THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. t The Columbian. TIIK mm o. s. Eiwsii, J. Ei BlUenbonlor., Editor i. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FIUDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1889. Tlio jury In tho celebrated Cronin oaso on trial at Cliicayo Bovcral weeks riaat. bronchi, in a verdiot on tho lfith, sentencing Cougblln, Hurko and O'Sul- livnn to imprisonm?nt tor 1110, giving Kunzo thrco years, and liberating Beggs. Tho jury was out sovoral days. DUDLEY OFflOIALLT DEFENDED. Tho virtuous indignation of nil classes of Indianapolis citizons was aroused when tho Indianapolis Jour nal, John C. Now's paper, appeared with an intorviow with Distnot-At- . ni.n.r.l.ipa n lol.iMi I. rtnt tUlUUV UUillUUUID 111 IIU IlUb I only justified his action in tho Dudloy manor, uui gioneu m us rusuus. a no I plan ndoptcd to bring Dudley to jus tico was tho samo as that practicod by tho Republicans in tbo Coy case, when tho Grand Jury failed to Indict him, ho was taken before a commie eion and ovidonco was thus obtained that enabled a subsequent Grand Jury to indict. It was with the hopo of doing the samo thing that tho warrant was issued lor uuuiey s arrest, in tho course of his interview in tho Journal the District-Attorney declar ed that "ao-oalled Dudley letters, con strued in the light of the knowlcdgo that wo all possess of how elections in Indiana arc conducted by both parties, have nothing m them ot criminal char actor: but upon tho other hand, when bo construed, aro honorable, and indi catfl simply a patriotrio interest in elections. Tho expressions of opinions called ont by this intoiviow wero all unfavor able to the ofhcial and many citizens donouncod him in unmeasured terms. Tho Evening Newt, which supported Harrison, demands Chamber's instant removal and says : What does Air. Chambers know T Who aro his associates! Certainly this standard of public morals raako his incumbency ot a public oflico a shame and disgrace. President Harri eon owes it no less to himself than to the public service and to this commun ity to promptly relievo Mr. Ufaambers Tho knots of Crawford County might approve as "honorable" and as "indi cating a patriotic interest in elections" advico to "divide floaters into blocks of fivo" and to put a "trusted man' with tho "oesoessary funds" in chargo of each block and "mako him resnon siblo" that "none gets away," but civil ized sooioty doesn't. This whole Dudley episodo seems to havo left its slimy track on all the precincts dedi cated to tho United States here. Tho impotonoo of its machinery to ferret out this scoundrelly attempt to do bauch a State, particularly after it showed what it could do with Coy, has weakened public respect. To see uoi DuQioy swagger in and swagger out, decorated with congratulations liko a hero, has aroused public contempt. To near the federal prosecutor praising ,. r m i . . r ins miamy as -nouuniuio ana pain otio calls for public scorn and invites tho repudiation of this community and this state. The Now York World of tho 14th Bays : Apparently tho Administration has ordered that Mr. W. W. Dudley be not arrested for his infamous attempt to corrupt the voters of Indiana in be half of Air. Harrison. It is a notori ous fact that be did write tho "blocks' of-fivo" letter. Ho escaped indictment by tho connivance of federal Judge Woods, who discovered that it was not a crime to attempt to bribo votors On tho affidavit and complaint of Mr. John A Lang the Federal Commis sioners made out a warrant for Dud ley's arrest in Indianapolis on Thurs day. Tho warraut, however, has not been served, because United States District-Attorney Chambers has dl reeled Commissioner Van Buren to keep it in his pocket. This is an impudent and wicked do nlal of justice. It is worthier of the dark days of tho English Star Cham ber than of these latter days, and of this freer country in whose courts of law all men, rich and poor, high and low, aro supposed to stand on an equal footing. Such conduct as that of which theso Republican judicial offio ers aro guilty would have been an ontrago before the Constitution of the United States was dreamed of. It woulJ havo been an attack upon the medircval privileges of Englishmen. It is said, and it is probably - true, that this tyranny is in obedienoe to orders from Washington. No won der, then, that Dudley dares to show himself in Indianapolis, and that he and Judge Woods are jooular over the defeat ofiustico and tho triumph of a gravo political crime. Death of Dr. Higbee. Dr. E E. Iligbee, superintendent of public instruction, died last Fridiy morning at his home in the city of hiu caster. For nearly nine years and by the appointment of three successive governors he served tho peoplo of this otato with singular fidelity and purity and singleness ot purpose, as tho lion orcd lifad of tho educational depart ment of tho Stato government Ho was born Alaroh 27, 1830, and graduated from the University of Ver mont in 184'J. lie received Ins pro fessional oducation at tho theological fcomiuary at Alercersburg, in this Stato and entored tho ministry in 185G. He became professor of languages in Heidelburg Colledge, Ohio, in 1859, but three years later removed to tho oity of Pittsburg and resumed his labors in tho ministry. Soon after ho returned, as ono of its professors, to tho Thoolozioal Seminary from which ho graduated and in 18G9 was olectcd to tbo presidency ol Alercersburg Uollege, which position ho filled unlil his ap pointment as superintendent of public f. . ; ,oo, 1 .1.1.. lusiruuiuiu in 1001, uuu una liuiur oflico ho held by reappointment in 1885 and 1889 until tho time of his death. Dr. Iligboo was a man of broad culturo a polished and thoughtful scholar, o ancient and modern thought and literature. As an in structor, his extraordinary attainments and varied resources brought to him abundant success in every department or elfort, and as nu educator .in us broadest and best sense ho had attain ed a rank among the first in tho nation. Tho teachers of the Stato and his associates iu tho groat work of oduca tion lovo-J him with a filial devotion and the Commonwealth trusted hira as pure, noble, trno and honest man. Franklin B. Oowen Dead. FAMOUS lMll.IlOAl) I.AWTBII COMMITS SUICIDE. Wasiiinoton, Deo. 14. Franklin D. Gowen, a well-known lawver of Phila delphia and at ono tlmo '.Picsldent of the I'liilauelphia and Il ruling Hatlroad Company was found dead in his room at Wormlcv's Hotel, shortly after noon to-day with a bullet, wound in his head. Tho door of tho room was locked on tho insido and on tho floor lay tho pistol with which tho wound was inflicted. It was undoubtedly a cao of suicide. No theory is advanced to account for tho act, except that of Air. CiOA-i'ti s fnond", who bchovo that in a fit of melancholy, to which ho has ueen mbfpot ot late, ho Yielded to a suicidal impulse and fired tho fatal shot. Air Qowen arrived in this oity last Monday and took up his quarters at Wormley's Hotel, whero ho has been a liuest when, at freoncnl intervals, his law business brought him to this oity. On this occassiou Air. Qowen canio hero as attornoy of Goorco llicc, of - - - . - -' j o ' I.I , . t - - Marietta, 0., who for soveral years has tako testimony. "."""B ",v - lur. jviuu nail uuiriiu mill, uuiuiu tuu Interstate Commerce (Jommission rcatnst the SouthwoHteran rallroadi tor discrimination in lavor ot tho busi' ness of tho Standard Oil people and acainst his own and other privato cn terpriscs. Un Tuesday, Wednesday ' v.. . and Thursday Air. Uowon nraued a oaso l.eforo tho full Commission, dis playing his fino ability to excellent ad' vantage. His argument was clear and forcible, and his mental vigor seemed unimpaired. He afterwords expressed his confidence that he would win the case in whioh ho was engaged. Yes terdav afternoon Air. Gowcn took hii kev lrom tho room oierk at wormloy s and went to bis apartment. At about 5 o'clock ono of the chambermaids en tered his rooms to provido towels and water and found Air. Uowen putting on his coat "to go for a walk," as ho said, lie was not afterwards seen alivo at tho hotel. He carried with him a small bag, such as lawyers uso for holding bnels and other docu' raents. NONE HEARD THE SHOT. His whereabouts untill about 8 o'clock have not yet been traced, but at that hour ho was met by eoveral acquaintances in front of the Riggs House, on 1'iiteentii street, opposite tho Treasury Department. IIo chatted pleasantly for bvo minutes, appearing to bo in the best of spirits, and then walked briskly towards his hotel, a block above, on the same street. About 9 o'clock a chambermaid noticed that his door was locked from tho inside. Air. Gowen has always boon an early riser, ircquently leaving his room at 7 o'clock. At about 8 o'clock a chain bormatd attempted to enter his room to put it in order, but discovered that it was still locked on tho inside, the key being in place. Supposing that Mr. Qowen desired to sleep later than usual she did not disturb him. Sbo tried tho door at various times, however, until finally at 1 o'clock, becoming fright ened, she reported the fact to tho hotel othco Air. James Wormloy, acoompanied by Policeman Cross, tho day cltrk, and a porter, knocked loudly on tho door, but receiving no response, procured a step ladder, upon u liich tbo clerk mounted. Peering in at the transom, hn was horrified to see the body of Air. tiowen lying on tbo lloor with the pistol by b'u side. Climbing through tho transom tho cloik unlocked mil opemdthe door. A has'y examination showed that the unfortunate guest had beon dead several hours The body lay upon tho floor, partly under a small table, ovidently just where it had fallen The dead man bad doubtless stood be foro tho largo mirror in the loom when ho fired tho fatpl shot. The pistol was a Smith & Wesson, 38-calibrc, brand now. It lay on tho hearth foot. from the body and its ivory handle was ormnon with blood. Tnu dead man waa very woll dressed and his coat and uuuorwear were soaked in blood Through tho wound in hn head the brains wero oozing. Air. Gowen's baggago consisted of a valise and a tin box. of legal papers in his pocket., in bills and coin, wero $12G. There wero also soino French coins, evidently oarricd as pocket pieces. UNSKEMI.Y HASTE. With a haste that iras almost un seemly the proprietor of tho hotel tele phoned to l'olico lleadquarlors for a patrol wagon. A detail ot police was speedily despatched and the body cm ed to the wagon ana removed at once to ths Morgue. As soon as Rtpro-eu tative Ma'iBh learned that the remains had beeu unceremoniously removed to tho Morgue, ho went to tho and secured an order to tako tho body to an undertakers, where it was pre pared for removal to Philadelphia. A telegram wa? shortly received by Mr, ueorge nice trom tho di-ad nun s nephew, lrancis J Gowen. stating that ho would arrive hero at 9 o'clock to night. At that hour ho reached tho city, accompanied by two friends, Capt. Linden and J. E. Hood. Gowen said: We wro unexpreasibly shocked to learn of my uuclo's death," When I saw him last he was in the best of health and spirits and no potdblo cause that wo can conceive ot can be assigned lor this rash act At 10 o'clock the remains wero taken to tho 15, A O. depot for removal to Philadelphia. Tho only theory advan cod to account for Air. Gowen's suicide u that of momentary insanity. For many months he had beon laboring assiduously in his large legal practice ana in ininu was umiouuieuiy unuor a severe tension. It is supposed that in a moment of temporary insanity ho took his own life. Mr. Gowen was a mm of tomperato habits, and during his stay in Washington did not partake of a drop of l'quor. Thero is cai'i to be n strain of hereditary iuiauity in the Gowen family. It was allirtned hcru to-nght that one of Mr. Gowen's brothers had committed suicide, whilo another duappuared mysteriously, but is suppos-d to havo doftroyed himself. The circuit stances of Mr. Gowen's death wero such that Coroner Patter, sou did not regard an inijiifst as neces sary and, no delay w;n ro-iihiug on that f core, Mr. Frauds Gowen was able to tf ko his oncle's remains to Phila delphia to-night. A "Sovereign" that OonU One Dollar. Dr. David Kennedy's Kavorito Hem edy, of Koundout N. Y,, is known to bo a certain euro for Nervousness, Deb ility, aud tho ills peculiar to women. This sovereign remedy stimulates tho S.omach, Kidnoys, and Liver to a healthy action. For all troubles of tho blood and urinary organs it has no equal, and a bottle, which costs only ono dollar, should be in overy house. 12-0 1-ra. Oonrt Frooeedlogs- December 11. On molloi. of I). V. Zarr. an attach ment issuod tor Henry Nubs. jonn m. smith appointed ctirmlinni of Gertrudo and llarman S. Smith minor children of Mary Smith. C. Kramer nimroved as stiiotv. unarics uartmao, JCioDKnl ivy, and l. A 1 ! . f John Appleman appointed lowers of a road in Mt. Pleasant near Cathariuo Johnsons. Petet Swank, L. Yoacor and Jere miah Snyder appointed vinwers ot a road in Franklin near V. Q. Fisher'. Urtico Frcas, Arthur Creasy and S. ii. Woyhard appointed, viewers of a uivaln road in iiriarorcek, near Conrad larkles. (Jliarlcs b. Smovcr annointcd crunr- dian of Goo. S Smoycr, minor child of W. V, omoyor. l e til ion of Uidoon Aliohael lor ad option of Nora Aliohaol. filed. Kstato of Joseph U. Keller deceased Petition filed by David T. Keller for sncciho performance of contract. Sarah A. Uillaspy vs J. U. Qillaepy, Guy Jaooby appointed commissioner to Ezra Stephens va Luoy A. Stepliins Publication ordered. Estate of Henry Croop. On petition sale ot real cstalo ot del ed by adminl istrator. C. C. Kline's uso vs II. F Oman ct al judgment for plaintiff for $310.01. William Scott as James Al. Lihman et al. llulo to show cause graduated I. II. Alaizo appointed auditor in CBtato of Rebecca lirocrh. U. is. Jackson nnnointcd auditor in estate of Elizabeth MoAfre. H,itato of lb09. Sherman, rulo on heirs to accept or rcfuso real estate at the valuation. ci... . ilT T tr . . i uiepupn it uss vs j. weiss judgement In entered for plaintiff for want of plea. A. Al. Harvey vs V. blout ct nr, I -judgment for plaintiff for $12.10 and costs. Estate of Thomas Polk. Noto tier mittcd to bo withdrawn from hies. Alvin Aloser vs Flora Moser alias subpoena awarded. Estate of Samuol Long, order of sale continued. Adjourned to Saturday 11th December 14. Bond filed and approved in estate of Uarlton A. Uaswcll. Citation awarded in estalo of Francis Carr. Auditor's repoit in estate of Stephen 1 nomas, continued nisi. C. G. Barkley vs, W. Gigcr udg ment for piaintm tor SSJH.Ul B. B. rcas appointed guardian of Elizabeth, Elmt-i, William E. and Harry A. bitler, minor childron of William filler. Alias oid"r of salo issued in (state of Elijah ITocum. Inquest awarded in eslato of Mary itupert. Petition of executor of Gabriel Evert deceased, filed, for permission to bid at sale. John F. Derr, Diemer Davis and I. a. uewiu appointed viewers of a bridge in Sngadoaf near M. J. Tiipp in .Jamison (Jity. balo ordetcd in estate of IJ. t. Peter man. The nsual orders were made for the venires at leliruary oonrt, and for the selection of five hundred names to bo put in the jury wheel for next yfar. A. in. Yost appointed anditor ol nnblio accounts. 