The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, November 08, 1889, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBU RG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 1 The Columbian. 0. E. Elwoll, J. K. Blttonlonior., f J3LOOAE3BURG, PA.. FRIDAY, NOVEMUEIl 1, 1889. DEMOCRATIC DAY! Ohio, Iowa, Hew York, Mary land, Virginia and New Jersey in the Demo cratic column. TIIK IIEPU15L10ANS CARRY THE QUAYSTONE STATE AND MASSACHUSETTS. Henry K. Boytr, republican, was elected Stato Treasurer by 60,0(X, Philadelphia giving him 11,080 plur ality. The Virginia Democrats have beaten "William Mnhono for governor by a ma jority that is not likely to fall below 20,000 and may exceed hatj their entire stato ticket in fleeted and they will havo a working majority in the legis lature. Maryland went democratic, and Bsltimoro electo 1 a democratic mayor by 5000 majority. Now York elected tho democratic ticket by 22,000 major ity and raado gains in the legislature, but not enough to control it. Massa chusetts elected the cntiro republican ticket. LATK9T. Tho latest returns show that the Democrats have carried Ohio by a plurality of 12,000. They havo elect ed tho Governor and havo a majority of 10 in the legislature on joint ballot. Boies, Democrat, is elected Gover nor in Iowa by a plurality of 13,000. Mahone, republican candidate for governor in Virginia is defeated by 30,000. WASHINGTON LEl'TEB- From our regular correspondent.) Washington, Nov. 4. 1880. Ciyil Service Commissioner Thomp son's friends indignantly deny tho state ment charging him with having as sisted in collecting campaign contri out ions for tho democratic National com mittee in 1883 from tho clerks in tho Treasury department while ho was As sistant Secretary of that Department. Mr. Youman, who was chief olerk of tho Treasury at tho time, makes the following statement, which is corrob orated by a number of other officials, BOmo of them republicans: 'During tho incumbency of Mr. Thompson as Assistant Secretary of tho Treasury, I was Chief Clerk and Superintendent of the Treasury build ing, and charged with the enforcement of all orders. I remember distinctly during the campaign of 1888 ono of my subordinates, with-out, my know ledge, had colleoted or reoeived from tho employes some soventy fi vo dollars and informed mo of it, and wished to turn tho monoy over to mo to be for warded to tho democratic committee. I declined to receive it, and at onco reported tho fact to Assistant Sooretary Thompson, who distinctly and emphat ically told me that such act was illegal and must not bo permitted in the department, and directed mo to send for this subordinate and order him to return the monoy to tho persons from whom bo had receivod it, upon pain of dismissal (which I did and tho money was so returned), and further to stop all that kind of work in the department. This silly charge was brought against Mr. Thompson by republicans because ho has taken uteps to prosecute members of a Virginia republican club of this city for collecting money from Government employes for tho Mahone campaign fund. Ex-Secretary Bayard will bo married in this city next Thursday, to Miss Clyracr. This marriage has been re ported as about to take place at least a half dozen times during the last year. The anounceraent is official, as your correspondent has ono of the few cards issued. A comraitteo of negro preachers call ed on Mr. Harrison last week and en deavored to get him to commit himself to the absurd Bcherae, proposed by the recent convention of negro Baptists held at Indianapolis, of asking Con gress to appropriate 50,000,000 to aid tho negroes of the South in emigrating to the west. Tho same committo after wards called on the Attorney General and presented a long string of alleged political outrages at the South. From all that can bo learned they did not receivo much consolation from either of tho gentlemen visited. They only got somo very indefinite and diplomatic promises. L. B. Prince, tho Governor of Now Mexico, makes a strong showing in his aunual report to tho Secretary of tho Interior, in favor of tho admission of that Territory as a state. It is expected that tho democrats in Con gress will make a determined fight during tho coming session for the admission of New Mexico and Idaho. The Government directors of the Union Pacifio railroad, in their annual report, say that the interests of tho United States demand early action by Concrt-ss to secure tlio payment by this company of its indebtedness to tho