THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. EXILED FOR LIFE. TUB IAUD KOltTUNB OK A 1911 OKKIOKII. YOUNtt DAN- I Announcement lias been mtidoof tho (loath, nt liU Iioiho on Thomas atreot, of Ex Polioo Ollloor J. II. Lytanoo, at tho ago of 07 years. This scrnt of In formation will bo of llttlo inoro than passing interest to tho general reader, but in tho capital of Denmark tho news will bo read by aovoral persons who s' Mom if evo" noto an cvont on this bU'o of tho uooan unless it bo of iito-nallonal itnportanoo. Whan tho uistory of tho man H told tho reador will boo thnt his dea.U closed a remark ab'o career. As will bo gathered from tho pre- ceouing, J units uetiry lytanoo was a nat'vo of Donmirk and a soion of ono of a noblo family of creat woalth anil of boc'ib statu ng that brought them very near the throno. To no ono did Ji'Ms ever give a connected history of his family, so that just who thoy wen cannot bo stated. In providing for tho sons it tell to tho lot of Julius to enter tho navy, lie eorved with fidel ity until ho rosa to tho rank of lieuten ant, when tho event occurred, the ovent mat onanaeu tho whole courso of his life. On board ship ono day n superior officer undor the influenco of drink, reprimanded tho young lieuten ant tor somo o'tenso ho hud not com muted, no asserted his mnoconco and was struck by tho drunkon super ior. Tho blow was maddening, and in an instant tho sword was rais ed to striko. Tho superior retrcatud, and within ten minutos tho lieutonant was in irons, charged with, and in fact euilty ot an oilenso, punishable, no- oording to Danieh naval regulations, with death. His family of course, brouaht inlluence to bear in his behalt and after a time ho was told that the King, William VI , was disposed to treat his caso with leniency on account of tho family. Then ha made his sec ond fatal mistake Ho said ho would never beg pardon of the drunkon brute who had struck him. These words reached tho Kinc. In duo coureo he ws taken beforo tho King. His irons were leraoveii so that when ho enl the auuience chamber his limbs free, but his spirit was not contrite. Ho stood some minutes without at- tract'ng the monarch's attention, when turning suddenly and glowering at him, tho King said : "Well, docl" 'Sire," was tho reply with a bow and salute. "You deserve death!" Tiiis was responded to with another obeisance and salute. "You will kneel and humbly crave forcivenesst" "I will kneel to mv sovereign,'' tho soldie'r responded; suiting tho action to the word, "but not to tho man who struck me." "Aro vou then still stubborn?" "Sire would vou have an officer of tho Danish navv submit tamelv to in sult, even tboueh it bo from a Dane!' "Out of-my sight dog!" fairly roared tho Kmc. No word of pardon or restoration to rank was said, and the young sailor realized that his fate was sealed. It would bo der.lh or worse. He was ironed and sent back to prison, but in a tew days he was released. While ho was not formally banished, his fam ily sent him abroad, and ho soon loariv od that lua hfo had been spared on condition that ho should quit his native 1 . cr, r r .it. c, r7 i : rnn i To Repay Pamsjlvanians- TUB flOVKllNMRNT ASKB1I TO VAX KOIl l-nOfKItfV DAMAGED llV SOl.tllEHS. Alarm bna tnM us thn tale of A mule whioh. from ovrrfopillttff. Rnlloiwil about and felt guy, raying to himself I ".My father, surely, wai a htpb-mettletl rncer, nnu I am bis own child In Bpeed nnd spirit." Neit day he win pick and weary t ho then exclaimed 1 "I must nave mnao a itiihwiku; my iiiuiur. mivr iui, could have born only an a." A man. after eatlnir a pood dinner, may feel oitrnvairnntly Jotouki but next day (1 don't mean you to Inter ho feel? like an bm) ho la surly and (Trim, his stomach nnu liver aro aiumwn, no is morose, despondent and "out of sorts" cen trally. For Indigestion, lllllousness and all oeranirenienxs oi tun mumm-n, wht tutu llowcls. Ur. l'leree's Oolden Medical Discov ery Is an uneoualed ltcmody. Contains no alcohol to inebrlato! no syrup or Bupar to ferment and tleraniro tno oiifoctivo processes, It cleanses tho system nnu cures Senator Quay has introduced a bill to authorizo tho paymont of damages sustained by citizens of tho Stato of Pennsylvania, from Union and Con- day's work had retirod to her lederato troops during tho lato war, ns adjudlcitod and liquidated by tho Stato under provisions ot nn not of its Qjnoral Assomb'y. mo oiu appropriates 3,117,015 to bo paid to tho Government, for tho use of tho counties of Adams, Bedford, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, IVrry, Somerset and York. Thcso counties were subject to invasion and raids by tho Confederate troops nud operations and ocoupatioy of tho Federal troops during tho war. pimples, blotches, eruptions and all Skin and Scalp Diseases, t-croiuious aueciions, as i-ovcr-sorcs, lllp-jolnt Disease, Swellings and Tu mors, yield to n superior aitcrauvo proper ties. WonuVs Disrr.NSAnT Medicat. Associa tion, Manufacturers, buffalo, N. V. MS500 REWARD offered for an incurable caso of Catarrh In tho Head, by the nrnnrletors of Dr. Pniro's Catarrh ltemedy. Only W cents. Bold by dtugglsta everywhere, o he m irons n THE GREAT ,S iGerman Remedy. E3 TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. III tor tirnnu deiithl; in unions tMiciiancucni I lonSCLniUiUilTTEBf pjlit win cure you. IT. Do tut Biiiler with mauireunnuaugoDc iccim?; ii bo, hbc qurruuit Birrena; it vtui euro yon. I tl.wo will be unit I torn case wlicroSUL-l rnun IfcTTEiiS villi notnBsletorcurc. It 1 never mils. rn (K1 lav n t int-rati. 19 who arc AlnrnW nnnflnnil In P?tho ml 11 a and irork- Boops; cicrKs.wuuuu not procure Bufllclenl oxcrciso. and all who HjftroconflnetUnUoore, I Ifthmild nftfl PlILrillllt III Uitteiia They willl It ou ito uot wish to suffer from Rheum at! em, uso n bottle oft n never rails tornro Cleanse tho vitlntod ))looU when you eee lis im pun nc a uursi inff through tho pklu m l'lmnk'B. Itlutchcs. ind orcs. Iteiy on ULrmJit jutixks, uhI hcalta will io l low. HULrilUH I1ITTKU8 will ruro Liver Com plaint. Don't nc tlls- ourageii: it wiucuxe VOU. MJLrium ltiiTEits will bulhl you up And mate you eironganu ncuuny. Don't he without a 2 bottle. Try It: you I will not regrci it. htiLPiiuit Hitters I will make your blood pure, ncii nnu pirong. inn yourueBii nam. A TBLEPIIONE BTORY. Kiaillng's Hew Lino- Somn vorv fnnnv tlilnc? iianncncd a nnvNoii op tiik oatawissa division In tlia enrlv days of tho tolcnliono. In to iiazi.kton and Dnit-roN. one (own n vouni? iikiii lioutrht n Hinnll Instrtimont. nml took It homo Tho Uu.irtinir r.illroi.l company In ono ovi'iiliiL'. whon it ImimonuJ that tonila to build a nowr lino to II.i.loloii his mother being fatiinctl with n busy nnd Drifton. It will bo a branch of room, tno uatawlsia division, nnu win turn Sim wa alouo in tho darkneaa whon off at Lolly. Tho surveys havo nl- her son camo in, exoitod with tho now ready boon completed by tho Itoailmg toy and I'oiiiB to hor room askod her I engineers, nml work on tho now road .. ?..! -r l. I .!ll I !.. t.. ...... !'!. ..,. IU UIKU VUV I'llll Ol II1U W1TU WlllIU HU I Will uulll IIUAV JUfll, IIIU Hi,' took tho othor into a distmt Dart of I noso of tho Heading ollioials in build tho hottso to trv if ho could hear her imr the branch lino n to reach tho col voice Tho votintf allies of tho latniiv I lories ot uoxo nros. m uo on ureon wero downstairs In the parlor ontertain-1 mountain. It wa statod somo timo lug guests. After tho visitors had do-1 ago that this firm, which is tho largest Darted, tho tHnchtor of tlio hotiso wont I inutvniuai snipper ot antnraciie, in Make no mibtakk If you havo mado up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsapar ilia do not bo inducod to lako any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a tiecul- iar mediohie, possessing, by vlrtuo o' its peculiar combination, proportion and procuration, curativo power sup erior to any other nrticlo of tho kind beloro tho pooplo For all nITeotlons arising from iinpuro b'ood or low stnto ot tho system it is unequalled. Do suro to get Hood's. Literary Notes Tho holiday number of Book News (John Wanamaker, Philadelphia), ex ceis in attractions nil tho nrovious numoers. it is UitHtratod with over fifty cu".s from tho loading Christmas publications, such as Abbov's "The Quiet Life," Fennel's "Pen Drawing," Ireno E. Joromo's "In a Fair Country''! and portraits of tho beautiful young Russian artist, Mario uashkirtsetl, and of Maud Humphrey, with a specimen ot tho latter a work. Tho list this month numbers nearly 500 new books Il.niUt'8 lu Ui-llcate health, who nro all I run tloivn, houM use Sm.PMlTK IlITTKUS. Try Suu-Hf it HIT- Tints tn.clght, and vou win sleep wen inn ieei in'iicr loru. Do you wont tlio be6t Meillcnl Workpubll.hed? Fend 3 2-cent stamps to A. 1. Ordwat & Co4 Boston, Maes., and receive a copy, free. BLUFFED ON A SUEE THING- A. BET 'WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN WON IN A C0MF0KTAM.E MANNER. There were two of tho men in our cantr of Pennsylvania oil-well drillers and blasters who woro constantly fool ing with nitro-glycerino. They would tko ohances that would make your hair stand on ond, and tho trouble was they imperiled the safety of many others. Ono of their favorite pastimes was to got ont after noon-day lunch and toss a two pound can of stuff as far as they could heave it. I more than onco saw them stand fifty feet opart, and on thrco or 'our occasions saw the can miss their clutch and fall to tho earth. Our foremen and oil the other men did o great doil of swearing over this foolishness, and once thojmen weo discharged for it, but thoy were taken back after a time, and as wo grow moro used to tho stuff wo took more chances. Ono day the men got ont with their can, and as tho fnn was about to begin our foreman said : "Boys that nonsense will be tho death of yoc yet.'' "Bet you 10 to 5 it won't!" ono 01 them. "Yes, and I'll bet you 10 to 1 it won't," bluffed tho othor as he shook his wallet at tho foreman. Tho lattor failed to cover, and ai ho Bauntered off down the hill I followed him. We had walked about 200 feet when we woro suddenly lifted up and thrown flat to tho earth, and then fol lowed a crash whioh seemed to havo rockpd tho continent. As soon as wo conld get np wo ran back to tho der rick, or whero tho derrick was. It had disappeared, as well as our shanty, and on tho site was a hole into whioh you oould havo dumped a cottage. Not tho slightest scrap of the two can tossers could bo found, and tho foroman and I stood for Beveral minutes staring into tho oavity. Then ho suddenly slapped his leg, waved his hand in dis trust and crowled: "What a two story fool I was not to take those bets! ' JY. X. am "If pop had blanketed you in the stable you would be fat, too." FREEQet from your dealer free, the S& Uook. It has handsome pictures and vuliiaulo Information about horses. Two or tbreo dollars for a sa Hor&o Blanket will niako your horse worth moru anu eat icsi to Keep warm. replied Cryptograms by Stamps. A BYSTESt OK BECIIET COIlllESrONDENCE 11Y MEANS OV I'OTTAGE STAMPS. Secret correspondence by means of postage stamps might very easily bo carried on. A postago Btarap can bo stuok on eaoh of four corners of an en- ve'opo in at least twelvo different nosUions, -18 in nil. These twelve dif ferent positions can be repeated on quite eitrht to ten othor points of tbo envelope, if st is square and of good b'uo, 00 to ICO in all. This will give us, gay, 120 different modes, oasily distinguishable ono from another, of applying a stamp on an envelope. Let each one of these different posit ions cr modes (or as many ot thorn ns nro wanted) ropresent a word orn sent once, and let theso words or sentences bo tabulated so as to form a code, such as is mod by those who telegraph to very distant parts of tho world-and tho system of correspondence is complete.. If adontcd (and I dare Bay it lias ai ready ueen adopted), it would, I foar be used prinoinal'y by lover, but it might evidently bo used as a oipher for all purposes, ana n cipher mat oould not possibly bo found out unless tbo oodu wore laid noiu oi. Ask for' 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to unit every body. If yon can't get them from your dealer, write as. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE li'A LADEl JlanuJM bv Arum fr,-ji. ) hldiilrv 'vlic 3U .o tUn tamo.-.i Uorv Br 'i 1 1". it;i-r i:iinWt CLOTHING I CLOTHING G. W. BKRTSOH, THE MEItOlTANT TAILOR. Furnishing Soois,lais & k:: OF EVKHV INSCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notico and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. Gall and examine tho largest and best selected stook of goods over shown in Columbia county. Btore next door to First National Dank MAIN STREET, BIoomHburir Pa. Admission to tho French Exhibition costs only live sous during its closing days. 1,000 REWA.RD f to M y on who win oontndld uj pxwi our cuum uw Acme Blacking WILL NOT INJURE LEATHER. Worxr & Kjurooira. K .V. l.tAlllMn tf n ( trv t tin fi Jlrrv. Insmethod: llui& a ptrip of leather lu bottle ol Acme blocking, sod Imto it then for a day cr T.k. it ml n1 hftna it tin tn Art inri x wnlneltBCOndltloncaMfallj, We recommend ladjf tomtits a riimiar tet witairencn irwinar. ana gentlemen witb any Imrjid eolation of Papte lilk in it nr with liauid btiLrkiiui that oomeatn atone iujr. Wolft'sACMEBlacking Makes aoj kind of leather WATERPROOF. SOFT, AND DURABLE. U iMuUfaL rich, (1I.OKH V POLISH ll an- equaiea. MM taoor ana annoyance. A Pollnh r.nntn it Bf onth for IVninWi nd A Uffk for .llen.mdonllnmcm Leather mi Four Months without ranoratioc, WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHiUDEtPHU. loll b7 Shoe MUirao, Unxxirfl, U3 Gwerl gsoii USE n Wn Fresh YGUR era mm 0 up to say good night to mamma, nnd as alio approached nor door ot tier room, sho heard out of tho dirkness her mother repeating in slow, moasur ed tones, "The Lord is my shop' herd, I shall not want," and at tho ond of overy scntoncn saying in londer tones "Do you hcarf Tho young girl hesitated a few moments, and the slow mo isured tonos continued as tho psalm proceeded and the question 'JJo you hear wm reiterated. She became alarmed, and ran down starirs with all possiblo spoed to in form the other membors of the family that mamma had Biirclv lost her rea son ; that sho was alone in tho dark ness of her room repeating tho Twenty Third psalm asking tho Lord overy fow moments, in loud tones, if He heard. Sho beggad somo on.) to go w th hor, to ascertain what had hap pencil, and after securing tho servico' of an older member of tho