The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 20, 1889, Image 2
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA 1 The Columbian.1 0. B. Elwell, I ran-! 13 LOOMS BURG, PA.. FRIPTlY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1889. Tho United Statos has a lawyer to ovory 909 of iu population. "It ia ploasant to think," Bays tho Boston IS-anscript, "that theso legal gentlemen nro not likoly to bo bought up by an English Byndioato. Therefore, whon 909 of our pooplo get together thoy will still have tho satisfaction of know ins that their quota of lawyer is in the midst of them, and busy ai usual.'' Suit has been brought against the Pennsylvania Railroad company by a citizen of Pittsburg for $30,000 dam age for loss of his wifo and throe children, by the destruction of tho pas songcr train at Johnstown. It is claim ed that tho company was negligent in allowing the train to romain at Con maugh for two hours, knowing that it was in danger of destruction if the South Fork dam gavo way, no attempt being made to run it to place a of safety- Judge Albright has handed down an important decision regarding peddling and hawking. Last Juno John K Haines, a detectivo of E iston, arrested at the instigation of the Lehigh County Mercantile Association 11. Eicherberg, the auoni of a toa company doing bus iness in Reading, for the recovery of a appratso penally 01 ou, imuoieu iur mu viuiai ion of tho Act of April 10, 18GS, which says that no person shall sell or expose for sale as a hawker, peddler or travel ing merchant any foreign or domostio goods without havoing first obtained a iiconso upon payment of S100. Tho defendaut, it was alleged, travelod through tho country and took ordors for tea, coffee and other goods and sometimes sold goods from his wagou. Alderman Sopp, boforo whom tho act ion was brought, decided in favor of the plaintiff. Eichenberg contended that tho act of May, 1889, repealed tho act of 1810, which permits tho sale of goods manufactured by tho seller and mado application to appeal from the alderman s decision. Judge Algright refused to allow the anpeal, and sus tained tho decision of tbo altlorman. contending that a hawker, peddler and traveling merchant are synonymous as distinguished frotn thoso doing bus iness at an established place. Tho caso will be appealed to tho Supreme Court Much lutorcst has been mani fested among tho merchants in tho out come of the suit. Another suit for selling goods on orders is ponding against Eicherberg, and a test caso will bo made of it. The Lancaster iVeio lira has tnado tho following careful synopsis of tho now dog law. It covers tho Stato : Tho law'provides that from and after lis passago tlieio shall bo assessed, levied and collected annually in every township nnd borough of tho Common wealth from tho owners of dogs a tax of fifty cents on overy malo dog, nnd ono dollar for overy femalo dog, tho sum to bo collected with tho other township taxes. These sums shall bo paid to tho Treasurer of tho board of scnooi mrcciura in mu uiiiviuiii uin- tricts, anil th(i treasurer, how much from this source. This money shall constitute a fund from winch persons sustaining loss or datnago to sheep by dogs may bo paid for such loss, along with tho costs necessarily incurred in establishing thoir loss. The assessors of overy borough and township Bhall annually, whon making thoir other as sessments, ascertain tho number of dogs in their re.peotivo districts ntid tho names of tho owners, and how many of each sex are owned or kept. The county commissioners shall annu ally make a return to the board of school directors of tho number of dogs owned therein, together with tho owner's names, and tho school directors shall cause tho lax to be collected in tho same manner as and along with the school tax. Persons who havo sus tained loss or damago to sheep may mako complaint beforo any justico of the peace, and tho latter shall notify tho owner of tho dog or dogs causing tho loss, and if tho owner does not ap pear "as soon as practicable'' and pay the loss oaused by his dogs, tho justice shall notify the township auditors to tho loss sustained by tho President Uarfield's Phyloian. Dr. Bliss and other eminent medioal men speak in tho highest terms of Specr's Wims. Dr. Bliss prescibes these wines in his practice, whenover wines aro necessary. Tho following is part of tho lottor received by Mr. Speer. I havo been gVoatly pleased with your N. J1 Wines, and specially so with tho Claret, Burgundy and Port. I wish you to send mo two oases of your Claret and one of JJurgunuy. Also, two cases yiuows1 AITUA13EMENT8. shall bo kept scparalo by Ularct and otio of Burgundy to my irer, so that ho will know "l"? Miss Now Tcork City, and h has como into his hands b"(1 tho bill of both orders to me. Tho (otlowln j trMotra' appraisements will bo prrsenU'J to tho UiptiAni' court ot Columbia County on tho fourth wotulay ot Hoptctntcr A. 1. 1S-.9, nnd conHrmM nUL sal utilcis etcf ptlom aro Mod within four days therejtter will bacon nrmo! atnolul"! t Heroine. Itolamlus RitaU Locust, ltrsonaltr lis to. llottman, Thomas Kitato, Heaver, Personalty tlno.oo. t'ortilght, Abraham Bstae, lwrwlck, fcraonalty WOIOU. Kahrtngcr, Itcrmon Estate, Locust, l'ersonaltjr 3O0.tK). Ilartman, Henry C. Estate, lltootnsburg, l'erson altjr J-KHOl) nofrart, niniel Kstatc, FiiningcrecK, rereonai- Personalty l'ersonaltjr rcreonaltjr tjr, f.100.01). Kiln ineaman. Jacob Estate, lloaver. llennossjr, John Estate, Ccntralla, up Infrer. rhllllD Estate, Madleon, im.oi. iifnuy iiv-ina. metier, William II. Kitalo, Berwick, reraonalty iss 91, Realty ins on. , Clerks oaiw, W. II. SNYDEIt, Bcpu 1, 1NM. Clerk, o. O. The Chief Krnion tor tho great (ac cess ol Hood's SarsaparUU Is lound In the) article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's 8arsaparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed lor It, Is what has given to tills medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other sarsapa r.Hu. A:-. rllla. or blood purl merit Wins flcr before the public. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Bait nheum and all numors, Dysrcpsla, Sick Headache, Dlllousness, overcomes That Tired l'eeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens tho Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Hood'. Hiiraprllln is sold by all drug gists. 1; six tor $5. Prepared brC. I. EUxxl b Co.. Apothecaries, loweli, i I)MlNl3rn.TOIf NOTICE Kstnle nf Anm coffiaan, lair of mnomt'ntrg, (It- Notlco is herehr civcn that letters of administra tion on the oitale of Anoa coltinan, late ot the ltoncif lilno.nDuiv. countr of Columbia, and I stitoot l'eniisvlraula, ilcewil Invo b3"n if rant. eu to w. K. couminacq v. ... muinanoi itiwims. burtf, Columbia county, ra., to who n all ,erMns Irdebted to ml1 eitaro aro niiuustcj to make paytneus, und thoso hivln; clumi or danaods W, E COrr M , U. IL CUKI'.MAN, S-30 6w, Administrators. A MU!NI31'HA.TOUS'd NOTICE. Kftatf o KlUabeth Ulpiviuitret, late of Centre toiciishlii, Kot inn u hihv irlvfln Hint letters of admlnls Itratlon on the estate ot KlUabeth lllppenstoel, lato ot Centre township, Columbia County, do ccAse.1, have been graated by tho Register to usmei liamnan, to wiioui mi jj'.-iiyjua iiiuuui..ju iu Raid estate, aro requested to mako payment, and thooo having claims to present tho Barao without delay to Or to DANIEL 1IAKTMAN, A. h. FRITZ, Aummisiwiur, Atty. lienton, l'a. Tanner's Short Beign. ItARRtSOK ACCE1T8 THE TENSION COSI JIISSIONEIl's ItESIGNATION. Pension Commissioner Tanner's resignation, which was sent to tho President last week was formally ac cepted uext morning. President Harrison was called up on to chooso between a Cabi net oflico and tho Commissioner of Pensions. Sorious embarrassments con fronted hi m in either way ho might turn. From first to last tho Tanner affair has been a sourco of perplexity to tho President. It was hoped that tho nowspapor criti cism would soon blow iUelf out and that tho whole matter could bo adjust ed without having any sensation or pnblio eoandal to it, Tho publio criticism, instead of sub siding, continued to increase. At last it became evideut to President Harri son, on his return from Deor Park a short time ago, that tho matter was ripo for action and that a further post- Eonomcnt could no longer bo tolerated y tho pnblio in geucral. The caso was stated clearly and con cisely to the President by Secretary Noble. Tho President was given to understand that unless Tanner was dis missed tho Secretary of tho Interior would tender his resignation. It was thus that tho matter was forcod upon President Harrison and ho wa9 obliged to tako action. The following. is Commissioner Tan ner'd letter of resignation and Presi dent Harrison's reply thoro to: Dei'aktment of the Interior, Bureau ok Pensions. Washington, Septomber 12. To the President : The differences which exist between tho Secretary of claimant ; they havo tho power to sum mon witnesses and investigate tho caso thoroughly, and shall detnrmino and report to the justice tho amount of tho damace, if any. Tho report shall bo signed by tho majority of tho auditors. A section prescribes tho manuor in ...1.1-1. .i. ....! t.-u : wuiun inu just'uu Buini men 11. uracil i - .. ..-- . bunging the matter before the school R Doani. v nun uiu tuuur tuuuivun suuu notification and it appears a loss has boen sustained, they shall filo the amount of tho approved claim with the secretary of tho board, including tho necessary costs incurred, to bo paid out of tho fund raised by the tax on dogs. If the owner of tho dogs doing tho danngo is responsible, then tho treasurer of tho board shall im mediately oMlect the damages and costs from him, aad place tho proceeds in tho sheep fund. If it shall bo found at tho closo of tho current year that tho dog tax is not suluVient to pay for all losses incurred under tho law, then the sohool board bhall pay a pro-rata sharo to tho several claimants : if the funds are sufficient, then tho claims shall bo paid in full. All dogs in tho State aro mado personal property and subject to larceny. Justices shall be al lowed a leo ot lilty cents in every case that comes boforo them. Ovvners of dogs causing loss may voluntarily pay tho damage, without awaiting action. In caso thoro is a surplus in the sheep fand in tho hands of "tho treasurer at tho close of tho curront year amount- (NAT O A TT "T ing to S100, tho same shall bo trans- f 7" S to canvass for tho sale of Nursery stock I steady emplovnrent guaranteed. SALARY AND EX PENSES paid to successful men. Apply at once staling ago. jiienuon tms paper. DSIINISTIlA.TOlfd NOTICE KsUiU nf Tliomnt Cole, late of SiarUxf tiep . NcHeotahprphYp'lvpn that letters of admtnls tratlon on tho estate ot Thomas Cole, lato of suiarloaf twp., county of Columbia, and fetalo of iv'nnsvivnnla. deceased, havo been granted to I Joseph It. Cole, of Ronton, Col. Co., l'a., to whom I an persons maeoiea losaiu mtaws nrriu-w to mako payments, and thoso having cUlms or de mands will make known tho same without delay or to JOSEPH 1L COLE, A. U FBtTZ, AUiniiiisirttiur, Atty. iuiivuii, I'll. T UIIY MOT FOU BKPTEMUEil TERM. OHAND JURORS. Iicaver Jostah Fisher, lwnton-samuel Harvey. Ooorgo Woollrcr. liorwlck u. A, UucKlngham, Isaiah Dower. Iirlarcreek-Danlel W. Marti. Ulcomsburg John Swank, cat iwissa Lewis Rcltsnyder, John T. Shuman. Centre I'hlllp Creasy. Greenwood W. U. l'ariter, Itor Crawford, Ijocust Thomas Hutlman, J. W. Snyder. Main Oeorge Klsber. wimm-D. A, Hess. Jacob N. I'elfer. Montour Ooorgo K. Klsber. ML P'easant M. F. Musgravo. Hoartngcreek Henry Long. Scott-John Jones, Hamuel Keller. Sujarloaf Howard J. Hess. TRATIRII JCB0RS riRST WBKI. Reaver Will Davis. Benton ricrco Keller. Ilerwlck Wm. Kenstprmaeher. A. I. Yonnir. Alex. Unden, Robert Ollroy. iinarcroeK Levi nnaner. llioom (leo. 11. Kdirar. Michael Cavr. Jr.. Yost, Charles Armstiong, I'. K. Vanatta. catawissa wm. Levan, c. I'. 1'fahicr, II. II. del no. centre Charles casoy. Conyngham-Tlios. KLnls. Conraila Maitln Ilrennan, It. 1. Curran. (Ireeuwood .lohn 8. (llrtou, Thos. 8. Christian, Oeo. W. Mntt, lMwln nell. Iwust Joseph Ilelwltr. Mimin Adam Miller, Thomas McMurtrlo, Madison-Ilaltls sterling. orange Jacob Miultj. line Abrem llennett. i-oarlnifcreek Lloyd Harlg. Sugarloaf llrucn Sutlltr, A. W. Harvoy, John W Dtltz, A. IL Krltr. Scott Chsrlea Lee. Sr. Jackson Frank Pcrr. 8IC0NI1 WtKK. Heaver .t. II. Martin. llioom I'etcr Jones, A. J. Evans, Clark llrown, M. P. Conner, 8. W. (larrlwn. Ilrtarcreek W. John xinlih. Catawtssa James Rubor, Lloyd I. Krelgb, llerco creasy, Edward Moyer, Ooorgo Waters, centralla-John Curran, J. Marsch. centra Wm. neck. Frank'ln C. U. seesholt?. Flshiiecreek Norman Mcllenrr. Oreenwood Oeorge U. Derr, Jonathan Lemon, ouiiu. r. mwiva, Hemlocl: Harry OroW. Jackson II F. Frltr.. Samuel P. Heas. Ivust Jackson CarapbelL Madison Jacob (Urton, Allen Phillips. Malo Jacob Kenatermacher, Montour l, R. Hosier, Wm. Wtnterstoen. MU P'eiHant C. 1'. (Urton. Minim it w. uidieman. Orimgo John Musaclman sugarloaf IL L Davis Scott-H. F. Rico, A.thur Ilartman. JUST RECEIVED ! JUST RECEIVED ! STILES FOB FALL I STYLES FOB FALL I Clothing for Men, Voullis, Boys jihbuI Children, that cannot be equalled to select from. The latest and most stylish lot of Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishing Goods just received that will excel all others that we have had. We are determined to have what is wanted in the line ol CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, TRIMS AND F1ISHIE GOODS, EOISTEU'S A.CCOUNTS. rro TUB UOIiOEUS OF THE I I10NDH OK TUB ULOOMSIiniUl STATU NORMAL 8CIIOOL, 8KCUREI) UY FIRST MORT; MAUI-., UAiCU Obl'iUAlUCK, J, 1001. Notice Is hereby given that tho Interest on all of sa'd llonds outstanding up to Sept. 1, 1S39, will be paid on preaentallon or the same to treasurer, at his ofPce In moomsburg, at any time within thirty days from sepU 1, i f bonds nro not presented by October l.isw), tho Interest will bo defaulted and appUed to other purposes. H.J.CLARK, Aug. 30 5L Treasurer. C II A II C O T'H A MARVELOUS RESTORATIVE. Contains all tho vital principles ot CERTAIN U LANDS OF HE OUINKA PIO, so successfully experimented with by int., and so purJled that its efTects areas certain and much mora lasting than when hypodermlcally Injected. ( acM ae a stimulant, iclltiout any eubseqHenl detirenslon. The iteoiAe tcio are tfeiwitted Urrjln In a few minutes toeel well, as If Ihey had taken a little cliauivayne an& Uiey eep on feeling so. All tho functions depending on tho power and action ot the nervous centres, and especlall of tho spinal cord, w ero notably and rapidly Improved aft tnotlrbt two or three days of my experi ments. It i 033CSSIS the power of Increasing the strength of many parts ot tho human organism. Dr. Urown'-sequard In London Lancet, At all drug stores; or mailed for One Hollar. l.irrlillxIrCo., 30 Vcy HI., New Vorli Clly. 9 30-1 y. ipXECUTOUS NOTICE. Ill Kstate of Harah II. Hess late of Bmon township , deceased. Letters test imentary on said estate having been gran'ei totliou.iderslnodoxecutor. All persjn3 Indebted to sild est ite aro hereby notified to piy the same, and those having claims against said estate to present tuu same iu A. L. Fritz, Attorney. 9-20 6U D. J. LEWIS, Loles creek. Eiccutor. fored to tho pchool fuii'l of the district for school purpooa. 1 ho law docs not repeal or affect the provisions of any evisting special law on tho samo subject in any county or district, Tho law is a very important one not only to farmers but to all dog owners. Tanner arid Tannarism. After holdintr on to Tinner until it was impossible to hold him any Linger, tho President has at lat made up his mind to tho nocessity of unloading, and Tanner has accordingly "resigned." Tanner has boen thus far one con spicuous featuro of tho Harrison ad ministration, and his career has em bodied tho worst official scandal of manv years. Tho man himself is less to blama than those who havo sustain ed and enuouiasjed bini. His charac ter as an irresponsible blathirskile, his utter unfitness, intellectual and moral, for any position of trust, wero as wll known before his appointment as after it. His selection for tho important place of Commissioner cl Tensions was mado with tho definite purpose of pleasine an influential class of voters and in accordance with Air. Harrison's own proclaimed policy of being "liber al with tho boys. Ho took the Presi dent at hw word and went to work to carry out this policy with such extra oruinar,' viuor that in a fow months ho hid plunced the administration in to an unexampled career of lawless profligacy that threatened bankruptcy, ruin nnd disgrace. Hull ho was tolerated ana apoiogiz- CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, Rochester, N, Y. Sep. and Nov. BY! MUM, Ml Xeie York City. NntifftUherehvirlvpn to all Watccs creditors I ana oiner persona inienjaieu m tuc uituvca ui mo resncctlvo decedents and minors that tho follow ing administrators' executors' guardians accounts nmht nniintv nnd will tw nres-inted lor connrma- tlon a"d allowan'e In tao orphans' court to be held In llloomsburir. Septomber S3, 1889, at 2 o clock p. m. or saiu aay. No.l. Account ot Oeorge Rucle, Administrator I nt the estate or Kiizaocm kuckio, uio m scuu i Township, columblt Co., deceased, N'n.5. First and final account ot Mattlo Am- merman, admtnlstrlxot Albert Amnerman, late ot ITshlngcrecK township col co , eocca-jcu. No. 3. Account ot (uueon llelshUne, administra tor ot the estate of Elizabeth lielshllne, lato of Ilentou tewnshlp, Columbia county, deceased. No. 4 Accoant of Aaron Uoone. Executor of Mary E. Snyder, deceased, who was guardian ot WUUam r. DUj-uer. No. 5. second and dual account of Ooorgo N. Dogart, administrator ot tho estate of Reuben Uo gart, lato of Hemlock township, deceased. No. 6. First and final account ot II. M. and H. A. Yocura, lato ot Locust township, Columbia Co., deceased. No. 7. Tbo account of Wm Chrlsman, trustee ot Deborah Harrison, deceased, for sale ot real es- taio to pay Legacies, No. 8. Account ot Daniel It. Johnson, adminis trator of William Johnson, lato of tho township ot Madison, deceased. No. 9. Account ot Mary A. Knorr, Kxecutor of Samuel Knorr, deceased, who was guardian of George A. Devan a minor-child of ooorgo Uovan. No. 10. Account of L. II Rupert. Executor of Ell Ilarton, deceased, as riled Dy Evallna Rupert, Executrix ot L. 11. Rupert, deceased. No. II. First and final account ot W. 8. II0S3, administrator ot Oeorge Kelchner, lato of Centre township, col. Co., deceased. No. 12 First and final account of II. J. Knorr, and Wesley Knorr, executors ot H. P. Knorr, late ot tbe town ot Dloomsburg, deceased. No. 13. First and final account of I. A. Hewitt, executor of Daniel Force, lato ot FUhlngcreefc township, CoL Co., deceased. No. 14. First and final account ot W. F. Snvfor, executor ot John Eggert, ot DcrwIcK, Columbia Co , deceased. No. 15. Account of Mary A. Knorr, executrix of Samuel Knorr, who was one ot tho executors ot Stacy John, deceased. No. 10. Third and partial account of Elizabeth S. Jackson and Mordecal W. Jackson, executors of tho estate ot Clarence O.Jackson, lato ot the bo rough of ucrwlck, CoL Co., dec jased. No. t". First and final accoant of Wesley Dll dlne, adm'nbtrAtor ot James DUdlnc, late o: Madison township, deceased. No. 18. Flrt and final account of Amos K. Uea cocl:, executor of Alice K. Heacock, deceased. No. 19. Account ot Samuel Appleman, guar dlin ot Otis l'o.iler, a minor child ot Sylvester realer, lato of Flshingcreck twp , deceased. No. 2a Fourth partial account of James Mc. Alarny, executor ot oeorge Lcnjeuberger, lalt or tho township of Main, CoL Co., deceased. No. 21. First and final account of John A. Hoff man and C. . Shuman, executors ot Thomas J. Hotlman, late ot Reaver township, deceased. No. 22. First and final account of Jihn Lore, guardian of Harriet L. Moijcr, late Harriet L. cornellson, minor-child ot Ooorgo W. Cornellson, late of line township, Columbia Co., deceased. No. 23. Fl-st and initial account of Louis Lowenberg and Sarah Loweoberg, administrators of the estato of David Lowenberg, lato ot mooms burg, deceased. No. 21. Fourth and anal acco int ot Mows Sav a?. ono ot tho executors of Joihua savage, late of Jackson township, CoL CO., de nasod. C. H. CAMI'UELL, Register. SEPTEMBER, 1889. Fall Overcoats Fall Suits and POSITIVELY will save you more money than to buy them in Wilkerbarre or Scranton. As have said before our Prices axe always tb,e lowest, And Our MOTTO is Alvnys "FAIR DEAIiOTCr" RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIER, The Reliable Clothier. The Largest Clothing and Hat House in Columbia and Montour Counties. Fall Trousers UI'Killip lSi'os, lSlooiBisbur;, OUB FALL OVESCOiTS aro truly cap. 'ivatlnR. More elegance and beauty Is shown bp us Id Ibcsc garments than your fertile bruin could Imagine. The tlcslcner's skill Is pictured on fa brics ot Textile perfection. Our $12.00 Special London M ule Fall Overcoats are values fur ahead of your ex. pcctatlons. Bide ours with those shown elsewhere and you will coincide with us. OUE FALL SUITS arc more superior In Quality, Style and Workmanship than prices imply. Tin demand for such money's worth Is unlimited. Tliu style of Finest Merchant Tailoring in ready made girmcnta Is origi nal with us anil continued this season on a grander scale than oyer. Tho equal of $35 00 Suits for $20.00 mean decided advantages to you. OUB FALL TB0USEB3 are all novel, ties of the world's Ik-si. fabrics. Thomp son's inimitable Patent Cut assures Ihu only perfect and artistic lit. Try a pair. Photographs $z Crayons. Coi'rect Styles, Perfect Finish. E. 0. T L1U1UI Copying, Enlarging, Viewing, and Frames to Order. I OIJRE FITS! the Intorior and myself as totho polioy ej for) au, Jt Boein3 to havo been not to uq pureuou in iuo uuiiuiiiatruiiuu ui unt,i tne Treasury statement snowed tho Pension Bureau havo reaohod a an alarming depletion of tho balances Btago wlnou turoaionu to emuarrcvss yuu tiat tij0 iresident could bring hunselt to an extent which I feel I should not t0 mak0 a definite stand aaiuiit Tan ner. Kvon now it is expressly Biatetl that tho chango in the ollice involves no relleotiou on hira or hia methods, but is mado solely "in the interest of au harmonious administration," and oall uuon vou to suffer : and, as tho in vestigation into tho affairs of tho bureau havn boon completed and I am assured, both by yoursolf and by tho Secretary of tho Interior, contains no redaction on my intogrity as an in dividual or an officer, 1 herowith place my resignation in your hands, to tako offect at your pleasure, to tho end that you may bo relieved 01 any lurtn or ombarrasmont in tho matter. Very rospcctfully, yours, Jaiiks Tannkii. Tho President's letter accepting the resignation is aa follows : Executive Mansion, Wasiiinoton, D. C. Septomber 12. Hon. James Tanner, Commissioner of Pensions. Deak Sm : Your letter tondoring your resignation of tho oflico of Com missioner of Pensions has been roooiv od and your resignation is accopted to tako offect on the appointment and qualification of your stiucessor. I do not think it necessary iu this corres pondence to discuss tho causes which led to tho present attitude of af fairs In tho Pension office. You havo tbo extraordinary explanation is furth er offered that thnro would havo beou uo objection to Tanner if ho had only kept his mouth shut as if there would havu been no harm in his pension grabs if thoy had not been found out. All this consideration is no more than Tanner is fairly untitled to under the circumstances. It would bo very unjust to mako hira a seapogoU when ho was only carrying out tho promises madj beforo election. Hut if theso promises aro still to bj maintained, tho dismissal of Tanner will accomplish little, oxoept in getting a Pension Com tutssioner who will more artfully con coal his profligacy. That will not satisfy tho country very long. Tho general puliliu pro test that lias forcod this ra'au out of ufiiuo was not directed against Tanner, but aga'uibt Tannerism. Tuo fellow's brutal frankness has beou rather at- tmilir, tlmn nilinrwinp. and it lias cer- been kindly and fully advisod of my ta-miy 0 advantage in Butting SPECIALIST. In The Treatment nT t'hronlr IHtnise coalloes I his practice to sucn cases only as are so clearly and I Mlly developed as to mako u complete ami po-ltlve I Diagnosis wiinoui liiwaiionitis or allowing run ems to tnake a statement or ilietr condition. On this basis ot fugitive Diagnosis, tor treatment, Dr Clark'8 Experience lm hiroinn utrlrily -iiillnili. e,l by u Thirty VfiirM lruitlcc which ill pvtent, Tiirlvty, iibiil hiiitmI'iiI revultM li I'liiuilli'tl by lew mill excelli-il by mint'. 1'nlIenlM mil cur-i-ilbyuriliuiiry Treutiiit'iil nr In iliiubt iih Iu tbe unture. of ilit-lr ilNeiiKi'H INprrliilly Imlieil. Dlt. CI.AHU originated, Teaches and rracticcs rosttliv Diagnosis and can BE CONSULTED FREE OF 0HAKUE AT NEW YOHK CITY, at "The Iiyron Flats," No. 107 West !)3 Street, June 10 to 20 Sept. 18 to 23 Sept. 29 to Oct. 3 Oct. 17 to 23 and Nov. 0 to 13, '80. IMIILADBLI'IIIA, PA., Ulni;ham llouse, Tues lay, Sept. 17. SUNIIUUY I'A., City Hotel, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 4 and S. N'JH rilU.MUKKIiANI), I'A Kirk Hi us, Monilny, Oct. 7 OATAWHsA, I'A., Pustmehanna Uotifc, Tuesday Oct. 8. DUJOSlSlSrUU, I'A , Exclit.n?o Hotel, Wednesday and Thursday, O't 0 nnd 10. !)-20-3w. Hoi 11 Clld W4tcb. L &at fA wiltk ! tfe world. I . rmlU. 11 Ml T aaiiu uou HaaUmf cam, nova uoim ind ftntl' lst wtth worfec 1 flM I'rruin t U- toffltkrr with r laTft aad rl- I NnlflPlrl. iupi, mm ' tha WKtrh. mm MBd Pret. ud kfUr to kiT kipl nd Hatnnle- rr special Mmlu Clolhin, 133B CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite iuo Mint. J PHILADELPHIA. ttr- Write tor samples and directions "Unw to order by;MatL" ( Mention this Paper. ) elts catarrh Cream Balm I CUBES When I say ConE I do not mean merely to stop tin m for a lime, and Ihen have tlicm ro turn aaai, 1 ucan A 1IAD1C.U. CUUK. 1 have mado the disease ot FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, AlltcloiiR study. I WAniUNT my remedy to Cunts the worst ense. llccauso others bavo railed Is no reason fur not nowreccivinir a euro. Send at once tor a treatise and a Fkbu Hottlu of my iNFAM.rnLB Kkhedy. Give Kxprcsa nnd I'ost Oitlrc. It costs you nothlnR lor a trial, and it will cure you. Address H.C. ROOT, M.C., 183 PearlSt.-NewYobk i, i m i' ul r"T ri i rriBmi Consult Your Interests, By patronizing a live and PROGRESSIVE HOUSE. Tlic lui'iiesi 8lock, The Most Reliable Crooil., IiOwest Prices. Square Dealing and courteous attention will always be found at the OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE OF DAVID LOWMBERG. f.jr til atpioM, iwirtl.tu. HAY FEVER AND l'J I IL A DK.l.l'li I A. I'A. Keko at once, no operatla or luuuf ttuiQ (ruin buiu-nv. CauBprtdiouncwl In curable ij utlieri wanted. buna fur C'trmlar CURE GUARANTEED. omu"urmui. aug dj-ly r 4 Co How Lost! How Rogalnod, Cold in Head.HAY-EEVER A nartlcla 13 anolted Into eacti nostril and la ngrcoable. l'rlce w oenta at Druggists; by mall, reguteral, go els. ELY BItOTIIBUS, 60 Varroi St , New YorK. 8 30 4W. 6. F. Savite, PLUM H Kit AND GAS FITTER, 1IKAI.HU IS TV EMULSION OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL tLD. HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost os'tRalatablo as Milk. Bo dlssalscd that It can be taken. dlsoited, nnd aiitmllated by tli moil riTHENCEK KNDWTHYSELE It tnda i til cm. hi 9 f wooa nai in pmvyim can - wm. w win teaa irre to ov writi u lofktiljtlkt Ttr MwiBC-Harhiaa mit4 tn werl4,wtlh all Ua aluckmemU fm. will alM aand free a comnlcU (Una efour coatl tnd valvabia art Jiaaiiiptaa la return ra tak idaI fo Inaay call at your ktt,aod aflcr iZ montbtail wttl bacon jcrnr o Ipropanr. Tbta rrand nacalaa la fnada aflar imt Hlnerr patcnta. Mbtehbava rvaoiti tfora rtnia . run oi It aold for Villi, with tha la larhtBania, and bow aalla for 'HAU. Baat.Mroaraal.nial uaa. ful roarktoa in Ul world. All U free. No capital raqnirad. Flaln. fcrtaf ioMrnetlont rtvan. 1bot whownia to naat oncacanar. nro Vee lb ban aowinf-nachioo In ih world, and tho imm iioaorworka 01 turn onF ! infrmmn a mrtKi, 'X'llUii.atCU.. liux 740 AukiuUi Mulue. ii m a erall'.'. i iilci rnci Tin Roofing a Specialty. KSTIMATKS KUHNISIIEO ON ALT. WOUIC IX HIS LINK. First iloorin Hlooinitbuijr Oj'oia IIousi1 vlnwn imnn moat of those matters. It gives mo pleasure to add that, so far as I am advisedi your honesty has not ot any timo been called into question. nnl T imrrto renew tho oxurcbsion of my porsonal good will. Very truly yours, Benjamin IIaiuhson. Commissioner Tanner was some what reluctant about speaking upon his resignation. IIo, however, does not appear to show any resentment, but desires to maintain nothing bat cordial relations with tho administra tion. Ho said: "Tho President did not aBk for my resignation nor did ho adviso that I resign. I was assured however, that tho investigation into tho affairs of tho Pension Ollice had developed nothing that rellectcd upon mv Imncslv or mv cood intentions. I was told if I remained in tho ofliooSeo forth so plainly the demoralization that Hows from tho promotion of men dicancy that not only Tanner, butTan uerism must go. Times, Short Work of a Troublesome Case. Ono day I was takeu with Paralysis of tho HoweU. Tho stomach ami oth er ormis lost all iiowor of action. Al- thoiiL'h oiipoBed to proprietary inedi cones, I tried Dr. David lvunno Favorite Remedy, of Itondout, N, To mako a tout; story short it saved mv life. It is the best medicmo in the world for dilllculties of tho kidneys, liver and bowels.--A. J. Giffoiw, Lowell Mass. 0-13 lm. UNAbLE TO TELL. Yes that was eo. For years I suffer- enilttTB atomacli, vrhen the plain oil rannot be toleracd and bjr the com, blnatlon or the oil with the hypopboe phltee U mnci more efflcacloai, Uemirlitble u t flrsli prodnttr. Ftrsouj gala rapidly vthlle UVIng It, BCOTT'S EMULSION in acknowledged by Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ration in tbe world tor tbe relief and cure o! CONSUMPTION, 8CR0FULA, OENER.L DEBILITY, WA8TINO DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS nnd CHRONIO COUCHS. 77i srral remedy for CbnjtimpHan, and Wasting in Children, Bold ly ali Lniqglits. retarv Noblo would iilaco his resigna- od severely with scrofula ; sores broke tion in the hands of tho President. As out all over my body, and I mi un tha diemeifiborment of a Cabinet is a able to tell ono half that I suffered. I very serious thing and since tho tin- was not abio to obtain relict until I reasonable prejudice could not bo over- used Sulphur Hiltors, whioh complete coino, I thought it best to tender my ly cured mo.-O. B. Dalk, 17 Allston ,AaIh.!r,r. IBtrOflt, UOSWD. w-JO-Xl, rllKAllM.VtMMlJ THE SCIENCE OF LIFE A Scientific and SUnd&rd Topnlir Medical Treillie on the Krrori ot Yooth,I'rmaUir Decline, Ncrroui and l'bjsicii Uebillt7, lmparltiej of tne lllood. ReialUnf; from K0U7, Vice, Ikrnor&nce, Kxceeeee or Overuittion, KnervetlsK end anflttlnr the tlctlm for otk, Iluilnese, tbe Married or SocUl Relation. Aroid untklUful pretenders, roeeeas thie great work. U contalne 500 pagee, ro jal 8to. lleanUtul bln-linj, emboned, full cut. l'rlce only 11.00 by mall, poitpald, concealed In plain wrapper. Illus trative l'roapectus Vtee, If yon appl now. Tbe distlnilsbed author, Wm. II. I'arkir, M. I)., re. ceived the 11 111.11 A Nil J RWlil.I.KII SI i:u A I. froiallie Nullonal Aledlral Aaaoelntlon for tills I' IISSAV on MIHVOUH and I'lIVMIOAI.DItllll.lTV.Or.l'arkcrandacorpi of Aiilitant l'listclans may be consulted, confl drntlallf. br mall or In person, at the office of TIIH l'liAIUMlY MKPICAI, INSTITUTE, tio, 4 lluldncb hi. notion. ItIase.,toMhomaU ordete for books or UlUts lor a4(Uo ebould be directed as tuoie, BLOOMSUUKG MARKET. 'VI10luralc. Itetall. Wl cat per busbtl 85 to 1)5 Uve " " 00 flnta " " 3'J Flour "bbl o.w llulttr ? ?2 Eire iu m Uair.s 13 15 Drlid Apples ta o Bide 08 IU Bnouldcr 9 I1 Uceso Urd por lb 10 13 Vinegar per gal UO BU Vealiklni...,:. 07 Wool per lb 85 tUIilcJ 4 5 to 7 WILLIAMS & ROGERS' S . f . tj y CHANGE OF BAS NEW FIRM & Yerdy, BAKERS kM CONFECTIONERS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. 11. Ciimmlnt.8 nnd llaonra W. Verdy lnylmr tiurcUasod tho Dnttra Uiklnirnni confiMtlonerv business ot II. H olincr In tlie r.xclimt'o Block nnaounuo tliat after July tut, SSi, thoy wilt oanstantlr supply the public with FRESH BREAD, GAKIiri, r: 1 ---5?) ROLLS, BISCUITS, ETC. ) -"OF EVERY VARIETY KOllEIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS and NUTS. ICE CREAM PARLORS ATTACHED. Iirorders for parties pltulca, fintlvals, etc. aollclteJ. Ki'ellng assured that we can plcaso wo aslc a share of publio patronage. Ju.i0 28 '89-tf. CUMMINGS & VERDY. A LEADING, I'Ol'ULAlt, PHAOTICAL COMMKIH IAL t-'CllOOU Commercial, Sherthand, English aai military Departments, Presents an nppirt inlty fir sicurlnc prcpuathn fir tli.i real work ot llfj, whfli tlnmml' o Young Men have found a stepping Ktono to HONollMlLBnnl uoN-il'Icil'itls .succi'.s. nit PkiIIu tlon Is In a moit proiperoui euudllloi, and IH pUromio it conpisetl a i Huimlor cli s of youti; men and women from all paiuot the euiiltneot. bend for uilit'igue and liluttratril rlrcuUr to Aug. it 6. WILLIAMS & llotimts, lloelu-btir, N. V Will the FERTILIZER you intend purchasing so net upon the soil that it produce BIG CROPS, and at the 'same time maintain and buildup the fertility. To put price perton ahead of quality and producing power is poor economy. Farming profits arc too small to ad mit of any but judicious purchases. Alter quality, and in proportion to it, comes price. You shall find our Bone Fertilizers, for the work done, always as low in price as the lowest. If yon are going to ignore quality and results, do not i:y our Fertilizes. FOR BALK UY DAVID LONG, MILL GROVE. NATHAN MILLER, MAINVILLE COME AND HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED BY 4 6. Wells, the Optician, WHO HAS JUST COMPLETED A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL COUltSE AT BUCKLIN'S OPTHALMIC COLLEGE, NEW YORK. for Examining Eyes, PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. m. -m meaw aaiHev a Fine lino pob lilo nnd white crystal lenses constantly i n stock, also the Fini- wii'uh mk iitul jobbing antn'il t givu iiatisfiictinii, Finest lino of wat dies, clocks, and jewelry in Bloomsbiir. -:oi' i atly tinil quickly oxtuutril. All work gunr 1 CARPETS and MILLINERY. Ni-xl ilonr tn I W. Ilartranu & Son's, Mulo Kt., lllooiii8burg, I'o. NEW CARPETS. LUost Pa'tunn in Volvet, Bo ly Tinealry mill llnifiiulf, frrtn TiOuts. up. INGRAIN fioii 20o up. It ACS CARPETS from 30o up. STAIR OAR PE I'S from Uj i up. MAT TING, to clooo out for lOu up. OIL CLOTH, nil widths nnd priui'f. G. W. KEITER. 1889. FALL OPENING 1889. SEPTEMBER 26-26. MISS II. IS. WASLEY, W Next door to I. W. Uartiuan& Boo. Main Bxuet - llLOOHBllUltG. -