The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 23, 1889, Image 4

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After a long atyl brilliant career
Jolm Adams retired to hit homo in
Qulnoy, M.isi., iniending to oompleto
uiiiuyi iii.3i.. iiiiuuu.iiu t,v uuuiiiiuiu
a history of his tlaioa before his death,
Ho was thon nearly 70 voars old, and
did not hope to llvo many years. In-
deed, ho predicted that his yaaity and
bad temper would throw him into a lit
if Innnlnrv fnn urhlnli lid nrnnrttiul
novo to reeoror, and it ia a wonder he
AA til a tintA HArniilant imttmtt I
was llttlo saloulatod to rosist such an Our Government now unjustly for
attack. Yot he lived nearly another W.N any American citizen to kill sea Is
;,. ),t o9n.i in ' Alaska with out a license from this
. nn ,m iih of .r'nlti i hop. tha Kf.
tieth anniversary of American indo
pondence. Tho animosities of his pub
lie lifo wore forgotten, and nothing is
more beautiful than tho friendship,
embittered by many yeArs of political
opposition, that was revived between
John Adam and Thomas Jefferson in
old ago.
As tbe Fourth of July approached
the whole nation prepared to celebrate
tho event, and invitations poured in bn
the two ex-presidents who had
borno so conspicuous a part in tho es
tablishment ot independence to grase
this oooasion with their presence. But
it became manifest before the day ar
rived that John Adams would not oyon
be ablo to attend the celebration in
Quinoy. He was failing gradually in
body, but he was alive to all that passed
about him. June 30 a delegation was
sent to, ask him for a toast to be pro-
posed in his namo.
"Independence fororert''' he replied
"Nothing etset" in astonishment
from those who remembered his old
timo florid style of oratory.
"Not anothor word. Would you
mid refined cold? '
The same day ho said: "I desiro lib
other inscription over my gravostono
than this: 'Here lies John Adams,
who took upon himself tho" responsibil
ity of tho peace with France in tho
year 1800. "
The morning of July 4 he lay listen
ins to all the sounds of rejoicing, with
his immediate family about him.
About 4 o'clock in the afternoon be
took leave, of them and, saying "Jeff
erson still survives," expired. Jeffer
son had died three hours before at
Monticello. The news of John Adams'
death reached his fellow townsmen as
they wcro leaving the hall after the
col'ibration. They immediately stop-
pou luuir rejuiuuig, auu tunning a jiru
cession, marchod with mulHed drum
beats past the house whoro he lay.
Chicago IWbune.
The war in Hayti, it is expected,
will be abandoned during the Summer
season. Gen. Legitime, President,
will contioue to hold tho capital of the
Republic, while Gen. Hippolyte, lead
er of the Northern party, has been
compelled to pbandon his fortifications
near Port au Prince and has retreated
to tho north. A decisive and bloody
battle was fought a few days ago not
more than three miles from President
Legitimes' palace. The loss was
hoavv on both sides, but, according 'to
tbe cablegram received from Port an
Prince recently by Haytian Counsel
General Doslanden. Hippolvte's was
the laiBror. I
Gen. Hippolyto had succeeded in
marching his army toward the south-1
em part of Hayti, capturing little for-
tincations at different points along his I
route, and bad goue into camp at La
Croix de Bouquet, a village ten mile
due north from Port au Prince. He
had about ten thousand men, fairly
well equipped, including a small force I
of artillery, composed of Catlings and
Howitzers. Camp was pitched about
duly 20, when ilippolyte and bis gen
erals decided to send outpbeta in the
direction of Port au Prince to ascer
tain, if possible, tho exact strength of
the Southern army. Tho outpost
consisting of companies of infantry,
reached Drouillard, about three miles
from Port au Prince, while tbe main
force, under Gen. Hippolyte, continued
to enjoy oarap life at La Croix de Bou
Legitime called out his reserves, in
cluding everybody ablo to carry a nun
Very many of bis men were not uni
formed. Companies were pushed to
tbe front rapidly and daily skirmishes
botwoen tbe outposts of the two part
es took place until tbe rainy season
set in.
Hippolyte knew that be could not re
main In camp until the end of the sea-
sou, ana aeciuea to auacic me capital,
On the night of Aug. 6 ho formed his
armv into three divon,,. which r
to attack fort au I'nnoo from as many
.Mo. r...:n.,i j t.1 , '
sides. Drouillard and Frore, planta
(ions to the eastward of the capital,
were fortified when tho command to
advance was given. Tho Northern
troops marched beyond tbe fortified
places, and were about two and one
half miles from tho city, when thoy
wore mot by tbe Southern army. Hre
a fierce and bloody battle was fought,
resulting in tho hasty retreat of Hippo
lyto. Suoh is the information receivod
at the Haytian Consulate.
Consul-General Deslandes sa'd to a
reporter that it was very doubtful
whether Hippolyto would attempt an
other attack on Port au Prinoe. Mr.
Dcslandos said that Frederiok Doug
lass, the new Minister from the United
states, would start for Port au Prinoe
early next month.
How to Make Obsoolate.
Tho secret In raaklnc chocolate, aavs
& loaaincr confectionor of New York
city, ih ii mixing tlio powder with en-
"Tr""s wr?Za " lu,1,? P?
ouu u.t-. o.i uomiig ra.iic, ana
last a , little more boiling water and
scalding ono minute. It can bo mado
with all mi:k and no water if desired,
but it is too rich for somo people with
out the addition of nme water. Cho
colate, cocoa, nor anv such mlxturn
should ever bo atirrped with anything
but a silver or a wooieu spoon. A
tcagpooufal of chooolato to a oiip is tbe
rule, and if the liquids aro Doured on
whilo aro boiliag and tho whole scalded
tn porcelain nover tin there will bo
no doubt but that it will bo a success.
Beat Nourishment for GoniuinptiTes.
Consumptive persons aro said to be
? really benefited by tho use of Speeds
'ort Urapo Wine, both Feimented and
Unfermouted. It teems to give nour
Ifhment when everything else fails.
Tho rich properties of tho wine derived
from tho iron in tho soil on which tho
grapes grow makes new blood and if it
does not cure, we Lellovo it prolongs
life in many cases of consumption. In
fact, cases hayo been reported of per
fect cures being effected by tbe use of
Spm's Port Wine.
Thrrn would tin readier MVmiiatliV I
with Mr. Ulalnu s liehring Sea irolicy if I
it was oloar that its pnrposo was just
and not speculative.
Unluokily that is anything bntcloar.
TIio olosuro of tlio sea Is in no way
--- -- j
neceswry to tho protection of tlio seals
from extermination, built Is necessary
to tho protection of tho monopoly of
soal fulling now onioyed by a smglo
corporate company by virtue of a grant
from llifl united oiaics,oi wmcu mnt,
company I'xpocU lo secure an early to
f Is.
iriondnoiUlid concern, and Mr. Blaine
sook4 to uiike the mdhopoly complcto
by'fftrbldding'forelners to kill souls or
catch fish in any pan oi a vast, area,
Tho onlv anarcnt imrposo of the
attempt to closo the sea is to proraile
the interests of this powerful monopoly
whoso membors feed fat upon their un
just exactions. And for that improper
purposo Mr. wain.", wno on ono mem
orab'o occasion deolarod that hd was
nover a deadhead in any enterprise,
risks the. embroilment of this country
with in neighbors bv attoraptincr to
closo Behring Sea, tho chlm of right to
do so resting upon tne omneouon inai
with Alaska Wa boaght Humta'a exolu
sive jurisdiction over tho whole of that
pat oi tno oooin.
Hat did Ivissti ever nave any anon
exolusivo jurisdiction over tho seal
Not only have other nations always
dome! it, but tho Uuited States emphat-
ioally resented the claim so long as
Rissia hold Alaska. It was nover
M our Gjvernment until a monop
nllailn cornoratton raw in it a moans
of driving its rivals out of business
and consolidailrc Its own oxcluslvo
control of the sealskin msrkot.
Does thit fict suggest the "true in-
wardnoss" of Mr. Illalno's nskv and
doubtfully rightful polioyt Wo Id.
Mrs- Muloahy's Pig.
"Yon printed a story about an Irish
man who was threatened by n priest
with betno: turned into.1 a rat unless he
quit drinking and beating his wife,
said a friend of tho Chicago Mill's
clnb man who irathers up anecdotes of
that sort. "Let me toll you one. It
isn't now, but I've never seon it print
I sanared myself and he procesdoa
"Patrick Mteinis wont to confes
sion, and, among othor sins confedsod
to tho good fathor that ho had, stolen
i Mrs. Muicany's pig, tho loss of which
had been a groat blow to the poor
woman. The priest looked at Pat
verv soverelv and said :
" 'Stole Mrs. Mulcahy s pig, did ye T
That's very bad, Patrick very bad.
Don't, you know, rat, that, to steal a
pig is a haynious sin, and to steal Mrs.
Mulcahy's pig is worse! What will
ye say on the day of judgmont when
Mrs. Mulcahy confronts yo bef iro the
Lord and charges yo with stealin' her
pig what 11 ye sayT
3 - . . . I
"Pat looked rather glum at this on-
slaught, but at this point he perked up
and said
" 'Sure, yer rcverince, Mrs. Mul.
cahy won't be thero."
" 'fndadc; and wny not. rat Alagln-
iiibT Mrs. Moloahy will be thee an'
tho pig'll bo there, on' when yer asked
why ye stole the widdy's pig what'll
ye say, I'm wantin to know!"
"Will Mrs. Mulcahy bo there'" asked
Pat, a great idea illum'nating bis face.
"She will, said the good father, so-
"And will thcpig be there!"
"Then, begoira,' said Pat, trinmph-
antly, '111 say: 'Mrs. Mulcahy, there's
your pig.
The announcement of a series of
what havo becomo known as harvest
excursions, to be run by tbe Chicago
& Northwestern Railway duiing the
months of August September and
October, will bo joyfully recoived by a
largo number of our readers who aro
becoming interested in thOBO portions
of' the wonderful Northwest, reached
by this railroad and its connections
Topographical and sectional maps ac
nnmnftnlM hv vivlil niwnrtnttnna nnrt I
j r .
voluminous crop reports, are excellent
mediums tor awaKening tne interest oi
homo seekers in a new country, and I
these supplemented by opportunities
placed within the reach of all for visit-1
iug uiu uuuuiry in a ne;itou wueu ex-1
aot domonstra'ion can bo made of its
merit, give convincing evidonce of the
iaoi mat ine jNonn-western orapany
n5V 8U,.U0?.11 ,B1 " 1,1 1" regions travel-
"i OY lB w u"unu "nuBaBl
I ,r. l ., J. .
I 1 he excursions will be nvo in num-
ber, and wil leave Chicago August Oth
and 20th, September 10 and ,24th, and
Uclober nth. Tickets can bo purchas
ed at the rato of ono faro for the round
trip to points in Iowa, Minnesota.