househould tho two, tremb'in!: with fear and cx oitement, tiptoed up to tho room, and entering softly, approachod tho bed aud asked in suluued tones, "Aro yo.i ill, minima' What is the matter I' Tho reply was "I am not ill. but I am very tired.'' There was a half- hour ot creat anxiuty boforo tho real stato of affairs ias oxpl lined. A Listener, in December Winn Aw.vkk. AValablaaad Unions Buiim 0dhr Tho most convenient, valuable, and unique business table or desk, for 1890. h the Columbia Uioyclo Ual endor and Stand, issued by tho Pope Mfg. Co., of IJoslo , Mms. The Cat endar proper is in tho form of a pad containing 3GG leaves, eaoh 5ix2f in ono lor eaoli day ot the year, to oe torn off dally, and one tor the entire year, A portion ot each leat is lett blank lor memoranda, and as tho loaves aro uot pasted but sowed at the end, any entire leaf can bo exposed whenever desired lsy an ingenious device tho loaves tear off indopependenlly, leaving no stub. Tho pad rests upon a portable stand, containing pen rack and penoii holder, and when placed upon a desk or writ ing-tabln tho entire suifaeool the date leaf is brought directly, and Iclt con stantly, before the eye, turninhing datf and memoranda impossible to bo over looked. Iho stand is made of colored wood, mounted with raised lettrrs in brass, and is practically indestructible. Tho days of the week, tho number of tho bays ot tho year past and to come aro cpecihed, and upon each slip appear quotations pertaining to cycling from leading publications and prominent writers; and although this is the hith year of tho Calendar, they are fresh and new, mentioning tho notable events in cycling, opinions of medical author ilies, clergymen, and other professional gentlemen, tho rights of cycling slat istics, reco'ds, advise about costumes directions for road making and other interesting matter, the whole forming virtual encyclopaedia of cycling. Besides the cycling quotations there are many perlainiug to typewriting, with occasional reference to the type writers made by tho Pope Mfg. Co. Tho information contained on tho Cal endar, would, if placed in book type, make a lair-sized volume. tend ;d to divert a largo proportion of Its toningo from the Lehigh Valley railroad to tho Holding, and tho build- Ing of the hrauuh line will bo tho first step towards carrying out this project. Tho firm is very friondly to tho Head ing railroad, and is not .tmio.ibly dis posed towards tho JiilngN valley, as Its suit now lielore tho interstate com memo oommissiou attests. C.H.PEARSON &C2.-5 -BALTIMQRE,Md, fl VOICE m. r m .Mu rt MB froffl Ohio. II, r- I ft Dortnlt at Mr. Cirri. ion. of HhIciii. ULlu. M, wntcli " V at work on Linu tut tttO ft Month I I now bftvo as aemr r r K. CAllao J. Co, album, aud inLlC .atlona and oAcn maka MUO a la,M (B1JUI4I W, II.UaBHIUft. Wllliaul Khna, llarrl.burr, 'a . wrlleat "1 hata navrf known aujrlhins to Ball Ilka your all.u.u. 1 cilerda? 1 lo-k rjr, auouab to mr ma over HISA." W. J. LI. mora, Uanror. (a., writaai "I laaaauorucr lor Jour aiouniai almoat avcry houaa 1 Uit Mr fruuiiauuan ai murita, vaa or I ai n f to day a wotk." otbmrdulnirquilamllt na.a no, wymrm 10 aira i. :ta from Ihrlr Irllira. r.vrrv lia Ukrl huld of Ihl, araud liualua.a lill.a un ai.n.l iirnfli.. niiiiii hu Binn I. yi ll in iiiim llllhlllt-hs, rcadrrr Wrlta toua and laam all about It for youra.lf. Wa araalartluK nianjt waHlllalan you If ,ou dou I delay uolil auolhrr yna ahrad of yuu in )our part of tba rounlry Ifyuu laka bolit yuu Mill ba ablrto b k up rold fatt. OaICi'lld- Oi, aciounl of forced manufacturer a aala 121..00U Ini flullnr I'li.itwsntpll Allilinift arelo ba auld tolba beopla for mid each. Uouud In Itoyal Crlmion Silk lel 1'lu.b. Clianuliialy decorated ioaldea, llandaoturit atbnmaln tlia norld. Utrerat Vltt, (irealeit baryaina oer ktiowii. AKeuia HWUrd. labtral terma. Ula money for ag-rute. Anyouaran beeuu-ftaucceiif,ulayeut. Helli ilealf on aikbt lillla or nr lalkivf teLe.aary. W baraver aliOMti, eyery one want, to our. coaae. Afenu lake ibuuiaoa or ordea Mitb llj)idly never t-anira auoMii, t.rrat ronia aualt every worker, Afrutaara luaklujf fortuiiea. Ladieamaka aa inurb aa nien. .ou.rrader, taudoaaHall aaaneone. Kull luforniationainllarnii free. to Ibuae who etrlla fur eeroe, with iarticulara aud tennafurocr taurily Hitlea, Hooka ftud I'ertodkala After you know all. Ad.U.., If. V. ALLLS A CO, AIOUIIA, lUl'kl Jan. lMD-ly. Tub Ladiks' Homb Jouusai. is con coded to bo tho queen of all domestic periodicals. It has secured that no'i lion by believing in women and homo as tho two greatest factors of human life. It has aimed to oovor ovory do- larttnent of lifo in which womu nro intcrostcd. Its great purnoso had been to make woman s daily Hto easier a' brighter. Its literature is bright and popular and by tho foremost authors of America and Europe. Its illustrations are tho most beiutiful that knowledge nnd monev can buv. For 1890 tho JoimNAt. has a most promising prospectus, including pu features as a new regular department by Kov. t. JJeWitt Talnugo, l). ll 15 departments lor woman s daily lite. side-talks with girls, practical house. keeping, artistic needlework, tlio latest fashions, all about (lowers, facts for mothers. Ono dollar per year. lOcts. per copy. (Juims 1'uiiusiiiNii Uo 133 Arch St., Philadelphia. Tha Eplderalo Oass Non-Suited- I'f.VMOUTII S WAT Kit CO.Ml'ANV NOT 1IKI.I) ItESlON81IH.K roil A NURSES lMl'RUDUNCE. During tho Spring of 1885 an cpid oraio of typhoid fever raged in Ply month caused by contaminated water, William liuckingham, who lost two children from the disease nnd nurriod three others during their serious illnesi brought suit forheavy damages against the water company. Himincnt counsel was employed on both sidt-s nnd Dk Shikespearo and If.ird, of Pnilad, lphia, and several local phyBicans gave exiert tesiiuiony. It was shown by tho ovi'leno that tho water had been polluted thro igh tho rarelcHsness of a nurse. Tho water company know nothing of tho imprud ence of thf; nurs, 8r tho caso was non suited last week on tho ground that tho company was not negligent. pj 3aw iii!$ji&jk T"ULAWAKH LACK A WA NaN A & WHSTERaV RAILROAD. lll.OOMSDUllO DIVISION. STATIONS. r. M. n iii 6 5 Noitrn. r.M, A St. NOKTMUMBKRt.AND. Otmcroti unuiin'ty ii.inviui , ui (nliwlss.i O'.'J llupert iiloomsburg 0 31 Kspy , 141 i.imi; itiHicu nu'j Willow drove... 0 51 lirl irereck o M llcrn-IcK 1 1'5 Iteacii llavi n 1 11 lllok's Ferry t is xiilckslilmi- TSO IhlrjiolKs 741 Namtcnke., o:iil. In I'D Mi will I'lvinmlli Junction. KUKSloti Iii-niiflt Milt-ir Wyoniliiif Went, rntston IMtlston I.ick.iw.mni TaslorUU't..'. Iioucnin scmsion STATIONS'. ftl 7 SI 7 69 801 SOS S 12 817 H'U 8 87 s:i3 S 10 84S SM U0I r.M 1 M) 2 11 i'm S 33 li 41 3 SO 3 38 3' i 3M 4 (I 'i 4 01 4 11 4 1'. M. . M, io no n n 11113 io m 104 10 43 lose 10 5T 11 05 11 I'i ll in 11 20 11 31 II 31 11 rIS 11 4S 11 M 11! Oil It 10 !'.UJ 12 31 IS 27 IS 31 14 3, U40 13 4. 13 M 1 01 1011 1 15 1 30 (ISO nn8 7 0 7 13 7 20 7!7 731 7 31 7 41 7 411 7 rs 8 0S S 17 8 ! s as 8 33 H3S 841 8 49 SM 8 r.S II 01 9 0U V 17 !5 11 80 U33 AT YOUR SERVICE With the heat lino of Overcoats in Philadelphia for Men, Youths tuul Children. No nintter what kind of nn Overcoat you want you will find it here, made in our well-known reliable way, at tho lowest jirices. A. C. YATES & CO. LKDaEll DUILDINO. Sixtli and ChcBtnut. Ml Kg: BAKERS UND CONFECTIONERS ff Exchange Block, WHOLESALE Bloomsburg, Pa. and RETAIL r. u. r. m i-OUTH. A.M. 0 10 A.M. JD0 (l5 inw ill OS 1013 10 S3 10 S7 10 30 10 31 10.H 104! 1047 10 51 10 51 1103 11 13 1133 1131 11 40 r. m. r. m 113 0 20 I Opted Clams Bracbn and Mnb. 3H3 310 2 18 3 31 3 IK) SC It ANTON ltd 07110 0 11 Tiiylorvlllo mo I. tOKaWltnu t. tv- rutKton K3) West nttiton 0 4! Wyn Mint t-47 Mult by 6 .11 llnnnelt 3 Kingston 5S I'lymomli Junction 7 0.1 l'lrmoiitti 7 10 Wondile 7 14 Nantlcnko 7 lu mullock's 7 vo Klilckshtnny 7 37 nick's Ferry 75 Iteach Haven 8 01 liernlck hii7 lirttrCfcek mi Willow drove. 8 1(1 I.lmoltldgo 8 30 Kspy. 8 3.1 Iilooinaburf 8 33 Hupert 37 CnuwtKsa s 13 lUn.llle 8 57 Cliultsky ramcron 007 NOKTIIDMBKKI.ANI) 9 31 A.M. ConnO'2tlim at liniTt Willi Ueadlni; lutlrovl for T.uninnl. Tmaqus, Will. I.iinsnort. suab-irv. IMaiUlle. etu. At North'tm. Iierlninl with I'. H. Dir. I'. It. ll tor IlirrUDurir. Lock Haven, Emnorlu-n, W.tri'ia, ')rty, anl lirlj w. r. UALiS l iliAU, ttan Mail., Bcranton, I'a. 2 3? 2 40 2 45 2 5i 2 5T 2 59 3 Oil 3 20 H HI 3 lil 3 17 3 61 3 57 4 03 4 09 4 15 4 33 4 2 4 13 451 5 IO 5 15 9 43 P. M. r. M. l'U'l.vlelphl.i li 11 50 11 51 13 01 12 01) 13 12 '2 17 12 32 lTlT 12 53 0 25 f. ! 0 37 0 45 li m 6 55 0 69 7 03 707 7 12 7 10 7 21 7 25 7 41 7 56 807 S 8 8 20 8 27 H31 8 81 8 II 8 47 8 52 8 57 9 15 Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Oyster DPaxloxs atta-cled. Cnne and tpv our FAMOUS 15 Cent Stews. 'S- WIIOI.F.SALK DEALERS iti Pennsylvia'a Railroii. ion J.R. SMITH & CO L1M1TEO. MILTON, Pa. Died On Wednesday, Sept. 25, near Iioono, Iowa, John O. Hess nge 78 year, 5 months ami 21 days. We clip tho following from a Boone couuly paper, lowa: Tho dt ceased was born in Lincaster county, I'a. in 1811. In 1839 he mar ried iican Moore, ami commenced life on a farm in Sugirloaf township. Col umbia county, I'a. Ho subsequently removed to Lycoming county, and in 18oS lett the koystono state and lo caled io LiSalle county, Illinois, sub eequently removed to laeo county, whero ho rcuained until 1HGG, when he mado h'n last change and located In Iioono county, lowa. During all theso years ho was an honest, indus trious, tiller of the Boil, a phin Penn Bvlvanm farmer, whoo paper was nev er discounted, and wuose word was a his bond. Ho leaves a valuable estate to tho widow and children who sur- vivo him, his father, Christian Hess, was a soldier in tho war of 1812, and received a land warrant for his ser vices, that was locate 1 near Lawrence, Kansas, in 185C, by his son Henry W Hess, who now resides at Unionville, micmgan, mo deceased raised a family of nino children, seven sons and two daughters, tho oldest sons N, M. lioss ana s. M. ileus cnlieted in tho early days of tho war and both lost their lives in tho servico of tho country iu 18G5. Five sons and ono daughter remain and reside near tho old homestead m Iowa, except II. W. and UyruB who reside n ar KnoxviUo None of tho children cvor married. Tho deceasud was a member of the German Lutheran church, and died with tho christian hope, of tho roward that aw aits thote who conscientiously observe tho teachings of (Jhrist. Tha Border Raid Okta Tho claim whioh Pennsylvania pres ents to congress for tho payment of the losses siistiiuod by certain of her citiz ens during the late war is- a just one and must not bo in any way confined with the large mass of claims of indi viduals from other states ariing out of the war. Of course it would bo impos sible for congress to reosgnize this latter class ot claim, for their nam.? is legion and their piyment would be impossible. Tho claims of Pennsylv ania havo been rocioguized by the state, adjudicated by competent tribunal and liquidated by the state with a cert fioa e issued lo overy claimant which is good lor tno amount named therein when ever the general government shall put the stato in position lo them. They differ in every respect from tho tindig ested individual ohims which threaten to invade congress from other qtrters; and this difference; congresmen should b ar in mind when thoy como to con sider the bill presented by Pennsilv- ania. lphia & Erio R. R. Divis and Northern Central Railway. TIME TABLE. lu esct Nov. io. 1W Trilns lfuvesun&ir EABTWAltD 11.1.1 h. m., Sea Shore Express (dally except v;n i j, tar iiarruu'irgtnaiuujrcieaiateataiioLii arriving tit rtumnpipmaa.ioi?, m. j nevt orK iMtin,: liaiumore. 3.10 n. m. : Waolntrion 5.51 p. in., conned lr.s; at rnll-utelDhla for all sea snore p-jinlh. Thro'tsli pasaumror coach to rnu&ar.tun,. 1.3 in. m. Div Kxnro Jally otcet.t Sunday), for llitrrlsburpand Inierrae- aiate siauana, nrnving ai ruiinaeipn a 11.50 p.m.: Now York. H.35 p. m. : llaltlraorr 3.45 p. m. ! Washlnctou, S.15 p. ra. rarlor car Cyj, (bocscfo, (D&nj-, Fvoftj arA Holy. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. eist js3"r goods -A- spEOiAinr, SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's". Fine Cut Chewing Tobaoco. Sole agents of the following brands of Gears i Honry Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver AeL Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, ai ttilmn t Oranr5c5, Lemonj, ream IW5. . l i Entijh WatnMij. Fop 8er fVUls. BLOOMSBURG, PA. c. B. Robbies, turougti to SanitaryBureau, New York Oity. Dr. Cyrus Elson of Now York Health Department prescribes Sneer's Port Grape Wiuo in his practice as tho putest and most reliablo wine to be Pad and his opinion is endorsed by his associates as will bj seen from the following letter: Now York, Decembor 9, 1889. Tho Speer N. J. Wine Co., Ucntlemen: Havintrnsed ymr Port Wino to a largo oxtcnt in my family in cases of sickness and found it to bo all that was recommended of it by my family physician, I desire to purchase it by tho dozen bottles. lvespectfully yours. Jasiks Bur an, Sanitary InspecUr Health Depart ment, Now York City. Druggists keep it. ;); in PIANOS, lJrttic following well known male-re; Chiclccriii, Ivnabc, Weber, Ilallet & Davis. Can also furnish any of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. J")o not buy a piano be foro getting our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. 8 Mt-P-U. -TUouiaia bay a Uh:u tmnuainjbily curoq by i'i 1 1 L A li K I. I'I 1 1 A. I'A . 1 -an? it once, no ojwrnt Ion ur kw ur timo ttuiu biulne. lf uroucutu-l lu curatW by uttivr uaiaeU. tttwlfur t'irculv CURE GUARANTEED, omlwuij. Aug. 0 9j ly. OHX MY HEAD!! SaOerlnfr of k Nnr Jirxr Reoaior. Dt peptda, Slek II eiflavclio. Terrible Thlntrav. Vben tha lomKh li iarvIA 11 anen boamaa (rl villi tali Olfwted xutten, tha tlood fcaoomu TltUladaUfoiili tha ctbar onruia (all to act nor. zcallj, anil Inflocaa a train ot lymptocu, such u in tvpala. sick baaOacha, dltslnau, drowalDaai, palpita tion o( the bears, pain In tba baek.loaa of anUt, "Tbara an (mr Uilcai that I believe In with all my beart and It afford aa pleaann lo tell of on ol them.'1 Tha peeler wa ex.Benator Albert Merrill, bead of tha large fruit firm. 83 Tart: Place, M. T, and tba aoena hit offlo. "I iu atck and leand I bad Caoome latad to andur th The Oreat Iron Roads. boven hunilrcd nnd twenty-two miles ot tlio groat 1 rans-Amlean Hail way. intended to connect Valparaiso witn ijuyonos Ayres, aro open and tho remaining 149 miles aro expected to be completed iu 1892. The summit level is 10,450 feet above tho sea, and tho summit tunnel will be threo miles long Tho Canadian Paoifio Railway Com. pany lias contracted for threo fast steamships of G00O tons oach for tho new line from Vanoouver to Yoko hama and Hong Koni. Thoy aro to bo ready in 1890. Threo thousand three hundred and twelvo miles of railway havo boon con structed In tho Uuited btatcs this year, and ol these li)5ii aro in tlio South. 'blladclnhla and Dfissontrer concnon I I nvautjn to ruuitutijpuii ana itaiumore. 8 01 p. m. Itnaovo Accommodation (dnl igr u.irmimnr ana auiniurmsai.iioiuaiionH. trnv- ineai ranaiPipaia 1 25 .1. m. ; New Yorx7.ioa lialtlmore. 6 15 1. m. : Washlnrton n.m a. I'ullmin 9wcp!nzoiirfroni Ilaniisure to PlilUdcl. phla and New York, l'hlli lolphl 1 pisaentrers can romun in H'-ep-ir nniWT.iirni 'it'll 7 a. m. I sOi. ra. Srln MalUdillylfor llirrnburif and inicnrmiwi itiiian., arr'vinsr at raiuioipma 0.51) a. m. ,tw Vor:t, 9 n a m.; mro i.i 1'aUman Hi'jupiujj gar j Aui p mjnj-r nvn t.d raiiaaai- pi 1. 2.M a. m 1 itin K iresi (lillvi fif lUrrU. barf and 1 ifrdlitj stttDn irnvln; '. Uiltl mo'o, a. m. 1 1 1 w n 11 ur vi.n. n. 1 m. and tiroiili I'li'.lmnsio pliz oih 10 11 ilt'rn tro and wnalivitiri, anl throusl' pisiensr cjacaoi to luiun iro. WBMTWAltli. s.iua. m. line Mall (dallr). (or Erie anl Oinaulalu'ii nil Ictrmodlate stttlons. Itunei te.-. Unlo 1 1.1 SUzira Falls, wlta tbrouira 1'all- ra n I'm MOirs an 1 0 najn;orooactt?s to Erie in 1 H SI -Npw3 Expri'ss ( dally for 1 oci IlaTPD aid nirmea ate irai nna. 1.4 J !i. tn. -Niagara Kxnreaa (dally excent inn. yv or Kane, u tt.a Mua and Intermediate nta. I ttonMt beater. Uurfalo and Nlaeara Falls with I thrcn,'h a imenirer cnanhi's tn Kane and I'.ocncater I and l'arior oar co . innnisport. 3.S0 n. m. fast Lieu .ilplly except sundaylfor He- novo, n.. kins and Infrniedlatfl station?, wltb tnrniijn nnawnuer eoacmfl to Hetovo and watmns. y if n. ra. wi 1 'itnoort KXDron ( daiiv 1 tor wuu t sport and inb-rmediate stations. THllOL'OlI THAINS FOH StrNBtmr FllOMTIIK KAh i' AND SOUTH. Nvi Binrcss leaves rxtladelnhla 4.30 a.m. Ilaltlinoiv. .3T iu in llarrlaburc. 8.10 a. in. dally I arriin' auuuury a.m. Niagara KTOreaa leaves I rtuiaueipma.n &u a. m. : wuaniDKion s iu a. m. isai tlraore 9.00 a. tn. (d-i'lt except Siiodaj arrlrlnir at Suubirj, 1.11 .a.. 'lib UtrouRh rarlor car from I raiin?'pais anuviironiru pansenirercoacnee rrom l'nuaaeinnm ana nauimore. rati une leaves itew Yornu.uu a. m. : t'Diiaaei. PDia.ii.ia i. ra. : wasatojioii, 10 so a.m.: uaiti. more. 11. t5 a. tu., (dally -icept MiQday) arriving at I Duuuurv, o..w p.m. wuu mru'uu pwieoger uuat-ues irum rnuaa'iimri aa'i tiaiinnore WIIPaTiaior l!n s laivei Nvv Yo-k 20-) n. tu t'uii.ijj pittv it.ia p in w usiiinztoa 3 a 1 d. m. ti4iuiti.jru 4..ia n. m. iaiuy 1 urri?iaj at Banourr a. 1.1 p. in. Erie .Mill loaves New vorit ra. : I'btiadai. dh. 11.3s d. m. : wasainvrton. 10.110 p.m.: But. mire, ll.' p. m., (dally) irrlvlo?at HunBiryis.lO wiLti mruuiru rutt'jtin stiHotnz Btra rrom lil!a.1-i!pli1a, Waslilaijton and lulttoura and mro'iiu pmnajer ooijns iro'a l'liiiiiip iu SlINIH'ltV, HA.l.ltTO.N .V WII.KK-IIIAHHK ltII.K(i ll .-l MIIITII ASH WIMT II If .Kill. IC 1 1, H A V. (tutly exonpt atinuy.) WIDtesb ttrc Mall leaven SanDurr 10.00 a. m arriving at liloom Ferry 10. is a.m., Wllkes-birrt :.iu p.m. Exnr.-ssKiat leaves Sunbury5.8SD. m.-nrrlvln? I at lllnom Ferry s.a p. m., Wllkes-barru 7.60 p. iu. m inoury .Man leaves wi isesDarre 11.17 a. m.arnv-1 lnirat. uioom r-erry 12.37 p. n, Mnnoury i.:jo p. in. uinreas west, luavea wuaea.nirrej.ii5 p. ra . vine at Uloom Fsrry 4.SJ p. tn. smb'jry 6.2) p. ra. SUNDAY Tlt.MNS. Wllkosbarro raall leavoisanoiry 10.0 1 a. m., ar I riving at lllcr-jtn Ferry 10 4e a. m., WUServ-Barre I a.m. Sunday accornmodiitloa leaves wilkHn-iurrewo p. ra.,arnvinii. uifK.ia rerr '.lip. ra Hari C1IAS. E. IHJIlll. 3. !L WOOD. (Jen. Manlier. (lou. I'aiaenger A - Foreign and Domestic m BLOOMSBURG PI uldtoin, Mby dou'tTou trr Torita KcmMr ini1iit tfnnlii-.t, t irraw- B-aiir ueiur. 1 ooui.l tat. dfv-Mt al.M workwiUi a cleirbr head, ml tbo jilluw color 3 Torturoa of Dysnonsla a dansrernn affection of tho kidney. A relal .1 ,77.5i1"eSnBa Brl lua M'w color ol my klaliMp vtn x to the tone tn.tannouu pure WoodamieYery ora of tbo botly la hUbj cUon r. Kennwiy' laTorfta Remedy Is cu titled 03U aboul tbo tmtU of my atatMncnla In wiitft to ina. 1 can trive vou tha num. itnd timo of neod," Mr. A. iileTro, titled Lia a t him iiiftrtd rf-iu'i da.tliit ''l'iwnritl p and a bknaturiti itrrriowu. t, iH wjitMoina. Icanirlvoyi of fifty peraonnwtij ami StjfAVlftJPaT -Um5 1 WM troubled will BOTMa Dllncl 6lck Hoatlacho ant 1 to Impttra blood and dlaordfrcd Uta of tbi pab-tn. f waa ixtviard to frrjl)r, Ki iiuedy'a Favor. beard of for auir dlaordf r of tlial iiaturo. and