PROFSSIONAL CARDS. h. Fiurz ATTOUNMY.AT.LAW, Office Front Room, Oror I'ostofflco. I1L00JIBUUI10, PA. j 11. iiAizi: ; ATTO UN K WAT-LAW, lNSUHANCK add JieAl RvrATE AOKNT, 0FFICK.-H00I1. No. 2, COLUMBIAN building. HLOOMSUUltO, lA. Jan. tuth lbsg, tt. ' TaT U.FUiN 1 ATTOKNli V-AT-LAW. l)Loouccao,ri Odice la snt'6 uulldlng, J 01LN M. CLAMC, ATTOllNKY-AT-LAW JUVHUE OK THE l'EAUE. ItM.oaanoHO, pj unice r woyer ures. Dreg store W. M1LLKK, ATTnHVBVAT.T.lW. Ofilcctn Drower's bulldlng.socond floor.roota No.l Dloomnburg, I'a. n FRANK ZARR, ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Uloorasburg, Pa. onice corner ot centra and Main Streets. Clark s UUUUU1K. Can bo consulted In German. Gr EO. E. ELWELb ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ULOOMBDURO, J. A. Olllce on second lloor, third room of Col- Omiiiam uuililing, Main street, below Kx chnngo Hotel. jl V. WIIITK, ATTORNEY-AT' LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. .Olllce In Wlrts Building, 2nd floor, may 1-tf S. WINTEH8TEEN, Attornoyat-Law AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Ofllce tu 1st National Dank building, second Boor, Brstdoor to tholotu Corner o( Main ana Market vreeiamoornrcurg, ra. t&-I'ensiana and Bounties Collected. J? P. 13ILLMEYEH, DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) ATTORNEY-AT.-LAW, "fiTOfflco over Dentlcr's shoe store, llloomsburg, Pa. apr-30.80. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Catawlst a, Pa. Oicco.aorner rt Third and MatnStreeta JJOBEHT R. LITTLE, ATTOR NE Y-AT-L A W, BLOOMSUUHO, l'A. nrOfllce, Columbian Building, second llocr, front roora. QUANT HERRING, ATTORNEY-A T-LAW, BLOOSISuUltCl, PA. Olllce over Hawltng'a Meat Market. D It. 110N0I1A A. ROBBINS. omco and residence. West i'lrst street. Blooms- burg, ra. nov20 88 ljr. JD. McKELVY, M. D.,Surgeon and Pby . Blclan, north sldo Main Btreet.bolow Market 0 R. J. 0. RDTTER, I'llYSICIAN i BDKGBON, omco, north Maritot street, Clcoirsburs, ra DR. WM. M. REI5ER Surgeon and Physician, ofllco corner otltoclt and Market trcet. J J. BROWN. -Offlco and resldcnco 3rd Street, West or Maiket near M. K. church, onice hours every alternoon and evening, upo clal attention given to the eye and tho attlng ot glasses. Tolcphono connection. jyt. J. R. EVANS. Troatmcnt of Chrouio Diseases raado a SPECIALTY. Office, Third Street, J5i.oojisuui!0 Pa J. HEbS, D. D. S., tlraduate ot tho 1'hlladclphla Dental College, ilav lng opened a dental olUco In LOCKAKD'S RUILD1NG, corner ot Main ana centre streets, -RLOOrflSBURG, PA., 8 prepared to recclvo all patients lequli ng pro- i,im ma ATjn fflfiAL ANAESTHETICS irraui vuuito iiuvu -w ALL WORK GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. .oct sii-i y. xVTf II. HOUSE, DENTIST, Bloomsboro, Columbia County, Pa llstylosot workdonolna superior warranieaa rciJiuouum. --" - bd without 1'im by tho use or Uas, and freeot ohargewhenartinclalteeth nrntnanrted. iMlnfr Main street. 'el6w MRrket, Ave doorB below Klelras drug store, ursi noor. 'lo be open at all hours during the da D F. UARTMAN ' BIfISHTB TDI rClLOWIMO ATKER10AN INSURANCEJCOMPANLEB North American of Philadelphia. Franklin, " " Pennsylvania, " " Tork, ot Pennsylvania. Hanover, or N. Y. .oueens, or London. 'North British, ot London, tomco on Market Street, No, , Bloomsburg. oct. it. l" . Bloomsburg Fire and Life Ins. Agency. ESTABLISHED IH3. Rt. ! JLVTX (Succesaor to Freas Urown) HAtiniwtva VKPRC8INTID! itnrireIns.Co.. ot Hartford,.. I MJJJS'Jl 11 o r tf ord o 1 1 1 artrord . . . . , . , J. CMS- J lioenlx of Hartford..... ." " t rir.fcfleld or Spring leld..... S'?'?? ! ,r1ofSnfnd-(U:a bVanchj g l.jyal or Fjigland " " 4,853,504.00 Mutual jieneni uro vu. ui ark, N.J 4i,si,. Losbcs promptly adjusted and paid at this omce. I-'IRE INSURANCE AGENCY OF J. II. MAIZE, Ofllco 2nd floor Columbian Building, 11T nnMHTlTTHO. PA. tlverpool London and Qlobe, largest In the world. . Ar.- t'l UUI.4ni.0a CONT INENTAL or Ne' Y9J't I35?'Sm'ii A H ItHICAN or Philadelphia, hvo'Sitl ui.riiu nf New York. ajwi,ii.e oine 1, IMS, tf. Exchange Hotel, BENTON, I'A. n... ..H..Ki..n.. ima to.,uii thiii well-known jioiise, and la prepared to accommodate the miblio with all the conveniences o( a nreKlass hotel. LEUUBL DHAKS, Proprietor Q. S, ELVTELL. 1 . .... 1 S BITTENBEMDEH. JrroF"' WHAT is meant by 'free alkali,' Doctor? I sec it mentioned in the advertisements of Ivory SoAr." "'Free Alkali,' Madam, is the alkali which is not combined with the fats or oils of which the soap is made, due to the ignorance or carelessness of the soap maker. Soaps in which free alkali ' is present are decidedly injurious to both the clothing and the skin when habitually used. I have seen reports of analysis made of the Ivory Soap by men eminent in our profession, and all pronounce it to contain no ' free alkali, ' to be made with great care and of ma terials of the best quality, carefully selected, so I unhesitatingly rec ommend it for every purpose about the house for which good soap is required." A WORD OF WARNING. " Thare are many white soaps, eaeh represented to bo " Just as good as the ' Ivory ' " thoy ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack tho peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting it. Copyright 1SS6, by Procter A Gamble. Fases Pain Instantly. Strengthens Weak Parts. Quiets Nervousness. Xtath Hop., HemlockGum ftnd Pino llslaam, prepared and epread, all read; to apply. Best Plaster Ever Made. 1 1 ujici .fpi in mho. h -1 Sold by Drag and country Btona. 25 CM. O for SI. Mailed for prioe. r,rift. Near lMilIndelphla. Sclmol Opuim Hept. 10th, Yearly Kxpcunt', S500. Qnnrterlfrarra'tri.Sl'JS HUR Admit tnd cluslfiet rounjr men nd boys t ny time 1 fits them for Duilncu. uy CoV'b!Sni,t oKrh. w iv.ln( n Xnirii. ATncei classes in Phlct. Chemtitry, Surveyine, Electrical or Ciril Enzinrerinp, Clastic. Mathematics etc. Out of the best equipped and best "anCcdcc''0P1.,1 , -indents Wd wftl. the Principal. 1 eachers all men and gradjiatei 0 ftntOiM "fK? , ,F'n?cS WooWl b loom.. bUir room hU it .learn School. I 1 .. h in it .1.1 m rsHUiftf kn.l com ete aihlettci.etc. Cymnasium. Special oitportunitlesT tic., etc. More fully ur led ith H.tlu. Uln y olhet CoUeie-fim nhoul. Media aaiy ""'.f JJjr CS..W. the U.. e,lul.Uoi. .nJ the ItJml. 1 illustrated c.utornje .nt free ta any .d.lre.I. SW1TIUN p. SIIUKTLIUGE, A.U.. A.M. lilimrd ur.auatc,. rtuw. and froprletor, Mean, ra. wrtuiar. a, u wn CLOTHING ! CLOTHING , W. EERTSOH, THE MKUtinANT TAILOIt. FurnUhing Goods,Bais & Caps OF EVKltV DESCRIPTION. nln In nrdor at fillOft notice and a fit always guaranteed or no sale. (Till mill .tYfiminn tho laroeet and best selected stock of goods over eliowii in r. I 1.. Btore next Uoor to First National uuk MAIN STREET, Bloomsbtirs: P. SUESMEM WANTIil), B W . . uiitmrtiv KTfVTIf. lif naoie men w ."""". " V, lea. or cominlasloil, an preferred, m varletler. :..Tii7i;rtllliinr;-lllltlpM. AllDlf at ODCO. It Is now the best time In the yoar to Win. (1LEN UK0TI1E1W, HocUestfr. N. . (Mention tuis papor.) June 7 lw-d liXCHANGE HOTEL, 57. R. TUBBS, PROPRIETOR BL00U5EUEO, FA. OPPOSITBOOnitT UQUHB. Uot and oold water, ana all modern convenience Itnalllng from the lirrori ot Youth, Vollj, Vice, Ig norance, c, mar he cared at home without f&U or ripotare. Infulllble and t'onndiullal. Iive Tiullae, 800 pagei, oily f 1 by mall, acaled, iioitpald. Small book, with endoriemtnta ot the Prea, free. Bond sow, AddreM the lVabodr Medical Imtltnte, pt fir, W.lLl'a'lier, Mat llulioch BU.UoitoD.Mui. Junetl-d-U lie BLOOMSBUiRG, PA., (FRIDAY, JUNE 28 ,1839. COMPLETELY AND Back. Cheat, Bldn, .KldoMt, SPEEDILY . CURES AH AehM. Ptini. Dutinuo L'Aiai . TMh for the rmvrld&'l rtanature HOP PLASTER CO.. BOSTON, . on dd genuine gocdL iUALITY, AVe don't starve Quality to throw 11 bone to Price. In other words, we don't slight our work or use iufcrior trimmings to tempt you with a- low price for poor goods. None hut the Best Clothing for Men, Youths, Boys and Children. A. C. Yates & Co LEDClClt DUILDINO, SIXTH AXD CHESTNUT, PHILADELPHIA. or doubU v furnluied. urounas uen cictj iur iw""t.??". ' YAINWHIGUT & CO., WHOLESALE QRORERS. PlIILADitPUIA, Pa. UfAS, SYHUPS, COPPEE, BCQAIt WOLASSEb ltlOG, Bl'IOEd, niOAlIH SODA, ETC., ETC. N. E. Cornor Second and Arch Sta, nr-Orders win receive prompt attentooi OBOWN AWIJE THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a brilliant Hunt. H win not smoke lueciumneys. It vi 111 not char the wick. It has a high tire test. It will not explode. It Is pre-eminently a family safety oil. WE CHALLENGE COMPARISON With any other lllumlnatm troll made. We Stake Our Reputation, As refiners, upon the statement that It Is THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. Ask ycur dealer for 12 OIL COMPANY. UANV1XLE, PA. Trado for Bloorosburg and Vicinity Supplied by WIOYER BROS., llloomsburg, Pa. teps-iy. 1LOOK If You want a icood rltuatlon write MA llliOTIIi:il8. Kurbnryraeu, Hoche-ter. N. y as lliey uielri wantof Uoneat aud uprliiht salesmen to tell Uolri'Uflcoanlliardy varletlosof Nursery Bloik rli'ierpa salary or cgmmlsiilon. Many new n-i t ,lu ii vattlle. to offer. Write lUein tt on fir terns. liEUVD AlUi UAKOEltOUB. June T-4w-d. . 60NNET TO THE SEA. 0 miikImi SM, aow )mn (hall roen proclaim Thy freedom and' thy power I Slave of the lloon. Thy wrath U Irornraed of the wind, the Noon Supplies thy smiles, thy life Is but a najno That ,ioete use. To thee nor praUe bur blamo Delongr. Abd yvt shall tnan, ataa, not soon Forgf t to foar thee, and thy dim halls strewn With bones of braveet man and fairest damuf The careless fish within thee sjwrt apd breed. The tilrd above thee spreads her scornful wing; Yet thou, more lifeless than thy weakest weed, Canst shako the very soul of prtctt and king. And aye to man thy hreathlens breast apirors A waste of sighs, a wilderness of tears. Tho Academy. CUT OFF. A small steam launch, containing lialf a dozen persons, swept swiftly along with tho muddy current of tho Quajara river. Tho vessel and party had left I'ara, at the mouth of a branch of tho Amazon, nearly a mouth before, mid had steamed up as far as tho junction of tho Madera, there taking n southerly courso as far as Italsamaco. After leaving tho latter town they lmd turned into a sldo stream and before long' wcro Inextricably mixed up in tho net work of creeks and Bmall rivers which cross and rccross themselves in southern Drazil. Tho leader of tho party and owner of tho launch lay stretched out on tho deck with a small riflo in his hands, occasion ally shooting at some bright phimaged bird flying overhead or at a lazy reptllo coiled in tho branches of a treo on shore. "Jack," ho Baid presently, tn tliu young man who sat In tho pilot holo and with raro skill kept tho vessel clear of tho In numerable logs in tho river, "whero nro wo now?" "I don't know," replied Jack. "Where is Bunco? He's tho only person who has over been known to leavo theso parts alive." A shout from tho young pilot brought Bunco into view a tall, thin, swarthy man, with a couutenanco that would have, mado his fortune ns the leading villain in a drama of tho lurid type. Hut inspitoof his looks and chronic indis position to work ho was good natured and intelligent, and of valmiblo service txxtbo party. Jack had christened him Bunco, as tho name most closely resem bling that which ho had given at their first meeting. "I dunno whar wo is." ho said in reply to tho pilot's question. "Hit's mighty queer, too, for I haf been ycro befo'." .Ho looked nervously toward shore ns ho continued: "Hit ain't fur from Balsamaco to Inca, I reckon, an' of once wo git ihar wo aro suro ter run into tlior natives. Thoy'ro thick right nroun' hyer, an' savager'n all tarnation." Tho captain of tho craft aroso find stood at .Bunco's Bide. "Can you tell us how to reach, tho Madora again?" ho asked. "This must bo one of tho branches to it possibly tho Quajara." "Thct's jest whut I'm afcard of," said Bunco, shading his eyes with ono hand and peering ahead. "An' ef hit is, we'ro agoin' ter, run right in ther Inca country." "And tho .natives, there, you say, ure savago?" Tho colored man nodded. "They're wusser than in any oilier part of Brazil." Tho conversation was interrupted by tho appearanco of two young iucii,.one about the sumo ago ns Jack and tho other a fow yours older. '''Bill is going to strike," said one of t,hem, with a luugli. "He's got nearly all ills clothing off now, but ho says it's hot enough down in tho engino room to broil a bteak. Ho wants to know when you uro going back." "Wo'ro going to turn around present ly," replied the person addressed. "Wo why. Bunco, there's a house." The wholo party followed with their eyes tho direction ot tho captain's out stretched arm, and saw through tho foil ngo.the.thatched roof of a liativo hut. Jack turned tho vessel towardsshoround rang' tho signal in tho engino room to shut olf steam. In a few minutes they had reached dry land and wero hurrying in tho direction of tho building, leaving Bill to moor tho launch and follow them later. The party consisted of an English gen tleman named llobert Etyhge, his two sous, Oeorgo and Itusseili Jack Camp bell, a young American, mid Bill mid Bunco, engineer, fireman, deuk hand and steward, In turn. They wero on a blx months' pleasure trip through South America, Tho house, which they discovered in tho center of a cleared space of ground near tho riverside, was a well built struct ure, containing one large and one biuall room, witli tliosinglo entrance in thobido of the former. It had evidently been lately inhabited, for a largo supply of grain, dried meats and vegetables wns stored within, and a pilo of wood already ' cut for fuel lay ready at hand. The party proceeded at oneo to Inspect tho cabin, to bco what sort of a placo it would bo to spend tho night in. Their quarters In tho vessel wero so cramped that whenever it was practlpablo they had slept in n tent on shore or In n tem porarily deserted hut like tho present ono. "I guess we'd better stay hero for tho night,? said Mr. Etynge. "Tho building Is a stout ono and proof ngainbt both wild beasts and wild men. Supposo a couplo of you youngsters go down to tho boat and get souio bedding." Jack and Kussell stepped to tho door, but drew back suddenly, tho former beckoning to tho captain us he did so. "There's a crowd of natives coming this way," ho whispered. "Look through the window whllo wo, bar tho door." Mr. Etyngo sprang to tho small win dow and glanced towards u body of men rapidly advancing iti the direction of tho cabin. Thoy wero within gunshot before catching sight of tho house, then they fell bock, concealing themselves behind eoxna trees and bushes, and jabbering away llko an army of monkeys. "Well," said Russell, as he and Jack finished barring tho door, "this Is a ntco adventure, isn't it? The idea" of leaving tho boat with only ono riflo among usl" They looked into each other's facca, but no ono spoke. Whirl A short, thick, sharp pointed plcco of wood How through tho window and hur lod Itself In the opposite wall. Another and another followed, sotno of them striking tho cabin and others coming In by way of tho open window, Tho men threw themselves on tho floor, at Bunco's suggestion, and all but Jack Campbell remained In that position for nearly half on hour. The latter had seized tho captain's small repeating riflo and cautiously approached tho window. For somo minutes tho arrows from tho natives' air guns llow so thickly that ho was "uuablo to got .a shot at them; but' presently there eamo a lull In tho ono sided bombardment, and the sharp cruel; of (ho riflo was followed by a death yell from without. But ono rlllo, although It kept back for somo time tho assault of tho savages, was not suillclent to drivo thcui away, and lato In tho afternoon, Jack's car tridges having given out, tho natives ap proached nearer to th? cabin. fiioy seemed to reallzo that tho deadly ammunition of their enemies had hecomo exhnustcd, nlid wcro preparing for a hand to hand conflict, knowing that they outnumbered tho Inmates of the cabin ten to one. But ns they cautiously approached tho hut, shooting almost constantly nt tho door and windows, an unexpected but powerful re-enforcement camo lo tho aid of thu tourists in the shape of their en gineer on board tho launch. Bill was slow to comprehend tho real danger of his friends' position! but when ho did so ho nt once mado preparations for their relief. Ho gathered all tho ammunition ho could find Into tho pilot house, nnd loaded nearly a dozen repeat ing rllles lieforo commencing to shoot. When ho finally opened ilro Iio was able to keep a steady stream of bullets trained upon tho savages, anil this thoroughly demoralized them and caused tho major ity to retreat precipitately from tho hut nnd turn thcirattention toward tho river. Bill wns not particularly noted for his marksmanship, nnd uot more than ono in ovcry twenty bullets look effect! but tho unceasing Urn was too much for tho natives, nnd thoy broke and ran llko so many sheep. Tor a few minutes it looked ns though Bill's plan would cnahlo thoso imprisoned In the hut to make their escape! hut wit li tho cessation of tho tiring thu courage of tho natives returned, and they speedily placed tho cabin between themselves nnd the vessel. Then they sent n half dozen particularly good Bhots at tho doughty engineer. "It looks ter me," said Bill to himself, as boveral of tho sharp pointed sticks (lew past him, "as if we'd kinder got inter ti hornets' nest. Thebo dtirned sav ages will starvu tho boys out unless I can drivo them ofT, I guess I'll wait till after dark and sco if I can't carry somo rifles to them." For somo tlmo afterwaids thu mind of the engineer was busily engnged in choos ing from n number of plans tho ono best suited for the speedy delivernnco of his fellow tourists. It would bo necessary to reach tho cabin without alarming tho savages, and at tho samo lime leavo be hind him somo judication of his prcsnnco on board tho vessel, thus distracting their attention from his expedition. Ho llnally perfected a schemo that would carry out his idea, and when night fell, ho had completed his arrangements for liberating tho tourists. Ho secured all tho rillcs in a bundle nnd stowed about his clothing all tho cartridges 1 10 could carry, Then ho set the whistlo on tho boat to blow lng, tying back tho valvo cord, so as to frighten tho natives and glvo them to understand that ho wum slill on board. Tho vessel was also provided with a largo and reso nant brass bell, and tho clapper of this lie connected by a cord with tho plung ing piston lod, for ho had set tho engino gently to woiklng. Tho result must havo puzzled and amused thocaptlvesas much us it alarmed tho natives, and for a few miuutc3 not a souud could bo heard abovo tho hoaibo shriek of tho whistle, and tho loud ding dong of tho bell. Just as tho din commenced Bill leaped on bhoro with tho rifles and ammunition and set out In the darkness for tho cabin. Twice ho btumbled and fell, and boveral times caught sight of dark forms mov ing about him, for the cabin was sur rounded by savHges. Butif thcysawtho engineer they must havo taken him for ono of their own number, nnd ho reached tho frout of tho cabin in safety, "Hey, there," ho whispered, rapping lightly on tho door. "It's me Bill." Tho door was cautiously opened and tho engineer crawled in, receiving a per fect ovation from the prisoners. When they had divided tho rifles and cartridges, tho captain baid: "I guess we'd better start for tho boat at once. Under cover of tho darkness wo aro moro suro to reach It, and tho noiso of tho whUtlo will show us tho way, Aro you all ready?" "Yes," camo in chorus from tho rest, and the door was 6lowly opened. Tho captain went out llrst, followed in turn at intervals of a minutu by Bunco, Jack, Itusboll, Bill and (Jeorge. Just as tho latter stalled, the fun b.gan. Tho rillcs kept cracking merrily, cacli succeeding reivort sounding nearer and nearer to the boat, until tho captain, with Bill at his side, sprang on hoard, and the ingenuity of tho latter was Mill further demonstrated by tho preparations which ho had mado for repelling boulders. Two long pieces of lubber hose, con necting with tho boiling water In the engino room, were brought into service, and, while waiting for thu remainder of tho party to como up, did valuablo work In keeping the savages nt a distance. When tho last man was on board Bill rushed below and started tho propeller, whllo Jack, in tho pilot house, headed tho lioat down stream. "Wo aro saved!" exclaimed tho cap tain, fervently. "Now let ds get out of this region as quick as possible. It is hnrdW tho sort of ono lor a pleasure tour. Howard Jl. Boynton in Tho Ar- gy. V I.OTO of Jutdlcp. "Where did you get that enko, Annie t" "Mother gavo it to mo." "She's nlw ays n-giving you moroi she does me." "Never mind, Harry;" tba's golug to put nutatnrd plasters on us to-night, and I'll ask her to let you have tho biggest." Life. The Old Man Wus Disappointed. Uncle I'cter wont to coo a ball game last Saturday. It was bis first view of such a contest In ten yoars, and ho looked somowlmt disupiHjtnUxl as the innings rolled otT with machine like promptness, but he sutd nothing until he was on board n homeward bound car. Tbuu his uephuw Addressed him i "What do you think of It, unclo!" "'Hint wns a baseball game, was itf "Of course it w. Why do yoa ask tlmtr "And they call that playing!" "CtTtatnly." "Nobody punched nobody else from ono end to tho otlierl" "No, Indeed." "And the umpire wasn't kicked olf the field!" "That Is a raro diversion nowadays." "And tho wholo eighteen men didnt liuddlo togother "In a hunch and Jaw every tlmo a man was called out!" "Oh, no." "And nobody didn't steal tho best bats and make otr with the (pare liaUl" "That Is Impossible under the present ar rangement." "And the w hole thing didn't w Ind up in a freo fight!" "You saw that it didn't," "I know that I saw it didn't, and I alo know a game of real baseball when I seo It, and that confounded croquet urty that wo old I) to look at Is no more llko tho real games they used to play than mi amateur muistrcl show Is like genuine fun, Charles. 1 town Kntorprlse. ' 'ilifll the World Turner 'Hound Afnln. Ho oillcrod a tobacco store on Grand Hiver nveuuo with a handkerchief pressed to his Jaw, and was at cuioo an object of solicitude. "I'vo been there," said number ono, "and I can foel for you. Try pcpiermlnt essence." "I always put on n ling of hot salt," said nuinlier two. "Have cured tho worst kind of case imldu of two hours." "lloshl" exclaimed number three, "olno trlcity will stop that ache hi two minute. I'll never fdol with nny other remedy." "Gentlemen," sold number four, as ho put his linger into his mouth to feel of an old sung, "there's nothing llko InudunnUi tor the toothache. It coines from on exposed nerve. Laudanum deadens tho sensibility of the nervo. t'vo used It with success a hundred times," "I never'd advice a mnu to waste tlmo fool ing around," said number Ave, "It hint go ttrnlght to tho dentist nnd hnvo tt pulled out. It takes grit, of course,-but In flvo minutes you aro over It forever." "I'vo had eleven pulled out," said number six, "and I'd sooner lose eleven moro than sutVer with toothache for ono hour. I'll go with you, Smith." "Whero to!" Innocently asked Smith, as he pocketed tho handkerchief. "To tho dcntUt's. Haven't you got tho toothache!" "Oh, no. Every ono of my molars is false. I always carry my handkerchief that way when thinking deeply. Much obliged, geuts. What will you snioko at your on n expense!'' Detroit Freo Press. Not for Pish. Dctweeu Orceusboro' and Salisbury tho lo comotive broke dow u nnd wo Iny for threo hours w hilo repairs wero being mado. Tbero was a small lake near by, aud tho colonel got out his llshhig tackle, hunted up a frog for bait, anil tried his luck. Ho fished that pond lengthways and tldoways and up aud down and across for two hours and a half, and ho wai still at it when a white man came through tho woods and stopped and inquired! "Had any luck!" "Not a bit." "Fishing for ash!" "Of course," "Just lo pass tho timer' "Yes." "Thou It's all right." "Supposo I wasn't fishing Just to pass tho tlmo I" "Thou I'd fed It my duty to tell you that this lako uos druiued off last week nnd every blessed fish scooped out. This 'ere watercame In from tho lut rain." Detroit Freo Press. A Wasted IlfTurt. Adolph (much in love, but very near sight ed) Ah I 6ho sees mo coming and waves mo a welcome. Biddy (washing tho window) Phwat alh the dude on thu outside! Shuro ho'll get tonio hot wnther over him If ho tlu-ys uiashiu' mo. I.tfo. Hated Monotony. 'Maude," ho said, with a nulvcrlnff quaver Jn tho vowel sounds, "Maude, three weeks ago to-night I asked you to marry mo." "You Mil." "And you said 'no.'" "That woh my answer," "Two wooks ago to-night I asked you tho samo question." "I remember." "And you undo tho samo reply." "I did." "A week ago I askod you to bo my wife. and you said -'no' again," Ye.'' "You havo had another wook to think tha matter over, and I culled to see whether you had arrived at any other conclusion." Who reflected' a moment, and then 6uld gcntlyi -ijurry, i rocogmzo mo tact mat oaoi tlmo I have answered you in precisely tho samo wi.y. There has lieea nothing in my replies, so fur, to relieve tho similarity." Then, a.ter another puuso, she bold, still moro softlyi 'HariT, I should uato very much to bo considered monotonous." Merchant Trav eler. A Woman of thq World. A pretty fan was presented to a little clrl 4 years of ago, and she, wishing to show her new treasure, hung it on her finger aud held It out at arm's lengtli. A lady, on entering tho irlor, was attracted by the peculiar at tltudo of the little girl, and finally sold to hen "Isn't It very fatiguing to hold out your arm In that way so long!" Said little Elaie In answer, with a doep sight "Isn't It always fatiguing to be elegant!" Wide Awake, A Decided Drawback. "Oraciousl" exclaimed Mrs. Backwoods, "the paper says that the fashionable folks tn N'York havo '5 o'clock tea.' Thoy must got awful hungry aforo bedtliui " -llarer'a Bazar. Fannlo tried very hard to bo pollto and speak correctly. At church ono day the met a little friend who had boon sick for some tlmo. In asking about her aflllctlon Fannie said! "Did you oujoy much palu when you wcro Ull" Youth'b Couqianlou. Ho Chanurd tha (subject. Ho Miss Travis, do you look favorably upon my suit! She Certainly; It fits you beautifully. Burlington Freo Press. tdke ISvery Quo Ulse A St, Louis man uamod I'yo left a largo ustnto. It turns out that his relatives, like other iwoplo, wero fond of I'yo. l'ittsburg Chronicle. btriiuge but True. Tho moths havo strango tastes. They fre quently opiioar in overcoats in summer weather. Fort l'lain Kroo Fi-ess. Tip to Termagant. A "tense of humor" Is so much bepralsod Ily crltloa, that one mik-ht tmpposo It raised To tho high rank of a new cardinal tlrttio. Well, 'tU a gift that helps uud cannot hurt you. Hut If you'd culthato thu gift delightful. You must ubaudon hato, aud cut the spiteful; For whatsoever angry fools inay rumor, You can't be humorous when you're out of bu- voil i4naoa tmw" THE COLUMBIAN, VOL XXIII. NO JO COLUMBIA DKM03HAT, V0L.L1II, NO 11 THE LATEST IN JEWELS. 'Tigs In clover" puzzlos nro now mado wltla both lidos ot glass. Tiny flasks in gold wlckerwork havo boon designod as earrings. Blmplo pearl headings for side combs con tinue to gain admirers, Eiffel tower Jswelry threatens to liecoine a fad hero as well as in l'arls. Flying cuptds with satchels of arrows form pretty queen chain pendants. Choice link cud buttons aro of almond shape, thickly covered with learls. Candelabra of faience, in delicate boudoir thus, appeal to tho tastes ofniany. Liuk sleeve buttons In tho form of spiral gold bars aro very much in voguo. Richly chased gold and opaquo amber Is a now combination for umbrella handles. ltoman gold cult buttons with delicate tracings of colored enamel are ull tho go. Oold liairplns are out In imitation of tha old coach horn, with llttlo or no engraving, A brooch suitable for mourning wear is a black onyx palm leaf with a plain gold stem. Tho miniature lorgnette quosn chain x.'u dant lately introduced finds hosts of admirers. In now watch charms Is noticed a small block of ngatlred wood with an intaglio In each side. The cutest queen charm yet seen is a tiny cago formed of gold wire inclosing an en ameled bird. Deserving of much favor as a scarf pin Is a bluo enamel button on which Is outlined a diamond heart. Four small gold strips crossed in a square, having a ruby in tho center, tend to mako an exceedingly pretty lace phi. Colored crystal lamp bowls with a cover ing of largo open work silver aro an appre ciable change, in piano lamps. Tho ornamentation on a duplicate mirror, recently soon, was a Pomiielion scene, etched In tho most exquisite manner. Narrow shankod rings havo settings of three or four colored pearls, whoso contrast ing hues odd beauty to tho ring. linger rings of recent origin aro couiposod of a number of slender gold wires linked together with tiny enamel bows. Celluloid jewelry will bo ono of tho fea tures at the summer resorts this season, If fashion cranks aro to bo relied upon. Among tho most desirable scarf pin novel ties Is a pretty bluo enamel disk bearing a moonstono cameo. Jowelers lloview. White enamel daisies of varying sizes aro neatly arranged In a star pattern as a brooch. Each flower Is centered with a diamond. An artistic stylo of ring setting consists of four diamonds hi a vertical setting, flanked on either sldo by a ruby above a sapphire. For second mourning may bo rocommended a black and white onyx shell llko brooch, with diamonds and pearls set in tho hollow. A brooch of a high order is formed of two gold circles between which runs a baud of cream colorod enamel set at intervals with rubles. An innovation In bracelets recently noted was a brood band of red elastic with an Im mense double dlumond star adorning the center. Rich looking hairpin tops aro a bunch of gold loops interlace!, the center one termi nating in a point, and a pear shaped pearl mounting the loops. Ono of fashion's latest fancies is an earring composed of a blood red ruby of unusual size in n close setting, with n clrclo of alter nate diamonds and sapphires surrounding It Jewelers' Review. FASHIONS FOR MEN. Black silk corded chains will be worn with white vests. To bo iu tho sw lm every man should have n neat bathing suit. Silk stripe cashmeres is the favorite ma terial for tennis sashes. Tenuis belts will bo worn made up In silk webs, worsted and elastics. Whlto stono jewelry and low cut vests Is a combination now in vogue. Silk blazers, in fancy figured stripes, will bo a feature of summer outfits. Tho flowing end Tecksand band bows ir light colorod silks aro now the rago. Tho prevalent background among tho new scarflngs shown iu dainty colors is pink. French zephyrs, In washable colors, aro In greater demand this season than over before. Every species of aqueous costumo for man is growing gaudier, from swimming Uguts to uatu robes. The Lever collar button is dow mado with a pearl back and is especially adapted for summer wear. Tho English tenuis sash in rich colored bilks will bo oxtcnslvely worn by thoso playeru w ho desire something choice. Soma of tho "sporting cents" nro radiant with silk handkerchiefs with borders repre senting horses aud their mounts. A new featuro for the summer season Is a silk stripe flannel made up In four-in-hand und leeks to match the llannel shirt, Momte cloth, pongoo silks and reps figured. iu wbito and tinted shades, w ill bo extensive ly worn in tho different shapes of nucku ear. Tho tendency of tho times for tho fanciful will bo apparent In tho wide raugo of color among tho boating men, canoeists and yachts men. t30Jiio ot mo combinations which will bo seen "on lward ship," this coming season, will surpass anything heretofore utteinpted by tho amateur sea dogs. Clothier und Fur nisher. SCIENTIFIC SQUIBS. Hammered zino has tho greatest range of expansion aud contraction of tho solid metals, being 1.44 inch in 100 feet for a dllferonco of 40 degs. C. Compound camphor liniment Is mado by mixing one drachm of camphor, flvo drops of oil of lavender, two drachms of strong solution of ammouiu, and six drachms of rectified spirit. The now powder which Is now used in tho German army for sifting into tho shoos aud stockings of tho foot soldiers consists of three parts of salicylic acid, ten of starch, and eighty-seven of pulvcrliod soapstouo. This mixture keejis tho feet dry, prevents chafing, and rapidly heals sore spots. Application for painful tooth: A contrib utor to Tho Union Medlcalo gives the follow ing formula: Dry alcohallo extract of opium, ono part; camphor, ono part; balsam of Peru, ono part; mastic, two parts; chloro form, twet ty parts. A pellet of cotton soak ed in tho stlution Is to be introduced luto the cavity, Tho "regal red poppy" has recently lieen found to havo tho valuable power ot binding with its roots tho boll In which it grows lu such a manner that it will prove most valua blo In supporting embankments, Alreodv several French engineers havo undertaken the sowing ot railway embankments with poppies. Lcmuus ( Kxnerlcticc. Anxious Mother Mv sou. that vomu- lady you admlro knows nothing about house- worK. Son Well, mother, you know you don't euuer. 'True, my son. Your father's brothur. however, married u girl who did, and tho money she saved was investod lu mil estate, and they aro now living in a brown itoue palace." "Oh, well, his fortune couldn't all have como from that." "Maybe uot, maybo not; but your father mm i uro uviug m a routed House, and one of uur oiu servant girls owns it." Heady to Take Ills Medicine. "Did I over say nil tliatf" ho askod despond' ently, ns she replaced tho phonograph on the cornor oi the mantelpiece. "You did." "Aud you can grind it out of that machine wueuever you chooser "Certainly." "Aud your father is a lawyerf' "Yes.'' "Maliol, when can I place the ring on your finder and call you my wifm" Merchant iTOVOjl". HOMES FOR THE rEOPLli. PLANS THAT ARE ARTISTIC, CON VENIENT AND ECONOMICAL. Hern Aro Designs for it IMctnresqtie Little Cottage That, It Is Claimed, Can II Put Up for 8000 A Tine Looking llou.e for 81,800. Thcro has never been n tlmo In tho history of man's civilization when the building of houses for homos received so much attention as now. It is becoming tho ambition of every man, no matter what his .financial lovfl, to own bis own homo, and tho various forms of co-operntlvo real estate buying aud building tho loan association and tho Tike have rendered it far more feasible than In tho past for ovcry man to realize this most laudable deslro. Tho results aro marvelous. Ncnt, tasteful and nrtlstlo houses are spring ing up everywhere. The landlord's! occupa tion in many cases Is gone. Tho wage earner, the small buslnen man and the professional maa nro now their own landlords to an ex tent that would havo been deemed Impossible thirty, twenty, nny, llv-o years nga And not the least gratifying featuro of this state of alTalrs Is tho fact that It causes ovcry man to glvo attention to tho alTalrs of his own community Ho is n tax payer why should hoi.ot concern himself with tho administra tion of tho government of his town, his vil lage, hNcltyl Let tho good work go on. Let tho people of this country lecomo a jiooplo of homeown ers, Independent and self resiiecting. Nothlog can moro certainly conduco to the greatness of tho country as a wholo; nothing 'will more certainly tend to rendcrsolld the foundation! of pcoco, public prosperity nnd tho Institu tions of the geuoral government. The publishers ot this paper, recognising all this, havo decided to furnish Its readers with a series of designs and plans for houses of va rying cost, from tho cottngo of a few hundred dollars' cxpenso to thoclegaut villa. It Is ox pocted that tho plans will combine economy, convenience and beauty, Thoy havo liecn so looted from a number of standard sources aud an estimate of cost will be given In each caso, though this Is an element that mustnoc essarily vary greatly hi different localities. Tasteful Frame Collage. This plan Is taken from n haudsomo little pamphlet entitled "Artistic Homes," Issued by the National Building Flan association of YEItSrECTIVE VIEW. Detroit, Mich., a publication from which we shall draw quite liberally. Tho estimated cost of tho completed building is fOOO, nnd it is de scribed as follows in the book of plans: First story, 0 feet high In tho clears cellar, 11 feet. First story contains sitting room, 15x10 feet; (OWE LIVING. ROOM SITTINcl I ROOM J I isaft lm. UmiQ CHAMBER I I fxoort rLAjiB. living room, 13x15, with pantry. Attio story contains two large bedrooms. Cellar under living room. Two Story Frame Dwclllur-. These plans aro from "Artistic Homos," by tho National Building Plan association, De troit: rEHSr-ECTIVE VTEW. Framo Two Story Dwelling Height of stories in tho clear first, 10 foot; second, 0 feet 0 inches. Cellar, 0 foot C iuches. First story contains hall, 7x11; parlor, 12x14; dln- FIRST FLOOR. lng room, 12x14: kitchen. I!!xl4: nontrr and china closet. Second story contains three oou rooms, nuout 13x14 each, with large bltCO.VD FLOOR. closets. Firbt blory, clapboards; second Btwry, shingles. EsUmatwl cost ofjbuildlng, f 1,500. Had tlin Figure to -limv for It. "You never loved me, John," sobbed, Mrs. BUlus, hysterically. Maria," exclaimed Mr. Hums, earnestly, "younru ml.taken. If you will look back over tho family ex tense account you w 111 find that it cost us f,'i.b0 for reolrins rocking chairs during the first three years of our mar I led life," Chicago Tribune. 1 Am l.jlnc:, Fcypt, I.jinar. I am lying, n?ypt. lying In my own iwcullar way; I acquired the lublt lately, but I do It etery day. Every morning to tho river w 1th my tackle I re pair To beguile tho biwckled troutlet from his deep. ieiniclu lair. In the owning ou retnrnlnj I describe my vic tim's size: And I'm rtkunlu.', I'yit, roaming In a wilder nest of tie. Nebraska State Journal New Itules. Hotel Clerk (suspiciously) Yotir bundle has couiu njart. May I ask what that queer thing is I Guer-t Tliis is a new patent lire escape I always curry It, so In caso of Ilro 1 ca.r let myself down from the hotel window. See! Clrk (thtaightf ully) -I see. Our terms for guests with uro escapes, sir, are Invariably cosh in advance. New York Weekly. A I'ureutul Admonition, Stern Parent Johnnl, I'm informed, that you use a great dual of slung. Is it true! "Yes, sir." "Aud I have cautioned you ogainst the vulgar habit scores of times. I ouce more worn you tlutt If you persist hi using slang I'll take that strap from tho wall aud you'll flud yourself in the soup." Lincoln Journal. Quick lo Art. Smith I've Just taken borne of Dr. Quack's medicine; thought I'd try n new doctor. Do yoTTknow much u'out blml Jones Yes, a little, A friend of mine look some of Ins un heme once, 'Did, eh! Wu It quick to act I" "Oh, yes, th. re was crape on the door next ' i.ornlnal.-Ncv Yens Suu. I pAfltPf 0l,0N(Jt HALL J ?JA,ZZ n n t CrjANjBEr I l CHVBEf ! CHAMBER 1 fiswnwsj mSa pfsu i B J Ir Ir S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers