COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA 1 tlmo for every ncriBiblo man to rcftd think and net lor iiimseii. This is yot n froo country but as I am taking tlio Hililo for my proofs wo will turn to Dcti. 15 22-25 find tee whether Mosos tho jjreat law maker tolls tho people what thoy shall buy with their monoy "If tho way bo too lonu for theo no This proves that wino and stroiiK drink wero ono of tho staples and ar ticles of commerce tho samo as tho R up any subject no differ- ,ifl"or f S'1,0 V"?1 ,i r or . wo shoQld look at It from a ,mA8n exhorts timothy 5-25 itandnolnt and take tho Uihl Bo n1?nSe.r ft dnnkor of water h A Ttmtt't Bellgiona View of Prohibition. EniTons Columbian. As o great deal is boing said on both sides of Prohibition I as a farraor, wuuiu iiKu 10 pivo my viows on tho subject. Preachers and businessmen havo bcon giving their opinions "pro Zt i.hi tin T i 0 ' ,V110- tou canst carry thy good then .halt To farmeis VWy m th? lurn lhorn nl 0Dd bln(1 u' iJ(,rmn LTr -la rtent ?n dialt go tithd place tho Lord thy God vll :J T?.? A8 ,1V,D8' 11 tn,oy w,no f hall chooso and shall bestow thy mon- 5frl mnM.n !rcatwh?ol8 ,in; oy for whatsoever thy soul deslreth, till , rt0" at fSroxen or for sheep or for swine, or business. For this reason the Wr 108 should havo a right to speak on a sub ject containing such vita, importance w uiin anu every American oitizcn. in tuning enco what. religious standpoint and tako the Mbl for our guide. My Uiblo teaohes mo temperance, but in no place can I find where God commands tho preacher to preach Prohibition. llo commands Paul and the Apostles o "go out and preach tho gospel unto nil tho world." Again in Romans 13 14-15 Paul says "how shall they bo Iievo In whom thoy havo not heard and how shall thoy hoar without a preacher and how shall thoy preach oxcopt thoy bo sent, as it is written, how beautiful aro the feet of them that preach tho gospel of peaco and bring glad tidings of good things." Tho preachers aro not doing this when they preach Prohibition. If. it is necessary for them to cause so much excitement, then tho Biblo must be wrong. lBt Cor. M-33 "for God is not tho author of confusion bat of peace as in all churcllCH of the sniniji" Evorv nreacher that. nrfiafirinu Pro. man of it not oven to savo him from hibition is dnrrrailin f.lm.nlf in ilm hell or secure to him heaven." sight of God. Why? because tho And tho preachers wonder at tho groat Jehovah did not intend tho sa- coldness of the church! If they look crcd nulnit for tho discussion of noli, at tho matter closely I think they will tics. Tho Biblo Bays "cursed bo tho 1'm(1 themselves the principal causo of man who nuts his tniRt in man." Th it. Can thoy expect a true Chr'utien preachers aro aakim? thu nuonlo to tint to ao to church ovory Sabbath morn their trust in them and in tho mean- ng ani1 ncar nothing but Prohibition tirao aro forgotting tho Bible; for thoy prcaohedT Tlicro is many a truo know very well, wero they to tako the Christian that havo stopped going to Biblo for their proofs they could uot Sabbath worship until after the 18 of furnish them. Shame on tho man who Juno. They are asked to givo a por- wlll stand in tho pulpit and talk on tor f tlielr lmrJ earned inouey to aid any subject that ho daro not open the the causo of Prohibition, when every Biblo and read a chapter for fear tho dollar is needed to etinport tho gospel word ot uou will he in direct sition to what he is saying. Prohibition is not tho work of Christ bat tho work of mon. Tho word wine. is used in the Bible 150 times and strong drink is spoken of 25 times. Unless wo intend to discard tho Bible entirely wo havo positivo evidenco that Christ used wino at tho feast of tho a but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine oft infirmities." This certainly proves that inspired Pe.ol believed a littlo wine or stimu lant ot fiomo kind good under certain conditions. Thero is not a verso in tho Holy Biblo that commands Prohibition. God's servants are commanded to tako nothing from tho gospol nor add any thing to it. What aro the preachers doinc to-dayT They aro trying to teach tho groat Jehovah, and mako an extra command ment. If God had wanted them to say what tho people shall eat ho would havo commanded it. Wo aro placed hero in this world our own frco moral agents with the indi vidual powor to seo the right and tho wrontr. 1 ho cood side and tho evil side. And "God so highly ojtitna'.is tho gift ot frco will with which he has endowed man, that ho will not qepnvo and if a member could afford to oivo anything for Piohibition and is against the amendment, tie is asked to change his views or rosiun from tho church. Is this ChriHtianityt is this "brother ly love." Is it pleasing in tho sight of God? No! Preachers can oxpol nnn from tho church of men, but they can't drive The Electrio Exeontiosora Tho throo electrical machines with which tho State of Now York will exe cute the murderers will cost 88,100. Thoy will do their work very expediti ously, inasmuch as tho death stroke Is administered in tint luOth part of a second, too soon for a mm to know what killed him or to feel nny pain. A current of 1,000 volls will bo used, which Is just fivo times as mtny at aro rcpuircd. And Hlthough it takes only luOth part of a second for the current to kill a man, it will bo kept on from tlttcen to thirty seconds, to do tho work nbs)lulely "beyond peradventnro nnd to provuiil rtllox action, whloh follows tho rigidity r suiting ftnm firitt application of tho c!ectrio current. Nobody, of course, can tell from their own experience wnicn is moro pniniui, death on tho callows or in an electric chair t but if scienco is good for any thing it cannot bo wrong m averting that such a death m this by electricity is painless. A Safe Guard Always on duty. Thousand. mal.o a ptactico of taking Dr. David Kennedy' Fuvorito Itemed y, of Koundoit, N. Y., when ever thoy have symptoms of poViblo sickness, and through tho prompt ac tion of this rumarkahlo medicine they aro really uovcr ill. It is a perfect safe guard against all forms of malaria, sick and nervous headache, palpitation, dyspepsia and heartburn. 