The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, December 13, 1889, Image 3
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. mi POWDER Absolutory Puro. Tan powder never vino-i. A marvel of purity trenztli nii'l wiioloiJin'jntm. Moro economical Imnfhoordlniry klnH aul cinnot bj sola In ompiiltt'M Willi tiij inultiuli )t lo to, snort weight irtum or phosphates powders. SoM o ilu In earn. Uovai. Uakiko 1'owberCo., los Woll Hi., N.Y. The Columbian lirmbllshcd ovory Krlday. subscription price, 11.00 a year. Entered at tho Tost Orflco at llloomsburg, l'a as second class matter, March l, isss. BLOOMSBURG, PA FHIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1889. tflHRl.IT KlItKOlS T1XK TiDLK. it. It. It. loavo ltupert 16 Trains on the P. follows : north. . SOOTn. 5:32 a. m. 11:02 a. m. 8:31 p. m. 6:33 p. m. o TralnsontnoD.L.S W.K.K.leavo Bloomsburg as follows: hortu. socin. 7:1S a. m. 8:82 a. m. 10:5T a. m. 12:00 p. m. 2:35 p. m. :15 P. rn. e-36 p, m. 8:17 p. m. o Tralnsonthe N.W. l). ltallwaypass llloom Ferry as follows I north. Boctn. 10:48 a. m. 12:37 p.m. e.s p. m. 4'3 P. m- BDND1T, north. socrn. 10:43 a m 6:33 p m BLOOMSUUKU & SULLIVAN ltAILUOD Taking effect MOSDAY, SEITKUUBU 2, 18S9. SOUTH. NOltTfT. Ar. Ar. Ar. I.v. Lv. Lt. STATIONS, r. M. A. U. A.M. A.W. F. M. r. M. tllnnmalmrtr A 28 11 IS 1 0) 8 81 2 35 6 40 Main street 6 18 11 41 0 88 8 42 2 42 6 47 liondale in 11 39 B 5fi 8 45 2 41 (I W I'arcr SMI. ......... 6 OS 11 31 6 48 8 M i M Llghtstroet. 0 05 11 S3 0 4) 8 CS 2 50 orancoyino B 07 11 20 G 35 B t 3 07 yorka 5 45 11 10 B 25 9 15 3 17 eane?s 5 42 II 0(1 0 21 9 20 3 20 Stillwater. .... B 37 11 02 0 17 0 21 3 25 Benton, 6 !8 10 55 0 10 9 3) 3 3.) Kdsons. o 23 in w a 07 a m a -ti coles creek, 6 20 10 45 a 05 9 as 3 40 Suuarloat,... 5 15 10 42 6 02 9 42 3 41 Laubaclli 5 12 10 40 B 00 II 47 3 M central... 5 0:1 10 3) 5 51 Jamison (Jity 7 00 7 03 T 10 7 SO 7 21 7 2S 7 35 7 39 7 40 7 41 7 17 9 57 3 58 7 57 5 00 10 30 5 W 10 00 4 00 8 00 LV. LT. LV. AT. iu Ar r. i. a. m. a. h. a. m. r. a. r. m. HAI.I'.H. Dbo. 14. Geo. E Sliincr will sell per sonal property In Brlarcrcck towns hip, December 14 nt 10 o'clock a. m. nt his re sidence near tbo school house. Tho administrators of Anna Coffman dee'd., W. E. and D. It. ColTman offer nt private sale, ft honso and lot on West Main street Bloomsburg, Pa. the lato residence of deceased. lf- Foil Balb A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, pas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. - N. Moybr. Foil Balk A farm about n mllo from Afton, containing 00 acres, all under culti vation, wilh good buildings, with all this year's crops, farming implements and stock will be sold at private sale. For partial, lars Inquire of J. S. William', liloomsburg. 7-20 tf. Fob Bale A valuable vacant lot on Market Bt., seven lots on Eighth Street, ten dwellings nnd a Rood store property In Bloomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills nnd two store properties In Col. Co. A good farm of 387 nercs with good build lngs In Virginia and two farms in Kansas by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Heal Estate Agt., Bloomsburg Pa. Foil Bale, CiiRAi'-Good as new, 57 Inch Victor Bicycle. Inquire at this office 1123 89 I'er.Honal. DanL. Brown, came over from New York Saturday last and mado 11 brief visit among friends. Uo returned Tuesday morning. Dr. G. Btcwa-l Kirby of Mauch Chunk made n (lying visit Tuesday. Ho was at Danville on business, and camo up here while waiting for the return train on the Sunbury nnd Uazleton railroad. J. B. Banders, formerly editor of the Berwick Oazetle from 1800 to 1809, now edl tor of the Wilkcsbarro Telephone, was in town on .Monday attending ft meeting of the Grand Lodge of OJd Fellows. He inspected our olllc) and pronounced i complete. Clark & Sou's Christmas dlspl iy of goods is now ooen. Thcro will bo services in the Lutheran church next Sunday morning. See our Hose Jars, Extracts and Sachets. J. II. Mercer. Ooorgo E. Heed, on Friday, will loll how prisoners found fun and frolic under dim-cultlcs. Call at tho Now York Norclty storo for your mnslinas goods. J. V. Mastcllcr, 2w. Tho Orchestra will play "Tho llaltle of ucuysburg" beforo Ik j lecturo on prison life. J. K. lllttcnbendcr will mako a business trip to Berwick this Friday, and will call on our BuhscrlhcrB there. Samples of typo for calllngcards will bo scntireo by mall to nnyono asking for them. Address Tim Columihas, Blooms, burg, Pa. tf. Tho universal testimonial of all who have used I)r. Hhaltuck's Hcllanthus Is lhal It is an cxctllent cough remedy, re Moving coughs nnd coliU, promptly with ont any 111 effect. Try lt. Tho people of Catawlssi and vicinity can come to tho Institute course of lectures on tho train which arrives at Bloomsburg at 0:23 p. m. and return on tho tralu which arrives at Catawlssa 11:23 p. m. John Knies, formerly of Hazlcton, has bought the Hess Hotel at Ml.lllr.vle, nnd took possession of It In October. Mr, Kincs Is well qualified for a popular land lord, and we havo no doubt ho will meet with success In his now field. Slumber pillows, head rests, art goods mado up, and materials for making, dolls, toys, bnby epps nnd cloaks, and a full lino of fancy goods, suitable for Holiday gifts, at the Now I'Djal Store, Bloo msburg. 4v. Of Mr. Powers, Hamilton N. Y. "College Magazine" says: No description can take tho placu of wltncnlng tho charming per formance. For an hour ho kept this large audience roaring with laughter or breath less with attention. Having made a fortunato purchase, the Coi.u.miiian olllce Is enabled to furnish nnd print n good quality of envelopes at less price than they have ever beforo Lccn of fered. Also, letter Heads, bill heads, state ments, of all sizes, tags, and all sorts of commercial printing at tho lowest rates. Samples will be furnished on application, by mail. tf. The Japanese depirtmcnt In Trucken- millcr's store, Catawlssa, is filled with lovely goods from tho Orient. Vases, Ico cream and fruit sets, creams, sugars, salad bowls, potpourri jars, cracker jirs, teapots after coffees and hundreds of elegant and useful articles for Chrlstmis presents. 12-13 2 .v. Foil It est. Tho room on the second floor of the Columbian Building, now oc cupied by tho Town Council, will bo va cant Apill 1st, 1890. Ills a large, light room, steam heat, gas, and water on same floor. Inquire of Geo. E. Elwell. Fino white linen towels with red, yellow, and blue borders. O.ic of the best bar gains In towels for 00 cents we havo ever had. at II. W. Sloan's. Tho finest selection of gold and silver headed umbrellas nnd canes ever brought to Bloomsburg, can ba seen at J. G. Wells', the leading jeweler. We claim we have the best lino of cheap books in Columbia County. Tho best paper, Best Bound and Prettiest books. dice 25 ccuts at Mirccr's Drug and Book store. A very pleasant surprise awaited Thomas anu Mary Wilson, when they returned from their western trip, last Thursday, 8. Emily Eves had a bountiful dinner prepar ed, to which she hail invited her brothers and sislers, nieces and nephews, nnd their families. About the time the savory meal was in readlui'so, the tr.iln brought tho ab sent onrs, looking well after their three moulhs stay In Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan &c.Tabl,J. Hov. F. 1). Itlddlo has purchased W1U Ham Hart's two properties on Ccntro street. Books in sots cheap at nnd Book storo. Mcrcor's Drug Christmas services will be held In lh Lutheran Church Tuesday evening Decern, her 24th. Tho program of tho coming County In stltuto Is ono of tho strongest ever offered to tho county. From tho Interest arousid about Heed's lecture thcro will ho n full house. Becuro your tickets early If you ' ant to reserve a good scat. 1011 can buy a good watch small or large slzo for four dollars and warranted, at L. Bcrnh&rd's, opposite Central hotel. A 11 0 blocks for tho little ones at Mercer's. A nlco lino of lied Lino Poets at Mcr. ccr's, Ding and Book store. No better Christmas present can bo made nor one that will bo more appreciated than a Bhattiick Fountnln Pen. Eshloman & Wolf completed their work of Uylng sower pipo on Third and Iron Streets, last Saturday evening. I Buy your silver thimblo opposlto Central hotel, and get them engraved frco of charge. Geo. E. Elwell will bo la Ccntralla on Saturday and Monday next, looking after the business Interests of this paper. Fine cigars and beautiful mccrscnaum pipes at Alex tnder Bros. & Co'a. will be found very acceptable Christmas presents. For a line of Bibles, cither large or small go tu Mercer's Drug and Book storo. Prlco 33c to $13.00. Excursion tickets will be sold on tho B. & 8. lt. It. during tho week of Teachers' Institute, December 10 to 23, good only on day of lssuo. While at Institute call and sec J. G. Wells' largo stock of ladles' and gents' gold watches. Prices guaranteed to bo the lowest lu this part of the state. Thcro will bo communion services In tho Evangelical Church on ncxt.Sunday morn ing. Preaching both morning and evening by llev. E. Crumbling of Berwick. Persons having chargo of Sunday Bchool festivals and eclcbratioas during the holi days, will find a flno line of candies and candy boxes at Alexander Bros. & Co's, Bloomsburg. If you want a blank book, oithcr largo or small, day book, or ledger, go to Mer cer's Drug and Book'store. Wo are sorry to announce that Daniel Lazarus, son of Emanuel Lazarus is again confined to his house by sickness. Ho Is an only son. und for mnny years ho waB an Invalid. The last several year3 he was making rapid progress In health, that the family looked for his permanent cure, and have hopes of bis recovery. A present for the old and a present for the young at Mercer's Drug and Book store. Mrs. Eliza Bhlpman died at her residence on West Street last Friday after a brief but painful sickness, at tbo advanced ago of 74 years. As far as known she was tho last survivor of the family) a sister Is sup posed to bo yet living but no ono knows her place of residence. Mrs, Bhlpman had two sons and a daughter, all of whom havo long since passed away. Her two sons lived to maturity and wcro active In the Friendship Fire Co. Much valuable scr. vlca was dono by them. Her only desccu. dent living Is that of a grand child, (a child of Lemuel Bhlpman). Funeral services wcro held at the Reformed Church Sunday afternoon, and .wero largely attended. Interment In lioscmont cemetery. Tho largest lino of Juveniles at Mercer's Drug and Book Btoro. On Monday morning when tho trial list was called In court It was found that but four cases wcro for trial. All others were continued or settled. Tho first caso called was that of tho heirs of Dr. John Hamscy against C. B. Brockway, to recover a strip of land about ten feet wide, lying between the property of Peter Brugler and C. B. Brockway on Third street In this town. Tho suit was started against Rapt. Brockway In his lifetime. M. G. Hughes bought tho prop- crty from Mr. Brockway'3 assignee, nnd Is now tho roal defendant. Dr. Hamscy sold tho property to Jesse Hicks, and It is con tended by tliu plaintiff's that tho deceased did not cover the land In court, but that it was left open as an alley for tho conveni ence of Hicks, until an alloy should be opened in the rear of tho lot. which was subsequently done. Hicks sold to Charles Docblcr, and Doeblcr sola to Brockway, and Brockway fenced In the alley, and it has so remained up to this time. Tho de fendant claims that tho alley is an case ment that belongs to tho property, nnd that lt was so agreed at the time of tho salo by Dr.Ilarascy. C. G. Baikley Is attorney for plaintiff, and Ruawn and Herring for the defense. The case went to tho jury and verdict rendered In favor of defendant, Wednesday afternoon. Persons holding reserve tickets t o Heed's lecturo on prison llfo should secure their peats at once. A word to tho wise Is sufficient. Phillip's are making up a fiuo ll nc pure home-made mixtures for churches Christmas time. All the now and popular games nt W. II. Brooke & Co's. A party was given by Mr. & Mrs. Wm. F. Bodlne, Thursday evening of last week. There were about thirty Invited guiists. Every one did justice to the grand feast prepared for them. Nothing lacked on the part of the host and hostess, and tho only regret was that tho appetites of tho Invited failed too soon. Picture frames and framed nlctures Mercer's Drug and Book storo. Christmas Cards at W. H. Brooke &Co. All kinds of sl.vcr, gold nnd steel spec tacles, opposlto central hntd. For a diary tor 1890, go to Mercer's Drug and Book Store. A Farmer's Institute will he held at Millvlllc, Jan. 29, 30 and 31, 1890. A nlco flno cut bottle, Hogers silver Castor, only $3, opposite Central hotel. Handsome cdlllous of the Englsh poets, bambooo, seal, morroceo and Hussian letber at W. H. Brooke & Co. One of the most popular lecturers In Pa. recently said: "Prof. Exc II is an Insti tute by himself." Monday, December 30th Is tho lat day lor filing application for liquor license Tho license couit sits on Monday, January 20th. The largest stock of elegant holiday goods ever opened In Catawlssa, now at Trucki-n miller's. Fine stationer's goods, plush nnd leather ..oods, albums, bibles, toilet sets, collar and cuff seis, jewel cases, work boxes, &c Prices right. 12-13 2w. The home printers of every town should be protected as nearly all classes of business men are from the inroads of canvassers of foreign firms. A man who canvasses for printed stationery fhould bo compelled to pay license to the town, In the samo man ncr that patent medicine men peddlers and others throughout the country nre com pelled to do. Tho homo printer is ullow- cd no protictlon, but is allowed to boom tho town and Its enterprises gratis ,and do its own defending, and town ordinances ought to protect him the same as they pro ct other business men. ht. For a nice Line of Christmas cards and Booklets seo J. II. Mercer's stock before you buy. Fino nhotonranh Albums, frames and scrolls at. W. 11. llroone a uo. Gone into OniEit Business. Rev. W. II. Lilly, formerly of Columbia county, who has been engaged in the railroad business at Hugbesvllle for some time, has reelgncd his position and accepted one la Hlshel's furniture factory at Milton. Mr. Lllley is the Hrst five months or his carter, and over I tiie characters who appear first In tho only by the dozen and half dozen P"zo was awarded to him. .t. 1 .. 1 I tlilrtrnn Inlmlrnil nltrhta In tin, aitupn fnl. I - .1 i .,. I . ' ... m, I Four mon. f!nrri. Onllnfr the conductor who has married several couples on the Willlamsport and North Branch Railroad during his term of ser- vice, nnd has g lined quite u reputation in that Hue. Handkerchiefs by Hie tluzcn. All kinds and prlrei from -in up. Our embroidered handkerchiefs are very handsome and rea eonablo in price. Cull and seo. II. W. Sloan. Go to Tiuckcnmlllvr's. Catawlssa, for your Christmas treo ornnmcnts, dolls, toys, names and candles. Stock larger than over before. Prices lower. 12.13 2w, A prominent citizen of Bloomsbnrg re cently saldi "I heard Mr. Wendllng In Chlcttco. I would rather hear him lecture than any other two lecturers I ever heard.' Ho 1b moro tlinii a Talmago In cloquency, UMBRELLAS FOR CHRISTMAS. One of tho best Hoes wo have ever had in stock A floe gloria silk umbrella oxydized hand. 1c. handsom". for $1.40. Very fine and elegant umbrellas up to ij.1.00 at H. W. Sloan's Tho service of song announced for last Sunday evening in the Reformed church was postponed on accouut of funeral scr. vices In the afternoon. Tho service of Bong will be held next Sundny evening, J, W. Menrs Si Co, are crowded at their tactory in the manufacture of tho Perfect WaBhcr. This washing machine Is rapidly forging front in tho ronrket and taking ita position at the bead of all washing mach' ines. Babes of the year ami B ibes of tho Na tlops Calendars were great favorites Ui vear .In now dress for 18UU. Ask to Beo them. W. H. Brooke & Co. For tea sets, castors, butter dishes. 'knives, forks, spoons, lu fact anything l Bolld and plated sllvcrwnre, go to J. G Wells', For tho eamo quality of goods he cannot bo undersold. Btone QuAituiKs Best quality of heavy -Or light stona for salo by B. Y. Bharpless. Jan. 0. Flno and elegant white blankets with ellow borders, which are beauties. Wo have them still better with light blue fig red borders, very handsome at II. W. Sloan's. A Farmer's Institute ii'ider tho auspices flVnna. Beard of AMKmlture will be held al Benton, commencing by an address from Judge Ikeltr on Wednesday evening, an, 8th. Sessions forenoon and afternoon f Thursday and Friday, Jan. 0 and 10, closing Friday evening by lecturo by B. It Johnson. Sunt, of Public Schools of Union Co., subject "An Hour With Tho Consci encc." Programs may be had on applici Hon to C. It. Cox, Chairman of Com Ben, ton, or Chandler Eves, Member for Col l!a.. and lt will also bo published In this paper when out. If you want to sco an elegant and com pleto lino of Christmas goods go to Mercer'i Drug and Book store, J. G. Wells is constantly receiving new and desirable patterns In laco pins, scarf pins and all kinds of jewelry. at The first (November) Usuo of Chat waB an exceedingly good one. Tho Becond, a Christmas number, has just como to us and Is better much btUer, tee thoutd jay. It is really puzzlelng how so much good read ing can bo put in one 48-page book, illus trated, and sold at so low a price. The American Woman's College Papers aro continued by Miss Jacquellno 8. Epcs, of Augusta Seminary, Virginia, who writes most Interesting! y on Southern Llfo and Character. Tho stories for this number aro well selected, and tho chapters in that bright Boys and Girls' Narrative, "Erllng the Bold," a tale of tho Norse Bca Kings, are extremely fascinating. The Sketches tho Flower Talks the Invalids' Corner Tho young folks Miscel lany and Reward Questions the Book Notes Poetry and recipes, all combine to make "Chat" decidedly the best of tho December Magazines we havo seen at its pilce. Bingle copios, 10 cents Yearly Subscription, $1.00. Chat PoBLisntNa Comi-aky, Philadelphia. There arc many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the Ivory." They arc not, but like all counterfeits, they lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon having it. Tis sold everywhere. Ilcutli by Drowning. Tho body of Moses Colborn of Rupert w&b found floating In tho wide water of tho Pennsylvania Canal between Rupert and Catawlssa Monday morning about 11 o'clock. Tho conductor of the north bound passenger train at about 11 o'clock notified Georgo Mcars, station agent nt ltupert, that he had seen a body floating iu tho Cuna'. Mr. Mears notified U. D. Quick, section boss of tho canal and ho with ono of his workmen went down nnd drew tho body, upon the tow path side of tho canal. John'G. Quick Esq. was notified and em panelled tho following jury for tho purposo of holding nn inquests Wm. Mcnsch, Fran cis Lclby, William Leiby, J. W. Yinger, James Qulck,and John. Wright After vlew Ingthobody the jury endeavored to nscerlalu whether It was n suicidal act or that of foul work. Colborn was last seen nbout eight o'clock Monday morning. Hu was tracked from the Keg factory through tho sawdust and mud and his footprints led directly to tho feeder along tho loc, and Just oppo slto tne keg factory. It having rained the day previous, there wcro no other foot prints visible. Further Inquiry found that the deceased had left his watch nt tho hotel, as well also bis vest, and artificial arm. According to the evidenco ascertalu tho jury reached a verdict of "death by drowning himself." Mr. Colborn was about 70 years of age, He lived at Rupert , boarding at the hotel, for the past 23 years. Ho was a laborer in the keg factory, under the Superlntendency of J. W, Yinger, at this time. Tho factorv was not working on Monday, and this to gether with the heavy fog Monday gave him an excellent opportunity to accomplish his act. It Is said that on Sunday he was seen walking near the lock, making close observations. What Induced him to com mit the deed is a mystery, but ho has sever al times In the past said that he would not trouble any one, and that when he died he would go quick. lie has a brother living in Sacramento, California. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning, under the direction of Ent Post O. A. It. , Interment In Hosemont Ceme tery, Blomsburg. For tho holiday trade William Webb offers a fine line of Meerschaum pipes cigar holders, cigars, and all kinds of smoker's supplies. Fresh cinfectionery al ways on hand. Main street, next to Gil more's. ll-29-4w. Have you seen tho S-A tlvo mile horse blanket if not, why nolr It you have a horse you need It. 12-0 8w. WII.I, CAllI.IJXON. "Cover Them Over" by Will Carlcton Is tho greatest national dlrgo for our fallen heroes. Every Decoration Dy It Is pub tlcly read and sung at hundreds of cere monies north, south, east and west. Who has not heard and felt i "Cover them over with beautiful flowers, Deck them with garlands, thoso brothers of ours." It will live as long as our fellow soldiers aro remembered, which will bo forever. Will Carlcton Is tho poet of tho people Huffalo Etprets. Carlcton has touched tho popular heart ond won a deserved fame Sr. V. Chrulian Advocate. Of Cnrleton's entertainment Ann Arbor Currier says i "Ono of tho best entertain ments of the season." Hearing Carlcton Is not a good cure for Insomnia. It must not bo forgotten that Mr. Carlcton Is an orator of tho first rank. ("Journal of tho Platform.") Of his lectures a distinguished statesman said: "Thcro Isn't n lull In tho Interest, a pause In tho variety, or a single dull min ute during the whole blessed time ho Is on the platform." Do not fall to hear him, as this may bo tho last chance you will ever have. Opera House, Bloomsburg, Wednesday evening, Dec. 18th. WANAMAKER S. rniLADSLrniA, Monday, Deo. 9. 1S39. St. Nicholas, Santa Claus, Kris Kringle are scrambling all over the store, ihe second door is theirs equally with the first Poor and Basement. Special Fancy Goods on second floor, Market street. Two of Priestley's Blacks take a down dip toward your pocket- book. Heavy-weicht Camel Hair from $1.50 to 1 ; Silk-warp Foule from $1.25 to 75c. Plenty more black stuffs with the prices warped. Here are four qualities Granite Cloth just from the manufacturer: 40- lnch 850 grado tor 750. 40 lrcli 1 1 k'raclo for 85c. 41- lnch 11.25 Brodo'orn. 43 inch grade tor J1.25. 75c black All wool Diagonals and Serges go from 75c to 65c; black Whip-cord Diagonals from $1 to 75c. Small Armure Stripes from $1 to 75c. 1TOWI IS THE TIME COME ONE AND ALL INTO W I IS THE TIME OLD, MIDDLE AGED, AND YOUNG. NOVELTIES IN HOLIDAY G000DS, Plush Cases, Toilet Cases, Work Boxes, Shaving Sets, China, Boohs, Albums, Silverwaj'e, Fochel-boohs, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Rogers Groups. Look at the stylos. Goo the prices. Umbrellas, Umbrellas. Latest deaigiies of tho Sea son, lowest prices. HandkerchiefH, Handkerchiefs. Plain, Fancy aud Embroidered in fact all and every kind nt prices lower than over. Call and see. Table Linens, Towels and Napkins. All Styles loweatpicea ; seo tho qualities they speak for themselves. Coats, Coals. All styles, prices the lowest, they mako good useful presents for both old and young. Dress Goods, large assortment for Christmas gifts. Shawls of all kinds. See them. Furs, Furs. All the leading stylos at popular prices. See them. Muffs 50c and up. Children's sets. Handsome Photatures Framed. We invite nil to call and seo our display of Holiday Goods as well ns our regular lines of Dress Goods, Shawls, Coats Hosiery, Notions, Sic. H.J. CLARK & SON, BLOOMSBURG PA. 4, o, 10, Stacks of medium priced Dress Goods are going a plump third under the little-time-back price. Like these: 3nncu .uixea lncois, Drown ana gray, 11 mixtures, 2JC. 53-tnch .Mlxod Sultlnjrs. 30c S'.lrcliHIlk Htrlpes and 1'lalds, 37tfc. 5j-lncli cnevlots, seo. 43-lnc'i striped Foule, coc. I'lKCoit Hltootlnii Match. On Tuesday last a shooting match took placo between Nantlcoke nnd Bloomsburg, resulting In n victory for the latter. Tho match was hold In tho ball park, and qulto a crowd witnessed It. There wcro three prizes offered, tho first being a hunting coat, tho second, a cartridgo belt, and tho third to bo decided. Tho match was ar ranged by Dr. T. C. Uarter. Tho agree ment was that tho pigeons and tho supper wero to bo paid for by tho losing . party. Tho following Is tho score. Each man shot at ten birds. NAST1COKK. J. B. Rhodes killed Nos. missed six. N. K. Olddeld killed Nos. 3, 4, 5, C, 7. 8. and 9, missed three. J. II. Oplingcr killed Nos. 2. 3. 4. 5. 0. 8 and 10, missed three. A. h. Hartcr killed Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 0. 7, 9 and 10, missed ono. J. P. Kinney killed Nos. 1, 2. 5. 7. miss- cd six. A. C. Lapo killed Nos. 1, 2.4. G. 0.9. missed four. It- C. Hitchlcr killed Nos. 1. 2. 3. 7. 10 missed five. James Bird killed Nos. 1, 2, 3. 0. 7. 9. 10. missed three. Total of 43 birds killed out of 80. BLooMsnnno. Peter Sollcder killed 3, 7. 8. 9. 10. miss- cd Ave. P. L. Parker killed 1, 2, 5. 0. mU3ed six. Elmer Troy killed 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 0. 10. missed one. H. W. Fox killed 1, 2, 4, 5, 7. 8. 0. 10. missed two. II. B. Low killed 1, 2, 3, 4, C, 0, 8, 9, 10. missed ono. Low killed every bird, but one fell outside tho lino D. P. Curry killed 1, 3,5,6,7,9,10, missed three. W. B. MUnes killed 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, missed Bve. Charles Dlehl killed 1, 2, 3, 5, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, missed one. Total, (30 birds. Didn't Want nGlrl. Last summer my wife's health was alt run down, and eho wanted me to hire a girl to do tha work. In a little whllo I found ono I thought would suit her, whoa to my surprise she Bald I need not hlro anyone, as she felt much better, and thought another bottle of Sulphur Bitters would cure her. Donald Obey, 41 Wor cester square, Boston. l?-0-2w. A pack of visiting cards Is always an ac ceptable gift to a lady. Order now at the Colcmuian offlco for ChrlstmaB presents. tr. Uxpcrlcticc oi n I.aily MlHHlonury. Miss Emcllnc C. Hanna, missionary for 1st Baptist Church, Troy, N. Y., says: "I am glad ti state that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Ilcmcdy, of Rondout, N. Y., cured mo of Catarrh of the Bladder, Kid ney troublo and Constipation. I would add that I always used tho Favorite Re medy with the consent of my physician. 12-0-4W. Sneclal bargains at E. Barklcv's in trim- mod hats and bonnets, children's plush and velvet hoods. Also a lot of children's felt hats and wool caps at a reduced prlco. Stamping and printing done to order. The Holiday flutter in Hand kerchiefs has, begun. More counter room, thicker crowds, richer stocks, And yet hardly .1 Ai v i i- lr iiiuic uiau nit: oMiiuisii 1111c is Elmer Troy, U. B. Low, Charles Dlehl in SlgtU. samples OJ cverytlling, and A. L. Ilarter each killed nine birds but the errand reserve is a couple antl wee tie. it was decided to shoot on of floors above nushinrr to take tho tie bv declaring the first man who miss f .. l,4fl eu Uichl shot first and missed: Hart- GEO. II. WKNUI.INCS. I4o ono In America more nearly ap- proachis the ideal orator In platform pres ence and faultlcts diction, in classic dccla matlon and in thrilling eloquence, than docs Georgo R. Wendllng. One hundred and thirty nights upon the platform during I Mr. I'owcr'H Mclliocl Ilxpinl lied. Mr. Powers opens his performance by giving the audience a short description or explanation of tho story and plot of tho play and the characters to bo repr esent cd. Then, ns If tho curtain bad risen noon the first act, ho proceeds to Impersonate Size, Hem, liemstltClling, you buy. 1 here won t be a better time for choosing or more to attract. Judge by this a Man's Plain White Handkerchief; pure linen ol course. Kicht in every way Sold er shot next and missed: Troy shot next aud hit his bird, and Low also killed h. bird, leaving Troy and Low still tie. Troy then shot again nnd missed, and Low shot and hit his bird, entitling him to first prize, II. W. Fox being tho only man who kill- cd eight birds, and it having been agreed that thoso who oontcstcd for the first prlzo could not claim tho second, tho second thirteen hundred nights In tho seven fol lowing years, is the uncoupled record of tho splendid orator. Tub Hlaytojj Lyceum Boheau, New York City, N. Y. Call at L. Bernhardt Jewelry store for prices on watches, silver ware, linger rings, thimbles, tfcc Goods bought engrav ed free of .charge. Saol of Tausus, A delineation of ancient and modern heroes and orators, combined with nn an alysis of the life and greater speeches of scene, then when the cuo arrives for tho next character he instantly and completely changes to that character, ond to another anu another as they come on, anil carries on the action and dialogue as If all the people represented were; acting beforo the eyes of the audience, and so completely aud Instantaneously docs ho change his face, voice, carriage, and whole bodily ap- pearanco to suit each character as he takes 1 u at the rate of 2 1 cents That's Four men, Curry, Oplluger, Olddeld and 1 1 ...... ..14 muvu ouiku iiuvuubi nuu, utlut dlJlt-lt-. I tic It was decided bv drawing neira. nnd rut one alongside the best rec- the prlzo fell to opiincer. tilar ?oc. Handkerchief vou ever C. E. Randall of Catawlssa acted sJ J I T .. , . . .. t - XT.. T ' 1 n. .!.. iuuui;e, ucu, uruvur ui iiauucuKf, J. o Blue of Bloomsburg, referees. W. B. Al fen. as t'anncr. An elcirant sunner was Old people look into served at tho Exchange hotel at five Of o'clock, which was attended by all the The following letters aro held at Blooms. hunt. Pa., post-ofllce, and will b1! sent to tho dead letter office, December 28, 1889. A. B. Foster, Mr. E. Heath 2, Mr. Mar tin llultzhuser, Ed. Leach, W. F. Peck M. D., Mr. Harrison Waters. OAitns Miss F. Cornish. Persons calling for theso letters pleaso say, they were advertised Dec. Id, 1889. One cent will be charged on each letter advertised. A. 11, CAT110AKT, r. 41. Fans. the cases and sieh and think St. Paul, some of which are rendered w lib u lmU ll(J UU3iou is perfect, and this, "the days when we Were younn"." 6ll0ltr8. t"e 3dfie, referees, trapper, and " tOO. Without nnv Chance Of COStllme. TIlO Vnnnrmi. nnnn o l- T it fr Hnl- ""'" uu.. . xi.uuo Paul ,.;,,,, ;., .,, norm,. I. 1C. Dilillne and sevtral make a rare theme, and In the hands of an .... auJ ,.. ncrfect.on lUo cnlir0 nu. s.j ....vj ... v ,nr nn minnrrnnr rhinrr in orator of such power as Mr. Wendllng a Uence of eltort .vith which ho accomplishes dress, in COlirtSllip, in diplomacy, Diaries for 1890 at. W. H. Brooke & Co. Gents & Ladies Toilet cases In both Plush and Leather at Mercer's Drug and Book store. Iron Street is almost Impassable on ac count of the mud. Several other streets are but little better, while Main Street Is In a worse condition than known for years, Tho great cause of this Is tho continuous lain; but as long as our Council and Street Commissioner persist In hauling dirt and loose material upon our streets we can not look for better streets. It one-half tho money ainually spent upon our streets were used In completing a small portion in a proper manner, there would be a vast saving of money. Our town has squand crcd sufficient to havo mado beautiful streets. Glfi books of every description tn suit all ages and tastes at W. II. Brooko & Co. A nlco lino of new dress goods In stripes ono of the best values for 23c wo have ever had. All colors at H. W. Sloan's. Foh This Cowmhian i Tho special religious meetings held by Roy. A. R. Glazo at Canby during tho last two weeks have closed with tho ad- ministration of tho Lord's Supper on last Sunday morning. 13 adults and 21 child ren wero added to tho church. 43 members were present at tho com munion, and the collection for benevo lence was $3.43. This Is a good record for tho present, better results will, doubtless, follow. Services appropriate for tho occasion will be held in tho Lutheran church at Espy on Xmas Eve. Glove and Handkerchief lloxcs, Collar & Cuff Boxes, Toilet Cases, Smoker's sets, Ink stands, Oder sets, Thermometers, Looking glasses, Manicure sets, whlsp holders, fancy letter paper, work boxes, games, lap tables, writing desks, fanny clocks, fchiv ing sets aud numerous other articles calcu lulcil lo make both o'd und young happy at Mercer's Drug an 1 Book storo. At the close of Reed's lecture on prison llfo the veterans will sine a war song. C. O. Marr la very desirous of selling out his stock, because of 111 health. facinatlng lecture Is the result. It Is not a discussion of any of the religious phases of the teachings of Paul, but waiving tho supernatural element, treats the subject from a critical and historical point of view, and Is therefore deeply interesting to all classes. It Is to-dayjone of the great lec tures of tbo American platform. FA1U BI'EOIMENS FHOM OVEIt 3,000 JOU1WAI- Alton (.) Democrat. "Oao of tho fore most orators of this generation. Adrian (Mich.) Pews. "Most powerful orator In America." Jttoominglon (III ) Leader. "Tho peer of any living speaker." Ixtcrence (Mass.) American. "Audience sat cUranced." Philadelphia Press "A crowded houso spell-bound. " Opera House, Bloomsburg, Monday evening, December 10th. CANDY 1 Send 40c, 00c, 80c, or $1.00 for a superb box of tine candles, prepaid. 0 boxes nt any one kind, to oue address, for tho iprlce of 0. Suitable for presents. Something new Just grand I McKln- ty chips, 5 lbs. for f 1.25 prepaid. Sunday Schools Intending to treat their scholars will do well by sending the name and address of Supt, Joii.t Jacobs, Confectioner, 131 Mill St., Danville, Pa. 1213 3t. what would seem an Impossible tindertak ing, has won for Mr. Powers the renown of standing alone und unapproachable In his peculiar and fascinating art. After all Is said no person will fully understand tho rare charm of this truly wonderful per formance until ho has witnessed it. The success of tho talented young artist others, making twenty-nine in all. I lie snooting is spoucn of by old shoot crs ns somo of tho best ever witnessed. is a lan. liyes downcast and i. -..l- .i. manner coy as sue toys wiui uie iIood'3 SarsapanUa is a purely vegetable tips Ol tile OSlriCU plumes in lier preparation, being free from injurious Ingrc. fan. Was she ev'er so charming? Here is a plain little Folding Fan, 25 cents; another, black satin, (with black sticks, 50 It is peculiar in its curative pow Children Cry for Pitcher's C$torU. VThm Btby wu tick, we gate her CutorU. ' When she wu a Child, she cried for CMtorU, When she became Mlaa, ihe clung to Oaatorla, When she had Children, them OaMorlA, LOCAL WUTICES. Winter millinery at E. Barkley's at the lowest prices. 12-0 3w. No. 9 Cook stoves $13. Ranees $15 up. Stovo repairs, fire brick and plow repairs of all kinds at Bharpless' Foundry. Jan. 20. New England is a No. 1 bread. There' nono better. Try it. Cummlngs & Yerdy. Florida Oranges by the Dozen or Box a The Great Eastern. Something bread. very nice New England Cummlngs & Vcrdy. Special prices given to Churches for fruits, etc. for the holidays at Tho Great Eastern. New England is the very best of bread, Cummlngs & Verdy. Fruits, Nuts, Candles. Figs, Dates, Hals- ins, Lemon Peel, Citron, Fancy Cakes, etc., at The Great Eastern. clients. er. HritnkcmieMH I.liiuor Habit In an lire woriti mure ihuui 011c cure nr. iiuIiich' (iulctuit Specific It can be given in a cup of tea or collco without tho knowledge of tho person tawing It, effecting a speedy and permanent cure whether the patient is n moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck Thousands of drunkards havo been cured who have taken Closo your eyes and you aro convinced sticks.ia bartrain at SI .71?: White tho Golden Specific In their coilee without thattherois a stage full of actors. Open ostrich with ivorv handle, at 6.- their knowledge, and to-day believe they nnrl cn nn imwnn Inrnimn I ,lui'' urinmiig 01 uicir own iree will, no jw. .... .j w. 1 , .... ..,r.. . ,.. 11 . . .1 r .1 I uuniuui eueci reming irum 11s uunumsira an bUllb LU 111U UlliUb uuui luu Paris Exposition at $30, $75, $160, $175, and $285 rare works ol art. Ihe ran Conven tion is here, (Mr. Powers) has been phenomenal, lie cents;) again, painted satin, at 7 5 uas gono to iuo irom iiierauy uy leapi anu centS; painted White gauze, $1.- uounus.-Jpa(ft tiureau. notrl, T7n.17 Vl.llr, 'Mr. Power Is 'Immense'. His cimal ?"' . w,v....ij 1 . . 1 . 1 1 : 1. 1 1 .1: has never been seen here. Kenebec Journal. 1'ailb, UUU.K Willi natural OllVU Me. sticks, (and gray with silvered them, and you aro positive you seo each of their personages beforo you. Waterburg (Conn ) .lnwricari. Opera House, Bloomsburg, Thursday, evening, Dec. 19th. We Want tion. Cures guaranteed, Send for circular and full particulars, Addrcsb in confidence Golues Si'koifo Co., 181 Race Street, Clnclnnatl.O. lO.&Vy GoOd men for traveling and local agents to whom we will pay good commissions iu casho ach week to taku orders for our Im prow Farm SeetU. Pure Jt'oi thern Grown UmI l'uUtoea a Specialty, Write for terms to LcClare & Manning, Lock Box 7, 12-0 4t Brighton, N. Y A Stoniciit. Of your time, reader, may perhaps bo The greatest Blanket triumph profitably devoted to tho foiiowingi- H ViV nt, .,V ,,,, . H'oso who tako an agency for a rel y v-v. w.-v i'. if i.rtc ,,iif iv jsvt.fnto CoiiHiiiuptloii riurcly Cured To the tDiToit rieaso inform your readers that I havo a posltlvo remedy for tne aoovo named disease. agency for a reliable enterprising house, learn their business stick to It, "get on" In tho world. People who havo an Idea of engaging In any can vasslng business will do well to write to Georgo Stlnson & Co.. Portland, Maine Gllmore'B Toy Bazar Is now ready for the holidays. The store room on tho first floor Is! filled with toys and candy. Up stairs are four largo rooms devoted exclus ively to toys of eycry description. If your llttlo boy is to rccclvo a visit from Bnnta Claus, go to Gllmore'B and get a sled, rocking tiorsc, a train oi cars, a wagon, a game, a gun, a desk if your llttlo girl Is to ! bo favored, you will find dolls of all sizes, colors and prices, dressed and undressed, Bleeping dolls nnd tpcaklng dolls, and above all tho wonderful French llirtlng loll, that looks through her glasses, turns her head, fans herself to music that comes from within tho pedestal on which she stands. There are also cradles, baby wagons, furniture, dishes, and a thousand articles from which to select, for boys or girls. Call early before tbo rush begins, and whllo tho assortment Is full. 11'29-Sw. "MiiMiiun't Ulltlii nutter." Thero Is gladness In the household ; Tho shadow fades away That darkened all tho sunshine Of many a summer day. , "O, mamma's getting better," The happy children cry, And the light of hopo shines blight again In tho loving husband's eye. In thousands of homes women are "sick unto death" with tho terrlblo diseases so common to their sex, and it would Bocm as if all tho happiness had gono out of life and the household In consequence. For when tho wife and mother Buffers all tho family Buffers with her. This ought not to be, and It need not bo, for a never-falling remedy for woman's ailments Is at band. Many a home has been made happy be. cause tho shadows of dicaso has been banished from lt by tho potent power of Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription tho un falling romrdy for all weaknesses and di seases peculiar to women. Six and one third lor more') of fiure, fine fluffy wool, and the price Five Dol lars the pair. Nothinir but Wool Some times nearly seven pounds Of it. bgMartandKoneralpuMiiUc. They J offer tho most exceptional advantages to Put together With thorough those who aro sulllcieutlv cnternrUlL to By Its timely blanket Skill. UenerotlS in Size bo willing to mako a push in order to ba. use thousands of hopeless cases have been (75x86 inches), scrimped in ter thIr condition. It costs nothing to try. itiumumiir 1.111111. eunu uu kiou iu .,tl,: Women maKU successful niliniwn ns I1WL11LI1I' . 1 - " . - O I no L-..1I ...!... I ...l.l 1 . wwii us mtu. imi funiculars will uu sen t .n ...1.. .1... n .,. . U t i . iu muBi, niiuuiiuicas luu urm ; IUC1T Kill in acs, .uiu .111 uui is ui uui;r- ajdrcS3 is given above. et money carriers. Little rur- ses of scraps of alligator: scents; black grained leather 15 cents, nr, NouiHe. 10 more sorts at 25 cents. Dr. Nourse, the greatest dramatic 0ra. 1 . . mu,c. rS 1,1 conlPany tor ot tho world, draws Hko a drama, with aristocratic decorated calt- Tlure are many who havo conscientious skin up to $3,50 and S'i.IO. All A,.tnn.ln..n .A .1.. .1...... I... .1...... ,1.... I I ,. UI.JII.IIUUI. UIU lUHIlIC llll UlUYVO ""-I". I 01 SOTtS (tWOOn. 1 WO Ot " ("""I""" 'iii l inm nnr-W.t- cto frrvm lo:- fclV.W I.U.l. .J V. ... ..Will A II I I J permanently cured. 1 shall bo glad send two bottles of my remedy fhkk to any of your readers who have consumption If they Bend mo their express and post office address. Respectfully, T. A. 8LOCUM M. O. 181 PearljSt., New York Nov.22-llw. Curd of 'I'liaiiku. J, II. Mercer has tho finest lot of cut glass bottles ever brought to Illojins burg. His largo Bohemian hand. mauo unities are mo oniy ones oi this 500 Reward offered for un Incurable kind over brought heio. They are now on I case of Catarrh by tho proprietors of Dr 11 . I 1, 1. . I . - ' ' ' """"" -"iiiiuu1iyviwi& I Digw liemeuy, 00 cts.. by ilruiglsU to a lecture and ho draws lliem. Hal path Bureau, lloaton. O. O. Howard, Major.Gcncral U. B. A. sayB of Dr. Nourse's lecturei "The great- est human utlcranco I ever heard." The Christian at Work (N. V.) says of Dr, Noursci "Thla orator, orator In everv tcuBe of tho word, holds his audiences 1 spell-bound for hours under tho charms of his graphic, racy diction and resistless tor- rent of sound sense and unimpeachable argument." Opera House, Bloomsburg, Tuwday evening, Dec. 17th. Exposition, card-case and purse, S5-50, $13.5. Our New 8o-page Catalogue of Books at Wanamaker prices contains about four thousand titles of standard and holiday books. You should have it a postaUcard request will bring it, i John Wanamaker. If tho proprietor of Kemp's Balsam should publish a card of thanks, contain ing expressions of gralitudo which como to him dally from those who havo been cured of severe throat and lung troubles by tho use ol Kcmp'B Balsam, it would fill a fair sized book. How much better to Invito all to call on any druggist and get a treo sam plo bottlo that you may test for yourself Its power. Largo bottles 50c and $1.00. A l'auily GatlierliiK. Havo you a father? Havo you a mother? Havo you a son or daughter, sister or brother who has not yet taken Kemp's Bal. earn for tho 'ihroat and Lungs, tho guar. rantccd remedy for the euro of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup and all Threat and Lung troubles? If bo, when n sample bottlo is gladly given to you Irte by any druggist, and tho large slzo costs only 60c and $l (X). Our stock of toys, novelties and Christ mas treo ornaments are all new. Cummings & Vcrdy. Puro Tea. Fiesh Roasted Coffee. Cream Cheese & Chipped Beef at G. K. Tea Co. Express wacons. sleds, shoo-llles. doll carriages, carts, velocipedes, etc., great variety at Cummlngs & Verdy's. Wedding Invitations in great variety at the CoLCMiiiAK otllcc. Three new fonts of elegant script just received. Call and see samples. tf. I.W. HiW& SONS' GREAT CHRISTMAS SALE HAS BE GUN. We shall not send out cards this season. Will give to all ad ults who purchase presents or other goods, a handsome Christ mas Souvenir, with our compli ments and a Calender attached. In order to make sure of one, you had better come early, as the quantity is limited. We re new our invitation to Teachers and others attending the County Institute to examine our stock. Hie special display of imported Art Novelties attract the ladies, nothing to equal in two counties. The Plush goods display has never been surpassed by us. Our Photograph Albums are rich in style. The Books are extra good and cheap, Child ren are delighted with the hund reds of picture books and Games. Our Handkerchiefs are opened by the Thousands. The display on the Dish Side 1 1 tit nas never oeen equaled m our town or county. Many of the latest novelties are exhibited. I'he Hanging and Stand Lamps are in quantity great and in quality grand, must be seen to believe. We give a broad in vitation to every body, all over the county, to call and see. Bring your wife, your husband, your sons and daughters, your uncle and aunt, your neighbor and friend, room for all, clerks lor all. I. W. Hartman & Sons. P. S. Wehavea picture calender for the young People; ask for one. 1, W. 11. & S. Phillips' Domestic Bakery will havo for tho Christmas trade the finest lino of pure candies in town. Fresh Bread and Cakea of CYery description Daily. 1 Philips' Domestic Bakery.