1 he following outer was made : How, Dec. 14, 1889 tho Columbian and Sentinel are dcwignoti'd as tho papers tn winch Miall he published tho name-" nf all Aiiiihr.ims for liquor license, their resptclite residences and the place for which application is in ide not less than lo days nor more than 25 days before the third Monday of January. Order of salo in CBtnto of Samuel L-Mig continued. Petition fo- appoiiitim nt of deputy constahle in Uatnwisna, rulo is crnnlen to stio-v cansrf why the pi tilion should not be giuuttd, returnable Monday, Deo. 23, contc-tants to file their answer by Deo 21. Gunva, Protracted meeting is held at Hcring. ton Hollow, They nro dolne a very good work. A fine tracking snow full on the 14th, anil the deer hunters, had to abolition their hudting, just when the much wishtd (or enow came. Boyd, Dr. Mcllenry, Geo, Hlrlcman and son, Lafayette Keeler and two more hunt ers passed through this placo with a lino four prong buck on batunluy last. It was shut by Lafayette Keelcr. Mr. Kcelcr made a very good shot, for the chance he lml. He says the deer was sixty or seven ty yards from bun, running very fastwhen be shot, The ball entered one ear and past ed through coming out, ntui the eye on the opposite flite from linn. We are Informed that tho deer will bs served up In good style on ChrUlmaa, nt the Mcllenry House. All are cordially invited to comi to the venison supper and il incj on Christum9. Every one that had sleigh anil horse, were out sleighing on Sunday last. Thos Smith and daughter Lillle, Liuiilcr Kile and wife, Lester l.iuish anil Kinuey Kile, uiso tuo uperulor" look a Hying trio over iti 1,111 in ri..a n,..ut, i.,,n. . , i it the bills to Coles Creek hollow, to lake his lady out fur u tiletgh ride. We leipu he will (i.iye a very pleasant time anil not bo blessed with any upsets or runaways, be fore ho makes his return. Elias Bhullz, Orlando Hiss, Chif. Weill ver, Chas. Everhart, and 11. H. Laubacb took the evening train lor Benton, return ing on thu Ute train. Again deatli appeared In our inliht, Thos. Hess' eldest boy died on Suturday 14lh Inst., and will bo Interred In Coles I Creek Cemetery. Thu sympithy ol the community is with tlm bereaved pareute, Clint UilU, Mr. Hall, Clme. Mackaree, section foreman, uutl Mrs. Mucknfeu took tho train fur lllo'mstiiirg on Bttnrday last, returning on Munday forenoon, Hubert Hess and lira 1 M.isteller, two of our most industrious young men urc busily engaged In scoring and hewiug lies op the mountain side. Siieceif to you hoys, some day )ou will become rich, if jou ave your mouey. Ilurtnvin and Long have their mill near ly leady to cou.menco Bawlng. They have quite a number of maple lugs, skidded up on a ptlecloso by the mill, ready to roll on tho mill just as soon as it is ready to run, Mr. Taylor Meeker is sawyer and under stands hecpliu hii saw lu the Lest order possible, for sawlug hard wood lumber. W. t JONES. At her ieidenceln llloomsburg on Nuveiuber 29, 1H8D, Margaret wife of Evans Jones, uged 70 years, !) months, SI days. nut havo cotifidet'cu in that uliloh has done me a world of good t If you bad suffered yoirs with liver complaint and got cured by uaititr Sulphur Hitters, would not you too havo in them! J. It. Nash, Hotol Wintbrop, Bo ton. The Chief Ilrnum for the great mo- cess ot Hood's Samrarllla Is found In tho article Itself. It Is merit that wins, ana wo fact that Hood's Samparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is what has (ilvcn to tills medicine a popularity and tale crcater than that of any other sarsapa- u Alti rml or D100Q run lYlerlL Wins ncrbctoro the public. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Bait Itlieum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Blek neadache, lllllousncss, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Arpetlte, strength ens tho Nerves, builds tip tho Whole system. Uood'a nnrRpmrllln Is sold by all drug lists. llssliforlS. Prepared by 0.X.I1004 k Co., Apothecaries, uoweu, uu. -FOIt- HEADACHE SICK am it HM1J6I1S. Bi lflUS. M MMlM I ONUS. " " 0 1 Thiq npmMr u tho Dtrwcrlntlon of one of the . and was used leading phjBlclana of l'arls. France, and was used by him with unparalleled success for over thirty voara. it was first Liven to tuo liuuuo as a nroune tary mcdlclno in ISIS' since which time It has found Its way Into almost every county on tho race or tne giooc, ana Become a iavonre rcmeay with thousands of tho leadlnz musicians. Medical societies have dlscuwsd lu marvelous success at their annual conventions, ana suer tneir onciai chemists have analyzed It and found that it con talced no opiates, bromides or other harmful In :redienta piacca n t among their standard rcmo iOS. TESTIMONIAL. L. It BROWN, M. P., S3 West Jersey ., ThUlstoenrtlfv that I nave used fur some months with much satisfaction, tho combination or remedies, for Headache, known as Brlggs' iiaaanhn n'lwhM Tnn mm fvi v piirpa mnra nui. orhn. ranwialiv Kiich ns affect Nervous Women. than anything I am acquainted with, and tf this certificate will be tho means ot bringing It to tho ravoraDie attention oi sunercra iroui tuai. iruuuu, I snail reel mat 1 nave aono tnem a service. 1 IU UUUHH. PRICE; 25 CENTS. sold by all Druggists, or sent by Mall on lie eclpt of 1'ilco. Briggs' Medicine Co., ELISABETH, K. J. Cures Liver Complaint, Bilious Affec IAXAD0R tions, 1J0S3 ot I Appetite, Sick llcadaclie,hick Stomach, OiJ-diness.Costive-i ness.DyspcpsIa ' Kidney trouble IAXAD0R I and all delicato Fcmalo Com- plaints, oold every where, mcona cents. DREXQMC0LD6NE Fragrant! tl Lasting! The LeadlngPerfume forlhe Tolletand Handkerchief, Sold by all dealers. Price 25 eta. Salvation Oil W Prlct only 25 cti. Sold ty alldrugjlsts. Witt relieve Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings,Bruise,Lumbago,Sprains, Headache, Toothache, Sores, Burns, Wounds, Cuts, Scalds, Backache, Frostbites, Chapped Hands and Face, Gout, or any bodily pain or ailment. nuruilANBt'S PLUQS, Tht Oreat mbaecoAn- PrlcilOCU. At all arusgltu. A DMINISTKATOK'3 NOTICE. KfUUe o Sumii I. ilfrV. late of ltrlarmtk Imp., drtvnd. Notice Is hereby clven that leiters of admlnls tratlonon ttie estata of Susan V. Hicks, lateot the township ot una-creeic, county or (.'oiuuiuia, huu state ot i' nnsyivania. deceased nave Deen Kraut- eato u. w. abu or uiarcreoic, eamtnou uouniy, l'a., to wnora an persons inuiDif a to Baia estate are reauested to mike payments and hoso hav. Ingclxlms or demands will make known tho same wituout delay to . W. ASH 13-lS-U. Adtn'r. UDllOlfb MUTICh,. hstate of Jletetvn Jrm7.. drtvanpd, The ui.dersltrned auditor annotated bv tho or. nhans' Court of Columtla County to make dlstrl. button of balance In tho bauds of 0. & L. U. Kline admlDl-trator. to and amon tho parties entitle 1 I inereio, will sii amiui meeoi v. a. ui-yer, usq. I jn tbo town ot Catawl-wi, on Tuesday, .ninnan inn, ircni, at iu uciuck in tne lorenoon, to attenu to me amies or ins appointment, wnen and wnere an poisons luvink' claims atrai st nihi estate, mutt appear and pro -e them, or us forever debar. rea irun any saure or sam iuna. lee. ic, vj. J, II. mai.b. Auditor. N IRE IN I'AHTITIO.N. In t io matter of the nartltlon or tlm tvttnt Vary itupert, late of the town of liloomsbui Oolu nbta County, l'ennvlvinta. iier-P!tpd. IU heirs of tail docedent will take notice that In pursuai co ot an order of tho orohans' (Juurt or Com ubla county, a wnt of partition has Issued from said Court to the Sherlft of sal t county, re- turuiuiu on iu- urt jiiouuay oi reuruiry, A. li. ISO. and that the loauest will mcei for ti.u uur. pose of maklni; partition of tho real estate of mid m-cej ut ou namruay, tuo fiiiiioenin nay or .lan. uary, A. I)., 18'JO, at lu o'clock a. in. of said day, upon mo preiui!i, at, wmt-ii nine ami puce ) can be nre-cnt If you see nrotter. Tho premises in tpio-tlon are described s fol lunsi -iuti utiuiviuL-u un--tiura imereht in that certain lot of pound ultii ue In the Ton inoomsuurt,', uioiesaia, ikiii'Iiioi on me Kat.t Westbtreet, on tlioHoulli by lot o w, p liliu;, rube, oh tuo t",t uy uiuutii .111,-y, ai.U on IU North by lot of Mr. KlUa Dely, bt ltisr lorty lee iruiit on west, 3itvi-t uuu ouo u in lieu am! tune ei nt reel in ui'pin wnerron is ereo ed a t nory urick uwciiint,'. JOHN U. UASKV. H .erlif, V v Catarrh Havo Yo'i Tried Cream Balm1 THE BEST Remedy ? Uot a Liquid or Snuff. H AY-EE VE R partlclu Is applied Into each nostril and is utfrwHuie. rritu du ceu.a at lirayuts; Dy mail, IVfcmciCTl. u i 't elv wtOTUBHP, 60 '.Varrou , Now vork. I'AIIM I'OIt Itlt.