5-21 -It Tho latest wrinklo in tho clothing trado is garments made, of paper. A Minnesota inventor is said to havo made nnougli vests and uuderclothes of paper last winter to creato sompthing of a panic among St. Paul clothiers. Thu paper is prepared so that it is as soft as cloth and tho cold cannot pene trate it. Ex-Secrotary Bayard will marry Miss Mary Willing Clymer on Jut,o 12, in St. John's Episcopal church, Washington. Jewish passover, aud as this occurred them from tho church of Christ. OH 1 MY HEAD 1 1 flmflVt Inc of a Ktir Jrar Senator. I7 i pepala. Nlek HrflAehe. Terrible Thing. 7bea the stomach. U torpid it soon beoomoa clog. mi with bait disrated mitten, tha blood booomei TltlAted and foul t the other organ fall to act cor. snallr, and lndncca a train of symptoms, such as dra pcptla, sick hsadache. dizziness, drowsiness, palpita tion of thabeart, pala In tho Lack, ions of appetite "There are rew things that I hellers In with aumr heart and It affords ma ploaaoro to teU of ono of them. Tho speaker was oz.Benator Albert Herrltt, bead of tha largo f roll firm, 82 rark Flaoe, N, T., and the aoeso his ofise. "I was sick and feared I bad booome fated to endure tho 1 Tortures of Dyspepsia i of the kloners. A rel. in the month of April tho wine used must have been fermented, for tho pe riod of the grape harvest and when thd wino was mado being in Octobor, lienco tho wine must havo been six months old when used at tho feast and common sense will leach a man that wino or cider cannot bo kept six months without becoming fermented and intoxicating, ibis explodes the theory of tho Prohibition cranks, that tho wino used in biblical history was not intoxicating. Hero is a nut for tho preacher to crack. Solomon tho sun of David kini; of Israel savs in Proverbs 31 0-7 "oivo strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wino unto those that bo of heavy hearts. Let him drink and re member hin misery no moro." Certiin ly strong drink docs not mean unfer merited grapo juico. This is tho ad vico of Solomon. Aro we going to givo up our liberties and discard tho Biblo for tho sake of theso false prouhets that aro preaching Prohibi and a dantrerons affection aald to me. 'Whr don't roa rente itemed?, maueat nondout, kMneri. . irelatlrc flVBli'a. did so. 1 1st Peter -1 10 "Yet if any mm suffer as a Christian let him not bo ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf." A man can bo a Uhnstian whether ho makes whiskey, sells it or lues itt It is not from tho use of liquor that harm is done but from tho abuse ot it. Let any man uso anythinK to excess and injury will bo tho result. Mark vil. 11-15. And when ne had called all tho people unto him ho said unto them, hearken uuto mo every one of you and understand. There w nothing trom without a mau that entering into him can defile him, but tho things which coino out of him these aro they that defile. It is f rombition everywhere wo co. We hear it on tho street, in the'parlor crd in the church. God and tho biblo hrvo been dropped, Bob Ingersol aud Prohibition taken up. Oh 1 for tho time to como whi n men will get so on thusiastio over the word of Uod as thoy aro over Prohibition. I think tho timo Bpent by tho preacher m got- h ot mr statements lot bun srew steadily lx-tter. I could eat, digest, sleep work with a clearer head, and the yellow colo: EOT Uln hlWl riven nlu-M In thn tnnM thut .nnni pure blood anderery organ of the body In healths action. Pr, Kennedy's r-'sroiite Itemedy Is entitled to tha credit of aarlnir toy life. If any one ban a eonoi Boont tno irm X on tat tlmo ofBeed." Mr, A. 1 says! Tor a lonir tlmo attacks of dizziness and Blind Sick Hoadncho ana to lznrnra blood end a disordered stato of the STBveizi. a was i its uamea: 1 wsa troubled with Tere frr Dr. KennMv'i r. of Itondout. K. Y. Idld so and bavi len completely cured. It's tha best thlntr I evei heard ot for any disorder of that nsturo, and I bare reoomrnended ft to many with like euooess." Mr. IMniel JTitts. Taunton. Mass., says: I recommend Dr. Lennedra 'aTorlt Itemedy for dyspeiwla and sick hfadacho. 1 suffered for many years with these oomvlalnts, and was cured by Dr. Kennedy's FAVORITE REMEDY. .' Xtioe One dollar. Prepared at Ilondont, IT, Y. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Prepared by IL. DATTD KENNEDY, BONDODT, N. T. tl per bottle EIx forts. Sy alldmrrlsta. tionT If they are not "false prophets" ting tho people excited over the world .. .1 ' t.n.. .1... T! .1 1 . a - 1 .. 4 ..... . why don't thoy tako tho Biblo and preach the gospel. I havo attjnded Prohibition lectures in tho churches and the Biblo was not opoicd. Yet thev call it a religious measure There are extremes to all things and Prohi bition has been carried to tho farthest extremely. Tho tourth commandmont says "llemerabor tho Sabbath day to keop it holy-" Aro wo doing this by preaching Prohibition, by holding political meetings in groves and chuich es on tho Sabbath (for Prohibition is nothinc moro or loss than political) pleading with men for the voter, deba ting tho question of dollars and cents and tolling some silly little stories? If this is religion what is Bin? If such a Bin can be' forgiven what is the unpardonable! I havo beou a close observer of hu man nature and havo come to this conclusion that if parents would fol low tho advice given in Proy. 22-0 thoro would bo less drunkenness, leas wantoness, lower robberies, and a bet ter people "Train up a child in tho way ho should go and when he is old ho will not depart from it." This covers tho wholo grand theory. Tho mothors of to-day aro responsible for tho govern raent of tho future. Thoy who spend bo much time in niritatinc; tho causo of tho W. O. T. U. What good might bo dono by devoting this extra timo to their childron. Tho ladies that aro excited over tho Prohibition question may profit by reading the 1-1 chapter of 1 uor. a i-aa. "Lot our women keep silence in tho churohes; for it is not permitted unto them to Bpoak, bu they aro commanded to bo under obedience so Baitli tho law, And they will learn anything, let thorn nsk thoir husbands at homo for it is a shamo for women to speak in a church. Tho Hov.. Dr. Talmago Bays: "Thero aro parents who over mako religion disgusting to thoir childron. They scold them for not loving Christ. Tho homo is full of tho war whoop of con tontiou, from such a place husbands and sons go out to die." Mothers and wives bo careful that in vour onthusi asm, you do uot causo tho very ovil you aro trying to avoid. You had hot ly and political causo had better bo used in teaching mon tho uospei and tho way to heaven.. 1 admit that drunkenness is a terri ble thincr, ond it is wrong, but does tho Biblo tel us to tingle that one from other sins T No. Wo aro command ed to "jo temperate in all things." Thero are other sins ten times greater than drunkenness of which nothing is said in tho pulpit. By tho false doc trines they aro conveyini; tho idea in to tho minds of tho people, that if they don't get drunk all their sins are tor given. Tho principal aid of tho truo Chru- ian is to strive for n homo in heaven, and try to live n an upright manner, that when we aro oallod on tho day of reckoning before tho great and just Judce, when the question is asked, have you lulhllcd tho (Jonimandiin-ntHT We may say: "Yes." 1 don t think tho question will he asked: havo you been a distiller or a brower, or a sa loon-keeper ? I dont think tho ques tion will bo askod, havo you obeyed the Eleventh uommindmont, that tho preacher tried to mako ? But tho great question will bo llnve you done the will ot the Master." Yours Heept. A Faimikk. THE GREAT German Remedy, 1 n TRUTHS FOR THE SiCK or ttuiKU ih-Atlih IMIlouflSncllsdcpcntl onSiTLruuuHirrKBS Jit will euro vou. I'd ton euiKT v,lth that tired n ml nil gone feeling; it bo, ubc SULI'HUR imTEUS it will euro you. ftl.txju will ho rati for n caso where otri- PHUIt JfcTTHltS "Willi not assist or cure. never falls. rrt TAJ Clean no tho Mated blood when you e ci ts impurities uurei f incrutlt en Iki art A.sfl1 t.ltno.l Is. El tho mllla nnd work- Isuojib; cierKfliWnuuu not procure eulllclent exercise, ami all who arc con lined In doore, 1 should usoHuu'liuit liinriK. They wllll 3 not then bo w cas and: Jslcfclv. If you do uot wleti to Buffer from Uhcunv ntlsm, uso n bottle ol HDLrmilt JUTTKItS; It never falls tortiro, nff tti rough tho skin n IMmnles.ItlotrhcB, ind Horea. lolv on I nwi lu-nitn Trti." low. I bULl'llUK JtlTTLIlS will cure Mveruora plaint. Don't liotlU ourugcu ,at wiu cure hULl'HUIt H itt tits will build you up nnd mako you strong and neauuy. Q Don't ho without a lmft1n. Tnr It vnn mil ikis rrnri't it. I Untie In tlelicat health, who aro all run uown, snoum list ISUM'HUH niTTKIH. tSULfllUK Jl.TTF.IlS iwju inuku your uioourj iiwi youruesn nam. 'irv MULFiiru JUt. vv.m to. night, nml von will sleep well inn it'ei iieuer ror u. I liovou wtint tho beet AleiUcal Worli Dubllshed? Pcnl S t-ccut stamps to A. 1', oiimv.iv & Co, Jluoton, Jlass., auj iwclvo a 1017, free. A fortunate and Qratoful Woman- Mrs. J. II. Gilo, of Everett, Pa , says: "1 havo sintered tor years trom kidnov and "ravel trouble. Ho physi cians or medicine at homo did me any cood. I tinally vitted rav foimtr homo at Itondout, N. Y., and becau usiiiK Ur. David lvonnedy s Favorite Remedy, of Uondout; N. Y. A fow word-i tell thu result. 1 am a periectiy well and happy woman onoo moro. may 21-4t 5K BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINEWITHOUTTHE EA LADEL ManuHl by Wll, Ayhui B Hosa. 1'MlaOa., who luiku the atuoua Uorao Urona liaier lilanketa. 'fight-Lioed Oidetg. WHY THE U.NI10USI AT WEST POINT WII.I. UK SOON CHANGED. It is said that tho main reason for tho movement to shanuo tho uniform of tho men in tho first class at Vst ter loavo pontics to uio decision ot men 10illt i8 tliaV thoy ,iamat; thoir system nnd bo oontont with your domestic af- !tll .lu) I)rtB0,lt Ulav jackets. These ivuuu woiuun Hijuociioi uer aokoU ar0 out ai,nogl t0 a c0rrc0t FRAZERgrease IIEST IN T1IK WOULD, Its wtarltia aualiUes arn nnKiirtAHKMl. atnktlv nullastlnft two Imxis nf anv other lran1. ut cascuxl Llicnt. Ul'T THU (lliMllK'K. Mtrclianta and U.nler. (Jtnsrallr. May 10 wt. fairs. own home and her f amily her willing loving subjects, it is thon sho occupies tho highest throno and wears tho most brilliant crown that God or man can bestow. I havo attended sovoral Prohibition lectures, and find them all about alike, They tell funny stories aud cot the tightness in tho tirst place, aud sinco they don't wear out as fact as tho cadets grow they naturally get tighter each fow months. Tho woinon havo taught tho boys to ho very proud of tho jmin waists that distinguish the corps, so that each follow nanus on to his iaokot as long as ho can. It U women and childron to laughing. Do aid thut ono day when a cadet fell anything to get up an oxoitemont, and into tho water his commanding oflieer I tt.!..1. . t l..... I i 1.! . .!... rr 1.1.. "1.... 1 iiiu ii;u)iUUi, win niuu, nuiin. uii; nuiu 1 oruurca 111111 iukuuu 11 is juukjuv ;hhi What a Comfort 1 NoDiri! NoFubs! No Back Actio! LASTS LONGER, LOOKS DRIQHTER, and makts tha Shoes WEAR BETTER. Don't let the women hari all the bsit thlcp, but us Wolff'sACMEBIacking ONCE A WEEK FOR MEN. OHCJt A MONTH FOR WOMEN. I find It a tip top Harneia DreailDf, WOLFF RANDOLPH.PhlladelpbU "CIIETIS COMPOUItD. BLOOD, LIVER AND KIDNEY PUHIFIER. Now is the appointed timo for thoroughly cleansing tho system from all impurities, and all will find that tho Curtis Compound will exactly fill tho bill. It has stood the tent of 22 years and its sales aro larger than ever, every year. Price GOe. and SI. 00. Fon Sale By James II. Mercer. DRUGGIST, Bu05isiiURO, Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undersigned having been re stored to health by simple meane, after sut-firing for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Co.SfUMiTioN, is anxious to make known to his fellow suITerers the means of cure. To thoio who di-iie it, he will cheerfully send (free of char-re) a copy of 1 ho prescription UBed, which tht-y will lind a uru euro for Co.nsumition, Asthma, Catauhh, I3ito.NCinn.-i and ill throat nnd lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his U medy, as it is invaluable. Those dcpiring the prehciiplion, which will cost them noth ing, aud may provo a b'eBsing, will please address, Rev. Kdwaiih A. Wil son, Williamsburg, lungs uonnty, Now York. A-&-co.--lec-7-ly piKE INHURAJSt K CllltlSTIAN F, KNAF1, BLOOVHIirKQ.rAi HOME, OIT N. Y. MKKOIIANTS'.OP NBWAltK, H. J. CLINTON, N.V. 1'EOPLKS' N. Y. HEADING, 1"A. HERMAN AMERICAN INS. C0..MEW YOKK. GREENWICH INS. CO., NEW YORK. JERSEY CITY FIIIK INS. CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. Tteflo old coRroRATioHB are well seasoned tT vf& and riRK TxatxDand have nevir yet had a loss settled by any court ot law. Their assets are all Invested la boud ssci'kities are Uablototbe aiardolFiRKonly. Losncs promptly and rtOKssTLT aaustedana iiald aa soon as determined by Ctjhistun r. SKirr,aPCIALAOIHTlNUADJC8TIttBLOOKSlCRO, Pa. The people of Columbia countyshould patroB lie the agenoj where losses It any are settled and oallby one of ther own citizens. FHOMITNKSS. EOUITY. FAIH DRAIJHO. The Criminal"' Haven. MORE AND MORE DIFFICULT FOII WRONO-UOMl TO EVADE THE .LAW. THE PENSIONS ! PENSIONS ! U. .8 PENSIONS duo many OmciRs, Soldiers, SutX'KS, their Widows, ciiiliikkn and Dkpsndkht IUrehts everywhere. If In doubt, or any Tension Information wanted, write hero. No Washington, D, 0 or other Agency so advantageous as this N. J, AGENCY ., ,,,, !rThousandt of Pennlons aggregatlne millions of dollars, obtained through tills Agency, and o'-hera snowed dally..! Addresawltluwostamps JAMES f. RUHLINO, CounLelor at Law, Ml E. State St.. Trenton, N. J. (Lato U. 6. Pension Agent. N. J. iivt. Urlit. uen'L) lir-uetors to Oov., U. 8. sen's and M. O's N. J Posts o. A. It, and Pensioners all u. s., Canada tc. Feb 15-Mt aur. niii ii4id niici, ml ffcuu alia, with work! in A rut of aatftl One I'eraon U tch 1- rain mm fkra. torsiUr with if Urn n nabU lint it lluuteboltl HAMPlra TkM Mmplti. well Iht wuth, wi Vm.iii1 aScr -na kmf Di lbm Ift font homt for 9 tuoothi od how. ihtm "J V writ t biic n b mm f rl ta tt t' And Hnjmple- KtlDinC-o., Uujl Hli.' M.C.SL0AL& BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. ilinufacturersot CARRIAGES .BUQGIES.PIIAETNS SLEIQHS, PLATFORM WA3.S':5 Hrst-classworlt always on hand. REPAlHlaU NEA ILYDONh. Pricer redutedto luit the timet. PERRINE'S PU1UC BAHLEY MALT WHISKEY. listened to a good speech, But on so ber reflections, wo find that thero was no substanco, no sound argumont in tho lecture If any soripturo has been quoted thoy bo misconstruo it as to convey n wrong improssion. Thoy make anonymous assertions but fail to prove them. Tho wholo timo is takon mi with foolish stories about "spotted calves' "John and Mary huusinK each other when John gets Bobor1' and "one man's liberties, ends where another man's nose begins'' oto eta Isn't it too bad! to keep men in tho houso of God from two to throo hours to listen to such trash as this! Wo havo been misled far enough and it is wring it. Tho youth did so, and dis plavea beueitlli it uotliini; but an r ... ... r ., . uinierbiiiri, witu ouus ami collar pin ucd to it. An investigation folio cd, and showed that whoreas most of the bitrger boys had been obliged to dis oird thuir shirts, thero wero even scmo who had had to cut away the lower halves of their undershirts in order lo button their jackets around their waists. This will not surprise sol diers. In every country thero aro swell rogimonts that aohioyo gcod locki moro or less in tho samo way. There are oven tales of the sort about sorao ot the dandles iu our own Seven th. New York Sun, Out of tho Breastworks. Tate Sprinqi, Tenn., July 4, 18M The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.t Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case o( blood poison. I tried a physician, the best at command, bat secured no benefit. My throat began to get iare, and my body covered with sores J and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I felt that my. grave must be reached la the near future. I gave up the doctors' treat ment, and with a despairing hope I com. menceel taking your medicine. I began to Improve from the brst bottle, and in a short time the ulcers healed, and my sUa cleared of! and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed In my system. The physician did his best, but could not cure me ; but two bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief, J, II, Robinson. Kaufman, Tex.. June 33, j888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta. Ga.i Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a tliln disease for about twelve years, and the beit medical treatment failed to give me re lief, I am now using Shift's Specific, and have received the greatest benefit from Its use. Yours truly, Wm, Jokes, For sale by all druggist. Tin Swift Specific Co,, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Nw York, 7S&, Broadway. IYon aiotie-Vctnomt. In the good old days tho man who had made a mistake in one country found reasonable encouragement to seek new surroundings in some far-off laud. To be nil outlaw might keep a man abroad a needless length of time, but it never bred fear that he might bo brought homo nyainpt his will soon er than ho desired. So far ns regard ed thu possibility of cupluio for crime, if a criminal got a good start on his way to a now land hu was practically safe. The world wn a wido wide world in thoso good old days. Tfio world to-day is a tolerably nar row place for one who Is eought by lli6 law, and day by day it becomes more nnd more truo tint a man can not separato himaill from his past hit -tory. It is not that escape from tho oflioers-of jiutloo is itnpofsr le. Crimes nre still committed, and by reason of accident or clover do-dun thtir perpe trators escape. Tho Nathan murder and tho Tnscoit-Snell homicide are il lustrations in point. But the chances nro all tho other way. The case of Mullor, who killd Mr. Braidwood in a coach on the North Loudon Hallway aud w.'is caught in America anil bang ed in England, was a striking example in the other direction. The case of II. M. Brooks, alias V. II. Lennox Max well, u piobahly uncqualcd as a de monstration of the advantago which tho law has on its sido when diligently seeking to capture and punish a crimi nal. And, speaking of cable messages, that message which led to tho captnre of II. M. Brooks, at Auckland, New Zealand, in 1835, went over the most circuitous route that aay message had followed up to that tlmo. Slatting from St. Louis the message went to New York, and wts there turned over to the cable company, who transmitted it by land wires to North S dnoy, Capo Breton, whence it was sent through the cable to Valentia, and by wire across Ireland, by cable deroes St. George's channel to Holjhend and London. From London it went by cable to Lisbon, thence to Malta, thence by cable to Alexandria, Egypt, by land Wiro to Suez, by cable to Aden and Bombay, by land wires to Po nnnc, 111 the Malay Leninsula, by cable to Java, and by c.ibte from Juva to Port Djrwin, North Australia, from Port Darwin it went to Sydney by laud wiro. and fiom Syduoy by the South Pacific cable to tv elliugton, New Zealand, and from there by land wire to Auckland. Chief llarngan s ineesauo to the American Council at Auckland started April IGth, and on May 5ih Maxwell was arrested as tho steamer ontered the harbor at Auck land. On May 0 the cablegram tell- inir of the arrest readied St. Louis. On August 1G, or four months and ten days from the dato of thu commission of his crime, Maxwell was back in St. Louis. His farthest point of travel reached was 8200 imh-s from St. Louis. In 1854 there was no submarino able, and no telegraph lima across the plain.', aud Mr. Meigs, whose im mense lumber business on tho 1'aoilio Coast had been prostrated by the panic of 1851, and who, in o-'iisupiencu of triennial transactions U savo nimaelf, had found it niccssary to leave seoi oi ly, was free from intorruplioj iu bis voyage to l'eru. And Bi'lo by sum witu llie t-trctch- ing out ofridroid.sand telegraph wire?, hi l tl.o btying 01 cuius umier 1 no t-ea, luis been the expansion of old treaties for etlra lili 111 of criulii al 1 Headers ai.d th iK'HOtiatiou of uuw interna tional agreements to give up fugitives Irom justice 111 foreign lauds, lrnat- ics vary. IMo two ot litem aro ii'iko iu their o.italogues rf crimen, and not moro than half .1 dcz 11 of tho thirty ciimcs sio in all of the treaties The power of an extradition pro- cuifini is not weakened tiy iho dis tauto of the ofleudir from the soene ot Ins crime, provided hi offense is one covered by tieaty uttp ilation-. T hui, the UnUi-li Utnunimtnl brought l ay mailer Murkham hack fiom Kansis City, Mo., to nuswei for a cijmo om milled iu China. A risidriit of San Antoiii", Tox., was last May laken back to answi r for a crimo couimiltid 111 Geimanv several years before. The I'lnkertous brought Mr. Angeii, of Pullman cat fame, back from l'or tugal, and ho curved ten yeais in Joil ci. Tho latent Bitik of Enuhnd forgers wero all tried in London, thonch ono of them was arrested at Now York and another in Cuba. Benson, who appropriated the pro ceeds "of tho salo of tho Putti coneerl tiokols in tho C.ty of Mexico, was ar rested in NewYoik City and coiiv mltted sutcido rather tlmu go hack uuder' extraditiou papers. Winslow, tho Boston forger, was apprshended in England, and only escaped by a technicality to go to tho Argentine Kepublic, whtro ho was Iroo lroni ar .rest. Kerr, the di-faultinir caslip-r from Chicago, wtnt to IVru, and win biought back, tried and sent to Joiltt. Technically I U caso was not covered by extradition liioocedincs, but ho was brought buck all the kame, and thu trial Judgo did not think it his duly 10 ui(uiro into tno manner 01 arrt-M in f 01 emu country. And. ouoo in while, a foreign Government will givo a man up to tno unucu niaus as matter of courtesy, juBt to be obliging as was dono in I weed s cae. There is little encouragement for thu wickt d in tlieho latter days. Tho crook daro not write the pot-ollioo is generally an opc-u book tor tho detec tives in any big casfj ho daro Lot put his message on tho wiro tho telegraph is in Itnguo with tho authorises of the lawj ifhooskB too regularly for tho newspapers no is liable to instant bus piolon. His only lioj 0 lits in itaohmg somo almost unknown country, and in that event ho is a stranger because tie docs not know the language, i'eriiaps 111011 aro not any better than they use to be, but if thoro is anything in tho theory thai a man's surroundings make his character, the men of 10 dav should bo slow to commit crime, becau-o overythlng points to the folly of wrongdoing, and tho arm of thu htu has a longer roach than in iho d.iys of old. CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafntss and Hay Fmra A KllW 1IOS1JJ TltllATMKNT. SufTerers aro not generally awaro that theso dUcases nro couUkIous, or that they nre due to tlio presence ot living parasites In tho llnliiK membrane o tho noso and eus tachian tubes. Jllcrosconlo research, how I (jver, Ms I'lUTVU U!l W W Mlt wiu r ... r,,,.,,icil, tiiiir -.( f lin 1 man t u tlint a Simula remwlv lius been for- 111 utou iu.. . "'V iMiatcU cheitpor lllilkes tit mailUIUCturora nnd Imy fever aro peruianently cured In . 1 - ,1 1 fromouo to throo elmple applications mado liriCCS. Do IlOt UllV a PiailO bO- i l.v the natlentonco In two weeks. 4. . T . VT II nnlnrrlinl i Itttli a riT A A VUtfill t a ! t females (whites) this remedy Is a specific A pamphlet explaining. this new treatment Is sent on nx'elpt often ceuta by A. II. Dixo.s & Son, m West King 8t, Torouto, Cauoda. Sclentyto American. tmm from selected Hurler Malt and imaranlccd to b chemical Pro lnjiirlouoilnl oclils oiten conta ntd in HVf Iipibb pted to perrons reqnlrlnBft.iitlinu allnu tonic, .V1u,n'tlVffllrti, tcil br lis uw). ltcioDiminilcrt I) loading pliylcl" n",,ff,",V, Jiii DliriLLID and free from Injurious oil cspeciaur aaa rreatlr tieneni Nervine, Tonic ana A iierauvp. rnr . unauniiMiin, ''v;;,,v.inmnrh itrood rUUK iIauLKY MALT WIIISKKV Insnres n return of viitor to the oni"'1- 00 appetite, a rich and abundant Mood and Increased and Baul".H0,d? stimulant mnu nna gem its 111 i-iuxw njri'vin, ,... eases can bo eollrcl conquered by tlio urn or rcrrli It s a ton 0 mu urcneania nowcriuism-usH"--"" "i ..rnrniivtlnn to itlSK H I'l'IIK llAllLKYMALr WIIISKBI 1ms protcd a medlrlnal proiroiion to j those who pursue their avocations in the open a '""' rbftor !XCepUOnftl powers oi t'nauriiL-". ajik ju.i jivn-nv ... '--," r, nrt, KlllllNB'H iV'IlB HAHI.KV MAI.T WIIISKhV revives tho energies o "5 out with encesslve 0 Wllv or mental pffort and acts as a safc uard asalnst "P n wet ana rnforous e.uncr, iiw.nur.iu "3:r,"i ,;niii-ni nfnnii to Hard workers of e vrr voost Ion nnd persons whom a si-y ntary lucnjns l)8epsu nnd in t-errino n rum ...iriuj y . t.v iho Liv Mall Whiskey a powerful InvlyorantB Tho analysis as It JPPJJ Mii'lJjX' and helper to .lUfestlon. PKItlflNK's Bbpl onemy bottle! 1 Ini ITIIB 1IAHLKY MAIr WIIISKICY pl7ed thel'l-n" J'?'?! rrinendnS without unduly stimulating the kid. B.Kr made by M- t. 'Ynii turfurol ners lncreass their nagjlmr, activity, "it entirely ' ,n.m' WS' nminteracoi theerfeets of lailKiu. has-Bmctnls and acids aid 11wo''"VJ tens convalescence and Is a wholcsouw apiir'V'-ft'a". Z i.itiu arllttnUh and pro.nptIdlUfetlc. A'atch tlintabts ' ailralvalf vf thf ' in ilmtltin or Jiuniau aoao ginuine unless uearmif vne oiguw mirr.r,m. ..r. rfJTI.I !l lllfrTBin Kot uj all orurirla and (rrocers throughout the United 8Utes and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., PIIILA rolWALE UYDItUOdlsrS ANU ALL UBALnilS. PENNY GOODS A SPECIALTY. soli isiMTa roa r. v. auamh co., FIlB CUT CHEWING TOBACCO SoleaKcntBot tho fol lowing nranas Of Cigars. HKMUT CLAY, LONDHES, NORMAL, INDIAN PRINCESS, SAMSON, S1LVBH ASH. PATENTS, voata and Trado Marks obtalned.and all Patent 8lnuss conducted tor MOUBK TK KEES. mill nwiMiJii is Ol'l- iSITE U. 8. PATKNT VFIOK. Wo hive no sub-aironcies, all business Irect, hence oan transact patent busluesa lo loss Imeand at LKSS cost than those remote from send model, drawlnir, or photo.wlth description. wa fiiivinit if iiiiti-ntanin or not. freo ot cnarEe. Our fee not duo till patent is wcured. A boot"llow to obtain l"atents,"wltb references o actual clients In your utate, county, or town, ntfreo. Address C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposlta I'atent OTce, Waihlngton, D.0 J. R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., OKALKK3 IN PIANOS, By the following wellknown makers; CluckcriiiK, Imibc, Wcbcr, Hallct & Mavis. Alexander Bros V .ffl 0 fl UO WllOLlaALB UEALKHS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRbTlTS AND NUTS. SOLE 4GKNTS FOR HENRY MAILLARDS SCA.NDIES. FIiF.SH VERY WEEK. Bloomsbur, j ANY OHDEll FOIt FESTIVAL i will bo ISUPl'MEDWjru TUB ( LOWUST ; irtel F;;:;;, as follows: I ORANGES, LKMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTSJ OHEAJI NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. & JB. JBOBBW DEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORtS AND JOBBER ttl C1GAHS. B LOOM SB URG, PA. C3r Jrd LhlJ ArL 1 INDUCE MSjE I f 'ianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines. ip ill' Music - - - - Warerooms Woven Wire Fencing iWiro Roposolvago BEST, .'A STEEL for H JIM HA If 1 K- nA Yn PPP ROD. Feb oo wist. Rvini?ftf nrhtneT Tft l nct tiblltfcl tra 'n an pni, 9j i iuaHdc our marhlkMl rMi wnii pmpn ran it tnfin, w wui nw rrf 10 on Krton to ratk lofalltj.ih ttrj t MwlBC-tnichtn tnarl i th orld, with all ih ttatbmtati. f a trill alaa ntl frr a rtmniMi tlnacfoor ttntlf anrt valaahl irl mptf a. in reiurn wi m mai yc ifcnt what wi atnd. la that ah. mar U 11 font bonia. and tftr IS mcmtni ii nu mcm jvr own which hava ran oot t Kfmt rtf nrt run eai it xM rornaitii, wim h iirntimi, ana no? ttui for MAO. rt,aironrtt, mottttti talmarblna in Iba worlJ, All U ,taa. No tarltal rfanirad. Tula. rinmarhln In tha worM. and tl XiillilA CO.g Hox. T-iUi AuBiiBtu, Mulue. OKaVTEFUIi COMFOHTIKOa EPP'S COCOA. liltEAKFAST. "IlrntlioroimliknowlMleoottho natural Ihwh wiiiih i.nvrrn the DTCintlons ot dlecntloii find nulrltlon, nnd by a carelul nppllcatiou or tho nno properlloj of well selected ocoa, Sir. Epps lias provided our breakfast taMes Vflth a delicately llavored beverago which may save us many Heavy doctors' blllf. Ills by tho Judicious uso of such articles of diet that acon&tllutlon may betrradual. lv built up until slrotiff enoueh to resist every ten. dencyto dl ease. Hundreds of subtle maladies aro lloatlnir around us re idy to attack wherever there 13 a weak point. Wo may cscapo many a mini siinft bv kcenlne ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished f rame,"Cfell Herctce aatette. .Made klmply with bolllne water or milk, will only In halt pound tins, by uroccrs, labelled tnus : JAMES El'l'S A CO., Ilomcsopathlo Chemlsta, oct 26-u-ct. lionaon, uigianu. ELAWAHK, LACKAWANNA AND WBSTBUN KAILKOAD. BLOOMSBUUG DIVISION. STATIONS. r NOKTUUUBEHUMO, II 40 Cameron 5 65 Chulasky o to uanvuio i Uutawlssa . liupcrt... Hloonisburg llspy Llino ltldge. willow drove...... Urlarcrcek Berwick llcach llnen Hick's lorry Hhlckshlnny liuniocK's . N antlcoke 7 60 Avondale. 7 54 Plymouth 7 6 is mouth junction 8 03 Kingston 8 os Ueunctt.... Maltby Wyoming est I'livston nttstou Lackawanna Talorvllle llellcvuo SCH1KT0N STATIONS. HCRANTON. .. noiicvue Taylorvllle. Lackawanna. C 2S 'lttston 6 SB Westl'lttstou 6 43 Wyoming, e 47 .MUUDy t oi Uennett . c 53 Kingston fi 58 riymoui n junction i ua Plymouth , 7 10 Avondale 7 14 Nantlcoko 7 10 Hunloek's 7 2(1 Hhlckshlnny 7 47 Hick's Kerry 7 55 Ucach Haven 8 01 Uerwlck s 07 Bnarcreel: 6 13 Wl low drove. 8 10 11 4S Llraellldge B 20 1152 r.-'py bvo it Ulooinsbuiir..! fl2 12 05 Hupert 8 87 12 10 Catawlss.i 8 i 12 15 Danville 8 57 12 30 Chulasky 9 03 Cameron 0 07 12 40 N0KT11CMBE11LAND 9 22 12 ft in r m connections nt llupert wiih Readln llatlroad for Tamanend i X , i "AND Ml""'1"' vhoIHaoniP ev L. jotNEf) THE TAN IT E. CO.. CuiRr v $TR0UD3DURa .TA. t)w Apr28-d-4t. BR. THE EL 538. HTII FOl'UTIl bllti:i;T, UUw, Mlllat (ot nattwr nbat frthara alalia) 25 y turn l'rBtlcnl imA Kuropffna lloapltul Hxpcrlcuca M ltlenaand cvrUttoavca Wf,If HI'KCIAL I IS IS ASKS AND BLOOD l'OISON, nOTII SP.X. latportatl aaa rtan or old, Kltl'l. TIONi. llLOTLHP.H. l'lUPU:. Ull-tf ISAli: VLvr.llK herToua licblllljr( lrt i llnllljr. Ircjr atmotloaa iBflammntlon of KMurr liltttitlfr al other r(OTna 'i'kroat i:ffttlona. MrUntbuljr Kh vaeo and A;rral Ui Hocltlf , II rich (a IHaeaaa f iho hi door, I'IIm, blecdluffjnrlukrna;. Hyaprp la. Ah aae of qaaaki. iwlionoua droit, (V. oure ani atoodllr wd. Ual4Mi(4-iadaa. halUr al oooa. Tha wort aiubbora catti aullcltad. Ir. Tboel aUJUJ HUpaiUc, Hauoaobaihlo KeUoito atl JUjiiata ayattma o( tuadltlBt, anl br coffitlalat tLa taut la practice b auraa vbara othara fail. Ur. Threl warn auffutra alaJmt onboQBl pill, ftftltila ulituraa. Llood ourinira and liairltatluoaaiuchdaiial aura. puuitr dlOar forcf getting our prices. Catalogue and Price Lists Ou application eowtp-u til la aatara aal promia aad htoea raqulraa aoUntlSa aawuM&itftia, oovia.paaipBiiu.olraulara.dlitrihaiadhr HuauMi. jtgaBOUa Vowoaolaa, ImtltoUi. and ao-olle4 lUti OaotUuifQ, aia, la hlih thar dUerlba CUaaaaa la tha wiiiim on rpreiai uma Aervoaa Ulaeaaeo. aadaapoalBC th aaaiacvua wadiealavlaAUra la thai wiu Tol Huauaia. ....... , ......r.v... t.iw i an oopai ismI atif itratad ao4 harrUlt forna. Tlilln of duiftraui ualabchQtj or leaauitf , Sttffprcra from caUrrhal ttOUbUl ibguld at tha pool latloatLan lk. TL..I ha a aqval aud haa pravta ly (uu that hU abfuir u worth nor lo auffrra tbaa all Iho fiao aaaanlutloBa, evtfaaUaa aid pr ! which art atlr affatad bulaaldom Bulatlf aoondaaUal WritactcaiL Thautattda l UtMBftbUU U tha oma. llaura, t to I, and to f. Wad. J H. WILLIAMH, AUCT10KI3EU. 111.00 Msuuua, l'A, oal Bstata Bought and Sold. Parties iK'Ulrlng toliuy licist-s anil wngons ouiu uu wen in ran nil II. u unuvc. C 23 n su 6 S , r. 42 . e 50 .11 54 , 0 5S 7 05 7 11 7 18 , 7 SO 7 43 8 12 8 17 8 22 , 8 27 8 S3 . 8 40 , 8 43 . 8 54 , 9 00 r m r h 1 55 1 58 2 14 2 19 2 21 S 29 2 4S 2 M 2 59 3 09 3 19 3 35 3 39 3 43 3 52 3 50 4 01 4 22 T M NOltTII, A. 31. A, M 10 10 A 15 A M . r. 10 e is c 20 A U 9 60 9 55 10 00 10 08 10 16 10 22 10 27 10 30 10 31 10 3S 10 42 10 47 10 51 10 53 11 02 11 12 11 22 11 28 11 87 10 23 10 29 10 sa 10 33 11 on 11 07 11 15 11 22 11 20 11 30 11 87 11 44 11 49 11 39 12 OS 12 16 12 '.0 12 25 12 30 12 87 12 41 12 45 12 50 12 53 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 1 30 V M SOUTH, C 30 6 31 6 40 n IS 7 05 1 12 7 !U 7 27 7 81 7 85 7 42 7 49 33 8 fO 8 17 8 22 8 3j 8 33 8 38 8 45 8 49 8 53 8 68 9 3 G 0 5 23 (1 3'l 6 37 C 43 fi 50 0 55 C 69 7 03' 7 07 7 12 7 Id 7 21 7 23 7 43 7 35 8 07 8 13 8 20 8 27 83, 83 8 tl 8 47 8 52 R 67 9 15 9 23 9 28 9 45 V M 1'hlladelphli & Tamoqiia, Will. 5 03 2'ii 2 SI a 28 2 81 2 39 247 2 30 2 64 2 69 3 03 3 05 3 19 3 29 3 39 3 43 3 51 8 57 4 01 4 05 4 12 4 18 4 24 4 22 4 45 4 64 6 00 5 15 r m SHORT-HAND AND TYPE-WRITING. atuiiit-a, and now earn () to SIOO a tttimthf advancement rapid A re you tired of lour oocu pa tionT Iara (Shorthand, tho money niDt Kill return man. fnlrt It L iui,,. VWI b?imi,for Man? ,tudf' iWiww fur. S1.1.1-. Lf dlu IWlntfo Q U, b. Bwid (or circular, O. ft. MLUEK, frlo., I00t Chiiunt St , rhUhdilpblJL Mar lr-j-it CATARRH ti"::; K any .tag., acute or clirunlc. Alia lltr lever or Cold In llrail,rAiM. 17 vuruu. uikd meuic&l euaurie meul. A bwv.r whn hail c.t.,,1. 17 yn. dUooeri a curu which U bow Klreii to the world. No co. CAlno or harmful luUlAnce No atiulT nrrlinipl.A t'n.u ... nn tteud for circular with Imm.. lA.tin.V.ri.,. Bcorto cured. Drutsl.ti, UV. ) mull, Hkj. i iu.ll. to Apr, 12-r-4t. Wiiaac' smsnort. Snnburr. rotlsvillc tc At Northnm heilanrt with 1". J- K. Dlv. P. It. 1(. lor Harrltburg, Lock Haven, Emporium, Wurien,corry nndUo, V. V. HAI.STEAD, oen. Jion., scranion, ra Pennsylvania Hailroa'd. Ilxl! Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IW! TIME TABLE. In eflect MAY l! 1889. Trains leave sunbuiy EASTWARD 9.40 a. ra.. Sea HUoro Exr.rfKn (dallv exoent Hundaj-), tor llarrloturfandlnterincdldtestatloDS, arrlTlng at Philadelphia 3.15 F. rn. j NewVorlt, 6.30 r. m. ; llaltlmoro, 2.50 p. m. ; Washington, 4.00 p, m., connecting at Philadelphia tor all Sea Wioro points. Through pasaeuKer coach to Philadelphia, 1.13 p. ra. Day Express dally except 8unaay),(orllarrlsburgandln terme dlate stations, arriving at Philadelphia R.50 p. m. i New York-, .ss p. m. j llaltlmoro .43 p.m.; Washington, p,io p. m. Parlor car Luiuiign iu i-uiiuuuipiua nnu pasingor coacnea through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 8.00 p. in. Kenovo Accommodation (dally for Ilarrlshurg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.23 a. m. j New York-7.10 a. m. jHtiumore, 0.13 . m. ; wasuington obo a. in.; Pullman sleeping carlrom Ilarrlshurg to Philadel phia and New York. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 u m. 1.50 a. m. Krle Mall (dally) lor Harrlsburg and lntermedlato stations, arnvlng at Philadelphia 0.611 a. ra. Kt.i York, 9.10 a. m.; Through Pullman sleeping cars and passenger coaches to Philadel phia. 2.10 a. m. fo'jthrrr Expicss (dslly) for Harrls burg and Intirinr dlate ttallrns arilvlngot Haiti moie 7.20, and WabhlrgtonB.43, and through Pull man Mc plrgcarslo m"reand Waslilngton, and througl' passenger conches to llaltlmoro. WKSTWAltU. B.ioa. m. Jtilo Mall (dally), for Krle an! at Canandalgua m d Intermediate stations, Itoches. ter, Uurfaln i d Niagara Falls, with through Pull man pal u- jats and paesengercoaohes to Erie and HocDtMer. 9.63 NewB Express ( dally . .or lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 1.41 p. m Niagara Express (dally except Bun ny) for Kane, Cat a tlguaand Intermediate station-, It better, Buffalo and Niagara Vails ltb thn ugupasienEer coachesto Kane and Hochester and Parlor car to Vatklns. 6.30 p. m. Fast Lino (dally except Sundayltor He noo, waiklns and Intermediate stations, with thrown pussenger coaches toltenovo and WMxlns. 10.43 p, m. Wllllamjport lacprets (dally except bunday) for WlUtati Bport aud lntermedlato Bta 1 Ions. Tinioonn TKAiNs roKsnNuiiUY fhomthb EAbT AND bUTJTlI, News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.80 a. m. Iialtlmoie, 4::wil in. Harrlsburg, s.l0a.m. dally arriving at Bunbury 9,83. n. m. ... ., , .. Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, H.tO a, m. ; Wa<lngton 8 10 a. m. Ilal tluioie 9.00 a. m. (daU except bunda) arriving at Sunbury, 1.43 p.m. with through Parlor car from Pulhvlelphla and tnrough passenger coaches trom Philadelphia and ltaltlmore. Kast Line leaves New oiK9.oo a.m. i rhlladel phla,1.50a. in,; Washington, 9.50 u, in.; ltaltl more, 10.43 a. m., (dally reept Bundayi nrrlvlng at biiLbun, p. in. nub through passeDger cnachin from Philadelphia nud Paltlinoio Wllllatusior Hpibs leaves New Yoik 8 00 p, m. P hllanei hla B.b4 p. m. W. bhlcgton 2 50 p. in. Palilmore 4.i0 p. in. (dailj cxcipt bundaj) airlv. lug at uiiM.r) 10.8 p. m. Erie Mall leaves New York8.00p. m. ; Philadel phia, 11.23 p. in. ; Washington, 10.00 p.m.; Haiti. inore,u.2M p. m.,(da11y) ximinti at bunbury 6.10 .P'j ,,fl through Vulitiioi Weeping cars from Pnllndelphla, Wuhlilnyion aid Baltimore and ihrouth panerger cceihts (res Philadelphia Hl'NHI'IIY, IIAZl.llTII.N as Wfl.KKNlt AHIIU ItAll.llllAll AMI MIUTll AN1 IVMlT HlfANI'11 lttll.WAV. , tlially except sunuay.) vytlkeiibarro Mall loaes bunbury 10 00 a. m, arrlvln? at Bloom rerry 10.18 a.m,, Wllkts-barre 1.10 p.m. ExprttsKast l"'ivcs Bunbury 6.85 p. m arriving at Bloom Perry (ui! p. m., Wllkes-burro 7.50 p iu bunbur) MallleavesWllketbarroll.U a.m.arnv li'But liliui trrry lS.Brp. nv.huMiury 1.30 p. m Exprei-s West leaves .Vllkes-barre 3.05 n. m.. ai- . ving at Bloom Kerry 4.30 p. m.. bunbury 6.80p. n i BUNDAY T1IAINB, v llkepbario nail leatra. Minlmrv in ni n. m.. nr il. 'ii uil.ioci lirr) 10 4k a. m., Wllkes-llarre 12 . 0 . ni. Mil mi) ucromu'Cdtlkn loaves Wilkes Brrf B'10 P io rtTni- at monin Ferry, (.59 p m.. tfanbuo T SO p ft i has i vt ii, j.h. wmui, ii i Hi cm (l-i f..,iuvr.t A"l UI.S'UIB!J F)R ., unit, S.l. triaS A.K.illlU T.U. i4ir, lull, TIIK COLUilHUN A ilM-rllHi.-rH by sddrenlng Oen, I, Howe iit'o. lOHiurit., New Yoik In good falib, can obtain plf riidcd lifoimstlou about any pioposed lino ol ADVLltHSlNU la American Newspapers. nr isD-page ramphlet, toe,