The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 21, 1889, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pure In
strength and wholesomeness. Moro economical
than tlio ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in
competition with tlio multltudo ot low test, short
weight alum or phosphato rowders. Sum on!u In
caiui. Kotal IHkino Powder Co., n 6 all st.,N V.
Ifrubllsned every Friday.
i.oo a. vear.
Subscription rrlco,
Entered at tho Post onico at Uloomsbure, Pa.,
as second Class matter, .March 1, lsw.
conRLiT mitnoiD m hulk.
Taking effect MONDAY. NOVEMUEIt 5(1, 1893.
!"Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS, r. m. r. m. a.m. a.m. t. m. r. u.
Bloomsburir , 6 !8 1 03 8 w 8 35 2 0 40
Main street 0 18 12 M 7 68 8 40 2 36 8 SI
Irondale 6 16 12 50 7 56 B 41 S 4! 6 61
l'aper.MIll 0 08 12 40 7 43 8 60 2 f.2 7 01
LlghtStreet. 6 05 12 31 7 45 9 00 2 67 7 OS
orangevlllo 6 61 12 20 7 35 0 10 3 20 7 in
Forks, 6 45 12 Oil T 20 9 25 8 3d 7 31
Tubbs S M 11 63 7 15 9 30 3 43 7 36
Stillwater 5 37 11 45 7 10 9 37 3 60 741
Benton, 6 23 11 30 7 00 9 17 4 15 7 52
Kdsons 5 23 11 20 6 54 9 61 4 20 7 5i
coles Creek, 5 20 11 15 0 62 9 68 4 21 8 00
sucarloaf, 5 is 11 10 6 4S 10 00 4 is 8 05
Laubachs, 6 12 11 05 6 43 10 01 4 33 8 10
Central. 6 CO 10 67 6 88 10 12 4 40 8 15
Echo l'ark 6 OJ 10 62 6 25 10 15 4 43 8 19
Jamison city.... 5 00 10 45 0 S9 10 20.4 to 8 25
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
r. u. a. M. a. 11. a. m. r. m. r. u.
Trains on the P. 1C It. li. leave Huron is
(oUowb :
7:32 a. m. 11:02 a. m.
3:31 p. m. 6:2'J p. m.
Tralnsontlio D. L. b W. it. It. leave Bioomsburg
7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m.
10:57 a. m. 12:oo p. m.
"2:21 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
0:36 p. m. 8:47 p. m.
Trnlnsonths N. SW. B. ltallwaypaas Bloom
Ferry as follows :
10:48 a. m. 12:37 p. m.
e.20 p. in. 4-30 p. m.
10:48 a m 6:39 p m
Foil Sale. A valunblo farm in Madison
Township containing 115 acres, lino build,
lngs. will be sold on easy payments. If
not sold nt private sale by Julj 1st, will bo
sold at public sale. For terms inquire of
J. S. Williams, Hloomsburg. tf.
For Sai.k. A desirable nnd commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, ga9 and steam. Apply to
JanSOlf. Ii. N. Moykh.
Fon Sale A vnluablo vacant lot on
Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street,
ten dwellings and n good store property In
Hloomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills
and two store properties In Col. Co. A
good farm of 307 nerei with good build,
lngs in Virginia and two farms in Kansas
by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Heal Estate
Agt., uioomstmrg ra.
Leaders in styles now styles of neck
-wear. Linen collars cull's hosiery
shirts bandsomo diets shiits at
JMss Skidmorc, of Brooklyn, is the guest
of Miss Mildred Knorr.
Mrs. M. E. Reber nnd Miss John of Shn
mokin, nro tho guests of Mrs. Freas Brown.
Dr. B. F. Gatdmr went to Chatanooga,
Tcnn., on Monday morning.
Jlr. and Mrs. Kcyeerof Philadelphia arc
spending tho summer at tho Sanitarium.
Mrs. Dr. Biddle. of Ashland, is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Buckingham, on East St.
Mrs. M. II. McKinncy and daughter,
Miss Ella, are at Key East on tho New Jer
sey coast.
Miss Annie Miller assisted at a concert
given in Sunbury last week for the benefit
of the Williamsport people.
Judgo I. K. Krlckbaum started on Mod
lav on a western trip. lie expects to be
absent several weeks.
Mrs. D. G. Bertscli of Chunk,
nnd Miss Bear of Kansas City, nro tho
quests of G. W. Bertsch.
William II. Clark, returned from Florida
Tuesday morning. Ho has been absent for
nbout two years.
Hcmember the Philolocian festival at
Muslo Ilall, Friday nud Saturday even'gs,
Fine Cabinets In vignette or scroll,
tf M'Killlp Bros.
Last week Dr. Brown removed a cata.
ract for Mr. Chas. Straupcr of Centralia.
Collector's notices, 20 cents a dozen by
mail; Collector's receipts, 35 cents a hund
red at this office. tf.
Several communications on the prnhibi.
tlou question reached us tjo late for last
week, nnd as tho batllo Is now over, Wey
are not published this week.
Por a spring suit put up in first class
style) go to tlio leading merchant tailor
ing establishment ot u. j.oweuuerg.
Sir. Thos. Beaver and a party from Dan
vllle drove to Hloomsburg 011 Monday in
Mr. Beaver's bandsomo four horse coach
and spout a few hours at tho Exchange.
When J. a. Wells returns frnm New
York ho will bo thoroughly competent to
test the eyesight, and to till orders for
glusscs for all kitids of defective eyes.
Tho Stuart Peterson Co. of Philadelphia
lias concluded to remove Its plant to
Bioomsburg, provided satisfactory terms
can bo made, This rouceru manufactures
stoves nnd hollow ware, and employs
largo number of men.
All letters concerning newspaper business
should bo addressed to TiieOoluiiuun and
not to cither of tho editors personally. In
the absence of cither, letters addressed to
lilm are uot opened until his return, nnd In
this way matters for publication are some
times 'elaycd
Picnlo grounds have been put In otde
at Central, Tho grovo is that kuown as
Hess Grovo and is about ono mile from
Jamison City, The grovo has been turn
ished with swings, tables, dancing plat,
forms, good water, and is In every way
Adopted for beautiful plcuio grounds,
Tlio (Jallleplan Literary festival at Muslo
Hall last Friday and Saturday evenings.
was a succe-is In every respect. The
Uioomsburg Cornet Band anil Hloomsburg
Orchestra furnished muslo for tho occa
Llfo tlzo crayons in gold frames
tf H'Ktlllp Bros.
Tbo 1'hllologtan Literary Society will
hold n festival In Music HhII this week
Friday and Bnturday evenings. Many now
features will bo presented, nmomr llicso
being tho "Gypsy Queen" nnd tho "Art
Gallery." Good muslo will bo furnished
both evenings. Don't fall to bo or von
will miss a good thing.
At tho convention of tho Episcopal church
licld nt Heading last week, Hot. W. 0.
Lcvorclt was elected a clerical ilemilv in
tlio General Convention which meets In
New York next fall. Ho was also re-elect,
edn member of tho Standing Commlttco
of the Diocese. Col, J, 0. Frcczo wns re.
elected Chancellor of tho Diocese. Tho
next convention will bo held In Christ
Church, Townndo, In Juno 1890.
While on n recent visit to Tunkliannock,
wo took tho opportunity n call nt the of.
dee of the II 'yarning cmoeral, one of our
oldest and most valued exchanges. Mr.
Alvln Day Is tho proprietor, and the paper
under his elllclent manngemeut, Is ono of
tlio most profltablo In Northern Fcnnsyl
vnnla. Tho olllce Is well equipped with
machinery and type. We wish the Demo
crat continued-success.
James MrGec & Co., havo finally deter,
mined to remove their carpet factory from
Philadelphia to Bioomsburg. A site has
been selected on tho south Bide of the U. &
8., railroad fronting on Fifth street, and
tho work on the buildings will hegl-i very
soon. This establishment will employ 800
lianas or more. It Is to be ready to go Into
operation by October next.
The contract for tho erection of the Fes.
byterlan Church has been let to Mnthins
Gelsl, of Pcttstown. The building is to bo
of Hummelstown brown stone, and tho
stono work hns been sublet to McCullough
& Honey of Philadelphia. The roof 19 to
bo 011 by January t. nnd the structure is lo
be ready for occupancy by July 1, 1690.
The entire cost of the church and furni
ture will be about $35,000.
Mr. Wm. Hart vUlled bis family Sun.
day last. He is now operating ono of tho
larirest tracts of ore land in this state. Tlio
land Is located In Centre county, near Bell
efonte, nnd is owned by Ex Governor Cur.
tin nnd others. Mr. Hart has a lease for
ten years, and says that the mines nro pro
ducing even more than he anticipated.
Uis family will join him before the llrst of
Williamson II. Jacoby Is at present cm
ployed In this olllce, nnd has been here for
several weeks. It is hoped that his valu
nuui services mav lie retalucd for some
time to come, lie is a thoroughly practl. printer, nnd had miny years ex.
peticnco as editor of 'the brigh' and spicy
Star of the Xmth, which many of our older
readers will remember well. Tlio paper
was consolidated w Uh the Columbian In
A nnp of $75.00 in favor of Benton Hall
Association, .No. 7411, 1. OOF, dated
May 2d, 18S5, signal by William Pitteison
and I K. K. L.tubach, has been mislaid or
lost. The makers and all other persons
arc hereby notified thin slid note should
he paid lo 1.0 one lint the Treasurer of tho
Hall CummitUc.
E. S. Fr.iT, President,
A. H. FniTZ, Secretary,
Lafayette Keblkr, Treas.
Benton, June 12, 188'J.
The Coi.u.miiian proposes to keep right up
with the procession. Our job patronago
has increased to Mich an extent that we
have lung felt tho need of additional facill-
es, although possessing the best in the
county. We nre dally expecting a largo
stereotyping midline, and on Friday last
an oruer wa9 given to tne uumpuen rress
Company of New York, for a 41500 cylin
der pre- s far book and job work -ilone,
which is expicted in n few days With
theso valuable addition we shall be better
reparcd than ever to do the best, the
ulckest, and the cheapest printing In this
seclion of I lit- state.
Correspondence is invited from every
township iu the county upon nuy topic of
public interest. We want all the news,
but it is impossible to give it unless wc gel
Ministers are especially rapiested to
send lu articles of marriages and deaths,
and reports of all matters in which their
churches are Interested. Please 'call your
pastoi's attention to this, and tell him tho
C01.UMIUAN will be sent free to him for one
ear, If he will comply with these condi
tions. Send in the news, and it will be
put In propel shape for publication. It will
be waste lime, however, for anyone to send
items in which there is some hidden per-
sonal allusion. News Is wanted, but not
Miss Hattie Wayne died suddenly at tho
rcsidenco of 1 er parents on South Main
street, Bioomsburg, last Saturday evening
at about five o'clock, aged elxtccn years
and eight months. About three months
ago she contracted a severe cold, which
developed Into heart disease and dropsy.
She seemed apparently to bo improving,
but yet her strength was gradually leaving
icr. Saturday last she was suddenly ta
ken with a feeling of oxhaustlon, and
called for belt), wishing to be fanned.
Every clfott was made to revive her but
without avail, fclio wns long a member of
tho Lutheran Sunday School, and always
In her placo while In health. Funeral ser
vices were held Tuesday afternoon, con-
luctcd by Hcv. E. A. Sharretts and Hcv.
W. Sears.
A special session of tho court will begin
next Monday, the 24th, for tho trial of threo
ejectment suits Involving tho title to
three large tracts of coal lands In Conyng
ham township. In all of them tho city of
Philadelphia, trustco under tho Yull of
Stephen Girnrd, is tho plaintiff, and tho
defendant In ouo of them is tho Johnston
Beasly Coal Company, and In tho other two
thu tenants In possession are tho nominal
defendants, while E. P. Wilbur, trustee, is
the real defendant. Tho counsel concern.
ed In the cases are Geo. F. Bucr, of Head-
Ing, S. P. Wolvcrton, of Suubury, Franklin
11. Gowen.F. Carroll Hrcwster, 01 rmiadel-
phlu, John Hyan and B. H. Ivaercher, ot
PottsvihV, Judge Elwell, C. H. Huckalew,
J. G. Freeze, L E Waller and Qco. L.
Elwell. If all tho cases nro tried It will
take 6omo time.
So far as tclcgruphlc communication ftoin
BloomBburg to the outer world Is concern
ed, thero seems to bo none of It. During
the high water, and the damugo to tho
B. i& S. K. H., no dispatches wero sent by
anybody from Bioomsburg. When n man
hanged himself hero last Sunday, tho dis
patch announcing it was sent from Wilkes
Barrc. No ono has taken tho troublo to
report nuy of our Idustrlal movements.
Nothing of public Interest here seems to
bo sent to tho dally papers. Whether this
is the fault of tho dallies, which havo uot
mndo arrungemerts to get news from here,
or a lack of enterprise In our people In not
letting tho world know what we are doing
here, wo do uot pretend to say, but we do
suy that Bioomsburg Is a town of nearly
0000 Inhabitants, and that it Is rapidly
forging to the front, and Is destined to bo a
great inauufacturlog centre, and tho evi
dences of our progress ns they occur ought
to bo mado known In the dally city papers,
as thu doings ot other less important towns
nro inudu known,
On Sunday morning nt 11 o'clock M. 8.
Williams lushed down Iron street in search
of Guy Jacoby ,Esq., and having found btm,
announced that tho body of a man was hang
Ing to n tree In tho woods on tho sldo hill
back of Hoscmont Cemetery. The report
spread rapidly, and a largo crowd started
for the spot. Tho body was still banging
Just ns It was first discovered by two young
men, William Bcott nnd Jerry Geese, who
wcro taklmr. a stroll In tho woods. It was
In a spot entirely concealed from tho road
below, and the snlcklo evidently had sought
a placo where his Intention to destroy him
self would not bo frustrated.
Tho body was suspended by n strnp
around tho neck, tho other end being tied
to a limb of n tree. Tho feet wero only n
few Inches from tho ground, but the slopo
was so great that he could not havo gained
n foothold utter swinging himself off, even
if ho had so desired, Tho man evidently
put tho ncoso nround his neck, and then
holding himself up by ouo hand, had tied a
double knot In tho strap and then let him
self down. Ho could not kayo stood on
the ground above tho tree and tied the
knot, ns tho strap was too short. The left
leg of bis pants was torn at tho knee, cans
cd no doubt by bis struggles.
Esquire Jacoby Impaneled a jury consist.
Ing of E. SklUs McKilllp, M. S. Williams,
II. E. Smith, Jas. At. Walter, G. T. Baker,
and Geo. Sterling, and upon being sworn,
they viewed tho body and It was then taken
down. No one present could Identify tho
man. He was about five feet fivu inches
in height, and weighed about 140 pounds.
Ills apparent age was from 35 to 40 years,
and ho wore a faded dark suit, sack coat,
and a cap. Tho faco was covered with a
light beard. Nothing was found In bis
pockets that served to identify him. Ho
had nothing but a clean colored shirt of
coarso material, a bunch of strong snoo
strings, and two handkerchiefs.
When found, tho body had tho cap on tho
head, and wa perfectly rigid. The strap
had cut deep Into the neck, and thero were
evidences of mortification about the mouth,
in the bnnds which were swollen, and the
blood had settled about tho ankles.
Tho coroner's inquest was adjourned un
til Monday morning at 9 o'clock, and Un
dertaker Baker took chargo of tho body
and removed it to his shop.
An inquest was held on Monday morn
ing at the office of Esquire Jacoby, at nino
o'clock. Jerry Geese and William Scott
wero called as witnesses and testified that
on Sunday morning they wcro walking
along the top of tho hill, back of the Ceme
tery, and discovered tho body hanging to
a tree. They at once came down nnd gavo
tho alarm, M. rf. Williams being the first
person they met. Mr. Williams went up
and looked at the man and then started
for tho coroner.
Bruno ohankosky testified that tho man
wa3 the same ono who was released from
jail on Saturday morning, and that bis
name was Frank Zuranda, a Hungarian.
The witness hid talked with him on Satur
day, and seen him in jail the day before,
having been called upon as an interpreter.
The man had told Bruno that his wifo had
left him, and that he was hunting for her.
He had bce.i up at Millllnvillc acting
strangely, and wns committed to jail by
Samuel Snyder, Esq., on Monday. Bruno
thought lie was insane.
The jury rendered a verdict that the man
came to his death at his own hands, by
hanging, while temporarily Insane.
Zuranda was seen on Saturday evening
by W. W. Barrett, keeper nt the jail, who
put him ou a freight train so tl.ut he might
go to Shickshlnny and join some of Ids
own counttyncn. Mr. 1' afterward
saw him and asked blui why he did not go,
and he lenlied. "No muuuv
The body was burled in the Potter's field
nt the farm of Bloom Poor District.
CoiiHUiuiilinu tiurcly Cured
To the EniTOit Please Inform your read
ers lhat I have a positive remedy for the
above named disease. By its timely use
thousaudd of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall be glsd to send
wo bottles of my remedy fuke to any of
your readers who havo consumption If they
will send me their express ami post olllc
address. Hcspectfully, T. A. SLOCUM
M. C..181 Pearl St., New York, sept-21-ly
Hcliool Hoard Mcrtlnir.
The school board met on Friday evening
last, all the members being present. 'Ibe
minutes of the previous meeting wero tend
and npproved. Tho bond of William
Kramer ns tre-asnrer with J. .. Funston
nnh Joshua Fettctman as sureties was ap.
proved. Tho following bills were upprov
cd and secretary directed to draw orders
in payment ot them: J. E. Heacock rc
pairs at 5lh street $0.50, B. F. Pcucock ct
al auditors sO.00.
The following committees were announc
ed: Buildings and grounds Brown,
Chrisman and Townsend; Supplies Town
send, Kramer, Wilson; Text Books and
Course of Study Brown Chrisman, Gar.
rlson; Grievan;o3 Wilson, Garrison,
On motion the leofth of school term wns
fixed at 8 months, to commence on first
Monday ot September. The tax rate was
unanimously fixed at 5 mills, 3 mills for
school purposes and 2 mills tor building
On motion tho President nnd Secretary
weio authorized to draw an order In tuvor
of Hloomsburg Hanking Co., p 11) able lu
sixty days, for temporary loan for discount
on same. The board thereupon proceeded
to select teachers for tho ensuing year,
with thu followitig result :
J. F. Harklus, High School, $85.00; I.
P. Stetner, Assistant, $50.00; J. B. Kline,
Grammur School, $05.00; Ilattlo Sloan,
Assistant, $35.00.
Hannah Urecco, Junior, $40 00; Annie
Fox, Asslstnnt, $30 00 ; Ell Allen, Inter
mediate $35.00 ; Ida Bernard, Asslstunt,
$30,00 ; Georgia Pursell, Primary A, $37
60 ; Stella Lowcnberg, Primary B, $32 60,
Orval H. Yetter, Junior, $40 00; KH10
Young, Assistant, $30.00; Dora Mnir, In
tcrmedlate, $85.00; Alice Brockwny, As
sistant, $30 00 ; Lou H. Bobbins, Primary
A,-$4000; Ella Sterner, Primaiy 11, $35
00; Annie Snyder, Assistant, $30.00.
1110 sularies 01 janitors wero iixeu at
$25.00 per month and tho following were
A W. Fry High School; E. O. Jone
Filth Street; G. B. Kitchen Third
O11 motion tho board adjourned to meet
Friday evening July 12, 1889, at 7:30
iuo l.adluH Vniitcil,
And 100 men to call on auy druggist for
n free trial package of Lane's Family Medi
cine, tho great root and herb remctly, til
covered by Dr. Silas Lane whllo In tbo
Kocky Mountains. For diseases of tho
blood, liver and kidneys it is a positlvo
euro. For constipation and clearing up
tho complexion t does wonders. Children
like it. Everyone praises P. Large-size
package, 50 cents. At nil druggists.'
Apr. 20-Cm.
An tenant lino of Hummer merino
U-ll .. .. ,.nA J., .,.,. I
! ii;.fj.M uiiuw Hum joi uj'vuvw
Louui.l)tru ?.
A near Sinn iclllcil on 1110 H. Jfc H.
Last Friday morning the 14th Inst, about
7i80 o'clock, William W. Klsncr.of Ornngo.
vllle, wns run orer and killed by tho gravel
train on tho Hloomsburg & Bulllvnn Hall,
road just below the Iron bridge. Ho was
walking on tho track, and tho train was
rnnnluz nt tho rate of nbout twclva miles
nn hour. When tho man was first seen tho
engineer, W. C. Fortune, blew the whistle
three times for "down brakes." Klsncr
being very deaf, paid no attention to It.
Joseph Casey, brakeman, supposed tho
man would step off tho track beforo tho
train reached him, but h9 they drew closer
nnd closer, and ho did not look around nor
step aside, Casey threw a stone at him, to
nttract his attention. By this time the train
was upon him, nnd Casey reached lorward
nnd attempted lo throw him oft tho track,
but Mr. Klsncr'a feet caught In tho rail and
drew hi 111 back under tho cars. Eleven
cat8 pa8Be(1 ovcr Ul0 boily Tuo head and
left arm wcro cut off, tho left leg broken,
and tho fieo and body badly lacerated.
Guy Jacoby, Esq., acting as coroner, held
an Inquest on Friday, tho following persons
serving as jurymen: G. S. Flcckcnstlnc,
E. L. Snyder, Samuel Hldlay, Geo. M. S.
Herring, C. M. Cook, and Francis Herring.
W. O. Fortuno and Joseph Casey testified
to the abovo facts, nnd they wcro corrob
orated by Mrs. Hebccca J. Larney nnd
Frank Urumstetlcr who saw tho accident.
The jury entirely exonerated tho railroad
William W. Klsncr was born in Orange-
vllle, and was a son of Jonas Klsncr, de
ceased. Ho was n blacksmith by trade,
and followed that business many years In
Orangevlllo with I1I3 father. Then he re
moved to Uazleton and pursued the samo
occupation, and from there he went to
Goshen, Indiana, where bo formed a part,
nershlp In tho wagon making business, ho
doing tho Iron work. He accumulated
money and invested it in real estate, there,
and also In Chicago, thereby securing a
compel ncy for himself, and he then sold
out his interest at Goshen, and returned to
Orangevlllo four or fivo years ago, slnco
which ho has led a retired life. Uo was
making arrangements to go west todisposo
of his real estate, when ho was overtaken
by a violent death.
Tho funeral took place on Saturday even
ing at G o'clock.
Mr. Klsner was never married.
Vole ot Columbia County.
Below wc glvo tho voto of Columbia
county as cast Tuesday, Juno 18, for tho
Prohibitory Amendment nnd tho Suffrage
Amendment. Tho Suffrage Amendment
had received so little attention that the
vote Is not as largo as that of tbo other. If
it had been better understood it is probablo
the majority against it would have been
still larger.
Berwick E
Berwick W....
Bloom E
Briarcrcek. ...
Conyngham S,
r Islilnircreek..
Greenwood ...
Mt. Pleasant..
Orange 1 103
1'inc u'J
Hoarlnccreck ! W),
Scott E I 140
on 1
Sco 1 1 W
1 J Ul
Itcllef for Hie Went ltruucli.
The committees appointed nt the public
meetiug held In the Opera House on the
Oth Inst., have made their report. I he
committee to eanvnss for subscriptions cou
sisted of E. H. Drinker, J. H. Schuyler, J.
K. Locknrd, W. S. Moyer, A. Z. Schocb,
and Edward Tmlio
The committee to ascertain tho needs of
the people along the West Branch and to
make distribution nf the money and sup
piles consisted of C. O. Barltley, W. H,
Tubbs, John Jameson, E. C. Wells, nnd J
P. Tustln. W. It. Tubbs was elected treas-
urer of the fund.
Tho several cpmmlttees reported as fol
lows :
A. Z. School $232 00
K H. Drinker, 63.25
E. B Tutin 52.10
W. It. 1 ubbi, 82.50
W. S. Mover 151.75
J. li. Schuyler 79.50
J. K. Lockard 192 77
Provisions included in above, 72.13
Cash supjeriptions,,
uasu unpaid,
Paid I. W. McKclvy, flour, 3G3.75
11. V. VVIlltO iS uo. y&u.uu
draft to Lock lluven, 125.00
Hal. in treasurer's hands,
27 00
Besides the above, the proceeds of the
concert on Friday evening wcro $122,35,
ror which a check has been sent to tho
Mayor of Williamsport. For this purpose
the use ot tho Opera House was donated
by Dentler & Peacock, the services of tho
janitor, M. S. Williams, wero given gratui
tously, and the necessary amount of print
ed matter was furnished by the three
printing offices of tho town. There wero
no expenses whatever, but car faro for two
persons trom Sunbury.
ilrtHf linll.
Tim homo nine crossed bats with tho
Anthracites nt Wllkes-Batru at Athletic
Park last Suturday afternoon, resulting in
a elosa and exciting game, nnd the defeat
of the home nino by a scoro of 0 to 5, P ol
lowing Is the score by innings :
Hloomsburg, 0 1 0 0 0 4-5
Anthracites, 0 0 3 0 0 8-0
Base hits Bloom 5, Anthracites 3. Two
base hit Klee-huer. Stolen bases Bloom
5. Anthracites 5. Struck out bv Heist 4.
bv Haves 0. bv Waslev 5. Left on bases
Bloom 0, Anthracites 8. Missed third
strike Bloom 2, Anthracites 1. Errors
Bloom 3, Anthracites 4. Passed balM
Bloom 1, Anthracites 1. Wild- pitches
Bloom v. li. bkyies iucullllp, umpire.
l'orcccl to i,cave Home.
Ovcr CO pcoplo wero forced to leave
their homes yesterday to call for a free trial
package ot Lane's 1 atnlly Medicine. If
your blood is bad, your liver nnd kidueys
out of order, If you nro constipated and
have headacho and an unsightly complex
ion, don't fall to call on any druggist to.
day for a free Bauiplo of this grand remedy,
Tho ladles praise It, Everyone likes It.
Large-slzu package 60 centB, Apr, 20-0in.
Normal Term,
A Normal term, for tboso teachers de.
shiner to prepare for tho comlne cxatnlnn.
tlon nnd for futuro work will bo opened
. I ... . r. ,,, . .. t..i n -n
i iuu vfuugeviHo neuuemjr uujwy o, ton
I and will continue six week's. tlw,
Hcliool Hculor
Jlhctoric ami
Stqtt. G,
J'Jn;. Literature
W. Jkrmann,
What advantages result from tho study
ot rhetoric?
Glvo your definition of taste Its ele
ments nnd characteristics Us standard.
Enumerate the characteristic which nn
object must possess to excite thu linaglna.
What advantages occur from tho use ot
Criticise t "Education Is the most ex
ccllcut ndvanccmcnt, ns it enlarges tho
mind, promotes Its powers, nnd renders n
man cstlmBblo in the eyes of society.1
Praaphra9ci "Wealth begets want."
Draw up a enrcful analysis of any sub.
Wrlto n description of tho first stanza ot
Grays Elegy.
Why do you like Goldsmith's Deserted
In what department of llteraturo did
Webster excel?
Natural I'hilosopliy L. K. Mc
Giniics. N.imo and define four essential proper
ties of matter.
Stato Newton's inws of motion. Illus.
ralo each.
Describe tho air-pump and explain tho
principle upon which it acts.
Glvo n brief statement of the theory o1
each nt the following: Light, color, heat'
Distinguish between noise and music.
Briefly describe the telephone.
An englno can lift 0 tons 40 ft. in 30 sec.
onds; what Is the horse power.
How Is clectro-platlug done ?
Latin l'rin. A. J. Davis.
1. (a) Translato (Chapter VI.) Allobrogl.
bus ecso vcl pcrsuasuros (quod nondum
bono nnlmo in populum Homanum vliler.
cntur) cxlstimnbant, vol vi coacturos, tit
per suos fines eos Ire pntcrcutur. Oct.
nibus rebm n prefectlonem comparatls,
diem dlcunt, qua die ad rlpam Hhodanl
omncs convenient. Is dies crat a. d. V.
Kal. Apr., L. Pisonc. A. Gablnio consull-
(b). Give rules for the case of Allobro.
gibus and nnimo.
(c). Glvo principal parts of pcrsuasuros,
nnd tell where these forms ore made.
(tl). Account for the mood nnd tense of
(0). How did the Homans reckon time ?
Give the day, month, and year referred to
In last sentence.
II. (n) Translato (Chnpter XIII ) Is
Ita cum Caesare eglt: 'SI paccm populus
Homanua cum Hclvclils faccrct, in cam
partem ituros ntquc ibl futuros Helvetios,
uiil eos Caesar constitucssct ntquc esse
volulsset; sin hello pcrscqul pcrscveraret,
remlnisccretur ct vcteris Incommodl popu
II Horaani, ct prlstina 0 virtutis Helvctiul-
(ti.) Change this sentence to the direct
(c). Wlnt is the modern name for tho
HI. (a.) Translatu (Chapter XXI.)
Eodem dlo ab cxplorntorlbus cerllor factus
hostcs sub montu conscdlsse mllta passu.
um ab ipslus castris octo, quails cssct Da
tura mnntis ct quails In clrcultu ascensus,
qui cognoscerent mlsit.
(b). Parse die, hostcs, milia.
(c). Give reason for tho mood and tense
of esset nnd cognosccrant.
(d). Parse, decline, nod compare fact-
Botany Supt. L. E. JlcGinnes.
l'hu leaf: (1) Functions; (2) Principal
ports; (3) Arrungemcnt on the stem.
The Uowef: (1) Functions; (2) Orgaus.
Classify tho followine herbi according to
character nnd duration: Indian corn
turnips, sweet potatoes, d-ihllii, morning
Distinguish between assimilation and
growth, In plant life.
Give the leading charactcristits of four
orders of plants.
Mental Science Dr. E. E. JHghbee.
Write a brief general Intro luctory out
line relating to this subject.
Show the valuo anrl application of a
knowledge of Psychology in its relation to
tho science nnd art of teaching.
Define and discuss "Memory," "Imagl-
nftioo," "Consciousness."
Explain nnd lllustrato by examples tho
process of reasoning.
Define tho term Syllogism. Descrlbo its
forms nnd laws, and explain its uses and
Discuss tho Will iu its relation to tho
other mental powers and In relatlou to In.
tollectual and moral training.
Geometry l'rin. A. J. Davis.
Prove that the diagonals of a parallclog
ram bisect each other.
1UVU lu nu uiauK'u "i KrutuiT ui
What aro simlllar figures? Prove that
their areas are to each other as tho f quarts
of their homologous sides.
Find a meau proportional between two
given straight lines.
Prove that the area ot a circle equals tho
circumference multiplied by J H.
Mensuration l'rin. A. J. Davis.
Hon much longer Is tho diagonal of a
rectangle 20 x 10 than that ot a square of
equal area?
Fiud tho nrei of a pir.ilcligmm' whose ad
jacent sides are 8 and 20, including an an
glu of C0J.
Find in cubic inches tho volume ot a
sphci leal shell whoso external diameter is
10 luetics, its internal diamotcr, 12 Inches
Theory of Teaching Dr. E. E.
Specify some of the conditions of moral
education nnd some of tho objects to bo at
Upon what Incentives would you rely for
awakening an Interest in study, and what
means would you adopt to mako them
operative ?
State briefly what means you would cm.
ploy to mako good readers and spellers.
Stato how teaching may bo regarded
hot 1 as a sclcnco and nn art.
Explain thu principles upon which tho
"training of tho senses" must proceed, and
name the provisions which should bo mado
,u "cuooi worie to accompiisu tins ouject.
In wlmt wav wou'1' y 4 with tardl
nc83 irregular nllcndauce, Impertmeuco
aaa inattention r
History of Education Dr. E. E.
Discuss any 0110 of tho following!
Charles tho Great, Comenlus, Housseau,
How is money for tho public schools ob
talncd and distributed?
How arc County Superintendents elected?
For what length of term ? What aro their
duties ? How Is tho olllce tilled in case of
tho death ot a Superintendent ?
How is tho courso of studies for common
schools determined ?
NORMAL SCHOOL, JUNE 11.18, 1889.
Orthography Supt, L, E. JToGinnes.
Dispens, suspense, difference, essenco,
in vlffllaut. transitory, llcouse. deceive, reli,.
I . . ' '
j, i ve, conceive, nnoinaiotiB, synonymous
I tillable, superficial, parasite, separate, nc.
ccssary, apostasy, lizard, buzzard, baboon,
coincide, Intercede, supersede, hypocrisy,
diaphragm, Cincinnati, Delaware, Simple-
hanna, Conetnatigh, suavity, voracious,
Indelibly, plausible.
Distinguish between a muto nnd n
liquid. Give examples of each sound.
How many and what sounds has each of
tlio following letters 1 c, g, o ?
Itc-wrlto three of the foregoing words
Mid Indicate their pronunciation by the
proper marks.
Use tho last tour words iu tho list, in
Physiology Supt. L. JS. MoOinnes.
Nomo tho processes of digestion nnd men
lion the changes produced In tho fond by
each process.
Trnco the circulation of tho blood, be
ginning nt tho right auricle,
Define and glvo the functions of lympha
tics, thoracic duct, tendons, bronchi, dia
phragm. Alcohol, (a) What Is It? (b) How docs It
afttel tho heart? The liver?
Tue tar. (a) Its anatomy, (b) Its care.
Arithmetic Principal A, J. Davis.
Stato tlio difference between slmplo nnd
compound numbers.
Wrlto nil the symbols of operation used
In arithmetic-.
Write sixty octillion, four hundred tril
lion, seventeen thousand fivo hundred
Glvo tho standard unit of tho different
values and weights.
Find the G. C. D. of 42 nnd 139, and
demonstrate the rule, or operation.
Hcduro .0135 to a common fraction.
If 24 men, by working 8 hrs. a day, can
In 18 day dig 0 ditch 05 rods long, 12 ft.
wide, and 0 ft. deep, how many men, In
24 days of 12 hrs. each will be reepilred to
dig a ditch 3S0 rods long, 9 ft. wide nnd 0
ft. deep?
The gablo end of my house is 24 ft. wide,
the comb of the roof Is C ft. nbovo tho
square; what Is tho length of tho raft
ers, allowing two feet for projection ?
A drover sold two horses for the snmo
price, gaining 25 per cent, on ono nud los
ing 25 per cent, on tho other j what per
cent, did he lose in the transaction
Civil Government Dr. E. E. Iflgbee .
Namo tho forms of goyernmsnt that
existed In the Amcricun Colonies prior to
the Revolution.
lu what particulars do the State Consti
tutions nnd operations of Stato govern
ments neren with the Constitution and
government of the United States?
What qualifications are required ot vot
ers 111 Pennsylvania? How aro these quail
flcatlons prescribed ?
How may nmendments bo propoed to
the constitution or Pa., nnd how ndoptcd ?
Uow nrc United States Senators and Re
presentatives in Congress apportioned to
the several States, and how elected? Ex-
plaiu how vacancies arc filled in theso
What is tho number of your Congrcs.
sional di'trict and the name of your ltcpre-
History of U. S.Supt. C. IV. Her
mann. Show tho causes or cacn great event In
the history of the U. S., from the discovery
of America to the present time.
Draw a map of the U. S. showing tho
territorial development.
State some leading ideas of the Dcclara
tlon of Independence.
Kamc ecvcrnl important events in each
Define "revolution," "rebellion,
What importance do you attach to the
victory of tho Monitor over the Merrimac?
What was tho state of education in the
Etstern. .Middle and Southern Colon
Name several of the most Important bills
passed 1),- the last legislature.
Datin l'rin. A. J, Davis.
Decline n noun in each declension
Compare "bonus," "faclds," "miser."
Decllno "hlc" and "qui."
Give synopsis of any verb of tho third
Give principal parts of any thrco irregu
Iar verbs.
Translate: (a) Quis vos vocavit. (b)
Quem video? (c) vcreor no quis veniat. (d)
Yeremur tit nostri amici Homal multos dies
Translate: Wo aro coins home tc-mor.
Book-Keeping and Language
V. W. Hermann.
If you pay your account in full at John
Martin's store ($50), what form of receipt
should bo civen you ?
Write a short description of your nativo
Illustrate the different uses of clauses.
Wrlto a promissory note. When it is
i ncgotiablo show how it may bo endorsed.
I Write five words derived from tho root
.tl.fl0tn llvn from 'Vmnlio.
Give tho etymology of telephone, initiate.
Write thrco sentences illustrating tho
use of the comma.
In reading, tho applicants were divided
into tour sections, each examiner taking
one. The following are some of tho qucs
tions asked.
What is reading? What do you consider
tho essentials of good reading? Would
you pay any attention lo posture? What is
modulation ?
What Importance do you placo upon ar
ticulation? Upon what docs emphasis de.
peud? Name the modes ot emphasizing.
Define succeed, immense, rcsolvo. De
fine attention, and glvo Its root,
Wl,.,l la ,.w.n..t 1... l.t..n1...
iii.uv w mknu, i.jr .will, VMi)uujp
t im'si worus occurreti in too lesson rcnu
In "John, shut tho door." what docs tho
comma mean? What thu period ?
What do you mean by accent, tone, in-
flection? Name the Inflections. When is
tho circumfex used? When would you use
tho rising tone? When thu falling?
What Is mount by "Westward the course
of empire takes its way ?"
Detlno encounter, Inquisitive, intelligent.
Tell tho prefix and the root of each
What do you meau by ratu iu reading?
How do you determine tho rate? Is this
selection (the one read) proso or poetry?
it descriptive? If not, what is it ?
wiiatieind ot word is wlne-merchanl?
..11 o,,l, ,,,1,, ..!. H, I
A'V .... cut,. ..v.. (a intuitu IUU 1J U4i;u J
What lapoetr)? What elcmeuts enter
Into it besides meter and rhyme? Does
poetry havo rhyme?
hat Is the difterenco between the use of
the comma and that of tho semicolon?
How do you dctermino tho tone In which
a plcco should bo read? What dlfferenco
(.it uny) In tono would you make be.
tween a pathetic nnd a descriptive piece?
Namo some of tho pauses, and discuss
What do you mean by spelling? Do vou
over, In reading, study a word as merely a
word? Do you study tho etymology of
How does reading compare In linpor.
lanco with tho other common schoo
branches? How does It comparn In dlfil
culty of teaching? What should bo tho
main object In teaching reading?
A plot whoso length Is 0 rods and width
7 rods, has a walk around it who3o area is
equal to that of tho ploti requited the
width ot the walk.
Tho whole present, "senior class"
flfly.clgbt of tho applicants for next ycat's
class, passed tho examination.
Algebra l'rin. A. J. Davis.
Factor x squaro minus 7y, minus 80.
Kcduco to Its simplest formo m-squaro
add n-squnrr, divide sum by n, from quo.
tlcnt subtract m, divide remainder by one
divided by n minus ono divided by m,
multiply quotient by the fraction whose
numerator is m-squaro minus n-squatc, and
denominator m-sqtiarc plus n-squirc.
The numerator ot a fraction Is 5x minus
0, the denominator Is 8 ndded to tho squaro
root of 5x. If ono is subtracted from this
fraction the remainder equals a fraction
whoso numerator Is 11 less than tho squaro
root of 6x, and denominator 2.
Find the O. U. D. of Gx-cubc, minus 8x.
squaro y, plus 2x y.squarc, and 12x-square,
minus 15x y, plus 3 y.squarc.
A certain number consists of two digits.
The sum ot the digits is 5, and the rquarc
of the units digit is ono more than twice
tho squaro ot tho tens digit. Required the
The benefits of vacation season may bo
greatly enhanced, if, at tho same time, the
blood is being cleansed nnd vitalized by
tho use of Ayer's Sarsaparill.i. A good ap
petite, fresh vigor, and bunynnt spirits at
tend tho use of this wonderful medicine.
Normal MotcH.
All the members of tho Senior clasa nt
the Normal passed their examination suc
cessfully last week The examining com.
mlttcc was composed of Dr. E. E. Hlgbcc,
Superintendent of Public Instruction; A. J.
Davis, Principal of Normal School, 13th
district; Charles V. Hermann, Superin
tendent of Snyder County, nnd L. E. Mc
Ginncs, Superintendent of Steclton, Dau.
phln County.
The Juniors wero also examined, and
passed with few exceptions.
The Almunl dinner will bo given at the
Central Hotel on Juno 27, at 2 p. m. Prof.
J. S. Grimes, chairman of the committee of
arrangements, has the matter in charge,
nnd Is putting forth every effort to make
the dinner n success. All who expect to
attend are especially urged to notify Mr.
Orlmna an tlint thn pnmmltlen mftV know
Uow mMiy l0 orUcr mct for.
The very handsome invitations Issued by
.H0 junors to their class day exercises on
Monday Juno 24, came from the fashion
able establishment of E. A. Wright, Phlla-
The catalogues now being printed nt this
office, will be issued by Commencement
Don't forget the Phllo festival next Fri-
day and Saturday evenings.
Jone 23 Baccalaureate Sermon In tho
Lutheran Church, by Prof. Waller.
June 2-1 Exemlnatlon of undergradu
June 25 Address before Literary Socie
June 20 Class Reunion, Class Day Ex
orcises, and Calllcpian reunion.
June 27 Commencement. Alumni din
ner at Central Hotel. Senior reception in
tho evening.
The popular blood purifier, Hood's Sar.
saparilla, Is having r. tremendous Bale this
season. Ncnrly everybody takes it. Try
it yourself.
llciicllt Concert.
The cr.ncert given at the Opera IIouso
last Friday night for tbo benefit of the Wit
llamsport pcoplo wns a success, The at
tendanco was good, though not what it
should have bocn when the object is con.
sldered. Miss Miller, Mrs. nud Mr. U. W.
Lockard of Sunbury, and Mr. J, '. Gils-
son, of Philadelphia, sang some delightful
quartettes, nud there were solos by each,
and duets by Miss Miller and Mrs. Lock.
ard, Miss Miller nnd Mr. Lockard, Miss
Miller and Mr. Gllsson, piano solos by Miss
Mann of Sunbury, and Miss Annie Ent,
The orchestra was better than ever, being
angmcuted by a bass viol, trombone and
second cornet. Nearly 100 people cauio
down the B. & S. road, Supt. Leader bay.
ing offered transportation free to all who
held concert tickets.
The business management was commit
ted to the hands of Samuel II. Harman,
and he performed tho arduous duties very
creditably. Tho amount tealizcd was
$123 35.
A Justice of the Peace Says-
Hon. John Ncnlcy, justice of tho peace
and ex-member of the IIoihc of Represen
tatives from Meredith, N. II., was for
twelve ycais n terrible sullercr with rheu
mutism. lie says: I cannot obtain any
medicine which docs mo so much good
your Sulphur Hitters, and I think it
the best medicine made. Juno 21-2
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When nby wu sick, we give her CaJtorla.
When she vr&s a Child, ahe cried for eutorla.
When she became Miss, tho clung to Costorli,
When she had Children, ho gave them CaetorU.
roiLADEi.rnu. .Monday, June 17, isv.
You may think you know
about Wanamaker's, you who
have been here and wandered
through its broad isles and made
use of the many helps to your
comlort always at your com
mand. And you do, as visitors
see it. But you don't know the
store unless you know h6w well
it can supply your wants, from
a pair ot shoe laces to the com
plete lurntshing ot a house, with
out your ever leavincr home.
Visitors see little evidence ol
the buying constantly being done
by the thousands and thousands
Ol people Who cannot come to
Is 1 the Store, and possibly never
will come. But it poes on
t1. ;..,,. L.tU, r-t :.l
HIV. HUH. MUlbUr, .1V JH.IIUllll.UI
It 1
musl- ul l,,c u:Hi:iy
all OUt Ot Sight. All that IS VIS1
ble is the number of skilled
shoppers going from counter
counter, and trom department
to department, selecting, match
ing, choosing tilling with the
utmost care the written orders
from out-of-town customers.
That is the side of Wanamak
er's for people out of town.
tho When you come to Philadelphia
we want the store to be a home
to you. When you are at home
we want it to be at home with
Hence the Ueneral Catalo
We ve told of it beiore.
Can't tell of it too often if
andjhaven't it in the house.
The book is a larcrc 192 page
uarto. tdlinir clearly and brief-
y of the troocls of the store and
:heir prices, giving pictures
wherever it can. It is so ar
ranged and indexed that you
can find any article in an in
stant. And you can have it by
sending a postal card with your
name ana auuress ptainiy writ
ten, You can then write for what
you want easily and with know-
edcre, and be served as well as
0 1 1 .
l you were nere ouymg 111 per
The compoundinjT of a suc
cessful new perfume may seem
to be a simple matter. Try it.
Skilled chemists have grown
gray trying, and failed every
Such delicate, pleasing odors
as "Queen Mary" are inspira
tion, bubtle essence ol tne
owers. Breath of the most
fragrant blossoms caged for
your delight.
You can have yueen mary
various guises the same
sweet and gracious majesty
every time :
Extract, 3 and 1j oz. sizes
Violet Water, 3, 0 and 8 oz. sizes
Cologne, 4 nnd 8 oz. sizes
Florida Water
Toilet Powder
Almond Meal
Bay Hum
he Catalogue, beginning at
page 115, tells tne prices ot
lese and ol hundreds ot lotlet
elps besides.
Everything we think you'll
ke is here from the two great
Rattan and Reed Furniture
makers of this country. Styles
by the thousand. Thed'd be by
le ten thousand it so many
were needed to cover every at
tractive and useful shape.
You know the two sorts
Rattan things won't take color
and hold it, Reed things will.
liither tits in the summer
room as no other iurntture can.
he bit of ribbon to give them
the sparkle of spnghthness
costs but a trifle.
Pictures of some of the best
designs are shown in the Cata-
ogue. r rices too. rage 150.
Also all the many things that
lelp to Summer comfort.
John Wanamaker.
Fine Cabinet portraits only
3. doz. Liile size t-rayons omy
$10.00. Viewing, copying and
enlarging. IusUxnt process
used. tt.
Parasols, suu umbrellas.
fans, &c., at
Clark Si Son's.
Pit Games. Grist Suawlnccks. Heath-
woods, Black B. Beds, that will stay to win.
r.ggs, 16 tor $1. ballslacllon uuarautced.
tf. Hloomsburg, Pa.
(Mention this paper.)
Bananas 1 Bananas I
nt the Great Eastern.
50 bunches ripe on Friday and Saturday.
Lace curtains and poles. Sec the 8c.
serines nnd other serines. Imitation China
silks for curtains at Clark & Son's.
All our colored French 37ic satines re
duced to 28c, at II. W. Sloan's.
Pine Ah-i.ks for canning, $.1 25 per doz..
large. Sugar loaf plno apples next week.
Fino watch repairing is mado a specialty
nt J. 0, Wells'. All work received prompt
and cartful attention.
Sash ribbons nnd ribbons ot all kinds nt
Clark & Son'a. Also silk mitts, silk and
kid gloves, tics, laces, mull ties, ruchlnge,
collars and cutis, jewelry, pocket books,
toilet witters, Day rum, toilet powders, linu
extracts, toilet so:p, &c.
1 barrels new Oaiiuaoe at Tho Great
Eastern, Also large quantities ot green and
yellow beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets,
peas, ecc, occ.
All our 25c satines
II. W. Sloan's.
reduced to 20c, at
Gordon absolutely fust black hosiery
with full lines of hosiery of all kinds at
Clark &, Sou.
J. G. Wells has jti3t received a fine stock
of ladies' solid gold and gold filled cases,
with prices to suit all.
Lemons I
Lemons 1 & Oiianoes 1
Tho Great Eastern.
Good lines ot satines, seersuckers, lawns.
Challles, batistes jaeklnets.drcss ginghams,
dress cords, and wasu urcss gooas oi ail
Hinds at (JlarK X, boa't.
All our Uic satines reduced to l'.'lc at
H. W. Sloan's.
Prunes, Ittce, Tea, Coffee and Bakinq
Powukii with haudsomu presents, at Thu
Great Eastern.
Clark & Son are showing bandsomo Unci
of white dress goods nud embroidered,
tlounclngs, at unusually low prices.
Tennis, balls at Mercer's drug and book
Hammocks at lowest prices at Mercer's
drug and book store.
Hecclved to-day u lino shipment of Kcch
ler's cclebiated cukes, ut Thu Great Eastern.
Full line of black dress goods and Bhawls
at Clark & Sou's,
Base balls, bats, gloves, masks, etc.,
.Mercer s drug and uook store.
Seo the croquet sets at Mercer's drug and
book store.
to Crockery and Chamber sets,
at Tho Great Eastern.
You will find full Hues of dress goods ot
all kinds at Clark & Sou's.
Good buggy spouges at Mercer's drug
aud book storo.
Bargains lu table, linens, towels, tablo
cloths, napkins, Ac, at Clark & Son's,
husTness" notices
Er. Theel, tho celebrated Specialist has
yet to II ml an tquul In curing nervous, kid.
ney, blood, slim and special diseases, ills
superior power ot healing is duo to his
complete practical kuowledge of allopath.
Ic, bomecpalhlo and eclectic systems ot
metllclno. All sufferers should consult
him personally or by letter at his olllce.
CU8 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia Pa,