The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 14, 1889, Image 4

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In Deftmso or Prohibition.
Editors Columbian, Drun Sins s
An I havo bcon exposed to personal
ttbuso by Mr. Dorr, I nsk in dof nse of
myself the samo privilege.
My anawcr to Mr. Dorr's first Issue,
wan mild and gcntlomanly, but seeing
it was Impossiblo for liitn to establish
nn argument based upon facts, ho ro
orU to personal nbiuo with a disloyal
tongue, and I firmly believe that retali
ation is tbo only sura euro for tho abnsa
discaso that Mr. Dcrr is addiotcd to.
Now, argument is ono thing, nnd
nbuso is another ; wo havo had tho ar
guinoiit, and now comes tho abuse. He
compares mo to a boa-constrictor; well
that is something, bettor than nothing
at all, but I am very muoh afraid that
tho snako is on tho "other side, trying
to swallow something ho can not get
down. ITo also says I havo n swelled
head j well, this is bettor than no head
r.t all. But Mr Dorr's soul reminds
mo of tho ono a doctor describes. Ho
says it is so small that it can bo put
into tho barrel of a humming bird's
quill, and then blown into a gnat's oyp,
and it would then have moro room than
a frog in tho Pacific ocean. Ho says
if I was to swallow him, I would havo
moro brains in my stomach than I havo
In my head. Well, I supposo I would
havo moro whiskey brains, such as beer
heads, lagor heads, and lunk heads,
and bosides this tho conceity Derr's
braiDS aro so shallow, and soft, that
they would bo easily digested, without
tho least danger of dyspepsia. I think
his brains lies in his lower extremities,
which is tho cause of his dcBiring to
gratify tho lusts of his stomach, and is
tho causo of his upholding tho snares
of the devil. I emphatically say you
did exaggerate, mipconstruo, nna mis
represent tbo scripture, and my former
I did not say that liquor was tho
cause of all tbo evils, but I did say
it was tho cause of a groat many evils,
and I am safe in saying threo-fourths
of them. Now, do you see how ho
misrepresents things and yet denies it;
bowaro of f also teachers, as this is one
of Satan's strongholds. Ho also says
the temptation was not taken away
from Adam and Eve, but tho Lord
drove them from the garden for thoir
disobedionco, and now on tho samo
theory why does ho not drivo the peo
ple from tho land to-day on account of
their disobedience? You clearly seo
the absurdity of such doctrine. He
says Mr. A. being arrested and Bont to
tne penitentiary, took away his own
liberty. Who over heard of a man
taking away his own liberty 1 That is
for others to do. by enaction laws and
enforcing them, thereby depriving him
of certain privileges. Every law wo
havo causes tJvcry person to surrender
certain privileges, but in exchange lor
this surrender, we obtain protection
through our government.
I deny that 1 over forwarded for
publication, that you said, that no man
has a right to say what you shall eat,
unnk or wear, providing you steal it
This is an error on the part of the prin
ter, and not mino as the copy will show.
and yet ho acsuses mo of misrepreson-
tation when I am entirely innooent.
Mr. Derr speaks of the oalibro of the
man; bis calibro is sized up in the fol
lowing ; in his first issue ho spoko bold
ly ol tho land ot tho tree, and tho
home of the brave. What right havo
you to speak thus! You had better
hang your head with shame, and bo
the last to triumph over freedom. Did
you assist or lend a helping hand to
bring this about, a free land T Did
you personally leave homo and family,
a bravo man, to defend your country,
or did you seek shelter behind logs on
tho mountain!. Now this is what he
boasts so muoh about. Ho said I said
I had a perfcot right to say what lm
inanity shall drink. This is another
one of his falsehoods. I said I had,
providing they steal it, and this is
what thousands are virtually doing, by
expending for diuk what should go to
the support of their families. I admit
the word prohibition is not used in tbi
Bible, but there is a connecting link
between that and teroperanoe, that you
can not shatter. I might as well ask
you to find tho word immersion in the
Bible, in rrfcrenco to baptism. You
beliovo in it, and yet you can not find
it, and yet I beliovo thero is a connect
ing link betweon these two; immersion
was not taught any more than prohibi
tion was. The translation in Hubrow
and Greek was correct as I gavo it, of
the various kinds of wine made in that
day, which was both fermented aud
unfermeutcd, and any person but
numbskull knows it. Mr. Dorr is pret
ty woll cornered when ho has to resort
to anuse tor argument.
Tho so-called religous views on pro
hibition by a j armer, as appeared in
your lost issue, happens to bo a preach
er, lie may hayo secured a farmor to
publish it, but tbo originator is t
preacher, a wolf in sheep's clothinir
and a snake in the grass, a thief never
leaves any cluo that might cause his
identification, and this is what tho
proaoher undertook, but literally failed
I havo respect for any man "though he
bo on tho opposite side" who will come
oat boldly, and place his own signature
to an article, instead ot disgracing some
: i r - .:i. r i . i i
iiiuuueui. iuriuur wim t'uu ui ills wuuiu-
bo religious but devilish articles of
trash, which ho is ashamed to connect
himself with; ho comes as a farmer, and
yet I doubt if tho rays pf tho Bun ever
shone on him while wearing farmer's
apparel; tbo ridiculous idea of apreaol
or whoso business it is to instruct hu
inanity to do right, and then advise
such to do wrong; his Christianity all
lies in his toe-nails, and in tho opposite
dirootion from tho quick, or else bis
Christianity, if ho ever possessed any,
was liko bamsou's strength, being all
in his hair, and tho first time it was
cut ho lost it all, and if the Lord uvor
dolivors him from the fiery furnace ho
will nood shoes with cast iron Boles to
help him through.
Yon bolievo in immersion, and not
in prohibition, and I say to you ns I
said to Mr. Derr, if you will find tho
word iiuraer.sion in tho Biblo, I will
find tho word prohibition. lie says
ministers should not uso tho pulpit for
tho discussion of politics, I Bay bo to.
but who said thoy did but youT Why
you nro more of a whiskey crank than
thoy are tomporance cranks, for thero
are no political affiliations whatover,
connootcd with it, mK I Bet you down
m an ignoramous and a crank; you had
ought to bo exposed with tho initials
of your full name, to try and deceive
people in this way, Bhame on a man
that will write an article and dare not
connect bis name with it. Then you
talk against tho amendment, you favor
whiskey, and you say that thoy don't
preach prohibition from tho Bible,
nolthor do tho whiskey men open
their meetings with prayer and preach
from tho Bible. It is always safe to
bo on tho Lord's Bide, but it Is a sort
of a wild oat race to be on tho side of
tho Devil. He says tho mothors of
to-day aro responsible for the govern
ment of their children In tho future,
and then ho says that women aro com
manded to be under obedience. Now
what n contradiction that Is, to say
first that they have tho powt r of oho
dionco by becoming responsible for
tho government of thoir children, and
then to say thnt they aro to bo under
obedience, nnd lie allows llm man to
slip clear when ho has all the power to
make laws, &o. Ho quotts Dr. Tal
mago on ono point ns though Dr. Tal-
mayo was in sympathy with him, but
ho is very careful to let Dr. Talraago
alono on tho amondmcnt question. If
Dr. Talmago knew h6w this preacher
stood, ho would not allow his name to
go in print in connection with his.
Any man refusing to attend church
bco.'iuso prohibition is preached likes
his bitters bettor than God, and you
nro in tho samo boat together, occupy
ing holier places than your hearts per
mit, and you aro after tho dollar In
stead of tho good of mankind. Ho
says a man can be a christian whether
ho makes It, uses it or sells It. On
this theory I snpjiOBO you frequent bar
rooms, anu nssouimu wim unuKuip, 11
all dono this what would become of
Christianity, and how much moro pop
ular drinking would bo. Do you seo
where 't would end, nnd on tho samo
theory thero will bo distillers, saloon
keopers, and drunkards in tho King
dom above. I do not blame you for
thinkiug so, as it is your only salva
tion. What a nice time it will bo up
there, about tho samo as wo havo it
here, l'coplo aro foolish to cxpond
money to pay preachers to convert tho
world, it it is not to bo changed any.
Ho says there aro sins ten times groat
ci than drunkenness of which nothing
is said in tho pulpit. This is a bare
falsehood, just namo mo ono of those
Bins if you please. When you repeat
tho Lord's prayer again, ploaso bear in
mind whore it says,'''thy will be dono
...ii, u ; iV i, w
(Jil v.tilii i.1 lb JO lu utitnui ,i ,
Americans who can boast of our liber
ty and not freo whiskey, do not desire
Irish preachers who were raised under
free whiskey, and no liberty, to dictate
to us about whiskey and liberty. But
you can not expect anything elso from
that source.
1st Peter 4 40. Yet if any man
sudor as a christian let him not bo
ashamed, but let him glorify God on
this behalf.
Take hoed thoreforo when you
write another nrticlo, do not bo asham
ed of it, and affix your namo thereto.
11. li. LiQW.
Department of the Interior, Census Office
"Washington, D. C.
To the. Medical Profession:
Tho various medical associations
and tho medical profession will be glad
to learn that Dr. John S. Bilunos,
Surgeon U, S. Army, has consented to
take charge of tho Report on tho Mor
tality and Vital Statistics of the Unlt-
od states as returned by tho Eleventh
As tho United States has no system
of registration of vital statistics. bucIi
as is relied upon by other civilized na
tions for the purpose of ascertaining
the actual raovemont of population,
our census affords tho only opportuni
ty of obtaining uear an approximate
estimate of the birth aud death rate
of much tbo larger part ol the conn,
try, which is entirely unprovided with
any satisfactory system of State and
municipal registration.
Iu viow of this, th? Census Office,
during tho month of May this year,
will issue to the medical profession
throughout tho couutry "Puysician's
Registers" for tho purpose of obtain
ing more accurato returns of deaths
than it is nossiblo for tho enumerators
to make. It is earnestly hoped that
physicians in every part of tho coun
try will co-opcrato with tho Census Of
fico in this important woik. Tho re
cord should be kept from June 1,
1889, to May 31, 180O. Nearly 20,-
000 of thtse registration books wero
filled np and returned to tho office in
1880, and nearly all of them used for sta
tistical purposes. It is hoped that
double this number will bo obtained
for the Eleventh Uensus.
Physioians not receiving Registers
can obtain them by sending their
names and addresses to the Census
Office, and, with tho Register, an of
ficial envelope which requires no stamp
will be provided for their return to
If all medical and surgical nr.actition
era throughout the country will lend
their aid, tho mortality ami vital eta
tistics of tho Elovonth Census will bt
more comprehensive and complete
than they havo over been, livery phy
siciau should take a p rsonal pride in
having this report as lull and accurate
as it is possible to make it.
It is horoby promised that all infor
mation obtained through this source
shall bo held strictly confidential.
HoilKItT Z, Pouter,
Superintendent of Cciibus.
A fortunate and Grateful Woman.
Mrs. J. H. Giles, of Everett, Pa
says: "I havo suffered for years irom
kidney and gravel trouble. No physi
cians or medicine at homo did mn any
nood. I finally visited my foumr
home at Rondout, N, Y,, and began
using Dr. David Kennedy's Favorito
Remedy, of Rondout, N, Y. A fo
words tell tho result. I am a perfectly
well and iiappy womau once moro
may 24-4t
A new counterfeit dollar made of
brass with a thin ooating of silver
electro plate, has made its appoaranco,
The spurious ooin is a good imitation
It rings muoh liko the genuine one,
only a little sharper. It has the an
poaranoo of having boon carried in
countless pockets, and tho stars aud
figure of Liberty look worn, but the
date, "1801," is sharply cut and fail
to oarrv out-this impression. Tho do-
pressed portion of tho two sides aro
off color, looking blue beside a genu
ino coin. Inferior half and quarter
dollars wero ducovorcd in circulation
in Chicago recently. Thoy aro light
weight, do not ring, havo a dull, leaden
color, nud ought not to deceivo any
Weak Women.
Tho more sensitive naturo of tho fu
raaio box renders women much moro
BUBceptiblo than men to thoeo numer
ous ills which spring from lack of har
mony in tho system. Tho nervous
system gives way, Bick headaeho is
frequent, the appetite is lost, nod oth
or ailments peculiar to tho sex cause
great Buffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla
is peculiarly adapted for such oases,
and has rcooivoi the moat gratifying
pniiso tor tho reliot it has altorded
thousands of womon whoso very oxUt
ence before taking it, was only misery.
It strengthens tho nerves, euros sick
headaeho and indigestion, purifies and
vitalizes the blood, and gives regular
and healthy action to every organ in
tho body.
It is eaid that a chip or Any piece of
wood or other bard substanco under
the topgue of a balky bono will got
him over that fit and ho will go ahead
at onoo.
Makoa vory small holiiin eaoh endofa
frodh egg mid after blowing out tho
contents, closo ono cud with a bit of
scaling wax. Cut two piccos of oloth in
tho shapo of tho body of a fish, and
sow them together on tho edge so as
to miko ri pointed bag. Put some
sand into this for ballait. Thu
mouth of tho bag inut bti exactly
the size of tho egg, which is t6 fastened
into it with sealing wax or glue, to
form tho head of the fish. Having pre
pared it in this way, paint two (yes
on tho egg with black paint, and tho
maglo fish U ready to bo put into a
jar of water. Tho weight of the sand in
l ho bag must bo hiioIi that tho fish will
float on thesurfanu if left to itself but
bo that a very light touch will cause it
to sink, uovcr tho jar tightly with a
piece of india rubber, or any other
water nrooi liexibio substance, when a
hand Ib laid on the covering tho pros
suro transmitted to the liquid will
coupo a little water to enter tho egg,
and tho fish will ,dive; tho heavier tho
pressure tho moro quiokly it will plungn.
Kemovo tho prosuro from tho indio rub
bor and tho compressed air in tho egg
will forco it out of tho water and tho
fish will oomo to tho eurfaco "again.
Christian Union.
That Tirod Feeling
Season is hero again, and nearly every
ono feels weak, languid, nnd exhaust
ed, l lio blnoil, laden with impurities
which havo been accumulating for
months, moves sluggishly through tho
veins, tho mind fails to think quickly,
and tho body1 is still slower to respond.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is just what is
needed. It purifies, vitalizes, and en
riches tho blood, makes tho head clear,
creates on appetite, overcomes that tir
ed fzdiny, and imparts now strength
and vigor to tho wholo body.
No More Peddling Without a Liooase
Governor Beaver has approved the
Hawkers and Peddlers Bill pased nt
tho last session of tho L"cislaturo.
Tho bill absolutely prohibits tho hawk
ing and peddling foreign goods, wares
aud merchandise withput a license,
except that persons residing within
tho Stato may sell articles of their own
manufacture without a license.
Preserved Grape Communion Wine.
Tho Grapo crop of A. Speer's Vine
yards in Now Jersey, promises this
year to be one third more than any
other previous year. His Vineyards
in Now Jersoy and tho products from
tho grapm ho purchase!', have enabled
him to keep a stock lour years ahoad.
His Untermcnted Grapo Juieo has be
come a popular ovening wino among
tho best families in Now York, aud for
communion purposes.
Buffering of a Few Jeroer Senator. Vy
pepalof SI oh nonffacbe. TerrlbU Things
r VThen the stomtch U torpid It oon becomes tie.
gl irith half Olgaitod xnittcrt, the blood beeomea
YltliUduulfonlt the other onrtni fell to act &or
mally, and lndnoee tnia of ermptoxni, tneb u dy
peptU, elck beedaobe, dltilneen, dnnrmtneu, palpita
tion of the beut, pain in the back, lou of appetite.
heart and It afford mo pleasure to tell of one of
them, ThefpeakerwM ex-Senator Albert Merrilt,
head of tho Urge fruit firm. 8g Park neoe, K. and
the aecno hi offloe. MI iraa lick and feared I had
beoome fated to endure tho
Tortures of Dyspepsia
and a oUogcwna affection of the kidneri. ArelaUr
ealAtomo, Vvhy don't yontrr PrjUnnedr'i Fa-
Tonisiwmenj.maaoas uonqout, x
mew et4dUy jboite r. I pould eat,
woriwun a clearer I
he yellow coibv 01
coy exln had Rtren place to tho tones 1
pure blood and every organ of the body la healthy
ones mai
to tho credit of eaTlnij ray life.
.jwenneays xavonie uemedy is enuueo
t n
(ran or tne tx
ITavorite Bern
ray life., if
ii any one a&a a
writ to mo. XcanslTOToatheciAmeiandftddreasee
Lout) about the truth of my statements let him
Kemedy " has been to tLVma
time ofpeod, Mr. ATiHRoi
ari!. For. a Ion time I wa
attacks of dullness and
pi ni it ptirsous v, no Bturm, aa i ao, inat " xaTontc
pi cur pwsous v, no
neip ana a Dicniinffui
was troubled with eoYore
iTera. Tarrvtown.
Blind Sick Headaeho
doe to Impure blood and a disordered state of the
BTBtftmTTr was advised to try tr. Knj
to Uemedy. of ttondout. N. Y. I did
peon completely cured, it's the bet
been completely cured, it's the best thlnsr I ovei
heard of for ad disorder of that paturo, and I baye
recommfnaed it to many with like puoccss." Mr.
dout. N. Y. I did bo and havt
Jitts. xannton. Jawu rayst i recommend
headache. 1 sulTered for many years with these
.'a j-aYome uemedy ror ayBperwis
complaints, and was cured by Dr. Kennedy 'a
pars wiiu
Price Onaflollir. FrepuJl Bouaout.K.T.
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy.
ITeputd by
llpabstUt Six for tJ. BriUOruraliU.
German Remedy!
""rmiTiin mn Tilt- minis E3
HI or tliobu ileathlj
III BIlioiiBHnelladeiiencl
l .ouu w 1 11 bo Diild
for iica so where bvi,
I'UUIt 1S(TTEI1S will
not assist or cure, Jt
never falls.
lilt wm euro you,
E3 lo you butler t
feeling; If BO, HBO
Snwilim UlTTEES;
blood when you seel
Cleanse the vitiated I
ib win euro yuu,
is impurities uurei
mr through tho skin
imprntn ( w tin nre;
n I'lmplca.lllotcheB.I
ind Surca. Helv on I
Qthe nulla nud work-1
Sulhiuii Hitters,
b nop a; cicrks.wnouo
not Drocuro sufficient
in,! liPfilfh u ffti
exercise, and all who!
aro ronllncd In doors,
should uso SuLrutm
HlILrilUH lllfTKKfl
will euro i.ivcruntn-
HiTTKits. Tlieywill
dalnt. Don't iodla
.j not t lion do wc&k ami
'ounurcd: it w 111 cure
vou. C3
If you do not wish
to Buffer from ltlicum
will build you up and
make you btroug and
at) em, ubo n bottle of
It neviT falls to cure.
acLriiuu i utters :
bULl'Iltm UlTTIIltH
Don't bu without a I
bottle. Try It; youi
Will IllllfcU yUlIT UllKHlrM
pure, rich and strong, to
Mill lllti HKIlb lb
inn yuurucsu nam.
!,n it iu b in tie Ilea u
health, who aro all
Ti v hULi'inm lirr.
mt- to.nlirht. nnd
run down, fettouM
you will sleep well
m ieM DPiter for it.
Dorou want ttio beet MeillCJil Work nubltshea?
8oiul 3 2-foiu eiamp. to A. 1'. oumvAv & Co
ISonton, JlatB., uml iccclvo a copy, fire,
Out of tho uroastworks.
Tate Sprinoj, Tenn., July 4, 188?
Tb Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.:
Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted
an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I
tried a physician, tho best at command, bat
secured no benefit. My throat began to
get tore, and my body covered with sores
and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I
felt that my grave must be reached in ths
near future. I gave up the doctors' treat
ment, and with a despairing hope I com.
menced taldng your medicine. I began to
Improve from the first bottle, and in a short
time the ulcers healed, and my skin cleared
off and was entirely well.
One year ago a case of catarrh developed
In my system. The physician did bis best,
but could not cure me ; but two bottles of
Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief.
J. II. Robinson.
Kaufman, Tkx., June a, 1888.
The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.:
Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a
blcln disease for about twelve years, and the
best medical treatment failed to give me re
lief, I am now using Swift's Specific, and
have received the greatest benefit from Its
use. Yours truly, Wu. Jones.
Tor sale by all druggists.
Thk Swift Si-ecific Co.,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
New York, 756, Broadway.
London, Km., Env Mfi.
I won't miss it, for I have lone
since adopted an easier nnd
cleanlier way. A bottle of
and a sponge to keep my shoes
washed clean, save a deal of
labor and shoe leather.
Bald by Shoe Store, Orooen, Dnaliti, Aa
The best Harness Dressing
in the world.
Manufacturers ot
Flrst-closswork always on nana,
Price reduced to tuit the timer.
Tho undersigned having been ro-
Btored to health by Bimplo means, after
suoffring for povcral years with a severe
lung allcotiOD, aud Uiat dread uiseaso
Consumption, is anxious to make
known to his fellow sufferers the means
of cure. To tboso who desire it, ho will
cheerfully send (freo of charge) a copy
of tho prescription need, which they
will find a uro cure for Consumition,
Asthma, Cataiuui, Bronchitis and
all throat and lung Maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, which will cost them noth
ing, aud may prove a b'essinc, will
plcaso address, Kuv. EnwAitn A. Wil
son, Williamsburg, Kings Uotinty,
Now York. A-&-oo.-deo'-7-jy "
cnmsTiAii p. KNArr, uloombuorq.fa.
11UMU, ur . T.
l'KoriJM'.N. Y.
HKAMNa, l'A.
TLeso iui coki'okatioks are wcllacasoncd bj
iL'e nnd riKi TXBTXDana have never vet bad a
losBBCttlcdbyanycourtof low. Their assets are
alllnvestudlnsoun siccbitiis are Uablrtotbe
aiamoi KiKsoniy.
Losses prompt 1. y and uonestlt luljaatcdand
lid as soon as determined by Chkiktiak r.
Tbo dcodIs ot Columbia countr should patroa-
Uathaasenoy whore losses l( any are settled and
pais oy ons or mer own citizens.
veats and Trade Marks obtalned.nml all I'atent
slness conducted tor.MOUKKTK FKKS.
FFICE. Wo havo no sub-agencies, all business
lruct, hence can transact patent bustncsi lu less
lmeand at LESS COST than those remote from
send model, drawing, or photo.wlth description.
We advise It Datentnulo or not. tree ot charee.
Our tee not duo till patent 13 secured.
A dook."iiow u Obtain Fatents."witu rererences
0 actual clients In your state, county, or town,
ntfres. Address
C. A. SNOW & CO.,
Oppulte I'atent OTAOfl. WaHMnjlon, D.G
By the following well known makers?
Hallet & Davis.
Can also furnish any of the
cheaper makes at manufacturers
prices. Do not buy a piano be
fore getting our prices.
Catalogue and Price Lists
On application.
The owner of tills horse uses
the si Ironsides Sheet for the
stable. It keeps the horse clean
and ready for driving and saves
an hour's work each day,
5A Lap DusiersuoSKSTunL
5A Ironsides Sheet fs,.?,trecnwB.r
In lliili.
5ft' Clipper Fly Netsl"'
ZilulUUttau at BB tt. UiV
100 other styles of sa Horeo Sheets an4
Fly Nets, nt prices to suit everybody. Foi
alo by all dealers. If you can't gel tlicia,
write iu.
Uanurd by Wu. Araxa e sous. Phukda.. who
tMfct tilt (am&ui Uortt Brafil SUir Uiatkitt.
3 v QV
Capital Fnn'ehmcnt Abolished.
Tho prtBent Hoard of l'ardoiifl lira
praolically nholishod c.tpitnl iinrih.
mint in l'ontigvlvnnin. It has mndo n
HtattlhiR record In rcvprhig tho laws
nnd tho judicial I rilimmls if tho Slate,
nnd tliin wutk it nnoliod Ilia climax by
Biittinf; asido two judgments of tho
only proper nulhority in the admttiU
tration of tho law, by which tho death
liuualty vai solemnly dtcrccd against
Wticn Saiiiiiel Johnson could hii ies.
ctifcd from tho doath ptna'ty, aft-r his
conviction had hem adjudged by every
judiolal tiibnnal of the State, it would
bo simply n mockery of justice to exe
cute any of tho dozen oreo of condem
ned murderers in our .prison?. 'J'heio
was not a juror nr a jiidgo of cither
tho Oyer and Terminer or Supremo
Court that heard tbo case and decided
it under tho sanctity of an oath, who
ever doubttd tbo correctness of John
son's conviction j but an old political
feud of Delaware county irspircd tho
effort to degrade tho administration of
justice. Tho effort 01100 started, with
a largo conscientious sentiment in tho
community ngainst capital punisbni"iil
that embraoed tho immediate friends
nud family of llio man who was tho
victim of tho cowardly murderer, it
was encouraged to summon overy
yrndo of crime to defeat tho punish
,mcnt of crime, nnd it has succeeded.
The apology of tho Hoard is that
whilo doubting tho innocence its mem
bers also doubted the guilt of Johnson
Pray, who authorizeo or tmpowored
them lo inquire into the guilt or inno
cence of Jobnson t Had there bct ii
now testimony in tho case not passed
upon by a judicial trihunpl, the apolo
gy of the Board would havo been ex
cusable if not reasonable j but tho only
evidence that had not perished in ab
S'lluto disgrace beloro it reached a,
Court, had been passed upon by a
Delaware courty grand jury, and aft
er hearing only ono side of it, the bill
was ignored, thereby declaring that
the evidence of tho prosecution against
tho Fernwood gang did not oven furn
ish probable causo for further judicial
inquiry. There wa, therefore, no
after-acquired evidence for tho Board
of Paidons to consider, and tho as
sumption of tho right to open nnd re
verse tho solemn judgments of all the
If gal tribunals of tho Stale, was a vio
lent assumption of authority and a
grotesque burlesque of both law an i
With Johnson rescued from tho
judgment of U19 law, there wai emmi
nenl fitness iu commuting the death
penalty in tho case of Airs. Burrow.,
now in Moyamens'ng for the murder
of her husband, and a liko commuta
tion in tho ca-io of Mr. Whileling will
logically follow. Tho samo Board
having been hung in effigy in Juniata
connty for saving a wifo-murd"rer
from tho gallows, it mut givo wives
an even chanco to murder thoir hus
bands; and that lcad t tho only log;
oal end of practic illy abolishing capi
tal punishment in Pennsylvania. Ex
A Safe Guard Always on duty.
Thousands mak a prnctieo of taking
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy, of Roundout, N. Y , when
ever they have symptoms of possible
-icknes", and through the prompt no
tion of this remarkable modiciue thoy
are really never ill. It is a perfect safe,
guard against all forms of ma'aria,
sick and nervous headache, palpitation,
dyspepsia and heartburn. 5-24 4t
The Pennsylvania Railroad's Facilities to
Atlantic Oity.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Cunv
1.1 any's facilities for reaching AtUntio
City were novcr so complete as they
;uu on the oponing of the present pea
son. During tho jia-t winter and
spring tho road-bed of both tho Wot
Jersoy and Camden and Atlautio his
been greatly improved. Tho We-t
Jersey has been bettered in various
ways ar.d roballasted ; the track i.f the
Camden and Atlantic has been rent w
ed on many portions of tho lino and
tiack-tanks have been added for th
use of fat trains. Th"? equipment,
both in h comotives and oats, is super
ior in every resprct, and will be ample
for the coraforlablu conveyance of tho
largest mi Isummer crowd.
Tho terminal facilities of both .'.nd-t
of tho lino possess the advantago of
superior location. The Market Street
station in Philadelphia, from which
tho fast trains of both tho West Jer
sey and Camdim and Atlantic rail
roads start, is tho central hoaJi no Bta
tiiiii of tho city, accessible from a'l
sections by d.rect lines of strcet-oirs,
and within fifteen initmtcM of Broad
Street station by tiiu Market Stieet
cablooars. In audition lo the oentral
station at Market Street, tlieie is also a
feny ir m Vine Stroi t and a boat run
ning from Vino and Shnekamaxon
Streets direct to the Camden side ol
the Market Street ferry.
At Atlantic City the passengers are
landed in tho heart of iho city, ai. a
point from which every part" of tho
city and suburbs arn ea-ily reached by
the in w electric railway.
Tho ppeeial excursion ttavel is deliv
ered at tho largo and handsome new
excursion home, tho Sea Viow Hoicl,
which is just completed. This is tho
most commodious and best appointed
house of the class on iho coat, and
offers every facility that tbo day ex
cursionists could demand.
With all their facilities improved
and strengthened, with nmplo eq.iip
mont and fast trains, tho Pennsylvania
Ra Iroad Company's brauohes to At
lautio City will grow stronger in tho
favor of tho traveling public.
An txehango very truthfully says ;
Tho man who attempts to please every
body, generally ends in ploising nr
body. Thu only proper oourso to pur
suii is to do the best you 0111 and that
which you honestly think is right.
Tho kickers of course, will howl, but
thoy have got to do just so much howl
ing anyway, elso the bahueo of hu
manity would not bo a.varo of thoir
klOHIlllill Itt'lIICtllCH,
What aro they 1 Thu j-towtli of Intel!!,
gencu in medical mutters Ima glrcii rlsu to
a demand for a class of genuine, reliable,
medicines. The opportunity of llio ignor.
ant quack, who grew rich curing ever thing
out of a tingle bottle Ima passed. To supply
satisfactorily this demand this list of reme
dies lms been created, They arc tliu favor
ite prescriptions of tho most famous medi
cal pructtoncrs of tho day, gathered from
the knspltuls ot London, Paris licrlln and
Vienna. Prescriptions which cost llio
patients of these specialists from 25 lo
$',00, arc Hero offered, prepared and ready
for use. at the nominal price of One DoUar
Each. Not one of then Is a cure all 1 each
0110 has only the reasonable power of curing
a singlo disease and each ouu keeps its con
tract. Butlerors from Cutnrrli, DiBeucd
Lungs, lironuhitU, Asthma, Consumption,
Rheumatism, l)jpqsiu, Liver and Kidney
Complaints, Fever aud Ague, NeuuUis,
Female. Weakness, Lcurnrrha'a, or Nervous
Debility, should fend stamp for iletcilpitvo
catalogue to Hospital Itemidv Co, N
U'JSJ West King St., Toronto, Canada. If
your druggist does not kerp these romi dls
remit price snd wo will seud direct free of
Thcso twin diseases causo untold suffering.
Doctors tarntt that they aro difficult to euro
so do their pat Ionia, l'alne'a
Celery Compound lias per
manently cured ttio worst
cases of rheumatism and
ncuralfrlA so say tboso nlio
liaro used It. ,
"Havlni? been troubled
wtl h rhcu mnllsmatthoknoo
and foot lor live yearn, I was
almost unable In (tot around,
and was very often confined
to my bed fur weeks at a
tittle. 1 uied only ono bot
tlo of mine's celery Com
pound, nnd was perfectly
cured. I can now Jump
around, and feel as lively aa
a boy," Frank cmoti,
Eureka, Norada.
tl.00. str for $3.00. Druggists.
Mammoth testimonial paper free.
wklui,iiiciiarpson u5.,nop3.,iiuriingion, u 1
nitunun nvco Oivt Ruter nnd Brighter
UlAiaUHU Uftb ootori lAan emyMerbyet.
own en.
DHTiM-rn from setecled llarley Malt and guaranteed to bo chemically pure
and free from Injurious oils and sclds often contained In alcoholic liquors. It is
especially adapted to persons requiilugn stlmulatlcgtontc, consumptives being
rrcatly tiencillted by its use. lteeommended by leading phjslclansas nDluretlv
Nervine, Tonic nnd Iterative. For consumptives It Is Invaluable. I'KHlilNb'S
I'uitic iiAULitt ,i a u 1 wiusiiKi insures a return or vigor loino siomueu, uk""?
appetite, a ricn ana nouniiani woou ono incicnBo nepii nua inuBcuiuriiHauu. n
stimulant mild and gentle In effect. Dyspepsia, indigestion nnd all wasting dl
eases can bo entirely conquered by tlio iibopr l cninu's I'uic lloiley alt Whiskeys
it Is a tnnlrt And diurpfin nnd n nnnnrriil Rtirnfrthener to tho entire system. I'EK
ltlNK'H 1'UltK UAltLKVMALT W111SKK1 has proved a medicinal protection to
those who pursue tueir avocations in the open air aud whoso dally work calls It
exceptional powers of endurance. Ask yoai nearest druggist or grocer ror for
I'EIlltlNK'SrilHE HAItLKY MALT WHISKEY revives tho energies of those wora
out with encesslvo Bodily or mcntnlefrort and acts as a safeguard against exposure
In wet and rlioroun weather, llwlll drive all malarious diseases from the system.
Hard workers ot vry vocation apd persons whom a sedentary lite renders prone to
ujfsepsii mn in renme's euro
Malt Whlbkoy a powerful
nnd helper to digestion. I'KltniNK'S
wlthuut unduly stlmu'iting the kid
neys lnciees their naming activity,
counte.'acei t eeffoctH of fafitrue. has.
tens coivaleac ice and 13 a wholesomo Ipure." signed, Camilla Arthur Hater,
and promptldii etlo. Watch the label I Uoroduate of the Unttvrslttes of Munich
None gdnulnou less bearing the Blgna tueuem and Wttsbaden
K01 saieoy all druggla
uua irrocera turougnoui;
tho United states and
Sole agents of the fol
lowing brands ot
C. IB. ffiOMIS
Pianos, Organs, and
It wearing qnallttti ni:,,V.'f. J.
M ticiarallr.
Jun U-MC.
send to mo. I'or the post two years IhaTe suf-
. m in. - . . llm l.nnrf flrVT4ir DriilF
ilot'tnr falling to euro me. I havo now lakjn
freo from llio complaint. I feel very (tratctul
to you." cms. 11. Lkwis, Central village, vt,
Celery Compound
"1 hnro been preatly arnicted with acuto
rheumatism, and could find no rollof until I
used I'aino's Celery compound. After UBlnir
Mxtwtllcsofthismedlcino 1 am now cured ot
rheumatic troubles."
Samcei, HCTcnmsos, Bo. Corntsh, N. IL
Effects Lasting Cures.
I'aino's Celery Ccmpoundhas performed many
other cures as marvelous as those.-oopics 01
letters sent to any nddrest rieasant to take,
does not disturb, but aids digestion, and entire
ly vcgetnblo! a child can take It. What's tho
iiw ot suffering longer with rheumatism or
n tnicQUWUpmLadaUdlbodarelleatohy,
uAUItb Harm. Hearty. It it Vneyuded.
Tho analysis as It appears by the Lo
bel on overy bottle: 1 have carefully an
Hyzcd thoI'DHs IIarlkt Malt Wins
kkv inadoby M. J. K l'errlno nnd nnd
itCDtlicly free from fusel oll.furturol,
ractals and acids and Is abiolutel)
will be
as follows:
Sewing Machines.
Eeal Estato Eought and Sola.
Parilca itralrlug to buy horses and wngons
ould do will to tall on tho above. s
Woven Wire Fencing
Wtro Roposoivago
Tiii - M .MirT.i vs uvi:m mirk f r.Nuuco.,
No. l'n. !U0 N Market t. Cbleacft, lit
Fot)23 0 0Wl3t.
1 0 mi pnc iiiDinni
,tridfl in II pirtl, of I
oiarlnr onr marhlnrtL
ndfoodirberathpoplfl nn
nrm, tt win wnu 1 nT loonfl
fffn In each Itwmtf ,ths nr
but iwinc-niKctilnt marfu in
Iht world, wltA Mi ih (tlchmn(i,
avo win trni tree romplDt
Uocftiur cottlr tnd ttluiblaiti
MmpiM. InrnuniwtaikihairDQ
midw unit tic ifnii, id wmq wn
my rail at your home, and after a
moniniBiipmii urcoin joor own
nrcrnr Thfa rrand mtrhlnt li
tnnia iittr irtw ninirr paicnii,
which haa ran out t ffora rtf nn
ttrnmfmi, ana now miii for
'HLIO. ReLurDBfai.tiMittia.
ninoui tiioio Krnif . wnnim
fulmtrhlne tn th world. AW la
.ft-M. No ranltal reqalrd. I'laln.
brief lnnrnrt)oniripn. inoie who wrtu to oi n one can
nro O-ff th bent wlnffmachln" n th world, and tba
tlnetl line or WOT! IOI B'Sn iu"n imnnrnn Jinnici,
VlaMJiutteCO.! liox J40 1 AUftluta, Mntue,
"lly athoroushkDowlcdKoottbo natural laws
which govern tbo ofcrntlons or dlgrxtloii nnd
nutrition, and by a caivlul ni'pllcatloii ot tho nno
properties of wt'll-pelcctcd ocoa, sir. Kppshas
proildfd our breakfast tables with a delicately
llavored beveraKO which may savo us many heavy
doctors' bills. It Is by tbo judicious uso of bucii
ai tides of diet that a constitution may bo gradual
ly btmt up until strong enough to resist every ten.
dencyio dl'easo. Hundreds of subtlo maladies
aro floating niound us re idy to nttnek wherever
therelsawcak point. Wo may escape many a
fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with
Euro blood aDd a properly nourished frame. "-Ctill
trttce Uatelle. Jlado simply with boiling water
or milk, bold only In half pound tins, by Grocers,
labelled thus:
JAMES KITS CO., Homoeopathic Chemists,
oct2C-d-ct. London, England.
A. U. At M
1 36
Northumberland, 6 40
Cameron 5 C5
Chulasky 0 (0
Danville fi OS
Catawlssa c 'a
Rupert...- o so
10 10 il 15
10 25
10 29
10 3a
10 63
11 00
11 07
11 1G
11 22
11 SI)
11 30
11 37
11 44
11 41
11 63
12 OS
12 16
12 20
12 2.5
12 SO
12 37
12 41
12 45
18 60
12 55
1 03
1 11
1 19
1 S5
1 30
C 30
0 31
0 40
fi C8
1 05
7 12
7 V0
7 27
7 SI
7 85
1 42
7 49
8 06
8 IT
8 22
8 3s
8 33
8 38
8 46
8 49
8 f.1
a 6s
9 3
1 68
2 14
2 10
2 24
S 69
niuuui&uurg u
Espy r. i'l
l.lmo lildge C 60
willow (I rove . ... n B4
llrlarcreek e &s
Berwick T 05
lleach Haven 7 11
8 4S
2 61
2 l3
H 0
3 10
3 ii:
3 35
3 SU
3 43
nick's Ferry, 7 is
.Shtckshlnny 7 b0
Ilunlock's 7 43
Nantlcokc ,,,. 7 M
Avond.ile 7 61
Plymouth 7 r,'J
I'lirnouthJuccllon,. ., 8 03
Kingston 8 OS
Dennett B 12
Maltby 8 17
Wyoming n 22
West 1'lUston 8 s:7
3 M
3 60
4 01
Pltlston s S3
Lackawanna 8 40
Tavlonlllo. 8 48
uenevuc 8 64
Scrantox 9 00
4 22
r m
iantok c. in !i 60 " m n 11
a 05
licllevue c If ss r. ds
Taylorvllle c 20 1000 214 030
L.acKawaniia. 6 8S 10 OS 2 21 6 37
l'lttston 6 8S 10 16 S 28 C 46
Westl'lttston 6 42 10 22 ,2 31 0 60
Wyoming 6 47 10 27 2 39 0 65
"iniiuy eel 10 so ... 69
Bennett G 55 10 31 2 47 7 03
Kingston 6 68 in as 2 mi 7 nr
riymouihjunctlon 705 10 42 2 64 7 12
nymouin 7 10 10 47 2 69 7 16
Avondale 7 14 in m a na, 7 i
Nantlcoke 7 19 10 55 3 00 7 25
Ilunlock's 7 20 11 02 3 19 7 43
8'ilckshluny 7 47 11 12 8 89 7 65
hick s rerry t ca 1122 3 39 8 07
Beach Haven 8 01 11 28 3 45 8 13
Berwick s 07 11 07 3 ol 8 20
Bnarcreek a 13 3 67 827
willow Orovo 8 10 11 4S 4.01 8 3i
LlmoltldgO. 8 80 11 62 4 05 8 3
f-JPy. 8 20 11 t9 4 12 8 41
Ulootnsburg s 82 12 05 4 18 8 47
Rupert 8 37 12 10 4 24 8 62
Catawlssa t 8 S 13 15 4 29 8 67
Danville T 8 67 12 30 4 40 9 16
Chulasky. 9 03 4 64 9 23
Cameron 907 12 40 5 00 9 28
Northumberland 9 22 12 61 6 15 9 45
am pm pm pm
Connections at Rupert with 'hlladephl K
Readlnir llallrnarl for Tmnnnpml. Tnmannn VM11
lamsport, irunbury, rottsviilc, etc. At Northum-
ucimuu wim r. s js. inv. r, ji. 11, ror liarrisburg,
Lock Haven, Emporium, Wnn cn, corry and Erie.
'V. r. IIALVTCAD, Gen. Man..
acranton, ra
Pennsylvania. Railroad.
Philadelphia 5t Erie R. R. Divis
ion, and Northern Central
In effect MAY 12 1889. Trains leave tsunbuiy
9.40 A.m.. Sea hbnro TCxnrraa Mnllv r..nh
Sunday), for narrlsburg and Intermedlatestatlons,
arriving at l'hlladelphlas.l5p. m. : New York,
6.50 p. m.j Baltimore, 2.50 p.m.! Washington,
4.00 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for all sea
Shore points. Through passenger coach to
. .... . P- m. Day Express
daily except Sunday),for Uarrtsburg and in lerine
dlato stations, arriving at r h 1 1 a d 0 1 p h la
6.50 p.m.; New York, 9.35 p. m.; Baltimore
c.45 p. m.j Washington, 8.10 p. m. Parlor oar
through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches
through to Philadelphia nnd Baltimore.
8.00 p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (dally
torUarrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv
ing at Philadelphia 4.85 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m.
lla tlmore, 5.15 a. m. ; Washington 0.30 a. m. :
Pullman slecplngearfrom Harilnburg to Phlladel
phia and New York. Philadelphia pastengera can
remain In sleeper undUturbd until 7 a, m.
l;r' a-; En ,Mall (dall;) or llarrlsbuig nnd
intermediate stations, nrpvlng at Philadelphia
6.60 a. ra. New York, 9 30 a. m.; Through Pullman
Bleeping oara and passenger eoachea to Philadel
phia. 8.SO.1. m.-Sotthfrn Express (dally) for narils
burg ana Inttrmedlale statKcsarrlUngat Haiti
more 7.20, and Washligton8.45, and through Pull
man tie. ping cars to Halt mnroond WashlngttD,
and through passenger coaches lu Boltlmoro.
5.10a. m.-Erlo Stall (dally), for Me nvi at
Canandalgua hi d Intermediate stations, Roches,
ter, Buffalo 1 id Niagara Palls, with through Pull
man Pai v :e crj and passenger coaches to Erie and
0,53 News Express (dally , tor loclt Haven
and Intermediate stations.
1.4J p. ;n,-Nlagara Express (dally except hun-
y) for Kane, canai olgua and lntermedlate.sta
tlon?, It (better, Buffalo and Niagara rails with
through passenger coaches to Kane and Rochester
and Parlor car to Watklns.
5.30 p. in. Fast Line (dally exceptsundayjfor Re.
npvo, waiklns and Intermediate stations, with
through passenger coaches to Rcnovo and Watklns.
3 ','' ? !i""oPort Exprefs (lally except
Uoul lofWIUIaa sport and Inteimidlato sta-
News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.30 a.m.
Baltimore, 4.3.) a. m. liarrisburg, 8.10 a.m. dally
arilvingat Sunbury 9.63. a.m.
i.n,i , . u. .Niagara Express leaveB
Philadelphia, H.lO a. m, ; Wastifngton 8 )0 a. m. Bal.
tlmore u.00 a. m. (da'ly except bundaj arriving at
fll'J;13 ,',m" witli through Parloi oar f rom
i!P.laK PS!" "hdiarough passenger coaches from
Philadelphia and Baltlmure.
wf!5,f.Iyile "ftveg Now om 9.00 a.m.! Phlladel
Phla,ll.60a. m, j Washington, 9.60 a., m. ! Balll.
SfrTmi?--46 Jm'' tiMf ,lt;cPl Sun arriving at
Minbury, 6.30 p. ni. with througli passenger
fobeh from Phllud-lphla and lialthnoro 00,''Jk'l-r
, ,.',"nai'".0r'. IS,P sa leaves Now Yoik 3 00 p.
'blladetrhlaSSI)). m. Wushlngton 8 60 p. m.
trg,u?un0'u?yr5:Jdf,!l5D1CCf',t bUBd"
MM,iJtl!a:iSv'JorkBMP-m-' Phlladel.
Phia, 11.25 p. m. j Washington, itfoo p. m. 1 Haiti-
rrm',b8iIJ.M"taa' ,HH at binb'ury wo
f. y".'!' through Pul 1 nn Weeping cars from
V.",' ,,e,,r,"a' WMInBton acB lialtlmore and
through passenger coacles now Philadelphia
Hii,iiirAiuwu IMIICTIl AND WKsT
i.. (Dally oxctptBunuoy.)
..yfi'wbb?5rP M",1! leaveB bunbury 10.00 a.m.
I3?0 p ra 10,48 8m WUtea-tarre
Kxpr'tss'Kist leaves Sunbury 6.85 p. ra., arriving
iuWP21a8 'eaves Wtlkesbarre 11.17 a. m. arrlv
ing at bloom Ferry 18.37 p. m (sunbury 1.30 p. m
.1?ipr.t:s?,Wc''t,!''aTe8 Vllkes barreausp. m!, ar
vlng at Bloom Ferry 4.80 p, m., Sut,bury i.20p. ru
H'llkesbarro mall leaves Sunbury 10 00 a. m.. ar
at Bloom Ferry 10.41. a. m., VMlkea-DarrB
Sunday accommodation leaven WllUca-Barre 5:10
jiSOp' !;Md at Ulooui Vl"r '31 P-'i Banbury
ciiAfi. s. 1 xT(ir, 3, it. wood.
i i.m.ii err tian inVsiiger n
A ilverltHLiH by nddietslng Ceo, 1.
. iwo K Co, iui.pri.iett,, New York
In good lallh, can obtain all needed lnfoimatlou
AmeUrtlcSSNe,w?S?p1,dr.Ua8 01 VJ:TIBIM0 la
1 nfCf