THE COLUMBIAN AJND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.1 00E AMERICAN NAVY. Tlio trriuiil old party is in very hnrd luck witli its navy. It wits during the Arthur administration that ono ol tbo formidnblo gun-boats of tlio John Roach dosign nnd finish, camo very nigh sinking an inoflcnsivo and do mure looking old coal bargo. From the reports of tlio oflicora thoro is good reason for bclioving that tlio coal bargo would havo gono to Davy Jones' looker, had It not grown obstropotous and sent tho gnn-boat to tlio bottom ofthoocoau. Hathor an undignified ending of tho great American Navy, bnt as thero was no Immediato nso for war vesaoli, the loss of onr naval fleet at that timo was not seriously folu When tho democratio party went in to power efforts woro made to securo a fow armed cruisers and Mr. Whitney, tho efficient secretary of the navy, is sued a soaroh warrant for tho arrest and detention of a naval design if any such, in tho absenco of war ships, might bo found. In timo ho obtained a design, which evontually grow into a real, genuine ship, with guns and oth er warlike bric-a-brao. No sooner was one gunboat completed than an othor was in course of construction, and this effort of Secretary Whitney's to increase tho number of our naval ships was continued up to tho close of his official term Now that the grand old party is in power the navy is in imminent danger of destruction. White Blaino is at Bar Harbor twisting the British Lion's tail in Bearing Sea, ono of oar gall int naval officers in command of tho cruiser Boston attacks a rock off tho coast of New York and tho rook wins in tho first round, knocking a hole in the under side of tho Boston and stopping up the mouth of her com mandcr with one blow. Now there ,is a lesson easily learned from these two mishaps to our naval flotilla. If a coal barge can Bink our navy, and a rock almost destroy tbo entire s xh part of another, why not plant a few more barges and rocks along our coast lino and bid tho foroirm enomy de fiance T For, if our own naval officers cannot safely navigate In Amerioan waters, what possible safety could there be for vessels of war commanded by foreign naval troubadours bent on sacking our cities t Perhaps that old sea dog of Wall street, Mr. Secretary Tracoy, will giye nomo thought to this in mture. I'atrwt. Some Immense Spiders. Far ud in tho mountains of Cavlon and India there is a snider that nninu a. web-like bright, yellowish silk, tbo . 1 i - 1 ! . - r . utjuirm ueii ui wmuu is nvo ieer, in diameter, while tho supportiug line, or guys, as they are caljed, measure somotimes ten or twelve font Innrr- and rirlinrr nninlrltr in (tin nni-lv mnmlnrv o -- r " J ."s, you may dash right into it, the stout . i i-t uuoin iniuiuj; aiuuuu yuur luut? hku a laco veil, while, as the oreaturo who has woven it takes, up his position in tho middle, he generally catohes you right on tbo nose, and, though he sel dom bites or stings, the conlaot of his i j i . ... jargo uoay ana long iocs is anytmng but pleasant. If you forget yourself and trv to catch him. l)i to hn will, nii though not venomous, his jaws are as powerful as a bird's beak, and you are not likely to forget the encounter. Tbe bodies of these spiders are very handsomely decorated, being bright gold or scarlet underneath, while the upper part is colored with the most de licate fur. So strong are the webs that birds the size of larks are frequent ly caugni inerein, ana even tbe small but powerful ecalv lizard falls ft vin.tim. A writer in Rare Bits says that ho 1 -. T . 1 1 .. una uiiua Bai anu waicnea tne yeuow and scarlet monster measuring, when WaitinET for ilia nrav with Vim larro stretcbea out, fully six inches strid ing across tne middle ot tbe net, and noted the rapid manner in which ho winds his stout threads around tbe un fortunate captive He usually throws the coils about the bead till the wretch ed victim is first blinded nnd thnn choked. In many unfrequented dark noons oi me jangio you como across most perfeot skeletons of small birds cauffht in theio terrihln on urn j tlm strong folds of which prevent the deli- uaio oones uom rauing to tuo ground aiier mo wind and weather havo dis persed the flesh and feathers. Ex. Girl Detectives. THEY ABB EMPLOYED TO KEEP WATCH ON CUSTOMERS. The men who act as store detectives in tho city enjoy to the full extent a credit which should rightfully be di- viueu. iusny oi me oiever captures 01 hoplifcers in great uptown emporiums, are due to tho women. Theso seldom figure in an arrest, however, for two reasons: first it would tend to destroy 1. J ! .o. l uiuir lnuuences, ana, second, tnoy mignt bbvo io go io tne police court, which is not pleasant for anv woman. When a female detective encounters a lightfingered woman at a counter sho shadows W until able to inform tbe mMo dctetffce, who takes her in hand. "It may eem a strange business for a woman to bu in, said tho snpenn tendent of one of these houses in re- sponso to an inquiry, "but it'a a great aeai Dotter than most ot tbe occupa tions in which girls make a meagre living. It's a limited field, to bo sure, but they frequently get married and atop out in that way, leaving room for now aspirants.' "Where do you get yonr new girl dotectivesl" he was asked. "Right from behind tho oountcrs there. That's where they nearly all graduate. You seo wo get to know our saleswoman well and when one of them oyinces extlaordinary intelligence or alertness wo cultivate bar, so that when a vaeauoy occurs in thodetectivo force we aro able to offer her the olace. Of course, we pay her more money as "Do they over refase!" "Very soldotn. Girls who are made of the stuff for a succossful detoctive are never possessed of very keen sen sibilities, and they have naturally gained a pretty thorough knowledge of tho waya of woman when shopping by uunurvuiiuu ueuiuu me counter. Jua this jj something we can't get if we engago outsiders." Grapa Juice for Siokneu. Tbe art of cultivating tho Oporto vines and fermenting tho Oporto Grape into wine in this country, and of preserving tbo Grape Juice fresh without fermentation hrw been brought to a greater degree of perfection by Mr, Alfred ,8peer, of Passaic, N, J., than by any other person; in faot be was tbo pioneer in introducing and ad vertising Nativo Wines. He has pur chased bundrodi of tons of grapes bo aides bis own vintngo. Mr, Speer'j success Las arisen from tbo strict pur. ity and valuable properties of his wines for invalids and fooble persons, asd bin reputation extends Around tho mptU. THE LABOR WORLD. Brooklyn has tho biggest bakery. Pittsburg has tbo biggest ax mill. Boot and slioa mttiiifiolttrors aro busy. Window glass factories will soon start up, Tho bakers of Lolpzig havo gono out on a strike. Electricity is used to haul coal out of mines Groat Britaiu has 1C00 co operative unions. England is complaining of tho arrival of pauper labor. The European woiklngmen aro opposed to standing armies. Ono of tlio street oar drivers in Dubuque, Iowa, is a woman. Silk manufacturing is growing very rapidly in tho United Stntes. Tho United Ordor of American Car penters is said to bj increasing rapidly. Thoro is a wonderful inereasejin the nuniboi of foundry aud lnaohiuo shops. On June 30 288 furnaces wcro in blast in tho United States, and 293 out of blast. Tho University at Atlanta, Ga., has a courso in blackmithlng, as lias also tho University of tho City of Now York. Thero is a groat falling off in the immigration of laborers this year on account of tho enforcement of tbo Con tract Labor law. The only woman barber in Boston is Jonnio L. Dodgo. She is a Nnw Hampsbire girl and has followed her trado with success since 1883. SilkJ weavers' wages havo declined twenty per cent in ten years, but they aro said to bo oarning nearly as mush, because tho maohinory is better. Leading Paterson (N. J.) firms will establish an industrial school for the education of pupils in designing, dyc imr audi tho weayiug of all textile work; Tho Mannjactilrera' Gazette, of Boston, saye: "Thero is not another country on the faco ol tho globe whero workingmn aro so well provided for as. in -Auienoa. A wholesale vaccination contraot was entered into recently by the Amos kcag corporation at tho works, Man chester, Mass., taking in tho whole 8000 -operatives at the expense of the company. Tho Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany has discharged 330 of its em ployees at Sacramento, Oil., 100 being machinists. Tho officials say that this action is taken to lessen tho expenses ot toe road. rno uarpontors iirotneruood is growing at an exceedingly rapid rate. It was only founded four years ago, but thero are already 420 local unions with a mombership of G5,l)00, scattered through 475 cities iu the United States and Canada. Possibly tho best organized painters' nnion in tbo country is tbo Now York Progressive Union, No. 1. It pays 6 a week to disabled members and fur. nishes free medioal attendance. A member receives $25 on the death of bis wife, while in the (went of his own death his heirs receivo $50. There wero numerous casualties dur ing tho erection of tbo Paris Exposi tion buildings. It is estimated that 400 workmen hurt their legs, 200 re ceived severo injuries in thu oyes from projecting timbers or bars of iron, 114 were scalded or, severely burned and fifty had their fingers cut off. Tho deaths from falls arc put down at twenty-four. What a Bull Fight Ooats- Tho cost of one of theso corridas may bo safely reckoned at not less than 1,500. There aro generally six bulls killed, and these average fiom 70 to 100 each. Horses aro contracted for, and aro bought at Bimply "knacker" prices; sometimes as manv" as twenty fivo aro done to death. Theio aro gen erally three espadas, and these, with their cuadrillas, may be taken one with another, at about 250 each. Then thero is a very largo number of assistants and attendants; a very heavy rent is paid for tlio plaza, and the government tax, or "contribution," is also a considerable item. Tho "gate" may do estimated, given a "lull bouse and it is almost always fairly filled at somo 2,000. ft is said that as regards tho amount a famous csuada may raako that Guer- rita, a very famous eupada, though hardly more than a boy for ho is still in his 24th year has already at only the beginning of tho seawn, signed encasements for sixtv-four cor- ridas, at 220 eaob I When it is cal culated that, at the outsidH, his follow ing will not take moro than about 70 of this, tho amount that is luft appears a very fair salary for a man or, to spoak moro correotly, a lad who pro bably bad a dilboulty in attaching his signature to his contracts. All the ir. t i u cur An Unhealthful August. It will bo wise if peoplo living in the neighborhood visited by tho copious rain falls of July tako precautious to guard themselves against the diseases wbiob must almost necessarily result from tho recent unusal precipitation. Should August provo to bo a hot month it will probably ba marked by more than its sharo of sickness. This applies to both town and country, and caro will bo as necessary iu the one ng in tho other locality. But with a genoral kuoivledge of tho situation iu mind and by tbo exercise of a fow common sense precautious most of the ills fol lowing unusual atmosphcrjo conditions vi tins summer can uo avoiuca. Tho phenomenal rainfall of Julv. fol lowing, as it did, a wet June, has thor oughly saturated the ground and the walls of buildings with moisture, Many collars havo also bcon flooded, and evon where suoh an inconvenience bos not resulted basements must for some timo to como bo damp and musty unless thoy oro located ou very dry soil and aro well ventilated. Whero tho most favorable conditions do nop exist every effort should be in ado to keep tbe air in cellars dry nnd puro. If this is not dono tho foul atmosphere will per meato tho wbolo house and bo inhaled by every occupant. In tlio oountry extra precautions will have to be taken about oxposure to the night air by ling- criDg on porches and sitting by open windows. Tho turf aud tho dense foliago of tho trees aro oomplotly eaU urated with moisture, which as soon as tbo sun sets giyo off damp and un- wholosome exhalations. Hx. The tree that Goorge Washington cut won on co n cherry. But it is now a obestnut. An Uptown Jeweller's Btory. I disliko to tell people how thoy havo boon imposod upon by professed friends, but occasionally " nm com pelled to du po for tho protection of my own reputation. I prestimo every iowcller with an extensive patronage has had n similar oxpericflcu-pcrhap many of such experiences. As nn instance, a few days ago a young lady camo to my nloro with a ring which sho bonostly bellovf d to contain n largo diamond. TIm setting needtd repairing, and when I received tho trinket 1 examined it olosely, according to my custom. I told tho girl what I would chargo her, aud sho was just turning away when I called her bauk and informed hr that I presumed sho was nwaro of thu char aotcr nnd valuo of the stono. Sho replied that she, of course, knew it to ba a finn diamond. I nt onoo iuformod her tb it it was ono of tho most com mon and valuirlem imitations. Ilor indignation was bouudliss. Sho said tho ring was given her by her dearest nnd best friend a man bo would scorn such deceit. I irquired whether she bad bad it repaired since it was given bor, and she Baid she had not, and ihat sho hid constantly worn it from tlio timo shu received it until, it was brought to me. I then told her that bor friend must havo purchased it of somo irresponsi ble and dishon st dealer, but sho de clared that ho obtained it from abnnso tbo nnnin of which is a sufficient gnar nnteo of honesty. I proved to iter that her supposed diamond was only paste, nun sho wont away in a tower ing rngp. This is ono of tlio manv similarly unpleasant experiences. I am obliged to call the attuntion of my customers to sush frauds. If I did not I would bo regarded as a thief. Sooner or later the imposition would bo disoqv ereil and then I wnnM hn nlinrrro.l will having substituted past? for a valuable diamond. me Jeweller s weekly. Ooanod's First Oompwltion. Tho following story is told abopt the beginning of Goutiod's oareer as, a musician j Gounod's parents did not t 1 . 1 m. . . . i ianuy ins taxing up musiu. i noyiooK counsel ou the subject with tho bold master ot tuo scbool wiucii tbeir eon attend-d witli the following result: "lour son become a minister!'' "Ney. er, eir 1 ' replied tho master. "Ho has a decided aptitude for Latin and Greek." Tho next day , Master Charles was called into M. Poirson's study. "Well,, air, thoy tell ma you've been caught writing musio " "O, yes, I want to be a mnsioian." "You a mu sician! Why, that's no profession at all I iiut bore is so e paper and a pen. Write mo a now air on thp words from Joseph : 'Scarcely emerged from infancy.' Then wo Bhali Bee what you can do," said tho professor, delighted at tho cleverness of bis do vice. It was noon recess. B -fort! the bell rang to resuuio studios Gounod was back with his p3ge black with crotchets and quavers. "What, al ready ?" said tho professor. "Well, sing it." Gounod sat down to the piano and tang, and the tears soon be gan to gather in tho headraasser's eyes, "Ala toil let them say what thoy please, yon shall study musio." The, Albany Express. Wooden Sole Leather. Tho following is a desoiiption of the wooden solo leather invented by Dr. Gc'rgo Theiiiii, of Vienna. Tho material used it red boechwood. Tho best wood is taken from fifly to sixty- year-old trees, out in tlio spring, whioh must be worked up immediately, bark pealed off, steamed, treated with chem- luais iu u, iteiuu uituur pru-nuri', huu ex posed to several mire operations which tho inventor docs not uit-nlion, as ho wants to havo them pilonted. J rom tho prepared wood sirong and thin picoes aro made by mo3iis of heavy pressure. The inventor states that a Bolid solo lpatber can li" obtained, which hu claims is supenor to animal in firmness and dui ability, and can bo worked up in tho suiiu way as aui- mal leather, nailed nnd sowed. The Drummer Abroad- TIIK SCHEME 01' A OMMEnCIAI. TRAVEL ER TO SECUIIE TIIK HEbT. "I'll tell you what I saw in Man chester, Englaud.V said a Michigandar, who lately returued tiom a trip abroad., "Un tho botol register 1 found tlio namo of 'C. Sidnoy Smith, U. S. A. Ambassador to England end Franco and S. P. D. to tho Czar of Itmsia , It was a puzzle to mo and I smeU a mouse, but I waited to boj him before giving anything away. After a few bour.s ho cailed at my room. Then I found him to bu an ox-drnmner for a unicigo iiousq. no nad saved u; n few hundred and was making a lour. '"What iudu jed you to register as you dull, I asko 1 afior a bit. '"Simply to receivo tho respect and ooniidu'r.4tiou duo me,' bo r nliod. ' I) ea it cio ip in your rUV '"N not to any extent, but it gives me tho bot for niy money, and I luvo freu carriage ridos and many iuvitutiniH out to dine. Men who lvgist-r over hero as plan Smilh or Bro'ii g-t only common. I'm off for France next week, and I shall register there as 'Speoial Envoy of tho American Con gress audi Jim Dindy Rpre8;utativo of 70,000,000 Amoricaus,'' I'll gtt quail on toist when you fellows have only bacoo. Well, bo long. I'm oil to dinner with a big manufacturer, nnd tomorrow I'm to rido out with an M. P, and a duko. Tako my advico and htycl) on a title,'" Detroit Free Press. Vigor and Vitality Aro quickly given to every part of tho tired feeling is entirely overoonio. The blood is purified, enriohed and vitaliz ed, and cantos health instead of dis- caso to every organ. Tho stomach is toned aud Btiengtbencd, tlio appntito restored. Tho kidnuys and Ijvor arj roused and invigorated. Tho brain i) refreshed, tho mind mndn unl ready for work. Try it, X P2 Dsdbontht (W VJ Antic- ii t . ' W VJ and Til hare It euj now. Wolff'sACklEBIacking IS A GREAT LABOR SAVER. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. RAIN AND SNOW DON'T AFFECT IT NO BRUSHING REQUIRED. MAKES A SHOE WATERPROOF. USED BT HEN, WOMEN Aim CHILDREN. Cm ba vubed like OH Cloth, nd absolntelr Gortons nnd Preserves nil kinds of Leather. Ak for It, nd do not tin np till r on gt It, mi rem will bo roll rewarded, old bf Shoe 8 tort. Grocers, Dranlstl, te For Harness II U unequal ed. WOLFF & RANOOLPH, FHiUDELPHlt OH Ii MY HEAD 1 1 tMrVrtnff of a New Jereer BenMr. Dye. I pr,pU,8!eklIedaohe. Terrible Thin. When, tbe itomich ! torpid It soon beeomos tlofr red lrltb belt digested Button, tbe blood beoomei TtUetedudfonli the other onnse fill te act nor mally, aod Induces s train of Brmptoma, rach ai dm K'pste, lck headacho, dizziness, drowsiness, palpita tion of the heart, pain In tho back, loss of appetite. " Then are few things that I bollere In with all tnr heart and It silords tne pleasure to tell of ono ol them.'' The speaker was ci-Benator Albert Morrill, hod ot the largo f rait firm, M rrk riaco, N. k and the scene Ms effloo, "I was tick and feared I had become fated to endure the -1 vsnonala tmyr tdU Wtor. X could tt, diifwt, aioct) and workyim a clearer. head, and tho yellow color oi my iktnh&dfrlTen place to tb tones that announce pure blood and OTtrr onran of the body la healths action, hr. Kennedya iTorlte liemedy la entitled to tho Cjodit of aaYintr my Ufa , If any one has a doubt about tho truth of my atatpmentalftt him of flitr ttrtonsx-ho affirm. aa 1 Ilenwdr" haa been to thrna help am uiuo in iinexi. - jir, iwiWTere, aarit 'Tor a lonif llroj I aa troubleawltUBOtew Blind 8Ick Hoadacho r heard of for any Gliordcr of that nattire. and I hnvc recopded It to many with Ilka auocosn." Mr. l)anlcl rttts. Taunton. Maan.aayBt "I recommend Vt. KAnnedra FaTorite llemady for dyiwaia and aick hradache. 1 auflorod for many yeara with thoafl oompLaLnta, and waa cured by Dr. fxnnody'B FAVORITE REMEDY. .. JPrloe One dollar. Prepared at Rondout.H.T. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Preparedbr DTU DATID K1WNEDY, nONDOUT, II. T. UrernetU Blzfortt, Sralldrsntst. TO CONSUMPTIVES The undersigned havinc been re stored to be.ilth by simple meaiw, aftr sut.-U.nng tor,Rever;il yerirj with a severe lung affection, and tint, druad disea-ie CoubUMiTioN, is anxiom to make known to his follow sufferera the means of cure. To thoso who desire ir, he will cheerlully send (free of char u) a copy of tho prescription used, which thoy will find a -uro euro for Oonsumition, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and ill throat anil luu! Maladiks. He holies all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Thoiu desirint; the prescription, which will cost them noth. inpr, and may provo a b'essing, will please address Rbv. Edwako A". Wil son, Villiain4burtj, Kings 'County, New York. A-&-oj.-dec-7-ly" F IKE INSURANCE "CHRISTIAN 7, KNAIT, ULOOMSUOKQ.PA,, ur n. z. MEHCU ANTS', Of NBWAKK, N, J. CLINTON, N. Y. HEOI'LES' N. Y, ItlUDINfi, PA. OKSMAN AJ1EUICAN INS. CO..NBW VOKK, OltCKNWICII INS. CO.. NSW YORK. JK11SKY CITY KIItB INS. CO., JEItSEY CITY. N. J. These hld cuhvoratiokji aro well seasoned bT ao and King inarm) and have never yet had a loss settled by any court ot law. Their assets are kinnrcsieainsoun bxcokit; aru naoixtnthe aznra oi n k uaiy. Losses rKOMrri.Y and iionkbtlt adjusted and dald as soon as determined by Cokistuh r. KNiPr, 9FICUI. AOKXTIKD ADJCttTERUUX)MailCll(l, rtt. The rjeonlQ ot Columbia tonntT should natron. tiatneagenc'flwhere loiaeslt any are settled and pan oy one ocmrr own citizens. 5A BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. HONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHt tIA LABEL tlanut'd by Wu, Arura LJioaa. 1'Utladx, wna yaoneua, tualco tUe (amoua Jlorey tiiona. i-uiiadj afPEaaker 11'. BUI181R1BJ FOR THE GREAT German Remedy! TRUTHS FOR THE SICK. frur thotw tleaililv DlUouBSncllfdeiicnn on S II LTI l Uli lilTTKUf It will cure you. iTIjjiiiiirrunT n that tired and all a one I III SULTllUH BlTTEIUJ ; III It vriU enro yoa. j l.ouo will bu vklA for acnee where bUL- niuit IfeTTEua will liiot assist or cure. It never fall. i UuperatlU'B wlioart .clobclv confluetl In K3tho mills and work- soopn; cierks.wiioiio not procure Budlt-lont exercise, and all who are eon fl ocd In doors, ahouM use HlTLVHUll HITTKUS, Tievwl not thcu be weak and Cleanse the ri tinted iiooil when you see is imiuiniiea nursi iu? throturti tlio rLIl in rimnlefl.Itlutchofl. tnu nnres. neiy on ULJ'llllIt JUTTtltH iml Iicaltli uni fol low. If vim do in it ulxh to suiter front Uheum niism, ueo a uouio oil 11 never raus loeure Dun't be without al bottle. Try It: yeu Will IMII llTfJIll, 11, J.aiUcb Iu dullcuti health, who are nil rundown, should uu StlU'linU KlTTKUfl, bL'Ll'IlUIt ltllTKltM will cure Liver Com Dial nt. Don't bo dis ouraceu: uuiucure TUIU bULl'llUlt ltlTlKllS will build vou imand make you strong and' .canny. hUU'IlUUlUriKHB Till makfl your blood uirH.rlcJi and etron?. iu' i nanii 'i ry fciiu-nuu hit. TEltH to.nlirht. and jyou will steep well I leei pener rorit. Do vou want the best Aledical Work nublUhed? flend $ S-eent etamptt to A. 1. OimwAr a Co Iiouton, ilnes., aud receive a copy, free. J.R.SMITH&CO LIMITKD. HILTON. Pxi., lJKAI.BUS 1H PIANOS, liytbe tollowins well known makers; Knabe, Weber, HnllctJ & DnviK. Can also furnish any of tlio cheaper makes at manufacturers prices, po not buy a piano be fore getting our prices. .cv. Catalogue and Price Lists S63Jt.p-U. On application. HINDERCORNO. TUB COLUMBUS irSgSSZ fSir CONSUMPTIVE A FIHST PRIZE DESIGN. It Is hj William Krrr, of Ornn.l, Mich. Ths flrat prlzoln Carjicntry nnd Ilulldlnn'i elslitorntb contest was nwnnleil to William Korr, of Ornnd llapMs, Mich., and hero or trie cstunatMt ITU) NT ELKVAJION. Btoncworlt, M percll 8101 CO 811k, 7W fiTt B 00 ti8 Inches, 2.000 foot SI W SlO taenia, 700 f.-ot f 00 Cxi Inches. S.ri feet 83 00 Sx I Indira, COO foet rafters 0 00 CnllfJlxvinK4,aofft tiOO Elding, 2.0X1 feet 8J CO ruiisi'ECTnii view. Flooring, 1,800 fctt 14 HllKlon'H 14t!oors lnllilailoor ,, 10.0U) Klilnjrles Mulililni; liinilior, i,W feet COO ranis ilai,tcrlns SI 00 MOO 82 00 10 00 .... 5 00 a oi 1W 00 73 00 J KITCHEN. fe-B orrriNG hau. dinina room, io'xu' i'6'xl3. J J Vestibule, nl PARLOR. I FIRST FLOOR. rtrickworknndcbimnefa C5 00 Carpenter work 800 00 Total , $!J 00 Tho epeclflcatlotis provide for tlio laying down of footings under all brick walls of flat stones, not less than 13 Inches thick and pro Jectlng 0 Inches op each tide of wall above; BOOR mil nm i : i sL I CHAMBER I 5Kia OIIAMDER. I KiicoNii rijjon. cellar wnll nro to lv 1 foot 0 inches thick, chimneys contain flues 8x8 inches, with 0 Inch nnlls and 3 Inch partition, tho cedar bottom to be covered w ith cement concreto 3 inches thick; timbers sosiil when finished of i NO CELLAR. H hnj IU B,tll-Wtt" jl OELLAR. I mm t$ HO CELLAR. S5? tlSFSL "11?."J CELLAIl rUI. second cjnallry pine; timbers not exposed of hemlock or pine, tbe frame to bo of tho bal loon variety the lumber to bo of white, plue. IIom!1u1 ituiiieillvH, What aro they ? Thn erowlh of intclll- i;ence la medlcjl matters lias given rise to a demand for n clnsa of genuine, reliable medicines. Tlio opportunity of tho Ignor. ant quack, who grew rich curlugoverythlng out of n f Inglo bottle has passcil, To supply natlsfactorly this iii;manil this list of rcme dlc 1ms been created. They aro tho favor. Ho nresciintlonR of tho most fumous medi cal prnctioners of the dny, gathered from wis nospuiiis or ioiuion, t-uria iscrun anil Vienna. Prescriptions, which cost the patients of these spcoWUtta from 25 to $'.00, arc hero offered, pnpured and ready fur use, at the nominal prlco of One Dollar Huh. Not one of theni in a euro all : each ouo uas oniy me reasonauio power ot curing n single disease ami each one keeps Its cou. tract. Bulftrcrs from Catarrh, DiFcnscd Lungs, Itronohltls, Aslbmn, Con.umptiou, Itheumatism, Dyepopsin, Mvur nm Kidney Complaints, Fever and Agiii'i Nfiiralgla, Female WcakncH, J.ounnrrlirui, or Nervous Debility, should send stamp f r de.crlnilvo catalogue to Hospital Home dv (n , No. 0j3J West ICIng 8t Toronto, Canada. If your druggist does not keep thtito remtdlcs remit price snd we will send direct free vt luty. TUB HAY FEYER SEASON .fuly( AumiHl, Mi'iitcinticr, MAt this seison. when life offers tho iricatest nt. tractions and ttiA most rlelljlitrul ivsources to ner. 1013 wliiho wiundnesi r.f hoay permits out-or-door eierelsB and aniujsments. niuiitiudsi ars dihsr, ud Ii jm the) i?s of tba summer by lny rarer, ono ot thn mojt exaspera lat, wearisome, and da,ireS' in'i Ills io which humanity li subjict -obioure, I,., expllcaole, desoendlnz on a irlveu d ita nice an in Klnti, nt til 'I'll. utlfTnisira frnm hnv t: .... - 1' ve looked in mla for auy tnatwoitiiy remedy. UriyoItUcm however, In to 1 wltel la vulu bo citu t they hate boon lifnortnt of Kly's Dream lialra, au iulmlrUlo rem:i ly for b tr lever la f 11 ii oi jos. ACive.iuie in in? u, entirely ueviiid o( siy unpleasant altoMlf-Jots, till. Cra.i'a llilm ?ulckly slays Ian inmuuou undweu cstliitrclie it waiob the sutferur li ts loiuod tn vain." from VhtcnrlMaa U1UQ11, New York aty, Jaiy IS, issv. PERRINE'S I'uim JIAUIjKV MALT WHISKEY. 2 T. 1 it- i If ?wsi t)nriu.n from selected lnrley Malt and guaranteed to be chemically p nnd free frnm lillitrlous oils and acid often lontmnrd in aicoiiolio Honors. It especially adapted toperxons requiring n Btlmulatlngtonle, t'onnumptlves beln iTcntli bencntted by its use, lleeommended by leading pliyslclnns as aliturell Nervine, Tnnlc. and Iteratire. For fon.miiiitltes ll is Invaluable. rtnitlNK' l'Ultri IIAKLKY MALT VVII1HKF.V Insures a return of visor to the stomach, a good Hmieuic, n ricn anu nDunuant moon ana incrrnseu nesn nnu muscmar tissue, stimulant mild And Bentlo in efTect. lusnepsla, IndlKestlon and nil wasting dr eases cac bo ebllrely conquered by theuhcor 1'crrlnu's ruio Iii.rley alt Whlskeji il is a Lome nnu u nireiie nrm n nnu-erriu RiienLTinener io tne rniirn RTHiem. rr.n ItlNl'.'M I'UIIK HAItl.KV jiai.t WIIlsKKt tins nroted n lnedli'lnnl nratectlon to inose wno oursun iiieir nvtH'niinna in tnnnnen air nun wnnsn naiiv noriccniis ii l"reentiotial powers ut endurance. Ask tout nearest druvglst or grocer for lor PKUltlNK'HIU'ltB HAItl.KV MALT WiiihKKY revives the tncntlcs ol those worn t out wiiu rxcessivoo mil) ur mental eirort ana acts as n sateguara against exposure Hln wet nnd rKoroiH ve.vher. It will drive all m.unrlousUlsoases trom the s stem, ijllard workers or vtry voontlnn and persons whom n si-rlentary Hie rendf rs prone to li 1,1 Ht..i ii'ii. ill I inuc n l ure iinr I'v Malt Whiskey a oowerful Intlminnt ."IKrlTllwil helper ti dlgeslloii. I'BIIIIINK'S ) Ml .K&'tW' 1 "'; :AI.M .'I ALT WI1INKHV t'AtyfrSlVKU-M'thoiit unduly stlmuliting tlio kld- k . g-; The analysis as It appanra by tlio La I u.ivei;aieiiinj nn 'I t, St'J J keys Ineteise their Hamlne actlvnv. nunlnrir-Ki t n.tnt nf titl.r. lie i.'eni convalesn ice and H a wnoiesomo prnmpimi' etio .vaten thoiih"! ' Nono genuine u. loss bearing thn slgna ft el nn everv tiottlei Hiiiveii thi, PniiH lunt.Kr .Malt Wins- Bkkv maduby M. ftj. i. rcrrliieandMUil Bit entirely tree from tus-l oil, f unurol, HmetaH nnl acids and Is nh'Olutely nur.'." Slgnm, Camilla Arthur Main; Q(;rnilmr' art',- (fnlnrfltlft nf Munich. H'ewffi nnd Wvtxhadm r'ui B,nr uj all (lruegls and frroeere througliuut the ITlted states and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. SStfORTU WATER ST., rniHALn iiv uitufldiftrti anu all nsAf.Kits, PHILA WHOI.r.SALi: DEALERS IN CaVj, CboDaffo, (DanA(''j'; FviMtj" anA TltiX. SOI.K AGENTS TOR Henry Maillard's Fine Candies. Fresh Every Week. IPIEIfc-TIlSI -r GOOIDS l. specialtt. SOLE AGENTS TOR F. F. Adams & Co's. Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco. Sole agents of the following brands of Cigars I Honry Clay, Londres, Normal, Indian Princess, Samson, Silver Ash. Any order for Festivals will be supplied with the Lowest Market Trices, as follows I ranges, Lemort5, ream N5' F Banana?, fcanUtj, Almondj, Engltjh WalnVtij. fop orn ISallj. BLOOMSBURG, PA. c. 5. Robbies, JDELEFi iH Foreign and Domestic Willi 4i L-liiii ' ANt JOB3EE ZnST CZc3r-A.3E3S. BLOOMSBURG Pfl INDUCEMENTS -IN- Pianos, Oif us, mil Sewing I- aMaVsZBBV Music - - - - Warerooms PATENTS. eiM n I Priu Muxii-.iiai.An fl all Patent W WWi 't O.VHtriS U. S. I-ATK.NI' St.'i1,en3.,',0i!?ra3JctPltl!al t).Hlnesslnlf3 wast? .f oujrtuaa tuoje remote iron) send modot, drawing, or plioto.wllh deacrlptlon. wa aflflaa It pau-ntanie or not. tree o( cuarire. pur ree uot due till patent la wwurcil. k A oook,"ilow to Obtain PaUmta, "with refercnoca Strtlreel Milm J'0Ur !iut0t0UI't)r.t" to", C. .A SNOW & CO., opposite pate nt cnt b w&snirtton, no PARKER'S HAIR R A I CAM Cleaiiics and beauiinei tbt hair. I . , toiiinrui uoior. Il-rujcnu liandnur and liajr (alliim ton, ami SI imniirwSi.,,. J H. WILLIAM?, AUCTIONEEH. iuxiOMsunna, pa. Rsal Estato Bought and Sold. I'artlr'sdeslrlnstnbuy nml wapons Xonlil do wi'll to rail on ihp ahovo. iu,ni' in TJIE Wniif Hot effected by '1? i:T VlluVf sSVlvw Blerclinnt. aud Dll Otaerar, HOll thADVI V luiluntte, twu It OI tug oPiTili riasiiiflrrik wiwrt fins LammmmM lll -l-ata. HI TJW CTCmTmmWl ?'.c'!.,, ?V.,'.'9. fu"l t h-mB wllfioutfall or fniHiiiuio ana I mnl,!i,il,.. Small wu,,71111 'ureuiulaorilieiirfM.Irco. i tawmquawm pt aau liM1i1""",,0l"'J.,' I't elllnir boolc ecr li.ti nhnV;. oTittiVaw ,uar ,aw P,ll:e- FIFTT DOLT.AJtS fo LIFE SCHOLARSHIP r t. tvt ff. r BUSINESS COLLEGE liOU l liwlnst HU, I'bllais. Pualtlona furdraduaiea. . iiuu .cuHircuiiwaHos, Jlitf f JiuulvptJ. lint Coon Si itaij, Cimlort M BEST . steeC . winE Woven Wire Fencing nriiu nuMUOOlVngo .a " mii:iiii mw.: mm dim mum ROn TO S9 PFO Don AUplrpSAntYtdtbii. Oatpnto maleTi, Bold hyn.nritMl.M ililhMn..r; wl msmilT rtin lnformaUoS f nir, mi l.i.r.v wovm winK FENci?'fc 1'H.V ISO M. Markt Bt,, GkftS(a7 llC " FcbJJoo w 111 Snil FlrwIar-araralnpT trad, la all tt.. brf i. ...a i.i,T,".V. ' " ,.nii, I 1 n o, , w . . .m.j nil at yMr fcm,. IM ,f,It kmc. Ih, all. hall boon,. .hlth fear, rua , r,f. r.l,i.' . m mi ll mm Iw Ma, ua tat 1 m.rhls. la th. world. In i. IHUlWr... No f.pil.l rtgoind. r .Io iH.f InMroellOB. rlv.a. 1 bo.o who wrlio Io a. a, ooco tin ' lira rvrf ilia b.l awlnr.nia,lilao la tho world . ,il rrtr.1 Itnoolwoth.oralfb arl.r.r ahown AM.ri.V ttn.tpus-f ailATEKUr.-COMFCmT.Na. EPP'S COCOA. 11UEAKFA8T. Hllff n ll.nM.inh L..nn.ll.., ,k. ... . . ...uiuuuM''iujmiuHiiD naiurit laws SIT,'.', B'Wni tho opciajlnns ot digestion and nutrition, ona by a caiernl application of tho nno properties ol well selected I'oco.i. Jtr. i:npS Uas .. uimniw, iniiirn huh a ueucateir llavnred beverage which may savu ua many heavy irtlclra ot diet that a conrtltutlou may bo gradual- dency to Ul-caso. Hundreds of subtlo maladies aro Hotting around twroidy to attack wherever t hero Is a weak point. Wo may evapo many a fatal Rhatt by kecplnir n iraolves well fortllled with puro Liood and a iiroiierly nourlihed trnme."-CMt Sfrvltv tlnlflhr tlaiin fthnnlv ,1711)1 h.ntn.. .X.V- or milk. Mold only In halt pound tins, by tlroccrs, IU ut-iit u 1,11 i JAMES KVl'A & CO., HomajopatMc Chemists, jrELAWAHE, I.ACKAWAitNA AND WESTBUN ItAILItOAD. BLOOMSBURG DIVISION. STATIONS. r m NOr.TIIOUBEHLAMD l 40 Cameron 6 59 Cliulasky c W) Uanvlllo c 08 Uatawlssa 0 25 i(upcrt.. 6 80 moomuburg .. 6 36 Espy 0 43 Lime ltldge 0 60 Willow drove i, 54 llrlarcreek c 63 Herwlck ... 7 05 Ueach Haven 7 II lllck'ayerrv. 7 in Milckshlnny 7 so numocK'H 7 Aa Nantlcoko 7 60 Avondale 7 54 lymouth 7 9 1) mom h Junction R o.t Kingston 8 03 Dennett 8 18 .Manny 8 17 iVyomlntr 8 M t est mtston a s7 HUston 8 3J iJickavanna 8 40 Taj lorvllle, 8 48 neuevuo a 64 SCHANTON ., 9 00 r u STATIONS. SCKANTOV 0 II) neuevuo S It Taylorvllle. c 50 i,acKawanna. i it I'lttpton 6 SB West mtston 6 42 Wyoming. 6 47 "'""-"j- c ri liennctt .... ,, ts 55 Kingston e eg I'lymoulh Junction 7 m l'lymonth..., 7 10 r 11 1 85 KOltTII, a, at. a, U 10 10 t 15 1 Co Si 14 S 19 2 it Z 29 ! 48 2 64 2 69 3 00 3 19 8 'ill 3 35 3 39 3 43 8 63 3 5ft 4 01 I- II til 9 60 9 55 10 00 10 08 10 1G 10 29 10 27 10 80 10 34 10 3S 10 42 10 47 10 31 10 33 11 09 11 12 11 22 II 28 11 37 10 26 10 29 10 38 10 63 11 00 11 07 11 16 11 22 11 20 II 30 11 37 11 44 11 44 11 68 12 OS 12 16 12 20 12 25 12 30 12 87 12 41 12 45 12 60 12 66 1 03 I 11 1 19 1 25 1 30 i r at sou. r u a os 1 so 6 31 40 B 68 7 05 7 12 7 20 7 27 7 31 7 35 7 42 7 49 65 8 OS 8 17 8 22 8 3s 8 S3 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 63 8 68 9 a Avondale. . ,,, 7 14 Nantlooke 7 19 Hnnlook's 7 2 Bhlckfchlnny 7 47 Hick's Kerry. t 55 Ueach Haven 8 01 Derwlck s 07 llrtarcroek 8 is vviiiow urovo sir. 1143 MmeHldgo s 20 u 62 Uloomsburg .. 8 32 12 05 "P"t 8 37 1210 Oatawissa s 2 12 10 Danville 8 67 12 30 Chulaaky 9 03 .. Cameron g 07 12 to NOHrilUJI!H,Ri.ANI.... g sa 12 j, AM I'M FM Phi Collections nl. linnpw imiiic.&ik ? llmirtlnir; Hallroad for Tomanend, Tainoqua. Will, amsport, ,f nnbury. l'ottsvnie. (to. At Sorthum. !ick Haven, mnorlnrn, Wurrcn, corry and Ertel 'V. F. IlAIJjlEAC. uen. Wan., Scranton, l'a 2 14 ! 21 28 2 84 S 39 247 2 60 2 64 2 69 8 01 3 03 3 19 8 29 3 89 3 46 3 61 3 57 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 29 4 41) 4 54 6 00 6 IS 62 6 30 6 37 t 43 6 60 6 65 59 7 03 7 07 7 12 7 U 7 21 7 25 7 43 7 66 8 07 8 13 8 2i 8-rt 8 31 83; 841 8 47 8 62 8 67 9 16 9 23 9 !8 9 45 Pennsylvania Railroad. Philadelphia & Eriti R. R. Divisr ion, nnd Northorn Central Railway, 111! TIME TABLE. in effect MAY 12 1889. Trains leave tmnbuty BASTWAltl) Jd'.il.,,6?? J?uore Kjf Press (dally nxcept IfSSSAS" .'?riteriibW andlnierineaiate etatlora, ?"n'nii at n ?1'lphla 8.i5v. m.i New York 5.60 p. m.j Baltimore, 2.60 r.rn.; Washington ihSJS.' ,conuc.llIi'fRti'"1'a1(,lrhla fcrnltseo rulladefpni' T"roaBl1 P"senBer co&ch to, i ,2,,e K11"0"?. arriving at I h 1 1 a d e 1 p k lr we,T.Yrl' 9115 P- m-! Iiftlllmorn M5 p. m.i Waahlngton, wo V ra. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coacki-B through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. ""c"8 Vv rn. Henovo Accommodation (daily I?. r,i'."f.lJf Pu.ri, a5.d au intennedlaw M at Inns, arm. 'i?Kf,L1ilaa.fl,I:uU'''25 ra- iNew Yorl a. ra. Snmr!S-,15l,nl:' Watblniton tin 1. in. IWlmanslecplngcarfrom llarrlsburi; to PhllaSel' phla and New York. Phlladi'ipnn, pwtsenrrere can romjja In a Wper nndtatnrrri"xSrtli 7 cm. .wiL" 1 ,H Zn Mall(dnllj)'i.r llarnebur?' and iirm'NS'o"10. " IUdelptilS 6.60 a.m. Newlork.o.Ma, in.! Through l-ullmBu sl'j.lngcara and passengfr ooaohea to Phlladel. a. m Southern ExpreaiHallrt for llarrhu E JiT0.?.?1 wi''Dtrsmn8.45, and through Pull . an' 1. ,ro, hS'o,rJ ,n "ilf-naio Rnrl Washington, and turougb passengor ojtjboi to Baltimore. vrttiTWAKD. ISr,,,1L,,';ftl0 ''"IMwaraPal la, with thro igh 1-ull ito?nt?i 0iraftnaPaonSrooMhMtoIri8Sd anWSd.aWaf.onr'7 l0Ck naT6n v1tn?v15i,'.air"lra "Press (dallyexceptsnn ttrl ,1 KKS,.CHI;a' J" BUa an', Intermediate sta KiL1"11"' llurralo and Niagara Falls with ???,firr1StoMM",, no Pu'S,irit8loyi'e.a,"r "tcePt Bundayjfor Be. ri?S,r.V,i'klE8 an(1 mtermertlatn swtione, witn to tAasev;rcoachf8 toltenoro and wkttliS r, V. 'uniport Exp.e-s (dally except lions. ' J Bp,rt ar,d lnt"mliato sti- TUHOVUn TItAlNH IMU HUNBHKY FltOM THB' EAST AND SOUTH. ' .News Expivaa leaven PMladelphla 4.30 a. nr. Baltimore, 4.3.1a.m. llarrlaburg. 80 aV. dSV arrlUtjgut hunbury 9.68. a. nl. "'""m Q&" Phlladelnhia ku. . ,.N1'Fr Express loayes t i!5S Avfi1' "to a. m, 1 VI akliigion 8 10 u. in Bal. dall except kuuday arrlvmg at mnfiV&S loav?8 ?-'" "9 m. i Phlladel. obTiVi Sn rav!w t,orK "uip. m. t Phlladel. more u Win m rXf.S?"'11"10 " " " n ,n ii.J?,.?,"(,a"?) arrtv ng at 8unburyB.i0 PhlSrlalnhT. "WW KplSgcarehom .vwiuc, aiuiv ruuaaeipnia h,Ha,,'l"lM:I,,A:.l:V.TyN VI'II.KEHIlAltltll iiVan,;,', WKBT u-.n .oho. B.a."r. e?M butHlar.) .JuSXS ast IeaTes Bunbury 6.S6 p. to.. arrtvuig a.n,,iiZ,a!Llt'TBa W1 ikeabarre a.m. arrlv t?L1?J.e,nf 18-8r,P- "-.r.unbtirjr 1 30 11. m .ii?ip',e?,WelJtTtt' Wlltes barrea.osu. m.. i vlng at Bloom Ferry 4.80 p. m . HuSury twp. mr SUNDAY TIIA1NS. Wll Iral..... , . louvt-F DunDuryio.00 a. rn., a Tom. twit. tu nu.'wiuttliuro n mn1,''rv'.t?f?.mm,9?M,on.,e'lTPB witkes-jiarrr e-io i:S0 p m wy, p.m., BUnonry "'iM a pihiii, J, H. vvtiou 1. Zi Omi int'rv avr I A llvl'llua.ra ' Howe : Vn fttoout any proposed Una ot AUVKItTISINU by addreaalng ieo. I In good (ulth, an obtain all needed liformat jr. 1 JXllXMt, ' W JlllyJ14ul
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers