THE COLUMBIA!? AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 VICTORY ! VICTORY! VICTORY ! ! THE WHITE IS KING! 1888. HONORED : ABOVE : ALL : COMPETITORS AT THE CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION CINCIMT I, In the Award of the SILVER MEDAL for the M Family Sewing Machine 1889. TRIUMPHANT : WITH : THE : HIGHEST : HONORS AT THE EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE, Paris, In the Award of the GOLD MEDAL for the Best Family Sewing Machine.- THE EXPERTS OF EUROPE MD AMERICA PRONOUNCE IT THE BEST IN THE WORLD ! Could More Conclusive Evidence be Given of the Superiority of the WHITE ? j. SALTZEB. GENERAL A BURG, DEALER m ESTET PIANOS AND 0RO4NS AND OTHER MAKES. THE PBAOTIOE Of MEDIOINE in CHINA 1 "There is no Bach thing as Boienoe in Chinese medicine. The larger part of Chinese medicine consists of sorcery, incantation, and sacrifice to idols." "What are some of the strange and barbarous remedies they employi" "They administer insects of various kinds; finger nails are sometimes given and all sorts of foul decoctions. Tiger's teeth is one of their medioines. They regard disease as being communicated by evil spirits, and so the most out ragous remedies, with sacrifices to idols are employed. Their knowledge of mercury in its various forms is very complete, and I think they use it effec tively. Often the first thing done with a new-borne babe is to giye it a dose of cinnabar (red Bulphuret of mercury) to purge it of evil spirits. Sometimes because of an overdose the child may bo poisonod. I have a few such brought to me with almost every joint in the body displaced. .Nothing could be done for them, and death followed. Fortunately such cases aro few. Cau terization is universal in oases of pain or cramps, the burning being done with hot irons. Cauterization is used for cholera." "Does the binding of tho feet of girls and women give any hospital cases." "I have had to amputate toes some times tbo entire foot of a child. The bandaging begins when a girl is 4 or 5 years old. If scientifically done no bad result follows; if not so done gangrene is tho result. Tho low caste women, the burden bearers, and those who work in tho fields donot have their feet bound It is a badge of birth and social distinc tion. This idea of social dm tinotion ' that the feot should be bound is held by mere children. Ono little girl about seven years old was brought to mo with gangrouous toes. Before Bhe was Dut under the influenoe of oholoroform she was anxious to know whether I would cut off her foot or not. Her reason for not wishing to loso her foot was that it might bo spared so that sbo could bind it, and yet this poor child had suffered untold agony with her foot.'1 Miss Kate Corey, M. D. So confident aro the manufacturer! of Dr. Fngo'a Cuturih Itcmedy in their ability to cure Chronic Catarrh In tbo Head, no matter bow bnd or of bow lontr standing, last they offer In rood faith, tho above reward, for a cue which they cannot cure. SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH.' Tlradacbe-, obstruction of nose, dl.charge falling Into throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thlclr, tenacious, muooua. Fiurulent, bloody and putrid; eye weak, ririr og In cars, deafness, difficulty of clearing luroai, expectoration or ournaivo uiaucr; breath offensive: smell and taste Impaired, ond Kcncrnl debility. Only a fciw of those Bymptoms likely to lie present at once. Thou sands of cases result In consumption, and end In the Kruio. ., ., . Ily its mild, soothtn;, antiseptic clesnttnr and healing properties. Dr. Saire's Remedy rures tho worst cases. "Cold In Uao Head" Is cured with a few application. Catarrhal Headache Is relieved and cured as If by magic. It remove offensive breath, loss or Impairment of the eenao of taste, smell, or bearing, watering or weak eyes, ana impaired memory, when caused by the vio lence of Catarrh, as tbey all frequently are. Sold by druggist, at fifty cants. Manufact ured ty WOIII.D'8 DI8PUIBART MlDICAt, AS SOCIATION, IAS Main Street, Buffalo, N. 7. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS SiMX Laxative, or Cathartic, according to alio Of doao. Ily druggist. & cent a vial. Nearer to Heaven. Miss Hatlie Bartlett, a pretty and well-known young' woman, living in West Piltstown, was remo-ved to tbu State Anyluin for the Insance at Danville, she having become violuetly insane on the subject of religion. About a month ago Evangelist Yat mmi bogan revival meetings, there and Mies Uarilett-was among the first to bo couverted, and since that lime her hobby has been to get away (from tho wickedness of this world,- and (nearer to Heaven. In her insauo endeavors to do this' sho would climb to the top of tall trees in the vicinity of tier borne. On other occasions sho wunld go milew in order to get into the attios ot the tallest, buildings. It was with the greatest difficulty, after beinc found, that she could be induced 'to leave her supposed Heaven ly places of refuge. Upon her father and. mother, who are respeotabio people, refusing to follow her steps bIio termed them "devils'' and refused to associate with them, raying she was afraid sho would bo contaminated by. their influence. Only a Bit of Paper. "I was on tho night run,'1 said the engineer, "and ray train was about thirty minutes late. I said to my firo raan : "Keep her hot ; I mean to go to meeting point on time.' During the next fittoen minutes I was not long in passing the mile-posts, for my en gino flew along at the rate of fifty miles an hour down a long grade as straight as an arrow. Suddenly somo. thing struck mo in the face, making a slight wound. I slowed down. 'What's that near tho furnace door ' I asked of tho fireman, pointing to a little bit n( tohitn naner Ivinrjr iust to mv loft. "The fireman stoppod, picked up tho paper anu uuuueu u vu me. iu mu ilim lirrlit of tho fitwim.paiir'n Tread: 'T.nnk nnt at the river bridso : there's a tie on the track.' Sure enough, just at the entrance to tho bridge I found a tio securely fastoned across tho track. Who put it tbero T I don't know i but I do know if tho author of that mes sage will make himself known to mo ho may ask mo any favor bo pleases with tbo assurance that it will be granted. "Where is the piece of paper! Sly wife, Molly, has it in a gilt frame, hanging over the parlor mantel-piece. Whenever I am out on ray run she stands before it and breathes a prayer for my safety. That piece of paper is my mascot, for. I've never even been behind time since tho night it was thrown into my engine cab." Atk for CATARRH, Catarrhal Diafniu and Hay Favar. A NEW IIOUS TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally nwaro that these, diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasite in the lining membrane of tbo noso and eua- has nr result Is that a simple remedy lias neen lor- tacbian tubes. ever, has Microscopic research, how- roved tills to bo a fact and tho "This is the blanket the dealer told me was as good as a FREE Get from your dealer free, the 'k Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a Ja Horse Blanket will make your horse north more and eat leas to Keep warm. A New Departure from all the old established conditions on whloh proprietary medioines are sold, has been made by the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo Y., who having for many years observed the thousands of' mar velous Cures of liver, blood and lung diseases effected by Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical ..Discovery, now leel war ranted in soiling this wonderful medi cine (as they aro doing through drug gist) under a positive guarantee that it will be promptly refunded, "Gold en Medical, Disoovery," curps all humors or impuritus of tho blood, fiom whatever cause aris ng, as erup tion", blotches, pimples, old wrea and scrofulous affection?. It is equally efficacious iu bilious disorders, intli ceelii'ii or dyspepsia and chronic catar rh in the head, bronohial. throat and lung affections, accompanied by ling ering coughs mulatcd whereby catanli, catarrhal deafness anu nay lever aru pcriiiunuuiiy curat in from one to three simple applications mado at homo by tho patient onco In two weeks. If. B. For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy Is a specific. A pamphlet explaining tills new treatment Is Bent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dixon & Son, S04 West King St, Toronto, Canada. Scientific American. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should read tho above carefully. An Attack of Gravel, i Ykm Terrible ftzjforiafof m, Wenon nl GO. Hew Bae ma DatpUy Caved. .4 Than 1 bothiaa' I now enjoy that X do not owe to kerinc wed Dr. David Kannedre Favorite Ttemedy, sude at Bondoat. H.T. My troubles bea-an la my kldnys and from v hlcn I never exioted to reeov sr. Tint than -were pslna In my beci, lu f ver ba, with 00 appetite and conld cot aleep, I vrea com palled to usa a cane, and finally (ot ao watt that I sonld not atand alone. Tbedlitnaslnmybackwaa terrible. I wee burning; up -with a ferer or conjUnt ly ahlTerln as If cold. My physlelane aald I HAD BRIGHT'S DISEASE, which va alarrolmr Information. To add to my af. diction after I had been IU about two years, I had a bad attack of Oravel. When this mads ita appear ance my phyelclan gar op my cue, and I rcaljrncd myaelf todle. I had four doctors attend me, the beat In the coobtry, yet I constantly arew woreo. Bit yeenae-olatJane,howweUIreraemberlhetlmel I eaw Dr. Xansedya Favorite Bemedy adrertUed In our parer. AlUr natnc one bottle I threw away my ease and wast loVtw York on a visit, and three bot tle cored me. I have never had a return of aravel, nor of the palu or wealus In the back, and though I em over slaty year of aa I aza Now Vigorous and Strong 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test an nlVier atvles at nrlce to suit every. body. If you can't get them from your Staler, write m. 5A BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. HONC GENUINE WITHOUTTHC B'A UABtL amTi by Vi. AYins fnsi llillarti. who V th faruo'it llorsn liran.l llalmr liUnVH THE 0LJJE3T OBELISE. Tho oldest of all. tho obelisks is the beautiful ono of rosy gianlto that I stand' alone among the fields upon the banks of the Nile, not far from Uatro, It m the grnve-8tono of a gteit ancient oity which has vanished and left only the relio behind. The city was, the Hethshcinish of the scriptures, the famous On, which is memorable to all biblo readers as the residence- of the priest of Putipherah, whose 'daughter Assenath Joseph married. The Greeks called it Heliopqlis, the city of the sun Ibocauso there tho worship to the sun had its chief center and iis more eacred Bhrlnes. Augusta Chronicle. aa I wee In my prime., I do all my 01 rtrJr know what ifta to Ui tlrei tki cine In tna bouee and aire It til tnr o-i ana n-coioniend 1 1 whenever I run. Yi'hu phy.lrUna and ell of IIm varioui remedlt. I bad taken ruuM not ft? 5,r' atenuejly'a i"aronte nema,lr did it stayed tba oieeaee andtnmde me a. f tromv vltrorou. wnnuiu. Mrs. Emellne J, Mlzner, llunr IIU1, Ohio. FAVORITE REMEDY. rrlca Oie !olht. Xirr 1 luiti.innt V. V. Or. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Prepared b DBU BaTXD BJCKNSOT, XONnODT, K. T. tlperbetUa BUferU. Br all druratsta THE GREAT German Remedy! n TRUTHS FOR THE SICK.j The Olerk Didn't Know Him. llOtV OENKBAI. SHERMAN WAS TKUSTED ON ACCOUNT OK HIS FACE. Mot long aco General Sherman went to a well-known hotel in Mow York and inquired of the room clerk if ho could hire an umbrella, at tho same time saying tint he had been caught I out in his evening suit and ho feared ' rheumatism and other complaints. The clerk (lulu t know nun, but he thought ho could well afford to take chances on such an emiuuntly respectable look, iim centleman, and although tho po lite clerk has a rotund nguro ana weiuhs 212 pounds ho gladly offered . to loan him his overcoat as well as his silver-handed umbrella. 1 "But," said vho General, 'you are I lending tin so thing 1 to an entire stran- j gcr and you ought to accept some , kind of a drposit to seoure you against dishonesty.'' "Oh, that's all right, colonel," re nlicd tho clerk, "I can't bo deceived by you. I'd .trust that face of yours for anything." The warrior was tickled by tho compliment and he remarked casually as he went out with his tall, gaunt form enveloped in the garment that fitted him like a meal sack: "I'll take you at your word and you shall havo my card when I return these things." The next day tho coat and umbrella arrived, accompanied by a note of thanks from General William T. Sher man, witli his autograph across its face. "Great Seoul" said the clerk, and I called hitn 'Colonel.' iust as if ho had been any ordinary American citi zen. I wouldn't mind it half so much if I had callod him 'Judge,' but to bo reduced in military rank aftor ad his years of service tnd by a hotol clerk. It is awful!" Chicago Ledger. it won't uake liitKAU. In other wurds, Hood's Sarsaparilla will not do impossibilities. Its proprietors tell plainly what it has done, submit proofs fromsourojs of unquestioned reliability and ask you frankly if you aro suffer ing from any disease or affection caused or promoted by impure blood or low stato of the system, to try Hood's Sar- aparilla. Tho experience ot others is nlliuieut assurance that ynu will not bo disappointed iu tho result. Fathor My eon, you must not (lis puto with your mother in that way. I 11 11... ..1. ..' . : . 1. Father That makes no difference t and you might as well leirn, my child, I onco for 'all, that whan a ladweays a thiug is so, it' is so, even it it itsn t so. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cleanse, and beautifict the halr.l I'romotet a liuurUnt growth. I Never Faila to Reetor Orail H.Irtolte YeeUM Caler, I rtnnte budnur ffS kahr laltta I Daughters, Wires And Mother j. Pbvsloians heartily endorse tho use of Spoer'a celebrated Port Grape Wim1 for tbo use or debimateu itmaiea. it is not an intoxicant, and is absolutely pure, being mado from grapes grown at Mr. Sneer's Mount Prospect Vine. I , . . 1 , , T r 1 . yard', I 'asaio,. J., irom vines uiipuiv el trom tne port wine uimncts 01 ror tugai. urngguu seim, I lor tii"' iicntim nillotiaHpclladeiwna onSiiLi'iieitllirrKUf It will cure vou. lo otl autlvr Vtltli! ithatllrcdandallgonc iteeunKi 11 ao, uac ISULVIIUB JIITTEBS It will cure yoa. 1.ikjU will bo liitltll t nr n rAftfl 1 here D V L I rnuu Mtteiu Willi Inotaeelatorcure. Ill taevcr fnlla. Cleaaao the vitiated blood when you tec I its lrapurmea uurei tiiiLTjulv t-au hu art- eloacly confined In thn mine ana wnrK ehonet clerkl.who do not prucuic euiutieuu exerclae, and all who are confined In tloora.j .tiAiiiii nan htiLmuii iiittkkb. Thev will mnot ineu vc wcutkouiu, u.lrklr. lug through tho Vlul t cu douotwlel to auffcr front ltheum latum, uae a bottle or ibULi'iiuu inrrtits lit never falla torure linnlL'a.llliitrhOB, tind fjorca, ltely on iULI'nuit juriKiui, fw licaim viiu Joi-low. hiiLi'iiuit liim.its will ruro uvertyoin itlnlnt. lton't io tua 'Jjuriigcu, u n lunujt. vuu. btiLi'iiuu lltrifcusl vlllbullil)'ouuiaDdl make you utrouc and I leaiiny. Dju'I Ik uitUout n I bottle. Try It: you; I win not rrnTTt iu I.adlc. In dflli-iiU' IbeAlth, who nre all 1ruuuownnou hi uiv hiiLi'iiuii limEiul 111 maVa your blood F iiuro.nciisiiu irunir.i Lml your Oc)i hani. I 'iry auu-iii it 1UT-I fKHH tn.nlgbt, and I you will ikep welll .mil foci bettor fir It I 1 uu wini tlui Lattat Uottlcal Work imblliluMl? ftcoti g t-ccuk tmp (o A. 1 Okd Wat A Ct )U4ltoi, el.) Mil WVJt ITVV. Tb tcrtt cl raj bipptoft U. I he thrown wkj my oia uikkiu m uu, ATERPROOF UEAUTIFOLUY OOLISHKU WITHOUT LADOR. I Wolfl'sAGMEBIacking rrodaco pttlltili without Uo 14 brash, tnd tA a( Ktt lat a KM wm'l, aJ lAr itm vom' ikotm, Tj7itU;kU)t44 WMlntlt(Ujtu: pfogiMi f j Bold If Blo 8trv Groocrm, Ih-OMkU, Co. WBUF eV RANDOLPH, fvummu -YATES- The materiuls and work iu our Clothing stamp it aa tho "Beat Made.'' It looks well and time proves that it wears well. This "Best" Clothing for Man and Boy is reasonable in price at the "Ledger Building." A. G. YATES & CO. SIXTH A1TD CHESTNUT STS. rillLADSLI'MIA. filrtrJT&IJHVRinflNlFRFNFRfl UnUUL I'lUl inu miihiiwh.muvi.iiwu THEPROTJRt? iTION. RAILROAD TZMtB TAILS 33y BCESKTIES.TSr XTJ 3VEOIWT, 3VT. 3D. Thlaien New and Masterly Trentlte, and IndlipcniaWo to every YOUNG, MIDDLE. ACED. and OLD MAN bo la anfferlnirfroai Wcakniu, Ijutpior, Lo ot Memory, liaaafalaeaa, f5cpresion of HplrlU, Liver Compljlnt, UlwaM ot tho Kidney., and all dleeaee. dependent upou Aciidont, Kiccaacs, Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Nervoua DchUlty, Vital Exhau.Uon, and Bormd In leather, fall trllt. Trice, only one dollar, by mall, aealed In plain wrapper, Pe'r. CONFIDENTIAL: A.Ulrc Heniit DuMost.M.D., No. SJl Cjlambua Aveane. or P.O. Box M02.1loton;MiH. Trvf-ttory Lctturo with numeroua toitlinonbla trom hlch aource., free to aU. mi I lathe only ELECTBO-MEDICO PH VOIOLOOV 'ever putU.hed. and U ahaolutely eompleU andJKirtocL ltla luviilnj!lo to all It rcathoa tho very root and vital ot dlacaea. Tor all DIenfes of Men. tv tho dlJtlneuUbcd cntl.or, llcsur IJOMont, M. 1)., wboh.13 DISCOVERED THE KLIX1R OF LIFE AMD THE TRUi EB. sence of Manhood, may bo coneum. in itiicteot con person or by lettor.nt bis .loctro Mdlt.u.lirtfn. .p. V.. fvi f.ilitviil.iin A v.Th.-t.-m yTrn. 'I HCA.tD A VOICfl P 0AY3, COME AMD SEE." whom..' i r n v rus is CVJ-, li)iao, (Tlef?r, Fvoftj Hotj. SOI.' -OENi- KO!l Henry Maillard's Fine C ;nd us. Fresh Every Week. ZFOEHST-ISI IT CCOLS SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENTS KOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigar, t Honry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash. Any order for Festival, will be supplied with the Lowest Market Price., u (allow. I Oranges, Lemons, ream N5 1 Banana, peanx, Almontlj. 15 English WalnUtj, top or fiUj BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. 6. kOBBIJS, Foreign and Domestic wins mm BLOOMSBURG Pfl mmL jrELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN RAILROAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. NORTII. T.u. N0KT1ICMBSHHND 5 40 I BO Cameron 5 05 .... Cbulasky Daavllle a OS 3 11 Catawlssa its .... ltupcrt e 30 2 so liloomsbun; s 39 2 35 Hdpy. 6 41 2 41 Din lliige e&n .... willow orove est .... llrlarcreeK t a iierwicic 7 03 lleoch Haven 7 11 luck's Ferry 719 nnicKamnny llumocK s. KanticoKe. 5 69 Avondt 16 ., 'lymoutn , lvmouth Junction. Kingston lien do tu , Jlnltoy Wyoming West rntston rtttaton. Lacluwanna TarlorviileM iieucvue.. 730 320 7 43 ... 7 M S 39 7M .... 7 59 3 45 HOI .... 803 3 53 81S .... 817 8 21 4 03 827 883 8 40 8 48 8M 4 00 1 II 8CK1XT0X 900 4 i A.M. 1. 1. 10 00 0 15 10 15 30 10 19 .... 10 29 5 41 10 43 9 63 10 50 7 05 10 51 7 12 11 05 7 20 It 12 7.1 11 19 7 31 1120 7 33 1121 7 42 1131 7 49 11 38 7 55 11 48 804 11 54 8 IT IS 04 8 24 12 10 8 S 1215 8 33 13 20 8 Si 12 27 8 45 13 31 8 49 12 35 S53 12 40 8 58 13 41 9 03 13 53 9 09 101 V17 1 09 9 13 1 15 9 80 1 20 9 8 STATIONS. 950 9 55 BCBiXTON Kelievue Taytorville 8 20 1000 ivicKawanna e?j 10 in rntston. est to 19 West Pltt.ton...., 541 1033 Wyoming- 447 10 27 MaltDy 8 51 10 SO lienneit. tt 10 34 Kingston 6 58 1031 l'lymoiitn Junction. 7 03 104) riymouth 7 10 10 47 Avondile T 14 10 51 Nantlcoke 7 19 1053 llunlocit's 7 29 11 02 unlckshlnny...., 7 3T 1112 nicies Kerry 755 1123 r, at, r. II. T.U. T.U bOUTH. a. u. t. 11. r. A. If. 8 111 915 Ueacn Haven.. ericn II nar Creek: Willow drove. Mumuaga K-ipy. Hlo msbur Hupert o.uawliin 11 tnvtiie ctiulasliy Oaineron .NOKTUOUBIKUND. 8 01 1131 807 11 40 813 814 1150 8 30 11 51 8 21 12 01 8 32 13 09 8 37 12 19 8 42 12 17 8 57 12 31 9 07 13 4t 9 21 12 55 a. u. r.u. 153 4 20 .... 8 33 9 02 4 30 2 10 6 87 2 18 4 4S 2 24 IU 229 4 55 .... 4 51 2 37 7 03 340 707 2 45 7 12 3 50 1 1. 2.5 7tl 9 59 T25 309 743 3 30 7 53 3 31 8 07 3 40 8 13 3 47 8 (0 3M 8 37 3 51 8 31 4 02 8 33 4 09 8 41 4 15 8 47 4 23 8 53 4 24 8 57 4 44 9 19 4 54 .... 5 00 9 33 5 15 9 45 r. h. r. m. Connecttini at Unpen, with Philadelphia t lleadlnz ItallroaJ tor Taiaanead. Tamanua. Wilt. lamsport, Sunrjury. I'oitivllle. eta. At Northum. uermna wttn r. & is. uiv. i'. k. k. lor uarnaonnr, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, Carry, and Erie. W. V. IIAL1TUAD, den. Han Scranton, 1'a. PATENTS. vo t'.t 111 r rade.M trie, ootalned.and all I'ateat slanio ) 1 1 1 tied tor MJOmtTK f BUJ. OUIt OFrMUK H Ol'PtilTB U. 8. PATENT men Ve r11veuj aub.agenoies, all bu.lne.9 tri'Cl, hence oan transact patent business In le.i tine and atLKSs uosTthan those remote trom Wa.lilnBton. Heud model, drawing, or photo, with description. We advise It patentable or not, tree ot charge. Our tee not due till patent Is secured. A book, "How to obtain 1'aUintB, "with reterenoea o actual clients In your State, county, or town, dot tree. Address C. .A SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Offl e, Wuatngtoo, D.0 rivrr doliums for LIFE SCHOLARSHIP PALMS' BUSINESS COLLEGE 1109 Ckutaat SU, PkllUa. realtloae fertlrajlaatea. Tine reualre 3 w . UtSSI jwtupptm. seei Cetne el Mi4y. .Oreulare 29.8m. J 8. WILLIAM", AUOTIONEEIL UUXJMSUUltQ, PA. Ecal Sstata Bjught and Gsld. I'artlea desiring to buy bones nud wagons "votihl tin wi-11 to rail on tbo above. IMZERgrIe II Fat in Tnt wnin . Ill wearing qealltlea are nmnr,i. retually Wot ennd byeeat. UKt'tiiK il.l. .'IN, folt IALX UY Metcliuala a.nd Uenlcr Oeaemllr.