I bav lianlnl Mtirr;.. !r. Konnec alck bnadac oomplalntt FAVORITE REMEDY. JTtoo On doUir. Prerartd at noudout. N. Y. Or, Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. FraMrad by ' Dn. DATID KBNNBOY, BONDOUT, NaT. iirumiu tutiaru. ur alldrorHat. Mr. Tlioina9 Hart has tho Souther- most houBO in Kiiclaiid. Ills studio, to winch connoisseurs and ploturo fan otera are wont to raako pUi'rlmaf'OB, is situated under tho hliadow of tho Liz ard Ligbthoiisp, and tho Southermost fixtures of tho woik of human hands on th.) coastline- of old England is Mr. Hart s LioatlionHo nt tlio font ot Ins de lightful garden nnd grounds. Catarrhal Deafness anil (lay Fever. a m:w iiomi: tiikatsiiint. Suffircn nro not ernrrnlly nwaro that tlier.ii ilheiws niu eonUiKlmis, or that they nrw ilini to tlm iiii'M'iico of llvinK parasites In tlio linliiK liieinbiniiu of tlio luiau iintl eus laelilaii tubes, illeroscoiilo rcM-arch. how. ever, Ii.ih liiovvd tills to ho a fact ami tho remit Is flint 11 rJinpIo reineily lias Imii for. uiulateil whereby i'.iUtrili,catiirrlialUenfncss nml hay fever 1110 permanently cured In from ono to threo Miup.o npiilleatlons mado nt homo liy tho patient onco in two weeks, rt, 1. "i or riuumiiii imeiiurue peculiar tq teuy is a Fpeeinc, IIBHJCI1IIIT8 -IN- A IMI !1S, Sew Mack iATSNTS veats ml FtWi A 1 i ooniai 1. in t ill 8la3iaooU ut'JlO." 1 )0'S't ri5 if (Si. mm omen is omhii'b u. s iu '.jj OfKICK Wo have no aub aieneles, all busiu Ir-cl, inii'eoi'i irniiet patent builiiejjliu line and aims co-iritian tuoae remetotii ,1 Wasbtnt;laii. send model, drawlu;, or pliata,nltb deserli'tl' 1. We adTlso If patentable or not, free of cli.t.j.'. Our fee not due till p neat 13 secured. A bookV'ilow to oat 'itnlMtenU, "with reference oaotml elljntsla your St iw, county, or town, dot f rou. Address A. SNOW & CO., opposite. I'&tern dm rt Wasiilor.ou, D.0 K'-jS ew OA i at WaJ 3ta . yrrrr DOLT.Ans for LIFE SCHOLARSHII1 XjaMEaS' BUSINESS COLLEGE HOI) Cbfatnut Kt., Pblladt. rohltloni. furllrnduutea. Titnttretiulrrdatoluio. 7if;r j-.ijuiipea, iitn ('oome ot Mudr, fArcufan Tol you name mu jw. jr k, WltiLIAMf, AUCTlONEElt. llLOO.MSHUlid, I'A. 23al Sstato Bsught and SjH. I'artf-s iltnirlus lolmy linifenititl W ieons vouni do wi 11 1.1 rail un ihe .iliotru AXLE SE 1IKST IN TIIR ivautt IU Wfarlrg qualltloa aro unmri i;i . ' rctuallr outlaatlnii two Imica of any 011,1 r I r Wot onactod brb-at. Ull'i; Till; (;i:i. ihmj. alcrcbunta and llru-r Crnert Mr. DJSEA8SS OF SWEl OUIY lUuodaVieou.l)la aatrof Kl.lutra.lJUdtlarNllcl itbaror. t.raiiaaaiia.naituua v uuir.aJMVaianauoii ie aatMor rrarain yauinaraataaediiraDar females (whites) this leinei A ti.iiuiihlet extilahiliiif this Is sent on receipt ot feu cents liixox tV SiN. m West KliiK St Ciiiiaila. Hctatllfio American. by A. II. , Toronto, 1 H 1 1211 iI4a'. HAHKliR'8 MAID n A I CAM Cleatuct and Uaunliej tha bair. I. .V...W.L. m iu una nt Krowin Navar Fail to Raitora Qray Hi .1. I.V...iLe.l r.t ' ITKftiU I tan trnil anl hair fitllUig -AT- f . SUV. Music - - - Warerooms L iaeiiiaiii.l la enrad. Unnu'taltoft nA tritla4aCaMalrdl.ra br nt.lL Maitaaa UK. UK1HUUC, 171 rr IxVi BL. iaaW IlL. Sufferera from calarrhil Uoublu CHICHEtaTEn'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. lUnl Cron Dlumuiul lduinl. Tbaanlr rcllatll. nlU far ul. N anl Kllfat k lrug(tlt (or ,l ilia. wuRHiiruiaiiM rra ukiaihq ixix, t4i4 lUitilwtlbUia. TtaLaoovtbrr. Ha4-lt, ltavrnrtt) fur batriiaiuUTa auul Mit.llr r..a 12 0tMw, TO POULTRY k WILD GAME SHIPPEBS WANTED. llutter, Cheese, I'.ggs, Hears, Oime, Hops, Meat an J SttKlc. rotatoes. Vui-etaliles. Dress. el ami Live I'ojltry, l'rults ot all kuuU, Pop Corn, Honey, llcenwax, (iuisen, Maple Suaar, Apples, Grapes, Cranherrie., 1'urs ami SUtu, U' E. M. BALUIRD & GO., Produce anj General Commission Merchants. I tir"78l Mjrtls Avenue, (noar Wall About Mar. kft.) Urooltlyn, N. V. 10 l-8m. SALESMEN udttUll liaJa. wa tvi-a thai UBB tiDulWorrt1aajUMtaUarUL UbcrsU vWy (Aid. ViiMtr Ml 1mI Um, Mf iwm4 W km 4114f,tt,rMfciC MiMsliw, IVmiIiswUI Mfg ',rlMOTlB.wrtMiaM,ieW P, H. HGBTy. Ps. J. A. PAULHAWU8, AOERDEEN. SOUTH DAKOTA The rontmcri'lAl ami railway ocnter of tba two Dakota tjcir.terlibtiuliuarUr.' vawai Wo can "in r ummlora cbolpa (roarantwd T prr Not, acini oimilal farm iitortatw; a, Mvurwl b the Uat farm l.iull In builtU Ilukot. Wt alao Isaue wrtl0rati of uViKjelt for lamt Umoi.tba. at Iperorat rr atintim. It Juu uionilllnzaurolavnitiiiiitita. we kuow II lll ir ?".l!.t'!i V'H" I"' ?"r l"""lb'a Mcb krl'M full In ilVMlHl "I'I1 rofi-miota. KKVBTONE UoltTOaOB !.,l.l.Ah'; AU.nlia-n.e-iiith liaktiu. Or-Orr Lftwaon. V. l' ll Cboaluul ba. riiU.lLlilaTi'. 11-6 I'rT. " HINDERCORN8. itaa PA tae ftoiai. timtau.l t..tiiuTivi.tieiiiuly fur all Hi. aiialsaT tlW0defwUluuUllWu. laloliliuia. iMjX II S it 1m. ASTHMAt! uaoo aailaiad, I.TArr lilia, BKCURED. butlla auu Vru to U-U-d-tt.