COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. 0, E, Elwtll, I amort BLOOMSBUKG, PA. FRIDAY, JUNK 28, 1889. Simon Cameron died at his homo noar Ilarrinburg, striokon with paraly m on Wednesday, llo was past nine ty yenra of age. Mrs. It. 15. Haves, wlfo of tho ex- prcsuuort, was stricken witli npopioxy on Sunday at her homo in uiuo, nnu died on Tuesday, Tho Philadelphia .Jres very hiKcnu ouely proposes to make tho poll tax ono dollar instead of fifty cents, so as to mako it moro "significant." At tho lato election' Philadelphia yotcd almost unanimously in favor of tho suffrages amendment while, tho country votes against it. It would look as though jho J'rcss is anxious to incrcaso the tax so that it may become unpopular in tho country, and thus Dtand a better ohanco of being repealed next tirno. Fifty cents is enough. It docs not help tho prohibition cause ono bit for its friends to give expression to intemperate utterances like, somo wo havo heard. To say that all thoao who voted against tho amend ment oast their ballots in favor of the dovil, is somowhat impetuous. Tho groat majority included many clergy men of all denominations many promi nent lawcrs, doctors, merchants, and the trades and professions, all of whom voted conscientiously belciving that the licjuor traffic can best bo restrained by High License. A roviow of tho voto cast at the special election of Juno 18th, bIiows how empty is tbo boast that tho re- puuucan party is wo lriuriu oi iuu pru iiibitionislB. Tho maiority of tho ro publican party in tho State is 80,000, and henco tho prohibitory amendment could have easily been carried by their own voto, without tho aid ot tho pro hibition voto, which is 30,000 more. Tho rosult Bhows that sixteen republi can counties cast 170,000 against tho amendment, and nitioteon republican counties oast 30,000 for tho amend ment, leaving a balance against tho amendmont ot l7,OUU. Twenty-tnreo democratio counties cast G 1,000 igainst tho amendment, and ten democratio counties gave 11,000 for tho amond- nieut, making a majority of 53,000 against tho amendment. The demo cratio party can no longer nlono bear tho namo of tho whisky party, but must yield to their moro succcssiui con petitors, tho republican party. No self-rcspocting nowspaper will bo louml in tho rauks ot thoso journals who discover a fortile sourco of alleged nows in the domestic affairs of tho President and bis family. In this ro spect tho Chief Executive of this Gov ernment has rights which oven unscru pulous newspaper reporters and pub lishers aro bornd to respect Tho vul gar impertinenco and untruthful utter ances of thoso "pooping Toms' havo caused both tho President and members of his immcdiato family great annoy- anoo. Tho most radical Democratio partisan is hinderipg rather than help ing '"a uuuhu in iuu uyun Ul vuu puutiiu when he forgets the rules of decency which aro supposed to obtain in all civilized communities. Press. Tho l'ress is sinoero only when it suits its purposes. All through tho last administration tho private- affairs of Prcsidont Clovcland wero publicly discussed in the opposition papers, and "iuu vulgar unpuruuuiiuu uuu uuu nut ful uttcrauoos of theso 'peeping Toms' caused tho President and his family great annoyance." What tho l'ress intended to say is this : "In this ro- speot tho Chief Executivo, if a republi can, has rights which oven democratio newspaper reporters and publishers aro bound to respect." And thoro tho JVcsadraws tho lino. BED NOSED MIKE HANGED- Miohael Rizzolo, alias Red-Nosed Mike, was hanged in tho jail yard at WilkcBbarro on Tuosday morning, for the murder of Paymastor J. B. Mo- Cluro and stablo boss Hugh Flanagan, on (Jotobor 10, on tho mountain road abovo Wilkosbarro. Mike refused to partakoof breakfast, taking only a cup of milk, and Buying to tho Sheriff that ho was ready and to hurry his woik without any delay, as ho was prepared to dio. He was cour ageous to tbo very last moment, walk- ing to tho scaltold accompanied bv threo priests. Before leaving his cell Hangman Atkinson, of Now York, ad justed tho short nooso about llizzolo's neck and placed the black cap upon his head. On being led under lliu hanging rope, from which dangled tho iiuuk, u lew pruyers wuru uuuruu uy the priests. Atkinson then stepped quickly in front of tho murderer and unbuttoned his looso coat, lifted tho loop at tho end oi tho nooso and passed the hook over his head. A Blgnal with uplifted hand was given to tho hangman's assistant, who brought a Bharp axo down upen tho Blender ropo supporting tho -iuu pound weight, and at 10.10 Hizzolo was swaying to and fro in tho air. Sev eral convulsive movements wero tho only Bigns of life, though ho Jdiod very hard. At 11 o clock ho was pronoun ced doad by Dr. ivirwan, tbo prison physician. Tho remains were then cut down and placed in a coffin. Ex animation by tho physicians showed that tho ncok was not broken, and death resulted from strangulation. It was statod by ono of tho clergy men who attended Michael Hizzolo, in his last hours that ho has in his pos session a confession covering fifty-Bix pages of manuscript, in whioh tho inurderor gives a truthful and detailed ncsount of tho tragedy for which ho was hanged Tuesday I ho oon fodsion is writtoti in Italian and its contents havo not been fully transla tod vet. but it is learned that ho ad mils having shot both McCluro and Flauagan and bolioved that his weapon caused death in both cases, though Hevovino and Villela also tired ono or moro shots. Miko still claimed that ho took part only under compulsion aud through fear of his desperato ao- compuoes. WbyBhould I not havo confldenco in that whioh has Anna mo n wnrltl flf rrnndf If VOU Suf- f f red years with liver complaint aud got cured by using ouipnur uuveri-, wuum uAM inn lmvn mnflrinnpa in thetnf J, It. Nosh, Hotel Wintlirop, Boston nune kwi WASHINGTON I.ETTEB. From our Hoenlar Cornwpondent. J Washington, Juno 24, 1889. Harrison varied his regular Sunday amusement yesterday by going to Capo May to sco tho old lady and tho babies instead of going yachting down tho Potomao with a stag party as ho has done for several Sundays past. Ho re turned to Washington to-day bnt win go nwny again soon. In fact tho timo between trips scorns to bo principally occupied in deciding whoro ho shall go next. Ho will go most any whoro provided ho is allowed to deadhead. le went to Cape Slay and returned as a guest of tho Pennsylvania railroad. His conduct in this respect is In mark ed contrast with that of Mr. Cleveland, who accepted no favors from railroads but always paid his faro liko other passengers, but that isn't tho only con trast to bo observed between tho two men by a long shot. Hon. Samuel J. J landfill, with his family, has gono to Pennsylvania for tho summer. It will bo good nows to democrats overywhero to learn that Air. natulan has ontiroly recovered his health. Tho day of his departuro ho oxprcssod himself as fooling better than tor several years. Tho only Virginia appointment ot any consequence made last week was a Mahono man to bo U. S. Attorney for tho western district of the State. Still Mahonc has no "pull" on tho adminis tration. Oh, No. Harrison is evidently afraid of somo of tho post-masters that Assistant Post master General Clarksou is appointing. llo took occasion to tell a delcgative that ho was not responsible for the fourth class post-masters appointed. uaivin a. unco, chairman oi tne National Democratio committee, it is said will be a candidate for tho United States Senato from Ohio, to succeed Mr. Payne, who, doolines again being candidate. Ohio will do herself proud if she sends Mr. Brioo to tho Senate. About 1,000 ex-Union soldiers ex pect to got back to tho public trougl through Ilanison's changing of the civil servico rulo limiting tho timo in which discharged employes from the classified seryico may bo re-instated. liluino is tho "Junny man ' of the cabinet. Ho tells Harrison funny stories and tho other boys laugh. He'll 1 .1 1 ii f . i t r maKO mem uo someiuing eiso ueioro this administration comes to an end. lion. o. S. ("Sunset' ) Uox has gonu on nn extended western trip, lie will deliver a I'ourth of July oration at Huron, Dakota. From there ho goes to tho racihe coast. An art passed by tho Arizona legis laturo and approved by tho governor providing lor tho holding ot a con vention fer tho purposo of framing a Slate constitution, has been decided by tho Attorney Ueneral to bo valid. "America lor Americans is the motto of tho Patriotio Sons of America, an organization that held its thirteenth annual convention hero last week, Thoy left disgusted with Harrison bo- causo he refused to allow ono of '.heir badges to bo pinned on his coat when thoy called at tho White House. Washington contributed $55,000 to tho Pennsylvania flood sullerors. (Jon. A. U. .Meyers, lato quarter master general ot the confederate army died at his residenco in this city last week. Ho was a son-in-law of Gen. David E. Twiggs. bo great is tho pressure lor ollico on Superintendent Porter of the Census liurcau that ho has announced his pur poso of seeing applicants only on Mon days from 0 to 12 o'clock. There aro very few democratio Con creesmen around Washington just now. They got enough last summer and tho most of them are probably glad not to repeat tho doso this year. Sergoant at Arms Canaday of tho Sen ate is iecung vury uuuiujs oi ins re election when the oonato meet, tin is howover, improving each shining hour by button-holing tho republican Sena tors that are still in the city. " No money to pay pensions until after July 1st," is tho cry from all the pension agencies. Only two or threo weeks ago Corporal Tanner was assur inrr tho Dcnsionors that tho annronria tion was not exhausted and that there would bo no delay in tho payment of pensions. Ho know better then. Public Printer Bonedict discharged a number of employes last week all democtats. A Big lire at Johnstown. TWKNTY-l'lVE II0USK8 CONSUMED IN THE CONKLAd RATION. Johnstown, Juno 21. A swooping tiro broko out in tlio Pirst ward at 12, SO tins afternoon. Tbo llamos spread rapidly and in a short timo over twenty houses wero in llamos. All tbo cngins in tbo placo were called out and tbo most intense excitement provailed. A high wind was blowing, wbicb aided tho ilnmosin their rapid progross. Tbe iiro consumed all but threo of tho build ings in the First ward, where it origin ated, betweon Market and Walnut srects and Main street and Itiver, Twonty-livo Iiousib wero totaly des troyed, including tho largo briok school houso. Many of tho buildings destroy ed had been washed from their found ations, though several of thom contain ed household goods which had born uaved from tlio flood. Hut a sitial. amount of theso goods wero saved 1 Tlio fire is supposed to havo originated frou tho sparks Hying from tho burning debris in tlio neighborhood. The Philadelphia tiro companies hero on duty fouuht thn flames which for a timo got boyond their control and wero only subdued by tearing down houses in their patn. mo loss nas not neon ascertained. DYNAMITE'S 01IA8TI.Y WOWC Notwithstandihg that tlio force of workmen employed in the ruins lieru was reduced nearly one-half to-day, a remarkable showintr was made in tho way of clearing up tho wreckage, Ono heavy blast followed another about tho railroad bridge, and Manager Phillips, who has charco of tbo work, says bo will havo tbo place cleared up by Thurs day. This afternoon botween 2 aud 8 o'clock a ohargo of dynamite- exploded noar tho second arcli irom tlio east end, From tbo great body of wrockago'tossed in tlio air, pieces ot imman uodtes new in. all directions aud tho remains after ward (fathered togother indicated that at least six corpses had been blowed up. They wero doubtless all close to nether whero tho dynamite was dischar- l d. Much of tho drift which has been dislodged from tho stone bridge has lodged in various plaoes extending as far below aa Coonersdale. Iu some places tbo oliannel of tbo Conomnugh river is narrowod to a few foet and turned from its ohannol. A force of mm, wm lint to work this lnornina nt re moving theso obstructions, which havo rendered useless a great part of the work at tho bridgo. It is thought the stream bolow the big drilt will here after be kept open so that the debris onco started down tbe river will pas down without Interruption. THE STATE VOTE. OFFICIAL llF.TimNS FltOM AM, COUNTIES snow 189,020 majomtt against I'ltoiuumoN. Official returns from all counties havo now been received. The major ity against the Prohibitory amendment is 189,020, ar.d that against tho Suf frage amondmont 235,540. Tho following aro the official plural ities by counties: Prohibition Buttratra Amendment. Amendment, counuoa, For. Ag-st. ror. AgW. Adams IIS? 4174 AllcKbenr. tties 27V77 Arma'rong..... Ueaver 1M0 licdford IK-rks lilalr ten Hradtord 8418 173 mi 3791 B49 M98 19309 13910 SIS1 S73 4320 II 6(!9 UUCKfU iratlcr 24X4 .. M33 ,. 2C9 .. 2 ., 2070 .. 3115 .. 11123 .. 4M1 ,. 6220 .. 1221 .. 4373 .. 6191 .. 3S49 .. 2934 .. 11M .. 1243 .. 4HS7 ., 6.193 734 .. me 1317 .. 4334 .. 3930 Cambria. Cameron 139 Carboi Centre 1WJ Cheater Ufl Clarion 160 Clearfield. OKI Ul! Clinton Columbia.. Crawford 3304 Cumberland. 1241 ta Dauphin. stis Delaware,. 10M K1IC 7M Erie 3aoi Fayette . sooa Forest.. 42U Franklin 1308 Fulton. 613 dreeno 312 Huntingdon em moianr ........... znw . Jefferson 1621 .. 6197 .. 4337 Juniata l .. 1933 .. 6101 .. 9499 .. 2374 Lackawanna sua Lancaster. llwsi Lawrence SH9S Lebanon H31 Lehigh - tva Luzerne 3821 Lycomlne... im .. 3331 .. 10423 .. VWK .. 4463 McKean V' 61 ... Mercer. 3& Wimin TOO Monroe , lets Montgomery., V7M Montour. 422 Northampton. S1C3 Northumberland tvw l-erry eoe rnlladclpn.'a 92493 .. 339) 2169 10118 1641 9767 6779 1443 Ton 90833 . lixe. ...... iuw Potter 29 432 scu'iylklll 12310 .snyder 139S Somerset 1312 HulllTan 291 Susquehanna 24T Tioga 10T 8763 2306 3S43 1314 6983 1734 2003 3600 2U83 7779 2917 union iwj Venango 3S02 warren &v Washington. 2007 Wayne 249 Westmoreland ins 13831 Wyoming 1218 York 606S 2882 9474 Total 43.142 237.162 W-8U9 826.749 Maiority atralnst Prohibition amend ment 1S9.020 Majority against Suffrage amentmcnt.... .235,t0 IllHtory of tlio JoliiiHtown l'looel. Messrs. J. W. Kcelcr&Co.. I'hlla.. (sue cefsors to llubbnrd Bros) have in press for early tssuo n complete and accurate History of tlio Johnstown rloou, including an uo other cities and towns that have sutTercri likewise. It will be well illustrated. Will bo Bold through agents, or mailed direct on receipt or $i.bu. ine acmanu win un doubtciily bo Immense. Tho tli rilliriK experiences, pathetic mcl dents, deeds of heroism, unpaMlled Buffer Inc. devastation and death, and tbo sym pathy shown in tho contributions ot mil. lions (or their relief, form a History of tbo moBt intense interest to an, anu a nistory every ono will want to preserve In book form. It certainly offers a great opportu. nity for agents & host of whom will bo needed to supply tbe demand for this work, MARRIED. HuMr-miKY IUup On June lltb. 1889. by Kcv. b. W. Scars, t his residence, cor ner f iuu anu niatKct sireeis, Mr. Amnroso Humphrey, ot Franklin township, and Miss Haruh U. It&up, of Danville. K.AS1INEII bTOOT Un J line loth, 1680, I.,. -tf M W U,.u ,o ,1 1.1 .-..-I. I. ....... nn ncr Fifth and Market streets, Mr. Welling. ton u&euner ana juiss Anna E,. Dtout. noin of llloomsburg UIUCVELINO t'REBSLKIl JUnO liltU, lBB'J, at tho bride's home In Uloomsburg, by Hcv. 8. W. Bears, Mr. John Q. (-'reveling, of riymouiQ, anu juiss Annie ai. ncssit-r, IJoone Ciikvklino Near Jlloomsbureon tholSlh Inst., by Iiev. I. M. Patterson, Mr. Joslau V. lioone. of Dakota, and Miss baule, Uaughler of J. llervey urcvcllng. The ChU f BeaMB for the great suc cess of Hood's Sarsapafllta Is found In the article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and tho fact that Hood's Harsapnrllla actually ac complishes uhat Is claimed for It, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other larsapa- IVieril VVIIIti tier before the public. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Itheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens the Nerves, builds up the Whole Bystem. lIod' Hanaparilla Is sold by all drug gists. St; six for $5. Prepared by c. X. Hood L Co, Apothecaries, lowtU, Mm. 1 1 mm i do. Sowing and Rkapino, a now soni' book ior bunuay Schools by J. H. Kurtzenknabe autlior of "Gates Ajar." Prof. Kurtzenknabo's books are so well known by all lovers of sacred songs, na to need no recommendation from us : his songs are sung in every home at every fireside. In bis last effort lie lias outdone himself and gives a collection of sacred songs unexcelled. The book m point ot workmanship is beautiful, be ing printed on heavy paper outside of front cover being lithographed, tlio subiect taken from our Savior's parable of tho sower, bend lor sample sheets, tomglo copios by mail, oo cents Postage, ,0G each Per dozen, .30 " Per hundred, $30.00, It your fouuday bcliool ib m need of reward cards, class books gift books, or a library como and examine our stock, see what you get before you buy it. You aro the saver. We sell as low as you can buy elsewhere and aavo you tho freight W. H. Brooke & Co. Bfooinsburg, Pa. TOTIOK. "Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the utrvUhnMnni nf MMknor ltest Inn Comuanv of janiesoi city, l'u.." will be held at the omce of the sccictan in uioomsDuig, ra., on uoaaay July 6, 1839, at S o'clock p. m., lot the purpose of voting on a propoutiuu w luurmse tuo tnaeotea- neas of sold corporation by plicliz a mortgagt upon Its property at Jameson 010, i. 2LWE ELL. TATEMRNT OP nLOOMSBUIta ino'junS VmS F0R TUK YKAR KND WCHAM) BTILK8, collector. Dll. To balance duo upon Duplicate I cn. tos co S54 24 767 89 1881 Aug. 1, Uy Amt paid I Hag- enbueh. trttAHilmr. t 1S89 May ii, Uy amt paid I Hog. enbuch, treasurer 1S9 May 13, 11 exonerations at- loweu. H IM 65 I76;ev U. a BNT, collector. DK. To amt Duplicate for ISM...... mi 97 CK. By amt paid treasurer collected within su days.. .. ... f 4S07 49 By ' per cent abatement ut so percent, commission. vo 43 I4S2I 10 By amt paid treasurer collected within 81 1 months I 7:5 By t per cent commission 3t 75 $796 00 t 450 00 lltJ 87 By amt paid treasurer after six months By balance on Duplicate due umincfc .H , 16941 97 1. 1IAQKNUUCI1, Treasurer, tilt. To amt from former treasurer., t CM 74 " nines collector 18VS-W U9 24 To amt trom U II Ent collector IM MU 67 To amt from Mate approprla- uuii ........... imsi To ami from rent old loll ev is 19093 (2 CP. 7136 91 164 73 By orders redeemed. ... $ x per cent commission to treasurer on t773A.UO.... By balance in treasurer's hands aue aistnct...M 203 98 $8095 C9 SCHOOL AND BUILDINO FOND ACCOUNT. DR. To amt levied for school purposes for year 1CH..... IWf V( To amt due from It stiles collector 1S8T.. T7 so To amt due rrom w Kreamcr treasurer.. 4 74 To amt from mate appropriation 1399 S3 To amt from rent tall 69 es Total 19734 67 cn. By amt paid 1 teachers. UO10 00 By ami paid IS teachers attendance insti tute 1VJ VI By amt paid 2 Janlto -s 420 oo " vyiil itncKoaum puoiuming statement and notice 7 5 By amt paid Mt. neasant BChool district lor tuition ior juisa m. i;ramqru ii Br amt Dald J J LawaU Becretarr to Doc. 17. 1S87 68 40 Br amt paid mweu & nitte ibender pub. llshlng annual statement c "25 By amt paid auditors tor I18S7.... 3 00 j c Brown s notices to teachers 2 oo By amt paid D Hughes on Jail lot 600 oo " j. uernnara repair ot ciccks, u sa " " J it Schuyler & Co. hare- ware. .... si 09 Br amt paid K c Jones labor and cleaning Fltth Ht. building.. M 13 By amt paid Oca Trump hauling s 7!) - uioomsounf water w. ootu bulldlncs 14 oo uy amt poia weaver s, Knorr carpenter work Kltth St 109 61 uyamt paid c. u. camnbeu reccdlnif ueeu. x w By amt paid M p Lutz Insurance JalL.... 7 CO -- u. r.uivKspdiaunK anu ma terial Flttb Ht 143 27 By amt paid L Bl&Veman & Co. forcharta 69 40 u&x uu iaii..MMM ti J. K. Kyer (or supplies i 07 a. w. rry wore at inira ou a o By Amt. paid Geo. Trump and Ha.o i k m Vannatta border o. 1 uu Finn st 12 8s ur Amt. paid w j coreu s co. six cuurs and one stool s oo By amt paid o A Jacoby for coal S38 co " v jr Aiapp insurance mn st. :. . 75 oo By amt paid M r Lutz Insurance 2 63 125 00 secretary salary ior 3 t:ar... " " creasy & wells lumber Fifth fit 234 67 S3 CO it 00 By amt paid school Fura'Mng Co for By amt paidTs'kllne'p'les' abbboi uaya By amt paid JO Brown printing notices bonds. c 13 75 By amt paid J S Kllr-o 2 copies school woria By amt paid 0 Jones repairing " ' " C A Klelm supplies 3 12 2 60 1 70 i 75 43 64 1U 50 73 2 65 13 60 5 25 1 25 16 50 500 11 15 2 07 73 3 96 6 OO 10 40 1 60 12 90 2 75 15 20 25 41 108 65 356 43 1113 87 MB wiiuams repairs HarUnan fidgsr repairing Jos Mccormick cleanlug Third St. closet By amt paid Casey Dawson patching. . u ami. paiu . m uiixih uusta wm vs tur ner By amt paid I' K Varn tta window auaaea By amt paid J saltier repairing organs.. -i- voatia repairing pump " " J II Mercer supplies " " Bll-genbirtcopylngspecl-ncatlons By amt paid J 8 Kline balance on Cyclo pedias By amt paid J II Steclcer supplies n w uuriuu -- " " Moyer Bios " . .... ' " J c Brown printing certld cates Ao By amt paid Uartman dgar hydrant iu By amt paid U W Sterner e xe and hand lea. By amt paid tr u Brower suoplles u saviin repairs " w II Brooke supplies .... .... " " I W llcKelvy exoneratlo is allowed on duplicaln 187 By abatement and commission on dupli cate 1SS8 By balance on duplicate 1888 11 2 Der cent, commlmtlon to treasurer. . 154 ,3 By balance in treasurer'shands tm 9-t ( 9134 32 STATEMENT OF BOND OUT STANDING JUNE 1, 1889. Bond No 6S Issued to D Hughes 300 oo " us " OIU WI " 70 " " " " 300 0,1 ' 71 " " " ' 60U 00 jj ii ii ii 6C0 00 13 ' ' " 300 00 (30000 00 Coupons due Jan 1, 1899 unpaid I ' " July 1, 1889 unpaid U 40 15 01 ASSETS. Cash due from collector on dup licate 18S8 t 1173 87 Cash in treasury 903 98 Total .... LIABILITIES). , t 1377 85 Bonds and interests to July 1, 18v9 13137 40 1769 65 WILSON, President. Actual indebtedness o. T. Wm. CHIIISVAN. secretary. We tho undersurned auditors having examined the above accounts and statements and vouchers presented by the treasurer ana secretary ana rind them correct wo do therefo.-e approve tbo 8. V. I'KACOCr, j. a, A. N. YOST, Auditors. June 13. 1889. ouhtis cm?on. IJLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEY rURIEIER. Now is tho aiiuointfd time for thoroughly cleanBini tho system from all impurities, aud all will find that tho Curtis Compound will exactly fill the bill. It has stood the test of 22 yearn and its sales are larger tnan ever, every year, l'rico 50o. nnd 551.UU. Foit Sale Br James II . Mercer, DRUGGIST, Bloombbuuo, Fa. A DMINISTHATOIVS NOTICE. jMuls Qfllmnon raliringtr, talt of lMcuit (u-jj., Colwnlta Co. Deceaiea. njntiMi is criven that letters of admlnta rniinn infim MtAiA or liermon Pohrlmrer. lato or Locust two., county ot Columbia, and Mate ot lennavlvanla. deceased, have been grimed to luuMiiutl vahrinzer aud Jeremiah Fahrlnger. of LocubI Township, columhla county. I'a., to whom all persons Indebted tp sold estate are requested to make payments, and those having claims or demands vt 111 make known th same without delay to Mm lliKsiHU, Admlnls'rat.lx. Atty. JKltBMIAII FAIIHINOBK, ' Aommistrator, BLOOMSBURG MARKET. s Wboloale. Retail. OS 45 83 10 0.00 H 10 14 10 80 13 15 03 5 C8 10 a 10 10 13 30 80 07 85 6 to 7 Wheat per bushel... Kyti " " ... Ccru " . OaU ' " ... Flour " bbl Ilutter KJit Potatoes Hams Dried Apples Bide Shoulder Uceae ,. Lard per lb Vinegar per gal Veal skins Wool perlb llldes , Coal on Wbahf. No 0 2.00i Not 2. 8, & Lump 3.i5 0, 019,90 BltumlBUi 8.M L 1 1 1 New York City. -Sg SPECIALIST, In The Trenlmf Itt or f'hronlp IMenr eonflnW his practice to such cases only as are bo clearly and f nlly developed as to make a complete and poMtlvo Diagnosis without Questioning or allowing Pati ents to make a statement ot their condition, on this basis of Positive Diagnosis, for treatment, Dr. Clark's Experience linn hrrotne ntrlrllr mllnill ed by n Prnrtlcr vlilth In extent, vnrlrty ntnl urerMNrul rennlln Is njunllril hy fvw nml rt celled by none. PnllentM tintnirril hy orillnnry Trenttnent nr In iloubt n to the nnltire oniielr dlenxei Itxiierlittlr Inllnl. nit. CLAltK Teaches and Practices lstttr Vlaynosis and CAN HE CONHUIiTKD FUEE OP OUAHOE AT WATSONTOWN, TA., Mansion House, Thursday, June 20 and Monday, June 21. MILLVILLK, PA., Friday, Juno 21. WASniNOTONVILLE, PA., (till four o'clock, p. iu.,; caiuiua, a uuu xz. MILTON, PA., Itlverelde Hotel, Tuesday, Juno SR. CATAWISSA, PA., Susquehanna House, Wednes day, Juno 26. BENTON, TA,, 27. . Zxchango Uotcl, Thursday, Juno BLOOMSllUHO, PA., Exchango Hotel. Friday and Saturday, full 4 rt. m. Jane 24 and gu. June 7-1 U FftRMS?S Soil cumato and Location In the Hon. h 1ANCUA, Clorcmont Va. Via 7-d-4t CARPETS and Canton Mattings, cheap, to close them out. From 1 fleets. RAG CARPETS. LARGE ASSORTMENT. HANDSOME PATTERNS. Cheaper than you can make them. A SPECIALTY OUH fiOot HAG CARPET. A LARGE LINK Now Ingrains nt SOota at Next door to I. W. DR.THEEL 538. jean Itortb Fourth fHreeu tlo 3r..D. Philftd.lnhU. Pa. With rm (conulne) prsrtlol ezptrt. maim ,0 t.r. jb iuor t and Mrmanvntlr than n qui i ftdrartlilm bordcian. 110 matter vbo La maj b from wbat Collafa lie iradoatcd, or what ha maj claim to doi lr, Theul off.ra ABOOU to ,n, adrertt.tnr i.h.alni.n (irtallad liciallala) vho aa oictl blm la tba eorrael 4ainoilBI and aufcatarol trcatmaDt nt all Ca.aKIa SPECIAL DISEASES AND BLOOD POISON, ORSTIBTATK UI.CERH, BliOTCIIRH, KUIJITIOAH, I'lMPLEN, NUELL VSilH, INFEASfATlON, Irtut TUnllly, Karly llocny, Iliynlenl nml Mcntnl lroHlrtlon, Blolancliolln, Illncldrr and Kidney DUcate.. (Acuto cases 410 an1), c.n.r at coo0. MY METHOD tomblnIngth Atlopithlo, ITomciopithlti, KoleCtlo 4k Botinlo jtttmi of nudielne, luelodiof ElectrleltT, tbeonlfone known that turn prmatirtitlr tta wont ciifi. Irgrtat Jloipltal and 1'rUtlc I' r act leal Kiprrl enaewlth tttrj rflmtdj moit tuitoi known to ioIcdo for tjulcleiireeoTerjf tod perm went cure. The tnoit dan eeroua eaioi ol!cltd. Youcf, middle B-d tad old into writ or cHl for book Truth, ipoiloj frudi, thflr to Tlctlmli mlTereri. Thomtodi an dlfi pointed ly quick 1, el 1.1 m Id c M to 60 thti ipcrliDO wblett tber do not pom 11, tblr otkiitcratlDg and Irlos adTtrtliemtnta la wbleh tbtf pletnro dlieuei In anient horrlablo form, thai glrlif tbo poor inScreri folio Ideaa depriving tbiin of all bop making tbem Tletlmi or tnalaoebol or to 1 unit 7. Bait aklll la tb btlnt.lnf will aao montj, mffertng and dalar, lloan.ft-J, -u. M ed. A Bat. Kte'f i, till 10. Bun. till L. WOMEN & CHILDREN'S SKW taU&ofti ij-Mlallal. fllLgurJtteial to. HINDERCORNS. Tho t5nlri"iro Cure forOrna. Stops all paJn. Knsnrl effort to the ftftt,15g at Dnigylita, liMooxAOa.M.Y. CONSUMPTIVE tho womrcjuioo nn. Us tTie U-.t t emwir for all Uls ariaine trom dofectlTo nutrition. Take la timo. Wo. and tLCu Judo 1-U-1C Boat ItU watch la ifea world. I farftxl ttaiakaauar. War-1 luna. naary Bona uoitl uuiuif um, now itaiu J ccbU' Ua. wltb warka and caaaa of aqaal talaa. One 1'eraon la aack l caltlj can aacara on fraa, Hniaiplco Tkaaa aasnplaa, aa well aa th watch, w aand Frae. aad afUr oa kaa kant Iktm la year boma for S month aad abowa than to thoao who mar ba called, the become joar own property. Thoaa who write at once ran be aoro or recelvlnr the lrVHtch and Ham plea. Wopay all eipraie, rrelirlit, et. Addreia HUnauatAs Jo. ISwx rtta l'ortlOJada Mitlnc HIRES i HIRES' IMPROVED IK ROOT BEER! IN UQUI0 NOBOILINC EASILY MADE THISPACKACE MAKES FIVE CALIOKS BE E R Tit. moat XPPBTIZINO dud WUOLB80UQ TBUFKBANOH DUIMK La th. world. THY IT, A.k your Drugyi.t or Oroo.r for It. C. E. HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. June 8W-I t. 10,000 AGENTS WANTED nt ono to Sell the only AUTHENTIC, (JOMfLKTK and UllAl'lIIU I Ol rnOKUBKLY ILLUSTIIATKD WITH VIEWS OK all sorts connected with the terrible scenes of tbo mttrhty Inundation, lsrao. 400pagoj. l'rlca fl.sii. UlimtAI.TKUMs. Thousands waulod-DKMANT) lrJIMMENHK. send qulcltli 31 coats for outfit to w. niKj.Kit & uu., oi unestnut Bt., ruita. 10.000 AGENTS WANTED at onoa to Sell the only Adtuintic Comi lkts and UKiniic History ol tlis Johnstown Flooi, Profusely Illustrated, with views of all sorts connected with the terrible scenos o( the mighty Inundation, lsnio. 400 iiuges 1T1CO Il.ou UDfrat ti'nus. -i uotiiutuua want. it. DEMAND 1H 1MMKNHK. bend quickly sue for out lit to J. W. KEELKlt & Co., KJ Chestnut strtet, l'hlladolphla, l'a. June 21. UDITOU'S NOTICE. JMato of John Comwr, late o Cfiifon fotnuMp tlrtWWd. Tbe undersigned apiiolnted auditor to distrib ute the balance Iu tho hands of the executor ot Bald decedent, will meet parlies Interested there in at his ofnee In llloomsburg, on rJalunluy, July 20, 18, at. 10 o'clock a. m, where and when all persons having a claim or claims against raid fund will appear and present the snmu or bo forever aeoarrea trout coimutr in tor u suaro ut nam iiinti. ItOU'f. liUUUINUIIAM, Auditor, June H ta. DMINISTHATOK'a NOUUK. Kitate aVivM Siwter, late afliloom tovmthtp, dm'ttfd. Notice Is hereby given that letters ol adminis tration on tho estate ot Daniel Huydur, lam of llloom township, Columbia county deceasttl, have been granted by tbe Heglstrrto llenjamln Y. Hart man, to whom all perxons lnaebled ta the s.ld es tate aro requested to make paiment, and those having claims, to present the same without delay, or 10 11. 1'. HAItTMAN, John U. r'RSiis. Dloomeburg, Attorney. June itC. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS IS CSOSB ELUIOUS SXAHS. boars boaaa, lo rara,ar a &imgtr aa oaaalrVJU hvuA 4a (aumpat M paiUoulairi aesl Uelltf fur I-adlc, if lUf, by rclura ntall. 1U.UU0 ImIU lliwtoUft kaatSlbaau Mama Pauar. . mm A OriUU,tjtLalyiraUaaa(l X'AX rlUbla pill fer aata. Tfr I all. Uju. At Uruiralata. Arcrpt T iiiiia C O L fflAUEM' The IdliaMe CWMer. Why are we doing the largest Clothing and Hat trade in Bloomsburg? Good reason for it you may bo euro. Wo keep the best and most fashionable goods, and prices are ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Our store is spacious, cheerful and well lighted and a model in all its appointments and equipments. Our stock is NEW, BRIGHT and Tho Largest Clothing and MILLINERY. up. OF NEW ART SQUARES. KBIES, Uartman ifc SonV, Bloomsburg Pa. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILK. O..I.Aa, Tho WONDERFUL LUBURG Combfnln.. Parlor. Llkrirt. SMth. Iig. Riellilij. ir ImiIK tHAtS. LOUNfif . SCO. IKmm MM lid or COUCH. Prlei3 iUU . tv. mu. an. ibtkmi vanm u, k Dicllllig. faitlclnj' tiia lyrgitii uperaiiiB, ;RnHlaa. HaMmarb. Ofdea. Llirar. riiciCtrpat roldlij.RiH Rum CHAIRS and ROCKERS B1CVCLE8,TRICVCLES,VE LOCIPEDE8 and 8ELF PROPELLERS. ALL KINDS OF APPLIANCES FOR INVALIDS RABY QOACHES Orer lOOdltTerentdeiilgni. Oar Paloat Ailomitle Brikt on all Car, Tagi,jrt. we Hare aiaconitnua wnoieeaiing; by placinx your orders direct with the makera you can $as ftttral proAtn. Our tluMng pricet ud epeclai Uarsnina will aotonlahj yoo, uooaa aoia anaur a ffuaraMr and delivered frtn to any point In 'ifJ Sttil mm I IT" Kn1 sltmn livr CataJojjue, and tUta claaa ot good TOO It for. - LUBURC MFC. CO. 11S North Illchtb rjtreet. l'MIadelpblu, Pa, When I say CunE I do not mean merely to stop them Ior a time, noil ttien have thera re turn again. 1 mkan a KADICAIi CUliK. 1 haio inatlo the disease ol FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, A IlfO'Iong study. I WAitiUNT my remedy to CD he the worst cases, llccause others havo f ailed is no reason lor not now receiving a euro, bond nt once (or n treatise and a Free IIottlu ot my iNPALUULli ItEMBDT. Give Express and 1'ost office. It costs you nothing lor a trial, and It will euro you. Address H.C. ROOT, M.C., 1 83 PURL ST.. NEW YORK scorn EMULSION OF PURE GOD LIVER OIL 22 HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatabloas Milk. So that It can ba tak.n, dlge.l.d, and as.tanllat.d by Hi. moil sensitive stomach, when tit plain oil cannot be tolerated and hy tbe com blnutlon of the oil lth the liypophos phltes Is much more elflcactons. BtmuVtble u a flrsh prodntrr. rtrsous gain rapidly wLlle taking It, SCOTT'S ESITJLSION la acknowUdge4 by rhysiclaDS to be the Finest and Beat prepa ration in the world for ths relief and core ot CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIO COUCHS. Tht gnat rtmtdy for Consumption, and mwlinj in Chlldrtn. Sold fcy all KNOW THYSELF, X'xma NOiiiicaiii oxr XaXifaa A Bclcntlne aud tiu adard Popular Medical Treatlaa on ineisrrorsoi xoutu. i'reraatur.itetiiue,riervou. and l'hy.lcal Debility, ImpurltlMof the Illood, llo.ultiuj trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Eicon or (IterUiutlon, Euervatlniraod untitling Hie vlttlm for Work, Uuilniai, tbo Married or Boclal lulatloit. Avoid unikllful pretenders. roaaoia this etvut work, it contain, ouo pi fiagea, roval 8vo. Ileautlful I gilt. Trice, oulya)l.i0 by ilea In ttl.ln wr.ntir. lllnn. binotog, cmbotaed, lull ifttt- mall, potpald, concealed In plain wrapper! tratlvo l'roipoctu. Free, J you apply now, The dlBllngnlahed author, Wm. II. l'atkrr, M T) . to. r . f j tho COLD AND JEWELLED II.'D'.L from the Nntlonnl Medical Assoclnl"n, for tho prtIZE essay ort NERVOUS nml PHYSICAL DEBILITY, IJr.l'arVcrandacnrpt of Aolataut l'hj tlcUna may be conaullcd, uui). deulljlly. by mall or In lrOD, at the Mtlco ot l'HIi i'HAHOIiY MEbiCAI, INSTiTUTH, No. 4 liulflnch St.i lloiton, Mat.., lo whom all tdjr. fot books i Ituttt tar tariff aaiiM U tirtat4 m Tfl . vmm 0m tr&ta CURE FITS! OP- -AT- and comprehensive, and always we will maintain tho position of "FAIR WEAIiOfi" RESPECTFULLY YOURS, I. MAIER. Hat Store in Columbia nnd Montour Counties. For SPRING so L0WEHBEK6'S, The Oldest EstaMimlimeeit im COLUMBIA COUNTY. Bloomsburg, Pa. FINEST GOLD bl.MANU.H RCcCMMEBOEDBVVHVflclANO. Genuine MmBJ&lOMm. Waioh for $7.00. LADIES' AND aft&Ofl GTJ AEANTEED. Ut- All Silverware engraved free of charge, "HtSjT if bought of 3. ii. WELL! A CHANCE NEW taming BAKEKS AND CONFECTIONERS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Wm. D. CuramlnsB and Qeoreo W. Vordy havlni; purchased tho entire llaklnir anil fnnft.iinn 8buTprtheVUdhuoUv?urhm the JtiaaDS0 Btai FRESH BREAD, CAKES, o - ROLLS, trrr tr; FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS nnd NUTS. . IOK CREAM PARLORS ATTACHED rrrordera forpartlef, phnlca, featlvala, etc BOllclted. i.uilL,L. t uelJ?,e,aured tuat we CIlB Vleaso wo asU a aharo ot publlo patronage. Juiio 28 80-tt. OUMMINGS & VERDY. E. 0 THOMPSON'S I I'I'H AUVAIMXAOICH. Willo for nampicsi Those living distant ot our $13 00 Special .Matlo Our 10.00 Bpcclal Matlo York or Boston can Incvilthoutlncurrlnirtho our etorca. Suits! IIW IT Upon request, tamplea OK ClIAltUE." Full meaauro and order samples. Garments are sent by Suits not 8ausractorr may be and "money refunded." E. O. THOMPSON MEHC1IANV TAlLOll ind 1J38 OlIKITNCT r)I.,X 08 wiuttf at, ; 311 WlbUINOTOrl ST., . Whenordertni ? tUSfi Whether Uftht or dark shades aro preferred, (Mall order Bsp't, ) r. o. Lox, in, phlladelphls. v M) a. O, 'iUUJlfbON I titimon Your SUITS to LINE OP GLASSES. GENTLEMEN'S FINE OF BASE. FIRM & Yerdy, BISCUITS, ETC. J r -ut it-visuy VAulKTi. Mail Order Department. trom Philadelphia, New: Write for Samples of our 100 Special Hade Pants Our $5.00 obtain our nret-clasa cloth- expenso ot comlna to WOIIICH, ot cloth are acnt, "FkKE directions how to take by mall sent with all mall or express, and 11 Special Made Pants exchanged or returned "SPECIAL MADK CLOTUlElt," I'liiladtlphtn. New Voik, uo.toaa. AdJroei all orden mu raptr, 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers