POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vatles. A marvel ot pur strength am; wholesomcriess. Moro economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo Bold In competition with . tho multltudo ot low test, snort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sola 6niu m cans. KOTll. DiSlNd i'owderCo., K6Vall8t,N Y. The Columbian B-rubllshcd eTcry Friday. Subscription price, Ji.OO a year. ' Entered at tho Post oraco nt liloomsburg. ra.. as second class matter, March 1,UB3. BLOMSBURG PA FRIDAY, JUNE U, 1889, COnnUT BlILHOlDrTlirTAllLI, liLOOMSIHJItO ,fiULLIYAN hailhoad, Taking effect MONDAY. NOVEMBER 5(1, 1899. :dav, nov south.. NOltTH. fAr Ar- Ar" Lt- Lt. Lv. STATIONS. T. w. v. M. A.M. i.v. r. m. r. . DIoomsburg 6 tn l o; 8 ei s 35 J a 6 4n Main Street 0 18 18 63 7 68 8 40 2 36 6 81 Irondale 6 10 13 50 7 Ml 8 45 S 42 6 M Taper Mill 0 08 12 40 7 48 8 66 2 63 7 04 Llghtstrect. 0 03 12 S3 7 43 9 00 3 57 7 OS OrangOVlllO 5 51 13 SO 7 35 0 10 3 20 J 16 Forks, B 45 12 00 7 20 9 25 3 36 7 31 TUbbS 5 43 11 63 7 15 I) 30 8 43 7 36 Stillwater 5 37 11 45 7 10 0 37 3 60 7 41 Itcnton, b 28 11 30 7 00 9 47 4 15 7 63 Edsons, 6 S3 11 20 6 66 9 61 4 20 7 66 coles Creek, S 20 11 15 0 63 9 66 4 21 8 00 Hugarloaf, 6 is 11 lo 6 44 10 on 4 si 8 03 JjlUbacUS, B 1! 11 03 43 10 01 4 33 8 10 centra' 6 06 10 67 6 88 10 13 4 40 8 15 Echo park 6 OJ 10 M 6 V" 111 IS 4 43 8 19 Jamison City.... 5 00 10 45 0 89 10 20 4 CO 8 23 Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar r. It. A. M. A. U. A. u. r. 1. P. M. Trains on the P. It. it. it. leave Hupertis follows : NOHTII. SOUTH. 7:32 a.m. 11:03 a. m. 3:31 p. m. 6:23 p. m. o TralnsonthoD.L. ft W.K.ll.loave Bloomsburg as follows: north. socrn. 7:H a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10:57 a.m. 12:06 p.m. ;S:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m. 6:36 p. m. 8:47 p. m. o Trains on the N. 4s W. 11. Hallway pass Bloom Ferry as follows : NOKTH. BOOTH. 10:48 a. m. 12:37 p. m. 6.26 p. m. 4-30 p. m. SUNDAY NORTH. SOCTn. 10:43 n ra 6:39 p m HAT.r.S. June 7th. Executors of Mary N. liar man, deceased, will oftcr residence on Market street for sale at 0 a. m. Fob Sai.k. A valuable farm in Mudlson Township containing 115 acres, fine build, ings. Will bo sold on easy payments. If not sold nt private salo by Jul 1st, will be sold at public sale. For terms inquire of J. S. Williams, BloDmsburg. tf. Fon 8ai.k. A desirable and commodious residence on Mniu street, supplied with wntcr, gas and steam. Apply to janSOtf. L. N. Moykil For Sale A valuable vacant lot on Market Lt., seven lots on Eighth Street, ten dwellings and a good storu property in DIoomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills and two store properties in Col. Co. A good farm of 307 uere3 with good build, ings in Virginia and two farms in Kansas by M. 1'. Lutz Insuranco and Heal Estate Agt., liloomsburg Fa. Leaders in styles uow styles of neck wear. Linen collars cuffs hosiery sbirtBT-bandsome dress shirts at Lowenbcrg's. l'OHOI'lH. a Dr. I. W. Willltts has been making somo improvements to his residence, corner of Fifth and JIaiket streets. J. G. Wells went to New York this week, wlicro bo will spend some lime taking an optical course. Rev. W. C. Iicyerctt, Col. Freeze, E. 11. Drinker and Geo. E. Elwcll attended tho Episcopal Convention at Reading on Tues day and Wednesday. There will bo acrvices in the Lutheran Church next Sunday morning nnd ovcnlng. Judgo lkcler is making some improve ments to bis residence. Children's IXiy was observed at most of tho churches last Sunday. The tloral do. corations were quite elaborate. Don't miss the concert Friday evening at tbo Opera House for llio benefit of tho Hood BUlTercrs at Willlarasport. M. J. Hess, tho dentist will soon move into tho Conner property on Fifth Street, now occupied by F. P. Blllmeycr, esq. Twcnty.two head of cattle frm pcoplo living in Espy broke Into the fields of Mr. I. 8. Kuhn lust week and destroyed a large portion of his grain. Rov. W. C. Leverett took tho Johnstown disaster as a subject for bis dlscourso last Sunday morning, and preached therefrom a most Instructive sermon. That portion of Mr. Derr's artlclo in last week's Issuo, which rntl3, "Paul says that monoy Is tho root of all evil" should have read "tho love of money is tho root of all evil." It wa' tho printers ommlaalon." If yon want a good wulch, at a low price, call at S. R. Ulttcnbcnder's, lienton. Jewelry, chains &c. nearly at cost. Re pairing promptly dono and warranted. May 17-4t. Mr, C. F, Knapp has made somo great improvements upon his home on South Main Street. The root has been somewhat changed into modern architecture, and the external part beautifully paiuted. Wo acknowledge tho rccelfit of an invi tation to attend tho reunion of tbo FrlU family on tho 20th inst. at tho Hess Maple grovo In Sugarloaf. No doubt it will be a very pleasant occasion, aud It would giatl. ly us to be able tu ncccpt tbo luvitatlou, F, 1 Illllmeycr Esq. puichascd tho liar mau property on Market street at public salo lost Friday for $7050. This Is mar velously cheap for one of tho most dcslra bio locations fn town. The property cost the last owner over $10,000, Travel over tho Red Rock bridge below town has been entirely cut nil ttneo tho Hood carried away the ceulro pier. The location (bould be changed so as to avoid tho dangerous railroad crossing, und an Iron bridge should be erected. The Rloomtburg & riulllvan railroad will carry nil passengers Ires on Friday June 1411), who puicbasu a ticket for tho benefit concert given in tho Dloomahurg Opera Homo this (Friday) evening. Proceeds will bo forwarded for uso of those who suffered nt Willlanisport during the recent Hood. The ptculiar purifying und bulldlug up puwers of Hoodts Barsaparilla make it the very best mcdlclno to take ut this season, Mr. John Blllmeycr died suddenly at bis ! mmo in Montour county, near I'ottsgrovo last week, nnd was burled Sunday last. Ho was n brother of I'ctcr Ulllmoycr of this place. Ai ii, . o, ...... i . . .. uanuuiiunna oynou oi tne isvan eel cnl fllint.i.1. 1.t.i ir i... . .... ... ,ltm iinr.ICt0n ia5l wcCK, J. K. Blttcnbondcr wa9 elected as ono of .v "incurs or mo urphans' Homo at J. J, Mcllcnrv. nf Tlnnlmi nn Ui,l....t. cyenlnc. Juno 8th. r All (T lit Iriunn Unnl It.. largest of which measured 17 inches, tho rest averaging 13 inches. On Monday even Ing following ho caught ono measuring 17 """"'i "" vo oiucr nvcrneing 13 Inches. Tho ladles aid uncle tv nf Dm ror,..ii,...i j ...w MIUj,UIIV,B church will furnish slrnwlinrrli... Irnr.m and other delicacies of tho season, this miirsuaycvo'nir.iit tho homo ut Joseph Oar rlaon on Fifth street, tn nil who will havo tho kindness to patronize them. Every. uouy is Invited. Dr. J. R. Montgomery went to Johns, town last week to look for his btother who lived there. He returned Mnmlnv ..ml ported that ho found him alive, but that uis nuico was completely swept away, and ho had to run for his life when ho saw tho rush of water coming. The grand success of the IC G E. festi. val was duo In a great measure to tho earn, est efforts of Its young lady friends, and tho Bloomsburg Cornet Band's 'ellghtful muslo to both the thanks of Thcta C'astlo Is hereby tendered. Don't fall to attend tho base ball game at Athletic Park Saturday afternoon between tbo homo nine nnd tho Anthracites of Wllkcs-Barro. The game promises to be a most Interesting one, ns tho nines are very closely matched, having played a gamo last summer, which ended with tho score stand, ing one to one. Tho game will begin nt 3 o'clock. J. V. Stavcr took a trip to Jersey Shoro last week to sco what ruin had been wrought by tho waters. He had a hard time to get there, going by rail, by boat, bystogoand foot. Ho reports that the mill In which Mr. Halfpenny, formerly n member of tho firm of Caswell & Co. of Bloomsburg, is interested, is so haily dam- lined that It maV havn tn lin nlmmlnnnrl The entire stock is desttoyed, and tho wnlls of the mill are undermined. Much anxlctv was felt hern tcvrrnl il.wu last week by tho friends ot Elmer E. Moy. cr, who was feared to be ono of tho victims of the Johnstown Hood. Ho was traveling in commnv Willi Dr. Bower of Hlmmnkln. and when lat heard from was nt llnnnvn. and expected to go irom then to Johns. town. A Ulsputcu from Johnstown after tho flood Indicated that Dr. Bower's bodv had been found there. After much tele graphing, it was learned last Sunday that both the Dr. and Elmer weruatlll at Re- nova, snfa and sound. List ot letteis remntulng In the Poet Of- flee ut Bloomsburg for week ending Juno 11, 18S0. Rev. W. T. Aumin, M. B. Blrdseye, Mrs. Corrio Buich, Jacob llonsinger, F. W. Lujsina, Mrs. Jennie Kcltner, Joseph II. Kline, Mr. Henry Kurtz, Mrs. P. T. Miller, Miss Lizzie Newman, Joseph Nie. hart, H. B. Faxon, Mr George Whitcnight, John Vetter. Persona calling for these letters will please say "advertised." Geokok A. Clahk, P. M. A grand concert will be given in tho Bloomsburg Opera House, Friday evening, for the benefit of the WillUmsport suffer, crs. Selections will be rendered by tne fol lowing quartette: Miss Annie MlPer, Mrs. C. W. Lockard, Mr. J. Y. Glisson, Mr. C. W. LDckard, Miss Mann, pianist aud oth ers. Tho Bloomsburg Orchestra,, which has been Increased to nine pieces for the occasion, will assist. Don't fall to assist this worthy causo by attending. Tickets CO, 35 nnd 25 cento, for salo at F. D. Dent ler's. Tho second bisc ball game of the season was playca at Athletic Park between tho Sunhury aud homo nines, the visiting nlno being badly done up. Tho following is the score : INN1NQS. Sunbury, 3 0 0 0 0 1 04 Bloomsburg, 4 1 0 4 0 0 410 Earned runs Bloomsburg 10, Sunbury 2. Two, base bits Hayes, Kleckner. Bases stolen Donahay 3, McNulty S, Hagenbuch 4, Shaffer, G. Sloan, Kclckncr 2, Hays, Glisson 2, M. Sloan 3, Eisley 2, Killlan 1. First base on balls Hagenbuch 2, Kleck ner, Iluyes, McNulty, Eisley. Struck out Donahay, Glisson, McNulty, G. Sloan 8, Kleckner, Wetzel, Cuke, Bartholomew, Otllp 2, Hetrick 3, McClouil 2, Stroh 2. Left on bases Bloomsburg C, Sunbury 2. Dou- hlo plays G. Sloan, Hagenbuch, Shaffer KIllian.McCloud, Eisley. Umpire, M'Killip. For tho benefit of tho public from whom the following money was solicited It Is deemed just to give a report of tho Library Commute of the V. C. T. U. of Blooms. burg, from May 22, 1888, to April 1, 1880, Rcc'd cash from Treas $ 07.88 checks " 114.4(1 85.00 2.05 4.33 254.87 225.24 12 00 0 95 1.40 .33 .00 1.00 0.30 cash " library box,., cosh " Anil Slung Soc. " for salo of books Paid for books i " " Dictionary and stand... " " periodicals " " freight ' " postage and P. O. orders " " W. U. T. U. Stamp " " printing " towards rent $253.88 Balanco on hand. 4'J $ 254.37 Eva Rctkrt, Chairman of Com. Mrs. Rachacl Kuhn died at her home In Espy Sunday Juno 0th, at tho advanced ago of 85 years, 1 month and 25 days. She was born uear Easton, Y&., where sho spent her younger days, and was there married to Mr. Iiaao Kuhn. In 1835 sho and her husband moved to Columbia County and bought tho farm now owned by N. U. Funk, Esq. For twelve years they spent a pleasant life, nnd were blessed with five children, two sons and threo daughters tier husband died in 1847,and one year later tho farm was sold, under the will, to Daniel Snyder, with a dower remaining for her benefit. In 1848 sho moved to Espy and for 41 years has made that her home, Bho was of a kind disposition, and hence leaves a large host of friends to mourn her loss. Of tho five children, only one, Mrs. Thomas Creveliug, survives her. Funeral services were held at the Lutheran Church, Espy, Wednesday mornlug, Rev, E. A. Slmrrctts delivering a very appropriate sermon. Tho remains wero Interred In Roscmout Ceme tery, Bloomsburg, ulong sldo that ot her husband. At tbo first indication of dlsordcr,tho de ranged or enfeebled condition of tho sto mach, liver, or bowels, should be promptly rectified by Ayer's Culhartlo Pills. Theso Pills do not gripe, are perfectly safa to take, nnd rcmoyo ull tendency to liver and bowel complaint. Floo Cabinets in vlgnctto or scroll, tf M'Killip Bros. THE COLUMBIAN AND Tlie nrovca nrc olnir Tho continued cutting of timber through. out the state has so depleted tho wood lands that tho lu mbcrmcn nrc now stack ing groves of trees wherever they can find them. Along tho creek on the Rupert road, mills have been at work, nnd what lias long been known ns "Barton's Grovo" has entirely disappeared. Ycnrs