THE COLUMBIAN AM) DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSB URG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAT BOYALTT AT A STAQK DOOR. HOW A DISTINOOISIIKIl rAUTT I.F.KT A LONDON IltEATItK lir T11K DAOK WAY. From Uit notion alobr. An amnaing etory nbout Hlolianl Mansflold, tho notor, is going tho rounds. Tho last tlrao tho l'rincos Mary Adolaldo vlsltod tho Lyooum Thoatro, London, sho was acoompan led by tho 1'rlnoesg victoria, tho young I'rlnoos, tho Duko of Took and a party of friend. Mr. Mansfield, having ontortalncd thorn with sotno light re freshment sorvod In tho saloon attaoh od to tho Royal box, himself joined tho company after tho play, still wearing tho ootumo in wliioh ho had appeared upon tho stage Having conversed with her Royal Highness for somo time ho gallantly offered his arm to tho Duoh&iH to escort her to hor carriage. Unfortunately Mr. Mansflold is rather near sighted, and, also unfortu nately, two stairways absolutely oimU lar in appoirance, load, ono to tho Royal entrance, tho other to the stage. Mr. Mansfield took the latter, tho Princes and tho Princes and tho en tiro suito folio wine; him. Arriving at the foot of tho flight of stairs, tho Princes Mary, who although a very handsome- woman, is extraordinarily stout, stopped for a moment to rest, when to everybody's horror Mr. Brown-Cave, Mr. Mansfield's Secre tary, wm heard to say in a very mild voice from tho top of tho landing, "Sir, yuo havo taken the wrong staircase." Mr. Mansfield looked at tho Duch ess; tho Duchess looked at Mr. Mans field. "I hope," said tho Princess with an air of great distress, and breathing hard, "I hope I shall not havo to go up again I" "Not," repliod Mr. Mansfield, "If yonr Royal Highness will, consent to cross tho stage1 Thoro was a moment's hesitation, during whioh II. R. II. probably pray ed that tho Queen might not hear of this adventure, and then tho wholo party filed across tho stage and out at tho stago door wherotho crowd shout ed itsolf hoarso at tho eight of Air. Mansfield in a blondo wig and silk stockings assisting a royal duohess in to her carriage. Her Royal Highness was howover in no way offendod. That Little Tickling In your throat, which makes you cough once in a while and koeps you constantly clearing your throat, arises from catarrh, and as oatarrh is a con stitutional disease tho ordinary cough modicinea all fail to hit the spat. What you need is a constitutional ro medy liko Hood's Sarsaparilla. Many pooplo who havo taken this medicine for scrofula, dyspepsia, loss of appe tite, and other troubles, havo bojn mr prised that it should cure this trouble some cough. But to know the actual cause of tho cough is to solve tho mys tery. Many cases of consumption can bo traced back to the neglect of some 8U ch slight affection as this. Con sumption can bo controlled in its early stages, and tho effects of Hood's Sarsa parilla in purifying tbo blood, building up the general health, and expelling the scrofulous taint which is the cause of catarrh and consumption, has re stored to perfect health many persons on whom this dreaded disease seemed to havo a firm hold. Mistress (to applicant for cook's position): "Why did you leave your last plaoe !" Applicant: "You aro vory inquisitive marm, I didn't ask yer what for yer last cook left you." 2'exas Siftingt. CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. A NKW IIO.MK TKEAT3IENT. SufTcrcrs aro not generally aware thsl tlieso dlwaws nro contagious, or that titer are due to tho presence of living parasites In ttio llnlne membrane of tho nimo and eus tachian tubes. Microscopic rcRcnrcti, how ever, has proved this to bo a fact and tho rwuilt Is that a tlinplo remedy has been for mulated whereby cjitarth, catarrhal deafness and hay fever aro permanently cured In from ono to thrco slmplo applications made nt homo by tho patient onco In two weeks. N. 11. For catarrhal discharge peculiar