the publlo road to
J 8. B. F. Edgar and Samuel Bmltb, trading
as B. F. Kdgar Co.. residences. Fishing
eree township. Distillers, situate In Flsii-Inxc-reek
township In the basement of the
dwelling bouse now owned aud oucnpled by
said 11. r. Kdgar, situated on the publlo road
leading from the publlo road known as tbe
State road to Stillwater, bounded on the
north by laud of said 11. F. Edgar, on the
east by ald publlo road, on the south by said
dlslllleiy premises and on the west by other
land of said B. F. Kdgar.
17. Reece Falrman, Residence. Orange
vllle. Uotel. Bltuate In Orangevllle, Orange
town -hip, bounded on the north by lot of
Calvin Herring, ou the eit.t. by publlo road
leading from Uloomsburg to llenton, on the
south by lot of Dr. O. A. Mogargell, aud on
t.h.9 w0l by a publlo road.
H. J. tt. Fqwlerand J. W. Lore, trading as
J.ll. Fowler Co., Residences. Pine township.
Distillers. Bltuate In Pine township, lntbe
basement of lbe Uwelllnie house ocoupied by
said J.
w. lre Bim situaiuu in sata fine
lu aJlulnlnz tbo distillery premises unded on tbo north by land of
iHitoa Dlrk.on the east by publlo road leading
trout juii vi.iu uimyYine, uu vu soatu uy
s.iiJ ill, tlllery I remlso, a iu on the west by
lena oi j. rowier,
19. Churles Fetterman, Ilesldence, Cen
tralla. Hotel. Hliuate In Centralla tiorough
nn a lot hounded on the north by lot of (leu.
W. Davis, deceased, on the south by lot of
rutrlck Uad uy, on the east by an alley, and
oil lbe west by Ixtcustavenue of said borough
containing '25 feet froutonsald fiocust avenue
and MO feel In depth.
!0. flauiu-l Pegley, Ilesldence. Catawlssa.
luwmumui. nilu'tia iu ,uwu u, wiui.i.Mb
(JjUwIiu township, on M Mu street, bounded
o i the eul by Hocnud street, ou the south by
nuiu siruet. ua iuu wen iui, ui nttuon
Urahain, and on the north by an alley.
21, James II. Falrman, Ilesldence, Ber
wick. lLaktntirant. Hltuataon Front street
lu Berwick borough, between Ifarket and
Mulberry streets, south stde, bounded on the
north by Front street, on the south by an
alley, ou the east by an alley, and on the
weal by laud of Moses Markle. r
jo. A. tl trolltner, uesiueuce, r.yers jruvv.
tbtfl. 'mtii4te In theyllagegf Kyersarqre,
rswowood (nwnshlp, ou lot bounded ou
tie east br the publlo road lea.ilng from
lloomsbnrir to Mlllvllle. an tbe north by tbe
uubitfl tcuui ifiiidln la Jaraertown. on tbe
wet by an alley, aud oa tbe south, by lot of
S3. PeUr Oross. Ilesldence. nioomsbura.
Ilfittlcr, Bltuate In the lown of Uloomsburg.
o Mala street In Scott-town, bounded on the
fi'irih uy lot of Mrs.tfboeinuker, aud on tbe
ituui uy ijewiara siroew
SI. John V, Onlrlsworthy, Residence, Cen
on tho wfsl side of IJocilst avenue, adlqlnlhg
toi ni AiifUnel O'Haraon the norfh, and 0(
21. J, It Olrton, Residence, H'oomsburf,
Hotel. Kltuatetn the town of Uloomsburz.
ou Hie soulh side of Main street, between the
liifiliriiie tore of J. It. Hchnyler Jt Co. and
ilia clothing store of 1). Lowenberg's estate,
'tut known SB theBt, Klmn Hotel.
21. Frederick M. Ollmoro, Resldenoe,
II miiiiiburir. Itestaurant. Bltuate In the
it it t lllooinsburg, on the north side of
tin' nut street or said town, in tne ismt place
i i Hvupiattby blinfudillQHinasBrow(r's
T. Wllllnm Olgger, ttesldenee, 1! loo ma
l.iirir Hotel. Hltuate lu town of Blooms.
rc on the northwest corner of East and
Hlxlh streets, on a certain lot of ground
bounded on the north by lot of Hoyt'n heirs,
tl I he eiwt iiy East street, ou tbe south by
Hlslb street, and on tbe west by an alley.
24. Wm. II. Ullmore. Ilesldence. Blooms-
bunr. He-tuurant, ailuate In the town of
ll oiiiHuurg, uuunueu on ino nur,ii uy iiiuru
ej, nn therastbylolorN.J.Hendersbott.
i. n l he Mouili by tlsln or Hecond street, and
mi tun west uy niuers uuey.
21. Uary Ilailedlne, Residence, Rupert,
linn 1. Hltuate lu Ilnpert, In MouUiur town
sliln on a lot of irround aillolnine lands now
of W, M, Monroe, a publlo road, and lands of
iiuiiiM tyfc
). Cbauney B. Ikeler. Resldenoe. Benton.
Hole). Hlibateln the village of Uentun. In
Itentnn township, on the northwest side of
Main street, on a lot bounded on the north
by u public road leading from Main street
to the n. it a. It. It., on the east by tbe Main
lreet of said vlllage.on the suulli by lot of
Keller tiros., nnu on tne wei uy au aue;
neiiig auou sixiy.six teet troni on aaiu juai
si i. ei, anil about 2UU feet deep,
il. John I- Kline, residence conrnshun town
tbln. lloteL situate tn ('on nham towDfblD.
on the publlo ro-ul leading from Numedla to Cen
irulia. bu dedon tbe no th by lands of said
Julia u Kline, on the east by publlo ro.d sfore
h ii, on tbe south ant west by o'her landsot
ssH.lohn I. Kline.
ft. NUhnKnorr,renienoa Numedla Hotel,
Mluate In Numedla, In Locust township at the
liiteraecuon of the road Io idlng from Catawlsa
to Centralis, with tbe publlo road leading from
Numedla to Kerntown, on a lot ot land, bounded
on tbe north by lands of Mary Foi, on tbe east
by land te ot larmsn Kabrlnger. oa tbe south
bv said publlo rosd leading from Numedla to
Kerntown and nu the l by said publlo road
leading from Catawlssa to Oentrslls.
U. UesterKUtler,res'denceCaiawla. Hofl
situate tn tbe town of outwit a, In CiuMstw
township, on tbe cornei oi Malu aid Hecond
suoeia, bounded on the ea-t by rtecond street,
pn t be oortli by aln street, on the aoutu by an
ffief and ou 10 Wpljt by larfd Of I'olly pyer;
Sis. John Kiites, rebMen'-e Mlffllnviilo. Hotel,
Wate In Ulminrllle. Miniln toWnuhlp.' on Uii
ortn Side of Third siret pf said ylllatco of
MIDinyllleon a )ot oojtulod pn the north by
tuffeireet, gnus east br It W of Vmauuil
WlrkfiTidsll. on tha south bv aald 'l'l Ircl Btrenf..
j fcnfloB m Mt by )?t of(0oorgp M 1U f deteoaod,
I as. Joseph Kleckner, resldenre Espy, llolel,
situate In vUlageot JSspy, Insoolt townsMp. ou
the north side of Main road leadlnir from llluouis-
hunr b3 ttarwlck. bounded on the north bv an
alley, on lbe east by lbs road leading from atld
kfaln roadioUieUelawarsLackawauiaA WrtU
srs ltallroad depot, on lbs aoulU by said Main
ruaa or staio sirevt vt asvj auii vn tuv wvsv u
ot of Stephen Itttlt,
u. j, Kelly, itrndsncfi, uentraua. Hotel.
aawuh, in tne uorougn of
sMBK4otBe nonb br lot of u a
sua aaac fcr Juuevaa avenue, oa lb
asXwV MSWSSBSA aa aa tas)
aKuaw w
S7. H. J. Kelly, MesMenc. CeDtraUs. Whol.
sale aa an Agent. Httuate ou Looust avenue la
the Borough ot Centralis, bounded on the north
by lot ot u. a Millard, on the east by fxienst
venue, on the south by lot ot Catharine Morn
son and on tbe west by an aUey.
George II. Uffler, Residence, Conylcihara
township. Hotel. Hltuate In Locust Dale In
Conyngbam township, on the north sido ot
publlo road leading towards Ashland, and being
a two story frame building fifty tort front ana
about slity-slx foot deep.
to. Benjamin Lewis, Residence, Jsmlson City.
ItoteL Bltuato In Jamison city In sugarloat
township, bounded on the north by Market
street, eastward ly by Water street ot said town,
southwardly by lot ot M. J. Trtpo, and wcat
wardly by an alley, and containing In front
along said Water street forty feet, nod seventy
feet In depth along said Market street.
4a ftohr MoHenry and Lafayette Sre'er,
tradiDg as Itobr Mcllenry Co, Kesldence, Ben
ton township. Distillers, situate In Benton
township, on tbe publlo road leading from the
town of Benton to Derrs rostofflce, adjoining the
Distillery premises, bounded on the north and
east by other lands ot Kohr Mcllenry, on the
south by lands of Roar MoUenry Co., and on
the west by lands ot llohr Mcllenry.
41. Samuel Mulosky, Residence, Centralla.
Itestaurant. B.tuato tn Contrails Borough on
Ixicust avenue, bounde I on the north by lot of
H. J. Kelly, on the east Dy said Locust Avenue,
on the south by lot of aoorge W. Davis and on
the went by an alley.
41 John MoDoonelL Residence, Centralla.
Restaurant, situate In Centralla Borough,
bounded by lot of John Moran on the south, lot
ot o. U. Millard on the west. Railroad street on
le north, and Andrew Rooney on tbe east.
43. John Monroe, Resldenoe, GermantAwn.
Restaurant, bltuate la ueimanlown, Conylng.
ham township, bounded on the east by property
or Midget Shields, on the south by land ot Locust
Mounui n Co. on the west by property ot Mrs.
J 'bn Cssoy, and on tbe north by publlo road
lenoiDg to Mt. CarmeL 1
41. Arthur McLaughlin, Residence Centralla.
llou-1 Mtuate tn centralla Borougb, on the
southeast corner of Locust arenus and Park
streets In said Borough.
5. Arthur J. McLaughlin, Residence, Cen
tralla. wnolcsale. Bltuate In Centralla Borough
on tbe southeast corner of Locust avenue and
fark streets of said Borough.
4S. J. B. MoUenry, Residence, Benton. Hotel.
Situate In the vlUage ot Benton, In Benton town.
bin. on the Main street of said vlllaare. adloln.
log lota ot ur. T. C Mcllenry and ullve lless,
and known as the "Mcuenry House."
sr. Edward McFaddcs. Residence, centralla.
Restaurant. Bltuate la centralla Borough, on
Locustavenue. bounded on thenorth by property
ot oeorge W. Davis Jr., on the south by property
ot Dr. H. M. Laohelle.
4s. George W. Miller, Residence, Brlarereek
township. Uotel. situate In Brlarcroek town
ship, bounded on tbe Cast by A. It, Adleman, on
sue Bouin uy UlUCVU niuuwi MM owijuuu
Michael, on the westliy ru' IpHponey andMosts
Markle and other land, nort-l by John 1L bult'a
land in Brlarereek.
an. Edward P. Mccormick. Residence. Ber
wick. BoteL Bltuate tn Berwick Borough, on
Front street, ooutiaea on me nana oj rrout
Ueet, on tbe east by a arte; street, on tbe south
DrudDllsuwi,us,uoiim u, u. uusfcTor auu
Charles Baaa, and known as Croia Keys Uotel.'
fid. John 8. Vann. Pvildcr.fv nWnalmH'
Hotel. Hltuate tn the town or nioomnhiirov nn
the northeast corner of Second and Centre
Btreeu in said town.
Sl. John Nftrtnnv. UMMnnm. nn,Mlla
Restaurant. Rltuate in Centralla Borough ad
Jolnlng lot of D. F. Curry on the north, on tbe
east by an alley, on the south by lot of ot alien
Cane, and on the west by said Centre street,
said bouse being a two story frame building.
S3. John Nennnv. npfrinenr, nnnfrAlfa
Wholesale Liquor store, situate In Centralis
Borough, on Coutre street, adjoining lot ot D. F.
curry, ou the corlb, on the east by an aUey, on
the south by lot of EUen Cane, and on the west
by said centre street, said bouse being a two
story frame building.
3. Johanna O'Connor, ftealripnr. nAnr.raiiA.
Wholesale. Situate In Centralla ttomnirh. nn
the west side ot Locust avenue adjoining lots of
Mit.utM;i u iivuuci uu uie HUUVU, aua lot OI AtDCrt
ball s on the north. Bald bulldlnir beinir a two
story frame dwelling bouse.
64. Amandus lfelffer. ttesldencA. ontmiia.
HoteL Situate In Centralla lloramrh. hnnruiM
on tho north by lot of James Uoldsworth's heirs,
on the oast by Locust avenue, on the south by
Malu street, and on the west by an aUey, said
house being a two and one story frame house.
OS. J. W. Ferry. Residence. Rnrarlnar town.
ship. HoteL situate in sugarloat township,
bounded on the north by land of Itantz b Myers,
on the east by land of savage heirs, on tha
south by land ot xujah Hess, and on the west
by land of Elijah Hess.
fid. Andrew Roonev Jr.. TtrmtitanrA nnntmtta
Restauraut. situate In Centralla Borough, on
the east side of Locust avenue, hniiruimi nn t.ttn
north by lot ot B. F. Burke, on the east by an
alley, on the soutt by the Edward curley lot
and on the west by Locustavenue.
57. James M. ReUlr. Reddenm. rvnt.rai,
Restaurant, situate In Centralla Borough,
bounded on the west by Locust Avenue, on the
HnnhlwIritAr InilMu. Uwuijw i. ....
... J . " " w. a wu. w . ..1.111 J . wi wo tivih U V
an alley and on tho south by lot ot Owen Cain.
58. Alfred Itantz. Residence. Bent n. Reatan.
rant, situate lu thu village ot Benton on a lot
ot ground bounded on tne north by lot of Caro
line Mcuenry, wife ot Bohr McUenry, on the
east by lot of Ira nets, on tbe souihoy public
road leading from Benton to Cumbra, and on
the west by publlo ruad leading from Benton to
or, uiwiu nr. iiciiBuyucr, lumoence uataWuV
sa. Hotel Eltutte in the town ot Catawlssa in
Catawlssa township, on corner of Main and sec
ond streets, bounded on the east by other landsjof
AunaReifsnyder, on the west by second street,
on the south by Main street and on tne north
by an alley. Known as "Susquehanna Hotel."
eo. Cortex B. Bobbins. Realdeuoe Btoomnhnnr
wholesale, situate in the town of Bloomsburir.
tin ,IM nnrfh U nr Uiumnrt D, ma.
l". ". w. aa wuv V. .WUU .1.111. VUIU1UOU
northwardly by lUdire alley, eastwardlv hv mr
ot Mrs. Luclnda beeshoitz, southwardly by sild
cuuuu suocb, siiu wtnaruiy oy 1UL ur jr, il
(1. Stephen a. Rhawn. Rcs'dence catawtsan.
rterstaurant, sltnate In the town of Catawlssa, In
Calawtssa township, bounded on the east by
lands of petitioner, on tne west by an alley, ah
the north by Main street, and oa the south by
ar alley. '- '
61 A. K. Smith. Residence Jcrseytown. noti.
situate In Jersei town. In Madison township, on
the publlo road leading from B ickborn, Columbia
county, to White Halt, In Montour county,
bo united on the north by aald publlo road, on tho
tram, uj tiuiuw ui i.. jvrciuiier auu eatnuei urug
ler, J. O. Fruit and B. F. Welliver, on tho south
by land ot William Johnson's testate, and on the
vnt u j iuuuu nuui iMuing iroui atrnviLte to
63. Georcre W. Sterner. Residence. Blooomsburz.
hotel situate in the town of Bloomsburg, on the
north side of Second street, corner of Murray allov
and aald street, known as the sterner
Block, ad.
Joining lands of c. S. Furman, WUllam Neal
tbo said aUey and street,
4. Chester Btlltz. ROFldenre. Jamison rir.
HoteL Bltuate m sugarloat township, in Jaml.
Sn city, on a lot of ground adjoining Market
reet In tbe northwestern division ot Bald place.
containing one acre ana lorty-eum perches and
known aa the "Manor Rest inn."
S3. Addison W. Bhuman. kcaldcniHi Main-
vllle, Malnvuie, noteL situate in Main township
111 lnu Ul mn 1 1 1 , nu vi4 miq 1 1 1 .1 1 u Ul,u lOBIUDg
from Catawlssa to Beaver valley, adjoining lot
ot J. B. Longencerger, on tbe east by laud ot J,
tl. Yetter on tne soutn, by said road on the
west, and on tbo north by lot of M. u. camp
bell. M. Mary C. Smith, Residence, Beaver
township. Uotel. Bltuate In Beaver town,
.hip, bounded on the west by publlo road
leading from Catawlssa to HlngUiwn. flu lbs
cast by lands of U A, Bbnman, and on tbe
north, and iquIIi bf the same,
7, Bernard Hlobner, Residence, Blooms
burg. Restaurant. Bltuate tn the town of
Uloomsburg. on tbe south side of Second
trect, bounded northwardly by said Hecond
street, eastwardly by lot of John K. Lockard,
southwardly by an alley adjoining the Ex
change Hotel property, and westwardly by
au alley adjoining said Exchange Hotel
68. Franklin L. Bhuman, Residence, Cata
wlssa, Hotel. Situate In Catawlssa, Calsw
wlssa township, on corner of PI lie and
ltallroad streets, bounded on, the north by
flue street, on the west by Railroad street or
ulley, on the south by lands of V, L. Bhuman,
and on the east by lands of Angelina Bhumau,
69. Benjamin F. Hponenbeig, Residence,
Berwick, Hotel. Hltuate In borough of Ber.
wick, bounded on the erst by land of llr. A.
II. MeCrea, on the west by Market street,
north by Front street, south by Cunal street
or Dug road, known as 81, Cbarles Hotel.
70. William B. Taylor, Kesldonce. Blooms
burg. Bottler. Bltuate In tbe town of
Bloomsburg, bounded northwardly by land
of N. J. Hendersl.olt.etut by Caleb Barton,
south by Main or bectmd street, and west by
other land of H, J. Ueiidershott.
71. August Tblele. Residence, Berwick,
Bottler. Bltuate lu the borougb of Berwick,
on Canal street, bouuded on the south by
Canal street, on the eat by land or Sarah
Baker, ou tbe north by land of Barah Baker,
and on the west by Ilokinan land,
7X William It. Tubbs, Residence, Blooms,
bnrg. Hotel, Bltuate on the south sd6 of
Htfioud street oq a (ot bountfed'norlhwardry
by said Becoud street, eastwardly by an alley
and tha Opera House lot. southwardly by
fine alley, and ve-twardly by Whitman's
alley, known as the Exchange Hotel.
71. O.W. Turner. Resldenoe, Orangevllle.
Hottl. Bltuate In tbe vlllsge of Orantevllle,
In Orange township, un the northeast oorner
of Pins and Main streets, and known as the
Oiangev,le (lotel, rt MF
74. Boyd R, Vellcr. Residence. Malnvllle.
Hotel, Bltuate In the town of Malnvllle.
township of Main, on a lot of land bounded
.isfullows: Ou tbe west by Catawlssa creek,
ou tbe south by land oi Charles Ilelohart, on
the east by land of Cleaver Menslnger, and
un the north by land of J, W, Bhuman.
75. Livingston Yesger, Residence, Locust
lowosnip. jtotei. Bltuato in ixwust town,
.hip, on the publlo road leading from Data-
wisva in ventraua,
nrlsHa to Centralla. adlolnlns: biuds nf Juwih
Herner, Muyberiy Hughes, and Samuel
Klaae, known aa National Cross Keys UoUl,
WM. II. RNYDER, Clerk O. B.
O, M. QUICK, Deputy.
Clerk's Office, Utoomsburg, I'tu, Dee. XL USD.
Mutual Insur nun Cniupauy of Lime Uldge, will
meet at Ihi lilll of the tv-ntrn llr inu.v k nr it m
Centre township, Columbia co'tnty 1'a., ou Monday
iud isuiun, vi.niiuirr, I Vvl VVWU'n UU UO ra
of 10 s. tn. and 1 p. in., for the purpos of electing
iin.tiiiQ iu, mo ciii'iiiis; jwtr, auu tor transact.
Ing such other business sa may properly como be
Motion tl hpillliv civiin that in nnnMrnllnn will
be made to tne Governor of Pennsylvania o-i Jau-
a. it May.
and Isaao
eat 11 led An
I act to provide lo tho Incorporation and rtirula.
, tlon of certain corporatloua, aporovud apm v.'th,
t'71 and the sev ral supplements thereto, for the
charter of an lulendoi oorportlloii to tw o Ittxl
the VN est fork Improveinent Company, ihorha'.
acter and ooleci of nlilch la the coustrticilon u(
dams an 1 dnvlry and rloatlnz of saw lou-i. timber
auti luuiuaru tue Heat pur ut i'lmiu Ul
In lbe
cQuuwes oi ouiitvau ana i;oiumQn.
stream not. eaeeedtntr ttrentr mlliu i.i lunirt.ii.
wlib tbs tizUt to clear out. Improve and use the
aatne, pureUaae dans, erect new dams, sUabrUteu
daeoetL ortb ond widen tbe same. CLIUlBMr,
rtf-Tf-W. Alt'y.forApBUesnU,
Tho mild December weather is tho cause for making a clean sweep betoro stock taking. As is
generally known, ours is the LARGEST and CHOICEST STOCK of MEN'S WE All in Columbia
and Montour counties. With three months of winter weather before us, the opportunity is a rare
one, and one that will undoubtedly bring to our store many buyers.
B. F. Savib,
iniB, pips, nras, lit.
Tin Roofing a Specialty.
irat -ionr li t om' u g O pi,i Hous-
Bv his nenhew. Alfred IL Conllln,'. This work will
shortly bo Issued by us, and sold uHtUy ty njutrip.
Octavo, COO pages, steel portrait, and facsimiles of
letters of eminent contemporaries lfl both parties.
to mfcfce flatly ITlDlliutloiUl tar th rrrnmM fnnivA
of territory. One of tha greatest oppwtunlUM to
mue money erer offflred.
(When writing, mention toil paper.)
3 Bast 14th atrmt, Nw Vork,
APPVTC? Actlirp, Enenjstlo Man
rtlil i I r maka fwn ill to siso di
11 1 TPn r rainth s-lilnir tor us aud enfor
VYfV'' 1 IT. I I tbB cwifirt. of Icnowlnf that
tbey are working f ir an old and tellable Arm, De
sirable territory in towns and counties can be se.
cured by prompt application, n e grow tbe stock.
weotfer. Address
VILtaitUM Ui VIS S. Utl.
Nurserrmen, Daltltrore, Md.
Ian illar.
1I()TSI-Itlrt;s, ARK.
The largest an1 tla' UK -d'tr II ITBL In Amert
ca, with then a 'st Hurt llmn-MIn the world con.
nctm. win upi'n (duoer in inieinoai ot u. u.
Hakkon, of White MuuutJlii Hotels) Mr son of
1S90 January lsth. 'rickeis should ha biiiiirht via
BU Louis and Iron Mo' i s. io ttheru K. it.
i-i r tt.
The Un&t Youth's I'aper Kver 1'iibllihed.
Itxan In- tbe Vlrnt Number.
For sjlo by n wtdelers. rrloo S cents.
sal mn
to canvass for the silo of Nursery stnem steady
emplornient guarintoed 8Al.l(V ANI Bi'.
iuildl?M PA til Ann w nn.. if .Mn.
Chaca DrothorB Company, n'p
Jan. Mar. iio.imuTJtlt, N. V.
IlEhT IN Tint ivmii
"srlni QualltiM are nntuii ,s. sctoallr
onilsstlna itro boxes o anriil(r Ir I. "
Hot eft.cud hyb..t. U WJIK Ull, lUNE.
, . ron salr uy
tllerchunt. and i.i.jr. Cca
ara llr.
Cleantes and bcautiucs th. hsir.
Promotes a luxuriant growth,
N.v.r Fails to RtiTor. Qrsy
Hilrtolti Yo.thful Color.
T.,enU llandralX ana hair faUtJAf
1811 d
Tlotloe Is hereby given that the partnership be.
iwreu u. r. 1-eicot.K. n. r. fejonca aud u. u,
IfacocW.wjs dissolved oa the nret day of Jsnu.
ary, A. I)., one thousanl eight hundred and
iimi-tjr, autsras miuuq to tne tutttj. if, I'eacock,
All deb's nwn to tbe add partnership are to be
received br the sild 8. V. Peaooek. ant n. , i'u.
onck and all demands on the said partnership are
to be proitntrd 10 Ij-in t rpaymentailheir place
oi bit.lneasou iho soulhwel turner of Main and
Market tilreets. In the town of Ulcomsburir. IVm .
Btlvanla, wlterc the business will be continue,! by
the said B. V Peacock and O. O. Peacock under tbo
unit uwie ui ci, it, i-eacocit uu
8. K. p.icoca;
Notlcotaberebrfrlven thai tha Arm nt whinr
Conmr Sloan, li this dar dlwolvd. K. II. Mam
retiring from the arm. Tbe bislnei will be con.
d'ictfd In the fulure by While s Courier, remain,
lnir members of the arm. All blila win ti hv
U bite Conner, and all accouuia heretofore mode
ara payable to ibeji. V. u. Waira.
i' ...9U"',,V
rnni:n axle
Tapestries, Velvets and Body Brussels.
During the next 30 days I will
prices .
$1.25 B)dy Brussels at $1.00.
$1.25 Velvets at $1.00.
.90c Tapestries at.75.
75c Tapestries at .(i5c.
.... . . - -65c Tapestries at 50c.
AU choice styles and' good lengths at
3" Next D or to I. W. Hartmnn &
At flnrwtWaT I
BT. liouis to)"1
Cases Pain Instantly.
Strengthens Weak Parts.
Quiets Nervousness.
Rop p&stevs
A New Enalaad rluusohold IUmmlr. popalar beesas. of real medicinal
merit. For th ooocttess pslas and aches, lorem or
weakneBsos. no matter how ceased or bow MTete.
which attack to. human body, no remedy in th. world
Is so prompt and thorooah la rclMvinf. curlnjr and re.
storincasthaU 1'Uater,
U..iUelt4 artkeiise.d. of people,
and the constantlr tncroaeins sale ot those DlasteriL
is smiJe proof of the tratb ol tbis assertion,
C7 HOP lI.A8Ti:BS a.Ter kara r IrriUte.
-ilii" S',' tmf!!? B"w rooTl feel happier to.
morrow, ITeela good the moment pat on.
BUT RISE HERE., Be. Piaster, are -sold by
idrmediclu. dealers Ilon'tVi swindled Into taklai
a si.lietitotent Imitation. Uixutar. o( the rnonrieter.
wUl he found on th genuine goods. "
lUuMrMulmkir, Atoll Atiktrnttl imiUru
Do You Know
Wtacethe United Statei
Mintis mPhiladslphia?
You may not you may ssyt
good will It do trie to know?"
It will do you considerable (tooil. Directly
opposite, at 1838 OIIKdTISUI' 8T,, lean
Hii-tne-vrnr-arnuiul attraction, viz: E. O.
(M.oriUNG 1IOU-B. Fashlonsblo and re
' ble v rmenls nro hero obtainable at
ii me), ting prices,
:omo pedal 1) tn tho city and buy
A London-Made Suit.
tbey aro equal to any Brat class made
lo-measure suit that will cost $30.00,
write for Bamplea of cloth and fashion
catalogue. Directions how to order
suits by mail sent with all snmiilea,
Mail Order Department,
I. O. IlOX 413.
Bono Heal
trqit TOULTltr. Crusted
Oyster KHQlU, F1UC aud
v 3c. uiii4 viinuiuAu nuutiti, Yoric la.
LU)d Croib UUiuund llmud
Tk b1t ralikbla til 11 br i.U kiv
r. La41, auk lr.T8tsvt fur U lit.
Wrsil,I r4 MUUMWtM,MU4
VilkUurlbbM. Taakasai.laiU aWa .
Lailca." mat fail aa. a a.s.11 M. lk-
OdMtur CkMlMTfJ,, MaaUsa a,lkUa4a,l-a.
i.a d 4t,
udito'vs notioh;
Xtal af Aiivw Craol-v, drrrascd.
Tlie undsislinrd auditor sppolntfd to inaVeMl
trlbutlori of tbe funds in tbo bands of eadij i 1 1
adm ntstntor In said t-ststo wm me. t tb naitiea
intcresiod at bis once on ,ua streor. In ilia
I trout combw lu oa stid fund.
I f rrvii
mmaamMmvni at
i nr
Bell at the
following reduced
IlLoajisQaitG, Pa,
. oiccpinff un witn only one chanre
Coapon Stations In U. S. sad Canada with prltilcM
T"insme lamous Hot Springs of Arksuss.
. ..-..-.. l..r.i.nai,ai,tul,M
i-W.B IIIHBK1BI1 T S AT imil mm
'tat Aid
IwsVlcliIn lb w
UailkMMf. WilTUltatl hsan
MVI.U aluaUDsr CsWtw
Both Udl' And (tall iUm,
with work! utl of
fMuiTiviaa. on riuoau
SU.ll loMllIr ran saonrl sins.
Yrsp. torthr with ar Urf
d altwbU lint of Household
iplei. ThM ttmclosuii wall
tha r a t rh . (ara tTVataK. Ill Itiu work
B-4 dft 1 to .BOW What! WO MtMl JOB 14 (tkOs Who Call JMt
rVltnilt and nikbara and thru abatta van that alarsts ra.nliai
la vtlnoUo tnda for di. which bold for j art whan odc unad.
tod tbua wa ausj rapaitL Wa bay all aipraaa, ftairttl, ale. A tit
7ns oasaw an, tt jon wooia uao io go io won lor ou tarn
are from U20 to COO par wk cad BpwanSi. Addraaa,
Btlaaua .V Co., UiiiSIS, l'ortland, Malu.7
how Lost I How Regained,
I HE BG EHnir rB lee
A Scltntlne sad Gtandard Popular Usdlcal Trsatlsa
and Physical Debility, Imuarltlas of ths'Blood.
Resnltlnf from FoUy, Tic, Icsmnes, XzceasM or
""ruxstloa, KnsrviunraSahTvSlS
f ft V, ork, Bssbwsa, tbs BarrM or Boctsl Hi-IatSnT
Avoid wukUlfol prstandcrs. Poi.t,, this mat
MndlBf, embossed, ftUrSt Pries only w to
msU, postpsli, eoncealef In plain wrspnef. IUas
trsUrs Prospectus Frar, If jou annlv now Ti
oistinCTUhed author, WmV II. rlit i M b w!
eeivecf tht GOLD ArtD JEvWlXlSj "rEIljlt
from tha Natloaal Medical i A.Toclatlon for
TH V8ICAI, BEniI,ITyDrVpkerandaca5il
HXl 11 fn'f,lcU" "r b. Sr!.nitSd??oSr.
Ho. 4 llalOach Ht Ilo.ton, aiass., to whom ai
&'a.Cka! 0rktt" te sffidU
1.3 d 4t.
1-8 d il.
Havo You
Cream Balm'
the best
Remedy ?
roelstered. so pia
it.2a.ffiYr"Blla'M'Tarre,lBt. New Voric
.ilV.raoMS0'"rea. witnnandsomo now bo una
and barn, and supplied wub abundant water will
be rented" at a low'rent tor the te?i of nje yes
toagooaunantwhoean furnish hii own stock:
ValS',Ui5'?ESVv,T'1BK.,4rm 15 10 l" catawlsat
valley en tne Township road from Brandon, llletri
sasB wuriu, ajur IkclUliMaja
uju4l4. ad U InUadaea ou
fiM fOsMU WU1 mi 1 1 1
Omlj lkM t writ
t4Bfcl SlIIMl sjaalka ish .a
th cWb.. AU jm btt a u dl
HltnUl ftbowr oaf t
Um wk AlLjt k(.ban
U thlrM sVftt4 ftt. lt
TkMlwiif nltmbtipywM(t9fUittsJU
Ul attUtk uit t iU talk. Il b raft4, IwUtiUiltU.
MliwfM wrf W wUl 1W tkw fm Wow in
MMAka MMlttlOiliyil , from U Urt, flaw
M. KAIXaVTT fcUL.ia V U4,JW1Sm
uis tr.
rn-. Totem
1 f?V15J. I'.MAmu.ClareBVMt.Vr