The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, September 13, 1889, Image 4

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    A Gay Evening In Moscow.
Treating their women ns nlavcs, and
thch ons m minora oven long nftcr
tlioy havo attained tho ago ol manhood,
tlio merchants of tho old types livo
aloof from any political or oven intel
lectual movomcnt, under a rudo patri
arohial Bystcm.
The aona and crnndsonn of thoso
old-fashioned bearded merchants, tho
ktipcohu9kiycsynki" (merchant's sons),
as they nro called, when they abandon
tho habits of their ancestors, astonish
tho capital by their extravagancies
ond absurd display of wealth. Theso
young Russians sharo their chins,
dress in European stylo, keep horses,
carriages, and aotresse", go to tho thea
ters, and often push beyond tho fron
tiers os far as Nice,Monto Carlo, or Paris,
whoro thoy astound waiters and chorus
girls by their wild prodigality and fan
tastio ostentatiou. The Mttscovito mer
chant of tho old.ty po is a solid Oriental j
his emancipated eons and grandsons
havo a thin varnish of apparent Western
civilization, or rather Western corrup
tion, but they remain, nevertheless,
rank barbarians. This they show in
their amusements, and oven in their
hospitality, as wo ra&y readily conceive
oursolves by spending a "gay" even
ing in Moscow.
The reader need not bo alarmod ; wo
shall not invito him to follow us into
any very torriblo places but simply
to acoompauy us to tho park. It was
a long ride. Tho swift drosky rattled
along up-hill and down-hill, through
this suburb and that suburb, and then
along an endless sttcet of immense
w'dth paved wUh cobble stones and
bowlders, and lined with whito houoes,
mostly only ono story high. Finally
wo pass boyond the utmost limits of
tU i city, past an enigmatio triumphal
arch erected in tho middto of a wilder
ness, and so across a stretch of open
country, beyond which Is Potrofski
Pa.k. At the entrance of tho park
are some pretty summer villas built of
wool, and ornamented with fret-work
carvings in the well known Russian
style. Then after driving along im
mense aveuuei bordered with fino trees,
wo reached tho restaurants and con
certs of which wo had heard so much,
Strelna, M .r-itioia, Arcadia, Eldorado,
ami olherr, whoro the famous Tysgaoes
or Bohomicnnes sing. After tho lyri
cal anu hyperbolical descriptions of
Theophilo Oautier and other enthusi
astic travellers, to say nothing of tho
boasts and recommendations of ac
quaintances, we were preparod for mar
vels and splendora, for something fairy
like and unheard of, or at loas for
somo new and memorable sensations.
Tho deception was complete. These
establishments consist of piao-wood
halls surrounded by gardens similar to
ordinary German beer-gardens j and
tho Batons and privato rooms, instead
of being enriched with gilding and
eatrptuous divans, aro furnished with
economical bent-wood chairs, simple
looking glasses, and paltry tables.
We visited theso establishments one
after tho other ; they wero all the Banie,
all enveloped in a vail of dismal ma
laria and ennui suecestivo of bank-
rupoty : the pino wood halls weio
empty, tho waiters half asleep ; in one
corner of tho room on a dais was an
orchestra, but tho -musicians did not
play. Pacing np and down in couples,
thoir arms around each others waists,
wero women, mostly Swceds and Ger
mans, dressed in bricbt in door cos
tume chorus singers who did not
sing. In out of the way corners
sat ancient matrons of horriblo aspect,
painted and powdered, who seemed to
watch over the promenading of the
chorus-singera. Near tho door stood
a few gypsy women in shabby Europe
an costume, and a fat brigandish gypsy
inun dressed in brown corduroy, with
a macK cioth cap on his head, in
the garden a dozen military officers
wero sitting at tho tables drinking tea
and smoking cigarettes ; they wore
long overcoats, although wo wero sup
posed to bo enjoying midsummer heat
so sensitive aro the Russians to cold
and damp. Strange, is it not, that in
spito of this sensativeness thoy should
bo so fond of out-door places of amuse
ments? What was to be done ! Wo con
sulted a Russian friend, an officer who
had kindly guided us to these distant
"Why do not tho Bohcmieuncs singt
Why are thore so few people here?
These questions seemed to strike
him as being rather odd. Tho Bohem
iennes, ho told ns, sing only when they
aro paid ; wo most hire a privato room
and mako n ba 'gain with the fat man
in corduroy.
"How rauoh do they want?"
"At Jeast twenty-fivo rubles."
Wo made tho bargain, hirod a room,
ordered refreshme Us, and soon half a
dozen men with guitars, and tho same
number of women, all of them ugly
boyond exception, and dressed in
ridiculous French costumes, entered
and took their places at tho end of tho
room. Thoy sang some melancholy
Russian songs, then some passionate
Tsygauo songa, ond then threo of thorn
danced with lascivious Oriontil move
ment, whilo tho others howled and
ojacalated in truly savage fashion.
But in order to induce them to eieouto
this dance tho guerdon had to be rais
ed from twenty-five to a hundred
rubles, and still wo are lookod upon ns
very small seigneurs. Corcainly tho
Bongs and dances of these BohoJiiuniie,
havo a wild and striking character on
several subsequent occasions wo hau
tho opportunity of ascertaining this
fact but from tho point of view of
art and intensity of expression, these
famous Moscow gypsys cannot for a
moment bo compared with tho Span
iards; and as for their vaunted boauty.
it is a delusion and a snare. Not one
in a hundred of thorn can pretend to
good looks. The Taygauea of Moscow
aro ono of those colossal "frauds" in
which tho East is no fertile In any
other country these people would oxer
ciso tho profocsion of chair-menders
fortune-tellers poultry thieves, and
horsovdcalurs, for whioh tho gypsies
havo tiatural gifts; iu Moscow, thanks
to tho naivete of the new-fangled mer
chants and of tho rich young man iu
general, they aro to spoil tho Egyptians
with less trouble and risk. "No feto is
considered complete without tho Boh
emiennes, no prodigality in morjoy or
jewelry can satisfy their rapacity; ro
Hcrved, disdainfnl, inaccessible tb tho
enterprises of gallantry, theso gypsy
women drive tho glided youth of Rus
sia wild with enthusiasm, and stir their
torpid souls in much tho same way as
ardent spirits ticklo their dll paulates.
Tho fascination winch thoy exercise
.over tho iucol erent imagination of the
Rues'nns is urorrplified by tho caso of
a Princo Galitzin, who in our own days
bought fro.n her trib'o for moro than
fifty thousand dollars the young Tsy
gano who becaroo ills wifo ami tho
mother of his children. This lady, now
divorced from her husband, lives in tho
vast Galitzin Placo at Moscow, on the
Moskwa Quay, and does rot disdain to
Increase her handsome incowo by carry
ing on ono of tho largest pawn-broking
businesses in tho Russian Empire.
After hearing tho Bohomicnnes, nnd
after further questioning our Russian
friends, we begin to understand why
theso C(fe ctumtants in tho park aro
so ordinarily no deserted, nnd why
there in no regular publio to speak of:
thoy depend largely upon thosnport of
tho Jeuneue (force, nnd this glided
youth has a peculiar way of organizing
pleasnro party. A young scignour
or n oung merchant will drivo up to
ono of these cstabllsmonts, accompan
ied by his friends, nnd hire the whole,
house. If thero are oilier customers
present, ho will pay them to go away,
or fight with them for possession It
they prefer tho latt-rcoiiHo. Then lie
will hiro tbo Bohemieunis, order onam
pagno by tho hundred bottles, and n
feast coplnus enough frr a company of
giauts, and tht n. niter so many hours
of wild and btutal eating, drinking,
and roistering, ho and his friends will
smash glasses, dishes, table?, chairs,
and overy thing brcakahlo within tho
place. This breakage Is always reck
oned beforehand in tho contract.
SjcIi is young Moscow's idea of a
niuht of pleasure tho ostentatious
Spending of largo sums Of money.
Naturaliy, with such oustomers as these,
say lour merits only out of tho seven,
Strelna and Mauritania can oxist and
even ourioh their proprietors; but when
some gay sparks aro not engaged in
making matchwood ol the turutiurc,
they aro dull, dismal, and full of ennui.
Theoiioue Cini.i), in Harper's M'tgtiz
ine for September.
Central Pennsylvaira Exposition.
or.ANOKns riCNic-nxuinmoN at ckn-
Railroad nnd tent arrangements have
been completed for the monster Picnic
Exhibition to tike placo in Colonel
Taylor's Fort Woods, at Centre Hall,
September 17 to 20 inclusive. Access
by rail will bo convenient from all di
rections and sullicicnt trains ,will bo
placed on tho several roads to mako
going and coming very convenient.
Hon. Leonard Rhone, chairman of tho
association, informs tho writer that up
to this timo tbo applications for tent
and exhibition privi'eges are far in ex
cess of what they wero last year.
Tho list of speakers comprises such
mon as Col. Biugham, of Ohio, Master
of tho National Grange, P, of H., Gov
ernor James A. Beaver, Hon. Mortimer
Whitehead, of New Jersey, Lecturer of
of the Natloncl Grange; Brigadier Gen
eral D. II. Hastings; Senator Brown, of
York county, Lecturo of tho State
Grange; General B. F. Fisher of Chest
er county, nnd others.
Ono of tho attractions, outside of the
general discussion of Grange topics and
display of machinery and agricultural
implements, C. K. Sober tho champion
wing shot of America, has corif ented to
givo exhibitions of bis wonderful marks
man ship, at stated intervals during tho
Seven trains will run each day over
the Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad
from Centre Hall to Montandou, con
necting with trains on tho P. & E. road
and also to Bellefonte, connecting with
trains on tho Bald Eaglo Valley road.
This picnic-exhibition will, without
a doubt, bo one of the largest and most
successful affairs ever held in Centre
county or Central Pennsylvania and
will be attended by thousands upon
thousands of people from all over this
and adjoining- states.
Is essential to good health; but at
this season it is often lost, owing to the
poverty or impurty of the blood, de
rangement of the digf-st'iv organs, and
tho weakening effect ol the changing
season. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a
wonderful medicino for creating an ap
petite, toning tho digestion, and giving
strength to tho whole system. Now is
the timo to take it. Bo sure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Still Prosecuting Tbelr Weary Work.
Tho thrco judges who are still pros
ecuting the weary ta.k of taking testi
mony in the contested Judicial election
casein Lycoming county, meet at regu
lar intervals and go on with their work
that seems to be endless. It is now
nearly a year sinco they began piling
up this pretty bill of costs which the
taxpayers of tho county" will have to
pay. Tho witnesses that havo been
examined have been numerous enough
to form a smill army, and yet sulli
cient evidence has not yet been secured
to mako it clear that tho Democratic
candidato who had a majority of the
votes should stq down and give the
bench to tho minority Republican can
didate. Upou its faco tho caso heirs
the unmistakable appearance of a de
sign to steal tho judgeship.
Tho dull proceedings of tho court of
inquiry were enlivened tho other day
by a question that arose concerning
tho printing of tho evideneo. Com
plaint was mido that tho printers wero
behind in putting this voluminous stuff
in print, aud ono of tho learned judges
threatened that if Iho WiUiam'purL
printers couldn't come up to tho re
quirements of tho emergenoy it wruld
be necessary to havo tho printing com
pleted iu Philadelphia. What u nice
item in the bill of costs tho 'printing
expenses are going to be, and taking
i oil together tho taxpayers will have
a pr- tty sum to pay as tho result of
this Republican scheme to seat a judge
who was not elected. Watchmun.
Tho Nineteenth Exhibition of tho
Montour Agricultural Society will bo
held at Danville, Pa., commencing on
Tuesday, September 17th, 1889 and
continuing four days. Extensive prep
arations aro being mado for tho same
and it promises to be tho largest and
finest fair over held by this Sooiety.
Elegant buildings aro on tho grounds
for tho proper display of tbo farm pro
ducts and manufactured articles, also
good stabling for tho livo stock on ex
hibition. The track has been widened
and otherwise improved aud is now
one ot tho best in tho State. All trot
ting will be done under the rules of
tho National Association, of which
this fair is a member. Numerous at
tractions will bo offered each day and
every thing will Lo dono to givo all
persons visiting tho fair mi onjoynblo
time. Tbo citizens in this section aro
cordially invitod to bo present.
Tho nioH efficient advertising in
behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla is that
which oomes from tho medicino itself.
That is, those who are cured by it,
speak to friends suffering similarly,
who in turn derive benefit aud urgo
others to try this successful medicine.
Thus tho oircle of its popularity is rap
idly widoning from this couso alone,
aud moro and raoro nro becoming un
thusiastio in behalf of Hood's Sarsap
arilla as it actually demonstrate its
absolute merit. All that is nuked for
Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it bo aiven
a good trial. If yon need a good blood
puriDor, or building up medicine, try
Hood's gan3panlltv
Tbo nnnoiincomoiit ot n series of
what havo become known ns harvest
oxcnrsioiiB to bo run by tho Chicago
& Northwestern Railway dining tho
munwis oi uigusi September nnd
October, will be joyfully Tocoivcd by a
'argo number of onr renders who nro
becoming ititensted in thotu portions
oi uio woMiornu Northwest, reached
by this railroad and Its connections
lopogrnpbical nnd nccttonal mns ac
oompanied by vivid descriptions nnd
voluminous crop reports, nro excellent
meainms lor nwakeniog tho interest of
homo seekers in a new country, and
these supplemented by oppottiinitics
placed within tho reach of all for visit
ing tho country at, a sunnon when ex
act demonstra' ion can be made ft its
merit, givo convincing evidence of tho
fact that the North-Western Company
has sufficent faith in tho regions travel
ed by its lines, to extend unusual facil
ities for all to go nnd see for yc.ursolf.
Tho exoureions will bo flvu in ntim
br. and wil leave Ch'cago August Cth
nnd 20tb, September 10 "and 21th, nnd
October 8ih. Tickets nan bo purchas
ed at the rate of ono fore for the round
trip to points in Iowa, Minnesota,
South and North Dakota, Nebraska,
Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho and
Mon ,a.ia. Theso tickets will bo good
to ro.ttru Unity days irom tho date of
pu' chose, with stop-over privileges iu
certain territories, thus giving land
seokers ample lime and opportunity to
"spy out the land," and to discover for
IhiMnse'ves the fitness of tho crent
west ono iMortnwest ior homes and
investments. Sjuth Dakota just blos
soming into vigorous Btatohood. with
over six million aero of governm-ft
lrco ia,na now open o settlement, and
alargo area of cheap railroidaud deed
ed Lnds ; tho fertile valleys ard min
ing interests oi the Black IIill, o'f un
calculate 1 valuo; tho beautiful and
productivo Elkcorn and Niobrara vol
leys of Nebrask , and tho broad craz
ing districts of Wyoming aroall travers
ed by tho Uhioago ifc North-western
Railway, and are available by meons
of these excursions. Maps and cir
culars giving detniled information niid
rate from Chicago to nil principal
points will bo mailed on application to
E. P. Wilson,
Gen'l Passenger Ag't, C. & N-W. R'y.
Chicago, Illinois. -Iw.
Tho wholo number of breweries in
Europe in 1881) was 50,801, and tho
production of bco and ale amounted to
about 4,580,000,000 gallons- Tho I ax
os collected from, this sea of beer a
raountoito nAiont S130.000.000. Tho
molt u-ed weighed 7-10,000 tons and
tho hops 1 10,000 ton?. Germany alone
contained 20,1-13 brewcrieK, prodrcing
1,188,000,000 gallons, while Austro
ilungary had only 1979 breweries pro
ducing 351,000,000 gallons. Tho fig
ures relating to tbo pro'duclion per
capita show that the smallest quantity,
ono litre per head, the litre beinp a lit
tle more than a quart' is .Bosnia and
Roumonio. Groeco shows 2 J lities,
Russia 43-5, Franco 31, Switzerland 40,
Denmark 03, Geimany 73, Uppjr Aus
tria 110, Liwer Austria 121, Belgium
150, Wurtemburg 218, and the king
dom of Bavaria loads nil competitors
with 248 litres, or nearly 05 gallons,
for every man, woman and child in the
country. Theso statistics do not in
cludo England.
Mr. Specr, of Nrfw Jersy, whose
wines have such a w-ll merited and ex
tended riputation all over this country
and Europe, for their age and excellent
properites in ease of sicklies-1, and are
so famous fur their curative prnpTtbs
is nbout to build n lalgo Hotel or Grape
Cure Establishment on one corner of
his vineyard. Tno Hotire will acuom
odato fiva or six huudrc 1 guests who
are to havo tho privilege of roaming
among tho vinr, in the morning to
pluck tho ripe grapes and breakft on
them while tint conl du is yet on.
" 5b ?!'! wlth tbe dwelled Bngert
Ob, girl with tbo laoea rare l,r
What aro your Jewels and what ar your
laces worth jo you If, from underirolni the
trying ordeals which fahlonable society 1m.
poses on lta devotee, enough to test the phya
loal strength and endurance of the most ro
pust, you break down, lose your health and
become a physloal wreck, aa thousands do
from such causes?
Undor such clrcumsUnoes you would wilt.
Ingly givo all your Jewels and all your laces to
regain lost health. This you can do If you wiU
but resort to tho use of that great restorative
known aa Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescription.
Thousands of grateful women bless the day
It was mado known to them.
lot all derangement. Irregularities and
weaknesses peculiar to women, ft la the onlu
remedy, sold by druggists, under a positive
guarantee from the manufacturers, that It
wl l give satisfaction In every caso, or money
win bo refunded. This guarantco has been
printed on tho bottlo-wrapper, and faithfully
carried out for many years.
An invigorating tonic. It Imparts strength to
lr.8 yi?0'T Mstem. Vor feeble women gener
i"?' .rvorlto Prescription la do
greatest earthly boon.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets J!9
the liver, stomach, and bowels. Ono a doso!
Bold by druggUla, a cents a vlsj, w'
Manuf'd by Wji, ayius & hoNi, Thlladx. who
make the famous Homo WnaX Haker llhmkcts.
U I Iff II
CotiiMotnf ft PuMflf. Lib r int. Swiff
H COUCK." fries S7.00 Vs.
ilt.hl, flicllilai. Pkilltllll1
.Halllaa JBifhktb ft,.
Orrr IOO ihOVrtot U1(q.
v.'"i (trM i" v awaoat'nQtol
dauot witu Rufcen rtu cn mm
Htintl pw,. Our tuning pnr4
iua fpwizJ liar eloa viil $(auistif
twu uta uoawr ft jyturuNftw r
ftoa (hulfftrta 1rr to fttiy puloi In V
(ItUlofttM, ftM ftUU tiam oi good foa rabit Lm.
Kkxth WkHi SUtMt. VklUAVtoUA. W
Poor, Foolish Men.
This Is only toe sseond time la diUWta thsl
Ihars had to pollih mt boota, and ret I hd hard
work sjeHuia my hniband to sin up his eld liluklng
broth, and the aaaortcee et liartog ttis paste black
mi rob OS on bis pants, and adopt
Atnifnlfletnt Deep Black FolUk, whleJi Utti
on Meni bootl ft w?rU. ind mi Women' a month
Wmr Itlero than Twfnty.flo Year. A Cm
pleto HecoTerj. ThiOIeaM lifted
I h4 Xnfifttninatorr HhoumtUita. Tor beftrlf
rMrZhftdtobefedftndttinicaialxs, IconUfind
no relief. My stomach & mined and cutto piece
with powerful medicine Ulcen to effect & euro so
tbftt I m compelled to lire on brod tnl wtcr. I
iaffcrM for twrntyflro rcara In thla war. I u In.
doewl to try Ir. lTid KenQcdrB Farortto Remedr.
mftda at Xlondout, K. TM and
I Am Now Well,
thanks to this medicine. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite
iJKmedyls mybct friend, with It I am enabled te
.nJoyaKeod night's rest. Mm food, snch as most
and rtry, which I hare been deprlrcvl cl for years,
howlnff that the Tarc-rlte TrfrQedy hit no cqnal for
the cure of Inrtljrrallon and Drrip!i as well. If
any should doubt this statement I Till rend the
ready rroof at once. Oarrelt Lanalur, Troy, N. T,
It Is my rlraiuro and absolnte duty toTird those
ho are struirgllns for Tt ry life ajralnat the deadly
Diseases of tho Kidneys
to add my teillraeny to the already wttehty erl
dence of tho wonderful efficacy of Dr. Z3ATld Kcnne.
fly's 1'arortto Itemedy. Jty wife waa a horclesa ci
abandoned by the rhratdins. Dr. David Hennedr's
Farorlte llcxnedy ma rcaortodio: not becauso any
hope waa rlaccd In It. but becauae nothing clao re.
malned. All means and medicines had been toe ted
without avail. Tho effoct was little abort of a mira
cle. At tho accond bottle she bad refrained atrengHh,
end continuing the treatment haa fully recovered.
Jay Sweet, Albany, H. r.
Trie One dollar, rrfptr, ntnoDdnut,N.Y.
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
ftepared by
llyerpetUa S!l for U, Syalldrutlsta.
Home of N. V. j Merchants', of Newark, N.
T. j Clinton, N. Y. ; Peoples' N. Y. ; Reading,
l'a. j German American Ins. Co., New York. ;
Greenwich Insurance Co., New York j Jersey
City Kire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J.
These old corporations are well seasoned by
age and fire tested and have never yet had a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets
arc all invested in solid securities, are liable
to the hazard of fire only.
iLosscs iromftly and honestly adjusted
and paid as soon as determined, by CHRIST
IAN F. KNAPP, Special Agent and Ad-
jThe people of Columbia county should pat
ronize the agency where losses, If any, are set
tled and paid by one of their own citizens.
The undersigned having been restored
to health by simple means, after sufler
tnc for several years with a severe lune
affection, and that dread disease Con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
his fellow sufferers the means of cure.
To those who desire it, he will cheer
fully send (free of charge) a copy of the
prescription used, which they will find a
sure cure lor consumption, Asthma,
Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all throat
and lung Maladies. He hopes all suf
ferers will try his Remedy, as it is in
valuable, those desiring the prescrip
tion, which, will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing, will please address,
Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Williamsburg,
Kings County, New York.
fGerman Remedy.
S TBIITHO r-er, ..r. .
1 IIP lilllaut ll.-!.lhlv
for a caao where Am,
I'nuu lajTTEiui Mill
ooe assist or cure, li
41.000 will Iu iinh
it will euro you.
E3 !' Hitk-r Mlih
Tl uint tl rod and nil nont
ncTer falls.
I Ifd'Uug; If to, tigc
itJLrilllll UlTTCltS!
tilooi when you sec
It will enro you.
nff through tlio tkln
li IMmnlus. Ulotrlica.
II um'rami'axwioarc
"closely confined In
11 tho mills nud work
f aliops; clerk i.wlio do
not procure-su ffldent
exercise, ami all who
aro confined Iq floor.
shotiM uso KuLmtnt
JIlITTKit. They will
r-jDot then be weak owl,
ind Hnrcai. MeW nn
inci iicaim will lol
(tlalnt, on't1cdl8
ri 11 euro J.iverCuin
It ou ilo not with
to suffer front ltlicnm
atlani, uso a bottle ol
htlLI'IlUtt lllTTKHR
will build you unamt
imnlo you ptrougand
sur.riivjit iiiTTEits ;
It never falls to cure.
Don't Itu without n
will make your blood
Inure, rich nnd etrnnir.
bottle. Try It: you
win inn ii-crvi iu
4iii juuriu-Bii nam.
I l.fttllci In il.'li.'jit.
bcaltti, who nre all
rundown, tliouM utc
'Jry bUU'Jiuu Hit
rhllS to.llitrht. nnd
vou will skfp veil
3ui,rnmt lUTTHim,
urn ivf i iwiifr font.
Do you want tho LefttAiodimii uwir luM.u.haait
Rend 3 'icnt stamps to A. UUDWv A Co
Jk)6lon. Maw., aud iccelva ft twjjt free.
llfll.KHS fK
liythe rollowlns wcllknown makers;
IJfailct 5k InyiH.
Can also furnish nnv of tlm
chcupor niukea at manufacturers
prices. )o not buy n pjano bp-
iuiu yunuij; our jincea.
Catalogue and Price lists
On armlioation.
Tlio Milton Driving Purlc nnd Fnir
Asocifttlon, of Milton l'a., will hold
their Fifth Annunl Kxhibition, on thoir
permanent nml ootiveniontly nrrnnged
Urountis, jut north of town, October
1, 2, 3, ami I, next. Corutduto nnd t x
tonslvo arrniii,'i intutB have bicn mndo
in evcty dppartWHnt and uvtry detail,
to niaku tlilH ixhibitioti tho Rrandent
attraclion over hild in LVntral lnn.
Hylvania. 'lht beautiful rotttidn Mid
substantial bnildiiigi, havo boon im
(muvou, oniargoii ami pui in periect ro
pair t thu "niodel'' rnco course tiara.
lmii half mile track r in tho lp,-sl. rim.
diioti, nud tlm tiintiigeurfiit nn.' as'iircd
of hiving fotno Of llic liiHt. no.R
mo oitno hllniila. Tlio exhibit
will hrviclv I'xtiird ntlr of nnv-
io,in years and will contain many r.ow
anci twici leant i f, J ln pruiniuin llrls
are very complete ami 1 licrnl iiggreyat
HiL' thu sunt t,f Sh.000. lit-KickH tlern
attract una. l'a urn Ittll'n Hin.
tijiical Wild Weet. will givo fnu Ex
niuutons on tlio raci tiaik, tho first
three days, illuai rating with his aggre
gation of Iudianx, pqtiawe, cowboys,
etc, wild lifo en tho border. "David
li,'1 tho fastest little horse 50 inches
high and weighirg less than 700
uotinds and ntimcrons pnt-etaltlea will
bo exhibited Excursion ratoi have
been secured ovtr nil railroads center
ig at Milton, mxl Pennsylvania rail
road trains will stop at thu grounds. for
the accommodation of visitors to the
Additional Trains between Harnshare and
Tlm Pennsylvaiiia Railroad Com
pany announces that, on Sunday Sep
I ember Slh, regular tiaius leaving
llarrisburg vii Cumberland Valloy
lUihoad at 7:45 A. M.. 12:20, 3:15 P.
M. will connect for Gettysbunr. Trains
itrivinir at Ilarrisburf! at 11:10 A. M.,
3:15, 7:10 P: M. will also conned fiom
OsUjcburg. Coinm -tieing on Mond.iy
tho 0th, and oonlinuing unlii the 1 Itll,
in Addition to tboc already msniioiieil,
theio will he a connect'tun f Gettys
burg for tho trains leaving llarrisbttrg
it 4:35 A. M. nnd 0:00 P. M , and
from Gettysburg for trains arriving at
Ilarrisburg at 1:05 and 8:55 A. M.
This arrangement presents five traitu
eaoh way bolwcui Ilirrisburg at.d Get
tysburg during tlio encampment, all
connecting with trains on thu main
line of tl.o Pennsylvania Railroad.
On Sunday, Stpt. 15th, a train will
iavell.irrisburg7:15 .M. (connecting
with 4:30 A. M. from Philadelphia)
for Gettysburg at 5:00 P. M., arriv
lig at Philadelphia 10:55 P. M.
Recent agitation about building n
new nnd moro expensive presidential
man-ion hi ought to tho surface an
oh) mortgage on tho White Ilhuse that
has been forgotten or lost sight of for
long time. Mr. M. B. Ilarlow, secre
tary and treasurer of tho Mount Vernon
Avenue Association, is tho man who
biings forward tho claim. In an inter
view about the proposed now excoutive
mansion ho says:
"I am glad to seo the subject agitated
ana i nopi it will be taken up by and
pushed by Congress. When it is, our
association, to whom tho Virginia Leg
islamre has transferred its claim againBt
the Government for money harrowed
by General Washington to build tho
present structure, will present that
claim and ask for payment for the old
housi before it beg'trs the new. Tho
claim, which is for 120,000, has never
been denied by the Government, nor
can it b, for wo havo tho promise of
ui1? liovernment' maiio through Wash
inrton. to nav tltn nmnnp liru'L- In VI..
gin a should it ever be able to do bo.
We will not, perhaps, ask that the
olaim ho paid in money, but will prob
ably suggest that Congress defray tho
exposes oi uutnung tno proposed nat
ional highway to Mount Vernou. If
iney agree, wo will Iranslcr the Vir
ginia mortgage on tho White House a
uur oniriuuuan lo tne project. '
Sionawali Jackson's Daughter Buried
Lexinoton Vu., Sanf, 1 Funora!
ervica over the romitns of Mrs. Julia
fackon Christian took phco this morn
ing at the Presbyterian Church. The
-ervtces ho-o condtictnd by tho Hev.
I'ionm I. Preston, D. D., paitor. assis-
ed by Rev. Ebenezer Junkin, D. D.,
ii Houston, Texas. Tho churah was
junmod, tho entire pop tlation of the
"ijiju neing out, rtie weather was tair
md warm. The body was interred bo-
ide her father's, Guneral Thomis J.
(.Stiinciwall) J tokso.i. The scons at tho
liurch and tho crave wai iinusallv pat-
letiii. Blany battle-soaried veterans of
ni Liontederacy, with heads bowed
n.d lettrs, watched tbe romaini laid
to rest. The funeral party from Chtr-
ute. xs. u, lett hero to night for
Boraps of News.
Viit n at the Piko's Peak observat-
ry h'tvu for years been reialed with
lii rut mcnt that 'thi i t'tio bif'hrst.
point on the globo wni.di U inhal.i ed
lie year rouuU. It now appea-s that
egular mi tt orolouiual ob-i rvaiions aro
miidu on tho Audu', in Peru, at thu
h'mhl ol 14,300 (eel higher than the
1'iku's Peak sta' ion. In Euiono titer-
aro but two stati. ns at any consider
able height, these being nbout ten
liouiand aud cluvun tho isaud feet ro.
P. &. eilL'.llil 447 tllii.-li una l'nt..,l
up with an electrical apparatus lo pro
vent the locomilivu frntn nl nninn la
working satisfactorily. Tho ongina U
being tritd on the Fra -Willi grade and
whilo tho electric motor is in oporat'on
alio holds to tho rail nnil dnnx nnl ulit
Tho experimontB wi'l bo continued for
euverai weeKS.
Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fivers
Sufferers aro not generally awaro that
theso diseases aro contaKlous, or that they
aro due to the presenco of llvlngparasltcs In
the linliiL' nicinliriino of tho nose and ous
taehlan tubes. Microscopic research, how
ever, has proved this Ui Lo a fact and the
result is that a bhnple remedy has Ken for
mulatal whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf ness
and hay ever are permanently cured hi
from onotu Ihrou s irtplo applicallons mado
tit homo by tho patient oncu In two weeks,
K, jl.-For entarrlAl dlscharues peculiar to
females twliltes) this remedy Is a specific,
A pamphlet exnlalulng this new troatiaenl
Is sent on receliit of ten cents by A. II.
IJixon ic Son. 'M West KIiir St, Toronto,
Canada. SctottQlo lmtrtcun, '
. Dimcrcrs i irom caiarrtiai troubles should
1 read tlio above carefully.
Cleaiucs ud tiufibea Iho hair,
ProBiotra a luaurUut growth.
NsvarFs Is Rsators Ora
HalrU lts Voylhf.l Colar, '
Kw f . ai 00 ailrABclalA I
BHttutn from selected
enpeciallr ftilnpu-d topcreons requiring n sttmtilallnif tonic, fonsumptlrcs tcm
rreatlr Wncritted by its ii.w. Kccominundrd tr leading plivnlclans as a lrturrtl
i:.i,;,, VI, ?!.. I..,. J... ,..,,.V,...'.ur -"ni"l1"i' "i ' inramouie. rftiiKiNfid
l'UHK llAHI.BY MALT WHISKEY Insures n return of vigor to the stomach, a gooJ
UKt-.., w,, . ) k , .in, fiuiuiuoiii, uiuuii nun iiii'ii-nni-ii iic-bii anu inuduuinr URSUQ.
atliniilant.mlldnndgcnnoln cfTr-ct. Imnepsla. indlirrstlon nnd all wantlnir dl
eas eaii uo entirely conailflrrd
It Un tonloand diurettn and a powerful aticngthcner to tlio entire system. PHlt.
INK'S l'UHK IlAlll.KVMAI.i' wtllsKKk lias a medicinal oroitctlon to
inowwnonursueilinrntoeatlons In tho open air una whoso dally worKcalls It
exi'pptlonal powers t cmluranco. Ask roul nearest druggist or grocer forloi
I'HItltlNK'SPUlIB IIAIII.EV MAl.TWIIIMKIcrievlres lUoenorglos of tlioso worn
out with excessive rrallly or mental nrfort and acts as a aafegnard against, exposure
... c, mi.. , .ui hit. il win unvu un in ii.inuui uiwianns rrom ino flrfticm.
Hard workers of vgrr vou itlon and p -rsons wnom a 'jwntary life rcnilf rs prone to
if t ' it-, V. ,,,n,l"un"i
Koi SHie uj an uruirgls
the pnltea States and
slnlt Whiskey a powerful Invlgoiant
and helper to digestion, PKItltlNK'S
without, unduly stlmulatmu; tho kid
keys luorujscs thoir fluirutng ncllvuj ,
nunteracot t cerreots of tuuui, Im
ens convale icn unit n a wliolosomo
pmrniiililli etlo rt'ati-htholaliol I
Nono gonulnou..lois boarliigtho slgnn-
ruiniun ui
(fr'&tfj', (Boiarco, X,uMcy, FvOf'tj av T2oty.
Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
soli: agents for
F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco.
Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars :
Henry Clay, Londre3, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash.
Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, as follows t
Orantjcj, Lemort5, ream NJutj,
-Si Bananaj, "canVttj, lmondj,
Enltjh WalnVttj, 1op orn B0II5.
Foreign and Domestic
in .
Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines.
1. mm mm
Music - - -
Vft lf.4 in 1 IV 1.1 , f . ..
fKICK W tl ivo a J i is.iifaoie,, all buTlnss
rct,noneo oin trinsiot puent bust no iu le
1ahynBtotnI:,5i!, CUSTt"" uos8UremoteUfrm
send model. drawing, nr phoio.vlih descrlDtlon.
We advlm If pitenliitile or tint frw of cUarSe
ourfeenotdietiiinaD1ia.,r,.d. ul tunfe.
A boot-How to Obuiu l"4ltitii,- Ith roferen-e
Sua1,"'. ettPZ "r sut0" coMtj, o w'wn!
C. .A SNOW & CO.,
Oip-nite I'atentom wasninvtei,, nt'
Q 1 1 ATE F U r COM FO KT1 N O,
"UrathorousUkoowlalgooftho natural laws
which govern the operations of dU'esitiu "ind
propettloi ot well-Belected 'tJocoi Mr llppiiust
nrfitliiwa-1 fiiir lirnnlrf nat im.u, ." r,i"S 1
doctors' bill, tl is by tha ju.1lcoii um or SSf
,?.e!?',,.?.r.1?.'l,'!h Si w?r.W"auyV'a'
imro tlood anda properly nourltliaafraia9."-.c;fS
krvUv UatrUe. 11 de slnipiy with Ooillii; wit,;
"tU"1' .. nomoiopathla Chemists,
, osa-a. Load no, HlJujuX.
llarley Matt and guaranteed to to chcmlcallT pu
br tho use nr Prrrlnu's Pure Hnrlr-r nit wiiinkpn
Tlio analysis as It appears by tho La
el on overy bottle; I have carefully an
ilyzeil Ihol'cim Mai.t witts
irv nittde by M. A. I, K Porrlnunnd nnd
It entirely freo from fusel oil, furfural,
metals unit nclds and Is nuHOlulelr
pur signfit, nnnllln Arthur Hatr.,
Druannl urthn fntvrslftM of Munich
'Ifnem nnd WettbaAen
ijuuuilhlis Anu ALU UKVLERH.
tiKAixns in
- Warerooms
HLooMsuuita, iv
Real E3tatt) Bjught and S).d.
at , FJlt f,All4 '"fcl 'IM!t
tt:.?.. ever
J.KKKLKIt CO, CUCtqut St,, I'hlla.
FIFTY TmTl,All8 far
GusiitEss college:
liO thratnit SL, PhlUaa.
I'lllaus fur II radaates,
r.r.xr Xyutpj. unt
t V 1ni.iiUfM Ims Vtu
sixth ra!)
Every Suit wo soil in rt walkitirr a.J.
tniumetit for u. Thmisoniis nf
lenied uiiftoniert nr.i Hprfadinrr tlio
Piiutititm of tlm 11. hi .Mailt. (!lntl..
ntr in I'l.ilatleliil.ia for iMcn, JIojr
mil Children. We link licst Quality
July, AiiKiiHt, Sc'iucinlier.
trnr-Mnrt H tl ""V","1" ulu r! 1 uv RrcaiPSt at
..u4 ui-.?,. ,i.-iiiLLiui i.-uurcus 10 per.
sons niioso soundness or body iwrmlts out-of-door
exerclso nnd amusements, raultltudoi nro dausr.
red rro-n tho J its of thi summer by h ty favor, ono
of the mottetaspara In, wearNome, and dopress.
lng 13 jo wntoh hurainlty Is s'lhjrot-obscuro, Li-
.pumuun KiTuuiLu hub nn in
rKImn nln.v nf fit j -run mihaa... , J"
.vo looked In ruin for any trustworthy remedy.
...UUJ v. Liivut, iijuvcr, n'ivu j iukuci n vain bo.
causothey have been lsnorant of Ely's Cream
Itfllm. nn mtTnlrnViln Mmr... r.. . . " ..
Its forms. Ai-rccablo in the uw, cntlroly devoid of
S!!L,;nI",',a,lntRtwe'1Tec,8' lhl1 "-'ream llalin
quickly allays lnuammitlon nndsecu csthatrelio
r,?'lr'?lUm l7"10''. Hew VorKClty, July 18, mi)
N0KT11UJIBKR1.1ND 6 40
r u
m A. M. A, u
I 3D 10 10 il is
10 25 C SU
.... 10 V9 6 81
1 ! 10 3U C 40
2 U 10 S4 t8
2 ID 11 00 T 05
8 ii 11 07 7 12
'I V) 11 15 7 20
.... 11 S3 7 27
.... Jl 20 7 81
11 30 7 M
2 4S 11 87 7 42
2 51 11 44 7 VI
2 69 11 4-1 55
8 09 11 S3 8 e
3 19 IS 08 - 8 17
S 20 12 18 8 21
... 12 20 8 88
S 85 12 85 8 33
3 89 12 30 8 S3
3 43 12 37 8 45
.... 12 41 8 49
12 45 8 (3
3 52 11! 60 8 68
3 60 12 65 9 3
4 01 1 03
1 11
1 19
1 25
4 22 1 80 9
r K r M
A M ! H P
9 60 S 05 0
Chulasky 6 Ml
uanviue g os
Catawtssa o 25
Itnpcrt.. a 3.)
Mooiusburg . 6 30
ASl'y. 6 42
Lime Hldge ft 60
Willow Grove....... o 61
Brlarcreek.. ,.. c 6S
.ivrw.tK, , uj
llcach Haven 7 tl
Hick's Ferry 7 is
Khlckslilnny 7 so
I lun lock's 7 43
Nantlcoko 7 ro
Avondale 7 54
Plymouth .... 7 09
Plymouth Junction,.... 8 03
Kingston 8 ns
llennett N 12
Waltby 8 17
iVyotnlnir s 22
West I'lttston 8 87
Ilttston 8 33
Lackawanna 8 40
luyiorviue. 8 48
Ileilevue 8 64
Bchantox M ., 9 00
r u
lli.llnfriia ,. . .
" 't una
9 65 .... 2
FlttStOn 0 3R to lit Q Qti ft AK
wesiHtuton.::;:::: "S42 sis IU IU
Wyoming. 6 17 10 27 a 39 i 55
MUthy 0 0 10 80 ... 6 69
Bennett 0 85 10 31 i n 7 03
KlnKston........ BBS 10 38 2 60 7 07
l'lymoutu junction 7115 11142 254 71a
Plymouth 7 10 10 47 2 69 7 is
Avondale. 7 14 10 M 3 0 7 ll
Nantlcoko 719 1055 300 725
8 7 20 ' 02 3 19 7 43
sniekshluny 747 1112 3 rri
nick's f erry !!.. 7 M 1 is 8 39 8 07
lleach Haven 8 01 II ss 345 s is
Herwick 8 07 11 I? a ll i
linnrereelf....: . 8 "3 .. 7 3 il 2,i
wsszzzva w S! il
gfcEv:vr::::::.?l2 551 g47
fe:::::::::::. ?l is:: ill :
thula?ky 90, 4 5
t:amcrou 0 07 is 4n 6 m vis
NOKTIirMBfflt.AKt) 9 22 U ,, Ifs 9 U
llnZnilVJ1 .''"K?" 'W " "hMo'dcW'
Iteadlnr ltallroad ror Tamoiiend, Tamonun. will.
i Si ii.!? J.' E". lny-1 " ,or HarrlFburp,
Lock Haven, Kmporlum, Warren, t'orry and Erie;
V. UALHTKAD, fieri. Man.,
Hcranton, l'a
Pennsylvaiiia' Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In onect MAY ij 1889. Trains leave Hunbur"
it An a m D .11.. ....
nnAV "uuro jinpress tdally except-
SS' il' llW&m na lEtermedlatestattoiTt,.
Swn m? 1.1, 'i?1.??15 ro'! New York.
Philadelphia, o vo
J.50 p. m. Yirk7 ?m p, m Ba time',?
i JS5SK5CSR. rBar!o'rmcarr
tbmffih toVhUalphtandBaSS 'm
for HarrftbnrTn'dnlnte
Ine at I'hlladelphta4.S5a. mT;New York! ?lbn "Z
and throuifpasjer Tllaltlmmf " '
S.tlln. m Writk -L.n.i ..
t-anua rd tattiiK' ffuSJ? ,?hef
Uaffalb -udNlasara Valla, with t hrolifn'aU
9.M News Express ( dally i for lrvir iinvsn
nnd Intermediate BtatlonsT ' l0 uaTen
ntnf.Zrii'2l'.!?1wsa .Wally except Hun-
tioV. i rh.V.r',?' V.?. intermedlatesta.
nSif V.-J h!Se 'dA"J; ecpt sundaylfor lie.
UaitTmor ff'fflirM"1,??? imM,
arriving at BunbSy i. arm?' Ba0a-m'
VAUrl Vvnwuan .
Phiiriinhi. . """raraiuprcBslcaYes
I'hlladelphla and iMifofiZT "msun "0m
more. 10.45 a. m.' M.iraiVS'S":. "?..''
but.bufv ?jt"2?S? "itE thS
m wSi0. E.'P. 'ia 1(,aTla Now Yl
ork aoi p
inl atnSunnuryP,lon;2filp V1'1 tilU"la
, vUr ul8 j-uiiadeipuia
nir ANiiii u aii.wa v. WKMT
Ingatliloom Kerry l5.7 a", Hunltlry isa , m
Vine at njoota Kdrri 4.S0p. m.. Huobiry is0j.Mt?f
w'lict.nrre mall leaves fcunburr tn-nna tn
I'ao p rS"" ftt Uioom -w P -f nuRhury
CBAii. JL PDtlU. J, K. WOOD.