to females (whiles) this remedy Is a specific A pamphlet explaining this new treatment Is wnt on receipt of (en cents by A. II. Dixo.v & So.v, nw West King St., Toronto, Canada. Scientific American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles sboul4 read tho above caret ulljr. An Attack Gravels rfcaTWrtkle RMtVrta MT Winu l 00 TWaU&oltdnf I dovbJ7 thtl I &o col cm to tarlac tuad Dr. DitU XHuudj-i T.TortU Tmtij, ffi3 Hondont. K. T. Mr trouUM txtto In mr kldnari tMfrom whieh I Mnr MmMlo neor. r. rmtUMNwmrtinitamrUck.l'rahTer Uh, with do rrUU and could not ilwp, I vu torn. Celled to oh cut, ud audi? rot ao iruk lht I ovld sot Uodtlona. Th dUWMi in C17 bMk ma tftrrlU. IwMtranlncnpwlt2iRftTrcrooDiUZit trcUrerlrrMUeoM. Mr ihxtleUni nU I HAD BRIGHT8 DI8EA8E, which ni tlirmlur lnformiUoa To edd to mr Bictlon liter I LM been 111 .bout two jtwi. I hade bd tutk of OrtTfi. When thla made Hi appter n mr I hrleUa Ran op mr caaa, and I nalirced mrMUtodta. I had four doolort tlnd me, tho brt la I ha oountrr. ret I conatanUr rraw worwv. Hit rcri to lut Jnne.htm wU I mntdlxi tho lime I I aaw Dr. Eeonedri XaTcrtU JUmadr adrartlaed In our rrer. After ulmr ona bottle I threw awar mr cane and went to Xaw Toik on a Tlalt, and three bot Ilea cured me. 1 hare nerer had a return of Orarel. nor of the ptlna or weaxnew in the back, and though I am orer auttr raara of as I am Now Vigorous and Strong I wee In mr rrlme.. I do all mr own ortr. and cine In the home and KIT It to mrrrandi 152 r-wimipMKl It wnenerer I canTirhat pi and all of theTarlotia remadUa iTiAt.v.rTr PiS.'i'i-?"1!1''" orllj. HeniedT did II atayed In Olaeue andmeda me a ttroiur. iWmu woman. an. xmeuiie e. atianer. Bars II1U. Ohio. FAVORITE REMEDY. WoeOnedollir. 7raandatBoiioVmt.B.T. Dr. Kennsdy's Favorite Remedy. Prepared br PR. DATID KENNEDY, HONDOUT, R. T. tlpnbatUa Six (ai M, BraUdrsnrlita. Best and PurestMedicineS EVER MADE. Tint .tJraihA llnmnrfrAm vnnr A. rafew tt7Btrni. nnil make vonr nkln Lclean ami smooth. TtaoM LMmpl' ana itioirnpn bw met i mar your beauty rn vy impure" "nollol nolloll IIcllolll" "Weill what la lt" "How li your mother, thin morning" "Verr much better; she had r rcalrc.tful ileep loat nlKhtl Bho la almost rid of hercUnt BwcaU. cotuh and nervoURueafl, and Is (rrow inif quite cheerful. How grateful we all are to you for that bottlo of medicine." " Don't apeak of gratitude. What doe. tho doctor ear ' " "Ho aas ho novcr anw ao wonderful a ckanra In tucb a avrloua lung trouble. He ttlll think, wo are girlng hla medicine.. I don't liko to toll blm." "lliat'a right. Ho'a tin old friend, you know. I'm euro your mother will get well now! but rou won't forget tho name of the medicine, will you 7 " "Never I Ur, Plercc'e Oolden Medical Dla. covery " are household word, already, and It hns como to stay, l)o oomo and see what eun .hlno It lina brought already, and let us thank you agnin for it." " I will, llood byo." Tho foregoing I. a fair representation of a very common occurrence "Oolden Medical Wecovcry" has cured KTcro.llngcrlng coughs and arrested Consumption, or LuDg-ecrofula, In thousand, of cases after doctors havo faUed and other medicine havo bocn tried and aban doned as useless. Tho " Discovery " Is guar anteed to benefit or euro In every case. If taken In time and given a fair trial, or money will bo rcfundod, DR. SACE'S CATARRH REMEDY cures tbo worst cases, no matter of now long standing. CO cents, by druggists. Double Looomotives Tho Htllro.vl duetto call attention to a double locomotive for llio Indian gtato railways which U a novel depart- uro irom uio common prnctico. I ho design is n-aly a iiermincnt doublo lu'ader; that is, it U intei.ded lor uao win n tho tho conditions aro such as to require tlm uso of two looimotives of tho ordinary type, continually In tandem. This arrangement rcmovea the ii' oi asity forkvo lander, and ren ders' easier tho trmiem'flloii of aignala from ono cab