The Columbian. O.E. Elwll, lr(... J. K. Sltttnbtaier., E11"- J3LQOM6BUKG, PA. FRIDAY, OCTOHEK 18, 1880. DEM00BATI0 STATE TICKET. Statk Tiikasuiieii, EDMUND A. 1JIGLEU, Clearfield. Tlio election will ho held on the 5th of November, 1889. If you want an honest and economi cal management of the public tnoueve. vote for Edmund A. Bigler for State rrcaiurer. Tuesday, November C, is election day. Don't let the fact that wo have no county tioket catia you to logs in torent in the oleclion. It is hinhly ira portant to havo ai honest and capable State Treasurer. Go to tho poll acd vote, and see that your neighbor doot in .. IIKOW1.1C. THE DEM00RATI0 PLATPOEM. TEN I'LANKS IN WHICH ARE FOItilL'I.ATKI) THE I'AllTr'8 DOCTUINE. Tho following is tbo platfonn adopt ed by tho Democratic Stato Convention: Tho Democracy of Pennsylvania, in convention assembled, declare: "First. That all powerti not expressly granted to tho General Government are withheld, and a sacred observance of the rulo of construction contained in tho tenth amendment to tho Constitu tion itself is essential to tho preserva tion of tho principles of homo rulo and of pure, honest and economical govern ment, to tho end that labor may not bo robbed of the bread it has earned. "Second. Wo applaud tho action of President Cleveland and our Demo cratic representatives iu Congress look ing to tariff tax reform, and wo re affirm tho declaration of principles mado by tho Democracy of tho Union at St. Louis in 1888, especially that de manding n revision and reduction of tariff taxes for tho relief at once of American labor, American industries and American tax-payers, by tho re peal of such tariff taxes as now invito and protect monopoly a greed that lessens production, lessens employment of labor, decreases wages and increases cost to consumers, and by the admis sion of raw material freo of duty in all ca?cs where it will enlarge our product, multiply our markets and increase de- mint! lor labor. "Third. Wo regard trusts, in what ever form organized, as tho result of tho existing monopoly tariff, and we demand tho repeal of such tariff taxes as cnauio them to control domestio production, by unlawful combination, and to extort from tho people cxhorbit ant prices for thoir products. "Fourth. Wo accent tho decision of tho pooplo of Pennsylvania rocdored by tho ballot on tho prohibitory amend ment as a declaration in favor of a reasonable, just and effectivo regula tion oi tho traflio in ardent spirits. We hold that the agreement of tho Renub- llcan party, through its Representatives in tno legislature, to tue proposed pro hibitory amendment to the Constitu tion, and its defeat at tho polls in spito of tho Republican majority of ou.uuu votes, aro tacts mat establish beyond doubt tho hypocrisy of tho Re publican leaders in thoir treatment of the question of prohibition. "Fifth. Wo bold tho Republican party responsible for tho failure a failure wilfully and corruptly incurred to enforco by 'appropriate legislation' tho sixteenth and seventeenth articles of tho Constitution, designed to pro tect tho land and labor, the people and industries of this Commonwealth. "Sixth. Wo hold tho Republican party responsible for the failure to pass any law for tho relief of tho manual laborers of the Stato of Pennsylvania, nnd wo recommend tho enactment of such laws as will givo equal protection and equal opportunities in overy branch of industry to all citizens, irrespective of race, religion or nativity. AVo also hold tho Republican party responsible for tho failuro of tho Legislature to consider favorably tho petition of tho workingmen and farmers of this Stato for tho equalization of the burdens of taxation and for relief from tho ox- actions of monopoly. "Seventh. We hold tho Republican party responsible for tho notorious cor ruptions which havo for many years prevailed in tho management of the atato ireasury, Jar tho system of de positing loans without interest, en I ! f !, ... . ... nulling iavorucs oi tno ring uy tho iiso of the public money and for the flagrant violation of law by tho Com missioners ot tho Sinking Fund, and wo pledge tho faith of tho Democratic party that tho candidato this day nomi- iiaiuu win, u oieoieu, reiorm incso wrong. "Eighth. Wo favor tho Australian ballot system as adapted to meet tho requirements of our Constitution and tbo special wants of our people, in order to sccuro tho freedom and purity of elections monaced by tho combined power of monopoly and the corruption of tiio Republican rings and bosses. "Ninth. That tho sufferers by the recent noods have our sincere sympathy, and that while wo doprcuatu and con demn tho management on tho part of mo stato authorities by which relief to our soroly-aflliotod fellow citizous has beon unnecessarily delayed, we urgo our representatives in tho J.egiH laturo to tako such constitutional action as will givo substantial roliof to tho stricken communities. "Tenth. While wo favor a liberal ystcm of pensions to such votcrnns of tho loto war as havo beon honorably discharged, and who from wounds or other physical infirmities havo been rendered unfit for manual or other labor, wo doem it unjust to that largo class of those faithful soldiors of the Union who tako a just prido in tho heroic nchlvemouts of thoir comrades in arms that there should bo added to tho pension roll tho names of any who aro not qualified therefor by reason of honorable nnd faithful servico in tho lino of duty." LABOR REFORM' Tho mechanics, mill-hands, ivin-rn, laborers, in fact, tho wago-earners of tho State, represented at Harrisourg last winter by n special committee of tho Knights of Labor, asked tho Legis lature to pass a number of bills. From tho report of that committee, lately distributed privately to tho various labor tocietius of tho Stato, wo can best givo nn Idea of what tliofo bills were, and what tho evils aro Unit they weru intended to remedy, and what tho Republican Legislature, under tbo guidance of Speaker Boyor, did with these bills in auswer to tho appeals of tbo workingmen. Tho coiuinltteo soy i THE "Fearing tho members of tho IIouso and Senate were not fully informed as to tbo nature, number and character of our bills, tho following circular wm eui uy man to each nd every mem ber of both houses t "Wo desire to call your personal at tention m the following measures now pending in General Assembly, and ask lor your support and Inuuenoo in so curing their enactment i House Hill No. 91 Collins, amend- log "Semi-Monthly Pay Law." Houio Hill No. 158 Caffrey, "Dock ago llilt." IIouso Rill No. 92 "Store Bill." Senate Hill No. Hints, "Regulat ing liability ol Jimploycni of Work- men, u mauo compensation lor in juries, ifco." SonatoNo. 131 "Reuula' inir Km ployment of Women and Children, pro viding Inspectors, ifco.'' Houso Hill No. 270 "Providing for V l.t - r n t. .i uiauiiuBiiun ui miners in nvnraciie I tog ions, Jko. Also Hills which will bo introduced to amend tho "Hituminous Checkwelgh man and Mine Ventilation laws." "To rcgulato licensing of Stationary Engi neers, ceo. jn act "lo make Election Days Legal Holidays." An ait to reg ulate elections according to tho Aus tralian System. An act giving Lum bermen Lien on Cut Timber ; and in act against "Convict Labor." II. AIcGardet, Wm. II Lewis, C J. Andrews, Committee. Then follows a history of tho illfor- tunes of these bills, of which the fol lowing is a condensed report! House Hill No. 91. (Semi-monthly Pay Bill.) In tho Houso: first readme? January 25 ; second reading February 21 ; third roading April 3, when it passed the House by a vote of 102 ayes to 9 nays. in tho Senate : committed to Judici ary General Committee April 4, 1889 ; reported negatively April 25. House Bill No. 92. (Company Stores.) In tho IIouso: first reading January 25; second reading February 21, and third reading April 3, when it passed the IIouso by a voto of 103 ayes to 3 nays. In the Senate: committed to Judici ary General Committee April 4, 1889 j reported negatively April 25, 1889. Senate Bill No. 131. Houso Bill No. 717. (Known as tho Factory Inspection Din.; in mo senate: nrst reading Feb ruary 20 ; second reading February 28; final passage in Senate, March 13 by a unanimous vote. In tho House: first reading March 25; second reading April 18; final passage in tho House, May 7, by a voto of 109 to 18. No appropriation was made for the payment ot tbo inspectors, and. in con sequence, no benefits havo been de- rived from tho act to date. IIouso Bill No. 158. Senate Bill 397, (Dockage Bill.) In the IIouso: first reading March 28; third reading iipni zo, wnen Din passed tbo IIouso by a unanimous vote. In tho Senate: defeated on third reading, May 2, 1889. House Bill No.' 275. (An act to pro- ..:.i i .l. r- r viuu iui tuu BxaiLiiuaMun oi miners, xo.) in tbo House: passed finally April 22, by a vote of 144 to 5. Speaker Boycr absent and not vting. iu we oenato : passed finally May 2. Sonato Bill No. 237. House Bill 841. (Employers' Liability Bill.) In tho Senate: first nading Anril 2': second reading April 9 : third reading A -:t i rt 1 1 "II . . l, i(jui iu, wuun inn passed senate by a vuiu oi iO to i. In tho Houso: first reading April 19 ; second reading May 0 j third read ing May 8, tohen bill was defeated by a voto of 85 ayes to 38 navs. less than a majority having voUd in tho affirma tive. Concerning thisjjill tho Comraitte say: "1 bo committeo feel the loss of this bill very much from the fact that it was with great difficulty we succeeded in getting it on tho Senato calendar, wnero u passed third reading and final passago with a creditable vote, and from tho kind manner tho members of the IIouso had so far treated us, no serious opposition was expected, but wu wciu uitsi.ppuuiM.'U. "This bill, moro than anv other of tho bills entrusted to tho committee, presented an opportunity to those mem bers who so often declared their alle- g'wuco and friendship for tho working classes of this Stato to place themselves on record as such by supporting and voting lor mo measure, inasmuch as tho bill was moro general and far reaching in its provisions, than any other. Thero was not a shadow of class or special legist tion in its pro- viniuiiB, uut was iiiunutu as a benefit to all tho working classes of the State, no matter whom or how employed." Tho leport of tho Committeo con cludes as follows : "Tho other hills mentioned in thn circular were not endorsed by tho con vention as special bills, but being in the interest of labor, wo eavo them all tho attontion possible. Tho Bill to 'Rcgulato tbo Licensing of Stationary Engineers' was negatived in commiitnc. and did not oomo boforo tho body for fiiBoussion. in act io mako "election Days Legal Holidays' met the fate, as did also the 'Convict Libor If ill.' 1 lie member Irora Potter county refused to introduce tho bill giving if , T r. m. . " . -i.umuerinen j.ion on kjui limber "Tho act to rcgulato elections accord ing to the Australian system of vottnu camo boforo tho Judioiary General Committeo of both IIouso nnd Senate, and it was ably supported on both occasions by a datamation from the Ballot Reform Association, of Phila delphia, who called upon this commit teo and requested thoir prosonco at tho meetings. This committeo attended and were ready, if callod upon, to sup port tho bill. 1 ho Hon. Wayno Mo Voagh, of Philadelphia, on behalf of tho association, mado an ablo nnd elo quent address in favor of tho bill, as did other members of tho association. "Mr. Baker moved to nlaoo tho bill on this calendar as u spcia1 order. Tho yeas and nays wero callod, and tho motion uotcalod by a largo majority. "In conclusion, let us sav that. al. though not as successful as wo might, nor indeed as wo expected to be. in so. curing legislation for tho w irking olasscs of tho State, wo issuo this re port with a clear conscience, that wo did nil in our power as a committeo to further tho passago of tho bills in trusted to us by tho convention, and bono that each and ovcrv minilmr l satisfied with this account of our ttow ardehip. Wo adviso tho continiiarion of legislative committees at each scs. ion or tho legislature. Wishing tho next committee botlor success, with kind regards, wo beg to remain. lours iratcrnaiiy, JI. M. McGai-ve, Chairman. O. J. Andiiews. Wm. H. Lewis, Secretary of Committee, 1000 S 11th St, Ilarrisburg, Pa. Approved: A. M. Dewev, Chairman of Convention, COLUMBIA AJSTD DEMOCRAT. OEH. J. r HARTS AHlT DEAD. Major General John F. Hartranft, ex governor of Ponnsvlvanla. at his homo in Norristown, on Thursday uiumii msu oi pneumonia, uor. Heaver has Jssuod a proclamation, in wniuu no says j uir ..... rur raoro man a quarter ot a cen tury, Gau. Hartranft has filled a largo Placo in the nctivitiVa nf generation which Is already recognized as forming ono of tho most important cjiwub iii uiu msiury oi our country. Horn December 10, 1730, graduated at Union college, naturally inclined to a military life and trained V) ome extent in voluntary military organiza tions, ho was ready in the full vigor of euucaieu young manhood to fill with conspicuous ability tho prominent piaco io wnicn no was called Irom the ordinary pursuits of a retired lifo by tho proclamation of tho president of t Vi n U . . 1 !l 1 - . n r . vuu uuiwu UbitlVB, Jljiril IO, lOUl In tho eventful vears whtp.h fn1lnwrl his response to tho call of the president tor men to enforco tho laws, ho occu pied successively tho pi sitions of col onel of tho fourth regiment of Pen- iylvania volunteers during what is known as tho Threo months tervice, and as a colonel of tho Fifty-first regiment oi rennsylvania volunteers, bngadier-geueral of United States volunteers and brevet major-general of United Slates volun eers respectively during tho remiinder of tho war of tbo rebellion. Tho calm cotirago, the nuiet devo tion, intrepid zoal and tho lofty patriot ism which characterised his military service and won for him the enccefs which crowned his efforts nro known nnd appreciated by all who have given heed to tho history of tho Stirling times daring which this servico was rendered. The Barao year in which ho retired from tho mihtarv servico of tbo United States ho was oallod by tho people of this commonwealth to ei rvo them in an important civil position, and from the tinio of his election in 1805 down to tho present as auditor general, uov- ernor and major general of the Nation al uuard, ho has almost without inter ruption rendered efficient and dis tinguished services to his native state. To recount these services would bo to repeat in a largo measure tbo history of tho Commonwealth during these years. They aro well known and will be long and gratefully remembered." lho luneral took placo at Norris town on Monday, aud was largely at tended, the Nationl Guard of which tho General was oommauder taking part. Just Married- How loving thoy are; this is always a sure sign. After the first year some times it don't bold good, when Char les comes home to you grouty aud cross, snapping and snarling, unable to reusn tno nice dinner you cooked, and feels ns ii thro was a ton of pig iron in his stomaob, he is troubled with dyspepsia, and Sulphur Bitters is the only medicine that will cure him. A Discreditable Appointment- Tbo selection of Green B. Raum as Pension Commissioner to succeed Tan ner is one of the few very discredit able appointments of the present ad ministration. After tho blistering dis grace of Tniiuerisin, every consider ation ot public policy d'olated the sc. lection of a new Pension Commissioner possessing not only eminent ability and integrity, hut the cleanest possible rueuru iu quuiuy mm lor me Ukllcate and responsible duties of the office. Green B. Raum is no such man. He comes with the offensive flavor of tho worst demoralization of tho Grant teigu, uuder which he was called to tho office of Comraisionur of Internal Rev- une, nnd in which position ho was the baokbouo of tho Whiskyring and a blatent peripatetic campaigner II entered every important State tolitical contest in per-on, flooded lho country :.i, ...,i:.;...i i... . ,.- ; to til iiuiiuuii uuiiriiui uvrr IUH hlgnai- ure, and summoned his laigo internal revenue forco to the mot reckless and desperate parti-an servicer. How or why President Harrison was persuaded to call a man with such an unsavory official record to tbo one position that now requires tho mort comnieiiuuuiij quaut'es to commandpn 1 lie confidence, will bo difficult to ox plain to intelligent and fairminded people of every p-irty. Surely soim honored toldler with unblfmit-li. d re. cord could have ben found to restore law, order and confidence in tho utt"i ly dcmoraliz-d Pulsion Office, aud tin selection of Ilium, with his open, un concealed purpos to mako nnitisHii duties paramount in eery officii' trust .. I . I -n . . . uiiuur ii ib wiurui, win graio nursiiiy upon thn aroused public sentiment that so clearly demands obolionco to law and tho subordination nf publics in the administration of the lVm-ion Office. Tho President can hardly hoj-o lo csoapo tno Ktenenl regiels lor the ap poiiitmeii' of Mr. Raum. Judged bv his avoweii nnd ostentatious abuse of public posinon in thonat. his selection will bo accepted as meaning that the Pensiou Department in to bo a mere political saga'-iiy. It is a gravo blun der; not only a blunder for the Pn-sid-ent, but a morje serious blunder be. uaiiso of the iui'vitnb.u and disas'roui. issue it iimt iiret'inilsti! over dixhoniwi and fiaudulent p'liisiou. The Pension Office is the last placo where tho dregs ui uiu wnmKy ring ami ouiuial machini politics hliould be enthroned and there will Im ntxt to univirsal popular din trust in lho Pension Department un ter mo new commissioner. Tfce Chief (or tba treat iuo- eeu of HcHxl'i BartaparllU Ii (oand In tbo irtlclo Itself. It ! merit that wlni, mi th (Ml that llood'i Brajiirill Mttully to eomplliliei what Ii claimed (or It, Ii what baa given to this uetltclne a popularity and Mis stealer than that of any other tarsapv Mprlt Wlns r"" or b00i putl" IVICIIl VY IJIv iter before the public Hood's Bartapartlla cures (krofuti, Bait Rheum and alt Humors, Pysixptla, Blck Headache, Dlllousness, overcomes That Tired Keeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens Uia Nerves, builds up Die W bole System, U4'a Nartaparilla U sold by all drug, tlstt. HisliforJJ. 11paidbyaZ.Iioo4 Co, Apoomvu Uvm, Mm. A Suggestion That Bared Uy Li fa. ltok a hfver t i' l at d sulfered pain through tho ba nnd kidneys, I sent for n iiIumcmii, uIi nronmnced my cascO-avl. A fnond iccommend. ed Dr. Davil K-iindv' Favoiito Remedy, of Rond ml, N. V., and after taking two bottles I uomddered myself pcrioiiuv cu-e:l -J oni JJaHeil, Hooliest er, N. V. What more could bo aoked. DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents LuncrFcvcr! Cures Distemper, Heaves, OUnders, Loss of Appetito, Founder, Fevers, &c. lib. In each package. Sold by all dealers. DR. BULL'S Cures Dysentery, and DlarrhcDA. Carts Wind BABY SYRUP Colle, &o lUllevcsOriplngandSuiiimerCorripklnt. Facilitates Teething! Regulates the Bowels! Soldbyalldrugglits. Trico 23 cents. ROLL'S THE PEOPLE'S EEMEDY" For tho euro of COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness COUGH Asthma, Incipient Con sumption Croup, Whooping Couch. and for tho relict of SYRUP Consumptive per sons. ForSalobynll druggists. So cents. cunyelA':aS cubcd ciOAimcs for ca- OmUKC tarrhl rrtettOCU. Atall drugaltU. BRICiGS' mm - wm POIt SICK HEADACHE IX ITS ".HI II II i I'm This I'emcdy u the p-rwrtotton of one ot tho leading physicians of 1'arK Fraoce. and was used br him with unparalleled 81100081 for over thirty year, It was nntt Riven to tho puhllo as a proprie tary medicine Id 1818- cln-o which time It has found Its way into almost every county on the faco of the globe, and become a favorite remedy With thousands Of the learilni? nhir-lnno. Uprilmit aodeues have dlBcuwyl Its marvrtoui Buccess at their annual convcnUoni, and utter their onclal cremlns hare analyzed It and found that it con tained no opiates, bromides or other harmful ln eredlents placed It among their utandard reme- TESTIMONIAL. U It. HltOWK, M. I)., a West Jersey St., Klizibitii ri. -I. Jann 2s. lfisg. ThLs is to certify that I nave used for some ot remedies, for Headiche. known as lirlfga1 Ueadacbe Troches The remedy cures morn had monms wun mucn sailaractlon, the combination ikuc, caix-u-aiiy auca as anect wervom womi-D, than anything I am acquainted wai. and If this certificate wui be the meins of br'pglns It to the I shall (eel that I hare done them a wrvlce. L. It. UKOW'N. PRICE; 28 CENTS. bold by all Druggists, or B3nt by Mitl on lie ceiptof lTlce. Briggs' Medicine Co., ELIZABETH IT. J. t) 27 ly. XECUTOHb' NOTICE Kstale qfjlebecca llett late of Hugarloaf lowrutitp. lltrs tratamentry on sild estate hiving been granted to the urden-lgned executor. All persons Indebted lo b.M eitato are herehy notirieti to pay the same, and the havln? ctal ns a.alnst said estate to prttent the same to AMANDAIM PUITZ. A. I. Krltz, (luava 10 1 4t. Att'y. KAOtutor. 'udItoics NuriOB Kstate of Geo. Umi?iilrjrr deceased Tho undersigned nn auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court tf L'olumbl i county lo pass upon exceptions to th iv-count ot Ji new McAlarney, executor, will sit at his otlliM in liloomstiurg nil ivedncbday November cm, 1 via. at 10 nviuik a. in when and where all persons Interested can ap.iear If they deilie. OIUN J' IlumilNd, 10 I1-1U iiudito-. CHICHE'orER'S ENGLISH 1-EHNiROYAL PILLS. ItctL Croft Uianiuntl lira n A. Th only rctUfclt rill for itU. Hr in I nn. I.adirM. oak lruUt fvr tba MORd Iti-wi-d, ia ml tniUM Loim, Mltj4 IU tliMnt-Ua. Tokeneotbrr. tHii44. (itftmix) for Dartioulua uid "ltllf r 1 0-11.(1 -U. P A T E M T 8 ! Will rB AT ONCE PDIt II, U-THTEU CIUUULAlt ami INS TltUC 1 IONS. AIIVIUKlllMtKI'. J. B. ORALLY & CO., WASHINGTON, I. C. ln-11-d-lt. n IL-iCATAR R H cieanwi tho m'Jt'HtAM RAXxn. """" HftfflflftfflRR?1 Allay8 rain and WCiW HEAn avrrvrD1)!! iieais the Hr.rcp. ltottores tho Senses of Taste and t-melt. TRY THE GUREHAY-FEVER Apartlclou appUod into etch nodrll and is agreeable. I'rlce 6i onts at Urulsts: by null, registered, 60 cm. KLY UitUTIIKIW, M "Varren Bt , New York. 10-20-d-lt TO CONSUMPTIVES. The unilereu'neil Viavinr. Iippn ri',nr,l tr, liealth liv imnl mpnna nftr ciifT.F ing for several years with a severe lung lITaxllni. nn.l 1 . - . .1 .1 J! f. sumi'iion, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully senil ffrni nf rlinrrrM n rmw nf iU . , o i j " ' prescription used, which they will find a ...... r r a Bint i-uit iuf v.unauHi iiu.1, yiniiM, Catarrh, Hronchitis, and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all suf fcrers will try his Remedy, as it is in valuable. Those desiring the piescrip tion, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, ilv. r.uwAKu a. tvii.soN, tvuuainsuurg, Kings County, New York. A-&-Co.-Dec.-7-i-, nopK AOKNTS WINTltD VOU Mlf STORY OF THE WAR My Mary A. Mvermore h . ,i .M l i. ')' PlW. C'uw. M4 e Uul. UU, fii.'"'.","'"''?1 VJ "1J "Wtwi Ii lIi JUifkU 4 f i alrl,nML Wiit lor clrluW, Li lose-tut. - BLOOMSBUItG, DMlNISTHATOIt'S NOT1UE. "MK OAnrul Maria Crtwttng, laU Q Scott itfp. Hotlce U hereby qrlren that letters ot admlnls trauonoi the estate of Anna Maria CreTelinc law i of soott twp., connty ot Columbia, and state ?,lt?M.)"l.Tin1- Uceid. hare bo-n (;rantl to UeO. U. Itlmnftnril0- nf unnhnrv p. in Knn all persona Indented to said calf us are requested to v lutuu am mw uating citim or ae- uwjw niu mug tagwn us sune wunoai aeiay GEO. 0. ItEt M KNSN VHEIl, Administrator, sunbury, I'a. TJXECUTORS NOTICE. Bttate of Sarah It. Iteti latf of Bnuon toena?,tp, urnitiTUi Letters test imenltrr on saM miji'h hmu tn gran'fri toiheu'dersunxdcxecutor. All persons Indebted t4 Slid entlte are herebr nntlnM in mr the same, and those baring culms against sail A. L. Fritt, Attorner. D. J. LEWIS, Coles Creek. Etecutor. S0-t. "OAILHOADNOIICE. '"-."uiiaviiuu uiwuiimii a-rj ou,,,. Tan llallroad Compauy are hreby notined and 11iftrimli)iAlrf.-..r ii.. ril . i . . ....... . .... -. .... .... . . .u ; vuh vi iii': unanaar, Inthxtownof moomsourg, on Wednesday the ffflth r1 nf NnrnrnhA ilmu a, i.n ..-aImi. . forenoon, for the purposa of voting for or against in In.w.M fit Ih. n.nll.l im1 a ... I lk.. of aald Company, uy order of the Hoard of lilrec tors, H. J. CONNElt, t secretary. Bloomaburg, Bept. lo, lsw. QENERAIi ELECTION I'llOULASIATION I. JOII.-J n. CASEY. Ilk-h Hho.m nf r-nlnmhl. County, CommonweiUh of rennsylvania, do here by make known r.d proclaim to the quaUned electors of Columbia county, that a general elec tion will be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1889. (being the Tuesday next following t hn nni. vrm. diy ot said month) for thi purpose of electing fv.ovud ivi .uo iviinnijt uailim UUICe3, lO-WIt S one person lor mate Treisurer of the common wealth of Pennsylvania. I also herebr mflkf. knnwn Anrl orn nAttA that tho pUcesof holding the aforesaid elcilon In the several wards, boroughs, altrlcts and townships within the county of Columbia aro as follows. to-lti ' Iv-aver township, at tho public house of Mary Smith. Iicnton township, at the public nouso of I. Drake In the town of Kenton. Berwick, East, at the little office of Jackson & Uoodln In the borough of Harwich. Berwick, west, at the offlce of J, o. Jacoby, In the borough ot Berwick. uioom tasi, ai tno court House, in liloomsburg. Bloom West, at the court House. InBloomsburg . Urtircreek townahlo. at the nuhlio whnni hnn near Kvanstllle. catawlssa township, nt the public houso of O. V, lteifsryder, In the town of Caiawlssa. ecnlr-lla. Borough, at tho public hoose of Wm. I'elfcr, deceaseJ. Centre townshln. attheiv-hnnl hnnwinnnp T nfm- ctto Creasys. conynguam North District, at tho schoolfhoust near lemralla. Conyngham souUi District, at tho houso of Mrs. Thomas Monroe. iTsningcreck township, at the school honse ncai C. B White's. Franklin tiwnhtn. nt. thn Inveranr-n iuhAnl house. , Greenwood township, at tho houso of I. D. Pottou, deceased. Hemlock township, at the public houso ot Chas. II. Illetterlch, in the town ol Buck Horn. -lucKson iwp., at tno scnooi nouse at w aller. LOCUSt townshln. nt. the nnhllr hnnu. Af Nithan Knorr, In Numedla. MadlSOn tOwnRhln. At. t.h nnhlll w-hrwil hnntu. In Jerseytown. Main township, at the public house of Addison W. shutnan. Minim IhA nilhtlr hnmn nf lornv Hess, In tho town of Miniinvtue. Montour township, at tho pubuc houso of Mrs. Mary Hazledlne, at Itupert. -nu i-ied&mi uiwnsnip, at me Minertown school hoise. angeville. Orange townshln. at n. I'alrmnn'n hotel in nr. I'lne township, at tho Centre School House, I'airlnLrCriX-k mu-nithln nt tho hniian nf Uam.t .1 Lelby. " ttcott East township, at the pubUo houso of Joscuh Kleckner. tn lunv. SJott West at the public house of John L. Crawford, In Llghtstreet. Hugarloaf township, at the house of Norman Cole. l'olla shall bo opened at seven o'clock a. m. and shall coitlnuo open without intjrruptlon or ad. Journrrent until seven o'clock p. m., when the poll will bo closed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That every person excepting Justices of the Peace and Aldermen, Notaries Public nnd Per. sons In the mllltla service of lho state, who shall hold or shall within two months have held any onice or appointment of pront or trust undr theur'ted KaU'S, or of this Btate, nnd city or corporated district, whether a commissioned queer or otnerwisu, a subordinate oltlcer or agent who Is or shall be employed under tho Legisla ture, Executive or Judiciary Department of this state, or of any city or of any fnco-poraied dis trict, and also, that every member of congress and of the stato Legislature, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any Incorporated district, are by lawlncapable ot holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment ot Judge, Inspector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Judge or other officer ot Buch elec Uoq (ball te elllglble to he then voted to : The Inspectors and Juiige of tho e'ect o is shall meet at the respective places appointed for holding tho election In the district to which they respectively belong, before seven o'clock in the morning, and each of said Inspectors shall ap point one clerk, who shaU be a qualified voter of such district. Tne qualined voters otthU county aro hereby authorized and required to voto by ticket printed, vr'tten or partly printed and partly written; one ticket which hall be labeled Mate, and contain tue name ot the person voted for tor State Treas urer. J' HN 11. CASEY, Sheriff, sheriff's Office, Bloomaburg, Oct, 11, ibB9. J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., UliALU'tS IN PIANOS, Uy the following well known makers; Cliickcriiicf, Knnbc, "Weber, Hallcl Davis. Can also furnish any of the cheaper makes ut maniuHctiirei'F prices. iJo not huy a piano be- ioru geiiing our prices. .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On i pliontion. BMt.p,1. To I'miliry wilil Oirri" Sh ppt-ir?. WANTED. Ililtler, Uht'i'sc, Ugir, )er, llame, Hons. Meat Hirl Klonk. I'ul.itot 8. V.. lite", Dri'sseil a.nd I,ive rnultry, VtnWi i.f nn Kinii", rnp t;orn, iionev, lei-i-waj, Oinsrn, Maplo Kunr, A'plrn, Oiapvs, Urantierrlrs. Furs nnd Skins, &o K. M. HAI.I.Altl) X- CO. Produce anil (J merit I C'nmiaslon Her clinnts, 7111 Jlvrtlo Avemi(,(ncar Wall about Mur. ket,) llrooklyn, N. V, 10-1 !Jm, FARfVl B RSTi?W uiavSi'S I H)9IT!Oj K, ilANUll ouremont, Va lU-iSdlt. ' astTTiBSSaISSS anjoueaffilcteJ. l).TAlrrillta,Koditr,H.-f. lW-d-ft. rub 1 Plack COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAJ JUST RECEIVED ! l MIW FOE FALTL I JUST RECEIVED ! STYLES FOB; FALL ! CloiBiiii IoimYIcii, Youths, Boys and Children, that cannot be equalled to select from. The latest and most stylish lot of Hacs, Caps and Men's Furnishing Goods just received that will excel all others that we have had. We are determined to have what is wanted in the line ol MTHIC, HATS, CAPS, MIS Al FMKHSffi GOODS, and POSITIVELY will save you more money than to buy them in Wilkerbarre or Scranton. As have said before our Prices are always t&e lowest, And Our MOTTO is Alwnys "FAIR DEALING" RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIEB, The Reliable Cothier. The Largest Clothing and Hat House in Columbia and Montour Counties. ftl'j&ifllio ISa-os, B1ooibisIhbb', Photographs c& Crayons. Correct Styles, JPerlect FiBiish. CopyiBi; '5 ViewiBijf, aaid ETaaBBBies to Orifier. MASON & HAMLIN Organ and Piano Co. boston. hewy03s. chi0a30- NI5W .iioiii:i, (lltll.VN, 8TV1.U 221 1. .1IAMON f Contains nllvftoctnvc. Nine "top Action, rurnlahed In a Urge una handsomo caa ot solH tlack walnut, iTlco tsw cash; aUo now on the Easy IUro System at $12.37 per quar ter. for ten quarter", when oitran becomes nronerty of I, lierson hlrtni;. Tho Mason Hamlin "3 1 r 1 n g o r," Invented and patented by Mason 4 Itamtln In mi. Is used In th) Mason Hamlin planoe exclusively Ue'Uirkablj rcilaement ot lone and phenomenal capaci ty to sunj In tune character- IIA.1II.IN l-IAMJ-l. l. lio the. lnstriuniints. I'lii'tn.vii oiti;vs-i at xti, sa .3tl, HO, 7S. im, and ur. Organs anit I'latioB told for Cash, Hwu fay'iienls, anniented. Catalogue free. 9 57 d 'A. rermaiirnl IKisUlonv Guaranteed, With SaUiry and Kipenses I'atd. Oreat advantage-! to tusinnera l'.m selllnir upecUIII'a. Noexpirln eueu.iea with m OUT FIT HK.NT FltEK. " nte qulcic ana et choice of terrttory. Hailnir uire. (Niim this iuiw.) HOOKKK UIUIiliIKd. llocheoier, N. Y. 10 1 -d-4t klEBiTiA b f BIIb M iv How Lost I How Rogalnod, KNOW THYSELF TUP cri ?(- r ilr .V-ir" nK!Intiificui(1.iUnltrd i'oprttr Medical Treatifle i i..","Tfl i. ,T 'ini0'"ic, jtiCMsea or r .'f1!'??' KnrraUne tnannntting the vicUm lor W ork, BuilnMi, the Msrrietlor 8octl Itflation. nA,Fldi?n"t!Uful f'-'nlers. l'ossess thl.rreS ki?S I'co"'ln',,Pf,rojalero. lletltlfu blniUiis, emtweed, lalf put. 1-rice onlr ll.oo hi mU, p..lpili concealef In plain wrapper. Uiu. K'H '?I'"is I're r, II von apply' ,ow. The distlnziiUhed author, Wm. II. I'arkcr. n"i) . re ceived tue j oi.i. a n ii j in vki.ixii "i vHaT, Sl!! i k'.1 k'tciL' "ay he consulicd, coca dtntlillj, by mall or In person, t the offlre of TUB j;HAIHII.V .UlilVlcA INsTUTB bo. i "luinnthHi.,llo.ioa,aiaiii,.,towhomal orders for hooks orKtkrs lor adYii should Le directed as above. " 10-11'd-It. . inoiuli 1 dow bav id tfvat. v Aii.ii aiai aiimni. and puLtu II.UAUDI.OM,' WlllUin kiln. llanlaburr, IdZ wnitar "I Da uj-lUloi Id ul ,k. I .crJa I to k ..rd.r. ,u,l, , y ma vvtrHVn. W. J 1 1. Dr, llautur, U. ,, lSD.o.':.'it,"' u,umfi I'mnl UDfttDaautD.liai'wvu . I "" juneai m,i - -" in uayawtia. I,d Uk Duldorilila mini du.Id.u ,", up, , ,, 1,fj;,7 Muill wo Hurt VIII In IhU Kil Ju.. ai.autilu(niaDr, allUu,l ,m If ...uiDil d.lay ddiii auDlb.i (,uu Id ,Dr n if ,J, . " iiirv 'if?,! lak, 1.01.1 uu ill b. abl. Id k ip ,i rail, iii-- ft ...I.'i U i .1 "c.uDUl ,.f . f,,'.d IDaoIl.clD,,fi ..ii i n Villa '. -mra., illy wwifa, i,. J.?; oiui m BH fc.n. . ."7,?.: " 'tclil- tiiilti or uo "m ifiiiuMi ii4 itr SilSSIEI WAITB1. r mm sisHl!l?UUl vssSBsrSb.Mr, COME AND HAVE YOUR EVES EXAMINED BY J. G. Wells, the Optician, WHO HAS JUST COMPLETED A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL COURSE AT BUCKLIN'S OPTHALMIO COLLEGE, NEW YORK. ECO Extra Ciiaxrge Udb for B3camining Byea, PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Fine line peb ble and white crystal lenses constantly i n stock, also the Fine watch work and jobbing neatly anted! t- give satisfaction. CARPETS and MILLINERY Next tloor to I. W. Uartmsn & Son's, Main St.-, Bloomsburg, Pa. NEW CARPETS. Litest Patterns, in Velvet, Body Tapeatry and Brueselg from 50cts. up. ' t, J .?IlA1N ',0:xl 200 "P- RAG CARPETS from 30o up. STAIR CAR IMS I a f.o,n 12 , MATTING, to close out for 10c up. OIlCLOTH oil" widtbs aud p icu. ' ' o G. W. K 12 ITER. 1889. FALL OPENING i88q SEPTEMBER 2S-26. y' MISS II. E. WASLEY W Next door to I. W. Hanmin& Sons. Muin Street . . BLOOM8B1?RG. 8.1" GUARANTEED FIRST MORTGAGES 8 A LIMITED GUARANTEE. 25 por cont Additional Security with American Loan and Tilt , kU WW. iiuoi, uu. City real 5il aSwrXi,fti " lrlMtW? 1 Bae of Kansa, . I. .imA..i. ... , . .. . . .Vr. 'n.B. V.i".k.s at'. KaDaosCltjr, and the Kaltern v. i uuoiuu uuu Kimiy."umnmeivtal Bulletin, MU ouuui,wuw tue uuan andelglitKreent.lnvefctmemBln KniiBaa ( itv hpi vGirt w, c,u,. '---uaranuanaa.ha,nP wILUAMHARUENTER, Gen'. Agent. 50 State St., Boston. I F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, llBAI.EH IS Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES KUKNISIIE1) ON ALL WOUK IN HIS LINE. V irst door in Blot nisi mg 0 fia Houst flrnt.ll. .if n , This cut la a lao Hiulla or anaiimlnirtmo and pU1; ilo. It U htiturlcutiu viL structlve aud poWhatlu i. tere-llnir, bent io any ad. dietaoa rmeliit olso cwita Auvonoiormfnir a elm, , at ue will rualvoouo grata. fronn. Addrew eo 'I'llw.i m ia uu... Itm-a-tu tiroadvtay. uiu Hum cuy. H3 rlir ,M J Finest line of watches, clocks, and jewelry in BloomBburg. and quickly eiecnted. All work cnar gQftr oi ooaion. VI iJUOUIl, ' v. , uju Hwwr., 8khoMe SSSffiSJ. JtfJ!.1" "nmieat ot GIlTJiCIHIini. BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEY PURIFIER. Now ia tho appointed time for tlionmghly cleaDHinji the uystem from all iinpuraieH, and all will find that the L-urttB Compound will exactly fill the Dill. It has stood the test of 22 years and its pales aro laruer than year. Price 50o. and 81.00. Fon Sale Br Jnmcs H. Mercer, DRUGGIST, Hloomhuuho, Pa. i.y-LPUSEKEEPERS II ttsy retard Htf ih ....,, tkoaM ksy Ualled ud Crulied A. B. C. WHITE OATS (A. H. C. OITHIAL) A Uaaicious BUxfiat !sY. ,lCtit miTAt Bept 31, sw. .HIND.ERCORN8. PAR iwSl'iSr u J ft'WK riM, ro iVuLrSjoi tromUIocU Luuuloo. lekela Unie7 silviJ3 9-Ud.lm. 3 irfiLlr",!,;,''.lV,u'.i'A,' - once, no oiratltfo JuraTlo tURE GUARANTEED. omVllllkTiix M-aMevijr ro tt CONSUMPTivr