The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 07, 1889, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pur
strength and wholcsomencss. Moro economical
than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot bn noiii In
competition with tho multltudo of low test, Bhort
weight alum or phosphate rowders. Sola only to
villus. ituxai.iiaiiNU lonuEHio., HO t ailrJU,H It
The Columbian
ur-publlshcd every Friday. Subscription prlco,
i.O0 a year.
Entered at tho Post omco at Uloomsburg, ra..
as second class matter, March l, 1(88. '
FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1889.
Taking effect MONDAY. NOVEMBER SB, 1848.
'Ar. Ar. Ar.
STATIONS, f. . r. . ..
Uloomsburg, 0 S8 1 05 8 09
Main street c 18 12 53 7 68
Irondale 0 10 12 50 7 68
I'apcrMUl. ......... 6 03 12 40 7 48
Llghtstrect, O 05 12 3J 7 45
Orangovlllo 6 67 12 20 7 35
Forks, 5 45 12 00 7 20
'i'tlbbs 5 42 11 63 7 15
Stillwater s 37 11 45 7 lo
Ilenlon, 6 28 11 8o 7 00
Edsona & 23 11 20 a 60
coles creek, 5 20 11 15 0 52
Bugarloar 6 15 11 10 0 43
Laubachs, 6 U 11 05 6 4:
central 5 on 10 67 6 bs
Echo Park. 6 03 10 62 6 V6
Jamison city.... 6 oo 10 45 o 89
Lv. LV. LV.
r. H. A. SI. A. M.
Lv. Lv.
A.. r. .
8 35 J a
9 48 2 35
8 48 2 42
8 56 -l t-Z
0 00 S 67
9 10 3 21)
9 S5 3 3d
U 30 3 42
9 37 3 60
9 47 4 15
9 61 4 20
9 60 4 21
10 00 4 2S
10 04 4 33
10 12 4 40
10 16 4 41
10 20 4 (0
Ar. Ar.
a. m. r. si.
r. m.
6 40
6 61
ft 64
7 01
7 01
7 10
7 31
I 38
7 4!
T 63
7 611
8 00
8 05
8 10
8 15
8 19
8 25
r. ii.
Trains on tho 1'. H. U. it. icavo Itupert is
iouows :
NOnTD. south.
7:32 a. m. 11:02 a. m,
3:31 p. m. 6:23 p.m.
Tralnson the D. L. & W. 11. R. leave Bioomsburg
as lonows:
7:12 a. m. 8:32 a. m.
10:57 a. m. 13:00 p. m.
;2:21 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
0:36 p.m. 6:47 p.m.
Tralnson tho H.tW. B. Rallwaypass Bloom
Ferry as rollows I
10:43 a. m. 12:37 p. m.
6.26 p. in. 4-30 p. m.
10:48 a m 6:89 p m
Junk 7th. Executors of Mary N. Har.
man, deceased, will olTcr residence on
Market street for sale at 0 a. m.
Foil Sals. A valuable farm in Madison
Township containing 115 acres, One build
ings. Will be sold on easy payments. If
not sold at private sale by Jul) 1st, will be
sold at public sale. For terms inquiro of
J. H. Williams, Bioomsburg. tf.
Foh Balk. A desirable and commodious
residence on Malu street, supplied with
water, gas and Bteam. Apply to
jnn20tf. U. N. Mover.
Fou Sale A valuable vacant lot on
Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street,
ten dwellings and a good store property in
Bioomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills
and two store properties lu Col. Co. A
good farm of 307 acres wllh good build
ings in Virginia nnd two farms In Kansas
by M. P. Lutz Insuranco nnd Real Estate
Agt., Bioomsburg Pa.
Leaders in Btyles now Btyles of neck
wear. Linen collars, culls hosiery
shirts handsome, dress shirts at
F. P. Billmcycr Esq. will move into It.
0. Nenl's houso on Fifth btreot, soon.
It. W. Oswald has moved into tho M. O.
Bloan residence.
Mrs. E. W. Fulton returned from Mlnne
sita recently, and Is visiting her auut,
Mrs. W. It. Tubbs.
J, J- Lawall will raovo into tho Conner
property on Fifth street, when vacated by
F. P. Billmcycr.
W. Clark Sloan has moved into tho
Thornton house, corner of Market and
ltock streets.
Mr. J. It. Schuyler and wife aud Mrs.
Kcster and daughter, Pauline, have moved
Into the houso on Main street formerly oc
cupied by E. C. Wells.
John Herring, of the Senior clas3 at
Lafayette College, is at borne, having pass.
cd his llnal'cxamlnallons with honor. An
oration .has been assigned him for Com.
mencement Day.
Oscar W. Ent.'of this place, has rcceiv
od again the appointment from this dis
trict to West Point, and will report on
Juno 18th. to undergo examination. Tho
best wishes of his many friends will go
with him.
Tho bass season opened on Memorial
Day, May 30th.
Fino Cabinets in vignette or scroll,
tf M'Ktlllp Bros.
E. 0. Wells' residence on Ijwcr rralu
street is being much Improved by a fresh
coat of paint.
Tho Stato Editorial Association will go
to Capo May for tho annual outing on Juno
Charles A. Moyer has opened a grocery
store at the corner of Third and West
A constitutional amendment meeting
will bo held lu Hess' Grovo at Rupert on
next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ad
dress by Prof. Patton of Lancaster.
Tho Juno meeting of tho Bonita Tennis
Club will bo held on Mouthy Juno 10, at 8
p. in. at tho houso of Miss Leveret.. A
largo r-tteudanco is desired.
Several fishing parties who went up tho
creek last week, returned on Saturday
night or Sunday In carriages. They said
that tho water was a lltllo too uumerous
for their purposes.
Berwick hod n, big parade on Memorial
Day, Tho Hcocuo Flro Company and a
number of llio members of Thcta Castle,
K. Q. E. of this place, helped to swell llio
ranks. 0. B. Jaekson, Esq. delivered tho
memorial address.
Cards aro out announcing the marriage
ot James McCloskey, tho genial and oblig.
Ing clerk at the Exchange, to Miss Hullar,
of Wllllamsport. The ceremony will take
pluce at Wllllamsport on Tuesday, Juno
Thela Castle, K. Q, E. will hold a grand
festival In Muslo Hall, Friday and Hatur.
day evenings, Juno 7th 'and 8th. Ice
cream, strawberries and cako will be serv
ed, Dou't fail to attend it.