-ST A farm of loo acres, with bin isome tiuw house and barn, and sunpll d with Abundant water, will be rented al a low rent for i In Urm ot are ) ears, to a gooa tenant who au furulsh bU own Btock an t equipment. The farm H In the catawlm Valley on tne Township rood train llrandontllle to Audeareld, two inlles from Urandonvllo and near Ulrarl Manor. Keterencea reiiuested. AddrtH IIEUKH H. TUOUl'HUM, Kngtnoer uirara EiUUl l-ottOTUlei r. Nov. My. SHERIFF'S SALE Of Ileal i:si;i5! lly vlrtuo ot a writ ot Alias FL Fa. Issued out of tho Court of common Ploas of Columbia County and to mo directed, thero will bo exposed to pub- sale at tho Court llouso (In tho bacrlff's office) Moomsburg, Fa., on SATURDAY, JANUARY I, 1890, 10 o'clock a. m., tho following! All that cer tain messuage or tenement and lot of land sltuato Madison township, Columba Co, Fa., bounded pnd described as follows, to-wlt;i Beginning at a stono on tho cast side ot tho public road, tho no land of tho said Michael liilhlme south eighty- sin and a n,u ntcr degrees west eleven and soven tenth perches to u map'.e, thence north eighteen and a half degrees can', ten perches to n done thence north eleven and thrco quarters degrees oastfouiteen perches ti a stono north eighty seven degrees east six and rive-tenths pcrcccs to a stono on tho west side of Bald road, and thenco south ono quarter degree west twenty.four perches to tho place ot beginning, containing One Acre and Twenty-Five rercnes land strict measure, bo the samo more or lesa, which aro erected n HOUSE. STABLE and outbuildings. M7cd, taken Into execution at tho suit of Thomas Mordan versus .Tohn Mordan and to bo told as tho property of John Mordan. Herrino, Atty. ALSO : lly vlrtuo ot a writ ot Fl. Fa., Issued out ot tho Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pa., and to mo directed, thoro will be exposed ro pub- salo at the Court llouso (in tho sheriff's oflico) Moomsburg, l'a., on SATURDAY, JANUARY l, 1890, 10 o'clock a. ra, tho following: All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In Scott township near tho village of Kspy, Col. Co., I'J., bounded and described as follows, to-wlts On the south publlo road leading from Kip y to Berwick, on the east and north by lands ot Alfred Mood, and nn tho west by lands of Alfred Mood and Lcvl,Klnley, containing Two Acres, more or loss, whereon aro erected a BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, and other Outbuildings, apple orcnard and other fruits. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot J. l). Wcrkhelser versus J. N. Slllnes and Susanna Mil. lies, and to bo s)ld as tbo property ot Susanna Mllnes. ZARR, JUUN U. UANEl . AttV. Bhe.-lff. lS-9-'S9. Save You Read The PhiladslpMaTIIES This Morning? THE TIfilES uttie most extensively clrou. latedana widely read newspaper publlsli ed in Pennsylvania. Its discussion ot pub. lie men and public measures u la tbe Inter est ot public SnteErtty. bonett government and prosperous Industry, aut It kno-vs no party or personal alUglauces In treating public Issues. In the broadest and best senso a family aud general newspaper. THE NEWS OF THE WOULD. Tin Tim is has all the facilities ot advanced loumallsm fo natUerlnp news from allquar tcra oi Globe, in addition to that ot tbo A' Bocloto J I'rets, now covering tlio whole world lti Its scopo, malting It the perfec.loa of amiwsrAriR, wlin everythltc carefully edited to occupy tbe smallest space. TI1KBUNOA V EM I ION is not only a compete newspaper, but a Magazine ot Popular literature. Its sixteen large trnget, cleariv orbited and attractively lllu&tratetl. contuin as nmcli good literature, by the foremii't writers ot tho world, as a"y of the popular monthlies, fcomeof the newsp.ipers In Naw York, lloston aiid Chicago brlnt a greater number of pages upon Sunday, but thtsearotor tho mod part oecup'ed with nriveilisemenlK. The merchants lu thos i cities concentrate nearly all their advertls li c In the sunday n ipers, while In Philadel phia they have found It more advantageous io auveriise on wee& uays an wen. cnNTHitnrroitK in ihinmMiihiij Tub Times lncludo me ay ot the foremost names lu contemnorarv literature, both American and Euro.x'an. Its contents cover the whole neld or human Interest with all that H freshest and best In Politics Fiction Llto.ature science fcoclety Fii-ulon The Household Labor Athletics ltaclng ltowlug liaso nail ic, Poetry Art Drama illUSl'l Humor Hporta chess Yaetitlng Cricket I'oot.Uall &c.. OUIl HOYS AND GIKLS-No other nowr. paper elves tho name careful attention to tho nrds and tastes of young rondra. The page devoted tupecls'ly to tnem commands tlw sen Ices of t be beat writers anl Is edited with scrupulous caiv, with the aim of mak ing it entertaining and Instructive and help to tbe Hound education as well ns to pure amusement ot both bu and little uojs and girw. T1IK ILI.UaTlt.VTIOVr) ofTnTiitts are recognized as the very best printed ti any dill newspiper, and, with the elejanee of tviiouranhv for which Tin: l'liiss ts noted. add to Its popularity among all classes ot reouers. THE TIMES alms to have tbe largest clrela- tlon by deservlnc It, and claims thu It is unsurposseu in ait rno ewentiusor a great iui uiciiupu.tLuu newspaper. SPECIMEN COI'IESofnnyedltlonwm bo lent iree io any one sending their address. 1HII.Y. M per annum: l Mr rou minths: 30 cents per month; delivered by miiti-ia lur u veins per wws : al HUAT BD. T10K hlxteen lflrffe. hanilsnmA dam 1' columns, elegantly lllist r.ited, j per ant urn Scen'spercopv, Dilly and bundav, is pri annum ; CO cents per month. Wkeklt edi Tiu.N, ti per aanun. Address nil letters to THE TIMES l'llll.ADHI.lMII QHAUTEIl NOIIOE. Notice is hereby given that an nppllcitlon will inuuu m mu oi me or I'ennsyt vanlaon Mondav January sixth. A. I). ixin nn.iHi the Act of Assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsjlvanli, entitled "An Act to provido for the iiiuuriiuruiiuu unu reguuiun or certain corrora. tlonB." Approved prlisath 184 and thesnpplo ment thereto, for a charter of an Inu tided o rpo ration to be ca,li "Msbltig Creek Lumber Com pany,"i be character and object of which Is for mo imriHjso,ui iiium inuiariure ani venal ngorrium b:r undot oaiulrlng, taking, owning lie islng, lioid ing,coneying am dtsiioslngof such rca" estato and lK'rsonaiproneitya'my be necessary for con. di'ctltig said business and for the purpose, of etect Intf reservoirs ot wau r. o instruction ot dams, and tha d.lvtug and floating of logs ttmbr and lumber oiistreamsn- t exceeding twenty miles In length and Its suDDlementH. '1 ho names ot the subscribers to Bald applloitlon are: Edwin Eberuiun, ltober McEwen K. V Weed, .loel (' irrlson, Tbomas Wheeler, U. u. liuck. Eg. bert.Mcrrlmanaijd Edgar Holt. CllAltLES II. McMR'lIAEL ANUHEW L. FUITZ rsolleltora. Illoomsburg Doc. nth 1889. aw. tin HEW 1 Hii Nolld I..1J Wklbl Worth II 1UU.C wlcll in tht worll. Parr tim.kMpr WkntutaabitTj, lOUAl VAluO. Oil MIU.I. ikah localllv r.n free, totlhr with our lorn rapiro. ib.h Hmblt.,! tl nitd da U 14 thaw )! joa to iho who nil jout pimda and nibboritad tho about yo thtU)wtrriult In vtltubl uJ foi bi whlcb bolda for j.ari whta one itarttd. CM, I and ttau wi u rvpald. W cay til ttprtii, frtigbl. :e. 4flx ii, ii ja wBsia in ia go i wnm itr ui, voti can am from t UU p-r week and npwudi iddnit, ttUacou te Co., Hux HIS, lorUud, Mala. fln nC the I iruDi 1 11 I ' nciaut,ld. and to lairodui . iBMilorfoodinawtll.iadrBta look riaioa In auk lot all ly, Buakova. Only Ibota nbo wrtia uaiat ancacaa nab ma a a iaa cunci, u jm biiiiidim SHturaltlO taow ear faodi U tbota wko call rou naif bbart and Iboaa arouad rati. Tba a "fiiittiaf sf Ikia adfarlliauail h.m Iba until aad of tba lala Tbf folio wlaf (ft trti iba appaaranea f it radatad t toil lk aftlalb trl otlu bulk. II U , InUi UH. L.UI,,,, n I. ...j to HIT7. Wo wUl olio .U- )tt I J Mt oKBrlos. n.tur wiilo 01 Wo poy iU iprouauioi. XuiU.UUXTt t U) IMS Bt, .?lil, UUMt, U U tf. IJliO 1 Ujcatlonlntheuonthj J. If. U ANOlU.CUrcmont, V mwmzfm a v tr i i . u l naaaaaaa&MM B. F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, nEAi.r.n in k mi nn, sit. Tin Roofing a Specialty KSTIMATES FU11NISIIKD ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINK. First door in Ulo imsburg Opera llouso ;F A K M IE E 8 ! FARMERS ! Have you not yet lcsii'iictl your CLOTHING for MEN, YOUTHS, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, . " UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, TRUMiS, VALISES, &c. Lessen yourself at once, as time is money to purchase of I. MAIER, The RELI ABLE CLOTHIER, Who will The Largest Clothing Finely giiiisiiicdl BBfilo:riijiiitt9; all 5? ASTHMA guredI SCHIFFM ANN'S ASTHMA CUR El IbuUnUr rllTM ths mott riolrat 4ti4ck. No I waltlnir for rautta. Iti urtlan im lmtaALl I ie, f iret and oerta In, nd a cura U Uie roflolt I Iiu u viuiuw vwns a iiikio trial DtiUTincvai tbmmtBkntieaL Prie AOc. and 8 1 ,00 of I drocciKU or J mail Trial packaco trt to any I laddn nmi ir r ill tiff flt fc I . rMi, mim. ia-0 a 4w. How Lost! How Rogalnod, KNOWTHYM THE SC EMRI n B lire A BctenUilc Mid Standard ropuhr Mtdlcol Treitle on.lh 1?."0 ITonth.ITeniaturi Uecllne, Nervom kai l-hj.ical Debulty, ImDurltlM of the Blood. Vui llkllllollfllfl Bhl kl I B I olKl mmm .iiu i i 1 ' i i 1 1 1 "t-i Btinltlng from Folly, Vice, Ignonnc, Eieeaae or Overuiitlon, EnerrtUng and nnfating th. vlcUm for W ork, Builneii, the Married or Social lleliilon. Avoid .aoikillf ul pretenderi. I'osicm tlile treat wrirk. It contain; SCO paRci, royal 6ro. UeauUful blading, emboned, fulf put, l'rlce only II. no by piU, poitpald, concealed In pliln wrapper. Illij. ii" " J '""lclu 1'ree. if iou apply 'now. Tbo i t . i . "IJ, 111 i arnfr, m. Ii. deDtiilly "by mill 1', .t ti e Zh'VTt TlHj J'KAWOIIV IIIUIHUA, INSTITUTe! No. 4 Hull uc i SI., Jlomon, Mum., to whomaU orden for book, or laun for advlct inould It directed at above. 12 (J il i V. ROSCOE CONKLING: HIS LIFE AND LETTERS. Dy hie nephew, Alfred II. Conillng. Thte work wl) ilioitlj be liaueU hf us, mi tola itrktly ty tuticrfp- OcUto, COO ruses, illportrlt, ud fao-elmllee of letten ot eminent contemporule lu both pwtlt. WE espeoiXlly invite . LAWYERS AND MEN OUT OF BUSINESS, POLITICIANS. AND CANVASSERS. ia. f-i?.'" PPlltlon for the eiclnehe control of territory. Oue of thegre.teetopportunltlee ta iniie money erer cffereU. (When writing, mention tali paper.) CHARLES L. WEBSTER & CO., 3 tUtt litlt f (.(, New York, M1.29-2U1. I MAIER fiTHLfwmCEM L W. MTMAI 4 SONS, CLOAKS, JACKETS, HOLIDAY GOODS o:o GREAT BARGAINS IN BOOKS, PLUSH TOILET SETS, PLUSH SHAVING SETS, PLUSH MANICURE SETS, PLUSH WRITING DESKS, PLUSH PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS PLUSH COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES, HAND WORK NOVELTIES, WHISK BROOM HOLDERS, HANDKER CHIEFS BY THE THOUSANDS. Great display of Fancy Dishes, Lamps (hanging and stand), Glassware, Fancy Cups, Fancv water sets, &c, t&c. ' T. W- HARTMAN & SONS. BOYS, and CHILDREN, save you MONEY and suit RESPECTFULLY YOURS, , Square Dealing Bloomsbiirg, Pa. and Hat Store in Columbia and Montour Counties. CARPETS and MILLINERY. Next door to I. W. Hartrunu & Son's, Main fit., Illoomsburg, Pa. NEW CARPETS. I.ttoH l'a1 terns in Vol vol, Body T.tiicatry and BrufBcls, from SOcta. up. INGRAIN from 20o up. RAG CARPETS from 30o up. STAIR CAR PETS from 12J i up. MATTING, to close out fur 10o up. OIL CLOTH, al widths and pric.H. G. V. KEITER. 1889. FALL OPENING 1889. SEPTEMBER 26-26. v , MISS H. E. WASLEY, Next door to I. W. Hartraan & Bods. Main Street . . BLOOM3BUKQ TEXAS llltBltflYUS mm Do You Know Whersthe United States Mint is in Philadelphia? You n.'iy not you nmy say: (5iil t.. it do ire to know?" What It will do you considerable good. Directly opposito, ut 1838 OUKSTNUr BT., Is an ttll.thu-ycar.tiround attraction, vl z: E O THOMraON'SBPECIAM.ONDON.aiADE CLOTHING HOUSE. K.islilonublo and ro llublo garments sro lieio obtalnablu at motiey.saylng prices. IT WILL PAY YOU to como apcciallj to tlio city and buy A London-Made Suit. P3IGE S12.00. Tliuy aru cipial o any llret oltaa niHiIo tr'-mi'iisurti milt Hint will coat $30 00, IF YOU OAOQT COME wiito for f-nnipK'8 of olotli and fm;!non caialoKtin. D.rectioiH how io onler suits by tna'l cent witli all tttntulu'. Department, IKILALELIKIA HOX -IM. Bone Meal VOW I-OULTUV Cniiheil IDS Men rricoitit. YoiiKciiKMioAL vs'oitita, York ra- HIIHI. Aiiimi'.sH : Iflail Order SHAWLS7 FURS, e K E E 1 1 H e ! CREETINC ! where to pu'clkse you. Clothier, IRnU ynilMTHU DflllTC nlv one change WlnlCP tourlil iimiif, pore Air. ad-f Tii.... . . ' w' w.,,,.. ,..,,, cUnt llulne, Or.Kd )Ikk,, very low rate! for ute et .11 rrinapil Ir-norr. LfjiH THAU c."P9a. Station! In U. S. end Canada with privilege I IIAVSKt. Louu to)0' vititing lite hemousllot Sprinei of Atkansu. ilit,r.o,M.cOT, j, T0WII,D( .p.4TlA8Ti ,T, U j( Mff THE WEEKLY PRESS, l'lIlLAUELl'lIIA. $1.00-0no Year for Ono Dollar-1.00 TUK WKKKLV I'llKSS. KorlKiOwlU be aa much better than Tne Whkly I'bkss for I68D as wo can mako It. vuth every lauiio during tho new year It will as- KiauTr-coLVitx pArxn Kach of the flfty.two nutnbera will contain ten pages, or eighty columns, wlih a toial for tho year ot 520 pages, or4ieo columns Thus It will bo "as 1 1? as a book." ns tho saj log la A VAI'KROV QUALITY. b Not only will It be as hlj as a book, but It will be a paper of quality as well as ot Quantity. It will contain t lie pick of everything good. A PA l-KR OPVA HIKTi: The Idea Is that Tu Wiikly Pkksb shall bo thin clean and wide awako. It Tf 111 discuss all subjects of publlo Interest and Importance. The writers on Its list Include: Julia Ward Howe. ,.L5'??.mntont.!,ro.1, a huler, Louis Pas teur. William Illack, Edmund Oosaa, Kdgar V. Nye. Ople I' Iteed, and, indeed, almost every pop. ular writer of noio in this country ant nuito a number of distinguished writers abroad. In ncilon, an attractloaof tho year will be "Ksth. er." by II. nider Haggard i another Bertal story, ready engaged, wm bo "Come Forth," by Kltza beth Stuart 1'helns. ' A FARUMCSVArm. The best conducted agricultural pago tn Ameri ca, illustrations. A WOSIAXHPAmil. The- Women piue" of Tub Wsiilv Presi is alone worth tho B'ibacrlptlon prleo. lta P'ustra. The bp clildeinrtraent. for children Is now ad dress.'dtothe whool children and school teach ers ofAmerloa I-ettho children Join the new HalnhowuiuUJuit startol. Let thiincmpeto tfvo booPl.r J-aU briM' Wo'caome, Instruo- IMP01tTNT CLIIUUINtJ AltltANHKMENT. lly special arrangemunt with all tho leailng Z1Lhai mn(lil Krtwtlca.s of America, sub. scrlpllous are taVen lur any ono r more ottlieso Journalslu connocilou with Tits Wiiiu Pksss at such low rales as virtually makt-s our great year PiH!r 10 "'e BU(MCrUx;r ,or 0110 bample copies f urni.hed free upon application. TcrniH or tub freMH. lly mall, postage free tu tho UolUd States ana Canada. ''i'ty j except Bund iy), one year .... .uj ! y( except Bundjy), ono month . . . ,o 1 a y (lu iudlng Sunday ), one year ... 7,w pally (including (Sunday), onu month ... .61 hundav, ono iar . . . . .8 it) WKKKI.Y I'ltEss, one year . . . f.oi Drafts, Checks, aud other ltoinlttances bhould bo niado payable to the order of Tho Trers Company, LImitod, I'UUUSUEUS. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH ISOdiw. DOILINC MILK.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers