PRflPPSQIflM., PlDtK? i - - 1 11 . .. . " i i nvi uuuiuiinu uniiuji INSURANCt AND REAL MTATI AONT, OrnCE Roam No. a, Columbian Bulldlne, immm!!mmi I!.(iOMRI111I!P. PA (1 tl PT.WHTT. " "uTfunk, wzimm,' BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1889. ATTO ?. NE Y-AT- L AW, Office In Ent'i HuiMing, near Court House, 1II.OOMHIURO, PA. J OIIN M. CI. ARK, ATTOKNEY-AT-t.AW, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office ovir Muycr ttru's. Drug Store, liLOOMSBURG, PA. Q W. MILLER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Brewer's building, 2d floor, room No i, BLOOMSnUKG, PA. jg FRANK ZARR, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, Office cor. Centred Main Sts., Clark's building, ULOOMSIIUKG, PA. iWCan be consulted In German. QEO. H. ELWELL, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Second floor, Columbian Building, BI.OOMSUURG, PA; H V. WHITE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office In Wirt's Building, 2nd floor, Main St BLOOMSBURG, PA. S. WINTERSTEEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office in First National Bank Building, 2d floor, BLOOMSBURG, PA. faT Pensions and bounties collected. P P. DILLMEYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY,) Office over Dentler's Shoe store, Front room, BLOOMSBURG, TA. ROBERT R. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, Columbian Building, 2 floor, front room, BLOOMSBURG, PA. QRANT HERRING, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office over Rawlings' Meat Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. w, H. RHAWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office, comer of Third and Main Streets, CATAWISSA, PA. J. B. McKELVY, M. D., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, North side Main Street, below Market, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J-R. J. C. RUTTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, North Market Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. D R. WM. M. REBER, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, Office, comer of Rock and Market Streets, BLOOMSBURG, PA. D R. HONORAA. ROBBINS, Office and Residence, West First Street, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J J. BROWN, M. D., Office and Residence, Third Street, West ot Market, near M. L. Church, BLOOMSBURG, PA. CtTOfnce hours every afternoon and evening. Special attention given totbeeyenr.d the fitting of glasses. Telephone connection. D R. J. R. EVANS, Treatment op Chronic Diseases made a Specialty. Office and Reildence, Th'rd St., below Marker, BLOOMSDURG, PA. M, J. HESS, D. D. S., Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College, having opened a dental office in Lockard'i Builuino, corner of Main and Centre itrcets, BLOOMSBURG, PA., Ii prepared to receive all patients requiring pro fessional services. Ether, Gas, and Local. Anesthetics, administered for the painless extraction of teeth free of charge when artificial teeth are inserted. Au. Work Guaranteed as Representee! w AINWRIGHT.& CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. Teas, Syrups, Coffee, Sl'oar, Molassh, Hick, SncEs, Bicaicb Soda, Etc, Etc.' N. E. Corner Second and Arch Sis. PHILADELPHIA, PA. STOrders will receive prompt attention. M C. SLOAN & 13RO., Manufacturers ok Carriages, Buggies, rhaetonn, Sleighs, Platform Wagons, &C. BLOOMSBURG, PA. First-class work always on Repairing neatly done, HTPrices reduced to suit (he times. w. II. HOUSE, SURGEON DENTIST, Office, Barton'. Building, Main St., be!. Market, BLOOMSUURG, PA. All styles of work done In a superior manner, and all work warranted as represented. Teeth Extracted Without Tain, by the use of Gas, and free of charge when artificial teeth are Inserted, (J" To be open nil hours during the day. flnllP Tr7CnnHll Climate and ItlUUV H'lbl Location In tUorVoutn I fill nit? iiv,uiwamv a. BEWARE! I KNOW of soaps quite faif to sec, Take care I They can both white and spurious be, Beware! Beware I Trust them not, They are fooling thee! They claim to be the purest made, Take care ! They arc of an inferior grade, Beware 1 Beware! Trust them not, Buy the Ivory! Hold on to that and shun the rest, Take care! It is the cheapest and the best; Of frauds beware 1 Trust them not, Trust pure Ivory. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented to be " just as good as the 1 Ivory ' 1 " they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualitle the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting it. Copirlght 1866, by Procter Si Gamble. HOP it sausnes every time. TRY ONE NOW. 28 Cts. B for SI.OO. Sold eT.r7where.0r K Tfor ''Wrtwftte yroyrUtort, Hop mftuea lor pile.. T"WO CHOICE SCHOOLS Brooke Hall, For iSirls anb young a&ie$. Shortltoge PFlebia Acabemy, For Boys anb young Jflen. SWITIIirT C. HIlOirXMJIDGE, A..XT. (Harvard Graduate), MEDIA, PENNSYLVANIA (NEAR PHILADELPHIA). B, F. HARTMAN represents tiif. following AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANIES North American, of Philadelphia, Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " " York, of Pennsylvania, Hanover, of New York, Queens, of London, North British, of London. Office on Market Street, above Main, No. 5. IIL00MS1IUKG, TA. M P,UJTZ' iTX' (Successor to Frets Tirown,) AGENT AND BROKER, BLOOMSBURG FlKH & LtFE I.VS. AGENCY, (Established in 1S65,) COMPANIES REPRESENTED : Assets. Etna Fire Ins. Co. ot Harlfoid, 9,528,388.97 Hartford, of Hartford 5,288.609.97 Phcenir, of Hartford 4,778469.13 Springfield, of Springfield, 3,099,903.98 Fire Association, Philadelphia,... 4,512,782.29 Guardian, of London 20,603,323.71 Phcenix, of London 6,924,563.48 Lancashire of,(U.S. Branch) 1,642, 105.0c Royal of England, " " 453,564.00 Mut. Ben. Lf. In.Co.Neark,N J 41,379,228 33 Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office, BLOOMSUURG, PA. J H. MAIZE, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, Office, Second Floor, Columbian Building, BLOOMSUURG, PA. Liverpool, London, and Globe, largest in the World, and perfectly reliable. Assets. Imperial, of London, 9,658,479.00 Continental of New Voil 5.239,981.28 Americano! Philadelphia, 2,401,950,11 Niagara, of New York, 2,260,479.86 E5 XCHANGE HOTEL, W. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR, OrrosiTE Court House. BLOOMSUURG, PA. Large and convenient sample rooms. Until rooms, hot and cold water ; and all modern conveniences. Exchange Hotel, I1ENTON, PA. The undersigned boa leaned this well-known bouse, and Is prepared 10 accommodate the putjlto with all the conveniences ot a nrst-clasH hotel. LEMUKL DRAKE, Proprietor. GET YOUIl JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN OFFICE If they are recommended you, Take care ! The grocer speaks not always true, Beware! Beware! Like as not lie is fooling theel Some counterfeits are white as snow, Take care 1 Almost like Ivory Soap they show, Beware I Beware ! Trust them not, They are fooling thee QUICKEST REMEDY KNOWN For bwLube, and all sudden, ih&rp, or long-sUDdlng paina or weaknesses of ererr kind. Virtues of fresh hop, hemlock and pin balsam combined. It is wonderful! SOOTHING. PAIN-KILLING, CM AWE and STRENGTHENING- MY BACK! Oil! forotleoftho$t llOV '.lZljli- Piaster Co., Boston, cm emnine goods. CjROWiY AC HIE THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant llcht. It, will not smoke the onlmneys. It will not char the wick. It. has a high llro test. It win not explode. It 18 pre-eminently a family safety OIL Wi5 CHALLENGE COMPARISON With any other Ulumlnatlncoll made. We Stake Our Reputation, As re floors, upon tbe statement that It Is THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. Ask jcur dealer tor PA. Trade tor llloorasburg and Vicinity Supplied by MOVER BROS., IJloomsbnrg, Pa. CLOTHING I CLOTHING 6. W. BEB.TSCH, THE MERCHANT TAILOR. to: ki h:mi QoodsBais it Caps OK EVEKV DESCRIPTION. Suits id ado to order nt short notice and n Qt always guaranteed or no sale. Call and examine tlio largest mid beet solcoted stock of goods ovor shown in Columbia oonnty, More next door to First National Bank MAIN STREET, BloomBburg Pa. THE MYSTERY OF THE SUN. What Is SoiirM to lln Dltrnvereit at tlx l?cllift In December Tlio number of nstronomlcnl iwrtlcs that nto preparing to go to convenient points In tlio track of the totnl solnr ccllpso in December, mul tho complete ness of tho equipments Ujoy proposo to tnko with them for oTjiorvntlon, mako tho prospects for good results unusually hopeful. The comparatively Infrequent opportunities for studying this species of solar phenomena, mid tho brief time that is available, under tho most favor able circumstances for observation, mako each event of great importance to as tronomical science, particularly as at no other timo can so much ovldonco bo ob tained for determining tho real clinractcr of tho sun and its appendages. Long as tho science of astronomy lias flourished mid great as has been Its ad vance, it is only within a few years that, by tho aid of tho spectroscopo and pho tography, the nature of tho sun and its Durroundlngs has been established with anything liko certainty, and oven now tho most widely different theories aro held as to the character of tho sun's ac tivity. It lias long been known that around tho black disk of tho moon in to tal solnr eclipses a halo of light is seen, bright next to the sun, but fading nwny more or less gradually Into tho black ness around it. This was supposed by tho generality of astronomers ns into as 1870 to bo duo either to the effects pro duced by our own atmosphero or by tho moon's atmosphere. It was not till later that astronomers wero convinced that this halo or corona was a part of tlio sun itself, and that from it must bo derived tho most important clews for settling the mysteries of tho sun's bent and light. From tho observations of eclipses made recently It is now well known that tho sun as ordinarily vislblo to us, bounded by tho photosphere, is only n part of tho sun. Just outside tho photosphere is a comparatively thin layer of gas, mainly hydrogen, culled tho chromosphere; around this is tlio corona, thousands ot miles thick, and around tho corona, es pecially along tho equator, thero is a con siderable extension of matter about which iittlo is known. Tho general theory which lias been built up from a knowledge of tbeso facts and from the observations of such phenomena as sun spots and prominences is that tho chemi cal elements aro being continually tossed nbout in the enormous ntuiosphero of tho sun and never getting oat of it. Tho out er layers of tlio ntuiosphcro aro recog nized as much cooler than tho inner. Cool or comparatively coo) masses of mutter aro produced by condensation in tho upper regions from tho hot ascend ing vairars of tlio lower atmosphere. Theso masses of matter, having gathered weight, como under tlio influence of gravitation over twenty-flvo times as great as ours, and fall with almost in- crediblo rapidity townrd the center. It is supposed that theso tcrrlflo rains of cooled matter upon the sun produce what are known as sun spots. Wo know how small meteorites in our own cold atmosphere are heated to in candescenco by friction. Their kinetic energy is transformed into heat. It is not difficult to Imagine, therefore, that theso masses of matter darting dowr. from n great height abovo the photo sphere of the eun, creates great disturb ances near the photosphere, such as sun spots Indicate, and that masses falling Into tho inner and greatly heated atmos phere should bo broken up in tlio heat generated by their own kinetic energy into hot vnimrs, producing such expan sion that the down rush is transformed into an up rush, which would carry the chemical elements back to the cooler air, where they would gradually condense again and repeat tho operation of falling into tho chromosphere. Tho effect of such an up rush is supposed to bo indi cated by tlio prominence observed. Tho matter is supposed to bo thrown up liko tho water of a fountain and liko it thrown back, only to bo tossed up again, but on so great, so terrific a scale that tho imagi nation is unablo to form a picture of it. If tills is tho correct theory of tho sun's existence, It Is impossible to conceivd of any limit to it. Elements which wo can only heat into a glowing mass aro there reduced to a vapor, and by expansion thrown 100,000 miles or more awuy, only to cool and pelt back again toward tlio center of attraction, thero to bo thrown otf again. Hut eiloctivo as the theory is in explaining solar phenomena, it is by no means generally held, and among thoso holding it there aro great differ ences of opinion. The ovidenco is liltlo better than circumstantial, and it is only by tbe industrious work of astronomers, with improved appliances, that tho mys tery can approach solution. Tho study of tlio sun is to us the most important study in astronomy. It affects us di rectly. To better understand this center of life and heat is to better understand our own surroundings, nnd it is from tho observations of thoso sent out to view tho occasional total eclipses of the sun that light must come. Providenco Journal, A CA.PT." KIDD 8TORY. Mysterious Stmneem Carry onT Treaaarea from a Connecticut Graveyard. Ever since the recent heavy rains worked deep gullies In the old roads in tho vicinity of Lordships farm in this township and a number of gold coins of ancient date were found, thero has been great excitement over what Is supposed to bo a clow to Capt. KIdd's buried trea sures. Searching parties have been or ganized mid all tho old stories relative to tho hiding place of the wealth of tlio lld buccaneer liavo been rovived and liavo becomo tho chief toplo of conversation. Tliu story that tho old Johnson vault in tho Episcopal burylng-"ground near tho village was made tho receptacle ot. vast treasures on tho return of Kidd from ono of his cxedltlons seemed to bo tlio most probablo, nnd tho Btrnngo performances which liavo taken placo thero for a few nights bad; strengthen tlio belief of tho majority of tho villagers that a search is being carriod on, If really the treasure has not been found and carried away, A few nights ago a cab was seen to drlvo up to tho gateway of tho cemetery about midnight, and two men left it and went into tho yard. Tlioy returned in nliout an hour and drove uway. No im portance was attached to this incident, but when tho eamo thing was repeated tlio following night, and It became known, tlio town was all excitement, Humors of body snatching, and of the discovery of the treasure and Its remo val by night were llylng thick and fast. Tho cemetery was carefully searched, the old vault being tho thing of particu lar interest. Nothing was discovered to verify the suspicions, and it was deter mined to form a vlgilanco committee and lie in wait to solve the mystery, Tlio next night found twenty-live men waiting for tho mysterious cab and its occupants to appear. At about tho samo hour up it drove, and two men entered tho cemetery and wero lost to view among thee trees. Not a man among the twenty-five lying concealed In tho bushes dared to mure, and In n short time tlio two men, possibly laden down with gold aud jew els, emerged from tlu) cemetery, aud entered tho mix. The driver, wba all tills ttnlo had eat upon tho box as mo tionless as tho marblo post at the en trance of tlio cemetery, whipped up his horse, nnd disappeared in tho darkness. Tho next night fresh recruits wero added to tho party, but tho cab and Its mysterious occupants did not put in an appearance. A search through tho cemetery failed to show any signs of tho visit. The rusty fastenings, of the old Johnson vault wero In tho same position as they had been for over 200 years. There is a strong belief among tho older inhabitants that the treasure lias actually been found and carried away in tho cab. Stratford (Conn.) Telegram. Knmlnc HI CiUe;e CmilKe. Speaking of snobbishness, the !.ttviiei is glad to liavo occasion to note 1 rase ol old fashioned manly absence of that unpleasant reality. Spending h Sunday recently with a friend in a very delight ful summer resort not far away, where a good many pleasant cottages have been built on a clilf commanding a lino view of the summer sea, the'Listener happen ed to be sitting on tho veranda with his friend as a milkman's wagon drew up in the street. Tho milkman, a sturdy young fellow, of pleasant face, dismounted, rang a bell by way of warning to the maids of the vicinity to get their pitchers ready, and then started around with ills cans and his pint measure. As ho passed around to the back door of tho cottage, tlio Listener's friend saluted him as one gentleman salutes another. And when tho milkman had gono tho other paid: "That young man is a member of the class of '00 at Harvard college." "Indeed?" "Yes. Ho is carrying himself through entirely by his own exertious, and ho takes this way of helping himself out. 1 daro say ho makes enough money selling milk at a good figure to the (tcople here In tho summer time to pay tho greater part of ills expenses for tho remainder of tho year at Canibrite." "Does ho water hU milk?" "Not perceptibly. It is very good milk, and I have no doubt ho is as honest as the business allows." Thero was a young man in tlio house who belongs to tho class below the milk man's In college, and he testified to tho excellent standing of tho young man at Harvard. Such an incident is ono of a good many which go to provo that Uarvnrd men aro by no means nil idlo swells. Perhaps thero is not nearly so largo a proportion of students at Harvard who earn money in tho summertime by tablo waiting at the mountain and seasido resorts as at Dartmouth or Amherst, but there are certainly a good many men thero who earn every cent of their collego expenses. Boston Transcript. A lllff Steamer's Twin Screw. When Capt. Watkins, of the City of Paris, left Queonstown on the 25th of last month and started on a course fifty nino miles shorter than his famous run shorter becaubo lie ran northward where tlio world growB smaller and camo down over tho shoulder of "tlio great globe wo inherit," taking any possible chance thero might bo of fogs and ico in cross ing tho banks of Newfoundland at thia season tho engines wero put at full speed, and for something over four days they were driven at tho average rate of ninety revolutions of tho screws per minute. Thero was a variation from eighty-six to ninety-two revolutions; When the furnaces wero opened to be cleaned tho intensity of tho steam would be diminished for a few minutes and the speed of tho screws reduced to eightys six turns in tho minute. It will bo noted that tho average Bpeed was threo revo lutions in two seconds, and tho screws' aro twenty feet in diameter. It is aston ishing that this velocity can bo main tained day nnd night without a second's waiting and avoid developing excessive and crippling heat. The fact that thirty men avo employed, to pour oil upon tlio bearings and" all parts where tho friction is severe will perhaps account in part for tho phenom ena, but certainly only the greatest per fection of material, and tho most deli cato adaptation of ono part to tho other, could provide for bucIi a straiu without disaster. I doubt whether so startling a , test of integrity and absolute exactitude) in manufacture can bo found in any ' other machinery. During tho lato run of the City of Paris the wind was so strong from tho north ono afternoon ns , to givo the ship a decidod lift, elevuting tho larboard screw so that at each turn the blades threw showers of spray with a dazzling rush far behind the vessel. There nro four blades in the screw, re volving threo times in two seconds so thero wero six white 6urges per second dashed to tho winds, and a fino reminder of tho snowy rapids of Niagara. M. Halstcad's "On tho Bounding Billows." The New SaltUe. A recent issue of Tlio Farmlngton Register, of Oregon, contains a letter from Andrew Saltise, tho head of tlio Cceur d'Aleno Indians, asking the saloon men not to sell his people liquor. IIo sayB if any of them nro found drunk In town ho would liko to have the city marshals arrest them and scud word to him, and iio will go and get them and put them in his jail. He also talks to the county clerk nbout estrays, and says his people lose many horses. Ho cloJes by Baying: "I want to bo at peace with all tho whites, and would like to have the whites uso my peoplo as they useone another." It is but a few years since Saltise rodo at tho head of tho Cceur d'Alene warriors and was a savago chief bent on destroying the whites. Now lie rides around tho country taking a fa therly interest in Ids trlbo and keeping them btralght. IIo is thrifty nnd well to do, and rides into town in a comfort ablo carrhigo behind a good pair of horsed. New Stylet nf I'uatal Curda. Tho new postal cards soon to bo issued will vary in size. There will bo threo sizes when tho contracts are finally taken up ono a fine, delicate card for ladies' uso, much smaller than that now in cir culation and of much finer quality. Finely calendered paper will bo bubsti tuted for tho old bull blotting paper. An intermediate card of the same bize as tho 0110 now In uso will be retained, and a new largo card will bo introduced that can bo used for business purposes, and will bo largo enough to allow a billhead to bo printed thereon, besides tho other matter. Washington Cor. Boston Jour nal. Theodore Tilton was ono of tho pas sengers on the Deadwood coach nt Buf falo Bill's Wild West show in Paris tho other day, and conveyed tho idea to tho audience that ho was enjoying himself. Mrs. Langtry was also a recent passen ger 011 tho vehicle. A Hie o. Presumably tho largest ox In the world Is on exhibition at the Bourbon stock yards in this city. Ho stands eleven hands high, is eleven feet in tho girth, live feet from brisket to top withers, threo and a half feet across tho rump, and weighs 4,000 pounds. Ho' has been exhibited at all the fuirs In tills section. Louisville (Ky.) Telegram. WONDERFUL EDISON. lie Telln nf Vet More Wonderful Tiling Tluit tin Is to llrlng forth. The reporter asked Mr. Edison if it was true that ho had Invented a inachlno by tho aid of which a man in Jow York would lie ablo to seo everything that Ills wifo was doing in Paris. "I don't know," said Mr. Edison, laugh ing, "that tliat would bo a real benefit to humanity. Tho womon certainly would protest. But, shaking seriously, I am at work on nn invention which will al low a man in Wall street not only to telephone ton friend In tho Central park, but to Boo that friend while, lie is chat ting telephonlcally with him. This In vention would bo useful nnd practical, and I seo no reason wiiy it should not soon becomo n reality, and ono of the first things that I shall do when I get back to America will bo to set up tills contrivance between my laboratory nnd my tolophono workshops. Moreover, I have already obtained satisfactory re sults In reproducing Images nt that dis tance, which Is only nbout 1,000 feet. It would Ixi ridiculous to dream of seelnc any ono Iietwecn New York nnd Paris. Tlio round form of tho earth, if thero wero no other difficulty in tho way. would mnko the thing impossible." Hpenkiug of tho phonograph, the re- lorter asked if it had reached its highest dqgrco of perfection. "Almost, I think," said Mr. Edison, in tho last instruments turned out of my workshops. You must know that tlio ordinary phonograph employed in conimcrco does not liegin to compare witn tlio iaibt machines that Iuo in my private experiments. With tlio latter I can obtain a sound powerful enough to reproduce phrases of a speech that can Do heard perfectly by a largo audience. My last ameliorations wero with tlio as pirate sounds, which aro tho weak iHiint of tho graphophone. i'or soven months I worked from cishtcdn to twenty hours a day upon the single sound specia.' I would say to the Instrument 'specia. and it would always say 'pecla,' and I couldn't make it say nnythlng else. It was enough to inako mo crazv. But 1 stuck to it until I succeeded, and now you can read a thousand words of a newspaper at the rato of 160 words a minute, and tho instrument will repeat them to you without an omission. You can Imagine tho difficulty of the task that 1 accomplished when I tell you that tho impressions mado upon tho cylinder are not more than one millionth part of nn Inch In depth, nnd aro completely In visible oven with the aid of a micro scope. Keporter And what new discoveries will Ik) made in electricity? .Mr. Edison Ah, that would bo diffi cult to say. Wo may somo day como Uiou ono of tho great socrets of nature. I am always on the look out for some thing which will help mo to solve tho problem of navigating tho air. I liavo worked hard upon this subject, but I am very much discouraged. Wo may find nomething now before that comes, but that will come. Mr. Edison further said that the great development of electricity will como when wo nnd a more economical method of producing it. During Ids trip across the ocean ho remained for hours on deck looking at tho waves, and ho says that it mado him wild when ho saw so much force going to waste. "But one of theso days," ho continued, "wo will chain all that the falls of Niagara as well as the winds and that will bo tho millennium of electricity." Courrier des Etate-Unis. A New Halt for Coilfltli. Tho Newfoundland bait act, which prohibits tlio export of bait from that island, has had a most prejudicial effect upon tho trench bank fisheries, the prico ot fish bait in St. Pierro having been forced up to nn nlmost prohibitive price. It is now stated that threo French ships, instead 01 going to tit. 1'ierro for bait, fitted themselves out with flat bottomed. round baskets, witli a holo at the top. These thoy sunk in soventy to eighty fathoms, and thoy wero quickly filled with periwinkles of largo size. Tho shells wero smashed on deck and tho trawls baited witli llvo periwinkles. Cod- lisli took to these most ravenously, and tho vessels sailed for Franco with full cargoes the first week in July, instead of October, as usual, thus saving threo months time anil hundreds of dollars in tho purchaso of bait. If this report is truo, tho discovery will bring nbout a revolution In tho system under which tho bank fisheries aro now enrried on. t present the bank fishermen can onlv fish when thoy nro provided with fresh bait. Tills necessitates frequent visits to some bait procuring coast, tho purchaso of bait and of ico to keep it In good con dition, nnd therefore tho cobt, both in timo and money, of producing halt is very great. If tho bait can lie caught on ono sido of tlio ship and tho cod oil tho other, thero is nothing to prevent tbe lishermcn from remaining on tho lianks during tho wholo fishing season, and tho cost of a trip will bo materially reduced. As Newfoundland has now almost a mo nopoly of tho halt trade, and her bankers aie privileged by law, this discovery will have a serious ollcct upon tho fishing in dustry of tho island. Montreal Witness. lleulth 111 Tenements. It lias always been accepted that in cities tho death rate in tenement houses, is greater than the general death rato. This belief has recently been contro verted, as far as New York city is con cerned, by a careful annlysls of the re turns mado to tlio health department. It was found thnt last year tho general death rato per 1,000 inhabitants was 20,83, while the death rato among tene ment dwellers was 22.71. Beyond this it was found that the death rate In largo tenement houses Is less than in tho smaller ones. Tho chief roason for this difference of mortality to tlio ndvantago of tenement houbos is attributed to tho exercise of tho plenary power of tho board of health in regard to them in both construction and nppolntincutB during recent years, while tho construc tion and appointments of tho hitherto supposed to bo tho most healthful class of house? have been left to the Intelli gence of tho architects and tenants, ex cepting a gcnornl compllanco only with tho plumbing laws. Boston Herald, DUoourutluc tbe Whittling Habit. Ill Now Haven thoy aro determined to discourage the practice of whittling pub l!o buildings. A prisoner in tlio lockup climbed up a ventilator sliaft and cut away a number of slats, only to bo nabbed by the vigilant watchman. Brought beforo tho mngUtrato ho wns fined $20 and costs for damaging tho building, In addition to receiving tho penalty for tho tulsdeods that brought mm into tno tolls or tho law, Hoston Transcript. Soveuty-three years ago Mrs. Sally B, Weeks Bucknam, then n blushing bride, went to housekeeping in a snug farm house, on tho west Mono of Mount Pros pect, N, II. Tlio other day in tills same iiouse, wlicro she lias lived over since, sho celebrated her owe hundredth birth day, nnd was strong enough, to receivo riot only her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but also a arco J nutnUfroflnrfileiklsaiidiuualiitancea. YOL. 23, N0.36. THE SWEET CLOVEtl. A Iteinurliiililo (IhihIIi Ihut 1 tbn Delight lif Council Hindi. No one knows just how or whero it came from or why It came, but a snowy mid sweet breathed intruder lias come into tho city to dispute with tho lordly sunflower his long nnd undisputed titlo of squatter sovereignty to all tho vncant lots nnd blocks in Council Bluffs, Iowa, And tho meek little blossoms on the sum mits of tho sweet clover plants nro look ing upon the swift nnd certain destruc tion of tho pioneer sunflower. Over one third of tho bottoms, where a year ngo nothing but tlio glgantlo resinous weed turned its black nnd yellow fnco to tho sun, and whero It grew in such luxury that even tho noxious cocklo burr was choked out of existence, tlio fragrant sweet clover has appeared and holds un disputed dominion over every other green thing. Over hundreds of vacant lots in the now additions tho tiresomo yellow has given place to tho dark, rich follngo and fragrant perpetually blooming sweet clover. Local lxitanUts who liavo examined tho now plant with a good deal of in terest and enro say that it is positively a new species, produced by somo unknown and accidental cross, and that its vigor and spreading proclivities nro tlio most wonderful features of its nature. Tho old fashioned sweet clover was a frail and ghostly plant, that loved the friend ly shade of tho groves and tho longest moonlight summer nights, a character istic which mado it a proper lovo em blem, but this now and thrifty product of Council Bluffs spurns tho protection of the trees and goes out boldly in tlio fields and meets nnd conquers the sun loving sunflower in Ills chosen grounds. As n follago plant It is perhaps 0110 of tho most rcmnrkablo In existence for its lux uriance. In many respects it resembles tho nlalfa clover, but it i3 stronger. thriftier, nnd of much more rapid growtli than that rcmnrkablo plant that furnishes threo crops of hay a year in western territories. It grows to tho height of four or five feet, witli a dense leafy follago and a perfect brush of Bweet scented blossoms. Tho leaf is email and juicy, of n rich dark green, very much resembling tho red clover. It Is so now and its habits so little understood thnt it is not known what its vnlno may bo as a forago plant for stock. In its present rank character stock will not eat it, but, tamed by re peated clipping and cultivation, it may becomo ono of tho most vnluablo plants to tho stockmen nnd farmers. But whether it lias any vnluo or not in tlio development of beef and horseflesh. it U of inestimable worth to the peoplo of Council Bluffs as a swift destroyer and fragrant substitute for tho ubiquitous sunflower, that lias furnished provoca tion for so many sad reflections upon the city, notwithstanding enthusiastic (es thetes havo souglit to popularizo tho meek yellow crowned weed by painting It on panels nnd wearing it on their bo soms. It Is n lovelv and iovablo plant. so bociablo that it will come right up to your doors and crowd its white head into your windows, and so determined upon having tho company of its fellows that it makes a covenant with tho soil that whero ono plant grows this year thousands must grow next. A year ago thero wns perhaps not enough of the plant in tho cntiro city to cover half an ncre; now thero aro hundreds of acres densely cov ered with it. The odor from the acres of white flowers Alls tho air, and after a midsummer shower tho peculiar and delicate fragranco is indescribable, and as sweet as the breath of peris. Omaha Beo. A Lite Itattlesuako In a Depot. iV colored waiter in tlio new Central Railroad depot restaurant in Jersey City saw a rattlesnake crawling along tho floor near a party of ladies. IIo yelled snakesl and tho ladies ran out into tho car shed screaming. Tlio waiter had an armful of dished. As tlio suako was heading for him lie dropped tlio dishes and ran. Two men who had been eating at tlio lunch counter followed him. Ono of tho ladies who had run out told John Van Pelt, a conductor, about tho snake. Van Pelt got a stick and a friend of his got another, aud thoy went into the res taurant. Half n, dozen waiters, a cook and threo passengers wero sitting on the lunch counter. Thoy wero treed. Tlio snako was crawling toward the door, shaking its rattlo biivagely. Van Pelt and his friend made a combined nttnek. Van Pelt's stick was pointed, nnd ho speared tho snako through tho neck, pin ning it to tho floor. Tlio other man beat tho reptilo to death. Then tho waiters and cook and passengers camo down trom tno counter. Tlio enako was about two feet long. It had four rattles. How It got into tlio deK)t is a mystery. Pos sibly it had been shipped as freight, aud had In Borne way escaped from confine ment. Now York Suti. Cremation In Paris. Tho cremation furnaces in Pero la Chaiso cemetery at Paris nro now in complete working order j and tlio munici lal council of tho city lias, after duo de liberation, reached a decision as to tho scaloof charges for tho incineration of tho dead in cases whero this system may 1)0 preferred to burial. Fifty francs is tho tariff, and as tlio payment of this small sum gives, in addition to tlio uso of the furnace, tlio right of occupying a shelf in tlio "columbarium" for ilvo years, tho chargo is uot in any way ex cessive. Of course, tlio urn required to contain tlio nshes of a cremated person constitutes an extra, as Hkowiso tlio pomp to bo displayed in cremation, for which latter item tlio sum of from twelvo francs to 200 francs may bo risked. For tho simplo burning process, however, and for n flvo years' right to ii shelf in tlio "columbarium" tho prico of n couplu of pounds Is really low. Lon don Standard. Rumors nro rlfo in I)ndon as to tho health of tho Prince of Wales, which is ea!d to bo much impaired. It is also said thnt ho seeks to keep tho real truth of his condition from tho newspaper reading public. ill" Sueur of Milk. Tlio manufacture of lactltic, or sugar of milk, is a now industry In this coun try, which promises to attain importance in tho milk producing districts. Here tofore tho manufacture has been confined to Switzerland nnd Bavaria. The whole sale prico Is twenty-flvo to thirty cents u mund. Tho flrt for tlin tunniifrirt. turo of lactlno in this country was estab lished at Hamburg, N, .1. Another fnc' tory has recently liecu started at Oxford. N. Y, A third factory Is nliout to bo opened at Unionvlllc, N. Y., for tho manufacture of tlio article on a largo scaio uy n now process, winch is claimed to yield 11 superior product ntn reduced cost of production. New York Telegram. A Now York nhvsician tried nnnvrtr-rt mcnt with Dr. Brown-Sequnrd's elixir upon a cat witli perfect success. Tlio doctor btupefled the cat with half pound of ether aud then applied thee'iuir hypo dcnnically, and in a moment the cat was dancing around tlio room, tho btumr of tho ether liavlng entirely disappeared, t)lninonil4 rp. Diamond dealers in Maiden lane and John street aro watching every move ment of tlio market witli sharp eyes. Their wnrea have been advancing stead ily in valuo for four months past, nnd pricoa show no sign of any falling off. "On tho contrary," said a well known Maiden lano importer, who lias just re turned from Europe, "I found tho Lon don market very stiff nnd uppish In tone. As is generally known, the output of tlio African diamond mines is controlled by wliat Is known as the Amalgamation, which Is a sort of diamond inist, and threo London firms, Jules Porgcs, Bo- nato Brothers and Julius IColin, hnudlo tho greater portion of tho uncut dia monds that como to that market. Thoy havo restricted tho output to suit them selves, and as a conscqucnco many of tho Amsterdam cutters nnd polishers nro running with reduced forces, whtlo somo of tho smaller shops ha vo closed tip al together. "Tlio market s firmness may bo judged by nn incident which occurred in Lon don just before I sailed. I was in tho ofllco of a largo diamond firm, trying to j got some stones Bultnblo for my trado, j when nn outsider, that Is, n man not in : tlio trado, camo In nnd purchsBcd a par-1 eel of medium stones, weighing from ono to threo carats, nnd valued nt 0,000 or 7,000, for which lie paid cash down, j IIo had tho stones wrapped up, nnd put I them back in tho firm's safe to await a riso in tlio markot. I also know of many 1 American dealers who went over this ' spring to buy from ?50,000 to $100,000 ' worth of stock who havo returned with only half tho stonoa they Intended to ' purchase, and somo camo baclt with' even loss than half." S Diamonds nro, as a matter of fact. from 20 to 23 per cent, lilghertodny than ' they wero four months ago, when tho market began to feel tho manipulations of tho diamond trust. The trust is evi dently n success, and if diamonds keep on going up engaged couples may havo to bo content with other gems. Now t York Sun. 1 H Queer Thluga pn Mount Lyell. ! Thomas Albright, tho well known' Prescott prospector. Informs The Index that "grand slght3 havo been seen" around Mount Lyell during tho past two weeks. All through tho present season It has been noticed that tho glacial streams flowing from beneath tho great ico field which havo been trickling in measurod volumes for thousands of years havo increased so as to becotuo rosiiec tablo creeks in many Instances. This could not bo accounted for, as tho heat of tho sun is probably no moro Intenso than It has been many times before. Possibly tho phenomenon mnv bo ex plained by recent occurrences. Within tho past month singular lights and glows havo been noticed along tlio upper odeo of tho ico, tho towering bare cones gleam ing pho8porescoutly nmid the gloom of night. Lach morning following a disnlav of this kind smoke is soon Issuing from under tho Ico in intermittent streams, ns If ejected by somo forco acting beneath. At times tho whiffs aro sharp and Biid den from a dozen or moro places nt tho same time, accompanied by a rod dust wiucn settles on tho gtaoler and discolors it in blotches of many acres. It Is believed, as Mr. Albrisrht eavs. that tho mountain is "nlivo and work ing," nnd that tlio pent up forces within aro struggling to mako a vent, Tlio glacier Is about two miles in length and a mllo In width. Its dentil in places. Judging from tho profilo of tho moun tain, which is 10,000 feet in height, must be enormous. Perhaps old Pluto lias re sumed operations in his laboratory and is endeavoring to throw out tho great mass of ico which plugs his chimney. Lyell has been dead to all appearances for countless ages over slnco tho time, In the forgotten past, when, by somo cataclysm, tho wholo continent was cov ered by an loo cap several thousand feet in thickness. Maybe the old hill i3 try ing to reassert itself aud demonstrate to tho world that it still has latent life. Homer Index. Minister Iteld'a l'urla Mansion. The homo of tho American minister and Mrs. Reid is ono of tlio most magnif- iccut ot 1110 private residences of Paris. It was originally tho homo of tho Count ess of Gramtnont, who was born Mile. Sabatier. Tlio father of tlio countess was formerly tho French consul general to Egypt, aud ho had acquired a vast collection of Egyptian curiosities, which 10 had caused to bo arranged in the vast liall of liis splendid hotel, which at his death becamo tho property of his daugh ter, it must Do contested that this hall when our present representative at Paris camo to take up his residence in his now abodo was anything but cheerful in its aspect. It was adorned with mummies in their cases, with statues of Isis and Osiris In black basalt, and with cabinets filled with old Egyptian bronzes, pot tery, etc., larger pieces of bronze being placed on brackets along tho walls. Tho effect was depressing, not to say funereal. Minister Reld caused all thoso dusky curiosities to bo carefully packed away and has had tho walls hung with urocatene ot a crimson ground and fig ured with a design in deep yellow. Only tho marblo sphinxes that decorato tho balustrado ends of tho grand stnircano remain to tell of tlio Egyptology of tho uunuer or tho mansion. Opposito tho staircaso is tho door loading to a series of sumptuous drawing rooms. Tlio smaller sized of theso and tho flret of tlio buito is paneled with Louis XV grouns after Boucher. Tho grand drawing room 13 paneled nnd tumished with crimson brocaded satin. Tho cornice is richly carved aud gilt, forming a setting to a painted celling representing n aloud flecked sky. In front of the central window stands a life sizeil statuo of Helen of Troy, by an Italian artist. Be yond this apartment is tlio dining room, wnero twenty-lour persons can bo Heated at table. Paris Letter to Philadelphia Telegraph, An Alabama Negro Killed Iiy n Hear. Yesterday threo negroes Nod Tavlor. Jim Robinson and Joe Sweeny wjmt sqiurrui iiuming in tno swamps of the Wnrren river, n few miles from Car thago, Ala. In a hollow stump tiiev found two young leare, and attempted to capture them alive. While they were tying ono of tho cubs tho mother sud denly appeared on the scene and attack ed Taylor. His gun was knocked out of Ills hand and tho bear seized hint around tho body. Taylor's companions wero so badly frightened that they dropped their guns and lied from tho spot. When thoy returned half an hour later they found Taylor dead aud torn to pieces by tho teoth and claws of tho licar. The cubs wero in a tree, but tho old bear was lying on tlio ground writhing in ngony. Taylor had gotten out his knife nnd stubbed tho bear repeatedly before his strength gave out. Tho animal was killed by u shot from Robinson's rifle Birmingham Telegram. Who over hoard of a cheese mine? Yet 0110 has been discovered at Palmyra, Wis. It 'isn't prrd;!y a mine; in fact being n large quantity of clieeae which was buried mnny years ago beneath a factory and thero in somo manner for gotten. It has jiut been discovered nnd tlio vnluablo product is boiug quarried out by tho preient ownors of the factory. Ho Knew 5u KnglUh. About ono mouth ngo a youni? man named Joo Harjwter was utrusk on tho back of tho head with a pair of brass knuckles by a footpad, knocking hlui sensoless, and for moro than n mouth ho lay unconscious. A few days ago he suddenly recovered his senses but when ho did ho was ablo to converse Intelli gently only in the German language, lie was born of American parwita, who tpoko German, and tliatwas the lan guago he first learned. He gave that up, however, and learned KnglUh, 11 h it at all times, entirely furgettin ; his German. Now ho can remember nuii Uiy of Englisli. Scientists are wroutling . with the problem. St. Louis Republic,