There were rumors abroad on Saturday
that JaiucBon City was llooded, and that
all I ho Inhabitants had moved up Into tho
hotel. Tho report was not correct, how.
ever, as tho water, did not get over its
A flshlnir tmrttr conslallncr of If. n. Vnt.
A. G. llrlggs, P, E. Wirt, It. Hartman and
F. M. Everett started on Tuesday morning
for tho head waters of Fishing creek,
whero they will camp for two weeks.
Ucglnnlng on Juno 17th. tho banks of
Bioomsburg will closo rjrcclsclv at thren
o'clock. They arc compelled to do this In
order to closo up their business each day.
If yon want a good watch, nt a low
price, call at 8. K. Blttcnbcndcr'g. Benton.
Jewelry, chains &c. nearly at cost. Re
pairing promptly dono and warranted.
May 17-4t.
An ninrfn,.! !!.. f !
i, -1""vb,,, ""u omuuivr murillO
Lowcnberg 'e.
At llio sale of tlio personal property of
M. 0. Bloati, deceased. Inst Prlilnv. I) nnvllln
Nallonnl Bank stock brought $203 per
share, par 100. Literary Inslltuto bond
$103, pnr 103. Bioomsburg B.inklng Co.
lock, $150, par 100. Water stock $111.
Tho Uloomsburg Cornet Bund nnd Gil
morc's Band furnished music for Decora
tion Day and both did excellent wnrlr.
Tho Bloom played several pleasing sclcc
lions at tlio linll grounds In tlio afternoon,
while tho crowd was walling on the grand
stand for the rain to subside.
Woid was received Monday, stating that
tho people In Millon could not entertain the
ladles of tho Women's Missionary Soci ly
of tlio Luthtrin Clmrcli, which was to com.
menco next week. Tho ruin caused tij tho
recent Hood left them In no condition to
entertain strangers.
A meeting of oitlzcns was held In tho
Opera Houso on Wednesday evening to
take action for tho relief of the Williams
port sufferers. William Ncnl was chosen
chairman and F. P. Blllmeyer secretary.
E. R. Drinker, A. Z. Schoch, Ed. Tuslln,
0. B. Hobblns, J. R. Schuyler nnd W. S.
Moyer, were appointed a committee to so.
licit subscriptions.
List ot letters remaining In the Poet Of
fice at Bioomsburg for week erding Juno
4, 1880.
A. E. Beach, Mr. John Boughman, Wm.
E. Smith, Miss Emma Wilson.
Persons calling for these letters will
please say "advertised."
Gkokqk A. Clauk, P. M.
The Postmnstcr-Gencral makes tho fol
lowing suggestion to the public. "Print
your name or address on tho left hand
corner of all mall matter. This will In
sure Its immculate return if Improperly ad
dressed or Insufficiently paid, and If not
called for at Its destination it can ho for
warded without going to tho dead letter.
Frank Flosscr, one of Gen. Socman's or-
derllcs while on his famous "march to tlio
sea," formerly of Wllkes-Barrc, now of Nan
tlcoke, was In this place on Wednesday
evening, and while here became a membwr
of the Union Veteran Legion of tho United
States, an organization recently formed of
soldiers who have served not less than three
years. Frank was twice severely wounded,
nnd but lately applieu for a pension.
The trout dinner nt J. B Mc Henry's
hotel In Benton was well attended on Sat
urday last, considering tho weather. Thoso
who went up from here on tho cars came
home next day In wagons, as tho railroad
was blocked, Mcllenry's hotel cellar nnd
many others wero llooded. Tho creek
stood In the road In front ot Rohr Mellon
ry's store.
The senior examination for graduation
will take plnce at the Normal School next
week. The examining committee consists
of tho following gentlemen: Hon. E. E.
Hlghbee, Superintendent of public Instruc
tion; A. J. Davis, Principal S. N. S. 13th
District; Cha9. W. Hermann, Superintend
ent ot Snyder County; L. E. McGinncs,
Superintendent Stccllou, Dauphin county.
This number nf tho (Iohimmaic is alone
worth the prlco of a year's subscription.
On tho first page is a complete list of all
tho laws passed by the recent legislature,
aud on the second page will bo found an
article on tho Fence Law. Tho latter will
bo especially valuable to farmers and all
other owners of land, and it should be cut
out nnd preserved.
A unique cottage is being built for C.
La Rue Munson, Esq., at Eagles Merc. It
is a curiosity to.the natives. Tho cottago
Is being built of rough stono just as they
are picked from tho ground, with the moss
and other growth upon them and no mor
tar is visible when the building Is complet
ed. Those who see tho work In progress
aro prone to comment upon the manner of
Its construction Sullivan Review.
The hoard of directors of Bloom School
District organized last Monday night by
electing J. R. Townsend, president, J. C.
Brown, secretary, and Wm. Krnmer, treas-
urcr. Salaiy of secretary was fixed at
$150, and commission of treasurer at 2 per
cent., on general fund aud J per cent, on
loan, for new building. Tho High and
Giammar Schools arc to bo located in tho
new building. Teachers and janitor will
be selected on June 14.
Tho remains of William Heist were
brought down irom Scranton last Friday:
and hurled from his mother's rcsldcnco on
Iron Street on Sunday afternoon. He was
born here, nnd was a son of John Heist,
Ho learned tho deotlst trade with W. H.
House and I. L, Rabb, serving n limo with
each, and opened an office here. Ho mar.
ried Miss Rauch of Rupert, who survives
him. For Eorat years ho has been living
at Scranton, where he died suddenly on
Friday morning. His age was about 33
The first baseball gamo of the season
was played at Athletic Paik last Thurs.
day afternoon between Bioomsburg and
Northumberland. A good-sized crowd
witnessed tho game. Only two Innings
were played, however, as a hoavy rain
storm came up, compelling tho players to
rush to tlio grand stand, and preventing
the completion ot the game. The ncore at
tho lime the gamo was called stood ten to
nothing in favor of ll.oomsburg. Our boys
wero in good shape for playing, and tho
Northumberland nlnu would In all probab
lllty have been badly done up.
The Board of Trustees of tho Stato Nor.
raal School organized last week, Tuesday,
by tho election of Wm. Neal, President,
F, P. Blllmeyer, Secretary, II. J. Clark,
Treasurer, Tho President appointed tho
following committees i Finance, O. W.
Miller, John Wolf, E. it. Drinker Ground
and Buildings, A. Z. Schoch, Jacob Schuy.
ler, E. R. Drinker Household, Jacob
Schuyler, J. M. Clark, E. 0. Wells i In.
atrucllon and Discipline, 0. Q. Barkley,
G. E. Elwcll, L. E. Waller i Furnlt uro Li'
hrary and apparatus, E. 0. Wells, L. E,
Waller, 0. R. Buckalcw Heat, Watir anil
Light, J. A. Funstou, K. Mendenhall, I. S.
Bolls, absccsss, tumors, and even can
cere, arc tlio result ot a natural effort of
tho system to expel tbo. poisons which llio
liver and kidneys liavo failed to remove.
Ayer's Sarsaparllla stimulates all tho or
gans to a proper performance of their func
WATim I WATItR I ivvimv.
Tho heavy rains of last week culminated
on Friday, when .tho streams began to rise,
and rapidly swelled until Saturday after
noon, when they becamo roaring torrents.
Fishing Creek reached Its, height about 3
o'clock ou Saturday, when It was said to
bo flvo inches higher than In 1805. Tho
water toro along at a rato of twenty miles
an hour, bringing with It tons of logs and
driftwood. At cloven o'clock Saturday
morning tho water was rising at tho Red
Rock bridge, Uloomsburg, at tho rato nt an
Inch In five minutes. Sovcral logs caught
on tho mlddlo pier nf tho bridge, which
pier was put In last year at a cost ot $1300
to the county. Tho current wJs so strong
that it washed out tho foundation, which
was said to be part sand and part rock,
and tho lower half of tho pier toppled over,
and by noon tho entlro ptcr had dlappoar
cd, and thero wasscarccly a rlpplo In tho
current to show where It h.d stood.
Clark Pursel's steam saw-mlll has been
at work for somo time sawing timber on
Mrs. Mcndcnhall's farm on tho other sldo
of tho creek this side ot the Barton bridge.
Tho engino stood near the creek, and on
Saturday only tho top ot tho smokestack
was visible. A largo quantity ot Blabs and
cord wood was washed away, tho property
of Mrs. Mendenhall.
Just below tho samo brldgo stood tho
portablo mill of Erl Trlvelplcce, who was
sawing for Mrs. Mendenhall, Caleb Barton,
Vasttnc Boono and others. Tho saw mil
was washed away, nnd tho engino over
turned, and entirely submerged. A cabin
used by him was also carried away with
its contents.
At the pier of the brldgo of tho Biooms
burg & Rupert R. R. over tho creek at
Rupert an engino and two derricks were
carried awav. Ono derrick wascaughtnt
Catawissa, nnd Jtho other lodged a short
dlstanco below tho pier. The engino was
also recovered.
uLooMsnmto & sdllivan It. R.
Great damago was dono to tho track of
tho Bioomsburg & Sullivan R. R. Tho
gates ot tho race ot tho Bioomsburg Iron
Co. wero torn out at tho dam, and the
water rushed Into tho race with terrific
force. When it reached tho wasto gate at
the lower end of Dr. Low's farm It washed
out tho race bank, and carried away tho
bed ot the railroad track for a dlstanco of
100 feet leaving tho rails and tics suspended
in nlr. Thero was another washout this
sido of Light Street, and sovcral smaller
ones between Light Street and B. F.
Bartsch's. A deep washout was made In
C. Conner's field above Bartsch's. Tho
lino of track 1000 feet long above the Iron
brldgo at Orangovlllo had to bo moved
back several feet lo Qnd a new bed. At
the north end of Nob Mountain thero was
a side wash of 12 feet. Tho south abut
ment of the Banlou bridja was undermin
ed, aud tho end of tho bridge thrown down
stream about 15 Inches. Tho. pier also
dropped down some Inches. ,
There were washouts above LautacVs
nnd in J. P. Fritz's Jflcld. Tho cribbing at
the south end of Central bndgo was dama
ged, and the bank wasbrd out, and the
south end ot tho Y nt Central, and the
track at Vanslckle's crossing were under
mined. All of tho trains were distrlbted along tho
road. F. R. McKelvy's train wa3 at Jaml.
son City, but got -'own as far as Benton.
Scott's train went north on Saturday morn
ing and got back as far as Orangcville.
Ono engine was kept nt Bioomsburg.
This distribution of trnins was a wise fore
thought of SupL Leader's. Fearing a flood
he located the trains so that it bridges were
swept away he would have traina between
to repair damages to the road bed. If this
had not been done it would have taken
weeks nstead of three days to open the
road. Trains arc now running regularly.
On Monday Will Fleckenstlne started
his stage Hue between Orangcyillo and
Bioomsburg, and travel was resumed by
rail between Orangovlllo and Jameson
Cily, a transfer being made around the
Bcntou bridge. Tho loss to the company
will reach thousands of dollars.
The creek began to subside on Saturday
afteruoon, wheu a few more inches would
have flooded the pump housoof the Biooms
burg Water Co.
On Sunday morning It had fallen 8 feet
The county bridgo at Cole's Creek was
swept away.
On Saturday tho Susquehanna river be
gan to rise, and on Sunday at 3 o'clock It
was within a few feet of being bank full.
It continued to rise until Monday after
noon, when it stood several feet on the
river road at the point, at tho mouth ot
Fishing Creek.
Travel was impeded on the D. L. & W.
It. It. The 8:47 train on Friday evening
came as far as Bioomsburg, and laid over
night, going up next morning. Thero
were no mails from Friday night until
Monday noon, and all sorts of rumors pre
vailed as to the damage done elsewhere.
When tho city papers came, it was found
that the terrible news was only too true.
The oldest residents say that this was the
highest Hood in Fishing creek for forty
years or more. In 1840, whein Colo's mill
was carried off, aboyo Benton, thoy think
is tho last time it reached such propor
tions. We aro luformcd that tho mill
stones of Colo's mill have never been
found, so deeply wero they imbedded in
sand it is presumed,
In 1803 the creek was not so high as
now, except below Uloomsburg where it
was affected by tho back water from tho
"My daughter was greatly troubled with
Scrofula, aud, at ono limo, It was feared
would lose her sight. Ayer's Sarsaparllla
has completely restored her health, nnd,
her eyes are as well as ever, with not a
trace of scrofula in her system." G. King,
KUUugly, Conn.
Memorial IJay,
Last week, Thursday was proper'y ob
served In Bioomsburg. In the morning
detachments nt Eut Post visited Light
Street, Hidlay's, Lime Ridge and other
points. At 2:30 In tho afternoon tho graves
In Hoscuiont wero decorated, tho proces.
slon consisting ot the Bloom liand, Enl
Post, No. 250, Patriotlo Order Sons of
America, Normal students, Gilmore's
Baud, Friendship Flru Co. Tho address
was delivered by Rev. I. M. Patterson,
and was listened to by a laro audience on
Market square. Il was an able discourse,
and It received much flattering comment.
All business places lu town closed from 3
to S.
ioo I.iiiIIch Wanted,
And 100 men to call on any druggist for
a free trial package of Lane's Family Medl
cino, the great root and herb remedy, dls.
covered by Dr, Silas Lane while In the
Rocky Mountains. For diseases of the
blood, liver and kidneys It Is a positive
cure. For constipation and clearing up
tho complexion H docs wonders. Children
like U. Everyone praises l. Large-size
pari. age. 60 cents. At all druggists.'
Apr. 30 6m,
A Reply to Mr. Low.
EniTons Columbian i
Dear Sirs i
Tho windy arguments of my friend Mr.
Low reminds mo of the boa-constrictor
when he has hla prey within his reach, bo
blows and covers It with saliva, a slippery
substance, so ho can swallow It with more
caso. I can tell tho gentleman tho stuff
ho threw after ms did not adhere, so It ho
trios to swallow mo ho will find mo kick,
ing, but should ho get mo down I think ho
will have moro brains in his stomach than
ho ever had In his head, lie says that my
argument is an entlro exaggeration, mis
construction, and misrepresentation, which
ho Is able to prove. 1 quoted largely from
the Scripture, did ho prove that was ex
aggerated, did I mticonstrue or misrepre
sent H? No Sir. What did ho prove,
"that drunkenness was wrong. I admit
that. So Is robbery, murder, fornication
adultery, covctousncss, &o. Paul says
that money Is the root of all evil. You
say that liquor causes all tho evils. Now
dear readers which will you bellove, thoso
fanatics or tho Divine record. You say
that Adam and Eve had but ono tempta
tion placed before them, and yet tho Lord
Interfered. Tho Lord did not lntcrfcto
and tako away tho temptation, but after
they had disobeyed a positlvo command,
then he drovo them from tho garden for
their disobedience. Wo was consoled to
rcstst temptation, then tf we aro disobedi
ent In that respect tho door of mercy will
bo closed against us and wo will never be
permitted to ntcr the paradise of God.
He says Mr. A le arrested tor stealing nnd
sent to penitentiary, and he says you aro
taking away his liberty. No Sir I Mr. A
took away his own liberty by violating an
established law. So with Mr. B for murd
er, they both knew tho penally attached to
each crime before they committed them.
Who is to blamo. I say they are Indivi
dually. Mr. Low, you said that I said no
man has s right to say what I shall cat
drink or wear providing you steal It. I
did not say providing you steal It, that is
an exaggeration of Mr. Low, and ho know
belter when ho wrote It. That showed
the calibre of llio rain. He says further
that ho has a pefcel right to say what
humanity shall drink. When and where
was be coronated, that Is above all law
human or divine. Ono thing Is certain I
have uevcr surrendered luy rights to any
guardian aa yet, and If I ever select ono
for that puiposo R will not bo a man that
is troubled with a swelled head. He asked
if it was posslblo for a man to Inilulfu lu
tho liquor mado to-day and remain sober.
I anwer yes sir. When I gave tho defini
tion of tcmperanco ho could not get around
that so ho says tho word temperance is not
what we are advocating, it is tho word
Prohibition. Now Mr. Low you have let
tho cat out of the bag. you have surrender
ed all that Is worth contending tor on this
subject. I started out to prove that prohi
billon was not taught in the Scriptures,
but temperauco was. Who has gained his
point. Gentle readers you can form your
own conclusion.
He Habakkuk 2 5. Cursed Is ho
that putteth tho bottle to his neighbors
lips tho Bible don't say no such thing,
young man bo careful how you misrepre.
sent the good Book, please turn to Revela
tions 2318-19 then If you have any rever
enco for the word of God you will bo moic
careful In the future. My opponent tries
to show that somo wine will Intoxicate
and other won't and gives us a muttering
of Hebrew and Greek of which he knows
about as much as I do. That Is nothing at
all to prove his position, tako tho dcflnl
tlon of the word wine, fermented juice of
gi apes nud of other fruits. Somo say that
new wlno will not Intoxicate. Tho Jews
knew better than that on the day of Pente
cost when the miraculous power of the
Spirit was working with the Disciples;
others mocking said those men arc full of
new wlno. Peter said these are not drunk
en as yes suppose seeing it U but the Ibird
hour of tho day. My position is this, all
wlno will Intoxicate if drank to excess.
Yours Truly,
A. J. Deihi.
Tho foregoing was handed lu on May
11, and got mislaid, henco the delay lu Its
publication. Ens
Vote of TliaiiltH.
At a meeting'of Col. Ent Post No. 250 G.
A. R. on Friday evening last a committee
was appointed to prepare i vote of thanks
to thoso who assisted In tho services of
Memorial Dayland present Hie samo to tho
papers for publication. Whereupon it
Retolvetl, That the thanks of this Post aro
extended lo Rev. A. W. Swengle for his
able and highly appropriate discourse on
tho Sunday previous to Memoilal Day.
Iiemlveil, That thanks be extended to
Rev. R. Mallalieu of ;Rspy for his appro
prlato address at.Afton cimetery aud also
to the citizens of Espy ai d Aflcn lor llieir
presenco and thejilowers furnished for tlio
llesnked, That thanks bo extended to J,
C. Brown for his remarks at Light Street
and to tho citizens of that town for Ibclr
hospitality In providing ajllberal supply of
elegant refreshments,
Itesolrtd, That our thanks bo tendered to
the srctcllcs of I lie Normal School who
united with us In the exercises at Bloorbs
burg and to Rev. Isaac Patterson foi his
patriotic and lnstructlvo address.
Ilcsolved, That wo extend our thauks lo
the Bioomsburg nud Gilmore's Bands and
tho choir'for the music furnished : to the
P. O. 8. of A. and Friendship Fire Com
pany for uulting with us in tho observance
ol the day; to citizens who generously
furnished teams for transportation and to
tho Normal School for the delightful en
tertalnmeut in Normal Hall In tho even
C. P. Swan, T
K. bTiLsa,
It. ItiNOHOBK, V Com.
I. Holder,
F. M. OlLMOllB.
Supt. Leader was indefatigable in hi
labor lo restore tho II. & S. R. R. tracks so
that travel could bo resumed. He worked
day and night, ad succeeded In getting a
train into Bioomsburg on Wednesday morn
ing. Tho tract' is blocked up safely, but It
will take somo tlmo to fill in the washouts,
Mr. Leader not only directed tho work, but
took off his coat and handled a shove).
I'urced lo Leave Home.
Over 60 people wero forced to leave
their homes yesterday to call for a free trial
package ot Lane's 1 amily Medicine. It
your blood Is bad, your liver and kidneys
out of order, It you aro constipated nnd
have headacho and an unsigUtly complex
Ion, don't fall to call on any druggist to
day for ar samplo of this grand remedy.
Tuu ladles pralso It, Everyone likes It,
Largc-slzo package 60 cents. Apr. 20-0ui
Illclii't "VVunt a air).
Last summer my wife's health was all
run down, pud sho wanted mo to hire
gill to do the work. In a llttlo whllo I
found ono I thought would suit her, when
to my surprise sho said I need not biro any
one, us sho felt much better, and thought
another bottle ot Sulphur Bitters would
cure her ; Do Ght, 41 Worcester
sipiare, uuiuu. juuo
jolitiHtown llellcf I-u n il.
A relief fund, In aid ot tlio sufferers by
tho flood at Johnstown lins been opened at
tho First National Bank of Uloomsburg,
and at Tho Bioomsburg Banking Com.
nny, all persons who desire toconttlbitto to
this yery worthy cnuso can Icavo their
money at cither placo, nnd It will bo for
warded to tho propar pirty.
.CoiiHiiiiiitlnii Hurcly Cured
To thk EniTon Pleaco Inform your read
ers that I have n positive remedy for tho
abovo named disease. By Its timely uso
thousands of hopeless cafes liavo been per
mnncntly cured. I shall bo glml to send
wo bottles ot my remedy fiiek to nny of
your renders who liavo coiuumpl'on If they
will send mo their express and post ottlc
address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM
M. C..1R1 Pearl St., New York. scpi-21.1y
Strawberry short cako will be served at
tho lunch roomt of tho Woman's Christian
Tcmperanco Union on Saturday afternoon
of this week from 5 to 10 o'clock. Mrs.
Rorct's lco cream also, which Is having n
great run.
Bolls, pimples, hives, ringworm, letter,
nnd nil other manifestations of Impure
blood are cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
N(irninl Term,
A Normal term, for thoso teachers do.
siring to prepare for tho coming examina
tion nnd for future work will bo opened In
tho Orangovlllo Academy on July 8, 18S9,
and will continue six weens. Gw,
Life slzo crayons in guld frames
tf M'Killlp Bros
For a spring suit put up in (irct class
stylo go to tho leading merchant tailor
nerchant tail
ing establishment ol U
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria.
When eho vtut a Child, the cried for CMtorla,
When she became Mlsa, she clung to Ctutorla,
When she had Children, she gave them C toria.
rmi.iDEmiiA, .Monday, June 3, ISS'J.
You can have Wanamaker's
in your own home.
A salesman, never importu
nate, but candid and careful in
his statements, telling of his
wares and their prices when
ever you care to ask.
1 hat is the illustrated uen-
eral Catalogue.
It only takes a postal card
request to bring it. Write
your name and address plainly.
The book tells fully of over
forty stocks of goods, and
wherever it can be done gives
pictures to show exactly what
the article is. Forty stores
right in your own home !
1 hink ot it. And you can buy
goods from any one of them
and have them delivered to you
without leaving the house. No
railroad lares Wo tiresome
shopping that is all done for
buppose when you come to
5hiladelphia you had some wise
friend wise in shopping, in
goods and their qualities, in
where to buy to go with you
to aid you in making your se-
ections. Wouldn t you gladly
accept that service ? And you
would lean a good deal on that
judgment, wouldn't you ? That
is just what happens when you
write to us for goods. A skilled
shopper, who knows goods and
their values, takes your letter
and goes from counter to coun
ter and Irom department to de
partment, selecting matching,
choosing, with you all the time
in your mind, and referring con
stantly to your written instruc
tions to lind whether you ap
bo, you see, it you write
plainly what you want, it is
much as if you were here. The
nrices arc lust the same as it
you bought in person. There
is but one price here and that
must needs be as low as any
body's, or lower, or the store
wouldn t grow.
You can write lor what you
But you need the Catalogue.
bend tho postal card.
You require reading matter
for the Summer, of course. But
what shall you read ? There's
the rub. If you wish to know,
Book News (;c a number, 50c
a year) will lift the covers of
the new Books', and give you a
taste of their quality, and also
tell what the best critics think
of them. Much pleasant liter
ary gossip besides. The June
number is ready. A portrait of
Wilkie Collins, suitable for
framing, goes with it.
A Fountain Pen, with filler
and rubber case, lor 40 cents.
Just as good as the high-priced
ones, but hasn't a gold pen.
A composition affair. They say
it won't corrode.' It will, in
time. We give two extra pens,
to get around that ; and all for
40 cents. Send one cent extra
for postage.
John Wanamakeu.
IlltlUCllMl I'OWlH.
Pit Games, drlst Bhnwlnccks, Heath,
woods, Black II. ltcds, that will stay to win,
Eggs, til for $1, Satisfaction Guaranteed.
tf. Bioomsburg, Pa.
(Mention this paper.)
Our stock ot wliltu dress goodsmbrold-
crcu iiouncings m 10, sj, a, m ami -to in.
Is larger than ever nud at prices lower thnn
yd., 4U lu. wide, call nnil see.
Chantllly. spanUh nnd fish net laces for
dresses, nt Clark & SonV, also full lines of
iiiAcii urcss uooiis nt low prices.
Fine Cnbinet portraits only
$3. iloz. Life fiizu Crayons only
fciio.oo. Viewing, copying aru
enlarging. Instant process
used. tf.
Big values In Bleached Tablo Linens, nt
pricis iiiiiy bo percent, liclow regular vai.
ucs, It will pay lo call and See, Clark & Sou.
We consider these the best values shown
for money.
I. W. Hnrttnan &Sons aro havlnc a run
on sateens this week. 120 styles to select
L irgo lines of dress goods of all kinds nt
Clark & Son's. Somo 25c. goods nt 20c. a
yd. All wool dress goods 12(c. a yd. Call
and see. Bargains for all.
I. W. Hartman & Sons underwear for
summer Is the finest and cheapest both for
lauies ami gems,
Best C'ellco 01c. a yd , Hill 4-4 mudln 8c.
Applcton A 7c, Loncsdalo cambric 10c. at
Clark & Son's, and nil other domestic goods
at low prices. .
"Vour attention to I. W. Hartman &
Sons big stock of dices goods nnd trim-1
mings is caucii mis next week.
COc. nil silk gloves 35c. a pr., 50c. mills
35c, 35e. mitts 25c. pr. Hosiery, somo big
cuts .to closo lots. Cull nnd see Clark &
I. W. Hartman & Sons are acknowledg
ed head nunrlc-rs for good butter, fresh
eggi, orauges, lemons, Imnana?, dried
poaclus, peiis, prunes and lols of other
table articles; goods delivered all over
ltibbous of nil kinds, sash ribbons Surah
silks for sashes, dresses, etc. Buciiles all
styles. Handkerchiefs etc. at Clark ifc Son's.
Tho Bo clialllc3 nt 1. W. Hartman &
Sons aro beautiful styles and go fast.
Sun umbrellas and pnrasols at Clurk & I
Son's. Large lines. Prices defy compctl-
uoii, iiosing out lines oi parasols very
cheap, Call and see the new 1.49 Gloria
umbrellas pleases nil. Clark Sou.
The i tin for oil shades, lace nnd other
curtaitiA lids spiing at I. W. Hartman A; I
Sons has been great. More on. hnud yet.
Challles, full lines, new styles, nice chnl-
lles at -lcyu nsually .1 ami u. Another lot
of thoso wool llnlslieu challles 14 ydc for
$1.00. See the 10c cballie with point
'routine, niso uie Ringiiams, seersuckers.
awns 4o yd. and up at Clark & ton's.
lso crazy cloths. Satltics, somo special
Ir. Thed, Philadelphia's renowucd Spe
cialist for nervous debility, blood Dolson,
kidney and special diseases lias cured
moro racs than all others combined, lie
has cured cues pronounced incurable by
leading physician!'. Wo would advise
those snffeilng to consult him personally
or by lellernt bis olllce, C33 North Fourth
Street, Philadelphia Pa.
There seems to be no fulling
oil in our "WVU Paper sales.
1 hough tue season i last com
ing to a close, way is tins, so c
Because tho goods we send out
are us good in quality as can be
bought anywhere at the prices
we oiler them. JLhree things
serve us, viz; Uiruty, quan
tity and price. The " paper we
sell we guarantee full length and
full weight. These aro two
points to be careful of in this
stage of tho business. Unscru
pulous manufacturers are mak
ing their goods short length at
a cheaper price, but
i i.i
more to do your rooms
you are the loser.
W. II. iSUOOKE cc (Jo.
Exchange Hotel. Pa.
IDs. ;Uc 2
ByUrttioofnwrltot Vend. Ex. Issued out ot
tlio court of Common rieas ot Columbia County
and to mo directed, thero will bo exposed to pub
lic sale on tho premises on
KKIDAY, JUNE 21, 1880,
at- S o'clock p. m., all tint certain lot ot ground
Mtuato In llcavcr township, Columbia county,
reniHj lvanla, bounded and described ns follows
to-wlt : On the north by the land ot Daniel I
Gcaiuart, on tbo east by publio road leading to
Illngiown, on tho south and west by lands of C. A,
Shuma",contatulnsthree-tourthsof anJuMemoroor
ess, whereon aro erected a Pramo Dnelllog House,
Storo lloom, saw .Mill and oilier outbuildings.
Also tho Individ ial half iatere&t of all that cer.
tain lot of unsoatod land In lloaver Two. Colum.
bla county. 1'ennsylYanta, bounded and described
ns follows, to wit: On the south by land ot Jotn
Hcnnln&er, on tho east by land of Daniel SIngley,
on tho wost by land of Daniel ltainer, and on the
north by land of John Itupert, containing Eight
Acres, more or les-
SeUd taken In execution at tho suit ot Fred,
erlik Hosier and aeorge I'. Hosier, executors ot
Henry Hosier, doe'd, and to bo sold as tno proper
ty of Lucy Ann and T. J. bhuman.
11. 1'. Zahh, Att'y.
Jlay 27, 18i9. Sheriff.
Estate of Wm. st, Roberts, deceased.
Hy vlrtuo ot an order of .the Orphan's Court ot
Columbia County, there will be exposed to publlo
bale at the premises on
JUKK 22, 1889,
at '.'o'clock p. m. tho following piece ot land sit-
uato in Jlontour township, bounded on the north
by 1 tnd ot John O. Quick, on tho east by land oil
J. A. Roberts, on the couth by land of Samuel
Huck, and 011 tho wost by land of William Neal,
containing about
'tm ACBES,
ot which about so acres aro cleared and under a
good stato 01 cultivation, wuereon 19 erected ft
two story
barn and other other out-bulldlngs. A good well
ot water convenient to tho houso and other 1m-
terms oc sale. Twenty-five per cent, down,
twenty-two per cent, on contlrmatlon of sale ana
balance In six months from day of sale, with In
terest from the connrmation ; deferred payments
to bo secured by bond and mortgago ou the pre
c. c. I'tucocr,
Airmen Roberts,
If You want a good Htuatlon wrlto MAY
I1ROT1IKHS, Nurserymen, Rochester. N. Y., as
ii. ey are in want ot noneat and upright salesmen
lo sellihelr eholco anl hardy vnrietlos of Nursery
Slock, either on salary or commission. Many new
and valuable varieties to offer. Wrlto thorn at
uuio tor terms.
June 7.4w-u.
Itrtlablo men to canvass tor NrilKEifV hrok
Permanent employment. Salary and L'xnen-
tea. or commission, as preferred. 600 varieties'iiiLgtpcaaiiieii. Apply at
It Is now the best time lu tho year to begin.
ULEN llllOTHERS. Rochester. N,.
. once.
(Mention this paper JunoTlw-d
Tli n nrtvortiioiiio'it and got
iiostetl on matter of drcBS. It
Is most important to all ;en
tlcmcii "What nnd Wlirro" to
buy nud et just whit tlicy
need lu Clolliini; at the right
prices. You should
That our phni of doing busi
ness aro calculated to honrfit
YOU n-i well ns OUU
SKLVKS. Consequently it
is to OUR interest to servo
you better every time which
accounts for our increasing
Wo Icavo it for you to
on theso points by getting ac
quainted with thnliif;li quality
and exceedingly low prices of
buying THIS Clothing yon
obtain all tlio character and
stylo of tho Finest Merchnnt
But: -
S wo half your monny.
Tailor Clothier Importer,
9 i65
33 IRDIIDfe nuAin
Combining ft Parlor. Library. Imok.
lag. RicMiIbj. er lultld CHAIR.
LOUNGE. SCO. " i"rl "4
tr COUCH. Ftkl 3aUU ig.
we m&tta trie largest vanet7 ci
Adlailiblt, Ricllnlia, Pb,lllllll'
,iaa urqean- ugcraimB, invaiio
RallldR. Hjninnfk. Qffiri. Llhran.
Faac Carpal roldiag, Raed aad Rallaa CHAIRSnnd
Orcr IOO different designs.
Oar Patent AotomiHc eraki on till dir.
wholeoillng: by placing your orders
direct with tnemiLkeiD you can tv
ttvtral j'Tohtu, Our tUuhtng ptieei
tnd epeoiat llnritntnn will astonish,
rtiil. (IooiIr hoIiI nnd or & tiunrnntm I
ana aeurerea ireo to any point a
I tiitii Sttitti C iry" Rond tamn frar
Oat&loiraa, and state class of goods TOU wiel
14S North lilgbtu street, l'hlladclpulu, I'av.
When I sav Cnnn I 3o not mean mcrelr to
Btop them lor a time, ami then linvo them ro
turn nfratu. 1 mean A ltADlCAX, CUUK.
1 naio inauo 1110 (intense, ox
A lile-lnns etudf. I warrant my remedy to
Cunt: tho worst enpes. llccauso othcra liavo
lulled U no rcitson for not now rcecivinK a euro.
SendfttoncororatreiUiRonnda Fruk Hottlu
ot my iNFAl.l.niLi: IU-.mrdy. Ono Kxprcaa
aud l'o9t OMro. It costs you nothing tor a
trial, and It will euro you. Address
H.C. ROOT, M.C., 1 83 Peabi St.. New York
Almost as Palatabloas tVSilk.
So fllcflialaefl Ilint It ran tin fnben.
tlleattil, and asslmllnud by tlio muat
ensltlvD stomach, when the plain oil
cannot be tolcrntetl; nnd hy tho com
iiinuiiun ox 1110 oil iviiii irie Biyporijioi.
pliitea is much, more ollicactous.
Remarkable as a flesh prointcr.
rcrsoixs gain rapldlv while taking IS,
SCOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged Vj-
Fhrslciaus to bo tho Finest nnd Best prepa
ration in tho world for the relief nnd euro ot
The areat remedu for (hnsumnlinn. nnl
nattmy in cutaren. Sold ly all DruqgltU.
sept 2S-'S8-ly
MIJil UOIlilIVOll OP X.T37T3
A Sclentllleand Standard Popular Medical 1 reati'.o on
tnoi.iiorsoi t oiitn, rrctnaturu iictuiie, u i
ami Phylcal Debility, linpurltlt'i of lln I'lOid
'Jllluii mm Folly. Vice. Isnorance. J.'.iutu or
in ruxtitioti. Ktierttitinirnitii untitling in
furW oik, llunln ia.tho Mirr! JorFoclalR
I tU A'
Avid uuaUltul pretenders. Poneca this ;t a
worn. It cintalna UUQ pattea, rOMil svo.
d. full trill.
Price, only 1.'
mail pol p.-ild, c mcealcd In pluin w rap
trui c l'li alKlftua Freo. If 0ll rnnlv n-.
tl( tit "til. lied nuthor. Wm. II. I'm it. M r
t v .ll'-.oCOLD AND JEWELLED IV. i-L
from the Nntlonal Medical Aesrcmt.-'
for the PHIZ?. ESSAV on NERVOU'i tu
PHYSICALDEBILITY. Dr.l'orkcrntiJa,. . ,
of AanUtunt Physicians may bo couaulted. r 1 1
(lentlally, by rrttill or lu person, at tlio ctllci' 1 1
111. I'll.llttlllY AlBilllUAl, instill II.,
No. 4 illtl Hut It St., lloslnn, 31 ass., lo whom all
srdcrs fot books or klters fgr adtlco should bo
directed as above.
Larce and convenient samnle rooms. Hath room
hot and cold water; ana all modern convenlencs
Exchange Hotel,
Hr Er'a trfa
; r r o o
1 It tor.
I: F L (I
rfmm'ss. ess xsiv
The undersigned has leased this well-known
louse, and Is prepared to accommodate the uublio
with all tho conveniences ot a nrut-class hoteL
ayst) LEMUEL DKiur, Proprietor
lnr nn Act of Assembly approved May 8. lm It
IS maao mo auty 01 llio menu 01 every uium w
lve nonce 01 ino special election 10 u? iiem on
the lstli day ot Juno if 89 for tlio purposo ot deeld
lig upon tlio approval and ratification or rejection
of tho following two propovd Amendments to
tho constitution, namely, ono known as the U
Cfnw Amendment to prohibit tho manufacture
and salo ot intoxicating liquors c.
1 ne otnor Known an tno nuiirneo Amendment..
Tncreforo I, John 11. (.asey lllgli fcherin ot Col
umbia, county, do hereby make known and pro
claim to tno qua"ieu electors ot uoiumuia county
that a special election will bo held on
TUESDAY, JUNK 18, 1889,
at tho several election districts In said county for
tho purposo ot deciding upon tho approval and
ratlflcatlin or rejection of an Amendment In tho
constitution, known as tho Amendment prohibit
ing tbo manufacture nnd nnlo ot Intoxicating
liquors and Also an amendment known as the Hut
frago Amendment, and that tho elections In the
several districts will bo held nt tho following
named places to-wlt t
lloaver township, at tho publlo houso of Mary
Ilenlon township, at tho public nouso ot u
Drako In tho town ot Uenton.
sllerwlck, East; at tho little omco of Jackson &
Woortln in the borough of llerwlcn.
Dcrvrlck. West at the offlco ot J. O. Jacoby, In
tbo borough of llcrwlck.
llloom KoBt, at tho Court Houso, In Uloomsburg.
Illoom West, nt tho Court House, tnllloomsbuiy.
llr'nrcreo c township, at O10 publio school house
near KvAnsvllle.
Catawlisa township, at tho publlo houso ot (!
W. lto fsnyder, In tho town ot catawissa.
Centrnlla, Horough at tho public houso ot Wm.
Veifer, decea. OJ-
Centre township, nt tho school houso near Lafay
etto Creasys.
Conyngham North District, nt tho school housd
near the colliery ot John Anderson Co.
Conyngham South District, at tho houso of Mrs.
Thomas .Monroe.
Flshlngercek townshlpat tlio school house near
V. J t UltO s.
Franklin township, at
tho Lawrenco schoo
ureenwood township, at
tho houso ot I. D
lUllUll, ULXUllWU.
Hemlock townshln. at Mm nnhlln liminn nf ChAA
II. Dtetterlch, In the town of Muck Horn.
Jackson twp., at tho school lio-iso at Waller.
Locust tho public house ot Nathan
Knorr, In Numedla.
.Madlson to nshlp, at tho publlo school houso In
Main township, at tho public houso ot Addison
W. Sluman.
Minim township, at tho publlo house of Aaron
Hess, in tho town of Miminvllle.
Montour township, at tho public house of
Samuel llazlcdtno, at Hupcrt.
Jit- Pleasant township, at the Mlllcrtown school
Orange township, at It, airman's hotel In Or
angevllle. lino township, at tho Centre School House,
I'oarlngcreck township, at the house ot Samuel
Scott East township, at tho publlo houso of
Joseph Kleckncr, In Kspy.
scott West at tho publlo house of A. J. Thrash
In Llghtstreet.
Sugarloaf township, at tho house ot Norman
l'olls shall bo opened nt seven o'clock a. m. and
shall continue open without Interruption or ad
journment until seven o'clock p. m., when tho
polli will bo closed.
Tuat every person excepting Justices ot tho
Peace and Aldermen, Notaries Publlo and Per
sons In tho mllltla servlco of tho state, who
shall hold or shall within two months liavo held
any omco or appointment of prollt or trust under
thoUr'td Males, orot this State, and city or
corporated district, whether a commissioned
onicer or otnerwise, a suuoruinaio oniuer orugeui.
who is or shall bo employed under tho Legisla
ture, Executlvo or Judiciary Department of this
or 01 any incorporated dis
trict, and also, that every member ot Congress
and of tho stato Legislature, and of the select
or common council of any city, or commissioners
01 any lncorporaiou tiiMnci. are oy jawincapaDie
of holding or exercising at tho samo time tho
onico or appointment ot Judge, Inspector or cleric
of any election ot this commonwealth.
rue inspectors nn'l junge 01 me elections Buati
meet nt tho respective places appointed for
holding tho election 111 tho district to which they
respectively belong, beforo seven o'clock In tho
morning, and each of said Inspectors shall ap
point ouo cierk. wno snail dc a nuouncu voter or
sucb district.
ji'HN 11. casey, snenrr.
Sheriff's Ofll.'e, liloomsburg, May -ii. 18:D.
nroriosod to the cmzens oi imscommonwcaiin
ty the uencral Assembly of the commonwealth
ot l'eonsylvanH, for their approval or rejection nt
a special election to ho held June li. issi. Pub
lished by order ot the secretary ol tho cnrninon-
weaiin. in Dursuancooi Article -win oi tne ixn-
Joint resolution in oiinMnir an amendment to
he constitution ol this commonwealth :
section 1. no it. leaoivcd by tno senate ana
Houso of Representatives of the commonwealth
of Pennsylvania In tleneral Assembly met. That
the following tmcntlment Is propwd to tho con
stitution of tno Commonwealth ot l"ennsylvanla.
In accordauco u 1th tho Eighteenth Article thereof:
There shQll be an additional art lclo to said Con.
stltutlou to bo designated as Article XIX, as tol
lows :
Tli" manufacture, sale, or keeping tor saleot
Intoxicating liquor, to be used ns a beverage. Is
hereby prohibited, and any violation ot this pro
hibition shall be a misdemeanor, punlsbablo as
shall be provided by law.
iuo manuiacture. sale, or Keeping tor saie ot in
toxicating liquor for other purposes than as a
beverage may be allowed In such manner only as
may bo presctlbtd by Uw. Tho tie neral Assembly
shall, at the nrst session succeeding tho adoption
ot this article of tne constitution, enact laws
wun nuequato penalties tor us eniorcement.
A true copy
tho Joint Resolution.
Secretary ot the commonwealth.
otlce la hereby given that a meeting ot tho
stockholders ot "Manor Rest Inn Company of
Jameson City, Pa.," win no neid at tne omce ot
the see etary In Uloonisburg. Pa., on Monday
July fl, 1M, at 2 o'clock.p. m., for tho purposo of
voting ou a proposition to lncrense tne indented
nessof said corporation by placing a mortgage
upon its property tit dumeuuii t-iij .
May 3-6t- Secretary.
Estate of 1'Mllp ShoemaXer, late of Vine tourmhlp.
Letters testamentary on said estate havlngbeen
prat ted to the undersigned executors, all persons
lnueotea to saia estate are nereoy nottnea to pay
tho saire, and those having claims against said
itale to present tno same to
MayS5-tt. Executors.
Kstalecif Herman Fahrtngifr,tat of Locust ticp.,
Columbia Co. fiW(Hfo,
Notleo is hereby nlvon that letters ot adminis
tration In tho estate ot llermon Kahrlnger, lato
of Locust twp., county of Columbia, and Mate ot
rcnnsyivnmi, ucceasco, urvo uien gruDU'a to
Kacbael Fahtlnger nnd Jeremiah Fahrlnger,
cf Locust Township, Columbia county,
Pa., to whom nil tersrns
luavoicu to saiu
rmcnts. and those
tstutoare requested to miko payments, and those
havlne claims or demands
inako known tho
siine witnout uetay to
llEitBisii, Aamims'ratrix.
& L E S is! E
w.vNTiin to canvass lor I
thesuln tr Nurserv Mock, titeady employment
guaranteed. Nuliiry mid IJxeni-c paid
to succeosiui men. Appiy at, buiiii.K hku.
Mention this juijwr.
cilAMli itHC)H.C).,ItcIiester.r.V.
Ma) 'il d-'t.
Aok your Druggist or Orooar for It.
May Jl-d-lt.
i i
HjvAh I i2S nines' impkoved "c
n . I IN Llwui J PlUtiylt'ltw LMAIUT eW.Uti
StCT -1
v.' vr -
IliE fHH Pi,
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Wioketlng pains, relieved lu ono mlnuto by
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Sr lii oily skin cured by cuilcura soap. ChSji)
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Orders will receive prompt sttentaoi