ROYAL rwaj 8?! i. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thli powder nover varies. A marvel ot purity strength una wholcsonicnoss. More economical han the ordinary klniH, and cannot bo sold In ommtltton wild the multttuli ot low tost, snort weight alum or phosphato powders. Sou oniu In cans. Hotal llitiNU 1'owDRR Co,, m Wall St,, N.Y. The Columbian rvrubllshed every Friday. Subscription price, Jl.OOayear. Entered at the l'ost onico at Bloomsburg, Pa., as second class matter, Marcn I, iss. 3 BLOOMSBURG, PA " FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1889. CORRLt'T RllLKOiD THE TillLK. Trains on the r. It it. it. loavo Itupertn follows : KOHTU. BOCTn. 7:3S a. m. li:0i a. m. 3:31 p. ra. 6:93 p. m. Tralnsonthe D.L. tt W. it. li. loavo Bloomsburg BStOllOWSI HOKT1I. BOCTI1. 7:19 ft. m. 8:32 a. m. 10:57 a. m. U'.on p. m. 2:35 p. m. 4:15 p. m. :36 p. m. 8:47 p. m. Tralnsonths N. 6V. II, Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows i NORTH. SOUTH. 10:48 a. m. 12:37 p. m. .so p. m. 4-30 p. m. 6CKDAT. voktit. sorrn. :30:4s a m 6:39 p m iiLooMsnuua hullivan iiailkoad Taking effect MONDAY, SEFTBUUBK S, 19. SOUTH. NOKTII. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS, r. v. A. . a.m. A.w. r. M. r. m. UlOOmsburg,.. 6 28 11 49 7 O'i 8 31 3 81 0 40 Main street 6 18 It 41 0 58 8 42 2 4? fl 47 Irondale a in n 39 n 58 a n 2 v 6 50 Taper Mill 6 08 11 31 6 48 8 53 ) M 7 00 Ulthtstrect. o 05 11 88 o 1 8 r,s 2 5l 7 03 orangevlllo 6 67 11 20 (I 35 9 0 3 07 7 10 Forks, S 45 11 10 0 S'i 9 15 3 17 7 20 Zanor'S 5 il 11 08 8 21 9 20 3 20 7 23 Stillwater 5 37 11 02 0 17 9 25 3 25 7 2S Ticnton 5 28 10 55 10 9 .33 3 11 7 35 Kdsons, 5 23 111 50 0 07 9 38 3 37 7 3S Colea Creek 5 20 10 45 0 05 9 33 3 40 7 40 Sugarloaf 0 15 10 42 6 02 9 42 3 13 7 41 Laubachs, B UIO 40 6 00 47 3 4S 7 47 Central. 5 03 10 31 5 53 9 57 3 58 7 57 Jamison city.... 5 C) to 30 5 50 10 oo 4 oo 8 oo Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. u. a. m. a. m. a. u. r. u. r. m. HAI.l'H, Oot. 29. Clinrlcs 0. Evans, neeut, will sell four tract! of real estate in Ilritrcrcck township, near Ash's mill, at 10 a. m. Nov. 9. Julia A. Barkley. executrix of Joseph E. Barkley, will sell vnluablo real stato in Blnomsbure, at 9 o'clock. See advertisement, Nov. 2. F. W. Lindner will offer Ht pub lic sale at Jcrscytown 30 sets single and double harness, sleighs, buggies, and road carts. Nov. 9 John 0. Wenner, acting exe cutor of Jaeob Wcuncr, deceased, will sell personal property on tho premises of dece dent, in Fishingcrcek at 1 p. m., horse, cow, buggy, harness, tools, &c. Nov 14. The administrator of Mary A. Britlnln will sell real estate in Berwick and also in Briarcreek. Beo advertisement. Nov. 14. 0. 0. Evans, Committee of Margaret J. Brittaln, lunatic, will sell real cstato In Briarcreck. Heo advertisement. Fob Balk. A cellar hot hlr furnace, and SO feet of iron fence, lor salo bv Dr. B. F. Gardner, Bloomsturg. tf. Tho administrators of Anna Coffman dee'd., W. E. and D. It. Coffman offer at prlvato sale, a houso and lot on West Main street Bloomsburg, Pa. the late residence ot deceased. tf. Fob 8alk. A dcsiratilo and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. Ii. N. Motzii. Fob Balk. A farm about a milo from Afton, containing 50 acres, all under culti vation, with good buildings, with all this year's crops, farming implements and stock will be sold at prlvatii sale. For purlieu tars inquire of J. S. Williams, Bloomsburg. 7-20 tf. Fob Balk A valuable vacant lot on Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street, ten dwellings and a good store property in llloomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills nd two storo properties in Col. Co. A good farm of 307 acres with good build 3ngs in Virginia and two farms In Kansas liy M. 1'. Lutz Insurance anil Ileal Estate Act., Bloomsburg I'a. 1CJ hdl'lll. Col. B1 K, Jamison and a party of friends from Philadelphia spent last Satur day at Manor licet Inn. E. II. Little Esq. attended the funeral of Ills sister-in-law, Mrs. Geo. II. Little, in Towanda last Saturday, F. P. BillmcycrEsq., started forChicago oij Tuesday morning. He will visit Wheel ing and Lynchburg before he returns, in the interest of the School Furnishing Com Jiany. John Wanich has returned to Blooms liurg after an absenco of several years, and proposes to locate here. Ho is engaged In tho Insurance business and has rented an ofllco la tho Colcmiiian building, second floor. Ilcv. Dr. L. Zahncr, of Omaha, preached in the Episcopal Church last Sunday morn ing. He remained in town until Wednes day, when be started fur home. He at. tended the General Convention of the I'. JK. Church in New York during the past three weeks as a deputy from Nebraska. Ills health Is good, and he likes his west ern home. His old parishioners here gave Mm a warm welcome. Argument Court on November 1st. "Geo. TJassert, who lias been seriously 111, we are glad to stato Is much better, and is able to ride out, Dr. J, 8. Oiurlson, homeopathic physi cian, has located In Bloomsburg. His office Is at the residence of Peter Btllmeycr, comer of Ccntro and and Fourth street. Arthur W, Beaytr, only son of Thomas Beaver of Danville, was burlod at Lewis burg last week Tuesday. Ilia death was caused by apoplexy. Tho Award List occupies our first page this week. Everybody is Interested in knowing who received the piemlums at tho fair. Dr. T, C. Harterhas removed his offlco from that of Dr. Gardner to his residence, corner ot Main and East Street, Blooms- burg, Pa. Miss Wasley has Just returned from 1'hiladelphlo, and will open this week a lino of new Winter Millinery, consls'ing of hats, bonnets, feathers, plumes, birds, velvets, Ac. Plush hoods for children, Sunday, December 1st, llcv. G, E. Heed, D. D..LLD, of Dickinson College, will ttcdlchlo the new M. E. Church In Neeco. peck, Pa, It Is expectrd that Hey. John Donahue, P. K., E. II. Y'.'cum, of Harris liurp, and E. E. A. Deayor, Ph. D of "Wrlghtsville, will bu present. It is a brick church and when completid will cost $5,- COO. W r ROYAL ris.-!; J Tho audit for distribution ot Iho fund arising from tho salo of tho personal prop, eny of Charles Krug was adjourned until Monday, tho 23th, at tho offlco of It. 11. Utile, Esq., auditor. A recent Usuo of tho Elmlra Preu con. tains a cut of tho Bloomsburg court houso, and prints very complimentary notlcos of J. It. Townscnd, N. U. Funk, G. A. Her. ring and Prof. Hatklns. Tho regular meeting ot tho W. 0. T. U. will bo held on Tuesday afternoon at 8 o'clock sharp. By order of W. 0. T. U. Jerry Hallzcr has rented one cf the post, office show wl ulows, and his on cxhlbl Hon there one of the celebrated WhltoScw. Ing machines that was awarded first prlzo at thu Paris Exposition, for tho best family sewing machine. Lost. Oa Hatunliv last between 1 and 3 o'clock, p. m. on tho road from Bloom, to Lime Hldgo or from Llmi Itldgo quarry to Alton Quarry, a good black over-coat finder will be rewarded by return ing to J, II. Mercer, Bloomsburg. Tho new bell for the High School build ing was hung last week, and rung for tho first tlmo on Baturday morning. It Is a Menccly bell, and has a clear tone, but is too light for tho building. Its weight is less than 200 pounds, and tho cost was $85. Peter Gross was more seriously Injured last week by being run over by the Cen tral Hotel bus horses, than was at first supposed. After ho was taken home, a sevcro bruise was fo ind oo his leg. Ho has been confined to bed, but is Improving under Dr. Wllllt's care. Wednesday evening of next week Oct 30th there will bo a "barrel opening" In the main audience room of the Itctormed church. A fine programme has been pre pared for the occnslon, consisting of mu sic, recitations, readings, &c All are cor dlttlly invited to attend. Farmer Jones of Bear Gap heard his pigs making a great racket and looked Into the pen to see what was the matter. He discovered a ftvefoot black snake. He gave It a blow on the head and the pigs then pitched in and assisted him in killing It. By an act of the last legislature each county in the Stato is entitled to one free scholarship in the Pennsylvania muscim and school of industrial art, Philadelphia. Tho appointment is to bo madoby the Gov ernor on the r commendation of tho Coun ty Superintendent of the public schools. Uev. A. W. Bwengle, pastor of the Evan gelical Church, we are sorrv to sav. has been necessitated to resign his chirgo on account of falling health. Kev. Geo. Hunter of Lewlsburg, will fill his appoint mcnts nntil conlercncc. He will preach next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Uev. C. S. Goodrich and wife of Clear Springs, Maryland, spent last week in town visiting friends. Twcnly-four years ago Mr. Goodrich was Pastor of the Bloomsburg Reformed church, and resided here for seven years He had charge of seven congregations In this section, and was well known through tho county. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Goodilch were glad to welcome them back. A gang of grocery agents, claiming to hail from a lively Western city, have been canvaslng this region for orders for family supplies, says the WelUboro Ag'Mor. One countryman brought an itemized bill of his puichasc from one of these fellows to town last Saturday and showed it to a local grocer. Tho items amounted to $10, and the man felt quite crestfallen when the dealer told him that hu could duplicate the bill for $8. The High School building Is approach ing completion, and the wood work in some of the lower rooms will soon bedonc, hough there still remains considerable to do before it will bo ready for occupancy. The heating apparatus is all in, consisting of three double, and A. W. Fry has charge of them. The High School Is an ornament to the town, and reflects ere. dit on the taste and Judgment of Ilia School Board. Whenever any dangerous contagious dis eases exist in a community, every poesible precaution should be taken to prevent their spread. People who have no special busi ness at an infected houso should not go there out of Idle curiosity, and the inmates of such a house should avoid putting them selves in contact with anyone except thoso with whom It Is necessary to communicate. Many disastrous epidemics have been the result engross carelessness. The pretty llttlo town of Kane, on tho etimmlt of the Alleghany Mountains, Is be coming famous for the manufacture of clothes pins. There are already three fac- tories engaged in turning out theso ueful articles, nnd it is asserted by a McKcan county i xehange that in a few weeks twen ty miles of clothes pins will bo manufact ured dully. At this rate, it would seem, that in a few months enough pins will be manufactured to supply every household in the State with abundance, but tho xastagu Is so great that there Is a co.-istaut demand for uew pins. Theo. Thomas will inclado Wilkcs-Barro in his coming tour. The date set Is Mon day, November 4th. Two grand concerts will be given, ono in the afternoon and one at night. The programme has not yet been announced. It has been left by Mr. Tho mas to the decision of tho Wilkes-Barro audicuco. Of all the artists of his time ho alone stands as the leprcgentatlvo of Amer ican music. Ho is it thorough American in everything, and as such, not less than because of his unsurpassed ability, the publio delights to honor him. The law In relation to tho rights ot blcy. clcs, tricycles, etc., passed the 23d of April 1889, is as follow That bicycles, tricy' clcs und all vehicles propelled by hand or foot, and all persons by whom bicycles, tri cycles and such other vehicles uro usej ridden and propelled upon tho highways of this State, shall ho entitled to the same rights and subject to the samo restrictions, in tho use thereof, as aro prescribed by law In tho cases of persons using carriages drawn by horses. All Acts or pans of Acts inconsistent herewith bo and thosamo aro hereby repealed. V. V, & H. G. McHcnry, proprietors of tho loll mill, always endeavor to supply their customers with the beat Hour maim, tactured in this region. With this end iu vlow they havo put In ono of Fullmer'a new machines for separating buckwheat from gravel, which is always present and is difficult to separate. This Is a machino ot recent Invention, only three arc In opcr. ntlon. Wilson Bogert did the work, which Is pronounced n good Job, and Is giving ex. ccllcnt sutltfaction. Thu appearance of tho Hour is greatly improved by this pro. cess, thu quality is far better, and besides, wo know that wo uro not eating gravel, stone ctkes. An Inspection of the process and n trial of tho Hour will conylnce Boy. one of thu supeiioilty or Hour uanufactur. ed by this process. Milhillt TulUl. THE COLUMBIAN AND Tho following Icttcrs'aro held at Blooms. burg, Pn., post-office, and will bl sent to tho dead letter office, November, 6 1889 i Mr. George Cook, II, I, Davenport, Miss Mlnnlo h. Ditty, Miss Mtgglo Fowler, J. n. i'owlcr, Mrs. Emily Hall, Harry John sob, Mr. Bamucl Walker. PctBons calling for theso letters nlcase say, they wcro advertised Oct. 1(5, 1889. Ono cent will bo chanrcd on each letter advertised, A. B, Oatuoabt, I. M. Tho public school law now In force In this Btate provides that uso of profan o languago by any pupil shall constitute good cause for expulsion from schools at so that anyono who shall cut, deface or otherwlso Injure school house, fences or outbuildings thereof are liable to suspen. slon and punishment, and tho parents of such pupils shall bo liable for damages for tho amount of injury on complaint by tho teacher, tho amount to bo determined by tho directors and collected by tho court. Tho school houso is a good placo to en force tho laws of tho Btatc. It Is but one atcp from the school master to tho court. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Wilson drovo over to tho Washlngtonvillo fair last week Thurs day, and at noon Mr. Wilson drovo to a quiet spot so that he could feod ,hls horse, while he and his wlfo wcro eating their dinner. As tho animal Is a gentle one be slipped the bit out ot lis mouth so that it could cat, but ho had no sooner done this than tho horse gavo a spring and started, Mr. Wilson held on to her noso as long as he could, but she threw him and the buggy went over him, bruising him considerably. Mrs. Wilson was In tho buggy, which com ing in contact with a post, was overturned, and sho was thrown out and quite seriously Injured. They wcro able to como home, and both ot them are improving. iiijautiivH oi" ni.ooaiHiiuRa. A correspondent signing his name "II. H" has written a letter fiom Bloomsburg to tho Uagcrstown, Md., Evening Qloht, and as it is well to see ourselves as others see us, some extracts from the letter aro printed below ; "The name of this place was all wo know about It when wo choso It for tho scene of our summer pleasures. All of our intui tions were verified. In tho vicinity It Is alluded to simply as Bloom, and tho name is quite appropriate. It is as though the flat had gone forth Bloom I and tho town had Immediately fulfilled its destiny. A love of flowers, trees and shrubbery is a distinguishing characteristic of its people. There Is no home so bumble that it cannot boast of a brilliant flower bed. The struts are wide and well shaded, principally by soft maples. Many ot the houses are beau tilled by graceful vines. On several streets tho houses set back and havo -both front and side lawns. There Is considerable drlv. Ing hero an-' one may drlvo every day without cause to complain of monotonous scenery, as there are fifty drive, each of which is delightful. The peiple havo an eye to plcturesq lie effect, if we may judge by the number of children who are here seen attired in bright red dresses or with pretty red hats, playing on thclawn. Bo pleasing is a eav bit of red with vivid green background that at one house where there were no children to set oft thushrubbery ansuitheticlaundrcsi hitupon thehappy expedient of hanging arcd flannel shirt on an cverereen. This is a nrettv town but the general appearance is dlslluc tlvcly Pennsylvania. Most of the residen ces have one ormorc p.azzas. Tho favor- ite style of architecture Is what might be called dumii.bell ornamcntutlon. This produces a novel rather than a pleasing cf feet. The population numbers Ave thousand. A busy population It is, with a large silk mill, woolen mill, desk factory and iron furnaces to keep the peoplo employed. A large carpet factory is in process of erec tion. The Btatc Normal school is located here, and has a fine location. A new Jail commands tho admiration, of visitors, and the old Jail has been torn down to glvo a site for an immense public school buildiug, which is nearly completed. This should be a paradise for fashion able ladies, as there ore stxty resident dressmakers. Let mo comfort our housekeepers with the information that it is not in Maryland only that domestics .cause anxiety. At our first meal a cup of tea wasserved each one at tho table. Wo asked tho waiter to have coffue for us in future. "Certainly," was the reply, "Wo can give you what you prefer If you give your order lu time. I am glad you are willing to wait till next meal, for our cook "kicks" If she Is asked to mak o a change after you set up to tho table." A singular noise heard in the basement wo attributed to the agency of tho kicking cook. In the post-offce a placard sets forth that "no lounging or Brooking Is allowed In this post-office." Tho W. C. T. U. havo opened a reading room, and a lunch room where hot coffee may be procured at all hours. The Bloomsburg Library Association aided tho W. U T. U. In founding a very good 11 brary. Books may be taken out by any. one, even by guests at the hotels, on pay. mcnt of one penny per day, and kept for two weeks if desired. Tho country surrounding Bloomsburg is mountainous and well watered. The dnvo over Montour Uldge is very flno, and the drives along Big Pishing Creek, Little Fishing Creek and largo Fishing Creek are picturesque all the way. A favorlto drivo is to tho town ofCatawIisa, which Ilea on '.he south bank ot tho Susquehanna. The roadway Is along thn right bank. Oppo. site the llttlo town is tho profile on the rocks overhanging tho drive. It looks like thu head of a gigantic Indian. The head Is largo and well proportioned, the eye full And earnest, tho nose, Hps and chin are all well defined. Ono could easily imag'no a grim Indian wirrlor looking out over a vast stretch of country. This profile I consider as perfect as any I saw in tho White Mountains." Climate for Coiinuinptlvea. Tho several climates ot Florida, Colora do and California havo each been much prescribed for sufferers from luug disease, yet thousands of the natives in those states die of this fatal malady, A far more reliable remedy Is to be had in every drug store in the land, and one that can be used at home; a remedy which is sold, by drug. gists, under the manufacturers' pontue tjuaranicc that, If taken in tlmo and given a fair trial, It will effect a cure, or money paid for it will bo promptly returned. We refer to that world-famed remedy for con. sumption (or lung-scrofula) known as Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It Is tho only remedy for this tcrrlblo disease possessed ot such superior curative prop. ertles oa to warrant Us manufacturers Id selling it under a guarantee. Don't hawk, and blow, aud spit, but use Dr, Sage's Kemedy. Of druggists. Cure Yourucir. Don't pay largo doctor's bills, The best medical book published. 1U0 paces, elegant colored plates, will bo sent you ou receipt of three 2 cent stamps to pay postage. Ad dress A. P, Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass 10-25 2t. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. An AppaltiiK Beetle nt Anon. On last Friday morning whtlo Elizabeth, wlfo of Jcssio Dlcttrlch of Afton, was ad. ding fuel to tho fire of the cook stove, the ilamo striking up suddenly caught her sleeve, and sho, not having tho presence of mind that might havo led her to smother It, and, being greatly frightened, ran out Into tho open air, which almost instantly fanned tho flame over her wholo person, burning all the clothes from her body, before any assistance could reach her. From her knees upward her wholo body was so bad. ly burned that medical aid could bo of no avail. There being moro or less con gestion of the lungs, occasioned by the severe shock, sho died on baturday morn ing, and the funeral services wcro held on Monday, the remains bing borno to the Alton Ccrr.ctcry. ntnnUct Your Hume. 11 Is money in your pocket to keen vour norse blanketed. Tho warmth must bo kept up, and If the horse Is not blanketed he will cat that muchlmoro to keep warm, and n blanket will savo more than Its prlco In feed. Your horse, If blanketed, will live longer, work harder and his smooth, glossy coat will make him look $50 bettor than it he was not blanketed. When buying blankets It Is cheaper to get good ones which will wear. Many blankets aro mado merely to sell, and It Is the poorest kind of economy to buy one of these poor blankets because it is a low cents cheaper. Tho 6-A manufacturers of horso blankets believe in making strong goods which will wear, and tho 5-A blankets which are be ing advartisedlnourcjlumns aro tho strong est blanket mado. You should ask to sec the tour styles named In tho advertisements as they aro tho cheapest, Thcro aro thirty other ft-A styles In bitter qualities. The policy of tho 5-A firm in using our columns to let tho peoplo know how to get strong blankets Is a wise one. IVople ap preciate a good thing when they know of it and, like all live houses who bare a good thing to sell the 5 -A manufacturers know that the newspaper columns are tho best methods of reaching the people. Xvast Itrntou. A LAEQg SOCIAL OATnXBlNO. Last Saturday as Jap Shtiltz was pursu- Ing tho even tenor of his way, working for Judge Krlckbaum, a large number of In vited guests wended their way to his house by foot and vehicle from far and near un til seventy completed the number. At the proper time Jap was informed that he bad company and in his eagerness to welcomo his guests ho reached homo about noon. A more surprised person Is seldom seen than he was when he entered tho apart ment where thcro was no moro standing room. Mrs. Krlckbaum mado many feints to deceive him and succeeded too and "bejocks" reached his home before ho did and cheered him as he camo in. A sumptuous repast was served to which all did ample Justice and in which all seemed to havo an equal interest. Jap was tho reciplentof many congratulations and handsome presents the occasion being intended for a birthday party, but served equally as well for a family reunion as both bis parents and all his brothers and sisters with their families were there Including several of bis wife's brothers and sisters. Marly friends more remotely related were alio present. This circumstance In family life is but a drop In pleasure's cup and a picture enshrined In love and "hung upon memory's wall" that In after llfo will pass among the remlnisceoses as the years glide by bearing many of those then present be yond the shores of tlmo and social gather ings. "But such is life." Enjoy it while wc may bepau&o "wo w(J) piss this way but only this once." This party was de ferred one week on account of tho danger ous sickness of their youngest child which was also Japs birthday. Uev. Aaron Noll of Hazel ton filled Iicv. Uoutz's pulpit last Sunday at Bt. James- He is a young man and gifted in oratory. Judge Krlckbaum took a trip to Brad ford county last week. Lilly Uillman, fiom tho Bloomsburg Stato Normal made a flying call to our neighborhood last week. Mrs. J. 0. Wenner raised four red beets that wcighedirespectivelv 101. 9r. 9 and 7?. The real estate of Jacob 8. Beishlinc (deceased) in Huntington township con- sisting of fifty acres was sold last Friday turougli an order of tho Orpaii's Court at public sale to Millard Albertson for the consideration of f 1400. Butter varies In price. Tho hucksters pay 10 to 20 cts and the merchants 23 cts per lb. In this our day of political economy and prosperity the farmers will soon fully realize that we havo protection and high tariff on merchandise aid free trade on produce. And "Oh! lab' how do money comes in." Corn Is a short crop in our locality. Beveral moro young chaps here abouts aro in search of a mntber-ln law. They will find her too. William H. Krlckbaum Intends locating lu Wlikesbsrre this fall and engage In the merchantile business. Farming is tooslow for a mcrchaut. What has becomo of the Cambra Acade my? Cambra and vicinity should always 09 supplied with a first class school. urntmeiuieHB I.Kiuor Habit Iu nil the Woildtlicre la but one Hire or. Iluluea' Golden HpeclOc it can be given in a cud of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the persou taulne it, effecting a speedy and rjermancnt cure wneiuer tue patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck Thousands of drunkards have been cured who have taken the Golden Specific In their coffee without their knowledge, aud to-day believe they quit unnittng of their own frco will. Nn harmful effect results from its admimstra Hon. Cures guaranteed. Bend for circular and full particulars. Addrcsb in confidence Golden Brsoivio Co.. 185 Itaco Street. umciunaii, u, lo zo ly W'licti Unuil Maybe Hliot. By an act of the Legislature, approved April o, lHsy, tho act of June a. 1878. ncr. milting the killing of quail or VlretnlaDart. nuges between October 15 and January 1, uas oeen amended to read at follows "No person shall kill or eipose for sale, c havo In his possession after the same has been killed, any quail or Virginia partridge between the 16th day of December in any year and the 1st day of November next fol. lowing, under a penalty of ten dollars for each bird so killed, exposed for salo or had in possession. I.oolc out lor tliat Iuln In Your uucu. It threatens your kidneys. Let It bo little while and you will suffer much more keenly, throughout tho entire tystem. Take at once Dr. David Kennedy's Favorlto Jtemedy, of Jlondout, N. Y which Is th most effective medlclno known for thu treatment of all diseases of tho Kidneys and Liver, and for Malaria, at well as the purification of tho blood. 10-U.lm, Do you suffer with catarrh f You c bo cured if you tako Hood's Bartaparllla, uio great uood purifier. Sold by all drug. euts. To-NlKltt ntlil To.Jlorrow Mlullt. And each day and night during this week you can get at all druggists' Kemp's iiaisam for tho Throat and Lungs, acknow lodged to bo tho most successful remedy ever sold for tho euro of Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Consumption. Oct a bottlo to-tlay and keep It always In tho house, so you can check your cold at once. Prlco 60o and 1.00. Samplo bottles frco. IntcrcNtcd People. Advertising a patent medicine in tho ne. cullar way in which tho proprietor of Kemp's Balsam for Coughs and Colds does i indeed wondcrtul. Ho authorizes nil Irugglsts to give those who call for It a samplo bottlo Frre, that they may try it ocroro purchasing. Tho Largo Bottles aro 6O0 and $1.00. Wo certa'nly would advise trial. It may save you from consump tion. WANAMAKER S. rnu.ADii.rn!A,;Mondar, Oct. si, 1S89. Half-dollar Dress Goods I Have you any notion what heaps and heaps of them we have in Fall and Winter weights? Better stuffs than you've been used to seeing at 50c finer qualities, choicer styles, richer colorings. Take the serges : omDro stripes nair-imc-sinpcs cluster stripes Jasper stripes 1'ckln stripes pm stripes irroiluatpd Btrtncn and half as many more. 37 to 38 inches wide. Fifteen colors of each styles. 1 hen the bordered Serges : six or eight styles, each in more than a dozen shades. Plain Cassimere Serges : all wool, Weight, colors, finish, right- In cloths a myriad ; Halts, broken. Indistinct, clear cut (our words to cover a hundred peculiarities. Sitrtpps, lust as many and Just as pretty in their way. Cbeviots, 1 3uen, sturdy, tl-tnch stuffs, with whltsnalr-lweorclU3terstrlpci on grounds brown bluo Habit cloths, blaik greoa earnet W lnolos, plain and That's half a glance at just the half-dollar stuffs $4 for an average dress pattern I I here isn t a prominent maker of Linens anywhere whose goods are not repre sented in our stock it they are such as wc can guarantee. We take the entire output of some make you. are big manulacturers. lhats why we can prices so interesting for All the between costs saved. We can show but three items now to give you a price notion of all : One Fringed Tablecloth 2I yards long, 12 Doilies to match, at 2.65 the set : same size, without fringe, $3.75 the set. Compare them with any $5 set in town. We ve said a word before of the German "Barnsley Dam ask," that wonderful Table Linen at $1 and Si. 20. Soft and free from dressing, almost ike satin brocade to look at. Plenty of it now. And that Napkin, 23 inches square, unfinished, only two sides to hem, at $1.10 a dozen. As well worth Si. so as any Napkin ever had. An assortment of the cele brated Bohn Library is here classical sclentinc historical ecclesiastical collegiate philosophical antlqvarlan economical That's word And so on enough if you are wise in "libraries. Five of these volumes of Ame'ia Barr's novels are now in paper covers for the first time. 2sc each : Paul and Christina Jan Vfdder's wire A Daughter of FUo Master ot Ills Fate A Uorder Hhepherdesa The squire oi Sandal tilde l'ostage a cents eic! Three i2mo cloth volumes of Matthew Arnold. 50c each : Mixed Essays Vulture and Anarchy rosaages trom Proso Writings losUge 13 ceura eao i The 2 volume English edi tion of Robert Elsemere that we sold for 3.25, now 75 ! An excellent quality 1 -clasp Si. 25 linglish Tan Ulove at Si The best 2-clasp Dogskin glove we ever saw at Si embroider ed backs hnghsh points. rull lines ot all the best num bers of Fownes Brothers & Co,, London 1-buUoa Uraven Tan No 2 11. to l-button Craven Tan best u 1-buttonUoulen Tan, 11. w l-bulton (I ran vllle, 11.50 S-clasD Hoadan. il so New sorts coming in as fast as they appear. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. iMne Cabinet portraits only $3. doz. Life size Crayons only Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. llloodctl Fowls, Pit Olimef). (Irlst Hliaulnnlra II..0H, wuuus, uiac u. ueus, mtiv will slay to win w66i . D.tisiacuon uuaranteed Wiujiu Dennis, Itloomsburg, I'a. (Mention tluspaper.) Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Whn Bbf iu sick, m jara her CajtorU. When tbs was a Child, tha cried for CMtorU, When she became Muu, the clung to Castoria, When she had Children, lhe gare them Cutorta. J. S. GAKKISON M. 1). 1'IITBICIAN AND BURGEON. SS-Ofllco corner of Centre anil Fourth I. W. IIARTMAN & SONS. AVo cro on our wnv roim'niiirr soiling gootla. Tho people havo lounu out that wo sell good mma Out. ttnlnd fC rnnl lt... fur this season is nhcud of W. especially ior Misses nnd Chil dren; the large ones will come m as cold weather iiicmnjwft. Wo have inst received n. nnw supply, our room is full again. JNoto our largo stock of Shawls, single and double. Make a special note of our extra twilled red finnnel for 25a. and half wool extra heavv irniv fnr thoso who havo already bought are tolline others of them. Thanhs giving first, then Christ mas. Keep your mind on our stock of varus for vour vnrn iresents. An extra ofJnr tin's week iu a job lot of Ribbons. former price 20c, now 13c. yd., also a lot of Children's wool and cotton stockintrs nt half former prices n bitr run on Ileal) class ware to mnkn vnnm for Christmas goods. Tho dish es will iivrivo in time, in the meantime wo have lots of them for ininily use and lor Lirth dnv and Wedding presents. The Fnir.buttcr is all sold; bring on now all the nice yellow you havo with the scarce egcrs ami buy a coat a shawl, a dress, or any other goods you desire. Sugars are down one nnd two cents a )ound, good for those who havo to buy. I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. f I. BROKE t CO. The screen doors are beinc aken from their hantrinrrs. which proves that the flies are gone for another season. We have not told our Wall Paper story for several weeks, our at tention and advertising space has been given to something else. But the proper time to paper your rooms is at this sea- sou of the year. No flies, no dust, lhe room will ook just as well in tho spring as though you postponed it till then, and you will have had six months use of them ; hence the suitable time to do this work is now. Our stock in this line of goods is complete, ranging in price trom yjc per roll upwards. A few desirable patterns in rem nants at renmant prices. V. H. Brooke & Co. N TOTICE OP ELECTION. Arneetlnffor thn Rtaflfhn!rlfr nf Mfinnr nixt Inn Company win bo held on Tuesday, November VHtL ISSy. At 2 O'clock" n. m. nr. thn n ia nf thn sccretavt in liloomsuurg. for the punxrae of elect. ag nine Directors to serve for tbe ensuing GEO. B. EL WELL, 10-ls-St. secretary. A DMINISTHA.TOnS'3 NOTICE. Estate of RarrUt Rupert late nf Btoomtburg I'a., urivaseu. Letters of dmlnlKtrillnn fi. T. A. iinnn the aboye named estate having been granted to tho undersigned, all persons having claims against the same will present them tor payment, duly authenticated: and those Indebted thereto, will pleaso make lmmedlato payment to Attorney Ailmlnlsrrarnr Oct. 17 18S9. Bloomsburg Pa. Yqu Coming Are 9 To Philadelphia IF SO Be sure to visit 1338 Chestnut street, directly opposite the U. S. iUHlt. Here you can see the finest me ot (Jlothinc obtainable. It comes direct from tho World's centre of Fashion Loudon. $12.00 a stylish London Made Fall Overcoat, the like of which vou could not equal to order uuder $12.00 a handsome London Made Suit not matched anywhere, except 10 oruer, at $zo.UO. a pair of Thompson's Patent Cut English Cassimere Trousers The same quality of fabrics win co,t you So.UO to $6.00 elsewhere. E. 0. THOMPSON Special Ijonilon Made Clothing, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, I Opposite the Mint. 1 PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING G. W. BERTS OH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. Dents' Furnishing ki:h: k Cap OF EVKlir DESCRIPTION. Suits mado to order at short notice and a Ot always guaranteed or rio Bale. Call and oxamino tlio largest and best seiuotoa biook ot goods over shown i Columbia county. Btoro-next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, Bloomsburg: Pa. SHERIFF'S SALE OP VALOiULG Ileal Estate! 11 rlrtuo of writ of Lot. Pa. Issued out of tho Court of Common Ploas ot Columbia County ana to mo directed) thcro will bo sold at publio sala at tho court Houso BloomsburB, I'a. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1889. at o'clock a. m. tho following i All that certain plantation and tract of Und sltuatolnthe township of Franklin, countr of Columbia, SWto of rennsrlranla. bounded anrl deacrlbod as follows, tc-wlt i lleglnnlnj at a post near a cnestnut in una or land ot John Zelirtor and running thenco br Sild Una swth elshtr-four degrees wert ono hundre I anl eloron porchoi to a white oak, thenco by Und of samo anl land ot U. r.rortncr north ntnety-nlno and throo ouaitcrs da- grees west n'nety-one perches to a post a corner of other Und of said John Zelgler. thonoo br tho same and land lata ot tho heirs of Willi m Clay. ion, aeceasoa, then uto ot Oeorgo Scott Bouth twenty-two and thrco nuartors doiroei east onn hundred and nlnctr-nlno percnes to a chestnut oik, thenco by land ot lato Lloyd Thomis now or Uto of Jacob Koatcnbauder south elghty-soren and a halt degreos oast soventy-sovon perches to a post, thence by Und sold to William Stoker north ten degreos wost slitr-elght and two tenth prchostoa chestnut oak, thence by the same north sixty-eight degreos eait ono hundred and eighteen and slx-tcnth perches to a post In line of land belonging to tho heirs of John Portnor da. coasod, thenco by the said Una north twenty-nlno ana a nsu degrees west one hundred and a half perches to the placo ot beginning containing ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY. ONE ACRES, and Forty-seven perches neat measure, bo tho samo mora or less, on which are erected a large 1 LARGE BANK BARN, STRAW aillSU, WAUUN SUED, SHOP, STONE SPRING HOUSE and other Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of Aim. IT ur.,,. ... . ...... I ta Hower vs. Kstato of John Itowcr decoased, in tho hands ot his oxecutor, John II. Hower, and to bo sold as the property ot John llowcr, deceas ed, joiin n. cAszy. sheriff. SriNNsr, Atty, 10-1Sj. ALSO : Courtof Common Pleas of Columbia County, Pa., I and to mo directed, there will ba exposed to pub-1 on Tuesday, jsovEaiiiKii 12, 1889. M!lt,lbll8.:..u, . . John Mortal, In all that certain Plroo. or parcel I of land, situate In Madison townsflp, Columbia to wit : On tbo north br land ot Joel Aloser. on tho cast by land of Chulcs Dodson nnd Abram I Wolford, on tho Bouth by land ot Charles Dodson I and on the west by land of Davis WoathorilL con taining EIGHTY ACRES, more or less, whereon are erected a frame DWELLING HOUSE, UA11N, and outbuildings. seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Thomas Mordan vs. John Jordan and to bo sold as the property of John Mordan. IIeiirino, Atty. JOHN B. CASEV, Sheriff. PllMir Qj1o Will ba erpo90d to public 17 U UllKi U&J.C. sale on tho premises, In Ber wick, Columbia county Pa., on THURSDAY, November 14, 1889, at ten o'clock a. m., by Bcnjimln Evans Esq., ad ministrator C. T. A. ot Mary A. Brittaln, deed., by order ot the Orphan's Court ot said county, tho Knowing described realcstite: Situate In Ber wick, on tho south side ot Second street, between Mulberry and Vine streets ; Beginning at the cor ner ot lot number ntty-one, thenco by samo eighty-tour feet, ntno Inches, moro or less, thence on aline parallel with Second street, forty-nlno and a half feet to lot (No. 59) number Qtty-nlne, thence by same, W feet nine Inches, more or less, Second street, thence by Second street forty- nine and a halt foot to tho place ot beginning, be ing a portion oflotnumb:r fltty-two, tn the plan uio Borough ot Berwick . ALSO, on the same day, on tho premises In Brlarcreek township, Columbia county Pa., at one o'clock p. m., the undivided one-half ot all tbat certain piece ot Und bounded and deacrlbod as follows, to-wlt : On tho north by Und ot o. P. Ferris, or tho public road leading from Bloomsburg road to Little Brlarcreek, on tho west by Und ot John Palrchild and lands of heirs of Elizabeth Clemm, on too south by Bloomsburg road, on the east by Und ot O. P. Ferris, containing FIFTY ACRES, more or loss, all Improved. On which are erected A BRIOK DWELLING HOUSE. A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, frame kitchen, LARGE BARN, and out-bulldlngs. well watered. ALSO, On the some day at the same placo at ono o'clock tn., tho undivided one-halt of ono other piece of ianci in samo township, Dounled on tho south by Danlol Miller's land, on the north by M. W. Jack- Bon's land, east by Daniel Miller's land and on the west by land ot Mrs. Ellas Wilkinson and others. containing TWENTY ACRES, more or less, the same being a timber tract. TEltsis OP SALE. Ten per cent, ot one-fourth ot the purchase money shall be paid on the st rlk tag down ot tho property, one-fourth less the ten per cenu at tbe continuation of the sale, and the re maining three-fourths In one year after connrma Hon nisi, with interest from that dato, and to be secured Dy bond and mortgago on the premises. BENJAMIN EVANS, a. Fasizs, Administrator c. T. A. C.B. Jackson, ot Mary A. Brittaln, deed. Attys. N. a The two undivided interests here adver Used will bo sold together giving the purchaser title to the whole tract. Possession given April 1st, las. lo-ia-ts, 'Ilnlip S3 In 1)6 exposed to publio uumw w(4,wa saie on tne premises, in urlar- croek township, Columbia county Pa., on THURSDAY, November 14, 1889. at one o'clock p. m., by C. C. Evans. Ksa.. com mltteo of Margaret J. Brittaln, a lunatic, b y order oi uieuourt qi uommon rieas of Columbia county a., uio iQuowiagroai estate, situate In Brlarcreek aioreaaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit: The undivided one-half otall that tract ot tana, ooundod on tho north by land of O. V. FerrK or the Dublle tqsa lejuiim. rmm thn itium'v.... j....... . . " John Falrchllds and heirs ot KlUabetu clemm, deceased, on the Bouth by Bloomsburg road on the east by land ot O. F. Ferris, containing FIFTY ACRES, more or less, all Improved, oa which are erected A RRlCK DWELLING HOUSE, A FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, irame Kitchen, LARGEJJARN, and out-bulldlngs well watered. ALSO, on the same day, at tbe samo placo at one o'clock p. ra, the undivided halt ot one other piece of land in same township, bounded on tho south by Uan. 101 Miner's land, on tne north by M. W. Jackson's land, east by Dinlel Miller's land, and on the west oy land of Mrs. Kllas Wilkinson and others, UUUlIMUlUg TWENTY ACRES, more or less, tho sauo being a timber tract. TKHMS OF SALE. Ten per oent. of one-fourth ot the purchaso money shall bo paid on the strik ing down ot tho property, one-fourth less the ten nprnnLit.th4innnrmailnnnitha j . . - " m .uu oa.u, uuu luc remaining throe-fourths lnoue year after conttr- mnflnn nUI with Intnma, tram tho -j . 1 wkih, .,vu Ma, uuiv. uwi IU no Becured ny bond and mortgage on tho premises. O. C. EVANS, J, G. VHstzi, Committee ot 0. 11. Jickbov, Attys. Mugaiet J. Brittaln. N. B. The two undivided inteiests here adver tised will bo sold together, giving tbe purchaser a title to the whole tract. I'osoesslon given April Ml NM. lu-l&w. UDITOK'B NOTIOE. Estate of Joshua Bavage, decoased. Tbe undersigned auditor appointed by tho Or- huw ttjui, ui ujiuuiwa luuuijt iu uiiiKe uisiri button ot the b&lanse in tho hand of the executor to aui among the paulos eitltled thereto, will Bit at his omce In Bloomsburg, on Wednesday tbe 13th day o; November, lf9, at 10 o'clock a. in., to attend to the duties ot his appointment, when aud wtete all pei sons having claims against said es tate must appear and prove them, or be forever uuluiiw iiuui ui Buaro ui Humiunu. .. , J. 11. MAIZK, Auditor. C A I C C M D N WANTED'? tllandclty. Sloadyem. ployment at "good Salary :or Commission". Out ntafree, w rllo tor terms at once. H. J. CLARK & SON, Bloomsburg, P. Show full and complete lines Ladies' Misses' and Chil nf I nrlioc' Miotic' """'-J """-! dren's Coats of the latest Styles in Plush, Cloth and Silk, special values in plush garments of all styles. Handsome Newmarkets, Jackets &c, at prices which UCly Competition. Ulir lines of (Jress goods are Complete bpecial good values in cloths, i lennettas, Semes. Mohairs. hosiery and underwear ; it will Pav yu to look at these, lMan- nels, Blankets of all kinds 1lld qualities. Special values in Kid rrloves TrV OUr kid frlnvp i ' , . , , t"JVV" cleaner, best in the market. Ladies' French knit skirts, also flannel skirts. Shawls of all kinds which defy competition. ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF VALUABLE Business d Dwelling The undersigned, executrix ot the last will and testament of Joseph H. Barktey, lato ot the Town ot Bloomsburg. county ot Columbia, stato ot l'enn sjlvanla, deceased, will expose to public sale on tho premises, on SATURDAY, November 9, 1889, at nlno o'clock In tbo forenoon, tho following do- sorlbej real estate, lato ot tho said deceased, to- wit : a certain lot or piece of ground situated in tho Town ot Bloomsburg In said countr, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt : On the north by Socond street, east by lot now or late ot Abner Welsh, south by fine Alley, and west by West street, being on Second street sixty-eight feet and one and ono-hair Inch moro or les. In width, and in depth along said West street two hundred and fourteen and one-halt feet, moro or less, on which aro erected Three Frame Dwelling Houses auu unu iramo suop, witu stablo and other out ouiidlngs. Thts property Is very valuablo as a business place and also for dwellings; has a weU known business comer, now occupied as a Kurnlturo Store. There aro upon It two cisterns and ono well, and a portion U supplied by water ot tho water company. It will bo sold as ono property. or In parts, to suit purchasers. tkiuis OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-fourth ot tho purchase money to be paid at tho striking down of the property, the ono fourth less the ten per cent, at mo continuation ot sale; and the re maining three-fourths In ono )ear thereafter, with Interest trom tonflrmatlon met. The purchaser to pay for making deed. JULIA A. BAllKLEV, 3U Executrix. N OTIOE IN PARTITION. In tho matter ot tho partition of tho real estato ot oauiu uuuumju, Itxw Ul .ulUMS Jil luWnSUip. Columbia County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Tho heirs of said decedent win tal:n nnrtn, timt In pursuance ot an order of tho orphins' Court of Columbia County, a writ ot partition has is sued from said court to the sheriff cf said countv. reiurnapio on tuo urst siondjy ot uecemb r next, and that the inquest will meet tor thu uurpone ot making partition ot the real o-talo of sild de cedent on Saturday, tho sixteenth d.iy of Novem ber, A. D., 1S-.H, between tho hours ot 10 a m., and 4 . m., of said day upon the premises, at which time and placo you can bo present it you see proper. j uo premises in question aro doscrlbed as fol low viz: Tho undivided ono-hair Interest In a certain tnessuace and tract or hind,, in ti,, township ot Madison, couniy and stato aloresild. bounded on the north by land ot It, v. fruit, . n the east by lauds ot U. 1'. Fruit and John A. Fun ston, on the south by a publio r ad loidlng from Jerseytown to rt'ahlngtonviile nnd land ot .lames Klnlen, ani ou the west by land of Isaao Wagner, containing ajout one hundred and twenty acres. U.W.U w. .coo. nuu lUV ujlimi IVUilUCt'S. fcberllT. GRATEFUL COMFOHTINO. EPP'S COCOA. DUEAKFAST. "By a thOrOUCh knowledge of thn nntnnl Intra which govern tho operations ot digest lo,i nnd nutrition, and by a careful application ot the flno propirtiea or well-selected Oojoi. Mr Errsnaa I hamml hnvprnt caton luuvj t sue! articles ot die. that a xomtitutlon may be gradual. I Iy bullt un urtllslrong enough to resist every ten .j mouuuki uuuuu iu n-si-ii. every ten dency to di,eaao. Hundnslj ot subtlo maladies are noatlng around us re idy to allaok wherever tberelsa weak point. Wo may oj.po many a 'atftl shaft by keeping o irselvos well tortltlo 1 ltll pum uiuw niiu pruueriy nourisneu rram,i."--cpii vwe Gazette. MailARlmnlv with tniMno- wain UboliiS thus: v ' "rooern, JAM KM .KITS CO., Ilomawpathla Chemist, N CROWN $ ACME, fc- The Best Burning Oil That Can bo Made From Petroleum. It civet a brilliant lipht. It will not smnVn the chimneys. It will not char the wicV. It has a high fire test. It will not explode. It Is pre-eminently a family safety oil. - . , m We Unalletlge Comparison I with any other illuminating oil made. a We gtoHc. Our Reputation, I I as refiners, upon the statement that it is XI Till. WOHI.II, Aslc your dealer for CROWN ACME, ACME OIL CQMPAHY, J53AJNVILLE, 3a. to' Bloomsburg and vicinity supplied b, tut T rnr , ' HU, Uloomsburg, Pa. Yi?.11"1 cu Nuriicrymen,iltoch0bter N.Y Bloomsburg, Pa. It