COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0. E. Elwoll, l-iii... J. S. BlttBbWor f BLOOMSBURG, PA.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1889. Hon. E. A. Blnlor, democratic can didate) for Stato Treamror, will bo in Bloomsburg on Saturday. HUBBANDANDWIFE. Among tlio decisiorm of tin' Su premo Court filed cm Monday at Pitts burg, was ono in tho cao of Small g. Small, from Franklin county. Tho question involved was whetlior, under tho Married Woman's Property Act of 1887 tho wifo can buo her husband directly and in her own namo for mon ey received by him from her separato estate. Tho Court answers it in tho negative. The phraseology of tho not npon this point leaves it in some doubt, and Judgo Mitchell says: "This Court is led to say now, as it has said with marked emphasis here tofore, that so great a change in tho polioy of tho law upon a subject that may como homo to every household in tho land sliou'd not rest on inferenco or implication from general words, hut should appear by tho explicit ana un questionable mandate of tho Legisla ture, and when tho chanco is made, if at all, it should bo done in such form as to guard against tho possibility of injustice in regard to past transactions." Democratic) Society of Pennsylvania. Tho General Assembly of tho Demo cratio Society of Pennsylvania of whioh Chauncey F. Black is President will meet at Philadelphia on Oct. 15, and 10, tost. Tho followinc distinguished ccntlo men are fully expected to ho present at the Mass Meeting of tho people, to bo held on tho ovenine of Oot. 16, at tho "Academy of Music" Ex-President Grovcr Cleveland, Speaker John G Carlisle, Gov. Leon Abbott, Hoc. Win. L. Wilson, West Virginia, Hon. Wm. C. Whitnoy of Now York, Governors Jackson of Maryland, and Biggs of Delaware, Hon. W. C. P. Breckinridge oi iiontucky, lion. Wm. L. Scott, Hon. W. E. Russell of Boston, Colonel ltobert I'. Uechert, lion. Unas. Krum bhaar, Hon. W. U. llensil, Mr. Elliott 1'. Kisner, Hon. Samuel J. Randall Hon. Robert E. Wright, Hon. Richard Vaux, James M. Beck and other dis tinguished gentlemen of tho great uemocratio party. A general invitation is extended to all Democrats, now Is tho time to meet feir an interchange of ideas concerning luturo plans and purposes of this or ganization, and to promoto a general feeling of fraternal interest among tho Democratio Societies, and Associations in all parts of our state. The Pennsylvania Central, Philada, and Heading Kail roads, and their sov cral connections, have consented to sell excursion tickets to all deputies, representing Democratio Societies, etc. Secretaries aro requested to make requisition upon Maior John D. Wor man, Secretary democratio Sooiety, for tickt t orders. List of officers and members, with names of deputies, should be transmit ted to tho Secretary without delay. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our regular correspondent. Washington, D. C. Oot. 7, 1880. Ex-Postmaster General Hatton has created a sensation by printmc; in his papor tho time, place, and even the price, for which a list of tho questions to bo asked at an examination held in this city by the Civil Servico Commis sion Was furnished to a party here. The list was sold by an employe of tho commission, who is a brother-in-law of Commissioner Lyman, and to clinch matters ho has printed a letter from ex-Coramisioner Edgerton to Presi dent Harrison, written last April, con taining tho samo charge. A congress ional investigation is now a foregone conclusion even tho Commissioners, at least tho new ones Messrs. Roosevelt nnd Thompson admit that such an in vestigation is necessary and Hatton claims to bo prepared to provo other things equally as damaging against the methods that have been used by the commission. Every ono is wonder ing why President Harrison did not at once order an investigation upon receipt of Mr. Edgerton's very plain letter. Such things will hardly help tho Civil Service Commission in getting lrom Congress tho largely increased appronrlation which will bo aBkod for at tho coming session. There is no truth in tho sensational statements sent from here to the of fice that tho representations of Chili refused to attend the organization of tho Three Americas Congress because thoy did not w'sh to voto for Mr. Blaine as President Tho only reason that Cihili was not represented was bccau?o delegate, who is to