The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 30, 1889, Image 1

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    PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . . . . -sjl . llhsshs
x J.
OrrlCB Front Room, over PoitoSiee,
Office Room No. a, Columbian Building,
Office In Ent'j IluiUIng, near Court Home,
Office over Meyer I!ro'. Drug Store,
Office in Drawer's building, id floor, room No I,
Office cor. Centre & Main Sis., Clark's building,
CiT Can be consulted In German.
Office, Second floor, Columbian Building,
Office in Wirt's Building, and floor, Main St
Office In First National Bank Building, 2d floor,
CaT Pensions and bounties collected.
Office over Dentler's Shoe store, Front room,
Office, Columbian Building, 2 floor, front room,
Office over Rawlings' Meat Market,
Office, corner of Third and Main Streets,
B. McKELVY, M. D.,
Office, North side Main Street, below Market,
Office, North Market Street,
Office, comer of Rock and Market Streets,
Office and Residence, West First Street,
J. BROWN, M. D.,
Office and Residence, Third Street, West
or Market, near M. b. Church,
CiTOnice hours every alternoon and evening.
Special attention given to the eve and the fitting
of glasses. Telephone connection.
Treatment of Chronic Diseases made a
Office and Residence, Th'rd St., below Marker,
J. HESS, D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Philadelphia Dental College,
"having opened a dental office in ' Lockard's
Building, corner of Main and Centre streets,
Is prepared to receive all patients requiring pro
fessional services.
Ether, Gas, and Local Anesthetics,
administered for the painless extraction of teeth
Tree of charge when artificial teeth are inserted.
All Work Guaranteed as Rkfresehtiix
Teas, Syrups, Coffee, Suoar, Molasses,
Rice, Spices, Bicaub Soda, Etc., Etc.
N. E. Corner Second and Arch Sts.
HTOrders will receive prompt attention.
Manufacturers of
Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons, Sleighs, Platform
, Wagons, &c
First-class work always on hjnj. Repairing
neatly done.
"HTPrkes reduced to suit the times.
Office, Barton's Building, Main St., bel. Market,
All styles of work done In a superior manner,,
ana an worn warranica as rcpresenieu.
Teeth Extbacted Without Pain,
by the use of Gas, and free of charge when
artificial teeth are inserted.
W To 1 open nil hours durlngthe day.
TJTPCHfloU annate or 4
Location la UieBouth
UIIA, Claierront Va. I
-50-a-4t- J
0. E. 2LWELL. i . i
J. E. B1TTENBENDEB. j rcItcn.
.1 KNOW of soaps quite fair to sec,
Take care 1
They can both white and spurious be,
Beware I Beware!
Trust them not,
They are fooling thee I
They claim to be the purest made,
Take care 1
They are of an inferior grade,
Beware! Beware!
Trust them not,
Buy the Ivoky!
Hold on to that and shun the rest,
Take care!
It is the cheapest and the best;
" Of frauds beware I
Trust them not, ?
Trust pure Ivory. ' Li '
There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the 'Ivory',1"
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities sf
the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting It. '
Copyright 18S0, by Procter & Gamble.
Eases Pain Instantly.
Strengthens Weak Parts,
Quiets Hertousness.
Fresh Dnnfl. ITamlnck nam and
Pino IJftlum. prepared and
Bpreaa, au ro&aj to ippij.
Best Plaster Erer Made.
Bold by Drag and eonntry BtorM.
25 Cta. a for 81. Milled for price.
Brooke Hall,
For iBirls ano young Labies.
Shortage JFlebia Acabemy,
For Boys anb young 3tten.
BWITIII1V C. BHOItO"TjTX)013, A..:r. (Ifnrvnrd rail ante),
rkpresAts the following-
Nortl., of Philadelphia,
Franklin, ' "
Pennsylvanln, " "
York, of Pennsylvania,
Hanover, of New York,
Queens, of London,
North British, of lindon.
Ofi ice on Market Street, above Main, No. 5.
ivr p,LUTz;
(Successor to Ilrown,)
(Established in 1S65.)
Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, 59,528,388.97
Hartford, of Hartford 5,388.609.97
Phanlx, of Hat third, 4,778469.1.1
Springfield, of Springfield 3,099,903.98
Fire Association, Philadelphia,.,. 4,512,782.29
Guardian, of London 20,(03,323.71
Plicenix, of I.ondon, 6,924,563.48
Lancashire of Eng.,(U.S. Branch) 1,642,195.0c
Royal of EnRland, " " 4,853,564.00
Mut. Hen. I.f. In. Co. Newark, N J 41,379,228 33
Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this office,
J " maize"
Office, Second Floor, Coi.umdias Building,
Liverpool, London, and Globe, largest in the
World, and perfectly reliable.
Imperial, of London 9,658,479.00
Continental of New York 5 239,981. 2S
Americano! Philadelphia, 2,401,956,11
Niagara, of New York 2,260,479.86
OfrosiTE Coukt House.
I.srce and convenient sample nin Hath
rooms, ho) and cold water ; and all modern
Exchange Hotel,
The undersigned baa leased this well-known
house, and Is prepared to accommodate the puDllo
with all the conveniences ot a nrst-class botcL
LEMUEL DRAKE, Proprietor.
If they are recommended you,
Take care I
The grocer, speaks not always true,
Beware ! Beware I
Like as not
He is fooling thee!
Some counterfeits arc white as snow,
Take carol
Almost like Ivory Soap they show,
Beware ! Beware 1
Trust them not,
They are fooling thee '
Completely and
speedily .
AH Aelies, P&lm,
Sore&eM or Wek
neeainthe far the rmprtctor'i ttanalwte
wJ r-t . ......
on alt genuine ffotxU.
H gives a brilliant tlcht.
11 wtu not Binoico inHcnimneys.
It will not char the wick.
It n&s a high are test.
It win not explode.
It Is pre-eminently a family safety oil.
With any other Illuminating oil mado.
We Stake Our Reputation,
As refiners, upon the statement that 11 Is
Ask your dealer for
Trade for liloomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by
iHooiuBburg, Pa.
ki Furnishing Coods&U & Caps
Sims mtulo to ordur at abort notice
and a lit always truaranU'od or no sale.
Call and oxnmina tbo largest and bent
selected utook of good 8 ever shown iu
Columbia oounty.
Bloro next door to First Nailonil Hank
BUooxusburs; Pa.
How They Are OreA for on Untie Wltl-
lama Fnrm A Xjkwn Tonttls Xnelilnt.
"I used to think I wns n farmer," re
innrlccd Uncle William as lie elnrtcd to
kill ilvo chickens for dinner, "but slnco
my relatives nnd my wife's relatives and
their relatives and our many friends took
to comln' hero to Bpend their numruer
vacntlons I begin to think I ain't a farmer
any more. I iltinuo. Keopln' hotel and
restrunt, and houso of ref ugo, nnd orphan
asylum, and liiwniltarlum may bo farm
in', liut it didn't tiso to bo.
"Early last month my wifo'a sister and
her husband nnd his brother and Ids
brother's wlfo and the children of both
families como down from tho city with
about two cords of trunks and an nppo
tito for garden sass that mo and mother
and tho hired man ain't been able to
more'u hnlf satisfy. Then my sister and
her husband, who is suirerln' from gen
eral debility or suthln', and their chil
dren and u nurso dropped In on us and
commenced tcllln' what n perfectly de
lightful farm wg was runnln'. Then
Lucy's feller and a couplo of dudes that
used to tend collego with Thomas piled
in on us. Then a cousin of my wife's
brother-in-law and an old feller that said
ho was a friend of my father's blew in,
and n few days ago a chap came along
that said he had a patent dingus for
ketchln' potato hugs by machinery that
ho'd lllto to trade oil for board through
the summer. I said I guessed I'd ketch
'em by hand this Season and that my ho
tel and rcBtrunt was just about chock up
at the present time.
"In fact, I don't know how we could
crowd in any more jest now. When mo
and mother went to the city, 0110 time,
they put us up four flights of Btalrs, and
I felt klndy sorry wo couldn't bo just as
perlito when they corao to seo us, but
our house ain't but two stories high and
wo didn't have tlmo to ralso tho roof, bo
we dono tho best wo could. Some on
'em wo chucked in tho sparo room, sonio
on 'em in tho side room, somo on 'em In
tho hall, and somo on 'em in tho garret.
Lucy's feller has had to Bleep on tho
planer, tho collego dudes sleep in tho
woodshed, and 1110 and tho hired man
Bleep in tho granery. Cyrus and Thomas
and Ilenry tako their lodgln' in the
Btraw- stack, and mother and Lucy lodge
with Lem's folks. I never know what it
was before to run a summer resort, it
beats conference-and camp mectin's all
"They all said they was just dyfn' to
seo us, and I reckoned they was tho way
they took hold of the provisions. Me and
tho hired man and the boys spend nn
hour overy morning digging potatoes,
shelling green peas and plckln' chickens
for tho crowd, whllo mother pieces out
tho table every day or two to mako room
for extras.
"The visitors is nil tho time complaln
in' about their appetites, but I notice
that our potatoes, and our green ieas,
and our chickens, and our garden saxs is
in purty bteady demand all tho time,
and that our milk ain't sent to the' fac
tory any moro. The college dudes and
Lucy's feller and the children constitoot
the milk factory.
"Thero is somo amusln' things Lakes
placo on tho farm when tho visitors is
hero. I think I must tell you jest one.
Lucy's feller and tho college dudes was
playin' what they call lawn tennis out in
tho cow pasturone day when Bill Green
field's big red critter, ifoso, strolled nlong
that way and commenced gazin' at 'em
earnestly through the cracks In a ntono
fence. Me and tho hired man was watch
in' of him from tho potato field and we
could see ho felt hurt about suthln.
"The boys was waltzln' around the pas
tur' with their whito coats and panties
on and when at tho height of their en-
ioyment 'Mose' backed up and started,
never saw lawn tennis when it looked
more thrillln'. Mo and tho hired man
jest stood thero and watchod three
streaks of white and a Btrcak of bright
red railroad it across the farm, tho red
gradu:dly approachin' tho whito and
danger signals all along tho line. Lucy's
feller had tho longest legs and com
menced to look fer butternuts in tho top
of a tall tree, but the collego boys
couldn't trot 60 fast, and was assisted by
'Moso' to a reservo Beat In tho black
berry patch. When it comes to red and
whito colors In a raco of this kind you
want to put your inonoy on the red zoos'
"Iiunnin' a summer resort is powerful
expensive, but thcre'H some things kinder
excitin' and interestln' about it once in a
while and I guess we'll stand it through
tho season." li. II. Colegrovo iu James
town (N. Y.) Bun.
Ilea and 3l0Miultoa.
Another insect pest that has developed
to nn unusual extent this summer is tho
ilea. Fleas aro as plentiful hero now as
they aro iu California, where they led
John Phamlx years ago to prescribo as
the only protection or euro a coating of
coal tar, applied warm to the whole body
and patched from tlmo to time when it
cracked ut the Joints. In Brooklyn they,
I hear, have a theory that tho largo
Italian immigration Is responsible for
tho present prevalence of tho flea. In
certain tactions of this city the ailliction
is laid to the Chinamen. I am inclined
to think, however, that tho weather has
something to do with It. This summer
has been a combination of raii and
roast, mostly ruin. Tho rain breeds tho
mosquitoes. Tho heat breeds tlio lleos.
Consequently, as wo havo had more
rainy than hot weather, we havo moro
mobqultoes than fleas. New York News.
ColupllCKteil llUtloiililis.
On Sunday last Mis Ella Clayton was
wedded to Albert Phillips, Tho groom
is CO years old and tho brido Is not yet
11. A few years ago Cyrenius Clayton,
the father of tho bride, who was a wid
ower, murWed a daughterof Mr, Phillips,
tho groom of Sunday, Each husband
pow becomes his daughter's stepson and
each of the women becomes the grand
daughter of herself, Thero aro many
other complicated relationships arising
from this marriage, and when children
are born to either couple tho relation
ship will become much moro compli
cated. Eatonville Cor. New York World.
Tfoble Street Singer.
Jfow that the arlstoc raoy aro. taking to
trade thoy seam determined to let no In
dustry escape. Even tho etreot singey
lias titled rivals, for tho othor night tho
MarohiorieMof pihtol, the ladloe Hervey,
and a few of their friends went through
the streets and squares of -.Belgravfa,
tinging and playing on guitars and man
dolins, They tried to suit all fastes, and
sang "O Bella Italia" and "Oh dcin
Golden Bllppersl" with equal vigor, Tha
proceeds of tho night's work aro to bo
given to tbo Hospital Sunday fund.
London Star.
laereaM of ft Tlitd If abtt.
The cigarette habit Is increasing. The
commissioner of internal revenue col
lected taxes last year upon 2,151,615,800,
which is an Increase of 288,780,200 pver
tiro preceding fiscal year, The, number
taxed U a pretty good indication of tho
consumption. Tho number of cigars
taxed dining tho hut fiscal year was
3,8117,885,040, an increasoof 82,058,090,
showing that tho consumption of cigar
ettes is increasing moro rapidly thali
that of cigars. Exchange.
AmnrlFHti Tminorn Hear Wtint IIm Ileen
Ione In ICnrnpe bj TliU Method.
The process of converting hides into
leather, as now followed, consumes a
ipaco of tlmo varying from bIx to twelvo
months. It also demands close, attention
and good management, as well as expe
rience. Great caro has to bo exercised
in tho selection of material, clso u lot of
choice hides aro found at tho expiration
of tho tanning season to havo deteriorated
Into second or oven third quality leather.
Tanners, and leather dealers generally,
aro accredited with being very careful
and conservative In all their business
With these facts In viow It Is not sur
prising that when it was reported from I
Franco that leather' was being tanned
by electricity, American tanners regard
ed tho Btatemont as a nowspapcr sensa
tion. Twenty-four hours was considered
pretty qulok work for even electricity.
It was not until tho doubting Thomases
had seen and felt that they believed.
But now Blnco tanning by this process
seems an assured fact It is no longer re
garded as a sort of transatlantic otfset to
our electric sugar refining. Every Item
that can be gleaned is thoroughly dis
cussed and every source of information
eagerly sought. That the earlier efforts
in this direction wero failures is true,
but this was largely owing to a lack of
electrical knowledgo on the part of tho
Inventors. Thoy wero unable to econom
ically produco an effective current. And
again,' many experiments were neces
sary to learn tho strength of tho most
effective current But this in tiino was
learned, as was also its most economic
means of production. Only a uniform
current will givo good results.
Tho process, as described by those
who havo seen it, is a very slmplo one.
Tho hides aro placed in large cylinders,
which revolve upon horizontal axles.
Tho drum Is filled with n decoction of
tannin and closed. Provision Is made
for tho passing of a current of electricity
through tho drum. The drum Is kept
slowly revolving until the process of
tanning Is completed. The length of
time required varies with the nature of
tho hide. For tho lighter skins, such as
sheep and goat, which used to require
from threo to six months, by tho olectrlo
process nro tanned in twenty-four hours.
Tho heavier hides, such as calf, ox, cow
or horse, require from seventy-two to
ninety-six hours. By the old fashioned
bark process twelvo months or even
moro would havo been taken.
Tho cost of production is greatly re
duced by this method, for not only is tho
saving in tlmo, but in labor. The actual
cost of working Is reduced over 50 per
cent. By tho bark process tho cost of
tanning is from seven to eight cents per
pound of dry leather, as against that of
three to four cents by tho electrio meth
ods. And again, where a force of fifty
men were required to produco a given
quantity of leather, only ten aro needed
to produco tho samo by tho now meth
ods. Heretofore large capital has been
reqflirod to run a tannery having a regu
lar weekly output. As hides often re
quire to lie In tho tan vats nearly a year,
it will bo seen that a great number must
be in process of tannage in order that a
certain amount of leather be turned out
each week. In addition to extensive
plant, heavy investments aro represented
by tho hides in tannage. But the elec
trio process completely revolutionizes
this. Hides purchased on Monday have
been converted into leather and put on
tho market by Saturday.
Just what effect tho electrio current
lias upon tho tannin is as yet a question'
of dispute. Some claim that Its affect is
upon tho tannin, giving it moro active
properties. Others say that It effects
tho hide only. Professor S. P. Thomp
son, who has examined the process,
tldnks that the effect is to open tho pores
of tho hldo and so permit a moro rapid
access of tho tannin solution. Another
claims that tho current renders the gela
tine more soluble, so that It is able to
combine moro rapidly with tho tannin.
There is reason to believe that thero is
truth in both these statements, from tho
fact that tho leather is much moro pll
ablo and of greater strength than that
of tho long process.
A company has recently been formed
in England .which is preparing to tan
quite extensively by electrio process.
They will have an oxhlblt ot their leath
ers at tho Paris exposition, as will also
tho French Electric Tanning company.
Our visiting tanners, leather dealers and
shoo manufacturers will no doubt view
ft with interest. One of our- largest
leather dealers has decided upon a Paris
trip, especially to learn mora of this,
what ho termed a few months ago a new
fangled idea. New York Mall and Ex
press. A Hint Thnt iJaricee.
Macon has tho most remarkable bird
in tho known world, being nothing less
than a musical gander. This wonderful
bird Is owned by some negroes living In
tho vicinity of the gas works, at the foot
of Mulberry street. For Beveral weeks
the employes of tho gas works, as well
as tho electrio light works in the samo
neighborhood, havo been seen to Btop
every ovenlng on quitting work and sur
round a lot of little negroes who dally
congregate on the square near the rail
road embankment. Yesterday a Tele
graph man determined to see tho cause
of tho gathering, and on proceeding to
the locality found tho little negroes cu
gaged in "patting" with all their might
and an old gray goose in the center of
tho circle dancing, first on one foot and
then on tbo other. The gander Becnm)
to enjoy tho dance, and, though it
might read like a "fake," was keeping
most excellent time to tho rudq.muslo of
tho children. For an hour or bo, that
fool gooso will danoo to tho pattlnjj, al
ways stopping when tho children cease
their muslo, and seems always ready to
resume. Any ono who will take the
troublo to go down to tho gas works any
of those ovenings will eo tho wonderful
gooso.Macon (Oa.) Telegraph,
Ad Kmpreu' K con only,
Tho Japan Weekly Mall, in a recent
issue, observes that the empress of Japan
has long shown an oxtremo interest iu
all the charitable institutions of Toklo
which are devoted to women and chil
dren. Especially la thU the paso ji rer
gard to UiuTokio Female hospital, which
has proved so useful to the poorer classes
in tho paplta) that larger premises bo
camo nccessaryt while the funds were In
sufficient for the purpose, JJer majesty
cast about for tome methods of giving
effectual assistanco to the Institution,
and nt last decldod that she could best
do so by oxorclslng strict economy In her
personal expenditure and devoting whnt
oouh) bo Bpared to tho hospital As the
resH pf ono year's saving, her majesty
has just bestowed a Burn of 8,4Q yen, 00
son and b rin on the institution. ThU
amounts to about $7,000, A sen U
equivalent to a halfpenny, and contains
10 rin. "Thoro Is something plctur
osquo," observes Tho Mail, "about theso
son and rin. Thoy represent an account
mJuulcly and faithfully kept between
her majesty's unavoidable expenses and
tho bonovolent impulse that constantly
urged her to curtail them. Such gracious
acta of sterling effort Command ndiulra
tiuu iui4 kve,"
Could Not II117 Iter Line.
A singular caso was tried in Justice
Patrick's court, two Italians, Martin
Petreok and Santos Cordova, being prin
cipals. Cordova was tho fiolf assumed
guardian of a pretty, dark eyed Italian
girl. Ho clothed and educated her, and
Intended Borne day to make her hfs wlfo.
About April 1 Petrock appeared upon
tho socno and also foil In lovo with tho
maiden, and proposed marriage, but tho
young lady told him that Santos had
claim on her affections. Petreck asked
Santos what ho would tako for lovo and
affections. He set tho price at $150, and
a bargain was made. Petreck paid Cor
dova $50 In cash and gave him a note
for $100, payable in two years, for which
consideration Cordova gave up all claim
to U10 maiden.
Petreck was not as happy after tho
transfer as ho expected to bo. Tho
maiden did not lavish upon him tho
same affection that bIio had shown San
tos Cordova. Ho got tired of tho bar
gain and wanted to trado back. Ho
finally secured tho noto for $100, but
Cordova was olwtlnato as to tho $50
which had been paid in cash. A suit
was tho result. Tho court decided that
an Illegal contract had K-en mado, tho
terms of which could not bo enforced,
Cordova won tho suit, and the plaintiff
had to pay the costs. The maiden thinks
Petreck had a mercenary motive in tho
affection, nnd still clings to Cordova, her
first lovo. Tacoma Cor. St. Paul Pioneer
IllamlnMtfMl Water,
For a long time thn illumination of
cascades by tho electrio light has proved
a never railing source of pleasure to tho
public; the lighting up of tlio Falls of
Niagara, in this way, remarks an ex
change, is ono of the most beautiful spec
tacles that can well bo imagined. But
this method of Illuminating falling water
lias lost Its novelty, and a now idea,
which was put Into practice a fow years
ago In London, has taken its place, and
Is now adopted for tho illumination of
tho fountains at tlio Paris exposition.
ihis Is to Imprison the luminous ray
within tho liquid jet, and that so perfect
ly that each particle of water becomes,
as It wore, incandescent, whllo tho wholo
system is transformed into a brilliant
mass of molten gold or silver of any
color that It may be desired to Impart.
isororo the eyes 01 tho astonished spec
tator tho jets of water suddenly chango
In tho Intensity of their light and color;
luminous In themselves und sparkling
like a display of fireworks in tho dark
ness, they throwlnnumorablo sparks in
all directions, but, unliko a display of
llreworks wiiicli lasta only for an Instant,
tho effect can be prolonged for any do
sired time. Tho variations in tho lumin
ous intensity, as well as in the power and
heights of tlio lets, combine to civo a
special charm to the effects produced.
fjew York Telegram.
Our legation Iu Loutlon,
Tho official quarters of tho American
minister in England would bo a disgrace
to tho United States if they wero no big
ger than Henrico county. A small tin
sign besldo a door in a tall building in
ictorla street contains tho legend that
this is "Tho Legation of tho United
States of America," You are fortunate
if you can find tho place, for no ono vou
ask has over heard of it. Some think it
Is at a Btcauiehip company's. Having
found tho place, you ring a bell. After
a long tlmo a maid opens tho door. You
say you wish to nee tho American nilu
Istcr. Instead of showing you into an
ample office showaves her hand towards
tho back of tho passage, where it is nar
rowed by tho 6tairway, and with a sniff
disappears. You wander darkly back
and find a door with a card signifying
that this Is "Tlio Legation" of the great
country from which you hail. Tho up
per panel is of smoked glass, to admit a
ray of light into the passage, but as it
does not cnablo you to seo you feci until
you find tho bell, when you ring again.
This time a messenger opens tho door
and you are ushered into "Tho Legation"
threo or four dim, dingy little rooms
with old, worn tables and chairs and old,
faded, worn carpets. Thero is not an in
surance office In Richmond which is not
better furnished. London Cor. Rich
mond Times.
n. llrownell, of. Hath, Klllt an Klcht
I'ouinl Salmon Trout ScleutlQcally.
Few women includo in their summer
outingoutfit fishing rods nnd nn extensive
selection of tackle. Prominent among
tlio few who do is Mrs. Brownell, ot
l).ith. Her rods and tackle aro chosen
with special caro as to quality,, and aro
not carried as an ornamental appurte
nance, but for real practical use.
Mrs. Brownell is an enthusiastic and
scientific angler. She hus the record
this season of killing tho only salmon
trout over taken in Keuka lako on a six
ounce rod. Salmon trout ordinarily l(o
hi the deepest water, and tho regulation
tackle is a heavy hand lino and troll, or
a stiff rod rigged with heavy lino nnd a
gang of ten hooks, on which is impaled
n small fish known as' tho saw Irelly.
This bait is a fish with glittering scales,
and is attached to tho hook dead,
Tho rig Is known as tho Soth Green
gang, Beth Green having introduced it
among tho Keuka lako fishermen. It is
trolled, llko tho spoon, In deep water
with a heavy load attached to tho line,
which Is let out from two to threo hun
dred feet.
Mrs. Brownell was fishing for black
bass near Gibson's, using livo bait. She
had lauded a number of bass, when she
had a strlko that surprised her, Sho had
hooked tho fish, and Instantly know that
It was not n bass she had fastened, for It
dashed furiously for tho deep water to
ward tho middle of the lako. Although
It was an almost unheard of thing for
ealmon trout to be feeding (n tho water
whero 6he was fishing, sho was con
vinced that this was a salmon trout that
sho had hooked, and sho quickly gov.
erned herself accordingly, JJer. husband
was with her In tho boat, and started
from his Beat to assist her, but sho quiet
ly told him that eho wanted to get that
fish, and consequently tho best thing ho
could do was not to get in her wny.
There are fow anglers, no matter how
experienced, who could havo success
fully handled, with such light tackle,
tho tugging, struggling, dashing fish
that "'fli doing it" best to tow Mrs.
urowncl) and her boat put Into tho lako,
, but she manipulated tho flah with bucIi
tklll that with all his strength and cun
ning ho failed to catch lfir off her guard,
so that ho could snap tho ()olica(o lino
and loader to which tho elastic roil and
its masterly handling alono gavo suffi
cient strength to hold him, Tlio fish
fought for half nn hour, and thoi) gavo
up. Mrs. Jirownel) reeled him to tho
boat, and lifted him over tho bldo with
her own hand,
Tho fish was a splendid 6peclmen of
tho salmon trout, and when laid out In
tho boat strotohod from ono Bide of it to
tho other. Tho trout weighed nearly
eight jKiunds, and would havo been a
prlzo that the sturdiest angler with tho
regular unbreakable salmon trout lacklo
would havo made his boast for days.
Mrs, Brownell took the honors of her
catch tuodettlv. and finished tl in ilnv liv
I killing a numler of thumping black
I bass. Hainmondsport Cor. New York
X Kuu.
ArOL. 23. NO 35.
Atxlncted anil Married, mill Now fWktl
DlTorco from Whomever lie Wedded.
Last week a young man named Mlt-
choll applied to tho courts for n divorce.
If his talo is true, something should bo
dono for him on nccount of tho wrongs
ho has suffered and tho patlcnco with
which ho has ondurcd them. Mr. Mit
chell tells tho court that just aliout a
year ago ho was wandering beneath tho
pleasant shades of Evanston, neither
thinking nor doing ill, when two Btrango
men accosted him and told him they
wero detectives nnd had a warrant for
his arrest. Ho followed thorn submis
sively to n placo whero they met a tldrd
man, who told Mr. Mitchell ho must go
nt onco to Chicago and thero bo married
to a yoUng woman whoso name, ho says,
he had nover boforo heard. Ho was bo
parolyzed by this Information that ho
mado no effort to get his freedom, Ho
did not cry out and implore tho nld of
tho bystanders. Thero would havo been
humanity enough in Evanston to rcscuo
him from his impending doom if he had
cried out that he had leeu kidnaped
and was on his way to tho altar of sacri
fice. Ho was carried to a Chicago hotel and
thero locked up. Instead of ringing tho
bell, getting n boy and sending him for
the police, this remarkable young man
waited in gloomy patience for the in
evitable. Ho did not stick his head out
of tho window and cry for help, nor
scMbulo a noto telling of his forlorn con
dition and throw it into tho street hoping
mat somo ono would pick u up nnd has
ten to his relief. Ho did nonoof tho
At. I t 1
unugs which innoceni young men uo
when thoy havo bocn snatched nway
from their friends and Immured In
gloomy dungeons. At last there camo a
minister whom ho had never seen leforo
and a young woman who was quit? as
much of a stranger to lilm. A marriago
ceremony was performed, though ho fre
quently Interrupted it with his protests,
nnd when . It was over ho was told to go
his way, whioh ho did, and slnco then ho
has been musing over tlio wholo inex
plicable affair. Ho has not seen his wifo
slnco, and doubts if ho would know her.
It is an unpleasant position for a man
to bo in to know that ho has a wifo nnd
yet not know who or whero that wlfo is.
For all that ho knows sho may suddenly
begin, to run up bills in his name. She
may.comnromlso his honor. Sho inav
burst in upon him when ho la in tho
pleasant society of ladles or is having a
jolly tlmo of it with men, and claim him
as her own. A wlfo lurking Bomewhere
in tho darkness Is a constant menace.
A man in such a plight may meet and
rati in lovo with his wlfo, nnd npply lor
a dlvorco from her, so ho may marry
her. All this Mr. Mitchell put up with
for a year, and Anally asked tho court to
put him out of his misery.
ino nervous young men of Chicago.
after reading Mr. Mitchell's Btory, will
pronauiy turn pale when thoy think that
what has happened to him may happen
to them; that thoy, too, may bo ab
ducted and married. Heiresses havo
often been carried off and given hus
bands against their will, but if young
men, especially wealthy ones, are ex
posed to a similar fato hi this enlight
ened ag$, in a city llko this, wefctern
civilization is a failure. Instead of car
rying arms to protect themselves from
robbers, men will havo to carry them
to defend themselves from detectives,
ministers and brides. Chicago Tribune.
Germany' Emperor oa a llaby.
It is interesting to read her majesty's
opinion of her grandchild, now Kaiser
Wilhelm II, when ho was a baby.
At the baptismal functions neither Princo
Albert nor tho queen was able to bo
present, and tho latter, in her own pecu
liar style, wroto to her uncle, King Leo
pold of tho Belgians, as follows: "Oh,
uncle! it almost breaks my heart not to
witness our dear first grandchild's chris
tening. I don't think I over felt bo dis
appointed. And then It is an occasion
bo gratifying to both nations, and brings
mom bo mucn together." Tlio queen's
Introduction to her first grandchild took
placo about somo twenty months later,
when sho wrote: "no is bucIi a Uttlo
lovol Ho camo walking In nt Mrs.
Hobbs' (his nurso) hand, in a little whito
dresa with black bows, and was so good.
Ho is a flno fat child, with a beautiful
white, soft skin." London Standard.
The Great Chocolate Malcera.
Tlioreaninr- and ntliprnrrIpiiUnrn1 .nn.
chines shown at tho Paris exhibition havo
been tested on tho great farm, at Noislcl,
of Mmo. Menler, tho head of tho choco
late making houso, bIio having put her
land and harvests at tho disposal of tho
jury, Tho manufactory at Nolslel turns
out about 40,000,000 pounds of chocolate
n year. Tho tin paper with which tho
cakes aro covered costs $100,000 per an
num, and the work'of wrapping up tho
cakes gives employment to COO women.
Tho Menlers havo their own railway to
tnoet tho main line; they havo their own
cocoa plantations in Nicaragua, and they
grow their own sugar. They employ
1,500 workmen in all, whose children re
ceive a gratuitous education, and who
get 0 per cent, for all savings they con
fide to their employers. Tho houso started
in 1810. Chicago Tribune.
One Trust l'uiul.
Trust funds certainly aro Boinetimes
well applied. Tims, a fund of $J0,O00,
bequeathed in 1800 by Jonathan Phillips
to tlio city of Boston, tho income of
which is to bo "annually oxpended to
adorn and embellish tho streets and pub
Ho places In said city," has given to tho
city flno statues of Josiah Quincy, John
Wlnthrop and Samuel Adams, and other
wise has been used for tho adornment of
tho city. Now York Tribune.
A 111b Ox.
Presumably tho largest ox In tho world
is on exhibition nt tho Bourbon utock
yards in this city. Ho stands cloven
hands high, Is cloven feet In tho girth,
ilvo feet from biisket to top withers,
threo nnd a half feet across tho rump,
and weighs 4,000 iioiinda. Ho has been
exhibited nt all tho fairs in this section.
Louisville (Ky.) Telegram.
'lho Irlbh bcientiilo expedition, which
has been trawling in tho Atlantic ocean,
has returned after n tiw.,.,.cri .
One day tho voyagers struck ajalnst a
dead whalo with a crowd of big sharks
tearing tho carcass to pieces. Thu scien
tists at onco lowered a boat and with
jiieir lines lought tlio monsters. Thoy
killed two of tho slmrkB, ono of which
was taken on board the steamer. Tho
suientists state that thu present explora
tion baa been far more successful than
any of tho four previous ones. They
succeeded this time Iu obtaining larger
takes of rarer siKcimens. Court Jour
nal. Starrled rive TIuivh.
Dr. Burke, nf Wnlin., - t...
who Is 00 years old, is tho father of
thlrty.nino children, five of Ihetu being
f1 I a Tin linn - . 1 0
i.ivo uwmi uiarneu ilvo t lines.
Ono of his wives was an Indian, of whom
six pf his children wero bom. The old
gwitleman, who is humpbacked, carries
himself well for his years, nnd tuvs that
lio Is at all times ready to go, having
done his duty by his country 111. resi
dence hmcar De Fuulak npifiigv.-Ueraia
or Health.
111 1 IIIIIS Hill I Mm
ltortes Killed by Tlckj,
A remarkable nnd disastrous plague to
stock Is how raging in Daviess county,
inu. uiani(j nio losr, row weeks a Hum
ber of farmers iu various parts of that
county havo lost tomo of their finest
horses. An Investigation as to tho causo
of tlio Btrango occurrences brought to
light what seems an incredulous stato ot
affairs, but has, proved an absolute fact.
It was found thnt ticks aro actually kill
ing horses, which tho pests attack In
great swarms, and suck tho blood from
tho animal until it is helpless nnd is rc
lloved of Its sufferings by death. Exam
inations show that tho pests eat their
way through tho hldo into tho flesh. It
is thought tho ticks wero bhmght by lho
Toxaa ponies, which havo been sold hero
In tho last fow months, Tho ticks at
tack cows, but do not seem to havo tho
samo effect as 011 horses. Exchange.
A Novel Turnout at tong llraucli.
Tlio funniest turnout down hero is o
vcritabla tub ono of thoso basket things,
you know to which is hitched tho fast
est of Uttlo jKinlcs, rejoicing in tho natno
of Venus. Whenever tho owner of this
trap wishes it to appear, iu a loud volco
so that tho entlro household may enjoy
It ho calls out! "Put Venus in tho tubl"
As tho gentleman Is singularly hand
some, ho Is generally known to Ills wo
mon friends as Adonis. "Bab" in St.
Louis Republic.
Sho Can Outride a Comanche.
Miss Johanna Kmnlnr. n liullu nt Tnm.
dlso Vallev. Nov.. 1 inja npfc nttf. fnr PaI,
Sho rides any animal lhat wears hair
, 1 . 1 . -
uim iiuuia, arm cares no moro for a sad
dle than does a wild Indian. Sho is as
much at homo on tho sido of a galloping
Bteod as on his Irack. With her horso
at full sneed sho ran nnaa 1111, lnr I. la
and como up on tho other sido, a feat
that few Comanchcs care to undertake.
Virginia City (Nov.) Enterprise.
A Millionaire's Vloatlng I'alnre.
A stranrrn looking rrciffc nnnnr.1 rrf
tho ocean front a day or two ago, being
pulled nlong at n slow pace by a tugboat.
Tho fog was so dense that not oven tho
many Beafarlnrr noonlo nrnnml nmilil
mako out what It was. Somo suggested
mat it might to .Noah's ark, sent hero
by tho Almighty In anticipation of a
11000; oiners said it was tho lloating pal
ace from Coney Island, and others even
mado tho foolish remark that it was ono
of tho houses carried away during tho
Johnstown Hood. It finally reached the
bar buoy on Thursday night, and yes
terday morning was brought into tho
inlet on tho flood tido, when Its truo
character was disclosed to tho curious
throng in waiting. It is a magnificently
appointed boat house, on tho lower floor
of which is snugly restiug a very hand
some Bteam launch, which can bo run
out at pleasure. Tho namo of this float
ing palaco is tho Falcon, and it is owned
by Mr. Alexander MacGaw, a prominent
nnd wealthy bridge builder of Philadel
phia. Atlantio City Cor. Philadelphia
A Felluo St. Ilnrtholomeir.
A terrible carnago of cats has been
organized at Corbeli, not far from Paris.
Two persons living in tho town wero bit
ten by a local "tabby," which was de
clared rabid by a veterinary surgeon,
whereupon tho destruction of tho town
pussies cn masso was decreed by tho in
habitants. It is to bo hoped, however,
that tho good poop'.o who havo organ
ized tho massacre will bo brought to
their senses before they pavo the way for
aplaguo of rats and mice, a contingency
to which their present wild and extraor
dinary conduct would seem to point. In
tho meantime tho victims of tlio "rabid
cat" havo started for M. Pasteur's labor
atory iu Paris. Paris Cor. London Tele
graph. Mlier I'olut Suetctiliii-.
Mr. Charles Sainton is hard at work at
Ills Bilver point sketches, which aro to bo
exhibited at Dowdcswcll's next October.
Forty pictures will bo required altogether,
indthe artist is about half wny through
already. A silver point is simply a sketch
mado on prepared paper, with a bit of
6llvcr mounted In a holder in lieu of a bit
of lead. Tho effect is extremely delicate,
and many of Mr. Sainton's portrnits look
llko faces seen in n dream. Tlio study of
this art Is said to bo deeply absorbing,
and it possibly owes somo of its fascina
tion from tho cxtremo care requisite in
its execution. Erasure is impossible, and
a falso step can never bo retrieved. Mr.
Sainton's sketches aro varied iu charac
ter, and the eolect party of friends who
wero recently invited to viow his work
nt ills studio wero much delighted at tho
ueucate elfcct or tho pictures, all Bet off
by whito enamel frames.
iV largo decoratlvo sketch of a nvxnnh
floating over a limpid lako, followed by
tairy sprite, was exceedingly well com
posed, and thero wero portraits of (society
beauties and heads of artists' models.
3ut by far tho most effectlvo thing in tho
wholo collection was tho danseuses,
sketched from memory nt tho Empire.
Tho medium Is particularly suited to tho
transparent draperies, fairy like effects,
and tho graceful figures, with their float
ing skirts and star crowned hair, are
beautifully brought out ngainst a soft
shaded background. Wo may 6afely
predict a great success for Mr. Sainton's
exhibition, which will probably rovlvo a
tasto ror this fascinating art. London
Their Sixtieth Annlversury.
Mr. and Mrs. Jcsso S. Butler, of this
city, as tho guests of their daughter, Mrs.
A. u. Lutlicr, celebrated on Tuesday tho
sixtieth anniversary of their marriago.
Thoy were married at Albion, Orleans
county, Aug. 0, 1829. Mr. Butler has
passed an active business llfo, and now,
at tho agoof 82, enjoys llfo nt tho family
homo iu East Washington street. His
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesso Butler, of
Pomiiey, each of whom died at tho ago
of 03 years, lived till past their twen
tieth marriago anniversary, nnd two of
his brothers and two of his sisters lived
with their partners for periods varying
from fifty to sixty-three years. Mr. But
ler and ono sitter, Mrs. Ella W. Boss, of
Fablus, aro tho last surviving members
of a family of eight children. Syracuso
Tlio "Furelgll De II."
An nntl-sowingiuuchlno guild has been
formed by tho Chinese tailors of Hong
Kong. A Chinaman who had joined tho
"party of progress," and had been uslnu
tho sewing machine, was recently waited
upon by a deputation from tho guild and
requested to pay to its members thirty
taels as couiKnsation for using tho "for
eign devil." Ho refused and was In
stantly assailed. Tlio jollco saved his
life, but ho is not quito so eager now to
tiso tho sowing lunchino, New York
Tlio Knburgcr Illble.
Tho latest addition to thn nrivntn re
jection of antlnultlofl. nllriru. nl.l matm.
scripts, in possession of Gen. Charles V.
DarlillL'. Of ITtlM. N. V la n irf..f
Lcopy of tho Koburger Bible, printed in
ruiiu uy Alimony jvouurger, of rsurem-
1... . lun 11 1 . . ... ..
uuig, iioo. rrcviousiy 10 uiii uuio
printing had been douo mostly in Latin,
altllOUL'h ill 1430 tlin Ttnlhmo 1
print with Greek and Hebrew tyjios.
amiiuny ivoourger was distinguished
for his learning as well as celebrated for
tho tleganco of his printing. Ho was
Ukowlso n very extensive book seller,
and had largo book stores iu his 0V11
city, Lyons, und in many other of tho
grout uurupviui cuius, in twenty-six
years ho priiited thirteen editions of tho
Bible, twelvn in I.alin nml nnn In rirU
all largo fullos, und extremely boautiful
specimens 01 ino art, Now York Timea
A buro SIeu.
Mirrltt I'm afraid Cora's love for mo Isn't
Just what It uilRlitiJo.
Oiles TUat'uorisouso,ol4boy. Bha fairly
idollxe you.
Men-Itt I don't Imow in much about that.
I gavo hir n cotlj prowut hut ulht, ua. be
fore she tlmuknl me lw run upstnkk to khow
U to tr motiier, Judgu.