COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 The nnllimhl'fin ItOidrnothatholmdrio lde of push- My nd rcstoro tho goods stolon, rwAWVAAi I J it . , . . , . ..I 1,1,.i, f m lllfcl illM BUll IVr 1111 llUllUlllll'llb VI VUU I vuuiiuvitnvnuw o. i,o. v.. i bUDitr marringo nd that his heart fairly bled machcr, defendant sentenced to pay for his jioor, un for tun ft to wife. Mrs. I flno of $100 and costs of prosecution Hamilton is unquestionably in a doll Columbia Co. vs. Uloomrburg Water onto condition, and has oponly stated Co., ltulc on commissioners to Mo an an. that sho will novcr tako any nioro raor- swer to petition. Iplitno or opium anil that in tho iuluro sho will lead an entirely different ltfo." Hamilton, it ia said, has mado a statement to tho effect that he paid Mr. Perry $1,000 to dofend his wifo ( unions' DMINIBTIUTOltH' NOTICE. Bitot (if Anna CoJTinan, tat of Rloomtburv, it- veasea. Notlco In hprebr trlvm that, tr-ttflni nf ftdmlnlstril. uon on me osiato or Anna corrman, 0. E, Elwsll, I rii., J. K. BlttsnlieBdsr., f " BLOOAISBURQ, PA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1880. Superintendent Kimball, of thoLlfo saving Sorvlco, has rcooivod reports showing that during tho recent great Btorm on tho Atlantio coast reliof was given to forty-soven vessels and 301 porsons woro resoaod. On tho Dela ware coast noar Lowes, whore the full forco of the storm was felt, 10 1 porsons wcro rosouod from twenty-two voasols, whilo on tho Vlrgina coast twonty throe porsons from thrco vossels and other stations on tho coast mado up tho full numbor of saved. that ho also paid Mrs. Hupp in full for all demands for tho board of liaby Beatrice, Mrs. Hamilton and himself, and in addition ho had given Mrs. Hupp a check for $250. A Newf7eather Prophet. THE t'OKKOABT KOII OCTOIlKIt 11T REV. It. IIICK9 OF BT. LOUIS. 1HI. A MATTER AT IBSUE. During tho lato notion of tho legis lature Hon. S. M. Wherry, representa tive from Cumberland county, mado the char go that tho Commissioners of tho sinking Fund had sold over a million dollars' worth of United Statos bonds belonging to tho Stato which brought SGO.OOO interest to tho stato troasury ovcry year and that tho pro coeds of this salo of tho United States bonds wcro deposited in certain banks without interest. This charge was couched in tho plainest and most speoiflo language, and jur. Wherry moved that tho Houso appoint a special oommittoo to inquiro into tho management ot the Sinking Fund and tho treasury under which this achievement in financiering was accomplished. Bat tho republican House, with speaker Uoyer, (now the I ness and care. republican candidato for State Treas urer) at its hoad, deliberately refused to make tho inquiry, Tho only explanation of this remark able financial transaction which has been vonoh-safed by the Commission ors Of tho Sinking Fund is that tho United States bonds were sold with a viow of omployiug tho proceeds of tho salo in tho purchaso of Stato bonds, but that when the Commissioners ap pearcd in tho market tor tho purpose ot buying Stato bonds the holders of tho latter insisted upon a premium which tho Commissioners regarded as exorbitant. This is simply a confess ion ot incapacity, not to say stupidity, on tho part of tho Commissioners of tho Sinking Fund. Thoy know that no Stato bonds woro overduo at the timo tbey Bold tho Uuiled States bonds They knew that as they could not com A now woathor prophet has rison In tho West, Thellov. Irl R. Hicks of St. Louis, foretold tho unprecedented rainfall which caused tho Johnstown disaster, and in his weather forecast lor September ho anticipated a Btorm of "oxtromo fury'' on tho coast bo- twecn tho 10th and 15th. Hero aro the predictions of tho now American weather prophet for Ootobor. Tho secondary storm movements mentioned at tho oloso of our Septem ber forecasts will run their oourso by tho 1st or 2nd of Ootobor will be at tended by rain in Southorly regions, turning most likely to sleet ana snow In tho North, followed by cold. Tho firtt storm period proper tor October is central on tho 5th, with tho planet Mercury central at a dis tributing noint on the 4th. This com bination, especially during this Jovian timo of general raetoorogical violence, will in every probability produce storms which will oall lor watchful- Northwesterly storms are apt to bo sovere, covering the lake regions, and endangering navigation from about tho 3rd to tho 8th. Many of tho country will most likely bo visit' Estato of Daniel Force, Hulo to show ckuio why tho account of ciccutor filed In llcslstcr's ofllco shall not bo set aslJo and confirmation withheld. Phillip Krum vs. Charles Dlddtg, Inter pleader filed. Hoad In Jackson near J. II. Illchlo's. order to viewers continued to next term, J. II. Maize continued as auditor In es tato of Mary O. I'otcrman. J. V. Eves' uso vs. E 11. Furman and J. E. llnrklcy, on petition It Is ordered that proceedings on 11 fa bo stayed, ami rule granted to show cause why the execu tion shall not bo sot nsldo at costs of plaintiff. Order ot salo continued lu estato ot John Bantcc. J. II. Vastlno's uso vs. '1'. Gerrity, on motion ot J. II. MaUo attorney for plain tiff, wrltof habere facias posscsslonca granted. Edwin F. Shaw, vs. Pauline Bhaw di vorce proceedings. V. Chrlsman appoint ed commissioner to tako testimony. Estate of Harriet L Moser, exceptions to guardian's account, 0. C. Evans appointed auditor on exceptions. Order to viewers of a road in Stignrloaf near L. Kile's continued to next term. Estato of Daniel llrewcr. order of salo continued. Commonwealth vs. James Long, rule granted o Bhow cause why tho proceedings of tho grand jury should not bo set aside. Estato ot Mary M. Creasy. Hulo on heirs to acccDt or refuse real estato at tho valu ation, or show cause why It should not be sold. Estate ot Henry Croop. Hulo on heirs to accept or refuse real estato at valuation, or show cause why it should not be sold. Estato of Geo. Kclchncr. C. G. Barklcy appointed auditor to dlstributo fund. M. A. Mansfield vs. F. L. Crane, rule to SICK FOH HEADACHE nuu. vvuuiniti i.w ui vuv countr of Columbia, and stateof Pennsylvania, doceasnd, hare boon grant ed to W. K. conman and 1). li Oorrman ot Dlooras. Duty, Columbia countr. Pa., to whom all persons mucuieu to earn csiaro aro requosica to maxe m its- Nervous, Bilious, Cor ongestive Forms. real payments, and mow havlnr claims or demands win uaKo Known mo same wunout UPiar to W. E. COKrMAN. ot ono ot tho . and was liaod br him with unparalleled success tor over thirty This I'cmodr Is the twricrlntlon leading phtstclans of Paris, Franco, and was used rears. It was first irlven to tho nun o as n nroDMo tary medicine In IS18' Hlnro which timo It has toundltsway Into nlmost every county on the face ot tho globe, and become a favorlto remedy with thousands of the le vllng pMBlclans. Medical societies have discussed Its marvelous success at thalr annual conventions, and after their onclal chemists have analyzed It and tound that It con tained no opl itcs, bromides or other harmful In- Tedlents placed It among tneir -standard romo-lies. DMINISTHA.TOH'8 NOTICE. folate pfAnna Uarta Crtrettng, late q Scott ttep. Notice Is hereby trlvcn that letters of adminis tration on tho estato ot Anna Marta Crevollng, laio or scon twn.. conntrot column la. and stato ot Pennsylvania, deceased, hava been grantdd to ()eo. It. Kclmensnyder, ot Munbury, Pa., to whom all persons Indebted to said estato are requested to raiiKij payments, ana inoso naving claims or ac raands will mako known the same, without delay to 1E0. U. llKIMKNSNVnElt, Administrator, sunbury, Pa. TESTIMONIAL. I.. 1L llltOWN, M. 1)., M West Jersey St., KLlzinTil M.J. June 21. lino. Tlilslstoecrtlfv that I Pave used fur some months with much satisfaction, tho combination ot remedies, tor llomncuc, known as llrlggs' Headache Troohea. Tho remedy cures morn head ache, especially such as ntlect Nervoui Women, than anything 1 am acquainted with, an I It this certificate will be the means ot bringing It to tho favorable attention ot surrorers from that trouble, I shall feel that I have done them a service 1. 11. UKUMI4. jlXECUTOHS NOTICE. Estate of Sarah II. lien tale of Denton township, nrwasea. Letters testimcnUrr on said estate lnvlnif been graniot toilieui,dersUa"dexeutor. All persons naemea losua estiie aro nereoy nounou to pay lie same, and those havlnz claims aealost sail estato to presont tho to A. L. Fritz, Attorney. d-so-st. PRICE; 28 ' CENTS. Bold by all Druggists, or Bent by Mall on Ko celptof Price. Briggs' Medicine Co., ELISABETH, IT. J. 0-27-ly. T?XKCUTOH 8 NOTICE. lit Kelate of Jacob Wenwr, tat of PIsMngcreek Hep., Col. Co., Fa., OeceKwH, Letters testamentary on said estato having been granted to tho undersigned executors. All per sons Indebted to said estate are hereby notlflod to pay the same, am thoso having claims against sdia esuue ia prewnb me same lu C. 11. 1HRKLKV. Atty. Are tou Coming To Philadelphia 9 IF SO Be sure to visit 1338 Chestnut NNUAL MKETINO. Theremilar annual m-ellnff of the stockholders of the uToomsburg Water company will bo hold u- iiiL'ir uiucu iu niuuinsuurg ua luefiiy, ol'i uay of October I8i, b.tweon the hours of two and four o'clock p. in. for the pnrp mo ot electing a board ot directors and tho transaction ot the gen eral business ot tho company. r. r. uiLiUAiiftii, 8cpt.l3.lw. secretary. ed by bcavy sleet duriuff tho storms ot 8how caU80 wliy lbo plalnll(I ,u not pfty (iirc(,tlv onnnait the U. S. guuuiuu thu costs of the interpleader and trial. 1 . ' 1 1 tbis period. About tho first polar wavo is likely to appear at or about this time, and to onoounter re tinue eauatorial storms towards tho Atlantic Coasts. Some cold days will follow, until tho temporaturo re acts for minor storms about tho 11th and 12th. Tho appalling fulfilment of our calcu lations for tho period in wluoh wo writo this foreoast, September 10 to lo, tocethor with the record going be fore it, confirm us in tho belief that to a creator or less extent October die turbinoes will partake ot too cnaracior of those preceding months, calling for promptness and caro in gatuermg ana Ia tho matter of support of Sarah Heller, rule on C. J. Heller to show cause why be shall not pay tho costs of tho proceedings. Mint. Here you can line of Clolhinjr hort Work of a Troublesome fase- seo the finest nl,fninnlln Tt. rt ..... ...... comes direct from the World's centre of Fashion London. aotli day ot November, lst, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for tho purpose of voting for or against an Increase of the capital Btock and Indebtedness ot said Company, lly order ot the Hoard ot Direc tors, 11. J. UUNMKIt, (secretary. Moomsburg, Sept. 16, 1S89. kvdf nnrl Knarnla . pel tho presentation of underduo Stato I sloriug tho products of the season, and owen jjasg. Ono day I was taken with Paralysis T. , ,1,1 . 1 J 01 mo uoweis. ino stotnaca ana otn-1 rfj- -n er orens lost all power ot action. Al-I -3)1. WVJ though opposed to proprietary medi- a stylish London Made Fall cenes, 1 tried Dr. David Kennoys n.. ,-,. nf . vn To mnkfl n Irmr- utorv short it saved COUIU not CQUai 10 Order UUtier my He. It is tho best medicine in the I SJO.UU. wortd m- dithculties ot tho kidneys, -A. bonds for redemption they would be at tho mercy ot ttio holders ot the stato bonds. Thoy know, too, that tho Stato could gain nothing, but must lose, by the sale of United states bonds even if tho Stato bonds could bo bought at a reasonable premium. This explana uon. therefore, fails to explain. Do the people of Pennsylvania ap prove of a management of the treasury by which tho stato loses $0U,UUU in inter est annually, a los) which must be made good by taxation! Aro tho vot ers of tho stato ready to endorse Henry K. Boyer, tho republican can didato lor Stato Troairor, who as Speaker of tho Houso of Representat ives stilled tho inquiry in to the man agement of the Treasury proposed by Keprescntative Wherry! Ji realty causing inland nayigatiou to bo prema turely precarious. Wo deprecate any radical departure from usual methods, out insist upon vigilance ana a reany, common-sense holding of tho reins. Wo calonlate the period running from about tho luih to tho 20th is one in I which such caro should bo exercised. The 10th. 17th. 18th and 19th are davs in which ceneral Autumnal dis turbances ought to pass eastward across tho continent. The high bar ometer following these disturbances will envo place to reactionary stormB of energy about tho 23d and 24th. A prompt and sharp reaction into frosty, cold days will follow. From about tho 27th to November is a regular and marked st'.rra period. 15o readv lor suoii vie situdes as ioi- J. GlKKORO, 0-13-lm. to party cover quite this glaring infid- low such stoms at such seasons, and elity to tho public interest! These questions aro submitted to tho candid and in telligent judgment of tho voters what over may be tboir noutiual affili ation, in tho confident belief that thov will decide then at the polls, not as tho blinded slaves of party, but as free and thoughtful citizens. 1'atnol. SILVEB WEDDING. There comes to nearly every family who cares to obsorvo them, some pov ticularly happy and important social event to make it desirablo to celebrate it in a manner befitting its Importance. Tho twonty-fifth anniversary of tho marrago of Richard Kitchen and Ma ria Kindt, which ocourcd on tho 21at- inst, was ono of those happy social events to them. On that day, by invi tation, over hfty guests assembled at their residence to participate in the eel ebration of what is commonly known as tho "silver wedding.1' Those pres ont were Nicholas Kindt and wife, (fa ther and mother of Mrs. Kitchen, aged 78 and 80 respectively), Rev. Nathaniel opeer (who was the omciating clergy man for them twenty-five years ago) and wife, C- B. Kitchen (their son) art? wifo and daughter, C. R. Cox, B. F. MoMichacl, Georgo Beck, 1. B. Ikler, L. P. Yoager.Cyrus Do mot t, Moore De mott, iBaao Klino, Wilbur Kline, Win. Domott, J. Burger, F. I. Sbultz, R. C. Kester, and their wives; Mrs. Jennie llobbins, II. Thomas and daughter, Misses Vernio Croaslev, Sadie Kitchen, Annie Miller, Mr. John McMichael, Henry Roto, Sr., John Kitchen, and yo editor and wifo. At 2 o'clock p. m. tho guests wero summond to tho dining- room whoro a feast was spread winch would have done credit to Vanderbilt's ten thousand-dollar cook. Rov. Spear invoked tho blessings of the Divine Ruler, after which all partook freely of the good things sot before them. It was a pleasant affair throughout Many useful and beautiful articles of Bilverwaro were given as tokens of the esteem m which tho couple aro held, Tablet. for the cold following tho storms into November. Ilavo a care for your fuel and hour ht'lpless dependent stock. Court ProccedlaitH, On motion ot J. H. Maize William Lev. crott was admitted to practice law, Commonwealth, vs. Hiram Long, larceny and receiving, truo bill, Commonwealth vs. James Long, fornics tion and bastardy, true bill. Commonwealth vs. U. W. Martz, cm braccry, not a true bill. H. F. Ilittenhouse pay tho costs. Commonwealth vs. J. E. Snyder, mall- clous mischief, not a truo bill, Charles Qearhart pay the costs in two cases; Commonwealth vs. C. U. rowier, as saull and battery, true bill. Commonwealth vs. II. & S. It. It Co., neglecting and refusing to .reconstruct a road, tru bill. Commonwealth vs. P. Clemens, nol pros allowed on payment of costs. Common wealth vs. Hiram Long, case tried, verdict, guilty of receiving stolen goods. On Wednesday Sheriff Casey acknow. lodged tho following deeds: Dencisou Brlnlc to Sablna Brink; prop crty ot Lucy Ann and T. J. Blmman to Ex, ccutors of Henry Hosier"; property oYAnna Buss to Bamuel E. Weaver. Commonwealth vs. W. Yeager, selling liquor to minors, true bill Commonwealth vs. Illdgway Randall, assault and battery, not a truo bill, U. D. Fowler to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. U. 1). Fowler, case tried, verdict not guilty, prosecutor It. $12.00 a handsome London Mado Suit not matched anywhere, except to order, at $ Jo.0U. &3.50 a pair of Thompson's Patent Cut smsh (Jassmiere Irousers, 3 same quality of fabrics will cost you $5.00 to $G.OO elsewhere. The Chlf f Bmhi for the great suc cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In the article ltielf. It is merit that wins, and tho fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for tt, Is what has clren to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that ot any other saisapa- hii:j- A:. r"ia or Diooa puri- IVieill V V 1 1 1 a ner before the public nood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Itheum and all numors. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Biliousness, overcomes That Tired reeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up tho Whole System. Ilood'a Hartaparilla Is sold by all drug- fist?. 1; sU for Si. Prepared by 0. L Hood b Co., Apothecaries, Ixiwau, mus. E. 0. THOMPSON Special London Made Clothing, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, Oppotflto tho Mint. PHILADELPHIA. ELY'S P&TA DDH luream aaim IH WORTH SI 00 0 TO ANY .HAN Woman or Child' suffering from CATAERE no; a liquid or SNUFF. A narttcle la applied Into agreeable, l'rlce 51 cents at rnv-wi ty niall, i registerea, ou cis. KtiYIlltOT!lSUS,56'.Varrenst, New York. u-27 4w. HAY-FEVER UNDEB EVA'S THUMB AGAIN. 1IKUEK THAT HAMILTON WIU. NOT TltV TO OltTAIN A DIVORCE. "Eva has Hay tinder her thumb again,'' was tho sentiment expressed by tho neoplo of Atlantio City, when it became known that Hamilton had visited his wifo in jail at May's Laod last Friday. Harsh, indeed, wcro tho comments passed upon tho young Now Yorker's weakness and tho ceneral impression provails that ho will now uso overy endeavor to eecuro a now trial for his wifo and that whether successful or not ho will ultimately livo witu tier a cram as tier Husband. A gentleman prominently identified with tiio case says : "I am of tho opinion that Hamilton thinks moro of his wife sinco troublo has overtaken her than over ho did be fore, and though ho told mo that h bad promised his brother and father not to have anything moro to do with her. I think that as soon as her term of imprisonment expires thoy will once moro bo llvlni' tocetnor as man and wifo. Owintr to tho conduct of Mrs, Hunt). Mrs. Hamilton is absolutely without a ohanizo of underlines The delav in takini; her to the Stato'i prison in fronton lias been oooasioned by a desiro on tuo part ot tne Dig hoarted Sheriff to clvo her on oppo tnnity to got her mortgages, jewels and valuables deposited aud arrange her affairs, which aro now in a stato of Annfnrtloii. Sho soenis to boar her im- urisonmeut with stolidity. Hamilton more Don't fail to get the latest and best ! .New, instructive and enter taining, Briggs. Magic Nine Puzzle, superior to the famous Fifteen and all other puzzles, rropcrty of antj be solved in many ways. ihe more it is studied the interesting it becomes. wqu casn. in mteen prizes. will be awarded to those who send solutions m the greatest number ot combinations with the fewest number of moves. Who will be the lucky ones? uet one and try it. This is Randall and 0. D. Fowler each pay half your best chance, as it is just be- T . l"H iiniuuiiTOi, l liuu 10 ucmn. true bill, prosecutor JosiaU 1. ltowcr to pay the costs. All jurors wcro discharged on Thursday afternoon. Commonwealth vs. Lafayette Fetterman ct al, continued to next term on defendants agreeing to refrain from rutting timber from tho tract described In tho Indictments. Iicport of Grand Jury accepted and filed. Commonwealth vs. James Long, con tinued to next term on motion of district attorney. Commonwealth vs. W- Yeager, con- tinued to next session. Adjourned Thursday afternoon until Monday, Sept. 30th. court convenea on Monuay, morning at 0 o'clock. Docket called and judgments taken. Report of viowcrs of a brldgo over Fish ngcreck at Red Rock, confirmed nisi. M. A. Mansfield vs. t . h. Crane, case tried, verdict for plaintiff. Al fin Moser vs. Flora Moser, libel In dl vorce, subpoena awarded. John Clowes discharged under Insolvent laws. Auditor's report la estato of Stephen Thomas confirmed nisi. balo ordered in estate of Sarah Johnson John Bhualler appointed guardian ot Mary L. Ncldlg, minor child of John l!oy cr deceased, also of John Rover mluor child of same. a. V. lloono vs. R. ct 11. It. R. Co., re. port of viewers confirmed nisi. Bale ordered in estate of Susan Rosier deceased. Commonwealth vs. Urs. Catkarino Far rel, defendant sentenced to pay a fine of $5.00, and costs of prosecution, and glvo ball lu 8 1,00 to keep tho pcuco for one year. Commonwealth vs. W. Krlck, defendant sentenced to pay a flno of $10, and costs of prosecution. I Commonwealth vs. II. Long, defendant 1 sentenced to pay fine ot 95, costs of prose-1 cutlon, and undergo Imprisonment for 80 J 'BOOK AOKNTS WAKTTIO POII MY STORY OF THE WAR By Mary A. Idvermore iter own HMTtuTe oi "rui it iuks ruuai r.i. XlLI 1R M'lLHL" in HoinlUi. CamtM. anrf nn tha UtU-flelil. Ha etiir book hi drawn aa tnsuiv Lrin. Ilrirltt. lur. and HooA. at tniKMeai Inlsrcit nd Drofoand nathot. li elli at tmAi to XL Tht booralrr ' book to roika tnonvr on now tad for tht holldj(. (rjAo rxitnjHtawfu too pun. apltadld ftted PIiU. lid old lltUlU4T In, g rotors, biii iMHiuau. uju,uu uon 4(knu n ubku Mta tnd woiito. Ulatawea aUdrait. or i fay .11. WOliTlUJlUTON A CO, Uutfanl, Vornu, CP -Ttiuusauils buTi Ltien permanently cured hy illLAlJKLPlUA. 1A. Ka.NMatriipa.nooiirattin ortusaof ttuie Iroiu Lubtnces. Casi'spruiiounnl In curabld by others wanted. bona fur Circular, VURE GUARANTEED. csSSUZi.Tiix aug9Sa-ly 1'tCo For sale by W. H. Buookk & Co. BloomsburE; Pa. Sole Aents for Columbia County DAY'S HORSE POWDER. Prevents Iuiicr Fever t Cures Distemper, Ileaves, Glanders, Loss oi Appotito, f ounaer, overs, sc. lib. In each package. Bold by all dalers. DR. BULL'S How Lost! How Regained. ENCEi 1). 11. t'OFKM AN, Ailmlalstrators. 1). J. LEWIS, Uolcs Creek. Kiecutor. JOHN C WKNNKIt. LEVI WENNKIt, Kxeeutors. I'ost-omcc. Cambria. 9-13-ow. JAILROAD NOTICE. 'Ibostoekholdcnotthe nioomsbunr anil sulll. van Itallroad Company are hereby nolinej and rutiutmuu lu mwi ai ivo oiuuu ot me uompanj, Inllietownot Uloomsbure, on Wcdncsdar tlio eJUST RECEIVED ! JUST RECEIVED ! OTIM FOM FALL ! STYLES F(0E FALL ! Clothing lor Men, Youths,' Boj'! ChilUrcn, that cannot be equalled to select from. The latest and most stylish lot of Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishing Goods just received that will excel all others that we have had. "We are determined to have what is wanted in the line of CLOTHING, IATS, CAPS, TRUNKS Al FMIIIE GOODS and POSITIVELY will save you more money than to buy them in Wilkerbarre or Scranton. As have said before our Prices are always t&e lawesf, And Our MOTTO is Alwnys "FAIR DEALING 95 RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIEE, The Reliable Clothier. The Largest Clothing and Hat House in Columbia and Montour Counties. TRUSTEE'S SALE OP VALUABLE Real Esiuie! Estate ot Daniel llrewer, late of line TownsUlp, Columbia county, decoascd . The undersigned Trustee appolntel br tho Or. pUans' Court of Columbia Connty, to mako salo of tno real estate ot Daniel llrewer, late of said County, deceased, will expos: at public sa'o on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 18S9, at ono o'clock In thattcrnoon of sild day, the fol. lowing described real estate, to-wit : All that certain tract ot land situate In rine township, Columbia county, bounded and descrlb ed as follows: lleglnnlnz at a stons and post corner of Ellas Mendenhall's thence along the same south 72 degrees and 37 minutes Eist, 8U.5 perches to a post, thence north 19 V degrees East 11.3 prchesj thenco along land ot D. L. Ererhard, north 11 degrees west, 49 3 perchea;to a post and stones thenco north J2.V dosreci west, 252.S perches to a post and stone ; fience along land ot Mars Andrews, north W degrjes anl 14 minutes west 95 perches to a dei white pine, thenco by lands of Aaron Keller, South 19.V degrees weat perches to the place of beginning, containing 210 ACRES ana 76 perches ot land bo the same more or less. about co acres cleared land, and tho balan-o u well timbered with good hemlock and pine, which Is erected a two story J a Log u rn, and other outb illdlngs, also a good sprlegot water at the house, alsi a stream of wafr running thrcij'h tho place. Tkhms op sulk. Oao-tou th of tho purchaso mo'ieyto be paid at the striking down of the property ; one fourth at the conrtnnatlon of tho salo; the remaining halt In ono year thereafter. with Interest. Wm. KASB WEST, Sept, 31, 18S9. Trustee SHERIFF'S SALE OF VAI.UAULB KesiE Estate! UI'Killip Bros, ISBooitislHir, Photographs & Crayons. Correct Styles, Perfect Finish. Copyin r Si? l.ll I 21 5? Viewing, and Frames to OiMler. UUUJJ.I City. New York t'r3.,tI,tf1iaJt.'c, tr.-u. cianiitisiur nj t Vr Lu..' Wlr S r V &r tmim' W im. tr Or dnr fir JJ BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS Exchange Block, Bloomsburg, Pa. WHOLliSALli and RETAIL H;b d Class &Mfe Mm and rrsliels. OrJers by mail will receive prompt attention. Ouster Sa.rlors .tta.c3n.ed.. rnmo rcj mri (r$i v, n n FAMOUS 15 Cent Stews- COME AND HAVE YOUR EKE3 EXAMINED BY 4 6. Wells, the Optician, WHO HAS JUST COMPLETED A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL COURSE AT BUCKLIN'S OPTIIALMIC COLLEGE, NEW YORIC. far Bxmmiiig Byes, PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. lly virtue of a writ of VI Fa., Issued out of the Court ot Common l'lois ot Col. Co., Pa , and to mo directed there w 111 bo exposed to public sale at tho Court llouw, Uloomibury, ru., on .SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1889. at 10 o'clock n. m., All that certain lot or pleco of landsltuatoln tho town ot ltohrtburg, Township ot CJreenwxid, CoL Co., l'a., bounded and dtscrlb 03 follows, to-wlt: IkvlnnlDg nt a post on Main Street, thence along sold street south eighty and one Halt degrees east six pen lies to a post, thence oy land of h'lrs of Frederick Itohn south eightr-one and one half de grees wes". Beven perches to a post, thenco by same north t ight and one half degrees east seven perches to the place of beglnnln.', containing Forty-Two Perches of land, strict measure, be the some moro or lesa, whereon are.erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and Outbuildings. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot VTll. luun Bogart to use ot Bros llarttnan vs. Bamu el Dogart and to be sold aa the ;property of Samuel Bogart. Hikuino, JOHN B. CASEY, Atty. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE KNOWTHYM Cures Dysentery, anil Diarrhoea. BABY SYRUP EelleTesariplngandSammerCompklnt. Facilitates TcetlilngI Rcsulntcs the Bowels! Sold by nil druggists. Price 23 cents. BULL'S ROUGH SYRUP "TITE rEOFLE'S REMEDY" For tho euro of COUQI1B, COLDS, Asthma, Incipient Consumption Hoarseness Croup, Whooping Couch. and for the relict ot Consumptive per rons. For Sale by all druggists. S3 cents. eumreUHata ctitet cioAnnicf fur a SmuKbtuthi rtutitttf. Attttdilit'' THE SCIENCE OP LIFE A ScltDtlne tad SUndird I'opalir Vxlici TrtttUe nlhe Erron of ToaUt,rrtnutarlcliiii,NirTou ud Pbrtlul DabUlty, ImpultlM of th Blood. KtialUnt from Folly, Vict, Ignortsn, Kiceuc or OTcrttxatlon, Katrrfttlsg tod ensuing the victim tvr Work, Builnen, Vat Mtrrltdor SocUl ltcUtlon. Avoid onikiUfol prtUnders. Foneia this great work. It contain! too pagtl, rojal 6ro. IltaoUful binding, cmbotied, fall rut. Tries only 11.00 by nail, poitpald, concealed In plain wrapper. Jllua tratle l'ropeetn Fre, If you apply now. Tb dlitln?ulihed author, Wm. II. Tarktr, M. I)., ro celted the C10I.II ANI JRYVEIXG1) BI111IAL from Ihe National Medical Association for Ibli ritlZU ESMAV on NIIUVOUH aud l'llVHICAl, Ilinill.lTV.Dr.l'arkerandacoiin of ADsUtant rh'elclana may bo consulted, conn dentlally, by mall or In perion, at tho otflce of TIIK PIUIIOIIV BIltlilOAI, INSTITUTE, N. 4 Iluinneh8l.,IIoetoD,MaM.,towbom all orders for booka or letters fur tdvlg shoald U directed u abova. 8-1U d-4w pXECUIOIlS' SOTICK Kitate qfltfbnm II"' late of Sugartouf totenthtp, letters teatamentry on a ld eit ate havliiir been f ranteil to the undersigned executor. All pereons udebted to sulci cut ale are heieuy notiriea to pay the same, and those bating claims ajaluil said estate 10 pn-seni lue aauiu w AMANDAUHFHITZ. A. L. KrtU, (luava. 10-4 4t. Att'y. Kxecutor. To Poultry wild Uarati Shippem. WANTED. Butler. UUei'se. Kites. Hears, Umnc Hops, Meat and Htock, Potatoes, Voiiela ble, Dressod and Wvo Poultry, Frul s of all kindB, I'op Corn, II mov, Beeswax, Ginson, Maplu Kuar, Apples, Qrapes, Cranbctrles, Furs and Bkins, itc K. M. BALLAHD & CO. Produce and General Uomieslon llcr-chauts, TJ1 Myrtle Avcnne,(nenr Wall about liar kt,) Brooklyn, V, VU-im. By virtue ot a writ of ven., Kx . issued out of the Court of Common Tleas and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court llouaef uuwuiauurg, ra., ou SATURDAY, 00T03ER 19, 1889, at ten o'clock a. m , the following : All that cer. tain lot or piece of ground mtuate in tho Town ot Bloomsburg, l'a., bounded and described as fol. lows, to-wlt ! On the north by Kllge alley, on the east by lot of I. T. Sharpies, on tho south by So. cond street, and on tho west by Centre struct. containing twenty-tour and a half feet mora or less front on Second street, and two hundred and fourteen feet more or leai ou Centre street, whereon are erected a 'ram'o Hotel, Barn, Bako Houce and othcroutbulldlngs. Seized, taken Into execution at the suit ot Hart. man & Kdgar vs. J, V. Caldwell and to be sold as tho property ot John Y. Caldwell. HiaiiiNO, JOIIN1L CASIiV, Atty. Slierlff. 1 BB1H cm VSaV .afwr ,4 AUBBfs ttlon mm aBaBaBaBaBaBaBaWaWl llflinr from Ohio. lUr lift VUluh tHnrit ofUr.t.arrl. VWlUb IZa. ot fttl.lai. IttAa. 1VO t month i 1 now kat an ics-orr and oft m niakf wu a dai," :b4) , II. UiKllftOH. Willi m Kiln. HtrtHiUrf, l'a, "nun i sjsjt nterr tnowu uythlBf u itrll lib yourillmu. I Uida 1 ItM.k criltri nouvb to ir tut over W. J, fc. I wort, litiufwr, U.( wrlitu ( katuvrdrr fat jour album at wutU li oAn ai mucltat If 'JO atr a liutrla iif t woib," rOitr art doJuf quilt ti wt)l( ha t llata lis ria ti. trarla fruni Ihrlr IrMtrs t.r on hi Ukti liold of iblt rra ltd builncs iU uifraixt itollia. Slmll v tttnrt YOU in IhU Itiuiiit'tsM, rtadvr? Wntt tout aud Itaru all about il for jubmll Wa liaaUrtluy luauf l wawilliurt you If oh duu I dla uutll tn"tbtrrtnali'f you hi your ttart r tljt couriirt Ifvuu Mat bold ) will U abUlo -lk bpttgU fM. urllntl tiu au-ouui of fircrd luaoufacluitra lim,U04lfii tlullur lliutourilli Alltiim art la l aUl to lbo PiupU for SltiU. llouud in itoyal (rim ton MlkVrlvtl lutn. tmriiiluf l dtooratvd liuhln. lUttdtwinttl albuoit In ib ild. larrtl fcitt, Urttt Larftlut trr known. Arcui Maulid, l.i icral Irrtna 111 iu ut-yfur ayvula. A or out eta bfintftucriiifulartrnt still llMlf on lbl llult or no Ulklutf ii ttMry )licrtffr itiuwn, ttrr out wtoit to ur tli it Jl fruit Uat ibouMudt of or tier t ttiili rt) Wily ittvtr Iniforfl kuowu. iral rollia anall try woiktr Aftnla ar Miaklnf forluiifa. ltdltuttkttmucb aa nttu. lou.rcader. audoaa Mall atio. ullluroruutlonaul ttrua frcr. tlkoa wbo o-rilt for aant. wUb panWvUra and trraitlwf sor 'aMtilv tllblta. Book aud rtriodkala. Aftor yo kaow tU. AMmm V V, iUM AftMiti, IUU SPECIALIST. In TUd Trciiliiienl aTCIiroiili- lll.fiio confines his practice to sucn easoi only a are so clearly and fully developed as to make u complete and poslttvo Diagnosis without (Juostlonlug ur nllowlDg l'atl cntsto makeastaleiuentot llielr condition. On this basis i-f rualtlve Diagnosis, ror irenimoui, ur f-lnrk'R Kxnrlpnf-H Inn, Iiitoiiiu hlrirlly 'llllllilll- ed by u Thirty Yi'nrs I'inrllci- wlilrli lii eli'iil, furlely, ami wiiei'rNliil renuiiw rqiimiru uj lfv unci excelled by -. I'lilleniB uol cur rdbyurillimi y Trenlmoiit r In ilnnbl iik to III li ii I ii re oriln-lr illvi'iisi-i l!.rrliilly InMle.l. Dit. CLARK Orlelnated, Teaches and l'ractlccs Positive Dlagmtilt and can BE OONSULTED FKEE OF OHAEGE AT ut "The Hyron Flats,' to 20- 3-Oct. and NEW YOllK CITY Nn. 107 West 93 Street, Juno 10 Sept. 18 to 33-Scpt. 29 to Ont. 17 to 23 and Nov. 0 to 13, '69. PHIliADELPIlIA, PA., lilunliam House, Tuesday, Sept. 17. BUNUUUY PA., City Hotel, Friday Baturday, Oct. 4 and 5. NOUTUUMUEIUAND, PA. Kirk House, Monday, Oct. 7. CATAWHSA, PA., Susquehanna House, Tutsday Oct. 8. BLOOMSHUBQ, PA , Exchange Hotel, Wednesday and T.iursday, Oct 9 and 10 9-20-3W. MASON" & HAMLIN Organ and Piano Co. BOSTON. NEWV03K. 0HKA30. ni:v .Mount, OltdAN, 2211. IIA.1II.IN PIANOS. contains a five octave, Nine Ftop Action, furnished In a 'argo and handsome case of solid black walnut. Price tw cash; also sold on the Easy Illre system atU'.37perquar. ter. for ten Quartern, when organ becomes property of person uinog. The Mason II a rait n "i t r I n g e r," Invented and patented by Mason Hamlin In tat;, Is used In tho Mason & Hamlin planoo exclusively, liemarkable refinement ot tone and phenomenal capacl. ty to stand In tune character lie these Instruments. P(IPI1I,H SrVI.HS tlltHVS"! AT 3i..-.0, 00, 18. INI, AND UP. Organs ami I'lanos suhlfor Cash, Kai I'ayuuuls, anil Honied, IMtalou'w fire, SI 7 d t, I THE OLD REI mm W wKAT I SMAll WW L UwiUThltl'MV) bmi . ants- OS, Fine line peb ble and white crystal lenses constantly i n stock, also the Finest line of watches, clocks, and jewelry in Bloomsburg. -:o:- Fine watch work mid jobhitig neatly and quickly executed. All work guar an teed l give Mtisfauti'Hi. CARPETS and MILLINERY. Next door to I. W. Haitraan & Son's, Main St., Ulooinsburfr, Pa. NEW CAKl'UrS. L itest l'aUorna in Velvet, 15ody Tapestry and Ikuesel, from SOctB. up. INGRAIN ftoai 20o up. HAG CAKl'ETS from 30o up. STAIH CAH VK lS from 12Ji u. MATTING, to close out for lOo up. OIL CLOTH, all widths and priuts. G. W. KEITER. 1889. FALL OPENING 1889. SEPTEMBER 2B-26. MISS II. E. WASLEY, C?r Next door to I. W. Hartman & Sons. Mnln Blrcet - - IlLOOMSHUHQ. B. F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, DEAI.KK IN ! Lf. CUEmCOMPiDSl. BLOOD, LIVEh'aND KIDNEY PUKIFIEH. Now is the appointed time for thoroughly cleansing tho nystem from all imparili-t, and all will Und that tho Curtis Compound will exactly lill the bill. It lini stood the test of 22 yearn and its cates aro Inrgtr than ever, overy year. Piico 50a. and 1.00. Eou Sai.k Rv James II. Mercer, DRUGGIST, t lJi.ooMsnuitd, Pa, ALL HOUSEKEEPERS If Uty rtfard Ilealtk and Eranomy, tHOOlJ bS Uuiled and Cruihed A. B. C. WHITE OATS Tin Roofing a Specialty. "I.WPiS-J.ftWr AS Wl.t.VlWufRV Ml? i ".rT IS" .BfTO II lS r-nn, A8THMAjfulu, pr.iiBFn botLi Scut Yi4 14 ESTIMATES EUUNISIIEU ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door in Uloomsliirg Opera House. IA. It. ntTuir. l THE BEST OIUINS-8TK4M COOKKn-MOST KAS1LY UIORSTKll OUICKLY l'KFl'AUKU A DKLltlOUS UUtAKFAST U1SU, iyHtAKMSJ KM, BS4V W UJTiirt, nld br All O rocera,-ead tor clrevlara. TkaJresis aire, C',,Ss UUrsrHI.,MtW SCit SI, 4w, , HINDERCORNQ TbsonlraunKnirAfurtJcrna. moistvll pain. Pnimrei comfort to tho feet. 15o. at UmyrUu, )lwoox ACO..N.V, n s u mptTve " I"" 'JSHfti, 'lr..,..-l.ili.. amI.iils. Iiiiti ..lion I Hw ARK ER'S OINOER TOMIO, HUinnl worres siui ,WUrt rvutwly for all UU at Uiaff torn OclKUl unit UUn. Takalutfina, UctattuS -lJ(J-lm. r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers