The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 29, 1889, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder nover varies. A marvel ot purity
trenith ami wholosomoness. Mora economical
ban the ordinary kinds, anl cannot bo sold In
oraptllloa wltn the multllu 1j ot lowest, short
weight alum or phosphate powders, sow om In
cans. Kotal Diking 1'owdf.k Co., 100 Wall St., N.Y.
The Columbian
nrrutollshod every Friday. Subscription price,
li.oo a year.
Kntered at the Post Office at Bloomsburg, Pa.,
as second class matter, March 1, Ib88.
Trains on the 1'
follows :
7:32 a. m.
3:31 p. m.
& It. It. It. leavo ltupert is.
11:0! a. m.
6:33 p.m.
Tralneon the D . L. W. 11. H. leave Bloomsburg
as follows!
7:H a. m. 8:33 a. m.
10:57 a. m. 15:00 p. m.
2:35 p.m. 4:15 p. m.
8:38 p.m. 8:47 p. m.
Tratnsnnths ltallwaypass llloom
Ferry as follows:
10:48 a. m. 1!:37 p. m.
e.28 p. m. 4'30 P- m
10:48 a m 6:39 p m
Taking effect MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 18S9.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
r. u. a. M. a.u. a.m. r. h. r. h.
6 28 11 43 7 01 0 i 0 4U
Tlio now Episcopal church fit Eagles
mcro foil down last week Tuesday. It was
being built of stono, anil was nearly cn.
closed. Poor workmanship nnd tho heavy
ralps nro assigned as tho cause.
For Rent. Tho room on tho Bccond
floor ot tho Columbian Building, now oc
cupied by tho Town Council, will ho va
cant April 1st, 1890. It Is a largo, light
room, steam heat, gas, and water on samo
floor. Inquire of Geo, E. Elwoll. tf.
For tho holiday trado William Webb
offers a lino lino of Meerschaum pipes,
cigar holders, cigars, and all kinds of
smoker's supplies. Fresh confectionery al
ways on hand. Main street, next to Oil
ruoro's. 1 1.29-4 w.
The town authorities should sco that tho
stteet crossings aro kept passable whllo tho
mud Is so deep, During the recent wet
ness It made but llttlo dlllerenco whether
one took tho crossings or struck across tho
street anywhere, It was mud, mud, mud.
Tlio Benton watchmaker and jeweler,
moved his jewelry storo on Oct. 29, 1889,
to Holland Mclleurj's storo whero ho will
stay for tho coming year. Call nnd sco
his fine lino of watches, clocks aud jewelry.
Work dono on shot I notice, and warranted
one year.
The Y. M. C. A. of Berwick will conduct
a courso of lectures this winter. Tho fol
lowing well known lecturers have been en
gcged: Hobert J. Burdette, November 30;
Rev Hobert Noursc, December 21; J. Dc
Wltt Miller, January C; J. T. Doyle, dato
not nnnounccd.
Elmer McBrldc has entered Into partner
ship with G. It. Baker lu the furniture
business, and the Arm namo will be Baker
& Mcllrldc. Both are energetic young
men, with business experience, and they
will enlarge the stock and increase their
fucllltlcB for trado. Their store Is at tho
old Uarklcy stand, corner of main an d
West Btreets.
Mam street A IS 11 41 ft K8 8 43 !1 41
Irondale 6 lis 11 6 so
Taper Mill 6 08 11 31 6 48
IiKhtStrcet. 0 05 11 28 0 41
oraneevllle n 57 11 so 0 35
Forks, 5 45 11 10 0 23
ZanePs 5 4J 11 oil 0 21
Stillwater 5 37 11 03 0 17
Benton 5 28 10 65 e 10
Kdsons, 5 23 in 60 0 07
Coles creek 5 so 10 45 a 05
Hntrarloaf. 5 15 10 42 0 03
ijuibaclM. 5 12 10 40 6 00 9 47 3 4S
Central. .7 5 03 10 II 5 51 57 3 58
Jamison city.... s oo 10 30 5 50 10 oo 4 oo
IjV. JjV. I.V. ill. -ai.
8 45 2 41
8 51 2 S3
8 6a 2 59
9 05 3 07
9 15 3 17
9 20 3 20
9 21 3 25
9 33 3 3.1
9 33 3 3T
9 38 3 40
9 43 3 13
6 47
6 50
7 00
7 03
T 10
7 20
7 23
7 2S
7 35
7 38
7 40
7 41
7 47
7 57
8 00
r. H. a. u. A. u. A. H. r. m. r. si.
Deo. 14 Geo. E Shiner will sell per
sonal property In Briarcreck township,
December 14 at 10 o'clock n. ra. nt his re
sidence near the school house.
M. P. Iiutz will sell two desirables resi
dences near tho Centre of Blnomshurg Pa.
atahargain if taken befnro Nov. 30th 1889.
The administrators of Anna Coffman
dee'd., W. E. and 1). It. GoiTman offer at
private sale, a house and lot on West Main
street Bloomsburg, Pa. the late residence
of deceased. tf.
Fon Balk. A desirable and commodious
rcsldcnco on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
jan20tf. L. N. MoTKn.
Fon Sale A farm about a mile from
Afton, containing (30 acres, all under culti
vation, with good biiildlngs, with all this
year's crops, farming implements and stock
will be sold at private sale. For partlcu
!ars inquire of J. S. Williams, Bloomsburg.
7-20 tf.
Fob Sale A valuablo vacant lot on
Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street,
ten dwellings nnd a good storo property in
Bloomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills
and two storo properties in Col. Co. A
Rood farm of 307 acres with good build
ings In Virginia and two farms in Kansas
by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Real Estate
Agt., Bloomsburg Pa.
Judge Elwcll and wlfo went to Towanda
on Tuesday to spend a few weeks.
Miss Bonsell of Philadelphia, is the
guest of Mra. J. It. Schuyler.
Mr. Maize of Philadelphia spent tho last
week with his brother, J. II. Maize, Esq.
Louis liOwenbcre has been in feeble
health for some weeks, but is again re-
caininc his strength and is able to attend
to business.
Tuesday morning Dr. J. J. Brown re
moved a cataract from the right eye of
Charles Krug. Mr. Krug has been con
siderably annoyed from tho loss of sight
of one eye, nnd was anxiously awaiting the
time for operation. Ho will be confined to
the house for a few days, when he villi
gain be able to attend to) business, aid
once more have the use of both eyes.
While the Union soldiers wero suffering
n the Andersonville prison camp, a storm
one night opened up a new spring ot water
within the lines. It was a Godsend to the
prisoners nnd was called the "Providential
Spring." G. W. Head who was at Ander
sonville and other prisons for ten months
will tell what ho saw, at the Opcr.i House
on Uriday, Dec. 16. Uet your iickcib
Extenslyo preparations havo been made
by tho ladles of tho Presbyterian. Church
for their bazar and dinners beginning Hits
week Thursday and continuing tho remain
der of tho week. Tho basement of tho
Presbyterian Church has been cleared of
benches, nnd a kitchen has been erected at
the rear. Go and see the pretty display
and get a good meal.
Uchccca Lott, wlfo of James W. Cham-
bcrlln, died at her home in Plymouth last
Saturday morning nt 0.80 o'clock, aged
forty.clght years. Bho had been n sufferer
for several years from a complication of
diseases, but tho Immediate cause of her
death was paralysis, and her departuro was
sudden. Mrs. Chambcrlin was a daughter
of tho lato Dr. Lott, and a sister of Mrs. 0.
P. Sloan. Bho was born In Orangcvillc,
and was married In 1803, to JamcB W.
Chambcrlin. Flvo children wero borne to
them, four sons and a daughter, tho latter
having died about four years ago. Mrs.
Chambcrlin was a member of tho Presby
terian church, nnil a consistent christian
woman. Sho will bo mourned by hosts of
friends wherever shu was known. Tho
funeral toon nlacc at the houso on Tuesday
nornlng, and was very largely attended,
Mrs. Michael Walters was buried on
Sunday. Sho and her husband resided
1th Mrs. Commons on tho ferry road,
nnd on Thursday evening whllo getting
supper Mrs. Walters upset a lamp and
hllu attempting tn extinguish the flame
by stamping on It, her clothing caught
fire and sho wai fatally burned. Dr. Ar
mcnt wa9 at once summoned, hut could do
nothing more than deaden the pain for her.
Her clothing was nearly all burned off,
and tho skin came off from many parts ot
her body. Sho dlcd on Friday. No ono
saw tho occurrence, and the above Is tho
womans own story. Mrs. Commons was
tho houso at the time, but the Walter's
family lived upstairs, whero the accident
happened, so sho did not sco it. There is
no truth in the report that the husband
row a bottle at the wife, and struck tho
wife, and struck tho lamp, which set fire
the bed, tho woman having retired.
Mrs. Walters was not in bed, but there
was a bottle, and both husband and wife
had been Indulging In liquor, but for
which the unfortunate accident would not
havo occurred.
A few years ago several thousand dollars
were expended on Main street, by putting
tons of limestone on the road and breaking
it up. For weeks past there has been sev
eral inches of mud on the surface and the
limc-stono is buried as deep as McOlnty.
Evidently something else Is needed to make
solid road bed in our streets. We are
not prepared to say what it should be, but
It is certain that unless something be dono
the main business avenue of the town will
remain in a very bad condition.
Court next week.
W. H. Jacoby severed his connection
with tho Sentinel on Saturday night.
Services at the Episcopal church at 10.30
a. m. on Thanksgiving.
We call attention of our readers to the
change of advertisement of I. Maicr.
Peter Gross has sufllclcUly recovered to
be out again.
Ilev. I. M. Phtteisoii will
union services at tho M,
Thanksgiving Day.
preach at tho
E. church on
Tho School Furnishing Company has
suspended a number of hands becauso
their orders are filled for the season.
Excursion tickets will bo sold at all sta
Hons on the B. & S. It R. on Thanksgiving
Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint
Hood's Sarsaparllla pm itles the blood, and
thus permanently cures catarrh.
J. H. Mercer and W. F. llodlno Were out
bunting on Tuesday, and Mr. Iiodlnc in
elsts upon it that.ho shot n rabbit, but the
dogs couldn't find It.
The scenery used in tho play "A Legal
Wrone." will bo brought hero with the
company. The shipwreck scene is great.
Opera Houso next Monday night.
Tho Eagle Hotel nt Shlckshinny, belong
ine to the estate of G, G. Turner was pur
chased last week bv Charles Turner ot
Orangevilte for $2300. .
Tho terms of subscription to tho Coidm.
bun are $1.00 a year in adiance and those
who do not comply with theso terms must
expect to be reminded of them.
O. 0. Evans. Esn. of Berwick, has re
moved his law office to tho now building
near his residence In that borough.
Hev. J. B. Wolff of Glen Itock, York
county, preached in the Lutheran church
last Sunday morning and evening. If tho
attendance Sunday evening, was an Indi
cation of iho appreciation of the people,
Mr. Wolff should feel highly compliment
ed ns the house was well filled. Mr.
Wolff has served the Lutheran congregn-
lion at Glen Rnck for tho past twelve
years; it being his first and only charge
since leaving tho Seminary at Gettysburg
He has made inauy friends by his visit in
this place.
Tho following letters are held at Blooms
burg, Pa., post-otllce, and will hi sent to
the dead letter offlse, December 10, 1839.
Mr. Harry C, Amole, Miss Louisa As
man, John Uillaspy, Mr. 1. J. laitz,
Miss AUco Seybert, Mr. Shlck, Mr. Henry
Zelglcr, (2).
Geo. W. Holder.
Persons calling for theso letters please
say, they wero advertised Nov. 20, 1889.
One cent will be charged on each letter
A. 11, Catiioakt, r. M.
The fair and supper held at Evan's Hall
last week Friday and Saturdw by tho
ladies of the Episcopal church was well at
tended and patronized. Tho proceeds
wero about threo hundred dollars. Tlio
adies of the Guild still havo somo fancy
articles on band and will bo pleased to
take orders for duplicates of any goods
exhibited at tho fair and orders also will be
filled for comfortables, aprons, dolls, &c.
The fair closed with an auction of a num
her of articles which under the skillful
manipulation of John S. Williams,! auction
cer, brought good prices.
Babyhood for November opens up the
question ot how to meet tho incseaslng de
mand for Intelligent nursery maliK It Is
a subject in which all mothers ot young
children aro interested, and thu methods
propoed by Babyhood for raising tho
standard of nurse girls deserves careful
consideration. No less Important to ptr
ents Is tho warning as to "Growing Pains"
given by Dr. J. Lewis Smith, "Nursory
Cookery," "Nursery Helps and Novelties,"
may bo mentioned among tho many topics
discussed lu tho current number. 15
cents a number; $1.00 per year. Bahy
noon Publishing Co., 5 Beckman Street.
New York.
Dr. It. S. Slmlngton of Danville, nled at
his homo last Saturday mornlne very sud'
denly. Ho was apparently In his usual
health, 7and on Friday evening was out
visiting his patients. On Saturday morn
Ing ho arose, dressed himself, ato his
breakfast and went into his olllce, where
he was found dead shortly alter. It is
supposed that rheumatism ot the heart was
thu cause of death. Dr. Slmlngton was
of apparently robust health, he had a largo
practice, aud was one of the assoclato
judges ot Montour county, serving his so,
cond term. Judgo Ikclcr attended tho
funcial, which took place on Monday
J. L. Dillon has purchased the land of
tho estate of Mrs. Mary N. Harraan on
Normal Hill for 47411.25. Thero aro over
37 acres in tho tract. ,
Tho managers of tho Opcia Houso havo
mado arrangements with the Madison
Square Theatre Co, of New York lor a
play during the entlro week commencing
Monday December 0th.
J. Baltzcr, utter an illness ot several
weeks, Is again atttndlng to business, and
is ready to etll pianos, organs, and sewing
machines, and all kinds of musical inslru.
ments to any who may deslro them.
Thero will bo a pigeon shooting contest
between the Nantlcoko Gun Club and tho
BloomBbuig marksmen, Tuesduy, Decern,
ber 10th, In Athlello Park. This will bean
interesting contest uud should bo well pat.
Gllmorc's Toy Bazar Is now ready for
the holidays. Tho store room on tho first
floor is! filled with toys and candy. Up
stairs aro four largo rooms dcyotcd exclus
Ively to toys of eyery description. If your
little boy U to reccivo a visit from Sauta
Claus, go to Gilinorc'a and get a sled,
rocking horse, a train of cars, a wagon,
game, a gun. a desk; It your llttlo girl is to
bo favored, you will find dolls ot all sizes,
colors and prices, dressed and undressed
Bleeping dolls and speaking dolls, and
abovo all tho wonderful French flirting
doll, that looks through her glasses, turns
her head, fans herselt to music that cornea
from within the pedestal on wbicfi sho
stands. Tlieru aro also cradles, baby
wagons, furniture, dUhcs, and a thousand
articles from which to select, for boys or
girls, Call early before the rush begins,
and while tho assortment Is full. 11-20-Sw.
Clark llagcnbuch, Larry Cronln and Joe
Zeigler brought down a catamount Sunday
morning which welched about 33 pounds.
The three were rambling in the woods
about two miles north of town, and wSien
thiy came In the woods near the line fence
f Wm. Neal and D, Armstrong, their at
tention was attracted by tho noise of a
Cock of crows; as they approached tho
place they noticed a strange animal, of a
gri yish color, jump from tho fenco and
run up a tree. When they camo to tho
treo they could sco tho features of the ani-
mal, and knew it belonged to tho wild-cat
trib?. One of the party was sent for n
gun, while the other two kept guard. The
catnmoint kept a close watch upon those
ho were guarding it. When tho gun
was brought it was Handed to uiarn
Uagenbuch, who took deliberate aim and
brought tbo catamount to tho grouud, by
tho use ot revolvers it was quickly dis
patched. Voon afterwards their attention
was again a tracted by tho noise of the
crows, and hastening to the scene discov
ered a large white owl, ono of the party
Bupposlng It another catamount gave an
alarm, and the owl flew away. The boys
certainly had a lucky day for game.
Last Thursday nizht three more cuts
were made in the frame work ot the show
windows of Geo. lilngler's drug stori", and
Friday morning, William Habb, tho
owner of tho building received a letter
otifying him that If he did not remove tho
windows from over the pavement, that dy na-
mito would be applied to the building.
The letter was signtd, "Lodgo No. 00,
White Caps." The citizens of Bloomsburg
cannot permit this sort of thing to go un
punished. Tho person o: persons engaged
in it are lawless fellows who havo no re
gards for tho rights of property, and the
whole community is Interested in their de
tection. Of course, the "White Cap" letter
is a mere scare and may be the work of
some boy, but there is no sham about tho
disfigurement of Itabb's windows. Whether
or not Mr. Rabb had authority to put hU
windows over the pavement, and whether
the town council had tho power to grant
him permission to do so, docs not enter in'
to tho question. Such rights m'i3t be de
termined by law, and if the projection of
the windows over tho pavement was ob
jectionable or tho council exceeded its au
thority cau eaBlly bo determined without
resort to the practice of malicious mischief
As a rule, it is not well to permit private
property to encroach upon public highway,
but this in no way excuses tho perpetrator
of this deed.
Council I'rocccdliiRH.
Nov. tin 1880.
Adjourned meeting of town Council, met
at 7:45 p. m., present, President Harmon
and Messrs Fetterman, Schwln and Yost.
Upon motion H was resolved. "That
tho committee on highways notify O. A.
Jacoby to remove from Market street the
fenco rxtondlng from Port Noblo street
southward to near tho Pennsylvania canal,
and all other obstructions by him placed on
tho said street immediately, and upon his
neglect or refusal so to do that tho same
will bo removed by tho commissioner of
highways under tho direction of tho Bald
commlttcco nt his expense.
Upon motion of Messrs. Yost and Fetter.
man It was ordered that tho Bloomsburg
Gas Co. bo authorized nnd directed to
place a post on corner of Jefferson and
Sixth streets, Immediately.
On motion adjourned to Saturday Nov.
Adjourned meeting of tho Council was
railed nt 7 n m. November 10th with
President, Uarman, and Messrs. Gross,
Fetterman, Yost and Schwln present.
Ordinance No. 60 was presented relative
to tho application of the Bloomsburg Elec
tric Light and and Power Company for per
mission to construct Electric Light works
and a railroad switch from tho D. L. & W.
It. H. to tho lot of said Company on Eighth
Objection was mado to passing an ordi
nance granting privilege of crossing threo
streets with tho switch when the company
could have selected another sight In which
this could havo been avoided. Council ad-
journed to Tuesday Nov. 19th.
Adjourned mceetlng of Council Tuesday
Nov. 10th, with President Harman, and
Messrs. Fetterman, Yost nnd Schwln.
Building permits wero granted to Sam
uel Shaffer and J. W. Mcars.
Adjourned to Wednesday Nov. 20th.
Adjourned meeting of Council was call
ed Wednesday 20, at 7 p. m. with Prcst
dent, Uarman and Messrs, Gross, Fetter
man, Hingler, Yost and Schwln.
Ordinance No. 60 was read as follows:
Oudinanob No 60.
An Ordinance relative to the application
of tho Bloomsburg Electric Light and
Power Company for permission to con.
struct Electric Light works, and railroad
Bwltch from tho Dclewavc, Lackawanna
& Western Railroad Co. to tho lot of said
Seo. 1. Be It ordained and enacted by
tho Town Council ot the Town of Blooms-
burg, and it is hereby enacted by authority
Seo 0. Tho said Company shall not pro
ceed tn tho erection, ot any of Its works,
In this ordlnanco mentioned, until It shall
havo presented for approval of tho Town
Council a completo plan nnd specifications
of lis proposed construction or works
showing tho lot upon which tho buildings
and machinery aro to bo placed and their
location thereon, tho streets upon which
poles, wires or other devlco are to bo crct-
cd, and tho places thereof, together with
tho proposed route of tho stld railroad
switch; and upon any subsequent proposed
cxtonsion or chango llko plans or specifi
cations 'shall bo presented to tho Town
Council far approval.
Seo. 10. All servlco performed by tho
engineer of tho Town or other Town off).
clals or cmployccss and expenses incurred
by tho town by reason of their services
necessary under tho provisions of this
ordinance In tho construction, maintain,
anco !and uso of tho works of tin said
Company shall ha paid bp tho said Comp.
Seo. 11. This ordlnanco shall not be of
force until It shall bo certified to tho
to Tho Bloomsburg Electric Light and
Power Co. nnd by said Company accepted
and approved and such acceptance and ap
proval certified to the Town Council.
Upon motion ordinance was adopted.
On motion It was ordered that President
Uarman bo authorized to insert in tho con.
contract for sewer construction with Fshlo
men & Wolf that payments bo msdo as
follows: First payment on tho completion
ot scctbn on Hock street, and Its approval
and acceptance by Council; second pay
ment on completion of section on Third
nnd Iron streets; nnd Third payment on
completion ot Eist second street section.
On motion ndjourncd .
There are
many white soaps,
represented to be
"just as good as the Ivory."
I hey are not,
but like
all counterfeits,
they lack
the peculiar
and remarkable
qualities of
the genuine.
Ask for
Ivory Soap
insist upon having it.
Tis sold everywhere.
Owing to tho extreme mild
season heavy goods will be sold
very cheap.
D. LowENiiEita's Est.
Having cleared out a largo
surplus stock of Over Coata wo
are now enabled to offer Big
w i
Bargains a3 follows :
Tho Darcne's and their high grade Spec
ialty Co. and Operatic Orchestra will ap
pear at the Opera House, Thanksgiving
night, Nov. 28. This orglnization comes
highly recommended, and wo know ot no
better way of passing the holiday night,
than by going to tho famous Darcno nnd
their star trouno of 20 performers. It
would bo a good idea to sccuro a scat In
advance, and avoid tho usual crowd at the
door that greet tho Darcno troupe where-
over they have appeared. Reserved seats
60 cents.
Card of TliuiiUu.
A Jiewl'lny iins itH Initial IToilue
tloti nt tlic I'nrlc.
"A Legal Wrong," a sconeio play of con.
sldcrnblo merit, with Gcorgo O. Morris in
tho principal role, opened a week's en
gagement at tho Park theatre yesterday
afternoon. The houso was well tilled, and
repetition of the performance last night at
tracted an audienco that packed tho house.
The management has gono to considerable
expense in putting tho piece on the stage,
and some of tho scenery and mechanical
effects aro equal to anything ever scon at
tho Park. A very realistic shipwreck
scene, a splendid view of a tropical Island,
and a cyclone nt sea aro among the effects
produced. The play Is well prcsentod by
Mr. Morris and a company of clever
people, nnd tho specialty features Intro
duced received much applause. Indiana
polis Sentinel, Aug. 20.
Bloomsburg Opera House, Monday,
Dccemccr 2.
C. Mcars, wife aud youngest son, started
for Newton, Kansas, Tuesday morning.
Mr. Mears expects to bo absent several
months, and will establish agencies for his
celebrated washer.
if tho proprietor of Kemp's Balsam
should publish a card ot thanks, contain
ing expressions of gratitude which come to
him daily from those who havo been cured
Ct ciivnrn tlimnt .nil Inn., ti-nulilna i.v llw,
of tuo same, mat me uioomsuurg imi. U8Q o( Kcpjp,g jj,lsam) u wouU1 ml a falr.
I.lght and rower uompany oo anu i uetuy 8,ml booki Uqw much beUcr tQ mvlle a1
permitted to locate and construct buildings
and machinery for tho purpose of supply.
Ing light, heat and power by electricity, and
for such purpose or purposes may erect
poles with wires or cables upon tho public
streets or highways within the limits of the
Town of Bloomsburg nnd may main
tain and uso tho samo subject to the
terms and conditions hereafter mentioned,
and subject to such icasonable and lawful
regulations as may be hereafter of tho
Town Council, from tlmo to time, mado or
Seo. 2. The said Company shall in tho
erection of poles Immediately repair the
pavements, streets and water courses
so as to put tho samo in proper condition,
and keep the same at all times in like re
pair: and whenever In tho judgment of tho
Town Council, private or public improve
ment shall require the removal hnd re
placing of such poles, the said Company
shall remove and replace tho same, as by
the Town Council may bo directod, and
upon failure of the said Company so to do,
upon notice to the said Company, the Com
missioner of highways Bhall havo power to
perform such work at tho expense of tho
said Company, to be collected as debts of
llko amount aro now by law recoverable.
Seo. 3. if at any time any part of tho
Works of tho said Company, its .buildings,
to call on any druggist aud get a free sam.
plo bottle that you may test for yourself its
power. Large bottles 50c and 1.00.
OpculiiK of tile IHkIi School.
It is expected now that all the arrange
ments will be completed for the opening
XT TU.-t. 1 1 I 1 T)..!1 .1... .
Monday afternoon at ono o'clock. A pro- E e.aP at 75 ceius now 5o cents,
gramme has been arranged which will con- 1 his IS a group Ot trade CUHOS
slst of an address by the President ot the
School Board, John It. Townscnd, a re- Listen to this tale. It has
port from tho Secretary, J. C. Brown, ad- MWCv fvlpj
wool with silk, elegant stripes
nm.iDKLPmi. Monday, Nov. 25, lssa.
The power of 50 cents :
Scbastopol, which you might
call a cut merino or tricot-a-long.
Acuta, which is a sort ot twill
fine diagonal. French.
Rave Soldi, merino with a
cord or rib. German.
Each 40 inches wide, fine to
touch, all wool, all colors, per
fect in every way. Last week
dresses by Hev. D. J. Waller, Col. J. G
Freeze and Supt. J. E. Grimes; the presen
tation ot a flag by the Patriotic Oriler Sons
of America; response by William Chris
man Esq.; an addicss by Supt. Uigbeo or
one ot his assistants. This will bo inter,
snerscd with music.
The new building is an ornament to the
town, and a credit to the Board of Direct
ors under whose management it has been
erected. On the first floor aro four rooms,
two of wnich are furnished, and will he
occupied by tho Grummar School. Mr.
Kline will have charge ot one ot these
rooms, and Miss Hattio Sloan the other,
There are two other rooms on the first
floor, which will uot be furnished at pres
ent. On tho second floor is one large room
to bo occupied by tho High School, over
At 75 cents now, $1 last week,
Second The same price tumble
with four styles fine All-wool
Serge, solid sideband. Third
-Wool serge, melange border,
and plain with striped combina
tion, many styles, that were
$1.25 recently, are
now. And they are
French and German
A fairly cood blanket at
$-?.6; the pair. We don't know
its equal at the price. Five
machinery, polca wire or other matter or I which Prof. Harklns will preside, assisted pOUIlds Weight all fine, clean
thing whatever shall bo found to be defect-1 by Mr. Sterner. There aro also two reel-1 wool save the light cotton warp
Ivo or dangerous from any cause, or not In I tation rooms, and a library. Tho latter is yQU see nothing of A mean
ordinances and regulations made by the bo nicely turnlshed, and will bo used also "lanket ISn t economical at any
Town Council, the said Company shall up- as a room for tho moetlnKS of the Direct- Price. YOU needn t give a
on notice given by the Committee of high-1 ors. In the basement are the heaters, and 1 thought to that here. We weed
ways, roriuwuu maso such repairs as may i ine cioseis. r.very room is si'ppucu wuu gucll out belore theV fTCt tO
I,.. 1 -1 . l ! ) I - " uuu uuat tiwseis, wusu uasius, uu i jjig Store
work thrnn.hnnt. tli linllillni. U vnllnw mcics (.i-ejiiuiuy as
pine, oiled anil varnished, and tho work- as extra comfort in a big blank-
manship is of tho best Tho halls are wide et, one that reaches all over the
and well lighted. Tho desks were mado bed and leaves plenty to "tuck
oy tut) ocnooi rurnismng ejompany, and .. Here's One -i" Vards
are all the Orion desks. The teachers are "er b OIU- , ,
provided with neat tables. Thu system ot Square, IO pounds, and the
heating and ventilation in uso is operated price Sb.50 the pair.
Thursday afternoon Nov. 21st, occurred
a very happy wedding at the pleasaut homo
of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gunton, on south
Railroad St. tho directly interested par-
ties being Miss Lulu Gunton and Mr. Chas.
W. Jones, one of our prominent young
citizens. J. Lee Harman was the grooms.
man and Miss Prlscllla Lunger ot Danville,
was tho bridesmaid. Tho ceremony was
performed by Rev. W. T. Auman, and was
witnessed by about one hundred and twenty-five
guests, many coming from abroad.
They wero tho recipients of many beautl-
fill and costly presents. Among those frnm
a distance were Miss Uniini Uiuit.'ii and
Miss Alice Foster of Wilkes-Burre, Mrj,
Wm. A McHo3e, -Mrs ; Geo. Bulford and
Mrs. C. H. Holland nt Betich Haven, Mrs.
Nancy Walker of Kingston, Mr. & Mrs., W.
E. Lunger, Mr. & Mrs. William Lunger ot
Danville, Mr. Hatry iChamberllu of Beth
lehcin, Pa.
Tho bride was neatly attired in cream
Henrietta anil moire trimmings, and tho
bridesmaid in cream albatross.
Tho happy pair left ou the 4 18 train D.
L & W. for Philadelphia and other points
of interest.
Their many friends unite in wishing
them a long and happy voyage on the mat
rimonial seas.
bo required to remove such defects or dan
gcr, or to conform with the ordinances and
regulations, and if the samo Company neg
lects or refuses to perform the work re
quired In such casi upon receiving such
notice it shall bo liable to a lino of flvo
dollars for each and every day, during
which neglect or refusal shall continue, to
bo collected as debts of like amount are
now recoverable.
Seo 4. The poles shall be located and
works constructed under tho direction of
nnd in such raannerjas may bo approved
by the Town Engineer and tho Committee
of highways, and shall ho of such size,
height and character as may be approved by
said engineer and Commltte.
Seo. 5. This Company is hereby per
mitted to locate, construct, establish and
use a railrord switch, of single track, from
tho D. L. ifc W. it. H. to tho lot upon which
their buildings and machinery may be
erected, subject to the terms and condl
tions in this ordinance mentioned and to
such other reasonable aud lawful regula
tions as may hereafter by tho Town Coun
eil, from time tojlinie be made or required.
Seo. 0. The route ot said railroad
'witch, its grade and construction shall bo
10 the satisfaction and approval of tho
engineer ot tho town ; and it shall bo con
biructed, maintained and used in all its
parts ot the cro'sings or streets or other
highways at such grado as shall bo fixed
by tho Town Council, and to tho BatlsfaC'
tion and approval ot tho engineer ot tho
Town and bo ns not to interfere with tlio
use of such streets land highways, except
so much as is actually nccesary, nnd Bhall
We still continue our Special
cut-price sale of Ladies Plush
Coats, Wraps and Jackets,
owing to the continued warm
weather and the lateness of the
season, ihe goods are all new
That's the story we're telling th!s season, cut in the latest
you now. A depreciation in shapes and styles, and perfect
workmanship. It will pay all
to call. We also show full
prices, not in quality.
$15.00 buys a $20.00
Lined Chinchilla Over
Now we have a lot of Black
Corkscrew Over Coats ; also
Wide Wales at SG.00 and up
wards, while all wool Kersevs of all kinds,
at $8.00, must be seen to bo
Those Children's Over Coats
at $1.50 are hero again. Suits
for little Boys at $1.25. We
prefer to sell The Jerseys and
other fine suits of which we
have tho largest assortment
lines of jackets of all kinds,
coats. New Markets of
kinds. See
$5.75 Ladies'
so full lines of
new markets, al
childrens' coats
Our three rooms are filled
with seasonable goods of all
We show full lines of Shawls
of all kinds. Dress goods of
all kinds.
And here are the bigger Boys'
Suits and Over Coata, somo at
low prices and some at lower.
Now we tell you that we will
surprise you it you will only
call and see the Big Bargains
you can buy. A big assortment
of Children's Pants and Waists
for 25c. Do not be scared when
A CAl'lTAI, 11UA.
we will sell you a Boys' Suit for
i.ou, and a waist thrown in.
When you come we wi'l show
you some other eye openers.
Storm Over Coats are so much
reduced, we are ashamed to
Tho Darcno Specialty Co. who
appear at tho Opera Houso Thanksgiving
night carry their own operatic orchestra,
which adds greatly to the success of their
performances. They, however carry no
firms Sand tor the reason that the amuse
ment goers of the country at largo are bo"
ginning to realize that "brass band
troupes giyo all their show on the street
Tl.n HaFAnnla l,nvn o1..n,l,. .n, . n vn.,n
put lue prices on paper, UUi we lion by giving a first-class show and aro
will tfill vrm nil nliniif. t.linm everywhere greeted by largo crowds. The
by means of throe sets of hollers in the
basement, of which A. W. Fry has charge.
In the High School room, behlud tho
principal's desks is a marblo talnei ou
which is inscribed "Erected 1889. Board
of Directors, John R. Townsend, J. C.
Brown, O. T. Wilson, William Kreamer
William Chrisman, Jos, Garrison, Arch!
tcct, E. E. Ritter, builder, David Ilensin
Two from thirty or
sorts up to $35 a pair.
"Best value we ever had in
Handkerchiefs," We say that
of a Men's Plain White (pure
linen ot course), put up in doz
en and half-dozen boxes. Qual-
Mr. Hensinger has dono a good job, and ity excellent, size right precise
ly what a well-dressed man
should have ; French hem
one-half inch. "Unfinished" are
$1.50 a dozen, 75c half dozen.
"Full finished" run from $1.90
a dozen, 05c half dozen, to
when you come for one and
come pretty soon while we have
1 r .1
a oig assortment, ior while we
have not the largest store room
in the county we have the larg
est stock of Clothiner, Hats,
Caps, Underwear, and every
thing for Men, Boy3 and Chil
dren's wear, while
11 1 11 . 1
win acKnowierisre tnat we are
headquarters iu Trunks, Bags,
&c. Now we have posted you
on our cheapest and lowest price
gooth?, we want to tell you about
our Rochester Tailor Made
Clothing. There may not be so
great a profit as in some of the
cheap trash sold where you
1 t rr r w
mace a aonar ana lose a cus
tomer that will not pay in the
end, so we keep the best quality
of goods, sell them at a small
profit and give our customers
the best of satisfaction.
Wide Wale Double Breasted
Prince Alberts,
day of tho "brass band" troupe is evidently
drawing nigh.
A. Good I.ooltlun Face
We like to see. Yet Erysipelas disfig
ures tho features nnd tho diseaso is as
dangerous as it Is repulsive. It is some
times called "St. Anthony's Fire," nnd
often ends in sudden death. S. B. Carpen
ter, Grandvlllc, N. Y., had it in both legs,
and was cured by Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorlte'Rcmedv. of Rondout. N. Y. Thi3
everybody 1 medicine excels all others for the blood.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When TJiby was sick, -we gave her Castorla. '
When Bho waa a Child, she cried for Cftf torla.
When she became Mlas, she clung to Castorla,
Whan she had Chlldrdn, she gave them Castorla.
It will stand for generations as a monu
ment to his skill as a builder.
HOI for tho New 1'ork Noveltv Slorn
for ladles' handkerchiefs, from 2c to 23c.
Silk hankerchiefs from 25cts to COcts.
Gents' silk mufflers from 25cts up at J. W.
aiasieuers, opposite ejentral Hotel, lilooms
hurg. 11-22-21.
Corn chop, rye chop, mixed chon. bran.
I old corn, old style buckwheat flour, best
quality Rolled Flour at
Paxton Mill, Rupert.
Three Button Cutaways.
Straight Cut Sacks.
(Qlobe Democrat, St. Louis, Sept. 10 )
These are somo of the
and nicest styles of
Made Clothing.
A Legal Wrong, a uautlcal drama of
sensational scenes, was given before pack
cd houses at tho People's yesterday after- $4.20 a dozen, $2.IO half dozen
noon and night by George O. Morris and
an intelligent company. Tho play rings in
tho old conventional story ot a bank rob
bery and murder, witu a marriage, a sea
yoyage and other additions to afford an
opportunity for thrilling scenes of realism.
Tho cyclone at sea is a striking and vivid
climax, where It seems that tuo salt sea
waves will burst across tho footlights and
1 oil over tho audience. But amid all this
In handy
shape for Holiday
What wrought the change? This wauian's
Is ruddy with n robe's grace.
Her eyo is bright,
Her heart is light.
Ah. truly 'tis a goodly sight.
A few brief months ago her cheek
Was pallid and her step was weak.
"The end Is near
For her, I fear,"
Sighed many a friend who held her dear.
I can tell you what wrought tho change
In her. bho was told by a friend, who.
llko her, had suffered untold misery from
a complication of female troubles, that Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription would cer.
talnly curo.hcr. This friend "knew where
of Bho spoke," for sho has been cured by
tho remedy she advised her friend; to use.
Sho Is enthusiastic In Its jiratse, and tells
her friends that Dr. Plerco deserves tho
universal gratitude ot woman kind for
giving It this lt-falllbla; rememedy for Us
peculiar ailments, It is tjuaxanteed to give
satisfaction In every caao or money refund,
Dr. Pierce's Pellet?, onrj dose. Cure
headache, constipation and Indigestion.
Christmas thoughts Slip
pers :
Goats, Opera or I oiler, ma
roon, patent leather trimming,
$2 and $2.50 ; also mahogany,
be by 6aid Company so kept, maintained sensationalism runs an clement of truo plain finish, at $2.2";.
nnd used : and the said Company, its sue- pathos as well as a mixture of delightful Alligators. The real sort
comedy that leuds a tinge of human inter. Wn1H Wo nr,iCVio,1
est to tho liluv. Mr. Morris is a strong I . . 1 .
nowertul actor at all times 1 this bOlieS with their long jaWS be
niav. and also throws a certain amount of fore they surrendered to fate,
I t r . t 1
romantic sentiment Into it that makes It all V OU tlltnK you are even as you
.,. .nt.nn. mi,... m I . ir- 1 .!f .1 All
mu mure tun-no. muB. mviu mo muu rest yourseti in oeauiuui uiga
good singing an, dancing also iho play tQr Slippers. Brown, slate, TUS
U nn fnr n. wppk. with Vc dntiBaftv and I . 4
Saturday matinees. set, chestnut, mahogany ; goat
Bloomsburg Opera House, Monday,
December 2.
cibdors, lessees or others operating the
same bha'.l submit to nnd'observe all legal
and reasonable regulations which may be
at any time made by tho Town Council
with reference to speed of trains, gates,
flagman, &c.
Seo. 7. That the said railroad or Bwltch
shall bo operated and managed that there
shall be no unjust discrimination In freight
orchargesjand that'under just'and equit
able conditions tLero Bhall be afforded op'
P'jrtunlty of connection by switches or
otherwise, with other railroad companies,
and with indlvlilua s owning property or
conducting works a'.ong tho line thereof,
8ec 8. Tho 6ald Company shall bo lla
bio for all damages caused to public or pri
vate property by reason ot the construction,
malntalnanco and uso ot any of Its works,
or by reason of any privileges granted by
the !Town Council, ai.d nothing in this
ordinance contained shall bo construed
m any manner to affect 'ho right of indi
viduals or others, as to damage by means
ot tho location, constructions In this ordi
nance mentioned or referred to; and thu
said company its successors, lessees or
others, owning tho said works or construc
tions shall keep tho same In good order
nnd condition and save tho town of
Bloomsburg harmless from any responsi
bility or liability whatover, by .reason of tho
location, construction, malutalnance, and
uso ot any of Its said worki or constructions.
or patent leather trimmed, $3.50.
Real deals, mown and rus
set, $3.
Patent Leather. Dancintr
Pumps. Men's $2.50, Boys'
$1.75, Youths $1.50
With a forward glance to the
Holidays, we remind you that
nriiiiUc-iiiicHH t,lI"or Ilnblt 1 11
nil tlio Worlil tliero Im liut one
cure itr. ilulncH' olileu Hpeclftc.
It can ho given In a cup of tea or coffee
without the knowlcdgo ot the person tawing
it, effecting a speedy and permanent cure,
whether tho natlcnt is a modcrato drinker
or an alcoholic wreck Thousands of the great Stock of Men's Slip-
drunKarus navo been cureu wuo navo tauen pers IS Here.
1 , u la. , ...1.,. . I
mu uuuieu opcciuo iu muir uuuco whuuih
.1 , , 1 . .1 !.,! .,
quit drinking of their own free will. No A esh lot Dotlgola Kid
harmful effect results from its admlnistra. slout UUUOn UOOtS, Iirst-Class
Hon. Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular Philadelphia make, two Styles
and full particulars. Address in confldcnco toes, that are now on sale retr-
r.ninnu Ai.irmvii C!n ml llnna dl.,nt 1,1 ... i . ?
Z , 7vr .Xn.r' uiany, ooth elsewhere in Phil
e,iuciuuau,u.-iu.iiy I ,!! "l,: .! : m... v.j.
UUlJJIIIU UIIU 111 ltK 1 U K, til
Cure YniirHcir,
Don't pay largo doctor's bills. Tho beBt
medical book published, 100 pages, elegant
colored plates, will bo Bent you on receipt
01 mrcc i ceuv stamps in pay postage. Alt
dress A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass.
10-25-2L '
$4, which you can buy ats2.7;.
all sizes. Not train enoucrh in
them' to pay the printer for
more than the nu r statement
John Wanamaker.
Our stores are always closed
on Thankssrivine; Day, Christ
mas and Fourth of July. We
take these for ourselves: the rest
Rochester I of the year we give to our cus
The number of coats sold to
We have a few Double Breast- date is evidence that we are not
cd Sacks. Heavv Coats and undersold by others. We have
Vests, just the thins to keep you n0V 11 dMny of articles to
plush by the yard or in patterns
to coyer sofa pillows, cotton and
feather pillows, fine linen and
cotton scrims and crash. Appli
que llowers, fringes, plush balls,
cords, etc. to trim. Our stock of
stamped linens and felt is great.
Cardigan Jackets, a big line.
Scotch Caps for 25 cents.
Fur Caps for 1.50.
Don t forcet the bovs. little
' ' I i 11 I" - 1 r.
and big. Bring them right lls 01 ynrn9 !or kmt
ionfn.n,,m,.a n,i w:JKC' wo are making arrango
Caps; they cost but little and tw ,vcck lin TWomi,m. frvn
you will bo surprised how cheap arranged for extra clerks, extra
you can rig them out ior winter, delivering ot goods m town, to
Itho depot, or nearby towns. Wo
expect great sales this season, as
of tho latest style,
our stock will be more complete,
Wo were in the city last week,
and in again this week, looking
up new articles. Tell your
neighbors what vou saw hero
little last year, and help them to look
tor a greater display tins season.
Our plush goods will surpass all
. .. . :.. j.. r i
visit beiorolul,,l''a 1,1 luu ' wur cuettp
books will surpnso you. Our
Zl 7 rr-r T- display of fancy dishes,
.wp u 18 Bim me lamps, and novelties, our groc
A few Jersey Suits for chil
dren, to be cleared out cheap, as
well as Oyer Coats for
All wo ask is a
vnn luiv nnd vnu nvtnSl 1 OOOKS
i .. FU..MI.. ., children's books will be here.
place to buy your clothing.
1), Lowonborg's Est,
cry sido will bo extensive. If
wo would attempt to namo our
stock it would more than fill a
county paper.
I. W. IIartman' & SON'S.
OHLLutti CWui'STOA'iSa
tiaBffes,raUarllMiatb world. Mk.UMUr)r i14.ltrft