gam THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. POWDER Absolutely Pure. gtrsp owdermvorvarle Amarvel o( purity tncnffth and wholewmencss. More economical the ordinary klnda. and cannot bo nolri in wmwtl(lon with the multitude ot low Wat, short eight alum or phosphate rowders. Sold only in UF1X. UUTAliD&KINU 1 UWUEK L0.f 1UO ail Bt., I. X, Camp Meeting will commenco at Ucia' drove, ltupcrt, on Baturday 2UU and will contlnuo (or ten days. A. Z. Bliocli lias opened a stone quarry near lrondale, and Is getting out aomo yery flno building atone. Thcro Is a largo team thcro that la now being worked. The Uloom Uand and Ullmoro's Dand both attended the excursion of tho American Mechanics last Thursday. MotboreU'a or chestra furnished musto for dancing. A new union depot Is being erected at Kingston, Luzerne accommodate tho D. I,. & W. It. It. and tho Lehigh Vat. Icy. A new schedulo has been sent out by tho B. & b. showing tho connection ntlllooms burg with tho llloomslmrg liranch of tho 1. & It. 11. H. The Columbian Subscription price, ivrubllshcd evory Friday, 11.00 a Tear. Kntercd at tho Post onico at Dloorasburg, Pa,, BLOOMSBURG, PA TlUDAY;"AUGU3f 23,1889. CORRVCT KlILROiD Till TABLE. uloomsbuiui ;buluvan-uaiu!oad Taking effect -MOND AY. NOVKMUBH Sfl, 188. HODT1I. NOHTII. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lt. Lv. STATIONS, r. v. r. u. A.u. A.v. r. . r. tr. Bioomsbunr era i 01 8 m 8 35 t a iw Alain street.. 10 1 ' o bmim o ol 0 M 7 01 7 OS 1 la 7 31 T 30 lrondale.. Paper Mill.... Ughtstrect... orangevllle.., Forks, Tubbs Stillwater....- lien ton,.. 6 IS 12 SO 7 58 8 43 2 41 . 6 03 13 40 7 48 IU1 f'Z , 6 05 1 33 7 41 U 00 S 67 . 6 51 12 20 7 35 8 10 3 2l) , 6 45 13 00 T IS) 9 05 3 3a . 5 41 11 63 7 15 9 30 S 4 2 , 5 37 11 45 7 10 37 3 60 7 41 . 5 23 11 30 7 01) 47 4 15 7 53 BdBoni, 5 sj 11 a) o 64 iim so 7 ss colescreek, 5 20 11 15 5J 9 64 4 21 a 00 Buearloat,... 5 15 11 10 8 4i 10 00 4 n 8 01 lirihiu-lm. 5 U 11 01 6 45 10 01 4 11 8 10 tjentral.77. 5 on 10 87 n 3S 10 is l u 8 15 Echo Park 6 ftl 10 W 6 10 15 4 41 8 19 Jamison city.... 5 00 10 45 39 10 20 4 SO 8 25 Lv. Lv. Lt. Ar. Ar. Ar r. x. A. h. a. 11. A. it. r. k. r. v. Trains onihol'. follows : NORTH. 7:3: a. m. 8:31 p.m. & K. It. 11. leave itupert as SOUTH. 11:02 a. m. 6:23 p. m. o Tralnson the D. L. & W. lt. K.leave uioomBbnm as follows: NOKTll. SOUTH. 7:19 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10.57 a. m. 12:00 P- m. 2:35 p. m. ;l5 P- nu 6;36 p. m. .8:47 p. m. Tralnsontlie H.SW.B. Hallway pass Bloom rarry as rouows 1 KORTH. SOUTH. 10:48 a. m. 17 p. m. 4.SS p. m. 4-30 P- m a ON DAT. unHTn. sotrrn. 10:48 a tu :39 P m HAI.TIH. AirnnaT 21. 1R89 Webster llinricnstccl tilmlnlatratnr of the estate of VVm. Illppen. steel, will sell valuable personal property on me premises in v,uiur-t kiviiiuii. ill Mrs. E. C. llnccnbucb. ad miniciriv nf .1. .T. Ilagenbucli. deceased wilt sell a spring wagon, sleigh, pnd a lot of wheelwright tools, at 8. Kuorr's shop In Blooni9burg, at 1 p. ra. Fob Balk. A desirable and commodious residenco on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. I. N. Moyeb. on rim administrators of Her mnn Falirlnrer. deceased, will sell three tracts ot land in Locust township at 10 o'clock. At same time personal property r,r onlrl ilnr.crtont. and also ncrsonal prop- urtv nf Raphael Fahrlnecr will bo sold. Bee advertisement. Fort Balr. A farm about a mile from Afinn pnntnlnlncr fiO acres, all under cult! valion, with good bidldlngs, with all this year's crops, farming implements and stock will no soiu at privaio mur. iui p"'"" lars Inquire of J. B. Williams, Bloomsburg, 7-20 If. Fob Balk. A lino farm containing clghty-stx acres, situato In Columbia uoun ty, aanut sou yarus irom u. u. ix. . . nl Imulntr imnn It (Inn laree bulldinits. never falling spring of water, Is offered for sale upon easy terms. Aitciress u GEO. B. UEIMENSN YDEU, 7-19-tf. Bunbury, North'd. Co., Pa, Fob Sale A valuable vacant lot on Market St., seven lets on Eighth Street, inn I wolllnita an il innrt storo nroDcrtv In Ttlnnmlinr Hlx farms, two grist mills anrl tnrr. atni-A nrnnirtlca In Col'. Co. good farm of 807 acres with good build Fniri In Virginia and two farms in Ivansa by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Ileal Estate Agu, uioomsuurg i . Ckstkai. A setter dog, minr Unlit lirnwn and white, lias a wblto nil nnrn for a setter, carries them a little up. The finder will bo sultab ly rewarded by Informing or returning to Uloomsbure. .Pa, Two girls wanted Hotel, Bloomsburg. at the Exchange Tho Bunbury town Monday. back. binder will bo In Mrs. Bamuol Keller of Kcwlyn Pa. had an operation for cataract performed on Wednesday by Dr. Brown. Tho Bhatluck Fountain Pen which Is covered by sovcral patents Is now on the market. It can ba used as a doublo or slnglo feed as fancy dlctatos and Is said by those who have used It to bo as nearly per fect as a fountain pon cad bo. Tho Philadelphia & Hoadlng It. It. began running over tho Bloomsburg Branch on Monday morning. Tho train consists of an engtno and combination car, Mrs. Btcrner's lot, corner of Main and Railroad streets has been purchased for $3,000, and tho station will bo located thcro. It Is said that tho viewers appointed by the court to view tho bridge at tho Red Uocks and rcpoit upon tho propriety ot changing thu location, will report against a chango. Mr. K. 0. Wells cut nil tho end ot tho first finger of bis right hand on Wednes day, whllo unloading some planing mill machinery which Creasy & Wells are put ting in tho Desk Factory. Tho Philadelphia & Heading Hatlroad aro capturing a great amount of freight from tho town by their new branch. A few box cars are used unw for freight, but n freight house will soon be built. At tho close ot the season probably early In October, tho personal property ot tho Banltarlum and Catawlssa House, will be put up for public salo to make room for par. ties coming In who arocxpoclcd toopon these buildings as a commercial hotel. Any of our readers wanting house-bold furniture or stabler equipage, should attend this great sale. ' Tho Reformed Bunday School of Cata- wlssa held a picnic In Hess' grove Rupert, on Wednesday and the M. E. Bunday .School of the same place on Thursday of this week. The annual Harvest Home of tho Hel ler's Refoimcd congregation will bohcld In Mastcllcr's grove, Aug. 23th. Rev. Uoutz, ot Orangeville, Rov. Bchoedlcr, of Turoot vllle, Rev. Aumauof Bloomsburg ana Rev. O. II. Strunk, will be tho visiting ministers. Larger preparations than ever are being made to make these services at tractive, useful and enjoyable. Aw are In vltcd to como and spend a day In tho grove and return thanks to tho Giver of our bountiful harvests. Dr. F. W. Itedekcr of Espy, lost an In teresting child ot about seven months Bunday last. Il was taken sick tho even ing before. Death Is supposed to have been caused by brain fever. James P. Bands died at Ids homo In Mordansvlllo on Friday lasl, after an Ill ness of several months. Ills ago was thirty-four years, eight months and twenty thrco days, and he leaves a wlfo ahd tour children to mourn the loss ot an affection- ato husband and a kind father. Mrs. Bands Is a daughter of Benjamin Eves. Tho funoral services were held at the houro on Monday afternoon, and were conduct ed by Ror. J. P. Tuslln. At tho grave tho Masonic ritual was read, Mr. Bands being a member ot that order. James P. Bands was a ton of tho lato Joseph E. Bands. He had been for soveral years engagod In tho mcrcantllo .business. He enjoyed tho confidence and respect of hli community. It Is said that ho did many deeds of charity, and that ho never refused an appeal for aid. Ho was al ways quiet and gentlemanly In deportment, and mado many warm friends wherover he went. Tho funeral was largely attended, thus evincing tbo estimation In which ho was held by his acquaintances at home and abroad. two cases of wife beatlug have occurred In town recently. The man who strikes a woman under any circumstances Is a mis creant and a coward, and tho whipping post would be a proper method of punish, mcnt for him. Tho A. M. E. Camp Meeting will begin In tho Rupert Grove on August 24, and close Bcptember 1. Rev. Harriet A. Baker Rev. Benjamin Wheeler, Rev. Richard Tanner and others will be present and as sist In tho services. Admission 10 cents. Mrs. Sarah Arn Wilson, relict of the late Wllltam Wilson died at her residence on Market Street on Sunday last aged about CO years. Bhe had suffered many years with a cancer. Tho funeral took placo at the houso on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Wilson was an excellent christian woman. She loaves a son James, and a daughter, Miss Laura, both ot whom reside at homo. Mrs. Phillips has kept up with tho march ot progress by laying in front of her property, largo flag stones tho same as in front of Clark & Son's store. They are the full width of the pavement, and came from Cleveland. Brauhbll, Deanu & Co, aro putting In the kitchen ot tho Normal School a new set of cooking apparatus which embraces boilers, stenmers, coffee boilers, and an oven, Tbo cntlro apparatus will cost about $1000 when fully completed, and will give tho school factlties for cooking that aro equal ed only by first class hotels. Many bodily ills result from habitual consllpatlou, and a line constitution may be weakened and ruined by simple neglect. There Is no medicine, for regulating tho bowels nndrstnring a natural uction to tho digestive organs, tquul to Ayer's PUN. Bam Stills Wfs arrested on Friday for whipping his wife. There was a gash cut ovtr her eyu by a blow from his fist. Ho was taken licforu Esq. Jacoby who was about to commit liim to jail, when his wife relented, and the case was settled on his payiug the costs. Kev. A.' W Swenirle, whoso health has been falling fur toino time, Is now among the hills of York county, for recuperation. During his ahucniv, his pulpit will be supplied part of tlii lime by ministers from adjoining charg,;;. Rev. J. F. Shultz, the former pastor, will preach next Sabbath morning and cvenlug. Alexander Bros, in Co. art, ready tor tin tr full trade. They are carrying n heavy stock of tobacco, cigars, pipes, and confectionery, and their wholesale trade has attained largo proportions. Pure goods, reasonable prices, and fair dealing have built up for them a high reputation as a business house. Mrs. Dr. Mary Allen of Ithaca N. Y. authoress of tho well known book "Tho Man Wonderful iu the House Beautiful," will deliver a course ot six lectures before tht Normal School on Philosophy and Heiltb, beginning Sept. 3rd and closing Sept. 6th. If forty persons mako known to Professor Waller their deslro to hoar tho course, at one dollar each, the lectures will be delivered In tho Opera House, otherwise thov will bo In the Hall ot tho Nor mal School. Slnglo lectures 25c. Mrs. Anna Coffman, relict of tbo late Moses Coffman, died at her residenco In Scott town on Wednesday night, aged 77 years. Bhe was tho mother of Court Crier D. U Coffman. W. E. Coffman, Mrs. D. Winner, Mrs. Snyder of Plymouth, Mrs. Knapp of Parsons. Ono daughter, Mrs Thomas. Is" dead- The funeral will take place on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Coffman was a member of the Reform. cd church, and was an exemplary christian womar.. JAMISON CITY. Court ProccetlliiKH. Court convened on Friday Aug 10, at 9 a. m. Hon. E. lt. lkeler 1'reslilent juugo and C. B. Mcllcnry and C. G. Murphy as. soclates on the bench. Estate of Daniel Brewer, salo ordered. W,II. Relnbold appointed tax collector of Conyngham township, bond to bo approv ed by court or one of tho Judges. Commonwealth vs. Charles Anderson, that portion of sentence extending beyond Sept. 1 Is remitted, with costs and fine. Writ ot partition awarded In cstato of Henry Croop. Daniel Reedy appointed guardian ad litem of Chas. J , Mary, William, Harry and Haltle Brlttan, minor children of II. F. Brlttan. Bale ordered In cstato of Carolina Mann. Citation awarded upon G. B. Long and W. W. Jacox. J. B.Casc, administratrix of W. W. Case, vs. Alice and William Hopper, judgment for want of an appearance for $U0. A number of cases were urgued, and most of tho day was taken up in the case of A. Long, proprietor of the Cross Keys Uotol, Berwick, on a rulo to show cause why his license should not be revoked. Jackson and Freeze were for the rule, and Scarlet and, Herring for Long. The court discharged the rule. I1AH13 BALLi An interesting game ot base ball was played Saturday last, between tho homo team and tho Danville Club, which rosulted in a victory for tho Bloomsburg Club. Tho following is tho score ot tho game played i BLOOMsnnca. R. IB. Last Friday night Theta Castle IC. G. E. celebrated their first anniversary by giving a supper to their lady friends at the Ex chango Hotel. At the appointed hour, 0:30, sixty six ladies and gentlemen assem bled In the parlors of tho Hotel and at 10 o'clock wero escorted by the obliging clerk, James McClosky, to tho dining room whero feast fit for tho Gods twutcd them. After partaking of the repast, a few of tho Sir Knights being called upon, made brief and appropriate remarks i then all return ed to their homcB cherishing a high regard for tho courteous treatment they received and an appreciation of the good things Tubbs knows so well kow to prepare. Shaffer, c. Ilagcnbucu, ayes, p. eist. 1. b. Klechner, r. Knt. c. t. Ikelcr, 2b. ltouiei. l. r. Sloan, s. s. Totals, Ammerman. 3b. Shannon W. 2b. Shannon J. lb. Gosh, c Martin, p. uoiioway, s. s. Lee, r. f. Wyaut. 1. f. Obcrdorf, c f. Total 24 The following letters aro held at Blooms burg, Pa., posl-olllec, and will b) sent to the dead letter DiUce, Bep. 3, 1889: Clara Byres, Miss Brothcrton, Frank Car, Mr. J. W. Hurtmao, Phillip Moust, Mrs. Cattle Smith, Mrs. Lizzie Bmltb. Persons calling for these letters please say, they wero advertised Aug, 20, 1889. (Ikohuk A. Clakk, P. M. Pcihiii'iU. narry Bharpless started for his western home on W' duesday. Mtaa Annln Thome of Philadelphia is visiting friends here. Miss Ella For will return to Philadelphia this week. Miss Sarah Moody of Bunbury is visiting her friend Miss May Mcllcnry at Stillwater, Mrs. A. Z. Bchoch and daughter, Miss Mame spent last week at Eaglcsmere. Mrs. Worthlneton of Roanoke, Va., an Mrs. Demorest of Newport, aro visiting their mother, Mrs. Dr. Wllllts. Miss Annlo Jameson returned homo Monday after an absence of several weeks visiting relatives iu Now oru stale. Hon. and Mrs. 0. R. Bockalew, Col. and Mrs. J. G. Freeze, and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Waller arc at Ganoga Lake. Bamuel Pursel has boon appoluted teach, er In a PittBton school, and will enter up on his duties next week. O. 0. Trench, J. K. Lockard and J. D. Wlilto started last Baturday evening for tho west. They will be gone several weeks. Hon. J. It. Fleming of Texas is a guest of Dr. Bhalluck. His son who has bceu under treatment for some months at tho Banltarlum has been much Improved. Judge Iram Dcrr and A. J. Derr of Jack, son were In town on Baturday. Tho Judge holds bis own remarknb'y well for ono of bis age. J. B. McBrldc, formerly of Wblto Hall moved to Bloomsburg last spring, and Is occupying Mrs. Btcrner's property on Main street below tho railroad. Mr. McBrldo Is nnu of tho kind whosu coming will help to build up tho town. Mrs. Calhcait Is making some extensive repairs to her residenco ou Market street, Kills Kvca has been appointed post-raas. ter at Millvillu. Ellery P. Ingham Esq, Special Deputy Collector of tho Port of Philadelphia, holds a pleasaut, and ut the earnc time a very re. sponsible position. Ho has a handsome otllco In the Custom House, and bis duties aro those of leual adviser to Collector Cooper. Mr. Ingham Is a son otcx.Judge T. J. Ingham of Laporte, and Is a lawyer of ability, and a gentleman whom lt Is a pleasure to meet. On 'I hursday, September 12th Ihero will bo a re-union ct tho Hess' and their Im mediate relatives at Hess' grove Rupert. It Is tho purpose of having a record taken at that timo, and trace tho lineage. Tho Mess family Is certainly a largo ono possib ly the largest of any In this section. Every effort will bo made to make a grand suc cess and have arrangements made for an annual ro.unlon In tho future. Let all who are In this largo family endeavor to spread tho Information and see that thcro bo a full attendance. Isaac Roadarmel was arrested on Monday night by Constable Woodward, on a war. rant Issued at the Instance of Officer D. Laycock, on a chargn of Interfering with a police officer when he was u nking an ar rest. On Saturday night as policeman Lay- cock was walking a man down tho street Rnadarmcl and several others supposing tho man was being taken to tho lock-up, interfered and Informed the officer that he must let the man go. Roadarmel was fined .fO.50 and costs Tho prosecution was brought as a warning to others that they must not Interfere with peace officers In tho discharge of their duty. Life blzo $10. tf crayons in gold frames only il'Kllllp Bros. The Ashland Admale Is one of tho neat est of our exchanges In Its mechanical make-up. It Is bright and newsy, too. Miss Amelia Armstrong's school for boys and girls will reopen Monday, BtpU 2, 1889, 8 24 2w. One ot tho flag stouts Intended for tho pavement at Clark & Son's itoro was broken la unloading it from tho sgon, and IU ptace wu supplied by another one. Our attention has been called to tho fact that the woidlug of our report of the death of Mrs. Dcmolt In Dr. Hower's dental office may give a wrong Impression as to tho action of Drs. Wllllts and McKclvy In the matter. Dr. Wllllts was first called In and examined Mrs. Demott, and on being asked by Mr. Demctt whether he could do anything, replied that "It was all over." He knew that sho was dead beyond all possibility of doubt, and there was nothing that ho could do. Ho remained In the room a half hour, Instead of going out lm. mediately. Dr. McKelvy was called In, and ho too saw at onco that Mrs. Demott was past human aid, and that there was nothing to bo done. Neither was lodliler. cnt or negligent, mid had they been able to discover the faintest spark of life re maining, these skillful physlclsns would have used every appliance known lo mod em sclcnto to resubcltalo tho patient. 'l cannot praise Hood's Barsaparilla half enough," says a mother wboso son almost bllid with scrofula, was cured by UiU medicine. Thcro Is likely to be an issue between tho Town authorities and tho Bloom School Board on the subject of the system of heat ing and ventilation which tho latter pro poses to Introduce Into tho new High School building. A complaint has been mado by a number of citizens to the Sani tary Committee, and that committee has re ported against tho Bystcm. Tho School Board claim that they have investigated the matter and that the proposed system Is tho best In use, and Ihey Intend to go ahead until stopped by law. They say they have the proprietor of tho system at their backs, who will pay all tho expenses of litigation if there be any, and as they are fully satlsBed that Ihey are right, they will not bo deterred from their purpose by a morement which they allege was started In the Interest ot tho Steam Heating and Water Companies. The town council has done nothing beyond directing a copy of tho petition and the reply of tbo Sanitary CommlUee to bo presented to tho School Board. It is likely that an injunction wilt bo applied for, to lestraln the Bchool Board from putting tho proposed heating and ventilating system in the building, and this will bring up the whole question as to the effect ot tho system on the health of tho neighborhood. On the one hand it is alleged that the foul gases escaping from the closets of the school will breed disease hv rendeiinz the air impure, and ou the other hand It Is argued that where the sya tern has been used, lt has given entire satis, faction. This agitation will probably re. suit in an investigation that will determine which is right. It is estimated that 3500 people attended the excursion of the Amcrlcin .Mechanics last Thursday at Central Park, on the B, & B. One of the incidents ot tbo day was a fight. A big fellow named Eycr was saturated with rum to an extent that made him quarrelsome, and bo was strutting about, inviting somebody to tread on tho tail of his coat, and offering to whip the best mau In the county. Finally ho tackl. ed a young man of slight build and volun teered to thrash blm, and tho proposition was accepted. Both took off their coats and under garments, and a ring was form ed. When all was ready tho latter snap ped his fingers and moiloned to Eyer to como on. Eyer started for him, and when near him dodged down quickly to catch him about tho middle and throw him. The crowd stood around, expecting to sco the young man go down In the first round being much lighter than his antagonist, but as Eycr came up the other grabbed 'blm by the back of tho neck and with a quick motion downed him, and then rain cd thoblows In his f aco until Eyer's eyes wero nearly closed and his face badly cut. Then the ynung'.man aroso and coolly donning his clothes as though nothing had happen ed, ho disappeared. Eycr was carried Into the hotel and seemed to bo satisfied that he hadlhad enough, at least he did not Insist upon a second round. Ordinarily lt would be very reprchenslblo for a crowd of men to stand and watch preparations for a fight between two fellow beings without Inter, ference, but when a fellow Is aching for set-to. and wants to whip the whole coun ty, It Is sometimes a good thing to glvi him a cbanco. 3 4 INNIXQS. Danville 00001110 0-3 Bloomsburg 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 x 5 Earned Runs Bloom 0, Danville 0. Two ise Hits -Shaffer, Heist, Ammerman, J. Bhannon. Total bases on bits Bloom 7, Dauville 0. Base on balls By Hayes 3, Martin 1. Struck out by Hayes 11, by Martin 10. Passed balls Shaffer 2. Miss cd third strike Gosh 3. Left on basses- Bloom 0, Danville 4. Wild Throws Klechner, Ammerman, Gosh. Dropped Thrown Balls Gosh, Bhannon. Missed balls Gosh, Oberdorf. Fumbles and missed Grounders llagenbuch, lkeler, Sloan, Uoiioway. Time ot game, 2 hours. Umpire, McAullfle. A perfect complexion, free from plrapl or blemish, Is very rarely seen, because few people have porfectly puro blood. And yet, all disfiguring eruption aro easily re moved by the usj of Ayer's Barsaparilla Try it. and surprise your friends with tbo , 3b. P.O. 11 2 0 a o o 4 0 5 A. 0 0 15 0 0 0 1 0 8 E. 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 5 0 DANVILLE. R IB. 27 19 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 P. o. 3 0 9 9 1 0 1 0 1 A. 0 2 0 3 10 2 0 0 0 l'or Over Three Moutlis my son suffered night and day with rheu matism; so much so that ho was unablo to feed himself. Your Sulphur Bitters cured him, and I am truly thankful to say they are an honest medicine. Mrs. W. U. Cab- LEToy, wlfo ot Deacon uarleton, First Bap tlst Church, Winchester, Mass. 8-10 2w, Hope for the Afflicted. TUB "rilESlDENT" A3D TUB BUBOI-BAN DO TOHd OOMINO TO I1LOOM8UU1IO, 1'A. The sick are to receive medical service free ot charge. Tho president of the great European staff ot physlclaus and surgeons (composed ot German, English, and Amer- After n short visit to Jamison City, ot loss than an hour, I was requested to wrllo a description ot tho placo. However, In former years, I bad made several fishing lours and do not feel entire ly a stranger. From my first visit I was greatly amazed at tho stupendous gran, deur, perhaps not as much so as Balboa when be first discovered tho Pacific Ocesn, or mado halt tho ado about it, but my ap preciation ot tho Fishing Creek valley, has never slackened. Within tho radius of civilization thero arc perhaps taw places having tho magnificent natural scenery and wholcsomo elements as this one, that have not bocomo noted and sought after by pconlo from every section of the country. Then, for various reasons we can with propriety, introduce Jamison City to pub lio notice as destined to become a great Mecca, for public resort, for health, rest, pleasure and knowledge of natural scen ery. Tbo vlllago itself is less than a year in growth, and contains about a hundred buildings, Including Steam Baw Mills, planing mills, hub factory aud tannery, all ot wbtcb In full operation will give em ployment to not less than a thousand hands, besides other Industries. Tbo nl aco Is reached by tbo B. & B. rail road, which connects at Bloomsburg wilb the D. L. & W. and P. & It. rallroids. At Bloomsburg wo stepped Into tho cars and coursed for thlrtymlles up tho creek, run ning through one ot the most beautiful valleys In tho Btato of Pennsylvania. In about one hour wo arrived at Jamison City. Tho valley at this point is but a few hundred yards In width and two or more miles In length and nearly level land, very fertile and probably ot great depth of soil, as It appears to havo been formed from tho deposit of vegetable mould and wash from year to year during the greater part of geo. logical time. At Jamison City thero Is a grand hotel just completed and will be opened in a tow days. This palatial structuro with gables and two broad porchos with columns, ex. tending around three sides of tho main structuro which stands upon the side of the mountain looking eastward, and ninety steps In ascent to tho ground floor from the plateau below. It is also reached by an easy carriage drtvo way. From the hotel windows and porches Is seen within a thousand yards and directly in front, a similar mountain running parallel with the first, and to the north a third mountain of nearly the same height, running across ap parently to connect tho two former and separated only by deep escarpments made by the two branches of the creek, having their junction immediately at tho foot of tbo mountain. Looking to the south tho first mountain gradually declines and curves to tho South and eastward, giving to the valley tho appearance of an elongated cup on a great tureen of naturo'e construction. There are other surrounding interests that will prnvo ot rrcatcr Importance than the lumbering, somo of which are begin nlng to bo recognized. First of which Is the cold, sparkling, pure mountain water to bo found In numerous springs. This water should be recognized as a principal atliactton, because of Its perfect purity and wholosomencss. Phlladelphlans who murmur at their contaminated waters will find lt a luxury and satisfaction to dilok lt right from the springs for a fow days or weeks, well worth tho time and cost of tho trip, without considering other advantages to health, reit and pleasure lo be found. This fresh water In a general sclbo is more beneficial In sickness and in health, not only as a cure but as a preventive of dls ease, than any one of the medicated waters, or all of them found in drug stores, bottled and prescribed by physicians as a panacea In specific ''iseases. TUB ATM0S1TIERE. The atmosphere is remarkably whole. somo and invigorating. Tnls is experlen ced at onco by any one coming out of the city or any other place of humid and in fected atmospbero with the germs of disease within them. This mountain atmosphere soon relieves them. Tho proof of this is observed in the fact that there are no mi asmatic diseases native to tho place, such as lntcrmltlng and rcmltlng fevers, hay fever, typhus or typhoid fevers. Further more persons having contracted any of these diseases or their concomitants in re. mote places, here they will usually soon Kct woll with little or no medical treat. ment. I am confident that persons predis posed and afflicted with rheumatism, gout, erysipelas, kidney affection and consump lion will find Immunity In the atmosphere in and around Jamison City. If the latter diseases aro found there in sporadic In stances, they are due chiefly to exposure and Improper clothing and not climatic in iluences. The place has long been noted as a re sort for sportsmen with line and gun. The streams abound in speckled trout and the forest with gime of almost every deecrlp tton. For the past year tho railroad has given access to the beautiful groves along the creek near the city and frequently are seen strolling through the forests thousands ot excursionists. Peoplo having visited tho Adirondac, and MU Washington sum. mits are pleased to laud their rugged grandeur, but will come to fiud little Clipped Prom Kxcliniitccs. The North Mountain Ilouto Is bavins a big run Ibis summer, This has been the moil prusperoui season under tho present mtnagement. Kcho. CoiiNiiuiplloii Hlircly Curcil To the Editor I'feoso Inform your read- era that I havo a positive remedy for tho abovo named disease. By its tlraoly uso tit t if ArCHI Ui thousands of hopeless cases havo been per- r- r 1- mancntly cured. I shall bo glad to send FlUO CllblllCt portrnttfl Oil y wo bottles of my remedy rni to any of $3- OZ. Llfo HIZli CmyOllS Ollly your readers who have consumption If they jilO.OO. Viewing, copying and win bcqu mo ineir express anu post omo otlllirPltirr. lllSUint prOCCSS hum ma. loa.nAMrii n v a ni.i iihiii i address. Respccttully, T. A. 8LO0UM M. 0..181 Pcari Bt., Now York, scpt-21-ly Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Babr wu slek, we t ber CutorU. Whn she was a Child, aha cried for CutorU, Wfctn aha txcamo MUa, aha done to Oattoria, Whan ab had Children, the (are them OaetorU. The Whcelervlllo saw mill, belonging to Bcnj Tripp, to Fox township, has bcon moved to Jamison City, Sutllvau Town Up.Laprl Ftxaper. Ncscopeck wants to bo incorpor ated as a borough. Any town that can support two bands ought to bo a borough. Ex. The reservoir ot tho Ccntralla water company Is almost empty, and tho consum. crs aro receiving a good supply of mud with tho high priced water. Advocate While in Camp Paxton last Bunday at Rupert, Dr. Blcrman slipped into Fishing Creek whero the water was ten feet deep and would have drowned had lt not been for Tom Ellis, Bam Bloch, Ed. Bcldcl, and James Murray- Danville Inltlltgencer. Dr. Diddle, of tbo Miners' Hospital and fie members ot the Board ot State Chari ties recently inspected the Northumberland county jail, and pronounced lt tbo cleanest and best kept Institution ot the kind In the Btate. Shamokin Herald. Geo. W. Davis Is the busiest man in Ccn tralla. Ho is the largest real estate owner, druggist, telegraph and telephone oporator, Post Master, school director, saving fund president, and even finds time to pass many a delightful hour away In the society ot the fair sex. News. Stenographer Burrows is not in attend ance upon court this week, ho being engag ed In tho exccutlvo department at Harris-1 burg at present. Uls place Is acceptably filled by Mr. S. N. Walker, ot Bloomsburg, the stenographer ot Columbia county who has acted In tho same capacity here before. lunAonnoc Democrat. DEPUTY COLLECTOR, Considerable surprlso was manifested last week when It was announced that Ma- i .. n , , .. t . i . . jur i uuiuau uau uuuiuuu tu uppuiuk wapi. i . . . , , , Wm. Gable, ot Shamokin, Deputy Collect- U5",L,V- or for this district. The surprise was the cat! supply at tile price. 1 Hat greater from tho fact that the gentleman should mean the best anywhere, used. tf. A Mew Dcfltllllon. "What is tho difference between firmness and obstinacy ?" asks some one. A philosopher replies : "Firmness la the sticking to your own opinion; obsti nacy, the action of those who argue with you and follow your example." Judge. It la the Experience of Sf ulliluclcn Of Intelligent peoplo that a perservlng uso of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Re. racdy, of Rondout, N. Y., will euro Fever and Ague, Biliousness, Rheumatism, De bility of tho Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and Bladder, and all disorders arising from an impure state of the blood, when no other modlclno or treatment has been of any permanent benefit. 8-10 4w. WANAMAKEIt's. Philadelphia. Monday, Jalr IS, 1SS9. Closed Saturdays at i P. M. J. J. Kkixot. Uermantown, Pa., writes that ho Suffered mnro than 10 years from Nervous Exhaustion nnd Early Decay und that ho spent his money with so-called ad vertising speclatlsls and quacks to no avail, until fortunately ho heard nf Dr. Thccl, C38 North Fourth St., Philadelphia, Pa., who permanently cured blm. Ho now says sufferers should quit soeuding money loolisiuy and consult l Jr. i nccl. ORPHANS'COURTSALE OP VALUABLE Real and Personal Estate. If your buying thought is Dress Goods, write to us stating the kind of fabric you have in mind, or the purpose for which you desire to use it, with the price you wish to pay, will promptly place and we in your had not been an applicant for the position Columbia, Montour and Northumberland had applicants and considerable lufluence was brought to bear In their behalf and it seemed, from all the information obtatn- rureuantto an order of tlis Orphans' court of ColumulA county, tho undersigned administrator ofllermon Fahrlngtr, deceased, will exposo to public sale on lha promises on Friday, Aug. 23d. 1889, at to o'clock In the forenoon, tho foltowlnj do scribed real estate : Tbact No. 1. A messuage, being thi mansion house, and tract ot land situate In tho township ot locust, said County of Colnmbli, bounded on , the north by lands of Isaiah Hower aai publlo road, on the oast by (iravo Yard ant Undsol Troutman, on tho south by lands of tho estate of Simon rettermjn, deooisod, and on tm west by lands of tho widow sieara, Uoorgo Snydir and Daniel .Morris, containing 35 ACRES OF LAND, more or less, on which lscroctol a 1113s two-story Fit AM K HOUSE with new outAltchea attached, large bank barn and wagon shed attained, and other convenient out-bulldings. There la also on tho promises a good sized lco hoase. Two good wells of water, ono at tho houso and ono at tho barn. Two gool applo orchards, In excellent growing order and ot choice varieties of fruit. There U also an abindanco ot othor fruit tre?s on tho premises, pears, cherries, plums, and a gold sized vlnevard ot cholco varieties ot grapss. Tho land Is In an extra good state ot cultivation, and Is an cleared except about halt an aero, and Ilea level and to the morning Ban. Tract No. i Belog a tract sltuite in said Lo - oust township, bounded on tho north by lands ot Ell Blttncr, on tho oast by lands of Joshua womer on the south by a public road, and oa tho wast by lands ot Adam Dlttner, containing 15 ilCBBS iui me: vv uiiauiuii aiui-iv ui of 4, more or less. This trast Is all cleared DreSS Goods IS the largest and land, andln a nrewiaas state or cultivation. Tho hp;t splected we know of in the two tracts or land aro situated Just, oa tho Desi sciecieu we miow ui 111 uie blMeT ot'tbe TUU!r0 0( NumlJUt anl ar0 Ultl(iy World. If yOU do not knOW the to schools, cnurches, stores, &c able, that Montour county would secure technical name of the goods, no I usVt the appointment, but Northumberland mnrri-. tv 11 i.c Unw thtu lrob- tr, .....k h. J;m.i sr.n thh S nn I'.nt .nil ' . I t - .. - .... - your eyes, or how you suppose i 1 . they look, and we will find them. county quietly united on Cant. Qable and strongly prussod Its claims from a political standpoint and having received In connec tion therewith the endorsement of Senator Cameron, tho appointment went to that county. Political expediency no doubt settled the question and Montour was left out in tho cold. Montour Am:.-ixxn. Assaulted His Wire. A few weeks ago a friend ot John tloa- kii s, of Ccntralla, died and left him $1,000. Since be roceived the money he has btcn drinking heavily, and Baturday afternoon, while under the influence ot drink, he be came Involved in a quarrel with his wife, the result of which may prove fatal to her. They had been quarreling for some time, when llosklns grasped a knife which lay on a table and threw it at his wife, strik ing her in the neck and Inflcting a deep and dangerous wound. Not satisfied with this, he raised a frying-pan and brought it lown upon her head, knocking her sense less, lio then carried ber to the stable, where she was found an hour later, bleed ing profusely. llosklns has been arrested and will bo held to await the result of his wife's Injuries. Mi. Carmel JXews. Election ot Officer 91. o. c. A. At tho annual election of officers at tho Mountain Grove Camp Meeting Associa tion, the following gentlemen were elected for the ensuing year: Z. T. Fowler, Willow Springs, Prcsi. dent. W.M. dearhart, Danville, Vice Presi dent. J. H. Rote, Danville, Secretary. Benj. Crisman, Treasurer, Berwick. Board of Directors. M. W. Jackson, B. K. Cressman, Jr., Berwick: Z. T. Fowler, Willow Springs; C. 0. 8harpless, Catawls. sa; W. M. Gearhart, J. II. Rote, Danville; Stephen Turnbach, Rock Glen; Cyrus Straw, Wtlkes-Barre; II. E. Sutherland, Hazleton; M. O. Low, and Dr. W. E. M. Low, Llmerldge. IIOGS VH. DDI.LS. rONtlY INCIDENT OF TIIK FLOOD AT IIAVKN nOTBL. containing About 16 Acres of Land moro or less. This tract Is woodol with rock oak and chestnut timber, and Is valuiblo no", only I for tho timber on it, but may ba usod to an advan tage as a wood lot for tho two tracts above men tioned. It Is situated within a short distance from tho other two tracta. Tho timber tract will bo sold on tho homestead propjrty, and bujrcr3 wish- lng to purchase, may examine tho 'tt como to tho homestead to bid. TERHl) oi HAi-TCi-Ten per cent, ot one-fourth of tho purchase money to bo paid at tho striking down of the property ; the ono tourth less tho ten cent, at tho confirmation ot sale, and tho remaining thrco.fourths in ono year thereaf ter, with Interest from conrirmiain nisi, fossesslon ot the land given immediately, so fhnt.tha naiinl fall rrnnRfin hi Tint. nut. ln.t to decorating that We have a Store llMmadoattheexpenaootthspurchuor. Allper- Just so of anything else; set tle on what you want, as near as may be and write for it. Sporting things, Fishing tackle, Furnishing goods, Toilet articles, Millinery fixings, Books of every sort, and the thousand other things for home use or wear or house full of. tf. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NUTICES. Uloodcd Fowls. Pit Games, Grist Shawlnccks, Heath- woods, Black B. Reds, thav will stay to win. lSggs, lit Ur $ 1. Bins Taction Guaranteed. William Dennis, tf. Blooinsburg, Pa. (Mention thispaper.) During the month ot August we will glvo a discount ot 10 per cent, oil of all gcods. 11. w. BbUAJM. W. W. Weston was in town yesterday, distributing Bamples of the noted "Curtis Compound" manufactured by T. A. Black, Wholesale Druggist, Scranton Pa. Try Curtis Compound. Try Curtis Compound, tilood, Liver, and Kidney Purifier. Try Curtis Compound, kidney purifier. Try Curtis Compound. blood, liver and Try Curtis Compound, kidney purifier. Try Curtis Compound. blood, liver and Try Curtis Compound, blood, liver nnd kidney purifier. a Lock I Try Curtis Compound. During the month ot August wo will give you a discount of 10 per cent, off all goods. Best Colored Frencb Satlnes 28c with a dlsconnt ot 10c off at II. W. SLOAN'S. Ex-Judge II. L. Delffenbach and daugh ter Gerda, says the Lock Uaven Democrat, took their departure for Philadelphia, Thursday. By the way, Judge Dclffen. int WI9 hflA t thn TTnltoil flt-laa lintel during the flood, and be tells a somewhat I.W. HARTMAN & SONS funny story about it. Blind an d ail as he was, "all the comoany I had for two days, he said, "was a number of hogs that had been brought up stairs and put Into the hall from my room. But the hogs and I, ' And now the Reading 11. Road is here, and we 'are ready with a big stock of fall goods for every lean iloctors) will bo at the Exchange Ho- audience In comparison with tho beauties continued tho Judge, "got along vory well body acrOSS the river. You call and eo So with the Rupert people. The extra ad vantage just now is they stop at Main Street. We are a handy store to all tho Depots. The tel. Aug. SO, 37, 23, and will render his services to tho sick freo of charge until the veiling of Aug. S3. Tho only favor de sired is a recommendation from those cured. The object Is to becomo rapidly and personally acquainted with the sick and alllictcd. Invalids will please not take offense It they aro rejected as Incurable, as no case will bo accepted unless there Is a moral certainty of a cure being effected It your case Is Incurable they will frankly and honorably tell you. This syndlcato ot physicians treat every variety ot disease and deformity, They havo had vast ex, perlcnce In the hospitals and infirmaries, of London, Paris, Dublin, Belfast, llcidel berg, St. Petersburg and Stockholm. The following aro the number id cases they havo accepted as curable and rejected as incurable, viz. s Accepted as Curable. New York 6450 Philadelphia 6037 Pittsburg 37B'J Allnona C01 llarrlsburg 491 Alleutown 403 McKcesporl S00 Richmond, Va 3785 Montreal, Can'da 4018 Remember tho date and go early, as you run a great risk In not being ablo to get examined during the last days ot the doc, tors' stay, as their offices are crowded from morning till night. A special Invita tion Is oxtended to any one suffering from diseases prouounced Incurable. Office hours from 0 to 7; Sundays from 10 to 4. P. S. This government stall ot English physicians and surgeons Is Incorporated by an Vet ot Legislature. of Fishing creek valley, and tho stately together. I had plenty ot bread and but- COmO four times a day, f -- i ter iu cai. anu oace i uaci lamu cnoni urn mmn no n inn once a piece ot cold roast veal; so that I got along comfortably, a good deal more so than the hogs did. As thero was seven feet ot water on the lower floor of the bo. tel, thcro was no uso attempting to ring scarcely nesccssary to attempt any further description of tho Industries of tbo place or stngularizo individuals The early settlers were there conspicuous and their posterity has continued to ad vance In enllghtment, and have kept even any bells and whenever I wanted anybody fio-hr r-ira nr nnm lnn,.; pace with the great business centers of 1 nUsl feltmv wav ir-rnaa ltn ti, ni.n. V , , """""b i.i.; 'm'. 7,:...: lorusuottonana WooIMannels Rejected as incurable. 8010 U540 1005 187 170 161 11)9 11M 1421 imcrcHtc-u People. Advertising patent medicine In the pe culiar way In which the proprietor of Kemp's Balsam for Coughs and Colds does Is indeed wonderful. Ho authorizes all druggists to give tuose wuo call lor It a sample bottle Free, that they may try It be fore purchasing. The Large Bottles are 60c and 11.00. We certainly would advise a trial, lt may save you from consumption. pace with the great the State. Guests at tbo grand hotel which has been christened ."Manor Rest" can look down over the city which Is no longer a city for ;tho want of bouses, for thero are now streets ot them springing up, and the clatter and hum ot building Is going on In every quarter. Mr. A. L. Fritz, who resides In Bloomsburg, and at tends to the business of conveying real es. tate In Jamison says that building lots have doubted In price within the past eight months when tho building first began. J. IL E. WlUc-Hliarrc Water Huppty, 1-DUK WATIB TO BE UKODOUT A DISTANCE OF TWENTY U1LXS. The problem of supplying water for Wtlkcsbarre and vicinity having become a serious one, thu Bprlng-brook Water Company was organized with $000,000 capital to bring water twenty miles from an uninhabited mountainous region. Tbo stockholders Include Ex-Congressman I. D. Shoemaker, Senator Lewis A. Watrei, Et-ltcprcseulatlve L. Amcrman, Bank President Abram Ncsbltt, Daniel Edwar ds and Thomas Beaver. Their plan will be to wholesale water to local companies In all tho towns of tho Wyoming Valley, Work will bo commenced immediately. To-Nlulit uutl To-Moirow Nlnlit. night during this -uC.oluuuuB wcro, puucubu luiu up t , il.nrniir.blv nlnW.t ,r tho svafum from w th my cane and set thorn to squealing b"iowuuo ix.u iui iitii, mm buoh -v. : 1 Ti "I, . .. tit,. fJ, .t . ' " i; ' .5 tl.n T.o,i;r Ar;aona n,l ni,:i.l'o a1' imimmiee, mid all will find that tho sonal property on tho premlsM, raln in tho ground, hay and straw In tho shtd and on tho premises, lco In ths lco houso, corn, potatoes and buckwheat In the ground, &c, aro excepted and reserved. Tho fruit, such aa applet, pear), grapes, plums, J:c., is also reserved with tho privilege ot going upon tho land and gatherlnj tho samo. PERSONAL PROPERTY. There will also bo exposed to sale at the umo time and placo by tho undersigned, a lot of valua ble personal property, farmln? uloiBlla, house hold good, horses, cattle, c as follows, to-wlt : The administrators will sell ono top bufrgjr, ono grain drill (Champion) one Chimplon light roiper, grass mower, corn shellcr, lot "f stnglo and doublo harness, sled, two horso wagon, cultivators, har rows, plows, bob-sleds, slda UIU plow, land roller, tread power aid threshing machine, wind mill, hay fork and pulleys, cutting dot, lot of chest nut Inch boards, hand cller press, grain cradle, cupboards, chairs, tables, lamps, two guns, stoves, dishes, ttve barrels ot vinegar, and other house hold goods and farming utensils- Also, about; 150 Bushels of W Heal. about one hundred bushels of rye, about one bun dred and so bushels ot oats, 7 acre ot corn tn tho gound, one acre and a half ot potatoes In tho ground, about ono aero ot buckwheat In tho ground, about fifteen tons ot hay and a lot ot straw. TEHM3 OP 8ALB : All purchases under tf.OO to be cash. All over (5.00, six months credit. Noica to be given with approved Bocurlty. JKUGMIA1I 1'AIIHINOKK, lUCItAEL PAIlItlNUEK, Administrators ot llermon Fahrlnger, dee'd. Tho widow will also sell on tho samo terms, and at the same time and pla"0, throe homes, ono cow, two heifers, three shoats, ono spring wagon, watches, desk, extension table, big wagon, eighty yards of carpet, lot of turkeys and chickens, largo rocklDg chair and other household goods. HACIIAEI, FAURINGEIt, Widow. OHANT UBItltlNO, Attorner. MDINISTRATORS'S NOTICE. A'iW Of Blitaliellt lllppetutfel. late 0 Centra toimjift'j). Notice Is hereby given that letters ot adminis tration on tho osta: 01 Elizabeth Illppensto ol, late ot centre township, coluinb'a County, do- ceurau, ubve ucvii grau-uu uy ills Itcgisier to Daniel Ilartman, to wroin all po sons inCebted to said estate, are requested to mako payment, a nd tuuw uaviug ciauiis iu prvucui. iuu hjhu wimoub delay to Or to DANIEL IIAKTM AN, A. I Fritz, Administrator, Atty. llonton, V a. cmiTcDMPlwT. BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEY PUltlKIEIt. Now is tho annotated timo for like forty, and some one would come to tho Ladieg.Misses, and Children's see what the matter was and then I could get what I wanted." The Judge smiled pleasantly over this reminiscence and bis auditors Indulged In quiet laighter. The idea of using squet ling hogs as a substl- tuie ior a ucu to summon servant! was an entirely original ono and could only have been given birth to by such a compelling disaster as the Mood. And each day and week you can get at all druggists' Kemp's Balsam for tho Throat and Lungs, acknow ledged to be the most successful remedy ever sold for the cure of Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Consumption, (let a bottle to-day Alleged ItetecllveN. The Scranton Timet devotes somo space to showing up the doings of some unscrup. ulous characters In that city who are mas queradlng as detectives, but who aro no less than a "gang of blackmailers and sharpers." Among them It exposes a fel low named Bulliwho not long ago was op erating in this city and vicinity and associated with Holland, Roberts and others ot that class. The Bcranton Timet, If It undertakes to show up these follows In their true light, has entered upon a great work In which it should receive the auppott and assistance, not merely ot the public at large, but of tho recognized officials and police authorities. '1 his valley uas ueen cursed too ot such fellows who nothing but vampires praying upon tho member ot tho community. News Dealer, Coats will come rushing along with the Iron Horse. Wo do not forget to invite the peoplo from up the river, and from up the creek. Our clerks will soon havo their vacation over, and then we tne ready for all kinds of trade. Last week was bin with Butter and Eggs, and still we have room for more. I. W. HAJlTMAN & SONS. P. S. If you wish a big bargain 111 a t-euar JMirnace call on I. W. HARTMAN. Curtis Compound will exactly fill tho bill, lt baa stood the ten of 22 yearn and its pales aru larger than evor, every year. Prico flOo. and 1,00. Fort Sai.f, By James II. Mercer, DRUGGIST, Bl-OOMtUUllO, I'a. 11' fl?5'l?lM?W5ra How Lost! How Rosalned. tTHEi TO ADVERTISERS A list of 1000 newspapers divided Into STATES adu 01u.11u.1s vtiu w bent on application- To those who want ttelr adterttslng to ray, we can oner no Itetter medium for llioruusb and ef fective work than the various sectluns of our Hrlrrt I.oobI l.l.l. ;i;o. 1. ltowiti.i, fc co., Newspaper adveiilalng liureau, 10 bpruee street. New York, Jolyn-rtt. JTtdlENCEjf Wing i KNOW MM . 'ZSZ TMPOTCTANTI a can be likened to JLJ-'-l-X VlULllll JL I uanngaoneDusinesun mo uedted states for years our reputation and responsibility la estab 1 lUbed. We want three men In your vlclnltr to "M'OTICE. "To the stockholders of the Bloom&bunr steam and Kleetrlo Uicht Company. Tne annual meeting of the atockho'Jers of sa'd Ooinpanj for the eleo- , uoa or.aDoa.ainveurecun and a treasurer 1 LOBerva for thft enaulnir tu, will hn hMi.i ih. keep it bin ays la the bouse, to you can SmetVhS l?!"',tLr. l Woomsburir on Tuesday I at once, like COo and . p. m. ' check your cob' 1.00. Sample bottles free. : S and 4, JouMH-Cuas. tMretarr. rrpreaent us, to whom exclusive territory will be Klven. Handsome outnt free. Salary and ex. j mhw paid weekly. 1'rtivloua experience not re quired. Write at once tor terms. Hardy stock a specialty. i.ia v nuiiTiiKKM, wuracrjffien, llocheoter.W.V. MiiW-lm. GET YOUIl JOli PRINTING DONE AT TIIK COLUMBIAN OmOB THE SCIENCE OP I.IPF A ScltnUHe nnd SUndtrd I'opoltr Medlcil Treitlis onlh. Krrort of Youth, l'r.outure Decline, Ntrvoui and I'nytiul Dtilitj, Inipurillet of the Woo L HhuIuoe from Folly, Vic., Ignorance, Kxc tea or Uiertuiuon, Enervating end unoitluz tto victim for Work, lluiineu, the lUrriedor Soclil delation. Avoid cukiutul pretender, I'oiieu tine erent work, lt contains JJOpeirei, roytlevo. lifeouful biudmc, emboeied, fulf cut, I'rlc. only Il.UJ liy mill, poilptld, concealed In plain wrepper. III ; trulte l'roepectus 1'rrr, If ou apply ji"W. 1 1 1 dliuniriUthed author, Wm. fl, I'utrr, M I) . k AMI JKWKI.l.l.ll ail U AI. from ibe National Itledicul Anoorlalluu lur ikle I'ltlZU h'SMAV un M:ltV()lH und lIIYMlUAl,Ili:illl.lTV.Pr.l'uki.ridacori,t of AinlfUnt ruyelclAne may bo conenltvd, coidl dcntlillr, by mall or Iu perion, at the ufllc. of THU l'bVUODY llliUIUAf, INbTlTUTU, No. llnlanrhKl..llaliin.niu...tnuhn.,. .1 .rdeie for books wrklUis lot advlco should U dlmudu above. B-ltt-d-tw.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers