The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 30, 1889, Image 4

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Tho physiolans of Chicago do not
Boom to bo of ono mind In regard to
tho merits of Dr. Hrowii-Sequard'ti
olixir. "I oan't say that I have very
much faith in tho elixir," Bald Dr.
John A. Ucnson. "I have boon using
it for somo tlrao, nnd to tell tho truth,
it dtnon't aoora to mo that thoro la
rauoh to It. But I do not say thoro is
nothing in it, for I bollovo in giving
ovorything a fair show, and I cannot
fool disposed to condemn a theory be
fore it has fairly becu put Into practice,
but in speaking as I do I havn ref
orenco raoroly to uiyowH oxporlmonts."
"Thon you havo usad tho elixir in
your practicot''
''Oh yes, I havo alroady made n
good many oxporiments with it, nnd it
is from the result of them that I derive
tho opinions 1 gavo you.''
"And did none of tho persons yon
treated feel tho rejuvenating effect of
tho fluid injootod!"
"Well, when tho patient knew what
I had boen doing ho felt better, or
thought ho did. So far, however, it
has been my observation that tho per
son troated notiood tho good effect only
when ho or sho know what had bean
dono. This being trae, it goes a long
way towards proving that tho imagina
tion has a good deal to do with this
olixir. Howovor, I think It may be in
tho oaso of most persons tho fluid Ins
tho effect of a stimulant, and that for
tho time being it may strengthen thorn,
but it dosen't appear that its effect
will bo lasting.
"One or two things havo struck mo
as being very extraordinary, suppos
mg that the olixir has the properties
claimed for it. One of my casos was
that of an old gentleman who was
very infirm. Well, I told him I would
experiment upon him. According
ly 1 went to his house. Instead of
filling the syringe with tho fluid I put
mllK and water into it and lmectod
that into tho old man's system. Now,
bolievo mo when I say that tho
old man told mo an hour later that ho
folt much better and for a day or two
ho insisted that ho nover felt so well in
his life. I did not tell tho old gentle'
man what I had done, and since that
time ho ,has thought himself a great
deal stronger than ho has been for
years. I have not tho least doubt that
he did feel hotter, but it was imagina
tion that accomplished it all, and not
tne milk and water injected into ins
Dr. Charles Oilman Smith said that
ho thought it possible that there was
Bometmog in tho discovery. "And,
ho said, "it is very possiblo thoro is
nothing in it. 1 myself havo not made
any experiment with tho elixir, but
havo road much and thought much
auout tho matter, in talking with
tboso who havo made tho experiments
and in my reading I found many differ
ent opiuions. Somo doctors are favor
able to the elixir, and others are against
it. I think however, that tho majority
of the doctors are inclined to condemn
the elixir. As to tho real value of
Dr. Brown-Sequard's discovery I can
not speak positively."
It is impossible to conceive anything
that could supersede glass in tho mat
ter of transparency, but in respect of
brittleness and rigidity it is very far
irom oeing a perioct material. A sub
stitute is now proposed, whioh if it
laoka tho transparency is freo from the
defects mentioned. To describe it
briefly, it is a fine wiro netting covered
with a prepared varnish which permits
the light to pass through as freely as
glass ol tho variety known as catbed
rat. It is almost as flexible as a sheet
of canvas, and is absolutely air-tight
and water tight. Dr. Ford, tho inven
tor, has been working at the problem
lor years, and alter experimenting with
many products ho found that ho oould.
by passing tne wire netting through
series of baths of linseed oil chemical
ly prepared, produce a matorial with
tho properties of amber. It is at once
tough and elastic, and cannot bo brot
en oven by a very considerable weight
iaiimg upon it.
Tho London company that is work
ing tno patent displayed in tho Hoy.
al Aquarium rooently a number of pro
auctions lu wiuoh tho new material is
utilized, but perhaps tha most striking
ot all was tho roohng of tho aquarium
itself. Unless one's attention was di
rected to the roof of the building it
would nover strike a visitor that tho
dome was not covered with glass, but
with the now transparent material. In
their last report the directors of tho
aquarium Btato that the change has
effected a saving of over 200 a year
in glass and labor, aud there is now no
danger of falling glass aud that tho
insurance rate has been roduood by 25
per cent. Tho material is made in
sheots ten foot by four feot, and by the
nso of varnish on tho overlaping edge
they are practically connected iuto ouo
groat covering. It is unaffected by
hoat up to 2S0 dogroas and is a non
conductor. Tho initial cost is perhaps
greater than choap glass, bat tho new
matorial comparos favorably with tho
dearer qualities, and its durability
must of course, be taken into consider
ation. A ooarser material, termed
carboline, is baing utilized for the roofs
and walls of soldiers' huts, and wo aro
informed that tho Government has
given orders for its uso. Experiments
aro being made in garden forcing
houses, and if the exclusion of tho sun's
rays is no drawback, then tho gain in
durability will bo very gaoat. I'all
Mall Gazette.
A Hauticoke Man Killed by a Shot Intend
ed for Taieves-
On tho 19tb a peculiar and fatal ac
cident ocourred at Nantiooke. Frank
Loronson, a young man of 25, residing
on church street, has lost some of bis
pigeons lately aud suspocted that
thieves had stolon them.
Tho birds were kept in tho loft of
tho barn. At last be hit upon a plan
which he fancied would put a stop to
these depredations. He scoured a
largo navy revolver, loaded it, suspend
ed it from a beam just inside tho door,
with tho muzzle pointing to tho door,
cocked tho weapon and adjusted to tho
hammer a string in such a manner as
to cause the opening of the door to ex
plode the revolver.
Ho went away and awaited dovelope
ments. Next day ho went to the barn,
and apparently forgettiug about the
trap, pulled open the door. At the
samo instant there was an explosion
and tho young man fell upon tho floor,
tho bullet having entered his body a
fow inches below tho fioart.
Neighbors boro him to his home
and Dr. Davis was callod. Tho sur
geon probed for the ball but did not
find it , and had to abandon tho prob
ing bocauso of tho weak condition of
(he patient. Ho died that afternoon.
A number of tho Brooklyn capital-
lnts havo decided to open a hot ol oh tho
Now lork plan m I'arij. They bo
hovo It will attr.tot American customers
as well as tho trado of English pernors
who havo visited the United mates, it
It docs thero is monoy in it.
Tho latest uso of photography is to
mako a cannon ball take a ploluro of .its
own waul)lin;s. An nrrangemonl
something liko a camera is to bo placed
in tho forward end of tho projectile,
and whon It Is lired directly at the sun
tho liuhl traces lines upon tho plalo,
from tha direction of win oh it can bo
told whether tho projeotllo has kept in
one position or has wavered to and fro
during its flight.
Fifteen Presidents havo visited New
England as Presidents, rcokonlng tho
two Adamses and Pieroo among tho
nniaber, and lour wont thither beforo
they beoamo Presidents. Theso nro tho
facts as they aro shown by tho records.
Now England and tho Presidents havo
bcoorao pretty well acquainted.
Tho Austrian arohbishops aro prob
ably tho most highly paid in the world.
Tho Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna
has only about 5;iii,UUO a year, but tno
Cardinal Archbishop of TJImutz has
8200,000, tho Cardinal Arohbishop of
Prague has $175,000, tho Archbishop
of Eriru has $300,001) and tho pri
mato of Hungary, tho Cardinal Arch
bishop of Qrau, has $400,000 a year.
The total original cost of tho British
war ships of all sorts at tho las'j Spit
head roviow, paraded for tho inspection
of the Emperor, wal 0,853,705. Tho
number of ships present was sevonty
thrce; of torpedo-boats thirty-eight.
Tho weight of motal oontained in tho
heavy guns was 8,009 tons., Tho
tounagn was approximately 3G0.000
tons. Fivo hundred aud Bixty-nino
heavy guns, irrespective of quick-firers
and maohinc gun, composod tho arm
ament. Spokane Falls is rooovering rapidly
from the effects of tho groat fire within
her borders. Tho chief baker of tho
city resumod business tho day after tho
fire. Having no sign he hoisted a
pitchfork above the ridge pole of tho
"shack" ha was living in, with a loaf
of broad stuck on each tine. A tea
merobant resumed business'with similar
expedition, although his entire outfit
consisted only of two or threo packages
of tea, two or three sacks of coffee, a
table, a mill and a pair of Bcalos.
Dr. Brown-Sequard is an American .
His father, Capt. Edward Brown, of
tho Amorica'i Navy, was a Pbiladel
phian and married a French woman on
the Island of Mauritius named Sr quard.
Ho and his descendants toik the name
Brown-Sequard. The distinguished
scientist, whoso iuixir ot Xouth is
making a sensation, was their eldest
ohild. Ho was educated in Franco
but was afterwards a professor at Harv
ard nnd practiced medicine in Phila
delphia for somo years subsequent to
1873. He was married twice, his first
wife being Miss Fletoher, of Boston, a
relative ot Daniel Webster.
Tho somewhat unsafe belief that our
fuel products are inexhaustible will bo
strengthened by the news of tho' dis
covery of rich coal deposits in tho
Rocky Mountains. Professor McQee,
of the United States Geological Survey,
says that a calculation a to the quan
tity of anthraoito coil in tho country
and the probable consumption leads t
the conclusion that such deposits will
bo exhausted within a century, while,
judging trom tho known supply, bitu
minous coal will not last longer than
three or four centuries. It is altogether
probable however, that great veins of
undiscovered bituminous coal may yet
no tapped.
Tho Navy Dapartunnt has ordered
that tho work of getting the sloop-of-
war lialeua ready for sorvico in Hav-
tiarx waters be pushed forward as rap
idly as possible. It is said that Rear-
Admiral Gbcrardi, who is now at Port-au-Prince
witli tho voteran Kearsarce,
in anticipation of General Hyppolite's
ovortnrow ot 1'resident Jjogit-mc, ap
prohends that Port-au-Prince will be
come a sceno of terrible slaughter and
riot,-and that in order to protect tho
lives and property, of' Americans there
a larger lorco than be has available on
the Kearsariro will need to bo landed.
International law would only eanction
tho landing of men to protect the Uni-
ted States Legation and Consulate, but
graver exigencies may arise, and it is
.1-.; Li. . i -t . .
uesirauio to do rcaay 10 meet incm.
Tho Drflm.iitR PtfrH'innA in Ihn nnnr
celebrated Terrv - Broderink Inol
Illlmhflrpfl tliirtpnn Tlin Hunt inrni
fotlirht earlv nn thn mnrninr, nf Sor
umuar io, louy, wiinin ten miles ot the
centre of San Francisco. David S
Terry, tho challenger, was accompanied
10 mb item oy uainoun usnuarn, a law
yer, and Thomas Ilves. flnnntv Clark
of San Francisco, as sooinds Samuel
U. iirooks, thon Comptroller of State
elect. DOW IfllilnH S Kllll.Trnlimror of
San Francisco, as fidld concsclorand He
William iiaramonl iwl W. V. Aylotte
as Rurireons. T). W. Purlnv. urlinm
bnsv iutermeddliiiir runllv nrvlnit-iin,l
tho fatal meeting, was also of the party.
r.i. n...i.i fi it i w-..r.
D. Coltnn and T.pnniitfia TTiulfnl m anr..
onds, Ex-Congrossman Josoph O. Mo
Kibbiu as field oounsolorandD. Fred
oriok von Loohr as surgeon. Bernard
LlifVarilG. a Frennh rrnnamitli nntnil na
armorer to load tho pistols. Every ono
in attendanao except the armor wore
Democrats. Of Terry's rotinue all ex
cept "Tom Hnyos" wero "chivalry
wing JJonioorabi, as they wero called
while Broderiok's supporter? wero
known as Dnnrrlna or Atiti T.nnim.
pation Doraoorats. Of these thirteen
two alono survive, and tbo eleven' with
one oxoeptiou' died peaceably and acco
rdion to tho order of nature, Tbo ex
ception was David D. Colton, whose
widow is now plaintiff in a suit to re
cover manv IllllllnnH frnm &taninrf
Crocker and Huntington as her bus-
t II. 1. i. . .
ujuu n iuiofi m me construction oi
thn Snuthnin Pnnifin Unilrnrul M'l,n
causa of Colton's death was allogod to
bo injuries received while attempting
10 rnio a uuoking norso.
Tlla statement thnt tlin nnlnr nnnfow.
od recontly npon Mr. Edison by King
Humbert carries with it tlin rink f
count is not exaotly corroot. None of
mo unuan orders, not oven that of tbo
Annnnciata. nntllln tlinir nnai:an-u in
any other rank than that of Commpnd-
,.(-., n i ft i : rii
valier'i. Neither nf tlinun urn lir.rolii
nrv. Until turn vntr nrm tlin
Austrian order of tho Iron Crown con.
ferrod upon U possessors tho heredit
ary rauk of Baron and Chevalier.
But that privilogols now abolUhed, aud
at the present time uo European orders
except those, of Great Britain entitle
tho wearer to pot a handle to his name.
Tho announcement of a series of
what havo become known as harvosl
oxcurii6n, to bo run by tho Chicago
iw ixuiiiiwi'aieru itnuway anting tho
months of Auirust. Soptembor and
October, will be joyfully received by a
largo number of our readers who aro
becoming interested in those portions
of tho wondorfnl Northwest, reached
by this railroad and its connictlons
lopographical and Bectlonal maps oc
oompanicd by vivid descriptions nnd
voluminous crop rcporw, aro excellent
mediums for awakening tho Interest of
homo seekers In a new country, and
theso supplemented by opportunities
placed witiilh tho roach of all fdr visit
ing tho oountry nt a season when ox
aot demons tra'iou can be made of its
merit, givo. convincing ovidonooiof tho
fact that tho North-. AVcstorn Company
has sufllccnt faith in tho regions travel
ed by Its lines, to extend unusual facil
ities for all to go nnd soe for yursolf.
The excursions will be fivo ill num
ber, and wll leavo Chicago August 0th
and 20th, September 10 and 24lh, and
October 8th. Tickets can bo purchas
ed nt tho rate of ouo faro for tho round
trip, to. points in Town, Mlnnesoto,
South and North Dakota, Nebraska,
Wyoming, Colorado, Ulab, Idaho and
Montnna. Theso tickols will bo good
to return thirty days from tho date of
purchase, with Btu-over privilogfs in
certain territories, thus giving bind
seekers ample lime and opportunity to
"spy out the laud,'' and to discover for
thnmselvcs tho fitursB of tho great
West and Northwest for homes and
investments. Sjuth Dakota just blos
soming into vigorous 'statehood, with
over six million acres of government
free land now open to settlement, and
a largo wea ot cheap railroad and deed
cd lands ; tho fertile valleys ard min
ing interests of tho Black HilK of un
calculated valuot the beautiful and
productive Elkr.orn nnd Niobrara val-
loys of .Nebr.aRk.t, and tho broad graz.
ing districts of Wyoming a'o all Wavers.
ed by tho Chicago ifc North-Western
Hauway, and aro available by means
of these excursions. Maps and cir
culars giving detailed information and
ratei from Chicago to all principal
points will be mailed on application to
E. P. Wilson,
Gen'l Passenuor Ag't.C. & N-W. K'y
Chicago, Illi'iois. 4w,
Will am Walton a young business
man of New York associated with his
father, W. T. Walton, in the fancjy dry
goods business, is suffering from the
lodgement of n grape seed in the narrow
vermitorm appendix of tho caecum.
Young Mr. Walton has submitted to
tho, necessary, surgical operation but
his life still bancs in the balance.)
Tho vermiform appendix is a tajl-like
appendago of the1 caecum, which is
located on the richt sido of the bowels.
Its averago diameter is about the size
of a pipe stem. It terminates in
bluut point and if 'any substance which
can not bo absorbed (iuch as a grape
seed, an oranco seed. or. an lemon Heed)
finds ils way there it will in time! pro
duce inflammation, ihen a surmoal
operation becomes necessary in order
to savo a patient's life, as an abscess is
likely to lorm, whioh, if not promptly
treated, will surely -cause death.
According to the statement, of a
physician of prominent standing the
first operation necessary in a case of
this kind was successfully performed
by the Uto Dr. Sands about the time
hi was associated with Dr. Fordyoo
Barker in tho case of the late Hon.
Koscoo Conkling.
Punishing Wife Heaters-
Somo body has sent us a copy oi thn
Hagerstown (Md.,) Globe, that ooutiin
ed a marked article giving an accqunt
of tho punishment that was. administer
ed nt tho whipping post' to Daniel C.
Herbert a resident of that uoiinborliood
for beating his wifo. This is the now
method of punishment for wifo beating
prescribed by tho law recently enacted
in Maryland. Herbrrt had como home
intoxicated, and after abusing his wife
with cirsesjind blows ho proceeded to
choke hor until sha beoamo insensible.
Ho was sentenced to rcceivo 0fjun
lashes on tho bare bao'f, which! the
Sheriff laid on with his fnll strenglji.
Fro-ti tho tone of tho piper in which
the account of the whipping is gljven
there does not appear to bq anymi'wk
ish sentiment cntertainedain Hagerstown
against this way of pnoisbiug men vho
oear, inoir wives, xnero can be" no
quistion tli at "the punishment Gib ithe
urimo," and it is to bo regretted piat
oilier states do not follow the example
of Maryland in giving the similar tA a' -mcnt
to this kind of human brute.
Thn only fault to ba found with tho
proceedings, 111 the oasi published by
tho Higeratown papjr is that tin lashes
wero limited to fifteen. They should
not hwa been ono less than fifty.
Jiellefonte Watchman, I
More Boodle for Pemion Agents. '
The fact that there will be a Heiinb
licon majority in botlnbranohos of Q in-
grois ami a Piel lent in' tho IJxccutivo
chair who would never venture to veto
n antral mniin.. Kill .-III I... L. ..
.. w.l.u. I'V.m.uu will will IJIUIWU J"
ciiori 10 stay m a 11110 pt peusion extra
vagance almost hopeless. Besi'do
Bovernl measures for rea'liustiiiK i n.
sions to n mom liberal uoalo, removing
tbo limitations upon an ears and ad.
milliner to thu r -lis thmc wlm w.irn
confined in rehnl urisnns. witlirmt. n
dependent pension bill, suob as Prpsi
ueni vjieveiauu veiotq win no brought
forward agun. A7", Y, Times,
MakiB tho Uvea of
many peoplo
mierable, aud ofiimoi leath to sulf
Btruotion. Wo know of uo remedy
for dyspepsia moro successful than
Iloodd barsapanlla. It acta fir1')'?
vet eurelv aud ilieleutlv. tonns Din
stomach and ether oruaui, removou
tlio faint feeling, oreatea a cood nope-
lito, curt a huadiiuho and rofrtshes tho
uurdentu mind. Oiva Hood'a Baraa
parilla a fair trial. It will do you good.
The most succeesaful man of lottma
is tho poBtmau,
Manurn by Wir. Aviira Bon.i. PbUali. wua
vale Uw Uama lUm Mrzai Bsket tuaktt
Whit ill Mat
expected cf th,
old fnhlened way
of Meeting the
Wit Try the
Acme Blacking
end the dirty title
become! cletnljr
SheU Weter or Bnow. Shoetcinbewuhed
clein, requiring dreulng only once Week
for men. once e. Month for women.
It Ii alio an Blcgent Kernels Drilling.
Brlght's Disease.
iYeTeiM)U CfclM 8ts4 After .
VeJlun r Feur PkrsieJaiie.
My little girl, ten years of see. tm taken lick to
jUreh, lm, with scarlet f erer. When reeoTerln
she took a serere coM. which deTeloroA Brightf
Dieeaee of tin Kidneys Bar ankles, feet and eyes
were terribly swoUen l aha had a burnlne; f itit, snot
all the symptoms of an arffrerated case of UrUht'a
Cleeaia, four of onr belt physicians attended her,
but without snooeee, and '
Kir Life was Despaired of. 11
But 1 mother4 lore and prayers tmnnonnt ill dlffl.1
enltles, and I determined to try Sr. Darld Kennedy's
FaTorltenemedy.madeatllondont.N. T. Thtswas
a last resort, and I hoped, although my little dinirh.
ter"s cms wii a Ttry lerere one. that the Tirorlta
llemody would do for her whit 1 1 hid done for others
whose condition had not boon, seemingly, as hope
less. Ttow hippy I am that I determined npon this
course-f or an ImproTement was it once perceptible.
Tne ferer left her her appetite ImproTcd ehe galnid
tlx pounds In a ahort time, and one by one the well
known and dreaded lymptoms of the disease left hor.
Vforde fill toczpreii my Brmtltudo, and I cannot too
eameitly recommend the Fiyorlts Bemedy. It wis
tnd Is due entirely to the FkTorita Itemedr. Which
wu llio onlr tneiliclne taken iftcr her ctaa wu
Abandoned by the i-Iiye.cUTi.
Mm. lAunt A. Kemvton. wt Rutland, Vermont:
Iho dtfletwes ttiat follow (Scarlet lever. AleMles.
plphtuerli and vuioui other coinil&!nts often eY
behind them Mwtueilaj of the tuost tUutftroui char
acter. To expel all traoeti cf inch difforrter, tone
Up .tbo Tarloua onran. and nil tbe velua with pure
hod nutiitloua blood, uso Ur. David Kennedy'a
mNwiaoutf. i-reparea &t Ilondoat, T, .
Dr. KennBdy's Favorite Remedy.
Prepared by
tlpstUttls Blx (or U, SyaUdrosTlsts,
fire insurance,
Home of N. Y. s Merchants', of Newark, N,
J. ; Clinton, N. Y. ; I'eoplcs' N, Y. s Reading,
I'a. ! Herman Amrrirnn In. fn V.ui W.t. ,
Greenwich In.urance Co., New York ; (Jersey
City Fire Ins. Co., Jersey City, N. J. r
These old corporations are well seasoned by
ae and fire tested and have never vert hail a
loss settled by any court of law. Their assets
are all imestcd in soun securities, are liable
to the harard of HRE only, '
Losses IROMl'TI.Y and HONESTLY adjusted
Mm u. fcuuii n ucicnnineu, yL.iiKlal'
IAN F. KNAI'P, hi'EtlAL Agent and Ad
llionle nf rvliimlit .t.n.,1.1
ronire the, agency where losses, if any, art set-
..-1.1 I... f 1
iaiu ujr utic ui incir own citizens.
The umlersicned havht! been restored
to health by simple means, after suffer
ing for several years with a severe lune
iffection, and that dread disease Con
sumption, is anxious to make known to
his fellow sufferers the means of cure.
To those who desire it, he will cheer
fully send (free of charce) a copy of the
prescription used, which they will find a
sure' cure for Consumption, Asthma,
Catarrh, Bronchitis, and all throat
and lung Maladies. He hopes all, suf?
lerers will try lus Kemedy, as it is in
valuable. Those desirinc the prescrip
tion, which- will cost them nothing, (and
may prove a messing, win piease aaaress,
kev. liDWARD A. Wilson, Williamsburg,
tvmgs county, JNew York.
t he Greatest Blood Purijfen
nnurrni m
.lia.Mj ...I 1.1 . i-l.l 1 M 1- HI ATT
Thtl Orrjit. fjilmiin Mi1ttna ta lhaT-
buu.iiVBVI.llll UVBI, nUwaT W
t-jiuu mi-1'i.itsroriiJio.iesslrjan,
ono cent a dose. It will euro the
worst cases or gun uiseasc. rrom,
a common ntmiilo on tho fncei
to that awful iliicaBe Baa tain. W a
BUJ-rilUiL liriTKIUl la uiaav
best medicine to me In AllaT
cases of such stubborn andj-nnr KU
deeD seated diseases.
aot vvcr uiko ar.,.i.. ir..
a dlue pills Mavj-.mvna
ormercury,uicyaredeiid"V;',: "
fw 1'iacu your vruBt in aw ' . : ; .
ULlMluif iinn-Kiw uvUerwbatalU
tbo riurcst anil a?yu, UM
TtT" ea-o8lpIwr fiitters I
wlthaycllowsUcliyOont wait until yon U
uuwiuir iBjuurm uiuuiiuwi.ikUI
breath foul andare flat on your back,
offensive ? Yourbut ftct some at once, li
stomach la nurarwlll euro vou. Auliituir
of nnlf r Ilfu.aVlllllm la f
OU1.1I1UU AT1KI..T nil.
ItlTTKitaaT tun jjivtuiu'a rricuuBrn
' . Vr'lcrinK aru coon mono well by
ins, tuick,ug use. Urinemlierwkatyou
roiy,elo.ruad bern, It may savn our
udy. oriif0, it has saved hundreds.
P Dou t wait unUl to-morrow,
f- Try a Bottle To-day! E3
e at .
j Are you jow.epintcq ana wcaic,
or sufferlnir from tlio excesses of
'rouUir If so. BULl'llUlt 1MTTJUU
win curu yuu.
JoWon.MaU.. (or best r-wllcif Aork tiubllaliif j'j
Dy the following well known makers;
Hnllct & Dnvis.
Cau also furniali anv of tlin
(ihpapcr makes at maiiufactHrers
nricea. Do not buv a ninnn lm,
fore getting our prices.
Catalogue andPrico Lists
Ou appllcadon.
i3 ccrriumT
A Woimcrlul Cnvc.
Last ThUMtlay i,lgh a week as
the atory noes, tlio olRlit-euKt In tho
Mlnnlo Mine, at Alpcn, Colorado, put In
two tlilrty.lnch liolrs In tho breast of ft five
hundred foot level and fired tho blast Just
before leaving for tho surface. On return
log to tho mlno it was found that tho two
shots had broken Into a cave, the intent Of
which they proceeded to explore Going
In a few feet they found tho walls covered
wllh crystallzed lime and lcad that glitter,
od like diamond's. Hero nnd thero llttlo
stalactites hung from tho celling. Tho
II mo formation resembled lace nod frlezo
of wondrous beauty. The cavo had a des
cent of about twenty decrees, and they
found rooms and chambers grand beyond
They had entered about two hundred
feet when thryfound a flint axo. A llttlo
further was a pool of Ircsh walrr, and a
sirotg current of fresh air was felt. Purth
it on a chamber was discovered covered
with a brownish muck that was sticky.
GllfllUn, who was In, tho lead, suddenly
stopped and ald 1 "Thero sits a boy."
Buro enough, thero sat a human form. Tho
bond was resting nn tho knees and tho
arms wero drawn around tho legs Indian
fitslilon. A stone bowl and axo were
found besldo the figure. Tho body was
well pfeserved, but In trying to lift It ono
arm broke oil It. Other bodies In different
ntlltudcs were found In tho chamber, but
when disturbed they crumbled. Ono stone
man wbb brought out wllh tho loss of arms
aad feot. Tho discovery has caused great
excitement In Aspen, as tho bodies do not
seem to bo those of Indians.
A Htory for ltltiHIc I.oveiH.
Rossini, who had always le mot pour rire,
used to say: "In olden times they used to
compose music for the brain aud for the
care; but It seems to me that nowadays
people aro quite content when ' tlio tulag
looks well." This, I feel confident, was
often his guiding opinion. For Instance,
when Meyerbeer gave "Tho Huguenots,''
bis lawyer and Corcligionalre Cremleum
gHve a mncneon, wncre no invited somo
influential friends to meet Meyerbeer,
Hosslnl, one of the guests, ate nothing.
Mmo. Cremleux, with the lynx eye of
any hostess who bus dcodIo around her ta
bio Invited for a meal, suddenly bounced
upon her abstemious guest with that ques
tion which every lady Imagines must go
straight to tbo heart of her guests. "I am
sure, M. Rossini, you don't llko that dish ;
one can not easily please such a fine con
nolsseur as you arc." "Pardon, madame,
that is not at all the reason, but I never cat
between my breakfast and my dinner. Of
course, you will ask me why, then, did
come to a luncheon party? I will tell you.
Tho other day I was Invited to hear a per.
formanco of my 'William Tell' overture,
me moment tne allegro begins I saw
two men In the band putting their trump
ets up, but I could dot for the life of nn
hear one note; so I asked the manager why
they did not play. 'Oh, that Is very slm
pie,' ho said. 'I could not get two trump.
ctcrs, but I thought I'd get some men to
hold up tho trumpet. It always looks well-
to see trumpets, in an orchertra; but, of
course, as they can't play, you can't hear
thorn.' Now, I can't eat any moro than
they could play; but as Meyerbeor, who is
so superstitious, would havo taken it for a
uaa omen If I had sent an excuse, I
thought I would just sit behind my plate,
because It looks well to bavo old friends
sit round one's table," Temple Bar.
A President' on Brandy for Bickness.
Tho President of tho Baltimore
Medical Collcce, Dr. Uvrd. who haa
t.lmrmirvlilir tvatnH 9ni..'. ...!...... i
saya ;
I have prescribed Spoor's Port Grapo
Wine with marked and decidedlv
beneficial effects. I am prepared to
bear testimony to tho valno of hia
Pedro J. Braudy, alnu. ns a miro and
valuablo article- in all ua-wa of diaaso
in which a reliable nimulant is requir
ed. I would be happy to feel that I
wjw inatrum ntal iu luiiuoinf mv fl-
low oitlzona to uatronize these nro.
ductiona, to the exclusion of tho for
eign "doctored." and hairofully adult
orated wines and brandies with which
our peoplo are often injured.
President and Professor of OhatcU
rim and Uiseaaea of Women and
Ciuldren, Baltimore. Medical College.
A very interestinz calculation tine
reo -fitly been niido by the Statistical
uureau in Berlin. Jtour-hfibs of tho
p twer machines at present in activity.
n ma worm nave been erected during
he paa' twenty-five yeara. Thocoun
ry that possesses tho highest amount of
iori power is tho United States, with
7.500,000 horse power ; then fo'low
hni'land, with 7.000,000 : Germany.
with -1,500,001) : France, with 3.0')0..
000, and Austro-Hungary, with 1,500,
000 Theso flsrures do not includu In.
omotives of whioh thero aio 105.000
it work, with a total homo power of
,000,000. Thus tho total horao pow-
er in tno world is 4C.000.000, A
team "horao piwer' ia (univalent to
jiree actual horses' strongth, and each
iving horao represents tho strength of
even men. -i tus the total Inrao pow
er of the entire world represents the
vorkof 1,000,000.000 mm. or moro
than twice tho working population
of tbo' earth. Steam liaa thus
tripled tbo entire hunnn work powt r
of the earth.
IIOHpltill IteillUUlCH.
What aro thevf The erowtli of lntelll.
genco In medical matters has given rise to
a demand for a class of genuine, rellablo
medicines. The opportunity of the Ignor
ant quack, who grew rich curing everything
out of a single bottle has passed. To supply
Ba.o,iM.wi,jr tlfis UHUIUII till lilt PI rCIDC-
dles has been created. They ore tbo favor.
Ite prescriptions of the most famous medh
cal practloncrs of the day, gathered from
the hospitals ot London, Paris Herlln and
Vienna, i-rcscripuons wuicu cost tno
patients of these specialists from 25 to
J00, are here offered, prepared and ready
tor use, at tbo nominal price nf One Dollar
Eath. Not one of them Is a euro all i mr-h
ono has only the reasonable power nf curing
a siiiniu uisrase aim cucu one Keeps u con.
tract, Buflrrers jrom Catarrh, Diseased
Lungs, Urpncliitis, Asthma, Onniumption,
Rheumatism. Dvtnensia. Liver and Kidnnv
Complaints, Fever and Acne, Neuralgia,
rcmaie wenuntss, irfurorriices, or nervous
Debility. 'should send stauiD for detcrlntlve
catalogue to Hospital Keimdy Co , No.
8'J3J West King Bl Toronto. Oan4tl. ?f
your druggist docs not Hpep tjicso remedies
remit price and we wl( seud illrept free of
July, AukusI, Septetuber,
"At this season, when lire oners tbe greatest at
tractions and tbe moat df ltslitlul reaaurces to per
sons whose soundness ot body permits ouuof-door
exercise and amuseraenu, laulliruiloi are debar,
red troiu the oys of the summer by tiiy later, one
Ing HI' I? ".Pi"1 liumlln")r I' subieot-ohioure. In-'
eipllcabUlddtoun40Sqns Ri(eddit4llke an' la,
yUlti)e blow of tu rub sunereistrom har lerer
ui munv caiwuci n uu. noaiiauuio, anil uoprens.
naveioqsuaiaTsia tor any trustworthy reined.
uanyoiuiein. cowerer, uave lked In vain be
unusu vur iiuTu u9cu wuvrauv oi Kiya urearr
Halm, an admirable remedy tor hy fever In al
eausa they hare bsen Urnpraut ol Ely's Cream
naim. an aamiraote remedy ror Dy lever In all
Its lorms. Atirueable ta the use, entirely davold ol
ny unpleasant atter-etruoU. this Grsam Halm
Jiulckly allays lnaanuualtou and aeeore thit reus
r wuich the sunsrer has lonBd tn valu." Vrora
Hjs CMKIan Vmtu, New York" Ctty, July ls, iw ,
nitriLLKn from irl.r.Oi1
and free from Injurious oils
especially adapted to persons
Kroaiir unneniien nv ll ll..
rroatly benentted
Kf rvlne, Toplo and Alterative.
I'UltK llAltl.KY MALT WlllHKKr InsurcH a return of vigor to the stomach, a good
appetite, a rich nnd abundant hinml unit Inr-mawr-d nrsli nnd miiiciilnrtlanc. A
nnpet to, a rich and abundant
stimulant mild and Ki-ntlo In
vSa eases can Uo entirely conquered br tlio umor rcrrlnu's Mire Hsrley alt Whlskejs
X' ,,.mi.u ..... .. 'urL,lunnaanowerruisitcnKinrncr 10 mo enure system, i-m-
jw.iivo uuu, iiAiii,r.i siai.1 wiiiSKUV lias proven a meuicinai proicciion iu
thoso who pursue their avocations In the ripin air and whoso dally work calls It
?.'!,c.,;P,.l0.n.a' P.owers of endurance Ask voal nearest druggist or grocer for for
ritltlllNK'SPUItK UAIII.KV MAI.T WIII8KBV ruvlvos the energies of those worn
out with eiccsslvu bodily or mental effort and acts as a safeguard against exposure
In wet and rlgornun weather. I twill drive all malarious diseases from the system.
nam women or very venation
Malt Whiskey a powerful Invlgorant H Thn anuiyslsaa It appoitra by tho La
and helper to digestion, l'KlllIlNK'M 1 ol on every bottle! lhavoeaiefullyah
rUHB JIlAilLKY MAl.r WII1SKUV I ilyzed the l'eaa IIarlkt Malt wnis-
without unduly stlmulitlng the kid- Hkt made by M.ft J. M'errliioand nnd
Aun iiiuioaivs tni-ir ndL,.jiiibr
iiimwpnTji i, uuiiuuts oi rangu-,. nis
ens convateso iro and is a wholcsomo
promptldlt etlo Watch the label I
Nono genuine u leas bearing the slgna
Vol Baiouy all druegla
and grocers throughout
the United states and
(Dt'l-avy, cBoiacco, C&n'cj-, Fvoc'ty an notj".
Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco.
Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars t
Henry Clay, Londros, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash.
Any order for Festivals will lie supplied with the Lowest Market Prices, as follows i
ranges, Lemons, ream Nub f
Bananas, "peanVitj, lmonds, 1
-S. English Walnuts, pop orn Sails.
c. 6. Robbies,
Foreign and Domestic
Pianos, Organs, and
- - -
vc i iti tt t rt 1 1 1 .1 irict jit uni 1 in d alt Patent
slamoiilir ilifit i;uivr VKRi.
?J?.f lm?,n i.i.maies, all business
irect, neneeotn triniiot, pilent Dlnoa In loss
Wanin?totnI:K,:' ooiTti "remowuSm
We adylao If f,aUiriti.oiB or not tree ot cuartro.
Qur fee not 4u till patent Is swi irM. """I-"!
In Obtalu l'it-uta.wltli referents
dnwreel "SSSnu 8Ut' COua,y' or
C. sA SNOW & CO.,
Opposite rqtrnit on! o Wtnf.lrrtnn, T) t'
Clianici am, UautiGes llie 5i3r,
rrOlUOIfl A lllvi.n.. .L
8-10-d iw.
norsnce, Ac,
fciuoiura. I
irom ir.e jsrrnrs of Vculli. J'ollr, Vlre.1
Ci V7,f, cut3 I'omi without f2l
ail ur
Small iMiolt, with eulorwmMii'.rii,.T;.rZ! K.'
adnow. Ad.lrea tha f,body MedEi TSitLiZ
fl4Pl.iv Half And m)a,Anl.,Nl tn hrt h .Kl li-nlllf tlU
and sclds often contained In alcoliollo liquors. It
requlrlnen stimulating tonic, consumptives bein
DCl 11
Ilf.i,nmminrtr.ri hr IpnrllrtL lihrnfrlina nn n IlllircLl
For consumntltes It fs Invaluable. I'KltlllNK'S
blood and Increased flesh and musculartlsiiic,
effect,, liisncnsla. Indhrestlon and all wastlnir dl1
and persons whom a srdcntarytlinrendrrfl prone to
activity, jii entirely ireo irn-u iiihui oii.iuuuiui
Bmctals and acids nnd Is absolutely!
ypur.i." sltriiTO, Camilla Arthur uairr,
auraawiltt ur lite umpernmratv ..i'.iiivi.i
ur;iitvt nnd Wetioadpn
Sewing Machines.
AT -
- Warerooms
iiroMsnuim, pA,
Real Estate Bjught and
II I' ST IV rni.n ...
fot irsc"Ui bybV';?
n 'mwi..,':..
aierrimnti ou
m ti.i) W ''"
I'vnitra tirnernll.
nT.J iiVV ii i .V?., ""ir. low prioo.
r v k t . s c t t.u, jji mucnut
ft.. I'WU,
Ftrrr vtwzAna
BUSINESS college;
I'lOO tbf.tautSU, rhlUda.
T t m m r v u u t r mI 3 tu 4 ui o
Jf AM' AuulvvtiL liut
Coan fit Ktaiy, CkrtkUm
Woven Wire Fencing
wiro rccpouoivngo
finn TO fto ppd pnn
All MiMWirT.i1wi.Ithii. 0tMto mutrri. Bold try iimordmlrni
ninn iwiii K';n. '"'"" .
i.1?. JrI?niMioti frHi.
winr. pp.nui; '.:
. tt Chlcro..
Till. MfMlII.I.KXtW"VK?(
ai, 1H.V190 N. Market
tmilv in all pm, b 1 1 1
i H
Ihetn. w will and s.....IT
Krtci In rich lortlltj.ths trrr
t mida in
tno wwm.wnn ii tn (Hchmi-nt
a will alio itnd fr-e fr-mpia
tlnf out ;teilr and raluahl tn
MDiplei. InTCtnrnwiiaakihatrou
hiw what ra aonj. to ihM wha
mar rail at roar hcma.and aflar a
' " r Sit ""'"J10 JO" wn
vitiit. mil rnna in c Hint )
adaanfr lb INInprr pttfntt
hleh hava run oat t btrm
mnoat ft aold ror J$i:i, with Iba
ia tactitnaeia, and tiow tflli foP
I maphlna In tha wnrlif an
brlrf tnnrnctlona airtn. 1 hoia h wiita lo at at onre can J
enra ttrr tha batl arwInir.tnarMna In lh wrld. and lha
flnMl hnaorworltaof Mrh art arr abowrn torinrin Amrtc.
XJatUJUasCO.t lox 740i Auhm.Iu, Aluln.
.frsx. n patnllal sautal. w.i.
"liyathorousliknowledKeottlio natural laws
which eorcrn the onrrntionq nr (Urrnotir..
nutrition, ana by a careful application ot tbo lino
Dionortlca Of woll-mlnrtrl ,'nrn.i Mr 1 .
nro ldtil our breakrast tables with a delicately
flavored hcyenijre which may savo us many heavy
doctors' bill. ItUbythe jmicIous uso ot eucft
artlclra of diet that n constitution may bo gradual,
lr bul t un unt lstronir nnnncrh in r..i,i ,,.., ,.
deney to dl-eaao. Hundreds ot subtlo maladlcH
aro noatlng around uuroidy to attack wherever
therplsa weak point. Wo may escape many n
ratal shaft bv keenlmvo'irnplvrHa won rnrttnn, i.i.
pure blood and a properly nourished tramo."-C7ifi
nerrlm Uatelte. iliulo simply with bolllnc water
?rJn.',lk: .f014 0DlJr ,n hi,r Pound tins, by Uroccrs.
labelled thus:
nomojopathto Cbcmlits,
london, lEngland.
oct, Zli-U-f.t.
BEST .'m.
a i Mn'siir na7"
9 JJJifeiJs
I kWl'sEf .11 AtlXa? 3
.1 'a-on m . l
IILLa rillP-
r A. M. A,
1 83 10 10 u IS
10 S3 C 80
.... 10 i) 8 84
1 68 10 SO t 40
2 14 10 63 0 68
2 18 11 00 7 05
S4 11 07 7 12
2 !9 11 16 7 m
.... 11 22 7 J7
.... 11 20 7 31
... 11 30 7 35
2 48 11 87 7 42
2 M II 44 7 4
2 6'J 11 48 55
8 09 11 69 8 P8
3 19 12 OS 8 17
3 20 12 18 8 21
12 20 8 3.4
3 85 12 25 8 3.1
8 39 12 80 8 38
3 43 12 37 8 46
.... 12 41 8 49
13 45 8 63
3 62 12 50 8 63
3 56 12 65 0 3
4 01 1 03
1 11
1 19
1 25
4 22 1 30 9
ah r u p
9 60 2 05 6
9 65 .... 62
10 00 2 14 6 30
10 08 2 21 6 37
10 18 2 26 6 41
10 22 2 34 G 60
10 27 2 39 6 66
10 80 ... 6 69
10 81 2 47 7 03
10 S3 2 tO 7 07
10 42 2 64 7 13
10 47 2 69 7 10
10 61 8 0.1 7 21
10 55 3 06 7 25
11 02 3 19 7 43
11 12 8 29 7 66
II 22 3 89 8 07
II 28 8 45 8 13
11 37 3 61 8 2i
3 57 8 2?
11 41 4 01 8 31
11 62 4 05 8 3f
11 69 4 12 8 41
12 05 4 18 8 47
12 10 4 24 8 62
12 15 4 29 8 67
12 30 4 46 9 10
4 64 9 2.1
12 40 5 00 9 28
12 &" 5 15 9 45
r H P M P H
Cameron. s KS
Chulasky s (k)
Danville c 08
Catawlssa c 23
Kupert... g 3d
Uloomsburg 6 36
Kspy, . 6 42
Lime ltldge 6 60
willow (irovo... 6 64
Urlarcreek o 6S
Ucrwlck .... 7 05
lleach Haven 7 11
lllek's Ferry 7 18
Sulckshlnny . 7 BO
Hunlock'a 7 48
Nantlcoko 7 60
Avondalo 7 54
lyinouth 7 sn
l'ljmoutli Junction,.... 8 0.1
Kingston 8 os
ucnneir, 8 12
Alnltby 8 17
Wyoming 8 sa
WcBt Huston 8 57
lltlston ..., a 33
Lackawanna 8 40
. 8 48
. 8 64
. 9 00
Bollevue r, if
Taylorvliie. 6 so
Lackawanna .... a si
ltttston 6 ar,
WestnttBton g 43
Wyoming. 6 7
Maltby c si
lien net t .., r, 65
Kingston 6 68
riymouthjunctlou 7115
Plymouth 7 10
Avondale. t 14
Nantlcoke 7 19
Hunlock'a 7 aa
Slitckshlnny 7 47
Hick's Kerry. 7 bs
lleach Haven 8 01
lierwlck s 07
nnarcroek. ..., 8 13
willow drove 8 l
Lime ltldge. . g 20
K?pyv 8 s
Uloomsburt; 8 sa
Huncrt b 87
Oatnwlssa s a
Danville e 67
Chulasky. 9 0.1
Cameron a 07
ii..Ain.ii. . l "upert with rhlladflphla e,
ii?i5S,"J lrSa(1 ,or Tamanend, Tamaqnh, will,
lamsport, Hunbury. PottBVlllc. f-te. At Korthum.
Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren, corry nnd Erie!
'V. if. HALSTF.AD. lien. Man.,
Scranton, l'a
Pennsylvania Hailroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
in effect MAY li 1880. Train leave feunbuty
y.toa. m.,
Hunrtay), tor I
arrtvlng at I
o.oui..ia.j uauimore, 2.60 P.m.: Wasblnctoii
4.00 p. m connecting at, V
uuoaeipnta ror all t
lladelphla for all sen
.rcS. luruBD passenger coach to
dally except SundayJ.forliarSsbunYlnFrme
SSfn S,,!aP " l'U?iadeDlP h" a
f.45 p. m. : Washington, 8.1 0 p. m. Tarlor car
through to" Phlladefnhla and pasMneer coach?a
through to Philadelphia and Litimorf. f0l":tl8
HaStlmo a1 ffi28 m- L'cw Vork ain.
pSlii?JS ff.5,i1llvm:i Washington cso a. m.i
J.hiiSttc'ptB91Tlr,,m IlnrrtsTiurB to Phlladel
Pi.fZ"1 Newport. Philadelphia paBsenVcra can
remain In
Hlfnf 11.4lain., .7 . .
twerroodlate stations, arpvlnc at l'hlladelnhta
Bleeping cars ana pasaeneer cnachefl to l'tatiArini.
2.E0 ft. m nntha-p. t.m.
buv d ihtermcdla-te MaUonrtV.nga'llaltl'
SJCJf i0 WashBn 8.43. and through Pull.
S?int h,P'Se cara t0 u"lmore and Washington,
and througe pasitenger o jaohei to llaltlmoro. '
5.10a. m. Krln Mall faliv .
ter'ilSilr?!Rl,a "J 2. In"edlate &Uom. Kocbes
tor, llurraro urd Niagara Valla, with u,Km
Ko?n?tterT'lr8 1 PaMenBr oMhea to Krte and
ni!3iT.Iie"l,.ElIPreBa (dally i toi itxic naven
and Intermediate Btatloru. iiavm
vir iSnn.i.iJjl'TP' Wn.n-
tjjfijj K .hosTe?.-irufralo and with
uo'vo0 Skin"t.yje.w.",r eIccpt Sunday)for He.
thiiiS..K and.lutermcdlale stations, with
Ihrniien psBsenger coaches tn itpnnvn nn
Ki nrtn.R' K; u!!l,laln,nort K'prefs (dally except
lloni ' Vllllari.sportand inUnnedlato uta-
Tuiiouan TOAINM roil BDNuiaiT yiioM tub
.i;?."" "pi?m leaves rhuadelnhia R.m.
V in . .
uiiaueipnte aridinrouirh DflAftnn
coarnea frnm phifai jini.u v:..?r" 'a
ukuuuij, O.oU p. in. Willi tliriir.K
& oil PrA I Wasmngtou 2k6iT rn
A&WflMP.B, , Phll.del.
more. 11.20 n. m. VrtiiTi,-.' "-ry . "
,' Ui.f?,.m"(dailf ."rrlvingat Hunbury 5.10
a. m.,
through P.saengeTeoVoho,",Vom"lihYK
MUSi,JT.,5X!!,.?!5''.,.!.T"N WII.HKHHAItltK
Inptut&m-ivrTy iiarPSiSaftftVa-VT;
ving at liloom yerrr4.80 p, tn Hunbury isop. ror
Jl!i''t.fcV.arre Blal1 leaves bunbury 10 00 a. m.. a
inSLw. Ktrr m.wiiketuaViS
Sunday aooommodatlon loaves Wllkes-Uarre 6:10
?fSp. nS ' liloe,nI'')r. P-m.. HunbSry
ih n m t,-ttr o-f .trniw, irrt
f aru,. arilii -Ku'uu;' OiZiSSai
July IKd-ttr
l-miadeiphla and llaltlmdre. ",u
PWai i ia I ' mTf 8u'.X,f ll "-00 tt-m- I'nl'aoei.
moro'.' 0.' ,i.WH9. . "am.
ouuaar amv nt? ot