The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 27, 1889, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varle. AmarTel of pm'ty
Bt'engtb and wholcsomeness. Mora economic il
lian tli e ordinary kinds, and cannot bo mid In
ompttltlon with tho multltudoot low teat, snort
welifiit alum or pliosphato powders. Sold In
mm. noTAt. ummi i-owdehuo., ios vaust.,N,Xc
The Columbian
(Vrubllahcd overy Friday. Subscription price,
ti.oo a yoar.
Entered at the l'ost omco at Uloomsburg, l"a.,
as second class matter, March 1, IMS.
FRIDAY, BKI,TKM1SR 27, 1889.
Trains ontbeF.
follows i
7:3! a. m.
3:31 p. m.
& K. It. K. leave Itnpcrt it
11:0-2 a. m.
6:23 p. m.
TralnsonthoD.U Si W. H. H.loave Bloomsburg
north. BOtrrri.
7:U a. m. 8:33 a. m,
10:57 a. m. loo p. m,
2:35 p. m. t:5 p. m,
:36 p. m. .8:47 p. m
Trains nn the N.&W. U, Hallway pass Bloom
Ferry asronows:
10:48 a. m. 13? P-
e.2 p. m, 4'30 p. m.
north. socrn.
;10:48 a m o-39 P m
Taking offoct MONDAY, SEPTEUUBIl 2, 18S9.
Ar. AT. Ar. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS, r. . A.M. A.M. A.M. r.M.
ninnmabunr. 0 28 U 43 7 0 8 31 2 35
Wain street 0 18 11 41 Ml
Irondalr 0 16 11 311 6 68
Paper Mill M"a'8J?
JJghJitrect 8 05 1' 28 6 41
orangovlllo s 57 11 20 6 35
Vorka 5 45 11 10 0 25
Zaners 5 4J 11 l o 21
Stillwater 5 37 11 01 6 17
lier-on, - 5 28 10 M J 10
Kdsora, 8 23 in 50 6 07
coles creek b 20 10 45 05
suearloar,... b is io 42 6 02
Laulmch 6 W 10 40 6 w
i.f..i b n:i 10 3) 5 53
Jamison city.... 5 oo io so 5 w 10 oo 4 oo
LV. LV. LV. AT. Ar.
8 42 2 43
8 45 2 45
8 M 2 M
8 r,U 2 50
9 Of. 3 07
9 15 3 17
9 20 3 20
9 2. 3 25
9 31 3 31
9 31! 3 37
9 38 3 40
9 43 3 41
9 17 3 4
9 57 3 53
r. .
6 40
6 47
fi M
7 00
7 03
7 10
7 20
7 21
7 2
7 35
7 31
7 40
7 41
7 47
7 57
8 00
r. M. A. M. A. M. A. M, r. u. r. M
Hon. 8. 8. Cox died on Tuesday in New
Centralis lias tlirco dancing echooK
Rov. M. 0. T. Bahm of Calawlssa
preached In tlio Lutheran Cliurcli of this
placo Sunday morning and evening.
Tho foundation la being laid for tlio new
Town Hall. It will bo a lino bulldlnir
wlica completed.
Hcv. Dr. Hlnkcl of Catawlssa will preach
In tho iiUlhcran Church of this placo next
Sunday morning.
If you want a good flvo cent smoko try
tho Bhawneo cigar at Mercer's Drug and
Hook Store.
Impurities of tho blood often cause great
annoyance at this sca9on Hood's Barsapar.
ilia purities tho blood, and cures nil such
Tho Young Peoples' Social Club of tho
Presbyterian Church will have a chicken
and flannel cako supper on 1 riday, Sep.
tcmber27, In Hartman's Hall, Tickets 25
cents. All arc invited.
Hcv. E. H. Yocum will deliver a lecture
entitled "Wanted, something to do" next
Tuesday evening at the 11. K. Church for
tho bcnctlt cf tho Hund ly School. Tlcko ts
25 cents.
A fine line of underwear, me
rino, scarlet anil natural wool
just received at D. Lowenberg's.
Jacoby has opened his Oyster Hay, with
learsons Peerless Oysters, in tubbs lined
with Shclac Tasteless, odorless, clear o'
shells and oilier Impurities, bear that in
A falso alarm of flro was glvon Tuesday
evening. Tho Friendship and Hvacuo Flro
Company Immediately ran to whero
tho supposed flro was, tho Friendship
reachlng.thcro first and attaching to the
water plug. It was a brush fire on Catho.
rlno street, near tho homo of Emanuel
ICclclincr. When tho Friendship Co. dls.
covered what it was and observed tho sparks
Hying In all directions they turned tbolioso
upon itnud put it out In avoid any danger
of igniting tho surrounding buildings,
Tho following letters nro held at Blooms,
burg, Pa., post-offlco, and will bo sent to
tho dead letter office, Oct. 8th, 1830 t
Mr, Charles Hoyd, Mr. J, M. Hess, Miss
Kato Litis, Miss Fannlo Morloy, Miss Jen.
nlo II. Thompson, Mr. J. Troth, Secretary
Worklngmcn's Club.
f.PctBons calling for theso letters pleas o
say, they wcro advertised Sep. 27, 18S9.
Ono cent will bo charged on each letter
A. It, Catiioaut, P, M,
It is Bald that suit will bo brought against
tho Tunkhannoek Uorough School District
bv Towanda parties, for the recovery of
tho charges for tho steam heating appara.
tus put In tho school building last winter,
and which proved Insufficient to do tho
required heating as was guaranteed. Tho
Towanda steam heating apparatus was
taken out bv tho school board and a now
one put In by parties from Bloom sburg,
Tho hcatlne of our school building has
been a rather expensive affair thus far,
Tunkhannoek Democrat,
J. Saltzcr will have a flno exhibit of
pianos, organ9nnd sewing machines at tho
Iiloomsburg Fair. Don't forgot to call and
see tho three drawer drop leaf sewing
machines, with full attachment, for $10.50.
An interesting littlo girl of Henry Knorr
died suddei ly last week of congestion of
the lungs. Funeral services wcro held Sun
day afternoon, conducted by Hcv. M. 0. T.
Must bo sold to mako room for Fall
stock 1G.000 rolls of wall paper from 4c
and upwards at
W. II. Bkookb & Co's Hook Store.
Friendship Flro Company returned from
Carlisle on Saturday. They report a good
time, but somo of them complain that tho
Bleeping accommodations wcro not suffi
cient for tho crowd.
A dispatch received by W. It. Tubbs on
Wednesday announces that F. J. Bhrlber
was shot down in cold blood at Moorhcad,
Minn, by a nephew no particulars have
been learned.
OoTOimn 8. M. M. Hartzell will sell, on
tho premises in Mifllln township, at 10
o'clock a. in., horses, cows, sheep, farm
implements, &c.
Tho administrator's of Anna Coffman
deu'd., W. E. and D. H. Goflman offer at
private sale, a house nnd lot on West Main
street H'oomsburg, Pa. the lato residenco
of deceased.
For Sale. Thrco heavy horses nnd two
lieavy mules, good condition and good
workers, at private salo. Inquire of Will
lam Ferguson Iiloomsburg Pa. 9-20 2t
A first class $8 washing machine for
$3.00. Now and in perfect condition,
nought at Sheriff's sale, and to bo boUI out
at less than cost. Inquire of Geo. E. 1.1.
well, Uloomsburg.
Fort Salb-A lot of door frames, window
frames, sash, fenco pickets and other mil
work has been recently purchased nt
sheriff's salo and will bo Bold cheap by Geo.
E. Elwc'l, Uloomsburg.
For Balk A. dcslrab'o and commodious
reB'dcnco on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
jan20tf. N. Mover.
For Balk. A farm about a mllo from
Afton, containing CO acres, all under cultl
vation, with good bnildlngs, with all this
year's crops, farming implements and stock
will bo sold at privato sale. For particu
lars inquire of 3. 8. Williams, Uloomsburg.
7-20 tf.
For Balk -A valuable vacant lot on
MarkotBt., seven lots on Eighth Street,
ten dwellings and n good Btoro property n
Uloomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills
and two Btoro properties ti Col. Co. A.
good farm of 307 acres witli good build
P ! vi-tini nnil two farms in Kansas
i.J . ai t T.,.i Insurance and Heal Estate
Airt.. nioomsburir Pa.
v,. A farm located ono mllo
from Stillwater station in Benton township
rvumtv. 103 acres, eood fruit.
DO acres cleared, first-class dwelling bouse.
a saw mill, sHlnglo and lath mill, ami goou
water power. A good tenant house and
, i!. iin,U. Can bo bought on
easy payments. Inquire of J. S. Williams,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Whit Tim undcrslirned wants three
or four hundred tons of rock oak and hem.
wit Imrk. at their tannery at Lcwistown.
Leas, MoVirrv & Greene.
' 9-13-4W,
WANTED-Femalo help at tho Normal
school, for Laundry, Kitchen, aud Dining
room, uoou wukvo. - --
attne nf fitnro ?00da Of J. 1
Sands, dee'd., of Mordansvllle, is offered at
nrlvato saic. ,,
To parties wishing to secure a well es.
tabllshed business, this is a rare oppoi.
tUn "nm J. W. Eves, Admr.
. .... Bin,n fni anli. Innulro of J,
W. Eves, Admr., J. P. Bands, dee d. Mill
villo, Pa. u--t-AVanted-A
man or boy totakecaro of
horso aud cow and make hlmaclt generally
useful. Apply at once to Dr. li.t. uarnner,
Icrtoinl. j
Mr. Robert. R. Vorls cf Uellefonlc, is
visiting Mr. L. llernhard.
Miss Hlvcra of Vlrginla.a student at tho
Normal School, is a cousin of tho authoress,
Mrs. Amelio Hlvcra Chanlcr.
Ex-Sheriff Samuel Smith was In town
Mondsy and part of Tuesday. Ho was
warmly greeted by his numerous friends in
this placo.
0. C. Trench returned from his western
lip Wednesday morning. Ho Is looking
well. Ho was as far west as Salt Lako
HarrvH. Hess will bo married to Miss
"Wcndall at Haverford College, on October
Jl. Tlmv will visit Iiloomsburg on their
weddlmr tour.
Rev. W. C. Levcrett will spend tho next
three weeks In New York attending tho
dtneral Convention of tho Protestant Epls
copal Convention, to which ho goes as a
dcimty from tlio Dioccso ol uenirai renn
sylvanla. Ho will spend tho Sundays at
iiome, bo that tho scivl cs at the church
will not bo omitted.
Miss Ida Kelnhncr, daughter of Henry
Kelchner of Ltghtslrect, started for Cleve
land Ohio, Tuesday morning, where sho
has accepted a very good position In a
dressmaking establishment.
J. Saltzer has Ju9t received a largo in
voice of vlollnp, gsrman accordcons, guitarb
harmonicas, banjos, Unto accordcons and
trlngs for all kiuds of musical instruments.
300 moro pieces of 10c. sheet music.
Andrew M. Frcas of Berwick was admit
ted to tho bar on Monday, having passed a
highly creditable examination. Ho Is a
young man of ability and character and
will no doubt mako ids mark. Ho will
spend the coming year at Yale Law School.
A number of looms have been received
at the silk-mill, and are iiow in process
of erection. Two sons of Mr. Stopfer arc
here superintending the work. Tho silk
mill will soon be ono of our most promi
nent Industrie.
Mr. William Levcrett was admitted to
practico In tho several courts of Columbia
Co., Tuesday morning, having passed a rigid
examination In a manner that showed the
most thorough propaiatlon, and intelligent
undnrstandlne of tho works embraced In
tlio course of study pretcrlbed by the court,
He Is a graduato of Hnrvard College, and
read law in tbo office of Col. I. G. Freeze.
It Is his intention to locate at Bcranton and
tlicrn can be no doubt of bis success In his
chosen profession, wherever ho may go.
Ills many pleasing traits of character wll
make him friends and his mental attain
monts and natural ability will be Biiro to
bring blm many clients.
Dr. B. F. Gardner performed a difficult
operation last week upon Peter Fritz of
Sujarloaf township, a stepson of William
Kitchen. The patient was only about six
teen vcars of aeo. For some time he has
been lame and suffered pain in ono leg.
Bovcral physicians pronounced it rheuma,
nam; but Dr. Gardner nronouueed it dis
eased bone, and should bo removed. Co
caine was used ana without the uso of
ether or chloroform, a piece of tho bone
between the kneu and hip, about 0
Inches lone and ono half wide was remov-
ed. The boy stood tbo operation hcrolcal
ly, not uttering a cry of pain. One week
after the operation he was in town and by
tho use of crutchoj walked from the dcp'Jt
to tho Dr's. office.
Miss Harriet Rupert died at tho homo of
herhto brother Hon. h. 1). Rupert on
Third Street last Balurday morning, at tho
ago of nearly eighty-four years. She al
ways enjoyed good health until a fow years
ago, when sho fell down stairs making her
a cripple, and necessitating tho uso of a
cano. Ono woek previous to her death she
complained of a sovcro headache none of
her friends, however, folt any alarm, until
tho Tuesday following, when dangerous
symptoms manifested Itself. Blowly and
peacefully her llfo ebbed away until Satur
day morning when tho heart ceased to
beat. Bho was tho last of a tamlly of
twclvo children, and the tenth In ago, bcr
brother Leonard H., who died last spring
being youngest. Of her six sisters only
two wero ever married four together with
Miss Harriet, preferring to llvo unmarried
lives. Funeral services wero held Monday
afternoon, conducted by tho pastor of tho
Presbyterian church, A largo number of
friends attended tho funeral to show by
their presence tbo high esteem In which
sho was held, and to look onco moro upon
tbo faco of ono who always bad a good
word for overybody.
School books; all tho books used In tbo
county Ecbools at
W. U. Brook & Co's.
I'laceil In tlic Court Knom tiy tlie
County CoiuiiilHHloiicrH.
The court houso boll rang on Monday
morning at 0:45, and soon afterwards tho
court room was filled with pcoplo, among
them a number of ladles, who had como to
witness a ceremony which was outsldo of
tho routlno court business, Hon, K. It.
Ikeler and his associates McUcnry and
Murphy sat on tho bench, and behind them
hung a plcturo covered with a green cloth.
As soon as Crier Coffman had opened
tbo court In tho usual way, B. F. ZarrEsq.,
counsel to tho County Commissioners,
aroso and addressed tho Bench as follows i
"It your honors please i B' foro the court
proceeds with Its regular business, I wish
to bring to your attention and the attention
of tbo bar of this county and of tbo citi
zens, a matter in which we all feel a lively
It Is known that there presided In theso
courts for a period of moro than twenty,
flvo years a jurist distinguished tor his leg
al knowlcdgo, high moral character, cour
teous treatment of tho bar, uniform kind
ness and Impartiality to all tho Honorable
William Elwell.
Tho best years of his llfo wcro spent
J. Howard Kline, writing from Weston,
Wood county, Ohio, says t
Wood Co. Is keeping along with tho
times, everything Is prospering.
Crops aro fair, oil abundant, and plenty
of gas In tho bargain.
There has been a good many losses taken
on land in tho neighborhood and test wells
drilled about thrco miles and a half from
me, expect to commenco soon.
Mechanics and laborers of all kind aro la
demand, farmers can hardly get hands
enough to keep them moving.
There is a great deal of building going
on making great Improvements in tbo
county dispensing with tbo old log build
ings for better ones. A. M. Whlto Is build-
Ing a now houso this summer, which will
mako a big Improvement to his place.
lilNlnucvil In llic Itacc.
Why should Dr. l'lcrco's medicines not
distanco all competitors in amount of
sales, as they aro doing, slnco thoy aro tho
only medicines sold by druggists possessed
of such wonderful curatlvo properties as to
warrant their manufacturers In guaran
teeing them to euro tbo diseases for which
they aro recommended. You get a euro or
money paid for them returned. The Doc
tor's "Goldon Medical Discovery" cures all
dlsoascs caused by derangement of the
liver, as bllllousncss, indigestion and dys
pepsia; also all blood, skin and acalp di
seases, tetter, salt-rhcum, scrofulous sores
andwclllngs and kindred ailments,
Don't hawk, hawk, and blow, blow, dis
gusting everybody, but uso Dr. Sago's
Catarrh Remedy and bo cured.
One of tho largost weddings over held In
Mimtnvllle, Pa. was that of Thursday of
last week, Beptcmber lOlb. Tho contract-1
log parties wero Georgo W. Hess, son of I
Aaron Hois, and Miss Victoria M. Brown,
sister of Jas. 0. Brown editor of tho Re
miLADiLrnu, Monday, sept, k, issd.
We have overstepped our
own past in things for Misses,
and Children s wear. Dresses,
invitations wero extended to Coats or lonrjr Garments, novel
relatives of both parties, and about fifty :n ,nit:n nrwi m:lfpr;n1 TUnm
tr Zm.ur:' are French Coats, orient, cheerv.
1 no ocst years ui urn iuu umg, uagtciuu, iTiiKcs-uarro, i iivsiuu , . tl
here, and bo Is to-day a venerable citizen and Blnghamton. Tho ceromony was per- Wide-awake garments; KUSSjan
of tho county, enn whom tho pcoplo do- formed by Rev. 0. B. Mltzlcr of tho M. E. Coats, rich With new and odd
llcht to honor. Appreciation ot tbo quail- church. Tho bridal pair Btood under a
ties that endear a man to bis countrymen floral arch from tho center of which was
is testified uot moro by tho rearing of lm-1 suspended a floral monogram containing
'On tho Trails or. Daniel Boone, tho
pioneer," will bo given by Peck & Furs
man's Dramatic Company, on Friday
ovenlng, September 27tb. Wherever they posing monuments than by giving fitting in a unique and graceful arrangement tho
have been the nress sneaks of them In tho I rxnrcssion to the sentiment In their hearts. I Initials of tho contactlne parties. Tho
highest terms. The following Is taken There may bo In all the walks of llfo great groom was attired In the conventional the little price lots; a surprising
furg, and a multitude of other
shapes to delight mamma as well
lixceptionally line poods in
from tho Wllllamsport Sunday Srtaifast
Tho play of "Daniel Boono" is pictur
esque and realistic, and gives an accurate
delineation of the pioneer's life in the early
days. There are many thrilling situations,
and not too much blood-letting and scalp
taking, which generally glut and spoil
plays of this nature. Dashes of humor
brighten up the action at Judicious inter
vals. The scenery is all that could bo do
sired, and taken altogether it may bo said
that tho show is the best on the road. J.
L. Ungcrcr gives us. as "Blackflsh," as
flcrco and ferocious looking a Bayago as one
would wish to keep a safe dl'tancc from In
tlio wild west, liiitio irene, inc cuua ac
men, but great only when by their acts
they have signally benefited mankind. The
preacher becomes great only when by his
power and persuasiveness, ho causes men
to reverence and to obey tho laws of God,
Tho soldier becomes great when by bis
black while tho brldo woro surah silk ot
exqulslto pattorn. Among tbo many ban d-
iOmo presents given were a gold watch ,
largo family bible, plush album, sovoral
gold pieces, bodiroom suite, umbrella stand.
chamber sot, water set, picklo castor, pep-
conaucsts over tho enemies ot liberty he I per and salt castor, silver knives, silver
gives to a pcoplo freedom and a homo : the I sugar spoon and salt and pepper boxes,
statesman, when by bis wise economy ho I tablo cloths, napkins, towels, counterpanes,
secures to tnem prosperity i tho phllan- plush table spread, plush chair mat, toilet
thronlst, when bo has allovlatod human I bottles, plush rocker. Tho happy couple
suffering; tho Judgo when bo has faithfully I took the evening train for neighboring
administered tho laws. Truo greatness clttca, returning Tuesday evening when a
ts always recognized and honored by the I reception was given. We extend congrat-
tress, was Indeed a "wild rose-bud," whoso I people, and tho man who makes it his life-1 ulations, and tho wish tor a long and pros-
opening petals just suggest tuo ucauues wotk t0 labor for tho good of the raco is perous life.
that mill nvnnmf and tnatilrrt ttrltll limn 1 . I
J. H. Griffin, as "Sol Butternut." an old- entitled to such recognition and vo won
fashioned Kentucky nig. and Miss Banford honor. Ho who thus seeks tho well bel ng
as "Sallie Bush," full of pluck and fun, and the advancement of his fellows must
kept tlio ball of merriment rolling. . BacriUCCB. mect and overcome ob- Apart from a Presidential Inauguration
Ilnir-ItutcHto tlic National capital
via 1'ciinnylvaiila Railroad.
This Company gives ono of tho greatest .mlnrtI, e wh0 would sit nn morn brilliant event h&fl ever occurred
street parade over given by any theatrical 1q th(J lo o lho cltyi udgiDg tbo people, in Washington than tho conclavo of
company. Don t miss it. , . balti0 uctween sympathy and Kniebls Templar from October 8th to lltb,
Innllrn. 1 1B39. Rvcrv three vcars this event at
un i uursuay, mo mui iusl, r. ,i m- TUo citizens ot uoiumoia couuv, ..u m t u xb aUenUon ot tUo country to some Iacb-et ffeCt; are feitn rp;
ihn iir,.fAi ,! Mta nir u nn urii I . ,. 1. 1 .. . , i m 1 1 n, mi 1 1 v nnd in. I jacKct uiecis art. ieaiures,
Ivuc u.B..,.. , I city, out lor many years past western i t v i i',. r. j
tegrity of Judgo Elwoll ; and bis reputation . f ' . en,ovcd' tllJB hono, wa9blne. individuality, originality, and
variety at medium cost, and so
onlstep by step to the very fine,
Whatever the grade, tasteful
styles always.
1 he most striking newness m
the Wraps is the prevalence of
fur at necks, cape edges, wrists.
Deep; flowing lurcinnamon bear
llama, angora, and a new name,
Moulllon, like eider-downy
The stuffs are Beaver, Sicilian
Beaver, Plaids, and a multitude
of shaggy weaves. Little shags
and big shags, some with fancy
Accordion plaiting clings to
some ot tlie dresses, tincrht
plaid trimmings, side plaited
double sleeves and zouave
Complcto lino ot ladles flannel skirts
made up at prices as low as you buy thorn
in lho plcco nt Clark & Son's.
Elegant new Black Mohairs, Henriettas
and cashmeres at 11. W. B LOAN'S.
Coats, wraps, Jackets, now markets.
C'ark ifc Bon aro now shnwlug tho most
complcto lino of theso goods In nowest
styles at lowest prices. All Invited to call
and see. Also Infants and children's coats,
big lines.
Just received at L. Gross' N. Y. store a
full lino of Winter overcoats and suits.
If you want dress goods of any kind go
to Clark & Son's. Bco our special 2So yd.
wldo Henriettas, full linootscrgc3,Hcmiet
tas, dress cloths, &c.
York Btato Creamery Cheese, flno cakes
and crackers a specialty at
THE G. E. TEA Co.,
next door to tho N. Y. Clothing Houso.
Novelty goods, such as dolls and toys of
all description for children, cheaper than
ever beforo at New York Novelty Btoro,
Bloomsburg, J. W. Mastcllcr, proprietor.
For dress goods and trimmings ot any
kind go to Clark & Son's.
Rubbers of all kinds at low prices at J.
A, Hess'. Call and cxamlno them.
New muslins, prints, canton flannels,
ticking, towclings and dark striped ging
hams at 11. W. SLOAN'S.
Tho Great Eastern has fully recovered
from tho lato flro and aro giving closer
prices than over beforo. Tho cakes that
wcro damagod by smoko wero all given
away or'thrown out nnd ono of tho hand
somest lines of assorted cakes put In their
stead, fresh and from the best known mak
ers In tho country. Uall and examine.
Complcto lino of hosiery aud underwear
at Clark & Son's. Ladies 50c Jersey ribbed
vests 37Jc, men's COo shirts 39c. Infants'
all wool Jersey shirts 31c and up. Tho
best 25c all wool hoso for children and
ladles in the county. Infants' wool Hoods.
If you want tho best shoes for tho least
money call at J. A. Hess', Bloomsburg.
Tho best and choapest clothing In
Bloomsburg at Gross' N. Y. Btoro.
Tho best plushes for tho least money at
Clark & Son's.
The largest and moat complete
line of ready-made clothing can
always be found at,
D. Lowenberg's
Keep il in your minds that the Lutheran
church will have the dlnnc tablo at the
Fair grounds and tin- bust meal will bo
furnished at the am dlcU price. All cako
and puddings will bo served with the meal
without extra charge.
Window frames, door frames, fence
pickets, cellar wludow frames, window
Bash, can bo bought very cheap at this of-
flee. A large lot bought ut sheriff's sale
will be sold at half price. Inqulro ot Geo.
E. Elwell. tf
Charles H. E'dnn, taxidermist, of Wll
llamsport will havo an exhibit ot taxidermy
at the Bloomsburg fair. Ho will have 175
pieces of work Including a great number
of birds and animals. This will be an at
tractive feature.
Mr. Peter Weaver of Butler township,
near Hazleton, died suddenly Thursday,
September 12th. The day preceding he
was stricken with paralysis, from which ho
never became conscious. His body was
brought over to Orangeville, Monday Sep
tember 10th, for interment. Ho was born
in Lehigh County, November 5lh, 1829, and
at tho ago of twenty years camo Into
Luzerne county with his uncle.hls parents
having died when he was but nine years of
age. In 1851 he was married to Larutto O. tbo falling rain which
Kline. He was tho father of three sons,
Philip V., a prominent lawyer of Hazleton,
Jacob, who died in childhood, and Lattimcr,
who was living upon the farm with his
parents, tie was a man much honored and
respected, and will be missed in the com-
Church, Bloomsburg, at the residence ot
Mr. John Mensch, tho father of tho bride
Relatives and friends lo tho number ot ono
hundred were in attendance.
Beautiful flowers were on every sido and
tho houso was full of good cheer.
At tho nppilntc(i;ttmu for tbo marriage
ceremony, Miss Mlnnio Barninger, ot
Catawlssa, played the wedding march, and
tho bridal party entered tho parlor in tho
following order : tho officiating clergyman,
then four young girls, maids ot h nor ,
Ada Mensch, May Evans, Josio Zarr and
Emma Campbell, all tastefully dressed In
white, and each bearing a basket of flow
ers. After them Mr. W. A. Uallcck of
Plymouth, with Miss Flora Mensch, In an
attractive white dress, and next tho bride
and groom.
Tho brldo looked finely In her very be
coming whlto costume.
Tho groom nnd his best man made a
flno appearance in the customary black
suits. The brief and Impressive service of
tbe'EpIscopal church having been finished
and the cordial congratulations ot the
many friends given, a Bumptuous banquet
was served, which all present evidently
enjoyed. At its close, tho groom and
brido left for the train on their wedding-
j trip amidst a shower ot rico In placo of
had yielded to a
bright sunshine, a happy omen for
The presents were numerous and very
handsome, showing tho high esteem in
which the young bridal pair aro held.
D. M. Sheep, has taken charge of tho
coal yard of W. R. Kocher & Co. Tho
building in which coal la kept free from
storms is now completed and n storage
We are now ready, everything
fresh and new.
Dress Suits-.
Tiiisiness Suits,
Boys. Suits,
In a well
on invest-
To Cavitai.ibts. Wanted
partner with $15,000 to $20,000
established paying business,
place. Will pay ten per cent.
ment. Apply to
J. B. Rouison, Atty.-at-Law.
9-20-3t Bloomsburg, Pa.
Mr. Fritz, will open up his Photograph
Gallery ir, Benton this week, prepared to
do all kinds ot work in tho Photograph line
When you go to the fair don't fail to call
and examine his pictures and prices. You
will find him in the Gallery at all hours of
the day.
Tho handsome residence of W, M. Mon
roe at Rupert, narrowly escaped destruc
tion by flro last Saturday afternoon. Tho
hay window caught flro from a defective
Hue, and was discovered in time to save
the house, but not until considerable dam
ago was done.
Childrcns' Day will be celebrated In tbo
Reformed church on Sunday, Beptcmber
29- The children of tho Sunday School
will participate in the morning, and in the
evening the older members of the school
will take part.
Dan Seybcrt was convicted iu Luzcrno
county last week of tho larceny of six tons
of straw, which S. W. Adams had pur
chased at nn Assignee's salo and left on
ono of tho Bcybcrt farms until Buch time
as he could rcmovo It.
When you como to lho Bloomsburg Fair
call at tho music warcrooms of J. baltzcr
and see the lurge display of pianos and
organs. See also tho varieties of sewing
machines, While, New Domestic, btandard
Rotary, Hoyal.Bt. John and ThoNew Home
Wo can sell a three drawer drop leaf, with
cover aud full set of attachments for $9.G0
Tho Towanda Argut hit? lho nail on tho
Lead when it says "tho merchant who ad-
vcrllses two or thrco times a year and
expects to get tho samo rates and sales as
tho ono whoso advertisement appears 68
times In a year, when ho comes to count
tbo cash, will find himself 6adl left. It
pays to advertise the year around and no
paper can afford to give tho periodical ad.
vdrtieer yearly rates."
as an ablo and conscientious administrator
of tho law is not confined to tho limits of
Columbia county, but extends through,
out tho length and tho breadth of
tho commonwealth of Pennsylvania and
even beyond her borders. Ills opinions
and rulings aro cited with confidence by
tbo pleader In our courts, and aro received
by any tribunal beforo which thoy are ad
duced as authority of weight.
Tho county-commissioners of Colum
bia, Joining with her other citizens In their
Just estimate of tho distinguished service
rendered to tho commonwealth by Judgo
Elwell, havo seen fit, and doomed It emi
nently proper, to procure to bo painted and
framed this portrait (horo Prothonotary
Snyder withdrew tho covering,) of The
Honorablo William Elwell, and to placo it
in this Temple of Justice not so much a
monument for tho past as a testimonial to
tho future and as an offering by which he
himself may learn the kindly feeling of our
hearts. It Is too often tho case that a
token of this sort is deferred until the per
son who ought to be tho recipient ot such
a tribute ot grateful affection bas passed
into the world ot the unsocn. It Is my
privilege (and , I assure you my pleasure)
on behalf ot tbo commissioners ot the
county, .to present to the court, to the bar
and to tho citizens of Columbia county tnls
portrait ofjhis honor Judgo Elwell."
Judge Ikeler then respondod In the fol
lowing language :
"In behalf of the bench, ot tho bar and of
the people of tho county, we accept this
portrait of Judge Elwell, as an appropriate
memento of him and ot his honorable Judi
cial career. It cannot fall to be a constant
reminder to us who havo been Intimately
associated with him, to follow so far as
possible in his footsteps. Ot tho present
commissioners of Columbia county a ma-
Inn U nno Mm f.vnrnd nnlnt. and It may S IMIUJiy IKUlUbUlIlC eilCCtb
well be said 8 hat no city in tho world ia You'll think it if you don't say cloths at
better adapted to such a purpose, wiue I it,
avenues, hedged by hamlBOmo buildings
...,.. ... '..,i t Just here let us tell you tlm
AmiM-i n wiiiim,! ia week in the the Department lor Ladies
Capital, and thousands of people will go Tailoring and Costumes to or
to witness it. der has been placed under the
in orucr mat every inuucemum may uo
ty at tho Great Eastern. Wo think thoy
are tho finest stock wo havo ever Been, and
aro giving unusual satisfaction. Prico low
by tho bbl. or small quantities. Very
llcspu G. E. TEA Co.
Everybody notice! Tho Now York
Novelty Storo, Bloomsburg, Pa., Is pre
pared to moot overybody with hoslory,
gloves, ladies' underwear, Jewelry of all
descriptions, cheaper than any vhero in
Columbia County.
40 Inch dress cloths 25c yd., 02c all wool
scrge3 60c yd., 75chrilllantlno;05o yd., 30iu.
irecoi cioiua uic yu., lull lino ol striocd
Clark & Son's.
offered tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com.
pany will reduce its rates to Washington
on this occasion by one-half. This com
pany will sell excursion tickets to Wash
ington from all ticket stations on Its lines,
October 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, valid tor re-
turn until October the 31st, 1839, at ont
fare for the round trip.
iZi 1
On the return trip a stop-off, within tho,
limit, will be allowed at Baltimore, Wll
mlngton, Philadelphia, Trenton, Uarrls-
burg, Wllllamsport Elmlra, Emporium,
and Corry, according to tho route ot the
Agents will furnish specific rates on ap
direction ol a distinguished
French Modiste of great expe
rience in Paris and London.
We are confident that the
larger knowledge, improved
methods and artistic originality
thus at your disposal will be
Tho celebrated Lester Kip boot for salo
at J. A. Hess'. Cheaper than anywbero
elso. Evana' Block, Bloomsburg.
G. E. Tea Co. Fresh lino of tea and
coffee Direct from tho importers.
Try their celebrated brand of G. E. T.
coffee, fresh roasted every week 30c.
Caunot bo equalled.
Look at our window filled with ladles'
lino wool and mohair skirts.
East neutou.
Last Thursday, Mrs. Judge Krickbaum
presented our betvci half with a cluster of
tomatoes, four In number, all grown as one.
Tne bunch weighed fire and a quarter lbs.
If any lady In tbi county can produce a
Satin-backed Velvet Ribbons
are at the tront. "scarce.
they say, and of course every
body wants them. Plenty
enough here.
1 he new ribbons are a rich
and handsome lot. And they
have a light and handy place
to be seen in. From the Satin
and Velvet Ribbons on the
Main Aisle to the No. i
Every body says how is it that Gross, tho
N. Y. clothlnr is so cheap. Ladles and
gentlemen, ho buys and sella for cash.
If you want ladles or children's coats of
any kind it will pay you lo go to Clark &
Sou's, largest stock, lowest prices.
Largo coal bucket for 25 cents, flro.shov
el8 5 and 10 cents, worth 25 cents at New
York Novelty Store.
Men's heavy pants for $1.00 at Gross' N.
x. ciorc.
Our now coat room is now completed
and filled with new coats for ladies' and
children. All invited to call.
Clark & Son.
like product of equal or larger size, let it bo "Daisy" Ribbons on Thirteenth
lTr'h.!nstUoOLn street, an unbroken line of sorts
strive to surpass her competitor, as she be. the Clear, perfect light of the
lleves in competition. Thanks, Mra. transept,
Krickbaum for tho tomatoes. I The squad of Bargain Rib-
.ucpru.etu. a long muu vuai u uu Dons Jms twQ new reCrUltS.(l)
turn" miorlit Tip AnnHml Inn Inner rn n tlmt I n . . v 7
i..nC Anew brocade, made espec
A person, renresentine himself as from ally for faucy work and dress
An Sl.n .t -1 1 . 1 At.,. I f riimmitlrv r - Dwinn
.... . I . -r m . I - ' - I UUU Ul Llill 111JI Lllt:i 11 ('.(111 11 L 1 t'n 111 Lilt! BLltLCi I LI 1 il 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' . 1 11.11 L.I 1 1 1 J 1 ."1 . I 1 II I
A special now is provided for 000 tons oi coai at one at JJ. L,0WCnberff S popular UlOth- jor ty at least reside at a distance from tho ,,hi. . . f0.m, .,.,,m. ... i ' . u nr
I.I VU I irnl,r Xr. C.n hftVH R 9(1 1 " I" ........ ,, I ----- j, .u.v... 1 H U3 IU UclVC dUL. V C
nig uuusu. i uuuuvy seal; mcir hih i uuuuu uiuij ably be carries two kinds, genuine and bo
- i nrnmnipii nnn atiaiftinpii nv mo mimic hcd.i tf.. i.. ... t.ii
At tbo flfty-sixth annual session of tho tlment of respect, admiration and love for tWo meals and horso feed for which we re- Ottoman, made to sell at 45c
Pennsylvania Christian Conference (of the I Judge Elwell, which permeates the county I cciVC(j about 15 lbs j but tho hogs got tbo I our price IOC,
3rd Missionary District) held at Granville to Its remotest bounds, but wnicu, great a 1 cuee8C. H0 called a second time for a
It is, is only an index ot our appreciation
Clark & Bon'a stock ia now full in all de
partments. The best 25c all wool twilled
red flannel In the country. Cotton flannels
all kinds. Sec tho 8 and 10c goods, extra
heavy and wide.
Ladies and Gents, it is money saved to
buy your clothing at Gross' N. Y. Store,
ho is tho cheapest.
If you want black dress goods of anv
1. 1 .. 1 1. 11, . . .. . . .1, , . , . j
twuu ib tvui my iu gu iu mrit iK OOn 8.
time. W. R. Kocher & Co. have also
bought the stock of B. F. Hicks and have
employed G. W. Uippenstecl, long connect
ed with tho Farmers' Produce Exchange to
take chargo of the store. They have made
somo great improvements in the Btoro room
and have made telephone connections.
This store room Is located Just opposite
their yards on Sixth street Tho celebrat
cd Plymouth Coal is handled cxclu-ively.
Tlin firm Is nrenared now to handle all
kinds of grain, which maybebroughtln ex
change for coal and merchandise.
During tho Benton and Bloomsburg
FairB, extra trains will be run on the
BloomBburg & Sullivan Railroad in addition
to tho regular schedule, as follows ; Trains
will leave Bloomsburg durlngllienton fair,
commencine- Friday. Oct. 4th at 0:10 a. m.
and 3:30 p. m. reaching Benton at 10:40 a.
ra. and 4:80 p. m. Returning, leayo Ben.
ton at 1:00 p. m. and 5:00 p. rn. reaching
Bloomsburg at 2:10 p. m. and 0.00 p. m.
Trains will leave Jamison City during
tho Bloomsburg fair, commencing Friday,
Oct. 11th, at 8:00 a. m. reaching Blooms.
bun? at 9:30 a. m. IUturniug lcavo
Bloomsburg at 4:00 p. m. reaching Jaml.
son City at 5:40 p. id.
Kxcurslon trains wll bo issued good on
all trains during the fairs.
Services will bo held regularly in tho
Lutheran Church for tho next four weeks,
The rrgular meeting of lho W. C T. U,
will bo held on Monday evening at 7J o'
clock Bept, 30ih.
Tbi. cano which Is offered In tho contest
by tbo G, A. R. is uow on exhibition in tho
show wludow ot W. II. Brooke & Co,
Tho old llajinnn houso in Onngcvillo
was totally destioyed by tiro early on Wed
nesday morning, of last week,
Philip Unangst U making improvements
to his dwulllng houso on Third street by
building a two story brick addition to tho
Mr. Irvln Bloyer died at tho house of his
parents at Ncfcopcc Tuesday morning, of
consumption. For somo time bo has been
In the employ ol G. W. Bertsch's merchant
tailor establishment, and was compelled to
We know nothing about tho Bhawneo
coal from the Bhawneo valley but tbo
Bhawnee cigar Is a rattling good 5c cigar
at Mercer's.
There was a flro in tlio cellar of tho Great
Eastern Tea Co. Saturday morning, which
was fortunately discovered In tlmo to save
creat destruction. Tho night watchman
in making his round about 2. a. m. dls.
covered the flames and word was sent at once
to Mr. Weaver, ono of the proprietors. He
soon arrived and in company with Walter
Edmunson entered tho cellar from the out
sldo with tho street hose, and In about half
an hour had tho flro under control. The
Friendship hoso carriage and hoso wero on
band, but wero directed not to turn onwat
nr unless so ordered. Great credit is duo
Mrs. Wm. Gllmoro and Mrs. Wm. Webb.
In lho absence of their husbands, who wero
at tho fireman's reunion at Carlisle, they
unlocked the bore houBe and got tho car.
rlace out and gavo directions to the men
to tako It to tbo fire. After tho flro they
saw that tbo carriage waB returned. The
flro occurred in tho bannana room and was
nrnbablv caused by a bunch of bannana8
falling upon a burning lamp which then ex
giiw.-i. nlodcd. Many of tho timbers wero very
Uo was auouv ,.. u. ... - fl , , fln(U
During his May In this place he made many m"c" way into tho first floor. A fowmln-
friends who will long mm .or - -
his kind acts. Funeral services wcro held
Centre, Bradford Co,, Pa., Aug. 28th to
Bcpt, 1st, 1880, tho following resolutions
were presented and sustained by an unani
mous vote ;
Wuiiiikas, It frequtntly baopens that
Irresponsible men, having no standing
among us as preachers, and having no cre
dentials from any church or churches, are
employed as ministers ot tho Gospel, and
who by their conduct do great injury to
tho cause ot righteousness, therefore be it,
Iittohvd, That tho Pennsylvania Chris
tian Conference In convention assembled,
do hereby recommend that no preachers bo
employed by tho churches composing this
Conference, unless they can bring proper
credentials from church or churches, which
they last served, except they be favorably
Wiikr-As, Kccognizlng the wldo spread
devastation and ruin wrought in our land
by and through the traffic in Intoxicating
liquors, therefore bo it,
IUnolud, That tho Pennsylvania Chris
tian Conference, in convention assembled,
do hereby placo itself upon record as
being unalterably opposed to tbo continu
ance of said traffic, and as being In favor
ot every legitimate means tor tho suppres
sion and eradication ot tho Evil, therefore
be it,
IUmIkJ, That wo deem it tho duty of
every preacher of tho gospel to give his
volco and Influence against the traffic In al-
coholic liquors, nnd tu favor ot prohibition
by Constitutional Amendment.
Jiaolved, Tliat we do not regard a
preacher as being in good standing who
either by toict, role or xn places himself In
opposition to tho adoption of a constitu
tional prohibitory amendment,
lUtolvtd, That it is the sentiment of this
couferenco that tho signing ot applications
by tho members ot tbo church for tho
granting of license, for tho selling ot in
toxlcatlng liquors, le unchristian and with,
out a single redeeming feature, and that
wo most earnestly request our members to
refrain from attaching their names to any
such applications, and bo it further,
IUolted, That tho thanks of this con
vention aro due, and arc hereby tendered,
tho good peoplo of Granville Center for the
kind and hospitable manner In which they
have entertained the convection, and also
that wo tendered our thanks to the Pennsyl
vanla R. R tor reduced rates, on their
roads, to those attending the Conference.
of bis merits. Wo, the members of tho
bar, havo been closely associated with him
in tho administration of Justice, though
ours bas been the forensic strife about a
question of property, of liberty or of life,
while it has been bis office well-fulfilled to
hold the seat of Justice with her sword
and scales. Conducting before blm un
awed, unruffled, and unswayed, our legal
etruccle. we have been taught by his rul
like trick, but we sternly told blm
once would do. "I am not the feller" be
..II i . r . 1 . . 1 tt ti-.t
num. iuu nru mu cum)." wu reuiiuu. i t-. r
il- .-i.. m- t -m, xMiieen years ago not a
out for him. ye lovers of cheese.
chief was made in bellast: now
excursion Ticixet to tue Slate ki uir tut . .
muic man nan ilia i. tlic aciit uui
from that city are either cotton
Belfast is the centre of the
world for Linen Handkerchiefs.
or a cotton-and-iinen Handker-
Fine Cabinet portraits only
$3. doz. Life size Crayons only
$10.00. Viewing, copying and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
Just received, tinware and glassware ot
all description. Can not bo beaten in the
county on price at New York Novelty
Woolen shirts for 50c at Gross' N. Y.
I'alr una County Kalr at York.
For coata go to ulark & Son's. Special
values in plush goods. All new and latest
Wo have some more of those shirts.
waists and pants for boys" at 25c at Gross'
N. Y. Store.
The Pennsylvania Btato Agricultural 80- or cotton mixed.
cicty having Joined forces with tho York Pnrt-nn hie
i. i..iw i,t. WmW imirnrtnl Into County Agricultural Society, tho united - .1 n
man'hood by his Uienlfled bearing. The hodies will hold a Joint exhibition at York, ' l"e very u"f ngS, OUI you It payg t0 caU at the New York Novely
5S2 XiStbKX t-N"'?. " unt,the , r bSttSft 9jb.,rv?'eue?:
minding us of him and of his character, I vwvouer oiu. me a oris lairuy hbuu i auu waau iai biiuwb uiu uicui,
will be to us a continued Incentive to dill
gence in our calling and to tho cultivation
ot all manly graces; it will stimulate the
young men in training for tho uar; they
will inqulro of us and will learn the history
ot tho eminent Jurist whom this portrait
represents, and thoy will bo stirred with
emulation ot his great attainments in legal
lore and of his surpassing virtues as Judgo,
and they will bo moved to greater exertion
and infused with new energy In working
onward and upward towards tho highest
Ideal of achievement, aud to their useful
ness in their day and generation.
It any ot us should be so fortunate as to
arrive at the advanced age that Judge
Elwell has already reached, he will be
happy if he is ablo then to look back upon
a life's work as well done as his upon
every duly as exactly, as scrupulously, as
zealously performed as by blm whose like
ness wo shall then still be permitted to be
hold upon this wall.
We thank you, Mr, Zarr, In behalf ot tho
public, and through you tho commissioners
ot Columbia couuty and tho pcoplo whom
they represent (or this valuable and appro
priate gift."
The picture Is a llfo size bust crayon por
trait, In a heavy and rich guilt frame, and
is an excellent likeness of Judge Elwell
as he looked a few years ago when In his
vigor. It is the work of H. A. McKllllp,
and reflects great credit upon his skill as
an artist.
It U apparent from the words ot ap.
proval heard everywhere, that this act of
Messrs. GIrton, lllttenhouso, and Stephens,
commissioners, Is In accord with the pub.
lie sentiment.
I iilercBlctl l'eople.
Thursday, at Nescopec.
A bcatiful lino of Fall Over
coats. Fall styles in hata and
caps. Latest designs in neck
wear at D, 'Lowenberg's.
utcs lonscr would havo caused a great flro,
This Is another instance In wmcb our
night watchman haB proved of much bene-
Pretty huts and cap3 for littlo
boys. Kilt suite, Jeraoy suits,
overcoats nt D. Lowcubcrg b.
A young lady of seventeen summers,
highly educated, refined, and ot prepos
sessing appearance, desires to form the ac
quaintance of somo nlco young man, whom
sho would advise, If troubled with dyspep
sia, to use that great blood purifier, Bui-1 a trial.
fl-37-Zw. I tiou.
Advertising a patent medicine in the pe
culiar way in which tho proprietor of
Kemp's Balsam for Coughs and Colds does
Is Indeed wondertul. He authorizes all
druggists to give those who call for it a
sample bottle Frit, that they may try it
beforo purchasing. The Large Bottles are
COo and $1.00. We certa'nly would advlto
It may save you from coosump-
is one of tho best exhibitions, and reinforc
ed by that of tho State, it will undoubtedly
bo an extensive and Interesting exposition ot
the products of Pennsylvania.
For the benefit of vUltors the Pennsyl
vanla ltallroad Company will sell excur
sion-tickets to York, from tho principal
stations within tho State, Beptcmber to
October 5th valid for return until October
7th, al reduced rates.
Cut Xluteu to tlic Wchi,
Cheap tickets to all points In Kansas,
Colorado, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
Texas, and other Btales and Territories in
the West, will be sold by lho Santa Fo
Route from Chicago and other polnta along
fie lino, on August 6 and 20 ; September
10 and 24 and October 8,
For particulars ask your Ticket Agont or
wrlto to John Byrno, Assistant Genera
Passongcr Agent, Santa Fo Routo, Chtca
go. 8-30-tf.
To-Nlulit and To. Morrow Nlirlit,
And each day and night during this
week you can get at all druggists' Kemp'f
Balsam for tho Throat and Lungs, acknow
ledged to bo tho most successful remedy
ever sold for the cure ot Coughs, Croup,
Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma and
Consumption. Get a bottlo to-day and
keep it always in tho house, so you can
check your cold at once. Price 60o and
1.00. Bamplo bottles free.
I Hail Hiouc lu tue liladcter
And my kidneys were affected. None of
tlie means taken produced any benefit un
til 1 begsa tlie use ot Dr. David Kenno
dy's Fayorlto Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y.
ino pain ceased the stone having been
dissolved by the action of the medic no,
am ready In public or private to testify
that my recovery Is duo to Dr. Kennedy's
ravorue itcmeuy, w, ii. w. parsons
uocuesicr. U-13-lin.
For the person of taste who
wants a show-while Handker
chief, soft and silky, one that
will not wash fuzzy or turn
yellow with use Linen.
We began by selling nothing
but Linen as Linen
to it,
1 1 mm & m.
Don't fail to get the latest and
best ! New, instructive and entcr
tainintr, Britrtrs' Manic Nine
We keep Puzzle, superior to the famous
Hie flood of union goods Fifteen and all other puzzles.
has never reached our counters. nnd can be solved in many ways.
This year our importation of Tho more it is studied the more
pure Linen goods has been interesting t becomes.
larger and more varied than $300 cash, in fifteen prizes,
ever before. All sorts. lo- will be awarded to those who
day we have space to hold up Beml solutions in the greatest
but one thing Men's Plain number of combinations with
White Handkerchiefs. tho (invest, number of moves.
We took a big lot of them. Who will bo tho luekv ones?
Exactly the quality, style and Get ono and try it. This is
size that has been pronounced your best chance, as it is just be
rom rans ana Lonuon to St. mg introduced. Price lo cents
.'etersDurg lust tne rignt tiling
for a well dressed man. French
size not too big; and French
lem one-half inch.
They are put up dozen and
half dozen in a box intended
for the holiday trade. But we
crowd them ahead of the sea
son and you save 25 to 35 per
cent by it.
Illooded 1'owIh.
Pit Games, Grist Btuwlnccks, Heath
woods, lilack II. Beds, that will stay to win
Eggs, lit for $1. Satisfaction Gucrautced
WllXlAU DgttMB,
tf. Uloomsburg, Pa,
(Mention Ihupaper.)
For sale bv W- II. Bhooke &
Co. Bloomsburg Pa. Sole Acute
for Columbia County
Kutl tlnUtic, No. if,
Hull nnlalieJ, No. 3.
Full nulatuxl, No. 4.
run iiuisuiu, ru, o.
rull llnlsued, Ho. 6.
v lom.
Try Curtis Compound,
Try Curtis Compound,
Kidney I'uriiier.
Try Curtis Compound,
kidney purlfien
Try Curtis Compound.
Try Curtis Compound.
kidney purifier.
Blood, Liver, and
blood, liver and
blood, liver and
Get the new price bearings
from No. 6. We have sold
precisely the same goods at $6.
the aozen.
John Wanamakeu.
Try Curtis Compound.
Try Curtis Compound, blood, liver and
kidney purifier,
Try Curtis Compound.
ujxMaOUchnl. liuTAlrrllUtA.V
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
Wben Palr iu sick, we 2to btr Caatorla.
When she mi a CtiiM, tlie cried for CuitorU,
Wben the became lllu, the cluog to OattorU,
Wntn the had Children, the gat them CutoiU.
phur Bitters.
(ear end.