ngo, this was ono ot tho many popular resorts for picnic parties, and a largo number of tbo mlddlo aged pcoplo of this .town will re member many pleasant hours spent In this grovo In their childhood's dtys Tbo trees on tho lower sldo of Barton's brldgo havo nlso been cut down, and tho work has been commenced on tho little grovo this sldo of tho bildge. This will probably go on un til all tho trees nlong tho creek on both sides nro gone. Somo years ago tho ravlno on tho other sido ot the river at the ferry was a popular picnic grounds. Thcro was plenty ot shade, pleasant rambles over the bills nnd along the river shores, boating, fishing and other pastimes. In the days of tbo Carver rcgimo nt tho Normal School, tho students frequently took Saturday rambics over there Now many of tho trccsi are gone the spring Is polluted, and tho railroad track has spoiled tho walks along tho banks. Bo it Is everywhere. Tho groves nro disappearing before tho march of railroads and tho woodman's axe. Thcro are very few accessible) places left where tho people of Bloomsburg can spend a summer's day In the woods. The Rupert grove Is smalland Las no conveniences, and the only other plcasuro ground is Oak Grovo. This has been lilted up by a company nt great ex. pense. Water pipes from tho town mains supply a fountain, an Ico coolcrl and water closets. A dancing pavilion, tables, swings, a kitchen, eating stands, and other buildings In rustic architecture, are scat tered over tha grounds. Oak Grovo has been visited by lsrgo railroad excursion parties frequently, and all havo expressed great satisfaction with tbo location and tho accomodations. But the lcaso of the com pany will expire next year, and then unless the people of the town shall take some ac tion thU beautiful groye, llko nil others, will fall. The grove has not been appre ciated and patronized as lt should have been, nnd perhaps, as Is frequently the case, Its merits will not bo fully known, nnd tho need of such a resort wlll not bo greatly felt until It Is n thing of tho past. Such a place as Oak Grovo would bo n valuablo property for tho town to own, nnd If It would dlsposo of the so-called "Park" that Is used only for ball games nnd circus grounds, nnd purchase a grove for tbo use of all tho people, the town authorities would bo doing a great public scrvlco. I'orccd to I. cave. Home. Over CO people were forced to leave their homes yesterday to call for a free trial package of Lane's 1 amily Medicine. It your blood is bad, your liver and kidneys out of order, tf you aro constipated and have headache and an unsightly complex ion, don't fail to call on any druggist to day for a fret samplo of this grand remedy. The ladles praise It, Everyone likes It. Large-size package 60 cents. Apr. 20-0rn. I.ninyutte Commencement. The commencement exercises of Lafay ette College, at Easton, begin on tho 23d with the Baccalaureate sermon by Pres ident J, II. Mason Knox and the Y. M. C. A. anniversary: followed on Monday by the Senior Class Day nnd promcnado concert by Hasslei's Orchestra. Tho lat ter is a favorite feature nt Easton, and was attended lust car by fivo thousand per sons. Tuesday Is devoted to various al umni meetings when It is expected that tho graduates will for tho first time take part in tho election of a trustee, to bo tho special represintatlye of thiir interests. Tho tenth annual contest for prizes in ath letic sports aud a re-union banquet of all the old students complete tho day's pro gram. On Wednesday, the 20th inst., thirteen representatives of tho forty members of the graduating class speak, and tho de grees nnd prizes are conferred. A new prize of one bundled dollars is offered by an unknown donor for tho best CBSay ou "The Place of tho Bible in the College Curriculum." Tho Sophomores give a theatrical display of Calculus on Saturday evening j aud on the 27th the new Fresh man class is to bo formed, cither by exami nation in the studies required for admis sion, or by Iheir presentation of certificates of proficiency from such approved acade rales und normal schools as have conform ed their courses to the stuudard of Lafay ette. The prospects of this colltgo weie never more favorable. Orders for excursion tickets at reduced rates may bo had by addressing tho Reg. Istrar, Prof. Collin, Easton. CoiiHiitiiptloti Niircly Cured To the EniTOit Plcuso inform your read ers that 1 have a positlvo remedy for tho above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been per manently cured. I shall bo glad to send wo bottles ot ray remedy fkke to any of your readers who havo consumption If they will send me their express and post otlic address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM M. C..181 Pearl St., Now York, sept-21-ly Council Irocecc!lilK. Bloomsuuiio, June 0, 1889. Regular meeting of council all present. R. It. Llttli', Esq., appeared and present ed a copy of n petition to court to havo the burial ground on First street, cust of Iron street, known as the Welsh Baptist burial ground, declared a nuisance and the dead removed therefrom. He also serves rule of Court on council and Geo. M. Lockard, returnable 24th day ot June, to show cause why same shall not be declared a nuisance and tho dead removed to some other well regulated burial ground in said town. Or der of Court referred to tbo solicitor, Mr. Gross, chairman on committee on fire, water and gas, who wero instructed at last meeting to ascertain most desirublo site, price of lot und cost of erection of a fire euglno house, reports that they have cxamiued several lots and in their opinion tho lot on northeast corner Second nnd East streets Ib tho most desirable. Tho owners of the lot, Mrs. 8. A. Petrikin, F. P, Blllmeycr, et. al., have offered to sell it to the town for $15.00 per foot. The fruntago will be about 01 feet, four feet of which will be given to Iho town. The cost ot erection of a building in manner pro- posed would cost about $1500. Moved that the committee, In conjunc tion with President Harman,see tho Solid. tor nnd If they have Iho power to accept the offer of sain of said lot, go on and close the contract for Itl purchase. Town Constable, M. C, Woodward, ap pears t.nd asks for instructions regarding tbo enforcement of tho ordinance prohibit Ing fire crackers, etc. He Is Instructed that tho ordlnanco will bo enforced. Ho also asked council to buy a dog net for him to use in catching unregistered dogs. Request grunted. Ordinance No. 40, to provldo for tho licensing nf transit retail merchants read und adopted. Mr O W. MHIcr appears and asks that council exonerate tha silk mill from town I tux, a for it period of ten years la like man DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ncr m School Furnishing Company and Carpet Company had been exonerated. Re quest granted on tamo conditions as wero given the companies mentioned. Moved and seconded that na order bo drawn In favor of U. W, Miller for cobblo stones equaling tho amount charged against him by Com. of Highways Bldtcman, for work done on sower. Carried. Moved and seconded that Mr. Mldcr bo exonerated from tho payment of bill for leveling sower ditch brought by Com. ot Highways, Housct, who was not author ized to do tho work. Carried. The following petition was presented end read i "To tho President and Members of your Council. We, tho undersigned citi zens nnd taxpayers of tho said town, do moat respectfully request that all taxes assessed and levied on dogs bo equalized, that Is to say, that ' tho assessment bo so revised that parties owning moro than ono log may not bo compelled to pay moro than ono dollar for each dog." Signed by taxpayers. An ordlnanco to nmond ordinance No. 45 was read and adopted. Council sitting as board of revision, Mr. Ringlcr moved that tho limits of tho built up portion of the town be fixed samo as last year, excluding from said limits the fur nace property of Wm. Ncal & Sons and that of the Bloomsburg Iron Co. The date of appeal was, upon motion, fixed for Saturday, June 20, 1880, between the hours of 3 and 0 p. m. M. C. Woodward was, upon motion, ap pointed to servo the tax notices for the sum of ten dollars. Building permits were granted to tho fol lowing! To the Bloom School District for tho erection ot a High School Building ; to W. R. Kochcr & Co. for tho erection of a building for handling coal, built of wood nnd Iron, size about GO x 88 feet; to E. A. Rnwllugs for tho erection of an addition to the rear of his dwelling. The report of Cora, of Highways for May and tho bills and accounts were read and approved and Secretary directed to issuo orders for same. On motion council adjourned. loo I.mllcH Wanted, And 100 men to call on nny druggist for n free trial package of Lane's Family Medi cine, the great root and herb remedy, dis. envered by Dr. Silas Lane whllo in tho Rocky Mountains. For diseases of the blcod, liver and kidneys, it is a positlvo euro, tor constipation and clearing up tho complexion It does wonders. Children like lt. Everyone praises 1. Large-size package, CO cents. At all druggists.' Apr. 20-0m. Dentil of MrH. 15. W. Oreenouitli. fiiE Sad'Esdiso of a IUrrY Life Comes Home fiiom the South to Die. Mrs. Ebon W. Greenough died on Wed nesday evening nt nlno o'clock. She was born on the 25th of March, 18C0, and nns therefore twenty.nlue years old. Sho was the daughter of Rev. Hoiatio Hewitt, who at one timo was rector of St. Matthew's church of this place and who died hero In 1882. It was here sho. met her husband here the years of her budding womanhood were passed, which now so sadly end. In 1809 sho went from this placo to Mrs. Eastman's female college at Media. As soon as her school days were over she look up tho more serious duties of life, nnd In 1880 was married from tho houso of her brother John, as her father at that time was in charge ot a parish in the far west. He lived in Bcllcfonto and like his father before him, was also n minister nnd nt this time in charge of the Episcopal church in tho above named place. He it was who performed tho ceremony that made Eben llllam Greenough and Elizabeth Swann Hewitt man and wife, Iho Rev. Dr. Hop kins, of Willlanisport, giving tho bride awny. They chose Sunbury for their home, as the parents of Mr. Greenough lived here. They built for themselves n charming homo on the river bank, next duor to the church of whish tho father of deceased was rector for six years. There was no happier homo in the land, not even a shadow upon the thrcshhold to mar tho joy and happiness within. In 1831 a little girl, Mary, came to bless their un ion ; two years later Willie added a ray of sunshine to their happy day. Then camo the third and last olive branch, sweet little Snsctte. At about the time ot her birth, one year ngo, the husband nnil father was overtaken by catanhal pneumonia, n grim disease that tor a time held its victim near death's door. But Ills good constitution, developed by the college gymnpsium, uow stood him In good steud and ho pulled through. The rigor of our northern win ters is particularly hard on one who has just gone thro' such n siege, nnd to escape this he sought tho milder climo of tho sun ny south. On tho 7th of January of this year Mr. nud Mrs. Greenough, Mary, Wil lie nnd Susctto stnrtcd for the South. At that time Mrs. Greenough was the picture of health, full of life und of good cheer, happy at tho prospects of seeking n place where her husband's health would be pro moted. They went to Thomasvllle, Geor gia, and us had been predicted the climate agreed with Mr. Greenough anil he was rapidly restored to health. When the warmer days of ipring time camo again thoy started on their homewurd journey, and thinking to mnkc it by cusv stages they stopped at Aiken, South Carolina. Here It was that misfortune Beemed to ovcitako them, for Mrs. Greenough was taken down with typhoid fever, und while sho wns struggling with this awful malady little su. sctto was taken sick and died. This wns it sad blow to them all, particularly fur tho mother, who had enough guided by our Unite judgment, we would say, to bear al ready, Tbo little ono was Bent on and three weeks ago was burled In the cemetery hero. On Monday ono week ago tho mother came so changed that her friends scarce knew her. Sho wus carried from tuo train to her homo and since then has been delirious most ot the timo. And now sho has gone to join Suzelte. Bo closes the sad. chapter in this life that uutll now had been such a happy one. It Is one of the strange and Inexorable decrees ot fato that tho husbandi who went away sick comes back restored" and the wlfo who went well comes back tn die. It was in the plan, and God knows best. Then, too, there is a sweet and nret ty plcturo that comes beforo us, tho joyous meeting or motber und ch"d In Paradho and, best ot all, Its true. Think of the joy of the Utile one, cradled on tho wings ot doves and guarded by angels, at seeing tho brightest angel ot ull to her, her mother. Lven looking through tears wo may find something tu soften the pangs of sorrow. I hero are, of course, sail hearts here, but what joyous ones there. Mrs, Greenough will bo very much miss- ed by her many frlcndf, She had a bright and cheery disposition i was refined and delicate in her tustes delighted in doing luings to promote iho happiness of others anil to tuts end her house was often tho sceno of pleasant entertainments of various kinds. Besides her husband and children her mother survives her, and tho heart of every ono In this community goes out to' them all In sympathetic condolence. Sun bury Dtmocjat Juno 7. Au elegant Hue, of summer merino. Ualbripgan underwear just opened at jiutvuuuerg p. Tho Young People's League of tho Luth eran Church will hold an Ico cream supper at tho lato residence of Mrs. Marclcy on East street. O. H. Huppcrt, of Scranton. Is attending tho mlnlstcrliim ot tho Lutheran Church at Lebanon. Ills wife Is visiting nt her fath er's, Mr. John Wolf, during her absence. Moriunl Term. A Normal term, for thosg teachers do siring to prepare for tbo coming examina tion nnd for futuro work will bo opened In tho Orangcvllto Academy on July 8, 1889, nnd wilt continue six wccics. Ow. niilu't -want n ilrl. Last fiummor my wlfo's health was all run down, snd sho wanted mo to hire a gltl to do tho work. In a little whllo I found ono 1 thought would suit her, when to my surprlso sho said I need not biro nny one, ns sho felt much better, nnd thought another bottlo of Sulphur Bitters would euro her. Donald Giiet, 41 Worcester square, Boston. juno 7-2t. lixtruordlunry CScucroHliy. Tho Jersey City Fire Insurance Com pany, represented In tills place by C. F, Knapp, ngent, has givon notlco to tho Johmonu sufferers that nil Insurance in said Company against loss by lire, who lost their property by water or fire will ro cclvf their Insuranco from said Company, to the full amount ot their Insurance. This is tho first Instance, so far as known, nnd tbo Corapnny deserves tho commendation of the public for this noblo net. "For n long time I bid no appetite, wns restless at night, nnd very much debilitat ed. After taking two bottles of Ayet's Sarsaparllla, my strength and nppetlte re. turned, nnd my health wns completely re stored." D. M. Fieher, Oswego, N. Y. Tlie itcndliiK Knllrond Open lo WlllltililMport, Tho Philadelphia a.id Reading Railroad Is now open for travel to Wllllnmsport nnd intermediate points. Tho work of repair ing Ihc brldgo at Sunbury hns been com pleted, thus establishing an unbroken lino of track from Philadelphia to tho South bank of the river at Willlarasport, whenco passengers are ferried across to tlie town. Lifo slzo $10. tf crayons in gold frames only M'Killip Bros. For a spring suit put up in first class stylo go to tho leading merchant tailor ing establishment ol D. Lowenberg. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. When Baby wan sick, wo garo her Castorla. When she vras a Child, shs cried for Castorla, When she became MUs, the clung to Caatoria, Whan she had Children, she gave them Castorla. wanamaker's. rmi.ADBi.rniA. .Monday, Juno 10, 1SS9. You know the store. Its size, its concentration of more than forty stores in one, its helps to your comfort while buying, its well-known record of best values at fair prices these are all part of an oft-told 'story to you. In your occasional visits to Philadelphia you've doubtless fully tested the store and its resources. Its meant to be another home to you. but do you know that wher ever you are the store and its goods are as near as if you were here to look and choose nnd hnv ? You can write lor what you served as want and be as well f buying in person. we ve told you of the people killed in goods and their val ues who fill your written orders, giving you freely of their ex perience and knowledge that you may have the best we have at thejpnee and that meansthe best at the price anywhere. And we ve told you ot the li tis trated General Catalogue, which brings to your home the goods of the many stores that make up wanamakcr s a book so arranged and indexed that you can find the price of any article in an instant. These helps are always at your service. You can nave the Catalogue by asking for it on a postal card. Muslin Underwear. Machinery has stripped away lrom the price evei bit of extravagance. Completed garments now cost little more than the material once did. No lome work, no worry about fit. I'he best styles we have for women, lor misses, lor mlants are shown in the illustrated General Catalogue. Is the book in vour home ? It will take but a moment to get it write a postal card. The thousand and one things you need for Summer wear or use about the house are there. Of all the Summer floor cov erings, Mattings first. Coolest, cleanest, fittest. We have as welcome a word as vou ever leard of them. Nine hundred rolls, fresh from the importer. In two choice tirades. If vou know Matting worth, you'll marvel at these prices : I Heavy China Matting, this season's importation. handsome patterns, $8 the roll ot 40 yards ; cut, 23c a yard. Give it any test ; it comes up right every time. 2 A desirable China Mat tmS d weight, good designs. $0 tne roil ; 17c a yard it cut. No toohslmess about either. Solid, well put together. I his is the last special offer ing in Mattings we shall have this season, John Wanamakek. LOCAL NOTICES. BLOOMSBUIU" Fino Cabinet portraits o ily $3- doz. Life size Crayons onlv $10.00. Viewing, copying aod enlarging. Instant process used. tf. Illoodcrt I'iovIh. Pit Games, Grist Shtwlnccks, Heath woods, Black B. Reds, that will stay to win. Eggs, 13 for $1. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wl).LIAM DBNNIS, tf. Bloomsburg, Pa. (Mention this paper.) Wantko A man of $200 to go Into Ink lag nnd confectionery buslucss nil utensils supplied, rent cheap, como nt once. J. F, Caldwell, liloomsburg, Pa. All our French 37lo Satlncs reduced to 2Sc at U. W. Sloan's. Cream cloth, cream cashmere, cream al batros for dresses at Clark & Son's. All our lCc satlncs 'reduced to 12lc at II. W. Sloan's. Another lot ot those wool flnlihed chut lies H yds. for $1.00 at Clark & Son's. Challlc at 4c yd., chulliu 10c yd., Lawns 4c yd. See them. All 25c satlncs reduced to 20c at II. W. Slonn's. Wo buy for cash, sell for cash, and glvo you the benefit ot it for your cash. Clark fs Son. Cream Henrietta cloths, nlso cream Hin uels for dresses nt II. W. Sloan's Our stock is too largo to tell you all wo have, our two large rooms 100 feet each nro filled with dress goods, white goods, table linens, towels henrletus, mils llns, prints, lace curtains, hosiery, gloves, dry goods, nil kinds notions, nil kinds fancy goods, nil kinds at cash prices. -Clark & Son. Fast black hose for ladles and children II. W. Bloan's. at Clark & Son's have now in their storo rooms tho largest and grea'.est variety ot ladies' Misses and children's hosiery shown in town, nnd nt prices not to be undersold by nny if not lower. Call and see full lines of Gordon fast black, will not crack nor stain the feet. Do not forjet to look at our satinee, re duccd from o7 to 2So. 'fucy nro nil new fresh goods nil of tho best make nt II. W. Sloan's. Mrs B you can now get thoso 0 gloria silk Mlrrcllas that we -ei out f l&st week, 0 doz. moro Just re; ;lv. d nt to low price of $1 20 each. Clark cfc Son. PUid, plain and striped white goods in gienl yariety just received nt Clark As son's. India I)o Llnon 10c to COc yd. Vic toria lawn 10c to 40o yd., 4-4 Lonosdale cambric 10c yd. Our linn of embroidered llounclngs for quality and price are the lowest. See thein and you will be convinc, ed. I. W. HARTMAN & SONS. We prefer to lose the sale of it few goods rather than roast in a hot store room after 8 o'clock: Some will continue to close sharp at 8 o'clock. We are hav ing a ready sale for warm weath er dress goods. Sateens are selling best; we have them. Al so ChallieSj Crepclies, Seer suckers, India Linen, Dress Ginghams, Armadales, Bagoos, Lawns, Percales, Zephyr Cloths, "White Dress Goods and Em broidery to match, handsome Embroidery Dress Patterns put up in boxes. Wo have a nice line of fine Fans. Our stock of Parasols and Sun Umbrellas has been increased lately. You cannot go amiss lor a nice wed ding or birthday present from our stock. I. AV. HARTMAN & SONS. Saturday night we close at 9 o'clock. BUSINESS NOTICES Mi:. John Kei.i.au, Germantown, writes--I despaired ot a cure ot a loag standing case of nervous debility having been treat ed by many so-called advertising special ists, turally and hospital physicians without ciTeet, when Ur. Thcel, 038 North Fourth St., Philadelphia, took my case nnd made a pcrmunent cure. Thank God und Di. Theel's knowledge I am u perfectly sound nud healthy man und would advise ull cut ferers to consult him. ". b. mm i no, There seems to be no off in our "WfU Paper falling sales. Though tlie season r last com ing to a c ose. AVhy is this so ? Because I iO goods we send out aro as good in qaality as can be bought anywhere p .a p ices we offer them. Ihree things eervo us, viz ; Qiuiluy, quan tity nnd price. Tho paper we sell we guara itee full length and lull weight. Ihese are two points to ho careml ol in t'us stage of the business. Unec. " pulous nianufacturovs aro mak mg their goods short leugth at cheaper price, bat it takes more to do your rooms, hence you aro tho loser. W. H. Ukookr ft Co. Bloomsburg, Exchange Hotel. Pa SHERIFF'S SALE. OF VT.UABI'!i Hy virtue of a writ ol Vend. Ex, Issued out of tno court ot Common l'leaaot Columbia County andtoino directed, there will be exposed to pub lic eaiu ou tue premibeu on FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1889, a'-S o'clock p. m., all that certain lot of ground Miuaio in ucaver lownanip, Columbia county. i-cmuyivama, nounaeu ana described as follow h. to-witi on tho north by tuo land of Daniel (learhart, on I ho cast by publlo road loadlne to Kingtown, on tno soutn and west by lands of u. A. Khumap, contain int tlirec-tourtuaof an;acro moro or tus, wncreonaro erected a Frame Dnelllnu House. Btoio Itoora, baw Mill And oilier outbuildings. Also u individual nair interest of all that ce tain lot of unseated land In Heaver Two, Coluni nia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to nlti On the south by land of Jolm nennlnger, on tho east by land of Daniel Blogley, on tho west by land of Dtntel llamer, and on the north, by land of Joliu llupcrt, containing Eight Acres, moro or le&, Holied taken In execution at t'10 suit of Fred Drtilr Hosier and Ocorie Hosier, executors ol Henry Hosier, dso'd, and to bo sold as the p-ojKr- ty 01 r-ucy Anu ana T, j, buutnan. 11. F, Zikk, Att'y, JOHN 11. CASEV, s This ndvortisoinotit nml gel posted on mutters of dress. It is most Important lo nil gen tlemen "What nnd Wlicro" to buy nnd get just what thoy rood in Clothing nt the right prices. You Bliould m M That our phm of doing lial tics 1110 oiloiilnlcd to benefit YOU ns well ns OUlt SELVES. Consequently it is to OUlt Idterest lo servo you bultur every time which Accounts for our increasing busiiiiH'i. Wo leave it for you to on theso points by getting ac quainted with lliu high quality nnd exceedingly low prices of our 'Sl'ECfAL LONDON MADE CLOTHING." In buying THIS Clothing you obtain nil tho character and stylo of tho Finest Merchant Tailoring But: Savo half your monoy. E. 0. Til Tnilor Clothier Importer, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. MADE WITH BOILINC MILK. BO.i.x.mB Tho WONDERFUL Oombfntnft a Parlor. Llbrtry . Smoh. lug, Ricllnlnq, tr lllll CHAIR. LdUNEC, BCD, nr 1" or COUCH. Prlei3wU wa miika tha luramt v&riptv of UilullllU, Rtcllnlag, PllllcllM' a urDeonr UDcraimQ, mvaiia rmcyCirpit Folding, Rtitf aid Rjttia CHAIRS and ROCKERS BICYCLES.TRICYCUESjVE LOCIPEDES and SELF PROPELLERS. ALL KINDS OF APPLIANCES FOR INVALIDS. RABY ROACHES Orer O0 different dettlgos. Oarpjtul Aniomallc Brakf on all Car. wnoieBajintr; ojppiacinjf jour oraora direct with tne maker you can iasa tttiral profit. Our tluhing prtet a tod tpocial HnrKnln will astonish ta. Goods Hula under a gwimnut h no aeurerea I ret 10 any point in I mini Sbilia aiTKflnrl tamn Ualalomie, and state class of goods rou man It for. e LUBURC MFC. CO. 1US North Ulglitli 81recu 1'hllailclpLlu, Va, When I tav Ctmn I do notmcanmerelrto stop litem fur n nine, and then hao them ro turn again. 1 miun a 1IA1)1C.U CUlUi. 1 navo inauo uio aisuuso oi FITS, EPILEPSY" or PALLING SICKNESS, A llfclonp study. I WAHUANT my remedy to Cum: the. worst canes, llecauto others havo Jailed Is no reason lor not now receiving a euro. Semi at onoo for a trcatiso and a Khee Iiottlu of ray iNFAi.LinLr. lit.iEur. Give i;prcs ana l'ott uuico. u cons you nothing lor a trial, nnd it will euro you. Address H.C. ROOT, M.C., 1 83 Pearl St.. New York OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AH2 HYPOPHOSPHITES Almost as Palatable as Fflllk. So dllSlllatll tllnt It ran lin tnlirn. tllcostcd. uaid analinllalvd liv lha inoat sensitive stomach, when the plalai oil caunot be tolerated; nnd by the com iimuiiun as me on wiiii nie iiynopilos luutu uiurc uiiicucious. Remarkable lis a flesh proJaftr. Pcrsous gala rapidly irlille taking It. SCOTT'SESIULSION is acknowledged bv Physicians to be the Tinest nnd Best prepa iuuuu mmo worm lor tuo reiiet una euro ot CONSUMPTION. SCROFULA. CENERJ. DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, EMACIATION, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. The areat rtmethi for thnxumntinn. nl sept 28-'$s-ly KNOW THYSELF, TIIW BOZHNOH OP XiTJiMO A Scluuilllcaud standard Popular Medical Treatlso on tho Errors of Youth, Prematura lii:lliii',KerotiN aud Phyalcal Debility, Irapurltlca of lhi-ll!ood, Uvaultiog irom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Exccaaca or Oieituxutlon, Enervating and unnitlag tho ntlm for Work, llualm as, tho Married or Social UcUlloii. Avoid unakllful pretenders. Poaaeaa thla great work, It comalua ioo page, royal Svo. lleuutiful binding, emboiacd, full gilt. Price, only fl 0 by mall, poat.pald, concealed In plain v. rapper. lJ''a Irativo Proapectua Freo, If ou opply liw. 'i nw dUlltigulahod author, Wm. II. Parker. M I)., r nlvcdthoCOLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL from tha Nntlonnl Medlcnl Assoclutlrn. for tha PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS nnd PHYSICAL DEBILITY. Dr.Parkeramlao r, of Aaalatant l'hjalclana may bo couau.ted, r i dcntlally, by mall or In peraon, at the. elllrtt of Tin: l'liAmiDv Minuati, inmtitutk, No. llullliuli St., lloatun, Maaa,, towhomal! srdera fol too I. a or ktura for advice atiouU la directed as abovu. ACIIINfl SIDES AND HACK, HIP, KIDNEY NO I'terlne Palus, llhcuinatli', sclail-, sharp and niakenlng palus, relieved In ono minute by & Guticura Anti-rain riaster 2nd only Instantaneous naln-kllllng strengthening riaster. 85 cts i a for ti. At druggists, or of Pot; ter Drug and Chemical Co., Hostou PTTT I'Jmples.blackheads, chapped andWT TTC May lidt " UU I'utlcuru Soap. trljt3 HINDERCORNS. dPSON EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA f- OF J LIFE f j WT'fl R5Mn'a WPS tonio iuS& tliO WOiytriuS.ae.ltil U UiuXehtrym.JTJ 't Hall 111 arUim, ITWU tfatocUvS Cllrilkin. Tolalullina. Ijaml lli IjEOTION PKOCIiAMATION. r an Act of Assembly approved May H. INN. It Is tnadn tno duty of the Fhcrltr of every Connty to (five notlco of the special election to lu hrld on Iho 19th day of Juno 1?89 for tho purposo of docld. Ing upon tho approval and ratification or rejection ol tbo following two proposd Amendments li tho constitution, namely, one known as Iho U. cenqo Amendment to prohibit tne manufacture nnd salo of Intoxicating liquors &c. Tiisotner Known on uio runraso Amendment. Thcrpfnrn 1. John II. VAV'r lllfrli MiclfT o Dot. umbla county, do hereby mako known ftjd pro. claim to me qualified electors of Coiun jla county luai. a ppcciai cievuou w in uu uciu uu TUKSDAY, JUNK 18, 1889, at tho several election districts In said county for tliopurposo ot deciding upon the approval and rauucniiin ur rcjwiiun ui an Amciiuiiieiib mi iuo Constitution, known as the Amendment prohibit Ing tho manufacture nnd sale of intoxicating liquois and also an amendment known as the Muf trago Amendment, and that the elections tn tho several illslilcts will bo held at tho following named places Uwlt : Iieaver township, at tho publlo houso ot Mary Smith. Hcntfin township, at tho public nouso ot U Drako In tho town of lienton. uerwick, East; at tho llttlo omccof Jackson Wnodln In tho borough of Il( rwlcK. llerwlek. Uest nttfin nnicn nr J. fl. Jflcnbr. In tho borough ot llcrwlck. lltoohi Bast, at Iho Court House, tn flloomsburg. Illoom West, at tho courtlloti.se, InlUoomsburg. llrlarcreek township, at tho nubile scJiool house near KvansvlUe. Catawlwa township, at the public houso of 0. V. ito tsnrtler, lu the town ot Caiawlssp. Centralis, Iiorough at Iho publlo houso of Wm. PC'cr, doce.uo 1. Centre townshln. at tho school houso near Lafav otto ci easy s. uonyngnnm norm District, atino Bcnooinoust near tho colliery of John Anderson Co. Cnnvmrli.im hntith Dlxfrtrf.nf. t.hn linunn nf Mrs. Thomas Monroe. ! isiiingcrcck townshln, at tho school houso ncal , 11 Wllito'S. Franklin townshln. nt llin lAwnl fwhnn house. (ireenwood township, at the houso ot L D ration, deceased. Hemlock township, nt tho pu'ilio houso of Chaa II. Dletterlch, in tho town of lluo c Horn. Jackson twp., nt tho scnool house at Waller. Locust townahln.At thn nnhlle hotisn of Kath&n Knorr.ln Numedla. .Mrui. n township, at Uio public school house In Jerseytown. .nam township, at tho puono nouso Of Addison W. shutnan. Minim township, at tho public house of Aaron Hess, in tho town of Mtflllnvlllc. Montour townshln. at l.hn nubllo honso of Sa.n f 1 Hail-fLic, nt Hupcrt. Jit, 1'loasant township, at tho Mltlertown school house. orange township, at It Falrman's hotel In or angcvlllo. l ino lownsnip, at tno centre school House, !loar!n(rerrfk townshln. nt Inn hnnsn nr Hnmnnr Lelby. scolt F'st township, at tho publlo house of Jose ,'i Ki Jtner, In Espy. Kmift 1 nt llin mthll. hnn.A A, I f ITIiM.h Pin Ughtstreet. auganoai township, at tno house or Korman Colo. Foils shall bo ODcnod at soven o'clock a. m. and shall contlnuo open without Interruption or ad- juu.uuirui. uuui hcvcu uciueit 11. in., wnen 1110 pollf will bo closed. XOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN, That every person cxceminir Justices or the Peace and Aldermen. Notation Public nnd Per sons In the mllltla spivlcn of the Ntate. who shall hold or shall within two months have held any onico or appointment of profit or trust under theUrit-d Kntra, or of this state, nnd city or corporatcd district, whether a commissioned olllccr or otherwise, a subordinate ofllcvr or agent tunj, Kxocutlvo or Judiciary Department of this Mate, or of any city or of any Incorporated dis trict, and also, that every member of congress and of tho stnto legislature, and ot tho select or common council of any city, or commissioners or any incorporated district, uro by law lncapablo of holding or exercltlng at tho same timo tho oTlco or appointment ot Judge, Inspector or Clerk of nny election otllila Commonwealth. iiie uispecwrs nna dunge oi 1110 eiccuons snail meet at tho resectne places appointed for holding tho election In tho district to which they respecmcly belong, before seven o'clock In tho morning, and each of said Inspectors shall ap point ono clerk, who shall boa qualincd voter of such district. JiuiN H. CASEY, Slicrlir Sheriff's Ofllce, liloomsburg, May e-1, is M EN DM F. NT IO THE CONSTITUTION proposed to Iho citizens or this commonwealth ty tho uenend Assembly of iho Commonwealth of Pcnnsylvanl i, for their approval or rejection at n special election to bo held Juno 19. IBS). Pub lished by order of tho Secretary or the Common wealth. In nursuancc or Article X VIII of tho con. sUtktlon. Joint lesolutlon nrortoMnt? an amendment to tho constitution of this commonwealth: hisciiON i. no it. resolved by tho senate and Houso of Henresentallves ot the commonwealth ot l'cnns lvanla In (leneial Assembly met, That the following amendment Is proposed to the con stltutton of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, In accordanco with the Eighteenth Article thereof: AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said Con. stliutlon to be d'-lgnated as Article XIX. as fol lows: AHTICLE XIX. Tlie manufacture, sale, or keenlnc for salon! Intoxicating Uqt'or, to be used as a beverage. Is hereby prohibited, and any violation of this pro hibition shall bo a misdemeanor, punlshablo as shall bo provided by law. Tho manufacture, sale, or keeping for salo of In toxicating liquor for other purposes than as a uctviufcu may uu auuwtii m sucu manner only as may be prescribed bv liw. Tho (ipncmi Anspmniv shall, al the tlrst session succeeding the adoption ot this artlclo ot the Constitution, enact laws with adequate penalties for Its enforcement. a iruu copy oi mo joint itcMUUtlon. CHAIILES W. STONH Secretary ot tho commonwealth. -jTOTICE. "Notlco Is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of "Manor ltest Inn Company ot Jamesoa City, Pa.," will bo held at the omce of tho Secietary In liloomsburg, I'm, on Monday July 0, itw, at 2 o'clock p. m.. for tho purpose of voting ou a proposition to increase tho Indebted ness ui sum curporauou uy placing a mortgage upon its property at Jameson City. OEO. E. EL WELL. May 3-St secretary. E XEOUTOnS' NOTICE. Kttato QfrMUp fSUonnaker, late of Tine Utrnthtp, Letters testamentary on said estate having been grntted to tho undersigned executors, all persons Indebted to said estate aro hereby notined to pay tho sarre, and those having claims against Bald ostatt, to present tho samo to II. V. WIllTMOVEE, AUHAHAM TIT.MAN. MayHWt. Execjtors. DMINISTHATOll'S NOTICE. flswie efll man Vahrlnytt; late of Locust top., Columbia Co. Deceased, Notice is hereby given that letters of admtnis Iratton In tho eatatoof llermon Fahrtngor, late of Locum twp., county of Columbia.' and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, havo bfen grunted to Ilaehacl Fahrlnger and Jeremiah Fabrlnger, ol Locust Township, Columbia county, Pa., to whom all tersens Indebted to said estate aro requested to mako payments, and tboso having claims or demands will make known tho siiuo without delay to or to HAC1I AEL FAlIIllNflEIt Hbkhinci, Administratrix. Atty. JEKEMIAH FAIIHINOElt, Administrator. UMTOKVS NOTICE. Uttate of John Conner, late of Denton lovnshtn OeveateL Tho undersigned appointed auditor to distrib ute tho balanco In the hands ot tho executor of said decedei.t, will meet parties Interested there. In at, his onico In niocmsburg, on Saturday, July an, ltMi, at 10 o'clock a. m , where and when all persons having a claim or claims against said fund will appear and present tho same or bo forever debarred from coining In for u hhare of said f und, HOllT. IIL'CKINUIIAM, Auditor. Juno 14 to. 1) MIM STItATOirH NWU'K. Mtac iiT Daniel Eiv'er.late ofWoom towiutfilji, th'trasea. Notlco Is hereby u'Hen that letters o: a'm'ni. tratlon on tin esiato of Daniel Snyder, Kite of itiuoiu luwiiMiip, luiuutuia cuumy accottsvu, nave been granted by Iho luglaterto lienjamln Y. Ilart min, to whom all peisons inuebted to Iho said es tate aro requeued to mako pajinent, and thoso having claims, to present tho same w n bout delay. Ul 1U U. V. !IAlll.1!A?l. Ioun ll. Fkkkzb, DIoomsburg. Attorney. Juno 14-M. con nnn the hloo OA'.UUV. DlsTi'lcriuroposes to l&sneiso.. ui'i viurth ot bonds bairlng Interttt ft 4X per cent payable semi-annually and exempt frem stale tax Thoso bonds ruu from two to thirteen years and win no issued in amounts ol noo, tsoo and fo to suit customers. Persons desirous or Investing In said bonds s oult at once notify tho treasurer, William Kramer, liloomsbuig, Pa. J. It TOWNsEND, J. C. IIHOWN, President. .secretary. Juno 14, ltJ. h L E S ivi E VVANTI'Il to canvass for Ihusalo ol Milwry stock, steady employment guaranteed. Salary nml Kximmikch paid to wee ful men. Aprly nt orce, slatltg age. MeuHon Ons imier. CM ASH HltOH.COUoclieHtCT, X.Y. Ma.ild-i't. S IWJ$? IHPHOVED Mc IN L'SUIO NOBOIUNG EASILY HADE K'Z i- 11H.SPACK HUPAtKACE MAKES FIVE CAILONS. r 13 IS IS R. E N Tha moat APPETIZING) nit WIIOLB80MB TUltFJLUAKCI PIUNK la thai world, TRY JT. Ask your Prugglat or Oroor for It, C.E HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. Nay 4-d-4L siayB7,i8S9. sheriff. Maysi-d-it,