THE COLUMBIAN AJND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, The Columbian. 0. E.Elwoll, Itisu., BLOO&ISBUUG, PA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1889. Who aye that br.iwu ii not more proPublo than br.r ist John L, Sul iivnn talks of being a oamlirfato for Congress. The democrat of Luzorno county havo nominatod Kilwud Short, for Judfjc. Judgo C, E. Rico has been re nominated. Ho is an ablo and upright magistrate, and ought to bo kout on tho bench. Tho judiciary should be non partisan. An otlort is now being raado to ox cuso Robert Ray Hamilton for marry, ing a woman whom ho knew to bo a strumpet on tho ground that thcro was a conspiracy against him, and that ho wai induced to marry her by being mado be'iovo that ho was tho father of her child. It r ppoars now that the child. vaa an imposturo and Mrs. Hamilton was not its mother, Bo this as it may, tho only conclusion that can reasonably bo arrived at is that Robort Ray Hamilton is a fool, with all his money. DEM00BATI0 PEIN01PLES. Tauht Refoiim Demanded and Manv Political Sins Laid at the Dook ok the Republicans. Tho following is tho platform adopt ed Dy tue uemocratio otato Uonven lion at Harrisburg last week. Tho Demociaoy of Pennsylvania, in convection assembled, declare : 1. That all powors not expressly granted to tho general Government aro withhold, and a tacred observance of the rule of construction contained in Amendment to tho Constitution itself is essontial to the preservation of tho principles of homo rule, and of pure, honest and economical government, to tno ena tiiat labor may n t uo roboeu of tho bread it has earned. 2. Wo applaud tho action !of Presi- aont uiovoiami ana our ucmocratio rep. rescntatives in Concress lookintrto tar iff reform, wo reaffirm the deolaration of principles mado by tho Democracy of tho Union at St. Louis, in 1888, es pecially that demanding a revision and reduction of tariff taxes for the relief at ohoo of American labor. Americau industries, and American tax-payers, by the repeal of such tariff taxes as now, invite and protect monopoly a greed that lessens production, lessens employment oi labor, decreases wages and increases costs to consumer, and by the admission of raw material freo oi (Jaty m all cases where it will en largo our product, multiply our markets, ana increase demand for labor. 3. Wo regard trusts, in whatever lorm organized, as the result of tho oxisting monopoly tariff, and we do- mand tho repeal of sjch tariff taxes as enable them to control domestio pro duction, by unlawful combination, and to extort from the people cxborbitant prices lor tueir products. 1. Wo accept tbo ocmon of Penn. sy'vania rendered by tho ballot on tho pronibitory amendtrent as a declara tion in favor of a reasonable, just and effectivo regulation of the traflio in ardent sp'nts. Wo hold that the agreement of the Republican party through its representatives in the Legislrturo to tho proposed prohibitory amendment to the Constitution, and its defeat at tho polls in spito of the itepnbhean majority of olMnn) votes, aro facts that establish beyocd doubt the hypocrisy of tho Republican lead era in their treatment of the question prohibition. 5. Wo hold tho Republican party rcsponsibletortbe failure a failure will fully and com' itly incurred to o.iforco by "rppropnato legislation "tho sixteen tn and isventeen.h ;ii tides of tho Cons tuition, c'enHned to protect tho land and labor, the people, and tho industries of this uommonwcaitu. C. Wo hold the Republican party responsible tor tho fauuro to pass any law for the relief of the manual labor ers of tho State of Pennsylvania. 7. Wo hold tho Republican party responsible for the notorious corrup tions which have for many years pre vailed in tho management of tho State Treasury, for the system of depositing loans without interest, enriching favor itcs of tho ring by tho uso of publio money, and lor tho uagrant violation of law by the commissioners of tho sinking fund, and wo pledge the faith of the Democratio party that the candidato this day nominated will, if elected, re form tfieso wrongs. 