South and North Dakota, Nebraska,
Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho and
Montana. Theso tickets will bo good
to return' thirty days Irom tho date of
purchase, with stop-over privileges in
certain territories, thus giving land-
seekers amplo time and opportunity to
''spy out the land,'' and' lo discover for
themselves the fitness of tho great
West and Northwest for homes and
investments. South Dakota just bios-
somtug into vigorous slatobood, with
over six million acres of government
freo land now open to settlement, and
a largo area of ciicap railroad and deed
ed lauds i tho fertile valleys ard min
ing interests oi tho Black HilN, of un-
I ... .i.,i ..!..... .1... i. ....... :r..i
I ,i xr:i i
.fwi .1, i 1
irg diBtrict9 of Wyomt..Karoalltraver8-
-l by tho Chloaao it North-Western
Hailway, nnd aro availablo by means
ot these excursions. Main and otr-
culars civ'uiL' detailed information and 1
rate I from Chlcaso to all nriiiomal
points will be mailod on application to
It. 1'. WIL10K,
Gen'l Passenger Ag't.O. & N-W. H'y.
Chioago, Illinois, 4w.
In the combination, proportion, aud
nrenarntlon of Its infmiilinnlM. ITnml's
Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures where
other preparations entirely iail. IV
culiar in Its good umiio at home, which
Is a "tower of strength abroad," pecu
liar in Iho phenomenal salo it has at
tained. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
most successful modlcino for purifying
tho blood, giving strength, and creat
ing an appetite.
Job Takes Beoond Place,
A man in Cleveland makes affidavit
that lie suttereu Ti consooutive day
Willi tue tooiuaoue and yot never
ft J (.. - till a
wuippeo one oi uis nuiiareu or said a
cross word to bis wife, no hursan
smg will Behove aim,
Ono of thn tnoal woniliirfnl front nf
nature evdr known in this part of the
country is now causint; a good deal of
talk in Kokomo and adjoining counties.
Twelve miles south of Kokomo, Mm
Henry Jones had liorn to her twiur, in-
Boiiarubly connected nt the hips
lower addomoo. The two bodies
jointed together nt tho baso, withal
bodies sro
at each end, and the lower limbs pro
trudo from each sideoftho liodyi where
me minus aro conuecteu at mo nips
No vital organs aro connected, except
the spinal column, which is continuous
from ono end lo tho other. Etch
breathes and pulsates quito independent
of tho other, and both aro perfectly
framod and havo free use of their lmbs
Alongtho abdomen thero is no lino or
mark to show wheroono begins and the
other ends, except ono umbilical cdrd,
which served fpr both. Tbe inlauls
aro very plump, well developed,
and apparently as hoirty as any child
ren of their ages Both nurse from the
mother and bottle' with rogular move
ments. Both aro females. Their joint
weight is twelvo pounds, and they
measure, from crown to crown, twenty
four 'notion. Tho lower limbs aro of
normal sire. 'IVy havo bright, spark
ling blue eyes, aud aro not in tho least
peevish, and when not nnwiugor asleep
content thomselvcs sucking their
Thousands of poople are Hooking to
seo the infants, the medical fraternity
being well represented. Tho mother
is golling along nicely. The father is
twenty-four years of age, the mother
but eishtupn. and lhn nrcxnnr. is 'tho
noond hirthof the f.unily. Thoniothor
is a spare biiilt woman, weighing but
ninety pounds. AH tno physicians who
havS mido an examination express the
belief tint the children may livo, and
think the indication s entirely (favor
able. Indianavolis Journal.
The American Analyst thinks it
would be an excellent idea if physicians
of Hi: present day would inveut some
other reason for or abont all the deaths
which occur nowadays than tho lieapt-
failure. It is diflicult for any one con
vcrsant with 'the organs of the human
body to understand bow any human
being can die without heart failure,
while tbe cau-ci of the failure of the
heart at doath may bo very uunferdus.
This might not b) of eenous moment
were it not for the fact tliut hnndredr.
of people are being nearly frightoued
to death by the constant useof tbe cause
tor sudden deaths, and ma'iy people
who aro sick, and nccossarily hare eomo
heart symptoms, are kept in onstmt
terror by roading or hearing in other
waye of death after- death by heart
failure. It would bo well if physicians
who are too iudolontor tO' ignorant; to
soaroh out thu discaso laying back of
tho heart failure to oonsioer how ranch
harm they are doing the community,
and if they cau not correct the habit,
newspapers and the publio should avoid
giving curfeney to this unfounded and
dangerons phrase. There aro probably
no more deaths from heart failure in
these times than heretofore, but a now
' ....... - -
oauao for death has been coined, and
the nervous and timid are being severe-
ly injured by it.
Montooth, a PittWg Lawyer, Wants
to Suooeed Governor Beaver.
A new'candidate for the Republican
nominationfor governor has appeared
on tho political horizion. It is Maj.B.
A. Montooth, a prominent lawyer of
Pittsburg and a gallant war veteran.
The major sayp;'
"I am a candidate for governor ,in
1890. I am in the fight to stay, and .1
have nover been out of the fluid since
tho campaign when I was defeated in
convention oy a few votes tor lieuten
ant governor. I propose to stay in tbe
oontest. too, until the state convention
to nominato a governor in
A weekly pipe r published the other
day a grutsnme story of tho kid glove
trade. It was stated that, in order to
obtain a high' degree of fineness and
pliancy, the wretched kids had to be
skinned before' death,-though, as a con
cession to sentiment, they were i-tupe-
etI with an opiate prior to the opera
Tbe 1'rlnccss or wmes bas been very
stern and particular to the1 education of
her daughters. She bat had good material
to work upoD, as ber girls are clever by
nature. Tue mucosa lias taken great
I DrlJe In tbelr accomnllshmentg and feels
I that ber dslclpllne has been extremely ben.
eflcial. The Prince of Wales baa some-
tlmea p,eaaed wltU btr , valn l0 gIve her
.laughters a holiday. Bbo bas often an
swered that, as they were to bold high so
cial positions, they had nn time to waste
while acquiring social graces.
A Sweet ltevcngc "Then, my dear,
you havo really up your mind to
marry a widower?"
"And doea bo never talk to you aliout
bis first wife?"
"I should llko hl'n to try. If ho did
should at once bejitn to ti ll him about my
third husband." Madrid Oomiat
"That 5i Blanket ia a dandy,"
FBEE Get from your dealer free; the
f Bool;. It hat handsome pictures and
Talualle information about hones.
Two or three dollars for a ix Hone
Blanket will male your horse worth more
nu eai jess 10 Keep warm.
5A Five Mile ,
5A Boss Stable
5A Electric
5A Extra Test
Atk for
80 other styles At price to suit erery.
body. If you ain't get them from your
dealer, wrlto u&
Haaor Dwii.ATana mum, nuuaav, wbs
uae ne caaoua name twaaa ruuter
i am Z59i
Tfa went of raj kppln If, 1 luv thrown
my old uuckinf uraao, ua dt
Prod of a polish wlthoal Um old bruh, and A iki
wilt (uf a vmA cn mn, tmt tkr4 on urmtn't &m
Why stick to oM virt In Umm of progr t J
Sold I jr 6ho BtorM, brocern, DruRirti, t&.
An Attack of Gravel.y
TbaTWnttle SiAdiftnWinu KlBOv-
, . nw sv wu tunr omt u ,k
, nm U colhlnx I nrr rajor tht 1 to noi m to
hTlB nnd Dr. PtU Xnmcdx'a Faroilla Itemdr,
ma ai Bonlont..T. r trouble bra In mr
ldMTi nd from -which I nrrtr nrelI to moot
w. JTrit thtre were rtna In mr Uct, 1 m (irar.
Uh, wllh no ppcllte ud conia not lp, t ni com.
tUed to tua a can and flnaUr ml ao weak that I
onld noi atani) alone. Tho(UitrMilnmrlek'rto
krrlblo. JwM btimln tip with a ferer or oomUlU
1 ahlrarlnc aa U cold. Mr plrralclana aald
iraa alarmlnir information. To add to mr af
Slcllon aitarlhad ben 111 about two rwra. I had
bad attack of OraraL Whan thla mada Ita appear
nc mr rhralclan nn tip mr cm, and I rtlned
mraeutodla. IhadfonrdootoraatUndma.thabnt
In tho country, rl I conaUnUr rrev woraa. Bit
rcaraoLutJ noc. how well I remember tha tlm I I
a Dr. Kannadra rirorlU Bamedr adrerUaed In
,onz paper. JtXlar naln one botUe I threw awar mr
cane and went to New Tork on a Tlalt, and three hot
lie cured me. X hare nerer had a return of OriTel.
nor of the peine or weeks! In the beck, and though
I am orer aistr rear of an I am
Now Vigorous and Strong -
and rrrommend
Uetierrr I ciTwhl phriWane
uu kii oi in
I had taken could not
IP nr. Ken:
iln, . Emtllne p. HUner.Jurf iiui, ohtat
Moe One dollar, rrerered at Roodnnt. X. X.'
Dr. Kennsdy's Favorite Remedy.
Prepared br
tlpat betUe BUierM. BraUdrataieU.
The undersigned having been irc
stored to health by simple moane, after
sueffring for several years, with a severe
lung affection, and that dread disease
CoNeUMi'TioN, is anxious to make
kuown to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To those who desire if, ho will
cherriully send (free of char re) a copy
ui iuu presunpiioa usuu, wuicn tney
will find a mre cure for Consuiution,
Asthma, Catarrh, Buoncuitis and
all throat and lung Maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy,
as it is invaluable. Thojo desiring the
prescription, which will cost them noth
ing, and may provo a b'essing, will
please' address Kkv. Edwabu A. Wil
son, ' Willianuburir, Kinjfs County,
New York". A-4fe-oo.-deo-7-ly
uujHjs, ur n. X
PK0PLK8' H. Y.
.1 These old coiiroRATiONa aro well aeasoned br
aee and rial-tut-d and have nover ret bad a
loss settled by anr court of law. Tbelr assets are
aiiinTesrainaoMD BiocaiTiia aru uaoieyxne
azara oi rim onir.
Losses numrTLT and honestlt adlustedand
ald as soon au determined br Cqannix r,
The people of Columbia countr should patron.
tietheaceocATbora losses If anr are settled and
paid by onn rSther own cltltens.
STfie Greatest Blood Purifie
This Croat German Medicine la tho.
cheapest ami best. 128 doses ofSUL,
liuit mrxtiitsrorrijxi.ieiitiian
Ions font r. iloso. Jt will euro thel
worst caeca of ekln dlacaee.
a common plmiilo on the facc X
w inac nwiui (inhere tscroruia.T g
BULi'iiuit JUiTKiia la tne -r
beet medicine to uee In Mm 4
caeca of each stubborn andv-our tjlJ
Ucep eeated diseases. OoDeyaareont
not ever tako MJtJZiZ- ii
nrrnrrrnnr flip nw ,1.,1 T li i aj
ly. I'lftoo your trust In,
nutter what alls
ryou.uso III
Solptcr BititrslU
toe purest ana ic
inixiiciuo ever nuuie.
IiTouToninie Dotted.
nuiiayeuowstickxyuon waunnui yon
substance? Isj'curnrii unable to walk, or
breath foul amlare flat on your back,
oOeuetve? Vourlut get some at once. It
stomach la outwtll euro you. Sulphur
ofonler. UseUltUrala
BULl'lIIJIt eTTh. TolM. V.nA
I i 1 I r 1. K M V mu uiiiuiu B simi I
J lmmuiutoly xhe younpr.Uw agel and tot-
leyuur iT.-vtcnnKare soon maue well by
lne thlck,ta use. Iteiaomlier wUat you
rojiy, clo-read bere, It mny sue your
ud, orfo, It lias saved huudrcds.
Uou't wui unui lo-inorrpw,
Try a Bottle To-day I
Are you 'low.splrlled amt weak, I
r suflW-lut- frttm ttm o&cesspe oil
7vouti.y If so. eULl'llUlt JUlTKltSl
f will cure you. I
Seoil S t-cenl stamps to A. l. Onlway A Co.,
lloetou. Mass.. for best mudlcal work puOllsliutr
Bytna tollowioK wallknown makers:
Hal letj & Davis.
Can also furnish any of tho
cheaper makes at manufacturers
prices. Do not buy a piano ho-
p ii T
toro guuing our prices.
Catalogue and Price Lists
On application.
Juty i4-et
fat i
ool an(G
? Vourl
la outifwl
tlU UHO.
rcad be:
llfo. It 1
ffwr um u iUIi nmiif fw ell I
Um ilifi.Mte eirtiHIe. Tetehtlfa, at.
Plena and View of n lfa.idnnuie TIotim
lUtlnietfd to Cost 114,000.
This Is from the national Calkllng Plan
association's "Artlstlo Homes." Brick two
story and attlo houso,.nlth stone foundation
ntuarKcrmt view.
and out ttons trtnmilngs. Blatornof. Height
of stories la tho clear first, 1U feet 0 inchce;
second, 10 feet. Attic unfinished. Cellar, 0
feet 0 Inches. Principal rooms UnUheil In
rrriBT ruxm.
hard wood with oil finish; insldo ttimls, eta
First story contains hall, 7x10; parlor (nith
flreplaocl, l!Jx!5;dtntng room (with fireplace),
liliMl kitchen, 1 1x18; pantry and chinn rlov-
ft, each Old Second story contains thrco
bedrooms, dressing room, closcUand bath
room. Estimated cost of building, M,Ooa
Two Story Brick, with Attic A Tasteful
From "Artlstlo nomes," twuod by National
Building Plan association, Detroit:
DrlokTwo Htory and Attlo House Stono
foundation, cut stone strlnmilngs, slate roof
(attic unQiiUhed). Height nf storks In the
clear First, 11 feet: second, lOfeet. Cellar,
0 feet 0 incliCK. First story contains hall, 10
fect (1 luchci x 17 fret U inches; parlor (with
fireplace), I.lxlfi, kitting room Iwith flre-place),-
15x0; library, 10 feet 0 Inches x 13;
diuln; room, ):i feet 0 Inches xBO; kitchen,
:l feet U Inches x 14: pantry, 4x8; china
iet, 4x1; froul and buck stulrs. Second
lory ontitolus four largo chaining', dress-
beconp ruxiu.
ing room, bath room and closets. Princi
pal rooms bard wood, finished in oil; Inside
blinds, etc.
Estimated cost of building, (8,00a
Preecnt Ac of tho Earth.
The present age of tho earth bas been
Placed by Sir William Thomson nt lOO.OUO,
000 years, while the speculations of other
have given much larger ilguren. Thero are,
however, good grounds for regarding 16,000,
000 ye art as a moderate estlmata. Hcent!t
concur tn thinking that this Is but a small
part of tbe earth's existence, and everything
Ua& to the belief that Its tout evolution
through the Immensity of space will exceed a
million centuries. Now York Commercial
titarrha! Deafness and Hay Fvtr
Bufferfra are not generally aware tiiat
these diseases are contagious, or that they
are due to the presence of living parasites In
the lining membrane of the nose mid eus
tachian tubes. Microscopic research, how
ever, has proved tills to be a fact and the
result Is that n simple remedy has been for
mulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness
and hay fever aro permanently cured in
from one to threo simple applications made
at homo by the patient once in wpweeki.
M, J!. For catarrhal dlscliaree peculiar to
females (whites) tills remedy Is a specific.
A pamphlet explaining this, new treatment
Is tent on receipt ot ten cents by A. Jl,
j)KOS & Son, 304 West BIllK BL, Toronto
Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should
read Uie above carefully.
July, Aiikmmi, Huixemlicr.
"At this boiho'i, when lire orTera the greatest at.
tractlona and the most dellirlitful resourcea to per.
sons whose noundn.i of body penults out or-door
oierclao and aiuueomenta, multltudut are dibsr.
red rrom the I r ot tbe summer by li ly rjvtr, ooo
of tbe most exasoera lax, wearisome, auj de,rem
Ing Ilia lo Htilcl TiumauUy Is S'lUuct-obuure In.
eipllcable, descending on a Klvedd.le IKe au in
visible blow of Hl The sutferci a from Ujy re vor
haye looked In vsln for any trustworthy remedy
ManyofUiem. however, have lwked la vain tu
pause ttisy hara beoa Ignorant of Kly's cream
ueu. u nuivuttute reiuwiy fur nay uver in all
Us forme. Airreeable la the use. entirely rinv.ii.i nr
Mr unpleasant after-effect, this Cream llalra
uuivki fuis tuluuluuluu auu secu'es tul relle
for wbich the sutferer has longed Id valo." Kroni
ilVisCAjiiUan Union, Mew fork City, July IS, im.
la tb Cpotir MM
oBTaufEonr ciuia
Bllsr Axrlesr.
BUI to Teweat a Co. K V
mmtri TeesweMset
1 1 - I
ffl .BApflf- C I C I
n oUtBf iiy
DriTitLun from selected llarley Malt and gnaranted to bo chemically p u
nnu nrv iivia lujuriousuns ana scias onrn cuniainn in aiconuuc injuuis. it
especially adapted to persona rrqulilnga sllmulaungtonlo, isonsumptlves boln
Nervine. Tonic nnd Alterative.
rum'. iiAHLiiv maut wiiiHKEir
appetite, a ncn ana nounaani moon ana lncreasca nesu ana muscuinr tissue, n
sttmnlsnt mild and eentlA In rrrivt. Ilranr-nnls. lndltrentlnn Ann nil WftStlno die
easca can be entirely conquered by the use or rerrine'a J'ure liarley alt Whiskeys
It Is a tonic and diuretic and a powerful stiengthcner to the entire system. 1'KH
HINK'U I'UIIR 1IAIILKV MALT WI1I8KKI has proved a medicinal protection to
iunM who pursue ineir avocations lntneoptnair anu wnoseunuy worscaus
exceptional powers ot endurance. Ask voi nearest drugglBt.or grocer for lor
l'KltltlNB'SPUItK UAHI.UV WALT WIII8KBV revives the energies of those worn
out with excessive bodily or mental effort and acts as a sareguard against exposure
In wet and rigorous weatner. ItwIII drive all malarious diseases from the system.
Hard workers or vtry vocation and persons whom a sedentary lire rendtrs prone to
iFjst'pnin mm iu i-erriue-s j'ure jiariey
Malt Whiskey a powerful Invlgornnt
and helper to digestion. l'KllltlNK'N
without unduly stimulating the kid
keys Increases their llagulng activity,
ounteracoi t ceirocls of fatlirui, has
ens convalew nee and is a wiiolesomo
promptldli etlc Watch the label I
None genuine-u leas bearing the algim
Vot tune uy all aruggla
and grocers throughout
the t!filtrv1 HtnrMi nn,l
Cayj", tBoiaiffo, Cani(j, Fvot'tj anA notj.
Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week.
F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco.
Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars :
Honry Clay, Londre3, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash.
Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Mattel Trices, as follows I
Oranc, Lemonj, ream W5 1
fiananoj, "pieanUtj, Aonti,
nli5h WalnVitj. Top om fiallj.
c. 5. Robbies,
Foreign and Domestic
wok umm
Pianos, Ops, and
AT -
Music - - - - Warerooms
Bloomsburg:, Fa.
voi'.i ui rah M tri-)tuil. n d -ill Patent
si till 111 1 DWlOr l t tV US f It 81.
ouk omos h ot'Mira u. a. patbnt
fr'ICB iVd ntveui iiij.tfoaaies, all business
lrect, ttuncaom trim tut p Kent bunueis la less
Imeani at LBS i COjl" tuan inose rein'Herroni
send model, drawing, or pltoto-wlth description,
we advise If patentable or not, frco of charge.
Our fee not due till patent la aoaured.
A book,"llow to Obtain Pau-ntawith reterenjca
o ai:tual cllenta In your HUte. county, or town,
dutfree. Address
C. .A SNOW & CO.,
Opposite mem om e. Washington, D.0
Cleanses and tcautibes tha hair.
r.romoiM lumriant irowth.
PrauU lUaadnilt Ml'
vvHiajiui ijfiigr.
8-ie-u 4w.
jusumng rruui Wis Kr
,i n r . , r A.. Tn . . I , a
rjore o Youth, folly, Vice, Ig.
cured st home without (all ur
eipoeure. lefalllWIe end t'ond.l.nllal.
" ' . , . ' . a vantieinllel, lr-e
Treeflee, top pea, oahr f I by mell, sealed, lSd.
BsuU book, with tndurssineute o( lUTirTiT
Hen awwT'Addies the Pwbu.1 MedSaVuIu tSu
Ivlf teVUt,
Kor connuioptlvra It ft Invaluable. I'BIIHINK'H
insures a return or rigor to tne stomacn, agooa
The analysis as It appears by the La
el on every bottle: I liAve carefully an
tlyied the I'oxa iurlst wait wbis
t made by M.J, K l-errlne and nnd
it entirely tins inrui iiis:i
meiaia ana acius auu is uusuiulcij
pure." Htgtird, Camilla Arthur JfaOT,
uraauaicoflitr unnrr niri m enn-i
unirnx ana weiioaarn
Heal Estata Bought and Bold.
Parlies desiring In buy hnrscaand waeons
"v mid iln well to call on Iho above.
N. etrected byheet, fiftfyMStfu.
Merchant. ud llc-ler.
!y!;,iT?!ll", JoiiM"'. Fastest selling book eve r
8.d,4UliKl'K" V0" Cleotnut Bt. Phlla.
urc scMOLAnaHiF
1 J0 ChesUat St., r UlaJaV
Paltlooe for Uimd
Tlmo rMlr4 S W seeew
iSKHXMwlm. Hmk
Ceeu-e el M4. Ornilmt
V fa aw east fJV
Woven Win Fencing
Wire Koposoivago
iirHis? mt sTitrkltiMl
mn, t will KBd rrr to en
KflM IO ICb ltM-klil,tlt ff
world. rtlk til Ibt ttarbm-au
r will aU f nd frre templet
MratlM. Inretunwittkihktwnsi
'ska Whll W Mttel. let Ihreu ok.
Fproixnr- ThU rrtrtd nithln u
Irani antr tat ninipr- piltntt.
which bava nn eat I K fnn patrati
Ii iapnn-iai ana bow atua ttt
H.l. BMt-airaaraat. mnti
M mar bint lb a world. All l
aJVta. S tlHltl reavlrad. Plain.
( laMraetlana rirvsi. J boa whi writ ia aja at nn tan sa.
ir fe-re lb baat MwlitKmachH In tbt worlfl, and lha
ta'aiilnaaf-arkaef feirbantvat abewtt lribrlti Amtrk.
VUllMi ate CO., 11 ox ?40 Ausiulift. Mialoe.
Bv a thorouah knowledcnor the n.aturnl liw,
which govern the operations ot digestion and
nutrition, and by a careful application ot the fine
properties of well-selected ..'ocoa, Mr. Kppahaa
provided our breakfast tables with a dellcatelv
flavored beveropo which may aavo ua many heavy
doctors' bllK It Is by the Judicious use or such
articles ot diet that a constitution mnv bo cniiiiiM.
ly built up until Blronif enoutrh to rchtt over ten
dencyto disease. Hundreds ot subtle maladies
are noating around us re tdy to attack wnerever
therolsawoak nolnt. We mar recline manr n
fatal shaft by keeplnz O'lraolves well fortlfl ed with
pure blood and a properly nourished frame."-Cf ull
Serrlcf Oaxe tie. .Mado simply with bolllnir water
or milk. Hold only In halt pound tins, by Urocers,
labelled thusi
JAMES KIM'S & CO., liomojopathlo Chemists,
zvfou, LuiiaoH, ttngiana.
K8T mL
IrithUHnAof vtn rKKinHT MID Information fm.
' uh X M X. MUt cit.i tbu.!, hi
BBWCCTii larur at
I aseei
IMeatA is-f"
eeiti BTajiMB
T U A. . A, U
1 85 10 10 d 15
..... 10 25 6 80
.... 10 29 8 31
1 68 10 30 t 40
i 14 10 53 8 58
2 19 11 00 7 05
2 SI 11 07 7 12
2 29 11 16 7 20
.... 11 S3 7 27
.... 11 25 7 31
.. .. 11 30 7 S5
2 43 11 37 7 4!
2 54 11 44 7 49
2 59 11 43 65
3 09 11 68 8 06
3 19 12 08 8 H
3 26 19 16 8 22
12 20 8 89
3 36 12 25 8 3.1
3 89 12 30 8 88
3 43 12 87 8 45
.... 12 41 8 49
12 45 8 63
3 62 12 60 8 58
3 66 12 55 9 3
4 01 1 03
1 11
1 19
1 25
4 S3 1 SO 9
P St F U
am m p
9 50 2 05 6
9 65 .... 6 2
10 00 2 14 6 30
10 08 2 21 6 37
10 16 2 28 6 45
10 22 2 34 6 60
10 27 2 39 6 S3
10 30 ... 59
10 34 2 47 7 03
10 38 2 60 7 07
in 42 2 64 7 15
10 47 2 69 7 16
10 61 8 tn 7 21
10 55 3 0 7 25
11 02 3 19 7 43
11 12 8 29 7 66
11 22 3 39 8 07
11 28 8 45 6 13
11 87 8 61 8 2c
3 67 8 27
11 43 4 01 8.11
11 52 4 05 8 3f
11 69 4 12 8 41
12 05 4 18 8 47
12 10 4 24 8 C-S
12 15 4 29 8 57
12 30 4 46 9 16
4 54 0 23
12 40 6 00 9 28
12 6 6 15 9 45
P U P 11 p H
NomnnxBSRUND s 40
Cameron. 6 65
Chulasky a uo
lianvitio o us
Catawlssa 6 25
ltupcrt.. a so
liloomsburg S SO
Kspy, a 42
Lime lildgo. 6 CO
wiiiow urove....... , e oi
nrlarcreck o OS
Ilerwlck 7 05
ueach Haven T 11
Hick's Verrr. 7 18
Hhlckshlnny 7 SO
HUniOCK'S 7 43
Nantlcoke 7 50
Avondalo 7 64
Plymouth 7 au
rijmoutu junction,.,., h ua
Kingston 8 08
Dennett S 12
Alaltby 8 17
wyomine a 22
West inttston 8 27
Huston 8 33
Lackawanna 8 40
Taylorvllle .. 8 48
ueiievue 8 M
SCBiNTON ........ 9 00
r at
uenevue a is
Taylorvllle. 20
Lackawanna. I 2S
rittston 8 sa
West inttston 8 42
wvomintr a 47
Maltny s 61
ueuueti u 65
Kingston '.. 8 58
Plymouth Junction..... 7 05
Plymouth . 7 10
Avondale. ,
, 7 14
, 7 19
Shlckshluny .
.. 7 2S
,.. 1 47
nick's Kerry..,
7 55
Ueach Haven R nt
lierwick e 07
Unarcreek. ... 8 13
willow drove .. 8 is
Lime lildee a ?n
Bspy. 8 20
uioomsourg 8 82
ltunert r 7
Catawlssa 8 a
Danvlllo 8 57
Chulasky. s 03
Cameron u 07
flOaTnuHBKKLJtND 0 22
1 M
vonnections ai uupert with Philadelphia &
Iteadlnr ltallroad ror Tnmnnrn. Tnninniin win.
lamsport, Hunbury, Potlsvllle, i to. At Northum.
ucuauu whu j-. a. u. liiv. i. it. it. lor uamsburg.
Lock Haven, Kraporlum, WaiTcr, corry and Erie.
'V. K. nALSTBAl), Gen. Han.,
Bcranton, Fa
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divisf
ion, and Northorn Central
In errect MAY 12 1 889. Trains leave Bunbuij'
9.40 a. m sea Bhore Supresa (dally except
nunday), ror Darrlshurg and Intermedlatestatlone
arriving at Philadelphia 3.16 v. m, : New York'
6.50 p. m.j Baltimore, 2.60 p. m. : Washington,
4.00 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all Bea
PulladefpSa ' Tbroogl1 Psenger coach to
dally except SundayJ.forliasburranYlnfrme
dlate stations, arriving at Philadelphia
6.60 p. m,i New York, 9.85 p. m.; Baltimore
J.43 p.m.: Washington, 8.10 p. m. Parlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. ",u,'c"
..89? Pv rn. ltenovo Accommodation (daily
IMS' 1 hlladelphla4.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m.
Baltimore. 6.15 a. m.j Waahlnrton ,so a. m.:
IMiUmanaleeplngcartrom Ilarrlaburc to Phlladel.
phla and New York. Philadelphia paauengers can
remain In sleeper undlsturbnd nntll 7 a. m.
,iS.RP1:K?e..ManllftUr)ror narrtsburg and
intermediate stations, arrvlng at Philadelphia
6.611 a. m. New York, 9.60 a. m.; Through Pullman
Bleeping cars aud passengor coaches to Phlladol
phla. S.tO a. m.-Southrn Kxpres? (duly) for Harris.
bUr and lQterffledlAtA Rt.Atlnna orrlvlnrrnf Hal, I
more 7.20, and Washli.irton 8.45, and through Pull .
man Ho-plng care to Baltlm ro and Washington,
and througl passenger 0 laoaei to Ualtlmoro ,
r..8:,u,V Kr'?. M" (dally), for Erie nnl at
Cauandaigua ai d Intermediate etatlons, ltochea
ter, Bun alo and Niagara Kails, with through Pull
man Paia.-eoara and passengercoaohes to Erie and
Ml7.Iierl!l;LlE.Ires.".('lttllJ, ' locfc Haven
and Intermediate stations,
1.43 p. ni Niagara Express (dally except Hun.
f0.f Kne- e"111 '"sua aud intermediate bu.
tlon, It 1 heater, Uurralo and Niagara Kallawlth
through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester
and Parlor oar to Watklns.
6.30 p. m. irast Une (dally except Bnndayltor lte
novo, Walking and InteiiDCdlato stations, with
turjinith paaaenger coachca to Kecovo and Wattlna.
10 42 p.m. Wlliiamjport Express (daily except
I'loni"' lor .Wllira'i sport and Intermediate aw.
1.0?. Knreaa leaves Philadelphia 4.S0 a. m.
Baltimore. 4.3iu. in Ilarrlaburc, 8.10 a.m. dally
Rmvllllr at Uiinl.nai 11 as . '
av BUIIVUI) l.oa. tkt tU
Umore 9.00 a. in. (da I) except Sunday arriving at
wlSEld-P r-m- wltli.lnrouKB 1'arlor car from
Phlladelph a andtnrough passenger coaches from
Philadelphia and Balthnore.
Fast Line lAftvna Vnw Vm u a nn n M .m.,,...,.
ESfi'Jn5?,?: m' I Washington, 9.60 a. m. ; Haiti.
ffiST&.ltw MaU' McePl Kunnay) arriving at
Shury. 6.3U p. m. w th through pasactger
cohPB from Philadelphia and lialifinoro ,
.!'.".?sP0ri; K'Pr"w loaves New York 8 00 p
Philadelphia 5.41 1). m. Washington 8 60 p. in
fit" If B0unrryP-,u0;2Tu1e,lCf Pt BUUdU ' "
lljio p. m.,' (dally) arriving it PBunbury 5.10
PhifeAi'hi. tnJ?uSf "n" Bleeping cara from
llid.Klpnla Washington and lUltTraore and
through passenger coaches from Philadelphia
MDh?mi...!,,J,N WtMtKMllAllltK
....... (Bally except Bunday.j
WIlkeBbarre Mall leaves Bunbufy land a. m.
Krtjlngat Bloom Kerry lata a. m.rwih-birre
l.HWr"eaaJaBt lea"B Bunbury 5.85 p. m., arriving
at Bloom Kerry 6.2a p. m.. Wlfkea-bafro 7.60 "p. lu
Bunbury Mall eavta Wllkosbarre 11.1T a in. af rlv
ing at Bloom Kerry 12.87'p. m., Hunbury 1.30 p. m
..fjPWeatleaves Vilke8.ban5b lit p." mP, it
vlng at Bloom Kerry 1.J8 p. m,, Hunbury 6.20p. mr
n'ii.? Bi" leaHiDburrioooa.m.,a
T2T10t.n1 lrry 10.4 a. m.,'wilkea.Barre
Hunday aocoramodatlon leaves WUkoa-Barre 6:10
F'aSp'." 1 " Ul0"m m"' v' B Bunt"llr'
o'lIAB. i. CUOU, J, K. WOOD,
.ten vii.vf Our PearcB !
AdverllHerH by adjn-rung cSeo. !
7 Howe it Co. lOSpruoabt", New Xo k
In good faith, an obtain all needed In torn at I a
any proposod Uoo of AUVBItTlBl NO
American Newspapers.