The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 02, 1889, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varfe. A marvel of nurltv
strength Arid wholcsomenofUL Mora ivHinn.nif.n.1
tl'fin the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In
competition with the multitude or loir toot, short
weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold oniv in
UlltS. lUIT Alt I1AKINU 1UWDER UO., 1U0 WSU BU, 14. Y.
SVFubllshed every Friday,
11.00 a roar.
Subscription price,
Entered at the Tost Office at Bloomsburg, l'a
as second class matter, March l, 1W8.
COUBLCT UllLKOiD till 11(11.
Taking etToct MONDAY, NOVBMI1BK IIL im
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.l
STATIONS. . r. u. r. u. a.m. a.m. r. u. r. u.
nioomsbunr........ eta 1 05 s on 833ii3 eta
Ma'n street e 18 18 M 7 53 8 48 i 35 6 81
I r or dale s 10 la 50 " 68 8 41 lu
Paper Mill. ........ 6 08 13 40 7 48 8 58 t M 7 01
Llirhtstreot. e 05 la 31 7 41 9 ou s 5- 7 08
O Wevllle 5 51 18 20 7 35 9 10 3 20 ! II
Forks, B 45 12 00 J SO 85 8 38 7 31
lubbs . 5 41 11 53 7 15 9 30 3 41 T 38
Btlllwatcr......... 5 S7 11 45 7 10 9 87 3 50 7 43
IWnton 6 28 11 SO 7 00 9 47 4 15 7 53
Xdaons, 593 11800 51 11 4 SO 768
ColesOroek, 5 a) 11 15 6J 9 u 4 84 8 00
Buirarloaf, 8 15 n 10 8 u o U) 4 n 8 os
Laubacha 11 11 01 (1 10 04 4 33 8 10
CCntraL.7. 6 08 10 57 6 38 10 13 4 40 8 15
Echo ParK. 5 OJ 10 52 8 IMll 15 4 43 8 19
Jamison city.... 5 00 10 45 8 39 10 20 4 50 8 23
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. u. a. ii. a. x. a. u. r, u. r. u.
Trains on the I',
follows :
7:31 a. m.
3:31 p. m.
& It. II. It. leave Itupert it
11:0.' a. m.
0:23 p. m.
Tralnson the U. L. & W. It. lt.loave Iiioomsborg
as follows t
X0HT1I. 8fiDTD
7:1! a. Ul. 8:32 a. m.
10:51 a. m. 12:08 p. m.
2:84 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
2:38 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Tralnson th N.SW. U. Kallwaypass llloom
Ferry as follows:
10:48 a,m.
.! p. ra.
10:48 am
11:37 p. m.
4-30 p. m.
8:39 p m
Foil A. desirable and commodious
resldenco on Main street, supplied with
water, ga9 and steam. Apply to
jan20tf. Ii. N. Motbr.
Adoubt 23. Tho administrators of Her.
mon Fahrlnger, deceased, will sell three
tracts ot land in Locust townsbip at 10
o'clock. At same time personal property
of said decedent, and also personal prop
erty of Rachael Falirlngcr will bo sold. Bee
Foit Balk A farm about a mile from
Alton, containing 60 acres, all under culti
vation, with good buildings, with all this
year's crops, farming Implements and stock
will be sold at private sale. For partlcu
lars inquire of J. B. Williams, Dloomsbu g.
.7-20 If.
Fob Sals. A fine farm containing
eighty-six acres, situate in Columbia Coun
ty, about 250 yards from D. L. & W. It. It.,
and having upon it fine largo buildings, a
novcr falling spring of water, is offered for
sale upon easy terms. Address to
7-19-tf. Bunbury, Nortb'd. Co., Pa.
Foit Balk A valuable vaeait lot on
Market Bt seven lots on Eighth Btrcet,
ten dwellings and a good Btoro property in
Bloomsburg. Bix farms, two grist mills
and two store properties In Col. Co. A
good farm of 307 aeres wllh good build.
Ings in Virginia and two farms in Kansas
by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Heal Estato
Agt., Bloomsburg Pa.
Dr. J. It. Evans spent two weeks at Long
Branch recently.
Misa Annie LocuarJ, and sister aro rusti
cating at Cole's.
Chester Btillz of Jumeson City was in
town on Tuesday.
John Herring is studying law with his
brother, Grant Herring.
Mies Eva Shoch returned to her homo in
Selinsgroye ou Tuesday.
Miss Yeager of Mauch Chunk la the
guest of MU' Muy Kuhu.
Mrs. L. B. Wlnterstetn is visiting her sis.
ter, Mrs. Liogle at Hcllefonte.
Lafayette Kccler, of Benton, was among
the visitors to towu on Saturday.
W. B. ltishtou und Samuel tl. Ilaruian
expect to go to Eglesmero next week
Dr. J. C. Rclfsnydtr came homo on
Wednesday, and will remain a few weeks.
Miss Elllo Fox camo home from Phila
delphia on Monday for a month's vacation.
Mrs. Morris Shipley, of Cincinnati, Is vli
Ulng her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. William
lilts Katherlno Elwell, of Towanda, is
spending a few weeks with her relatives in
Prof. Albert spent a week recently in
South Carolina, as Instructor in a leacher's
Institute, llo will be similarly engaged
for a week in Indiana.
W. B. Linglc, of tho Bunbury Book Bind
ery will bo in town next Monday. Persons
having work in that lino can leavu their
names at this otllcc, and ho will call upon
Loiters have been received from Rev. W.
O. Lovcrett announcing that ho had a safe
and pleasant voyage out, and did not tut.
fer from sea-sickness, lie was about to
start for Scotland when the letters were
A new lot of Hardware of all kinds just
received at Peacocks'.
Tho regular meeting of the W. C. T.
will bo held ucxt Tuesday at 2.30 p. ra.
A patent was Issued last week to David
Savage of Bloonisbuig, for a washing ma
chine. There will bo a game of baso ball on Satur
day afternoon with Plymouth or Mahanoy
City, Both good clubs.
There will bo a meeting of tho County
Commissioners of tho Stato at Allentowu,
September 21th, 33th and 20th.
A peculiarity of Hood's Barsaparllla is
that whllo It purifies the blood, It Imparts
new vigor to every function of tho body,
An exchange says that the American
raven, which naturalists thought extinct
la still found lu Columbia and Sullivan
Tbe Mt. Caimil Ktui uow issues semi
weekly. This Is a piogresslvo movement,
and we congratulate Ihc jYim upon Us en,
tcrprlslng spirit.
Llto tlzo crayons iu gold frames only
U U'KUIlp Bros.
N. D. Craroy. Ksn.. of Bhlckshlnnv. Pa..
was hero last week. Ho brought an old
friend, Mr. Uodlleb Natllnrf. to Dr. Brown
to liayu a cataract removed.
During tho month of Ainnint
wo will give a discount of 1 0 nor
cent, off of all goods.
Tho contract for tlio croctlon of tho Nor.
mat Bchool addition wag awarded to 8am.
ucl Parnsworth of Jcrseytown, tail Satur
day, ho being tho lowest bidder.
Wo bavo received a complimentary ticket
of admlsilon to tho annual exhibition of
tho Bulllvan County Agricultural Bocloty,
to bo hold at Forksvlllo on October, 2, S
anil .
Wo have received tho handsomely print
ed and Illustrated catalogues of Ilrnnkn
Hall and 8horllldgo Media Academy, of
which Bwlthln C. Blurtlldgo Is Principal.
in I j is an old and celebrated school.
B. ll). Neyhard had a severe attack ot
lullamatlon of tho pleura, od Mondav.
Ue was out surveying In tho morning, but
receiving a sudden attack ho was lett en
tlrely helpless. Dr. J. C. Rutter was sum.
monod at once and gavo him relief.
Mountain Grovo Camp Meeting will open
on August 7th and conllnuo until tlio 15th
Dr. B. B. Hamlin will deliver an address
on tho 8th, Chantauqua Dy. Dr. Tuttlo
of Baltimore, and Or. Heed, President of
Dickinson College, aro also expected dur,
Ing the camp.
Aycr's Aguo Cure never falls to netitra,
llzo the poisons of malaria, and eradicates
them from tho system. This preparation
is purely vegetable, contains no harmful
Ingredient?, and, if taken according to
directions, Is warranted to cure fever and
ague. Try it.
Hatllo Hreccc, a lltllo daughter of Uzal
ilrocce, In Hemlock township, broko her
leg near the anklo last Saturday afternoon,
by falling from tho second Moor of one of
the out-buildings, a distance of ten feet,
Dr. Armenl was summoned and set the
fracture. Tho patient is gcttliig along
The extension ot tho Montrose narrow
guagc railroad, says the Bcranton JVulA, to
Blnghamton la In a fair way to accomplish
ment. Engineers are at present engaged
In the survey ot tho most practical route.
The road will add to tho chances of Now
Mil foul becoming tho County Seat of the
projected new couuty to bo cut from Sus
quehanna and Wayne.
A boy who accompanied the Berwick
picnic at O ik Urovo lust Saturday, tried an
experiment on a railroad signal cap, by
dropping a base ball bat upon It to see It it
would explode- He found thut it would,
and when Drs. Gardner and Barter dressed
his wounded arm, he said ho dldu't know
it was loaded. Boys Bhoul't be curt f ul how
they play with such things.
The rc union of the veterans of Luzerne,
Lackawanna, Columbia, Wyoming, uynr,
and Ku'quchanni counties, may take place
this Summer ut Honcnilulr, if the people so
desire. Po.t 108, U. A. 1C, has ulrcady
taken the matter in hand and appointed a
committee to lonk owr the ground for tho
purpose of ruilng tin necessary funds to
Insuro success uf the undertaking. Wtjnt
The net proceeds of the Cooking Class,
organized by the ladies of the Presbyterian
church, and conducted by Mrs. ltorer, are
$120. The society was reorganized in the
Spring And nirangemcnts wcic made at
that time fur holding a fair aud supper the
last week of November. They now pro-
pose to bold It iu tho lecture room of the
new church, which they hope will prove an
additional attraction.
Manor Hrst Inn at Janieton City l an
assurul success, financially and otherwise.
A contract has been made with Stlltz & Co.,
the merchants of that place, to take the
liotel uud operate it, at a rental that will
pay interest on the bonus, and nvo per
cent, on the slock. It l destined to be one
of the best Investments here, and is bound
to become a popular resort. It will be
opened fn a very short time.
Daniel Rhodomoyer died at his home in
Hcotlown, lust Thursday evening, after an
illness of that drrad disease, Consumption.
For some time he has kept a small grocery
store, owing to his broken down health.
Recently he received a sunstroke, and that
hastened his death. He was about 28 years
of age. Funeral services were held Sun.
day afternoon ; conducted by Rev. Auman,
pastor of the Reformed church.
Toe employees ot Bloomsburg Car Co.,
Harman & Hassart's Machine Shops, Hess'
Manufacturing Co., Mcars' Washer Works,
Bloomsburg Silk Mill, and members ot the
vailous secret organizations of Bloomsburg
nd surrounding towns, will participate in
the picnic and excursion to Central Park,
to bo given by tho Order of United Ameri
can Michanlcs on August 15th. Further
particulars will be given poxt week.
The corner stone of the New Presbyter
ian Church was laid Iatt Tuesday at Op. m.
with appropriate ceremonies. Dr. Cattell
and several other clergymen who were ex.
pected to come wero unablo to do so. Ad
dresses were made by Revs. LM. Patterson
and D. J. Waller. In tho corner stono
were placed, copies of the town papers,
photographs of former pastors, aud ono of
the old church, a history of tho church,
some coins &c. A largo audlenco wtnees
ed the ceremonies.
Rev. S. W. Sears, ot tho M. E. church,
and Rev. N. Bpear also took part In the
exercises. We had expected to publish a
more detailed account, but tlio necessary
data did not reacli us In lime.
Several stones were knocked off the cop
ng of Hie Episcopal cuurcn during the
storm on Monday, and ono ot them fell on
the roof and broke a hole through tho slat
ing. The stones were knocked off by the
limbs of a tree. '1 ho vestry some time ago
resolved to cut down tbe tree about the
church, but sonio objection was made, and
so the nuisances wero permitted to remain
to keep tho church damp, and to break tbe
roof whenever there is wind enough to
blow the branches from the trees.
During the month of August
ii ,i -i
ve wui givu you it iiiacouiii
10 per cent, oil all goous.
Best Colored French batines
28c with n discount of 10c off at
List ot unclaimed letters remaining 1
the Bloomsburg, Pa., Post Office for the
week ending July 80, 1889.
Mr. Coon Breadbrnder, Mr. Edward
Crawford, Angelo Mario Cardaras, Jacob
Decker, W B. Ilartzel, Mr. Marcus Lewis
Mr. D. H. Mellclt, J. F. Macaron, John II
Rupert, Mrs. M. E, Thomas, Mr, Jacob
Vollls, Mr. Jacob Wendel, O. E. Wilbur,
J, II. Wallcze, (2),
Pel sons calling for these letters please
say, "they aro advertised."
Okobue A-IClauk, P. M.
Cutlery and revolvers at Peacocks
Not many persons, comparatively, know
that General Goorgo B. McClellan loft a full
brother in actlvo buslnoss, although such
Is tho fact. Ills name Is Arthur and he oo
cuples tho position ot general supsrlnlon-
dent for Coxo Bros. & Co , tho gfeat Drtt.
ton coal operators. During tho war he
served on General Brlnton's staff and be
camo popular by reason of his qulot manli
ness and cnuragp. At Drlfton, whero he
live? in bachelor quarters, ho Is known for
his doferenco toward all classes and for his
equally commcndablo habit ot forgetting to
tell everybody that ho Is a brothor of
Llltlo Mac
A night rldo over tho Pennsylvania rail.
road, between Johnstown and jCresson, Is
now full ot Interest and excitement. The
work of rebuilding the bridges which ware
washed away by tho flood progresses by
night as well as by dty, the night gangs
working under strong lights which cas t
weird shadows. Trains slow, up at tho
long trestles and creep over cautiously,
while all heads go out ot the windows to
sco. The small clement of dangor adds to
the excitement, and tho trip seems but a
few minutes long.
About three hundred Berwick people
attended tho picnic at Oak Grove last Sat
urday. Tlio day threatened to bo a stormy
ono early in the morning, but it cleared up
later, so that tho excursion was not post.
poned. Grozlcr's Band of Berwick came
down with the party, and during tho after
noon they marched in from tho Grove and
treated Bloomsburg to somo first-class mu
sic. Tub Columbian Is indebted to them
for tho compliment ot a visit, and tho
pleasure of listening to several ot their fine
selections admirably rendered. This Band
not only plays well, but looks well in Its
handsome and striking Continental uni
form. It Is ono ot tho best organizations
of the kind In thh section, and probably
much of this Is due to Its efficient leader,
Mr. Grozlcr, and to tho efforts ot its capable
manager, Mr. Will T. Snyder.
Maj. M. Grant ot Chattanooga, Tenn. Is
with Dr. Gardner for medical treatment.
At present he Is at Ganoga Lake, In com
pany with tho Doctor's family.
We take the following complimentary
notice concerning him from the Cliuta
nooga paper :
"Maj. M. Grant, who has been In bad
health for several weeks past, left Sunday
.light tor tho mountains of Pennsylvania,
where bo hopes by healthful recreation and
intelligent medical treatment to recover
his former robust health. Maj. Grant will
bo missed from among bis host of friends
In tbe city; but if he shall succeed in re
storing his health all will rejoice at his
home coming. It was with great reluc
tance that he left, hut at the earnest solici
tations of his family and friends, ho con
sented to go. The best wishes of his
friends in the city for his pleasant enter
talumcnt and complete recovery follow the
major to his summer resort.
When it comes to n matter of enterprise
sleepy Bloomsburg canuot begin to com.
paro wllh our lively borough. Paste that
n your hat, neigubor. AtMand Adeocale.
All right, brother. Any tlmo you want
to compare notes in tho matter of enter
prise we aro ready to compete. Blooms
burg has a woolen mill, a silk mill for
hlch 3)3.5,000 were raised by our citizens,
$40,000 more have been subscribed for a
carpet factory, $20,000 have been raised
tor a hollow ware factory, on both of which
work will soon begin. The fchool desk
factory ownB a valuable plant. The Normal
School Is putting up a $15,000 addition,
the Presbyterians a new $35,000 stone
church, and tho Town is erecting a new
$20,000 school houso, and will coon put up
handsome building for town purposes.
There is more building going on hero than
In many years at ono tlmo, aud tho popu
lation has nearly doubled itself in the last
ten years. Four railroads enter here, and
tho Town has gas, water, sewerage, steam,
clean streets, good pavements, and is built
on the level, and supports varied industries,
such as car shops, furnaces, foundries, &c.
Ashland has lots of coal, which was put
in tbe bills by tbe goodness of the Lord,
Miners' Hospital, built and maintained
by the State, and a foundry for which $25,-
000 was recently raised. It is a nice, quiet
village though, and we congratulato Broth
er Steele upon living in a community where
the hum of industry does not break in
upon his editorial labors.
Tho excursion to Ccntial on tho B. & S.
road last week Thursday, under the man
agement of the Episcopal Sunday School
was attended by nearly four hundred
people. The wcatber'was delightful, and
everybody was more than pleased with
Hess' Grove. This pleasant resort is locat
ed right along the East Fork ot FisLili g
Creek. On-leavlng the train the grove is
reached by crossing a substantial foot
bridge. Tables are scattered hero and
there, and every where, there is a dancing
pavilion, swings, rambles, a cave In the
rocks, cool springs of water, and numerous
other attractions.
The Grove belongs to Joshua B. Hess,
and he gets bis compensation for the use
of the grounds, by reserving the right to
sell refreshments therein. Several stands
have been erected, where lemons, ice, fruit,
ice cream, oakes, cigars, and nearly all
kinds of refreshments can be obtained at
reasonable prices. For a days' excursion
no better place can bo found than up tho
B. & S. winding along the creek, ut tho
foot ot tho mountains, or through a rich
farming country, with comfortable homes
scattered all along, until you come to the
North Mountain, rearing Us peaks high In
On this occasion Bupt. Leader did ail In
his power for the comfort and pleasure of
the excursionists. After dinner a train ran
from the grove to the hub factory above
Jameson City, then back to the large saw
mill ot the Flshlngcrcek Lumber Company
both ot which places wero Inspected by
those who desired to do so; then back to
Jameson City, whero the party went up to
Manor Rest Iun. Gllmoru's Band accom.
panted tho excursion, and furnished ex
cellent music In a most obliging manner,
never seeming to tire. At the Inn they as
cended to the second veranda, and played
several spirited airs. With the band play
Ing, and crowds ot people walking about,
tbe Inn presented a lively appearance,
The excursionists reached home about 8
o'clock well pleased with the trip.
Fine Cabinets In vignette or scroll,
tf M'KlUlp Bros.
Wliei Cull lieut ItT
Miles Fry of Bloomsburg caught a black
bass Monday afternoon In tho Butquebanna
river at the mouth of the Flshlngcreek
which measured 27 Inches long and weigh
cd six pounds and three quarters. Tho fiib
was caught with an ordinary fish line, and
the bait used was a lamprey eel. He bad
a hard struggle In lauding him, and only
did so after bringing blm to the boat sev,
cral timet, end giving him tho full run of
tbe long line. In addition to this monster
fish bo bad a dozen small bass yaryln
from 12 to 15 inches, two erls and 1 pike.
Oak Grove Park has been put In good
condition, and is now ready for engage
ments. Churches, Bunday school organ!
tallons or private parties can make satis
factory term by applying to W. It Tubbs
or Geo, E. Elwell, managers (or the Board
of Directors. 2w.
Affair ol itAtlrontlfl,
$3,000,000 OAS TRUST LOAN,
The Pennsylvania lUllrovl Company
will soon have a new $3,000,000 car trust
loan bearing i por cent., but thoy will pro
bably bo sold at a figure which will yield
the buyer from 4) to C per cent, It has
been somo tlmo slnco the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company has bought a largo num
bcr ot cars or Issued "car trust certlncatoi,''
and this Issue Is to keep up the rolling
stock. It Is proposed to order 0000 cars,
2000 to bo of tho box pattern and 8000 to bo
coal cars.
Bids are now being received tor tho
building of these cars, but nothing has
been done In tho way of giving nut the
contract. A number of the cars will bo
built at the company's shops at Altoona.
Will be Tried Its Italy.
Bcvcrlno and Larra, Red-Nosed Mike's
accomplices in tho Murder of Paymaster
McCluro near Wllkes.Barrc, aro still In the
custody of tho Italian authorities, and In
stead of being sent to the United States
will be tried in their own couutry upon
evidence and depositions of their guilt sent
from tho United States. Bevcrlno's case
stands by itself, as tho Italian detectives
bave discovered that lie fled from Italy
several years ago, after having murdered a
countryman, lie must flrst'answer for this
crime bo'ore he can be brought to trial In
tho McClure case. A recent law passed In
Italy abolishing capital punishment has
gono Into effect, and If convicted the mcu
would bo sentenced to Imprisonment for
life only.
A Uiinutnioua Vote.
Last Sunday morning the Lutheran con
grcgatlon of this place, unanimously elect
ed Itev. Wm. E. Fischer, of Centre Hall,
Centro county, to bo pastor. It was a re.
markable election. Tho voting was done
by ballot, as Is the custom, an'l not a Blnglo
vote wus cast against him. Mr. Fischer
has served tils present clmrgo at Centre
Hall for fourteen years, It being his first
and only charge. He Is a graduate Of l'cnn
sylvania College and tho Theological Semi
nary at Gettysburg. Uo was not an appli
cant for this vacancy, but be was so highly
recommended br all tho ministers in this
and neighboring Bynodi, and some minis
ters thought it the congregation here would
elect hlra he might possibly accept, tho
Church council therefore, by unanimous
vote, presented his name for the consider
ation ot the congregation, and thoy con
curred with tho same unanimous expres
sion. The notice of election was forward
ed to Rev. Fischer on Monday. The con
gregation anxiously await his answer.
Nuiitlcolte vn. niooniauunr.
The following is the score of tho game
played at Athletic Park last Friday after
noon :
R. IB. P.O.
Shaffer, c.
tlagcnuucu, lib.
Hayes, p.
IIouscl, 1. f.
Heist, 1 b.
Ikcler, 2 b.
Ent. c. f.
Caldwell, r. f.
t-yer, s. a.
14 15
R. 1 B.
37 84
Buckley, 1 b.
Gibbons, 3b. p.
Grlffllb, c. f.
Freas. s. a.
Jones, 1. t.
Ili'lstvlck, r. f,
Klldea, J. 2b.
Kildea. F. c
Howels, p. 3b.
Totals, 0 1 24 26 6
Earned runs Bloom 0. Two base hits
IIouscl 2, Ent homo run, Hays, sacrifice
It, Shaffer. Bases stolen Bloom 2, Nan
coke 0. First base on balls Hagcnbucb,
Heist, Eyer. Hits by pitcher Ikcler 2,
Rciswtck. Struck out by Hayes, 24,
Howels 5, Gibbons 2. Passed balls-
Shaffer 1, Klldea 4. Umpire, D. Mc
Go to Peacocks' for Hardware.
ttulll van'H Bleclir Hammer mows
The habitues of 1 10 Ltclede liotel, St.
Louta, have a lively recollection uf the visit
which John L. Sullivan paid to that hostel
ry some four years ago. Ho was thero fur
several days, and during his stay was the
observed of ull observers. A number of
gentlemen did their best to induce him to
give an exhibition of bis wonderful
strength. This he declined to do, but at
length yielded to their solicitations and
performed a feat which none who witness
ed It will ever forget.
Stepping to the bar, which la of bard
mahogany, hu laid a silver dollar on the
counter. Ho then raised his right hand
and brought bla fist down upon tbe coin
with tremendous force. Upon raising his
hand it was seen tlia'. tbe coin was stamped
leep into tbo bar and could with difficulty
be extracted. Every letter and line of the
device was reproduced in the hard wood
and remained plainly legible for two year;,
n spite of the frequent scrubbing to which
it was subjected.
Hleepluir lu ii Iluatluw.
The habits In country parts ot strclchlug
oneself out ou thu ground for the purpose
of taking a nap Is common enough In the
summer time, but from a case that Is ro.
ported from h village lu the Dordogne, in
France, a nap on the grass is not unattend
ed with danger. A farmer residing near
tho village, tiled with tbb beat of tbe day
and with bis work, recently laid himself
down to rest beneath tbo shade ot an oak
tree in a meadow. He was tuddenly
aroused from his repose by a sharp twinge
of pain in one of his ears, the pain lncreas,
Ing to such an exteul that before tuo poor
fellow leached his homo ho was bait beside
For several days he suffered thu gieatcst
agony, which neither doctors nor the rem
edles they prescribed could allay, and the
pallent was brought to such a pass that he
thought he must die. It chanced, how,
e er, that a neighbor bad the felicitous Idea,
as tho sequel proved, of pouring a little
turpentine into bis ear, the Immediate of,
feet of which was to make tbo patient tall
back Insensible on his pillow. On recover
Ing conschurness be remarked that be ex,
pericnerd a strange feeling of relief, the
cause ot which was soon explained by tbe
exit from his ear ot an enormous worm,
which had taken up its quarters there dur
tbo farmer's sleep. London Standard.
Pureed to I.euve Mouse.
Over 60 people wero forced to leave
their homes yesterday to call for & free trial
package of Lane's lamlly Medicine. If
your blood Is bad, your liver and kidneys
out of order, it you aro constipated and
have headache and an unsightly complex
Ion, don't fall to call on any druggist to
day for.arw sample ot this grand remedy.
The ladles praise It, Everyone likes It.
I Large-she pack age 60 cents. Apr. SS-ta.
Col. 11. K. JamlsoTof Philadelphia,
been In England during tho past year, and
one matter to which he gavo somo attention
whllo thoro was tho raising of funds to ds-
velopo the coal, Iron and lumbor In the
mountains of Sullivan and northern Ooliim
bla counties. Tbe following attlcle from
tho Philadelphia IUcorJ shows how well be
has succcodod i
A $4,000,000 syndicate to develop coal,
Iron and lumber land In Eastern Pennayl.
vanla Is one of tho results of Banker B. K.
Jamison's recent trip to Europe. Tho
company, which Is largely backed by Eng
lish capital, is to developo 100 square miles
In Sullivan county. Morton McMicbael,
of tbe First National Bank, la Interested In
tbe scheme.
Tho corporation Is known as the Central
Pennsylvania Land and Railroad Company,
and Is capitalized at orar $3,000,000, and
bonds will bo Issued amounting to over
$1,000,000. A number of saw-mllls are to
be erected, and tho coal and Iron which It
is believed exists will be worked tmtnedl.
ately. Tho Bloomsburg and Sullivan Rail.
road has already been acquired, and will
bo extended northward to tbe Bernlce coal
fields. The Reading Railroad his recontly
built a link from Rupsit to Bloomsburg,
giving It a connection with the tew devc.
Iopcracnts. A large buslnoss will bo
thrown over tbe Reading Railroad.
For the benefit of the Grand Army of tbo
Republic, Bloomsburg, Pa., thero will bo a
general basket picnic at Central Park
Grove on tbo B. & S. R R. about ono half
mile from Jameson City, Saturday, Aco
ust 10, 1889, unless It storms, when tbe ox.
curslon will take place tbe following Satur.
day, Aug. 17.
Tho Bchool Furnishing Co., Cazwcll &
Co's. Woolen Mills, C. Mears & Bon's
Washer Works and David Hcnslnger, tho
contractor, havo consented to close their
works on that dav, that their employees In
a body, may take advantage of a ride Into
the cool mountain air and enjoy themselves
at tho expense of less than one cent a mllo.
We slight nobody. Everybody Is Invlt-
ed. All come and have a erand ( armv 1
Round trip from Bloomsburg, adults
50c., children under 14 years 35c i from
Light Street, adults 45c., children under 14
years 85o; from Orangevillo, adults 40c.,
children under 14 years 30c ; from Forks
and Stillwater, adults 35o , children under
14 years 80c ; from Benton, adults 30c.,
children under 14 years 80c. Chtldron
under 8 years, freo, If accompanied by
their parents.
Parties from Berwick and Espy can ar-
rlve 8.82 a. m. and return by 0 80 n. m.
From Danville, Catawlssa and Rupert can
arrive at 7 a. m. and return at 8 p. m.
Excursion train will leaye Bloomsburg
at 8.40 a. m., returning will leave Central
at 5 p. m., reaching Bloomsburg at 6.20.
Band will be in attendance.
All baskets should be marked and direct
ed eltbei Main Street or Market Street, so
that the committee in charge may know
where to put them off.
The committee of arrangements aro C. P.
Sloan, B. F. Bharpless and L. Cohan.
Borne casts of comparatively rocont oc
currence will serve to Illustrate tbe detect
of tbe Coroner system. Here aro four in
stances from a single New England Btate.
In a certain town a man shot himself.
"A Coroner hearing of the fact, and still
la ignoranco whether death had occurred,
summoned a jury and hastened to the
place, only to find the man alive. Select
ing the nearest saloon as a waiting place,
tbe Coroner and bla jury remained there
until tho man was dead, employing a boy
lu tuo neighborhood to keep them Informed
as to the man's condition, until ho had
ceased to breathe, when they proceeded
with the Inquest."
In another place :
"The body of a drowned mau was towed
across a mill pond from one town to an.
other, to favo the first town, in which the
body was found, the expense ot Inquest
Tbe following humorous verdict was
rendered by a Tennessee Coroner's jury i
"He come to bis death from tbe follow,
ing causes, to wit: From some sudden
cause, to tbe jurors unknown."
An Irishman named O'Conner was killed
In Minnesota by one Cochrane, and about
bis dead body assembled a jury of six men,
who rendered the following verdict, given
here without tbe original spelling :
"Martin O'Conner, hero lying dead, camo
to his death by shot from a gun, which
caused the blood to rush in torrents from
his body, so that it was Impossible for him
to live until wo could hold an Inquest."
Tbe following is reported from Kentucky!
"Inquisition held on the body ot Holmes
deseasts December 8, 1853. We of the said
jury, by being summoned and qualified,
and bearing tbo evidences, and making
true and dlllgous resentments over tho said
body of saiddrseasts, twelyo men met, and
being duly sworn into the case, believes
that he como to bla death by some fit or
other apoplexy. Doctor being duly sworn
by myself, coroner, states that tho lobls
membrane ot tho spinal disease was affect.
cd to considerable extent." August Forum,
The vicissitudes of climate are trying to
most constitutions, especially to people
having Impure blood. For all such (and
they constitute the majority), the beBt safe,
guard Is Ayer's Barsaparllla, the use of
which rlcanics tho blood and strengthens
and Invigorates the system.
A Clcrsryiuan'H odd Mania.
A dispatch from Ann Arbor, Mich,, dated
July 28, to the Philadelphia Prut, makes
tbe following statements concerning a form,
er resident of Danville i
"An affair which will cauie'a big sonsa,
tlon in church circles throughout Michigan
and the Northwest consummated here to
day when It was announced that Rev, Dr,
Samuel Earp, rector ot Bt, Andrew's Par-
lib, had beeu removed to tbe Banitarlum
at Battle Creek for treatment In critical 111
health, Dr. Earp appeared upon the street
yesterday in Ids usual good health and
spirits. It transpires that be is believed
by bis friends to be a monomaniac.
Dr. Earp has for four years been one of
the most prominent Episcopalian clergy
men In the diocese, and at the convention
last month held to choose a bishop to sue,
ceed the late Bishop Harris bo was sup.
ported In bis candidacy by a considers Ul
number ot delegates. It Is now said that
Dr. Earp's defeat war due to certain ugly
rumors affecting bis character, and since
tbo developments seem to warrant the opln
ton now entertained, even by bis warmest
friends, that his retirement from Bt, An
drew's was the best tbiug that could hap.
pen to the parish.
It transpires that when Dr, Earp came
to Ann Arbor be was Involved to tbe ex,
tent ot 10,000 or 915,000. How be was
placed unicr this burden Is a matter of
conjecture, none of bit friends beiog ac-
qusJnttd with tbo facts snd Dr. Earp inak
Ing cvnslvo replies when questioned about
It. Bonn After coming hero ho began bor
rowing money In sums ot $50 to $1000, In.
variably stating that the loan wts a tem
porary one and would be repaid within two
or three days from n remittance which ho
claimed to be expecting. When this tlmo
would elapse the affair soemcd to havo slip
ped entirely from his mind. When spoken
to about tho matter ho appeared to recall
it only by considerable effort.
In this way ho ran Into debt to noarly
ercryono In bis congregation. Widows
seem to havo suffered especially, and his
obligations are said to bo many thousand
dollars. Several of his congregation relin
quished to their pastor various sums of
money, tho loss of which will embarrass
them not a little.
Tbo cashier of tho Farmors' and Mcchan.
Us' Bank let Dr. Kirp havo several thou,
sand dollars of tho bank's funds, so great
was his confidence In tho clergyman's In
tegrity, and It Is said that the failure to
make this loan good resulted In tho practl.
cal ruin of the cashier. Tho bank, howev
er, lost nothing. Recently, It Is said, Dr.
Eirp borrowed a sum from a young trades
man, tho ralluro to pay which led the
tradesman Into financial straits and arous
ed tbe greatest Indignation on tho part of
bis friends against tho borrowing rector to
such an extent that the vestry resolved
Doctor Earp should bo asked to resign.
This came to the knowledge of Doctor Earp
threo days betoro the mooting, and ho at
onco sent In his resignation, to tako effect
Novembor 10.
Tbo vestry, of courso, accepted It unani
mously, but strange to say passed resolu
tions highly eulogistic of tbe retiring rec
tor. Tbcro wero tboso In tho churcb, how
ever, who wished tho pastorate to closo at
once and some heroic action was talked of
If Dr. Earp should persist la preaching un
til tbo Fall. It was even proposed to lock
up the church against him to-day. It was
argued that If Dr. Earp was Insane bo
r. At vino I
should not bo allowed to preach, and cor-
talnly sot It ho was a scamp.
The belief Is almost universal that hois
.UUUBe iuugii f nam vpi,UUV,U uiVUV I HU'
gaily and It is a mystery what be has dono
with tho sums borrowed, unless, as somo
think, bo has used it to pay up an old obii- for the Wanamaker stock of
gallon which was pressing him ; in other Dress Goodr is the largest and
words that he has borrowed from Peter tou. i.j i r t
p.y Paul. His creditors will not get a eSt selectec we Know OI m tile
cent I
ur. jsarp was regarded as one of tho I
strongest men In tho dloceso by Bishop I
rj...t .1 t ,!.., 1 ., I
. . : .8QU..lU0.were
warm incnus, ur. jLarp helping the titshop I
tnhiawnrbinihRiinhnrt.n..iMi..r. p!t. I
- uu.v. - I
Governor Baldwin, of Dotroit, Is also n
warm friend of Dr. Earp and It Is Intimated
that he will como to tbo doctor's financial
asBl.lunce. The blow falls crushlngly upon
Dr. harp's wife and family. Mrs. Earp,
who seems to have been kept In blissful
ignorance, Is universally beloved for her
many christian virtues. Dr. Earp Is a re
markably fine looking man, scholarly and
Conaumptlou Hurely Cured
To Tag Editob Please Inform your read
ers that I have a positive remedy for the
above named disease. By its timely use I
thousands of hopeless cases have been per-1
mancntiy cured. I shall bo glsd to send
wo bottles of my remedy rata to any of
your readers who bave consumption If they
will send mi their express and post offlo
address. Respectfully, T. A. 8LO0UM
M. C..181 Pearl St. New York. rseDt-21-ly
Btae UlUBUed
awfully when I told her what to do for
those horrid pimples with which her face
was covered. 8ho now says if you want a
pink and white complexion with a nice
c'.ear smooth skin, you must use that best
of all blood purifiers, Bulphur Bitters.
8-2 2w.
The property of tho Stato Agricultural
Society at the Btate Fair Grounds, Six
teenth Street and Lehigh Avenue, Philadcl-
phia, is to be sold by the Reading Railroad
Company to satisfy Its mortgage for $25,000.
I he aale, however, is to bo under such con.
dltions as will allow tho State Fair to bo
held. The Reading Company reached this
conclusion somo days ago, but tho informa
tion was only given to tho managers ot tho
State Fair Monday at their meeting at the
Glrard House. This is tho first meeting the
Board of Managers has hold slnco tho
Reading foreclosed Its mortgages, and there
was a full attendance, with President John
McDowell lu tho chair. A. H. O'Brien was
present as the representative of the Read
ing Railroad Company, The meeting was
held with closed doors, but after tbe ad
journment President McDowell talked very
freely about tbe proceedings, and ot the
future of the Agricultural Society.
Mr. O'Brien told us," said President
McDowell, "that the Reading Company
bad forccloicd Its mortgage and would ell
the property at a day to hi fixed. Tho con
ditlons of tbo salo are to bo such as will en
able the Society to continue to hold the
State fair on the grounds."
"What are tho details of this arrange.
mem r"
"They will be reported to us at our next
meeting, which will beheld hereon August
8tb. We submitted tbo action of tho Head
Ing Company to our Committee on Ar.
ior some umoiue commlllco recommended
that tho matter should bo laid over until
the next meeting, when they would bave all
the details ot the plan. This was agreed
to by tbe board, so tho matter will rest In
u. yirauuv .u,u uuiu iuai iirao."
Do tho managers think
me Heading
Railroad Company Is acting
"Oh, we havo no complaint to mako
against any of onr creditors. Tho Reading
are as
.nr-rl that tlin lm l A
. . - S.M ut w l v UVie IB
to hinder or prevent the Agricultural Boci-
etyfrom holding Us annual fair on the
ground, we would perhaps been better
off if wc bsd never borrowed tbo moncv
from tbo Reading Company, but having
taken it and used It we will make every
effort to pay ii back. Tbo society Intends
to make good every dollar of Its Indebted,
nnc- l.n.1 u 1 1 t .
ut.o. ,,v usu vwy uaru mri UuO Year
with our fair. It rained nearly every day
and we lost about 12,000 that year. That
was Just after we had borrowed the 25,.
000 from the Reading Railroad Company
to put up tue uowr bain."
lou Intend then to hold tbo fair this
" We certainly do. The resolution to
hold thu fair from the 24th of Beptember
to tbo Othot October has not bem changed
and so far as Is known It will not be chang-
ed. Tho Committee of Arrangements Is
going rigu.on w in tue work of prepara.
tlon, and a great many application, for
space and stalls bave already bten filled.
If there Is any change In the feature ot tho fit la vnsr I cot II In. Ilia dtaH.1nnMaHl .
.... ., ..... .u.Uuuuuuui
tliR flnr.l ilt.nlav. Tl.n llr.r.1 hall
tue norai unpiay. tuo noral hall was
blown down and I do not think we will bo
sblo to rebuild It. It will cost us consider
ablo money to repair tho main building and
to remoye tbo debris ot tho floral hall to
Jget the tons ot dishes snd other articles
that aro burled under It. Wo will do this
work, howover, becauso It Is absolutely
necessary. Tho managers this year started
to rent tho grounds to various parties and
havo received ft handsomo revenue from
that source. We oxpect to mako consider.
ablo more money la tbo samo way. We
have great hopes, too, that our fair this
year will be a success and that wo will bo
ablo to clear miney on It. If our creditors
will just havo a llttlo patience, I think wo
will Do able to satisfy all their claims In a
comparatively short spaco ot tlmo.
xoo I.ndlca Wonted'
And 100 men to call on any druggist for
a trial pickaxe of Line's Family Modi
clno, the great root and herb remedy, ills.
covered by Dr. Silas Lano whllo In the
Rocky Mountains. For dlseasos of tho
blood, liver and kidneys It Is ft positlvo
euro. For constipation and clearing up
the complexion t does wonders. Children
like it Evcryono praises P. Lirgo-slze
package, 60 cents. At all druggists.'
Apr. 20-Cm.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorti.
tnnB4vby was sick, rave her Castorla. ,
Whsn sl was a Child, sot cried for Castoria,
When aba kecame XIm, she cIubj to Oartotte,
Vnn she had Children, she cave Uxoa Cfcrtort,
mtLADBLFRtA, Mondar, July 15, 1889.
Closed Saturdays at i P. M.
If your buying thought is
Dress Goods, write to us stating
the kind of fabric you have in
. - , - r 11
mind, or Ule purpose I0r Wllicn
you desire to use It, With the
price you wish to pay, and we
,.I;il r,rr.tltf nkro in vnnr
hands samples of the best we I
. Tf S
cn supply at the price. 1 Iiat I
SllOUld mean the best anywhere,
world, ll you cio not Know inc
I e r .1 i I
tecnnical name OI me COOdS, no I
matter" tell US llOW theV look tO
' ' I
vour eves, or how vou suppose
,' , ' mi c j
uiey iook, ana we win uiiu
. r
Just so of anything else; set
tle on what you want, as near
as may be and write for it.
bportmg things,
Pishing tackle,
Furnishing goods,
Toilet articles,
Millinery fixings,
Books of every sort,
and the thousand other things
for home use or wear or house
decorating that we have a Store I
fuU 0f.
John Wanamaker.
ntooAcd Fowls.
Pit Gamos. Grlat Shawlnccks. Heath-
woods, Black B. Red;, tbtw will stay to wU.
Eggs, i.i lor $1. Batlstactlon Guaranteed.
tf. Bloomsburg, Pa.
(Mention thispaper.)
W. W. Weston was in town yesterday.
distributing Bamplcs of tbe noted "Curtis
Compound" manufactured by T. A. Black,
Wholesale Druggist, bcranton l'a.
Try Curtis Compound.
Try Curtis Compound, Blood, Liver, and
Kidney Purifier.
Try Curtis Compound,
blood, liver and
kidney purifier.
Try Curtis Compound.
'fry Curtis Compound,
blood, liver and
kidney purifier.
Try Curtis Compound.
Try Curtis Compound, Iblood,
liver and
kidney purifier.
Try Curtis Compound.
Fine Cabinet portraits onlv
3- oz,
1 -r . .V
Lille 8IZe Crayons Only
v lewing, copying and
enlarging. instant process
1 -r .
used. tf.
Sr. Theel. the great Specialist, for ner.
vous debility, blood poisons, kidney and
special diseases, has yet to find an equal in
curing such diseases. He has complete
mastery of tho allopathic, homcepatblc and
cclectric systems of medicines which gives
mm iuu Kuuwiciigc anu auiiuy to euro dis
eases pronounced incurable bv lcadine
physicians. If suffering wo would advise
you to consult him personrlly or by letter
ht aw tfotm rouriii ou, rntladelpbia. Pa.
Wo hnvfi hiul n stirrmo- tlmi,
.., 1 , 11,1(1 " Stirring time
WIUl 0ur Cheap bummer UrCSS
I goous, many OI lliem are 110
I more With US, Others are here,
hilt rmni nir nil that 'Plm So.
nH ,lrn llfl,l,l n,,nr ,!
Ullml ti ..1 ... '
J-ne uasuies are selltiiK at lUc.
a Vtl. lllC India LlllC'S at Gc.
and the CllllllicS at 5c. are pret-
ty low in quantity. We are
1 1 : - 1 r u 1
lUlIUllJT OVUf UlieaUV IUU ClOtllS
I n 1 i " e
r uresses aim measuring, plain
ailtl Striped Planiiols for Sacks
and short coats. The inquiry I
I ...Ml l. ....i.i l . 1 .
'V uuu "T wV"t 18 ulB F,co
01 vo.ur Henriettas WO have
them ill all Colors. TllO crowds
of workmen in Blooinsbure are
..... . f3
I notittrr im nil 1,1, n...l
?.i' T..t. i , , H
, ' "'V ' ,uuur "f? 1101 ueen
"elOW IOC. Willi 118 .his season.
It is HOW higher, and US 11CW
lactones are liicreasiif? in num.
1 IWh. an will tl m ilnitinti.l Am-
l,.i.,: Tf it. i.. ..i.
I"""""3 ai uto uru
Ptone market (1028 not increase,
it will bo the fault of the farm-
iers, the peoplo 1110 lierereadv to
j w HA11TMA.N & SONS
1 lWCryb-OCly kllOWB WO
keep the largest line of embroid
I 1 1 .
enus iu mo county.
I ""V
Trnc; oor.miiuAN
1 1 mm k i
Ladies who prefer to use a
nico quality of stationery for
their correspondence should in
quire for Crane's Ladies' Note,
Marcus Wards' lloyal Irish
Linen, or Lyons' Parchment
Linen all of these with en
velopes to match. These goods
aro the threo acknowledged
leaders in fine stationery both at
homo und abroad. Wo havo
them in boxes and by tho quire.
The little Sunday School
song book Sowing and Reaping
is selline rapidly. Send for
sample sheets and prices to Sun
day Schools.
buiulay School library class
books, merit cards, etc,
W. H. Brooke & Co.,
Booksellers and Stationers.
Real and Personal Estate.
Pursuant to an order ot the Orphans' Court or
Columbia county, tho undcrslgnc 1 administrator
Iotllermon Fahrlnger, deceased, will cxp030 to
public aale on the premises on
Friday, Aug. 33d, 1889,
at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, the followlnj do
BCrtbod real estate i
Tract No. l. A mcasuago, being tho mansion
house, and tract ot land sltuato In the township
of Locust, said County of Columbia, bounded on
the north by land3 ot Isaiah Hower and pubUo
road, on the cost by Grave Yard and lands ot
Troutman, on tho south by lands of tho
estato ot Simon Fctterman, deceased, and on tbo
west by lands of tho widow Mears, Goorgo Snyder
and Daniel .Morris, containing
"vfiL lc.hU.ea 't'H.8 'TfT
J. A Willi A ItuUuu Vf itLi UUVv VJ 14 Bi 1 lAllt. LI HlbltLUUUi
largo bank barn and wagon shod attained, and
erronvemenioui-DuiKungB. inerois aisoon
wells ot water, one at tho houso and ono at the
banu Tw0 sooi aPPle orchard3. n excellent
growing order and ot choice varieties ot fruit,
There Is also an abundance ot other fruit trees on
r'''r uu "-""n"
BiX-'J vvuvuru ui uuuiw vuriei,wo ui KruLKXf iuu
land Is In an extra rood state of cultivation, and
Is all cleared oxcept about half an acre, and II03
Iavo! nnrl Irt Ihn mnmlnff film
level and to tho morning sun.
TbactNo. Detog a tract situate In said Lo
cust township, bounded on the north by lands of
Ell Ulttner, on the east by lands of Joshua Womer,
on the south by a public road, and on tho west by
lands of Adam Blttner, containing
1 5 -A.OZE5 riF3
of land, more or loss. This tract la alt cleared
land, and In a nrst-class stato ot culUvatlon. Tho
above two tracts ot land aro situated Just on the
border ot the vlUaee ot Numtdla, and aro handy
to schools, churches, stores, c
Tract No. a being a tract of wood land situ .
ated In Locust township, said county, boundol on
the south by lands ot Samuel Keller, on tho west
and north by lands of D. B. Kulp and public road,
About 16 Aeres of Land
more or less. This tract la woodol with rock-
oak and chestnut timber, and is valuable not only
for the timber on It, but may be used to an advan
tage as a wood lot tor tho two tracts above men
tioned. It Is situated within a short distance from
the other two tracts. The t'mbor tract will bo
sold on the homestead property, and buyers wish
ing to purchase may examlno the same, but como
to tho homestead to bid.
TEH.9IB OI half.i-Ten per cent, ot
one-fourth of the purchase money to bo paid at
tbe striking down ot tho property ; tho one-fourth
less the ten cent, at the conArmatlon ot sale, and
the remaining throe fourths In one year thereaf
ter, with Interest from conrinmtlin nisi,
Possession of tho land given Immediately, so
tbat the usual fall crops can D) put out. Deed to
be made at tho expenso of tho purchiser. All per
sonal property on tho premises, grain In tha
ground, hay and straw In the shed and on tho
premises. Ice In tho lco houso, corn, potatoes and
buckwheat In tho ground, Ac., aro excepted and
reserved. Tho frutt, such as apples, pears, grapes,
plums, c la also reserved with tho privilege of
going upon the land and gathering tho same.
Tkere will also bo exposed to sale at the samo
time and placo by tho undersigned, a lot of valua
ble personal preporty, farming utensils, house
hold goods, horses, cattle, c, as follows, to-wlt :
The administrators will Bell ono top buggy, ono
grain drill (Champion) one Champion light reaper ,
grass mower, corn shelter, lot nf single and doublo
harness, Bled, two horso wagon, cultivators, bar
rows, plows, bob-sleds, sldo hill plow, land roller,
tread power aid threshlig macMne, windmill,
hay fork and pulleys, cutting box, lot of chest
nut Inch boards, hand elder press, grain ;radle,
cupboards, chairs, tables, lamps, two guns, stoves,
dishes, nve barrels of vinegar, and other house
hold goods and farm'lg utensils. Also, about
150 Bushels of "Wheat.
about one hundred bushels of rye, about one hun
dred and so bushels ot oats, T acrei of corn In tlio
gound, ono acre and a half of potatoes In tbo
ground, about fifteen tons of hay and a lot of
m ov BALB :AU uaiei m tu
be cash. All over (5.00, six months credit. Moles
to bo given with approved security.
Administrators ot Ilermon Fahrlnger, dee'd.
Die widow will also sell on the Barae terms, and
at the same t'me and pla'e, three horses, ono cow,
two heifers, threo shouts, one spring wagon ,
I watches, desk, extension table, big wagon, eighty
yards of carpet, lot ot turkeys and chickens, largo
rocking chair aid other household goods. .
Oil ANT IISliltlKO, Attorney,
Kir, ;iliu(ra(rtl mid fast telling UlsTOIfV of tho
Dy Kletcukk Jounsoh. Fattest selling book ever
Issued. Murre.. of Acenia Is W'ontlerful. S0O,0nO
copies already sold. Beautiful autoglyphto
pictures. Wo are Headquarters. Low price,
mi rvit.iK outntsoc
J.W. KKELKIl CO., 623 Chestnnt St., l'hlla.
July, AukiihI, Hcptcinlicr.
"At this Beason, when life offers the greatest at
tractions and tho most delhrhtf ul resources to per
sons whose soundness of body permits out-of-door
exercise and amusementR, multitudes are debar
red from the Jors of the summer by hay fsver, one
of the most exasperating, wearisome, and depress
lncr Ills lo which humanity Is sublect obscun. in.
explicable, descendlngon a Elven date like aa In-
visioie diow or mu Tne suncrcrs from hay fever
have looked In vein for any trustworthy remedy.
I 7' ""rs'zi. rv " ""
ft "' .""' L' !" .Q
any unplejuoiit after-effect, thu Cream uatin
quickly allays Inflammation and Becu'ea that relief
I inr wmcn me sunerer nos lougea in vain." Froui
Tr ChrlttUin Union, New York City, July IS, la9.
o--U Tl,.
1700 CbMtaat SI, rhlltds.
l-oeiuene laruruiiuct.
Tl ai a ma aired 3 to 4 m oe.
im.1T -y"pa. un
Coins ot bUar. Clrcuwn
u you vamt vut paper.
I July 25-3111.
Now is tho appointed tirno for
thoroughly oloWmK tlio system from
al1 i"I'Uic9, and all will Qud that tho
I Pnriia nnm.,r..l u,il! v.i fin .i.
- bill. It ha stood thu U)t ot 22 years
I. l .
and its sales are) largar than over, ovory
year, l'riou 5()j. and $1.01).
;Fou Balk Hy
James It. Mercer,
lli.oouisnuiu, Pa.