8. That tbo sufferers by the recent floods havo our sincero sympathy, and that wbilo wo deprecato and condemn tho management on tho part of tho Stato authorities by which relief to our sorely alll:ctcd fellow citizens has been unnecessarily delayed, we urgo our representatives in tho Legislature to tako such oonstititional action as will gie substantial relief to the utricken community. 9. Whi'o wo favor a liberal system of pensions to such veterans of the lato war as havo been honorably uia charged, and who from wounds or other physical infirmities havo been rendered unfit for manual or othor labor, wo deem it unjust to that largo class of thoso faithful soldiers of tho Union who tako a just pndo in tho 1 f- .1-. nu oiu aouiovemeuui oi ii'i'ir ouiuruuui in arms that thoro should bo added to t''0 pension roll tho names of any who aro not qualified thereby by reason of honorable and faithful service in tho lino of duty. Toe Grangers Against Boyer Because of the IBeef Bill's fata' The Btato campaign is fairly openod, now that tho democrats havo Placed thoir candidate, Edmund A. Bigler. iu the field for strto treasurer. Chairman ICisner and bin clerks have been stead ily nt work'for several weeks past, look ing after the organization of the part) , thei' baso oi operations ueingai uarns burg. Chairman Andrews has had tho re nubl'can stato committeo headquarters open at tho Continental hotel for more than a month. Tho Granger element and the butch ors aro being stirred up to mako a fight against ejieaker lioycr tor nis partici pation in tho defeat of tho anti-dressed beef bill, which was killod last winter by tho model legislature. Tho Grang ers aro represented to bo particularly Indignant at tho way thoy were treated oud thoy mean to bo rovonged by oppos ing its candidato for atalo treasurer, Mr. Boycr. Tho butcher' organization of Alle gheny county will consider tbo matter at their noxt meeting, and it is said thoy will declare against Boycr and mako a systematic campaign against him. Tbo butchers claim that tho bill in qucslon aimed onl ; to ha o tho syndicate butch ers of other etr ten submit their cattlo before blaughtcr to t'io samo rigid in spection to which the'- cattle arc sus pect! 1 boforo being killed. It is stat ed ll at Grand Master Rhone, of tho Grantors' organization, will lead the hl't in that body against Boycr. REFORM IN PUNERALS. The necessity that oxists for reform funerals has long been recognized reform not only in tho manner of con- duotlngthcm, but in their cost. Tho ex travagant outlay connected with this la'tsad rito in ?omo sections is undoubt edly tendiog to increase tho popularity of cremation as si method of disposing of tl'O dead. In recognition of this necessity, there seems to bo a general disposition among unuoriaKers to discourage expensive fujc als, especially among tho poorer classes, both as n matter of business and as n part of tho ethics of tho pro fession, so called. Costly trappings of woo aro now regarded as outstripping tl-o bo dds of propriety, as thoy frequent ly outstrip tho length of tho purses of tho servivors. Instead of halt a hun daid haoks following in tho way of the hoarse, fo ir or fivo carriages containing tho malo friends of tho deceased alone accompany tho remains to their last resting p aco. Rut tho necessity for roform in f uncr als is especially appment iu tenement house districtp, and among that numer ous class who, by reason of their cir cumstances and surroundings, and aro unable to boar tho burden of oxpenee imposed by the so-nalled fashion in funerals. In such cases the family credit is"frequently mortgaged to such ,n extent that only tho most pinching economy for ensuing months can dis charge tho debt. Much of this extrav agance is doubtless duo to tho vulgar estimate that tho lovo and esteem in which the dead aro held is reflected in tho length of thoir funeral trains. Tho simplest form of laying away tho dead is, btyond doubt, preferable It is in keeping with tho solemnity and sacred grief of such occassions." Re form in this respect from tho usages which have bo locg mantaincd will ul timately bo aucomplishsd, and money which has been needlessly expended in burying the dead will be appropriated, as it should, to tho necessities of tho livinj,. W. 0. T. TJ. CONVENTION. The Columbia Co. W. C. T. U. met in convention at Catawissa Sept, 3.1, and 4th. First sossion opened at 1-30 P. M. with Mrs. Guio the president iu the chair. Mrs Fredrick of Catawissa read a cor dial address of woloome, Mrs. Prescott of Millvillo responded appropriately and the president followed with an ear nest address. Superintendents of var ious departments of work were present aud reported encouragingly. The evening entertainment consisted of musio and an address by Rev. Moses which was pleasing, profitable and ably delivered. Wednesday morning con vention opened to business at 9-30. Committee on time and'place reported that tho next Convention will bo held at Espy on 11th and 12th of Feb. Wo givo a resume of plans of work adopted recommending that so entifio temperance instruction be urged in schools. That parlor meetings beheld more frequently, that parliamentary drills bo arranged in local Unions. That two or three Unions unite from time to time and hold public meetings. That a committee from each local Union urgo the missionary societies in their midst to pray for the extinction of sa loons,brewerics, and distilleries, also for tho prohibition of alcoholic, beverages in foreign lands. That wo be zealous in tho BupprcHf.ion of impure literature, that pockets be placed in cabooses and supplied with literature. That special interest shall be manifested in Loyal Legion work also that of work among mothers. Mrs. Hertz read a well pre pared essay, and Mrs. Edgar followed with an excellent paper on Naiootics. Meeting adjourned. Tho afternoon devoted to Loyal Legion work. Their delegates from Millvillo wero Nellie Ileacock, Edna Eves, and Alberta Kline. From Berwick Bessie Freas, "Will Fowler, Ralph and Ray Deilrich. Tho young ladies each had a recitation faultlessly rendered, Mrs. Edgar sup erintendent of this department present ed the object and necessity of tho work in an impressive manner. Tho follow ing resolutions wero adopted. Wo thank our Heavenly Father that our ranks havo not br 'it invaded by death since ojr last convention. Wo aro in hoirty sympithy with tho prohibition party. Wo tender thanks to tho trustees of tho church, to tho choir, t'jtho p iBtor for his address, and to tho ladi of Catawissa for their kind entertainment Secretary. Sketch of the Candidate hr State Treasurer. Edmund A. Bigler was born in Cloar field on August 18, 1813. He entered Prinf.eton College, b'lt left that insti tution when tho war broke out. lie served with tho Stato militia durin tho rebel laids into the State. For about two yoara ho was manager of a mine on tho Pacific- cost. Ho left there in 1808, and since then ho has Ven en- ga'eu tn tho lumber, hro bnek, an. coal business at Clearfield, Ho is ono of the owersof tho foundry and machine shop there, conducted by Bigler, Reed interested in a water company. owus coal laudA, and is a member of tho Clearfield Fire.briok Company. Ho was appointed Collector of tho Twenty third Internal Rovenuo District in 1885, with headquarters at Alleghony City, holding that position three years and eleven mouths. Ho has frequently been a delegate to Stato Conventions, was in tho convention that nominated Hancock for 1'reswlont aim soi 'ed on tho national committee in 1H81 as a substitute for his friend, William A Wallace. Mr. Bigler is of robust build and genial temperament. A VIGOROUS KICK BY AGENTS. TI1KY WILL NOT KX1II1IIT TIIKIK WAItKS AT WILLIAMS C1IIOVK. Trouhlo of no littlo consenuenco ex- iats between many of tho agents for agricultural implements, wno navo ox h'ibitcd at the grangers' picnio at Wi Hams Grovo ever sinco tho first of theso big affalra was held, and the men who dorivo pecuniary benefit from tho annual gatherings whloh thousands of nconlo attend. Tho ogents olaim that thov wero not treated right by the plo nioWnagera in the matter of the run Inr of trains and thoy doolaro that thov yW not again tako thoir wares to Williams Grove. They evidently mean just what they say as they havo al ready beguti a movement to hold tho next meeting of Graners ot Mt. Gretna. Mr. Robert Coleraan,tho manager of tho place, has been consulted, and tho terms which he proposes aro highly sat isfactory to tho displeased. agents. Mr. Coleman will chargo them nothing for exhibiting their machines m is thooaso at Williams Grovo, and ho will in other ways favor them and tho other patrons. Ono of tho disgruntled exhibitors was seen and ho said: "Wo havo be come tired of a few men making thou sands of dollars every year out of tho Grangers' pionlo by charging us big spaco rates. Thoy want tho news papers to advcrliso their show for noth ing and in short thoy aro guilty of many selfish acts. There is no doubt that tho big crowd will boat Mt. Gret na next year. "unablVto'telii. Yes that was 10. For years I suffer ed eovcroly with ecrofula j sores broke out all over my body, and I am un ablo to tell one half that I suffered. I wax rot ablo to obtain relief until I used Sulphur Bitters, which complete ly cured mo. C. B. Dale, 17 Allston street, Boston. 9 13-2U Short Work of a Troublesome Oaae- Ono day I was taken with Paralysis of tho Bowels. The stomach aud oth er orgns lost all power of action. Al though opposed to proprietary mcdi cencs, I t'ed Dr. Dvid Kcnno's Favorite Remedy, of Rondout, N. V. To make a long story short it saved my life. It is tho best medicine in the world for difficulties of the kidneys, liver and bowels. A. J. Gikkoiid, Lowell Mass. 9-13-lm. OH1 The Chief Itrnion for tile great ue cess ot Hood's Sarsaparflla Is found In the article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and the tact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes wliat Is claimed lor It, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale creatcr than that of any other sartapa- Merit Wins tier before the public, flood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick neadache, Biliousness, oxercomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole System. Ilcad'i Hamparilla Is sold by all drug gists, tl; six forts. Prepared by O. L Hood b Co., Apothecaries, lewtu, i W. I. IEI1H & ft The schools of Bloomsburg are all open. The public schools Miss Armstrong's Select, and the Normal and the indications are that they will all have a larger attendance than ever before. The pocket books of the fa thers and mothers will soon be lightened of considerable of their snare change and in some cases (we trust they may be few) of change that is very hard to se cure, for every child who goes to to school will have some things to buy if it be odlya slate or a pencil. The brighter ones who were promoted at the close of Jast term will require more new books than the laggards, so if it costs you a little more for booka than it does your neighbor take a little consolation out of the probability that your children have been improving thtjir time to better advantage than his. We have every thing needed in the school room by teachers or pupils, and at the lowest prices. W. H. Euooke & Co. SEPTEMBER, 1889. Fall Overcoats Fall Suits Fall Trousers OTO FALL OVERCOATS aro truly cap. tlvntinir. More elegance anil beiiuty Is shown h us In these garments than your ferlllo brain could lmislne. The designer's skill Is pictured on fa brics ot Teztilu perfection. Our $12.00 Bpcclnl London flUde Full Overcoats rj values fur ahead of your ox. pectationa. Slila ours with those shown oUcwhcre and you will coincide with us. OUR FALL 3UIT3 ure more superior In Quality, Style unit Workmanship than prices imply. The demmd for such m n y'a worth Is unlimited. Tho style of Finest Merchant Tailoring In ready inado K-irments h origf nal with us and continued this season on a grander scalu than cycr. Tho tfjual of 433 00 Suits for $20.00 me decided advantages to you. OUB FALL T30USSE3 aro all novel ties of tho world's best fabrics. Thump. son's Inimitable Patent Cut assure iho only perfect and artistic lit. Try a pair. 1 fl TllfWiPMN u. v. iiiuiui uvn Special Mado Clothing, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, Opposite the Mint, j PHILADELPHIA. tv Write for samples and directions "iinwtn Order by",MalL ( Mention thtt Mp, . ) rno TUB I10LDKU3 OF TUB I iionom op Tim iimoMs.iniin staik NOHMAl. SCHOOL, BKOIIIIKO IIV KIIWT JtfOHT: OAHB, DATKU BKITEMUK1I, , mi. NnttaA la hereof irlven that tho Interest on mi ot said uonds ortatandloir up to Sepu 1, will t ) paid on presentation ot the same to treasurer atnisoaicelainoonMbure, at any lime within LUinr UBTV iiuui ncyi j, looy. tl lojuua are uui SraanU-dby October I, law, the Interest will be etauluxl and applied to i luer purpose. IDOW8' APPIIAI9F.MKNT8. inn following widows' appr.ilvnMnti will be prcnrnuvl to the (irplianv Doiirt oi Columbia County on the fourth xonday of September A. 1). island connrinnl nut aul nnlcss etorptloaa are filed within fnufdayi thereafter will bo eon. firmed absolute! Ilcrblne, ltolandus total txuit. Personalty 18 a llotrman, Thomas Kjtato, lieavcr. I'ersonalty Comtght, Abraham Estao, llcrwlck, I'ersonalty I ahrlnzcr. Ilertnnn RatAle. frantt. t'pnmnAltv $300.00. iiartman. Henry C. Estate, Uloomibuw, Person, ally Mou.oi Hoifatt, Dantcl fiatate, FIshlngorcet, Personal ty, Moo.00. KUneaman. Jacob R-ttAte. lloavir. ivraonaltv 803.W. iiennessy, John Estate, Centralis, Personalty p lofrcr. Phillip Estate, Madljon, Personalty 117Tev Itealty $I2.S5. stetler, U'lUim II. Estate, Derwlclc, Personalty Ks l, Itealtyf 213.00. Clerks Omce, W. II. BNYDKIt, Sept. I, U8J. Clerk, o. C. DMiNrarnvToif notice. Kttate n Anna Coffnxan, lalti qr B'.ooim'mrg, de ceased. Notice Is hereby glren that letters of administra tion on the etate ot Anna Coffman, late ot the town of l!loam-.bu!v. cnuntr nf tjnlnmhl-.. And siatsof If mwlvinia, rti-ceivd hive bon grant ed to W. E. corlman and 1). conmanof liloomc burg, Co'.umb'a county, fa., to whom all nons .uueuiiu vi Ram esinro are rrqueiiei 10 mace payments, and those liivmr clumi or da nands will make known the same without delay to w. k. comi w, i). it cumuN, 8-30-6W. Adm'Hstrators. MDlMsntATOHS'3 NOTICE. KslaU of Eltiatoh lltppenstrtl, tan of Centre fOHVUWjl. Notice Is hereby elven that letters of adminis tration on tho estate of Elizabeth lllppenstoel, lato ot Centre township, Columbia County, de ceased, hr re been granted by the Itejliter to iun'cl Hal, to whom all persons indebted to said estate, aro requested to make payment, and those raWogclalms to pnsent tho same without delay to Or to DANIEL. 1IAKTMAN, A. u fritz, AamlDlstrator, Atty. lenon, l's. DMlNISTHATOIt'3 NOTICE h'state of Tnomaa Coif, tale of Sugarlaxf tup . Notice la hereby trlvcn that letters of admlnls tratlo i on the estate ot Thomas cole, late ot Su.jarloat twp., county of Columbia, and Stnte of t'einivlvanla. deceased, have been erantcd to Jo-,epi H. Cole, of He .ton, col. Co., pa., to whom su pe.aonsinaeoiea tosaia estate are requestea to make payments, and thoso haying data's or de mands will mako kno Aro the same without delay to or to JOSEPH It COLK, A. L. fritz. Administrator, Atty. Uenton, Pa. JEOISTEIl',-5 ACCOUNTS. Notice Is hereby clyen to all taratees creditors and other persons Interested In tbo estates ot tho iwpicure uecraenu ara mmor- iu tne ioiiuw lng amlnlstrators' executors' guardians accounts bayo bx tiled In tueornccof the Register ot Col umbia county and wilt bo presented tor conllrma tloi and allowance In tue orphans' court to be be'd In liloomsbunr. September M. 1&9. at 2 o'clock p. it. of said day. No. 1. Account of ncorgo Hucle, Administrator ot the estate of Elizabeth ltuccle, late ot soott Township, columblt Co., decjated, No, 2. First and noil account of Mat tie Am. merman, admlnlsri Ix o( Albert Am-nc-man, late of Flsblngcreck township col. Co , deceased. No. 3. Account ot uiqi-uii JlelsuUne. admlr'stra tor ot the estate of Elizabeth Uelshllne, late ot Uenton township, Columbia county, deceased. No. 4. Account of Aaron lloone, Executor of Mary E. Snyder, deceased, wl-o was guardian ot William P. Snyder. No. fi. Second and final account of Oeonre N. Bdgurt, administrator ot the estate of Reuben Uo- gart, late or uemiocx toxnsaip, deceased. Nad. First and final account of n. M. and II. A. Yocum, laiu of Locust township, Columbia Co, No. 7. The account of Wm Chrlsman, trustee of Deborah Harrison, deceased, for sa e of real es tate to pay legacies. No. 8. Account of Daniel It.lohnson. adminis trator of vil"am .lohuiOT, late ot the township of oiu-jtsuu, ueueuseu. No. 9. Account ot Mary A. Knorr, Executor of Samuel Knorr, deceared, who was guardian of aco.-go A. lwvan a minor-child ot George Ueyan. No. 10. Account of L. II. Ttupert. Executor of Ell Marion, uecsareu, as nicu uy KTaiina ltupert, No. 11. First and rlnal account of W. a Hess. administrator ot George Kelchner, late ot Cent.e ujwn&mp, cuu i;u.f ueccasvo. No. 12 First and final account of II. J. Knorr, and Wesley Knorr, eiecuto.'s of II. D. Knorr, late ot the town ot llloamsd jrg, deceased. No. 13. First and anal account ot I. A. Dewltt, ezreutor or Daniel to-ce, late or rcsningcreeic township, col. Co., deceased. No. 14. First and final account of W. F. SarCer. executor of John ggert, of Berwick.-, Columbia u, aeceasou. No. 15. Account of nary A. Knorr, executrix of Samuel Knorr, who was one ot the executors ot ai asy joun, neceasea. No. 16. Third and partial account ot Elizabeth & Jackson and Mordecal W. Jackson, executors of the estate ot Clarence C. Jackson, late of tne bo- rougn or uerwicit, col vo., aeceascu. No. 17. First and final account of Wesley DU dine, administrator of James Dlldlne, late oi aiaoison townsnip, aeceasou. No. IS. First and anal account ot Amos K. nea- cock, executor of Alice E. ueacock, ueceasod. No. 19. Account of Samuel ADDleman. euar dlanototls Pea'er, a minor child of Sylvester i"eaier, late or rcsningcrceK twp , aeceasea. No. W. Fourth partial account of James Mc Alarny, executor of oeorge Lon;enberger, latt or tne townsmp ot aiaui, i;ui. km., uocvds' j. Na 21. First and fin al account of John A. Hoff man and C. A. Shuman, executors ot Thomas J. Hoffman, late of Iliavcr township, decea.ed. No. 22. First and float account of John Lore, guardian or Harriet u Moser, late Harriet u uorneuson, nunor.cniia oi ueare n. uoruensuii, late ot Pine township, Columbia Co., deceased. No. 23. First an.l nirtlal account of Louis Lowenb3rg and Sarah Loweuberg, adm'nlstrators of the estate ot David Lowenberg, lateof Illonms- nurg, ueceasen. No. 21. Fourth and final account of Moses Say- age, one of the executors otJoilrta savage, lato ot jacKbon townauip, l.ol km , ue -easea. C. U. CAMPUELI, lteglster. Wl'srmSniM BH 9U wftUb tm U world. mxt K7ffHiiN iuiuk um. do in uiir land nu' 1sm, wllk wtrkj rttd cum r tqtul vl. I One lerumm im Ak I- ttber with etr Urge mJ kl ubU U t llouACbold r<lr ua car fr. Hanipiea iitMMpiN,u Vrc. ui kftar yo kP4 Uan U horn toj 9 MmiU ulikmUiHllttNt Wh nur b clltd, lh bema yf prpTl Tom wh writs t w rut b or t rilr WtCB h1 Hamplea W Pr M (rdM,u. Addrw Uon b Co.. Uo aij.ArUaMdtMjaM. -Thousaudf turd buuli lwnualieully cured by I'HII.AIlEI.PIIIA.l'A. Ka-eato!ice,noirtlcn or lusf of time from uulikes. Cavx prunrtmicctl lu curable by uthori waulurl. beuil fur Circular. fURE GUARANTEED. Auvice t m. Of&ceHuuikVliia. aug 9-j-ly P Co How Lost! How Resalnod. 0FM KNOW THYSELF mi. ouibnutj vi r Lire A Scientific and SUnd&M TopQUr UdlcilTrcttlll on the Krrort of Tpatiitl,remtttrpeUn,Nryoni Keioltlng from Folly, Vies, Igsortacs, Exeewct or Ortrtiiiuon, Kncnitloj ul naattlng th yictlm (or Work, Bailneil, tbtllanlsdorSocUl Htlitlon. Aiold nnikUlful brettnders. Poiteu thU prtut work. It contains 00 bsmi, rojsl Kto, Ileiutlful blading, taiboiitd, full gilt. Pries only 11,00 by mill, poitpild, concEoJciJ In plain wrapptr, Illui trttlre Proipectut Vree, It you apply now. Tin dlitln-ruuhed a'lthor, Wm. II. Parker, M. I)., ro cdved tin (lOl.n AN1 J P.U'Iil.I.lif MKUAI, from tue Nntlnnal Jlledlcol Auuclntlon fur IliU PIII.B liSMAV on NIIUVOUH mod PHVMIUAI. II!IIII.lTY.Dr.Parkerandscorpi of Aitlttant Failclans may bo contolud, co&fl dtatlally, by mull or in nerion, it the offlct of TIIK I'UAIIOIIV niliDICAf. INSTITUTE, No. 4 llulUnchMt,lloton,MaH.,towhomau ordtrs for books or letters for ulrlw stould be dlrKUd as above. IU.OOMSHUim MAUKKT. -;o:- Wlinloalc. KeUil. Wlicat pur liuslid., Hyo " .. fc JM 111 W3 r es in 05 CO 4Q 33 0.00 SO 23 IU 18 13 15 03 6 08 10 0 1' 10 13 SO 80 07 85 5to7 Ccru " " Oats " " .. Flour ' blil Mutter Kaat Hams Dried Apples BUlo Btioulder (lecsu Lard per lb Vinegar per gal Veal skins Wool peril) Illdci TUny LIST FOIl SEPTEMBER TKRM. CHUND .It'llOltS. Heaver Joslah Flsho . Henion-samuet Hart 3y, George Wootlver. Uerwck-o. . Uncxlngham, Isalau liower. Lrl rcreek Daniel W. Marts. UK imsburg lobn Rwank. cat twl-sa lewis Itelfsnyder, John T. Shuman. Ccrtre Putll creasy. Greenwood W. U. Parxer, I"eter f'rawfortl, Loo nt Thonu Hoffman, J, W. Snyder. Ma r :oree Flirer. Wimin-D. A. Ileas, Jacob N. Tetfer. Mo -to lr George E. Fisher. Mt P'easant M. F. Musgravo, lioarlngcreck Henry Long. soott-John Jones, Samuel Keller, su jarloaf Howard J. Hess. TBATKRIS Jl'KORS FIRST WIIX. nearer Wilt DavK lie iton P'erce Keller. Herwick Wm, Fenuermacher, A. P. Young, A'ex. Und'n, Hobert (lllroy. Brlarereek Levi Shaffer. moon Geo. n. Edgar, Michael Casey, Jr., Isaac Yost, Charles Armstionf, P. K. vanatta. catawissa Wm. Levan, c. P. Pfahler, II. II. GelTer. Cei tre Charles Casey. conjngham nios. Kt.nls. Ce ,'aila Martin Ilrennan, It, I. Curran. Greenwood Join 8. Glrton, Thos. s. Christian, Oea W. t ett, Flwln nelL IKust Joseph lie wig. Mimu Adam Mll'rr, Thomas AtoMurtrlo. Msdiso j-UaMs sterllnf. orange Jacob Rhultz'. Pine Abram nennett. Oiioailtufcreck Lloyd llarlg. Sugarloaf Bruce Sullltr, A. W, Harvey, lohn W. Dlltz, A. It. Frltt. Scott Churles Lee. Sr. Jackson Frank Dcrr. ficond win. Beaver-J. II. Martin. Bloom refer Jones, A. J. Evans, Clark Brown, M. P. Conner, a W. Garrison. BrtarcreeL W. John smith. Catawissa James Hnbr, Lloyd P. Krelgh, Pierce Creasy, Edward Moycr, George Waters, George Sclmlck. Centralis John curran, J. Marscb. cen -o Vm. ueck. Frankllr o. B. scesholti. Flshlngceek No dan Mcnenry. Greenwood-George U. Derr, Jonathan Lemon, John. F. Lawtoo Hemioc': Harry Orotz. Jacksoa B. F. Fritz, samnel P. Hess. Locust Jackson campbelL Madison Jacob Glrton, Allei Phillips. Main Jacob Fenstermacher, Montour 0. 11. Hosier, Wm. Wlnterstecn. Mt, Pleasant c. P. Glrton. Mimin IL W. llldlcmao. Orange John Musaelmin Sugarloaf It. M. Davis fccott-B. F. lttce. A tbur Iiartman. B. F. Savits, PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER. DKAI.KK IN Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door in BloomHburg Opora House. elys CatarrH Cream Balm CUBES Cold in Head.HAY-F.EVER A oartlcle U aDDlled lntxi eacU nostril ami m agreeable. Price bo cents at Druggists; by malL roistered, 60 ci KLYBHOTHBItS,56Varren8t.( Now York. &30 4W. MOtt NewinrUaehlnr irta in wl parti, by Dlaiiar out mithloM u(wuwBiniaipiuii can S(a ftbta, w will tend i ree to o -uviava until lOCklll j.lBt Vr t world, with all lb aiucanentt ' will alaa Midfrfairamiiii lampla. nrtnra wa tak last jsa how wbat wt acad, to Uto wka Da Of CHlf CMtlT and valaabla art Lnur ai yonr boav.asd anr a ImuBim ui jiii ongni jeur own prCMrtr. ThU triad roachina la imtiittnir ui niDr pateali, Lwhich hava mo omt t hfon pataata la iachanBit, and oow Milt for Tilt. lUiLMMiinil.niut ... fulnachlna la tba world. All ! trUt iBMnatloaa pw. TZm who wrlia to bi at ooet can l iitb imw Mat mwib nuniu la in worM, an4 (b ntatiiaaofworhaof htfh artavaf ibown tofttkarfn America, ale (JO.t Ux 740 Auihiu, Atialne. HAY- PI FEVER Lral rnui rnni rua.1 3By 33133 KTn.'TE" 3DTJ 3V3C. 2D. This Is a New and Easterly Uedlcal Treatise, and Indispensable to every YOUNC. MIDDLE. AGED, and OLD MAN who U suffering from Weakness, Ijuiguor, Loss of Memory, IlashfulueM, Depression of Bphits, Liver Complaint, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases dependent uuou Aaddent, Kxcouea, lfolly, VIc, Ignorance, Nervous Dchlllty, Vital Eihanstlon, and Bound tn leather, full etlt. Prfte, only one dollar, by mall, sealed In plain wrapper, postpaid. CONFIDENTIAL. Address HiKiiT DoMost.M.D., No. 881 Columbus Avenue, or l1. 0.lloj llosion, Mass. Trefatory Lecture with numerous testlmoulaU from hlftb t'ources, free to all. This Is the only ELECTRO-MEDICO PH V8IOLOO V ever published, and 1 absolutely complete and perfect. It is lovaloable to all anllcted, as it reaches the very roots and vitals of disease.' For all Diseases of Men, by tho distinguished mil I MIlTsiM JH 1 1 "V llENlir Du Mont, M. I., who has DISCOVERED I THE ELIXIR OF LIFE AND THE TRUE E8. I 8ENCE OF MANHOOD, may bo consulted in I strictest person orbyIetter,athJKlectro- I UcdlcoIiiflriuary.No.SSl Columbus Av.,IJOlfonlMass.J l HEARD A VOICE! IT WILLIAMS A LKAD1NO, 1'OI ULAH, l'HACTICAL COM.MEIK IAL BCllOOL. Commtr:!il, ShertJtand, Practical English and Vilitary Scpartaents. .A'f.?9?5s. opportunity for nocurlns preparation for tha real work of lira, whih,.,.n.i. '"" uvs luuoa a smrping iwijo to 11UNO IMILK aud UuNSPIODOUS Mti'i'ie i i.m i ,.. tlool'ilnainoatproiporoujto'nrtltloa.andlts patroaa'te u" cwnposed ; o : a aurjirtor eia or ,o,, l. m W uS-eu 'rm " Pr,B ' lneiouUn- t' eaUl&M and I lllutt'rSireuur to10U,,t au.. is ow. W1I.UA US ilo.ittlts, itoehejter, N. V WHY we Solicit ourjh circular, We have a (ull line of goods, and are prepared to place them within your read). 'Let our representatives have your orders early. VOV. BALE UY DAVID LONG, MILL GROVE. NATHAN MILLER, MA1NVILLE JUST RECEIVED ! JUST RECEIVED ! Clothing for Iflcn, Youths, Boys ami Children, that cannot be equalled to select from. The latest and most stylish lot of Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishing Goods just received that will excel all others that vt: have had. We are determined to have what is wanted in the line of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, TRUMS AID FURNISHING GOODS, and POSITIVELY will save you more money than to buy them in VVilkerbarre or Scranton. As have said before our Frices are always the lowest, And Our MOTTO is Alwnys "FAIR DEAJLINO" RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIER, The Reliable Clothier. The Largest Clothing and Hat House in Columbia and Montour Counties. ftl'Killio ttros ISlooiBislbaiB'tt', c? Crayons. Correct Styles, Perfect Finish. Copying, Enlarging, Viewing, anl Frames to Order. When I ay CtmE I do not mean merely to Etop them for a time, and then liave them re turn ajrain. I heas A KAIjiuaIi CUliU. 1 bavo mado tbo diseaao of FITS, EPILEPSY or FAILING SICKNESS, Allfe-lnnu study. I waiiramt my remedy to C'oiib the worst cae. Ilecauto others havo f ailed Is no rcanon for not now receiving a euro, freud at onco far & treatise and a FhkkIiottlq of my lM'll.l.lULU ItEMBOY. Give Kxiireas nnd Tost Oflleo. It costs you. nothing for a trial, and it will euro you. Address H.C. ROOT, M.C., 1 83 PmblSt.. KcwYOU QALESMEf WANTIil) i- ' to canvass for tho sale of Nursery tnck I Steady ?.'SC!?men.t. euarantced. HALAItr AND EX. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY. Rochester. N, Y. Sep. and Not. SAID, MCOME AND BEE,,n 8c ROGERS' your Orders. BECAUSE wc have the experience as practical Farmers and Manufac turers Tor Twenty Years. BECAUSE of our extensive manufac tory and acid chambers. BECAUSE we give our entire personal attention to the manufacturing of Fertilizers. This is our specialty, and we place at your disposal an our laciuties. For these reasons we make the thor guarantee found on first pace of our GOURE 1 I MMWHMHMMIMnMmH.MHMMH miLM WE, FALL 3 STYLES WE, FALL I Consult Your Interests, By patronizing a live and PROGRESSIVE HOUSE. The Largest Stock, The Most Reliable GimhIs, Lowest Prices. Square Dealing and courteous attention will always be found at the OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE OF DAVID LOWMBERft. CHANGE NEW Cummings BAKEKS ANO CONFECTIONERS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. supply the publlo wnu i.uinkO mock nnaouuco that alter July 1st, im, they will constantly FIIKSII BUKAI), CAKES, 1JOI.LS, BISCUITS, ETC. J) (SrrSOF EVERY VARIETY FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS anil NUTS. onisre,or partly pi-ah- restive .JSh ,fC,,USAM PARIOKS ATTACHED. ttMU CL'AIMINGS & VERDY. COME AND HAVE YOUR EVE3 EXAMINED BY 4 G.Wells, the Optician, WHO HAS JUST COMPLETED A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL COURSE AT BUCKLIN'S OPTIIALMIC COLLEGE, NEW YORK. for Examining ByeB, PRRPEOT FIT GUARANTEED. Fino line peb ble and white crystal lenses constantly i n stock, also tbo IsssHHsHPiiuuIHsHbBbV VssbbbHbHP 1 i!a jsaaBaaasssw jBSn-lwBssssU EpatfcaaSg)iBJsttsra CARPETS and MILLINERY. MCWOARIE1S. Isuwt I'.ytor.i, i Volvel, Bo,ly Tapestry ami Brunei, l'KTS ,.U2120MlVT-riOA1!l,BTSfrora S0J srAI" OAR. G. V. K1EITER. NEW MILLINERY I "OTHERS, TUS, HIIHIONB, VKCVKTO, &c H. E. WASLEY. OF BAS FIRM Yerdy, Finest lino of watches, clocks, and jewelry in Blooinsburg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers