V MR8. HAMILTON i'OOND GUILTY' Uoliort Kay lUmilton n desoomlnnt o( Aloxiwtlcr Hamilton bcoamo infrtt unlod with n woman ot bad olinrriolor and nmrrlcd her, A taw weoka nno tlio wlfo stubbed Uio miino woman nt At Intitlo Oily, mid on Friday last alio wrw ounduinnud, mid Buntutioud to two yu.ua imprisonment for liur oflonso. Owing to tliu tiro.vloua high BUnding ot Him llilou this u.190 becoino siuolubrntod ono, mid tho unpani ato full of it. Tliu trial took plnoo nt Miya littiJiiiq, N. J. beginning on Tlntraday. On Fri day morning w lion tliu jurors had taken their so'Us Judgo Huod aald: "Shoriff, bring in tlio dofondant." Tlio ahuriil atatod that the dufondant, Mrs. Hamil ton, bogged to bo excused from appear ing on aooount of serious llltioai, ntnl tlio judge allowed tlio case to proceed. Then (J an tain Perry, counsel for the do.'eiiflo, began his argument. He said ho ho,jcd iho jurora would frame their verd'ot aooording to tlio testimony, independent of nowapapor roporta or oi'ior intluonee. I'rosootitor of I'loas Thompson olosod the case for tlio prosooutiou. Ho said boA Hamilton and his wifo repoatedly conlradiotcd thomaalvoH while on the witnoss stand and their testimony was a tissue of falsehoods from beginning to oudithat Air. Ilamiltou'a lifo woul I proabbly havo boon taken wo.'o it not for the timoly ontrauco of Nurso Don ely, and thai, Mrs. Hamilton was fort unate in not being on trial for murder intoad of atrocious assault. .Tiiutjo Heed at onco dolivorod h'n ohargo, whioh was cleirly against tlio pnsonor. Ho sot initio all the facta which it was said lod up to the cutting. Ho instructed tho jury to givo her tho bouofit of any doubt as to tho character of tho crimo. Tlioy might bring a verdict of aisiult iv.nl bittery, if they thought her knifo thrust was not mali cious, but if thoy viewed the mattor from tho standpoint that alio reached around to Blab tho nurso, then thero was no reason why thoy should not return a verdict in accordant with tho indictmont. Tho jury came in at 3.15 and returned a vordiot of "Guilty as indiotod,'' that is, of atrocnus assault. Tho closing scones of tho trial of Evangolino Hamilton for an atrooious OBsault upon Nurso Donnely, wcro ex ceedingly dramatic. When word was sent to her that tho jury wero out deliberating whethor sho was guilty or not, alio excitedly pacod tho attic prison and frequently looked out of her win dow upon tho court, whero tho jury wero balloiing. It was precisely 3 o clock when tho jury announcod that thoy had arrived at a verdict and fil led in tbeir re&pcctivo aeaU. Tho court rooiii was crowded and tho spect ators whispered auaiblo comments up-o- the probablo verdict until called to ordoi' by the court. At fifteen minutes past thrco ahoriff Johnson led in tho defendant. Mrs. Hamilton looked palo and fatigued, bp. walked w'th firm demeanor through tho narrow ais'ea, and paid no atten tion to tho scrutinizing gazo of tho crowd oi both aides of Hr. When brought within tho railing alio Bank woan1"1 into a chair, dircotly facing tho j 'ry. Sho ncryousl' twisted her fingcra, her hands boing coverod with poarl colorod gloves. Tho clerk of tbo court called tho jury and inquired : "Gentlemen, havo you agreed upon n vordictt' To whioh Foreman Ileoves responded in stentorian tones : "Wo havo." By this timo tho court room had becomo silent, and when tho fore man answered, "Wo find tho defend ant guilty as charged in tho indict mont," Mrs. Hamilton gavo a porcep tablo start and lifted hor head for the first time, turning toward her counsel with an appealing glance, and then to ward tho members of tlio jury, who lookod ber in tho face. Thou hor head sank upon her broast, but she ut tered no comment. The condoninod woman apparently had not a friend in the court room to offer ber consola tiou, even her husband having; gone oway as if unwilling to remain and witness her du Irons. Judgo Reed sternly aaid: "Evargolino Hamilton, stand up.1' Tho woman a oso with an effort and faced the Judf,e, Coun sellor Perry standing beside her. "You havo been conv'cted of a grave obargc, that of atrooious assault upon Mary Aim Donnol y, the extremo pen- a' y for which is ton years. IJut thero aro extenuating circumstances in this case, and tho sentenco I am about to imposo should bo considered lenient in a caso ot conviction foi" atrocious assault. I sontereo you to two yoara confinement in tho stnto prison at Tro.iton." Not by movement or look did tbo condemned woman betray any emotion, one atood in a listening at titude while Counsellor Perry advised ber to boar up and bo of cood cheer. S'io resumed her scat and conversed with several reporters, who took ad vantage of iho occadou to ply her with questions. Mrs. Hamilton con demned her husband's apparent deser tion nud made several remarks con corning his relationship with tho nurse previous to the atlray. aha looked pale, but was not agitated. She en torod tho sheriff's residence through the front door and proceeded to her attic prison which had been furnished luxuriously by ber infatuatod husband when alio was first incarcerated and bo- foro a full oxposuro of her past career aiiu iicuiuuu iirucuauu iipuu mm uni caused htm to leavo her to her fate. Sho will havo to servo a twenty month s' term, providing sho gets tbo usual allowanoe of two months por annum for good behavior. It is said Mrs. Hamilton repeatedly solicited an in terview with her husband in order to explain some personal matters, but he declined to go near her. BUT1NQ8 OF SOLOMON. Whero you fiud ono mau who Is a day ahead of tho tlmo in whioh ho lives you will find a million men who aro ton days bohind it. Poverty is a bully if you aro afraid of her or tremblo before hor. Povorty is good-natured enough if you meet nor lino a man. Ttacxeray, By adversity aro wrought tlio groat est works of admiration, and all tho foir oxamples of renown out of dis tress and misery ato grown. Daniel. No man ever lived o richt lifo who had not beon o'lastoiod by a woman's love, sireugjioncd uy hor courage and guided by her discretion. John Jius. kin. Eaoh human life is a crystal, rather man a surucoj it has mauy faces, and each face seems to him who sees it a oomploto life; and yet all tho fact's lorm but a part ot tho one lifo whoso depths aro concoalod from sight. Tho Osago tribo of Indiaus is said to to bo tho richest nation in tho world They have in tho United States Treas ury $7,758,091, drawing 5 por cent, interest, and besides this thoy hold 1, 470,000 acres of land, which js equal to 1,000 acres apiece. Each Indian w wtlm:iod to ba worth $15,171. ls.lLJvut.,;- ITT UANOERB OF TIQHT CLOTHING TIIK KVII. KFKKOTH OK SUIIJKCT1NO TIIK IIKAItr AND OTIIKIt OWIAN TO UNNATU KM. CONSTItlC'TIUN. Now that rational ideas as to dress havo acquired it definite place in pub lie esteem, it mav bo imaclnod that mo practice ot ngia lacing and cus toms of u like nature, it known at all, are not what thoy used to bo. A caso of Htiddtiii death latoly reported from Birmingham proves that it Is still too early to Indulgo in auoh illusory idoas. Tho deceased, n servant girl of oxoit- aulu temperament, died sudilonly m an epiloptoid fit, and tlio ovidonco given tiotoro tho coroner respecting her doith attributed the fatal issuo to asphyxia, duo In a groat measure to tho fact that both neck nud wawt wore unnaturally constricted by her clothing, tho former by a tight collar, tlio latter by a belt worn under tho stays. Wo havo hero cortainly those very conditions whioh would lead us to expect tho worst posniblo oonsequouccB from n con vulsive seizure. Thoro is no organ of tho body whoso frco movement is at audi times moro important than tlio heart. Yet hero wo find, on tho ono hand, its movement hampored by it tight girdlo bo placed that it could with difficulty bo undone at a critical moment ; on the other n contrivance admirably adapted to al low tho passage of blood to tho brain, while impoding its return. This is no isolated case as regards its essential character, though happily, somewhat aingultr in its termination. Minor do groos of asphyxia, wo fear, aro submit ted to by a good many of tho self-torturing children of vanity, Tin tight oorset and tho high heel etill work mischief on tho bodies of tho devoted wearers. Tasto and reason, indeed, oombiuo to deprecate their injurious and vulgar bondage, and by no means unsuccessfully. tJtlll, tho ovil main tains itsolf. Cisos llko that nbovo mentioned ought to, if thoy do not, open the oyes of nomo self-worshippers ot tho othor box who heedlessly strive by Buch means to excol in a sickly grace. Wo would strongly impress on all of this class tho fact that beauty is impossible without health, anil would advise them, in tho uamo of tasto as well as comfort, to avoid thoso methods of contortion, ono and all, by whioh eleganoi is only carle iturcd, and health may bo painfully and per manently injured. MICROBES IN A TRUNK. THBV INJECT TWO FA IV 1 LIES A ITEM Tlllll TV YEARS A MOItAI,. Thirly-fivo years ago an opulent family live 1 in ono of our most beaati fr.l suburbs. Two lovely children graced tlio happy household. But acarlot fover closed their eyes in death. Tho grief-stricken mother gathored up little slips, slippers and toys with two golden tresses, and roverontly laid thorn away in a trunk as sad but price less mementoes of her lost darlings. War carao with its tragic vicissitudes, and death timo and again threw its shadow over tho hearthstone. Finally tho place passed into strangers' hands. Last year two families took it as a summer residence. The children, six in number, with childish curiosity, be gan to explore tho secret recesses of the grand old house. In a closet was found the forgotten trunk. A touch dissolved the time corroded clasp, and ono by ono tho sacred relics wero le moved, until a faded newspaper was found, whioh told the pathetic story. Half-spelling out tlio meaning, lhy took it to their moth-r, who eluded their curiosity ami ' t nderly repla ed tho treasures. Five days alter this occurrence two of tho children were sei.ed with scarlet fover, and forty eight hours after wards tho other four wrro attacked. Two oases wero grave, tho others mild. All recovered. Was tho ditea-o con tracted from the trunk I think so, because there was no other ascerlnin ab'o source of infection. Moral : Silk, wo.ilrn and hair, bo ing good foniiles, should not bo put away in air tight trunks as mementoes of friends dying with infeotious diseases, becauso thoy may beoom, at somo re mote period, tho starting point of a wido spreading and disastrous epidem ic, a calamity which was averted in this instance only by complete isola tion. Journal of Surgery. DEMOCRATIC SOOIETY OF PENNSYL VANIA. By direction of iho Executive Com uiittoe, the General Assembly of the Democratic Societies of Pennsylvania is hereby called to mectat Philadelphia, October 15, 18S9. Each primary sooiety or Democratic club will bj entit led to ono deputy, and to one additional deputy for every tweuty-fivo mem bers. Tlio functions of tho General As sembly, aro deli led as follows: There shall be a General Assembly, it shall consist of deputies from organ izations represented in this ooiiventi n aud from the Democratic cool ties which shall hereafter afliliato with them chosen under the rules of thnsu societ ies. Tho ratio of representation in the first General A-sembly shall bo d t erinincd by the Executive Committer , and therealter by the General Aswi m bly itsolf. The Goaeral Aemlv shall be tho supremo legislative council of tho Sociityi it shall elect all officer, and the terms of nil ollicers t-liall begin aud end on the first day of its annual meeting. At the recent meeting of tho Demo oratio Stato Convention, tho following was unanimously adopted. Hosolvcd, That tho Democracy of Penneylvania hail with delight the rapid organization of Demoeiatio bo- oletifa throughout tho Union: that wo recommend their institution in vcory neighborhood in this common weal th as the nurseries of "sound republican iprinoiplcs', aud we look with special interests to tho perfection and extension of he organization at tho First General Assembly of tho societies at Philad elphia, on Tuesday, Octobor 15, 18S9. wnero wo cordially invito tho prosonco f ... II I ... 4 nun ineiuiiy counsels oi mo u.'mocracy of neighboring states. A full representation of all primary nuuiuiies ui ims, mo nrsi uenerai As sembly, is respectfully urged. Secretaries will ploaso forward lists of deputies as sion o ohojen to John D. Worman, Secretary Douiooratio Societv of Pennsylvania, 109 South Broad Street, Philadelphia. Ciiauncey F. BlACK, President. John D, Wokman, Secretary. Miss May Morniuirsido I'm verv sorry to hear of your brother's death, Mr. Viller; but you'll pardon ma if 1 say that I 6eo no n ason to smile over ill Mr. Yorke Yillers Ob, doar, no J I'm not smiling, don't you know. It it must bo this eyeglass I'm trying to keen inl irriiirrr THE COLUMBIA" AND Do You Know? Do you know that in tho great West and Northwest thero aro boundless nreai of the choicest farming lands tin cullltalod, nnd opened to Fultlemenl on easy terms? That thero aro still millions of acres of Government Frco hands that can bo had for tho taking, freo of all oost, and Hint tho opportun ity to obtain iIiuho cheap lands nud frco landi will soon bo gone? Do you know that nature has stored In theso regions mineral wealth of untold value, that la still undeveloped and unox jilored thai tho ontiio West is teem ing with opportunities for inonoy mak ing nnd that it is being rapidly settled by an intelligent nnd enterprising people! And do you know that tho great Chicago ifc North-Western Hail way, with its over 7,000 miles of thoroughly constructed and equipped road, penetrates and ramifies tho most interesting portions of tills grand em plro, and that tha territory tributary to this great system r.tono would afford aniplo support to, nt toast, fifty times its present population? If pot, then loam from this, that they aro all facts, and loarn also, that tho Chicago & North-Western Railway has arranged for a series of its popular half-rato Harvest Excursions to bo run on Aug ust Gth nnd 20th, Soptembor 10th and 21th ami Ootobor 8th, for which tick ets will be sold to points in Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming, ColoraJo, Utah, Idaho, nud Montana, nt the rain of one faro lor tho round trip, with thirty day's allowance for return passage, thus enabling homo seekers, iiivosfna, prospectors and all classes of travellers, to investigate tliu Vol nnd North west at one-half tho usual rates. Cir culars giving detailed information with rates from Chicago to tho most im portant ptiii.s will lie milled on appli cation to E. P. Wit.so.v, General Pas senger A'ont, Chicago & North Wcst- orn Hallway, Chicago, Illinois. tf. HE COT THE SEAT. "Will j on kiud.y allow rao to stand?" asked a gonlleman as ho got into a railway carriage, which car riago already contained tho specified number. "Certainly not, sir?" exclaimed i passenger occupying n corner hi a1 near tho door. "Tho way these train aro overcrowded is shameful!" "As you appear to bo the only person who objects to my presence,'' replied tho gentleman, 'I shall remain where I am." "Then I shall call tho conductor and havo you moved, sir." suiting tho action to tho word, says tno i,oniioii uourt Journal, the ag grioved passenger arose, and putting his head out ot tho window vocifer ously summoned tho conductor. The now comer saw his opportunity and quio ly slipped Into tho corner seat. "What's up?'' inquired the conduc tor, as ho opened tup carnage door. "One over tho number," repliui the new c;iner, cooly. 'You must, come out, Bir!" the train's goiiii on,'' aud without wait'ii for further explan itioti tho conductor pulled out tlio aggrieved passenger, who was loft ildly gcstiiu a'.ingon the platform. Coprrlitit, KISSED ANOTHER ITIAN'I WIFK. At lili cood Delthbor UrownT- "u "!,l.!,.M:'.heri.""t l' "?lenU4 Hut 1 kli, hr ou tt cLk- anil I did so becuo ibe looktd to hndom- toftaSMSTt?.'. beauu"1 wut -ni!''!1" rcPllf,d arren."itno you uk It. I will tell you j ,b u.ea br. PleroeU FTortt ..P unhrallhy woman U rarely. If oTer. beau ""I. Ttie Peculiar dlwuuca to which to many of tho mi aro iubjaot, ara prollDo causta of ralf. eal low facta, blotched with uoilirhtly lilmplej, dull, lustreleu eyra and emaciated forma. Women so BlUlcteil, can ba perma nently cured by uslna Dr. IMeroe'f Farorita 1'mcrlpUon: and with tho rwtoratlon of health cornea that beauty which, combined with good qualities of bead and heart, maka women angela of loveliness. " Favorlto Prescription " la tha only medl cine for women, sold by drugglsta. under a ponlllvo cuurauieei from fha manufactur ers, that it will give satlifacUon In arary caae. or money will bo refunded. It U a tirtKN tpWc for leucorrhea. painful tntnstruatlon, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or lalllns; of the womb, weak back, antoverslon, retro version, bearing. down sensations, chronic congestion, Intlammatiou and ulceration of the womb. World's1 pisrixaanr Midicil amocu iion, Manufacturers. Uuffalo, N. Y. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS $82? uuatlre. or Cathartic. accordlnaT to alia of dose By drugs-tsta. 25 cents a vlalT "Don't ask me to mend it Take it back and get a s." ,E5 Tet ,from J001 deler fr, tha Yt-1- It hia hanilsome pictures and valuable Information about horses. Two or three dollars for a ix Horse Ulankct will make your horse worth more w tu ap warm. 5A Five Mile 5A Boss Stable 5A Electric Ak for 5A Extra Test SO other styles at prices to suit every body. If you can't get them from your dealer, write Us. BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONC GENUINE WITH OUT TH C 6A LABEL ManuTd by W ATara t Sox, rmiad-v, who make tbo famoua llorau lirand lisker IllatiVHs PARKER'S HAIR DALSAM I romotrt luaumnt ctowiK. Najrtr Talli la R.iUr Qra 13-MSS, DEMOCRAT. BLOOMgBUBG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 A BCSN foiiScmVcs. fh f umet nd worktnc ram who har ba oat la th mad all d cm wuh thIr booU oImii bfcv otrim tbehoaM. Thcjwllllw Soft. Polished utl Dry, U dmtej with Wolff'sAGMEBIacking Mtkei tuniMkMpInc f uter. Saves Sweeping and Scrubbing. Th txxrU will wwir k unit dU longer, wDI not ti tiff and hard la tnow itr or rtia, anil will b WATERPROOF. LmIIm. trr It. and lnvltt t bat roar hasbnnd and Bona um it Onco a wtek for OentH Shnna and tanc a month for Ladies. Unoqailedaat Harness DresstngaodlVMerTer Hold tr Bhoa Btorea, Orooert, DrusgiiU, Ae, WOLFF &. RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. OH I MY HEAD 1 1 BasTkrlnc mf m. Haw Jaraay BsoaSar. Dy pepsU,BtekIIesWia. TanlblaTMa 1 WbmlhsloinlsVldltsooabscofnaaIe. md with bait dls-Mitd maltws, tha bloal bMomss Tltutalaiidfcnlt tho otber crnns fall to Ml nor mally, and Inducts a train of symptoms, sneh sa At rvpala, sick hMdacba, dlulnMa, Orowslima. polplu. Uonof tha boar!, pain In tha back, lots of appttlta, "Than art ftw tMnn tint X btUvra In wltb all my heart and II afford! ma ploasnn to tall of ona ot loam," Tha tptaktr tnt tx-Beoator Jdbttt Iterllt. botd of lbs lrg fruit Ann. n Vark riaea, K. T tod tha tocna his offloa. "I iu sick and tetrad I htd Mooma ntad to andnra tha 7 Tortures of Dyspopsla aMadsnmrcusaffMllonof thkMoja. Arelt Mid tome, WhySon't yon try Tori to lMnMy. intile at Hondout, Ud tonit, - Why don't Ton try (r. Etnnntr's JTa- '. I could rat, dlfrrtft. slrp and firo blood and every owm of tha body In bralth myelin ni Kl 1 " lonn ni annonnci nnedrs JfaTorita lie whit in buiii icdVi entitled to tha credit of ssTlnir my lifo. If uuuin iraui iub tnim oi my lonbi aboui i on of nftr pwvonii who i IVomodr" iiM been to wjiie o mo. lctnaiTflyou the Tflyon thotiamciiandMilrraM afflrtll.asi I ilri. thkk Vwnril tlmo ofnoed.'J Mr. A. IHIleTrr Tarrrtown, thfm a lis wp anaa l Blind 8lck Hoadncho dot io tajjmra Mood and a dliorderad sUta ef th a ip irr Air, ftenntcly's rtTor. ntT hcnl rwDYrwnrttMtt to mail with like auoooaa." Mr. liuel jrlttLTannton, VMittarit M I recommend alok hMdacho. I aufferad for rnany years with th FAVORITE REMEDY. ., Irlca Ona dollar. Prepared at Bondont. 7T. T. Dr. Kennsdy's Favorite Remedy. Prepared by DR. DATID KENNEDV, HONDOrjT.W.T. (1 yes bettle Wxfartt. By all dmnlsta. QHRISTIAN F. KNAPP. FIRE INSURANCE, BLOOMSDURG. Home of N. Y. ; Merchants1, of Newark, N. T. ; Clinton, N. Y. s Peoples' N. Y. j Reading, 1'a. German American Ins. Co., New York. ; Greenwich Insurance Co., New York ; Jersey City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. These old corporations are well seasoned by tge nnd fire tested and have never yet hail a loss settled by any court of law. Their assets are all invested in solid securities, are liable to the hazard of FIRE only. Losses 1ROMPTI.Y and honestly adjusted and paid as soon as determined, by CHRIST IAN F. KNAPP, SrECUL Agent and Ad- fUSTER, llLOOMSBURO, I'A. jfhe people of Columbia county should pat ronize the agency where losses, If any, are set tled and paid by one of their own citizens. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned havinc been restored to health by simple means, after suffer ing lor several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Con sumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheer fully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure lor Lonsumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all throat and lunc Maladies. He hopes all suf ferers will try his Remedy, as it is in valuable, l hose desiring the prescrip tion, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a oiessing,will please address, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Williamsburg, lr: ... k, mugs vuuuiy, new tore. A-&-Lo.-Dec,-7-iy. BTie Greatest Blood Purifit II KNOWN. III T)i1anvnaAM.H it.. IB -e.eeaiat.vAa. all t limits JUCUaCJIlU IB tUU Mf aw, I Idttapeatnm. best. ISSiloMiof 8UU-7 I llUIUltl(ITTKUSforlA,.eB8than twi. m uuk. iv mu tuna luvm . m worst cases of skin disease, from ay jgit common pimple on tho f.ic U I SULPHUR niTTEltS la the J? 1 1 best mcdlclno to uso in all 5 I .cases of such stuhborn andv0ur Kid. I ln1;u,60ail l"ney,areout BLUE PILLS , IT.. or merrury, they aro dc rBITTKKS. 11m tITT.lIIITltCa arc sick, not I matter what alls III tim t.iin... r..,.i .'arrou. uso i lnallirinn hvdp n,nt aTOl.t Tlfi I wlthaycllwtlckynon't wait nnUl yon 1 1 breath foul audaie flat on your baclc, I offensive? Vour but get somo at onre.lt llstninarh la omarwlll euro you. Sulphur lot order. UseIlltU'ra la r UlSULl'IIUIt ri,. n i i nirrKU8"6 Invalid's Friend. I line tliick.iuuHj. Kememlier wkatyou u rony, lead here. It may sao yonr tuy, it lias saved rmndreda. i wui uuui u-uorruw, Try a Bottle To-day I E3 CO 1 3 MOV fuffcrlnjr fnm tho cxfvut of youU.r If w, bULrilUU lUTTItS M uH 1 1 ohm truii Send J Sent Mamps to A. r. Onlway i Co., lloston.Mass., for bct medical work pubtlicdr J. R.SMITH&CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pn., DKALKK8 IN PIANOS, By the following wellknown makers.' Chickcriny;, Ivnabe, Weber, Hallet &. Davis. CllU also fnriiili ntiv nP H.o . ...Mj u . n, CllCanor lllilL-os nt mnniilnnhimw, prices. Do not buy a piano Le- ".".0,. Catalogue and Price Lists On applinatioti. aUMI.n-u. New Laws. An Aot to prevent oxemplton oi property ironi lovy and snlo or attncli mont on jtidgmont obtained for board for four weeks or Un. Hkuiton 1, Jie it enacted, Ac, That from and after tho pasoago of this not, no exemption of property from levy and snlo nr attachment nlinll bo allowed on judgetiipnt obtained for board for lour weckK or less An Aot authorizing county conmis Hloncrs to offer and iiay towards for tho detection, nrrost nud conviction of homo thiuvo. Skction 1. Jie it enacted, &c, That tho county coinmiBaionors of tho various counties ot this Uommonwcaltli may, when they deem tho ama oxpodient, offer Hitch roward in addition to that now authorized bv law. as in their judgment tho uaturo of tho caee requir es . for tlio detection or apnrohunHiou of any poron charged with, or engaged in liorsu stealing, or aiding or abetting tho same: and upon the conviction of such person, Iho county commissioners may nay such roward or othor com pontt.i'tioti out of tho county treasury) nut in no causo shall tho owner ot tliu stolon horse or horses, bo oulitlod to any ot said roward. An Aot to repeal tlio First section of an act, untitled "An aot for regulating and maintaining of fences," passed Anno Domini ono thousand soveu hundred. Skotion 1. .lie it enacted, Ac, That so much of an aot, entitled "An act for regulating nud maintaining of fences," p.isu'd Anno Domini one thousand suvon hundred, as roads m follows, namely: "Flir preventing all disputes and differences that may arise through tlio neglect or insullioieuuy of leuues in thin province, and counties annexed, bo it enacted, that all cornfields nnd grounds kopt for iticlousures, within tlio said provinco and count cs ai.nexcd snail bo well fenced, with fence at least live feet IiikIi, of sulhcent rail or Iocs, and close at the bottom; and whoso ever, not having their grounds inclosed with such suHieiont fence as aloresaid shall hurt, kill or do damage to any horse, kiuo, shoep, hogs or goats, of any other persona, by hunting or driv ing them oat of or lrora said grounds, shall bo liable to make good all damag es sustained thercbv to tho owner ot the said cattlo. Provided, That all sort of swine going at large, contrary to tho intent of an ao. made aud passed this present session, entitled 'An aot tor restraining of swino from running at large,' shall not fall or bo deemed within tho construction of this act. But if any horse, kine. sheep, hoi's or goats, or any kind of cattle, shall break into any raau's incloustire, tho fence being ot tlio aforesaid height and suili ciency, and by the view of two persons for that purpose appointed by the county court, found and approved to bo such, then the owner of such cattlo shall bo liable to mako good all damage to the owner of tho enclosure, for tho first offense singlo damages only, and ever after doublo the damages sus tained. And all persons having any unruly horses, mares or oattle that aie not to bo kept off by such fences as aforesaid, aro ordered, and shall be obliged, to tako effectual caro to res train the same from trespassing on their neighbors' inclosures' being tlio first section of the said act be, and the samo is hereby, repealed. CONGRESSIONAL UTIQUETTE- MONEY, NOT 5IKI11T, IS THE MEASUItK OF WORTH, SAYS OKNEIIAI. OSI10UNE. uenorai tu. . usoornr', concress man from the Twelfth Pennsylvania Di'trict, contributes an interesting ar ticlo to a weekly periodical, from which the following extracts nr. taken : "For a congressman to live in the cnpital, that is, to mako even a veiy in, aiocre ngure iu soo'ety, ho must spend an amount equal to at least twice his salary. I should think 15- OOOaytar would hardly go far in giving a man anything like a prtstlge. i mean, 01 course, ttie tweragn con gressman, tho ptreon who has neither brilliancy nor social standing to com mend him. It is a fact, aud a reurret,. tablo one, that a congressman is meas ured by tlio money ho spcuds, not by his ability or merit. "Tako tho congressman, who en- ueavors io live wiliitn ins nn tiest sa lary, and ho lives in a very unpreten tious way. A cheap bjarding-house, say from S8 to S10 per week ( a bonrdincr- houe equal to a clerk's boardiug. house in Philadelphia), is liN tempor ary home. His social life is a narro v one, as must necessarily bo tho life of a representative who has no woalth to squander. He is a tu prey to tha iol. byists; an easy subject "for shrewd jobbers, for lie sees the others livina in clover and knows that it is within his reach and temptation is not always re sisted. "Bat taking it all in all, tho con grcasmen do not always hva 'high. Very fpv, if any, of them save a'iy money out of their salary. It is nos- sible for a man to live, but his stand ing is impaired and his prospects dim agii b-yond repair. I iioro is no reaon why a man could not live with-1 n ins means beyond that of social lleasure. HEALTH UFF10ERS OF NEW YORK. Members of the Board of Health of New York and Brooklyn and other prominent physioians who have visited apeer's vineyards, into Spcet's N. J. Wino for their patiects and iu their own families, much ou account of Iho iron(blooi making property) contained in tt from the soil o i which Spoor's vineyards are eituat-d. Tribune Mr. Spoor furnishes this wino aud his Unferincnted Grapj Juico to Druggists. To use tho lausuago of u'ushiiicr youth, tho very perfeolton of the beau tiful is tho siaile which now adorns the faco of tho seaside hotel keeper. Tlio larcest bar of cold ever oast n tho world was turned out at tlio Unit ed Slates assay olHoe at Ileleni, M ni tana, recently. It weighed five hun dred pounds and is worth a lutlo over $ 100,000. A sign writer The rterographer. CATARRH, Catarrhal Diafmts and Hay Fivir. A NEW HOME TUKATUEXT. Euflerers aro not generally aware that theso di&e&vs are contagious, or that they are due to the presence oi living parasites In the lining membrane of the nose aud eus tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how ever, has proved this to be. a fact and the result Is tltat a simple remedy has Un for mulateu w hereby catarrh, catarrhal deatne and Iiay fever are ennanently curod In from one to Ihreo simple applications made at Ijome by the patient once in two weeks. N. II. For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy lsasiieclflc. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment Is bent on receipt of leu ccnU by A. 11, Kwosi Sox, sot Weat King St, Torouto: Canada ScUttHlo timrtcun. ' Bottom froui caiarthai f-TTi'Ww afaauU iiiiVsiuHiiiasswtf. Day 3aci33srjt.szr 3dtj iwcoasrsc,, 3vjc. x. Thlslsa.Now and Miwtnly Unites! Trrntle, ami Inillerwniable to every YOUNO, MIDDLE flOED, ami OLD MAN wlm Is ufTi ilnir from WrakniM, Ijinpiur, Ixxs of Memory, liiuhfulncM, leprrmlon of Spirit, l.lrcr Comphlut, Dleejees of llio Kidneys, nnd all dlcacs dependent upon .aouuoni, jitxcceece, rouy, vice, ignorance, Hound In leather, fall frltt. I'rlro, onlv nno dolt.ir, by mall, sontpd In plain wrspper, po"tp1d, CONFIDENTIAL. Address llEMir JitfMoNT.ll.l)., No. 3S1 Columbus Avenue, or r. O. Hot aioa, llo-ton, lln", Ihvfatorv lctnro with numerous Ic'tlmonl.ilJ from lileh sources, frco to all. This Is Iho only CLESTrtO-MRDICO PH YtilOLOC Y ever pnlllshed, and Is absolutely complete and iierfeiL It Ulmuluublo to all adUctcd, as It reaches the very roots and ltals of disease. Ii9 y disKiN luiiBTTjf ' n.i I For all 1)1 ( of Men, by tho dlstlnculshed Jisniir w innNT, Al. It.. WHO rus DISCOVERED THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE ES. 8ENCE OF MANHOOD, tnnr bo consults in trictetroiitldcnce,lnjcrson or by Mtcr.M his Mimicwiuuruiury,. o.i)3i uoiumbus AV.,uoUfn, "I HEARD A VOICES WIIOI.nSALK (fr&tfy, Solaffo, (CanJ, FfOt'tj t TZoty. soli: agents tor Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. IPElSrJS! T GOODS Jk. SPECIALTS", SOLE AGENTS FOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars t Honry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Aeh. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, at follows t Oranges, Lemort5, Oi Englijrj WalnUt5, pop orn ISollj. BLOOMSBURG, PA. C. 6. hOBBIS, 2)ELEFi iH Foreign and Domestic w oiii m -HLv BLOOMSBQRG T Pfl INDUCEMENTS Pianos, Ops, and - - - PATENTS, VOl'.siH PC lis hrsiwilvl, ill til 1'Atent lrect,tten:ecia irtaiut pueai Diti"ciiln le Wahlrfstin1:"'' coiri "sa VemVte rfom heoiluioJel.drawlDff, or pnotn,wllh description Wo advise If patentable or not, free Tot cfianw OurfeenotauetlllpHntlsb.-ir-l. cof8S?. A boolt,"ilow to iiotaln l'atrni.H,-wtii referenjes C. .A SNOW & CO,, Opoontl'tentO'ri a Wauimcuin, ru 01IATl'UI,-COJlFOU11N. EPP'S COCOA. HHEAKKAST. nutrltlou. snj by a carelul application of the nSe proivrtle of well sehvie.l 'ooov .Mr Ennjhii Kro,l?ur b"'f't tiMes ttlth ad Tlcatelr Utvired Weraw which may nive u inanr heavi doctors' bill. ItNbrthe la llcloiV uw of sSen .rtlclMOtdlet thtt aeontO,ii!n.rnMV not" if'Mi l built up until sinn en-)an t reut evirr u-u. Rlin.Ulneariubltt4ie.ilr to mu.- a ir., ther is a weatt ivunt rt mv e. ina , ?ii fat il sliaf by keeping o irlvw wetlrtrllOej with 1 pure blood and a proprlr nonrtbM frame. v.rfl UbTliSuua. f "rN' . JAMBS KPHI ca, HsmowBilUo CTieniUU. Music nerroue uommy, viuu .ciunupuuu, OUSilEMMI'I'I'r, author, I Electro- uaes. IT SAID, ''COME AND 8EE.1" DEALERS IN ream N5 r S "V A A m M -IN- Sewing Madiines. - WAREROOiMS J".8, WILLIAMSi AUCTIONEEH. ULOOM3I1UMI, J'A. Real Estata Bought and Sjli. Pyties desiring to buy horses a-id wncons OU d do we tn .jll nn ,i. ,i k vi, ,uu 4IH1VI. FRAZER AXLE GREASE 1 1 V H TV m.. retosllj . .. ujreat. .i:t Tin; ;i.s 1NU JOHNSTOWN FLOOD S?P.','?L,"K-M'' toU- tautuui autOffSfiniS s-Sd'uEl!LKI1 4 to - "estnut St., Phiu. yllTT DOLIUBS for LIFE SCHOLARSHIP F3 T . TVT ICt BUSINESS COLLEGE HUH t'heitaat SU, Tkllsaa. l'o.lttoo. forflradaatea. Time repaired 3 tod saaa II VST jVoHl3pd, Uttt iarsa ausf. urcuora Vjwisawuusajav --wAa"iii s sssw uniit! i rr-,r I I ICHESTNUT r ? Every Suit wo pell is a walking n,. vtrlioment for in. TiiomainU nf pleased oustoiiiers nro 8ireatlltii; tlio ruputitioii nf tbu I!ott AI.i.lo (Jlntl.. nig in Puil.vielplih for Men, I50ys and Childr n. We link I5est Quality to Lowest Prices. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, SIXTH AND CHESTNUT CTG. rillLADKLPHIA. THL IIAY FEVER SEASON July, AitKtiHt, September. "At. thta ISfl I. wtipn II frt nfTnra flin A, tractions nud tlio mjt ttellir'itrut resources to ner! mm wn iso Honnjnesi of uxly li'rmlts out of door cxerclwun.latnuo.n'nts. ni'tltltudni nro a n ,r. of tlw moit.nj wp iri'ln. wirlso no, n.i I do runs lQ Ills in vfMf. i mi ninlt.v It 'ihi w.t.t,,,... f'pl'e.iWi?, dno.ni lln,' nn n mvjn a ito ilo mi' in" ..o....u u(.,n .,i i it .. in: suufivn t.om nay rover luvdloi'itfim iln for iny irmt-vo'iny rJtnody M.invof llDin Iiowl'i'it. It l"i 1 ii m.i n mln n o iii,o t ioy lure bii'n 1','iioruit ot lily's Cream , ,.,u Kim i iur my- luyor in nil Its forms. Atfrrt ibl'i In iliamj , cntlroly ilevotd ot quickly .ill ivs lnil imiu ulin and jecu oithitrouo I ir wiil-h ilissnrii-oi' ii n !na! la viln." l'i ''rd'tt """ i,a'v YurK cllf July 18 1 UAII.Jt.OAO TIIVIB ZfA.B&a J-JPAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND WKSTBIIN 1UILKOAD. 1JLOOMS11UHG DIVISION. STATIONS. NOltTlr. a. si. 1. NORTnUUSKBUMD 6 40 Cameron 5 65 Chulfisky ii ifl Danville c OS Catawlssa tl as r M r M 1 85 10 10 6 15 10 25 111 m 1 M 5 14 I l'J 2 24 2 2 10 36 10 53 11 00 11 07 11 16 11 22 II 26 II .10 unpen... e so Uloomsburg 6 30 Kspy, e 42 l.lino Hldgo 6 60 inilun "1U1U. ....... ... a llrlarcreck . o ss berwlck r 05 lieacb. Haven 7 11 Ilick'B Ferry 7 19 HhUkfchlnny 7 so Hunlock'B 743 Nantlcoke 7 so Avondale 7 64 2 49 2 51 2 5U 3 09 3 19 3 2(1 8 35 3 39 3 43 II 37 11 41 11 49 11 59 12 09 12 16 12 20 12 iW 12 30 12 37 12 41 12 45 12 50 12 55 1 03 1 II 1 19 1 25 1 30 r ii SOUTH p u riymoutii 7 69 I'lymoutb Junction,. ., 8 03 Kingston 8 us Uenuett h 12 .Maltby. 8 17 . juuiiiii; o West I'ltiston s S7 ritlston s 33 Lackawanna 8 40 Tajlorvllle 8 48 Bellevuo s si SCHiNTOH 9 no r m STATIONS. 1 u SCRANTOK 0 10 llellevue 0 if Tajlorvllle. n 20 3 62 3 66 4 01 4 22 r u A U 9 60 9 65 10 00 10 08 10 16 10 22 10 27 10 30 10 31 10 39 10 42 10 17 10 61 10 65 11 02 11 12 11 22 II 29 11 37 ii"4S 11 52 11 69 12 05 12 10 12 10 12 30 ii'io 12 65 2 05 i"n 2 21 S 28 2 34 2 39 247 2 50 8 51 2 59 3 0.1 3 06 3 19 3 29 3 39 8 45 3 6t 3 67 4 01 4 05 4 13 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 46 4 64 5 00 5 15 Lackawanna . 'A i'ltiston WentHliji'tiin r a. 11 3n Wyoming B 17 niHltoy c si Ilennplt. Kingston l'lymoutn Junction.. I'lymoutb f. 55 8 (8 7 U5 7 10 Nantlcoke 7 m llunlock'a 7 m Miilckshlnny t 47 Hlck'a Kerry 7 si Heach Haven 8 01 llerwlck a 07 Unarcreek. s 13 willow drove 8 in Llmo Hldgc s 20 KfPy--- 8 26 Uloomsburg 8 32 Hupcrt 8 37 Catawlssa 8 J2 Danville g 57 Chulaaky 9 oi Cameron u 07 NOKTnCUBERLlKD 22 Avonaaie. I 14 iiS?Jine-"J?Ss ".""Pert with HilladelpliH & iim?J5W,ra1 ,0,r Tnmanend.Tamaqua, Will. la,mi9poJt' ?.'iB.bur'' I'ot'svlllo, etc. At Sorthum. tfl?ni?ith i- K-1)lv- '' Ilarrlrturj?, Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry andKrfc 'V. y. HALSTBAD, acn.Man., Sernnton, l'a a u r r m r Pennsylvania Railroad. llxfl Philadelphia & Erio R. R. Divis . ion, and Northorn Central Railway. TIME TABLE. in effect MAY u 1889. Trains leave sunbury EASTWAHD O in A tn Dan -n arriving at l'miadelphlaa.15 . m. : New York rSuMeC?- Tnr0ugh P&B8e"eer coach tS daiiv f Hnn ..:"B:w!S:-7. Express f-h4r5nPnrm;A SSf?irJ5?. P. rn,' l-arlor car lEnSS toVh..aiel7b.rannUSaKTr C0&Cnea nEJrP iM a- m- i Now York 7,lb a. m. Kf-5-.15 m: ! WtlnBton 6.30 a. m. : J!SJIBJ-eeplJB?ar'fom "arrlsburg to rhlladell KHJ,a.?na.New,Yorfc I'W'ttlelphla pasaongers can remain In alwper unaisturbed until 7 " m. .1.60 a. -m. Erie Mall (dally) for Harrlsbunr aBd IntermMlate fltatlon,;arr-vfng at miadelpblJ 2iSa; m New Yorli a-so n-: Through imuman phfaP. SCars &M V33 coaches to rhlladel. 2 0 a. m southnri Evpreaiilally) for HarrU. nZiltS, '."iSMiL1" ,W arriving atllS 1 1 Tn.h11, cara 10 u au.l WAsiiinf ton, and tbr0Ulb n.lJiSinirprnainhAj tn n.iii b 1 " -o- v-.,vv, m mmiu'lIU, WEST W A Kb. 5.10a. m.Erlo Mall (dally), for Erie anJ nr ternanUi 3 i, ""4"Ife .?.rtiS5f ?oPch " Ko Voester. Fu,-ri;uaono to Erie ana 9.53-News Express ( dally i for Lock naven and Intermediate stations. vi f rX'ttiSi .("atlr "cept Hnn- nZif PV'i8t.Ue.'laU,' Pt8nday)for He. ShiS,,.hi.?51 n(1 Ibtermedlaln statloia, with 1 m V.f 5 paB,e.n?..r cOMhea to Henovo and Watklns. lioni Wllllaiiisportand intermixllato bw. Timouaii TiuiNs volt suKinatY fhom the ,;. "m""! icaiuH rmiaaeipma 4. so a.m. aUrSra-t?y V.I5'' Kilura 1?n.aaB I . . . Kiinhiir. , m ; . u "'-i'i ounaa arming at Hh?iMHnM.s.W " "irouKn l'arlor car from I'll lade phi. audvnroagb passenger coaches from I'liliatelphla and lialtlmoro. i-wra uuui nhiaaitiLi?Si!TC8,:?.ew. J0" 9 00 a-m-! Tblladel. m5 ! ii . ' ,?"""l,'i i. m.i nam. SiLbiirv." s-jii1- fipt.bLu"?.a.?: v $tSM- rblfadjlphla ami ltalUuioro k . V.hu.,?0.r. KP'Jleavi!s.New York 3 01 p tngatnbTnoyP-loni SUDllay' rr,V ifrlP Xf alt la. . VT.T...A.ri.. Fno'r V, A I WashtBBton. liw) p. ml s ifaltl. . V...I'.. ",u .X' iuiuif m Duunuryo.iu Si,iShj.i"JP tt'fotigh I'ullman sleeping cara from .,,.t'Ilila' waalington nnd lialilmore and tnrOUtrh nAHRmriir unnAltno ii..r..lliJt.. ..... "vw i uunuciiuia HU!i'.,.1'.M,!!l.A;Lt'''"'i tV "II.KKHIIAHHK HI' M'II IU, I. WAV, Wllke.h.r,iY,eff!PhHH4Jt!) . .. i lf, lVn sunburys.S5p. m.. arriving . . .7. i.r ,, n.couarrv ll.lf a. in. am Ibgat Uloora Kerry vjirr'p, ..Hunbury l.sp p. m r.xpris we.t leaven Vllke.barr J.i5 p. n. . ai vlng at uiootu K'rrr 4 JO p. m.. Htinbary ft )p. mr flJMUAl TIIA1NS. WllLrfcll.lr,, fnoll la. ua i.'..... . n ft., - It o"i In 4"U0U1 mrjrl(l-4' "t WHLea-Uarre Miu.l.ir iooomraaluion loava Wllkua-Usr' 6:10 tiVt 'xa ' Uluoia lTi rr, .w p in., haubary CU mi it Hivin i H U'lMlll ro m 18b'J. 6 30 6 31 6 40 ta 7 1.5 7 12 7 20 7 27 7 31 7 35 1 41 7 4j 5 8 0 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 a 8 38 8 4 8 4 8 63 8 59 9 d R 2 fi 3D 8 37 6 45 6 60 A 56 6 59 7 113 7 07 7 1! 7 16 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 56 8 07 S 13 8 2( 8 27 8 11 8 3.' 8 41 8 47 8 52 8 57 9 16 9 21 9 28 9 45 -. London, ICuiUad. I to. i.va. aHitcJ t.t l'.Ajitei Aj