THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 TEE GREAT LONDON BTRIKE- Tho Into striko of tho dock Inborora in London was ior many reasons 0110 of tbo most rcmarkitblo in tho history of auoh tnovomonts. In tbo first pkoo it wm hold by public opinion to be justifiable All America's Congress onitiiN ami rmtrosK ov tiik oonkku- KNCK HKTWKRN AMKHIUAN NATIONS. Tboro in now in Bcsaton nt Wftsbinuton. a nntberinij wblob may It is estimated that tho approval wim tako rank among tbo leading cominer ntraost universal. Then it wni sup- uial ovenU in tlio history of North ami ported by amplo subscriptions. Tho South America. This is tho Congress oxpenso was estimated at 810,000 n of American nations, which is to meet day, and this sum was not only sub- at tho national capltol for organization scribed, but vory much raoro, ami on on October 2. After a tour through ti ts tho last day or tho Btnko $22,000 was country under intelligent guidance, rccoived from Australia. Iudeod, thu which will show tho principal Indus- activo sympathy of Australia was ono tnoi and tho geographical extent of of tho most interesting faota of tho thu United States, will nssomblo arjaiti strike. No loss remarkable vas thu to d'nottas nutntions of mutual interest ontlro aood order that provailed to all tho novernmonts and peoplos in throughout tho weok, ami perhnrH tho New World that Columbus dm- most notablo ot all was tho rcasotiablu- covered almost -100 years ago. ness of tho strikers, and their complcto To idea that all tho nations in this Oiganization. Thcro woro two pro mi- New World should confer together for nent individuals in tho movement their common uood first assumed deli- Buiins, tho soolalist, who was tho ac- ulto form bofore tho tmblio of this knowledgod loador and Cardinal Man- country in 1881, when Mr. Blaine then hio, whoso intelligence, quiet persist- secretary of Uto for rresidcnt liir- ance, and moral authority hually atteol- hold, promulgated his plan. Tho idea, od tho settlumout Great meetings howovor fs older than that. It origin wero held during tho striko but with- ated with Simon Bolivar, that groat out disturbance of any kind. If ilia- leader of men, whoso statesmanship, agreeable traditions of excited London, patriotism and military genius utnanci such as "Irish night" or tho Lird patcd livo nations Vcnezuloi, Colotn- QEonau Qouoon riots, hauuted any hia.Enoua lor, Peru and Bolivia. Tins mind, they wero lost in tho nctual spec- Washington of flvo Spanish-American taclo. Tho striko was substantially succoss fnl. It aimed at an increaso of wages, and an increase was obtained. But tho advantages wero much greater than this. A plain statement of tho facts rovoalcd to the public a system by which not only tho dock laborers woro oppressed, but tue public fleeced. Tho commerco of London discovered that the striker s causo was its own. Tho strike began among tho lowest class ot workmo i, but grad ually spread through ovory olass, and at last involvol ovcrv branch of tho commercial interest. Thus it showed tho intimate rclalioa between all of them, from tho imparter to tho "casual laborer." iiesidcs this, it had the gen oral effect of demonstrating to the pub no mind in tho nmst improisivo uian- ner that a striko may have tho bost reason. It dissipated tho notion that a striko is necessarily a wanton and foolish outbreak ot an attempted un reasonable compulsion. Unco more the complete and effeo ivo orgauiza tion of a powerful pait of tho physical torco ot tho mctropoliL to secure cer tain results by protest and a tempo rarv paralysis of labor is a peaceful but impressivo revolution which will be remembered with advantage. Another oi the excellent conse quences of this strike is the proof which it has afforded to the striking eloment in society that overv move ment of tho kind is not prejudged as causeless, but is estimated upon its merits. This truth has been demon Btrated also in some of the more notable sliikes in Now York, whero publio sympathy has not been withheld from Itopublics rothzed that Id promote their common mleret and to secure their indivi'luil success thoro must ba concerted ao'.'on. He called with this purpose in mind, nn international con ferenco at Panama iu 1821, to which every independent Amorican Republic was nsked to send delegates. Nothing came of this call, not because the in vited powers were unwilling to j liu in the conference, but because, internal caues interfered. THE NATIONS TO UE ItElTtESENTEP. After Mr. Hlaiuo revived this project of lioHvur's it hung fire for aomi tne mv nly because of the aesasiilation of President Garfield. The Fiffeth (Jon cress passod a bill directiug thu Presi dcnttT invite rept cscntativ,.8 of the Span ish-Amoricaa Governments to meet re presentativos ol the United States on Oc tober 2, 1839, to consider certain piop oamons of tuutuil interest, the na tions which hao appuntcd delegitcs tothis American international urn- gross aro: Brazil, Lfayetto Itodignes Perrira, Dr. J. G. de Amarei Vslimte, Salvador de llmidonca j Bolivia, Juan F. Velarde : Honduras, Jeronimo ZUva : San Salvador, Jacinto Cistol lanos and Samuel Valdeness; tJoiom bia, J. M. llautada; Costa llica, Se ior Ziladon; Gauhmala, leriiando, Cniz Mexico, St. Mateo liomero and Anuo O. Costerio ; Nicaragua, Dr. Horacio Gnzmanj Ecquador, Ex-President Joso jU. (Jomasoo: i'eru, Dr. t. U. U. Z,eror ra : Venezuela, Ba'es Paraza ; Argin tine. Republic Dan Vitieciite, G Quesada, Dm lloque, S. Pena, Don Mannel Quiiitaiinu beveral other na tions havo accepted tho invitation to New Orleans Z'icaitnne: When cold weather coinea charily begins to num. attribution Kree Press: Snmn housekeepers should bo punished ac cording to thoir deserts. Jloiton Courier. Tho humorist is nbout tho only man who likes to havo his work laughed nt, Uchison Globe: Tho nearer tho man on n jouinny draws to a largo town tho entailer ho feels. Yonkers Statesman'. A now olgar- elte has been named Tho Hoquot, we suppose because it smells bo. Boston Gazette: A groat many girls are bound to show their feet at a ptcnic, even if they have to swing for it. Someruiile Journal: Hard woik is tho best euro for tho bliiCH) at least that is what you always te'l other people, Jtaltimore American: Doubtltss ono reason why thu bustlo is abandon ed is because It has tallen away lrom grace. Paul Pioneer: Why will not lecturers on woman's rights ocnfiiie themselves to the subject I They nro continually talking about woinau'B wrongs. Washington Capital: If yo,i will investigate Johnny's pockets u;w ynn will hnd a lug ro I applo in ono ot thuiii for hi di-ar tfaober and a bean shooter in tho other. Philadelphia Ledncr: The nor of an Indiana town is going lo Ger many to look up a fcrt'iuu he believes himself entitled lo from the cetatu ot a deceased uncle. Tis money makes tho Mayor go. the strikers so long as they respected Jp tho Congress, but tin name of .. .... " , , I rtnlnrrntna nrH nn. vnr. nnnnnnr-pil. I hrt tho conditions upon which alone an equitable adjustment can bo reachfd, When public order is disturbod the con dition of tho advanco of ovcry good cause is the restoration of order. If the strike in London had resorted to violence, it would havo been impossi ble to ascertain the facts and rights of the case, and Cardinal Manning might havo met tho fate of Archbishop of I'ans during tbo days of tho Uommune, Tho procession of the dock strikers to the residence of tho Lord Mayor ou the day after the settlement, to cheer the head of the city government, who had interested himself in tho settle ment, was also very significant. For delegates are not vet announced. The delegates who will represent the Unit ed States aro : John B. Henderson of Missouri : Cornelius N. Bliss, of New York : Clement Studcbaker, o Indiana ; T. Jefferson Coolidgi', Mas sachusetts ; William Henry Trescott of South Carolina : Andrew Cirniegie, of Pennsylvania : Morris M Estee, of California: and John F Hanson, of Georgia, and two ethers MKN OK 1HOII STANDING Tho International C mgress is called to consider important questions, but It has no ) wer of final action. It can only con-ult and rocomm fid. It will inihcant. lor . ' . ,. . ,, all concerned, the great London strike " V " ' ' ' r" Z them, for example, Kt.mding in t li p must bo regarded as a very significant event. Aarpers Weekly. Things a Woman Om Do, I ST OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS l'ECUI.IAIt MEMIiEItS OF THE FA 111 HEX. " She can come to a conclusion with ont tho slightest trouble ot reasoning on it, and no Banc mau can do that. Six of them can talk at once and got along first rate, and no two men can do that. She can safely stick fifty pins in her dress while he is getting one under his thumb nail. She is cool as a cucumber in a half dozen tight dresses and skirts, while a man will -sweat and fumo and growl in ono looso Blurt. She can talk as sweet as peaohf s and cream to tho woman ehe hates, while two men would bo punching each otbe.'s bead before they had exchaug ed ten words. ohe can throw a Btono with a enrve that would bo a fortuno to a base ball pitcher. Sho can say "no" in such a low voice that it means "yes." She can sharpen a lead poucil if you give her plenty of tirao and plenty of pencils. She can dance all night in a pair of shoes two sized too small for her and enjoy overy iiiinuloof tho time. She cau appreciate a kiss from her husband seventy-five yoars after tho marriage ceremony is performed. She can go to church and afterward tell you what every woman in the con gregation bad on, and iu some rare in atancea can give you some faint idea idea of what tbo text was. She can walk halt tho night w.tu a colicky baby in her arms without ouco expressing the desiro of murdering thu imant. Sho can do more in a minute than a man can do in an hour, and do it better, Sho can drivo a man crazy in twi n ty-four hours and then bring him to paradise in two seconds by simply In ii. n i r.i i I In e Oonnty Commissioners The county commissioners' conven tion at Allentown Pa., las', week, agreed to urge tho legislature to piss laws providing for tho revision of the present rotdlaw; that corporations be taxed on an equality with n-al e:.Ute that district attorney bo paid asaliry ba-eil on tho popula'ion, and that Mich por tions of the act of 1887 providing for the lobulation of the national guard as contlio wiih other laws Ijh ix-pealed. Giles D. Pi ice, of line waseleo'.el member of the commiltcf oo the re vision of tho lax laws of Pennsylvania. Williamsport was felecled as thu place lor holdii'g ibe next annual convention Little Pitobera Mrs. Prim ''Good morning, Tom my. Did your mother send you int" Tommvlagod 8 ) "No'm. 1 thought I would like to make a call." Mtb. Prim "That is very nice, I am sure. But you inusn't bo po bash ful on your first call. Can't you raise your eves from the carpet! Tommy "Oh, I'm not so bashful; but mother says your carpet is so ugly it makes her nick to look at ii, and I thought 1 would come iu and try it mvfielt. Home sentinel. Ex President Grover Clovelaud will preside at a meeting of Tammany Democrats of the Tenth Assembly dis trict in Cooncr Institute, Newlork, on tho evening of Uotobcr 10, when memorial exercises will bo held in honor of the late Congressman Cox. Ittical circles ot th -ir own laud as James G. Blaine, Samuel J. Randall Thomas B. Reed or Major MoICintoy figure in the pub ic life ot tho United States. For this reason, it is hoped that tho conclusions of the Congri ss will carry such weight as will result in closer affiliations between the govern ments of tho Continent and an increase in their interchange ol eiium-rre But tin nn moors of tho (Jongroi' though they are to consider questioi of prime inipoitanco lo tho wholcconti rent, will not begin their deliberations at once. Some of them are already the country. Others w 11 arrive in few dayB. It is expected that the dele gates trom bouth and Uentral America, together with the ten United otat 's delegates and official, will make up a party of about Hevonty five. I lu-se will meet m Washington on Uclolier 2, and organize. It is said that the pnsident is likely to bj ono of the United Statis delegates. Afur tho adjournment of the first day's sesaio n, the delegates will call in a body upon Secretary of Stato Blaine, and in tho evening will probably bo received by President Harrison. A OUANP lNDDSTIUAI. TOUII. On tho morning of Oc tober 3 t' e entire C ingress will leave Washington on a train of palaeo cars, which will be, next to tho train iu which Presi dent Harrison made his journey from Washington to the Inaugural Centen nial in Now York, tho most luxuriously equipped tver run iu this country. It will contain bath.tooms, a barber shop, dining-room', smoking-rooms, drawing rooms, and tleeping compartments and will bo run on fast timo by special schedule. Tho train will go first to Now York, where tho Congress will tako a steamer to Fall River, Mass. After viowing the factories there thoy will go to Provideuce, Willimantio and Hartford, all on the -1th. On tbo 5th thoy will visit Merideu, New Haven and Ausonia. Tho Cth will bo spent at West I'oinl. i hence the party will "copright, teao. TALK IS OnCAP, and the prew tcoms with adrertlAementJ of BATSaparlUu, and other Uver, blood aod lung remedies, but there is one medicine, and onlu one, tho claims for which, as a euro for u lingering diseases arising from Torpid Liver or Illlinusnees. or from lrapuro blood, aro backed tip bjr a positive guarantee! If It don't do Just as represented n crcrv cote, the money paid for it is promptly refunded. This peculiar medlclno sells beyond all others throughout tho clvllizod world. And why should It not? "Talk Is cheap," but when it's backed up by a positive Ruarail tee, by a house of long established reputa tion, for honesty. Integrity and sound finan cial standing, then tcortls mean business And that's Just what tho World's Dispensary Med ical Association, of Buffalo. N. Y., mean In J guaranteeing their Or. yierce's Golden Med col Discovery. Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery checks the frightful Inroads of Scrofula and. It taken in time, arrests the march of Con sumption of the I.ungs, which Is l.ung scroruia, purines and enrichc the blood, thereby curing all Bkln and Scalp Diseases, Ulcors, Sores, Swellings, and kindred ailments. A GBEAT TEIP AT A LOW HATE VIA PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD. tiokling htm under the cluu, and there g0 t0 Springfield, Holyoko and Chioo does not livo that mortal boh or ,)COi jiag3,( ,( tlenco t0 u09,on, swam s misery wiiu can uo .'ie where three days aro to bo Moston -rimes. Manchester. N. II.. and Portland. Me.. will be visited, and tbon tho journoy will ruu through Troy, Albany, and the cities of central New York to Buffalo. After a view of Niagara the T .r ,, i I ...... . jmo unuormeu oouy oi men nro- congress wi visit the nrinciin cities bouib bucu a gorgeous Bpcciaoio asuocs ot the West and south, and Doforo re the Knights romplar. His only once in turning to Washington will insncct mreo years mat mey assemble in a tho iron and steel and other industries 1 -J - .r il.. " 1 t . . m uouy in one oi mo principal oities oi ot I'onnsyivanta. All tho expenses ot America, and as thoy havo selected the Congress aro to be paid by the Stato Washington to bo tho theatre of their Department, our Congress having triennial oouolavo this year, tho doublo mado an appropriation of $150,000 for opportunity to witness tho brilliant gathering and to visit the beautiful Capital City on the Potomac will bo offered from every station on the var ious lines of the Pennsylvania Kail road at ono faro for the round trip. Tho conolave will oontinuo from Oct ober 8th to 11th, 1889, and tickets will be sold October 5th, Oth, 7th, and 8tb, valid for return trip until October 31st, 1889. Iteturniug a stop-off within tho limit will be allowed at Baltlmoro, Wilmington, Philadelphia, Trenton, Harrisburg, Williamsport, Klmira, Emporium and Corry, as tho routo of the excursionists may sug gest. Tho occasion will bo one of tho most enjoyablo seasons of the year to visit Washington. Specifio ratos will be furnished by agents on application. that purpose. A Ten Years Lease. It is said in a Lebanon dispatch that Dr. T. A. Corryoll, of Harriaburg, sec retaiy of tho Granger association, iu company with other representatives of the eamo association, visited Robert II. Coleman and effected n twenty years' leaso of grounds nt Mount Gretna. The picnics of tho association, which have heretofore been held at Williams' Grove, will hereafter be held at Mount Grotna. A stock company will be formed witli a liberal capital, several buildings will oo erected tbo largest of whioh will bo 50 by 500 feet, and it lias, linnn finnlilnd tn nnntlnnf tlin ,.1nl.i .. . . V U j, ,WI IU . on a much grander ecalo than ever before. $500 iiS for an incurable easo of Ca T tarrh lu the Head, by 1 the proprietors of Dr. Sage a f Catarrh Remedy. Ily Its mild, soothing and healing nmrwirtfiui- it cun4 thn wnrit oases, no matter of how long standing. Unljr SO cents. Bold by druggists everywhere. V " Don't ask me to mend it Take it back and get a Si" flltt Qc from your dealer free, tho $a 1! uk. It lias handbome pictures and vjIiuMo Information ubout horses. Tw i or three dollars for a sa llorw RMnkit will make your horse worth moro mm vai tea? to Keep warm. Ask for 5.'A Rvo rVlilo 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric 5A Extra Test 30 other styles at prices to suit every' wuy. ii you cani gel tuem from yoor dealer, write us. 5sA BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINC WITHOUTTHE CJK LABEL Mannnt oy Wu. Avhks Hoxa. l'hlladi. who mal.e tUo faisouj Ilorw lirond llakur lunnkeu. WmM PARKER'S UAID El A I CAM I'romolet a ImurUnt srowlh. Nfsr FsiU to RaaUrs Orsy , 111. rimihi v,i,r, fc'.iwl jl iu .1 1 irurW- WolH'sAGMEBIacking BEATS tho Wot Id. ItlathoBott HARNESS DRESSING Tho DEST for Mon'a Boots "JLadlw' -" "Jhlldron'" AltBOZVTXTLT WATSHTKOOr. aOFTEN8andPIIE8KRVESUHLatfWT Ow a wAAr.M'l Snni oaj mm ami W mpUV tvrfM m,'li It aiatat (a handaxiM and Mt donM fnlfcn m nv aw. Tno toj hn(to araan and mat with a IJao. bw lirmh. IU ft nd br It. TXaom m cnndhUHV wcrtAd hardls no naana rtm aSaald no rpara roomlf this tim than nwilw laboe, aj.i-.i "-n"- phi iHiumji WOLFF & RANDOLPH. PUiUDOfim. .OH IfiMYi HEADIIv (MTerlnc t m rtsw Jsney Beoalar. Dy 1 repalKt Sleknesdaeh. TentbUlalntat. ' Vhea the stomach Is torrid It soon txoomos clog. ti yrith half dlCMled matters, ths blood bsoomei Tltisted and fool i the other organs fall to Mt nor. tnally, and lndnoss a tntn of symptoms, such as drs. repsls. slek hwdselus, dlulness, dromlness, palpi ta. tlon of the heart, rain in the back, loss of appstlte. "There are fair things that I belters la vita all my heart and It affords me pleasure to tail of one ot them,' Ths speaker was ox-Bsoator Albert MerrttL bead of ths Urn frail firm, a Park Plaoe, If. Y aod the Boone Ms eDoe. "I vas siok and feared I had become feted to endure the ' . .1 in-ew itouliy lnttr. I could Mt. ril?Mt. alecn vork with Ik e"lAAj-fi hffu1 mrl thn vMtrss rnTnv n tnr tiin had (riren rliv to tb tone that mnounci I11TO ucw inn r ortTftn tA thn hnalv In hoAlth ictlon. Dr. Kennedr! iTont Uetpedr la rutltltj to tho credit of sarlnfr tnr U(Q nr one bu i donbl fcbout tlio truth of mr statementB lot biro write to ma. Ican(riTeroathejaimeBD4.Mdrt cf fift PoODwho affirm, m rdo.tbat'Fai'orit fim8dr" baa Ufa to tiwaii a help audi. blMalpjrtn lime ofneoa., Mr. ATDeBerrrs. larritowii,K. Y fit; 'Tor lotur limj I u trouUea with mtok atUcJU oi tUiilrwa and Blind Sick Hoadaoho nrmr blood ana ft oUioMerM aUto of th TwaaadTlsM to try l)r. Kfnnftdr'a TaTor. wr, of Hondont.rT. Y, I did ao aod bav qitletflr enrcd. 11 ' the bfst thlnir I erei for anr dlaorder of that natnre, aud I have ndcdft to mnpr with llko auocesi.1 Mr. lnj6i Jitti.Tiniiton. uui.,a&rit I recommend Dr, Kcnofdra 2Toru Iimdr for driportla and aick bBAUcb. I anffered for rnmy Tan wlU. UwM oompUluU, ftcd "WM cured bT vr. &amoj'a FAVORITE REMEDY. v Xrlo Ods dollar, Freparsd at Bondirat, K. Y. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Prtpared br Oft. DATID KENNEDY, BOND OUT- It. Tt etpar UttU Sixfoil, By all drmUtf. com ncanior wwnmjfndedl HRISTIAN F. KNAPP. FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSBURG. Home of N. Y. ; Merchants', of Newark, N. T. ; Clinton, N. Y. ; Peonies' N. Y. ; Reading, l'a. ; German American ins. Co., New York. ; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York j Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well seasoned by ge and FIRE tested and have never yel had a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in solid securities, are liable to the hazard of FIRE only. Losses I romptly and honestly adjusted and paid as soon as determined, by CHRIST IAN F. KNAPP, Special Agent and Ad juster, Bloomsuurg, 1'a. jThc people of Columbia county should pat ronize tne agency where losses, if any, are set tled and paid by one of their own citizens. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Con sumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all suf ferers will try his Remedy, as it is in valuable. Those desiring the prescrip tion, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. A-&-Co.-Dec.-7-iy. Best and Purest MedicineE! EVER MADE. If. .Jtwlll ilri clho Humorfrom your MS-d-Iin. Menu and smooth. Those iiIps Hiul lilolrlice ilea mur 1, Kft.' ' v7 W lml mar your beaulyn; , j. . '$jiVblood, nn.f can Li'lT a, , ey, 'f'V'Jreniovi-dluasliort S. a 4a, e . cVw lo and uw-' II LI k.t-a a. A, ffs f J. lV a 'A, av e-.v . j f t. A. T. I Do.n'tWait. Gctitatosck If vnn nro mifTsrinir frnni lvlil. twv l)ltAise. and uUh to Ue to oM ngc, use bUIelMIt'i; BirrEUS, mey never iiui w curu Sond 3 2-evut eUtuips to A. I', Onhwiy ft Co., Boeton.Mass., (or beet medical work published t Fftttonod Like Cattle- HOW BLAVES AUK l'ltUPAItEll IN AIMUA TO KAT. Fnttoiiinc slaves in n park and feed ing rhom up liko nnitnals destined for tho table, and then loadinc them to n Bliambloa wlioro they aro slaughtered like oxen, out Into pieces miu eliarcd by bits to hungry cannibals such ia tlio prnctico which is permitted, no- cording to Mr. Fontlcao, a French ox- ploror, In eomeof tho Crunch, lselgian and Portuguese nnd even Hritisli tcrr' tories in Ubanuht. M. Fondeso was sent out thrco years ago by tho French Government to discover tho Bourccs of tlio Niarguilton, and, liavitifj returned niter the succcasfui accomplishment of his task, ho hastens to tell his country men nil nbout the terrible things lie has seen in his travels. "Tho "fattenlni: ntrks" or paddorks are, he says, to be seen in each village and contain men and women who havo been taken in war. Tho poor wretches take their doom philosophi cally, aud some of them lo whom Mr. Fondese offeicd freedom actually ro fined it. They eat, drink, dauco and sing until the head "fetishmau" comes around, accoinpaiiied by an orchestra of torn torn aod tin-kcttio players, se lects n siitlicienlly lat specimen, oarries htm or hr.r to the market place of tho villago auil splits his or her head with hatchet or scythe-like kuife. The eves and tonuuo of tho victim aro given to tho "boV fetish, and tho rest of tho body is divided a'nong llio anthropophagi. Chicago Times. J. R. SMITH & CO .1M1TKD. MILTON, Pa. DEALEICS in Dr. Gals on Diseases of tne Kidneys Dr. Gale observes in his treatise on diseaso that thu great use of wino in b ranco is suppose! to have aoalod tho prevalence of tho gravel. In somo parts of this country where Speer's Port Grape Wino is principally used, not only the gout, but tho gravel s scarcely koown. Dr. La Poti ro 'ates as an extraordinary instance of the effects of Spoor's Port Wino on gout hucutoof, who was attack ed with it at tho ago of twenty-five, and had it sovcrely till ho was upwards of lifty, with chalk stones in the joints of his hands and feet, but for four years preceding tho timo when his case had been given to Dr. Li Pota to lay be fore the publio he had by advico used Speer's Port Grape Wine, and bad no return of tho gout afterwards. Lon don Post. PIANOS, Dy the (ollowing well known makers: Claickeriujv, Ivimbc, "Weber, Ilallet & ISavis. Can also furnish nay of tho cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Do not buy a piano bo- ioru giiiiing our prices. ,o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application. JOHN BEOWfl'S POET. A 11EI.IC OP ANTB-I1E1.LUM HATS DEMOLISHED. Bl8st.P-U- The old engine house used by tlio great anti-slavery leader and his fol lowers as a placo of rcfugo from tho soldiers and citizens surrounding them is to be demolished, and will dis appear forever, unless tho as yet un substantial rumor that it has been pur chased by an association of Eastern gentlemen for removal to Philadelphia should bo true. Tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company has dtoided upon a very im portant change in its main li-.e .at that place, the new survey running di rectly through tho old engine house. Tens of thousands have gazed with interest upon the'Tort" from car win dows and platforms since the war, and tho demolition of the old building will be regretted by many all over tho fou n try. WHAT IEEIOATI0N WILL DO. CItKAT RESULTS ANTICIPATED IN THE NEXT DECADE TllUOL'Gll THE WEST ERN bTATES. It is my opinion that irrication ft ill he the means of doubling the popula tion of every state nnd territory with in the coming ten years. I further believe thnt in tho Kast, where tho rainfall isaheavy. but unco tain, irriga- ion will ultimately be rt sorted to in idi-r to insure greater rigularily of Tops. Four tenths of theaua of the Uti ted Sialef, not including Ahuka, require iriigaiion. This teintory in clu.lei parts of California,, Kan sas Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, all of AiiZ' iia, IN ew Mexico, Utah, Wyom ing Montana aud portions of Dakota mil asinngton. 1 hrouli tins vast territory there How a numb.-r of streams with narrow valleys capable of cultivation. In these valleys settlers have taken up their abode, "cities hive been built nd ii'.w the cry is for more room. The room is Iheie, and tho only thing iiei-dcl to mako the broad sunburned plains vio with valleys is iiiiaation. The sentiment in favor of this method of rtclnimiiig lands is growing strong, .inn i predict that ten years will wit ness revolution. Gen. John 11. Jioicman in the Kansas City Times. "EEFUSIHO" NEWSPAPERS, O ion in a whilo every newspaper illiee receives a copy of their paper marked "refused." Nine oiseB out of teu the party returning it is indebted to the ollioa for subscription. It will bo inten sting to suoh to larn that tho I .test postal laws are such that nows- 'iper puhlihbcrg cau arrest any onu for fraud who tikes a piper and refuses to pjy ior it. under this law tlio man who allows his subscription to run along for somo time unpaid and then order it discontinued, or tells th i post master lo mark it "refused'' and have postal card sent notifying thu publisher ran arrest aud lino, tho same as for theft, tto. All the Difference in ths World. "And will you not bo mini!" lie asked tenderly, as ho took her hand. "No, Poroy," sho repliod, "I can Devi r marry a horse doctor; but tho moment you becorno a veterinary sur geon 1 am youri.' Judge, A Hint oa the Use of Words- "You should be polite to tho centler sex, my boy," said old Parrot in tho street car; "get up and give that lady your ai." "Gcntlo sex!" retorted the bold, bad, urchin. "It's a long time, Mister, I guess, sincn you felt a slipper!" Munsey's Weekly. CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fevers A N1HV HOME THEATMENT, Sufferers aro not cenerally awre that these UUeases aro coiitaKlous, or that they nro due to thu presence of Uvingparasites iu tliu llnlui; membrane of the iioao and eus tachian tubes. Mleroscoplo research, how ever, lias proved this to be a fact anil the result Is that a simple remedy lias been for mulated wliereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness ami nay lever ure permanently cured In am 'flie materials ami work in our Clothing stamp it ns the ".Host Made." It looks well inul timo proves that it wears well. This "JJest" Clothing for Man and Boy is reasonable in price at the "Ledger IJuildim:." 1 A. C. YATES & CO. SIXTH AMD CHESTHUr STS. rilll.MIELI'IHA. THEPROfiHC This Us New and MMlfrlr Moillrnl Trrntlw, nnd lndlnrMo to every YOUNQ, MIDDLE- OED, nd OLD MAN ho 1 nfforlnffrom Weakness, l.nngaor, lMf of Memory, llhfuloe, e1.7ee.lon of BolriU. l.lvcr CompUlut. Ll-ee of the Kidneys, end nil diseases dcindent uuou Aecldcnt, Excesses, Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Ken ous Debility, Vital Ji snauetlon, nna l'rlce. onlvr cno ilolhr. by mall, eealed In plain wrapper.poilpald, CONFIDENTIAL. Address llENIlT JIUJID.NT,, r.0. a I voiumuue Avenue, ur . . Bound in lcatlier, fall ritt. SP-NFIDtNTIAL. ,,-"""","?"" ',;L':".,:,i f,cn lo all. This In the only ELECTRO MHOtOO PHYSIOLOGY ever puMUhcJ, Is absolutely eompleU and ierieci ills inaiUaiio i an auutwu, uo ib u'uwild uju muw fSSi For all Diseases of Men, Ly the dlstlntnilthed anthor, 11ENBY 1JU AIONT, 11. It., Jionas UISCUVR&U THE ELIXIR OP LIFE AND THE TRUE ES SENCE OF MANHOOD, may bo consulted in strictest ronfldcnre.ln person or by Icttcr.nt hlsKk-ctro. Medico Inuruiary.No.SSl Columbus Av.,Uoston,Mafls. "I HEARD A VOICE, IT SAID l!f!J,?!SsSSHlH 'COME AND DEE.'" IiB0DBR3ROJppBRSe. WHOI.USAI.K DKALWtS IN CCuvj, &l(, (DinA,'j, Fvotj ar I2otj. SOl.r. AOF.N'I'S FOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. IPIEiCrilSl "IrT GOODS SPECIALTY". SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars i Henry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, as follows I Oranges. Lcmon5. ream N5 1 Banana?, "jeanVit5, Almondj. Enfli5h WalnVitj, op ore iSftUj. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. lOBBipIS, Foreign and Domestic Ht TOBBEE CIG-AES. BLOOMSBURG Pfl GREAT INDUCEMENT -IN- 'ianos, Organs, and Sewing licliines. wmmmSsM iff -AT- Music - - - - Warerooms Bioomsburg, Pa, from onfc tn threo fihnnlo nntdlpnllnrw infld.. ntlioiun by thu iiatli-nt onto tn two weeks. N. II. ror catarrlinl dlsclmrKes jitcullarto fcmali-a (wliltos) this remedy U a siseclfie. A pamphlet oxmalnlug thU new treatmi-nt vuM wirHliilimij itis.ii d all iMteol slim 1 1 iiui )ut i ru fitm. ou oftfiot: h o.'i'nii' i; n ihtevi mcB Wo liiva m lt iran ei, all bajin'jss Irt-ct, InaMoiu inm let p item buil ioj, lo ion Imeunl atLBH ousruun tuosa reinnufram bend model, dr.iwlr.j, or photo.wltli description. Wo adtlso It p.nei,iH6l or mn rr,-e oi cUarve Our teo not dun till patent Is tweured. & ImuiI lillnw tn ,. r, t. ... ... - h sent pi; receipt of if n cents by A. 11. oaotual 'clients lu jrour state, county, bi 'K Iiixom & Son, SM Wct Klnit St, Toronto! trv9. Address ' ' or Canada. Scientific American. Sufferers from catarrhal troshlcsi sbtmUL read Umi time weXcUr. C. .A SNOW & CO., upposltaratantom e, Wasnlnirton, u.0 GUATEn)r,-COMir)llTlN0. EPP'S COCOA. HHBAKPABT. "Ilvallifirousliknowledifooftho natural laws wliloli Kovern thn oiierntloni of cltecHiloii ami nutrition, nnd toy a cnrctul application of tho lino proprrtlm of well siMoctnd ifocoa, Mr Kpnum, provld-d our breakfast tahloi with a dellcatelr ilavored hnvoraito which may aiva tn mmy heati doctors' WIN. Ithbrlho Judlcloui uso ot such nrtlclis of diet that, a constitution may bo itraduai. ty built up until stronir cnouirh to resist every ton. dencyto dl-eiso. Iliindrnls of subllo maladlci nro noitlnif around us roidy lo attach wherever t hero Is a we K point. VM tniy rscipo many a fatal slitttt by kecptiieo'irvlveiwell fortified with puro blol and a properly nourished framo."cMl Mrrfrs OnisfM Mado simply with bjlltn? water or mint. I I'd only In li lit pound tlus, by (iroccrs libi'llcdth'isi ' JAMKS Rl'l'd SCO., IIom33)pathlo t'lnnlsts, oct !f d-cu Ionian, Kojland. THL HAY FEVER SASON July, AiiKimt, HoplcnilicT. "At this seis'n, when llto orfers tho (reatest at . traitlonsand tho mist delightful resources to per sons wh inn Boun lni'si of buy permits out-of-door exereljoanil amwmenta, muUltucloi aro debnr. red fro n thojivs of tbo -U'nmer by li ly f aver, ono ofthiiiiOitoasp'ri'lnj, woarlsom-), and depress. Infills lo whloh mi nmlty I) a-ibjcct -objure, In. esplloiblo, desoendl.iif on a irlven dtto to an in vhlble blow ot f it . Tin sutlere.s -rom h ly rover lure looked In vln for viy trustworthy remedy, M.uiy of iliem however, Info iKj'tol In vain bo. ouisethey hivo bien Ignorant of Klv's Cream llilm. an adintrabu ronoty for hay lever In all Ita form. Agreeable In iho usa, entirely devoid ot any unplenant atter-err-cts. Hits Cream l;alm quickly allsyjlnilimmillm iindsecu-csthatreilc fir wiit-h thi autfererliHlo ii !.t In vain."- l-'rom Tlit Christian Union, Now York City, July 18, 18SU. tid 4t. 5. ..tjkkl S .VI NOKTHUSinSKI.ASO Cimeron Chulasky iianvuiu Catawlsaa Itupert mo imsuurc Kpy. Mil' 1111,'e w mow Drove lirl irercck lierwiek Iieueh Haven Hick's l'erry Mi'.okshliin)- iiimio.'.Ks Nautlcoku Avondt lo lymoutn Ivmouth.lunutlon... KlniHton. llmnett .Miltoy wyomin? West i'ltlaton I'lttslon 8 31 ickawann i 9 li) T.nlorvllli 8 14 Iiollevue mm .... SCKANT0N 110) 4 !!S I'. M. ! M, JKLAW'ARK, I.ACKAWANXA & WKSTERN RAILROAD. 11I.OOMS11URO DIVISION. srATioNs. NOItTH. r. m. v. M 9 10 1 t,l) 555 ... 001 2 II Oi.1 .... 0 3 1 2 RO 1131 2 33 0 II 2 41 05) .... G5I .... 0 5 7C-3 711 .... 7 IS .... 7 80 3 20 711 . . 7 r.o 3 M 751 .... 7 K! 3 45 HOI .... 8 IW 3 53 812 .... S 17 .... s SI 4 (II A.M. A.M. 10 00 6 15 1015 am io m ... 1021 ft II 10 41 AM in M 7 (IS 10 57 7 l 1105 7 J0 11 IS 7 27 11 H II 20 11 21 31 .13 '4J STATIONS. (i li 011 hid SCIIANTON c cvue T.iylurWIlo .CKa wanna 02s mos lltSLOP f',3.1 10 111 West llltotou 0 12 1022 Wyoming 17 10 27 M.iltby o nt man Hcnnctt s.n 1031 mansion l'l rnnmli Junction... lyinout 1 Avondilo 1131 7 41 11 SS 7. '5 11 IS 8(18 11 51 H 17 1201 8 21 13 10 82S 12 15 8 31 12 20 8 34 12 27 8 11 12 31 8 41 12 31 S 51 12 40 8 5S 12 41 II 01 12 61 11 W 1 01 li 17 I 01 0 25 1 15 U 30 I 20 9 .13 1". M. 1'. M. MJUTII. A. M. A. JI. V l. V V. 4 01 1 11 U.'iO 1153 M00 M 10 .H 7 0.1 10 1J 710 10 17 III 10 51 1 .'..) 0 20 ... 0 23 2 12 (131 2 10 0 37 2 IS 41 2 21 SO 2TJ (165 .... AtVJ 2 37 7 01 2 10 707 2 15 712 2 50 7 10 r 3i 1112 7 55 11 22 8 01 1131 M7 1140 B13 .... 8 10 -11 60 8 20 11 51 8 84 12(11 8 32 12 00 8 37 1212 8 12 12 2 .Vi 2 5'! 3 01 3 20 I 7 23 7 41 53 Nantlcoke 7 19 10 53 tlunlock's 7vii 1102 niucKsiiinny iiuK's berry lli'iicli Haven licrwick Creek willow drove Espy lilojmsburg Itupert Catawlssa Danville 8 57 12 32 Chulasky Cameron !lo7 12 41 NOKTIIUIIBBIILINU 1)21 12 55 A. si. r. M. Contjectlons at Itupert with Philadelphia Kcadlutr Kallrnad for Tjimmenil. T.initniiin. will. tunsport, Hunbury, Pomvllle, etc. At Northum berland with P. 4; E. I)lv. 1'. 11. It. tor lUrrtsburg, lakk nuvuu, uiunurmm. warren, i;orry, anil urio. w. i'. iiali cau, ucn Man.. Scranton, l'a. 3 at s m 3 to s 13 3 47 8 20 3 51-8 2- 3 67 8 31 4 02 8 31 4 mi a 41 4 15 8 47 4 22 8 52 4 2 8 57 446 9 15 4 61 5 00 I) 24 515 9 43 r. u. r. M. Pennsylvania Railroad. wi Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. x TIME TADLE. In enoct MAY 12 ism. Trains leave tiuntury KABTWAltl) 9.40 a. m., sea Shore KxrresB (dally ejiccp Sunday), for nurrtsburt'nndlmiTniedi.itcstatioia arriving nt Philadelphia 3.15 f . m. ; New lork 6.60 p.m.; Haltluiore, 2 60 p. m. j Wnahlrigion 4.00 p. m., conneetlnEat Philadelphia for all Bea Shore pointb. Through passenger coach to Philadelphia. 1.43 p. m. nay Kxpreua dally except Hundayl.for Harrisburg and tnicnne dlnto station, arriving at V U 1 1 a rt 0 1 p 11 la 8.50 p. m. j New York, 9.S5 p. m. j lialtliaoro 6.45 p. m. ; Washington, e.10 p. m. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and llaltlinore. 8.00 p. m. ltenovo Accommodation (dally for Harriaburg and all Intermediate Btatlons, arrlv Ingat Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. j New York 7.10 a. m. Ilaltlmoro, 6.15 a. m. j Washington 0.30 a. m. s Pullman sleeplngcarfrom Harrisburg to Philadel phia and Now York. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. 1.60 a. m.Krle Mall (dally) tor Harrisburg and intermediate stations, arriving at Philadelphia 0.50 a. m. Now York, a. m.j Through Pullman sleeping cars nnd pasaeoger coaches to Philadel phia. Ma. m. SjHHro,Espress(lilly) for Harris burg ana Intermediate HUtlons arriving a', lliltl more 7.20, and Washington S.I5, ailUwijli Pull, mani-lo-plogcarsto mitlmiro ail Wishlnjioa, and througb paa-sengdr 0 jaoaos to U altlm iro . WESTWAKD. 5.10 a. m.Krle Mall (dally), for Krlo aol at Canandalgua ai d Intermediate stations, ltochei ter, liurralo nd Niagara falls, with throujh Pull mao Pan o oars ant passenrorooaonoa to jJrla and ltojnastter. 9.51-Nows Express ( dally ) (or Lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 1.4J p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Sun- yjforKano, Canai lalgua and Intermediate sta tions, It rhester, liuffalo and Niagara Kallawlth thioughpasBOngcr coaches to Kane and Kochoater and Parlor car to Watklns. 6.80 p. m. Fast Lino (dally except Sunday)tor Ha novo, Watklna and Intermediate stations, with through paascnger coachea to ltenovo and Watklna. 10.42 p.m. Wllllamiport Express (dally excapt Sunday) for Wllllatuspjrtaud lntermedlato sta tions. TUltODOH T11A1NS POIt SUNllimY KltOM TUB KAtJT AND SOUTH. News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m. llalllraore, 4.3-Ja. m. Harrisburg, 8.10 a.m. daily arriving at bunbury 9.53. a. in. , Niagara Express loaves Philadelphia, 8.50 a. m. ; Washington 8 10 a. m, llal tlmore 9.00 a. m. (dally except Sunday arriving at Kuubury, 1.43 p.m., wltb through Parlor car from Philadelphia andtnrough passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Ualtlmore. Fast Lino leaves New ioiK9.00 a.m. : rhlladel Phta,n.50a. m.i Washington, 9. 60 a. in.! Haiti more. 10.45 a. m., (dally encept Sunday) arriving at buttburv. 5.30 p. in. with through piaaenger coachea from Pblfadilphla and Ilaltlmoro W'llllansoor- Etp'Paa leaves Now York 3 01 p m. Philadelphia 5.31 p. m Washington 2 5) p. ta Ilaltlmoro i.m p. in. (dally except sandiy) arrlv ,u ui, Buuoury iu.12 p. m. nuuiiinu leaves inew iorK 8.oop. m. ; rnuaaei phla, 11.23 p. m. j Washington, lttoo p. ra.t Haiti. more,ll.2o p.m., (dally) arriving at SunburyS.10 f: .Pm wltl through Pullman bleeping cars trom Pulladelphla, Washington and Ilaltlmoro and through passenger coachea from Philadelphia NIINHI'HY, IIA.I.KTON ,v W'll.KllHIIAItllK KAII.ItO.M) AMI MIHTII AMI WKNT IIIMNIIII IMII.WAY. .. .. (Bally except sunuay.) Wllsesbarre Mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a. ra. arriving at Uloom Ferry 10.48 a. m., Wllkes-barrs Express East leaves Sunbury 35 p. ra., arriving at Ufoom Ferry 6.26 p. m.. Wllkes-barro 7.60 p. m 8unbury.MallleavcsWllkesbarroil.17 a.m.arrlv .en t4.ot 11. hi., nuuuury i', iu Express 1 West leavoa w'llkea-barre 3.05 p. m., ai vlng at liloora Ferry 4.30 p. m., Sunbury 5.sop. mr SUNDAY TIIAINS. Wlikcsbarro mall leaves sunbury 10.00 a. m., a rtvlmj at uioom Ferry io.4a a. m., Wllkea-llarre Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkea-llarre 6:10 F'io" "Mu t Uloom Ferry, s.39 p.m., sonbury o'uAii. a', pucin, j, k. wood. (si-n.Msnar cen PsTgr J WILLIAM-, AUOTIONEEH. UL00IS1IUU(1, PA. R91I E3tat9 Bought and Sj.d. Tartles ilcslrirtsr talmy linrsesunil wproiis vnulil iii welt tn call on Iho atmvo FRAZER GRSE ltVk.11 1M ... - ""'"r 'safe asa! wt. """"I Uw.l.r. C.ntr.lly. riFTT DOLLARS for LIFE SCHOLARSHIP PALMS' BUSINESS COLLEGE 1IOU Chestnut tit., Tbllsds, roalllona for (Iraduatn. Time required 3 to4 mos. HKST Luuivved. Utlt Course ol htudj. Clrcutorl rc 1 you mm wo I AGENTS W ANTEDdiXV.?"' (mi, mumnuru anu rii-t(UH'j Ill's Tint V VI iuo JOHNSTOWN FLOOD l'y FtxTCUSK Jouns in, Fastest selllug book ever lsil'wl, Miri-i.,iil' tm i H oiul wSul. SM,0 eoplea already aol-l. Ue,uilLrul autoglyphlo pictures. We aro lleadnuarlera. Ijow price. I110 -riiit.iii. outntiiKi. i. W. KK1U.BU (XX, Kid Chestnut, St., PUlla.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers