POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marre! o( puro I strengtn ana wholcsomcness. sioro economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphtito towders. Sola only in The Columbian ivrubllshed every Friday, Butecrlptlon prlco. f i.ixi a vear. Entered at the Post omen at Dloomsburg, l'a., BL00MSBURGTPA" FRIDAY," JUIA' 20ri889." roaBiCT RtlLHOlD Till TABLE, HLOOMSnUItO JS.SULUVAN JtAIMlOAD Taking effect MO.N1HY, NOVEMI1BII id, 18M. SOUTH. NOHTH. Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.l STATIONS, r. H. r. H. A.a. A.w. p. H. P. M. nioomsbunr, ss 1 os 8 w 8 35 s a 6 40 Mam street 6 18 13 M 1 68 S 4t ! 38 6 si Irondale 6 16 lU bO 7 68 8 48 3 41 6 54 1'apcrMlll 0 08 W 40 7 48 8 56 2 P2 7 01 Uehtstreet 6 03 U 81 7 45 9 iw 2 57 7 os OrangOVlUe 5 51 12 20 7 35 9 10 3 20 7 16 Forks, 5 45 12 00 7 20 9 23 3 36 7 31 Tubbs 5 42 11 M 7 15 II 30 3 42 7 36 Btlllwater 6 37 11 45 7 10 9 37 3 50 7 41 Benton 5 23 II 30 7 0) 9 47 4 15 7 52 Edwns, 5 23 11 20 6 51 9 61 4 20 7 50 coles creek 5 20 11 15 6 S3 V 66 1 21 8 00 Sugarloaf 5 15 11 10 0 14 10 09 4 24 9 03 Laubacln, 5 12 11 05 6 41 10 01 4 31 8 10 Central 6 Oil 10 67 6 38 10 12 4 40 8 15 Echo 1'ark. 5 Ul 10 63 6 25 10 15 4 43 8 19 Jamison city.... 5 oo 10 45 39 10 20 4 50 8 25 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar P. H. A. M. A. tf. A. M. P. M. P. 11. o Trains on tho P. S It 11. H. loavo ltupcrt is OUOWS t woaTii. BODT1I. 7:32 a.m. 11:02 a. m. 3:31 p. rn. 6:23 p. m. o Tralnsonthe D. L. & W. II. K. lcavo Ilioomsburg as iouows: HOKTJT. SOUTH. 7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10:61 a. m. 12:06 p. m. ;2:2lp.m. 4:18 p.m. 6:36 p. m. 8:47 p. in. o Tralnsonthe N. tW, 1). Hallway pass Bloom rerry as rouows: NORTH. SOUTH. 10:48 .a. m. 11:37 p. m. e.ss p. m. t'30 p. m. SUNDAY, NOKTH. SOUTH. 10:48 a m 6:39 p m ' HAI.I'.H. Fou Sai.k. A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gn9 nnd steam. Apply to jauSOtf. L. N. Moybh. Fon Sale A farm about a mile from Afton, containing CO acres, all under culti vation, wit i coo-l bnl utniis. wiiu an mis year's crops, farming Implements and stock will tin snlil nt nrivalu Bale. For narticu lars inquire of J. 8. Williams, Uloomsburg. 7-20 tf. Foit Sale. A lino farm containing clghty-slx acres, situate in Columbia Coun ty, about 250 yards from D. L. & W. II. It., and having upon It lino largo buildings, o never failing spring of water, Is offered for Bale upon easy terms. Address to GEO. B. ItEIMENSN VDER, 7-lOlf. Sunbury, North'd. Co., Pa. Foi: Hale A valuable vacant lot on Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street, ten dwellings and a good store property in Bloomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills and two storo properties in Col. Co. A good farm of 307 acres with go'd build Tugs In Virginia and two farms In Kansas by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Heal Estato Agt., Bloomsburg Pa. I'lTHOl'lll. Miss Dill of Lewlsburg Is visiting Mis a Ruth Tustiu. Mis. Laird of Lowisburg is tho guest of Miss Martha Clark. Mr. Will C. Johnston of Jcrseytown was in town on Saturday. Miss Kendlg of Lancaster is visltinc her friend, Miss Patterson. Miss Uelen W. Harman of Bridgeport is visiting Miss Madgo Drinker. Miss Lulu Chance of Philadelphia is vis iting nt Mrs, William Kramer's. Miss Hachael Heese of Centralla visited friends at Mauch Chunk recently. Miss Lawrence and Miss Kauff of Milton are the guests of tho Misses Hunyan. Henry W. MuKclvy and family of Chica go, are visiting at Dr. J. B. McKclvy's. Bupt. J. S. Grimes was in town on Mon day, and gnvo this oQlco a ploasant call. Chester Btiltz and Thomas Wheeler of Jameson City were in town on Saturday. Mr. Frank Sloan came homo from Mary, land on Saturday on a visit to ids parents. C. B. Jackson, Esq., nnd Col. A. D. Beely of Berwick were in town on Monday. Mr.Hobert Brnffof Philadelphia is spend, ing a portion of his vacation In Blooms burg. D. G. Bertsch of Mauch Chunk was In town last week visiting his son, Geo. W. Bertsch. PhllllnV. Weaver, ono of Hazleton's nromlnnnt attorneys, was in town last M - ' Thursday. Itev. Edward Brunler of New York Is visiting his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Browcr. Mr. Horace Uaeenbuch of Mahanoy City U unnmllni. a few davs at Ills uncle's, Mr. O. W. McKolvy. Mloe Mnnlf nf llhamlicrsburir. wllO lias been vlsltlne Miss May Sharpless, went home on Tuesday, Mrs. G, W. Bertsch went to Mauch Chunk on Tuesday. 8ho will visit at Bethlehem and Easton also before her return, Joseph. Sands of Bowling Green, Ohio, i.. i.. lin.l. tn onn lila lirnther. J. h u..,ic If !nr,inQuiiii who Is seriously A UaUUC) V iiumHn ' I 111. Mrs. O. 0. Barkiey weut to Courlland, N. y on Tuesday, whero sho expects to meet her husband on his return from the west. Mrs. Harold Hodgers of Hazleton Is vis ttlne at her father's, Mr. J. A. Funston Sho has been ill for some time, but Is now improving. lrcd Drinker, son ot O. M. Drinker, has accepted a situation In tho Colombian of. flee to complete his apprenticeship at tho printing trade. Hev. L. O. Bheip of Doylestown camo to Blcomsburg on Wednesday of lad week and remained until Tuesday, prcachiug in the Reformed Church on Sunday. He was the iruest of N. U. Funk, Esq., and called on many of his old acquaintances during ins stay, Mr. Bbelp was pastor ol tlio Jleiorm- ed Church here twenty-ono years ngo. From here ho went to Doylestown and has been lotaled there over since. Oak Grovo Park has been put In good M)ndltlon, and U now ready for engage ment!. Churches, Sunday echool orgunb rations or prlvato parties can make satis. factory term by applying to W. R. Tubbs or Geo. E. Elwcll, managers for tho Board -ol Directors. 2w, Hardware ot nil kinds nt I'cacocUs'. Tax collectors' notices nntl rccclnts. for Sftlo at this ofllco. Illg bargains In horso collars at Peacocks' to close out that lino. Look out for tho m cchanlcs' nlcnlo. Dates Riven next week. Mly Pond Is visited by many neonlo from this section every Hunday. Tax Collectors' notices of tho dales on which taxes will bo received, will bo In. serted freo lu this pa por. Col. John Jameson las been awarded tho contract for building sixteen miles of railroad In liucks county. The Episcopal Sunday School and every, body else who wanted to go, took nn ex. cursion to Central on Thursday. Mr. Charles tt. Monro, n graduate of tho Hloomsbug Normal School, Is elected Prln clpal of thoOrangovlllo Academy. Applicants for schools In Greenwood town, ship will bo examined nt Mlllvilio July 2(5 1 In Beaver twp. nt Mainvllle, Aug. 0. Towanda has declared war upon peddlers and unmuzzled dogs. Tho former aro fined $50 and costs nnd tho latter aro shot. Tho Ladles of tho W. 0. T. U. will servo Mrs. Horer's lco cream nt their rooms every aatunlay evening during tho summer. Get rid of that ttrcd feeling as soon as possible. Tako Hood's Sarsaparllla, which gives strength, n good appctlto and health. Hev. George Parsons, will preach In tho Lutheran church next Sunday, when thcro will bo a voto taken for tho selection of a pastor. S. P. Hagcnbuch of Bloomsburg, has sold his Interests In tho distillery of H. Y. Edgar & Co,, nt Stillwater to ex-Sherlff Smith. We are sorry to hear of tho recent ac cident to Ell Mctlenry or Benton. Ho was thrown from a load of gralu last Friday and seriously hurt. List Thursday Dr. Browu operated for cataract upon both eyes ot Mrs. William Kunyon of Brandonvillo Pa. She is eighty eight years of age. Judge E. B Lcmmon, formerly of Colum. bin county, was one of the sufferers by tho destructive lire which partially destroyed ilnlley, Idaho, on the 2d inst. J. b. Wilson, town treasurer, has given notice that ho will receive taxes at the store of J. D. Wilson up to August 17th. After that 5 per cent, will lie added. Abraham Hice has been appointed Jus- tlcu of the Peace for Beaver township, by the Governor. J. P. Ery was elected last spring, but being postmaster was ineligible, and hence thcie was a vacancy. Phillips' Domestic Bakery has put on the road a new bread wagon that is n model of neatness and convenience. It is hand somely finished nnd lettered, nnd has nu merous compartments on the Inside for cake, bread, &c. It was built at Sloan's shop. The examinations for admission to West Point Military Academy arc very severe. Out of ihosu upp lintcd a largo proportion fail to gain ndmlsil .n. There Is now a va cancy in lids district Are th 're no boys in Columbia couuty who want to bo sol diers ? Thousands have been relieved of iudl- geslion nnd loss of apputttu by a single bottle of Avii's SirsnpirilU. The use of this medicine, by lone and strength to tho assimilative ornns, Iris made Innumer able cures of chronic dyspepsia. Price $1. Worth $5 i. boille. J. W. Pel ry, proprietor of Elk Hun Hotel, Sugarloaf, was in ln.vn l ist week, Thurs- day, nt wh'cli lime ho received from tho State Fish llatchuiy several cans of young trout, supposed to contain 10,000, which bo took home nnd placed In the West Fork of Fishingcreek. Aycr's Hair Vigor h u no eiiaul, In merit and efficiency, as a hair dressing and for the prevention ot baldness. It eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp moist, clean, and healthy, and giyc3 vitality and color to weak, faded, aud gray hilr. Tho most popular Df toilet articles. C. C. Trench nnd wife, I). F. Weiss and wife, D. Kitchen and wife, W. F. Bodine and wife, S. Turnbach and wife, Mrs. P. Deily, Miss Mary Unangst and Miss Ida Turnbach .vent to the North Mountain for a two week's vacatioj. They will camp in tho woods near tlie Elk Hun Hotel. 101 Vbaiis Old. Abraham Hart, the fath er of ex.Senator W. W. Hart, ot William- sport, was one hundred and one years old on thu Cth ot May last. Recently ho had a fall and hurt bis back against a bench, nnd it was feared ho might not recover. But lie is slowly getting better again. The new public Bchool building Is pro. gresslng, and Is beginning to show its beauty. Twenty-flvo years ago tho best school building In Boom9burg was tho old Academy on Third street, which cost four hundred dollars. Now the aggrcgato value of all the school property. Including tho Normal, Is over $200,000, II. J, Clark's addition to his storo room on Centre street will bo 30 by 80 feet, two stories high. Tho growing business of II. J. Clark & Son requires more room and they are ever ready to keep pace with tho demands ot trade. Bloomsburg Is boom. log and they Intend to keep up with the procession. List of unclaimed letters remaining tn tho Bloomsburg, Pa Post Ofllco for tho week ending July 23, 1839. Mr. Parry Heller, Miss Nell Bchoch, Miss Ella Stroub, Persons calling for these letters plcaso "X. "l.ey advertised." Gkoikie A. Clakk, P. M. Tho new EpUcopal church at Towanda was opened for public worship on Sunday, July 14. BUhop Hullson preached an ap propriate sermon. Tho church is ono of tho handsomest structures in Northern Pennsylvania. Tho lUporUr-Journal, with Its usual enterprise, prints a lino cut ot the building, and a long and Interesting report of the serviccB. From July 1, 1888, tho prico ot the Col. umwan is only $1.00 a year. It Is tho largest paper in tho county, and gives tho most news. Show It to your neighbor. U tho reading matter of this paper for one year wero printed In a book, it would make GOO pages, which would cost three or four dollars. We charge only one dollar. fry It for a year. Oak Grovo Is In demand. On tho 24 th tho Reformed Sunday School bad a picnic there : on tho 25th the Presbyterian occupi ed it to-night a hop wilt bo held thcro by tho young people of the town, and to.mor. row a Beiwick Sunday School will enjoy ItBclt there. Congregations wishing to en gage tho Grovo should apply cany to W. H. Tubbs or Geo. E. Elwcll. Window and door screens at Peacocks'. THE COLUMBIAN AND Harry Y. Sharpless Is nt homo on a visit after an absenco of flvo years. Ho Is living at Pueblo, Colorado and Is engaged In tho real estato business. From a list of pto perttcs which ho has for sato wo notlco that land on Main street in Pueblo Is ((not ed from $137.00 por foot to i$500. BusL ncss blocks aro said to bring 10 to 10 per cent, on tho Investment. Dirii. On Friday, about noon, Hachcl Hcacock dlod nt tho residence of her son. In-law, U. P. Henry, with whom sho had her home, aged about sixty years. Deceas ed was a sister of Joslah Hcacock and had been nn Invalid for nearly forty years. Tho funeral was conducted from tho,houso on Sunday morning and intcrmont In Friends' burying ground. MillciUe lUUt. The Bloomsburg Colombian suggests that Shlckshlnny do something and got her nnmo In tho Philadelphia papers too. Wo do get Into the papers occasionally, but It is via. Wllkos-Barrc. When anything hap. pens hero wo tcScphono It to tho county seat whero a big liar makes It throo times larger than It is and wo get tho credit without doing tho lying. Shickttiinny Kcho. A very pleasant party was given at tho rcsidcnoo of C. G. Barkloy, Esq. last Frl day night, by his daughters Misses May and Jo. About eighty persons were pro. sent. Tlio premises wcro illuminated by Chinese lanterns, with very pleasing effect. Dancing nnd other amusements wcro Indulged in until a lato hour. Blooms burg Is becoming qullo gay In a social way. Tho tax duplicates of tho county, and school district have been placed In tho hands of M. C. Woodward, collector, and all persons wishing to gavo tho flvo por cent, penalty must pay their taxes on or before August 10th. Tho Collector will bo at tho ofllco of Guy Jacoby, Esq., on Aug. 1st, 2d, nnd 3d, nnd on the 8th, Oth and 10th, from 2 to 0 o'clock, p. m., to rccclvo taxes. Loton Sherwood was killed near Jame- son City last week Thursday, wlulo cngag. cd In logging for Shcrwool, Hoyal & Co. A log had lodged against a tree, and whllo efforts wcro being inado to detach It, a team being hitched to it, It struck a treo with a broken top which fell on him nnd crushed his skull. Tho remains were uimcu hi ucnion. no was about 45 years ol age. Manor Host Inn at Jameson City presents an attractive and imposing appearance as ono approaches it on the railroad, It Is ono of tho points of Interest that attracts tno attention of all excursionists to tho North Mountain. It Is expected that nr. tangemcnts will soon bo mado to open tho Hotel, nnd a grand opening will take placo. One of tho biggest excursions of the season is locked for. A special meeting of the 'Town Council was held on Thursday evening July 18. Plans wcro submitted by an architect for the proposed Town Building, which would make the building cost more than was in tended, and it was therefore decided that other plans for a two story and a thrco story building should be prepared, and sub mitted for the action of the Council. Building permits were cranted to U. J. Clark and F. P. Billmcyer Wo never publish personal controversies willingly. Tho prlvato quarrels of Individ uals arc of little Interest to tho public, nnd ought to bo settled privately. But in the present war of words that Is raging be. twoen Prothonntary Snyder and Wllllf.m Krlckbaum, tho latter began It and invited a reply. At Mr. Snyder's request we have given space to those replies, and he has assumed tho responsibility of his allega tions by signing his name thereto. E. L. Lemon and A. A, Pealcr, of Fish ingcreek, havo purchased tho steai th resh cr of Bartley Albertson, and will travel over tho usual route heretofore followed by him. Mr. Albertson has been running his machlno through the county for a number of years, and his work has given general satisfaction. Tho new owners will prove themselves equally as cfilcicnt. Any ono desiring to communicate with them should address E. L. Lemon, Hunyon, Pa. The Veal Law. The law prohibiting tho killing of a calf before it has attained tho proper age is severe and somewhat strin gent. It provides that any person who kills, or causes to bo killed, with Intent to sell tho meat thereof for family use, n calf of less than four weeks, or knowingly sells or has In his possession such meat, with tho Intent to sell tho same for such use to a forricn market, shall bo imprisoned not moro than six months or fined not more than $300. There havo been many trespasses com mltted at Oak Grovo heretofore, aud tho management is determined to protect tho property and put an end to all unauthorized Intrusions. Tho Grovo is prlvato property and no ono has any right there without permission, Notlco Is hereby given that any persons found on tho premises on Sun day or any other tlmo without permission will bo prosecuted according to law. Par, cnts who do not want to pay costs should keep thlcr children away from there, except when it is open to tho public. Of tho origin of "milk shake" tho follow. Ing account is given i The seductive be v erago dealt out all through tho country, was invented only a year or so ago In Bos ton, and by the end of last summer It had become common In tho remote West, and in tho South as well as through the East. It wears well, and the milk dealers this summer say It Is bound to tako tho wind out of tho soda water fountain sails. Its namo describes it excellently, for It is notli rcg but plain milk with a little essence shaken up in it by a machine that turns with a crank. J. G, Wells will occupy both sides of tho store room wnero no is now located, in a few weeks. Tho room will bo enlarged by tho removal of tho partition, tho cases will be remodeled, and many other Improve. mcnts made. In order to mako room for him an addition will bo built In the rear of tho building, which will bo added to tho Columbian olllco. Tho cntranco to tho Colemuian ofllco will bo at tho front door, tho same as heretofore, and a businoss olllco will bo retained in tho front room, When completed, both, Mr, Wells and tho printing ofllce, will havo moro room, and bo moro convcnlcutly arranged. Tho owners of vicious dogs may read with profit tho following synopsis ot the law In refcrenco to their animals i If any body Is attacked nn tho highway by a dog the person has tho right to kill the dog and tho owner can bo held accountable for any Injury indicted by tho animal. Even on tho premises ot tho owner ot tho dog, should a person be attacked and Injured after endeavorlug to protect himself, tho owner can be held responsible for damages Indicted, provided u can bo shown that tho person Injured was In pursuit of busln'.-ss or nu n friendly visit. If a dog by barking ut passing horses or vehicles occasions any damage, Us owner is liable for the loss sustained. Flno Cabinets In vignette or scroll. tt M'KUlIp Bron. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Tho Manor Hcst Inn property nt Jame son City consists of moro thm an aero ot ground, with a four story fr.tmo hotel nine ty feet long, with verandas, water, sewer ago and .Ml modern conveniences. It bis cost tho company nearly $3000. In order to furnish tho houso a mortgnga for $3150 has been placed on tho property and bonds ot $100 each havo been lssuod nt six per cent, payable In ten years or soonci. No bettor security can bo obtained than this, nnd persons wanting a good Investment should apply nt onco to W. H. Tubbs, Geo. E. Elwell.or A. L. Fritz, Bloomsburg. 2w Much complaint has been mado of lato by strangers coming from tho city to Bloomsburg by tho Pennsylvania railroad. On asking for a ticket to Bloomsburg, they havo been given n ticket to Bloom Ferry, with tho assurance that that Is tho namo of tho Bloomsburg station, and that It Is lust across tho river from tho town, and that convcyanco meet every train. Ticket agents on tho Pennsylvania road ought to know better than tills, for they aro certain. ly drawing on their Imagination when thoy Impart such Information. Wo know of several people who have been landed tho other side of tho river at nieht. and been obliged to walk to town In stormy weather because thoy wcro misinformed by tho ticket-seller. Tho Pennsylvania Company should cither put n brl'lga across the river, or Instruct Its agents to tell people that there aro no accomodations whatever at Bloom Ferry. The C0LDMIUA.N Printing Olllco Is now tho best equipped of any establishment in Northeastern Pennsylvania, outside of Scranton, Wllkesharro and Wllllamsport. For years It has been uhcad of all others In tho county In Its facilities, and jobbing patronage, being tho only olllco that pro pelled its job presses by water power, Iho others using foot power. Notwithstanding this, tho business has grown lo such pro portions, that It becamo necessary to ln creaso our facilities, and wo now havo a Campbell Book and job press In operation which is capable of turning out a great deal of work In n short time. A now stereotyping outfit, purchased In Kansas City, Mo., has also been added to our ma chlnery, which enables us to duplicate forms, so that books, circulars and other slmlllar work can be turned out at prices fully as low as can bo dono in tho cities. Our outfit now consists of six printing presses, and there are twlco as many men engaged in doing oyr work as in any other office in Iho county. All kinds of printing, no matter what, can be obtained hero, nt the very lowest prices, and on tho latest improved machinery. Call in nnd bcc It. The Harvest Home He-union of the Ave congregations under tho pastoral caro of Hev. A. Houtz will bo hold In tho grove of Mr. McGargcll near Orangevlllo on Thursday, August 1st. Tho forenoon ses sion will begin at 10 o'clock a. m. and will pertain to tho harvest. The afternoon ses sion will pertain to tho twentieth anniver sary of the present pastorate, and will In clude the reading of tho history of tho charge and tho rendering of several toasts by the ministerial brethren of Wyoming Ciassis. Tho usual offerings for benovo lenco will be lifted nt each session. There will bo about two hours deyoted to dinner nnd social intercourse. An inter estlng programme with excellent music has been prepared for tho occasion. Tho dinner will bo In tho form of a basket pic nic. An excellent spring in this beautiful grovo will furnish ample water for man and beast. All persons bringing horses must avoid tying them to any tree that might thereby bo injured. Excursion rates can bo bad on that day at all stations on the B. & S. H. R. to Orangovillc. No confectionery stand of any kind will bo permitted on tho grounds. If tho weather should bo too inclement, tho services will bo held In the church. All aro cordially invited to attend. A. Houtz, Pa9tor. Tho Lutheran Sunday School picnic at Central Grove Park, Thursday of last wcok was quite a success. There were about seven hundred on tho grounds Including children. Tho day was a beautiful one, and hence afforded a One opportunity of walking up to Jamison City', many taking advantage of tho nearness, aud desirous of seeing tho industries there. Jamison City is certainly a growing placo, tinny now houses being built to accomodato the work men. The first point of interest is tho large saw mill. Logs were tuken from tho boom, carried up into tho mill, run through tho edging machine, taken to tho gang saws, and mado Into boards in less time than it takes to write a notlco of it. Tho hub factory is tho noxt point, hero hubs aro turned from tho solid logs at tho rate of two a minute. In tho same building Is tho vaneerlne machine. Tho around Is lust being broken for tho largo tannery, this is being built by Corcoran i; Co., owners of tho saw mill, who am so crowd cd with orders for lumber that thoy cannot cut for building tho tannery, which will tako about ono million feet of lumber. Tho plumbers aro at work llttlnc up tho Manor, Rest Inn. It 13 a great mistnko that this building was not completed for this sea- son. It is certainly a beautiful place, and will bo a great attraction for tlio summer season. It Is worth tho walk from tho grove just to visit this hotel which will no doubt bo tho greatest summer resort la this section. All IiulilHtry ofllie l'luoil. Nelson, Bycrs & Co., tho Wllllamsport lumber firm that purchased the stray logs fn tho vicinity of Columbta, havo now leased the property located between tho Columbia Gass Works and tho Susquehanna Rolling Mill and tho Columbia and Port Deposit Rallrpad tracks and tho river. Tho property has a frontage of two hundred and fifty foct along tho river. Thoy havo also leased a portion of tho wharf belong ing to tho Chestnut Hill Iron Company This will bo used for piling ground. Tho firm estimates It will require three or four years work to cut tho timber into manu facturlng lumber. Thoy exoect to pay out about $3000 monthly in wages and a large number of men will And employment , KiilKlMH of tliu CJoUIuii i;ni;lc. Tho following are tho officers of Thctn Castle, No, 270, ot Bloomsburg, Pa., for tho ensuing blx months' term : Past Chief, Wm. B. Cumming8 ( Noblo Chief, Wm, E. Bhalterj High Priest, George L. Moyer Vcnerablo Hermit, John C. Hutter, Jr. Master of Records, Guy Jacoby ; Clerk of Exchequer, H. A. Bchoch Keeper of Ex chequer, I. D. White i Blr Herald, B. W Hagcnbuch i Worthy Bard, J, K. Bitten. benderj Worthy Chamberlain, Geo. Edgarj Ensign, Wm. H. Houscli Esquire, O. I. Hcndcrshot; First Guardsman, Elmer Mc Brldo Becond Guardsman, W. J. Shutt j Trustees, B. P. Hagcnbuch, J. B. Blue and W. II. Brookoi Representative to Grand Castle, Jacob Shaffer, Tho membership Is ono hundred and nine. New l'orin of llurlal, Doctors an J undertakers nt Pittsburg aro considering a compromlso between burial and cremation. Tho idea Is to erect mam moth mausoleums to hold thousands ot i bodies, and by n system ot air draughts, to dry tho bodies up. A corporation proposes to introduce tho plan Id villous cities. roitji;i ki;iiv TO NO. 2. Air. KrlcUb turn, you commcbccd tbls pa. per contest without tho slightest provooa. tlon and when It Is over I hopo you will ever rtflor hold your peace Yoii tried to vilify my father whllo living because ho supported Mr. Bnydcr of Mlffiln for BhcrllT and you was defeated, "Vou wroto n letter to Mr. Joseph Martz of On la wlssa In which you mtdc falso accusations against him nnd I secured tho letter nnd handed It to cx-Shcrlff Aaron Smith of Hem lock. Since then you turned your nttcn tlon toward mc, until forhcaranco ceases to bo n virtue, and havo taken every advan tage with your vllo eheot to glut your yen. gcancc. As I stated before, you aro conducting your pnpcr.for tho solo purposo of applaud ing your friends and denouncing your enc mlcs. ou mado several abusive statements about' cx-Shcrlff Smith of Fishingcreek bccatiso ho refused to becomo a tool tn your hands nndgtvo you his official patron age, and had tho Assoclato Judges been truo to their trust and convictions and re fused you tho license advertisements you would havo poured your spleen upon them just as you do upon other officials you fall to control. I caro for nothing you said In your last week's article, but about teachers' ccrtlfl. catcs, which you know to bo a branded falsehood. You mado a similar chargo In front ot the Central Hotel during our cam palgn In '84 when you said that I had sold Hon. J. T. Fox ot Beaver and Mr. G. M. Ikcler of Mt. Pleasant each a certificate, which I made you recall quicker than you said it. I never examined Mr. Ikcler nnd as to Mr. Fox you denied to him of over saying so. It appears that lying and de ception aro your essential elements of suc cess. You always lied about that barrel of whisky you bougbt and had placed In tho now jail, to which I will refer by and by. As to tho certificate, I daro you to pro. duco your author, you branded falsifier. The first tlmo I evor hear of you repeat ing Ibis falsehood, I'll make you. retract it the llrst opportunity. I am sorry you havo not moro respect for tho teachers. You want mo again to explain about fees, which Is becoming monotonous j however, I'll repeat In eubstanco what I said before ; In the Common Pleas, Orphans' Court, and Oyer and Terminer, I chargo tho same as you did when you wcro Prothonotary, and in tho Sessions I chargo less ; tor lnstanco for nppolntment of constablo or supervisor you charged $1.25 for which I chargo $1.00, aud for constables' bonds and returns 1 never charged anything, becauso tho feo bill you aro constantly quibbling about docs not allow It. You charged them at overy Scs3lonhlch, amounted to about $200.00 during your administration. Do not tako my word for this hut ask tho con- stables, thoy are the best authority. As you havo becomo a retormer you should return this money where it properly be longs and hereafter teach reform by ex ample and not by precept. With you it has been lino upon line, precept upon pre cept, hcrh a little and thero a little, until you filled your pockets with illegal fees, bridges and jail contracts, $500.00 stolen bond, and shaved shoep orders, and when tho honest taxpayers becamo disgusted and turned you out of office, you grew angry, cursed the Democratic party and bolted tho , County, Stato and National ticket, attempt cd to join the Republican yarty, but was rejected ns an ex-boss. You purchased a newspaper of your own cloth and now would like lobe recognized as a prominent editor of the county. Oh I what u jewel thou art 1 You want six signers to a paper to call on you to explain away that $500.00 stolen bond. If you will return tho amount of It I'll get you any quantity of signers. You would succeed about as well as you do in trying to explain tho barrel of whisky away. I havo a letter In my possession which you wrote to Mr. Wclrman nt Ben ton asking him to get six of tho Grand Jury to sign a paper denying that you had a barrel of whisky nt tho jail, out of which thoy freely drauk when visiting tho public buildings, so you could explain it away. You deny charging $3.00 for advertising audits, etc., slnco you announced that you would chargo only $2.00, which Is untruo ; you tako thrco when you can. Tho last ono paid Into tho olllco for you is in tho estato of Thomas Faus, deceased, whero you receipted the record for $3.00 April 1, 18S9. This la just llko your barrel of whisky. You are fast on tho r.cord, still you deny It. In regard to tho marrlago license In Lo cust, please give mo tho namo ot tho party, aud it 1 am In error, I'll cheerfully correct It. Tlio fees are as follows i Where both parties aro adults 50 cts.; whero ono Is a minor 50 cts. additional, and when both aru minors 0(1 cts. more tor consent and acknowledgements. Tho Justice's costs aro tho samo ss thoso of tho Clerk of tho Orphaus' Court. As to tho assessment of '03 you must bo getting scarce of ammunition to sco 11 I owned a dogj you havo been well rewarded looking after dogs, especially when they destroy tho farmers sheep, and you ex. plained to them that thero was no money In tho treasury and shaved their orders. Had you asked mo I could havo told you I owned no dog and was clerking at Wilkes. barre, No. 53 Market St., for M. A. Holmes & Co., for three years, during which tlmo I paid $334.00 assessments to All quotas, and Bttll Hold tho receipts. Vou were moro loyal, you served your county tweuty years in the Court House, altered the re cords, served as Commissioners clerk, D puty Treasurer, board of County Coramls Bloners nnd Deputy Sheriff, all at tho samo time, run and robbed tho county, and mado many candidates blto tho dust who refused to glvo you halt tho emoluments, provided you assisted them to olllco, and subscribed $15.00 toward a tlag for Fish ing creek township which y"u still refuse to pay i rolled a barrel of whisky into tho new ialli perjured yourself In trying to deny it, and deserted and cursed tho Dc mocratio party because It becamo disgusted at your loyalty and turned you out. As to Jury feo, don't worry. I am under $40,000.00 bond approved by the Court, and tho County owes mo moro than $30.00 vorth of Jury fees which will bo paid to tho county at our next settlement In the near future, provided I step down and nut with public funds llko you did. thon it Is proper tlmo to call a halt. As to County Auditor, you wero at tho bottom of all tho trouble causedt he Register and Record er and myself, which compelled us to go to Harrisburg to get corrected, and many thanks wo owo thu Auditor General for his fair and Impartial treatment. Whilo thcro I conversed with uinny leading members ot the Legislature who Inforraod mo that tncy considered you noming moro man a boodler and wall tlnwer, and It I wero to tell your readers wucro you spent your leisure hours It would make them blush wiin shame, tho most oi iho tlmo ynu wcro in tue same conuuion i saw you a few days since when you wero trying to lead your horso to water, In a beastly state ot Intoxication, when somo boys wore playing ball at tho rink, stopped and watch cd you and tho tallest remarked "look at Krlckbaum, ho is too drunk to lead his horso isn't ho a nlco man to go to tho Lo. gislature." "Ho Is not leading his horso but his horse Is leading him," cried anoth er. Last Thursday you accompanied tho Lutheran picnic from this placo to Hess1 Grovo with a bottlo of liquor In your pock ct and trcatod parties on tho train, when tho Superintendent of tho R. H. gavo you notlco to abstain from such f disgraceful display In presenco ot Bunday Bchool chll dron. How Is this for reform ? You want to know why 1 chargo $1.00 for four affidavits to draw a jury becauso tho feo bill allows Mcts for each affidavit and you charged tho samo. Tho Sheriff and Register and Recorder chargo tho samo fees their prcdoccssors did, which aro legitimate. Yet you made a specialty ot mo becauso tho people put you out nnd mo in, "Thou hypocrite, cast out first tho beam out of thino own oyo, nnd thon shalt thou sco clearly to pull nut tho mota that Is tn tby brother's eye." As to tho remainder of questions on fees I refer your readers to tho Records) they nro open for Inspection freo nt charge, and no person tn tho coun ty has had freer access to them and the flics than you, and In return you heap cd a hundred fold moro curses and abuse upon mc than nil tho rest of tho pcoplo in tho county. I am sorry your heart is so full of malice and ill-will that you cannot bo comforted without this paper contest. Should you desire nnythlng more to gratify your spleen pleaso call for It in No. 8 and you shall bo accommodated. You had bet ter dovoto your time and attention and ex. plain to your constituents why you yotcd ngalnet their Interests In tho lato Lcglsla ture. You faithfully promised wh n you wcro peddling boodlo at tho dead hours of night that if elected that you would dis charge your duty faithfully and efficiently. When you were sworn in you took an oath to support tho Constitution of Pennsylva nia, which forolds under Artlclo XVII, Sect. 8th, tho taking of freo railroad passes which you took In deflanco of your oath, law and justice, besides other trimmings, and voted for tho interests of railroad cor. poratlons against those of tho poor tax payers, compelling them lo shut up their cowii, bawl themselves -lank and lean for tho abundance of pasture that Is going to wnsto as their children go hungry to bed, crying for milk, all becauso railroad com. pauies uccd not fenco their tracts, for which you voted, for passes and extra trim, mtngs. This Is a living vital question to which your attention Is invited. You doubtless will try to explain It away as you did tho barrel, but you are ou record and you cannot dccelvo your constituents. You speak again about Mr. Welrman's affidavit. Tho following letters will ex plain themselves : "All communications should be sccom. panlcd with n stamp to secure prompt at tention. Office ot Wm. Krlckbaum, Pro thonotary and Clerk of Courts, Blooms burg, Columbia County, Pcnn'a. October 17, 133J. Friend James Wcirmau, Dear Sir: Thcro will bo a gathering at tho MlllllnX Roads Hotel on next Friday night. Now if you will como down ou Friday forenoon, I will take you over and bring you back on Saturday forenoon and keep you clear. I hopo you will como. I havo had no chanco to talk to you slnco tho Ohio Election. Now wo must all work. Crgo ovory Democrat to como out and vote. Come, Jim, and let's hayo somo fun once. Beaver is a bully placo for that. Yours, &c. Wm. Krlckbaum." The above Is a yerbatlm copy in which you wanted overy Democrat to come out and vote, and after you were dofoated for tho nomination for Prothonotary you de serted and cursed tho party, bolted tho ticket and urged every Democrat to stay at liomo or do as you did. You aro a Dem ociat for office and revenue only. Tho following I received from Mr. Weir- mau : "Benton, February 10th, 1834. Mr. Snyder, Sir : I havo been confined to tho houso sick slnco last Thursday. I wish to sco you somo day. I would llko to nave been In Bloom court week. I am confident I could havo galnod somo valuable infor mation but 1 havo enough now to debar Billy from that nomination even should ho bo able to corrupt enough voters with his money and whisky to secure the amount of votes that Is required to get the dele gates to nominate him. I believe if I wero to tell him at tho present timo that I would expose him if ho did not withdraw his namo from tho contest, ho would do it rather than bo exposed. I will wait and seo and when tho proper tlmo comes I'll burst out upon him llko n volcano and bury him beneath the ruins of his own corrup tion Burn tills letter, for Billy looks upon m o as ono of his particular friends and I want him to think so till 1 get all out of him I want. Yours, respectfully, J. R. W, Hero wa3 a McParlan ; ho got Into your ring, and was conversant with all your tactics. Onco a "dear friend," now you denounce him; why don't you buo that promissory note for $110.00 and rule It ou t for arbitration 1 Now as to tho barrel of whisky, at the jail about which so much has been said Tho records at tho distillery clearly and distinctly show to whom every barrel ot whisky is sold, and a careful report thereof must bo mado under oath to tho Rovenuo Collector to avoid defrauding tho govern ment. 'ibis was done, as tho records ot tho distillery and in tho Collector's office at Wilkes-Barrc show that you purchased barrel and had It placed according to your personal instructions In tho now jail. Tho llstlllcrdld his duty as a man of business properly, lor which ho is to bo congratulat. ed, and when you wero aiked by a man from Benton through tho papers If you did not havo a barrel of whisky at tho jail, you went and mado tho.tollowlng affidavit : "As to that barrel of wht3ky tho deponent says, that ho lias not a barrel of whisky at tho now jail nor anywhere clso." Sworn and subscribed) bjforo mo July 20, 1834. V W. Khiokb acm. John M. Clark, J. P.) This you denied llko a Judas In your last week's artlclo in which you say, "this Is a matter wo would very much regret to havo tho public bollove, and moro sorry if It wero truo, but knowing it to bo false wo will mention to Mr. Snydor that this Is a grave chargo and that tho llko could not bo expected to como from tho pen ot a decent white man." You ought to "regret" and 00 "sorry" to stanu ocioro tlio public a perjurer and havo tho audacity to still dony It. Rednoso Mike regretted and was sorry for what he did, for which ho paid tho penalty ot tho law, and it you had your dues you would bo paying tho penalty "ot your crime beulnil tno bars of tho Eastern Penitentiary for perjury. Wm. 11. Bnydku Hun over ly a Itcnper. Dean, a little Bon of Mr. W. V. Robbins of Cambra, was run over by a mower last Friday and badly hurt. He climbed on th machine while his father's back was turned and tho horses starting throw him under the wheels. Ono of tho wheels passed over his head and such was tho weight ot tho machine that his eyes wero forced from their sockets. Notwithstanding the Injury ho is in a fair way to recover. Ecluy. Don't Give Vi becauso you feci bluo and aro troubled with that tired and all-gono feeling. Do as I did, uso a bottlo ot Sulphur Bitters, It will mako you feel llko a ucwpcrsouj It did me. Jknhik Houiita, 354 Trcmont utrett, Boston. Corner Hloiio I.nyliiR. Tho corner stone of tho now Presbyterian Church will bo latd with appropriate cere monies on Tuesday, July 130, at 5 o'clock, p. m. Hev. Dr. Cattcll is oxpectcd to do. liver tho address, and many mlnlstorsof neighboring charges havo been Invited by Hev. I. M. Patterson, tho put or. to bo present. The Cnriiet factory. David Uonslngor was awardod tho con . tract for building tho now Carpet Factory last Saturday. Tho building will bo locat ed on Fifth street back of tho Fair Ground, and will consist of thrco buildings, ono ot which will bo thrct stories high, tho second being for dyeing, tho third for boiler and engine. This Industry, which will bo ono of tho largest In town, will bo conducted by James Magco & Co., of Philadelphia, who aro men ot largo expcrlcnco in tho business. Ilnliy Cnrrlnifca I'rec on tlio l'ciin. Hylviinlii Itallroad. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has Issued Instructions to nil baggago agents and baggage masters on tho system cast of Pittsburg and Erlo to rccelvo and carry free ot cost In baggago cars, baby carriages, when accompanied by their owners. This is n concession In favor of the child rcn which their parents will heartily apprccl. atoand It is but another manifestation ot tho constant endeavor of tho company to mako tho road attractive to everybody. CoiiHuniptluii Hitrcly Cured To tub EniTon Plcaso Inform your read ers that I havo a positive remedy for the above named disease. By Its timely use thousands ot hopeless cases havo been per manently cured. I shall be glad to send wo bottles of my remedy rana to any of your readers who havo consumption If they will send mo their express and post olUc address. Respectfully, T. A. 8 LOCUM M. C..181 Pearl St., Now York, sept-21-ly now to WnHlt I'lanucl Hlilrts. "Yes, wclhavo a good deal of!complalnt from customers about tho shrinking of their shirts," said a dealer this morning. "All material will shrink some. Wo gen erally allow halt an inch of flannel, and if It Is properly washed there is no reason why it should Bhrlnk somo perceptibly nf. ter that. Tho proper way Is to souso tho I garment In hot sudi-nevcr rubbing it- and put it repeatedly through tho wringer. Tho garments should nover bo wrung with tho hjnds and never put in cold water." loo I.ailleH Wanted' And 100 men to call on any druggist for I a free trial pickago of Lino's Family Mcdl clno, tho great root and herb remedy, dls. niiunrrwl 1,i. Utlno T.nnn .l.l1n tn ,Kn I rtoekv Mm,-!.,,!-. Pnr Hio.,..a nf th blood, liver and kldncvs It is a nosltivo I euro, bor constipation and clearing up I ... ... i tho complexion U docs wonders. Children like 1U Everyono praises P. Largo-slzo package, SO cents. At all druggists.' Apr. no-urn. Llfo size crayons in gold frames only $10. tf M'KlUip Bros, A Htory on Vour Watcu. WniOII BXI'LAISS A LITTLE KOOKSTBIOITt IS UOMAN NUMKRIOALS. Mark down tho figures on the face of a watch," said a jeweler. 1, 3, 3, 4, 5, 0-bogan tho reporter, as he put pencil to paper. "No, I mean Roman numerals." Then this was produced : I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII. "You are wrong," said tho Jeweler. "I guess not," said tho reporter. "Well, look at my watch," continued tho jeweler. "Sco tho figure which stands for 4 o'clock. Tho reporter looked and was surprised It was IIII, and not IV. "Aro all tlko clocks and watches that way?" ho ttked. "Every ono which'.has Roman figures on its dial. It is nothing but a tradition among watchmakers, but tho custom has always been preserved. Tho first clock that in any way resembled thoso now in uso, was mado by Henry Vick in 1370. He mado It for Charles V. of France, who has been called 'The Wise." Now, Charles V, had a reputation for wisdom, and thought It was necessary to keep it up. "Yes, tho clock works well," said tho King, "but you have got tho figures on tho dial wrong. " "Wherein, your majesty?" aBked Vick, 'That four should bo four ones," said tlio King. "You aro wrong, your majesty," said Vick. "I am novor wrong," thundered tho King "Tako it away and correct tho mistake." And corrected it was, and from that day to this, ! o'clock on a, watch or clock dial has been IIII, instead of IV. Tho tradition has been faithfully followed. Pureed to I, cave Home. Over 60 pcoplo were forced to leave their homes yesterday to call for a free trial packago of Lano's Bamily Medicine. If your blood is bad, your liver and kidneys out of order, if you aro constipated and havo headacho and an unsightly complex ion, don't fall to call on any druggist to day for a free Bamplo of this grand remedy. Tho ladles praise It, Everyono likes it, Large-size packago 60 cents. Apr. 20-Om, Tlie Country Ivtlltor. A l'BN 1'OltTBAIT FROM AM OCCASIONAL BAttO TCM VISITOlt. He must always bo suavity itself to all classes and conditions of men. If ho Isn't, thoy may possibly stop their paper and In. duco their neighbors to do tho same, on the score of tho editor's "stuck.unlsbccss and sass." Bo that, when ho has settled down somo morning to tho laborous task of writing "answers to correspondents," with a gazetteer, a book of quotations, and a largo dictionary by his side, a bandage of ico ou his head, and a wholo ream of paper within easy reach, or, worso still, to faco tho woekly ordeal of evolving an editorial on somo ot tho living questions ot the dby about which ho has no opportun ity of knowing anything whatever from bis inner consciousness, much as tho In dustrious spider draws the web from his Internal economy, should the door open at this trying moment to admit an old farmer who has tho entire morning on his hands and nothing to do, who has called "to 'round and sco how things were gcttln' look on," ho must rccclvo the unwelcome intruder It he wcro a long lost brother, offer the best chair In tho ottlcc, endeavor at least to answer all tho qucfttons that only tho rural mind seems capable of propound Ing ; and whon at last tho eouud ot town clock striking twelve reminds visitor that ho "must go and get his bite," the editor must bid him a reluctant fare well, with tho cordially expressed hope that ho will drop In again soon. Badly re moving tho limp bandage, from which Ice has long melted, the literary giant the village puts on his coat and responds to "TUat oa-f ottenlo& overpovrerin; knou, Tito tocsin ot tne kmu, Um Oimwr bet I But still life, even tbaUfo of lh country editor, Is not without its compensations. Ho is a great man at commutes meetings, and a power at agricultural meetings. Ho Is always called upon to mako a speech at public dinners, and ho has tho power so many speakers yearn for, ot reporting his own talk, and even describing It ns "an eloquent effort." Ho is sometimes referred to by a brother cdhor ns "our bright con temporary tho weekly Howler." Thcro arc times when subscribers pay tip ' their long-standing bills, nnd all look bright and prosperous. I havo known as many as ten bushels of oats and two ot white beans to pour into tho editorial exchequer In ono day, to say nothing of two raw calf skins and a load of buckwheat straw. What mattors it that my long-suffering friend docs not own a horso to fatten upon tho outs and beans, or sleep peacefully on tho buckwheat straw 1 That he has no market for them closo at hand and cannot hope to trado them off with his neighbors ? These aro trifles beneath tho notlco of all right-thinking people ( and surely when any man finds himself in thu very unusual position of having moro property on his hands than ho knows what to do with, ho should feel that ho has not lived In vain. Su Johnt (.V. Ji.) Progrm. Ico cream freezers, Ice tongs and picks at Peacocks'. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. XThtn Bbr u lick, wo g tie her Cutorht. When the wm a Child, she cried for CMtorUt, When she became Mlu, she clang to.OutorU, When the had Children, the ptTe them CastorU. WANAMAKERS. itar-ADiLrniA. Monday, July is, im Closed Saturdays at i P. M. If your buying thought is Dress Goods, write to us stating the kind of fabric you have in mind, or the purpose for which you desire to use it, with the price you wish to pay, and we will promptly place in your hands samples of the best we can supply at the price. That h ldn the best anywhere, Ti r i tic for the Wanamaker stock ol Dress uoods is tne largest ana best selected we know of in the world. If you do not know the technical name ol the goods, no matter; tell us how they look to vour eves, or now you suppose thftV look, and VC will find - tlipm Just so of anything else; set tle on what you want, as near as may be and write for it. bporting things, Fishing tackle, Furnishing goods, Toilet articles, Millinery fixings, Books of every sort, nnrl tht thnnsand other thintrs f , nr t,nn iui iiu.uv. ..v-. decorating urn wc uavc a oiun- full of. tf. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3. doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tt. Uloodcd I'owlH, Pit G&mcfi. Grist Bhawlnecks. Heath- woods, Black B. Reds, that will stay to win. Eggs, IH for $1. batlsractlon uuarantceu. WILLI All AJKNM3, tf. Bloomsburg, l'a. (Mention this paper.) Do not forcct wo aro selling tho best French 37Jc satlncs for 28c at . a TIF t.T k 11. W. New styles of hair ornaments, corsets, gloves, tics, hosiery and tull lino of no tions at iiarK is duu d. New laco pins, sleeve buttons, jersey pins and silver tlilmblos at 11. VY. D1AJAAVO. Tho blc ribbon barealn of tho season, 1000 yards 7, 9, and 12c. All silk ribbonB at 10 and 12c yard at Clark & Bon's. An cleeant line ot new jewelry just re ceived, Including a lino assortment ot jet ana mourning jewelry at il VY. BliUiUM'B. Clark & Bon's aro offering big bargains In all kinds of wash dress goods. 15c sateens 10c yd., 37Jo sateens 23c yd. 15c zephyr cloths 10c yd. Embroidered tloun cings at big rcductlous. BUSINESS NOTICES Frank AcBLEit, of Norristown, says there is no greater physician than Dr. Theel. of 038 North Fourth Street, l'hila dclphia. ho cured mo of my Nervous De bility and a crave heart complaint, atter being treated by family and hospital phy sicians wiinout ueneiu. 110 auvises an suflerera to consult the Doctor personally or by letter. 1 1 um 1 ... Ladies who prefer to uso a nice quality ot stationery tor their correspondence should in quire for Crane's Ladies' Note, Marcus Wards lioyal Irish Linen, or Lyons' Parchment Linen all ol these with en velopes to match. These goods aro tho three acknowledged leaders in fine stationery both at homo and abroad. AVo havo them in boxes and by tho quire. Tho little buiulay bchool song book Sowing and Keapinq is 8ellmg rapidly, bend lor sample sheets and prices to Sun day bchools. as him buiulay bchool library class books, merit cards, etc, W. II. Brooke & Co., Booksellers and Stationers. tho the TO ADVERTISERS- A list ot ion newspapers divided lato STATES AND HKCTIUNS will bo sent on application To moao who want tbelr advertising to pay, wo can otter no better medium lor tboroun and ef fective work than tno various bocuous ot our Helert lx.ru! I.Ut. tho of UICO. IIOWHI.I.KCO., Newspaper adverlislnj; Uureau, Jcly l-r-4t. THoll ctlmato and Location I11 tie Houlli VAUNCUA, curemout Vn.