The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 20, 1889, Image 1

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OFFICE Front Room, over rostoSice,
Office Room No. 2, Columbian Building,
Office In Enl's Building, near Coutt House,
Office over Mover Bro's. Drug Store,
Office in Grower's building, 2d floor, room No f .
Office cor. Centre & Main Sts., Clark's building,
W Can be consulted in German.
Office, Second floor, Columbian Building,
Office in Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, Main St
Office in First National Bank Building,2d floor,
JiT Pensions and bounties collected.
Office over Dentler's Shoe store, Front room,
Office, Columbian Building,2 floor, front room,
Office over Rawlings' Meat Market,
Office, corner of Third and Main Streets,
B. McKELVY, M. D.,
Office, North side Main Street, below Market,
j-R. J. C. RUTTER,
Office, North Market Street,
Office, corner of Rock and Market Streets,
Office and Residence, West First Street,
J. BROWN, M. D.,
Office and Residence, Third Street, West
of Market, near M. L. Church,
tiTOffice hours every afternoon and evening.
Epccial attention given to the eye and the fitting
ct glasses. Telephone connection.
Treatment of Cmkonic Diseases hade a
Office and Residence, Th'rd St., below Marker,
J. HESS, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dentil College,
having opened a dental office in Lockaxd'i
Building, comer of Main and Centre streets,
Is prepared to receive all patients requiring pro
fessional services.
Ether, Gas, and Local Anesthetics,
administered for the painless extraction of teeth
free of charge when artificial teeth are inserted.
All Work Gvaiaktxed as Refresentxix
Teas, Syrups, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses,
Rice, Sncrs, Dicahu Soda, Etc., Etc.
N. E. Corner Second and Arch Sts.
CiTOrders will receive prompt atfention.
jyj-c. SLOAN &"bro7,
Manufacturers of
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, Platform
Wagons, &c
First-class work always on hand. Repairing
neatly done.
(tTPrices reduced to suit the times.
Office, Barton's Building, Main St., bel. Market,
All styles of work done in a superioi manner,
and all work warranted as represented.
Teeth Extracted Without Pain,
jy the use of Gas, and free of charge when
' .if i .i i ....
arunciai iccm arc ih.ciicm.
if-9" To be open all hours during the day.
J. K. BITTEHBEMDEB, "Oprlttori.
illifllftl ! h
"A new theory has been started with regard to the use of soap
on the face. Women who for years have been careful of their com
plexions would never, under any circumstances, wash the face in soap,
as it was said to roughen and coarsen the skin. Now, that Ivotj.
Soap has been invented, this idea is exploded, and a well-known
physician in the metropolitan profession recommends his women pa
tients to use it freely every day, lathering the skin well. He states
that none but the most beneficial results will be effected by this
method of improving the skin.
He holds with considerable plausibility that the pores of the
face become as much clogged by grease and dirt as the hands or any
other portion of the body. And if soap is considered a necessary
purifier in the bath, its needs must be felt equally on the face. By
an abundant and regular lathering the facial pores, he claims, arc
kept open, clean, free from the clogging matter that produces unsightly
blackheads, acne, pimples, and a pure, healthy, fresh and brighter
complexion is the resultant. Not mincing matters, he says that the
trouble with most women who have sallow, pasty skins is, that from
year's end to year's end they never have a really clean face."
Brcokljn Eitflt.
There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory' j"
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of
the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright, l&W, by Procter A Gamble.
Cases Pain Instantly.
Strengthens Weak Parts,
Quiets Nervousness.
Fronu Hftps. Hemlock Gam and
Fine lultum, prepared and
spread, all ready to apply.
Best Plaster Eter Hade.
Sold by Drag and country stona.
25Ct. O for 81. Mailed for prioo.
Neiir lMillnilflphtn.
Holutol Open Scyt. IHth,
Yetirlr KkiK'tiNe, 8.100.
Four rniiiieniN) SWA.
Admits and classifies younp men and twyi at any time i fits
I'oint or AnnaiKjln Graduating classes. Une of the best equipped and bect managed Stimuli. Good uMe. All itudcnta
board with the I'rlnclpa, Teacher all men and praduaiei of drst-clu College. Pine building, single or double
rooms lively room has In It a steam radiator an 1 it completely furnished. U rounds (ten acres lor foot-bait, base balL
athletics, etc. Gymnasium Social opportunities for apt students to advance rapl lly l'nvate tutoring and special drlL
lor iicitard iK), i i airons or Muaents may select any stuaies, or a linsiness, Uolleffe-rreniratory, I lectrical, or CWU.
Lneinecrtn? course. Physical and Chemical Laboratory 1'ractical Itusiness IJtrpirtinent, Sfiort-hanJ, 1 )pc-wntln, etc..
bWlTlUN C.
and Proprietor, (clla, Pa
Ulcdln, ln. ntiir l'lilln.
School Opeiix Sept. UHlli
A'rnrlr I'xiiuiiMOt 500.
inoroyiuinn, jao. F0R GRlS AND
Graduating- Courses In Classics, Literature, Science, Mathematics, Music, Modern Languages, Twelve accomplished
teachers and lecturers. Superior Musical
backward ihidiIs. Individual attention
.Denart men t. Srhool
Small classes.
aafctr and haruiness. New Illustrated Circular irt-e.
North, of riiilmlelpliia,
Franklin, "
Pennsylvania, " "
York, of I'ennsjlvania,
Hanover, of New Vork,
Queens, of London,
North liritish, of London.
Ofuce on .lrket Street, above Main, No. 5.
(Successor to Fi lirown,)
BLoo.isnuno Finn & Life Ins. Aokncv,
( d in 1S65.)
COMTANniS KI'.rKLbl'.N i I.IJ t
Etna Eire Ins. Co. of Ilartfoul, ?9,5;S,3SS.97
Haitford, of Ilaitford 5,288.600.97
I'himix, of Ilaitford t.77K,.lf,9-'3
SprinRficld, of Springfield 3,099,903.9s
Fire Assoiiaiiun, I'lidadelj liia,... 4,512,782.39
Guardian, of London, 50, 03,323.71
rhrenix, of London, 0,924,563.48
Lancabliire of Eng.,(U.S.llr.iiKh) 1,642,195.0c
Uo)al of r.ilsland. " " 4.853,561.00
Mut. lien. Lf.In.Co.NeHark,Nj4l, 379,228 33
Losses promptly adjusted and paid at lliis office,
Office, Seiond Floor, Coi.UMl'lAN lluilding,
Liverpool, London, and filnl.e, larRest in the
SorId, and peifectly rclialilc.
Imperial, of London 59,658,479.00
Continental of New Voik, 5,259,951.28
American of rhlladeli hia 2,401,050, 1 1
Niagara, of New York, 2,260,479.86
OtrosiTE Court House.
Large and convenient sample rooms. Hath
rooms, hot and cold water i and all modern
Exchange Hotel,
ThA undcralirned has leased this well-known
bouse, and Is prepared to accommodate the publlo
with all tlio convenleijcca ot a Qrst-class hotel.
LKMUBLi DltAKK, Proprietor,
completely and
speedily .
lalltlbfl, Ot
Achoa, Pfdni,
mean or vek
Look for Vie vroDrietor'i tianature
on all genuine ffoodi.
them for rtuilneu. any College, Polytechnic School, for Wcit
bHOKTLlUGL, A II., A.M, (tUrvard GuJuate), I'rtnclpal
Mill tastman'i Celebrated School.
has an or?an
Pupils surrounded by such restraints n are essential to their
inn cievcn pitnos, i rivate lutonnjr lor
SWITH1N C SlIORTLinr.F. A M (Harvard CrUuate, tPrlK,,n... p,
MKS. bWITIIIN C. SHORTLlUGIi. ' J Principals, Media, Pa.
Halves a brilliant ltstit.
11 win not BinoKO ineciiiinneys.
It will not char the. wlctc.
It has a hliru tire teat.
It will nolexplodo.
It Is ure-emmcnUy a family safety oil.
With any other Illuminating oil made.
We Stake Our Reputation,
As refiners, upon tlio statement that It Is
Ask ycur dealer tor
liA.NVILr.12, PA.
Trade for Uloomsbure and Vicinity Supplied by
Illoomsbtirg, I'n.
sepfl ly.
i. W. BER.TSCH,,
Dents Furnishing kit 1 1::;
Suits mmlu to order nt short notice
and n fit always guaranteed or no Hale.
U.ill ana examine the largexl and beat
selected stock of goods over Hliown in
Columbia oounty.
Store next door to First national Dank
RlooniBburg Pa.
How "Old I'rob" StnUrt Ilia I'orreuta ot
Atinonplierlo GhanKa.
I went up to tlio slgnnl oflko tlio other
day to risk Gen. A. W. Orcoly how ho
and his fellow conspirators regulated tlio
weather ot which this season has been
bo prollllc. I found tlio lucky and
, pluoky Artlo explorer at his desk, robed
1 In ft full suit of whito flannel over a
I checked flannel shirt; a dream of com
fort and n very delightful antithesis to
tho young lieutenant who, six years ago,
was waiting for death nt Camp Sabine.
"What is tho percentago of right esti
mates of this bureau?"
"It averages something over 80 per
cent. You would not think so to read
tho papers. But tho fact is, when 'prob
abilities' prove to bo correct newspapers
do not notlco it; they only havo some
thing to say when wo miss fire. A Now
England dally paper said last Wednes
day that our estimates for that section
'hadn't been right in a week.' I sent
tha statement to my expert, whoso busi
ness is verification, and he went over tho
facts and figures, and found that 84 per
cent, of tho predictions of tho bureau
for tho period and section had been cor
rect." "How do you niako your estlmato for
to-morrow's weather, general?"
"I could glvo you a statement of it,
but I had better refer you to dipt. Dun
woody, tho olllcer who has had predic
tions in chargo for many years. Ho is
at this moment making up his weather
sheet for to-morrow."
den. Grccly kindly walked with mo
out ot his handsome, room into tho low
annex adjoining, where Capt. II. II, C.
Dunwoody, of the Fourth artillery,
makes hia working headquarters, and
there I was presented to him a soldier
ly built olllcer, with a military learlng
and alert face, his short hair turning
gray as ho talks about tho weather,
"llero they arc," ho said, touching
with his hand a bushel of inussed up
telegraph dispatches, "tho data on which
wo mako computations. Theso wero re
ceived at 8 o'clock this morning, Wash
ington timo, from our 150 stations in ill.
parts of tho country. Theso all reached
us within thirty minutes tills morning.
Similar dispatches como thrco times n
"They tell you," I ventured, "what
tho weather has been and is. What tho
people want to know is how you guess
what tho weather is going to lie. Or
perhaps I should not uso tho word
'guess?' "
"Certainly you Bhould," answered
Capt. Dunwoody. " 'Guess' is n good
word. Much of our prediction is neces
sarily conjecture that is, it U an nt
tempt to solvo a problem when Bomo of
tho Important elements are missing.
These dispatches tell us flvo Important
things alxjtit tho prevailing atmospheric,
conditions iu 150 places: 1, tho me.iMiro
of tho barometer; 2, tho thermometer;
3, tho force and direction of tho wind;
4, tho character of the clouds; 0, mois
ture, or hydrometic conditions. Hero
wo havo tho weight of tho atmosphere,
tho heat, tho wind, tho clouds, tho rain
in 150 places an Important basis for
a judgment. When wo get theso dis
patches wo tako ilvo blank maps of tho
United States and Canada and outline
tho llvo conditions heat, rainfall, etc.,
so that tho'stuto of tho Union, bo to
speak, becomes pictorial. Now wo havo
something for any analytical mind to
work on the weather in overy terri
tory. Hero aro tlio mops for today.
Isotherms aro drawn through nil tho
places of equal temperature; Isobars over
all points of liko barometric pressure,
and so on.
"You Beo thero is a circle marked
'frost' in tho cranberry region of upper
Wisconsin, lho fact that frost is thero
today comes to us by telegraph. Hut I
predicted it yesterday morning and Bent
warning to tho cranberry region to
'look out.' I suppose bomo of them did.
Tho day before yesterday frost was re
ported in Pembina, northern Minnesota.
High areas generally tnovoeast to south
east; and I thought it safoto predict that
this cold wavo would go to tlio cran
berry region. It did and it reached
thero in just twenty-four hours, as I an
ticipated. Tho trouhlo is that not one
half of the farmers got tho warning in
time. Somo years since I sent a dispatch
to Madison, Wis., warning them that
thero would bo frost tho second day af
ter. Tho editor who handled it stuck it
in n drawer and thero it slept. I after
ward heard Gen. Rusk, now commission
er of agriculture, say to tho Wisconsin
state grange that if an organization had
existed to distrihuto that prediction it
would havo saved $100,000 to tho fann
ers of tho state. Tho great need of tho
Borvico today is distribution. Kmphosizo
tliat, please. Somo provision Bhould bo
made by which tlio important probabili
ties can speedily get to tho farmers for
whoso protection they aro chiefly uho
ful." "How long aro your predictions?"
"Twenty-four houis ; sometimes thirty
6lx, Occasionally, when indications aro
vory clear, forty-eight. Wo shall extend
tho timo a littlo next year. Weather
remains moro nettled in winter and foro
caits are easier."
"From what does your,0 per cent, of
failures result?"
"From a lack of knowledge on our
part; from our ignorance of prevailing
conditions. If wo knew moro wo could
guess better." Washington Cor. Phila
delphia Times.
GeorcU' 1-rnlt DUIIIIerlei.
Tho number of applicants for fruit dis
tilleries In tho stato of Georgia is report
ed by tho collector to bo unprecedented.
Indications aro that thero will bo iu op
eration this year tho largctt number of
fruit distilleries over known in Georgia.
Tho increaso is attributed to the recent
act of congress, putting those dUtillerieu
on the same footing with grain distil
leries in referenco tu tlio payment of the
tax, extending tho timo from foui
months to three yeurs. Tho outlook it
that thero will bo a very largo amount of
Georgia fruit brandy on tho market for
Bouio timo. New York Telegram.
An amazing system of carrying Uttlo
children as passengers seems to have
been in practice hitherto upon tlio Rus
sian railways. Tho Iiusslan ministry of
tlio Interior has just Issued an ordinance
to all railway officials prohibiting tho
further "packing of small children (lit
erally 'sucklings') in baskets, to the
number of eight in a basket (I), and for
warding them to tho foundling houses
in tho great towns as hand luggago."
This abuse, says the ministry iu tho cir
cular, is no longer to bo tolerated, slnco
It involves a serious injury to tho health
of tho children, and is also an attempt
to evade the regulations for tho carriage
of passengers by rail. In Russia "in
fants must bo paid fcr." Boston Dud
get. A grand feto out of compliment to
"America and Corsica," tho latter as tho
most formidable claimant to being tho
blrthplaco of Columbus, will lie given
011 Oct. 13 iu Paris for tlio celebra
tion of "tho 897th anniversary of tlio dis
covery of tho New World." Thero will
bo a procession of delegates from all tho
American states and from tho West In
dio,Nw York Suu.
Present Canlltlun of Uie House In Which
"the Mtthertif the Country" IJtp1.
Mary Washington, tho mother of our
country through her Illustrious sou
George, died hero Tuesday, Aug. 25, 1789,
and was buried hero 100 years auo, on
tho 27th of last month, in tho then fam
ily burying ground of tlio Lowls family.
This neglected spot was a part of tho
est a to of her daughter, Dcttio Lewis, who
lived at that time in her largo house,
very near by. This houso now stands
well preserved, and was built of English
brick brought to this country about tlio
middle of tlio last century. 1 walked up
Charles street, and not far from tho
heart of tho town was shown tho home
of Mary Washington, n modest frame
structuro fronting upon thU street and
abutting upon Lewis street, witli Its
square portico encroaching upon tlio side
walk. Tlio rear portion, about half way
down tho slope of tho roof, is of brick,
dovetailing into tho wooden structure,
which suggests tho Idea that modern has
reversed the continental stylo of archi
tecture according to our forefathers' ideas
of clfects. Tho foundations aro of stone,
shutting in an ample cellar, with a small
door opening into a sido street, with an
iron grating in a wooden framo on tho
front. Tho portion occupied by Mary
Washington Is tho wing on tlio corner.
It was in this room fronting tho street
that sho lived and died. The higher por
tion, with tho porch, has, it is believed,
been added since,
I raised tho old brass knocker with a
fooling of veneration, nnd, striking it,
tho Bound was suggestivo of tho drop of
a coflln handle. This knocker Is pecul
iarly suggestive. It Is an eoglo resting
upon a bracket and holding iu its claws
tho rim of a shield, which, when raised,
strikes upon tho bracket. Mr. W. J.
Moon now owns tho houso and has pos
sessed It since 1877. I examined care
fully tho records hero In tho court houso
and found that tho placo had lieeu owned
by Boven dlirerent people In tho last fifty
years; back of that tho record does not
show here, but may bo found tu tho
county court houso atSpottsylvanla.
Within tho houso nothing remains of
tlio furnituro or anything that was used
by Mary Washington except tho cup
board reaching to tho roof, whoso very
doors aro "rat eaten" with tho fingers
prying It open for a century and a half.
Tho stairway leading to tho attlo is nar
row, and breaks witli a right angle a few
steps from tho lower floor. Tho kitchen,
originally built of logs, has been covered
over with plank. Tho shutters and sash
aro all tho originals. Tho fastenings to
tho shutters nro of a very orude manu
facture, but havo swung their weighty
burdens in storm and sunshine for long
years, whilo tho rust of ages has been
gnawing them away.
It Is very evident Mary Washington
did not own tills house; persons to whom
I stated this promptly denied tho propo
sition. I found her will executed May
20,1788, in which bIio makes speciflo bo
quests of all her property with no gen
oral clause. It is therefore very evident
sho did not dio jiossessed of this place
Her daughter owned quite a largo tract
of land, which at 0110 timo included this
property and tlio three or moro squares
that nro now built upon back to the
Kenmoro houso and tho family burying
ground; in fact, her farm covered consid
erable nrea not now exactly known.
Cor. New York Herald.
Uueurthluc u Mmuuioth'n lionet.
W. 13. Jelly, cx-roevo of Amaranth,
who lives on lot No. 0, con. 7, was last
summer engaged in scooping out a
watering placo for his cattle In a wet
corner of his farm, and whilo excavat
ing ho unearthed tho ribs of an animal,
which were of such a largo size that they
startled him. Ho resolved to prosecuto
his work next day, but during tho night
it rained so heavily that ho was unahlo
to dig for any moro of tho remains of
the animal.
Ho exhibited tho ribs a couple of weeks
ago to Mr. John Jelly, of Shclburne, tho
result being that this gentleman's curi
osity was bo much aroused that ho hired
men to resume tho search for tho jo
maining parts of what ho believed to Iki
an antediluvian animal. Mr. Jelly, as
sisted by David Hocy and John Ander
son, a fow days ago began operations.
After digging for awhllo they exhumed
other bones, consisting of ribs and ver
tebra. Theso relics told their own tale.
Somo of tho ribs aro four feet long,
and tho component parts of tho back
bono nro In proportion to tho weight
nnd stzo of tho framework of tho body.
Mr. Jelly, with tho eyo of an arclmsol
oglst, prosecuted his search with vigor,
and in a fow days was delighted by tho
unearthing of ono of tho horns of tho
mammoth. Tho enormous size of the
antediluvian animal can lo estimated
from tlio slzo and weight of tho immense
horn or tusk.
At the butt It Is eight inches in diam
eter, and tho part secured Is twelvo feet
eight inches in length. Unfortunately
tho workmen could not locate tho tip of
tho horn; but competent Bcientists who
viewed tlio remains say that it extended
fourteen feet. Tlio horn was broken in
three pieces, and had to bo removed hi
parts, ono of which required the strength
of two men to elevate to a wagon. The
middlo piece iUelf measured eight feet,
nnd looks mnro liko a log of wood than
tho undoubted horn of an animal,
Tlio work of excavation is still going
on, nnd daily ribs and portions of tho
vertcbrro ore being dug up. Tho soil is n
black muck, from two to three feet in
depth, and under this is a layer of white
marl, descending to a depth iu somo cases
of two feet, and in others of three nnd
four feet. Underneath tho stratum is 11
bed of black Band. In tho marl n,ro to
bo seen shells, indicating that tho mam
moth must liavo perished when the
country was covered with water or sub
jected to tlio glacial invasion. Toronto
A Hoy Who Sar Lite.
Joseph Brown has reason to congrnt
ulato himself upon his sons. Ono of
them Is u baseball player of some note,
and that alono iu theso days of tho great
American game's rage should bo glory
enough; but another son, Joseph Brown,
Jr., Is developing as a hero. Young
Joseph goes for a vacation every sum
mcr to Camp Lake, Wis., and while
thero 11 year ago he saved the lives of
two people, whoso boat had become uh
set. At tho sanio place again this Bea
ton, and only about two weeks ago, the
young man saved tlireo lives. A small
party had como over to Camp Lako from
Kenosha and went for a sail upon the
lake. There wero five of them and the
boat was capsized. Young Brown
chanced to witness tha accident and at
once secured a small boat and pulled to
tho rescue, assisted by a lad named
Frank Yaw, With much pluck mid
coolness Brown managed to save three
of tho party. Two of them had gone
down, but lielug an expert swimmer ho
plunged Into tho water and did not glvo
up his Boarch until ho recovered the
bodies of tho two who wero drowned
The young man iu his modesty makes
very light of his acts, but if it Is going
to lo a regular tmng lor mm to savo a
drowning party year uf ter year, ho will
notlxi oblo to hido hU light under a
cumkh. Oilotao xurald.
20, 1889.
Captnrr of n Chlhl That TV a Stolen anil
Hmreil by n Wolf.
Soma twenty months ago a woman
living 011 the banks of tho Brazos missed
her 0 months old baby from tho pallet
where sho had left It lying during nn
nbsenco of a fow minutes. Search was
made for tho Infant, but notraco of It
could lie discovered, and tho whole affair
was wrapped In profound mystery until
a fow days ago. A party of gentlemen
wero riding through u Bomcwjiat unfre
quented portion of tho thick woods that
liorder tho river, when thoy wero Btnrt
led by seeing n strange object run ncross
tho road. Thinking at first sight that
It was a wild animal, several of tho
party wero about to flro on It, when tho
0110 who had been nearest to it called to
them not to shoot, but to rido It down
Instead. This was dono with difficulty,
for tho underbrush was thick, but at last
tho creature was overtaken In a dense
copse It was half running, naif leap
ing, first on all fours and then nearly
Tho gentlemen dismounted and at
tempted to lay liands upou It, but chat
tering frightfully and savagely biting
and scratching, it broko away from them.
They could see that it had a human face,
though the brown body wns covered
with long, tangled hair, and tho nails of
tho feet nnd hands bo long and curved as
to be claws. It ran with incrcdlhlo
swiftness, getting over fallen trees and
denso masses of creepers at n rato that
obliged its pursuers to exert themselves
to tho utmost to keep It in view. It Du
ally ran Into tin Immcnso oak treo that
lay uprooted in tho ground, and tho
ollow trunk of which formed a yawn
ing cavern. By tho dint of poking In
tho treo with sticks tho party succeeded
hi driving out an old wolf, which imme
diately took to its heels. It was not pur
sued, as it was not tho object sought.
This, too, was finally dislodged nnd las
soed with a lariat nnido of hides. It
bit and scratched bo fiercely that it was
thought ndvlsnblo not to approach it, as
It was half dragged, half led homo with
tho lariat about its neck, howling and
yelping like a wolf.
The fact of tho negro woman s cmld
having disappeared was well known to
all, and It waa decided that this must bo
tho child. Tho old wolf had evidently
stolen it and for somo reason adopted it
as its own. Tho mother declared that
this conjecturo was correct, claiming
that her child had had n malformation
of ono ear, which peculiarity was found
In tho monster. It is kept tied up in her
cabin, suffering 110 ono to lay hands
upon it, and is fed on raw meat, as it
refuses to touch any other food, Tho
woman has hopes that 6ho may yet re
awaken tho human in it, but in tho
meantlmo sho is reaping a harvest from
tho crowds who como dally from nil
parU of tho country to inspect tho
strango creature, Sandy Point (Tex.)
Cor. Pittsburg Dispatch.
An American Uiuldhtitt In Japan.
Col. Oltott is said to havo created n
veritable furore iu his recent Buddhistic
tour through Japan. At ilrst somo of
the Buddhist priests gavo him tho cold
shoulder. Then ho began to excite pop
ular Interest, which wns intensified ns
ho went through tho larger provincial
towns. At Nngoya, a largo commercial
town between Tokio nnd Kioto, lie had
audiences nt each lecturo of about 4,000
people, and it is said that tho wildest
applauso everywhere greets ills declara
tions that tho closest relationship exists
between tho Btablo progress of the nation
and tho maintenance of truo Buddhism.
The Buddhists who control his tour, boo
ing tho cltect ho is producing, nro hur
rying him about, bo that ho is delivering
orations and lectures iu three or four
different places in tho same day. Ho
does not speak a word of Japanese, nnd
his lectures nro thereforo delivered In
English nnd translated on tho platform
by 1111 interpreter, sentenco by sentence,
as ho goes along. Yet ho arouses great
enthusiasm. Not only tho common peo
ple hear him, but nUo tho high officials.
In many of tho largo towns through
which ho passed special meetings wero
held at times mi I table to officials, at
which they wero nlono present. Homo
Au Iry I'lftnt'a Tory Sympathies.
One who passes by tho Old South
church theso summer dnys will see a
curious Bight. The English ivy which
lias been slowly creeping over tho front
of tho church through tho last decade
now holds in its grasp tho old structure
whero Benjamin Franklin was baptized
and "tho tea party" was organized. Inch
by inch its tendrils havo felt their way
along Its walls, until now tho giowth lias
even dared to uttempt to hido from view
tho big, broad slab that marks tho "dese
cration" by the British. Tho littlo vino,
planted by American liands and fed with
American sunlight and rain, has basely
tried to cover up tlio tablet that marks
tho rudo nets of tho English soldiery. It
seems a caso whero tho proper authori
ties can interfere with much needed jus
tice on tho presumptuous, overreaching
plant. Boston Advertiser.
Why Sunhet Cox Came Hume.
But why should I dwell beside the
Bosphorus when I did not know tho Bos
phorusof my own country? What was
Bagdad to me, when I hud Bismarck
(Dak.) to sec? What was Jerusalem,
when I had not visited Huron? What
was tho falls of Switzerland, when I
must help to harness tho falls of Spo
kane? So I made my salaam to tho sul
tan. I wish you had been my filial bow
to him. I had not met all his family.
Ho has 400 wives, but I found hhu 11
genial fellow, and very kind to Ameri
cans. So I camo home, and hero I am,
From a lteccnt Speech.
Italians aro not very strong in domes
tic ties. Of 43,000 Italians that landed
in Castle Garden last year 114,000 were
males. Tho emigration of females from
Italy Is smaller than front nny other
country, averaging but 111 per cent, of
tlio wholo number who landed. From
Germany tho percentage Is 40; from Ire
land, 45, Boston Budget.
tttrunce DUturbaiice uf Kature.
Four miles southeast of Villanow, Gu.,
on the west slopoof John's Mountain, on
lot 241, owned by William Bopcr, oc
curred over two months ago a Btrango
disturbance of nature. It was confined
to a strip ot laud running east and west
and being 250 yards In length and be
tween 80 and CO yards in width. On
that limited area tlio ground shows tho
mark of bouio mighty convulsion.
Stumps wero forced asunder, rocks wero
split and huge roots torn in twain. Fis
sures run in every direction. Accom
panying tho disturbance was an evident
upheaval, As it passed, at tho east end
tho ground settled back below the origi
nal lovel, while nt tho west end it wns
left raised. -Atlanta Constitution.
Grand Haplds, Mich., offered n bounty
for tllO killlllL" of ElU'llsll mnrmu'i nn.l
up to dato boys havo slaughtered 'over
4 A . .....
iu,vuu 01 mo pests, in auumon, tlio boyi
have filled a horsn with blnl slmf iinn.
turod the leg of ono of their 1111 nil -er
1.1- 41 m . . .
wiui uio wuue nua put ouiino oyo 01 an
VOL. 23, NO 38.
The Ilercnle Who I Aitiinlthtng the I'nU
Ha In Ijtmlnn
Thero nro many Delllahs, but only one
Samson, nnd ho is performing nt tho
Poynl nquarluui, London, at present,
where his feats of strength nro certainly
of an original nnd marvelous character,
Tho spectator, ns ho watches, feels that
it is better to bo friendly with eucli a
man, With n blow of his fist ho breaks
an Iron chain that will bear n prcssuio
of 8,000 pounds. With his two liands
grasping a short chain of 2,500 pounds
ascertained pressure ho makes n momen
tary effort and pulls tho Iron chain to
bits, and in what seems (ho most won
derful feat namely, fastening two light
Iron chain bracelets or nrmlets round his
bleeps tho spectator may vlow tho pro
cess from beginning to end. Ono hears
tho strong man tako n long breath, sees
tho muscles of his arm growing bigger
and bigger, tho cords of his neck swell
ing with tlio sustained effort, his faco
crimsoning, nnd then, In tho silence,
those nearest tho Btago can hear a curi
ous littlo sundering snap. It Is tho
double chain armlet that has broken nnd
that tlio next second falls ringing to tlio
floor. When Samson's fist Is clenched
mid ho is ready to strike tho measure
ment of his upper nrm round biceps nnd
triceps is 10 inches, which, wo may
casually remark, Is considered a tolera
ble waist for a young lady.
Among somo of his minor feats If
such displays can bo callod minor
Samson took n penny pleco from ono of
his audience, and at ono trial ho bent it
with his fingers, as ono may bend a rail
way ticket, held It up to view for a
second, nnd then deliberately broko it iu
half, and returned tho pieces to tho
owner. A very littlo practice will con
vinco amateurs of tho hopelessness of
breaking pennies with finger and thumb.
Tho strong man next bent a four foot
Iron gas pipe round his neck, and cheer
fully btraightened It again by repeated
blows 011 tho left arm, such arm being
for tho nouco a species of anvil. Four
teen men camo upon tlio stage, by invi
tation, to pull against him; but Samson,
not deeming them enough, or sizing up
their athletic capabilities with a profes
sional eye, expressed n wish for four
moro. These men ho divided into nino
a side, tho two sides nearly tho width of
a man's stretch apart, and each sldo bo
ing provided with and grasping a strong
and lengthy iron rod. Beforo placing
himself between them Samson stimu
lated their ardor by promising 100 to
them if ho failed to movo them, and ap
parently thero was u grateful determi
nation on tho men's faces to win the
pour-boiro. Then thero was n shoit,
shaqi struggle; tho men held their ground
for a brief space, wero pulled together
and the next moment thrust apart, and
finally, swnying as they went, wero car
ried away by tlio intensity of 0110 strain
ing man in their midst.
Samson is 11 man of French origin, a
native of Alsace-Lorraine. Ho comes to
us from America, and this is his first ap
pearance in England. At 15 years of
ago ho entered tho Circus ltanz as an
nthleto and pulled against horses and
elephants; nt 18 ho commenced to wrestlo,
and from that timo to the present lie has
left untried no means whereby ho can
maintain, train and develop his extraor
dinary strength. Pall Mall Gazette.
An Expert llllml Sinn.
It Is almost incrodiblo that Simon Col
lins, of Marietta, who has been blind for
twenty-seven years, la an export carpet
weaver, makes mid prints paper flower
sacks In colors, doing tho printing on a
ashlngtou hand press and with n per
fect register, but Tho Marietta Times
vouches for that. I havo known him for
seven or eight years and havo seen hhu
frequently oil tho streets of his town,
cano in hand, walking rapidly, making
all tho ins nnd outs, going down Into a
basement or up stairs to a business office,
never making a mistakonnd never being
A year ago ho made n canoo from his
own design, and tho Bamo boat won a
raco in tho rcgattaupon tho Susquehanna
at Columbia. Ho Is tho patcnteo of a
brush handle, makes fishing nets and
cano seated chairs.
His latest triumph is tho mastery of
tho typewriter. IIo bought 0110 bouio
months ago and is now ablo to operate it
quickly nnd correctly. Ho is said to bo
an expert cuchro player, but I cannot
vouch for that, though it is scarcely more
notable than many things already men
tioned which I havo known him to do,
Philadelphia Times.
A lloyal lesson.
Dona Christina lias begun at Aranjuez
to initiate her Hon iu ids royal duties,
taking him often to bco on institution
founded by tho lato king an asylum for
tlio orphans of officers and non-commls
Bioncd officers who havo died in service.
Tho crown gavo up ono of tho largest
buildings on tho royal domain for this
asylum, whero several hundred orphans
of both sexes nro brought up nt tho ex
ponso of tlio state and with monoy con
trlbuted by tlio royal family and by
officers of overy branch of tho service,
Tho lioys nro trained for tho nriny, navy
orBouio profession, lho girls nro cdu
cated to becomo teachers or governesses.
Tlio widowed queen feels kindly for
theso children, whoso fathers nro lying
on tho hillsides of north and ccntrnl
Spain or in tho jungles of Cuba. On
her first visit wo nro told that bho Bald
to her soi "You must lovo them and be
good to them, because thoy nro liko you
thoy novo nolntlicrhero; their fathers,
too. aro iu heaven." Capo Town Argus,
United TwlliK.
Dr. G. M. Collins, of Tipton, Ind., 10
ports to tho Medical ltecord a pair of fe
male twins united at tlio center or me
dlan lino of tho trunk ns ono body, which
however, develops perfect bets of distinct
members and organs for two. Eacl;
child has n separate circulation und or
gaiiumi. Uno will bleep while tho othe
is nwako. Tho bowels uud kidneys tier-
form their functions independently. The
spinal column Is straight. Tho children
nro bright nnd lively, havo flno heads of
hair und flno features, aro well formed
and at this writing liavo every appear
ance of living. At birth their weight
was twelvo and one-half pounds, and
thoy wero twenty-two and ono-lial(
inches in length.
Professor Elilm Thompson has w
fectod on Invention by which tho rails oi
street or steam railways may bo welded
together by electricity after being placed
In position. A dynamo propels over tli
tracks an electric welding machine.
which welds the raiUintoonocontluuous
Uno nftcr It passes over them. It is pro
posed to havo at overy ono hundred feet
a break, to ullow for expansion. Any
lunil of rails can thus Ihi welded. One
a Week.
Briand. a distintruishM
French physician attached to tho hospi
tal ot Vlllojulf, is reported to have
cuccicu bomo wonderful cures of con
sumption by means of tlio cold air cure,
which consist mainlv in crnuhi.-ill v nn.
customing tho patients to exposure until
thoy aro ublu to Bleep out in llioopsn
tur, ruKuruicss 01 tlio
weather. Ex-
Antnmn Iam.
In lho Hoctlonof Hi. Pari 1 exhibition
devoted (o the Hlsloire du Thentro thero
Is a collection of wax models of feet of
noted ballet dancers.
Queen Victoria's recent visit to Wales
brings out tho statistic that during her
reign of over hnlf 11 century twelve days
only have been spent in Ireland.
In 11 cowboyB tournament at Align
Frla, A. T., John Ijuio roped nnd tied
three steers iu 8.40 minutes, tills baing
tho beet timo over made In Arizona.
Jolm Merrill beat tlio record also by rop
lnfj nnd tying n singlo steer in n littlo
over half a minute.
Mrs. Kendal explains why sho nnd her
husband havo nlwnys nctod together by
1 tho statement that it wan boonuto of a
vow mado to her father. Mrs. Kendal's
father, when his daughter wanted to
marry an nctor, insisted that thoy should
alwnys net together.
Preparations aro already lielng mado
In sovernl German university towns to
celobrato next year the three-hundredth
anniversary of the invention of tlio mi
croscope. Zacharlas Jansen, of Middle
I burg, put together tho first mlcrocopo
I 1.. 1 Mm
ill intrv,
There havo Just been published official
figures showing that during the past
four years thero havo been 1,940,007
marriages in Japan, nnd 408,537 couples
Tho largest 6afllng vessel In tho world
is said to bo tlio new Bhlp Liverpool,
which U of tho following dimensions:
Length, UiKl feet; breadth, 47 feet 10
Inches; depth, 20 feet 0 inches, witli a
dead weight carrying capacity of 5,000
tons, 8,800 tons nut register.
Totting 1'lanM.
The cool nights remind tho florist that
tho time has already arrived for potting
house plants that have bdeu given tho
freedom of tho garden during the sum
mer. Of course tlio essential thing is to
havo good soil. Whilo tho several plants
liavo n preference. In the matter of diet,
geraniums, fuchsias, pinks nnd other fa
vor i to easily cultivated plants thrive in a
soil formed ono hnlf of well decayed leaf
mold, ono fourth rich garden soil, ono
fourth sand. Bake tho onrth to destroy
any animal life It may contain. Sco that
tho exterior of tlio pot Is perfectly clean,
then cover tlio bottom with pebbles or
bits of earthen waro to tho depth of two
inches, unless the pot is quite small,
hen a smaller quantity will answer.
Wo have found a layer of hens' drop-
lugs uiion tho drainage n desirable stra
tum to promote u healthy growth. Scat
ter the prepared boil upou this, then re
move tho plant to Its now quarters and
press tho soil well about tho roots. Fill
the pot to tlio neck of the plant, leaving
sufficient room for watering. Sot the re
potted plants iu a shaded placo and wa
ter them moderately. A good rulo to
adopt in transferring to n larger pot is to
select 0110 that will contain tho smaller.
Whilo attending to houso plants don't
neglect tho hnngliig pot. It repays a
huirdied fold nil tho labor necessary to
insuro n green drapery if not gay blos
bonis tho winter through, and Incon-
enlences nobody. Exchange.
Hushing In Whero tho Angola 6tuy Out.
I havo n joke," aid the breezy vouncr
man, seating himself on tho table of tho
ablo editor, "on tho pies at tho railroad
restaurant in your town, mid shos a
corker, too; It's a thoroughbred, and good
for a wad in tho city, but I'll leave it
with you for nothing." Beads "A red
headed plo in tho" (Tills Is tho sarao
young man who went beforo tho hang
ing by lightning commission in this6tato
and declared that ho onco sustained, by
the ureauing ot n wire abovo his head, a
shock of 1,500 ohms and an alternating
current ot repeating volts that lasted all
the way down stairs on n high tension
circuit; ids mind, ho said, remained clear
during tho cntiro shock or succession of
shocks, and ho remembered distinctly
Hearing tlio editor say, with what scorned
to him a great deal of irrelevance under
tho circumstances, "I'll teach you, young
maul I'll let you know that I own a
half interest in that restaurant nnd mar
ried tho cook last week 1") Robert. J.
Burdetto in Brooklyn Eaglo.
The Texas Ijiw nil lrlzo l'Jghtlnc.
Tlio sports of tho angular Saxons do
not squaro with tho rounded ways of
the Castilian? and their followers in
Spanish America. Tho natives of those
countries had neither bulls nor chickens
to light on tho coming of Europeans,
but thoy took to tho bull ring nnd tho
cockpit liko ducks to water. Theso
sports aro patronized thero by all classes
and ranks of people. Even tho Napoleon
of tho west, Santa Anna, to overcomo
whom in Texas was tlio work of a man
bom to no common destiny, beguiled tho
tedium of his exilo by keeping a cockpit
hi Havana. Tho Ixmighted pooplo of
Mexico know nothing of and euro ikoth
ing for thoMarqulsof Quoensliorry rules,
and offered 110 encouragement to tho
schemo w lieu El Paso wanted to get up
an exhibition of tho noblo art of batter
ing tho human couiitenanco into n-jelly.
tenner uo 1110 peoplo ot Texas aitect it;
but somo one whose namo should go
sounding down the ages engineered a
law through tho la&t legislature to legal
ize tlio practice. Who was it and who
voted for it? Dallas News.
Sketch of a Texas Town.
Growing tho finest cotton, corn and
fruit in tho stato aro our specialties,
pretty women and chivalrous men is a
happy sldo lsouo with us, and putting uit
good houses, discussing tho hogs and
dogs nnd preparing to receivo a heavy
immigration tins tail aro pastlmo resorts
with Tyler this hot und bleopy weather.
Hog or no hog, dog or no dog, wo liavo
a movo on us wo have. Tyler Record.
The U lttt Sulllnu- Mil,. Hu. Wurld.
Messrs. Henderson, of Glasgow, liavo
contracted to build for Messrs. Bordes &
Son, Paris und Bordeaux, a llvo masted
sailing bhlp. It is to be tlio largest in
the world. Barclay, Curio & Co.. of
Glasgow, have also contracted with the
same firm to build a four masted bhlp
capable of carrying 5,000 tons. London
Probably tho greatest case of museum
fright on record was discovered nt tlio
Grand museum yesterday, The houso
was crowded nt tho timo nnd tho curtain
just about to lie drawn for tho illusion,
when n hubbub was heard in tlio corner
whero tho wax figures of the four men
who wero recently liuuged in tlio Tombs
nro curtained off. Tho uttentlon of tho
audience was centered immediately on
two excited iersons, a inukitto man
and a black woman, who wero struggling
fiercely ho tugging, bIio bcrwiuiing.
Lecturer Smith boon quieted them and
then tho reason of tho excitement was
discovered. It appears that tho negro
Lewis is placed just whero n draft from
the window occasionally bhakes tho in
animate figure, and as one arm is point
ed upward the shaking has the effect of
giving u very threatening npiwaranoo to
tho arm. Thus it wns that when tho
colored visitors looked up at it all their
Buporstition cniuobach to them and thoy
criod out in affright, thinking that Lewis
had it-turned to life. Now York Journal.
Ilcuth tu tho Graio Seed,
When ono hears of tlio museum freaks
who swallow jack knives, rusty iron
nails and pieced uf glass wlthoift sustain
ing any injury to their digestive organs,
it seems imiossihlo to believe that tho
swallowing of a more bead of 11 Krapo
could placo a man nt tho very threshold
of doath. Yet such Is tho fato of young
William Wulton, of No. 853 Eighth ave
nue. A fow days ago ho was taken biok
after eating somo grapes. An abscess
arose on his Bldo, which, ou investiga
tion, proved to bo tho result of the seed
of a gruio having lodged la tho vermi
form uppendlx. A surgical operation
becamo iiecebsary, and tho young man
now lies in u precarious condition and
t littlo lioiKS aro ontcrLalnod . : . ,
I ery. Tho caso Is a very wio aud
Uaattr;kctc.d wuch jjrof eeilonal interest.