tiovernmeiil. iliey muorso tno vai hwaite) bill, which was pending when tho last Conirress adjourned. It re mains to bo seen whether tho million aire lobby will be successful in again defeating this much necdod legislation during the coming Congret-s. Rep i escntativo Outhwaite proposes to re introduce tho same bill as Boon an Congress meow, and to uso his iitmoi-t endtnvvr to push it through tho Houeo. Thcro is little ibubt of its being pats oi by tho House, but tho danger lits in tho Senate, which has always been inclined, for obvious reasons, to be extremely lenient in its dealings with tho Paeilio railroads. Mr. Harrison is understood to havo gat down somewhat heavily on Secre tary Noblo in regard to tho diBminsal of thoeo unnloyes of tho Peusion office wboo porsions weio rerated by thtf lato ComrnWsioner Tanner. Tho Secro tary wanted to dismiss them all, but tho Pietldent has given him orders iliat none arc to bo diamUsod unlets it j yam can bo fully shqwn that thoy nro guilty of having violated tho law. Tho only ono ot tiicm dismissed 'so lar is a democrat, and it Is only fair to Mr. Harrison to sav that ho was icmovod before tho matter was brought to tho rresiaents attention. Tho Postmaster General ha backed down from tho dictatorial position ho assumed towards tho telegraph compa nies somo months age, and has set thu rates to bo paid by tho Government for official telegraph mesagesniuch higher than tho price ho Hum named. Tho rale aro about tho samo m thoso char ged evorynno by tho B. it O. telugraph company when it was swallowed by tho wonorn Union monopoly. Thanksgiving ProoUaatlon. TlltiltSllAV, NOVKMHKIl 28, KAMK1) AS TIIK DAY TO HIVE THANKS TO (101. Tho following proclamation, Pf-ttinc apart Thursday, November 28, as a day of national thanksgiving, has been issued: "By Tho President of tho United States, A Proclamation "A hinhly favored people, mindful ot iiieir aepeiiaenco on the bounty ot uivino rrovidence, Miould netk iittinn- ocoasion to testify grailtudo and oscribe praise to Him who is tho author of their many blowings. It behooves hh, then, to look back with thaukful heaits over the past year and bless c3od fur ins mercyin vouching to this laDdenc- uniiL'iieace. to our ueonlo iicodom fro n . .- -. pesincuco ana tannne, to our husbind. mon abundant harvests and to them thnt labor a recompense for their toil. "JNow, tnereloro, i, lijnumui Harri son, Pro-iid mt of tho United States of Araerioa, do eanestly recommend that Thursday, the 28th day of this month of November, be set apart as a day of national thanksgiving and prayer, and that the people of our country, o a-ing trom the cares anil laics ot their work ing dav, shall a-.semblo in their rospto- tive places of worship and givo thanks to Gal, who ha prospered ns on our way ana mauo our paths the paths or peace, beserch'ng Him to bless tho day to our present and futuro good, mak ing it truly ne of thanksgiving for each reunited homo cirolo as for the nation nt large. "In witness whereof I havo here unto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. "Done at Washington this firtt day of November, in tho year of our Lord ono thousand, eight hundred and eighty-nine, and of tho independence of one hundred and fourteenth. "Benjamin Harrison. "By tho President, James G. Blaine, secretary of State. Secretary Traooy, Nov. 1st. accepted the protected cruiser Charleston, built by the Union iron works Company of San t ranoisoo. Tho debt statement issued November 1st. shows that the reduction iu tho public do'ut during October amounts to $9, 101,953.72. Total cash in tho treas- ury' SG25,067,725.76. Why Hayes is Happy. From tte Dallas .Vein. Rutborford B. Hayes is cheerful these days, and as time roots over the head of tho H.irrison administration he ha oauso to he cheerful in tho pros pect that when lb)z conioi Hayes, ad ministration will not bu sneered at as the poorest tho country ever expericn ced. It is Good Work to Qive Health- The only remedy for disorders is ono that will expel tho germs or diserse, and mako the blood pure and rich. That is best efffctod by Dr. David Kennedy s Fovorito Remedy, of Rouud out, N. Y., a medicino of groat value in tho treatment of all blood disorders rod diseases of tho Kidneys. It tones tho system and helps to do good work. li-B I m. It is Useless for young ladies who are troublod with Ircckles, pimples, moth and tan and bad skin generally to uso liquid paints or dry powders, for they only mako the skin look well lor tho time being. 10 nave a good complexion yon must have pure blood. Uso Sulphur lilt ter's and your skin will bo fair and complexion rosy. Young Ladled Magazine. 11 8-2w. Catarrh May affect any portion of the body where the mucous membrane Is found. Hut catarrh or the head Is by far the most common, and the most liable to bo neglecled. It cannot bo cured by local applications. Being a consti tutional disease It requires Ringing a constitutional remedy like Nnlana Hood's Barsaporllla, which, nuiaua working through tho blood, eradicates the Impurity which causes and pro motes the catarrh, and soon effects a perma nent cure. At the same time Hood's Sarsa parllli builds up tho whole system, and makes ono feel renewed In aLrcngUi and health. If you suffer ImpUTO from catarrh, be sure to ninnr-l try Hood's Barsaparllla. BIOOH " I used Hood's Barsaparllla for catarrh, and received great relief and benefit from It. The catarrh was very disagreeable, especially In the winter, causing constant discharge from my nose, ringing noises Hood's In my cars, and pains In Rnrannnrllli 1110 baclc ' ,'cad- sar8apariiiaT110 cflott t0 clcar my head In the morning by hawking and spitting was painful. Hood's Barsaparllla gave mo relief Immediately, while In time I was en tirely cured. I am never without the medi cine In my house as I think It Is worth Its weight In gold." CUfOS Mits. O. B.Giun, 1029 Eighth r.ti, Bt.,N. W., Washington, I). O. '""' " I was troubled with that annoying disease, nasal catarrh, and never found relief till I took Hood's Barsaparllla." J. I Houtt. Marksburg, Ky. N. II. lie sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla Botdbyalltirtifgiitf, fl alxforfa. Preparedoolf C. I. UOOD & CO., A potliecrle, Lowell, Mm MOO Dosos Ono Dollar n i nton ASK' YOUR Grocer C.H.PEARSON & CS.-jv- BALTIMOR&Ma jk ii gin vrmrvvr i Millions for Dividends. TIIK I'ENNSYI.VANIA KAILROAtt COMl'ANV AVll.t. DISIIURSU TIIK USUAL AMOUNT. Tho dlrectois of tho Pennsylvania uauroau Uompanv havo declared n cash semi-niiiiunl dlvldond of two and a half per oent., or 1,25 per rharo, payablo Noyember .10, to tockholdors of record October 31 at 3 o'clock. This is tho usual rate. It calls for the disbursement of !J2,C03,C25. Tin payment is mado out of tho profits of tho company. This is tho tint divid end sinoo tho Johnstown flood, and tho compiny has demonstrated its nbility to recover from that disaster without reducing its dividend rate. DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents Iung Fever ! Cures Distemper, Heaves, Glanders, Loss of Appctlto, Founder, Favors, &c lib. In each package Sold by nil dealers. DR. BULL'S Cures Dysentery, and D!nrrho?A. Cures WlndQ An v OVDIID cohc&o, BAB f 5 1 KUr Believes Griping and Summer Complaint. Facilitates TcctlilngI Regulates the Bowels! Sold by all druggists. Trico 23 cents. B!M! "THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For tlio euro of COUGHS, COLDS, .Hoarseness Asthma, Incipient Con sumption Croup, HVhoopIng Couch, and for tho relief of Consumptivo per sons. For Saloby nil druggists. 25 cents. BOP etunre tr:0E 3 cudcb ciOAREUts for Co ZXUKtl tarrhl PridoCU, Atoll dnggllts. FOR SICK HEADACHE IN ITS , or Q This Heme-ly U the pereerlptlon of ono of the leading phrslclans ot rarK Franco, and was used by him with unparalleled success for over thirty years. It was nrst given to tho public as a proprio tary medicine ln 1S78- Blnco which time It lias found Ita way into almost every county on tho face ot tho globe, and become a favorite remedy with thousands ot the leading pln slclans. Medical 80clctlea have dt6eus90d its marvelous success at mwir annual conventions, ana urier their o ucial cuemisiB nave anaiyzea it ana round that It con. talned no opiates, bromides or other harmful In. gredlenta placed It among tbelr standard reme dies. TESTIMONIAL. L. R. I1ROWN, M. D., S3 West Jersey St.. BuziBTU N. J. June 2S. 18HD. Tlilslstocertiry that I navo used for some months with much satisfaction, tho combination or remedies, tor Heidacho. known as llrlfrra' Headache Trochin The remedy cures moro head- wuu, cupvciaur aucu as anecL nervous women, than anything I am acquainted with, and It this tcium-iiiB win uo uie means oi Dnngiog it to me ,rurauiu aueauuu oi bunerera irom tnat trouoie, . mail tw, luilb I 1IUVU UUUC LUCIll l BtTVlCtl. L. R. UliOWN. PRICE; 25 CENTS. Sold by all Druggists, or sont by Mall on lie celpt of Price. Briggs' Medicine Co., ELIZABETH IT. J. 0-27. ly. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VAI.UA1LB Kcsil IQ.tate! ByMituoof awrltotliv. Fa. Issued out ot the Court of common Fleas ot Columbia Co. and to me directed, there will b3 exposed to publlo sale at the Court House, llloomsburg, 1'a., on MONDAY, DEUE.MI5ER '2, 1889, at J o'clock In tho afternoon, the following: All those two adjoining messuages, tenements- orlractsotlandnowco-nprlslnF one situated In tho township ot Flshlngcrosk, couity ot Olmn bla, and S'ato of Pennsylvania, bounded and des cribed as folliws, to-wlt : TIIEFIUST, Beginning at a post thence south seventy-six degrees east one hundred and ninety two perches, thenco soutu degrees east elihty.elghc perches to a post, thence north twenty-six a 'grous weit ono hundred and ninety. two and soven-teaths p3rches to a corner, thence north slxty.oio and one-hut doiroai east cUhty. six andibrce.toothi perouej to the place ot be glnmm.oontalnlng ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR ACRES and drty four peroaes ot land, more or leas, with the appurtenances. THE SECOND. Beglanlngat aorncrln tho pub. llo road adjolnlog'tm llrit ail ab'o de-cribed tract of land, thence aton? a i roid soUh bitty, one degrees west nriy four purchei to a Una of lot of M. A. Ammcruian, Iheucu b I1H same north tweuty-Bjx degr 'es west one hunlred and ninety. three and one tenth perches to a post lu line 0 land of J. IJoj d Stucier, theno by the same north sixty-two degrees cast illty.four pj.-eues to a post, 1110004 by above describe! tract of land south twenty-Blx decrees, ea it oao UioJrM and ninety and seven-tentbi perches to the place ot beginniog, containing SIX1T-EIVE ACHES and alxuien perches of laul, moro or less, with the appurtenances. The two tracts now comprising one, containing ln all One Hundred and Sixty-Nine .acres- of land, moro or less, excepting and reserving out of and from the two abovo dessrlbod tracts of land Bltuato In Asbury conveyed to the Trustees of tho Methodist Episcopal chur-h upon which a church Is erected, three-fourths ot an acre or land adjoin ing the same convcyoi to M. A. Ainmerman, and about forty-nvo acres ot land 1) lug on tho north western er.d of a d firm or two nrst described tracts of land convoud lo Xllchae) lmon leavfng after and exclusive of I he e(e-ptd and rebeived parcels or lots of land about One Hundred, twontr three acres of Uud, mow or less, on which are erected a I VtillU Ullilill andoutbul'dlngs. SeUe, taken Into execution at the suit ot Itus sel It. IValer h (Icorgoreil rami to be told as the proper-)- of (itorgo pojler, IlxiiHiNii, JOHN II. CASKY, Aity. Sheriff. HINDERCORN8. Tb onJf ur (r for lrni. h top all tuJn. Tnmrt eoinfort to Ucfc ft. Ijc. t liruyyiiita. HwijACo,iRy, fSF CONSUMPTIVE PARKKR'fi CilHpCR TOMIp. h hu eunKi titm wuril oamo it4 w luv rUt rwiiMnly fur nil 111 ailxloic froiadelectiT ouultlyn. TktLuUtut 6wc.fcn4tl.04 U 31 tn p. H. HAaiHTV. Nil. J. A, PAUIHAUUS . ABERDEEN. SOUTH DAKOTA TL. oommen-iiil maa nil ay center Oi the two UU10U4 our liwltiumr , W ru ulfvr luvuiloni tboloe miarcnted 7 r cent, Cml nnu farm inorttrair.'., hM'iin-1 tj tl rami at. In UouUi plikoU. w olo Ijwue trU0i-t. of doLMltfur Sand IS month., at Sri-nt tr anniuu. If you mi m-alutf ailnvitnnu, we know it 111 j . artu tar our fin t. wluch u it full 1a, fuwMtUn and refuienora. UKTbTONK UUKTUIUH rasr ant. AiwnMm,iuiji uuuu ur-vrv V.r,ucwoiuak ywuiiiay.ya. U-8-sw. EUfl ROU UOH SHERIFF'S SALE OF VAI-UiULB Uvlrtuootwrltof t!v. im. tamed out of tho vuun oi uoinmon ncasof Columbia County and tho Court Uouso nioom jburg, Pa. TUK-5DAY, NOVUM UKR 12, 1889. at n o'clock a. m. tho following! ii mm certain plantation and tract ot land situate In the townh!n nf Pemi.ii!, Columbia, Kt.ito of Pennirlvanla, bounded and described as follows, ta-wlt i lleglnnln at a post " .'esvnuv ln una or mi or John zol?lor and runnlnff thence br nMiri iin antti. t degreciwoftonehundrolanl oloroi psrchoi to uv.naoo.iit, inenco by un 1 of imv an 1 1 tn.l ot IJ. P. Fort nor north nlnetv.nlnn nn i th grccs west n ncty-ono perchoi to a pj n corner uiiuiiTianioia..ia.ionnzif'er, tlifnoo by tho SaiUO nnl la I1 lAM nf thft hf-l-a nf U'IIH.m ri ton, deceased, then lato of lleorifo Scott south ..-vuij-iwuuumuroo ipi triers dofr ye oast on hundred and nlnetv.nlnn nf-ri-na t nhnaM... oak, thence by 1 md or bit.) Uoyd T iuuiu now or latoof Jacob Koatcnbvider south ilhty.s07en and a half degrooi eau seventy.wrcn p.-rchei to a post, thenci br lan.l not.l tn u-iiii im vini- nA.t. ten d-groes west sIHr-cljut and two tenth pcrcneatoacnejtnutoaJ, thence by tha samo north 8lXty.el2ht derp04 R.wt. nnn Iminlnl nn eighteen and Mx-tcnth. perches to a post In line of mm u"iuukiuk wineneirsor jonn Former de ceased, thenco br the sil.l Una nort.ii twrntv.ntnn and a half degrees west om hundred and a halt iivitutm voiuo piaco or o.'ginning containing ONE IIUNDItM) AND EIGHTY ONH AUItliS, and Forty-seven norches samo mor or less, on which aro eroctoj a large i LAKQE lUXIC I5AWM. SfUWV S II 151), WAGON SUED. SHOP, STONE SI'llINO HOUSE and other Outbuildings. seized, taken Into exocutnn at tha suit of Abner K. Walter for htmn-ir ami for uso of Lucct ta Ilower vs. Ustats of lonn lljwer oeootsed, In tho lun Is or his oxocutor, Join II. Hower, and tobosoldasthopropjrtyof John Hower, deceas ed. JOHN II. CAS.IV. Shprlrr. SPiNNsr, Atty, 10 ls.yj. ALSO : Uy vlrtuoof w itotFl Uia)i out of the Court of CoraTion Pleas of CiluaiOl i County. Pa., and to mo directed, there will bsexpjI to pub lic silo at tho Omrt House, In Bloomjburg, 1'a., on l'UESDAY, NOVEMI5UU 12, 188U. at 9 o'clock, a m. the foilowin? : All tho rtht, tit oanl Interest o( tho defendant. John MoMan, In all tint certain ilece, or parcel ot land, sltuato In Madlsm township, i olumhla county, Pa,, boundod aud doscrlbed as follows. to wit: On tbe north by'ltnl ot Joel Mos-r, on tho east by land ot Chirles IloJson and Abram Woltord, on tho south by land ot Charles Dod3on and on tho west by land of Davis Woatherlll, con taining EIGHTY ACRES, more or less, whereon aro erected a F IaME UWkLLINO 1IOU8B, DAItN, and outbuildings. Belied, taken Into execution at tho suit of Thomas Mor lan vs. John (ordan and to be sold as the property of John Mordan. HaaRiNQ, Atty. JOHN B. CASKY, Sheriff. PllWir C!?j1q Will bo exposed to publlo i UUiiO OdlC. salaon tho premises, In lier wlck, Columbia county Pa., on THURSDAY, November 14. 18H9, at ten o'clock a. m , by CenJ imln Evans Esq., ad ministrator C. T. A. or Mary A. Brlttaln, deed., by order of the Orphan's Court ot said county, the following described real est itos Situate ln Ber. wick, on the south side ef second street, between Mulberry and Vine streets ; beginning at tho cor ner of lot number nfty-on;, thence by samo elghty-four feet, nlno Inches, more or less, thenco on a line parallel with Sooond street, forty-nine and a half feet to lot (No. 69) number Htty.nlne, thence by same, 81 feet nine Inches, more or less, to Sooond street, thence by secont street forty nlno and a half feet to the placo ot beginning, be lng a portion otlotnumbjr fifty-two, ln the plan oi uie uorougn oi licrwick ALSO, on the same day, on the premises In Briarcreek township, Columbia co inty Fa , at one o'clock p, m., the undlvlled one-half ot all that certain piece of lnd bounded and deicrlbod as follows. to-wlt : On tho north by land ot o P. Ferris, or me puona road leading from llloomsburg road to utile unarcroek, on tho west by land of John Falrchlld and lands of heirs of Elizabeth Clemm. on tho south by Blooinsburg road, on tho east by iana ot o. r. rerrls, containing FIFl'Y ACItES. morn or leas, all Improved. On which aro erected A uuk:k dwelling house, A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, frame kitchen, LARGE BARN, and out-bulldit-gs. well watered. ALSO, . On the same day at the same placo atone o'clock p. m., tho unllvlded ono-halt of one oltter pleco of ianu in samo townsmp, counted on tha south by mniei Miner s land, on tho north by JI. w. Jack. son's land, east by Daniel .Miller's land and on the west by land of Mrs. Ellas Wilkinson and others. uuuuuning TWENTY ACRES, more or less, the samo being a Umber tract. TEHUS OF SALE. Ten per com, of ono fourth ot the purchase money shall bo paid on the striking down of the property, one fourth less tbo ten per cent, ai tno conurmatioa or tho sale, and the re maining three-fourths In oue year after oondrma. tlon nisi, wlih interest rrotn mat dalo, and to bo Becured by bond an 1 mortgage on the premises. IIEN.IUIIN EVANS. J. O. Freeze, Administrator C. T. A. C. u, Jackson, of Mary a. Dilttaln,decd. Atys. N. D. The two undivided Interests Lero adier- tlsod will bo sold together giving the purchaser title to toe wuoio tract. Possession given April 1st, ibsu. 10.18 ) PnVlllP To vm b0 exposed to luolio A UUUU U1C. sale on tho premise, lo Briar. creeu township, Columbia county pa., on lllUUSDAY, Noveiulier 11, 18S9, at one o'clock p m., by C. C. Evans, Ksa.. oom. mltteo of Margaret J. Urlttaln, a lunatic, b order ot tnouourt o: common Pleas of Columbia county l'i, the following real