to another There is nothing in thi arrangement to crlticiaa it is really nlmost the only plan upon which looomotlvHR of irreat capacity can bo constructed with any npproach iu i iiiuiiiiiuui ul wuigni, per running foot of track. This general plan is not new in Am rica, liowevi r. The well known William Mason, tit tho Mason locomotivo works, ot Taunt' n, Mass., constructed locomotives on tliisgoneral plan many years since! and recently tho South 'Side lfapid Transit company of Ohicago, whllo investigating tho poseibililies of extending the usefull- nefr oi the proposed rtruuturo in years to come, decided that the adoption of a locomotive of a design Bimilar to the ono described nbovo would enable them to haul nearly doublo tlio mini' ber of ears around the sharpest curves without increasing tho load per run ning foot of the structure. Science. .pooSE 'HiY thoXV V- S best nnd clioalwst'W x 'O dV. V moillclno. w ana V Kj,", youwlllliosatlslled. ,A?- Doa'TWJim GbtitatoncksK. y . Itl.n.. n.t -(,h tn Hun old ago, use' SUM'HUlt JJllTKUS Tucy never nui w cure. Ask for SSjho 116 EVER MAIJis. II I III ttf .?. Itwllldrlvethollumorfrorarourl I BIB . . . kA -1. 1 I I I I CSivclean and emootlu Those I I il III .iMmi.lea and lllotehesBJ ' n'Oa"j. . 'j.'ck.mooci, ami can uc 1 1 VW.V ifyouaral I 1 1 '4. efh "jLliM ft'eatl I Thrt TlnoA J O. 1, S. CJ, mm I " bV. e- . . -Cr 1 at I II ITI lneWaW, IS IKHajl "This is the blanket the dealer told me was as good as a FREE Get from your dealer free, the 'k Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a sx Hone Blanket will make your horse worth more and cat less to keep warm. 5fA Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. Tne Wine for Rheumatism and Dropsy. Dropsical anil Ilhcumatio persons had the use f SpcerH I'ort urapo Wibo of Now Jersey of incalculable benefit, lis purity and valuable lr" ertics havu given it a wide reputation among physicians throughout this country and Europe. It is excellent (or debilitated females, and is used by tho best families in New York and Washington as an evening family wine. 1 or salo by uruggisto. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. HONE GENUINE WITH OUT THE B'A LABCt .Mon'itM by Wm. avhfs A Sdna I'lillnilXi who nako tho Uaioji lloff llrni'l ll.iker lil'intrte Send 3 2oai stamps to a, l . unmuy ,i KfU. Boton,Maas.ifor beet tmxttcalworlt yubllshed? PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair Promote a luxuriant growth. Nettr Fails to Ratters Qretr Hair tt Its Youthful Color. Prarvnta raa1rua ajvl hair aUtuf A Matrimonial Uaromcter. A MAN'S 6IIAVINC1 IIAUITS AN UNFAIUNO INDICATION OK HIS INTUNTIONS. A youncr man, who for Beviral years had been getting shaved at ono of tho Madison Square hotel?, stepped up to tho chair of his f jvorito barber tho other day. His faco was cleanly shaven and tho barber noiou it and when the young man said ho wanted bis hair cut, the barber began opera tions immediately and in silence. 15 ,t in a little v lit Ic ho began to murmur, "Very soon, viry Boon, am I he youna man didn't know what lhtt meant, but said nothing. Tho barber rppoateil tho words a moment later. Still the man in the chair remained silent. Then the barber, who had known tho young man sufliciently long to become somewhat familiar began to ask, "Ho soon, how soon, how soon will it be." "What'on earth aro you driving at, man!" suddenly asked the perplexed viotim. "Oh, nothing; but I soo you aro be ginning to sluvo yourself and I take it that is a sign of something. Yes, I know pretty well what it means when a young man stops getting us to shavo him. It's tho beginning of his econo mies and about tho first, sign that Uio young man is going to get married. Almost any observant barber will tell yon that this is a belief in tho lrah, and I can tell by tho way you louk that it's tho case with you." The victim didn't say anything jut then, but as he was leaving he admit ted that the philosopher was right. New York Sun. M Leon Ksauino. a Mexican. It is statod, has pcrfeotod a marvelous in vention in electricity and photography. By speaking in a photophono trans mltor, which consists of a highly pol Ishod diaphragm reflecting a ray of light, this ray of light is sol into vibra tion", anu a pnotograph is mado of it in a traveling band of sonsitizod pa- per. ao comes uio wondcrliil part. If tho Imaije of this nhotoirranhlo trac ing Is projected by meam of an elec tric aro or oxyhydrogen light upon a selenium receiver, tho original speech is inon tioiru, it is evident that there it no limit to tho development of this combination of molhods. Thta is very important, if true, "Tboeo str ncro phenomena rocall, and also explain," comments M. Hinot, "the bleeding stig'nt which havo been ropoatedly ubierved In tho subjects of llgious ccstiiy who havo pioturoi to nmsolves the panion of Christ." And it might bo added that they justify, if ono uould assume that justi fication wero necessary, tho bout imag ing of Howthorno in having a scarlet A appear upon the breast of Arthur Dimineslale frjm inleuse brooding over the badgo of shame. Tho point is not ono whioh in tho least affects tbo value of tho story, but is of a cer tain curious interest. Boston Courier. Hinging Noises. In tho cars, sometimes a roaring buz zing sjumi aro caused by catarrah, that exceedingly disagreerble and vory common iliseaio. l-m of sm-U or hearing also result from catarrh. Hood's Strsiparilla, tho great llood purifier, is a pisuliarly successful rem edy for this disease, whioh it cures by purifying too blood. If you Btitfqr from catarrh, try Hood's Sarsaparilla, tho peculiar medicine. The manufacture of "leatherboard" as a substitute for roal leather for shoo stiffening is an important industry In Maine. While the product has tho color and quite tho appcar.uice of leather, yet theso qualities havo no Inather in their composition, but aro composod instead of hemp, iUx and other similiar materials ground up and pressed into sheets by a aomuwhat sim ilar process to that of tho manufacture of paper. The manufacture affords an opportunity for tho disposal of old saiN, coriiagj and other worn out ma terials irto which the required ingred ients havo entered, aud, as in tho manufacture of paper, tho product bears littlu a parent ion to i's constitiunl puts, RAILROAD TIME TBXiB JELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. 1I1.00MSI1UKCJ DIVISION. STATIONS. N0KTIIUV.nitRI.iND.. Otmeron , Chulaskjr llinvlllo Catawlisa Itnpert liloomsburg. Espy..,.. ,im uiugu.. NOI1T1I. r. m. ft i.i 6U 8 0S en S3) ess 041 r. M. 1 ro s it i'ib i .u 1! 41 A. M. 1, U. low on l'l is 10 19 10 IS 10 41 6 80 6 41 ewt ium 7o 10 sr t is willow drove osi llrurcreclc.., lierwick Iieich Haven melt's Ferry Milckslilnny lluniocK s. N.inllrokc Avonai ll Hrmoutti I'lrmouth Junction. Kingston Dennett.. Mtltir Wyoming West Huston Ilttston . Lac luwaona. Tavlortllls Ucllevue. , ess 7 es 7 11 7 IS 780 7 41 7 Ml 7 51 7r.U SOI SOS 8 19 8 17 S'21 8S7 S33 S41 8 4S RM 11 OS II U ll in n vo It 21 II 31 11 3S 11 4S 7 21) 7 7 31 731 7 U it M OS. 3 .13 4 n-i 4 01 4 II lifts 8 17 W0t 8 SI is io 8 as ISIS 8 31 US') 8 34 IS 27 KlUNTON 9 01 4 SS IS 31 12 31 is n 11 41 ISM 1 01 1 09 1 13 1 20 8 41 8 49 s 51 8 M 9 01 9 OI V 1? 9 2S 9 30 9 81 STATIONS. SCIUNT0N I ellcfiie T.trlorvlllo I, rkaMTanni.... IMttston Wist ritutou... wjroiulnu r. M. r, m. r. M. r. m bOUTIl. a. M. r. . r. M a. u. 6 li) 611 6S0 est 6.11 641 f 47 Mnllby 6.11 i nennetu Kingston 1 I'lvrnoiitli Junction. riviuoutli Avomltle Nmtlcoko I nurilock's Shlckslilnny hick a terry Uracil Haven Herwick Creek , Willow drove Umnllldjo I'sny. lUoimihurg r,5i er.s 7ri ; 10 711 7 19 7 '.fl 73! 7 55 801 807 813 810 8) 8 31 933 Ilunert 8 37 Catawlitiii 8 42 IMmlUe 8 57 Chutukr Cameron 9 W NOKTIICUBKKI.AN1) US1 A. M 950 9 51 III 00 MOS 1018 10 n 1IIS7 10 30 lll.1l 1031 10 4! 10 17 10 51 10 51 1102 11 12 11 SI 11 .11 11 40 ii'to 11 51 12 01 KM 1211 '2 17 12 32 1 M 2 02 2 10 SIS SSI 2 29 5'sr 2 43 2 41 2M 2 55 2 65 8 0U 3 20 3.11 3 41 3 17 3 53 3 57 4 KS 4 09 4 15 4 2J 4 2S 6 30 C S3 6 3) G 37 C 43 m 6 51 HS'.I 7 (VI 707 7 13 7 11 7 21 7 21 741 7 55 8 U7 8 3 820 8 27 8 31 8 31 841 8 47 8 52 8 57 -YATtSr The matorinls nnd work' in our Clothing stump it us tho "Best Mfitlo." "it looks well nnd time proves that it weanl well. This "Best" Clothing for Manand Boy is reasonable in price at tho "Ledger Building." ft. C. YATES" & CO. SIXTH AND 'CHESTNUT STS. PHILADELPHIA. BAKERS UND CONFECTIONERS Exchange Block, Bl66hisbirg, Pa. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Oysters and Clams m g .n en. r i .... .J tL.i.1- &m IM S auQ nnuui. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Oyster EPa,xlors .tta,cecl -H Comn a and o try our FAMOUS 15 Cent Stews- 1141 13 55 r. m. riiiinicipiiK 4 40 9 is 4 54 . .. . 5 (O 9 11 5 15 9 15 , P. M. P. M. THE SHOE BRUSH nrtnni.H n ot KtinTt. WlMl llandln-"lllroad for f imincn 1. Tanaim, Will. limsport. sunoiry, rovtivlllo. cm. At NorlH im Dirlinl wlta l O. Dl. I'. IL It for Kurlil'ir.', Lookllivon, Ei-pirlit n, W.irron, (Drry, unl Kflo, W. V . 1IAI.1T AU, (Un Man , ScrjnWn, IM. tttta (i. 1 ul i'rl3 .Urs obtlnrt,nncl all 1'atcnt mniii lute-tor MilU-mTKFKES. 1 t)UH Oir.IOB H OI'l'i-ll'E U. S. 1'ATKNTl KflRK ,Va tiivoai sio-i 'cnolca. all business lreot, lien :oon iriniiet ptlctit business In less Imo and atLU.i COS 1' thin tuoso reiaototrom Washington. beiul im lot, drawln?, or photo, wllh description. Wo advlso 11 patcntaolo or not, rreo or charge. Our ree not dua till patent Is scoured. A ooolc,"llow to O'jtalnl'at'jnt-V'wlth referents oaituil olltttiln yjur Stun, county, or town, dot free. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., en hite l-Htini i m Wumnjtnn, d.o rtlTT VO hi. A IIS for LIFE SCHOLARSHIP E'.X.njMCS' BUSINESS COLLEGE 1709 Chestnnt M., Fhlllda. Tlmoreqnired3tolmo. Coame ol Mndj. Circular! xu y you name mm yuA. I won't miss it, for I have long since adopted an easier and cleanlier way. A bottle of Wolff'sACMEBiacking and a sponge to keep my shoes washed clean, save a deal of labor and shoe leather. Bold by Sho Stores, Orocen, PrmlrU, if. The best Harness Dressing in the world. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PHIUDELPHU. J . VI1.L,I.VMJ, AUCTION EEH. ULOOMS11UUO, PA. Rsil E3tat3 33U3at and Sold. I'artltB ill flrinj; to buy horsisitnil wagons 'otiltl ilo well to call on the itiovc. AXLE nr.T IN TIIK WOK I . Im rtarlrjj quiJltlcg are nnsui r.. pctuatlr ouilMllnsr lo Itozpi of Rnvnihi r I r I. Kol tfiect3l hy hent. GV.V Till; lil.U i'INK. JOIl hALE HV ItlcrcbantH au4 Drulra C.rurrnllr. WHOLKSALE DEALERS IN (fr&tfj, IBoiacco, (Can, Fvoftj an Hotj. SOLE AGENTS FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. Esrosj-z- goods jl. sFEor.iJi'Tr. SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Clean Honry Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Aeh. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Price, aa Mima I Oranges, Lcmonj. ream N5 & 13ariana5, pe&nMl. Atwond-j. Enl'tjh WalnVit5, mfOf, dm BL00MSBURG, PA. C. 6. fiOBBIlS, Foreign and Domestic BLOOMSBURGtPfl.N VICTORY VICTORY ! VICTORY ! ! THE WHITE KING ! 1888. HONORED : ABOVE : ALL : COMPETITORS AT THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION CINCINNATI In the Award of the SILVER MEDAL for the Best Family Sewing Machine. 1889. TRIUMPHANT : WHITE THE : HIGHEST : HONORS AT THE EXPOSITION UNIYERSELLE, Paris, In the Award of the GOLD MEDAL for the Best Family Sewing Machine. THE EXPERTS OF EUROPE AND AMERICA PRONOUNCE IT THE BEST IN THE WOULD ! Could More Conclusive Evidence foe Given of the Superiority of the WHITE ? i. SALTZEB. GENERAL MAIM ST. BL0HSB11G, III: i I. Fit IN ESTEV PIANOS AND OttCANS AND OTHKB MAKES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers