The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 20, 1889, Image 3

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fey "i"' ryjl
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
in i t
;ukiu jiiiu tTuviuaviuuui'an. .uurti economical
thn ordinary kinds and cannot bo Bold In
1 1 n n otltlon Willi (ho multltudoot low tost, short
weight nlum or phosphate powders. Sola only in
The Columbian
rr rablishcd every Frldaj. subscription price,
f l.UU ft .VUiiTt
Entered at tho Tost onico ut liloomsburg, 1'a.,
03 Btx'uuu viusa muiLiT, mil run 1, ioa.
cokrict niiLiioin Tim taiiie.
Trains on tho 1'. & It. It. II. lcavo ltupcrt lb
7:32 a.m. H:OJa. rn,
8:31 p. m. 6:23 p. m,
TralnaonthoD.L.4: Bloomsburg
as ioiiowb:
NOKTII. south,
T:ii a. in. 8:32 a. m,
10:57 a. m. 13:00, p. m.
2:3s p. in. 4:15 p. m,
C:36 p. m. 18:17 p. m.
TTalnsnnthe N.fiW.B. Uatlwaypaas Bloom
arerry as rouowsi
10:18 a. m. H:7 p. m.
e.20 p. ra. 4-30 p. m.
north, south.
10:49 a m 6:39 p m
Taking effect MONDAY, BErTEMUKU B, 18-9.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS. I M. A. M. A.M. A.M. P. M. I M.
Bloomsburg 0 S3 11 48 7 0 8 35 2 35 6 10
Main street 0 18 11 41 0 58 8 4J 2 43 0 47
Irondale . 6 16 11 3'J 6 56 8 45 2 45 6 50
Taper Mill 6 01 11 31 6 43 8 53 2 53 7 00
Ll'ThtStrect. 6 05 11 S3 0 4-1 8 Bll 2 511 7 (11
Ora.lECVlllO S 57 11 20 6 35 9 05 3 07 7 10
Forks 5 43 11 10 0 23 9 13 8 17 7 2')
JUner'S 6 U 11 00 6 21 9 20 3 20 7 2)
Stillwater 5 37 11 0.' 6 17 9 25 3 23 7 2s
Her -00 5 23 10 53 6 10 9 33 3 3.1 7 35
Edsons, 5 23 !(l 50 0 07 9 3d 3 37 7 33
Coles Creek ft 20 10 45 0 05 9 38 3 40 7 40
Sugarloaf 5 15 10 42 0 02 9 4 J 3 13 7 41
Laubachs, 5 12 10 40 6 M) 9 17 3 H 7 47
Central... 6 03 10 31 5 53 9 57 3 53 7 57
Jamison city.... 5 00 10 30 5 50 10 00 4 (10 8 00
Lv. Lv. I.v. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. U. P. M.
8. S. Cox died on Tuesday in New
Skitemheu 21 Mary A. Applcman will
sell valuable personal property on tho pre
miscs In Fishtngcrcck township, near
llohrsbure, at ono o'clock. Cows, pigs,
wagons, farm implements, &c.
Skit. 21. Theo. Finlcy will sell 23 head
ot horses at City Hotel, Danville, to hiRhcst
bidder, at 1 o'clock, and on Oct. 9, ho will
Bell horses at tho I'arrlsh Hoursc, Ply
mouth. J. S. Williams, Auctioneer.
Tuesday Bmtbmiiek 21lh 18S9 Geo. B.
llelmcnsnyiler administrator, ill sell valu
able personal property at the late residence
of Anna Maria Crcveling in Scott town
ship. Beds, bcddlne, tables, bureau,
Mason & Hamlin mclodeon, sewing ma
chine, cupboards, Brussles, Ingrain and
rag carpets, washing machine, mirrors,
cjuecnswnre, books, Ac. Farming imple
ments, baud elder mills and press, carriage,
spring wagon, lard, potatoes, chickens, &c.
Sslo to commence at 10 o'clock.
OoT0iiEit8. M. M IIart7.cU will sell, on
the premises in Mlftlin township, at 10
o'clock a. m., horses, cows, sheep, farm
implements, &c.
Tho administrator's ot Anna Collman
dee'd., W. E. and D. It. ColTman offer at
private sale, a house and lot on West Main
street Bloom9burg, Pa. the late rcsidenco
ot deceased. tf.
Foil Sale. Three heavy horses and tw o
heavy mules, good condition nud good
workers, at prlvalo sale. Inquiro of Will
iam Ferguson Bloomsburg Pa. 9-20 21
Foil Sale. A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and eteam. Apply to
Jan20tf. li. N. MoYKit.
Foil Sale. A farm about a mile from
Aflon, containing 00 acres, all under culti
vation, with good bi.ildings, with nil this
year's crops, farming implements and stock
will bo sold at priv.itu Bale. For partial
lars inquire of J. 8. Williams, Bloomsburg.
7.20 tf.
Foil Sale A valuablo vacant lot on
Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street,
ten dwellings and a good sto-e property in
Bloomsburg. Six farms, two mills
and two storo properties in Col. Co. A
good farm of 807 acres with good build
fags In Virginia and two farms in ICan9s
by M. P. Iiiitz Insuranco and Heal Estate
Agt., Bloomsburg Pa.
Foi: Sale. A farm located ono milo
from Stillwater station in Benton township,
Columbia County. 103 acres, good fruit,
90 acres cleared, first-class dwelling house,
a saw mill, shlng'o and lath mill, and good
water power. A good tenant housn and
largo barn and sheds. Can bo bought on
easy payments. Inquiro of J, S. Williams,
Bloomsburg, Pa. 9-0 tf.
Wanteo. The undersigned wants three
or four hundred tons of rock oak and hem
lock bark, at their tannery at LcwUtown.
Leas, MoVittv & Uiieene.
Thn entire stock of storo eooils of J. P.
Sands, dee'd., of Mordansville, is ollered at
prlvato sale.
To parties wishing to secure a well es
tabllshed business, this is a rare oppoi'
9-20-2t. J. W. Eves, Admr. j
A country store for sa'e. Inquiro of J.
W. Eves, Admr., J, P. Sands, dee'd. Mill
vllle.Pa. 9-20-21.
J. O. Wells went to New York on Tues
day to buy new goods.
J. IC. Lockard and I. I). Wlilto returned
from their western trip last Monday.
Judge li. It. Pcaler of Michigan, was in
town on Saturday,
F. It. Carpenter, It. it. ngent, is ablo to
bo out again, though not very strong yet.
Andrew Freas of Berwick was examined
by tho Board of Examiners, Messrs. Ilhawn
Mai 7.0 and Wiatcistccn, for admission to
tho bar, on Tuesday.
It. Itush Zarr started for Pennsylvansa
College, Gettysburg, Tuesday. Ho was
down last week ami passed a satisfactory
examination before entering tho freshman
Court next week.
Miss Wnsley will havo a Grand opening
of fall and Wlutcr Mlllery ou September 25
and 20, nt iter storo next door below I. W.
llartman & Sous.
Tho Friendship Firu Company went to
Carlisle on Wednesday to at'end tho Stato
Firemen's Association, Gilmore's band ac.
compelled them, Thero wero forty six
men In line including tho band,
Tho Hess re-union at tho grovo of Hen.
ben Hess, ltupcrt, Pa., on Thursday of
last week was qullo n success notwith
standing tho rain. Theru wero friends
from Luzerno, Lycoming, Columbia and
other courtles, to the number of nearly
two hundred. It was resolved to bold tho
ro-unlon next year on tbo last Thursday In
It. will hold a Camp
Miss Hhodo Ikclcr has opened a dress,
making cttabllahmcnt at Itcbccca Car.
men's, Benton, whero first class work can
bo obtained.
ltobecca Carman, of Iionton, has just re
covlcd a largo assortment or millinery and
fancy goods, Including tho latest styles.
Sunburylato bo sowcrcd without any
cost to taxpayers. Prlvato parties liavo
agreed to erect tho sower and charge a
stipulated prlco to all who tap and uso IL
Thero will bo an oyster supper In tho
basement of tho lteformcd church Satur
day evening, September thn 2lst, com
mencing at llvo o'clock. Ico cream, cake,
Ac &c, will be served.
Alfred McIIenry, of Benton, Is In tho
city this week to buy a flno stock of Fall
and Winter goods to 1111 his spacious store
room JiiPt completed a fuw days ago. It Is
(19 feet deep and 2-1 feet wide. Call and
sec his goods and prices.
We aro now ready, everything fresh and
Dross Suits,
Business Suits,
Boys' Suits,
at I). Lowcnberg's popular Clothing liouso.
Sixty men aro at work between Hazleton
and Wllkcs-Barre, placing tho Long DIs
tanco Telephone Co's poles, by which It Is
intended to make conversation possible bo
tween theso points, New York and Phila
delphia. Window frames, door frames, fence
pickets, cellar window frames, window
sash, can bo bought very cheap at Ibis of.
lice. A largo lot bought at sheriff's salo
will bo sold at half prlco. Inquiro of Geo.
K. Elwcll. tf
All interested In Chautauqua work arc
requested to bo present at a meeting held
Monday Oct. 23, in tho W. U. T. U. rooms,
at 7.30 p, m. Thero will be two circles
formed, tho regular C. L. 8. C, and one
for graduates.
G. M. Quick spent Monday in Jackson
township with A. J. Dcrr and on his return
homo he brought with him 27 squirrels.
Matthew insists upon It that ho did not
buy them, as Prothonotary Snyder did his,
on a recent trip over tho river.
Get the Magic Nino Puzzle. $300, cash
In prizes to those who send the greatest
number of combinations with tho fewest
moves, 15o. each.
W. 11. BitooK & Co,
Bloomsburg, Pa.
Sole agents for Col Co.
Tlioso who expect to be exhibitors at tho
coming fairs, and who use printed matter,
such as cards, circulars, &c , should have
their printing done now, so as to avoid the
rush that alwnys comes just before the fair.
This ofllcc has the best facilities for getting
out a largo amount of work in the quickest
To Capitalists. Wantku A special
partner with 15,000 to ij20,000 in a well
established paying business. Growing
place. Will pay ten per cent, on invest
ment. Apply to
J. B. Iiomsox,
9-20-3t Bloomsburg, Pa.
J. K. Locknrd, of thoLockiud car works,
Bloomsburg, Pa., I I). White, a merchant,
C. C. Trench, a capitalist, both ot Blooms
burg, and It Jackson, a meichantof Depere,
Wisconsin, havo befn looking over tho
city for the last four days with H. F.
Sharpless, with a vlosv to investment.
These gentlemen an! much pleased with
the enterprise of our people and with tho
substantial growth of our city and will in
vestigate the city mote thoroughly on their
return from Salt Lake City, whero they
have gono for a few days. Pueblo Daily
Chieftait, Sipt 3.
The May D ivenport Co., sjiowcd hero on
Wednesday night to a crowded bouse.
The singing and many tpecialtics wero
line. The statuary arranged by Billy Wat
son cannot bo distinguished from an artists
work. Mchmmd Dai'y.
The Opera House as crowded to wit
ness the May Davenport Burlesque Com
pany on Thursday night; the scenery and
costumes were the finest ever seen In our
town. Tho show gayo good satisfaction
all around. IWIj News, Wntcltetler.
Bloomsburg Opera House, Sept. 19,
Miss Mary, second daughter of Mr, W.
M. Monroe, of ltupcrt, was married to Mr.
W. E Johnston on Thursday. Sept. 12, at
12:30. Tho'ceiemony was performed by
ltev. Mr. Steer, io tbo nbsence of Itev. W.
C. Leverctt, Tho ushers were E. Johnston
1. M. Church, and W. Ileay. About llfty
guests wen1 present. Many beautiful
gifts were received by tho brldo. Tho
pretty homo of tho bride's parents was
handsomely decorated. Tho young coupl o
took a tour embracing many points of
Township and borough auditors In Penn
sylvania are required by tho law of 1874 to
print, in a newspaper In their respective
localities, annual stu'tcments of the receipts
and expenditures of tho borough councils,
road commissioners, supervisors, overseers
of tho poor, and school directors. They
aro also required to publish by 'posting
hind lulls, cither printed or written, In at
least live public places within their respec
tive townships or boroughs, an itemized
annual statement of tho receipts and ex
pcndlturcs of the borough councils, road
commissioners, supervisors, overseers of
poor, and school directors for tho year
preceding the annuel settlement of their
respective districts."
Dr. I, W. Willlts fell Into the culvert
near Fifth street, under the B. & S. It. It.
on 1 rlday evening, and wus considerably
bruised. He had been to visit a patient
aud as it was very durk ho thought he
could walk better between the two tracks
than on tho ties, when suddenly bo fell
about six feet Into two feet of water and
between two stone walls. After much ef.
fort bo succeeded iu getting out. His an
klo was sprained, his left wrist and right
hand skinned, his mouth cut and his face
and arms bruised. Had ho struck his
head against the wall and lost conscious.
ness, there was enough water to have
drowned him. Ho has been ublo to attend
to business, though feeling pretty sore.
Dr. Peeble" of Philadelphia, Pa. who has
been lecturlug the present week in the
Opera House upon anatomy, physiology
health anil how to "llvo a century" may
bo consulted free of chargo at tho Ex
change Hotel until Sunday night. Dr.
Peebles ticati all chronic comnlulnts. This
Is what tho lUlefonle Daily Nms says of Dr,
Peebles i
Forty-three patlonts visited Dr, Peebles'
rooms yesterday ut Iho Brockerhoff House,
Of lliiso ho treated twenty-seven, tour
he pronounced Incurable, rivo ho recom
mended to no lo Iho University Hospital
Philadelphia. He operated on tho cars of
Li" Li U am. vine lust nelow Aliiesiiurg,
and straightened a crooked eye (strabismus)
for Miss Eliza Wilson, In just ouo mlnutu
ami a half. The doctor treats catairh,
dvsncnsla. rheumatism, consumption, cau
ccrs and all cbroulc complaints. His
charces are moderate,
If the doctor cannot materially benefit
or euro pailcnts ho promptly and
frankly so Informs them. II U advlco and
consultations aro free.
Entl'ost.O, A.
Firo on tho 2Stli.
"Undo Hiram" packed tho Opera Houso
last Monday night. It was n flrst class
show In every respect.
Tho largest and most comploto lino of
roady-mado clothing can always bo found
ftt D. Lowenbcrg's.
Sotno thieves entered tho houso of John
Zancr, near Stillwater last Sunday evening.
They wero not very well rewarded for their
trouble. Tho thlovcs wero evidently some
persons well acquainted with Mr. Zancr, as
ho has been contemplating an oxtcnslvo trip
through tho West and had mado arrange
ments to Btart Monday. Tho thlovcs enter
ed through n window and took tho pocket
book from tho pantaloons ot Mr. Zancr,
tho pants wero on a chair nt tho bedroom
door. Tho only articles In t ho purso were
two checks, ono given by Sherwood, Iloyal
A Co. to tho order ot James Dowllt on tho
Bank ot Owcgo, for $40, and endorsed by
James DoWItt tho other given by Ed
Yorks to tho'ordcr of Itartl iy Albcrtson on
tho First National Bank of Danvlllo for
$90, and endorsed by Hartley Albcrtson.
Both of these banks at which theso checks
wero mado payablo havo been notified j our
readers will thereforo be cautious and not
recclvo either of theso checks In payment
of any article ns they will not bo received
when presented.
'Weather sIkiiiiIh.
Through tho kindness of Mr. Graham of
tho P. & It, ofllcc, and tho enterprise of Mr.
Charles Lutz, Bloomsburg is now supplied
with tho weather predictions of tho Signal
Servlco of tho U. 8. Army. The Hags are
displayed across Main street from Lutz's
Insuranco office In Moyer Bros.' bulljlng
to Lockard's building. Tho white flag in
dicates clear or fair weather. The blue
Hag indicates rain or scow, The black tri
angular flag always refers to temperature)
when placed abovo cither of tho others It
indicates warmer weather j when placed
below them it indicates colder weather;
when not displayed, tho Indications arc
that tho temperature will remain station
ary, or that the change In tcmperaturo will
not vary flvo degrucs from the tcmperaturo
ot the same hour of tho preceding day.
ho white flag with black square In centre,
ndicatcn tho approach ot a sudden and de
cided fall In temperature.
Tho weather predictions Indicated by tho
llags aro Issued hero at 7,30 a. m., dally,
for tho 24 hours commencing at 1 n. m.
These predictions are telegraphed to Signal
Service stations, railroads, pnst.olllccs, Ac.
Many smaller town3 obtain them trom
theso sources by telephone, or otherwise,
and regularly display the llags, and the
system seems to give general satisfaction.
Tho cold-wavo warnings are telegraphed
to the principal stations of the service from
twenty-four to forty-eight hours in ad
vance, when it is expected that the temper
aturo will fall decidedly and suddenly.
They will not bo sent out unless a tempera-
tnre'of 45, or lower, is anticipated. Tho
signal should bo lowered at the expiration
of the time mentioned in tho order to
hoist, unless a second warning is received.
Council Proceeding.
Sept. 10, special meeting, all present but
Gross. President slated object of meet
ing to bo to take action on tin: Miller sew
er, about 410 feet of which is useless. O.
W. Miller appeared and stated that as the
defective section was laid under the direc
tion of the council and their engineer,
no blome was to be attached to,
nor expense born by him, as ho had f ilth-
fully performed his part of tho contract.
Ho proposed to lay a now lino of pipe for
1.25 per foot. Ordcrd that lino of pipe
for $1,33 a foot, from a poiuint which tho
pipe reaches tho river a distance of about
410 feet, in placo of pipe already laid on
that portion of tho sewer, Miller to furnish
all labor and material accord! ng to his
original contract, and to proceed nt once
with the work.
Adjourned meeting, Septembjr 12. Pres.
cnt, all members but Wells, Gross, and
Resolution passed at regular meeting
providing for a loan of $11,500 was recon
sidered. Ordered that statement and reso
lution be made providing for a loan of $12,-
000 at 4J per cent, money to he applied to
purchase lot and erection of Town bulld
og, the excess to be applied to sewer con
struction. Resolutions were pissed pro
viding for tho amount.of bands, the levy
f tases, payment of Interest, form of bonds,
Acontracl for twon building was uilhor-
ized with D. Henslnger, for $9,b70. A
building permit was granted to Jeremiah
A Monster or tile Deep.
Mr. W. B. Poust Is ono of tho corps of
Pennsylvania oftlcUU at Mocanaqua. Ho
resides iu Shickshlnny and since the bass
fishing season opened has discarded tho
bridge and rows across the river. With
ono end of the trolling line between; his teeth
nnd the spoon spinning deceptively In the
water ho his succeeded In capturing somo
fine bass. Monday morning ho took a row
around Walker's Island and as he was
passing down tho opposlto sldo a monster
almon caught his hook, and Mr. Poust
not being a largo man, was easily jerked
from tho boat. Ho turned a complete
somersault and fortunately camo down
squarely on the fish's back. The water
wasn't very deep and Mr. Poust hung to
his game with a death grip, Tho sal
men swam backward and forward and
tried ull tho antics of tho trick mule, but.
tho grip of a railroad man 13 next to death
itself, as tho linny monster soon found.
Mr. Poust tightened his grip and the fish
grew less Irantlo in its efforts. Finally,
when victory was almost In sight, tho fish
struck a bee-line for tho boat and swim-
mlng under it scraped Mr. Poust oft and
swam away In triumph. Mr. Poust got
Into tho boat and rowed to the office. Ho
was so hot over ids disappointment, it is
said, that his clothing was perfectly dry
when he didn't say good morning to Agent
Dewltt, It hasn't been safe to tay fish in
his presence since.
jjATKit. jir. ivisncr went to iho samo
spot Tuesday and with a strong line caught
the flah. It weighed just a pound.
ShichMnny Echo.
The lvllxlr of I, lie not Mew.
Dr, Brown- Sequard is not alone in tho
discovery of elixir vllie, says tho Phlladel
phla Inquirer, Long before the war Dr,
Jean LaFourcadc, who practised medicine
In Now Orleans and kept a drug storo u:
r-spianauo street, prepared una sold an
elixir which whou taken had a wonderful
rovlvlfying effect on tho aged and iullrm
peoplo to whom It was administered. Dr,
LaFourcado sold his elixir in a form similar
to llcorlco sticks, and of about the same
Tho stick, when consumed regularly by
infirm and nged people, mado them
young,-revivid their Impaired energies
and added vigor to their physical being,
Huudrcds ot instances are on record In
New Orleans where Papa LaFourcado'
"sticks" had a beautiful effect on the par
takers. Tho Life Elixir ot which mention
Is mado In our advertising columns Is said
In rnntnln tlin lunin uptlvn itrlni-lnloa rb
I " I---
jtao original Vit.
Itcntnii I'll I r KnccM.
Tho following races havo been arranged
for tho Benton Fair t
Thursday, October 8, 10.30 a. in.. Thrco
year old Colt Itace; 4 to enter, 3 to go,
Purso $25 -1st, $12; 2nd, $8; 3d, $5.
Judgcs-A. B. Mendcnhall, G. W. Rob
erts, Minor Karns.
Farmer's Trot, 3 p. m. Purso $40 1st,
$2); 2nd, $12; 3d, $3. 4 to enter and 3 to
go. Judges Samuel Smith, Ezcklcl
Fritz, U. II. llulmo.
Friday, Oct, 4, 10.80 a. m. District Trot.
Purso $50 1st, $25; 2nd $15; 3d, $10.
Judges Harvey Hess, T. 11. Edgar and
I. It. Krickbaum.
Pacing Itace, 2 p. m, Purse, $100 1st,
$50; 2nd, ;$30; 3d, $20. Judges John
Jameson, W. L, McIIenry and, Alfred Mc.
Henry, Cambra.
Saturday, Oct. C, a p. m. Open to All.
Purso $300.Slst 150; 2nd, $100; 3rd $50.
Judges 1. E. Patterson, II. II. Illrleman
nud Eliot Lemon.
2:43 Trot, 10.30 a. m. Open to horses
whoso record is not under 2:43. Purso
1.25 1st 02; 2nd $40; 3d $23. Judges
George Carey, Jackson Dorr, A'mon But
11ft. A beautiful lino of Fall Overcoats. Fall
styles In hats and caps. Litest designs In
neck-wear at
D. Lowcnbcrgs.
Curd or TlinnUu,
If the proprietor of Kemp's Balsam
should publish a card of thanks, contain
ing expressions of gratitude which como to
him dally from those who havo been cured
of severe throat and lung troubles by the
use ot Kemp's Balsam, it would fill a fair
sized book. How much better to Invito all
to call on any druggist and get a free sam
ple bottlo that you may test for yourself Its
power. Large bottles COc and $1.00.
liaHt neiiton.
A business trip to Scranton last Saturday
at which place wo arrived at 11 a. m., and
departed at 2 p. m, gave us but little op.
portumly for observation. But this much
wo 6aw tlmt It is a very busy ldve of In
dustry. Being led through a machine
shop of enormous dimensions, a casual
glance was only possible at what was
being dono there. Tho largest wheel In
tho world is In tho course ot construction
nod completion in that shop. Its diameter
is 54 feet, Tho rim Is solid cast Iron,
about two fret wide, cogs fully two inches
iu depth, and thickness, and steel shaft 18
to 20 inclis in diameter and 20 to 24 feet
length. This wheel Is constructed upon
the"princlplo of a large bicyclo wheel,
the spokes being round bars of Iron or
steel apparently 4 Inches In diameter, ex
tending from either side ot rim to shaft,
set In a bracing manner, probably to tho
extent of 5 or 0 feet from tho mlddlo of tho
shoft. Smaller round bars, of Iron or
steel are placed m every possible direction
to strengthen thciwhcel. It Is mounted up
on solid pillars and a long, deep pit was
dug to allow it space for the mechanism of
this wonderful invention of art whoso ac
tual cost wiU be $75,000. Other gearing
and attachments nescessary for tho motive
power of this marvelous cngtno of labor
and wealth nre also being constructed In
the same shop. This powerful machinery
is destined for an elevator at a large copper
mine in the West. Wo could not cstlmato
tho weinht of such a wheel, hut It Is,
doubtless, hundreds of tons. When fully
completed, which requires about three
weeks of labor, every piece and parcel,
bolt and screw will bo marked and num.
bcred and tho wheel taken apart and
transported to placo of destination, set up
and put in shape for operation by the mas
tcr.workmcn who constructed it. It has
been in process of construction for nearly
a year.
Mrs. Lizzie Anu Hess, of Stillwater, wis
burled at Hamiliuo cemotcry last Sunday.
Sho was aged about 71 years.
Several dogs of the community havo
dopted a calithumplan system of commit
ting depredations. A largo number of
turkeys and chickens havo been torn lo
pieces by these animals.
The corn Is now being cut.
Seeding is in full progress, tho potato
crop is a failure, wheat aud oats aro also a
light crop.
Pretty Hats and Caps for little boys.
ICIlt suits, Jersey suits, Overcoats at
D. Lowcnberg's.
Happy xioiueH.
Here's a health
to the wives and the
Who sit In our households to-day;
Who are glad when they brighten for
The hours that co drifting away.
May their tyes keep the light of tuo glad
Their hearts hold tho fullness of bliss
That banishes shadows and sadness,
And what need wo ask more than this r
But how can this happiness be kept?
What shall protect those wc love, those
who mako a Heaven of the Home, from
tho ravages of disease that is often worse
than death, that Is, In fact, a lingering
eath? Tho question Is easily answered
Dr. Piercu's Favorite Prescription the
standatd remedy for all of tuoso peculiar
diseases to which women aro subject, is
what must bo relied on to preserve the
health of wives and mothers. It prevents
diseases, and it cu.-cn them. It is a blessing
tolwomen and therefore a national blcsslug
because it elves health to those about
whom the happiness ot homo centers, and
the Btreugth of a nation Is In Its happy
Dr. Pierce s Pellets or Antl-bilious Gran-
ules; in vials, 25 cents; one a doso. Drug.
Cut HiiteH to tlie Wem.
Cheap tickets to all polnti in Kansas,
Colorado, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
Texas, and other Stalc3 and Territories in
the West, will bo sold by tho Santa Fe
llouto from Chicago and other points along
t ic liuo, on August 0 and 20 ; September
10 nnd 24 and October 8.
For particulars ask your Ticket Agent or
writo to John Byrne, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Santa Fo Iloutc, Chica
go. 8-30-tf.
I Hud Hione in me madder
And my kidneys wero affected. Nono of
tho means taken produced any benefit un
til I began the use of Dr. David ICeune-
dy's Fayorlto llemedy, of Itondout, N, Y,
Tho pain ceased tho stono having been
dissolved by the action ot tho medicine. I
am ready in public or privato to testify
that my recovery Is due to Dr. Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy. E, D. W. Parsons,
Rochester. 0.13-lm.
A I'aiully Gailicrluir,
Havo you a father? Havo you a mother?
Have you a son or daughter, sister or a
brother who has not yet taken Kemp's Hal
satu for tho Throat and Lungs, tho guar.
ranteed remedy for tho euro ot Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Croup nnd all Throat aud
Lung troubles? If so, when a sample
bottle Is gladly elven to you free by any
druggist, and the largo size costs ouly 50c
and $1.00.
Economy and strength are- peculiar to
Hood's Barsaparllla, the only medicine of
wh!cU "1Q0 Dose Ono Dollar" is true.
A Wnriu Welcome.
ltov. W. U. Lovcrett reached homo last
Friday afternoon, having landed In Now
York Thursday. Ho had a tempestuous
voyago of twclvo days, on tho Pcnnland
steamer from Antwerp. At ono time tho
cargo shitted In tho vessel so that It lay up
on Its sldo, and thero was great danger of
On Saturday evening a largo number of
Ids parlshoncrs called to welcome him
home, and about twenty members of tho
Masonic Lodgo caltcd in a body to greet
him. On Sunday nwrntngja largo congre
gation filled bt. Paul's church, and tho
Hector preached a very Interesting sermon,
In which he drew many lessons from what
ho saw while nbroad.
An Old Industry.
The plant of tho Catawlssa Fibro Com
pany Is to bo Improved. Tho schemo pro
posed by thf Company has mot with such
favor as to warrant them In going ahead
with tho proposed Improvements. A meet
ing of the subscribers will bo held some
tlrqo this week to perfect an organization,
and Inside of two weeks work will bo com
menced upon the now buildings. Theso
will be of brick, nnd will consist of an ex
tension of tho mill towards tho brldgo 40 x
CO feet, and a further extension of that
building In tho samo direction 60 x 128
The first named will bo for tho machin
ery used iii preparing tho wood pulp and
fibro for tho paper machine, and aro called
engines. Two of theso aro for washing
the material, and aro known as washing
engines. Theso tho company havo on
hand, being a part of the old mill plant.
Two new engines, called beating engines,
will bo purchased lo completo the comple
ment of machinery for the cnglno room.
The 50x125 building will accommodato the
paper machine, an 80-lnch Fourdrlnler,
upon which the pulp will be manufactured
mio maniua paper, mo untitling will he
built large enough to accommodate two ma-
chines, the other a oo-lnch machine, but
tho business will bo started with but one.
ihe product of the paper machlno goes
the bag department, about ono bun. I
, , ,,ni it , . .1
bag machines, manufacturing what U
known to the trado as tho flat-bottom bae.
The capacity of these machines Is 850,000
i-er Uay. as soon as mc patent on wuat
i anown as tue squaro Dag runs out, I
wi,,m. ,m i n .,
ments win be nut nnnti two of theso ma.
chines to make square bags. Two addl-
tlonal machines, for making what is call-1
cd tho satchel-bottom bag, will bo placed
In this room, each with a capacity of 100,
000 bags per day. This will make tho ca
pacity ot the bag plant over a half million
per day.
When finished tho plant will bo tho most
complete in tho United States. It will vlr
lually bo taking In hemlock slabs and turn
ing out paper bags. Tho present capacity
ot tho nulp mill is eight tons of chemical
fibro per day. Tho capacity of tho paper
mill will ho seven tons per day, and the
bag works win use nearly all tho rp
r7., :
take nart In that trade. in,l thov an make
..' .. .. .. .. .. . . I
luu l'"1 lut; 13 " 'uo uepan-
menl8- " P'"P ral3 makc ney sellipg
their product to paper manufacturers, and
nnnnr tnilla nan lintr tln miln anil rvio n ll f ql. I
tm it im nnn, , JnM ,i nr w
manufacturers can !ro into tho market and
buy the paper to mako their bigs, and sell
me hags at a profit, wo fall to sco why tho
Catawlssa Fibro Company wouldn't como
in for all three profits on their pulp, on
their paper and on their bags.
To stnrt with, about aj hundred hands
will bo given employment, but as tho busi
ness gets into working shapo and the
works are developed to their full capacity
the pay-roll will carry nearer two hundred.
The benefit to our town and tho surround-
Ing country can hardly be estimated. All
tho raw material, with tho exception of a
few chemicals and somo ground wood,
which Is considerably cheaper than tho fi
bre manufactured here, will como from
this viciuity, and tho expenso incident to
its manufacture into a merchantable shape
will bo spread through business channels
In time, tho llour sack machinery be
longing to tho Company will bo brought
here and that branch of tho tradotaken up.
This plant is In Itself no Inconsiderable af
fair, consisting ot bag machines, six cylin
der printing presses, six job presses, witlija
completo printing outfit.
the entire amount needod has not yet
been subscribed, but we are Informed that
it is so near and tho assurances for tho bal-
ancc such as to warrant tho Company in
Koing ahead with tho improvements. The
plant In Its Improved condition could not I
plant In Its Improved condition could not
be duplicated for $150,000, so the investor
will havo ample security for their money.
Mr. Edward McCrcady has tho mattar in
hand, and will tako pleasure in explaining
It to auy who desiro, It Catawlssa could
raise $20,000 or $25,000 to give away to a
carpet factory, Bbo should not find much
difficulty in raising $15,000 to invest as
above. Item.
A flno lino of underwear, Merino, Scarlet
and Natural wool just received at
D. Lowcnberg's.
Xlie I'aperH Tliey Take.
Some men refuse to tako their home
paper, and give as a reason that they take
several out ot the county papers. Just
watch them, however, and you will eee
them skirmishing around as soon as a lo
cal paper is published, endeavoring to
spongo their reading from somo intelligent
A ItruliKlHt WlljH
Marvin C. Urown, Druggist, Meredith
Village, N. II., says: I
says: I have sold your
Sulphur Hitters for years, and, contrary to
t . . I
moet medicines, 1 never sold a bottlo to
auy ono who said It did not help them.
They cured me of those terrible sick head
aches when every other remedy failed.
0-13-2 w.
CoiiHiimplloit Mil rely cured
To iiib EniTOit I'lcase Inform your read.
crs that I havo a positive remedy for the
abovo named disease. Iiy Us timely use
thousands ot hopeless cases havo been per
msnently cured. I shall be glsd to send
wo bottles of ray remedy pitsit to any of
your readers who have consumption It they
will send me their oxpross and post ottlo
address. Respectfully, T. A. BLO0UM
M. O..IRI I'carl St.. Now York,
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When Bby wm tick, wo f,e her CwtorU.
Whim the was it Child, ili cried for CMtorhv,
When she became Mlw, the clung to Outorlt,
When the hid Children, ha gre them CaMort.
I'lt Uames. Grist Bhawlnccks. llenth.
woods, Ulack I), Beds, thbv will stay to win.
r.ggs, in tor 91. musiacuon uuarantccd.
Wuxuu Dknnis,
If. liloomsburg, I'a,
(Mention thispspcr.)
rniLADiu-ntA, Monaar, Sept. it, l89.
The really great business of
the Autumn begins this week.
Tho Dress Goods show their
heads like Snrinrr crocuses, and
quite as beautiful, all over the
main floor. The old statement
can be made again, only more
so, namely: You may search
the shops of London, the grand
magasins of Paris, the large
stores of New York or Chicago,
and yet you will not una an
equal choice of Dress Goods
with that which we will show
this season. They are coming
numerously, and arc placed on
sale rapidly. Already we can
bewilder you with variety, bo
mjch for the general fact.
The nropress of the vear mav
be seen in both ends of the Car
pet store, second floor, Market
street: at the east end the Art
Paper ManrrinK and Wall Decor
ation; at the west end the Ori
ental Rug Room, just opened.
Year by year the demand for
Oriental Rucrs from the hand-
looms of the East is increasing.
Year by year the liner and rarer
of these rich pieces the treas
ured Antiquis are becoming
more rare . They are are tak
ing their places in this country
among the iteirlooms in the
homes of people ot taste.
We have set apart a special
r r . S n i
Lom for Oriental RllgS alone.
M'or months past we have been
tratherint the Rutr trems ot rer
sa India. Arabia everv land
.!, !,;.. . : .!
vvtiui uiu unuiui. vvumia uuiic,
u earem Sliape now IO snow
VOU results. " L he hnest COlleCt-
ion of the size I ever saw," Says
an expert, bo say they all.
a :.. " i ,,!
Antiques and moderns
From little more than handker-
Clliet Size to rich, mellOW Carpets
I SX20 feet,
Teheran Turkoman
Ferahan Persian
Anatolian Afghan
Daghestan Turkish
uokhara Lhndurr
Chiva Kurd
Cashmere Soumac
Derbent Gh'ordes
And so on. From every part
of the Orient, and choice pieces
that- Silkier surfaces than
VOli think anything short of
:n. i :r j i
an, wu auuvv u yuu uuu i miuw
tile hnest Oriental RugS. Color
blcndincrs .iiid.-icioiis.comnlV.itfifl
. 0 . . ' .K.
almost haphazard it would seem,
but that grow On your Hkink
and that you never tire of.
Rugs for the hall
Rugs for the stairs
Rugs for the fireplace
Rugs for every room
Rugs for portieres
Rugs for couch covers
Kugs for lurniture covers
We are glad to have you look
at them whether you care to
buy or not.
You can now furnish the
house from basement to garret
Without getting from Under our
roof. Carpets, Furniture, Up
holstery and Kitchen things you
know of. All on the broadest
scale of quality and varietv
Wall Papers and Interior
Decorations have now been
added, lust the sort of a de
partment you'd expect at Wana
maker's. By odds the largest
and most complete stock we
know of. Thousands of designs
and colo rings of every quality
; : .,,, ,.,i.:i ii L
il 13 y uui Willie IU UUL
money into.
Japanese Leather Paper.
French Tapestry Paperss.
Sanitary and Washable Pa
pers for bedrooms.
Chintz patterns with creton
nes to match.
Felt Papers with fine friezes
in all the liked shades.
As rich papers as you'll care
to by; as little priced papers as
you can afford to buy.
l he harmony of many a room
is broken by unfit wall paper.
If you wish, we will send com
petent artists to make suggest
ions. samples 01 wall papers to
r 1 r II
any ,aausess. in asking say
what room or rooms you wish
to treat, and abo ut what cost
paper you have in mind.
John Wanamaker.
atono nuarries Tho best mml tv nf
uuuuing stono lor sa'e by U. F. tjharpless.
Try Curtis Compound.
Try Curtis Compound, Blood, Liver, and
Kidney Purliler.
lry Curtis Comnound. blood, llvnr n,i
Kiuney puriuer.
Try Curtis Compound.
Try Curtis Comnound.
blood, liver and
kidney purlQcr,
Try Curtis Compound,
Try Curtis Comnound. blood, llrnr mi
Kiuney puriuer.
Try Curtis Compound.
Fmo Cabinet portraits only
$Z- iloz, "Lifo size Crayons only
sio.oo. viewing, copying and
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
Newest styles iu dresa trlinmlnes at
Clark & Bon's.
On Tuesday next, Sept. 21, wo will open
our largo now coat room to tho public,
when wo will show tho handsomest lino of
jackets, wraps, coaU. now markets, So for
ladles, Misses and children at prices lower
than ever. Clark & Son.
Clark Son's aro showing completo
lines of niw dress goods, dress cloths, hen
rlcttas, plushci, Ac, at lowest prices.
Tho best 8 and 10c cotton flannels, extra
heavy and wide, all wool, twilled flannel
25c yd., also finer grades and all domestic
goods at lowest prices at Clark Ss Son's
Complete lines of black dress goods,
snawis and vallings nt Ularit s aon's.
Chatclalno baas. "newest styles, pocket
oooks, ocits, hags, &o , at uiarie & noire.
We arc not going to fold our
arms and wait until tho County
Fair for business, but are nt it
right along from G o'clock it. m.
until 8 o clock p. m. If you
wish to know how much of it
stock of Dress Goods we keep.
count our empty boxes, (wo offer
50 of them for sale now.) They
came to us filled with Indies,
Misses' mid Children's coats, with
new Henriettas, with now cash
meres, with new Dress Cloths,
with wool Plaids, with Sorgo
Dress Goods, with Drocntels,
with Kazak Su' tings, with Dor
set Siuungs, with Pocahontas
Suitings, with cotton flannels,
with wool flannels, with shawls,
with Blankcta, with Curti'i"s of
all kinds, with bead trimmings,
with cord trimmings, with Braid
trimmings, with tassel trimmings
with gimp trimmings, &c. Other
boxes and barrels come filled
with Dishes, glass ware &c.
The rain last week cut the but
ter supply short; since then it
has fown some on our hands,
but goes off fast at tho prices.
Eggs arc short, and will be uu-
til the liens get over the strike,
dont forget our Premium on
butter at the Fair.
1 1 mm & no.
Don't fail to get the latest and
best ! New, instructive and. enter
taining, Briggs' Magic Nine
Puzzle, Biperior to the famous
F'fYeen and all other puzzles,
and can be solved in many ways.
The more it is studied the more
interesting it becomes.
$300 casn, in fifteen prizes,
Will be a. Yarded to those who
semi solutions i" the greatest
number of combinations with
the fewest number of moves.
Who will be the lucky ones?
Get one and try it. This is
your best chance, as it is just be
ing irtrodiiced. Price lo cents.
For sale by W. H. Brooke &
Co. Bloomsburg Pa. Sole Agents
for Columbia County.
Tho stockholders of tho Bloomsbare and Sulli
van Kallroad company aro hereby notlned and
uestea to meet at tho onleo ot the comniny.
In the town ot liloomsburg, on Wednesday the
auth day of November, issd. at ten o'clock In tho
lurciiuou, lor mo purposo ot vouns luror agaiusi
an Increase or thu ciinltnl Rtoclc and Indebtedness
ui saui company, iiy oraer ot tuo iwam oi uiroe
li. j. vucu,
Bloomsburg, sept, is, 1SS9.
Tho rocrular annuil moptln? ot tho stock holders
ui uiu muuui3uur water L-ompiay wm uu iiem
at. their onicu In iiloonubur; on Tuesdiy, 8th day
ot October lew, between tha hours ot two and
iuur u eiucK p. iu. tor tuo purpi o oi eieuuu t
board ot directors and tha transaction of tho ten
eral business ot the company.
r. r.
Sept. 13-lw. secretary.
Estate of Jacob ItViwr, fiiw of FUh iigcn'tk tirji,
Co!. Co., I'a., aecesscd.
Letters testamentary on sail estate bavin? been
granted to tho urderslgned oxocu.ors. All per
sons Indebted to s Ud estate aro hei Jby notified to
pay tho same, anl lloio having claims against
saia estate to present tuo samo to
LUVI WKNNEIt. Executors.
C. B. Bahklkv, Post-OJlce, Cambria, I'a.
Alty. u-13-fiw.
Estate of Anna Slarla Creivllng, late of Scotl tup,
Notice Is hereby given that letters ot admlnls
trat'onoi tho estalo ot Anna .Maria Crevellng.
late of scottwp., conntyot Columbia, and state
ot Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to
iitw. 11. iieimensnyeer. oi uiuury. rii.. io wnoin
all Demons Indebted to said estate aio requested to
mako payments, and t'oso having claims or dc-
manus win uiokc kuowu tne samo wuiiuut uciay
Sunbury, I'a,
Notlco Is hereby ctven that tho following ao
count has been mod In the Court of Conimoi
l'leasof Columbia county, and win l presented
wj inu baia uuuri ou tuo lourm tiouiiuy oi ep.
tember, A I). 1JJ, ami confirmed nisi, and un
less exceptions aro mm wiinm lour aays mere
alter win oo connrmeu aosoimu :
1. Plrtt and nnal account ot David lost, coin
mlttee ot the pcrsoi and estate ot Benjamin C.
11U33, U lUUUUU.
rroinonoiary'sojucei vu. u. hnydbk,
Aug. ao, iss). ivotho notary.
Real E.stsilc !
By vlrtuo ot a writ of Fl. Fa. Issued out ot the
court ot Common Pleas of Columbia county, I'a.,
and to me directed thero will bo exposed to pub
llo salo at tho Court House, Bloomsburg, I'a., on
SATURDAY", SHIT. L'8, 1889.
at S o'clock p. m tho following :
All that certain lot or parcel of land sltuato In
Brlarcreek township, Col. Co., ra., boundod and
described as follows, to-wlt: On tho north by
land ot Doty, realer & Stewart, on tho cast by
landot Joseph Lemon, on tho west by land ot
ueo, w, Koona on tho south by unseated land of
John II. Suit and Jrucph Lemon, containing
more or less, whereon aro erected a
ana outbuildings.
Also: All that certain lot ot unseated land
situate In Brlarireek township, coL Co., pa.,
bounded and described as follows, to-u It : On
tbo north by land of Joseph Lemon, on tho fast
by land of Geo. Linden, on the south by land ot
croop. Miller and others , and on the west by land
of rlilUlp spooney, containing
more or less,
seized, taken Into elocution at tho suit ot Nor,
man McNeal use, vs. John W, Suit aud John II
Suit and to bo sold as lUo property of John 11
Atty. bhcrln.
V 0 H9.
No, 0 Cook Stove. $18, RmgM $15 tip.
Btovo rcpvrs, firo brick and plow repairs
of nearly all klndi at Sharpless Foundry.
- OF -
Ily vlrtuo of sundry writs of lev. I'a. out
of tho Court of common I'leas ot Columbia county
and to mo directed, will bo exposed to publlo silo
at tho Court Houto In Hlowisbunr, on
Monday, September 23, 1889,
at a o'clock p.m. the following described real
estate, to-wlti
All that certiln m-snugo and lot ot ground
situate Iu tho Town of Moomiburg, county of Col
umbia and state ot Penn.v, bounded and dwcribea
as follows: on tho north by Flttli street of sild
town, on tho cut by lot of Mrs. Jacoby, on tho
south by.Pearl street, and on tha west bjChwtnut
alley, being no feet In wlltli, and 1M test aeep,
whoreon Is erected a framo dwelling ho'no, stablo
and outbuilding,
SeUoi taken into execution at the suit or J, it.
Montgomery's Uso, against Chirlon Krui, and to
bo sold as tlis property of Charles Krug.
Millkk. u. ra,
All tint certita lot, pleoo or paroel of
ground situate la the Town of llloomu-irg, ooun
ty and state aforasald, biuna") land dwerlbsd as
follows! lleglnnlniatapolnton the south sldo
of Seventh street, so feet out of CUImrlno stret
and running thenw southwardly by a lln paral
lel wlthsiUOattnrlno street tm foot mor lesi
loan alloy at a point ao wet e3t of Catharine
sti eet, theneo oaslwardly atong said alley 69 teet
moroorlojs to land ot a; Uirton and otners j
thnco by tho sams north W and degrees, west
133 feet more or less to seventh street aforesaid,
thence by said street wostwardly 5f x feet more or
less to tho placo ot banning, whereon H ereoted
a two story framo dwelling home, stable and out
buildings. seized, taken Into cxooutlan, at the BUlt of
Samuol Williams' ujo, against Clnrlos Krug, and
to bo sold as tho property ot Charles KruK.
M1M.KR. lev. Fa.
All that certain lot, iploco or p.ueel ot
ground situate in Et UloDnij'jurg, county and
state aforesaid, bounded and describe as follows:
Beginning at a corner of ar atley and Bcvontu
street, anl rtinnli? thence along siM Serantu
street wostwardly 119 feet moro or loss to Catha
rine street, tuenso along Bld street northwardly
41 feet, moro or less, to lot ot Altrod Wanlob,
t hence along said lot oastwardly lis toet more or
leas to an alloy aforesaid, anl thonco along said
alloy 41 feet moro or less, to tho place of begin
ning, wherem H ereotod a two story frame
dwelling hiuso, and outbuildings.
Seized, taken Into execution at tho suit of John
Vanco, guardian, uso,;Hgalnst Charles Krug, and
to bo sold as tho property ot ; Charles Krug.
MIU.EB. ljY. Pa.
Tho abovo described threo lots or parcels of
ground of Charles Krug, sold on a writ ot
ft fa. Issued outlof said court, at tho same tlmo
and place, at tho suit ot I. W. McKelvy agalust
Charles Krug, It for any reason auy or all ot tho
should not bo sold on tho lor. fa.
At tho samo tlm5 and placo by vlrtuo ot a writ
ot n. fa. will bo expos 3d toipubllo salo the follow -tng
described real estate :
All that certain piece or parcel of land sit
uate In tho Town of Bloomsburg, county ot Colum.
bta, btato of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ
ed as follows : Beginning at corner ot lot ot John
Coleman, thenco eastwardly along the Larkawan
na & Bloomsburg ltall lload, 3.10 teet moro or less
to Strawberry Alloy ; tlioncoalinisill alloy 118
teet to a stake, thenci wostwardly 37 Hoot to lot
of John Coleman aforesaid, thence along slid lot
110 feet to tho place of bjglnnln, cmtatnlng 45
4W squaro feet, whereon Is erected a l'laulnz
SUU, dwelling house, and lumber sheds.
All that certain messuage or lot, ptoce or
parcel of ground situate In Kist Bloaiusburg,
county una stato aforesaid, boun led and described
asfnllows: Beginning at a stiko, cornor of lot or
Franklin McUrlde, and running thenco along a
publlo road on tho south sldo ot Lackawanna ft
Bloomsburg Killroai!, eastwardly t0 foet to land
ot Samuel Knorr nnd L. s. Wlnterateen, thenco
along said land southwardly zu foot mora or loss
to Soventh street, thenco along slid Sjrenth
street weswardly 50 foet to an alley, along lot ot
I. S, Kuhn, Alfred Wanlch, Franklin McBrtdo
and others, and thence alon? sail alley north
wardly 230 teet moro or less to tho place ot begin
nlng, whereon Is erojted a two story frame
dwelling house, stable, and onico.
All tho right, tltlo, and Interest ot tho de
fendant, Charles Krug, In all tint certain piece
or parcel ot laud sltuato In tho Town of Blooms
burg aforesaid, boundod and djscrlbed as follows :
Beginning at a corner ot lot Uto ot John Coleman
on Seventh street, thenco along seventh street In
an easterly direction iJi feet to lot of Sirs. B. II.
Vannatta; thenco along tho samo northwardly
110 feot to other land of Charles Krug i thenco by
samo westwardly S3S feet to lit ot John Coleman
aforesaid, and thence by slid lot southwardlj to
tbo corner on soventh strcjt, tho placo of begin
ning. seized, taken in execution, at the suit of I. W.
McKclvy against Charles Krug, and to be bold as
tho property ot Charles Krug.
Klwell. fi p.
By vlrtuo of a writ of Venl. Ex. Issued out of
thojt'ourt ot (Quarter Sessions of the I"eaco ot Col
umbia County, I'a., and to mo directed tuero will
bo exposed to publlo salo at tho Court lloui,o,
Bloomsburg, I'a., on
at two o 'Clock in tuo atternoou, the following:
All that certain tract ot land situate In Main
township. Columbia Co., ra., bounded and dea
crlbed as follows, to-wlt : On tho north hy lan
of Lloyd Mensloger, on tho west by land ot Jere
miah Longcnberger, Nathan .Miller and Israel
.Mummy, on tho south by land of N. II, w. Brown,
on tho oast by land ot Catawlssa Dosposlt Bank,
moro or less, whereon aro erected a
Burn and outbuildings.
Seized, taken into execution nt tho suit ot tho
Coramonwoaltn vk Benjamin J. Nuss an 1 to bo
sold as tho property ot uonlamln J. Nus.
Atty. MierlH.
Notice Is hereby clven to tho creditors ot tun
undersigned and to all nerbnns wboni It mav ran.
cern that ho will apply to tin Court ot Cumixon
i-ieas unoiumoia couuij , lor tiio ueneut of the
Insolvent laws, ot this Lommonwealch, on Mon.
day afteri'oon, hept. so, itjvj, at 3 o'clock on said
day. at which tlmo any person having any ob.
JecHon to his nnal discharge a) an Insolvent
debtor, can appoar and mako the samo known.
Aug. 10, US'J. IMS 4W.
A list ot WHO newBiianers illvMnd mm stathm
AND sections will bo bent on npplloatlon
To ll'030 who want their atlvenisintr ti nnv. wa
can offer no better medium 'or thorough and ef
fectlvowork than tho various sections ot our
M'li'ct l.nrnl l.l.l.
til'iO. llOWICI.I, ft CO.,
Newspaper advertising Bureau.
10 spruce street. New York.
JiTy n-r-lt.
Now is llio aiioiiitiil tiiuo for
thoroughly cloatiBtnij thu system from
nil iinptiriticf, find nil will find thnl tho
Curtis Compound will evautly fill tho
bill. It has stood the test of yoais
ami its sales aro larger than over, ovory
year. Prico 50o. and SI. 00.
Fou Sale By
James II. Mercer,
Bloomsbuuo, I'a.
A remctentallte
.Hun ur Wuiiimu
All time u ! mi , i,-.iry
, f-pveuil Indu. emeut. enur
ed until Dcct'ii Ut lh. (live relereuece.
It U. WOODW A1U) tu, iUltliaai-e, Md.