lUjli 1 liiimiiimimi niiilii-inrr-r- ".y1 11 1 '",mn. swhihmimiwihiiiiiM ij THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. rtT POWDER Absolutely Pure. ff'spiirlirn i'i cvarloi. Aimrrelot purity luoneth ana wholesomoness. Mora economical conn tho ordinary kinds, ana cannot bo sold In wmpoutlon with the multitude of low teat, short eight alum or phosphate powders. Sola only in cans. lioriLlHtlNn l'owDin Co., 106 Wall St., N.Y. The Columbian republished every Friday. Subscription price, f l.oo a year. Entered at the If it Office at llloomaburg, Pa., as (second class matter, March 1, 1933. ItLOOMSBUPAZZ FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1889." CORRECT Ulll.ltOiD Till TaBLK. I1LOOMSBUUU S.SULUVAN HAIUIO D Taking effect MONDAY, NOVJJMllKIt 20. is1. SOUTH. NOHTII. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Ly. Ly. 'STATIONS, r. M. r. H. A.u. a.m. p. u, r. m. Hloomabun.', 1 o.i a on s m a a o ) Main street 0 13 U M 7 68 sm 6 51 Irondale 0 l 12 so V M 8 43 a 42 in Taper Milt 0 08 Hi 40 7 48 8 59 V! ft! 7 01 LlgMstreet 0 05 U 31 7 45 8 OD S 57 7 03 O'anzoVllle 5 51 12 '20 7 35 10 3 20 7 10 Forks, 5 45 11 00 7 20 9 S3 3 34 7 31 'l'Ubbs 5 42 11 M 7 15 30 3 42 7 30 Stillwater-..-.... 5 37 11 45 7 10 9 37 3 50 7 41 llenton, B 28 11 30 7 00 9 47 I 15 7 52 Kdsons,. 5 21 11 20 0 52 9 61 t 20 7 69 Coles Creek 6 20 11 15 tl 52 PHI 21 n ft) Suzarloaf, o 15 11 lo 0 44 10 OJ I m s 05 Laubachs, S 11 11 05 0 45 10 01 4 31 8 10 central. 5 0U 10 67 6 38 10 12 4 1) 8 15 EcllO Tark 5 01 10 62 6 11 1.1 4 41 H 19 Jamison city.... 5 oo 10 45 o 39 10 20 4 to 8 25 Lv. Ly. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. M. A. M. A. M. A. u. r. X. 1'. II. Trains onthol'. H. It. It. lcavo Itupertis follows : HOKTlt. 80PT1I. 7.12 a.m. 11:02 a. m. 3:31 p. m. 6:23 p. m. 0 Tralnson the D. L. & W. it. H.loavo Bloomsbure; as follows: wortii. Boom. 7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10:57 a. m. 12:00 p. m. 2:35 p. ra. 4:15 p. m. c:08 p. m. .8:17 p. m. Tralnson the N.ftW. B. Kallwaypass Bloom Ferry as follows 1 , NORTH, sotrrn. 10:48 a. m. 7 p. m. p. m. 4-30 p. m. SUNDAY. koktii. sooth. 10:43 a m 6:39 p m 8AI.F.H. Atoust 3t, Mr9. K. O. llnpcnbucli, ad mtnUtrlx of J. J. UaRenlmcli, deceased will sell 11 spring waROn, slcle;li, pnd a lot of wheelwright tools, at 8. Knorr's shop in Bloomsburg, at 1 p. m. For Sai.k A. desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, ens and steam. Apply to jan20tf. Jj. N. Mover. Fob Balk. A farm about a milo from Afton, containing GO acres, all under culti vation, with good bidldinga, with all this year's crops, farming implements and stock will be sold at privato Bale. For particu lars tnmiiro of J. S. Williams, Uloomsburg. 7-20 If. Fob Sai.k. A lino farm containing eighty-six ncrcs, situate in Columbia Coun ty, about 2.10 yards from D. h. & W. H. H., and having upon it fine large buildings, a never falling spring of water, Is offered for sale upon easy tcrm. Address to GEO. H. KEIMENSNYDKR, 7-19-tf. Sunbury, North'd. Co., I'a. Foil Balk A valuable vacant lot on Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street, ten dwellings and a good stoio property in TJloomaburg. Six farms, two grist mills and two store properties In Col. Co. A good farm of 307 acres with gold build ings in Virginia and two farms in Kansas by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Real Estato Act, Bloomsburg Pa. Lost Nbab Cknthal A setter dog, color, light brown and 5vhite, Ins a whltn nose, and sma'l cars for a setter, carries them a little up. Thu finder will bo euitab ly rewarded by informing or returning to W. F. IiomNK, Uloomsburg. I'a. Prrnoiinl. John O. Wenner of Cambra was in town on Monday. R. C. Ncal and Arthur A. Clark of liar risburg, spent last Sunday in town. Fred Theme of Philadelphia is spending his vacation In town. B. F. Zarr, Esq. has gone to the Granger picnic at Williams' Grove. Misses Annie and Vidi Miller nnd Lottio Kubn have returned from tho seashore. Hev. Wm. E. Fischer and wife of Centre Hall, were in town Wednesday and Thurs day, looking for a suitable house to rent. E. M. Tewsbury and family of Catawlssa nre attending the Granger picnic at Wil liams' Giovo this week. Mahlon Hamlin, of Catawissa, siys tho XeietJlcm, has applied for a patent on a uelf.olling car wheel and a car wheel box. Joseph II. Sands of Howling Green, Ohio, who camo cast during tho illness of his brother, James P. Bands, returned homo on Monday. Charles W. McKclvy returned from Eaglesmcro on Saturday. Mr. John Lime burner of Philadelphia camo down with him and Is his guest. Miss Gertrude Lashell, who has been ono of tho faculty of tho Normal School for several years, has resigned, and was mar rlcd last week to William E. Wagner of Gordon, at tho resldmco of her brother in Ccntralla. b. W. Dickson Ean.. and J. F. Kurtz of Berwick ; M. P. Lutz, Mrs. Lutz and Maud O. Walker of Bloomsburg , J. tt. Patton of Millvillci and W. A. Pitts and wlfo of Orangevlllo attended tho Prohibition con. vention at Harrisburg on Wednesday. Oacoby's Oyster Bay will open on Sat urday. Tho boss sunllower of Urlarcreek town ehip measures 47 Inches In circumference. Thn limn nfwmunt of town taxes to tho treasurer has been extended to Sept, 5. L. I). Case has been oppoluted a store, keeper and gauger for tho 12th district. A meeting of tho officers ot tho Agrlcui. tural Society will bo held 011 Saturday. B. T, Laycock has been appointed post master at Wyoming. Will llio person who borro5vcd, Geo. E. Klwell's two volumes ot Troubat & Hftly. plcaso report to llio owner? John Gunton, a brother of uur towns man T, W. Gunton, was bulled at Ben. nctts, Luzerne county, on Monday, An examination of teachers will bo at Light Street, Bcpt 2nd. J, S. Giiiuks held The Seven Days of Hie Week Society, of tho Presbyterian Church will havo a ealo, with refreshments, Thursday evening Aug. 29, at Mr. David Sheep's ou East Street. kit' k. V ' ss rJtM Tho M. K. Sunday school held a basket plcnlo at Central I'ark on Thursday. A number of dcpradatlons havo rcconlly licon committed In Bugatloaf township. Goods havo bcon stolen from several shops. Tho regular meotlug of tho W. O. T. U. will bo held on Monday evening Sept. 2nd at 7:30 oclock, at their rooms. Col, John Jameson Is now engaged in building a railroad in Tcnnessoo, for which ho ha9 tho contract. Five men wcro killed at tho Towanda Nail Works on Tuesday, by tho explosion of a boiler. A number of others woro hurl. Tho advertisements of G. W. Kcltcr and Miss Wasley are changed this week. Read them, Tho Normal School will open on Tuesday. Alrendy a larger numocr of applicants havo been enrolled than ever beforo at this tlmo of tho year. Ruv. Sahm, Lutheran minister from Catiwlssa, will preach In tho Evangelical Church, on next Sunday ovenlug at 7:30 o'clock. Tho Dlstln Cornet Works will not bo moved from their present location at Crcs sona to Wllllamsport, as announced, but to Pottsvllle. Thcro will bo a festival in tho gtovo at St James Church in Fisblngcreek Twp. on tho afternoon and evening of Saturday Sept the 7th. For school books, stationery, slates, pen cils, tablets and everything needed by stu dents, call at tho store of W. II. Brooke & Co., where a largo assortment can be seen. W. U. Brooke & Co. nro fully prepared for tho trade that will be brisk at tho open ing of tho schools, Everything in tho sta tionery and school book lino will be found on their shelves. Harvest Services will be held as follows; On next Sunday, Sept 1, Illdlay, at 10:30 n. m. and Urlarcrcok at 2:30 p. m. and on Sunday Sept. tho 8th, Zlon at 10:30 a. m. and St. James at 2:15 p .111. B. F. Savago of Benton on Monday paid over money In his hands as executor of his futhcr's estate under a citation issued to him to do so. Tho p irty who cited him ho states did not appear. Already a large freight trafllo has been established at Bloomsburg on tho P. & H. road sncc the connection with Rupert. Additional facilities for freight and passen gers will bo added as rapidly as possible. Announcement has been made that Rev. F. P. Manhardt, Jale p,istor of tho Luthe ran church of this place, nnd Miss Katrina Born, daughter of Dr. P. Born ot Scllns grovo will bo nwricd ThursJay of next week, September 5th. Miss Fannie McIIcnry, daughter of lion. James Mcilenry of Cambra died at her homo on Thursdiy of last week, aged about 40 years. Slio was an cstlmtble lady and her (loath brings sorrow to many hearts. The remains were Interred at Still water on Saturdiy afternoon. Willlam.C. Johnston of Danville has been renominated again by tho Democrats of Montour county for Register and Recorder. He has held the ollbo for many years, and tils repeated nomination te. m after term, almost without opposition, shows that the democracy of Montour appreclato the merits of a C' potent and faithful official. Thero has liri n a number of social events recnlly. Mr. Osvatd entertained a few friends on Fiiilay evening j on Monday night Miss M irllia Clurk and Miss Annie Ent each give sm ill dancing pirttes, and on Wednesday night about thirty couples danced the German tit Grange Hall, under the lead of Mr. John LI '11 (.burner. More parties nre cxnr.ud. The American Mechanics wcro in no way responsible for any disorderly conduct that occurred nt their recent excursion to Central Park. At the grove the best of order prevailed. The fight spoken of last week was a half mile away. With so largo s crowd, of course it was Imposslblo to prevent somo boisterous persons from attending. The olllco of the Bloomsburg Banking Company is undergoing lepairs and im. provemeuts. Tho counter now occupies two sides of tho room, nnd tho entrance to the President's office lias been changed so that access can be had from tho outer room and yet make it more pi ivatc. Now paint and paper will also brighten up the appear, nnco very much. The public schools will open on Tuesday next. The High School building will not be ready for occupancy for a few weeks, but the Third street and Fifth street schools will open nnd be conducted as heretofore, Monday is tho regular timo'for opening the schools, but as the first Monday of Sep tember is a legal holiday established by the legislature, and known as "Labor Day," tho opening Is postponed until next day. The following letter? arc held at Blooms burg, Pa., post-office, nnd will bi sent to tho dead letter office, Sep. 3, 1889: Mr. Warren Blttcnbendcr, Mrs. Hallanln, Mrs. M. A. Sutton, Mlnnlo Yoll. Poisons calling for these letters plcaso say, they wcro advertised Aug, 20, 1889. CiEOllQE A. Claiik, I'. M. There will bo a reunion of tho 133 Regl mcnt P. V. at Bcranton, on September 17 Company E. went from this county, M, Whltmoyer being Captain. This Is tho second reunion, and will bo held on tho anniversary of tho battlo of Anticlam. Members of tho regiment can obtain any desired information by addiees C. P. Sloan, Bloomsburg, Pa. A movement Is on foot to organize a stock company In Catawlssa anu puicuaso tne paper mill. Such an enterprise 5yould bo a great thing for that town, us It would give work to nt mcrous hands, and would soon bring tenants Into tho many vacant houses. Tho proposition is to put lu a plant that will inuUo paper out of tho pulp uow made tbcio. Tho present plant Is an extensive and expensive one, but It make only pulp out of wood, that must bo shipped away to distant mills, and tho freight on this heavy material cats up the profit. Tho capitalists of Catawlssa will do a wlso thing for them selves as well as tho community if they carry out thu scheme uow under consider atinn. Clark & Son havo wiped their store build ing for steuin heul, nnd placed radiators in tho upper doors. The ne5v addition .to the buIUllng Is nearly completed. Tho base. ment U Urge, well lighted and handsomely finished, uud will mako a very convenient business place. Tho first Iloor will be used by them as a storo room, and tho second floor will probably bo for ront. Tho storo space of this firm Is three times us largo as it was when Mr. Clark first went into the meicnnttle business, when tho firm was Clark & Wolf. This storo U Immense, and it Is well stocked throughout. They aro an enterprising firm and well deserve tho prosperity that lias attended them. a partial paralytic Tho Luzcrno republicans havo rcnoml. natcd Judgo Rice, Somo changes and Improvements aro being mado In tho law offico of B, F. Zarr, Esq. Miss Amelia Armstrong's school for boys nnd girls wilt reopen Monday, Sept. 2, 1880. 8 2-1 2w. Pimples, bolls and other humors aro ltablo to appear when tho blood gots heat, cd. To euro thorn, tako Hood's Sarsapa. rllla. Prof. E. B. Gumpert, of Plcrco Collcgo nf Business 017 and 010 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, was In town last week In tho Interest of that institution. Twelvchun. drcd and stxty-ntne students attendod last season. Tho ono feature about Pierce's Business Collcgo which has added to Us popularity, Is tho fact that tt has succeeded in finding doslrable positions for such ot its graduates as were unprovided for in that respect. Tho college Is in the Record imlldlng, one of tho finest In Philadelphia. A faculty of more than a score of practical men, Includes book-keepers from counting bouses, teaching book-keeping, lawyers teaching business forms, high school ftla clpals teaching English branches law re porters teaching short hand and typo writ Ing. Thomas May Plcrco M. A. Is tho Principal and founder. ISOTIIS PROM F.HPV, Mr. Frank Hummel Is reported to havo caught a largo fish in tho North Branch on last Saturday evening, wolghlng oyer ele ven pounds. Espy Is, therefore, keeping abreast with tho times la fishing as well as In other affairs. On Monday afternoon ofithls week there was a special meeting of tho W. O. T. U. for tho purpose of electing delegates to at tend tho semi-annual convention to bo held on Tuesday and Wcdnendty of next week at Catawlssa. The delegates elected aro Mrs. Emma Fnhrlnger of tho M. E nnd Mrs. Ellio Deltcrlch of tho Lutheran church. Tho ladles from Espy are qullo enthusi astic in their work of the W. C. T. U. and deeply Interested in this convention. Doubtless many besides tho delegates will bo in attendance. Mrs. Prof. J. R. Dlmm, D. D. of Sehns grovc, Pa., having been elected to trnvel through tho district of the Susquehanna Synod of tho Lutheran church in tho in terests ot Home and Foreign Missions Is now prosecuting her work, and will lec ture In the Lutheran church at Eipy Tues day evening Aug. 27lh, Her special work Is to organize, encourago and strengthen societies already in existence. Tho S. 8 teachers meeting on iMonday ovenlngsjis being well attended, and tho interest is growing. The meeting' is con ducted by thej pastor of the Lutheran church. Tho midsummer commissions of tho Lutheran church in tho Espy pastorate have been held during tho present month. Pastoral letters were addressed to all tho members, and tbey were accompanied bv a small beneficence envelope, soliciting con tributions for Home and Foreign Missions. Sixteen adult members wero added to tho respective churches constituting the pas torato and tho benevolent contributions amounted to $13.09. Theodora Herman, tho youngest son of Louise and Dr. F. W. Redeker, birn Dec. 13th, 1883, departed this lite Aug 18th, 1889 The cause of death was congestion of tho brain. The esteemed Dr. and his family have tho sympathy of the commun ity In their deep bereavement, as manifest ed by tho largo attendanco at the Mineral services which were held at thu house of mourning, Rev. A. R. Glaze, assisted by Rev. R. Malallcu, officlttlng. Council I'rocceiluiiiH. An adjourned meeting of the town coun cil was held ou Iho eveningi of Aug. 22. Present, Harman, President, and members Felterman, Gross, Rlnglur, Yost and Bch winn. Geo. E. Elwell app.'ars and presents a petition relating to privato sewer on Wit man's alley. Mr. Ringler moves that tho petition bo file J, and that a committee of three bo aopolntcd to Investigate thu mat tor, carried. Tho chair appointed as such commltlco Messrs. Ringler, Yost and Wells. P. E. Knnpp appears and enters com plaint regarding condition nf culvert under Iron street near his resldoi cc, which on account of water pipe leaves in sufficient space to carry off water, and at each rain much damage is done to his property. The location for fire hydrant at West and Eighth streets was fixed on curb lino of West street. Mr. Ringler raoves that tho resolution passed at last meeting authorizing an or. dinanco for tho opening of Eist Third street, be recon'idered. Beconded by Mr. Grosa. Tho vote was as follows: Yeas, Fcttcrman, Gross, Ringler, Harman, Nays, Yost, Schwinn, carried. Mr. Ringler moves that parties interest- cd be notified that they will bo heard in relation to tho proposition beforo tho coun cil to open East Third street to East street by an extension running In a lino parallel with the lino of lots between East street and Chcstuut alley, at a meeting of the council to bo belli Sept. 4, at 8 p. m. Sec onded by Mr. Gross, carried, On motion adjourned to Bcpt. i, at B p. ni. Two Yenrri. . LAST YliAl!, rhey strolled on tho beach by the bright summer sea, Ho and she. And they never paid any attontion to me, Ho and she. , His air was superb, and to all that he said. Sho modestly listened and. bung down her head, Whllo with swift fiylug blushes her fuco grew red, Dear me. II. THIS YEAB. Again they aro seen on tho beach by the sea, She and He. That they aro married this year you will quickly agree, Sho and Ho. In silence he stalks, whllo sho lays down tho law, A man more submUslvo the world novcr saw, He's lcarucd (lu)t a kitten has claws In her paw, Pear mo, -.v. Y. Herald, A I'aiiilly Gntlierliiir. Havo you a father? Havo you a mother? Havo you a son or daughter, sister or a brother who has not yet taken Kemp's Dal earn for tho Throat and Lungs, tho guar. ranteed remedy for tho cure ot Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup and all Throat and Lung troubles? If so, when a sample bottle Is gladly given to you frte by any druggist, and the largo size costs only 60c end $1.00. EnosJacoby had stroko on Monday. CJimvn. Editors Cot.uuntAK 1 Allow spaco enough in your nowsy paper for a few items from this place. Mrs. J. W. Kilcheu and son Elmer spent Sunday 25th Inst, with Mrs. Erwln Dilts at this place. O. E. Mann, our operator and agent of Laubachs station, has returned homo from his raoatlon, nnd Is again to bo found at his post ot duty. Mr. Jno. 11. Blue ot Pottsgrovc, acted In his placo during his absence Mr, B. R. Laub&ch, Aaron Hons, Ralph Mostcllor and Hcrvcy Long, accompanied by their lady friends, spent Sunday at liar vcyvlllo campmectlng. They report an excellent tlmo, and very largo attendanco. B R. Iiaubacb, has completed his deliv ery nf tho history ot Johnstown flood, everybody appears to bo satisfied. Tho young child of Cbas. McAfee, which was quite sick, is convalescing slowly, Dr. Patterson of Benton being tho attending physician. Quito a number ot our young folks con template attending campmectlng at Jack son next Sunday, Sept. 1, 1880. O. M. Laubach and A. L. Fritz visited Stillwater friends Saturday 24th Inst. Miss Lena Colo of Jamison City, who Is tcachlqg our school here, Is meeting with grand success ; for her first term she Is cer tainly proving a competent teacher. A young son ot Mr. & Mrs. II. E. Bar nlngcr ot Central, died Saturday forenoon, Interred nt Coles Creek cemetery, Tues day, 27lb, Thu short telegraph lino from Laubach station to Guava Post offico was put In op eration Mond ly, with B. It. Laubach and O. F. Mann as operators. "Honr." XIic Power 01 tlic lrcHM. HE KNEW WHAT WOULD UK DONB TO A CANDI DATE. "Up In my country,"; said a Congress man, "thcro Is nn old chap who lives on a farm three miles out. It is a fine farm and old Hoxey had a tidy penny put by. But bu has an overweening ambition to bo a politician, Last fall ho was nominated for County Surveyor. As soon as the nomina tion as mado ho proceeded to fill up him self and tho crowd. About 10 o'clock In tho evening he announced his departure " 'Mush go home," said ho. 'Hie 'portant bishness to home. Good hie good even', boysh. Mush tell M'rla of this nomlnashun. Mee hlc meecher on 'lec tion day. Whazzcr rnazzer wiz Hoxey 1 lie's a' ri'.' "He unhitched bis span and after sev eral futile efforts climbed into tho Jackson wagon and started home. Tho docile horses knew the way and when he pulled them into the ditch in his weary efforts to Increase their speed would patiently climb back into tbo road and go on. Finally they wheeled into ills yard and stopped by tho kitchen door. Hoxey promptly tumb led out and crawled Into the house, where he called his wife. She had retired, but came out, candle In hand. "M'ria,' said he, gravely, steadying him self by tho table.i'was any cr folks ever In prlshon?" "Why, no, John. What la tho matter? "He waved lur Into silenco. 'Wash hlc washer ff zzer hung?' "No, Indeed. Ho was as respec ' "Jew ever hlc M'ria jew ever do any thing wrong 'fore I hlc 'foro I married you V Certainly not. Why do you ask such questions ?' "M'ria, I've been nominated for County Sh'veyor 'it 'f you've ever done hie done anything wrong it'll all be In she papers In sh' morning. IfiwAmjIon JW. 'run hiiamoiciis faux. CONDITIONS THAT ABE BOUND TO MAKE IT A QllAND BUUOESS. When the Bhamokln driving park nnd agricultural association opens its gates for tho first annual fair which begins on Sep tember 10 and lasts until the 14th, the visi tors who c me to tho exhibition will see ono of tho finest fair grounds and most complcto buildings In tho State. The track Isnn elegant half mile ono and is ac knowledged by turfmen to bo ono of the very best, but tho stables aro tbo special pride of the association, well built, large and commodious and supplied abundantly with pure mountain water they have not their equal in the State. Tho grand stand large and convenient, seating 2,000 people Tho grounds arc easy ot access, the Reading; Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley railroads running right to thu gates of the park. Surrounded by rich farming country tho agricultural exhibit is bound to bo a fine one. Shamokin's hotel ac omodatlons aro am ple comparatively speaking, greater than many cities, and the people of tho town and officers of tho association are such that tho welcome extended to visitors will bo a kind and courteous one. T.lHt 01 Causes lor Trial nt Scpteiu ler Term, A. . 1889. M. A. Mansfield vs. F. L Crano, William It. Bard vs. John Mordan, ct al. W. A. M. Grlcr vs. James McAlarnry, el al. Joseph CIcwcll's, Admr. vs. Abigail Weaver, ct al. City of Philadelphia Trustee vs. Georgo Raup. 0. W. McKclvy, ct al. vs. O. B. Brock. way, ct al. Isaac O. Burrell vs. P. & R. R. It. Co, ct al. Curtis Mfg. Co. vs. Clark I. Thomas. M. A. Marklo vs. Borough ot Berwick. John W. Hoffman vs. B, & S. R. R. Co. E. W. M. Low vs. B. & S. It. R. Co. Jacob Gould vrt. Charles Hughes. Pliebu Salmon's Admr. vs. J, S. Bach man, ct al. Frances Uottscball vs. Jeremiah Reeder L. N. Leo & Ilro. va. Bllas Hoflnaglc. Martha Ycsger, ct al. vs. William Adams et al. William Rabb vs. Bernard Stohner, et al. Thomas W. Edgar vs. 0. R. Cox. Ablglal Colo vs. O, W. Eves. A. M. Harvey vs. Valentino Btout, et al P. As R. R. It. Co. vs. Col. Co. A. II, & M, Association. Catharine Litwllcr vs, Henry Litwllcr. S. A. Smith vs, George Farvcr, Curd r 'I'liaiiku, If tho proprietor ot Kemp's Balsam should publish a card of tbankB, contain Ing expressions ot gratitude which come to him daily from those who havo been cured of scycre throat aud lung troubles by the use ot Kemp's Balsam, It would fill a fair. sized book. How much better to Invito all to call on any druggist and get a free sam plo bottle that you may test for yourself its power. Large bottles 60c and 1. 00. Ilou't I)eNialr. it you aro weaic anil weary from some so-called chronic disease, don't give up, Sulphur Bitters has given liopo to many invalids, wbero hitherto thero was nothing but despair. It will build up and renew your wholo system. JU'Uur Wecily Amtri can. Muticy Valley I'nlr. TheJMuncy Valley Fair will bo hold on tho grounds In Iliighcsvllto on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Scptom. bcr 25th, 20lli, 27lh, and 28th, 1889. The premium list has been revised and enlarg ed. Particular attention will bo given to hurso racing. Tho track will bo put In better condition than over before. This Is the only fair In Lycoming county and should bo liberally patronized by tho farm, era aud others of this and adjoining count Ics. Tho premium list wlllisoon bo ready for distribution. Cut UnlcH to tlic Went. Cheap tickets to all points In Kansas, Colorado, Indian Territory (Oklahoma), Texas, and other Stales anil Territories In the West, will bo sold by tho Santa Fo Route from Chicago and other points along fie lino, on August 0 and 20 t September 10 nnd 21 and October 8. For particulars ask your Ticket Agent or write to John Byrne, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Banta Fo Route, Chlca go. 8-30-tf. A CIIAT4CI: To makea visit to tbo great farms ot Kan sas, Nebraska, Arkansas and Texas at ONK-rtALv fabe is offered by tbo Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. Sco cari headed Harvest Excursions. lw. Curd of TlinnUH. Mrs. Philip Applcman and family return their sincere and heartfelt thanks to their many friends who so kindly tendered their nsslstanco during their lato bereavement in tho loss of husband, father and grand father. Alice M. Utt. Llfo slzo crayons in gold frames $10. only tf Vt'KUllp Bros. Consumption Hurcly Cured To TnK Editob Please Inform your read era that I havo a positive remedy for the abovo named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send wo bottles of ray remedy vase to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their oxpross and put otllc address. Respectfully, T. A. BLOCUAt M. C..181 Pearl St., New York. It Is tlie Expcrleucc ot Multitude Of Intelligent people that a perscrvlng use of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Re medy, of Rondout, N. Y., will cure Fever nnd Ague, Biliousness, Rheumatism, De bility of tho Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and Bladder, nnd all disorders arising from an Impure stato of tho blood, when no other medicine or treatment has been of any permanent benefit. 840 4w. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Dby u tick, we gate her Castor! A. When the was & Child, ahe cried for CMtorU, When she became Miss, ahe clung to Cutorte, When she hid Children, she et them Cutorls. WANAMAKER S. rniLADiLrniA, Monday, July 13, 1583. Closed Saturdays at i P. M. If your buying thought is Dress Goods, write to us stating the kind of fabric you -have in mind, or the purpose for which you desire to use it, with the price you wish to pay, ana we will promptly place in your hands samples of the best we can supply at the price. That should mean the best anywhere, for the Wanamaker stock of Dress Goods is the largest and best selected we know of in the world. If you do not know the technical name of the goods, no matter; tell us how they look to your eyes, or how you suppose they look, ana we win una them. Just so of anything else; set tle on what you want, as near as may be and write for it. bporttng things, Fishing tackle, Furnisning goods, Toilet articles, Millinery fixings, Books of e.very sort, and the thousand other things for home use or wear or house decorating that we have a store lull ot. ti. John Wanamaker. LOCAL MUTICES. nluoded Fowls. Pit Games. Grist Sbiwlnecks. Heath. woods, Black B. Reds, tbm, will stay to win, EggB, 18 for $1. Satisfaction Guaranteed, UII.L.IAU UKNN1H, tf. Bloomsburg, Pa. (Mention thtspaper.) Durinir tho month of August we will clvo a discount ot 10 per cent, of! ot all gcods. 11. W. W. W. Westou was in town yesterday, distributing samples ot tho noted "Curtis Compound" manufactured uy 1. a. iiaca, Wholesalo Druggist, Bcranton i'a, Try Curtis Compound. Trv Curtis Compound, Blood, Liver, and Kidney Purifier. Try Curtis Compound, blood, liver and kidney punner. Try Curtis Compound. Try Curtis Compound, kidney purlller. Try Curtis Compound. blood, liver aud Try Curtis Compound, kidney purlller, blood, liver and Try Curtis Compound. Durinir tho month ot August wo will give you a discount of 10 per cent, oil all goods. licet Colored French Satlnes Sdo with disconul ot lOo oil at 11. W. B LOAN'S. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3. doz. Life size Crayons only $10,00. Viewing, copying and enlarging, Instant process used. tf. DEATH. Died In Orangevlllo August S3, Mrs, Borah Ke!iu,ago85yeara9mo. and 15 days, 1 1 mm it co, When school opens, as it soon will, wo trust it will bo found that all tho scholars nnd teach ers htivo had a pleasant vnca' tion tuitl with bright eyes nnd good licnllh nro n3 ready tor the work ot next term na we are. When wo say wo aro ready we don t mean wo nro ready to go to school, but tbnt wo are ready to iurnish tho teachors mid schol ars with everything they may need in the way of school sup ines. While tho boys nnd girls nivo been enioying themselves with base bull, lawn tennis, cro quet nnd the other nmusemcnts of tho season, wo havo had in mind what they would want next, and have filled our shelves with school books, tablets, paper, pens, inks, in fact everything used nbout the school-room from a slate pencil to an utlabridged dictionary. W. H. UnooKE & Uo. JOTICE. Notice Is hereby irlven thit the touowlnz ac count his boon mod In the Oiurt ot common I'leisor Columbia county, ani will bo presented to the said court on the fourth Monday of Sep tembr, A D. H89, anil confirmed nut, and un less exceptions aro riled within rour days tttjro arter will be eonnrmed abaoltite 1 1. First and nnat account or David Yost, com m tteo ot the person and estato of Denamln C. iTomonotary'somcoi wm. u. nitder, Aug. su, is9. j rrothoaotary. D MINI8TR ATOR' NOTICE. KUule nf Atrna Coffman, lata oJ Blmmiburg, de- ceasea. Notice lfi hercbr clvan thAt letter of admlnUt ra tion on tho estato ot Anna Codman, lato ot tbo to 7n ot liloomsbunr. county of Columbia, and state of Pennsylvania, deceased have boan crant. ed to W. K. corf man and I). It. Ooff man ot Ulooms burg, Columbia county, to wliom all persons l'debted to said cstare are requested to milce payments, and those hivlnr claim) or dimands mil uiiKu Known me samu wimoui. a?iir lu W. K COr rMAN, I). 1L COFFMAN. 8.90 flw, Administrators. N oricu. To tre stockholders ot tho llloomsburz Stoam ard Electric Lizbtcomnany. Tbe annual meetinc ot the stockholders ot said Company for tho clec. nun ui u uuaru i uto mruuwra ana n irc tsurcr to serve for the ensulnip veir will bo held at tne office ot tho secretary la Uloomsburg on Tuosdiy Deptemoer lu, ivy, petweon tne nours 01 v aim Aug. 1ML John JL Cunt, Bucrevary. MDIMSTRATORS'S NOTICE. Kttate of EltiaWtli lllppeiuteel, late of Centre tatmshti). Ni'lGisherebrplvtrnthnt letters of adminis tration on tho estate ot Elizabeth Ulppensto el, ccsod, h&vo been granted by tho HegUter to Daniel llartman, to whom all persons indebted to said estate, aro requested to make payment, and those hav.Dg claims to present llio samo without delay to Or to DANIEL HAHTMAN, A. u Fritz, Administrator, Alty. uenton, ra. DMINISTRATOR'3 NOTICE. KtUUe of Thomas Cole, late of Bugarloaf Mp. Notice Is hereby irlven that letters ot adminis tration on tbe estate of Thomas cole, late ot S'lcarloat two., county of Columbia, and State ot 1'ennsylvanla, deceased, have bden granted to Jo-ejh It. Cole, of Uenton, Col. no., i'a., to wnom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to mako ptymenta, and those having claims or de mands will mako known the same without delay to or to JOSEPn It. COLE, Administrator, Uenton, I'a. . u Fkitz, Auy. DMINISTRATOR'3 NOTICE. uXle of PhMn Snrlnner. tale of Madison MO . Notice Isbereby irlven thtt letters ot adminis tration on the estate ot l'hlllp Springer, lato of Mouisgn 'rownsuip, nave Dwn granieu uy iuu Heiristerot Wills ro ManraretSorlnzar. to whom all persons Indebted to the est o are required to make payment j and to whom all claims are to be nrueuu)u. propjny auwrauu iwu tor buluuiuuul. Or to MAltUAItET SPRINQElt. tdm'nlstratnx. JonM o. Kiukzs, Esq. Jerseytovvn, I'a. Any. "i- UI)IT0R'3 NOTICE. Klal6 of Samwl Appieman, deceased. E bans' Cou't, ot Columbia County, to mike dlstrl utton ot the money In tho;t aais of tbe Exocutor, u and among the parties eatttlei thereto, will sit asmsomccin Uloomsburg, on Monday, Septem beriind. 18DJ, at lOo'cloo tln tho forenoon, to at tendtothoi'utlesof bis appointment, when and where all percois having claims against said es. tate, must appear and prove them, or be forever debarred from 11 ny stare ot said fund. J. 11. AlAl&U, Auditor. rpo THE HOLDERS OP THE I 1IONDS OF THE OLOOVSUHtQ STATE NOHMALHCIIOOL, SECURED HY FIRST MOUt; (JAliK, DATED SElTKMUKH, I, 188s. Notice Is hereby (riven that tho Interest on all of sa'd Uouos outstanding up to Sept. 1, 1335, will be paid on presentation or the same to treasurer, at hisonice in liloomiburg, at any tlmo wl'Jiln thirty days from sept. 1, W, If bonds aro not presented by October 1, 18S9, the Interest will be Ue.'aulted and applied to other purposes. 11. ij. i;uaiiiv, Aug. SO St. Treasurer. R EdlSTEIl'to ACCOUNTS. Notice la hereby trlven to all legatees Grantors and otbar persons interested In the estates of tbe respective decedents and minors that tho follow. Ing administrators' executors' guardians accounts have bxn nied In the omco of tbe Register of col. uinbli county and will be presented tor eontlrma tlon and allowan"e In 1 10 Orphans' Court to be held In Uloomsburg. September 83, 183!), at S ciock p. m. or sain day. No. 1. Account ot Oeonre Itucle. Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Ruckle, tale ot Scott ownsuip, uoiunicia Co., deceased, No. 2. First and final account of Mattla Am. merman, admlntstrlx of Albert Animerman. late of Fisblngcreek township col. Co., deceased. No. 3. Account of Gideon Uelshune. ndmlnlstra. tor of tho estate or Kll2heth lk-KhUn. lam nf bhiwu luwusuitj, lanumuia county, acceasca- Na 4 Account of Aaron Uoono, Executor ot Mary E. bnyder, deceased, who was guardian ot William , OUJ UC1, No. 5. Second and nnal account of (iAnnrft N. Doirart. admlnlHtrator of tho estAte or Itmihen lin. Kurt, laiuui jiemiocK townsuip, aeceaueo. No. 6. First and nnal account of n. M. nnd 11. A. Yocjrn. lato of locust townahln. Columbia nn.. NO. 7. The account of Wm. Chrlsman. tniutA 01 Deuortui narnson, aoooosco, tor saio 01 real es tate to pay Legacies. No. 8. Account of Daniel It. .1ohnn. fuimini. tratorof Wui'am JobDiOi, late of tbe township ot Madison, deceased. No. 9. Account of Mary A. Knnrr. ttrpj-ntjii- nf samuei Kno-r, deceased, who was guardian of uwrpj a iwvan a miuor-cuua or ueorgo lievan. No. 10. Account Of L. II. Ilunert. Krtvntir nf R'l Uarton, dweaied, as flled oy Kvallna Rupert, U,(,A V. J IJ. .LUJ-.J I, UWOU, No II. First and final account of w. H ll.i-ia administrator of oeorge Kelcbner, late ot Centre Na 12 Flrtt and final account or n. .1. Knnrr and Wesley Knorr, executo.-s ot II. D. Knorr, late No. 13. Plrbt and nnal account of I. A. newitt. executor of Daniel Forco, late of FUhlngcrcek mwmhln fVil I'n nimnnanA' NO. u. First and final account nf v. v. Rnriipr executor of John Jfggcrt, ot DerwlcK, Columbia Co , deceased. Na 15. Account Of Mary A. Knorr. evneiilrlv nf Samuel Knorr, who was ono ot the executors oi St acy John, deceased. No. 10. Third and nartlal account, nf KitTAhMh 8. Jackson and Mordecal w, Jackson, executors ot iud raiawut vimvuin u, dUCKWD, UU OI II1Q DO- lough ot Uerwlck, col. Co., deceased. Na 17. First and anal account nf ivuinv tiii. dine, administrator of James Dildlno. late or Madison township, deceased. Na 18. Flrat and final & irnna v nan. cock, executor ot Alice K. Ueacock, deceased. No. 19. Account of Samuel Aonleman. cusr. manor Otis I'ealer, a minor-child of Sylvester reaier, late ot Flshlngcroek twp , doceased. No. SO, Fourth partial account of Jameu Mel Alarnr. executor of (lennH iinnw.. ia,u orrhu LOWtlshln nf Mflln I'nf nn ,,a,u...jl ' Nasi. First and Onal account nf.rnhn i imrr. man ana u. . snuinan, exreutors ot Thomas J. uuuuim, muuui ueurcr wnnsnip, uoceasod. No. 22. Flint and nnAl fuwniinf nr .Tnl,n Tn. guardian ot Harriet L. Mosnr. lain iiorrmr i ' L-orueiison, minor-cuud or (leorge w. Cornellson. lain nf Mnalnunshli. nl,ni.i- cn ' Na 23. First anil liartlnl ni-Annnf nr im,,. Lowenbetv and Sarah Lowenborg, administrators pftho estato ot David Lowenbcrg, late ot lilooms- Na 21. Fourth and nnal account or Mosos Hit age, one ot tho excutorsot Joshua Savage, late u. jaciauu luwusnip, uoi- co , aeoeasei, C. II. CAMI'IIELL, Register. IMPORTANT! llavtnir done business In the Units 1 Ktii rnr years our reputation and responsibility Is eatab Uahod. We want three men lu our vlnlnpy to represent ls, to whom exclusive territory will be (riven. Handsome outfit free, baliry aud ex penaoa pa'd weekly. Previous exporleoco not n iiulred. Write at once for toruu. Hardy stock a 1m a V iiuoTltllKH.Nureenrmen.llochouter.N.Y. t-:4im. lM.., SHERIFFS SALE OP TCcsil IDsitutc 2 By virtue ot sundry writs ot Mr . F t. lsvioi out of tho Court of Common l'lcas of C jla n'll i e ounty and to mo directed, will b expoiM to pu'j'.U sale at tho Court House In nioomw'rg, on Monday, Ssptsmbsr 23, 18B9, at 9 o'clock p.m. the following desirlbod real oetato, to-wtti All that certain nvssutge and lot ot ground sltuiiotnthoTownof Uloomsburg, county o( Col umbia and state ot I'cnnv., boundol and doscrlbod as follows: on the north by Fifth street of ssld town, on the cast by lot of Mm. Jaeoby, on the south byYearl stroot, and on th west byCheetnut alley, b3la? 110 foot In wltth, ant It) feet deep, whereon Is created a framo dwelling houio, stablo and outbulUlnss. BolzoJ taken into oteautton at tho suit of .Ml. Montgomery's uso, arilnst Charles Krur, and to bo sold os the property ot onirics Kr aj. lot. Fa. ALSO, All that ontjli lot, ploco or pircol ot ground situate In the Town ot nioo-nsbir, coun ty andstatflafor.uill.lm'iul.vil dossrioel as follows i lii;rtantnjatnpolhton the south Btdo of seventh stroot, 8) fojt cut ot Catharine street and running then) southwardly by a lln paral lel with slid Cath art no street 13 1 fo.'t mo-o or less loan alley at a point so tost oast ot Catbarlne street, thence oaslwardly atoni slid alley 60 feet more or let) tolanl ot C: Hvrton and others! thence by the sains north 31 anl M decrees, west 133 feet mora or loss to Seventh stroit aforesall, thencoby sail street woatwardly 5" 4 feet m)re.or less to the pi too of bvlnnlng, whoroon Is ero:to d a two story frame dwelling houso, stablo and out buildings. SeLted, taken Into exeeatlon, at the Bult ot Samuel Williams' use, against Charlc Kxug, and to bo sold as tho property ot Charles Krug. JIIllbk. Lev. Fa. ALSO, All that certain lot, iploce or parcel of ground sltua'e in Hist H'oimsourg, county anl state stores ltd, boundol nn I dos.'rlbod as follows: Beginning at a corner ot an alley anl seventh street, anl ruanli; thoaso uliaj sill Seveoth street wostwardiylU feet more or loss to Catha rine street, thenoo along sail street northwardly 41 feet, more or loss, to lot ot AUrol Wanlch, thenoe along sold lot e istwardly 1 19 feet more or less to an alloy aforesaid, anl thence along slid alloy 41 feet moro or less, to tho place of begin ning, whoroon Is eroctol a two story frame dwelling houso, anl outbuildings. SelzoJ, taken Into ox cutlon at tho suit of John Vance, guardlin, usa, Charles ICnij, and to bo sold as the a: o.urty ot ..Charles Krug. miller. Lev. Fa. The abovo ds!rl0M tlroo lots or parcels ot ground of Charles K u; will bo slid on a writ of n. fa. Issued outlo! j il 1 i urt, at tho samo tlmo and Jlace, at tho s lit if I. V McKelvy against Charles Krug, It tor any roasoa any or all ot them should not be sold on t'l i le f i. At tho samo tlmo and pli3o by vlituo ot a writ of n. fa. will be cxposod toip tbUj 3i'.e the follow ing described real estate : All that certain piece or pireel ot land Bit- uate in tho Town of Illoom3burg county of Colum bla, state of 1'ennsylvanla, bounded and describ ed as follows : Beginning at corner ot lot of John Coleman, thence oastwardly along tho Lackawan na & Bloomsburg Rail Itoad, 3M feet mora or less to Strawberry Alley ; thoneo al n? s ill atley 118 feet to a stake, thenca westwardly 3?l fao: to lot of John Coleman atorosatd, thenoe al j l ; ml I la t lo feet to tho placo ot b3glnnlT.r, o ntitaln; 45- 40ti square feet, whereon Is erojtsl a i'laulng Mill, dwelling house, and lumber Blul j. ALSO, All that certain messuage or lot, pleco or parcel of ground sltuito In Evs5 U'nnsbarg, county ana state aforesaid, biun led anl disirlbsd as follows: Iteglnntn? at a stako o.-nor ot lo', ot Franklin MoBrldo, and runntn? thenjo a public road on the south silo ot Liokv.vanm Uloomsburg Railroad, ovs'.wardly w feet to land ot Samuel Knorr and L. 3. Wlntarstoen, thence along said land southwardly 23) toet more or 1033 to Seventh street, thenco along sail Soronth street weswardly w foet to an alloy, along lot ot LS, Kuhn, Alfred Wanl.h, Franklin McUrldo and others, and thjnco nlon sail alley north- wardly 230 teot more or low to tho place of begin ning, whereon Is creotod a two Btory Iramo dwelling house, stablo, anl omco. ALSO, All tho right, title, and Interest ot the de fendant, Charles Krug, In all tint certain piece or parcel of lanlettuatolntho Town of Ulooms burg aforesaid, bounded and doscrlbvl as follows : Beginning at a corner ot lot late ot John Coleman on seventh street, thenco along Seventh street In an easterly direction. '9) feet to lot of Mrs. U. II. Vannatta ; thenco along tho same northwardly 110 feet to other Und ot Charles Krug ; thenco by samo wostwardly 2)3 feet to lit of lohn Coleman aforesaid, and thenco by said lot southwards to tho corner on seventh atrost, tho placo ot begin ntng. Seized, taken In exoiutlon, at tho suit of I. V. McKelvy against Charles Kmg, and to be sold as tho property of Charles Krug. klwell. fl Fa. ALSO : All that certain tract ot land situate In Main township. Columbia Co., iu , bounlol and des cribed as follows, to-wlt : Oa tho north by land of Lloyd Menslnger, on tho wst by land ot Jere miah Longenbergjr, Nathan Miller nnd Israel Mummy, on tho south by land ot N, II. W. Brown, on the east by land ot Catawlssa Dosposlt Bank containing ONUIIUNDREDSIXTEEN ACHES more or hus, whereon aro erectod a s J Bsrn and Outbuildings. Seized, taken into execution at tho suit ot tho Commonwealth vs. Bonjamln J. Nun and to bo sold as tho property ot conjimln Nuss. vend. Ex . V. F. Zarr, JOHN B. CAREY, Atty. sheriff. TO ADVERTISERS- A list Of 1000 noWADlnra dlvMe.l inln htattps AND SECTIONS wilt be sent on application l'KKH. To thoso who want ttelr aiveriuincr tn nv. n can oSer no better mo Hum tor thorough and ef- iwmo wur& luau i, io various ssciions or our nrirei i.nrni i.imi. uij. i. nnwEu,sco News.upo' alvi-riising Bureau, 10 soruco street, New York, Jdy is-wt. CWIS CIBPIIH. BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEY PUHII-'IER. Now is tho nniiouifil time for thoroughly oleausinij tho system from all imparities, anil nil will hint Hint Hip Uurtis Uomionml will rxautly till th diii. it lias sioou tuo tct oi i'a yoa h and its sales nro larger than over, o . o y year, rnco auo. ana ssi.uu. Foil Sam: By James II. Mcrcsr, DRUGGIST, Bloombudiio, Pa. LJUI Hr III I Hill 1 Miumin n r- - 1 mow Lost! How Rocalnod. KNDWTHYSEIE THE SO ENCP n C ICC A Sclenlilleind SUndrd Popnlir Medical Trratlse onibe krrori of Yoath.l'remnurii Decline, Nervous and 1'lijnejJ Debility, Impurillea of the Ulood. xultln f rom Polly, Vict, Ignorance, KiceuM or Oierluttlon, Enerrnlng end onduing the lctlm lur ork, Hue ineji, tbe Married or Social KeUUon. ATold unikillful nretendere. Vc,,.,. n,i. ..... celled the IIOI.II AND J nwuixiiii jiui! 11. ft?m.1!r.!i?.,,?.B,,J '"'HciU AnKorlnlloa lor 111. PIM.i: INAy on MlltVOI S and rilYHIUAI.niaiiiaTY.IhVPiIrkcrd.cSl of AMijunt I'hklcieae niy t o c njulu-d, coufl. Sf.l'ir''.. Z nu" or In Mrton, al Ihn offlcB cl EAlIOUlf mkAiuai'.inhtitijti:, Ho. 4, Jlull ncli B., I lu.iuo, MauM., to whom all orders fur tool o ktIt fj Jk eliuul.l l.. binding, eraboeied, fulf cut. Price only fl.eo by tia, in.itpald, conreeJel In plilu wrepper. Ill' lrUte 1 roinectoe I'r, It yon spnlynow. T' e iftin?ulkhcd enthnr. U'm ft .. .. - I lMtwc " I 8-iaj-iw. JURY M8T OU BEITEJIllKll TJ5KM, (iranii junons. . , . Fisher. - ivntni-umui'l ' noon Wonltrer. linrwlelf -n. , iinnKlniriiani, Isaiah Bower. nrlirfropk-Linlfl W. Mart? Miwub'irg ,1-ihn swank r,,, -'wis iirlfsnyd',r. Join T. Hhiimin. Pnfrn Trillin Prflasff niwnwvod-W. V rsrrr. tvr Orn'vford, Tocnst Thomss llnffmin, !. W. Snyder. Mn'n O'Vmrn Fliher. Mimin-n. a llw. .Isonb V. retfer. Montour rjAonre R. Fisher. ML riowint M. F. Mnsiravo. HinTln?Tnik llnrv Iins Halt t -John Ton's. irm1 Keller. Sugarloaf Howard .1. lints. TBAvunu jeRiw-riitsT wssr. liMver-Wlll imt. llenton -Ilerce Keller Berwick Wm A. T Vnnn. Alex. I.lnrtn, Hobert Oltror. iiriarcreic -i-vi -inurr. llloom nnv n. Kiitrir. ithifti i.a Yost, Charres srmstionsr, l. K. Vanitta. qatawlssa-Wm. i.ovan, c. P. I'fihler, II. II, cent re rharlM caw. ronrnirham Thos Er-nts. Centralla-Martln Brennan, II. I. curran. llnVIlWOOiI Tnhn R tllrtnn. Thivj H. rhriitlm. Oeo. W. wntt, E,lwtn Bell. I.K-I1S& .insopn iieiwlr. Minim-Adam Miller, Thomas AloMurtrlo. Msdison-lialtls iterllnir. orango Jacob Nh'iiu. I Iro Abram ncnnnlt. O'loarinircrck-Uoyd Hang. sujarloaf-llnice Sutllff, A. W. Harvoy, John V. Dlltz, A. It. Fritz. ncotc cnsries Loe, sr. Jackson Frank Derr. ICOND WEEK. Beaver-T. II. Martin. Uloom-i-eter Jones, A. J. Evans, Clark Brown, M. P. Conner, s. w. (larrtson. iniarureeu ,ionu rirauil. Catawlssa Tamen llnlwr. llnvn 1 TrmlM, Plerco creasy, iMward Moyer, (leorge Waters, ooorgo schmlek. ' centraiia .John curran, J. Marach. Centre Wm. Heck. Frnklli-(.'. u. 8cesholt7. Flshlmrcrook Norman Mcilenry. (Ircenwood riennrn If. U.rr. .rnnatlun Tnmnn John. F. Lawton. iiemiocK Harry orotn Jackson-U. V Fritz, Samuel P. Hess. Lo.'iist-ackson Campbell. Madison Jacob Olrton, Allen Phillips. M atn Jacob Fenstermacher. Montour-o. u. Hosier, Wm. Wlntersteen. Mt. Pleasant -o. p. oirlon. Miniln-lt. w. nilleman. Orange John Musselman Sugarioat it M. Davis soott-B. F. ltice, Atthur llartman. DuopoAriS poii T()TOli"uirimNa7 I FOIt THE TOWN OF BLOOMSUUIIO, PA. Caled nronoqlU pnrlnrjv1 HPMriilla f.-i Ti. trn Building'' will bo reoelved by the secretary of tho Town Council of tho Town of liloomsbunr unto Wednesday, sept. 4, lw, at? p. m , for tbe ma terial and erection nf n. Tnwn IttilMlnr. IMinann.l speetncations can bo een at tho ortL-o of the hecre- j ui. tuu HLoru oi cumraings & veriv. Jiacnpro posu must bo io wnpinled with a bond with ap J'JJeoorttylnnwimeqtttl to the amount ot tne bid for tho t iltnful completion ot the work ac cording to tho Bpocincatsons and plans. Payment to be mado monthly as tho material Is furnished or work done u pnj tho estlm ate ot the architect, twenty per centum to bo res-rvert until nnal com- Inetlon Of tho work nnrl until thn ltnltllnc. la nn- cepted by Town council. Untoss a proposal Isao coirpantcd with a bond as abovo sot forth tho Djiuio wm not, uo consiuoroj. council roaorres tho rtght to reject any nnd all bids. WM. B. CUMMINQS, p. S. IIAUMAN, secretary. President. SHERIFF'S SALE. Uy vlrtuo of a writ ot Vend. Ex. issued out ot the courtof Common Pleasot CoL Co., Pa., and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at tho Court House, Uloomsburg, Pa., at 10 o'clock a. m., on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1889. All that certain lot or pleco ot land sltuato In the Town ot Bloomsburg, Pa., bounded and des- crlbed as follows, to-wlt: On the north by rine aucy, on the east by Miller's atley, ou tho south by lot of T. U. Miller und on tho woat by lot ot l) uiuin Brink, containing TJirty-Tliree Feet oo rino alley, and ono hundred am sevep. reot more or less on Miller's alloy whereon Is erected A LA.EGE FRAME STABLE. (cized, taken In execution at the suit, of Ell Jones vs Denlnoj Brink, anl to bo ld as tho property of Denlson Brink. UTTLK3, JOHN B. CASEY. Atty's. SherUT. 8 V66. ta. ELY'S Catarrh Cream Balm CURES Cold in Head.HAY-EEVER A TiilrHflle ia AnnUnA Inln nnnti nn3t.1l i flLTfVnh!! PHmM idnlnur liM,ristD . ttr reglstBreU, W cS. m ELYBltOTlIBItS,58'VarrenSt., Now York. 8-SO-aw. PLUMBER AND GAS FITTER, DKAIXIl IN Tin Roofing a Specialty. ESTIMATES EURNISIIED ON ALL WORK IN HIS LINE. First door in Uloomsburg Opora House HAXIVEST xcursions! IIA.LK HATES FOR Tile ROUND TltlV. i itiiHiouri ritcino iinuway uuj iron uountAtn Iton ti, to nit points In ArUimti. Tixuii Kuiimi nnl fhrnku, AiiKUrttMh mil 2ili, N'pi-ml..'i llllh Ml,l ?lth iiii.l II, r l.or vil, Tlitrt . tturwivi t rrivlK'u tt,rtii np lam, f otiiitfArly for first cliuii'D Fur il' crli'ttiu tttiiil uiuif lil'-t fn. futiln-nt Comriiny' Agent or II f. ItiU 'NhKNli, (Joq lw. Q ALESMEM V.VTTI5I ' tocanriss for the sale nf Nursery noek ! Nteady einii ovment tiuirautmh HAI.MIY ASH KX. PKS'Sra p nd to siioeesDlnl men. Apply al once slnllUjf a" Mention tnln piper. GHASE BROTHERS COMPANY. Rochester, N, Y. Sep. an,l Nov . 15I.OOMSHURU MARKET. Wholesale. Ilolall. Wheat per liusliel,., Hyo " " HftY- &yfwerJ FEVER fcili F. Savits, rW Trt,. b'5 to D3 CO 45 &'i 0.00 20 23 14 10 l'J 15 oa s C'8 10 0 11 io is v; U5 8 lo 7 Ccru ' " , Oats Hour " bbl Uuttcr.. Krcs Uams , Uricil Apiili B Side Shoulder Clceso ., Lard per lb Vioegar yvt al... Vrnl shins. Wool per. it Hides.- . . . . H I on fil hi