The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 27, 1889, Image 1

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Office Front Room, over I'ostoffiee,
Office roam No. 2, Columbian Building,
Office In !nt' Iljlldln;;, near Court House,
Office over Mover Uro's. Drug Store,
Office in Browei's building, 2d Moor, room No 1,
Office cor. Centred Main Sts., Clark's building,
fir Can be consulted in German.
Office, Second floor, Columbian Building,
Office in Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, Main St
Office in First National Rank Building, 2d floor,
fiT Pensions and bounties collected.
Office over Dentler's Shoe store, Front room,
Office, Columbian Building, 2 floor.front room,
Office over Rawlings' Meat Market,
Office, corner of Third and Main Streets,
B. McKELVY, M. D.,
Office, North side Main Street, below Market,
Office, North Market Street,
Office, corner of Kock and Market Streets,
Office and Residence, West First Street,
J. BROWN, M. D.,
Office and Residence, Third Street, West
of Market, near M. h. Church,
sHTOffice hours every alternoon ami evening.
Special attention given to the e e and the fitting
of glasses. Telephone connection.
Treatment of Cunomc Diseases made a
Office and Residence, Th'rd St., below Marker,
J. HESS, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College,
having opened a dental office in LocKAKD'i
Buildinu, corner of Main and Centre streets,
ts prepared to receive all patients requiring pro
fessional services.
Ether, Gas, and Local Anesthetics,
administered for the painless extraction of teeth
free of charge when artificial teeth are insetted.
All Work Guaxantiid as Uimkjintea
Teas, Syrups, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses,
Rice, Spices, Bicahb Soda, Etc, Etc.
N. E. Corner Second and Arch Sts.
HTOrders will receive prompt attention.
Manufacturers of
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, Platform
Wagons, &c
First-class work always on hand,
neatly done.
(tTPrlces reduced to suit the times.
Office, Barton's Building, Main St., bel. Market,
All styles of work done in a superior manner,
and all work warranted as represented.
Teeth Extbacted Without Pain,
'j the use of Gas, and free of charge when
arunciai iccin arc inicikcii,
KIT To be open all hours during the day.
u, UNWELL, 1-
Consult Your Interests,
By patronizing n live and
The Isrt&'gcsi Stock,
The Most Rc!i:il!c G-.mmIs,
lowest Prices.
Square Dealing and courteous
attention will always be found at'
Fur bttkjicbe, nd all sudden, eWp, or
lonjr Bttndlng paina or we&knoMea of erwy
kind. Virtaea of lWhhopa, hemlock and
pine balB&m combined. It is wonderful
.7 .:.
it sansnes
every time.
25 Cta.
S for St. 00.
Hold everywhere, or
m&uea lor pnee.
jjKk for ttgnalwe of the proprietor!, HOP PLASTER Co., Boston, on the genuine goodi.
Near Philadelphia.
School OiH'im Sept. ISlli.
Yearly llM'Cli-c, .100.
Four 1'ainientN, HW5,
Admit nd cIlM.fies yourm men ftnJ boys at anytime, fill them for nuiloesi, any Colieee, Polytechnic School, for West
l0J?H0I1n?,0P' f'V"110 """V Oneo' .he "el'-irP J manned SclTooli. Ed lib, TaU SLSS
m LSiSlK iBlleilrll "J"! nJ Rtdute, of CollCKeV fine bU.ldlr.i if double
?'r lkM , mnf.s'um S oinwrtumtiei fot apt
Lngineertnjj course. rimical ami Chemkal Latwiatory. I'ractleal Uu&lncts IX-rartmei
etc. More Mlv tutnlletl nh at.turani than anv mhrr a.i..u-. j
iy setevt nny atudics. or ft Jiusinen,
tort, tlietst education, and the ist training. 1 i.e. I prices (.over every eipenie. No eiaminitions for admWJn.
and l !'?oCpneCtorA Xua'T'a ,0 aJdlc'"' swlHN C. bliORTLlUOH, A.B., A.M. t Harvard Oraduatej. rrl
illrdln, l'n.t nvnr IMilln.
Hchool Opcim Sept. U.lth.
Venrlr IIxpviiho, .Kiu.
Two l'nrmi'ntni 8'i.lU.
SttlTlllN C.SIIORTLinr.E. A M. (Ilmirj Ctijulte. I
WHY we Solicit
flmtr i 111 I II Wtm
circular. We have a lull line ol goods, and arc prepared to place them
within your reach. Let our representatives have your orders early.
North American, of Philadelphia,
rranklin, " "
Pennsylvania, " "
York, of Pennsylvania,
Hanover, of New York,
Queens, of London,
North Pritish, of London.
Office on Market Street, above Main, No. 5.
(Successor to Frcas Hrown,)
Bloomsburc Fire & Lifb Ins. Aoency,
(EstaMislied in 1S6.)
V.tna Eire Ins. Co. of Ilailfoid, f 9,52s, 3SS.97
Ilaitford, of Ilartfoid 5,2SS.6o9.97
Phojnix, of Hartford 4.778,169.1.1
Springfield, of Springfield, 399,903.98
Fire Association, Philadelphia,... '1,12,782.29
Guardian, of lnckm 20,603,323.71
rhienix, of London (1,921,563.48
Lancashire of Eng., (U.S. Hunch) 1,642,195.0c
Kojal of Encland, " " 4,(153564.00
Mut. Ben. Lf. In. Co.Neark,NJ 41,379,228 33
Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office,
Office, Second Floor, Cot.UMlil.vs lluilding,
Liverpool, London, and Glohc. largest in the
Vorld, and jeifcctly reliable.
Imperial, of London 9,658,479.00
Continental of New York 5.239,981.28
American of Philadelphia, 2,401,956,11
Niagara, of New York, 2,260,479.86
OrrosiTK Court House.
Large and convenient kauiple rooms. Hath
rooms, hot and cold wcter ; mid all modern
Exchange Hotel,
The underelgned lias leasod this well-known
Iioubo, and Is prupared to accommodate tbo publlo
with all the convenience or a Drat-claaa hotel.
LKMUKL DHAKB, Proprietor.
oWyouii jou puTntinq
for one of thou
.tujlenu to etlHtic'e rapidly. I'nrate tutoiing and 1 siecuf'd1a1
ffliuicninu. oiw-wminir, etc..
Academy atfordi every home com-
YOUNG LADIES. Mlu Ejilmn' C.lebrated Sehocl.
SMOKTUllJUG. jrnncili, ri.
your Orders.
BECAUSE wc have the experience as
practical Farmers and Manufac
turers for Twenty Years.
BECAUSE of our extensive manufac
tory and acid chambers.
BECAUSE we give our entire personal
attention to the manufacturing of
fertilizers. 1 his is our specialty,
and wc place at your disposal
all our facilities.
For these reasons we make the thor
ouah guarantee found on first page of our
It elves a brilliant llslit.
ri wm noi smoKe inecmmneys.
It win not char tuo wick.
Htmsa hlK'UUro test.
It win not explode.
It Is ore-eminontly a family safety oil.
With any other Illuminating on made.
We Stake Our Reputation,
As rettnera, upon tbo statement tnatlt is
Ask 1 cur dealer for
Trade for liloomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by
Blooinsburg, I'a.
ktu Furnishing D:::;1,: li I:;:
Suits niiulo to order at short notico
and a fit Always guaranteed or 110 gale.
Call and oxamino the largest and best
selected stock of goods ever shown in
Columbia county.
Btoro next door to First National Hank
BloouiBburg Fa.
Knllsteri In the Service to alve Other
Women Courage.
Tlio lady members of tlio flro brlgado
In Pnrls, who nro the lions of tlio hour,
nro young English girls tlio Misses
Mortimer, Nlcholls, llessell, 1'rltcliard
nnd Jeffs who havo couio over with tlio
delegates of tlio English flro brigades.
They aro nil Londoners. 1 had this
ovening a talk with tliowholo party,
Mnj. Heath told ino that to Miss Mor
timer tlio honor was duo of taking the
first step. Mr. Louis suggested it to her.
After a great flro ho said to her that
tliero wm really no tuoro danger In get
ting out of a high window than out of
ono on tlio first floor If tliero were nerve
and a cool determination to hold on to
tlio ropo or ladder. The peril lay, lie
said, in flurry nnd wnnt of pluck. Were
somo plucky girls to show women how
easy it Is to make descents from top
Windows, tlio victims from flro would
not bo so many. Miss Mortimer conse
quently tried. All the girls began with
perilous descents, nnd were not trained
gradually to make their plunges down
life saving canvases. They havo learned
to go up ropes nnd ladders ns well as
Wliilo we talked tlio young ladies, who
wcro In ordinary clothes, wcro reminded
that they had very Ilttlu timo to dress
for n eoireo in tlio Aven to do Wagraui,
whero tho prefect of pol -o and his fire
brigado staff were to meot tho congress.
After the soireo they wero to be taken
to tho El Dorado, where COO places liad
been engaged for tho delegates of France
and the foreign nations represented here.
I remained to seo them in their cos
tumes, and talked menuwhilo with Maj.
Heath. Ho told mo that Mme. Camot
had invited the girU to Fontainebleau,
and that tho president at tlio general re
view on Sunday was to seo them at
work. Every 0110, he said, treated them
with respect and sympathy. The ob
jects of the firemen's congress wero to
maku known tho best means of prevent
ing and putting out fires, nnd to mako
insurance companies bear n great part
of tho expense of keeping up cllicient
flro brigades, nnd provldo for men
maimed in trying to extinguish fires in
insured houses.
Resolutions to this effect having been
carried, tho young ladles camo back
dressed in their uniforms. They had
red silk caps, dark bluo sliort skirts, not
descending below tho calf, fcoft leather
boots, neat Indices, with broad brass
buttons, and turned up with red at tho
neel: and cuffs. London News.
Aiullcare Clprlunl.
The most striking figure, physically
speaking, at tho recent workingmen's
congress ill Paris was that of Amilcaro
Cipriani. Cipriani was born at Uimint
in 1844. Nominally ho is n journalist;
actually ho is a fighter. A Socialist sltico
ho was 15 years old, ho has for thirty
years fought and suffered. Twlco lie
lias been condemned to death; onco to
Now Caledonia for lifo actually ten
years; to twenty-fivo years' liard labor iu
Italy actually eight (chained to a log).
Ho was delivered from this last by tho
persistence of tho Italian peoplo, who
nino times elected him deputy. To de
fend his people ngainst tlio triplo al
liance of Russia, Germany, Austria on
tho 0110 hand, and against Boulangism
on tlio other, Cipriani has started 11 uni
versal federation of the people a move
ment that has already spread widely in
Italy, Franco, Spain and Portugal. Ho
is a giant In physicpue, but with a beau
tiful tenderness of manner. His eyes,
hair and beard aro black, and tho two
last aro graying hero and tliero. Ho
speaks French perfectly and with groat
energy and flro. Loudon Star.
Curious AtmoHplierle riieuomeua.
A Boston lawyer, who has returned
from a trip to Maine, tells of a curious
phenomenon existing at tho Livermoro
fulls in that state. At tho foot of ono of
tho dams tho descending water seems to
bo driven back with so much force tliat
half woy up tho column of water there
is 1111 over moving lino of water, llko a
creaso in n picco of cloth. This has an
effect upon tho surrounding atmosphere
that is almost incredibly great. Tho
phenomenon is not observable at all
times, but when tho "wave" is visible on
tho falling water objects suspondod in
tho air at some distanco from the falls
uro observed to vibrato perceptibly in o
regular movement. Tho vibration, wliilo
perceptible at tho timo when tho "wavo"
can bo seen, seems to stop almost In
stautly'after tlio "wavo" disappears, and
it seems almost certain that tho latter
causes tho former. Boston Advertiser.
The Mexican Monolith.
The removal of the great monolith,
tho Goddess of Water, from tho ancient
Mexican city of Teotiliuacan, is attract
ing widespread attention among kcien
title men. Tho top of tho statue U below
tho surface of tlio surrounding plain, and
as it is over ten feet lower, it is seen that
tho task of its removal is no ordinary
one. It is of granite, contains 202) cubic
feet of solid rock. Its weight is estimat
ed at 25 tons. A temporary railroad track
nearly three miles long will bo laid from
tho station on tho Mexican railway over
to the placo whero the statue now stands.
Its ago Is supposed to bo about 1,400
years. Chicago Herald.
A Scrantonian who has just returned
from Lake Carey tells a good story at tho
exieiiso of a Wilkcsbarro young man.
Tho Wilkcsbarro chap took a lady out
boat riding. When ipiite a distance from
shore tho boat was overturned. The
man called loudly for help, and when It
arrived and the lady had been lifted into
another boat tho Wilkesbarrean denied
that it was the same lady that ho had
taken out with him. She lifted her hand
to her head and was horrified to find that
her wig had been washed away and that
her gray hair was exposed.
In ono neighborhood in Dakota last
week there wero only two lucifer matches
to go around among twelve families, and
persons wero detaiUd to build fires and
keep them alivo nijht and day until u
supply could bo had,
The Octogenarian Cardinal.
Cardinal Nowman, who Is now In tils
69th year, cordially receives American
visitors whenover his health permits, lie
Is simple to a degree in his habits, get
ting up until quite lately, oven if ho does
not still, between 5 and 0 In tho morning,
both in summer and winter. He then
cays mass In a chapel adjoining his bed
room, and afterward takes his breakfast
aud during tho day presides over the
meals of tho fathers at 1 o'clock and at 0.
On great feast days, such as that of St,
Philip Nerl, who founded the congrega
tion, or of Sts. Peter and Paul, the car
dinal conducts tbo Bervlce of benediction
for tho boys In the echool chapel, but
oven this light effort lias been more than
ho could frequently undertake during the
last two or thrco years. Boston Journal
Tho German emperor wtll present the
queen with his bust in memory of liU re
cent visit to England. Tho bust Is now
being executed and represents Emperor
William In tho uniform of tho Prussian
body guards. Ho wears his helmet, in
stead of being bareheaded, as in all j ro
vious UkcMesv
llellevet In Wltchet.
Samuel Armstrong, of Wapello, 82
years old and possessed of $250,000, ts La
sano and at times so violent that it be
come neccsiary to confine him. Ills
history has somo queer features. For
many years ho was n prominent nnd suc
cessful contractor In Cincinnati, wheto
ho accumulated money and Invested it
in real estato In that vicinity. His larg
est holdings lay in Avondalo, Grconvlllo
and Columbia, 0.,niul thoy havo become
very valuable About ft scoro of years
ago, as ho was driving away from tho
place, a man who was trespassing hurled
a heavy stone nt him. Tho raissiloBtruck
him In the back of tho head, and from
that timo on ho began to loso his mind.
While this Infirmity was coming on,
and before It had proceeded so far as to
call for Interference In his behalf, ho was
Induced to transfer his Avondalo estato
to an unprincipled man, who, It Is said,
did not render him tlipalightcst compen
sation for it. Litigation followed, nnd
tho salo was set aside.
Somo time after this a Grccnvillo man
was appointed I1I9 guardian. Tho Avon
dalo property was sold for $100,000. Tin
Test of his property Is still untouched,
Armstrong was never married. His only
heirs aro Ills nephews nnd nieces, chil
dren of his sister, and nearly all of them
live In Louisa county, not fnr from Wa
pello. Several years ngo ho was brought
there and since then has made his home
with his nleco and her husband, Mr. ruul
Mrs. S. J. Paris. Ho is subject to several
harassing delusions, principal among
which is n firm belief in witches. He
sees them como Into hit) room through
small openings, such as keyholes, and is
greatly bothered by them In various
ways. Ho keeps tho crevices in his room
clo3ely stopped and wears straps around
his ankles to keep tho witches from
crawling up tho legs of his pants. Chi
cago News.
The Iletimlnlnc Territories.
After tho admission of tlio two Dako
tas, Washington and Montana, there
wilt still remain 11 vo territories that will
bo candidates for admission. Four of
theso havo at somo time formulated con
stitutions that have been left to season.
Two of these, Idaho and Wyoming, nro
now engaged in either revamping con
stitutions or making new ones. The
third one, Now Mexico., is about to en
gago in the samo work. Tho question
of tho admission of theso fivo territories
will probably come before congress at
tho next session. Tho latest estimates
of population made by officers of these
several territories show tho population
to bo as follows:
Arizona 60,000
Idaho 100,000
New Mexico. 1CO.O00
Utah 10,000
Wyoming S5.O00
Tho figures hero given, especially for
Now Mexico nnd Utah, will probably
bear trimming down. No territory has
a right to statehood by virtue of popula
tion or other qualifications. Thero is no
statute conferring on a territory right
of admission. There aro, of course, nu
merous precedents. But tho Federal
government exercises tho sovereign right
of both admission and rejection. San
Francisco Bulletin.
A Queer Sect of Turks.
Among tho last batch of Syrians nrrlv
Ing at Castlo Garden wero threo Druses.
Two wero farmers and tho third was n
shoemaker. Thoy went from Castlo Gar
den to Baltimore.
Thc60 threo men aro tlio only Druses
who havo over como to this country. An
isolated aud peculiar race, tho Druses
havo lived for generations near Mount
Lebanon. Their total number is about
40,000. Hakcm, tho third Fatlmlto ca
liph, is claimed by them as their found
er. Thoy honor him as a dlvino being,
aud faithfully observo tho curious re
ligious rites which ho established.
They aro divided into two classes tho
elect and tho Ignorant. Tho elect nro
tho high priests, and tho Ignorant aro
thoso who aro too young and inexperi
enced to bo initiated into the mysteries
of their religion. Tho high priests guard
tho mysteries of their faith zealously,
and tolerato neither Hebrews nor Chris
tians. Tho ignorant aro far less conserva
tive, and frequently mingle socially with
bellovors in their creeds.
The elect Druses bellovo that Jesus
Christ waa merely an ordinary prophet,
and that Hakem was really God, mani
fested in tho flesh. They aro confident,
too, that tho number of orthodox Druses
can never decreaso or incrcaso.
Tlio tliroo Druses iu this country aro
fino looking men, and nro ovidently pos
sessed of unusual intelligence. Now
York Herald.
Where's the Aurora?
Tlio aurora borealis Is a phenomenon
that for years lias been conspicuous by
its absence from theso skies. Timo was,
and that not so long ago, when the
northern heavens presented a spectacle
of weird, bewildering beauty. Why this
dearth of electrical display? Tlio earth
and tho heavens and tho sun and tho air
aro the samo, to all appearances. Vet
tho borcan horizon is Innocent of its
shifting canopy of northern lights. Nor
has there been any reason given by scien
tific men for this disappearance. Big
spots on tho sun como and go. Their ap
pearance has been in former years found
to bo coeval with tlio aurora, but tho rule
has not held good for u decade. Havo
tho thousands of dynamos tliat havo
come Into existence in that time ground
out such a lot of electrical energy that
there is not enough left in the atmos
phere to lit out a single display In tho
northern heavens? Pittsburg Bulletin.
Love am Luvr.
When two fellows nro in lovo with tho
same girl, and ono of them happens to
be a postmaster, what a big advantage
tho latter has over his rivall A Maino
postmaster recently found himself in
this situation and mado tho best of his
opportunity or tho worst, just as you
may think. The girl sent her new lover
papers through tho postofllco. The seller
of stamps thought all was not right, nnd
upon Investigation discovered that with
in tho paper was a letter written to his
fortunate rival. The postmaster reported
the case and tho girl was fined $10. The
fino was subsequently remitted. And
now tho query is, doesn't tho postmaster
wish ho hadn't done it? Lowipton Jour
nal A Western Inventor.
Edgar F. Lincoln, of Topeka, Knn.,
has taken out more patents during the
lost two years than any man In tho coun
try. Ills Inventions cover all fields, and
he has patented almost everything, from
an Improved cloctrio light to a celluloid
toothpick. Like a great many Inventors
he finds It difficult to mako money out
of his cleverness. Other men reap tho
profit of his brain effort. Ills latest do
sign is a toboggan brake. It enables a
toboggan to stop In tho tniddlo of tlio
steepest incline Instantly if any obstruc
tion suddenly appears on tlio chute,
New York Telegram.
Tho son and successor of tho dead
PrLuco of Monaco Is reported to bo op
posed to gambling, and the inference Is
that ho will close the world (In-)famous
gambling establishment In tho principal
ity, with its train of ruincJ Uvea uad
i tefcUMsV
27, 1889.
Ilmv the Executive of franco lonks and
llow Ills Timo Is Occupied.
President Cnrnot is not a hard worker
In tho seliso that hard work Is understood
In America. Ho docs not bother himself
with details. Ho keeps a sharp cyo on
all that Is going on nbout him, but ho
does not sonsldor it his duty to perform
a clerk's work. IIo would not dream of
working as President Cleveland used to
do and us President Harrison now does.
Llko all Frenchmen, ho Is a lato riser.
Coffee and roils are served in his room.
At 0 o'clock ho appears In his little study,
which leads from tho big reception rooms
In tlio Elysco palaco. Uij prlvato letters
aro opened nnd on his desk. Ho pulls
his easy chair up to a window, puffs nt a
cigarette, and ono of his secretaries in
forms htm of tho contents of His mall.
Occasionally ho dictates replies, and
sometimes ho answers letters by his own
hand. Tho contents of his mall bag nro
curious. Thero aro letters on all sorts of
subjects, somo begging money, somo ask
ing for presidential clemency, others ask
ing for ofiico and still others asking for
Tlio Ilttlu room denotes that Its occu
pant Is of a literary turn. Thero aro
magazines on tho tables, novels aud
nowspapers from America, England and
Germany, ns well as Paris. On ono side
of tho room Is n bookenso of cholco liter
nturo. A vaso of flowers on tho mantel
shelf perfumes tho room. A tiny Scotch
terrlor sleeps soundly on a rug at tho
door, and n canary chirps merrily as it
bosks in tho sunshine that comes stream
ing through tho open window, At 10
o'clock President Camot receives mem
bers of tho government, leaders afld
deputies who havo business with him.
At 11 ho lias dejeuner, or breakfast,
either In tho palaco or ho may go out to
tho houso of a friend. Dejeuner is a
popular meal, and Camot seldom bits
down alono. His wifo, children and ono
or two friends usually join him. At
noon ho receives such visitors as may
have business with him, and just now
a good many of theso peoplo aro Ameri
cans, who havo heard of tho affability of
tho president of La Bcllo France, and
wish to seo him and shako hands with
him To theso ho is all politeness and
attention. His manner would do credit
to Chesterfield. Uo goes about tho room
from one person to another, making all
feel comfortable and at ease.
Thoso of his visitors who havo private
or publio business with him aro taken
Into an adjoining room. At 1:30 o'clock
such public documents as it is necessary
for tho president to seo and sign aro
brought to him. About 2:30 or 8 o'clock
ho is free. Sometimes ho goes for n
drivo in tlio Bois do Boulogno, or for a
walk, but at present ho is devoting most
of his timo to tho great exposition. At
0 o'clock ho returns to tlio palaco. He
dines witli his family and usually a
friend or two at 7 o'clock. Ho is n good
liver and his table is loaded with dain
ties. After dinner friends of tho family
aro received. Sometimes thero Is music.
Quito often tho president goes to the
opera or theatre, and at 11:80 ho retires.
Yesterday I saw him in tho depart
ment occupied by tho United States ex
position. A crowd surrounded htm. Ho
was chatting with somo American visit
ors and seemed deeply interested. Ho
is a man of medium height and ordinary
appearance. His faco denotes fair but
not extraordinary intelligence. Hisdark
beard is trimmed in tlio orthodox French
fashion. To tho casual observer houiiglit
bo a lawyer of fair practice or a respect
able merchant with a goodly establish
ment on tho ltuo da la Paix. IIo dresses
in good taste, in quiet colors, and does
not mako much display of jewelry. Oc
casionally ho wears ono of his numerous
decorations, but not often. In fact, he
is plain in stylo and manner to tho last
At tho timo when tho exposition of
1878 was held Camot was a very obscuro
man. Even at tho timo when in the elec
tion at Versailles ho so quietly Bllpped
Into tho chair that M. Grovy, much
ngainst bis will, was obliged to vacate,
owing to the peculiarities of son-in-law
Wilson, but littlowas known of him out
side of Franco. But just nt present ho
is very comfortablo in tho chair that was
occupied by Thiers, MacMahon and lat
terly by Grovy. Thiers went tho way
of all ficsh about tho timo that Marshal
MacMahon met with his downfall. You
may still seo tho tall, military form of
tho marshal duko at the Cafo d'Orsey,
tho old haunt of tho nobility. But Mac
Mahon is douo with politics. M. Grovy
may still bo seen in his favorlto haunts
of Paris when ho is not rusticating at his
country placo in tlio Jura at Mont-sous-Sandrey.
But no ono talks or thinks
much about Grovy. Ho is what King
Michael Kelly, of Boston, would call a
back number. Cor.Chicago Inter Ocean.
An Old Lady.
Mrs. Van Nostrand, of Now Bruns
wick, N. J., who recently celebrated her
101st birthday anniversary, belongs to n
long lived family. Sho was married in
1810 and her husband did not dlo until
1803, when ho was 80 years old. Sho
has had eight children, and all but one
are still living, somo of them being over
70 years old. Sho has not been called
upon to mourn a loss among her children
for scenty-fivo years, and has lost very
few of her grandchildren or great-grandchildren.
Philadelphia Ledger.
The TurulofiT of the Leaves.
A lunch was given at Flushing, L. I,,
last week to celebrate tho turning of tho
leaves. Tho walls of tho dining room
into which tho guests wero ushered wero
painted n yellowish cream, with brown
tones in tho friezo and a flush of red in
tho cornico warming tho brown, Tho
flreplaco and tho deep window seats wero
filled with maplo boughs flashing from
yollow into tho most vivid crimson.
Maplo boughs hung from tho chande
liers, nnd twigs of maplo and oak and
brownish yellow chestnut leaves filled a
bugo old yellow bowl that stood in tho
middlo of tlio table. Tho hostess woro a
cream colored Bilk, with brown brocado
rcdlngoto and crimson sash, and flaming
leaves fluttered down through tho menu
cards that lay by tho napkins. Each
gUest received ns a favor a chestnut twig
bearing a prickly burr, which, when
oponed, proved to bo a satin lined bon
bonnlcrc. Now York Mall aud Express.
The niters or llussla.
Tho Russian Oazetto has received somo
disturbing intelligence on tho tubject of
tho rjvers of Russia, which play such an
important part in tho Internal communi
cation of tho country, Tho Dnieper has
become bo shallow that navigation is dif
ficult nt oven tho deepest parts, 6tich as
between Klov nnd Cathcrinoslav. Small
boats can only pass now whero vessels
sailed formerly. Tlio Volga itself is not
much better, and the river Bteamersjiro
unablo to reach Nljni Novgorod. In
consequence of theso facts a strenuous
measuro of river dredging nnd stricter
regulation for tho control of the naviga
tion of tbe greater rivers, such as tlio
Don, tho Dnieper, and the Volga, is be
ing advocated, nnd It Is believed that tho
minister of ways of communication has
the subject under his serious consldcns
ikm. -
VOL. 24, NO. 39.
Clans Spreckels' Kerr Idea and What Dif
ferent Ones Think of It.
Tlio scheme of utilizing sugar for
building purposes in placo of marble,
which tho rcdoubtablo Claus Sprockets
declares to bo feasible, has stirred up
lots of interest among tho sugar men as
well as stono cutters.
Sprockets pays his sugar experts wcro
asked to find a means for hardening tho
sugar hosliipjwd to Mexico, nnd they did
so. It had becomo necessary to get a
process of this kind, as tho sugars dis
solved and washed considerably while cn
routo there.
Tho success of tho now process mado
him think tho crystals could bo hardened
for building purposes nnd mado to with
stand heat and water.
It has been demonstrated to his satis
faction, ho declares, tliat tho thing can
bo douo. Tho tests already mado show
that sugar blocks for interior decoration
could even now bo furnished. Great
blocks for tho exterior of buildings, ho
thinks, will bo ovoutually, nnd ho pio
dlcts that tho proposed now wing of tho
Whlto Uouso in Washington will bo of
that matetlal.
A reporter talked with n lot of tho
trust people tho other day nbout tho
now 'discover-. Thoy had consulted
with their experts nbout it, nnd nil wero
nt a loss to conceive of a method which
might effect tho desired result.
No matter how hard sugar was mado
water would dlssolvo It, nnd It would
melt under nominal heat. There was 110
comparison between sugar aud marble.
They wero composed of entirely differ
ent elements. Marble, carbonlo acid
and lime, which form into a compound
of carbonato of llino. Water has no
effect on this substance, and It would
take ten minutes of a whlto heat tcm
pernturo to disintegrate it, tho experts
Sugar Is composed of oxygen, hydro
gen and carbon, a compound substanco
that heat, water or shock readily drives
back into its elements, nnd no chemical
substanco can preservo its integrity, tho
sugar men conclude, and rest contented.
Of a similar opinion is Dr. Gideon F,
Mooro, tho eminent chemist, who is con
stantly called upon to mako sugar tests.
But ho does not say that n process gen
erally unknown to sclenco at present
may not havo been discovered.
IIo showed tho reporter n block of
sugar about an Inch squaro in thickness.
It was perfectly transparent. It looked
hard, but could bo easily cut with a
kntfo or bitten.
"There Is tho natural formation of
sugar crystals," tho doctor oxplalned
"Tlio sugar is in tho samo stato now as it
was when pulverized. Just tasto it; you
will boo it is 03 swoet as over.
"Pressure could not solidify crystals
moro than thoy nro now, and I know of
uo chemical preparation that could pos
sibly do it.
"If n way of making sugar harder
than this lias been found it is something
now in chemistry, nnd if tho blocks can
bo mado insensiblo to water or nominal
heat tho discovery is wonderful."
Tho statement that Sprcckels made
nbout tho now building sugar, putting
marblo completely In tho shade, becnuso
of Its superior beauty, no ono who studies
each specimen under a magnifying In
strument will doubt.
Tho sugar is liko a rainbow, excepting
that each crystal represents an irregular
If finely cut ns marblo Is, a block of
sugnr might reflect overy ray of light,
making It glisten llko a diamond.'
Thero can bo no question about its
beauteous effects, nnd if it can bo pre
pared nt nil, it can bo gotten up much
cheaper than marblo.
Tho only difficulty to bo ovcrcomo Is
tho natural disposition of tho sweet stuff
to melt. Tho trouble now is that sugar
Iseugar whether soft or hard, and a pieco
from tho corner stono of n sugar houso
would tasto just as good to tho small boy
as If It wero stolen from n bowl. Now
York Nows.
Homo at Last,
Tho old darky, an nocount of whoso
trip from Louisiana to Georgia was pub
lished In Tho Eagle somo timo ago, found
his young bosses nt la6t. Uo belonged to
Mr. Tillmuu, of Tatnall, and was sold as
n slave long before tho war and taken to
Louisiana. As tho shadows of old ago be
gan to gathernround him, his heart j earn
od for his childhood's homo, nnd so last
spring tho old fellow, with his wifo and
children, traveled all tho way back in n
horso nnd cart. Ho had got to Tatnall,
but found that his old boss had gono tho
way of all mankind, and Mr. Joseph Till
man, 0110 of Ills young liossea, with that
feeling that overy southerner lias for tho
good old timo darky, brought tho old fel
low to his home in Bulloch, gavo him a
house and land to tend, whero, with his
young bosses to help him, ho hopes to
Bpend tho remainder of his days in
peace and contentment Statcsboro
(Ga.) Eaglo.
How Florida (llrls Capture CIuuis.
Ono day last week four young ladles
stopping at Colin Turk went up ono of
tho crooks nftor clams. Thoy wero rather
late, and tho tide was rising rapidly when
they reached tho clam banks. Not to bo
outdone, thoy hunted tho desired clams
by feeling for them with their feet, until
the tldo roso so high that they wer in
wator up to their necks. When a flam
was sounded a dlvo followed, and tho
clam was landed In tho boat. Sixty-two
clams wcro tho rosult, and the chowder
pot was largo and well filled. Savannah
The most famous barber now living,
probably, is about to celebrate his silver
wedding In Paris. Ho is M. Adolph
Paques, IIo was tho greatest of his
kind 6ixty years ngo. Uo numbered
among his clients Chateaubriand, Lam
artino, Victor Hugo, Theodolph Gautier,
Mile. Mars and Mallbran.
Sccuery for the l'ussluu Play.
Tho Oberammcrgau Passion plays ore
fast becomlug modernized Hermann
Burghardt, of Vienna, has received an
order to paint tho scenery for tho now
stage, and caII bells will bo introduced.
Tho scenery is taken for tho most part
irom 1110 oiu masters " ilio Last Sup
per' of Leonatdo, and "Tho Crucifix
ion," after liaphacl, eto. Two drop
scenes, wntcn nro painted upon wood,
aro also being prepared, and will be
shifted liackward and forward by tneaus
of rollers, 'ilio stago receives nil its
light from above, being covered by a
glass roof, Loudon Graphic
Nineteen trade unions reported to tho
British board of trade in July on tho
stato of tho labor market. Ten report
trado to bo "very good," soven "good,"
and two "moderate," Tliero uro 101,023
members In theso societies, of whom
only 8,803 nro out of work. Tho pro
portion or out ol works Is 1,7 per cent,
as against 4.0 per cent, for July, 18S3.
Tlio Swiss Eiffel tower, on tho Eschen
berg, near Wlnterthur, has just been Iu
uugurated. It is 100 feet high nnd com
mands a magnificent Alplno panorama,
reaching as far as Lako Constance. Tho
Swiss claim that the "Llttlo Eiffel" Is
above tbe big model, as tho elevation of
the si to so much exceeds that of tho ParU
A St, Lotrts OI10M Story That Heads Like
Rome of the Old Novels.
Stories havo been niloat for somo timo
which havo excited a great denl of com
ment among residents of tho West End,
and which havo given employment to
tho tongues of tho gossips. It is a veri
table ghost story, nnd whllo tho Incredu
lous havo smiled and affected a con
tempt for what thoy term uonseuso of
that kind, tlio fact remains that tlio tnlo
continues to go tho rounds nnd to in
creaso in interest ns tho days go by.
Tho house which Is tho sccno of opera
tions for his alleged ghostshlp stands on
tho south Bide of Chestnut street, west
of Twenty-ninth, nnd is just such a look
ing plnco ns might bo selected for such a
Btrnugo inhabitant. It is n dark, gloomy
looking Btructuro, rearing Its solemn
front nbovo tho street In Btrango contrast
to tho cheerful aspect of its neighbors.
From week to week tho somber shutters
which hido its windows from tho eyes of
tho curious uro never opened to ndmlt
tho cheerful sunshine, nnd no noiso of
laughter or pruttlo of children nt piny
over greet tho passer by. An nlr of mys
tery pcrvudos tho place, nnd n Btrango,
uncanny feeling comes over thoso who
pass It.
Tho weird visitor is said to bo tlio ghost
of a young innn who, In days gono by,
blow out his brains upon tho very thresh
old of tho houso, A young lady, with
whom ho fell in lovo aud who had
plighted him her troth, grow tired of his
attentions, nnd broko her engagement
with him. By overy means within his
power ho Bought to regain her affections,
but In vuIil Sho turned a deaf car to
his most earnest entreaties, nud Anally
forbad 0 his visits entirely.
bttll clinging to tho bono that ho might
lu timo regain her lovo, ho sought an In
terview, which wns denied him, and,
flllod with despair, ho resolved to end his
life, Uo called to fco her, but finding
tliat sho had gono to visit n neighbor bo
repaired to tho houso whtro it was sup
tiosod bIio had cone, and, rea'clilnc tho
door, ho placed a pistol to his head nnd
coolly blow himself into eternity.
it cuanccu, iiowovcr, that ho had mis- '
taken tho houso, nnd tho story Is that,
his spirit, which had gono iu search of
tho lady liu had loved and falling to find
her, has from that time, as each recur
ring day brings back tho hour at which
ho died, returned to ronow tlio fruitless
search. Inhabitants of tho houso wero
startled by Btrango, uuearthly noises,
and on moro than ono occasion tho weird
visitor wns seen to ascend tho steps lead-
lug up from tho cellar and go wandering
about tho houso ns lf vainly searching
tor somo ono. It groped its way from
room to room, and after accomplishing
its rounus would disappear. Bo thor
oughly frightened did tho Inmates of tho
houso becomo, that, ovcrcomo at last by
fear, thoy removed to another locality
aud for a timo his ghostshlp was left in
solo possession of tho premises. Then
tho property was sold and tho new own
er, who had heard tho weird stories that
wero told, resolved to remodel tho houso
with a viow to driving out tho unwel-
conio visitor. Tho cellar fiom which
tho phantom had arisen on tho occasion
of his visits was filled completely up, in
1110 nopo mat wuen its Hiding placo wa3
gono it (tho ghost) would tako Its depar
ture, and tho Interior of tho houso was
carefully rearranged, but without avail.
lho ghostly visitant still remained. It
Is said that it still wanders through tho
House, nnd rumors go nbroad of stranco
sights and sounds to bo seen and heard
at night. Howover it may be, no ono
lias been nblo to boIvo tho mystery, nud
tho inmates of tho houso aro seldom
seen. They hold themselves carefully
aloof from tho outer world, and main
tain au nlr of mystery that lends cred-
enco to tho tale. No ono is seen to como
or go across tho mysterious threshold,
darkened by tho blood of tho self mur
dered man, and tho neighbors glanco nt
tho houso significantly aud rolato tho
story with an nlr of general belief.
A reporter, in order to learn tho exact
facts, called at tho house, but was de
nied ndmissiou. Inquiry nmong the
neighbors, however, verified tho state
ments hero made St. Louis Republic.
Presidential Trains.
Wo don't lilcn rtresldpntlnl frnlno "
said n railroad man. "Why?" "For
several reasons. They nro very expen
sive. Tho best cars, tho most compe
tent train men nro employed. Tlio pres
ident Beldom is awaro of tlio fact that
his train is guarded by detectives, but
wo havo our secret Korvlnn min thf,
Just tho samo. Every other train must
uuep out or 1110 way ot tuo president's
train. Fast freights that usually run
within ton minutes of ordinnrv nriaemt.
gcr trains aro not allowed to bo within
tinny minutes or tlio president s special.
YOU Can seo. it crista rnnfsidpmldn
sido track a train for thirty minutes.
Passenger trains must tako tho siding
nnd mall trains lay by. In tho caso of
man trains, wo aro unuer Heavy bond to
mako a certain time, nnd iust Imnclnn
how a mall car must run to mako up
timo lost on biuo tracks. Bridges must
be guarded and inspected, and nothing
left undono that w ill Insuro tlio abso
lutely safo passago of tho presidential
party. Then tho strain on overy man
employed Is severe. Wo always feel
Cieatlv relieved when tlin
train leaves our division, and tho fel
lows on tho next division or tho other
road havo to rin tlm kwpfiitni vm.
never heard of n presidential train being
wrecked, did you?" Indianapolis Nows.
A Tuiphy of thu Uloody Angle.
Ono of tho happiest men who returned
from tho Gettysburg mo.morial encamp
ment is C. W. Dishing, of Harvey's
Lako, this county, no was n privnto
Iu Capt. Rico's comjiany, Fifty-third
Pennsylvania volunteers. BIsliing was
shot twico nt Gettysburg, his wounds
being ugly ones, n bullet sliattcring nn
nrm nnd another entering near his right
thigh. Tliis occurred near tho bloody
anglo nnd not far from tho spot on which
tho regimental monument stands. As
soon ns ho received tho wounds ho set to
work to bury his musket. IIo fell nenr
a big rock, and, though suffering great
pain nnd bleeding profusely, ho man
aged to Bcoopout enough dirt nt tho baso
of tho bowlder to slip his musket Into
tho excavation. Afterward ho carefully
covered it nnd wondered whether ho
would over seo it ngain.
Bishing accompanied tho surviving
members of his old regiment, tho Fifty
third Pennsylvania volunteers, to Gettys
burg on tho occasion of tho dedication of
their monument. Whllo thero Bishing,
accompanied by sovcral old comrades,
started out to look for tho musket ho had
buried twenty-six years before, Tlio
bloody nuglo was easily found, and ho
soon distinguished the hugo bowlder at
whoso baso ho had fallen and whero ho
had hidden tho gun. It took but n few
moments to dig tho earth up, when, to
his joy, ho btruclt tho old musket and
quickly resurrected it. It had tho np
pearnnco of Hip Van Winkle's fowling
pieco. Tlio stock had fallen apart, but
wns still In a good stato of preservation.
Tlio barrel was bound about witli n thick
coat of rust, and tho lock and other por
tions wero in tho same condition. But
Bishing lifted tho old musket tenderly,
and, as the recollections of tho past filled
his miud, ho kissed it with tho euthusi
asm of n father who has found a long
lost child. Bishing brought tho musket
to Wilkcsbarro this uftornoou. Ho sayc
ho is poor, but no money will buy tho
musket. Wilkcsbarro (Pa.) Cor. Now
York Suiu
lTofesoor Ellhu Thompson has nor.
fected an invention by which tho rails ol
street or steam railways may bo welded
together by electricity ufter being placed
In position. A dyuamo tiropeU over tin
tracks an electric welding machine,
which welds the rails into ono continuous
lino after it passes over them. It La pro
posed to have at ovory ouo hundred feet
a break, to allow for expansion. Any
kind of rails con thus bo welded. One
) 1