The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 14, 1889, Image 1

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Thirst for Fame.
"This Is an outrage," said an Indignant oily
Iton to tho editor, "You stnto I lost 1,000
on tho moon."
A h. FJtirz
Ofhuk I'root Ilooin, Over l'oatofllco.
Okkiok. HdOltl No. 2, Columuian
"Wo will correct It and say that you r a
church member nnd never Let," replied th
"Not on any account," returned tho pious
individual "Just state that I won the mon
ey," Tho Epoch.
Would Itather Have It Lft Unsold.
llLconaHma, l'A
Office la Mil's Uultllng.
J Oil M CLAliK,
Hi.ooMKBono, 1
Onice over Moyer liros. Drug Store.
onictln Mower's No.l
Ulooinsburg, ra.
Blootusburg, Pa.
onico corner of Centre ana Main Streets. Clark
Can bo consulted In German.
Bloomsbubo, Pa.
Ofllcc on second floor, third room of Col
dmiiian Building, Main street, below Ex.
change Hotel.
'.OUlce In Wlrts' Building, 2nd floor,
may 1-tf
onico lu 1st National Bank building, second floor,
nrstdoortotbolett. Corner of Slain and Market
streets Bloomsturg, Fa.
ttSFl'ennom and Bountiet Collected.
"HTOfllco over
Dloomsburg, Pa.
Dcntler's shoe store,
catawlssa, Fa.
o Ece.corner ot Third and Mamstreots
Sirofllco, Columbian Building, second noci,
frout roo.n.
bmbo'Srer Uawllng's Meat Market.
t, 1IQN0RA A. K0BB1NS.
onice and residence, West First stitet, lilooms
burg, ra. noTgo 88 ly.
T E. McKELVY, M. D.,Hurceon ami I'hy
J .stclan.uortb. Bide Main street.bolow Market
P.K.J. 0. lVUTTER,
l '
physician ftsmioEON,
omce, North Market street,
Moornshurr, ra
OH. WM. M. REBEU Surgeon and
Physician. Offlco corner ot Hoes and Market
omce and resldenco 3rd Street, West otMaiket
near M. K. Cliurcli.
onice hours every afternoon and evening, t-pe
clal attention given to the eye and tho lifting ot
glasses. Tcleplioco connection.
jyi. J. H. EVANS.
Treatment of Chronio Diseases made a
Oll'ice, Third Street,
15r.00J!Sl!UIt(J I'a
TVT J. HESS, D. D. S.,
OTaduato ot the Philadelphia Dental College,
Having opened a dental office In
corner of Main ana centre streets.
s prepared to receive all patients requli ng pro
esslonal bervlccs.
administered for the painless extraction ot teeth
free of cnarge wuen uriuiemi nvm ui
BiuoMHBUKo, Columbia Louniy, l'a
allatylesot workdonolna superior
warranieuas repreaeutuu.- ijhumimwi.
ku withoot pun by tho use ot Uas, and
troeof charge when artinclalteeth
nHir-nin llnrtnn's bulldinc. Main street
below Market, flvo doors below Klcim'a
drug store, first floor.
Jo be open at
all hours during the da
North American of Philadelphia.
Franklin, " "
Pennsylvania, " "
Tom, ot Pennsylvania.
Ilanover, ot N. T.
Sueens, of London,
orth British, ot London,
Offlco on Markoc stroot, No, s, Bloomsbarg.
oot. 14. i-
Bloomsburg Fire and Lifo Ins. Agency,
(successor to Freas Brown)
AUKNi Ann uuuiiaui
CourANiss ukruESEHTin:
' Assets
!tna Klro Ins. co of Hartford,., f 0,6!8,s8.l)l
Hartford ot Hartford e,a;a.tiOO.wT
) hoeUx of Hartford 4,7W409 IS
t rir.uneld of Sprlngfleld s.oiH.wiaus
Hie Aivlation, Philadelphia 4,si2,TStS9
. n.frttnn ftf fnilnn 0.r03.!)13.?l
I 'er,lx, ot London 6,Wl,Nl.4S
1 rfn.Mshlwof BnKland(U.S. branch) l,(M,ll.oo
Uoyal 01 England ' " 4,8M,l.tO
M utual Benent Llto InB. Co. of New-
ark, N.J.-. 41.3T9,sA33
Losses promptly adjusted and paid at this onice,
J. Iff. MAIZE,
Ofllce Snd floor Columbian Building,
Ltveipool London and Globe, largest in the world.
IMl'KHIAL Of London, f',8.'W,4T.O0
CONTINENTAL of Now 'iork, ti,a3U,BSl.3
AMRiiuiAN nf 1'hlIadelDhla. tJ.401.wa.ll
NIAOAKa of New Vork, USOO,4T.8
une 1, 1S83, tr.
l n nnviu;H for thn sale of Nursery Stock.
lUiployment, Apply ut onoe, btatlcg ane.
J.B.MHs&Co. otiT'!
3. E, EIiWELL, . . .
AN efficient yet mild dttcrt-ent without any of the objectionable
properties of oidinary soaps, is what recommends the " Ivory"
to intelligent and discriminating people. Its cheapness brings it
within the reach of every one.
There are many whits soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the
'Ivory' i" they ARE HOT, but like all ipunierfeits, lack the peculiar and remark
able qualities of the genuine. Ask fur " Ivcry" Soap and insist upon getting It.
Cipyii'!it l:ju, by Procter i Gauil'.e.
bone to
It satisfies
every time.
29 Cta.
S for at. 00.
Sold oretTwhero, or
m&uea lor pilco.
took Jot tljrtalure qf the proprietor!, HOP
Nonr rhilndelphln
School Openit Scpl.lfltlu
Yenrlr Jlxpenne, 9,100
Quarterly rn)-iuts,SrJ5.
Admlu inJ clitslfiet young men nd boyi tt ny Hme i flu them for nuilnesi, ny Collect polytechnic
School, for Weil Point or Annapolis. Advanced claisei in Thyilci, Chemlitry, Surreying. Flectrical or
CIyII Enjineertfip, Classics, Matin
ttuJents IkjaiJ with the rrlncipal,
i,.,i T..,k'. .11 r.A .,.4.,,.L
rocrat tveiy room has In ft a iteam tadiator and is completely fumiihed. Grounili tier acres) lor iooi-mji.
athletics, etc. Gymniiium. Special opportunities for apt students toidranre rapidly. Private tutoring and peclal drill lot Men.
ward loys. Tairons or students may select any studies, or a Business. Collecc-Preparatory, lilectrkal. or ClH-l.ngineering
course. Physical and Chemical Ulwratory. Practical Uuslness Department, with Telegraphy. Short-hand. Type-wrlttnr.
etc., etc. More fully supplied with apratus than any other College fitting school. Media Academy allords hon
comfort, the best education, and the lesl training. Hied prices cover every expense. No eiarofnatlons tot admlsslori. new
Illustrated catalocye sent free to any address. SWITHlN C. SUGK fLIDGE, A.B., A.M. (Uarvard Graduate), Principal
and rropncior, jvieuia, ra. urcuiars a itan omce.
Ms' Furnishing Goods9Hais & Cap.
Suits mado to older at short notice
mid n fit always ijuarantecd or 110 sa'e'
Call and examine tlio largpst and best
selected stock of goodB over shown in
Columbia county.
rHore next door to First National Bank
BlooniBburc Pa,
It kIvob a brilliant Hstit.
It will not smoke tlie calmncya.
It will not cUar the wick.
It haa a high Qro tost.
It will not explode.
ItU pro-eininently a family safety oil.
Willi any other Illuminating oil made.
We Stake Our Reputation,
As refiners, upon the Btatement mat It ls
Ask your dealer tor
Trade for liloomsburg and Vicinity Supplied by
liloomsburg, Pa,
don't starve Quality to throw a
In other words, we
don't slight our work or use inferior
trimmings to tempt you with a low
price for poor goods. None but the
13est Clothing for Men, Youths, Boys
and (Jhililren.
A. C. Yates & Co
Tot baek&ehe, and all sadden, nhirp, or
long et finding pains or weaknossos of ery
kind. Virtnes ot fresh bopit, hemlock and
pine balsam combine!. It Ls wondorfall
PLASTEn Co,, Boston,
on the genuine good.
t,. rnllff Fina huiUtntrl I linffU Of doubU
rniLADKLruiA, Pa.
oia ,-oih 'vaos nnvom 49aoids 'aom
N. E. Corner Second and Arch Hts.
rwordors will receive prompt attentnoi
" SA!E1MfT,E,b,!, l,', '
Good -citable men ran nnd permanent em
nlovmtnt liv addreRslni; E. C. I'mhson .fc t.,
Nurserymen. Waterloo, N. Y. We hlro N
HAI..VHV, and pay expenses, or on rom-
mission ir preierrea, paying wecxiy. Moik
Bret class nnd Guaranteed true to name. Appls
it onC6tatlnirai.e. Mav 17-r-lt.
!I?e yon O
Lu curvu in
llkfeynn Onnph, nronrhltK Arthma, IndUreitlonl Um
lor aii Aiiucuon ot iu turoc uia luwra, uia uijm-aj.,
tsUitte front Impure tlood And vihAii&tion. Tb, tetul,
and .klf, .Irutfluiu AKAlnat dliwM, and .lowlj ilrinlntf
t.u. ui.iw.anmiuwiir.iiTiiiMj
vj wiu KntTv, win in iiiAiij w.. rwiiir lorir nf Ann VJ
the tlmulr uim ot pArLer. Qlnirer Tonic. Uitd.lAV iad.n.
ffrroua. TAktf It lu lima. It U InrAluar.h, for All fiAliu
uid ulnordtf n of itoniAcu And to tU. 600. At Drugk'MA.
It You want a good tltuatlon write MAY
11 ion Ktm. Nurserymen, uocnenter. N. v..
lliey aio In want of lionest and uprlifUt sa'esmen
lo wll heir cholco an 1 hardy varieties ot Nursery
Mock, cllheron salary or coniinlsslon. Many new
and valuable varieties to offer. Wrtto .hem at
once for terms.
June 7-Iw-d.
ft L E S SV1
lletlable men to canvass for NUltSEHY HTOCK.
ir-Permanent emDlovment. Salary and Kxoen.
con. or L'ominlsMon. as preferred. 600 varieties.
Including fast belling specialties. Apply at once.
It ls now i no best time in tne year 10 Degin.
OLKN IIHOTIIHKS, ltochester.
(Mention thU papur.)
June 7 iw-d
orrosiTBOoouT notJBK.
Large and convenient Baraplo roo ms. Hath room
hot and cold water; and all modern convenience
Exchange Hotel,
The undersigned has leased this well-known
house, and Is prepared to accommodate the publlo
with all th p conveniences of a nrevclasa hotel.
ItltTI LBMOELUllAKS, VroprleWr
"Philip," said old John Brlggs to liU
sou, "you nro 28. years old todny,"
"So the family record says, father,"
responded tho elegant young gentleman
addressed! "I am disposed to placo Im
plicit reliance upon It."
"You havo done nothing slnco you left
collego but kill time."
"It Is only retaliation In advanco, sir.
Soma day or other tho old chap with tho
scalp lock and Bcytho will kill me."
"You nro too flippant. Slnco your
Aunt Priscllla left you $o,000 a year you
havo done nothing but spend the money.
Your Income ought to bo enough for a
Binglo man, but you draw on me too."
"I'll try to draw on you less, sir."
"It Is not tlxtt, Philip. You nro quite
wplcomo to a chock now and then, for I
know that you neither game nor revel,
and I don't mind your horses, your club,
your natural history craze, nor your
luxurious tastes. Hut still you spend
moro money and get less for It than most
young men of your agej havo too much,
In fact."
"I don't ilnd it too much, sir. In fact,
I was thinking what a graceful thing It
would bo If you wore to doublo It, a mere
trlllo to a gentleman of your means. I
liavo to use tho most pitiful economy, I
assuro you."
"Oh, that's it, eh? Well, thcro is a
niodo to increaso it very much. You havo
heard mo speak of Philander Spriggs, of
Now Yorkr"
"Monoy lender and skinflint? I havo
heard of him."
"Noii6enso, Philip. IIo is quite worthy
aa well as a very wealthy man, and if ho
prefers to im est ready money In short
loans what of that? I lend my monoy,
or soino of It, sometimes."
"But not a cent per cent."
"No matter. T don't proposo that you
shall borrow of him. IIo has an only
child, a daughter, who will inherit all
his vast property, just a3 you will mine."
"Does she shavo notes, father?"
"Phil, bo kind enough not to Indulgo
in chaff. I havo scon her and talked
with her. Sho is young, handsome, well
educated nnd has good taste, a society
gentlewoman with domestic tastes."
"Well, father, you are not so old, and
since you admiro her so much, I seo no
reason why"
"Stop your nonsenso and listen. Spriggs
and I Had a talk over It when I was In
New York, nnd wo havo concluded If you
two come together, to chip in equally and
settle n lialf million on you on your wed
ding day. With what you havo you'll do
well enough for a whllo."
"But," demurred Philip, "I don't liko
Spriggs for n father,lu-law."
"Stuff! You don't marry Spriggs."
"And tho name. Jut think of it!
"W)i9.t of that? With marriage tho
namo la changed. I don't think she'll
gain much by It. Spriggs Briggs. Six
of ono and a half-dozen of the other."
"I'd.llko to obligo you, father. I sup
poso I must marry soino day, but it will
be somo ono I love, and then, Philadel
phia like, I insist on a woman of good
"See hero, Phil," exclaimed tho father,
who by this time was at whito heat,
"you never know mo to break my word.
I merely ask you to marry for your own
good. I point out a wife in every way
suitable to you. Marry to pleaso me,
and I will not only start you fairly in
lifo now, but leavo you all I havo when
I am gone. Marry to suit some foolish
fancy of your own, and I'll yes, I'll i
found an asylum for idiots. Now you
understand me." And Briggs marched
off, leaving His son to Ids meditations.
"If I stay here," said Philip to him
self, "father and I will quarrel. Belter
givo the dear old gentleman a chance to
cool off. I'll ruralize a little."
That afternoon Philip packed a port
manteau, and with a llshing rod and
mineral hammer, started off to Mont
gomery county, where an old collego
mate of his had married and settled,
and whom ho had long promised to visit.
When ho arrived there ho learned that
Boudinot and his wife had gone to Long
Branch for tho season, nnd their ser
vants with them, tho house being in
chargo of a caretaker. Philip heard of
good fishing in a sjream four miles off,
and concluded to try it. IIo found lodg
ingsntu farmhouso near tho place, owned
by u man named Seth Cooper.
But neither that day nor that week did
he sen any woman other than Mrs. Coop
er or tho hired girl.
As ho sat upon tho veranda ono after
noon debating tho matter, a wagou was
driven up the lano and Mopped at tho
door. Lightly out 6tepied a young wo
man In a neat traveling dres, nnd the
driver followed her with a largo trunk,
under which ho staggered, burly as ho
was. Mrs. Cooper camo from the kitch
en and exclaimed: "Why, It's Gwonny,
"You dear old Aunty Ituthl" bald tho
newcomer, hugging and kissing the far
mer's wife. "I camo to havo a good
time for a month."
"And to you shall, my dear," was tho
hearty reply.
Philip took an ocular inventory of tho
looks, drebs and manner of tho new
comer as ho took off his hat. "A hweet
faco and graceful llguro and presentable
anywhere," was his Internal comment.
"Hero's luck. I shall not visit tho Branch
"You havo a boarder, aunty, bald tho
girl when upstairs with Mrs. Cooper.
"Yes; he's a Mr. Bee," baid tho other.
"It don't look as if ho had any call to
work for his living, judging by his whito
hands and his fix tips, and he's plenty ot
"Boo! Then ho isn't a busy bee. But
he's good looking; if ho bo ugreeablo
he'll do for a walking stick,"
Mre. Cooper's mistake na to Philip was
natural enough. When sho had asked
his name on his coming he had said in
his airy way, "Philip B., at your bcrv
ice," and sho had taken tho sound of tho
Initial for his surname. After she had
called him Mr, Beo several times Philip
saw tho blunder, smiled nt it, and, as tho
naval oftlcors say, "made It bo;" and
when Qvcnny camo to the table eho was
Introduced, "Miss Oweuuy, Mr. Bee."
As sho was tho nteco ho concluded her
name to bo Cooper, but as tho farmer ad
dressed her us Miss Qwcnny and tho
(armor's wife as Owenny, Philip chose
tho more respectful of tho two.
As Philip was a gallant young gentle
nuui, and as tho young lady was charm
ing in manner, ho naturally paid her
much attention. When a young man
and young woman are thrown together
under such circumstances, It is not un
usual for a lllitutlon to follow, It Is
generally u foregone conclusion.
Philip soon learnod that "Qwcnny"
was tho diminutive of Owonllian, and
notof tho lnoro stilted Gwendoline, which
interested him. Philip's mother had been
a Powell, with welsh blood In her veins,
and boro tho same name. This latter
Qwenlllun was a myBtery to him, For
tho niece of a coarse farmer, for Cooper,
though a worthy mail, was tho rovcrbo
ot rcilnod, she displayed unquestionably
gentle maimers, Tlion sho showed a fair
knowledge of any subject touched upon
In conversation.
What was sho, a teacher? Sho had
not tho look nor tho way of tho school-
ma'am. A governess? Possibly, if so,
in n good family, nut her Itclonglnga
were not of tho second hand kind.
Philip had nkcen eyo for fcnmlo apparel.
Her lace was of tho rarest; her gloves
were jwrfect and of tho newest; her
dresses wcro pretty in material and well
fitting, though quiet in tone; and though
sho displayed little in tho way of jewelry,
the stono thnt sparkled on tho head of a
lnco pin was unmistakably a diamond.
Sho had been well cultured, nnd every
word and action showed a pinky that
lltted her name.
On tho other hand, Philip was ns much
a mystery to tho young girl. IIo was n
gentleman beyond doubt. Hut what was
ho doing there,1 a man of culture, refine
ment ami rcsthctlo tastes, in that farm
house? Ho had said nothing of tholloudi
nots, which would havo explained it.
With n littlo affectation of cynicism,
which did not ill becomo him, tho man
was as clear ns water, frank ns air. But
why did ho loiter thcro with no apparent
purpose? Tho girl did not nt flrht deem
sho was tho attraction, but it camo to
her after flvo weeks, and sho grew shy,
nnd her shyness for tho last week of her
slay Infected Philip, who becamo shy,
too, and lost all case. At length she an
nounced to Mrs. Cooper that sho had to
return home, and that her father, who
was hi Philadelphia visiting a friend
there, would corao for her on tho follow
ing day, and his friend with htm, Philip
heard this with a depression that told
hlni ho had met his fate, and that It lay
in tho power of this girl to mako him
happy or miserable for life.
All tho night thnt followed Philip lay
and tossed restlessly. Ho could not sleep.
Ho felt that his father would bo us good
as his word, but ho would win a wifo
then or never. Near morning ho nroso.
dressed, and sat at tho window, until tho
sun showed Itself. Then ho slipped out
of the house and btrollcd toward a glen a
few yards off, intending to remain out
until ho heard tho breakfast bell. It had
been a favOrito haunt of tho two, and yet
for tho last few days both had avoided It.
IIo made his way to a mossy rock which
formed n tort of rustic seat, and there ho
saw Uwenny.
"Miss Owenllian," ho exclaimed.
She roHO with a rather embarrassed air.
"I rested badly last night, Mr. Bee, and
I camo out at daybreak. I havo been
hero ever since. Tho morning air Bcems
to refresh me."
"I havo tho same oxpciience," ho said.
"I havo rested badly, or rather havo not
rested nt nil. I"
Sho looked up inquiringly, and at some
thing bho read in his eyes, dropped her
own, while a Hush overspread her faco
and neck.
"Gwennyl" ho said desperately, nnd
took her hand. Tho lingers trembled in
his, but wcro not withdrawn. "Gwen
ny," ho said, "wo aro to part today. Do
you know that I Iovo you dearly?-'
"Do you, Philip?" sho murmmcd, but
did not look up.
"Owenny," ho said, "I have been sail
ing under falso colors, but innocently
enough. I havo a way among my gen
tleman friends of using my initials, ami
bo I am called among them P. B. or Mr.
B. When your aunt asked my namo I
said 'Mr. B.,' and 1 did not caro to unde
ceive her; but I desiro no concealment
from you, unless you do not caro for me.
Then wo will part as wo met; but I bhall
bo a changed man."
Ho waited for a reply. Thero was a
slight tightening of her lingers on his as
bho half whispered:
"You must know that I caro for you,
"Now," said tho exultant Philip, "you
must let mo speak to your father today."
"I fear you may find bun rather ob
stinate," sho said. "Ho bets an unduo
storo by his daughter."
"I can satisfy him of my position in
bociety and that I am able to maintain
you. I havo means of my own, and
have well, I might say had, great ex
pectations; but my father, v ho is several
times a millionaire, lias taken it into his
head to fit me with a wife. 1 prefer to
chooso ono for mybelf. If you will bo
content to share what I have, Philip
Briggs does not caro for more."
"Briggs Philip!" cried Gwenny, re
leasing herself from his grasp and look
ing at liini wouderiugly. "Is your fa
ther's namo John?"
"And ho lives in Philadelphia?'
Owenny burst into n peal of silvery
laughter. "Do not feel vexed, Philip,"
she said at length. "I nm only laughing
at tho similarity of our positions. My
father choso a husband lor mo in the
saino way, and it was to escape discus
sion of tho matter that I took theso few
weeks' rustication. Mrs. Cooper is my
old nurbC, nnd I havo called her 'aunty'
from tho time I could toddlo around. She
was married from our house. Her hus
band had very littlo money and father
bought this farm and stocked it. But,
oh! think, Philip dear, how your father
and mine will chuckle! You nro Philip
Briggs, nnd I I am Gwenlliau Spriggs."
Boston BuuVct.
."V nni 17:fy.
Tho hottest day that I everexporienced
was during the summer of 1B59, whllo
aboard a ship at Key West, I'la. Tho
sun beamed down upon tho deck of tho
vessel nnd boomed to bo ho closo that it
would almost raiso blisters. Tho llres
had gono out in tho kitchen, and, as I
was hungry, I procured several fresh
eggs and put them on the deck. Tho
deck was covered with pitch, which was
boiling with the heat from llto sun. In
less than flvo minutes my eggs were
cooked hard. This btory may seem In
credible, but it is true. St. Loui3 Globe
Democrat. Tluifto Happy Iii.
Young Man Don't you remember me?
Old Gentleman Can't bay that I over
saw you beforo.
"Don't you remember littlo Sammy
Bambry, who iibed to steal your peaches
and break your windows, twenty years
ugo, right hero in Austin?"
"Why.ceitainly, I remember you now
very well; how you used to bteal my
peaches, and don't you remember how I
caught you just us you wero getting over
tho feirjo cno day, and how 1 tanned
your lilllo lildo for you?"
"Ytu bet you did! Ah, those happy
days will never coma again." Time.
m ..wrrcct mngoosli.
A business man and financier of tho fh tt
rank in lioston Is so absontmlnded that ho
occasionally forget, to go to LU dinner. Ills
customary hour for thfi meal hen ho re
members It is 2 o'clock. Tho other day,
quito absorbed la business, he worked (touul
ly on until 4 o'clock, uml then began to havo
a quito natural senM of emptiness and yearn
ing lu his stomach.
"Door tne," ho bald, musingly, ojiplying
tho flat of his hand to Ids w alstcoat, "1 won
der what I ate for dinner that dUagrees with
mo I" Doston Transcript.
Wliero They full.
Caller (at a potogroph gallery) That Is a
grand picture ot tho centennial pnrmlo; every
face perfect.
Iliotographcr (proudly) Yes, it ii an In
stantaneous picture of tho troops on tho
march best I over took.
Caller Yes, every motiou apnea rt to havo
beeu caught, tho nuvrchlng troojw, waving
flags, galloping hores, rushing crowds but
what nro theso blurred kpoU oil tho grand
Photographer (sadly) I doa't kuow, but 1
guces tuey ore names. rucic
A Wfntern Mnry.
Brnndcr Matthowg tells a good iitory of
tho ethical iullucnco of the cast on the
wild and woolly west. A young Bos
tonlnu, reared beneath tho brow of Bea
con Hill nnd educated nt Hnrvard, went
to Texas and turned cowboy. IIo rapid
ly caught tho ppiritot the country nnd
is rapidly shook off tho outward sem
blance of tenderfooted eastern habit.
Hough bearded, leather clad, sombicro
as wido as tho widest, 42 caliber Colts on
his hips, ho was wild as tho wildest. Yet
within his bosom still burned tho llamo
of Boston culture nnd refinement.
Ono day ho was riding with a stranger
across tho prairie. Turning his head
suddenly (ho was slightly ahead) he bjiw
his companion make a suspicious motion
toward his hip pocket. Without hesita
tion ho drew his revolvtr nnd shot him.
Tho stranger dropped liko a log. Tho
cowlmy dismounted and looked at tho
body of his victim.
"I wonder if ho was really going to
shoot mo?' ho soliloquized. "I'll see."
Turning tho lioily over, ho discoveied
a llask of whisky protruding from the
"Poor fellow!" ho said in n tono of ro
grct. "I've mado a mistake. Pro killed
an innocent man, nnd a gentleman at
that. IIo wasn't going to shoot mo; he
was going to ask mo to havo a drink.
Well," he sighed, drawing ids sleovo
across his mouth, "tho last wishes of tho
dccenbcd shall bo respected." Washing
ton Post.
Mrmfcy DlKctpllnp.
Fow persons ever have a chanco to
watch tho actions of nionkoys in a wild
state, and tamo ones mimio tho lifo going
on about them to such a degreo that wo
can never feel sure their actions nro not
n relloctlon of our own. Mr. Gordon
writes of them in India: "
They wero really very like human be
ings. I was ono day watching nn old fe
int' lo who hail a young ono by her bido
to whom bIio was giving small bits of
bread which sho had evidently just re
ceived from my cook room, nnd with
which bho was legaling herself at tho
samo time.
Occasionally tho littlo monkey would
endeavor to snatch a bit of tlto bread lie
foro tlio mother was ready to givo it to
him, wl. .i bhe would administer correc
ti .i in tho sh.ipoof a gentle box on tho
Sho was in tho act of doing this when
ono of my bervants happened to como
out. At onco her demeanor changed.
She snatched the littlo ono to her bosom
with every nppearanco of maternal bo
licitude, anil did not put him down
again until tho man had retreated.
Youth's Companion.
Nut Judgo.
Albert Hawkins, tlio executivo coach
man, is a broad minded philosopher.
Liko tlio sun, he shines for all. As tho
Whito Houso coach was standing in front
of tho portico yesterday morniiifi agcntle
man camo up, looked nt tho horses with
a critical oyo and remarked:
"That is not ns good a team as Cleve
land's, is it?"
Albert's black faco was covered with
an expression of unutterablo disgust, and
ho remarked: "Now, boss, you ought to
know mora than to bo Baying such things
liko that tome, iou 11 get mom trouble.
Tho other day I was slnnding out hero
and bomo ladies camo along, and ono of
them Bays: 'Albert, I am glad that Presi
dent Han ison kept you inyour old place.'
'Thank you, mum,' bays I, 'foryour kind
ness.' Then bho says: 'Albert, Mrs. Har
rison is notasprettya ladyasMrs. Cleve
land, is bhe?' Thcro wero lots of pcoplo
standing around listening to what sho
was saying to mo and what I was baying
to her, and I tho't I would fall off tho box;
but I just drew mybelf up and said: 'Mad
ame, I ain't no judgoof ladies.'" Wash
ington Letter.
bulelilu of Scorpions.
Bately M. Sorgo Noirkoff, of Constan
tinople, gavo an instnnco of tho sort in
question. Ho caught half a dozen of
theso creatures, ho says, and deliberately
put tho question to tlio test. Arranging
on tho floor a circle of glowing charcoal,
having no break in it, a bcorpion was
placed in tho center. Although tho
circlo was largo enough to prevent tho
scorpion being injured or even iucom-
moiled by tho heat if it remained in the
mlddlo, tlio animal, finding itself sur
rounded by lire, began to look about for
tho means of escape. At first its move
ments wcro 6low, but soon Its move
ments increased, and finally it raced in
a frantio fashion around tlio iqner cir
cmnferenco of tlio charcoal. After rac
ing for Bomo timo in this manner, it re
tired to tho center of tho ring, and, de
liberately plunging its Bting into its back,
put an end to its lifo in a fow seconds
after a few convulsive movements. Tlio
remaining iivo wero tried successfully in
tho bAino way, and each with u liko re
sult. La Nature.
Tho daughter of Bam Houston is tho post
mistress at Abilene, Tex.
Rosa Bonheur still vigorously wields the
brush, at nearly 70 years.
Mrs. Harrison has on the mantel of her
boudoir a photograph of Mr. Cleveland and
her mother.
Rukmnbal, the well known Hindu lady, Is
now settlod In London, studying tho kinder
garten system.
A guild of tho King's Daughters has been
formed in England. Tho order is imtternod
after tho ono lu this country, and Una proved
a success.
MUs Juliet Corson, tho well known teacher
of rooking, Is a hopeless invalid, and writes
with a portable desk fastened beforo her. Sho
ls confined to her bed much of tho timo.
A Philadelphia lady says that ToUtol Is, In
a great measure, responslblo for Miss Kato
Drexel's retirement from tho world, sho hav
ing been early impressed with his works;
Tho Pilncess Blbesco and tho Trlncoss
Brancoran aro tho favorite pupils of tho
Polish musician, Podorowski, whoso works
are now exciting so much attention in Paris.
Mmo, Mario Rozo announces that she will
never again accept flowers offered to her
duriug a performanco on tho stage. And yet
thero aro pcoplo who do not bellevo that tho
world ls improving l
Tho grandmother of tho emperor of China
is K) years old, blind, deaf, und a cripple, and
tho other day her loving grandson presented
her with 600 singing birds, 00 silk drcbscs
and 1UU musical instruments.
Boston women aro delighted over tho selec
tion of Mrs. Koto Gannett Wells by the gov.
ernor of Massachusetts to All tho placo on tho
state board of education left vacant by tho
deotu of airs. Auby w. Hay.
A now Industry has been invented by a
clever ingusu gin. bus cans iierscir an ac
countaut and auditor for largo households.
Sho finds plenty of employment in lookinp;
after the business of a fow families ot largo
ciiuiidlturu wlioco heads havo not tosto for
the work.
Chicago women aro looking after tho work
ing girls of that city. They havo a homo for
belt supporting women, which has been pa
tronised all t ho year by two hundred and fifty
women, und the Illinois Women's I'rcss asso
ciation gives them free popular weekly enter-
It is not posslblo to arrive at tbo amount ot
capital already invested m electrlo no ht corn
ponies in tho United Kingdom, as a very large
proportion of tho worn is uemz done by pri
vate companies-, but the limited companies
engaged in electrlo lighting havo a nominal
capital of moro than t JO.OOO.OOO, of which
, uwut iuui bus couu causa up.
King Knlakaua, of Hawaii, wnnta to bor
row 10,0)0 to hnvo a good tuno nt tho Paris
Ilalph Waldo Emerson's private and do
mostio Ufa has boon described by his son, Ed
ward W. Eracreon, hi "Emerson In Con
cord." London Truth nays that Ary Ecilnw, tho
brilliant writer, tt really Mrao. Do Kalomlno,
the 111 tronted second wtfo ot the Grand Duke
ot Hosso.
Tim German crown prince tho other day re
ceived a little roan pony as a birthday gift
from his great-grandmother, tho Empress
Tlio court of l'opo Leo Is said to comprlso
1,100 persons, nearly 00 of whom bear tlio
tltlo of chamberlain. Ho has twenty private
A colloctlou of stories by Louise Chandler
Moulton will bo published in Boston this sea
ion under tlio tltlo "Miss Eyro from Boston,
ad Other Storlos."
Barrett Wendell, tho Boston writer, author
of "Tho Duchess Amelia," is OS years of age
and at prewnt assistant professor ot English
literature at Harvard.
Mr. Thomas Bayard, who leaves Yalo this
summer, will In tho fall begin Btudylng law
in tho oftlco of bis father, tho ox-secretary of
statu, at Wilmington, Del.
Copt Murrell, tho Missouri hero, Is worse of!
than a West Point cadet. He can't keep his
buttons on his uniform. As fast as they aro
sowed on somo enthusiast cuts them off.
Mr. Gladstono and Cardinal Manning havo
renewed tho intimate friendship of their Ox
ford days, which was some years ago dis
turbed by tho former's attacks upon Roman
At Gcorgo Eber's houso, In. Tutzlng, books
aro in almost every room, and In tho cham
ber where tho invalid novelist passes his days
he lies hemmed lu with library shelves tilled
with books In all languages.
J. T. Trowbridge, tho author of "Roger
and I" and many popular juvenile stories, is
described ns about 00 years old, tall, fresh
looking, with long gray hair, with manners
somewhat cm Jo and a taste for spiritualism.
Five American writers on jurisprudence,
Drs. Cooley, Hitchcock, Blddlo, Chamber
lain and Charles A. Kent, have prepnrod a
work entitled "The Constitutional History of
the United States as Seen in tho Develop
ment of American Law."
Professor T. H. nuxley, in a lately pub
lished autobiographical sketch, says that ho
has nover entirely recovered from tho effects
of a blood poisoning contracted during tho
first post-mortem examination, performed
when ho was le&3 than 14 years of ago.
Congressman Scott, tho Pennsylvania Dem
ocratia loader, is bald to havo spent f 100',000
during tho last two racing seasons in endeav
oring to force ono of his horses to tho front
at tho finish. He has bought mora horses this
year, and his colors aro to bo soon at every
James Gordon Bennett, while at Monaco,
Just beforo his late departure for Egypt, had
a quarrel with tho princely ruler of that
famous gambling resort, and tho princeling
gavo orders that tho American millionaire
should bo excluded from tho borders of tho
Mrs. Julia Ward Howo had tho courngo to
begin Greek when sho was 43 years old, com
uiratlvoly late in life, and now reads Hero
dotus, Xonophon, Plato, iEscbylus and Aris
tophanes. Sho early acquired a knowlodgo of
French and Italian, and at lu years began to
6tudy German.
Mr. Blalno is trying to get a summer home
near Washington for the season, as ho is
getting very tired of hotel life, nnd tho Sow ard
houso Is not ready yot for his occupancy.
Ho offered a fancy prlco for ono of tho lino
old suburban mansions on Georgetown
Heights, but ho couldn't get it
The emperor of China ts seldom disturbed
In his sleep. A Pekin paper announces that
'strict surveillance ls kept by the gendar
merie around tho palaco to prevent tho im
perial rcposo beiuc broken by Urine of crack
ers, street cries, or wrangling voices, tho
blowing of horns or noisy marriage or funeral
Jumes O, Blalno wears a standing collar.
Gen. Grantworehigh and low collars alike.
Tho ancients wore collars of silver and
Thomas Hood wore a high collar to hide a
Tho standing collar had its origin in Ger
many In tho reign of Otho IV, 1218.
Piccndilllcs ot red and green cloth came
into fashion at tho close of the Fifteenth cen
tal y.
Gen. Splnola's collars aro laundered by a
colored "aunty." They measure 3 1-3 incl js
in width.
Charles Dickens when a young man wore
a black stock. In later lite he assumed tho
turn down collar.
Altltudlnous neckwear dates from tho ill-
rectolre. Collars frequently concealed the
ears at that period.
Tb'j sumptuary laws of Richard II pro
hibited collars from being worm The law
was nover enforced.
Bill Nyo says ho always sports'a "straight
band collar, without any projecting mosoury
or ornamental facades."
The ourly English laymen did not cover
tbclr uccks. Tho mailed collar or gorget was
introduced during tho crusade.
A. straight white collar, somowhat like that
of a few years ago, was Introduced into Eng
land In 1430 by tho Duke of Clarence.
Byron imported his famous low rolling col
lar from Belgium, no delighted in exhibit
ing his whito, almost femlnlno appearing
Washington wore no collar at all in the
last years of his lifo. The btock or "swatho"
had been discarded, ami the old gentleman
rarely went out visiting.
Tho starched ruir was replaced by the
Shakespearean collar, favored by the Purl-
tans and continued until tho death of Charles
II, when lace becamo tho rage.
Tho poet Whlttler affects a cross between
a high and low collar. It may bo described
ns a wtdo band folded uoar tho mlddlo and
having a soft overhanging roll.
Tho Joweled collar of John do Sbeppey,
bishop of Rochester, who died lu 1300, weigh
ed four nud a half pounds. It was a lino
example of the clerical splendor of tho period.
In 1S04 tho Elizabethan rulf became tho
stylo. They sometimes projected fifteen
Inches from the neck. Tho ruir becamo odi
ous to James I, and ha ordered It to bo taken
Prosldent Buchanan's friends vt ere highly
tucensed because Representative Abraham
Lincoln made a spoech at Springfield rldicul
lug the president's notorious neckwear, Ho
bald it always reminded him of an "under
taker's shop." Clothier and Furnisher,
Strength In Union.
"Which do you lovo most, yoiir pa)a or
your mammal"
Littlo Charlie I lovo papa most
Charlie's ' Mother Why, Charlie, I'm sur
prised at you. 1 thought you loved me uiott.
Charlie Can't help It, mamma; wo men
have to stick together, Texas Sittings.
Ills New Horse.
"Saj, mister, why don't yer let bim out
ter a scrim Din' usirai" me.
Miss Bucco Oh, but mine is such a horrid
Young Brown Ah a urn I'm afraid
it's too late to alter it nowl Landou Punch.
A restaurant man of Lincoln was looking
gloomy yesterday as ho eaxl from tho win
dow nt tho dusty laiidscaiie. Being sur
rounded by a representative of the lever
which moves tho world be commenced to
unbosom himself. "There came In here this
mornlug," ho sftld, "a stranger of distin
guished apiionrnneo. He was haughty In his
bearing, yes, very haughty. 1 he days of tho
yoors of my Journey In tho land have been
many, but I don't think I ever struck a moro
commanding looking man. He took a teat
at n table and glanced over tbo bill of fare
very critically. Finally be ordered a porter
houso steak, with Innumerable vegotablos.
He asked me If I hnd any new cucumbers. I
hadn't any.
V ell,' said this haughty gentleman, "send
out and get some. And tell your Infernal
waiter that I don't want to income a centena
rian before tbo moal Is brought mo.'
"I was deeply impressed by his Imperious
manner and I rustled around and hurried tho
cook, and In a very short time the meal was
placed beforo htm, and It was a nice ono. He
seemed to enjoy it Ho ate slowly, tipped
three cups of couee and repeated several ot
his vegetnblo orders. Finally he concluded
tho repast, nnd camo to the cashier desk
where I was on duty. He picked his toeth
calmly and then sold:
" 'I am rendy.'
" 'Ready for what!' I inquired.
" 'Ready to bo fired. I haven't a rod cent'
"Now how was that for unlaundered,
doublo and twist, fast dyed gall I How does
it strike you as a samplo of nerve, with
wiro edge and brass tlpl I was too paralyzed
to Are him. I Just invited him to go and
told him that If ho over camo to my fashion
nblo rendezvous airnln I would sweeten his
coffee with sulphuric acid. He smiled bland
ly and went his tortuous way." Ana the
proprietor of tho hash emporium sighed
wenrily. Nebraska State Journal.
He Wns SatlsHed.
He hnd rung n door bell on Cass avenue.
and a woman had opened the door, spit out
half a dozen words and shut it against bis
toes, w hen ho calmly proceeded to ring again.
'Didn't I tell you 1 didn't want to buy a
hat rack!" sho exclaimed ns she opened tho
door again.
"Yes'm: but vou don't suppose 1 would
have tho Impudence to ring your door bell
simply to ask you if you wanted a two shilling
hat rack! I should cousidor It trilling wltn
"Well, what do you want)"
"In nddltlon to hat racks I havo tin lifters,
stovo handlers, chimney cleaners, furniture
polish, silver paste, sham holders, tho best ce
ment ill tho world, feather dusters, babies'
bibs, napkin rings, coarse and fine combs,
hair pins, lemon oxtract, insect powder taoo
powders, cures for corns, pins and noodles,
gold and silver thim"
"No I" sho shrieked as soon ns sho could In
terrupt him,
"Ah I very well, madam. Good, day, I
am satisfied now that you do not desire any
goods in my lino." Detroit Freo Pross.
He Could Talk.
"It is very embarrassing, lsu't it, Jennie,"
said a young lady to her friend, "when you
aro alouo with your beau for tho first timet
Wheu William escorted rao homo lat night
we wore so bashful that wo could hardly find
a word to say to each other,"
"Indeedl I haven't found It so."
"You hnven'tt"
"Notnt all. My beau talks all ( the time
and docsu't give me tho least chanco to feel
"Ho Is a good talker, then."
"Woll, I should smile."
"What does ho dot"
"no's a barber." Boston Courier.
For the Public Weal.
"If you wish to live to any age at all,"
said the doctor, "you must givo up those
abomliiablo cigarettes."
"But, doctor," argued the patient, "if ypu
are so opposed to tho use of tobacco, why
aro you always smoking yourself 1"
"You see, my young friend," returned the
doctor, "I so fully comprehend the great ovtl
causal by tobacco that In my endeavor to
benefit mankind 1 have made It my aim to
smoke up as much of tho vilo weed as I pos-
ibly cau." Tho lipoch.
No Possible Danger.
Guest Seohero, waiter I There's a pin In
this soup. Suppose I had swallowed it!
Walter It wouldn't havo burl yer.cun.
Didn't you notice that it am a safety ptn,
rah J The Epoch.
Their Punishment.
Boy (reading history) Pa, are dishonest
pcoplo still punished by the stocks!
l'a (who speculates a little) Occaslonauy.
my son, occasionally; down In Wall street
Texas Sittings.
Polly's New Shoes.
You'd know by the way she goes croaking about.
I'eertng aowu from an possiblo views.
At the two little feet thrust complacently out.
That 1'ony nas on uer uew uioes.
Tbey aro neat, they are gay, they are buttoned up
And they're lined In a brilliant blue tint,
They're bright as the stars twinkling .up Ja tho
Or a penny Just out of the mint.
Hut It Isn't for thnt she's so happy and proud.
Taut she is almost unable to speau ;
It's because they gite out such a charmingly loud.
Such n perfectly neautirul squeak.
Emma A. Opper.
Au,. miiu rrisi.
Visitor Well, Tommy , how ara you getting
on at school (
Tommy (aged 8) First rate. I ain't dolne
as w ell as somo of the other boys, though. I
can stand on my head,- but I liavo to p"ut my
feet against tho fence, 1 want to do it with
out being near the, fcuce at all, and I guess I
cau otter awhllo. Yankee Blade,
Why IIo Smiled.
Smith Do BUiks, why tliat satisfied smilel
Ypu don't look liko u man w ho has Just been
lined 10 und costs for fust drylng.
De liiuks V. hy, iiinu nllvo, I just sold that
old nag ot initio for $150 more than he was
worth. Did it on the strength of tho fine.
Who wouldn't biullur Kearney (Neb.) IJnter
priso. An Urgent Messugo.
Valet (ringing lip tho doctor ut 11 130 p. m.)
Councilor M sends Ids compliments and
desires you to romo to him nt once.
Doctor (en dUhnblle) Uood gracious! What
Is tho mnt tei- with hlml
alet Ho wants a fourth hand for n ub-
ber of,wiiUt Hiimorlstlscho Blaettcr.
Getting There Gradually,
He Do you read tho current fiction of the
day I
bho riot very extensively, I am ashamed
to say. Hon ever, I did wade through '.'Rob
ert Elsmer," and I intend to read this "pigs
in Clover" that everybody U talking about
Burlington Froo IVess.
Sir. Qultkult Moralists.
Mr. Quickwlt (to Mrs. Coarseair, who Is
profusely bedecked with imitation diamonds)
Madams, you remind mo of an open faced
Mrs, Coarseair How sot To, he, hoi"
Mr. Quickwlt Your crystal is so promt
neut Jeweler's Weekly.
Uturuture In Chlcugo.
Eastern Mnu (in Chicago) Collecting sub
scriptions for the Drowning club, eht What
do you ueed u furil for r to rent a hallt .,
f.'hicago Vouth No, wo have a hulli
wl want loruiMi money rnough lobe-'
copies ot Browning and a btkitrd Hn
New York Weekly. '