The Columbian. BLOOMSBURG, PA. FKIDAY, AUGUST 30, IBM. Lycoming County Democrat have nominated Edward W. Michael for Sneriff, John L. Goontor, protbono tary j Chirks J. Retlly district attor coy; Edward J. KldreJ, county eur Tcyor. A notice wa posted at the works of tho Monlonr Iron and Steel Company of Danville lait week announcing an advance in the rate of paddlors wages to $3.75 per ton, other wage to ad advance in the game proportion. The outlook there u more favorablo than for some time past Divmma ah eleutioh district. OPINIO! OK JVVOr. MCTZOER IK THE ouebxwoou Totrxsittr case. As the proceedings in tho mitter of thi petition of citizen of Sreen wood Township for division into two election district, is the first cue under the Act of 1870 in this county where there has len a contest, the opinion of Jadce MvUzer will be found of public interest, as setting forth the method of proj. "dure in inch cases. Under his rating, notice muit be given of every meet mi! by the commissioners, and the residents matt bi heard upon tho division lino wiich the viewer propose to lay out. Tho Act of As sembly does not require that any notice whatever shall be given. It would seem that the viewers mast continae to meet and give notico, until they make a line that all are satisfied with, which in case ot a contest will render tho proceeding lengthy, and oxpensivo Below is the opinion in full : OI'I.MO.V. This is'a proceeding under the Act of May 18th 1870 P. L. 178 to divide tho Township of Greenwood into two Election Districts, so as to suit the con venience of the inhabitants thereof. The petition for this nnrposo was presented to the Court of Qiartcr Ses sions of said County of Columbia and on Iho 10th day of February 1888 Commissioners wero appointed to in quire into tho propriety ot granting the prayer of petition. They reported in favor of dividing said Xownship in to two Election Districts, and on tha 21th, day of bpU 1888 their report was conhrmed .Nisi, by said Uourt. On the 28th day of November A, V. 1888, exceptions to this report were filed by certain inhabitants of Greenwood Township. These excep lions are six in number but it is ad' mitUid that the only ones worth dis cussing are Second, Third, and Fourth which are as follows : 'Jail, "ihe Uom missioners under the amended petition of May 14. 1888, proceeded to meet and make a division lino dividing tho Election District without complying witn the urder o: uourt.' 3rd. "No notice of the time and place of meeting was given the inhabi tants of the Township after Miy 14 1888, by the commissioners, nor any one cisc 4th. "The inhabitants of the Town ship had no notice of meeting of the uommissioners dulyia. 1888, and Aug- uat 15. 1888, at which last meeting, tho division line was agreed upon and run dividing said Township into two Election Districts, and at which two meetings they discharged their dnties in an illegal manner. It appears from tho record in this case, and tho facts admitted that tho Commissioners were directed by the Order of the Court, to give five days notice, by t least six handbills written, or printed and posted up in public places in said Township, of the time and place of meeting, for tho purpose oi discharging tee duties ot their ap pointment ; mat mcy tirst mot on tho zzndoi aiarcn.J as, at the Hotel in Mill ville, and that notice of this meeting had been given according to law, mac alter ncannir tcstinvinv for and against a division, the Commissioners adjourned that tboy met again on tho 4th day of May 1888, after giving five uayB nouco as required, anu resumed their investigations. Notice having in the mo in ti mo been given that an application would be made to tbo next Uourt of Uuarter bessions by tho neti tioners, for an amendment to tho order, tho Commissioners again adjourned after recelvisg petitions, and remon strances from tho Citizens of the Dis trict. That at both these meetings different lines were proposed and dis cussed pro and con, but no Hue was agreed upon by the Commissioners upon either of said days. On tho 14th day of May A. D. 1888, a petition was filed amending the original petition which reads as fol lows s Tho polling place in ono to bo located at Milt ville, and in tho other at Itobrifburcr, shall bo changed to read : Ono of wGich said polling places shall bo located at Millvillo, and the other wherever tho Commissioners may de termine. Tho Commissioners again met on tho 10th day of July 1888, at Blooms burg, without having given any notico to tho inhabitants, and which conse quently was not attended by any of the Citizens of said Township. At this meeting, tho matter of the division was talked over and consider ed by tho Commissioners, and tho di vision lino as reported, being one about a milo or thero about still further West of tho lino suggested at tho eeo ond meeting, and never before propos od, was then and there adopted and determined upon, this meeting was for th1 purpose of considering the evi dence in I hit case, and determining up. on a report. That tho Commissioners mot again Aug. 15, 1888, at Kyers-Grovo for tho purpose ot running out tho line adopt cd at tho former meeting and tho lino as reported by thorn was actually run out on that day. No notice of thin meeting was givon to any of tho In habitants of tho Township and no di oussion of said line by citizens of the Townshlji took place either at this, or in previous ineuiuig ui .iuiy iv, loao, The soundness of tho oxctptious in this case depends on two questions. First, whether, in this proceeding notico to tho inhabitants of tho Town ship is necessary, and Secondly, if necessary whether tho notico given of tho first and sojond meetings of the Commissioners, is sufficient, or wheth er notice should also bo given of tho 3rd fc 4th meetings or both of thorn. Tho Act of Assembly undor which this proceeding is brought does not in express tcruia require notico to bo giv en, to tlit inhabitants j but that such notice should be) J veil, is clearly im plied from the languago used, and tho purpose of tho Act, Tho division if THE COLUMBIAN AND to bo mtde, "So as to suit the conven ience of the Inhabitant thereof. If their convenience is to be considered, they mast b consulted and heard, and this should not be done without notice to them. If we could have any doubt on this question it would bo removed in this case, by the fact that the Order of the Uourt to the uommisiiooera expressly requires notice to be given. The power of the Court to make this order cannot be questioned by the re tilioners. It is their own proceeding and tho order was made at their in stance and becomes a necessary part of their proceedings. We therefore hold that tho notice in this case was essential and that without it the report of the Commissioners could not be sus tained. We come then to consider the next question, whether a notice to the in habitants of the Uommlssioners Third or Fourth meeting was required. It is claimed that the purpose of the Third meeting was to consider tho evidence in the case, and adopt a report, there fore no notice was necessary. We would feel like sustaining this view of tho case, if the Commissioners had adopted any line which bad been proposed at any of tho previous meet ings. We might then conclude that they based their decision upon evidence they had heard at these former meet ings. But, how can we so conolude, when, tbey in I act adopt and determin ed at this third meeting upon a line about a mile or there abouts, still fur ther West of the line suggested at tho second meeting, and one, that was never belore proposed, tso tar as me record in this caso shows, tho inhabi tants never knew that the line adopted had ever been suggested until, after the Commisdoners bad run it out and made their repoit to the Court. The Commissioners are not only to inquire into t'uo propriety of tho division, but if a division be determined upon, it must be made to suit the convenience of the inhabitants of the Township. There may be little disputes on the subject of division, but where the line shall be, may be the very question which most seriouslv affects the inter ests of the inhabitants. Therefore, be fore a lino is adopted, they should have an opportunity of being hf ard on the question of its adoption. What was said by Kennedy J. in tho cae of Maccungie Township, 3rd Kawle 476, in reference to the division ot a iown stiip, is applicable to the case before us. He said inter alia. If then the inhabi tants of the Township have the right, aud must exercise it in the first place, of deciding wbethtr their oonvenince requires a division of tbeir iownsnip, or not, as it be admitted I think they have, it follows that they have a right to decide where the line of divis ion ehall be, if a division be made at all, because whether their convenience shall in any degree be promoted by a division of the lowuship may depend in their opinion entirely, or at least mainly, where tho line of division shall be." Hod notice been given of the third meeting at which tho lino agreed up on could have been discussed, it might perhaps, have been unnecessary, to give notice of the meeting at which the lino thus agreed on was run out But, as no notice, was given of either of these meetings, tho report ot tho uommis sioners must be Bet aside. Exceptions have also been filed to the bill of cost ahd expenses in this case. We think th charges of the Commissioners are reasonable. it would seem from their report that they had four meeting?, and we may fairly presume that they may hav-j spent 6ome additional timo in their re port, and making the plot or draft at tached. We also see no impropriety in J. C Brown charging a part of his time as Commissioner, and the other portion of his time, when so employed, as surveyor. Wo dismiss tho tirst and gecond exceptions to the bill of costs without further comment. Tho third exception raises tho question whether the County is liable to pay for the services of the peti tioners' counsel, and his necessary ex penses. This item is claimed under tho provisions of tho first section of Act of 1875 l h. 20, which is as fol lows. "In all cases of the division, or creation of Election Districts, by the Court of Quarter Sessions of any Coun ty, in this Commonwealth, the said Court shall order tho costs and ex penses there of to be paid from tho Treasury of tho proper County" &c. Tho County is not a party to tho proceeding?, bat as elections aro part of the maobinery of tho Government and the public at large is interested in them, as well as the locality which com poses a district, it seems to bo the poli cy of the law that all expenses incur red in holding and conducting the elections, or in creating and forming tho Districts, should bo paid out of the County Treasury, which is a common fund raised by taxation of (lie iuhibi tants of all tho districts in tho Counly. Tho Act governing this proceeding does not provide for the pay mint of any costs or expenses by the parties litigant, ilio question bolore us is not what is taxable as tho costs or ex pensos of tho nuecotful party. The Act fixes the liability of tbo County to pay all coHts and expanses but docs not delino what stia'l no considered as li gal coats and expenses in such p-o-ceedings. It appears to us, that it teas intended by the Legislature, that it tho aid cover all expenditure) neces sarily incurred. It is plain that tho word "Costs' alone, would include on ly laxablo costs, and as Attorney's teen in I'enna., are not taxable costs, no such item could bo allowed, if no other term were used in tho Act. But tho Legislature saw fit to uso in addi tion tho word, "Expenses". Now, while icosta aro expenses and theso terms are sometimes used as synony mous, yet Biricuy sptnioug, "Ex. pt'iiries." is a wider term than "Co3ts," and usually includes much more. It embraces generally, nu r-xpendituro or outlay, while coats, are only suoh ex penses as aro expressly allowed by poii live law and made taxable as such. No attorney ice is fixed in a proceed ing of this kmd, and therefore could not bo taxed as costs. But if the amount olaiuud is reasonable, and his norvicos are nccoisary, wo hold that then his compensation is part of tho necessary expenses of tho petitioner, and is included within tho leim ev nouses used in tha Aot of 1875 The counsel fee in this case is, admitted to bo reasonable, and as we think tho services of an attorney mcessnry in such a caso we allow this item us a part of tho necessary cxnenseu of the proceeding and dismiss the exceptions The following Ordur is made m this case: And now to wit Aug. 2Jth 188!) tbo 2nd, 3rd, and 4 th exceptions to tho re. port of tho Commissioners arosustained and the leport is sot nsldo. On the sanio day the exceptions to the bill of oosts, and expenses filed are dismissed, liy tho Court J ho. J. Mktzovr, PjreYt Judge Specially Pitting. WASHIHQTOH LETTER. irroo our torpaixt Oomsroadent.1 Washington, D. a Aug. 30 '80; The Navy department hat received a cablegram from Rear Admiral Gher ardi, commanding tho North Atlantic iquadrom, asking that the New Ameri can minister to Haytl be sent immedi ately as Legitime bad abdicated and ilippolyte is now on lop In that change able little island. The French and English captains have placed them- telves under Admiral Gherardi's orders in case of any trouble at Port-au Prince. Ired Douglass is the new minister. It is expected that he will start this week. It is said that thu Haytians object to Douglass as Minister; they want a white man. Permission has been crankd by the Agricultural department to some of the Knight Templars who will attend the Conclave in this city next October to pitch tLeir lenis in the department grounds. The Postmaster General is alone in his glory this morning and he only ar rived m town today, and It is doubtful whether he will remain. No other member of the cabinet is expected bo fore next week. A special train left this city Saturday night with a large crowd bound for Milwaukee to attend the G. A. R. en cimpment. The business men of Washington have invited the organiz ation to hold their next annual encamp ment here. Arrangements have been completed for a grand excursion, extending from October 3rd, to November 14th, and takiing in every place of interest from Omaha to Ma"acbusetls, to be given by the State department to the dele gates to tho Three America's Congress which meets here October 2. So-ne unfavorable comment has been made here becauso the South is not to be vis ited by the excursionists. It hardly seems fair to leave that section out as long as it is on a trip which has to be paid for by tho Government. "Mahone's nomination by the repub licans'' said a Virginia democrat of prominence, "has made the fight in Virginia a serious thing for us. Ma hone, as an organizer, has few equals and no superiors and we have cot a hard fight on band to hold the Stato" The same views are expressed by many democrats here. Tbey beliove they can win but only by the hardest kind of work. To think of the International Exposi tion of 1802, being held in any other city than Washinatoc is out of the question. The Government owns araplo grounds here right down in the heart of the city to erect all the neces sary buildings upon. Four fifths of the Congressmen heard from on the sub ject favor Washington and there is not the slightest doubt that the Exposition will be held here as it should be. Civil Service Commissioner Lyman says that tho repartsent out from here stating that tho Commissioners haf talked with President Harrison about the proposed extension of the rules to cover the chiefs of divisions in the de partments is an error. Tho snbieot has not been called to the President's attention, but will b. when he returns to this city as the Commissioners are unanimously in f ivor of its adoption. An open rupture between the Commis sion and one of.the Cabinet is aid to be one of tho probabilities of tho near future. The uavy department has had to ipsne new proposals for bnlldinB the five now ciuisors provided f r at the last session of Congress, becauso tho bids received for those first issned were all in excess of tho amount appropriated. It is feared that'vessels of the class de sired cannot bo built for the amounts stipulated by Congres, and that the matter will have to be referred back to that body for farther aotion. We seem to have all sorts of drawbacks in the boildint.' of our new navy. Representative Brcckenridge of Ken- tncKy was in this oity last week, lie does not think the republicans will have any tronblo to organize tho Houso nor does he think there will be any serious contentions over the contested election cases unless the republicans at tempted to seat men not legally entit led to tho seats. Personally Mr. Bre ckenridco is opposed to an extra ses sion of Congress but from a political standpoint he hopes ono will be called. Ho said: to have discordant elements toother is an element of weakness." Frank Hatton has "let np" on the Civil Service Commission. Perhaps he is waiting for Mr. Roosevelt to re turn, and perhaps ho has oeen "fix ed." A new democratic weekly paper is to bo issued here in a few days. It is understood that tho principal stock holders are Now Yorkers. If republicans here know any thing oi the President's intentions in tljo mat ter, til's idea of callin; an extra session of Congress has been abandoned. Tho Ohio republican ofiico holders hero aro already being notified that their presence at homo at tho coming state, o'ocjicn is an imperative necessity and that if tbey stay away they do so at their own risk. DIBOABUWO BWQUK8. IIMVr AUTll.I.EItV OltADUAU.Y 1IE1NO 1IVEN 01' HIT KUIIOl'KAN KATIONS. The tendenoy in European armies has loni! been to increase the mobility of ihe troops. Lighter arms and fewer equipments have come into lavnr and mauy old-fashioned ideas about drill have been dischardtd. The same ten dency is now shown in European naval armaments, smaller guns being substi tuted f"r tho big ones, rapidity of fire and ease of handling bong especially rought. The great 100-ton guns on which so much reliance, was placed by tho naval defenders ol England havo prove dis. appointing. In tlo first phoe, ihey probably could not bu used at all in a heavy sea and uhen they are lined they shake the iron-clad from keel to dpek, jarring (very plfito and bolt in her. In tho recoud place, tho au ive life of heavy guns iB a vi ry br'n f one. Every tioi tired from a hundied ton gnu weake'Hii. It U n tbelioved that tho b.-tl of tliem will ever b j ablo to fire a shot inoro than eiyht hundred rounds. B 'ine of thetn will piobably become worthlos after firing a hundred round. It 1 considipd that tin averngo llfti of the grmt gunsotrricd by the Ils'Iui navy ard by the ! II x ible and tho Thumb nr of tho British navy has been reaclml when to hun dred rounds havo been fired from them. The big guns are dcatioyid in two way? erosion anil by disintegration. E'Oilon Hattcns the grooves or rilling of the gun, so that its aim Is inaccurate. It is caused by tho probctilo wearjng against the grooves, Disintegration (s a ohango in tho moivgs of tho raetol and is caused by the v .mendous blows which the gun receives from tho burst ing of large charges of powder. This weakening goes on till tbo hfo ia poun ded out of the gun, . Another important reason for dh DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PAJ carding the big guns is that they are loting thi advantage whiih cittsed I thera to lw made. They were built to aumitot the emolument of Iarcre char. ges oi qowder, and that send a pro jectile at a nih velocity. At first they accomplished thi', and projectiles irom mem had a greater penetration than tho-e from guns of small calibre. In the last year o'eat improvements have been made In guno-der in Ger many ana a especially in trance. With the new powder the initial velo city of the cannon-ball has bet n increes- ed to 2,400 and 2.C00 feet a second This increases the velocity ol the pro jecuie oi me new six-ineli rule 75 per cent, and makes it energy great enough to penetrate 15i inches of iron. Igw this powder is so stronr? that the great enns are not abln to stand more then a few rounds of it, and it cannot be safely ned in them. Hence tho smaller guns are to take their place, a ies cumbersome am' as having very high p-netraiive powers. Ainc York Evening World. Tamer Breaks Loose. Pension Commissioner Tanner has broken ljoso from Washington re strain t, and is on his way to Mil waukee Encampment with speeches and interviews ready for every oppor tunity. He was the orator before ten thousand people at Chautauuua on Sat urday, whre he avowed his pnrposcto rue tne pansions away above 90,000, 000 next year, and sit up ntEuU' to scatter the surplus am)ng sold ers acd sud "somo of tho coin of tho Ifcjiml)- lio into Gjd'a golden sunrhirc to the homes of ilw sufferiog." At Elmira he Rave an interview in the sirne vein, and said I am debating whether rav report shall ask for $110,000,000 or $115.000,000, ; won't there be damning all along the line when those fellows ree an increase of $300,000,000 asked lorl It is an open secret that every tffort was made ehort of a positive command from the President or Srcrelary of the interior, to prevent Commissioner 1 an ner from attending the National En carapment, because they feared that his wild speeches would seriously com plicate the administration. From tho specimen of bricks dropped by Tanner on ms way to the Encampment, it is obvious that the apprehensions of the President and Secretary of the Interior were well foundtd : but now Tanner is loose and there's no power to corral dim until be returus to Washington ihe most tireless and deadly ioe to a permanent generous pension syste " to our needy veterans, is Pension Commissioner Tanner. He lias done more in a few months of recklees fraudulent and lawless administration to make our pension system odious than all the foes of generous pensions combined, and unless the administra tion shall speedily depose Tanner and revise the Pension system to exclude trauds, from Senators to skulkers, and confine its generosity to the claims of meritorious veterans, there will be serious peril to the present pension laws. Times. 0VS MAGABA'8 KAPID3- COOI'ER GRAHAM PERFORMS THE DAKOER. OUS KEAT IN A DABRBU August 25, Carlisle D Graham suc cessfully performed the mt daring feat which he has vet attempted at Niagara, and the treacherous waters made him go beyond his expectation in showing what can be done in the ccrue. Graham's ambition has been to go over the .Niagara tails, but bis adventure is just aB dangerous, and a craft which will withstand the racking it receives over the rocks uuder tho tempestuous lower rapids is sure to go over the falls all right. The barrel used in this trip was new one built of locust wood whio' came from China aud which was strong and tough. It is four and a halt feet talL twenty-two inches in diameter across tho head and fifteen at tho bot tom. The diameter at the bulce near the top is twenty-uino inches. The bar rcl weighs ono hundred and fifty pounds, but the weight was increased fully one hundred pounds by sand bal last and a drag of a piece of railroad iron. Charles Wiednian, John Uefferd and John Weisenb-rger towed the cask to ibe centre of the river and s -t it adrift at 4.40 o'clock. It'drifted slowly un der the railroad bridges eivinir draham a chance to fasten the m tnhole with an iron bar and brace himself for ihe dan gers ahead, The sup nse, however was not long, for in a few moments tbo barrel was buried in. the first break er oi tne wniripoooi itapias. ilie mdo of rapids had been shot in three and one-half minutes, a twenty mil an hour gait. Graham had not time enough to open the manhole covir in the whirlpool. His barrel rode q-iickly to the centre of the m ieislro n, aod was carried toward thi) Canada shore, pasitig by a crowd of rosuuers on the point. Tho party rodo down to Lewsiton in a uurriage, hut tho rapids carried the barrel faster than fleet horcs could go, and it was lost sight ot attcr it had bei n apparently sucked ur d r by the m li-l -Irom at the Devil's II rle. Thi se lower rapids aio faster, madder and mure rocky than the urns abjve th' whirl ool and tho danger greater than in tho upper rapids. Graham wa found at Lewis ton, where he had been rescued more dead than alive, by John Lonsdalu and Sey mour Fleming. He was in the barrol only twenty-flvo minute", altoj'tW' and allowing for tho timo ho was float ing in smooth woter ho made tho four miles of angry rapid in ten minutes, averago twonty-llve iniliB an hour Graham has announced that he will send his barrel over the Ilon-eslioe, Falls, and if it is unharmed will go over in it himself tho next day. An Intuit tiEjery True Soldier. But to take ihu next and lii-l step, that is, to dtolaro tlml a toldur with honor aid a soldier with dishonor an equal, that lhio is no d ffereuo' be tween an liot.onUe and a di-honor a!le discharge, thnwn too clearly th-i rank putbansliip will g' tonny to pcipctuile its gre. dy hold o'i tlt pLMquUites ol dill e, f is an ofTns done to the wIimIu country an 1 sl. u!d be resei.ted with infinite ii.diunaih n, It U au offeuso doi o to the lerai.. for it bespatters their i r aid moni and smirches their good name. N. Y, Herald. Everybody L kes to ho caflcd hapd-pine, i specially the young ladies, But this is (imply im possible as loug as their fao is tovor- n with pimples, blotihrs and sores, But wait, thuro is no need of this one or two boltUw of Sulphur Bi teri will removo all such disfiguratUn, aid make your face fair and rosy. Fail' nie Jtell, Edllre$t. 8-30-2r, Tanner's Hew Order Pension Commissioner Tanner has issued the following important order: "The role which has hitherto main tained in this office regarding proof of origin of disability, under which the evidence of one commissioned officer, or one orderly sergeant was accepted, while, in the absence of that evidence the U-slimony of two private soldiers ha been required, is hereby to far modified that, in the absence of the commissioned officer or orderly ser geant, the origin shall be held to be proven oj the evidence of the claimant and one private f-olJier, proi led al ways that said claimant and said pri vate be men of repulab'o character." A Fortunate Yonng Lady. Miss Jennie Martin, 176" North St. Paul St., Kocbeoter, N.Y., say: I suf- ferd Ion? from Ktrlner rnmiilninta home ph) oirai s failed to afford relief. A friend indurcf m In irr Dr. If ,.. dy's Favorite Remedy, made at Rond ont N Y. The effect wa wordcrful. Whea I had til-en tv.i WiIp t rn cured and have h ul ro trouble since. I write for the benefit of others. 8-10 4w. Ck v. The Chief Bom tor tha great ro cets ot llorxl's SanaparflU U found la the utfcle luelf. It Is merit that wins, and tho laet that Hood'i Sana partita actually ac complishes what Is claimed (or It, Is what has glten to this medicine a popularity and sale cr eater than that ot any other sarsapa- Merit VYIIlb Her before the pnhllc Hood's Sarsaparilta cores Scrofula, Bait Bheum and all Ilomon, Drspepsla, Sick rieadache. Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Xerrcs, builds np the Whole System. Um4'i Harapmrtlla U sold ball dTOJ tlst. tt; six for ia, Prepared br a Lllood k Co, Apothecaries, Lowell. Mass. IT'S A MISTAKE OP YOTO'S If you fail to examine our stock of "special Made Ulotlung. Don't purchase until you havo seen ours. WE GUARANTEE AU our girraenls to be of Superior Fabrics, Correctly Styled, Artistically made, and much lower priced than any other first class clothing. Remember, we are practical Tail ors and Clothiers doing a large busine". Wu are dine, importers. We sell to the c msumer at FIRST COST Clothing may be ordered from us by mail. Samples oj cloth and full instructions "Umo to take measure and obtain a perfect fiC sent Free oj Charge. Tf7in tcriting for samples please mention this paper. 1 0. T Special Mido Clothing, 1333 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Directly opposite the Mint. 1 Tho WONDERFUL 1 UBURG CHAIR OuaUafew rtrlar. Utr if, Ricllilij. 1 litllM tSl I. Liuist, tit, nn Wa mAka th Ursst variatr ot Ulullkk. Mllilii. rtlllcllll' llaa SafHll' SmthIm. IbviILC tutitiiMl rstilij. Mil its Rami CHAIRSnnd ROCKERS BICVCLE8, LOCIPEDiS and 8ELP CIPEDIS and 8ELP PROPELLERS ;RS HIcrCUES, TRICYCLES, VE- All KINDS OF APPLIANCES FOR INVALIDS RABY QOACHES Oier 0O dlffertnt dnl(is. Oar Fllltl AslMSItU trtkj on all Cur. ru,u,rH. w aani OMoouUoawl wbclMtll&f t VI pUdo jour cjnUri direct miiii LL r;..k mn v. .1 rn 1 1. ..irraJ prvhu. Our lCtl.g prim i uul Pcltl Uargmlna will nCooiihf rua. uaoaa sola onaar a tvarau r and daliTcrad frrr to ar.7 point ta OaUIofiM, and atat alaaa of coodt fas vMitl tot, LUBURC MFC CO. 146 Nvrtk Kljfhtb mmu mia4etkla, J?. US Holld Wauk. Id (Mil ttO. Mill Ulaly. I a atta. rr(MI UMkMMf. Wu.l UI wuck ta Ika WIVtstL raaiavi. uurr nutta (aatakJaaT uan, sttnm a t4 sTMsU' auata. with m1i IcroN to m u- tonlbtf with tr U tat t tl- kV ii r iii.jticiiid Mam pit it. Th jbsm, rtll a U WW 1. M4 lVro. avital afUt ha. krt CaltJl MClrl Ma bos. m I inr for 8 Hntki a4 akawk tkaa to Uom wk n,j b writ m aallM, Ik! avaceai yfttaf Ftrotxfi y. ift a. Wtu; au aapraaa, frtifal, via. Adlrtii Ka caa bo atmra mdnaf w atir rt Ca.. 1 'WILLIAMS HOMPSON staraisssssssm NDT1T: 9B mm laBAIJINd, I'OI'ULAIt, PUACTIUAL UOMMEHUIAL SCHOOL. Commcre l, Sherthand, Praet!:l Enjlljh aal MUHM7 Departoeats. Prtt-ipnt a an nnnrl Vouni? Slca rnnml .'inUyfir avurlnif D'epir4Uaifrttia iv.U work of life, whl'tt lUimiuJt of s Hi'nuwium uuuikiui. Ui 114 u, men ana woaiau Iruia aU parts ot tbe conUneQt linn Win n mnii ,.. , WHY we Solicit SBBr circular. We have a full line of goods, and are prepared to place them within your reach. Let our representatives have your orders early. ton sals uv DAVID LONG, MILL GROVE. NATAN MILLER, MA1NV1LLE JUST RECEIVED ! STILIS FOE FILL ! JUST RECEIVED ! ILE FOE 'FALL 1 Olothin lor Ulcii, Yon I lis, Boys si ml Children, that cannot be equalled to select from. The latest and most stylish lot of Hats, Caps and Men's Furnishing Goods just received that will excel all others that we have had. "We are determined to have what is wanted in the line ol CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS TRIES Al FURNISHING GOODS, and POSITIVELY will save you more money than to buy them in Wilkcrbarre or Scranton. As have said before our Frices axe always the lowest, And Our MOTTO is Alwnys "FAIR DEALW RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIER, The Reliable Clothier. The Largest Clothing and Hat House in Columbia andj Montour Counties. HI'Killip Bros, B.ooiusbnrs PhotogrstBiEis c& CrayoBBS Correct Styles, Perfect Finish. Copying, Enlarging, Viewing, and Frames to Order. Tcure FITS! MTien I say Cure I do notmeaninertlfto top th-m fur a time, anU then have tbera re torn aoin. I MEAN A UAlUCAii CUIUU. 1 have uiado the ducae oi FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A lift-long stndr. I virust my rersedr to CUuu the worst cases, ltecaaae others havo IsUetl Is no reason for not novrrcceirinv meure. l-eml at once for a treatise and a Free iiottlk ol mr Infallible IIkhedt. Gire Express and l'oit UOIce. It costs joa nolhlDj? lor a trial, and It will care too. Address H.C.nOOT.M.C., IC3PcmSl..XrYGH SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL t!E2 HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Milk. lo dlsarnlstd that It na be taken, digested, und atsalsnllattd by the moat sensitive stotuneli, nhtn the plain oil cannot be toleria aod by the com blnatlon or the ail with the hypopbo phltes Is ruuci m .re ecaeacloas. Btsurkible s a flesh proditcr. Ptrioiis gain r;iI41f while taUng it, 8C0TTS EMULSION is acknowledged bj PbTsiciat.s to be the Finest and Beat prepa ration in the world for tbo relief and cure ol CON3UMPTIOH, SCROFULA. CENJF.5i-VHi9EB,L,TY' WA8TINQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUGHS. The grnlrmtdy for (imimnptian, and Wutmg in aiifren. SM fcy aU Irwigitts. TliuuMuas un . imaiiH liy curml by- rillLApKl.rillA.l'A. r4oatgnctl.liooirarl..ii Jf Ium of lime Hum m,laM. ViSJiSlS 23 i curable jj oiura wsuioi. tuna far t r" uSr. JURE GUARANTEED. oUllkx fie ROGERS' ILL1.M3 & U;Uoater. N. V your Orders. BECAUSE wc have the experience as practical Farmers and Manufac turers for Twenty Years. BECAUSE of our extensive manufac tory and acid chambers. BECAUSE we give our entire personal attention to the manufacturing of Fertilizers. This is our specialty, and we place at your disposal all our facilities, For these reasons we make the thor ough guarantee found on first pace of our Consult Your Interests, By patronizing a live and PROGRESSIVE HOUSE. The Largest Stock, The Most Reliable Goods, Lowest Prices . Square Dealing and courteous attention will always be found at the OLD ESTABLISHED CLOTHING HOUSE OF DAVID LOWMBERG. CHANGE OF BASE. NEW FIRM Cummings BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS, BLOOMSUURG, PA. FRESH BREAD, CAKES, 1 r ROLLS, ROLLS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS and NUTS. rere,orpar,,,,.pl1n,c,frau.ei,UKAM VA" ATTACHED. Juno 28 89-tt. CUMMINGS & VERDY. COME AND HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED BY 4 G. Wells, WHO HAS JUST COMPLETED A THOROUGHLY PRACTICAL COURSE AT BUCKLIN'S OPTHALMIC COLLEGE, NEW YORK. ECO Kstm 'Charge 3VHA;DE tor PERFECT FIT Fine lino peb ble und white crystal 1 c 11 h 0 8 constantly i n stock, also tbo Fim winch ioik tun) jolilnry roilly antHd t givo utinfafllixi. CARPETS and ... n N' xt ,,onr ,n W. lUrlnmn & 8011V, Main 81., IllooniBburg, Pa. NK CARPETS J,,w. P: unm 1 1 Volvol, Bo ly Tspoatry and Bru.aols, frciu SUoih. up. iJS,ltx,lJ,M 20o RAG CARPETS from SOo np. STAIR OAR 1 ETS from 12Ji ur. MATTINd, to olosu out for lOo up. OIL CLOTH, all widths and pfimf. NEW MILLINERY! Jun rneued-Ncw VM SUlis for Lvllcs Hurt Children In Poll. nn,l Hlmwii. NEW FJSaVTUEIlB, Tll'rJ. & Yerdy, 1HSCU? BISCUITS, ETC. ) OF EVERY VARIETY. the Optician, - Ejamiairtg Eyes, G D All ANTE ED. Fi nest line of watches, clocks, and jewelry in Bloonisbnrg. -:o:- and quickly executed. All work euar MILLINRRY. G. W. KEIXER. II11U10N8, VELVETB, &a, H. E. WASLEY.