servo with Senor Don Varas, the Chilian minister here. has not arrived with his own and tho miuisters credentials, and without them the minister although here, could not his seat in that body. This statement is mado by tho minister. Washingtoninns aro out doing them selves in entertaining tho quarter of a million strangers now hero in consequo nee of tho triennial Conclave of the Knight Templars. Every ono seems determined to show that strangers are better treated hero than in any other lame oitv in tho world. Tho town as lavishly decorated as if it was in- auguration times; our public sohools givo holiday, and the stores and bauks will close as tar as possiblo to-morrow, to eniblo overyono to seo tho lareest parade of Knight Templars that ovor wok place, rno President lias caught the Washington spirit and will hold a special reception to-morrow night for tho Knights and their ladies. The Knights aro already enthuiastioally in favor of Washington as tho place for the World s Exposition of 1892 as wo know thoy would bo. The now Commissioner of tho Land Oflloo holds in a decision mado a day of two ago that a strict construction of the law requiring an notual residence to bo established on a homo stead entry with in six months from dato of entry should not bo taken in tho cases of thoso settlers that givo ovidonce of honest intention to comply with the law. Appointments have been few, unim portant, asido from the long list of Prcsldontal postmasters, siuco Presi dent Harrison camo back to tho white Houso. Thero are probably sovoral things whioh will account for this. First and foremost is tho soemingly endless hunt to find n man for Pension Commissioner that stands well with tho G. A. R. which tho President greatly fears, that will take the plaoo and promise to run the ofiico on the lines laid down by Secretary Noble. Thon President Harrison bad consider able worry in connection with iho or ganization of tho Three America's Congress hero laU week, the foreigners wanted to eltcl Mr. W. H. Ttcscott of South Carolina ono of tho U. S. Mem- era, President, hut President Harri son objected to it becauso Mr. Trescott was concctcd with tho lato Confndcrato government and suggested Mr. Blalno who was elected. Whn theso things aro added to tho labor of getting things in Hbapo Tor his annual messago It is not Btrango that appointments have born fewer than usual. Cousid .rablo curiosity is felt here to know whether President Harrison will sav nnv tliintr in his messaco to Congiess admit Civil Servico reform. It H generally thought that ho will lot the subject entirely n'one. The broad- ido that ucorgo William Ciirliu, clilei of tho Mugwump claim, poured into him last week, was enough to caueo him to bo silent on tho subject, if ho had not before then mado up his mind to let it alono. Benjamin F. Butlor is hero trying to get his fingcrB into tho pension pie. Ho is urging tho President, to appoint somo one, but who it is ho has succed- od so far in concoaling. Mystery is Butler's national clomont, and several members of this administration greatly rcsomblo him in that respect. ocorotary i'roctor spends less time in Washington than any other member of tho cabinet. His largo business in terests, and his political ambition to succeed Senator Morrill makes his presenco ncessary very often in Vermont- GENERAL HEWS. Francis Hodgson Burnett, tho author ess, is seriously ill at nor homo in l.on don. Hon. Seth Low of Brooklyn, has President of Columbia been elected College. Tho Prohibition Amendment was defeated at the election in Connecticut last Monday. Tho city of Norwich, Conn, went demooratio laet Monday for the first tlmo in many yearB. Samuel J. Randall is reported to be very ill, and it is feared that he will not bo able to return again to congress. The Stato Supremo Court opened its tall session in Pittsburg on Monday, A largo number of opinions was hand ed down. Mormons from Utah are Hooking into Northwest Canada, taking their plural wives wiin mem as sisters, cousins and aunts. Oregon has been admitted a a regu lar dioorso by iho Episcopal Conven tion in Now York City. It lias been a missionary dioccee for many years. James Joseph Bozle, an ex-prioi-t of tho Roman Calholio church, has l.een convicted of rape, in Raleigh, North Carolina, and sentenced to death. IL has appealed his caso to the Supreme Court. An expedition will sail from Now York on Saturday to go to West Africa for tho purposo of witnessing the eclipso of the sun which occurs on December 22. The party including the astronomers will number twenty five. It will be a hazardous expedition, as tho observations will be taken in the interior of Africa, about 100 miles from the west coast, in a eeciion in habited by savages, and subject to foyers of tho virulent and fatal forms. Mrs. Robert Ray Hamilton has at last been taken to the penitentiary at Trenton, and for the next two years will wear a prisou earb for stabbing tho nurse, Mary Donolly. She was hystcrioal tho first nigh', and kept tho matron awake. The report that she had her husband again under control was not correct, as his suit for divorce is going on in Now York. It is to be hoped now that the na-no of this notor ious woman will no longer rill tho news papers. The New Stato Eleotions. It is now settled that the Democrats of Montana have elected Toole Gover nor by about 800 and a majority of seven and probably nino on inint bal lot in tho Legislature, thus securing tho two united states senators. The Rep ublican select Carter to Con cress bv about 1,200 and the other Stato officers nro divided between tho two parties, uui mu ex aco proporauon to eacn is not yet ascertained. The Republican majority lor Uartor lor JJelegato to Congress last November was5,12G. Washington has oloted an entire Republican Stato ticket and Congress man by from 0,000 to 7,000 majority with a large Republican majority in the Legislature that will elect two United States Senators. Tho Republi can majority in Washineton for Dele, gate to Congress last November was 7,371. JNortli .Dakota has elected tho ent re Republican State ticket and two Con gressman, by from 8,000 to 10,000 majority, and a targe majority of the Legislature that will elect two Senators iho Republican majority for Delegate to Congress last November was 11.480. South Dakota has elected the entire Republican State ticket and two Con gressman by from 12,000 to 15,000 majority and a largo majority of the Logislaturo that is to elect tho two new senators. Tho Republican malor ity for Delegato to Congress last November was 14,507. Iho sum total of tho Ootobcr elect ion in tho four now States is tho Re publicans about holding there own in tlireo of them, and losing Montana where thoy had a largo majority last Novembor. Times. Tax Uolleotor's Law Unconstitutional, An important opinion was ronderod by Judgo Archbald in whioh ho de clared the Act of Juno 25, 1885, pro viding for tho election of tax collectors in boroughs and townships unconstitut ional. Tho caso came up on a rule to show cause why tho County Commiss ioners should not bo compelled toissuo to Thomas J. Jordan of Olvnhant. Mr. Jordan was elected tax collector for that borough. He aualifiod. tiled his bond and took tho oath of ollioe. Then ho demanded tho duplicate of county taxes from tho County Com missioners. They refused to deliver it to him, claiming that tho Act of 1885 was unconstitutional, and he the re up on oommencod proceedings, Scranton j. ruin. It I Not Best to always bolievo everything that a person tells you, but when vou hear that tho best blood puriflor is Sulphur Bitters, you oan believe it, for they curod mo of a severe case of blood poisoning. Rev. A. Faircbild, New, York City. A Suggestion that Saved My Lifa. 1 took Q severe cold nnd millWcul pftln through tho back and kidneys, I sent for a physician, who pronounced my caso Gravel. A friend rr.cntnmr.nii. Dr. David Itntinnlo'ii liVcnrifi Remedy, of Rondout. N. Y.. taking two bottles I considero 1 myself pel colly curcd.-John Davlcs, Roohcat Or, N. Y. What more could lin nuked. The Chtrf Ilrn.on for the great iuo cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is found In the article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other aarsapa- Merit Wins Ur.brpuPhnc: Hood's BarsaparlUa cures Scrofula, Bait Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole Bystem. Hood's Smnn partita Is sold by all drug gists. l;lifor5. Prepared by 0, L Hood b Co., Apothecarle, Lowell, Hut. Your attention! is especially call ed to tlic sale om Coats, Shawls, and Wool Dress Goods ou Friday and Saturday on this week sit our Store. I. W. H ar tin a n fc Son. DAY'S HORSE POWDER Prevents Lung Fever ! Cures Distemper, II cares, Glanders, Loss cf Appetite, Founder, Foyers, &c lib. in each package. Sold by all dealers. DR. BULL'S Cures Dysentery, and Diarrhoea. Cures Wind BABY SYRUP Colic, &o. EelioTesQripingandSummerComplaint. Facilitates Teething! Regulates the Bowels I Sold by all druggists. Price 23 cents. n "THE PEOPLE'S REMEDY" For tho euro of COUGHS, COLDS, Hoarseness, Croup, VlloopI! con- Couch. '&3Ts3s.s:ftEsssunirjtlon and for tho relief of SJ 3 S Pfc CMrt fT S C'JSCB CIOAHETTCS for Ca- CMf r.J (1,rt PrhalOCtt. Mall drucqtats. 'lliousaJitls tiavd bfcu Deimaiieiitlv mi-ci i.v 1M 1 1 1, A l A . l"A . at once, no operation curable jj olher wauled. beua (or Clrrnur. tURE GUARANTEED. AUvlce Frw, Offlce llimr.niul aug -8-ly l Co UDITOll'S NOTIUE. BttaUQf Oeo. Lowjetiberger Oeceated. Tho undersigned an auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court ot Columbia county to pass upon exceptions to tho account ot Ja-nes McAlarner. executor, will Bit at his omoa In Illoorasburg un Wednesday NOTOmber eth, I'm, at 10 o'clock a. m when and where all persons Interested can aprear OHANT HERRING, 10-it-lt. Auditor, JBRIGGS' KOU HEADACHE IN ITS SICK This remedy Is the porwrlntlon of ono o( the leading phTslclans of I'arls. Prance, and was used or him with unparalleled success for over thirty yearn, It was first given to tho puullo a) a nroDrt. lary medicine In IMS- blnce which lime It has found lu way into almost every county on the face of the globe, and become a favorite remedy with thousands of the leading phjuiclans. Medhal bwiuuci, ubto uiscua.-ttx. iu, uiarveiou. success at thalr annual conventions, an 1 utter tho'r o tidal U1CHH3IO uftvu uuitijtDu ii uui lounu mat it con talned no opUUM. bromides or other h irmtul In t among tneir standard reme UlCB. TESTIMONIAL L. It UllOWN, M. 1) K3 West Jersey St., Prt,ll..ll a! T l.tnnmj DWI This Is to certify that i 'nave uscii for' some uiuuius wuu mucu sausiaciion, ino comuinauon ui rviueuieg, mr ueaujxue, Known as iiriggs urwiiwuu iiuuen. iuo roomily cures more ueau ache, especially such as affect Nervom Women. than auythiug I am acquainted with, and It this certificate win he tho mean of bringing It to the mvurauiu uiieiniuu ui sunercrs rom mu irouue, i snail iix'i inai i nave done tnem a service, L. H. UUOU'N. PRICE; 26 CENTS. Boll by all Druxguts, or sent by Mall cn He celpt ot I'rlcc. Briggs' Medicine Co., ELIZABETH, II. J. D-'VMy. SALESMEN WANTED. rrrinaiieiU liUlont Guaranteed, WUh Salaru ana Entente 1M. Oreat adrautagei to U-glanom. Kat belllnif IMClaltleH. NoeipjrUmo uoeaeil with ui OU'f KIT MINT V'ltKtt. Write quick and vet choice of territory, mjih liOOtKli oif aire. iNaiui tula iwr. :il MUiUKitiKi), itocuester, N. Y, BULL'S You Coming Are To Philadelphia IF SO Bo sure to visit 131,8 Chestnut street, directly opposite the U. S. Mint. Hero you can seo tho finest lino of Clothing obtainable. It comes direct from tho World's centre of Fashion London. $12.00 a stylish London Made .. .i.i it i 11 Fall overcoat, mo nue ot wiucli you could not equal to order under $25.00. $12.00 a handsome London Made Suit not matched anyvvhero, except to order, at $25.00. $3.50 Thorn nann'H Pi a pair ot Tnompsou s 'atontCtit nglish Uassimere ho same quality Trousers, of fabrics to $G.OO will co?t you $5.00 elsewhere. 1. 0. THOMPSON Special London Mado Clothing, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, t Opposlto tho Mint. PHILADELPHIA. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP VALUABLE Real Estate! Estate ot Daniel Brewer, lato ot Pino Township, Columbia County, deceased. Tho undcrelgnedTrnsteo appointed by the Or- phans' court of Columbia Connty, to make silo of tho real estate of Daniel Drawer, lato ot said County, deceased, will expose at publlo sale on THURSDAY, OOTOBEIl 17, 18S9, at ono o'clock In tho afternoon ot s lid day, tho fol lowing described real estate, to-wit ! All that certain tract ot land situate In l'lno township, Columbia County boundod and descrlb ed as follows: Ileglnaln? at a stono and post corner of Ellas Mendenhall's thenco along tho same south 72 degrees and 37 minutes East, 311.5 perchestoajtost.thenoonort'iiaif degrees East 11.3 perches; thenco along land of I). L. Everhard, north 11 degrees west, 49 3 perchs'to a post and stone j thenco north 22. J( degrees west, 553 ,S perches to a post and stona ; thenco along land of Mark Andrews, north 15 degreei anl II minutes west 95 perches to a white pine, thence by lands of Aaron Keller, South l9Vf degrees west J.1.5 perches to the place of beginning, containing 24 ACRES and 70 perches of land bo the same more or less, about 00 acres cleared land, and tho ba'anee is well timbered with good hemlock and pine, on which Is erected a two story a Log Darn, and other outb Hidings, also n good spring of water at tho house, also a stream of water running through Iho place. Terms or sals. Onc-toii'th of tho purchaso money to bo paid at tho striking down of tho property; one fourth at the condrmitlon of tho sale; tho remaining half In one year thereattcr, with Interest. WM. KASS WEST, Sept. in, 1809. Ttnsteo. XECUTOItS' NOTICE. Kstate ofiwtiecca Hess Uite of Swjarloaf loicmhlp. lltera testatnentrr on s ild estato been granted to theurderslgpod executor, All persons iDdcbttxl to said estate aro hereby notltliM to piy the same, and thoie having clalns a .-mint said estate to present the same to A. L. Fritz, Guava. 10-4 4t, Att' t'y. Exeoutor. 'HOOK AOKNTS WANTED POII STORY OF THE WAR By Mary A, Jjmermove Ilrrovtt NtmtlTCuf "lOUR 1F1RS riRM)lI, FXPFBJ. till 1 M llSk"la HoiptUIi, Ctinp, an don the llattle-fleld. No other book hu drtwo w muy tern, liritht, inire. ud Good, of mtrhlei ioterett and urofound pathoi, M$IU at (M to all Th booming" boot to make money on now and for ih holldaji. GzTXo compttitton. TOO rP. plcndid Kteel I'Jaica, and old lUttle-Flaca in iwintf colon. flt thovxtml. CC"5,00O Diort Agents Wanted Un and women. lHatanre bo hindrance, for wo i'uy JfftfhU aad rirt Krfra Jtrmi. Vrlt for circular to JL it, WVUTIUAUTUN Ji Viv llartrord. Coma. 1 1 mm i so. Thousands of people will at tend the Fair at JJloomsburg this week. We extend aa invi tation to all to come and examine our stock of wall paper and win dow curtains. Wchave just open ed a fine lot of curtains. They are entirely re 7 in design and of neat appearance. We are also headquarters for school books and stationery. We strive to have in stock the" vari ous text books used in the schools of the county and sell them at tho publisher's prices. Come and see us. If you have any packages you do not wish to carry around with you, leave them with us until you aro ready to go home. W. H. Buookk Ss Co. Exchange Building, Bloom, Pa. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. Itcd Cross Diamond Uraud. Th anlv rllbU rill far ul. Kf ul art. l,dif. kU lruUL roritialll. Kion4 llntadil rd DiailllatosM,Mkl4 vliatiluartbtwa. Takoaoolher. Head -la. OUrnpi) for partloulara aul l(ellef fur I Indira," M Mr, ly malL Aum ivptr, Cklkcatcr Ckemlcal Oo Madiaea lq.t i'hllada, l'a. io-n-Mt. PATENTS! W1I1TB AT ONCE KOU If. UTHATKD OIltC'UI.AIt Rnn INSTUUOl'IONS, AUVICI! I'ltKH. J. B CRALLB & CO.. WANIIINtiTONi I, C. lo-u-niu IH WOUT1I $1000 TO AN V. II AN Womnu or Child Buffeting from CATAEEH UOT A LIQUID OB SNUFF, HAY-REVER A particle la applied Into cacu nostril Zani la agret-able. l'rleu bu cents at Urut'Jbta ; by mall, riglattrod, 60 ctl. liLYliUOTllKUS, WVarrenSt., Now York. H-87-1W. ASTHMAa'A ujom kfflUtod. L.TAlrr lllta, UMi CURED. tmenllhtmlo KotlwrtM.M.Y. I I - IK wmsm DM1N18THA.T0H'B NOTIUE. JtitaU of Anna Maria Crtwltng, late of Scott ftrp. Notice li hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the estate ot Anna Maria Groveling, lato of ficott twp connty ot Columbia, nnd stato OT I'cnnsylvanla, deceased, havo been granted to Coo. n. ltelmensnydcr, of Hunbury, I'a., to whom all tietsons Indebted to Bald estate are requested to make payment, nnd thoso having clilms or do manda will make known tho same without delay to ko. n. imiMr.NSNVDKii, Administrator, Hunbury, l'a. jlXEOUTOKS NOTICE. KitaU of Sarah 11. Ileus tatu of Remon totenshtp, ihwiwed. Letters tcsUmonlary on Bald estato hivHg boon f;ramol toihoundersunedcxecutor. All persons ndebted to stld r-stttc nro horeby notinod to pay tho simo. nnd thoso having claims against sail estato to present tho simo to A. L. Fritz, Attorney. !..). LEWIS, . Coles Creek. Executor. CUTOIl 8 NOTIOK. h'ttatf of Jacob Wrnrwr, late of l'ltlitngcreek Ml CoU Co.t l'a,, drtSMWcl. Letters testamentary on sil 1 estate having been granted to tho undersigned exeoutors. All per sons Indebted to slid estato aro h T-by notlllod to par the same, an I tlioso having claims against said estato to present mo same to .IOIINC. WENNEIL LEVI C. B. IUHKLKV, Atty. Wr.NNKK, Kxecutors. 1-ost-omce, Cambrii, Pa. 0-11-aw. JAILUOAD NOTICE, Tho stockho'ders of tho Moomsburg and Sulll vnn Itallrond company aro hereby notltteil nnd requested to meet nt tho omco of the company. inineiownoi itionmsourc. on v,eantsuay uiu 20th day of November, 1689, nt ten o'clock in tho forenoon, for tho purpose: of voting for or against an Increase ot tho capital stock and Indebtedness of said Company, Dy order of tho Hoard of Direc tors, II. J. CONN EH, Secretary. Moomsburg. Bept. te, 1S80. SHERIFF'S SALE OP VALUABLE Heal Cslate ! Ily virtuo of a writ of PI Pa., Issued out of the Court of Common rioas ot Col. Co., ra , and to mo directed thero will bo exposed to publlo sale at tho Court House, moomsburg, Pa., on SATURDAY, OCTOI5UU 19, 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., All that certain lot or piece ot land sltuato In tho town of ltohrsburg, Township ot Orcenwood, CoL Co., Pa., bounded and descrlb as follows, to-wlt: flep inning nt n post on Main Street, thenco along said street south eighty and one half degrees cast six perches to a po3t, thenco by land ot heirs of Frederick ltohn south elghty-ono and ono half de grees west seven perches to n post, thenco by samo north eight and one half degrees east seven perches to the placo of beginning, containing Forty-Two Perches of land, strict measure, bo tho samo moro or less, whereon are erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Wil liam llogart to use ot Itnos Ilartman vs. Samu el Uogatt and to be Bold as tho property of Samuel Bogait. IUurino, JOHN B. CASEV, Atty. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE ISeal state! By virtuo of a writ ot Ven., Ex. lued out of tho Court of Common l'loas and to mo directed thero will be exposed to public Balo at tho Court IIouso, Uloomsburg, l'a., on SATURDAY, 00T03ER 19, 18S9, at ten o'clock a. m , the tollowlnj : All that cer tain lot or plcco of gr Jund nltuate In the Town ot Uloomsburg, Pa., bounded and described as fol lows, to-wlt : On the north by lll lgo alley, on tho east by lot of L. T. gliarple i, on the Boulh by so cond street, nnd on the west by Centre Btreet, co talnlng twenty-four and a hilf feet more or leas frout on Second street, and two hundretl and fourteen feet more or les on Centre Btiect, whereon are erected a Frame Hotel, Barn, Bako Houso and other outbuilding. Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit ot Ilai t- tnan Edgar vs. .1. p. caldwell and to be sold as tho property ot John V. CaldwelL 1UKRIM1, JOHN B. CAHEY, Atty. Sheriff. QENEHAI. KUXiriON l'llOCLAMATION. I. JOHN II. CASKY, lliuli Miciirr ol Columbia County, corumo-iwe itu ot it-nnsylv.inia, do here by inukn kitown -Hid pro-.-lJlm tn tin quilmi'd ch i lora of Columbl.1 county, that a general elec- I . 11UII Ut UDU II "II I TUESDAY, NGVIMBSfl S, 1889. 1 (belr.Ktlie Tu(sliynixtfol'owlii2tlie flrtt Mon day 1,1 a-ild imiiitti) fir tli- f-uioso uf electing perion') fur tho ( nain-d u.11-a;s, to-ivlt : wc.ilili cl I also liereby in ikeKu iwn and Blvi noilre lhat tho pi ni-s ot Holding the am-esiu eli-cilon In tlio several waidt, IimouitIih, nlt-.trl ta u ud tonnsldps within the county ot Columbia aio at toilows, to-lt: llaaver township, at tlio public houso of Mary Bmitli. liouton township, at tho public nouso ot I. Drato In thu town ot Ucnton. Berwick, East, atthollttlo ortlcoof Jackson Woodln In tho borouKli of 11 rwick. Berwick. West, at tho onico of J. G. Jacoby, In the boiough of Berwick. Bloom host, at tho court House, In niobmsburg. Bloom West, at Iho Court IIouso. InUloomsliur;?. Urlarcicek township, at the public school house near Kvansf llle. catawlssa township, at tho publlo houso ot (1 W. itoifsnyder, lu i he town of caiawlaso. OentulU, Horougli, at tho public nouso of Wm. I'elfer, deceaseJ. Centre township, ntthe school houso near Lafay ette Creasys. Conyngliam North District, at tho school hou3t near tho colllciy of John Anderson Co. conyngham boutli District, at the houso of Mrs. Thomas Monroe. Flshln&rcrecktown8hlp, at tho school houso neat C. II White's. itanklln township, at tho Lawrence school house. (Ircenwood township, at tho liouso of I. D. l'atton, deceased. Hemlock township, at the publlo house of Chas. II. Dlettciich, In tho town of Buck Horn. Jackson twp., at the school houso at Waller. Locust township, at tho publlo houso ot Nullum Knorr, in Numedio. Maillson township, at the publlo school houso In Jcrseytown. Malu township, at tho publlo houso ot Addison v. Miuraan. Mimtn tiwtiahln nt Ilia tultllf limiurt nf 1 n r,n Hess, in thu town of Miminvlllc. I Montour townshln. ut thu nubile houso of Mrs. Mary llazledlne, at Itupert. MU i'leasant township, at tho MUlertown school uouso. orange townslilp, at It. airman's hotel In Or angev ilo. l'lno township, at tho Centra Si-hool House, I'oarmt;crcck towushlp, at tho houso of bauiucl Lelby. Hcott Kast township, at the public houso of Joseph Kieckner, lu Kspy. Hcutt Wist ut thu publlo houso of John L. Crawford, In Ughuiireet. Bugarlout township, at the houso ot Norman Cole. rolls shall be opened at seven o'clock a. m. ard shall contlnuo open without Interruption orad Journmeut uut 1 seven o'clock p. in., when tho polli will be closed. .VOTICJK IS IIKUUIIY (JIVHX, Thatuvery person excoptlns Justices of tho Peace and Aldermen, Notaries Public and Per sons in tho mllltla sen leu of the state, who shall hold or shall within two mouths Have la-Id any onice or appointment of pruilt or trust undvr theUr'ted Mules, or of this htate. and city or corporated district, whether a eiuumlshioned ortlccr or otherwise, a subordinate olilcer or a jeut Is or shall bo employed under UioUkIsU ture, Executive or Judiciary Department of this Mate, or ot uny city or ot uuy fucorporalid dis trict, nnd ulsu, thut eery member of congress and ot tho btuto I-enlslaturo, and ot the select or common council otauvcuy.or commissioners ot any incorporated district, ure by lawlneuiuWo oi uoiuiug or oxerctsiuk' ui iuu-sauie tune ine oniceoraiitijlutinontof .ludfc, Insix-ctor or Clerk ot any election ot tills Comiuunweallh, nnd that no Inspector, Jud'-e or other otilcer of such elec tion tlull boellljlble to be then voted tor. The Insiiectors till i JuJ-o ot thu elections shall moet at tlio resiKctno places nppointod for holding the election lu tho distill t to which they respectively lielong, ut-fuiu seven o'clock In the morning, and each of said luspector-i shall ap point ono clerk, who olull Iw u ciuallliud voter of sucli district. The iiualltled votcri of thU county aro Inreby nulhorUod and reipilnd to vo'u by tl kit printed, written or pi" ly printed an I pirtly wr tl u; ono ticket widen th ill tie labeled Mate, and contain tue name of the person voted f ir for buto Trias urer. J IIS II. CAHKV, Miorltr, hherirr a O.ll ;o, liloomsbuig, Oct. .1, lb-0. To I'iiii'tv wilil fiiiii" Sli pior". WANTED. Duller, U.ioi-sh, Kggn, lioaic, Came, Hops. Meal mill Ut m-k, I'utitnts. Yigeto We, Dri'sscil unil Live Poiilire, Frills (if all kintU, l' Untn, U uhv, B-itwar, Gloscn, Mupio -uar, Apple", tliapci, Cranbt-rrli's. Fun Htitl Bklnu, &c 15. M- HALLAUI) & CO. l'rojucu uml O'Micntl Cumin Ion Mer clianl, 7S1 Myrllo Avt-n'io,(uear Wall abnut Mat' kct,) Brooklyp, N. V, JUST RECEIVED ! JUST RECEIVED ! CfloiBaiBig- iTob Men, Youths, Boys and Children, that ennnot be equalled to select from. The latest and most stylish lot of Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishing Goods just received that will excel all others that we have had. We are determined to have what is wanted in the line of Dinm, and POSITIVELY will save you more money than to buy them in Wilkerbarre or Scranton. As have said before our prices axQ always th,e lowest, Anil Our MOTTO is Always "FAIR IMEAfjUTCr" RESPECTFULLY YOURS, The Largest Clothing RPKillip Bros, Blooaaishurr Photographs Cori'cct Styles, Perfect FiMBSii. Copyiaig, lBnlargiBBS!;, Viewing, a Bid STrasBies to Oi8cr MASON & HAMLIN Organ and Piano Co. BOSTON. NEW YOItK. CHI0A30- Contains si Ave or tave, Nine stop Action, furnished In a 'argo nnd handsome case of NUW :moii:i, OltliAN, HTVIX 2.211. solid Hock walnut, l'rlco 'J cash; also sold on tho Easy Ilho System ati2..i7perquar. ter. for ten quarter, when o-gin becomes property of person hlrlne;. The Mason II a mil n ".S t r 1 n g o r," Invcn'ed and patented by Mason & Hamlin In 'ssj, Is used In tin Mason Hamlin planoo excluIvely. Hon-arkabli icllnctnent ot tone and phenomenal capicl. tv to stand In tune clnractcr Ue thovj lustrum',nts. I'lll'III.Mt STVI.l'.t OltliVN'S AT "'. h3 .,(, (II), 73. 11.1. AND UP. Organs and Flanos suldfur Cash, K.isv Payment, and Rented. Culalojue free, U 2" d 4t. iii XsjRY n I 13r-lm. how Lost! HowRogalnod, KNOWTHYM l n E KClFMnr f-i rr icp r4c,,l.itII,W 1 Pn' MdlcalTrftl i?hrrof ' ' YoUi,I'remtur. DUn., Nervuu. nd I'ovilcal Deblhtr. lmDnrltIc ot th'i!inV.,i inn iriTin r f -mi'i-in i -f i 1 1 iiuuni: rrom roily, Vlc, Ignorance, Kxcuaca or ytrruistloB, Knerritlnr tnd nnnttlne the victim f"iSfk USf,1,'Je;,i tlMri.dor8ocTM KeUtloS -nA.Ild,?1"1"1 ul Pretenders. I'oisea. Uil.prcit work. It contain; sou prei, royal 6vo. lieaJuful blndint. embossed, fulf put.' l'rlco only ll.oo by rnaU, postpaid, concealed In plain wrapper. Jlloa. tratlve I rosMdua l'ree, if you apply now. The dlstlnjnlshed author, Wm. II. rartw, Mi . re ceived m. (ini.ii ani jp.wki.i.i;i lit ! "IZU UHSAY on NCKVUIW and J;VHIUAI;Illillli,iTV.Dr"l'arkandac SShiUi" Jhyf.,cl"fma' b0 consulted, tontt. dentlally, by mail or n peraon. at the offlce of THK 'KAMIIUY JIIIUHCA I, INSTITUTE, ' oritur. fn it,. Vi.t. M?wn'!IP1' , directed .as above. " ,aou"1 101ld-tt. Auninc f""""h"- !' Wat Wurk un a lam. f... f O ft iriijiilhi I now liiv n irinry it h V AlUu 4 C i) dlbunu mixJ liuUI). U'Ut and Otleu liiMkahUil .!. ")) W. II.UiUKHUM. Williani Kliur, HarrltUnr. wrin " Itavit ncvi-r knuwli aiiiliiis to nil Ilka y.juralUiui, UliT4-Jh kt.r.iTai'iiiuhta Vy ma otr t:, w, J, Ki. mur, Hauyor, Ma., Hilieai ' aa an otuvr for ) album at WumUoriviiatntuttiaiiriuo I r lllllll alatv .u.i.i, (lb(Marail.,lnirilll...u.ll. jwt liaca hot aimia ylta . i.;.a Ukf, bl0 ofll.lijT.nJ U.Iu.m i .Ir. upranj mX rradri WriUlouaand luin allabm.lii fi.r jouraclf. Y,l a.(..iUrg nai d of y lu ntyurt .ilia Ifyqu Uka bold ym will bf obit ft (.Kk up ..Oil fd.t. or-If vial-. f1".1 "V "'"Jtrnhh AllMiiii.aio taaold toibi ..rld. Urrr. uU t.rriBa vcr kBi An nil cb.1. ASi-ul. Uk II, iumiiJ. u Lka 11, iiimuiI. ..r ..,... . . -" f.lurc BHUMU, li hwb.u- (VI.VII... HIUI h I... n ..... t. . ii. uji. .u.k. ,,, b ' j;,j? flu "!." "'"' 'iiufn,,,raiVii".-r uiuui, noes. ua r.tiwiki. inn ua av :7r Ilit'c? ZlllS,"'''.:.1' V 3 ' 4U"" ALltK k i.t Avituia, iiuia jan..l( tta iy nr n the old RF ADlt P . WHAT I SMAJ.I n mm '02M mi STILES STILES ITS, CAPS, TRUES AND MIMIl GOODS MAIER, The Reliable Clothier. and Hat House in Columbia and BAKERS UND Exchange Block, v,- 1 ff:fiS. -c5-'Nc3-' WHOLKSALIi and RETAIL .ui Ben m$ I 'ii OrJers by mil will receive prompt attention. 037-ster jPa-rlors tta.cl2.ed. M rnnr. r onrl m In- n n-m q FAMOUS 15 Cent StGWS- COME AND HAVE YOUR Ei:E3 EXAMINED BY I. 6. Wells, the Optician, WHO HAS JUST COMPLETED A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL COURSE AT P.UCKLIN'S OPTII VLMIC COLLEGE, NEW YORK. N.O BxtraQIiarge Mill mr Bsamiiiag Byes, PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Fine line peb ble and white crystal lenses constantly i n stock, also the Fino watch work and jobbing neatly and quickly executed. All work guar anteed to givo satisfaction. CARPETS and MILLINERY. Next ilonr to I. W. Ilartman & Son's, Main St., Illoorasburg, Pa. NEW CAKPE I'S. Latest Patterns in Velvet, Body Tapestry and Brusseli, from SOcts. up. INGRAIN fro ii 20o up. RAG CARPETS from 30o up. STAIR OAR. PE 1S lrom 12 j up. MATTING, to close out for lOo up. OIL CLOTH, all widths and pricee. G. W. KEITER. 1S89. FALL OPENING 1889. SEPTEMBER 28-26. MISS II. E. WASLEY, W Next iloor to I. W. Ilartman & 8ons. Main Btrect - BLOOMSBURG. F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FI'lTER. lllCAI.l'.lt IN Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door in lJloomsburg Opora House. MMR FAL1L ! MM FALL I Montour Counties. CONFECTIONERS Bloomsburg, Pa. ' anA T2otj. Cracker: d Finest lino of watches, clocks, and jewelry in Bloomsburg. OURTIS COMFOnHD. BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEY PURIFIER. Now is tlio appointed tlmo for thoroughly clcansinc tho system from all impnrititH, and all will And that tho Curtis Compound will exactly fill tho hill. It ha-i Htonij the test of 22 years and its cales aro larger than ever, overy year. Price 50c. and $1.00. For Sai.k By Jnmcs H. Mercer. DRUGGIST, Bi)OMsuuitn, Pa. ALL HOUSEKEEPERS U Us Wild H.allk aa K....H1-, akttlt ! Ualle4 ud Crmahad A. B C. WHITE OATS Till BUT ORAINS-BTKAU COOUn-UOIT (AtaT DldKSTKI) - OUICKLT PHJtl"A.iUU X UtLlClUUa DRlAILriJT viau. rrato Umt, I lr All OnurttHl fcf ttfla. sept si, w. HINDERCORN8. Thaenty suraUurarorOoru. Btou. iln. lCamrrs comfott to Ui. tl ot. ISO, at UruyaHU. UuoulACo.,tl.t, ttCONSUMPTIVE I OohkF MroiwI.ltU. Actinia. IftdLr tiUOl I Vim 'r-i- IT... TOU PAnkKR b QINQER TON IP lam wojrhL CAAaiA an.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers