The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 21, 1889, Image 1

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a h. Fiurz
Oman Front ltoom, Oror l'ostofllco.
11L00MSUUH0, PA.
T1I. MAfzU
OfkIOK. Kuotll No. 2, Columman
Jan. solh loss, tf.
ODtoe iuun huiuibk. ",00"s"""'-ri
Di.oomshixo, l'i
oiuco ever Moycr Bros. Drug Store.
Offlceln Brewer's bulldlng.sccorid No.l
llloomsburg, Pa.
Bloomaburg, Pa.
Office corner of Ccntro and Main Etrs ets. Clark a
Can be consulted In German.
Oflico on Bcconil floor, tlilril room of Col
umbian uuuuiug, Mam street, uelow kx
chnngo Hotel.
.Ofilce In Witts' Uulldlng, 2nd lloor.
may 1-tf
Offlco In 1st National Hank building, second floor,
nrst door to the left. Corner ot Main and Market
treots nioomsturg, Fa.
&&rJ'enswna and Bounties Collected.
"HTOiUco over Dcntlcr's shoo store,
llloomsburg, Pa. apr-3080.
jy. II. IU1AWN.
Catawlssa, ra,
OBoo.corncr ot Third and MalnStreeta
nromce, Columbian Building, second floor,
front room.
11L00J1S1SU1U1, I'A.
Oflico over ltawllng's Meat Market.
onice and residence, West First stiect. Blooms
burg, ra. novaa w ly.
JB. McKELVY, M. D.urgfon and Plij
slelan, north sldo Main strcnt.bclow Market
rR. J 0. 3UJTTKR,
OGlce, North Market otreet,
lilooniBt nrr, Pfc
DH. WJL it. HEBEH Burgeon and
Physician, omco corner of Rock and Market
omco and resldenco 3rd Street, West of Maiket
near M. E. Church.
OlUce hours every atternooD and evening, h-po
clal attention given to tho eye and the fitting of
glasses. Telephone connection.
jyi. J. If. EVANS.
Treatment of Chronic Diseases mado a
Oflioo, Third Street,
I5!,oo.ii3iwiio Pa
-T J. 1IESS, D. D. 8.,
Waduate of tho Philadelphia Dental College,
jiavlng opened a dental office In
corner of Main ana centra streets,
b prepared to receive all patients rcquli ng pro
e sslonal bcrvlces.
administered for the painless extraction of teeth
free of cnarge wnen ariuaaui ieem iu uiseiieu.
Oct S6-ly.
vxr a. iioube,
I5ioomsiiuuo, Columbia County, Pa
ullstylcsaf workdonelna superior
warraniraas rupresomou. iiiiuwiwvr
kd wirnoor I'aik by the use of Gas, and
free of ohargewlienarttaclalteeth
nmnnl., TWlnnta lmlliltmv Main atreft.
below Market, live doors below Klcim's
drug Btorc, nrst iioor.
7o be open at all hourt during the r'aj
North American of Philadelphia.
Franklin, " "
Pennsylvania, " "
York, ot Pennsylvania.
Hanover, of N. Y.
Queens, ot London.
North British, of London.
omco on Market Street, No, 5, Bloomsburg.
Vl'b. 11, I
fi;; and Life Ins. Apy,
M. TP. liUTZ
(Successor to Frens Brown)
A'.tna Flro Ini Co., of Hartford,.. $ 9,S28,3sttli?
Hartford ot Hartford CM.utJ tn
1 hoemx of Hartford 4,U8'4t9 13
i rinitileid of Sprlngtleld. S,OU!M03 IW
1 lie ,f t.lallon, Philadelphia 4.5i;,7siv
( i'.irc.lan of London co.w3,3!:iri
1 l'enlx, of London HWI.MUS
1 jnjjKhlreot EnglandtU. S. branch) I.MS.HO 00
l.jya! or England " " ,8J3,5M.oo
Mutual lienent Life Ins. Co. ot New
ark, N.J 41,319,228 3.1
LoasoB promptly adjusted and paid at this office.
Olllce 2nd floor Columbian Building,
Liverpool London and Globe, largest In the world.
IMrRHIAL of London, S'Mi.VMrv.GO
CONTINENTAL of New'1 Ork, tli3SI,tl.M
AMERICAN of Philadelphia, (J,40i,UUI.ll
NIAGARA of New York, $3,S0O,
una 1, 1S89, tr.
A L E S fill Ely
to oanvasa for tha sale ot Nursory Stock,
employment, Apply ul onoe, stating
J.D. Nellis&Co. WW
3. E. ELWELL, ,
"Some people think 'tis only mado I find it just the nicest thing
For cleansing goods of heavy grade,
For washing down the walls or stairs,
The bureau, tables and the chairs;
But folks do well to change their mind ;
'Tis not to things like these confined,
And not alone the kitchen maid
And laundress prize its friendly aid;
There are many white soaps, each represented to be " Just as good as the 1 Ivory' j "
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities
of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyrleht 1880. by Procter A Gamble.
l A.
25 CTS.
5 for $1.00
or mailed for price.
Near Phlladeliihln.
School Opens Hopt. 19th,
Ycnrlr Kxpense, 9300.
Quarterly l'armMsjSrJS.
Admits and cluslf younc men and boys at any time I fits them
I 25CTS. 1 -
dliidqi, tor l oiDi or Annapolis. AavaDceD ciassei in rnrtici. neniinr
rivlt Fiitrlnrr finer. rillf. Mlfhmatlr-a tr. Ctnt, nf tho l Mnlnr,4 an, h
ludenti hoard with the Principal, 'leachersall men and fraduatn cf nnt-clats Coltegei. Tine buildlngl tingle ecdonhU
rooms. Leiy room has la It a itam radiator and Is completely furnished. Ground! (ten acres) for foot-ball, htue-ball,
athletics, etc. Gymnasium. Special opportunities for apt students to advance rapidly. 1'nvate tutoring and specfaldrlll for back
ward boys. I'atrona or student may select any ituJie, or a Onalnes., Col lege- Preparatory, Klectncat, or Civil-Entrtncenne
course. Physical and Cliemical Latwratory. Practical Business IK-partment, with Telffrtphy, Short-hand, 1 ype-wrltlne.
etc., etc. More fully supplied with aparatus than any other CoIIckc fitting school. Media Academy affords every home
comfort, the best education, and the lest training. I Ued prices coet every ctpense. Neeiamlnatlonsfor admission. New
Illustrated catalogue sent free to any address. SWITHl.N C. SHOKTLlUGlj, A.D., A.M. (Uarvard CraduaW), Prlaclpal
aad Proprietor, Aledia , 1'a. Circulars a t Uiis ctfice.
Stilts mado to ordor at eboit notice
iitid a fit alwayH guaranteed or no Hale.
Call and examino tho largest and boat
selected stock of goods uvor shown in
Columbia county.
Btoro next door to First National Bank
ISiooiiisburg Pn.
It Hires a brilliant light.
U will not Btnoke theculmnejrs.
It will not cliar tlio wick.
It has a high lire teat.
It will not explode.
It Is pre-eminently a family safety oil.
With any other lllumtnattniroll mado.
We Stake Our Reputation,
As rentiers, upon tho statement that 11 is
Asli your dealer for
Trado for nioomsbur? and Vicinity Supplied by
Bloomsburg, Pa.
For toilet use and barbering.
The slightest touches will suffice
To make a foamy lather rise,
That holds the beard till smoothly laid,
However dull may be the blade.
In short, the tale is ever new
That tells what Ivory Soap will do."
don t starve Quality to throw a
71. T i 1 i
to jL-nce. in otiier words, we
slight our work or use inferior
tnniniings to tempt you with a low
price for poor roods. None but the
Best Clothing for Men, Youths, Boys
and Children.
A. C. Yates & Co
Fresh Hops, HemlochIgum ho
Spread on white muslin.
Apply one now fbr
Backache, Bldeache, Rheumatism,
Kidney Weakness, Tender Lunge,
Bore Chest, BtUT Muscles, Female
rams, utick, oprams, eve.
It cures every sort of Pain, Ache, or WeiVnesa,
and quickly, too.
1 r
Look for tfgnature of HOP PLASTER.CO.,
Phopbictohb, BOSTON, ontiicsaiufMgood.
for Ilutlnef i. any Collect, Polftethnlc
I'llILADELl'llIA, I'A.
i kas, syrtur.s, covfiie, bugah, moijisses
oik ''oia 'ycios uhvoiii 'eaaus 'aom
N. K. Corner Second and Arch Sts.
""Orders will rocclTO prompt atuintaoi
I H M I M l 1 1 1 I I I . I .Mil .1 .
(iood rellabla men enn rlml normnnpnt. nm
plojment by aildresslng E, O. I'mbson & Co..
Nurserymen, Wawrloo, N. V. We hire on
HAI.A11V, and pay expenses, or on com-!
mlsnlon If preferred, paying weekly. Stock,
Itlrst class and guaranteed true to name. Appl)
,at oncfe Atntlncat p. Mavl7.r-4t
llVL0!1!1" PronfMtl. Arihma, Indication 1 Um
PARKER'S GtNQER TONIO ltliuut tleUy. It
Lu k urwd iiiajiy wf tlie wvmt ouw( and It the brt remedy
for all kffettloui of the- throat and limn, ajui dUaiM-a
arilnirfrotnlintiurv blood and cirtauyiion. The feeUa
and tack, MrunrllnffaraJnjtdhwae,aiid alowly drifting
to th irrn, will m many ommm rwover their health by
the timely um if rarker1 OlniwTonlc, but delay is dau
trvroua. Take It lu tlma, H U lofaliuMe for all iAiai
and dhurdvi ( atomach and bowtla. lOo, at Urut;i:W
If You want a good fltuatlon write HAY
IIUOTtlHUS, Nurscrjinen, ltochonter. N. Y., as
they aro in want of honest and uprtyht sa'esmcu
to toll i heir choice aui hardy varieties of Nursery
block, either on salary or commlsMon. Many new
and valuable varieties to offer. Write hem at
onre for terms.
Juno 7-lw.d.
IlellaUo men to canvass for NUHSEHY BTOCK.
1 fcTermaneut emplorinent. and Eidcu.
es. or L'omints&lon, as preferred. WO varieties,
iiiL-nmiuK lasi ttt-mi Bpi'lttlliea. Apply ai unco.
It Is now the bent time In the year to begin.
HLKN liKOTIlEKD, Itochester, N. Y.
(Mention this paper.) June 7 Iw-d
ijirL'O and oonvenlent sample rooms, llath room
hot and cold water; and all modern convenience
Exchange Hotel,
The undersigned has leased this well-known
house, and is prepared to accommodate the publlo
v-ttt' ill the conveniences of aorst-claasboiel.
LKllUKL DltAKB, proprietor
Jtt m.n.rriy RfhrmU. All
"Grandmntliorr callsd th farmer, and Ur
Out from tho tine wreathed porch a blushing
Surprised and eager at the ttrango now namo.
The clock 1thln rang forth tho chlmo for eight.
"AmessRel Head It quick how cnujou wait!"
Her husbard, smiling, leaned upon the gate.
At arm's length holding In his trembling hand
The crlp whlto beet, while ha the writing
Then read once more, with voice almost un
manned! " Thy granddaughter salutes thee, Ilaby Bell,
Mother and ohlld, thank Ood, aro doing well I' "
A moment' tllence on the proud twain felL
Bho broke It soon. "Grandfather, I congrat"
"WJiat, met" the good man cried, lifting his hat
" fJrandfather' me? I hadn't thought of that."
Annie A. l'rcston.
It was evening In tho gloomy old fash
ioned kitchen of Farmer Groy. Tho
green paper curtains, covered with pict
ures of iinposslblo scenery and Btrango
grotcsquo llguros, were lowered, shutting
out tho whito moonlight as It lay upon
tho snow covered fields llko glittering
Great logs of oak and cedar filled tho
wldo fireplaco, casting a ruddy, cheerful
glow around tho room; an Angora cat
Jay basking In tho bright firelight, whllo
upon tho opposlto side of tho hearth,
stretched at full length, lay a great New
foundland dog; tho yellow painted floor
was clean as hands could mako it, and
altogether tho room presented a sceno of
rural comfort not to bo despised.
Tho farmer sat In his easy chair, deep
In meditation, with his eyes fastened
upon tho fire, whllo tho busy housewife,
with deft fingers,, plied tho knitting
needles, and glanced occasionally at tho
couplo seated at tho tablo busy with
their books. It was their daughter and
tho district school toachcr.
Faith Grey was an only child, and
from tho tlmo when sho first began to
talk had ruled her loving subjects in tho
little kingdom of homo with absolute
sway. Sho was now 17 years of age,
with laughing brown eyes and waving
auburn hair, that rippled aud shono
with u touch of gold in its soft meshes
when sho faced tho buii. Her com
plexion was fair and puro ns an npplo
blossom. Her dress was n slmplo brown
merino, with a plain whito collar fas
tened at tho throat by a bluo ribbon,
whilo streamers of tho 6anio azuro huo
confined tho meshes of waving hair.
Sho was tall and slender, with a supple,
willowy graco perceptible in every move
ment of her graceful form.
Her companion was apparently 23
years of age, with a broad whito brow
and dark hair, which clustered in llttlo
ringlets about his forehead; his eyes
were black and penetrating; tho grave,
firm mouth betokened lndomitablo will
and strength of character; his faco was
smooth, and his large, well mado form
was arrayed in a suit of. plain black. Ho
was college educated, and wldlo waiting
for a situation liad learned that ho could
have tho winter school in this district to
teach, and being poor, had accepted it
rather than remain idlo until a more)
eligible one presented itself. IIo was far
from despising small beginnings.
He well know that tho school boro no
enviable reputation, for by report It was
known far and near. Only tho winter
before tho scholars had chosen to give
the teacher a seat In a snowdrift, and
and then entering tho school room had
held high carnival, laughing and jeering
at him as ho tried In vain to enter, and
In despair he had turned his back upon
tho school and tho town. Ho well know
that It was no light task which ho had
undertakon, but only a tighter closiugof
tho firm lips was visible ns ho accepted
tho trtist, and silently vowed to conquer
or die. It was a school of fifty scholars,
ranging from four to twenty years of
age. A mixed assembly, soino good,
somo bad, and bouio neither tho ono nor
the other, but ready to join tho btrongest
Ho was obliged to board around, and
as ho was exceedingly particular uiul fas
tidious in all his personal affairs, some
encounters which ho was obliged to mako
weru laughable in tho extreme. IlochohO
tho place farthest from his school for his
first boarding place, and ns he took his
seat at tho supper tablo ho glanced ap
palled at tho view which tho board pre
sented. Tho dishes wcro cracked and
grimy, and tho supper was comjiojed of
a dish of (rotatoes, familiarly known
among tho country peoplo as tho "long
JoluiB." Gigantic in size, they lay black
and heavy upon tho dirty plate, Hanked
by a deep yellow dUh, two-thirds full of
pork fat, whllo slices of tho pork, fried
to a cinder, floated upon tho top. A
plate of bread, with a leaden strip at tho
bottom of each slice, and a small plecoof
butter cumiiooed of alternato stripes of
whito and yellow, completed the viands.
He crushed down tho rising feeling of
disgust and mado no sign, even when
tho young sou, a boy of 10 years of ago,
seized ono of the potatoes in his dirty,
unwashed hands, and, bquecziug If, ex
clalmedi "Harm, this 'ero 'tuter ain't
done," and laying It down coolly repeat
ed tho operation with tho rest.
This wus it sample, of tho meals which
ho was compelled to partake of whilo ho
stayed at his first boarding place, but ho
was more fortunate In his next selection.
It was at Farmer Grey's, and Mrs. Grey
was a noted housowife. Faith was ono
of his hardest pupils to manage. Never
doing any mischief which ho could trnco
directly to her, yet, by somo unaccount
able inllucnco, ho was suro that sho In
duced tho rest to act In direct defianco of
his authority, and when detected her
own faco would bo as demure and Inno
cent looking as that of a kitten.
Sho was n ready and apt hcholur, and
seemed really delighted with tho oppor
tunities of learning which tho talented
young muster placed within tho reach of
all. Ho was possessed of a vast fund of
general Information, and ho garo to
them without measure and without
stint. Ho was kind and gentle, but in
very truth they found 1dm inastor all
but Faith.
As tho days lengthened Into weeks an
unquiet spirit appeared to enter Into tho
girl, and sho seemed almost boldly do
flam. With oxoooding patience nud
gentleness the master bore with all her
freaks, and although sorely tried ho en
deavored, by gentle, winning kindness,
to bring her to seo tho great wrong sho
was doing herself and lilm. Hut it was
of no avail; tho uioro ho tried tho moro
he might try, and tho dancing brown
eyes shot forth angry sparks as at last ho
passed her most daring pranks by In ab
solute silence.
However, tho crhds camo at last. At
the noon recess ono of tho oldest scholars,
a youth of 10, had tried to steal her linud
kerchief In fun; it was a dainty affair,
mado of lace and muslin, n present from
her cousin in the city. Faith had reso
lutely declined all such advances, but in
the afternoon eho reached across tho
oialo and laid It upon tlo open leaves of
tho book where ho was studying. With
a gracoful tow he acknowledged tho
gift, and raised It to his Hps, when lol a
tiny dead mouse dropped from Its folds,
and a universal giggle ran through tho
room. In desperation tho master called
them to order, and there was a sharp
riSffi 08 SLPait JEiS 6ravo Btern 'S.11-1
fl I if Mil lift it It
which said, "Faith Grey can 6lop after
school to-night," That was all, and,
without casting a look In tho direction
of tho young girl, tho business of tho day
wont on as Usual, but each and all under
stood that trifling was nt an end, and
oven Faith's rosy checks paled a llttlo as
sho glanced shyly at tho btcrn, quiet
It had been a hard day for tho young
master, and it was no wonder If his pa
tlenco was exhausted. In tlio morning
ono of his largest scholars, a half wltted
Frenchman, had entered lalo and Im
mediately commenced to laugh, and all
tho Information that could bo elicited
from him was that ho guessed "tho two-year-old
would get full by and by," and
again his fat slde3 would shako with
laughter. Ho was a grit, overgrown
fellow of sixteen, who worked for his
lxard at a farm about a milo from school,
and at noon his employer presented him
self at tho Bchoolhouso, and in loud, an
gry tones ordered him never to dnrken
his doors again.
It nppeared that tho spring where tho
cattlo had been In tho habit of drinking
was formed by lowering n barrel into
tho ground, and all around it was very
slippery with ico, and as tho clown had
driven them to drink, tho "two-year-old"
had slipped and fallen In head first, and
le!ng unable to gut out alone, tlio French
man hail left it to "got full" whilo ho
went to school. When found by tho
farmer tho animal was drowned. Al
though tlio schoolmaster could not lilamo
tho farmer for his indignation, yet tlio
circumstanco annoyed him exceedingly;
and if ono might bo allowed to judgo by
tho look of dctermiuation on Ills white,
stern faco, Faith was likely to feel tho
full forco of his authority, and oven her
stout heart quailed n llttlo as tho shadows
lengthened nnd tho day drew near Us
Tho last lesson had been recited, tho
last class had stood tip to spell; tho even
ing liymn had been sung, and at last
school had closed, tho scholars filing out
of tho houso in good order nnd with a
strange quietness and dUpatch, wrap
ping about them their shawls, hoods and
comforters. Faith, with tho roses all
gono from her dimpled cheeks, was sit
ting at her desk, whito and still. For ti
fow moments, which seemed likonn eter
nity to her, tho master sat nt his desk
with head bowed upon his hands. Tho
short winter's day was drawing to a
close, and ono solitary sunoeam, red as
blood, streamed through tho window and
lay across tho desk exactly in front of
her, aud to tlio day of her death Faith
will carry a vivid inward picturo of that
littlo schoolroom, for every article which
it contained was indelibly Impressed
upon her mind in thoso few moments.
At last tho master raised his head and
in low tones said:
"Miss Faith, you may como here."
At tlio sound of ids voico tlio blood
rushed back to tho cheek which had been
so palo but u moment ago, and her cour
age revived. Sho aroao und with firm
step walked across tho room und stood
befovo him, and as their eyes met sho re
turned his gazo unflinchingly. His wag
a sad, beseeching look, ns though ho
would urgo her to beg his forgiveness.
Hers was a mixturo of fun and anger
combined, but certainly they showed no
signs of sorrow. As ho nroso to his foct
Ids hugo form towered like n giant abovo
her, and reaching over his desk ho grasp
ed his ferule.
"Hold out your haudl"
And moro in sorrow than in auger he
looked to see if his command was obeyed.
Tlio words wcro jerked forth as though
they caused tho speaker untold aln.
Faitli obeyed, although tho whito Ild-a
covered tho brown eyes and tho long
eyelashes swept over cheoks as whito as
tlio snow outside Sho had novcr re
ceived a blow in her life, nnd she shivered
as tho tips of her slender fingers wero
firmly grasped, and ono bhoit, sharp,
stinging blow descended upon tho whito
palm, leaving a crimson mark that curi
ously reminded her of tho blood red sun
beam ns it lay across the desk. Tlio f erulo
was raised for another blow when again
their eyes met, but from tlio brown onea
tho anger was gone, and they wero full
of tears and muto plcadings.'and with ti
dull thud tho ferule dropped to tlio floor,
and tho girl was clasped p his heart in a
wild, passionate embrace.
In after years, when bho was tho loved
and honored wife of tlio statesman who
began his career as a district school
teacher, Faitli was wont to say that tho
keeping up of appearances so that others
might not know what had occurred was
tho hardest lesson sho had ever learned. It
was impossible to become tho docllo pu
pil which sho now longed to bo witliout
exciting suspicion, nud for eight weeks
sho ncted her part in a manner worthy
of tho mo3t finished actress; and to this
day it is an unsettled question between
them as to which conquered. True Flag.
Concentric cables nro claimed as tho
best, on tho theoretical grounds for tho
elimination of induced currents, as their
reaction upon ono another is necessarily
strongest In tho apis of tho current.
A Nnro Stii.
Merritt I'm afraid Cura's lovo for mo Ln't
just hat it might bo.
Giles That's nonsensf, old boy. Bho fairly
UlolUes you.
Merritt 1 don't know so much about that.
I guvo her a costly present latt night, and bo
foro tho thanked mo tho ran up ttairs to show
it to her mother. Judge.
Alioi;rtlur Tim Natural.
Friend That mil In your Inst painting is
very natural.
Artist Yeo, altogether too nutural.
Friend Why do you sny that!
ArtUt Uecauso it dries up tho water in
that pond so fast that I have to (mint now
water every throo or four days. Judgo,
.V SulUert fur !.)iitblnir.
"What U tho must unlucky part of a cookl"
askod old Chestnut.
"Out with It,"
"Her hair, of course,"
"How's thatl"
"Because, you know, It is always falling
Into tho sou))." The Epoch.
I t In. for Their Sake.
"Wby, there is oU HobUI How did lie
get here! He's not one of the Four Hundred."
"No, but liii children camo of very good
family on their mother's ldo, uud ho Is toler
ated for their sake," Harper's Dazar.
A llrlllluut Idea.
Hardware Dealer Now, Mr. Rustlcus,
there's what I call a bargain. That ttovo
has a quick oven, aud the draught U so ar
ranged that it will tavo ono-liulf your fuel.
Mrs. It. (who is a student of economies)
Lu cakes, pal why uot get two, and cavo all
tho fuel I Harper's Bazar.
Zola's new novel will hnvo five murders
In it.
Octavo Tlionet draws all her charncturs
from real llfo.
Iko Marvel, Donald O. Mitchell, has taken
up writing ngnlu.
Miss Chnrlotto M. Yong, now W years old,
has n ritleu 100 books.
Ixnita M. Alcott'n biography is definitely
promised for next September.
Mark Twain l preparing a now liook, "A
Ynnkvo nt tlio Court of King Arthur."
V, E. A. Aon, the poot, hiu resigned tho
rditorshlpof T'o Manchester Quarterly.
Miss Kmily Faithfull now get a pension of
t2j0 a year from tho Kngllsh government.
Tho "Cup of Youth," a second collection of
poems by Dr. 8. Wclr Mitchell, h Just ready.
F. Marion Crnn ford Informs n friend that
lio has Just turned the hnlf-w ay post of a new
novel. ,
AIlco Hynenian Rhine Is tho clover editor
of Tho Graver and l'nletto, a Journal for art
Sir Charles Husioll has been offered $10,1109
to deliver fifty lectures in tho United States
next senson.
James A. Froudo, tho English historian and
man of letters, is tho latest convert to homo
tulo in Ireland.
Alphonso Daudet is still forced to romaia
Idlo, owing to a return of his rheumatic and
neuralgia pnlns.
A volume of stories and sketches by Henry
Guy Cnrloton is to bo published iu Now York
by Ooorgo Muuro.
Oscar Fay Adams, the poet and litterateur,
Is slight in frauie, near sighted, gray lmlred
and absent minded.
A now book by Amelia B. Edwards, enti
tled "Untrodden Peaks nnd Unfrequeuted
Valleys," Li nearly ready.
Oen. Low Wallace snys thnt there nro two
things of which ho is immoderately fond,
liorso racing and baseball.
Herman Melville, once famed for his sailor
stories, is still in tho land of tho Iking,
though ho writes no more.
A translation into English pne of Omar
Khayyam's well known lines has been mado
by Justin Hnntley McCarthy.
Anna Ivatharluo Green is buily engaged
utKiti a now novel, said to bo entirely unliko
anything elao sho has written.
Of Louis Ulbach's almost painful careful
ness of style, it was onco sarcastically said
"ho would split a hair in four."
T. C Crawford, tlio well known new spaper
fori ... pondeut, is said to hnvo permanently
quit tlio Held of newspaper w ork.
Tho Misses Hodgkin, two young English
ladles, hnvo started The Hantn Lucia, a now
monthly magazine for tho blind, in Drnillo
Andreo Hope, author of tho powerful tale
"A Terrible Night," is w rltlng a longer story
of Russian llfo called "Princess ArinuoICara
souuioll." Fergus Hume, tho author of tho "Mystery
of a Hansom Cab," tho successful shilling
shocker, has dramatized the novel "In Lovo
nud War."
Professor Noire, best known out of Ger
many by his historical introduction to Kuut's
''Critiquo of Puro Reason," died recently ut
Homer Greene, author of "What My Lover
Buld," has written a serial story for tho
Youth's Companion, called "The lllverpark
M. Quesuay de Benurepalre, the new
French procureur general, has won distinc
tion ns a novelist uuder tho pseudonym Jules
do Glouvet.
Tlio Into Louis Ulbach was tho means of
introducing to tho world tho pleasaut pretty
book of the queen of Itoumaula, the 'Ten
sees d'une ltelno."
Don Joso Zorilln, tho now ly crowned poet
laureate of Spain, is said to bo a decidedly
diuereut person from his namesake, Huiz
Zorilln, tho revolutionist.
Lady Randolph Churchill is about to mako
her debut in literature, it is said, with an
articlo in Longman's New Review on her
exiierienco iu Russian society lifo.
Tho ox-King Milan of Servla Is going to
writo his autobiography with the intention
of presenting tho volume to his son, tho pres
ent king, w hen the youth roaches his ma
jority. It Is said that Mr. nowclls Is desirous of
writing a novel which will toko in all kinds
of characters to bo found In New York, an
Idea based upon Bullae's "Coinedle Hu
maiue." Dr. T, W. Parsons, tho wtll known trans
lator of Danto, is said to bo tho Chesterflold
of tho book making" set of Boston, and takes
delight lu turning off sonuots to pretty
Gertrude Franklin AthertonSi two success
ful novels, "What Dreams May Come" and
"Hermin, Suydam," will bo published by
Uoittledge by arrangement and payment to
tho author.
Mrs. Helen Campbell, whosa literary la
bors are strong pleas for tho children of "iov
erty, resides on one of the finest slopes of tho
Orungo mountains, whero sho does most of
her literary work.
It Is stated that London contains moro
Roman Catholics than Rome and moro Jews
than 1'nlestiue.
Statistics just published show that there
ore 2.27J soldiers six feet or over in height In
tho British army.
Lcadhc htutistlcians of England assert that
moro jiersons annually choko to death whllj
eating in England than aro killed on the Eng
lish railroads.
Tho production of salt in France is now
estimated to bo over 040,000 tons, obtained us
follows! Salines of Midi, 800,000 tons; salines
of tlio west, 250,000 tons; salluoa of tho eut
aud the Pyrenees, 100,000 tons.
Ill Australia there nro IM7.000 moro males
tuau females. Including New Zealand and
Tasmania, tho excess of moles over females is
S0l,(H9. Women are constantly arriving in
tho colonies, but tho men nro always iu tho
Tho annual tonuago on the 4,70a miles of
uuvlgublo rivers nnd 3.SS9 miles of canals lu
Franco amounts to about 0,300,000 tons. With
depressod trade, tho 101 miles of tho Birming
ham canal nlono had a tratllc, iu 1877, of 7,
000,000 tons.
According to the statistics of Dr. Fodd, of
tho Georgia State Medical society, tho llfo ex
pectancy of various countries is iu follows!
United States, 53 years; Eugland, W; Russia
and Chill, 23; Soudan, 23; Franco, 45;
Euroro, in medUnvnl times, 20; and Rome in
tho tlmo of Casar, 18.
There nro special factories In Taris for
making children's watches which employ
hundreds of hands. Thirty million aro an
nually produced; In other words, l'aris pro
vides every year a toy watch for every child
between live aud ten iu France, Germany,
Russia, (Ireat Britain, Italy and Austria.
Hound to Kill Them Somehow,
"Mary, said tho sick man, feebly, "Uioso
yowling cats annoy mo terribly. Can't they
bo reached by a shot gun or something of that
"No," replied his wife; "tboy aro on tho
flat roof of the adjoining house."
"Mary," exclaimed tlio invalid again, after
a pauso and his faco grow hard aud pitiless
"throw somo of theso medicines up oil the
roof I" Chicago Tribune.
The Usual DLappolutmeut.
Omaha Youth I've called for my new
spring suit,
Averago Tailor-Sorry, but It is not fin
ished, Omaha Youth Why, you said you would
havo it douo if you worked all night.
Average Tailor Yw, but I didn't work all
tilsbt. Omaha World.
Couldn't Vie lllru.
Electrician So yon want n Job, do your
Stranger Ye. ir. I saw your advertise
ment, and thought I'd call
Electrician- W hat was your last busluossl
Stranger I was a street car couductor,
but during tho stiiko I lost my place.
Electrician I'm sorry, my man, but wo
havo no ue for non-conductors In ourbusi
now, Judge,
American yellow nlno it a croat favorlta
for wooden pavements In Berlin.
In England chock reins are now entirely
out of use, being forbidden by law.
The dog tax of France gives the state an
annual rovenuo of about $1,800,000.
Qulnino Is estimated to hnvo added two
years at least to tho lifo of civilized man.
John L. Sullivan in ten venrs lias boxed
beforo audiences that paid nearly $000,000 to
seo hint.
Tho deepest coal pit In tho world Is said to
bo tho St. Andre, In tho Charlorol, Belgium,
Tho Mormons of Utah aud Idaho aro emi
grating hi largo numbers to British North
Florida has 113,000,000 invested in tho
orange, business, and tho sales this year were
a fourth ot that big sum.
An Orlando, Fla., iwltceman shot and
wounded a dog, when tho canine's compan
ion pitched Into tho officer and drove him to
Tho roadway of the recently completed
Washington bridge over Harlem rivor, New '
York city, is 151 feet above the river level.
The total length of tho bridge and its ap
proaches is 2,380 feet.
Baron Lieblg, tho German chemist, says
that "as much flour as can llo on the point of
a table kuifo contains as much nutritive con
stituents ns eight quarts of tho best and most
nutritious beer that is mado."
A frafrment of a meteor which recentlrfoll
In Chicago was analyzed and found to con
tain Ti per cent, of Iron, 21 of nickel, 3 of
manganese and small quantltiesof aluminium,
cobalt, tin, copper, arsenic, eta
In cousonuouco of the decline in tho supply
of gum arabio tho postoQlco department has
been obliged to abandon its uso as a sealer of
letter cuvolopes. In llou of gum arable a
foul Lasting compound has been substituted.
At tho funeral of tho late Mrs. Henry Hoff
man at Sassamausvllle, Berks county, Pa.,
there woro usod up at tho funeral feast 200
plos, soventy-flvo loaves of broad, sixty dozen
rolls nnd cakes, a calf and a largo quantity of
Tho largest passonirer terminus In London.
Liverpool street, is to bo enlarged, at a cost
for land alouo of $3,350,000. The extension
will enable, tho number of trains to bo in
creased from tho present figure, 700, to 1,000
Fort Kcogh, M. T has tho widest rango of
tempornture of any place on earth. Last
summer tho thermometer ranged from 120
dogs, to ISO degs. abovo, whllo recently it
marked C5 degs. below zero a total rango of
loo orgs.
Tho extraordinary growth of Volapuk in
popularity is evidenced by tho fact that its
adherents aro now supporting thirty-two
montuiy journals, whllo twlco as many news
papers devote departments to tho "universal"
Tho fruit growers of California, finding
that ieach stones mako nu excellent fuel, aro
now selling them at tho rate of $0 a ton. A
sack of stones will weigh about eighty pounds,
and is said to lost as long as an equal number
of pounds of coal nnd givo an even greater
Progress is again to bo recorded in tho mat
ter of powerful war ships. Tho Italian iron
clad Ruggiero dl Latum, which has just been
triod for sliced, reaching 17.0 knots, carries
four of tho largest guus yet brought Into
practice, 110 tons. Her sister ship, Andrea
Dor In, will soon bo ready.
Henry Whitney, a tramp, the top of whoso
skull was lately knocked off by a Nickel Plate
locomotive, is lying in tho Erio county alms
house with a "nakod brain," and may livo.
Tho douuded brain, tho physical workings of
which can bo plainly seen, Is kept from ex
jmsuro by nu artificial covering.
So widespread lias inebriety become among
children in Austria that it is no strange thing
to seo drunken boys and girls enter tho
school houses. Tho evil has become so great
that tho Vlonua school board has Invoked tho
power of tho government to prohibit tho
salo of intoxicants to boys and girls under 10
Tho averago speed of a rapid witness is
generally quoted at ISO words per minute.
Most of tho Irish witnesses in tho Paruell
trial reached 200, and ono woman attained
tho speed of 230. Baron Douso, an Irish
judgo, Is bald to novo delivered his opinion
in a trial recently at tho rate of 200 words
per minute.
Tho official figures of tho United States
census in 1700 wero 3,029,820, of which num
ber 003,055 wcro slaves. A short tlmo after
these llguros appeared Capt. O. Imlay, a Vir
ginian, publlshod an article in which he
placed tho population In 1690 at 01,000,000,
and was therefore supposed by his friends to
be visionary.
It is no longer from mining but from agri
culture that California gathers wealth. Tho
estimated valuo of her fruit crop in 18S9 lj
$21,000,000; that of her wheat crop, $52,000,
000. From barley sho is expected to derive
a gross return of $5,500,000; from dairy prod
ucts and vegetables, $11,250,000, and from
wine, $1,000,000.
Agamo of poker lasting eighteen hourswas
ployed in Glenwood Springs, Colo., tho other
day. It began with an ante of $0.50, rising
gradually till several times there were from
$0,000 to $20,000 on tho board at a time. At
tho como in a pair of kings wero onco worth
over $1,100. Ono man mado a blind good on
n pair of fours for $500.
Half a million dollars are to bo expended
giving better teruilnnl facilities to tho New
York end of the East rl tr bridge. As New
York stems likely to bo disappointed in its
demand for greater rapid transit facilities in
tho direction of tho upper end of tho island,
Brooklyn anticipates nu Immigration of ag
grieved Now Yorkers.
Elastlo side boots began about 1S13 and the
elastics wero mado iu England. Boots and
shoes wero sewu up to tho year 1800. Then
nails wero introduced. It was about the
uiiddlo of the lust century that high heels be
gan to bo worn. Makers of heels wero then
Introduced into tho shoemaker's trade. Even
now thore aro 400 heel makers in Paris.
Dan Walker, of Eustis, Flo., has an alliga
tor that ho is breaking to drive In hanioss.
Mr. I'roeland, of Nowport, Pa., owns a
hairless calf, which attracts mauy visitors.
In Uytlmo ho will havo to enrobo It In ilynet.
Ono afternoon, whilo Nelllo Sawtello, of
Smlthileld, Me., was sleeping ounlouugo, a
pot cat of tho family throw across her nock
an adder which measured three feet In length.
Sho throw It on tho floor, whero It showed
fight, so as to keep her a prisoner until a
neighbor arrived aud killed it,
Tho steamer Nowfleld landed at Halifax
the other day and sent two 6ollors ashoro to
got cats. They secured over thirty In two
hours. Tho cats aro to bo tukon to Sablo
Island and used for destroying tho rabbits
which are beginning to overrun tho island.
They burrow lu tho sand, making largo holes,
which wuse the ponies to stumblo and "break
their less.
She Would Go,
Miss Gotham You'll jolu our theatre party
to-night, of courso, MUs Wabashf
Miss Wabash (of Chicago) What is tbs
play I
Miss Gotham Pygmalion.
Miss Wabash Yes, ludeed, with pleasure!
You know papa is in tho pork business. Tho
Nut Oollly.
Judge What Is your uamof
I'rlsouer How ells, your honor.
Judge Aro you related to tho novelist!
Prisoner (Uaniefaoedly) Yes, your houor.
Judge You aro discharged. No ono of
that family would havo anything to do with
a plot, The Epoch,
Till, lleally Worried Uliu.
Crimplo (to tramp) My friend, you look
as If you were in tho soup.
Tramp That ain't what worries me, guv
nor; tho trouble is howtcr git somo soup
later me. Time.
A Ixiug Dlalanee,
It Is osllmatod that somo women carry for
ty or fifty miles of hair about on their heads.
Vorty or fifty miles without a switch U u
goou long dutuueo for an 'air line, Law-,
renro AjurkiL j
Mr. and Mns. bowser.
In Wilcli Mra. nwsr Comri la the
Front mi Usual.
I hnd a caller tho othor afternoon when
Mr. Bowser camo home, and after the hail
gone ha asked i
"How long was Mrs. Blank hereP
"About half nn hour,"
"And you talked about fashions, I sup
pose I"
"Yes, mostly what should we talk aboutr"
"Mrs. Browser, did It ever occur to you
that there was anything In life beyond mil
linery and dross goods and dressmakers f"
"Howl Why select some subject of sns
art, science, mineralogy, the labor ques
tion, or self government und discuss it with
calmness and justice, and learn something
worth remembering for half an hour. You
women folks might ns well havo been born
with n pumpkin on your shoulders in place of
a head."
1 made no reply to this, but determined to
catch Mr, Bowser In Ids own trap beforo th
week was out, Kortuno favored mo. It was
only two days beforo a neighbor called over
as ho n as at work In the back yard, and for
two long hours those men sat down On d lad
der anddlicU3sed tho question whethcra buck
gato should open Inwards or outwards', and
the advantages offered by either situation.
Mr. Dowser contended for tho goto opening
outwnrds, nnd tho tiolglilwr for tho opposite,
and the discussion resulted In Mr. Bowser get
ting rod clear back of tho ears and jumping
up to exclaim!
"Well, let's drop the subject right liere.
There can bo cranks on alley gates as well as
on politics nnd religion."
"And there can bo lunatics outside of tho
a.ry lums," hotly replied tlio neighbor.
"Don't call mo a lunatlol"
"And don't you call mo a crankl"
"Go homo and hang your old gate to the
moon I"
"I'll hang It according to tho rules of com
mon sense, nnd don't you forget it."
When Mr. Bowser came in to wash his
hands 1 observed!
"Mr. Bowser, did it ever occur to you that
there was anything in llfo beyond hanging a
back gatef'
He replied with a "humpkl" of disgust.
"Selxct somo subject of sense, Mr. Dowser
art, sclcnco, mineralogy, the labor question
or self government and discuss it with calm
ness and judgment and learn something worth
remembering for halt an hourl"
He lookod around In a desperate, helpless
way, aud put on his hnt and went off with
out a word in reply. I wasn't going to let
him off on that, however. When ho came
homo that evening 1 had Mrs. Orfendorf over
to supjier, and as soon as we wero seated at
tho table I queried:
"Doesn't it strike you that Germany's poli
cy on tho Samoan question Is ono of concilia
tion Instead of aggression P'
"It certainly does," sho replied, "but there
may bo a hidden motive behind this seeming
submission. Trace tho record of tho man
back as far us you will, and his policy has
been either aggression or strategy."
Mr. Bowser looked from ono to tho other
of us In astonishment,
"I notice," said I, as I passed tho biscuits,
"that the Spanish colonial policy is working
towards a radical change. Incited by the
example of other and stronger nations, it Is
about to extend its arms and enfold new pos
sessions." The stare that Mr. Bowser favored mo with
mado my flesh creep.
"I do so hope you can como down to the
next meeting of tho Woman's Scientific, Po
litical and Literary club," said Mrs. Orfen
dorf, as she toyed with her strawberries.
"Tuoso gatherings aro very, very Interesting.
At our last meeting we discussed the 'Drift
Period,' and at tho ouo noxt week we shall
discuss 'Two Proiosed Amendments to the
Constitution of tho United States."'
"Oh, I'd like to go over so much, and I
think i can promise you I will bo there. Can
Mr. Bowser come, loop'
"Well, hardly. Men tako such little Inter
est la such things that they aro obstruc
tions." And Mr. Bowser sat there, turning rod and
palo by turns, until his chair grow so hot that
ho had to pretend a headache and get ex
cused. I anticipated an awful tragedy after
my visitor took lier departure, but Mr. Bow
ser contented himself with saying:
"Now that thnt shallow pated, long nosed
old nuisance has finally taken her leave, let's
go to bod."
IIo regained his assurance after a couple of
days, however, t was talking to our 3-year-old
baby, and talking as all mothers talk, when
Mr. Bowser tlung down his paper and ex
claimed; "Mrs. Bowser, you mako mo tired tabling
to that young un that way. No wonder so
many children grow up to bo sap headed."
"How shall I talkP'
"Talk sense the samo as you would to an
adult. He's old enough to understand, and I
believe he will appreciate it."
"Very well; I'll try."
"Tliauk you. It's moro than I expected
you'd do."
The trial camo that night. Wo had scarcely
got to bed when baby awoko and began to
whine. Ho had got cold and was feverish,
"Now, Harry," I began, "snug down and
try to go to sleep. It's nothing serious, and I
object to being kept awako."
IIo howled more lustily.
"My son," I continued, "this exhibition
of Ingratitude astonishes mo, nnd I insist
that ou change your course of conduct at
onco or leavo my house. Filial respect, if
"What in thunder and blazes are you talk
ing aboutP roared Mr. Bowser, as ho sat up
In bed.
"I'm talking senso to baby."
' "Not by a jug full, you alu'tl"
"Then you try it,"
"I'll try it by wringing his neck If he
doesn't shut off steam Ilo's howling outof
spite I"
"Then warn him that you may be com
pelled to inflict duo chastisement, but do It
calmly and grammatically."
"I I I I I I I"
That's what Mr. Bowser said as ho jumped
out of bod and disappeared into tho spare,
room, and that was tko last I saw of him un
til morning. Detroit Free Press.
A Natural Inference,
Small Boy Papa, won't you tako mo to
tho circus I
Strict Father No, my son; tho circus is
tho abiding placd of Satan.
Small Boy Say, papa, he knows a good
thing when he sees It, dont hoi Scribner's
If fogs ccnld lw driven from the ocean they
uever would bo nil.t, Texas Sittings.
Not Su Hud in All That,
It is well known that fishermen, after get
ting n faro nt tho Georges, mako liasto to get
to Boston, as tho earliest arrivals get the best
prices. A worthy captain who sails out of
Boston having been fortunate enough to se
cure an unusually large quantity of flsb
crowded on nil sail nnd started for home. A
sovero storm arose during which three men
wero washed overlioard and lost. One of
these was n unlive of Portugal. The loss was
a severe blow to tho captain, who had been
congratulating himself upon receiving tho
commendation of the owners of the vessel for
tho very largo faro ho had secured. The
news of tho loss of tlio men preceded the ves
sel's arrival, and tho owners were aware of
it and looked down with very grave faces
upon tho captain us ho sheered alongside of
tho w harf.
"Wo'vo got tho biggest fare that's come to
this wharf, you tet,"sald tho captain.
"What good U that," said one of tho own
ers, "when you havo lost three menl"
"Who snvs thatl" asked tho captain.
"Why the tug boat brought lu the news."
"That we'd lost threo men!"
"Well, It nln't so bad as all that Only two
men and n Portugeo," Boston Courier.
Ku.lly round.
Aged Now Yorker I've often wondered
whut becanio of my playmate, Will Wlnkel,
whoso Kireuts removed to Philadelphia whllo
he was very young. Sixty years ago be was
(.u errand boy In a Markot street store, but I
haven't hoard of lilm since,
Philadelphia!! (astonished) Well, why
don't you go to the store and Inquire! Most
likely ho Is there yet, Now York Weekly,
Only Tempted.
"Boy I" shouted a Michigan avenue grocer,
"didn't I seo you iockot ail applo from that
"No, sir."
"Look otd' You were acting very suspi
cious. I wu watching you."
"Yes, 1 kuuw you wore, and that's tha
reason I didn't make a grab aud run for It."
Detroit Frw l'tw
i, 14