The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 05, 1889, Image 4

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Ur.EVKi.AMj Ohio, ,Iono18, 1889.
To tlio KniTons of'tlio'CoiAjMiitANi
I would liko to givo somo of your
subscribers an itoro(tlng nrdoutit of
tbo growth of our city of Clotplftnd,
known as tlio forest, uny, s.noa.ursi
I nrrlved In It as a licrmanont .citizatl
about twd years aim Irl regard td Hit
Mrs. R. B. Hayes.
Mrs. Hayos' maiden narno was Lnoy
Waro Wubb. Bho was born tlio 28th,
of August, 1831 at Chilllcottio, Ohl6,
nd was tbo youngest child and only
Uughtor of Dr. James Webb and Ma
ria Cook. Her grandfather Judrf.,
Isaao Cook, who catno from Conncoti strvols. well, thoio is one called5 Enblld
out in 1781 and all four of her groat- Avonuo which wo arc iprond toi call tho
oramlfathors eorvod in tho Itovolu- flnosl Aventio in tlio Worjd, In faot It
Uonary War. ;g nckuowlcdufd by ell- travelers to bo
Hor fatlicr served In tho war pf so. Iu mansions aro tnitsslvo And
1812 and died during tho cholera grand, owned by imillidnairos, having
woonrgo in Lexlnuton, Ky, in 1833. Ml lato.t inmrovenionts. Soft coal is
Her mother Maria Cook Wobb was a mosily burin d in this oity therefore It
woman of great foroo and character might ba olenti r. Hut Its manufaotur
nd deep religious convictions. 8ho inn is iinrnet s . Wo havo two very
moved to Dclawaro, Ohio, to havo her flu0 viaducts oonufctlng South and
dons educated nt tho JOhlo Wtsloyan West, ivhiuM xw-fls our )0rulatlon to
Univorsity and her daughter recoivod a qusrtt v nf ft milllin.i.
tho bonofit of tho satno instructions Vo havo tho Elrctrio Motor Syn-
and nftorwards was graduated at tho ttm on inoet of cur road of travel.
Wesloyan lcmalo Seminary at Cincin
nati in 18.r2.
Sho was married December 30, 1852
find at tho breaking out of tho war of
tho rebellion her family consisted df
Our amusements houses aro oiio Very
lino Opera IIouso- and thrco other
housoL A vory good supply of hotels
and fust class accomodation to stran
gers' on their arrival 111 tho City.
-of her mother, ;hcr two brothers and Union Dpot is situated near tho Liko
her four llttlo boys. Her liusband, and which makcsiit 'convenient to all pf.r
both of hor brothers immcdiajcly on- ous visiting ourJamous Korest Qity;
terod tho armv and from that tiruo un- Iu regard to our ' Mnnlcinlo Govern
lil tho cIojo o tho war her homo was mont wc havo a fino paid Firo DoparU
a refngo for wounded, sick and fur- ment, Polico Department with two
loughed soldier,- going to or .return- Patrols.
,ing from tho front. Sho Bpcnt two Our shipments of grain aro vory
winters in oamp with her husband in largo owing to Lake Erie, therefore ft
Virginia and after tho battlo at South will givo your roadors somo idea df
Mountain whoro ho was badly wound- 0ur Port. Our sanitary arrangomonls
ed, sho hastened East and joined him aro good. The mortality is' .on an
at Middlotown, Md., and. later spent nverace witlv all other largo,citles
much time in tho hoipital near Ired- Bhuatod along . tho Liko. Th6ro aro
crick City. After tbo close of the two lino Cometine?, ono is Woodland
war sho accompanied her husbsnd to and tho other Lake View Near
Washington, whilo ho was a member whoro our fa.nous.Garfield lies with a
of Congres?. Sho was one of tho ori- towering monument. Government
ginators of the Ohio S.Odiors' and buildinea aro on nn averaco with all
.Sailors' Orphan Homo and on its oitios of Cleveland size. Our inhabi
Board of Dirootors prior to in adop- tants consist largely of foroignein,
tion by th a atato. Whilo her husband But thoy aro isolated from a great
was Governor of Ohio sho took an ac- portion of oar American citizen?.
tio interest in all the charilablo inati- Your town is about 400 miles from
tntions of tho state. During the four Cleveland, which mikes it about 70,0
years of her lifo at tho Whilo House fr0m Now York. Wo have a great
Bho was distinguished by a graceful number of Trunk Lines connecting
cordiality with which she received all 0ur city' with) basy acoeS9 to tueMVcst
who oarao to her. t 0r f an West. .Strangers who havo not
Sinco tho retirement of her liusbaiid I visited larger cities and examined the
from public lifo she has been nn ar-1 business portion would bo surpriaed
aenuy lmercsiou nrarauor 01 uju
Woman's Relief Corps and has scrvdd
during sncoowve yearn as tho presi
dent of tho Woman's Homo iMUsioji
ary Society of tho Methodist Episco
pal Church. Sho lias been an nonqr
ablo momber of tho Society of tho
Army of West Virginia, tho "medal f)f
which had been presented to her Uy
A Mulo Who Qta;ed
Tlioro wero half a dozen of us on
tho platform-at Calura, Ala., waiting
for tho East Tennossco and Virginia
train, when an old gray "iniilei Plod
ding along, tho highway with 'his head
down, came, to tho crossing and slop
ped right across the track.
"Peter, nr' dat your mewl!" called
ono nogro lo another.
"Yaas, dat's my Jim,"' was the rA
ply. "lli'tter go dowi and loara lum olT
dat iraokf den. lie's bouu' to gU all
mussed up if yV don't.
"Dog gone him, if ho haintor got
senso 'nuff in his hud to niovo on let
do bullgiue hit himi"
Alter a le v mom nts wo nearii tio
whistle of n 1 oomotivp, und the -aulc
netrro pnoke auain.
"Hotter go down ' dar,i Polcr. Dat
Jim mewl bnintcr gwino to dodge.''
"Didn't I say let him alonul llo
haiuter blind cr deaf."
Iu two or three minutoj wo saw h
wild locomotivo com'ng around tho
curve, nnd tn soon n tho engineer saw
tho mule he b 'iran tooting. Tho ani
mal novor looked up. lie stood tnero
in tho snnshlno as it asleep.
"Dat Jim mowl's n gjner fur shon-r
oxclaimed , tho negroes fli wo all hur
ried to tho boat placo of -observation.
So ho was. Tho pilot slid under
him. lifted him ton foet high, and ho
was Hung asido with a crash which
broko him all to pieces. Wo wont
down to tho soot, but bn was deid
"Just liko I tolo ye, lVtur, said tho
ono who had twen anxious.
"Yna, but I couldn't sense it. Do
idea of a.mowl standin' .right dar'tlll
ho was knocked oft beats mo" all
around. Dob goi verl Wenfaii
cot vourself busted up to Git shot o
corn-plowin', didn't vet Du's.'jist'like
yer, but ycr can't spito mo nnyl 1 kin
sot around enory day now and ua old
Detroit Free Press.
at our commercial enterprise. Its
laruo , manufacturing "industries' are
scattered yet when gathered together
would make ono staro at its amount
giving employment lo thousands j)f
our inhabitants. Iteirardini? wanes
they aro on an average with) all other
cities within 300 miles. Provision are
moderately low, particular vegetables.
ha crtiriinrci urnnan invm rnrvnrv tfti. r . - . T -i . . i : ., .,naiinn
nor was an uomsige mo most nigniy 1 yet small houaes pnvato are within
appreciated. tho workingmans reach if ho wishes
Mrs. Hayes' well-known earnestness economise.
of conviction with regard to tbo sub- My family are' well and my wifo ep-
lect oi.iemperauuo was lunenien irop joying good health, tar belter man
Hints as to Singing.
A former oneratio sincer, now
teacher of singing, says that it is' im
nossiblo to stand on a carpet or rxuti
and sinir one's bost. Baro boa-di
make a cooJ tloor to stand on Who
you sing. Stono is just M good and
class is better, but Carpet deaden tlio,
voice and make a trained singoF foeL
choked and suffocating. To a'n well
one must not hnve anything above or
in front to catch tho .voice. Even, the.
brim of a derby hat will impair the,
. . r t I. ..Lit. I .
voice 01 a man win wears it wmie
sin?'. That is why singors stand
by tho footlights to sing, aud beams
tho'Btace of tho Aoademv of mutli
Proiects' far bovond tho nrosceniuru
. . - . .
arch voealista always will Jove?' mui
old theatre Nine Jtork-Sun. I
hor maternal grandfather The in
herent feeling was fostered through
out her schoolgirl days, both during
the six years of hor education in Dela
ware, whilo her two brothers wero col
lego students there, and later in the
Wesloyan Femalo Seminary in Cincin
nati, whero she completed her school
courso and. was gradnated. To her
deep and inborn conviction it was her
naturo to be true through all tho cir
cumstances' of her life. This, high
loyalty shaped simply and natural v.
and therefore consistently through all
her years, tho ways of her homo lifo,
tho manner of her hospitalities and
her custom in society while she moved
through them all as the wife of a pri
vate citizen and during tho twenty
yeare of hor husband's pub'io lifo as a
Union general, a member of Congress;
a Governor of hor native state and
president of the United States.
A Series of Crimes Brought to Light in
Wir.KES-BAiiBE, June 24. The ar
rest of Edward Glynn and wife, of
Pittston, for the murder of their moth
er, Mm. Mary Craighen, which took
when in tho East
My daughters are grown up and
graduating in short , hand-rand -.stenography.
Yours Very.Rospt. t
'GlUltLES Knork
The Railroads and the Flood.
Tho Pennsylvania "Itailrdad has a
way ot cotTAingioat strong in emergen
cies. ?' 'Tho cnertrv nnd efli jienoy of its
raauagemeutare conspicuous ataU'Bca
10ns and under all conditions, but it
takes a tremondous' and widespread
calamity like that resulting from the
recent floods to show iust how much
humanity a soulless oorporation can
possess. Though tbo -railroad 'company
was itsolf tbo- heaviest loser by the
floods throunh tho de'tniotion of
bridaes, road bed nnd' r -hint; duck
aud the interruption of it's traffic, it has
uot allowed the consul -ration ot it
own, losses or even the i-i-k of rtpiir
ing damages to interrupt it in the grand
work ot relioving tho thousands 01 un
fortunates in the submerged or devas
tated districts.
The food and supplies for tho flood
milTnreris which J he whole country
place to day, is tho opening chapter of united in contributing weio harried free
a story of diabolical crime, the equal of chirgo by tho Pennsylvania Bail
of whioh has seldom been hoard of in road Company) tf tho, places where
this country. That Mrs. Craighen they wero net-del. All of tho home
died from awenio poisoning is now ab- less ones who desired to loavo the flood
solutely established, and tho grounds cd district were given freo transporta
aro strong for1 believing not only that tion by tho railioad. All who came
Glynn poisoned her for the sake of her from other-places to aid the sufferers
lifo insurance, but that at different with their skill, labor and experience
times within tho past two years ho has wero carried by tho railroad without
also murdered in the same manner his charge to tlio places -whero they coold
own father and mothor for a liko object, do moi-t good. While doing these acts
As yet the latter belief is not conn'rm of generosity as well as it could tho
ed by absolute knojvledn, lut fortun- company was laboring at the sanio time
atoly' tlfo poiBoh used, if it was, was with all its energies to repair tho dan
arsenio and tho presence of this drug ages to its roadway, lliidgfs were rr
can bo detected iu human r-jraains built with almo-t mag'cal celerity as
years after they have been. buried. The the ono across the Snsq lohanna at
corpso of ono of the dead at least will Montgomery, Embankments were re
be disinterred nnd an examination constructed and tracks Isid anew in an
made. Tho story of Mrs. Craigheu's incredibly phort spaoi- of time, ennsid
death is as follows : eringtho widespread destruction. Their
Mrs. Craighen was a resident of first service in ovory case was to bring
Soranton. and on Saturday, Juno 15, together the needy ones and tho hands
oamo to Pittston to viit her daughter, ouislrotchcd to aid them.
Mrs. Glynn. Sho was about 52 years Tbo Baltimoro and Ohio Company
of age and a stroug, healthy woman. I was animated by a liko spirit and witb-t
aoon alter dinner on Sunday, tho 10th, I in the measnre of its oppirtuoities did
l . l.J.1 ll CM ... 1 f 1
buo was vukuii Huuuemy 111. one ikiu 1 a sinviar-worn. ur railroad cnnipnn
burning pain and excessiyo vomiting. I ies roseivo a groat dual ot abus, Home
Glynn did not want to call a doctor, of it deserved and sonn of it not. It.
bnt she insisted. Ho came and did all I is but iuat when they morn ilnn fulfill
in bis power to save hor, but she died I public expectation by rising to a cecal
tho sanio ovening. The ductor refused I occasion liko th'w ami meeting it in a
to givo a certiheato ot death and ri I broad, generous puhliu spirit that tboir
ported the casu to uoronor Marion. 11 I conduct should r- c-ive tho recognition
held an mquert unknown to any, re-1 and credit it richly deserves. Ex..
moved the stomach ot the dead woman
Mrs. Bascom-T-Have.vou cot a Bai
of Hope in your town,- Mr. Ove'rallHt
Mr. Overalls Wal, we'vo'not- adui-n
poor brass band, and ther -I'doii't vBeom
to bo no way of diseOnrnmn it- 'r.t
that ain't a band of hope then I d-Vri
keloh .onto your uieauiu'. Jiurliriff-
ton f ree I'ress.
tlmi look iMst,. 1 Haimll hr Mt aVWawa't
C Ollia-i SliaM. Ito HuJUnf bnub rlnlrl, u4
Um foildilx Udnila thm nhnMlwUkoot Ubot.
.wATKIlFH(Wd timiud la vraurra
WMier, ud kMja It on aod durable.
BoUtrBbM 8lan,0n,Dnnlit,A.
Try it on your llamttt.
M. C,SL0AH & 1R0. ,
nrt-cl(LSBWork always on hand.
Prieu riduudto tuit the imei;
Tho undcrsicnod havtnir been ro
stored to health by simple moan', after
sueffring for several years with a severe
. . t . S 1 1 .
mnrf auecuon. anu iiiao aroau mseaie
CoNf-UMrnoK, is anxious to make
known to his fe low snirerers the means
of cure. To those who desire it, he will.
cheerfully send (free! of .char e) a copy
of tlio prescription used, 'which, they
will find auro cure forCoNstMPTioN,
Asthma, Catakkh, BnoNCiims and
all' throat and lung' 'Maladies. He
hnnes all Hiifferors will'trv his'Rembdv.
a it is invaluable. 'Those desiring the
prescription,1 which1 will costthomiioth-
ingj aud may provo a' -b'essing wU
ploaso address, Hkv.. Kdwaup A. Wil
son, Williamsburg,'' Kings Countv.
New York. .A-ifc-po.:dec-7-ly
1 An Attack of Gravel. fi
Th Terrible tiafferiag of m Wsnu kSOv
,Dw Sks was nsppllr Car4. $3 d
Tbre U noOJni I no-r otj- ih I &t nakonia
hniae wl Sr. DtU Etoudi-i FtrariU BmotOr.
m4atBondont.N.T. UT ticuUm tocu.ln mr
Uiw ana from which I nercr expaotoi to noor
r. riiit Ihira irero jiilni In mr Uci, 1 u trrret
Uh, with no apreUta and could not alaep. I a eom
paUal lo nae a cane, ana flmUr rot ao weak liil I
aould not ataaaalona. ThadlatnailnmjliacViria
i.uin. jwDTinunflrtipTrttnareTer ore
traalTerlngaauTeoia. XfrphTddanaaaU
wmon ma aiarnutw information., lib add to my
Nwi.iua uwa ju aoont two- yeara. I lida
w;a 01 urarei. v. nen thlrnuda lta appsa
uco my pnj-ijciaa gmra np mr caw, and.I ratecM I
la tha country, yet 1 con.UnUy trow voru, Jifx
yaari aro nut Jono.hoTr well I remember tho tlalaljl
p.w vs. iwnneara t avonta Ilemedy adTertlaWJ ia
our paper. Alter ntlng one bottle I threw away taj .
cana and want to New York oa a Tlalt,'and thnaboU
Ilea cured mo. I hire norer bad a return of Orarel
nor of tha palna or woatneaa In tha back, and lhou
lamoTeraljtyyearaof agelam 1
Now Vigorous and Strong-
I do all myown
110MK, OK N. T.
nilKttNWt(!l! INS. ra1..KW YClltK.
3-Tnesd '-u ooKroitATiOHa are well aeanoncat)
lira, and fihr txstid and nave never. yet had a
lo8 wttled or any court of law. "Their assets are,
tllln-resuxllu solid bioubitiis are liable to the
azttrd of riH only.
Losses rKOMFTLr and ronkstlt adjusted and
jald as soon as determined by CnaianiH r.
Kmrr, sricui. Aa.tT AifSJUucaTiR Uwaxsirjaa,
.The people of Columbia county Bhould patron-
oal'orono"caheT6ncitl4ens. r'-lr -- "
fllUMi'l.-iitsa. kuuitj . run uuunu.
aa I to In rar prima,
rarely anowwhat It la
1 n Aim wa.V Jl
w h.tiH.'t 1. :.t:. i J.';-- t-"- -
tha dlaeaan and n.M.
lIxi.ullno P. Ulincr.iw am. oLloJ
V rrJoaOno'doHar. Preparod atBondonLlLY.
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
Prepared by 1
SI per potUa Bit for li. SyaUdmnlata. I
and sent it, in charge of Dr. J. K. Uai-
rot, to Philadelphia for analysis. This
morning Dr. Barrett returned with the
certificate of tho analyst and chemist
that tho stomach contained enough
ar&cnio to kill three or four pcoplu,
Tho Coroner at onco issued hi warr.tnl
and this afternoon Glynn nnd his wifi
wero arrested. A search was made of
their house aud a bottle was found full
of a liquid containing a largo propor
tion ol arsenic The two wore given a
preliminary hearing this evening and
committed to jail without bail t" await
further developments. Mrs. Craighen
was insured for 500 in tho Metropoli
tan Insurance Company, nnd the policy
was in favor of her daughter, Mrs.
Now is recalled tho death of Glynn's
mother and father. The latter, a vig
orous old man of about 00, died nearly
two yoars ago iu tho same sudden
manner and the neighbors say with tho
ruiuu Bviupwiin ua uuuracienzeu jurd.
Craighen'ts death. No dootor was call
ed and the remains wero Interred the
next day. He was insured for $700 in
tlio same company aud in his son's
favor. JIardly a year ago Mrs. Glynn,
mother of tbo prisone", Klwln Glynn,
followed In the came way, Iu her case
an attending phytioian gavo a certifi
cate of death from cramp of the
Btomacii, but it is believed that tho same
Footwear of Indians.
Tho shoes or mosoasins worn by
North American Indians aro nearly
all alike in their general structure. Tho
moooasin, a slipper m-ule ol soil doar
skin withont a heel, is common to,
nearly all ot them. Many of them
havo leggings either detacho l or con-
neoteu with tlie moocasiu or slioe so
as to form a boot. Sumo of the Ind
ians ornament their moccasins with1
beads, quills or embroid ry.
Among tho southorn Indians, whoro
no protection is needed from the cold,
a shoe is made consisting simply of a
solo of thick hide bound on the loot
by thongs.
Among the Apaches an odd attach
ment is found oi the bo Us or mocov
sine. This is a little projection of tho
solo in front of tho toes, goncrally
mado in tho shape of n littlo round
pad. This is called a uaolus crusher
and has its purpose.
Whon the Indian walks through
growths of priokly caotus the orusher
beats down the priokora in front of
his foot. Some rhoes of odd forih,
with elongated painted ho Is and to ,
aro used among tlm.Mtivajv.s and other
southern tribes in their diuces and
The Greatest Blood Purifie,
Thla Great firrmnn aleritrlrtAfl t'
chcJtncKuiil beet. 128 clows of SUl
I'lIUll IllTTKItSfort!.UO,lceatliani
uuh rout ik . ill im.- il will ruru lilt
m worst cases ot aVtn disease, from
Wa common plmi.lo on the txB Jf
rata mat nwrui Muoaao bcroriua. f?
SULfllUK fllTTKltS 18 the
best tpeiUclno to use In all "
rasea of such stubborn- andfonr -iHa.
deep seated dlaeaat-a.- Donejareout
not ever Uko fot&";ijil
BLUB PILLS flUl,l'liP!t
BI or mercury, they are deadJ' & 'Ji
1 1 the purcat ami latyuus0
Qwllhnycllow6t1irron"twnltnntll yonu
BsubsUiH'ur leyour aro unable towolk.or
breAtli foul andaro flat on your baUa,
otTt-Uklvor Vourbut get some at once. It
stoiuacJi ts outivlll cure you., Uulpltur
UlStil.l'lItnt AV... . .
a lTHI
Vigor and Vitality
poison was used. She also was insured Aro quickly given to eyqty part of ilio
for 100 in the samo company and in body by Hood'a Sareananlla.- Thu
her son's favor. tired foeling Is entirely ovoroomo. Tlio
Twioo within the past threo years blood is purified,-cnrlohed and vitaliz-
lias Glynn's house burned down, nnd ed, and carries health instead of dm
both times it was heavilv insured, Tho ease to every organ, The stoma h is
arrest and bringing to light of all theso toned and sticngthened, (ho nppetito
facto lias created the greatest exoite- restored, The kidnnrs and liver aii
stent in Fittoton and tliroughaut tlijs rooied and invigorated. The brain is
whole region, whoro never bjforo was refreshed, tho mind mode clear and
bnowo a case of murder by poiioning J roady for work Try it.
rs Di
10 tfXA
i the
aade. i
Samiicl - Johnson, 'convicted of' tho
mnrder of farml r Jobne Sharping and
whose- sciitenco -Warf comintiled"from
hanginif tHiiilnritonmontferilife' 'nrrlv
ed In' 1'lilladelpiiin onSatordny evening
In ohargo of Sheriff i. Green, of M'dn,
and was at nm o tlclivcred Into thu oii
todyof the-W.irden of tho .-Kwlern
Ho was i.hicOil in what isj known ns
ono of tho "r-o-'ptio i" oulls, I whoro Iu)
will Slav-proitiiily a. wtek. Jlis-nnvs
ioal health Will bo wilfully Inquired In
to ami ho will h" put iiuougli a rigor
ous exaniiiiailo i sen wlia' partio'ilnr
oueupati m h will be lit 'it. lie hits
now-bo.'ii & prifO.ier i ! ntt Int.. Ii
hat atipirut'tly- iot well ui d to .benli?
ockt-u uii a 1 1 s-j .ins t i nun I it lult
J tlio. A' prisunt,lioOi!m to be i-n
joying tilt, best of. hoslth.
Johnson wns reprieved on May au
but -for somo r.a-on or other llirdo
weeks el tpsid before ho was sent to the
IVntlcntiary. The lnie of 1i!b removal
from the Jill was kept a profound
secret. Iho Sheriff of'Medll says til's
was dono to pr vent a crowd. For
his assistant in bringing tlio prisoner to
T. Green one of the jury that fdniidi
Johnson gnilty of tho murder. Dupbg
tlo trip lo Philadelphia Johnson sat liti
tlie same seat in the- cars with ShertfT;
Green, while tho Sheriff assistant, wf s,;
immediately in the rear. Johnson had
very nine to say on mo trip, uui, oo.
tore leaving1 Aleilia no told prists
Inspector llroomal that if ha,
had his ohoico ho would prefer- to' tp
main there. After rcceiyinc notice 'of.
his -commutation be spent most of his
itmo in writtnrjr letters to his counsel.
nod n'ao to -Detective Donaghy, thank-,
: . 1. . x-l -fr.. ! 1 i
iii ill -iii iur- lueir euurut in inn uu-
balf und stating that he was innocent
of tho murder nnd ignorant of who
committed it.
Monster Elvers.
If riven-were to rank - nooording to
tha.nmount of .water they, cat rv to the
thoisea, tho, Mississippi would have
mapy uanuerous rivals, rilie Urinoco
is,kuown to. deliver. 120,000,000 oubio
feet. per hour; tho Cannes, iu thu rainy
season. 104,000 oubio feet per second.
The Amazon, has at least five tributar-
,ics,exceeding the Kather of Ya5r8 jin
fleuin as wen as. in ureaaiu. Aba
distance, ot.nlty miles above its delta
the Uongo is still six, miles broad and
from forty to sixty-Cvo fathoms deep.
Vui-laale ur all drutrirla
and. erooers throuehout
the United states and
ruu-iALK ur unuuui.-si'a anu all. uealgks.
f i lis n 1 Trade MarKS obUta.t,and all Patent
il -im c ia ducted (or MOUBlt TK FK US.
lf?icre Wa mveno suo-aifencies, all business
Irjct, iH'i;o ota trans tot pucnt buslnesaln less
Imaand .it, LUSS COST than tuoao remote from
Head model, drawing, or photo.nllu description.
We adrlse It Datentablo or not. tree ot charee..
Odr fee not duatui patent is secured.
A DookV'iiovr to ootain t-atnta."wiinreieren3es
p aotual clleuts lniyour st-ite.-ooanty, or town,
uuroB. A-juress .
C. f.A SNOW& GO.,
Opposlts Patent om p-.-Wasnimfton, 11.0
MIlTONjr Pa.,
By the following well lenown makers;
Hallet1 IavlH.
Can also furnish any of1 ihi
cheaper- makes' at manufacturers
rices. Do ndt buy a piano be
fore getting our prices.
O '
Catalogue andPrice'Lists
Invalid's Friend,
r The young, tlio sged anil tot-
nny nr awu maiiu wcu ut
ue. Ilpinemtierwhatvoiil
ropy, ck).rea(l here. If ma-
uuy, ,
ad here, tf mar aa yout
i, It hat aaviil huiulredct
't wait unU I to-morrow, !
Try a Bottle To-day l'iE3
Arc you low.Rplrltetl ami weaV.
auui-nntr ,jn.n tun dxckuubiui
iur tt ao, r.ui.i'ituit ma'a&iis
bend S Scut.atainim to A. 1. tlnlwar A Co.,
lloalou, Mass., for beat meitluU work puultauedr
Out of tho Breastworks.
Tatk SPimoa, Tenn., Jul 4, j8S?
The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.i
Gentlemen Seren yean ago I contracted
an exceedingly bad case of blood poison; 1
tried a physician, the best at command,-but
secured no benefit., My throat began td
get sore, and my body covered with1 aorta
and ulcers. Going from bad 'td worse, I
felt that my pave must be reached In the
near future. I gave up the doctors' treat
ment, and with a despairing hope I com.
menced taldng' your medicine. I began td'
f.nprovc from the first bottle, sod la a short
Umc the ulcers healed, and my ilda cleared
oil and -was entirely well.
One year ago a ease of catarrh developed
In my system. The. physician did his best,
but could not cure ma J but two bottle of
' Swift's Specific gave'me permanent -relief,
J. 11. ium sox.
Kaufman, Tex., June j, 1888.
The Swift Specific Co.,-Atlanta, Ga.
Gentlemen I have . been; afflicted with it'
stln disease for about twelve years, and the
best medical treatment failed to give mc re.
lief, I am now using Swift's Specific, and
have-received the greatest benefit from its
use. Yours truly, Wm, Joms.
For sale by all druggists.
Tin Swift Srmnq Co.,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
new York, 750, Uroadway.
Betting on Honesty.
One, winter'diday,. some, years, ago, a
ottplo ot youDfr )iuen -.wero siltiiicr in
London talking of tlieir travels during
ttie summer, uoe ol tbetn ua l tjeen 111
Nonl'ay,1- and-- could not sullieontly
prais'i the hoiietty uf.tho iNorweiL'an
peasants anb, their readiness iu judging
eitarvuter. "il I. i,om a.well-uresised
persou and,, look liko, a, geutlman I
oan travel thrpugh the whole country
111 my own carioio without payine a
peuuy.fnr tho horses. I, need only
s.iv:' 'The oue. who. comi s on behind
will pay.' " TliMt was too .much for
the other, and it, ended in a heavy ,bel
Hint they hlioui.l go lo-gctber tlirougli
Norway buy..thoir.,pwur oarioles, and
travel llirouch the country, th. li rat of
them half a day in. advanoo of thu
oilier, without a singlo penny in his
oocki t; the 'other should follow behind
and pu).
9The fi llowiog summer thoy went to
Worwajr, got ttioir Tarn. Ies, and started
oi? their' trip 'IJut'a tlf.-ir 'very fiit
suMoofiuo. Jingi nuiiian ,wno nao t-x-
pa'.iatcu up m tli- l,onerty ot the Nor-
.weigians go into a fix: ho, had forgot
tan what 1110 niaicwords were 111 Nor-
wegian.. llo could not, pay tho post-
hoy, lender cotibl lio say, "lho ono
Who oaincf on behind will pay." For
tuuately a merchant front CnrUtiania
ciine to.thb rescue. TIiq Englishman
t"ll mm all about the bet, upon wbioli
the m.'rchitit inforined him what lho
words woro ju Norwtigau. The En
clisbman repeated them to tho post
boy, and they had at ot.oa the desired
effect. The' boy was eatisfied and said
it would no doubt bo all right about
lho mo 11 ay. The merchant, however,
thought it would bo best for tlio credit
ui tlio country to let the new post-boy
who was to co with the Englidhraan
to tho next station, into the secret, and
reauested him to pass it on fiom sta
tion to station; 'hut when the titsi
Englishman nrrivid and said, "Tho
one coming or. behind will pay," ho
0110 'was to trouble him about moncv,
for on being allowed1 to cpntiuii't his
tourney la this way would win tlie bet.
I tie boy undeitook to do this, and all
the post boys and station-keepers 011
tlio road enjoyi d thojoko imnunsely
without betraying that they knewanv-
thWabout the affair. And so it hap
poned thtt tho EticlUlimao traveled
through tho country without paying! a
penny and thus .1110 two itingiisiiinou
goauoui lolling tnis story, mat in IN or
ay. you nee 1 not pay at tlio porting
laiiOL's. out onlViHuv. "i nn ono wlin
comes on. bohind. will ipay. JJjomst-
jerne Jijornson, in llarjtei't Mara
On application.
The, Pritent 5i Qli'pper Fly Net
has meshed bottoms which can
not tangle and, lashes, at the top
which won't catch in the harness.
5A Lap Dusters
ClMtl WftTII.
5A Ironsides' Sheet &J&t
im luui,
5IA Clipper Fly(Net8r,iSs!irV-
) IfaalVaUitaar atBaUtaOMl
100 othtr styles of sx Horse Bheeti and
tlr Wets,- at prices lo suit f yerybody, t or
sale by all dealers. If you can't get tkats.
sfanurd by Ww. aveh at lam. rwaa4a. ao
suka me lueoat Hon Maaoia- iuaiiwi
Qrapo Culture.
It is fu-st betnm'uitr a leadinz Iniii
noss of this country, and that together
with winei making tiquirea jo r of
praotiee.' Mr. A. Specr,,of New Jor-
sey, one of the largest producers
tbo East, commenced year,-" ato iu
small way 10 make wine irons currant
blackberries, and plher fruits. He
soon turned his attention to grapo
raising and planted largo vineyards ot
tin) rortuc ii vines iron which ins la-
niomi'ort Uiaie Wlnoand Unferinoiit
cd Grapo' Juice is in'tde, which chem'sts
and rnysicians sar rivals tbo world
ior us ooneuoiai ciiects on wcikiy aip:
nged persons.
A Dress, or a Coat, '
Htbbons, Feathers,
Yarns, Rags, etc.
nvrs it
Any Color
aa! la miny wy 8AVB Monty, ami maVc
DYES. Tha wotk li eaty, Simple, quick 1 tha
colon tht BEST ami PASTEST knoan. AiV for
DIAMOND DYES and take no other.
FcjOlldlnr er Urontlng Fancy Attlclta USE
Oold, Bltrer, Ilronie, Corper. Only lo Centi,
Baby Portraits.
.'a tv.wrA,iAMrt.A.,iiri1 Kativtii.
turta from life, frintcd on line
Ttiato paper r.y paipin ,'i.uu.
jrocca, sent free to Mother ol
any j.aDT mir.. h.iuiu
Every Mother wants thoao
l pictures send at once, uive
1 llabVa name and aex
the System
Witu mat moMifiisrjia
mcdlclno ralno's Celery
Compound. Itpurincstlie
Moodres .Constipation,
anlrcftufatr-s tf.6 llrer ktl
It tue ajstem U all itaste
soil dead matters.
Celery Compound
combines truo nrrro tonic and su-enirthlng'
quallUc retiring the energies atideplrlts.
"I havo been trouMM for some years with a
complication ol .dimcultlr-s.. Alter trying va
rious rcmedle 9,Tin4 not finding relief, I tried
Talne's Celery Compound, liefore taking-one
full bottle tho long troublesome symptoms be
gan to subside, and I can truly My now, that I
feel liko a new ronn. lilgoallon has Improved,
and I havo gained ten pound In weight sltico 1
Have commenced taklngtlie. comimund."
lfosrsTcs Sturks, FclcliTllle, vt.
Il.oo. six for $5.00. AtProggtsta.
Wills, IlicntKusoM & Co., llurllngten, Yt
Dnrit.t.r( from seleotod lltrloy Malt and guaranteed to be chemically pu
nnA liwk frnm lAtnrtmi nlla ami nnlila nrlMM rnnlnt.inrl In AlnnhnllAi llntinrK. ' IL'
iceiwcially.nilapti-rl to persons requiring a ntlmulittmg tonic, consumptive Uclug
trrcatly bencntted by its use. Ilecommciidcd by leidluir physicians as aDIuretlr
Nervine, Tonio Rnd Alterative. For consumptives It- fi Invaluable. PKItlllHE'b
i'Ulth. ii.ui.rA piAul ivjiiQiiui insures a roiurn oi
appetite, a rich and abundant biooa and increased
aumuiaub mim ana gciiuc in euect,. uyspepsia,
flasea can do enurciy conqaereu oy i,uo usu
It Is a tonlo and diuretic andn noM-nrrutRtienuthener to tlie entire system,
Itl.NK'H I'UIIB UAltuKY JlALl wittSKKl lias proved a medicinal protection to
f vigor to iho 6tomicha good
rleli and'muhcularlisaua. A
Hislu. lDdlgiwtlonand Alii wastlruridh
or I crrlnes 1-ure lliirlcy alt Wblskeys
engthtner to tin entire systcmf" PKlt-
those who pursue their avocations 111 the open air nnd whoso dally workcalls It
lonxcnptlonM powers of enluranoe. Ask tout nearest druggist ongrocer.for for
rKltltlNBSruitlS UIIII.BY MALT WIIIHKKr revives thot-nerglea oftnosoworn
nut with exceaslvo D)dlly ur inentaletrort and acts as a safeguard agalnsteaposure
In wet and rigorous wcilber. Itwllldrlvo all milaxlous diseases from the system.
Hard workers of very voc.itlou and persons whom a cdontary llreiendergproao to
AJjscpiia inn in i-.;rrin'3 s rure nancy
Whiskey a powerful Inrlgorant
nd miner r, dlirdtuou.
tiiuiit tin i My sum lining the kid,
ys Incrcjs their iU;'iln? activity,
ountcracej t o elects of f allgun, lias
ens convalesce ice and tsa wholesome
promptldli ctlo. rt'atchthelaboll
Nodo gjnulnoui less bearing tho slgnii
ni ne analysts aa It appears by tho.'La
I ei on every Dotite: mavecareiunya
lyied thePrjae iuklsv Mai.t Wdti
ikv made by M. ferrlneandrind
it entirely trco from fusel oll,furturol,
metals1 and acids and Is absolutely
pure." Slgnfd, Camilla Arthur, Jfafr-r,
Hraaualt of IM UnlwUUt of Jfunteft,
I Ueiitva ami weltoaaen
fWsabta4taKtli. rViln r.T rr rlMlin
lntlllli.r nf riA
Pcb 22-0 0 vM3t.
triUM Informntlfm In.
NvWiKK rr.N op
iriat n n rrif. mi
li.arlna. ts as saaaaaahla.aU
liwrMimytraHrsaii t ona
lfH"lay W4Wlrta Maria I
"J;! 1anrn4 frrr a rrmt!lM
tlitfdfmr ttMr and falaihla arl
MmpUt ,lnrturafTtaai,ilutrij
tkawwhit j inidatktN b
Tv'J'i' bmw, and inua
nwMaHMlntl MBfint year aw
WNrTlli Im JMtidian.MD(R la
ft nth ha tKWH i hrfoMaairnia
ran flnl iuold frrr WB:l. with tha
a. iaVatiitK mmJ !) for
9 .U. Jwat.imntattf mut a
I mr Mb in iht world. Alt i.
ifra, o capital rvqalred. Plalo,
IlkLl rila-L.
r britf InMnrtlmta tlTta.,'1 hn wh wrl.t It At entt ha n.
rnrt Ore tht tl MwUtt-fnArbtnt l Ibt wnrH And tht
lln..t line tf work, ef Sit h Art Attr ahtwii lotf.hnrin Arntrtr A.
"'iUJJ ifcCO., lloz, 141), Auiualit, alalua.
epp's c o cm
'ny a thorough knowlcdgoof tho natural laws
whicu Eovcrn, tho operations of digestlort and
nutrition, a nd by a careful application of t ho fl no
properties of woll scloctcd . ocoa. Mr. Kppshas
provided Our breakfast tables with a delicately
flavored beverage which may atve us many heavy
doctors' bills it Is by the Judicious uio of such
articles of diet that aconstltutlon may bo gradual,
ly built up until mrong enough to resist every ten.
dency to dl caso. Hundreds of subtle maladies
nre Hosting around us roidy to attack wherever
there la a weak notnt. vv., rnnv mpaha mnnv a
fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with
de simply with boiling water
pure blood and a properly nourished framo."-Cfrfl
eiTwce uazt ue, juaae simply with boiling water
or milk. Sold only in halt pound tins, by Grocers,
labelled thus:
JAMES 118 CO., Ilomceopathlo Chemists,
oct !0-d-8t. london, England.
u A I
I IHHl'kaMAal ,Il
I iBaaaaaB' saaaaaaaaB" II aaataAfsW
pbnny aoona
on smTS roa
F. y, ADAMS CO.,
Bole agents of .tbo fol
lowing brands of
A Lilt Treasuro.
-firatSwi't't Girlr-.O'1, did you, liour
the iiL'wtl , iur. INirelollow, wlio i (,-n.
gagod to Clara-Vero do Vcre, iiugLji-d
her Bftliard lust uigiit that lie lirulo
oik? of.Jiur ribc.
S.'cotKl "awL-tt U:rl JimI my luck, I
mitrlit. havH liail liim, myself, V'ii'i-
iltlphia Jiecord.
Catarrhal Otaf am 4ma! Hay Fcvir.
Sufferers' a,ra not generally aware (lint
Uw,ait-aa.aru coutaKioua,or that they
lira tlue to tha linswnco of llv)ngparaslbrs Ju
the linliiir lnembruiiH rif tho hohm anrl oua.
-tacliUii-iubea .Microscopic ruaearclv how.
ever, nan I'luyvu mis ui wa lacv aria luo
remit Is -thnt'ii'slmple remedy lias been fo
ituluteil v hereby catairli, catarrhal iteafnuse
aim uuy , icvcr. uru lieruianeiiiiy curetl in
Irom one to three sluinle applications made
uwhiiud uy tu iiaut-nvuiice in (VtowecKs,
a. ii. ror eaturriuii uisciiarEes Docunar tn
leniaies twniuwr tins remeuy ia a specific.
A iainplilet explnlnlne this new trcutmcnt
is aciu on ruceiw, in m-ji ceuut,
Dreou & Son.-SM WestKlmc aC.
CaiiOAla-4iclf)ityt tuurlatu.
Bloomsburg, Pa.
ANV OftOElt,
will be , .
I Prices,
as follows:,
C. IB. in
Foreign; mdMomeMiO
Cameron b ts
Chulasky c no
Danvlllo o 03
Catanlssa s as
import , r, B'l
llloorasburg a 36
ISspr. c A3
uinoitiuge......M o r.u
Willow urove u M
Urlarcrcck....... c 58
ucrwick ... 7 05
llcach Haven 7 11
lllck's Ferry 7 is
Hhlckshlnny 7 so
Hunlock's 7 43
r at
1 35
Avotioale 7 64
riymoutli 7 6
I-ljmouthJuiictton,,,,, s 03
Kingston s 09
liennctt H 12
Maltbj-i 8 17
Wyoming B 2i
West l'lttston. 8 S7
Iltlston 8 83
Lackawanna 8 40
Tajlorvlllo. ., 8 48
nevue s E4
S0RANT0H 9 00
r at
a at
neiicvue e it
Taylorvllle e so
Lackawanna. e 23
ItttEton e 8S
Westllttston C 43
Wyoming. 6 47
Maltby c ej
Dennett e 55
Kingston in, a i.H
I'lymouth Junction.... 7 05
Plymouth 7 10
Avondale. 7 14
Nantlcoke 7 19
Hunlock's 7 sa
MhlckBhlnny 7 47
Hick's Ferry 7 55
Ueacn Haven 8 01
llerwick Is 07
llnnrcrcek s 18
Willow drove...; 8 10
IJmeHtdgo. ., 8 so
K?pr-.... R2
lllooroitjurfe' . 8 32
ltupcrt 8 87
catawisaa 8 t
Danville 8 67
Chulasky 9 03
Cameron a 07
NoaTnusiBim.iKn 9 23
a at
1 68
2 14
! 19
t ii
2 29
2 49
2 64
2 59
3 09
3 19
3 26
3 as
3 39
i 43
3 52
3 66
4 01
9 50
9 55
10 00
10 08
10 16
10 22
10 27
10 30
10 34
10 38
10 42
10 47
10 51
11 02
11 12
11 22
11 28
11 17
11 62
11 l
12 05
IS 10
12 16
12 30
12 6
A. M. A.
10 C5
10 89
10 86
10 53
11 00
11 07
II 16.
II 22
II 26
11 30
11 37
11 44
11 43
11 53
12 OS
12 16
12 20
12 25
12 an
12 87
12 41
19 45
12 60
18 65
I 03
1 11
1 IB
1 25
1 SO
r it
2 05
6 15
e so
6 SI
6 40
e C8
T 05
7 ia
17 20
7 27
7 31
7 85
7 42
7 49
, 8 06
8 17
8 22
8 38
8 33
8 38
18 45
8 49
8 63
8 63
9 3
2 14
2 21
2 28
2 84
2 39
2 50
2 54
2 69
3 03
3 06
3 19
5 29
3 39
3 45
8 51
3 67
4 01
4 05
4 12
4 18
4 24
4 29,
4 46
4 64
6 00
5 II
6 0
6 25
6 30
,6 37
it 46
0 to
16 56
7 03
1 07
7 12
7 16
7 21
7 25
- 7 43
7 56
8 07
8 18
"'8 20
8 31
8 Si
8 41
8 47
8 62
8 67
9 15
9 23
9 23
S 45
Connections at ltupert Willi l'lilladelpuia it
Itoaalnr ltallroad for Tnmnnprirt. Tfimnnm.. uui
lamsport. Hunhury, I'ottBville.itc AtNortlium-
norland with p. t e. DIv. r. It. it. ior llarrittmrg.
.....1.,, ..ii,v.iiu!ii, iiniii.,t,uiij mm jtne.
v. r. iiAiJviKAii,,
Scranton, Fa
"'Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machine
Pennsylvania Railroad.
Philadelphia At Erie R. R, DivisJJ
ion, and Northern Central
N -
In effect MAY 12 1889. Trains leave Kuntuty
9.40 a.m.. fifH Hftnrn. ltynrM. tnltv .....t
Sunday), for HarrlsBurg and Intermedlatestatlons,
arriving at Philadelphia 3.16 f. m.; New York,
5.50 p.m.; Baltimore, 2.60 r. m. j Washlni
1 Sufferer team
tm slslfslt iiTlslt
Q VVavaaaaTVaanaatl
aSaaaaaai aanaaaaaaaaaajaaaj
Music - - - - Warerooms
'ajBlQQiasbiifg, Fa,
)( JX!
ciavl L ka.i illfUV.'.V..,,.,',.'''.
Eoil Estato Bought and Sold.
Forties, desiring to buy tiors; and Waeoni
OUtll Hn WAll In ..all n .1 T
' - " w vw, VU AAAw BtUUVw -
all sea
4.00 p. m., oonnocttng at l-hlladelnhla torn
nnore points. Throuch nassenirnr i-Mth tn
Philadelphia. " " "
.. l.3 p. rn. Day Express
dally exceDtSundavt.fnrTtarrtfi..,nanrf(n .Lmn
lllate Btatlons, arrtvlne at 1'blladalnb la
0.50 p.m.; New York, 9.35 p. m.j Ualflmore
6.45 p. m.t Washlnstou,- mo p. m. Parlor car
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
irouEniornnaaeiphlaand Baltimore.
8.00 n. tn.vltr.nnvn iMmmn...t,nn M.iln
f2,I.aJ.V3J)n.IK "i"1 alllntermedlate stations, arrlv-Ins-atPhlladelphla4.25
a. m. i New Yonrr.iha. m.
lialtlmoro, 6.15 a. m. j Washlnrton 6.80 a. m.;
l-ullmansleeplngcarfrom Ilarrlshurg to Philadel
phia and New York. Philadelphia passengers oan
remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m.
..,,t0aiPiBrle Matl(datly)for Ilarrlsbure ana
in.tnnpdl wtlons, arrving at Philadelphia
C.W a. m. New York, 9.S0 a. m.; Through Pullman
'roeplng cars and paasenger coaches to Fhlladel- a. m .-southern Expretis (dally) for narrls
bur ana intermediate statlens anlvlneat Baltl
moie 7.20, and-Washlcgton 8.45, and through Pull,
man Sla- ping care to IlalUinore and Washington,
and through passenger ojaches to Baltimore.
5.10S. m.Rrln AfAll nnltvt TM Pri. ml A
i-anandalgua at d Intermediate stations, ltoches
Wr, Bunalo mdNIagara Palls, with through Pull
man Pa i .-eoars and passenger coaches to Brie and
9.53 NfiWa TCYnrPan rt.IlT , fnr I A1s TT a t, An
and Intermediate stallons. ' " -
t.ii p. ui. .Niagara jsxpreas (daily except Bun.
VI fOr Kanfl. f.Annr.,,n1m.n nnA ln,oHMbll..a.t..
ttOn. H t hTtPr. ItiiffklA nnANInn... w,.h
thrpuphnaaseneer coaches to Kalieftorlitifchester
and I'arlorcarto Watklns.
11. n1. rast une (daily except snndaylfor lie.
nOVO. WalklnH nnn,n atntlAl.a ullh
tbrouirh passenger coaches to lienovo and Watklna.
10.13 p, m. U'lliiamiporl PJtpresadallv except
sundaj) ior VYlllttmport and InUrmi-dlate sta
llons. ifc
Newa tvanroan Iaavaa A AA a tn
Ilalllmore. 4.8ja. in. llarrtabiirv. R lRn 'm rlntlv
arriving at sunbury 9.6J. a.m.
,.. , . Niagara Express leaves
I'hllndelphia, M.50 a. m. ; WashCigton 8 10 a. m. Bal.
tlmore 9.00 a. m. (dally except Sunda arriving at
T.u?,l"irM-'" f,m- wUh tnrough I'arloi car from
I iilladciphia and tnrough passenger coaches trom
Philadelphia and Ualtfinore.
Past Uno leaves New Xoix 9.00 a. ra. 1 Phlladel-
a. iu. , i lujuiugiou. 9. au a. m. : nain
r , . ..w. ... ,u. , t. uatilUglUU, a. DO U. Ul. ItttlVl
more. 10.45 a. m., (datly except sundaylarrtvlng at
nlltiburv. 6.!UI 11. in. uttl. Ilirnnnli n.upnMr
m lw Irnm lA,r,.,.nki. ..-..C B
U'.ii. '"'" .'uin'uiu uuu iiailliuuru
niiiiausror Kn fbaleavm New Yoilc 300 p
. 1'lllladOltlhta S Hi n. m U'ftfiltr,r.tnn DMln m p. iu, (daily exctpt Sunday) atrlv
.'k uioutiuuri iu.ij; p. m.
Erie XI H II Iaiigab Mnw Vn,L',Mn m . III.
14 p. m. Washington 60 p. m
TlC Mall lanvpa Nbw YflrLAMn tn . nhllaAl.
Phla, n.iij p. m. j Washington, llfoo p.m. I Haiti,
more, ll.ati p. m., (dally) arriving at Sunbury 5.10
a.V.m-J VL1? through Pullman bleeping care from
yadelph,ta, Washington and Baltimore and
iuiuumu pasBcnger coaches irore Philadelphia
iiaimiiiaii nii niiitTii Ann vvest
t w (Bally except buuday.)
Wllkesbarre alall leaven HunhurV trim. a.m.
arriving at Bloom Ferry 10.48 a.m., W'llkes-bane
juprtssKasv leaves sunbury 8.J8 p. m., urrlvirg
at Bloom Ferry 8.S6 p. m.. Wllkca-tjarre 7.50 p. iu
SunbUrTMafltpaTPRU'ltanrhAtn,, It. tnTarrlv
(ngat Bloom Ferry liSTn. ir., Hunbiiry-1.80 p. m
K.tprcha West loaves W tlkea-barre 3.15 p. m., ar
'" v uiuuui svrrr t.ou p.m., nunuury cvup. mr
Wllltcabarre mail leaves Sunbury 10.00 a. m., a
rtving at Bloom Ferry 10.48 a. m., Wllkea-Barre
12 1 0 i.m.
Sunday accommodation leaves WUkes-Uarre 6:10
P. in., arriving at Bloom Forry, e. p. m., sunbury
T:50 p. Dt.
tlliAti. B. 1U01I, J, 11. WOOD,
(i..t. aianiter ui- I'AiaKMrrr lge
A lvcrtlNfrn by addreaslDg cico, 1
In good faith, an Obtain all neodtl Inform atlon
awui uuy prupoeea 1
American Newspapers.
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lav jett-juaca Pamphlet, 9M,
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