estate, situate In Briarcreek aiorcaald, bounded and described as follows, to wit; The undivided one-half otall that tract of aua, uvuuucu uu mo uuriu oy iana of o, v jrerrls, or tho publlo road leading from tho Bloomsburg road to Utile Ilrta creek, on the wet by lands of John Falrchllds ana heirs of Elizabeth Clemm, deceased, on tho south by Bloomsburg road, on mo earn uy iana oi o. r. rerrls, containing FIFTY ACRES, moro cr less, all Improved, on which are erected A UIUCK DWELLING HOUSE, A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, tramo kitchen, LARGE BARN, and out-bulldlngs well watered. ALSO, on tho same day, at the same place at one o'clock p. in., the undivided halt otone other pb-ce ot land ln same township, boundod on tho south by Dan iel Miller's land, on the north by M. W. Jackson'B land, east by Dinlel Miller's land, and on the west by laud of Mrs. Ellas llklnson and others, containing TWENTY ACRES, more or less, the sa-no being a timber tract. rEllVSOFSA!,!!. Ten per cent, of ono-rourth of the purchase money li II bo paid nn the strik ing down of tlje property, o-ie fourll) lo s the ten peroi'nt, at thecoinr.iiallon of I lie silo and tho remaining three. fuut tin luoua year after confir mation 11I.-J. with Intorest from that dalo, and to bo secuied by bond and mortgage on Iho prcmlaoa. V. 0. BVANS, J, a. Freeze, Committee of C. 11. Jackbq ', Altys. XI lrgatet J, Brlttaln. N. 11. Tho two uudlvlded Interests hero adver. tlsod will be soil together, giving the purchaser a title to the who 0 tract. ('Oisoislou given April 1st, isl. 10 18-m, A UP TOU'rt NOTICK. Kstatoof Joehua Savage, deceasol, Tho undershmed auditor oimnlnlivl hr ihn nr. ;ihans' court of Cutuinbu rotintv to mukn rtiairi- butlon or the balance In the hands of the exocuior toaniamomr tlio oiriles o Lltlt-d thnrHtn. win lt at liU 0111. :lu lllooui4burg, on Wednesday the lath day or November, 1 8'J. at 10 o'clock a, m , to attend to the duties ot his apn unlment, when and wbem all pe sous having claims against said es. tatomust appear an I pr ve them, or be forever debarred Irom uuy iiuie or Bald fund. J. 11, uai&e, Auditor, oct ti, jam. OA I CCll CM WANTED1? OHu' M I C ll and city. Hteaay em. plojiuent at "good Salary lor Commission'', Out- uuirn. vvnCoiorleiusatoDctt. H. V. CLAUK t CU, Nureoi7mtn,RoeluatM N.Y UDITOH'B NOTIOR. Kitate of Daniel force, deopitjed. Tho undersigned, an auditor appointed by tho urpti&Ds' u-ouri, oi u-oiumoia county, to nistriouto ino oaianco ot mnas in me nanos oi inaao uowur, executor of tho estate of Daniel Force, deceased, as anncam br his aocount niM and rnnnrmrvl nh. solulely, to and among tho parties loually entitled thereto, will attend to the dudes ot his appoint ment at tils onica In Mover's building in the town 01 inoomsourg, on aiuruay, inn suru nay ot Nov ember instant, at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, when and where all parlies Interested nro requested to fireecnt their claims before tbo undersigned, or bo orever after debarred from coming In upon the naiu luuu. War. CUUI3MAN, IbS-ieS1). Auditor. T EQlSTEU'o NOTIOa wo'tlco Is hereby given to Ml legatc-s, creditors and other persons interested In the estates of tho rcspectlvo decedents an 1 minors that the follow, log administrators', executors', guardians no. counts havo been tiled In tho onice of tho lleglstcr of Columbia county md wl 1 bo presented for con firmation ana allowanco In tho orphans' Court ' to bo held In llloomsburg, December 2nd, 1S39 at 8 o'clock p. in. ot said d ty 1 No. 1. Account of Wm. J Knnrr. administrator of Elizabeth MoAfee, il.-oased.t No t. First nnd flnal account of L. II. K'.lno administrator of l(cbeo. a Hieech, late ot CaUwls. sa two., col., Co., deceased. No. 3 First nnd llnil account of Chas. (lib. hots, administrator nt Wm. Ulddlngs, lato ot Denton twp , Cid , Co deceased. No. 4. An nccottntof lleadlr Milt, ndmlnlstra- vur 01 Anion urussi), late ui iinar creeK twp., CoL Co. deceased No 5. First nnd final account of Tbnmnn c. I'llt- hanl. executor nr William I'rltchard. late of Scott twp. CoL Co. deceased. guardian or Harry J llearner, a mlr.or child of Clara l.lnclen, lato ot the borough ot iterwlck, de ceased. No. 7 First nnd flnal account of Nelicmlah Kitchen, executor c. of Chas J. Kramer, lato of l'lshlngcreck twp. cob Co deceastd. No. s. First and tlnnl acsiunt of Frank Trlvel. piece, administrator ot David Trtvelpiecc, lato of (Ireenwojd twp. col Co. I'a. No. v. First and nail account of W'm. P. Eyer ly, administrator or Margaret llotb, lato of Mon tour twp., CoL Co. deceased, U. CAMPIIKI.L, Heglstcrcr. J.R.SMITH&CO IL1MITED. MILTON, Pa., I1BALBR3 IN PIANOS, Iiythe following well known makers; Checkering', Kuabc, Weber, Ilallct & Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes at. manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano be- lore getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. 8Ctp-t3. PLUMBEll AND GAS FI'lTER. DEAI.KIt IN Tin Roofing a i cia lty. ESTIMATES FUKNISIIED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door in llloomsburg Opora Hons" 7 ri VOICE fWia niitu. Ill r It r iwitrcii of Mr I nit tum ..l" U.I. ... O II wrltCll MWil work . f-r,.. t..L l5i Utoitih) I now bfan eritrjr r.. v Alien 10 Ihunn an J irublU I'd) V, ll.UiltUlson. Wlllwm Klln, llniTl.burF, iT, nytiilur 10 Mil ilk your bILuh 1 ttttfdty 1 onlrr nmuah lu pa m W, J, hi. mure, Hurur. Me., write 1 "I aordir fwr )ur tltmniat mil rr ItiHl I vUir. My lrutltlnriiaiuu.hiM!U4l r a 1 11 via tiitytwwrh . ' 1 , , . . "f.fl rn.m ilr 1,11, m" t-.ttry mil "til L...UM iril rr. 11,1 l.u.lw,.t u, grai.Hl ixuflu. NI111II uo ttnrt VOli in lliis liiiklnVaa, r.utl.r? Wrlu Igu.anj Ir.iu all abvi.Ul ...m . . 7 'I 7 ;,". jmu 11 ruu uuu 1 ticl.r mill! iiiilli.r r.ii ali...t of yuu Iu jubr ..rl . ( ih. t-wunlrr. Iry.H, ...l.vl.1 yvu m l. .1,1. 10 J, a iiu au r..i ar lli-Vi'l-. I!'.' "r. '""K"t'll All. i.l'lJ.u ""h" W.''1. i t .t' H""!"! HuT.1 Crtn.fc.u Hilkrl,l llu.a,.ld.tur.l.dl.IJ...l.d,,, II.. Ir.,.11"',",;;-1 "' irt iuun. 1,,,!, .i.J. IJL.,.1 l,,i, yi)fn Aiici.,i '" fl .u llarir un .111.1-11111. or ui ---."...", 7. ,, wrr.i.r .now C, 41.LI.N 4 IU., iluu.Ii, Uii' Jjii. 13.11 ly. ASTHMA MiStKo anyone anilctod. JJu. TAH' Illto., llochiater, N. Y. 10-25 1 H. CIIICHC'cTCR'S ENGLISH CtrtUVnUYAL PILLS. lU-il Cruaa Jlluiiumil llruud. Tk. eblj rallalila rill tor talc. N.r. aol arc Imdlr ii.k Dru.a-l.t Iu. tk. Iil. cuond llruud, la rrd ru.uUIMkoiM.MUi4 IUHilu.rtbboB. ' HMdlu. ' 1 V f.uM))bfBrU.alar. aud MUUf tmt lllld-.L 1 OrrATT AXTrn-rt B. F. Savits, HjaalV i! a .alHH (Hit 0. r.., k,,, I,,,.., Ha , krt, ' t. J. .i.l ,,.,,, Hill I 1. . n.T! '! J'" "'."f- "" l"'llcul.'. au.l l.pi.. Hill MM,., 1100k. .nj Afl.r ,ou anow a.l. WouUroa couliula lo co uo funk... .1,?.. .!.... " OTUM-.M ... THE STOCK OF THE BLOOMSBURG'S tARCrEST and CHEAPEST -j ess i CLOTHING has Rmm'sg qbB.ub'SC sbiiJ siall hcttvv prepared to nicci ilBac wsbhb! bbb iEic Una of CJLOTIlSrVCr for MEN. YOUTI. BOYS UTS IP OF ALL STYLES AND KINDS TO SUIT EVERYBODY. SHERm 1LWBEEWEAE and MOSIEMI In abundance, of all sizes ami kinds. TRUNKS AND VALISES. liKS? We will save you money on your purchases without any argument, and as wo have said bo- fore our 64SBfiiik The Largest Clothinrr igooaBa$ii3B Correct Siyles, Perfect FiBHisBa. Coyin9 Viewing, sand ITraEfiBes lo Order. rermtuwiU rosltltm Gttartintertl, With ttlaru ttiid ;pii.e.f riUtl Great advantaeea 10 beginners Fiist-belllnif speclallles. Noexporln'O needeil wltn ui OUT KIT rtKNT KHKK. Write quick and iret clioloo of territory Matins am. (Nxinj this piper.) 1IOOKEK NUKSkuiKS, liochester, N. Y. 1 1.8 d-4U How Lost! How Rogalnocl, KNDWTHYSELE THE SCIENCE? nc ice' ASclentlUcand SUndard Popular Medical Trmtlsa 00 1 . Jir,0,r" ' Y0utn,l"remaiura Decline, Nervom and Phjalejd Debilitj, ImpnritiM of the Blood. Ucaultln? from Folly, Vice, Ipiorance, Kiccsc or ourtiuaUon, BnervaUng andunmtlDg Uie victim for ork, HiislneM, tli.lfarriedor Social Hclition. Avoid unskillful pretendera. 1'objcm UiU creit work. It contain; too nana, royal Sto. HeauUrul bindlnit, r mboened, full put. Price only tl.uo br maU, poalpald, concealed In plain wrapper. Illu. trat e I roapectua l'ree. If jou apply now. Tlio dinlnsuUhed author, Wm. II. Parker, M. I . re. ive4tiie(ioi.iANijr;-i;i.i.i:iuii:iiAi. from llin Nntlanal Afcdlral Aorlnllou Tor ;lil niVAK KSSAY nn NUIfVOUS and niV.H10AI;pi:ilII.ITY.Dr.I'arkerandacSrp" of Anlatant rhflclanamay be consulted, conn. f.D.tJf'Z'.,V?.P1.'il.or. Peraon, at tlio nfflce of TIIK Plummy .1IKI1IOAI, INSTITIITl.', No. 4 HullIiirhMI., IInton,9Inn., to whom all ordera for booka orlctura for adtlco aliould la directed aa above. lO-ll-d-lt. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersiRned havinc been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing for several years with a severe lung Affection, and that dread disease Con sumption, is anxious to make known to his. fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he wilt cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure tor Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all throat and lun-' Maladies. He hones all suf. lerers will try his Remedy, as it is in valuable. 1 nose desiring the prescrip tion, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Rkv. Edward A. Wilson, Williamsburg, KL'ig-i Cojuty, New York. A-&-Co.-Dec.-7-jy. TO POULTRY i- WILD GAME SHIPPERS WANTKD. llultcr, C'lieev, ivys, He , (rim.-, Hops, Meat anil Stn.k, l', Vegetable, Press til mi l Live I'oultry, Fruits of all kimU, Pop Corn, Mousy, llceanax, Gunen, Maple Sugar, Apples, (Irapes, Cranlierric, Furs au.l Skins, . M. BALLARD & CO., l'roluic ami (leneial Commission Merchants. IftSI Myrll Avenun, (near Wallnlwit Mar ket,) llroo'al) n, N, Y. lu-l-oiu. PC'P N'lll, ClllU.ili. ID 1 iMullniiluineHoulli ) j 1-', aIANCHA. Ciarcmont, Va lhuukaiUt, Ii-.v i U' ! (leiiuiiutiuly cui vr luMiif ttnio iMiii tu ti 13, i ...'-. iruu. uuivil 1 1 vuubWlyUUcu Vfi.ui ui. bv)(tu for llr. uir. CURE liUARANTEED, omii'Kuoj. augaiy I'tli I. MAIEK, The Reliable Clothier SALESMEN WANTED. F Ml F Eg irftDPiiCB i hiiiviv; 10-Vi O il, TT ATTi T1 h mm AID AID FURNISHING GOODS iira ssBwiiyy thv lowest." RESPECTFULLY YOURS, and Hat House in Montour and COME AND HAVE YOUR EVES EXAMINED MY 4 G. Wells, the Optician, AVIIO HAS JUST COMPLETED A TIIOROUGHLYjJPItACTICAL COURSE AT BUCKLIN'S Ol'TIIALMIC COLLE(3E, NEW YORK. MQ Bxtira Charge 'MA.M'B ' far BsamiaiMg Byea, PERFECT FIT GD AR ANTE ED. Fine line peb ble and white crystal lenses constantly i n stock, also the Fino walcb work unci jobbiug neatly nnti't-d to givo satisfaction. 1 wjflBYwEHBlHB "i'li'a'a'aBHHBBBBBBT CARPETS and MILLINERY. Next iloor to I. W. Ilartman & Son's, Mala 8t,, Bloomsburg, Pa. NEW CARPETS. Latent IV.tcrus in Velvet, Body Tapestry and Bruesole from SOcts. up. ' lXanAlNfroii20otip. RAG CAKl'ETS from 30o up. STAIR CAR I Kit, from lL'ii up. MATTING, to close out for lOo up. OIL CLOTH all widihs and piiucf. ' G. W. KEITEfe. 1889. FALL OPENING i88q. SEPTEMBER 28-26. MISS II. E. WASLEY, r;-!r Next (lunr lo I. V. Hartm-in & Sons. Mala Street . - BLOOMSUURQ. 8-1 GUARANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES. 8.1 A LIMITED GUARANTEE. 25 por cont Additional Security with American Loan and Trust Go. of Boston. nejfi. m"Mn.K tlM thcso.-Wm.rlcvrn Wool eiW WILLIAM H. PARMENTER, Gen't. Agent. 50 Stale St., Boston, A VaLnlji'hlllnfrJ'Piv '",1rn"Uo to VOUNC, MIDDLE. I i -I hRriiAlNiJ '"""""P'roin WejLneaa, tjuu-nur, 1am of Memory, Ilaalifulncaa, L- -ri "-u fel iTv1C0l.,'1'U'''t' 1"'"M ' l'10 KWny,nU all cHawae. ilipendcnt uiKrn ii. ..1. .1, ..toer-Ki, ioUy, Vice, Itnjgraai, rvons DctlUty, Viuil KihauaUon, ami PfPa?iinl? J5 iic.r' Mi r '' dol,"ri. hV ill In pLiln wrapper, po.tpulJ. MCMliu,.?,mNM, L' ..-A'Wfi" IlEMir J uiloxT.M.b., No. SSI Columuii. ATenu.VsrV.U.'lloi Tftl.iiVlXi.n7.L. Irom hleh wurcca, Ireo to .11. aui Ver fLf, 1 uV.'t1? !J;,;-,t"?,9 PHYSIOLOGY ever piluli.ui-cl.rui3 la ftbaolutely compItt &U4 pertctt. 1.1. ImuabuH to ull ulllicta!, on It ruiclu,. tho vcrv roou ajiA viLal. or dLuuui. l'ornll JiLcwaof ilen, by tlio dUtlnCTlali()il n-ithor RliT-SS. A J V W a S5",E ,0,K MANHOOn, limy U CcisulTl,! Sm Wi Eri I 1. J amaaaaaaaaH atrlc tionil.l..,,i,M.r,0,lurl,j.fll,, . nl t. i B H n MaH I IIEAI10 A VOIOEl IT llroHili iir ii (Viiiury, Thin cut la a fao Hiiilie o( an un iisln(;imu am im. re. 11 U hlntorlmiiu n. btructlvu aim i,UUa,uij in. leiei-llng. K-nl to any ai. ilreraon rwelpt orw contB 11V nun Innnlm. t. ... live will riviiveono grails tioi away, ,ew York ( uy. ELV'S Catarrh Cream Talm Clcanaei tlio Naaul rasiaijia, Alia) a I aln and lullainutlon, Ili-iila tho Hi rtii. llektoien tlio Sensoa ot Taste ana unell, I'UY THE CUIvEHAY-EKVER A ii ui Itli i nniillM Into eai-b uotirll nnd l. agru '.ibir. I'rieeiii) --UUnt, by null, Ki,V intOTiirtiix,&a varrenBL, New vork, 1 .4CM4t II III .M HlrD CHILDREN Columbia Counties. Finest line of watches, clocks, and jewelry iu Bloomsburg. and quickly oxecutcd. All work enar b KgWg"'irTlir"WgllMBill II II rr--m a MgjjiiEEiaariiJisiiiiiiii 6AID. 'COME AMD SEE." CURTIS COMPOUHD. HLOOD, LIVEH AND KIDNEY PU III FIE It. Now Ih thu aiipoirifd t:inu for thoroughly duanninc tho system from nil iniiuritit t, mid u!l will find thnt tlio CurtiB Corniounl will rxactly fill tho hill. It han stood tho tctt of 22 yenm and its rnU nr larpt-r than ever, every year. Piice 0o. and $1.00. Foit Sai.k lly James II. Mercer, DHUGGIST, l!i.ooMriiiuuo, Pa. GET YOUU JUU I RINTINQ UONK A'l THE COLUMBIAN OFFHK