Her- Enormous routines NotwUbtniHling tlio enormous for- nines aooumiiiiiiou iiirougn tlio tioo 01 a " . i":i1"?""..T". remunerative ndvcrtislmr. killod tt.tttiakcs last Sunday, Tho merit of a really valuable com-1 modity properly portrayed In the col- I urana ot an Iniltienilal nml widely lead gngod newspaper, like tno uoi.umbian win speoamiy occorno generally Known ana ..ri..u.....u, 7....u -I-- tion t Mm fi.ltynrt.anr unll 1... libit llmin nt I llio wisn liusinmlmnn who "nlanted his need in cood cround, wherein it tho boro fruit and broucht forth, some an hundred fold, Homo Bixty, some thir- ty- ... . The wording of an advertisement is mi uifiiupui villi, mailer. Clearness, attractiveness, brovity and sincerity must chnraotemo any announcement inteuded to catch tho public ovo and apecal to public conll donee. An advertisement insortcd in a London lournal a fow days ago brought instant and multitudinous re- in plies accompanied by an almost unlimi- tod supply of bank notes, simply Do- causo it touched thu chord of natnro 0 which makes all mankind akin. Its simple pathos and sell ovidont truth- Tho advertiser sought for a lost re- latlve and, giving his name, said: "I in -.if.:.noa ai. iou t,lf "crowD is oxneiulod in pavlnc for this advertisement. Write me at" ( civ- ing tlio address). As alroady staled neariv everv ono who road tho an nounccmcnt hastened to relievo the necessities of tho safferor a real suf feror iu this case, though many swlnd los aro perpetrated in tho divino namo of oharity. Thus it is with a really meritorious commodity or preparation s if its vir tuos bo properly and truthfully sot forth in tho publics press, its success is prompt undcertaiu. On tho other hand, tho public is nuiok and iinerrint: to detect deception and charlatanry j and, accordingly, no amount of ''puffery" will forco a vile nostrum into tiublio esteem and patron- ane. Untold sums havo boeu sunK in vain efforts to advertiso into popular ity to-called medical preparations which did not possess tho virtues or properties claimed for them. Valuable medicines, however, hko Warner's Safo Cure aud Warner s Log Cabin Sarsaparilla, carry their own best commendation in tueir power to cure the particular diseases for which they are a specific. , J. noy require no lauoroa pauegynu . - .t l f I io convincu iuu peopio 01 iu uuu ctuuauti iui tuuv navu uccu vwvu and found perfect. Natures remedies, by their own m- trinsio "erits have conferred a lasting boon upon minkmd, and tuny have se cured nn enviable reputation and un limited salo throughout tho civilized world. Prohibition- Eoitous Columbian. Sirs: I wish to make a fow state ments in reply to A. J. Derr. And I ask tho readers of the Columiiian to inilrva Kntraann (hn itneitinn I 51 Vp fill ihia nnestion and the position Mr. Derr takes in tho first place he states that I am perverting to Gospel and that I am making light ot the lloly cspint. JNOW uiayor irwin, oi aieuuenvme, u,,xora lot us reason a little and see who is mitted suicide a few days ago. II right or who Is wiong. Tho Bible seeks to sav6 mankind, It seek to olevato him and mako him purer aud better, and educate him and tit him for heaven, The liquor traffic seeks to drag man down, to destroy him mentally and physically. To destroy both soul and body, ami educate him to bo a proper subjeot of tho lower regions, where there is weeping aud wailing and gnashing of teeth. Now then I take my stand with the Bible, and am will ing to work for God and home ami native land. Mr Derr takes his stand on the side of the liquor dealer and says by bis words and actions that he is willing to be placed right along side of every whiskey sucker and ail thu thugs and bummers of tho land, and' ho will vote right along with them. Ho says' that it is tho refining influ ence of chrittianity that builds church es', schoolbouses eta, but where do you find this influence! Is it to be found in the neighborhood of the saloon, or does it exist more promipoutly in places whore there is prohibition! It may bo tho influence of Christianity that does this but it is not tho kind of Christiani ty that tho man has who claim-) the liquor traflio is right and tries to sub stantiate Ins doctrine by the Holy Bi ble. May God hayo mercy on the soul of such a man who will advocate such a doctrine and then say it is not my doctrine but the doctrine of the Lord Jesus. In coming to tho word of God to ro ceivo its testimony, wo must come in a spirit of candor and not seize upon cer tain toils and twist tbem iuto hooks to hang our pet theories on. Wo must look fairly at the general scope of tbo whole volume. No ono will dare do ny th3t tho aim of this book is to ele vate man, and not to dograde him; to purify biro, and not to poison him. Tlia whole tendonoy of tho Bible is to ward sobriety and self denial; no virtue was more persistently preaohed by Christ and his Apostles than tbo virtue of self denial; no sin is mnro condemn ed than the sin of solf indulgence. The Bible was given to load men up towards Heavou, and not to lead them towards arunkeoness anddamnatiou. I therefore assort that from tho begin ning of Genesis to tho end of Revela tions tbo whole spirit of God's word is in favor of entiro abuinenoa from every practico which tends to destroy tho human body or soul, aud this is exactly what the liquor traflio does aud the idea of n man that claims to bo a Christian,to try to prove by the Bible that this traflio in strong drink is right is ridiculous. And if Mr. Derr could bco himself as others seo him a; he stands on the question ho would never again oxpose his ignoranoa to an en lightened and thinking public. Now Mr. Dorr if you have any regard for yourself, and respect for religion and auy lopo of reaobing heav -n don't try again to mix Bible aud whiskey for they wont mix. Yours for tho right W. B. G., Millvillo Pa. J. O. A. Word is engaged upon statue of Henry Ward Beecher for ProBpeot Park, Brooklyu. It will be of heroic size, and will show tbo sub . feet drossed in his charaoteristio man nor. The grauito pedcHal, to bo do- sicnoJ by R. M. Hunt, will be nine feet high. At either sido of the pe destai; will be bronzo figures. At the loft a young negrcei will bo seou lay ing a paiin-ieai at air. jieeouere ieei At the right will bo figures of two white ohlldron. Elderly Female "I shall probably never marry. My afllanoed fell in battle.'' The Major "Waterloo J" THE COLUMBIAN AND All Sorts of Paragraph.. Limn, O., hns a colored woronti wlio turning wlilto. Mr. Kb Collins, of Wnrrcn, l'a. Tlioro nro C32 widows in Youngs town, and very few of them aro en Chhaao last week annoxod throo llburlm;; l0WnH ,mvlng n lotM mma. ot neariv 70.0UU An caa the Bholl of which shows all colors of tho rainbow; is tho pro ot of an Kllsworth, Sic., hen Arthur h. Thomas, tho now Govor nor of Utah, was at ono tirao a telo grft,,, meS3ongor UOy in Pittsburg, Charles Payne, of Waynesburg, Pa., carries in his bcily 11 buokshot re ceived during tho .war. Its a riddle bow ho lives. A ton of ropo maJo from tho hair of dovoat womon of Japan has been used building a 33,000,000 temple to Buddha at Kioto. 0n February 2 last II. M. Stokes, jr. j0,, gtorted a oostal card on a tour nroumi tho world. Ho received it jiay v,a gan Franoisoo, Jhn Burkctt, 0f Wamory Mark, Pm was hauling a load oi coflins from the depot, whon his horse ran off, Ptod him out and piled a wreck of ?1llins ." l"P of lum Ho will bo soro for weeks. Qeorco and Lewis Laug, of Dunkirk, whilo spoariiiR in tho Canadaucy, struck a 10 pound fish which proved to bo a bag;, and of dark yellow, shaded almost to black on tho back. Tho first baseman of n nino of a school near Wheeling, W. Va., in;a game of ball tho other day was kicked in tbo oyo by a runner. Tho damage was slight. The runner must nave been making somo wonderful cvolu tions to accomplish such a feat. At Nevada, Mo., E. Williams, aged 50, was married to flues liottio uaker, aued 15. 1 he groom is a tanner in good circumstances, whilo tho bride is the daughter of a man who lost his all in a trip to Kansas and is now camping on tbo ocme ot that city. This is Williams1 fourth matrimonial venture, .,. !iii hv hln lw at dunk tho Qlh6r evcn;nR it.arii a whirring noise bovo him. and found lodned in his ,r. 1nna . .lmld of Tn hiia heading nortij. Tho trees whioh are very tall. nniMrxntW ninnnri Ihntr fl iht.. ' -rr J " ir . o He;Caught one, a fuzzy yellow bug. Tho poorest memory on record is that of the fellow tried for burglary in Brooklyn the other day. Ho testified that ho had never been arrested before but when his memory was jogged by certain evidence, admitted that he had a dim recollection being convicted of murder once and a 20 years' sentence. The game killed last season on nine estates belonging to Prince Schwarzen berg, in Silesia, Saxony, Bohemia and Upper Austria, was 54,450 head, in cluding 27,570 hares, 19.G87 patriges, 3,172 wild duoks, 335 red deer, 1,358 r.oe deer 109 woodcocks and 95 fallow deer. The French poodle belonging to ex- rau on the track .in lront ot the ap- proaching electno car several times, but was driven off. Finally ho made a dash and was caught by tho wheel, charged with enough electricity to kill an elt-nuant. lie gave ono jelp and i died. Whilo a couplu of Easton sisters wero eating breakfast alono a few mornings ngo, their mother being ab sent in New York, tlmy wero startled at hearing a tramp, wlio had got in unobserved and slept all night in tho attic, stalked into the room, gavo them glance and then passed out without a word. Alter ono of tho Sunday schools in Now York had baen dismissed last Sunday tho teaohcr weut to count the collection aud found but six cents, somo bad boys in the school having rilled tho box. The soholars of tint Sundiy sohool BO)m to havo bettor principles than somo churohgoers, judging from tho fact that no buttons wero lound in toe box. Israel Stoops, who a few days ago fell from a roof, ditd at Los Angelec. Shortly before his dissolution tbo man said to his wife: When my soul leaves my body and enters tho other world I will let you know by crossing my hands upon my breast." Ho kopt his word and died immediately aftor giv ing tho sign. Wm. Roiieuts. M. D Physioian to the Manchester, Etig., Infirmary and Lunatio Hospital, professor of Medi. cine in Owen s College, saye: ''Gradu al failure of Btrength, inoreased pallor or sa'lowness, aud disinclination lor exorcise is ono of the prominent symp. toms of kidnoy dUeao." Warner's Safe Cure is tho only remedy that is guaranteed to care kidnoy disease. An Akrou, O., man removed a tat tooed design from tho back of his hand in an original way He got a number ot long needles, whicli ho drovo along just under the surface of tho skin, pretty close together. Then ho held n caudle to tho ends of the needles till Uiey cot hot enough to oook tho tottooing thoroughly. Next diy ho wiped the devico off with his band aud found no scar. A fortunate and Grateful Woman- Mrs. J. II. Gile, of Everett, Pa , says: "1 havo sultcred for yeais from Kidney and "ravel trouble. No pbysi cian? or medicine at homo did me any good. 1 hnallv vwteil my form home nt Jiondnut, M. x., and began uslug Dr. Uaviil Kennedy s favorite Kemedy, ot Jfondout, Zi. . A fow words tell the result I am a perfectly well and happy woman once nioro, may 24-41 A Georgia paper says that Alfred Danlol, of Douglas county, is eighty two years old, was never in bed at gun up, nover lost a tooth, has been to six log rollings this year, lifts moro than most men, often indulges in coon and oossuni hunting, has I ecu a dno'u in th9 Primitive Baptist Church tor fifty eight yeais, was never drunk in his life, and an oath has never twined his lips. He is tho father of twenty-ri children lifteen now living has i0V' enty graudchildren. A Safe Guard Always on duty. Thousands make a practice of taklnn Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Hemodv. of Roundout. li. Y.. when. ovor they havo symptoms of poHible sicklies?, ana through tho prompt ac tion of this remarkable medicine tbey are really uever ill. It Is a porfeot safe guard against all forms of ma'aria, sick and nervous headache, palpitation, J dyspepiia and heartburn. 5-2.ft 42,760 Advertisers. Tlio edition of I'iiintkrV Ink for .liino 1st will bo -1!2,7"iO coliks. Tho American Meroantilo and Collection Association, in a book called tbo "Am erican Advertiser Reporter," prints a list ot it7,oU2 persons, corporations and firms who aro assorted to bo nuwspapfr advertiser.. Upon that list thero ap pears 3,109 names which mo already on tho subscription list for Piuntkhs' Ink. Consequently, it will require an odition of 34,727 copies to permit ol sending n sample copy to every namo "In tho "American Advoitlsir Report er1' viilcli Is not already a subscriber for PntNTKiis' Ink. If to 31,727 wo add 7,611, wlrch is tho exact number of names now on tho subscription list of printers ink, wo havo a total of -12, 239 eopio. Tho f12 extra copies will bo a sufficient nllowanco for office uso and makes up a total editicn of 42,750 copies. Small advertisements for tho edition of Pkinteus' Ink for Juno 1st will bo received at iwcnty-fivo cents n lino : but tor pasc-advertisemcnts in that issue fifty dollars will bo charged. The paso price of $25 for inserting a pago advertisement will do suspended tor tho edition ot Juno 1st, although lor advertisements contracted to ap pear by tlio quarter or year no extra oharge will bo made. Advertisement intended for tho edition of Juno 1st roust bo in hand not later thau May 2! Address all orders to Guo. P. Rowki.i. fc Co., Publishers, 10 Spruce street, New ork. Pishing in Alaska is cood if n Caua, ilian gentleman reoenlly visiting tlicro tells tbo truth. Ho says that at U on- nass Narrows he saw a creek so crowd ed with salmon that tho surlaco was actually blackened with their backs and dorsal fins. In somo places they were crowded so closely that they could hardly move, and could be piok- ed out of the water oy uanti. ai a canning establishment he siw 8,000 fish just taken, waiting treatment, and in ono oaso ono draught ot a seine brought to shoro 2,500 salmon. RHEUMATISM fM Mra than Twenty-flre Year. A Cm plete HeooTery. Tfc Menus Ued. bd Inflimmitory Rheum t Urn. Tor Cewlr ft yeu I hid to bo 131x1 turned In bed. Icouldnnd no mum. M Btomftcb. ru rulcea aDd rut to plecM with powerful medicines taken to effect a cut so tint I vu compelled to lire on bread and water. I suffered for twontrflve years In this way. I was In dueed to try Dr. Darld Kennedy's Farorits llemedy, mads at Rondout, N. T., and I Am Now Well, thanks; to this medicine. Dr. Kennedy's Farorlts Bsmedr Is mr beat friend. Vlth it I am enabled to enjoy a (rood nUht'a rest. Also food, such as meat and pastry, which I hare been deprived of for years, showing1 that tho rarorlte Remedy has no equal for tha cure of Indigestion and Dyspepsia oa well. If any should doubt this statement I "will send ths ready proof at once. Garrett Lanslnjr, Troy. N. T. s It Is my pleasuro aud absolute duty toward tnota who are atrwrgltnff for Tcry life against the deadly Diseases of tho Kidneys to add my testimony to ths already weighty ert donee of the wonderful efficacy of Dr, Darld Konne. dTsFarorlte llemedy. My wife was a hopeless case, abandoned by the physicians. Dr. Darld Kennedy's Tarorlte Remedy was resorted to; not beeauso any Lops was placed In it, but because nothing else re mained. All means and medicines bad been tested without avail. The effect was little short of a mira cle. At the second bottle she bad regained strength and continuing the treatment haa folly recovered. ( Jay Bwset, Albany. N. T. FAVORITE REMEDY.1 tiMOudollu. PnrMfcl Eondcmt, K X,1 , Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. DR. DATID KENNEDY, RONDOUT, N. T. IperbotUt Six ford. Er U drnntiti. UThe Greatest Blood Purifii KINUWIM. Th! Great Gorman Mcdlclnola cheapest and best. 123 doses ot SUl.' I'lIUll lllTTKltsiortl.oo,ies.inan ono cent n uoeo. jt wm euro uu worst CA6CS of akin disease, from a common rdmrdo on tho tacei to that awful ilfwaso Scrofula. a SUU'min BITTEHS la the best medlrlno to uso In all eases of eucli stubborn nnlVour Kid deep seated diseases. Doneyaarcout not ever takO nfnnlrr.TT&n I BLUE PILLS ?."i'.!:."uHa or mercury, they aro ar"ttr'!Si tho purest and beat'ou,uso meillclno ever i outdo. W$Mn Uitti 1 iiyooiioDgueuoaiea - rrj wltha yellow6tIckyDon't wait rrotll you M suustaneer isyourvnru unuuiuu)wuih,ui breath foul andaro Bat ou your back, offensive f Vonrbut get some at once. It stomach Is outwlll euro you. Sulphur of order. UsoIlttters Is sni.iMinu M. . r .1 Q l,ITTE,tgiuoiium0xwcu..gj ib your Lr-tenng aro soon roaueweu uy Ino thick,ita uee. ltemomber what you ropy, clo.rtad here, It may save your Uiy, orjtfe, It has paved hundreds. i i wait uoui iu-tmunw( Try a Bottle To-day ! E3 Arft vnu low.Bnlrlted ami weak. For suffering from the excesses of Vouth? If w, bULPUUU 1UTTKU3 euro you Reml s 2ent .iannia to A. P. Onlway A Co., lloeton, Mass,, for best medical work publUbcar The owner of this horse uses the ii Ironsides Sheet for the stable. It keeps the horse clean and ready for driving and saves an hour s work each day. CA l' n...l... OlaulTVim. 5A Ironsiues Sheet jss"2?wa! la SUbU. 5A Clipper Fly Nets 'sjjks,"' ClulltUlUiu at HR Ul Clt, I 100 other stvles of 5A Ilorso Bhecta and Fly Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For I sale by all dealers. If you can t get them, BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE CJA LABEL Manut'd by Wv, Aykcb rkjxs, Phllada., wlio make the famous llwsw lirand Uaker lilankcts. rni7rn axle i rnHLCIlGREASE HENT IK TIIK wniii.n. irtac qnallUea ar uuurrjawul, aetnallr r two boin cf j other lirtad. hoi scU tnanasaii am uf'ltrt utatrail , "i .- . .. May U-Mt. DEMOCRAT. Sweat-Groan-Growl. Wti.Mti.lt tab. exptcted of th. old fiihlontd w.jr of bliellng the hoe.t Try lS new wtjr by tiling WOLFF'S IM Blacking and tha dirty talk becomes a cleanly casure. Wolff'sAOMEBlacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH. Shed. Water ot Snow. Shoe.canbewtilitd clean, requiting drtiilng only one. a Week for men. once a Month for women. II li alio an Elegant llarnei. Drt.tlng. W0LFF4 RANDOLPH. Phlladelpbli BLOOD, L1VEU AND KIDNEY PURIFIER. Now is tho appointed tlmo for thoroughly cleansing tlio ByBtem from nil impiiritiep, and all will And that tho Curtis Compound will t-xnotly fill tho bill. It has stood tho tct of 22 years and ils sales nro larger than ever, ovory year. Prioo 60o. and 1.00. Eon Sai.b By James II. Mercer. DRUGGIST, BixjOMsnuna, Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undersigned having been re stored to health by simple mean?, after sueffring for soveral years with asovere lung affection, ami that dread disease Conmjmition, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To thoso who defire it, ho.will cheerfully send (free of char e) a copy of the proscription used, which they will find a uro cure for Consumition, Asthma, Catauuii, IIuoncihtis and all throat and luug Mai.adiks. He hopes all sufferers will try his llemedy, as it is invaluable. Thoo desiring the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and may prove a b'essing, will please addres-", Hkv. Euwakd A. Wil son, Williamsburg, ivuiga county, Now York. A-it-co.-deo-7-ly GWKE INSTJRA-NCE PTIKIKTIANF, KNArT.BLOOMSBrRG.PA. HOME, OP N. T. MERCHANTS' .OP HBWARK, N. J. CLINTON, N. Y. PEOPLES' N. Y. nBAnivn. PA. ORHMAN AMERICAN INS. CO..NEW KOKld OHKBNWICIl INS. CO.,NEWYORK. JBltSBY CITY PIKB INS. CO., JEKSBY CITY, N. J. These old coaroBATtONS are well seasoned by Ufa and fibk tistbd and havo never yet had a lossBettled by any court ot law. Their assets are tlllnvestedln solid sicuritiib are liable to the aiardotriRaonly. , Losses feomptly and honkstlt adjusted and laid as Boon as determined by caaismM r. tuirp, aricitL aokxt and adjcstik iiloomsbcm, The people of Columbia county should patron ize the agency where losses It any are settled and tall Dy ono nrmer own citizens. 1 PKOMPTSBSa. KOCITY. FAIR DBALENO PENSIONS ! PENSIONS ! TT. 5 PRVSInSlluo manv OFF1CZR8. SOLDIKRS, Saiuiks, their Widows, Childki.n and DaranDSNT Intomiation wanted, write here, now asninifion, I), o , or other Agency so advantageous as this N. I arkNtb everywuero. ii in uuuut. ui iujifcuwvu MrThousands ot renslons aggregatlne millions of dollars, obtained through this Agency, and others Uowcddally.a I Addre'swUblwottamps JAMU F. 1(U1.1PU, Coumelor at Law, S24B. State SL, Trenton N.J. (Late U. S. Pension Agent, N. J. Brt. Urte. oen'L) tr-itererstoGov., U. a. sen's and M. Ca N. J., Posts G. A. It., and Pensioners all U 8., Camtda tc. Feb i&-r-4t Bit $U witcn U U worW. I . rnio. 4tlUUBf mill JkDil toU'iii,wUh worfc ud riMi of qul val. 1 One Penan liMck l- ,oblt cf Household Will ! """ . . V.. atari aftrr ou kT kl thtn In yoor hora for 9 mvoitt n ,w4Zrl l. G. SLOA & BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manufacturers ot ,CARRIA0ESiBU0GIES,:PH&ETNS SLE10HS, PLATFORM WAQJ(S':C FlratTtlasswora: always on hand. REP A NEA 7L YDONh. Pricti reduced to wit ihr timet. FAT veats ana i ruuo Alarms uuiuiutu,M,u . ,vu sluessconducted for MOUKIt TE FEES. OUIl Ol'PICB IS OPP'SlTE U. B. PATENT Wect. hence can tranaaet. patent business In leaa uufnu vi'a hiwnn cuh.nr,nnlefL all nuaino&a wasnmgton. . w .- Send model, drawing, or photo, with description, iv ndviso If uatentaDle or not. free ot charge, imeuuu uvluu wa, imu iiwbw ,vu.Vv..v. I An fAA nnr ritiA till nnrpntm HAeured. A lok,i'HowtoObtalnPaieats,"wlthreferense8 o actual clients In yonr state, couniy, or umu, ntirea. AQurcaa C. A. SNOW & CO., opposite Patent Offlce, Washington, P.C J.R. SMITH & CO. LIMITED. MILTON, Pa. UEALSR9 IN by tho (olloYlce well known makers; Clijickcrincr, Weber, llallct & Invis. Can also furnish anj' of the cheaper makes at manufacturers prices. Uo not uuy a piano oe lore getiuig our prices. Catalogue and Price lists On application, Biwt.p-ta. mm PIANOS BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. 1 Popping the Qnest'on- It was cevoii long years tinco Jonas Harris had begun to "keep company" with Miss Hannah Boll, and yet in nil that time ho had not mustered courage to prnposo a certain Important tint stlons His house was lonely and waiting, her. was lonely to bo vacated, nnd still Jonas could not bring himeu.f to speak tho decisivo wotds. Many n timu he had walked up to her door with the courage of a lion, only to find himself a very mouse when she appeared. On making his usual nppeaiaiice ono right the hearth was swept, tho tiro burned brightly, and Mips Hannah wns adorned with smiles nnd n red bow. Conversation went serenely on for an hour or fo, nnd thin, when tin y both rat paling red-cheeked npphs with great contentment, Jonas began to call upon his recollections. "lis n goml many years, nu t it, Hannah, since ynu nnd I first set herit "res, n gcol tnuy. "I wonder if I shall bo seltln' hero thi llmo anott f r year?'' "iUaybo I shan t bo nt home, l'er haps I shall go out to p ;tid tho even ings ni) self," said Miss Hannah brikly. This wns a blow, indeed, and Jonns ftlt it. "Where!" he ensped. "Oh, I don't know," sho returned, beginning to qunrter lior apple. ''1 might bo out to ten over to your house, for instance. "Hut there wouldn't bo nnvbody ovtr there to get supper for you." 'innybo I oouul get it tnysell.' "So you could! so you oouldl" cried Jouas, his eyes beginning to eparkle, "Hut there wouldn't bo nnybody to cook tho pies nnd ctkes beforehand." "Maybe i could cook em. ' At that moment Jonas's platu fell between his knees to tho hearth and broke In two, but neither of them no ticed it. "Hannah," cried ho with pont-np emphasis ot seven long years, "could you bring yourself to think of gettiu' marricdl A Blow srailo ourved her lips: surely she had given him considerable time lor consideration. "Maybe I could," bIio returned de inurth; mid Jonas admires liimt-elf to this day for leading up to the subject ho cioveiiy, Jxeio lorc Mercury. Don't Qet Caught This spring with your blood full of impurities, your digentiou impaired, your appetite poor, kidneys and liver torpid, and whole system liable to be prostrated by disense but gft your self into good condition, nnd ready for tho cliuuglng and warmer wetlher, by taking-Hood's S.irsaparilla. It stands tint quailed for purifying tho blood, giving nn appetite, and lor a general spring medicine. The Oprara Habit in Washington. Oco of the leading physicians of tho National capitol rcmaiked to me today that if a brand w.n on tho forehead of every women who used opium iu somo form, society here would no to pieces. He attributes this frightful condition of atli.iii-s to th" dissipated life led ht ro by the women ot tbo upptr lenoom Tho endless round of balls and iceep tioi'S is such a strain upon them that they must seek relief in some way. They becin by taking a sooihiua; syi up, as a rule, to put them to sleep. Tins after a whilo fails to act, then pare cono is roorttd to. prom tins it is only a step to pure opium and absolute ruin. Some people buy the crudo gum and oat it rtuularlv every day, while others buy lau 'anum and drink it in quarter ounce an I even ounce portions And then Mitre aro Dover's powders and morphiue pills, both of which act raDitily. and ispeciallv the litter Tho habit seems mote of a disease than a ice, for tho whole nutiuo of the vie tim undergoes n complete revolution, moral, mental, and nhvHeal. Aftoi a short time the victim wi'l t-aeritito lion friepds and family f r the fatal rue, Thero is no cu e, lor eteiiwo nvlums fail to ellhrt a purmaticrr ciro except in rare iiHta1 ce; Washington JMler. Invalid and Sacramental Wmoj Sneer's Unfermented Grsp" Juiuj U pmo unintoxxant wino from the fin est native grown l'orttir pes. special Iv for the use of Ch'i-lhu Cliurohc, prefcrved from fresh and pure juieo ,'H it is pressed trom iho grai o;uid guar anteed to rt tain ils pr.Uefid flavor and esiential qualities unimpaired for any period. Much used for evening parties aud ii.valids who do uot use stimu lants. Husband "This is a pretty go." Wif. "What is the matter 1" Husband "Some ono has gone and daubed ink on my new penwiper.'' tloHpltal lleiiicitteH. What nto they ? Tlio crowtli o( lnlelll- irent'H In medical matters lias clven rUo to a nemHnil tor n cuiss tu geninne, reiinuic meillcines. The upportnully of tlio Igiinr- j nntntiack. wuocrow ncu curinKevcryininc out of a tlugle bntllo has pustil. To supply satisfactorily nils tienianu tuis nstoi reme dies has been created They are thofuvnr lie wescilntions of the inoel fhtnous nwili- cal prnctioners of Iho day, Rntheied from the liospltuls ot London, Purls licrliu and Vlenua. Prescriptions which cost tuo patients of these specialists from $33 to !00, are hero ouumi, prrpareu anu reauv for use, at the nomlual price of One JhlUir Each. Not one of then is a cure all j each ono has only the rensonaliln powtr of curing a single disease and each ono keeps ils con, tract. Hufferers from Cntarih, Dniwcd Lungs, llronclillls, Asthma, L,on9iiiiipllon, Ilheumatlsm. DveDOPSia, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Fever and Acne, Ni-uraluls, t cmalu weaKnees, i.eucorrn(ca, orxifrvoui Debility, should fend stamp for dctcripilvo catalogue to Hospital Hemiily Co , No, 8)3J West King St., Torouto, Oanada. If your druggist does not keep ihcsu remedies remit price anu we win senu turret ireu ot duty. Out of tho uroastworks. Tate Swings, Tenn., July 4, 188? The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, CJa,: Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I tried a physician, the best at command, bat secured no benefit. My throat began to get sore, and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I ftlt that my grave must be reached In the near future. I gave up the doctors' treat ment, and with a despairing hope I com menced taldng your medicine. I began to Improve from the first bottle, and in a short time the ulcers healed, and my sldn cleared cfl and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed In rqy system. The physician did his best, but could not cure me ; but two bottles of Swlf t's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. II. Robinson. Kaufman, Tex., June 33, 18S8. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.i Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a sVin disease for about twelve years, and the U.t medical treatment tailed to give me re lief, I am now using Swift's Specific, and have received the greatest benefit from Its use. Yours truly, Wm. Jones. For sale by all druggists. Tin Swirr Sncmc Co., Drawer , Atlanta, Ga. New York, 756, Broadway. Mdra, Ka., Saaw Mb, PERRINE'S ...iS- Dlimun from selected ll.trley Malt and Kuatantccd 0M1K'c"f p,? nnd treerrom Irtjurlous oils and sclds often contained In .S'Vl W being c.pecmlly adanted to perwns requiring A stlmti at o ig tonic, y.sBuElrauretif rroatlr benentted by lis use. ltccommeiidcd by lentlliig rhrlc'n sP5,,,tNK!J Kervlno, Tonic and Allerntue. Por 1'onsutnmhen JJSSLjAS'iiSSS PUUB llAltLUV .MALT WIIISKBV Insurcj a relurno t vigor to tho stomtt ch, a B ooa appetite, a rich nnd abundant blood and Increased nesTi and .""'"".ff'ai? iftllnuiant mild and gem lo In crrect. liyspcpsla, W on and all w'S'Jftit,,. oaws ct bo OMtlrely eoii(uercd by the use nr errlnu s I ''"W" " "n vmli tlton o anauiureuunnaapow t0 tJ i f sJVlW ' Malt his S KTiisKa'-'fl I''"15 i' Ilmpnal 10 tlllfoauou. i M,RV MALT undiilv stltnulalinif Far neiB Incieris-'s their ll.tgnlng activity, enmteraeet theplfe-ts ot f.ttl'ii, has tens ronvalesjonco and ts a wholesome and proniptlHuiotlo iVatcb tholabi 1 Nona genulno ml8. bearing tho slgna Pol tsttie uj all nrugglu and grocers througliout the united states and Canada. 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORTH WATER ST., TOH3ALE DV UUUOawrS AND ALL 1) BALK IIS. FENNY (itfbm A SPKCIALTV. BOLK 10JSTE FOR P. P. AUAMH fi CO., PINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of the fol lowing brands of Cigars. IIKNKr CLAY, LOXD11ES, NOISMAL, Vf 1 I a trn i wl A i mm WIlULEtlAI.E DEALEltS IN SCARS, TOBACCO, FRUITS AND NUTS. HOLE AGENTS Kill 11ENBY MAILLAEDS SCA.NDIES. . FHESII VERV WEEK. Blocmsbuvg, Pa. INDIAN PIUNCESI SAMSON, HILVBlt ABU, i HEALER IN WINES AND LIQUORS AND JOBBER IK CIGARS. BLOOMSBURG, PA. IIBUCIMIITS -IN- ); and Music - nnrn (iiimnnn laiiuis, uiMiid, Bloomsfourg, a. Triple Coated J STnOUD33URR PA, Ow Ap-SSd 4t DR. THEEL rOQ AOUT1I VOl UTU lrd byilclaa, and iur?"on,Jia ift-nului tt-jdiBBt apfclBtltt (nqtuatt'T l wthcra l ay aim) Ub vurm J'rHilful uj Iurwi'fMU HtiilUt lzpcrlcuvu iplohi and t nHoKl uv.t r Afl IU.OOI) 1'OIHON, 1IOT1I bVX. ImwiDl run reabt r ell, Fltl'l- noMi. jii.(Ti in s iiMi'i.r:H. oiuriNAir, VlA KlK Nirruua 1-iblUty, J-.t i HmIIIj . li-ruj ebktructloRa laOantwatlwij uf KIJui y, lilgtldtr nd olbcr urg:iua 'I hruut I.UVcUwh. Mrlutihhu'y Mbara wnd Avrnloit toNtMUiy, llrluliU IMacnao JJJ i ntiaaeipui, ra. l(-fkiur t:rj.iluttt n ana rucu UTlUf kldoer rili'i blrtdUtf or lU'hluc, Itjapcp- ala Abuae qui, (wImbow drui, buI. iur aBrdl)r curad tucnicMi.a-l dava. ltllr at tba uiitat atubborn eae aaliclled. Itr. Thrl ' Hit AU1IO VI 14 !( ivuvaviw v PUrtl u t vuo, iiuJUd Ltmi of Btdleliia. and If coinbialna iba aama la prtctua ba aurta bcr oibtra fajL Ir. Tbert ani auSureri talon eo pound plila, veitiibla iu marca, tiw purifleti and iub rtr&ra lleoi aatneb d j Bui curt, DtiiMea ara dlfi"r cut la Datura proitT' and brnea rautraa aaUttilba trtataenl, Mndiun.i itt bnok Trutbi tba rallabla aaadlcaj IrtalUt u hpiclal and hrrroua lHaar, aadaipaalof ibaBitMb it Jtwiuditn la tba form of Maaaaua, Aftoalaa C imrai lot' mi. a, and lO-callad X.' iMii.1 tikitini,! .tid Lfltr I. f, ,ibi. th i, ivtn. tL. tuu,r Kf,ueuiiuita,aif iaki-i if dlacni sffmr.Uu. I If u deprlTt.g th.u uf tU h icmiu.Clii lUu vbilM of dt., r ..nti.u lit r ur 11-t.mi, llr.'fliM'i Lu no cqa.1 .ud lit. K a tr FH'i ih.t .r. .him? U vonb n.r. t t.S.r.rt thi. M lli. tra. ...luluit,..,, liiiuttti .d prbialfM wtiic. .r. d.tlj ifftf.d tul iikd.m kpt Sirloilr .uuddeaU.1 Wriuore.il. Tn.u.uid, of tt.ilnuuia la tbi vtn, llewi. Slot, od f too. Wod, KTCthUlllt. t.kfcooiIi.Ulllll'.U. Biol.j.UUL WIALT WHISKE Y. rlUV"ntlSopcn.ir.irtw ' revives tho energies of thuso worn acts as a safeguard against exposure .lA-ln.iu rtlbnn.a trnin tllS SVBtCm, hnm a wficninrv lite renders prone to juvniu J, llio analysis WW "', S VB bel on every bottlf! 1 have c arefully anB ilyiied thoPCBS lURur Miw JJ'a;B hkv mado by .M. & J. K Mrrl nd nndl it entirely free trom fittd oll,furfurol.6 linetals and acids and Is abol ulelj" pure.-Slo7irt, 1-amtlla Arthur ilal'rM liiiftiiniid HffJtwden I ivniti i, i. I WIUSKKY the kid- PHILA ANV OIIDKH FOll FESTIVAL) will be SUPPLIED WITH TUB LOWEST Market Prices, as follows: ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTS! CHEAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. Scwini Machines. -AT- - Warerooms J 8. WUiLIAMH, AUOTIONEEH. I " UI.OO JISUUIIO, 1'A. ' eal Estate 3:u2ht and Said. r ti nes iii-siring lo buy bout s and wagons uu ikii in rim un u, u iii.ove. SHORT-HAND AfjO TYPE-VRIT.NG. llandredi li. UVpnuplliMu, I11J1M, .ml nuw e.m III 1. fcflllO u Mom; .d?nviueiit u r.iJJ Are uu tired o juur iiocuuuloDt Lru bhortlunl, IU. man.; .uiit lll r.lara uLDjiuiu iii..it.tipin.btuna !lV""!""l by .tltill for lK.m .tudr. rillloi. X 0. k. raiiua, f,t., im cumint t , rwiipff Mar r.d-lt CATARRHS: a or .1 In nay otaKe, acute or cliroulc, al.o Tl"it. Aloviyir who t4 Catarrh ly curM. UlL'h i,im.ii,.i ....t...!. m jn, uucovora a cure wli lea li Callio nr harmful able. fur rlreular with lon(i,VSfi.ir Bcoreo I'lireu, UtujfUu t,v 1 mall, iiin ro. Apr. i-Mt. TIIK UOLUhtUlAN Bros o n 0 Woven Wire Fencing STEEL wine Wiro nopasoivago ' Z MM n nv-B snn j.mii n.iMto mt-ht MM br mm After V.l'r i Znt rsmnilT rAl, information rr. Feb sj 0 0 w.l.lt. nil NmlnrMrhlnr' niHsr Afar mtfttlnMl, til MwlDr-Snrhln mad Ib i world, ffllK tl b fttllcbmtats, 9 Will ! n(J ftr coitiplf 1 oaf4r cpvtlr and valDtbl. art umpi'i in rviam w inn 701a hnw what wi ifnd. ta tbot hr -it rail at fvt hema, and afltr a tnOniDIklKDBil ;wni jr wb ,prrtrtt, 7Ml rrat nithlna ta rrmrlaanar Ut Nlnarr ttent. en nt ran BBiinrion paivnia 11 tlH told tgflO.1, wtib Iba urhmvnta. and new aIla for iMmarblne in b -arid- All U mtrtt. No capital tqalml. ruin. curt fre tha Cm I wlnff-mathliia la tha world, and Iba 'A'itlJ-C V CO., ilox 140 AukmIu, Almue. Janti-csf OHATKFUIj COMFOHTING. EPP'S COCOA. HUEAKPABT. "Ilv a thorouali knowlodire of the natural laws which govern tho orcratlons ot digestion ana nnrHHnn nnA hv n enrrfnl annllcatlon ot tho flno properties of well selpctert 1 ocoa, Mr, Eppshas provided our breakfast tahlcs with a delicately Have-red beverage w hlch may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It ts by tlio Judicious uso of such articles of diet that a constitution may bo gradual, lv built up unlllstiong enough to resist every ten. dency to dl eano. Hundreds of subtlo maladies aro floating around us rcdy to attack wherever thero Is a weaK point. We may escape many a fatal shatt by keeping ourselves well fortified with puro blood and a properly nourished trnme,"-Cltll sercli-e Uaiette. Jlndo simply with bolUng water or milk. Mill only In hall pound tins, by Uroccrs, labelled thus 1 james kits CO., Homoeopathic Chemists, OCt 2G-U-GU UUIHXVU, iuiguiuu. RAILROAD XXM TABLE -pvELAWAKE, LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBUEG DIVISION. STATIONS. BEST Mr-'-MliiiT swim, pa A, u. a, v 1 US 10 10 tl 15 10 45 C 80 .... 10 88 6 34 1 68 10 SO 6 40 S! 14 10 63 6 CH 2 19 11 CO 7 05 2 il 11 07 7 12 3 29 11 16 7 (0 .... 1123 7 ST .... 1120 7 31 11 SO 7 35 2 49 . 11 87 7 42 i! 64 11 44 7 49 2 69 11 43 55 3 09 11 69 8 08 3 19 12 0S 8 17 3 SO 12 16 8 22 12 20 8 S3 3 85 12 25 8 33 3 89 12 SO 8 38 3 43 12 37 8 45 .... 12 41 8 49 12 45 8 63 3 62 12 50 8 69 3 56 12 65 9 3 4 01 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 25 ! 4 22 1 30 9 P M P X SOUTH. 1 M ru pa 9 60 2 05 8 0 9 65 .... C25 10 00 2 14 6 30 10 08 2 21 6 87 10 16 2 28 6 45 10 82 2 84 6 60 10 27 2 39 5 65 10 80 ... 8 59 10 34 2 47 7 03 10 38 2 60 7 07 10'42 2 54 7 12 10 47 2 59 7 16 10 61 8 03 7 21 10 65 8 06 7 23 11 02 3 19 7 43 11 12 S 29 7 65 11 22 3 39 8 07 11 28 8 45 8 13 11 37 3 61 8 20 3 67 8 27 11 49 4 01 8 31 11 62 4 05 8 85 11 69 4 12 8 41 18 05 4 18 8 47 12 10 4 24 8 62 12 15 111 8 67 12 30 4 46 9 15 4 64 9 23 12 40 6 00 9 S8 MIA 6.15 9 45 KM T U r II NORTIICMBEKUMn C 40 Cameron 6 Chulasky 0 00 Danvlllo C Oil Catawlssa o 25 Ilupert 0 8" Ksnr... itioemsuurK u 0 42 0 60 II M G t,S 7 m 7 11 ume mage. Willow Orovo Brlarcreck' .. ltprwlcx lieacn Haven Kick's Ferrv. 18 Uhlck-Bhlnny 7 no uuniocK'H t I'l Nantlcoko 7 60 Avnndale 7 51 rirmouth 7 6 l'ljmoutli Junction,.... 8 03 Kingston 8 os Bennett s 12 Maltby 8 17 Wyomlnir 8 22 West llttbton 8 27 Ilttston .'. 8 33 Lackawanna 8 40 Tavlorvllle 8 48 llellevuc 8 64 Sckanion 9 00 V M STATIONS. A M SCKANTON 6 10 llellevuc 6 16 Taylorvllle 6 20 Lackawanna. 6 23 I'lttston 6 86 West HUston 6 42 Wyoming 8 47 Maltby s 61 Dennett 6 65 Kingston 6 58 I'lyraouth Junction 7 05 Plymouth 7 10 Avonaale 7 14 Nantlcoke 7 19 Hunlock's 7 26 stilckshlany 7 47 iiicK's rerry. 7 os Beach Haven 8 01 Berwick 8 07 Unarcrcek 8 13 willow drove 8 16 Llmo ltldgc 8 20 Espy 8 26 Blootnsburg .. 8 82 import H 87 Catawlssa 8 '2 Danvlllo 8 67 Chulasky 9 03 Cameron 9 07 MORTnCMBEKLlXU 9 22 A M Keadln Itallroad for Tnmonend. Tamnnua. will. prl. Willi Pli lflrfplnhln jtr lamsport, suubury. rotisville, rtc. At Northum berland with J", & E. Plv. T. It. II. for HarrtMiurir, r. ualhiiau, uen. man., Fcranton, Pa Pennsylvania Railroad. w Philadelphia & Erie R. R, Divis ion, and Northern Central Railway. IM! TIME TABLE. In effect may 12. 1SS9. Trains leavo SULbmy EASTWAHD 9.40 a. ra.. !-'Ca Shore ExnreKS MntH- exeent "I .ii-w iu,,,, i.uii,,buiij nuuAHC, Sunday), rornarrtrtmre andlntermcdlatcstatlons, arriving at rhllaaelphla3.i5r. in.: New York, 5.60 p. m. ; Baltimore, 2.60 p. m. : Washington, 4.oop. m., connecting nt Philadelphia for all Sea Shoro points. Through passenger coach to a uituuniiuia. , ., , , . 1.43 p. m. Pay Express dally except SundayJ.forllarrlsburgand in lermo dlaie stations, arriving at Philadelphia 6.50 p. m. ; New York, 9.85 p. m. j Baltimore 6.45 p.m.! Washington, s.to p. in. Parlor car through to Philadelphia and passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 8 00 p. m. lienovo Accon-modation (dally forllarrlsbuig and alllntermedlate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.23 a. in. j New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore. 6.15 a, m. : Washington 6 SO a. m. ; Pullman slceplngcarfrom llarrlaburc to Philadel phia and New York. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. 1.60 a. m.-Erte Hall (dally) for Harrlsburg and intermediate stations, arnvlng at Philadelphia 0.50 a. in. New York, 9.S0 a. m.; Through Pullinan Bleeping ears and pasbecger coaches to Phlladel phln. a.tOa. m. Southern Exprebs (dally) for Ilarrls bur and lnti medial o stutu rp arrlvlDgat Beltt inoie 7.ao, and Wastilrgton 6.45, and through Pull -lamiHo plngcarstolialt'm-ioand Washington, and tlnougi- passenger coaches to Baltimore. WKSTWAIUJ. s.ioa. m.-Erie Mall (dally), for Erie aDl atf Canandalgua at d intermediate stations, Itoches ter, Buffilo i ,d Niagara Falls, with through Pull man Pai i 'eoars and uasiengorooaches to Erie ana ltoinr-ier. 9.53 Nows Express ( dally ) lor lock Haven and Intermediate stations. 1.4J p.m. Niagara Express (dally except Bun my) for Kane, farm alguaand Intermediate sta. t on?, It i hester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls with thir,ughpa9senger coat roe to Kane and Kochester and Parlor carlo Watklna. 6.30 p. in. Fast lino (dally eiccpt Sunday)for lte novo, Waiklns nnd Intermediate stations, with thrnuh psssenger coaches to Kenovo and Watklna. 10 4SP, m. Wllllamoport Exprets (Jally except Sunday) for Wllllau. tport and luteiintdlate sta tions. THltOUOn TRAINS FOlt SDNBiatY fuom thr EAST AND SOUTH. News Express leaves Philadelphia i.so a.m. Baltimore, 4.33 a. in. Harrlsburg, 8.10 a, ta. dally arriving at bunbury 9.63. a. tu. ,.,,. . Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, H.60 a. m. s W'ttbhTngton 8 10 a. m. Bal tlmoiu 9.00 a. m, (da'U except uunda) arriving at ?.v?,bu.r).'?i43 r'm" wlth through Parloi car from Philadelphia andvnrough passenger coaches from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Fast Line loaves Now i oi K 9.00 a. m, I Phlladel phla,il.50a. m. Washington, 9.60 a. in.; Haiti more. 10.45 a. m., (dally eieept Bundayl arrlvlDg at btiLburv. 6.8U p. in. with through passenger roaches trom Phlladilphla and Halifinoro W llllaUiSror Iin i ts leaves New Yolk 8 00 p. ni. p hilaae I hla 6.S1 p. m Wtshlngtou 1 60 p. m. B.iltlmoie4.i0ii. in, tuall) except Bundaj) airtv lig at heiibuij iu.8 p. ta. " Erie Mall leaves New York8.00p,m.i Phlladel. phla, HjSS p. m, ; Washington, litoo p. m. i Baltl more, 11.81, n. m., (dally) arrlvlnij at Sunbury6.10 f.'iln-I''.,fl tmP"!;!; Pulloiai: Heerlng cars from Philadelphia, dVHohlngton nrrt Baltimore and through paBtcrger coaches frc Philadelphia MUS-'"V.IIA.l,KTtl. Ar M KHMIIAUItli KAU.IIOAII AM) MlltTII ANU WKT HU NC Ktll.WAV. ,., . tHally except bunuay.) WUkeahane Mall leatcs bunbury 10.00 a.m. "flvlngat Bloom Ferry 10.43 a.m., Wllkes-barro ExprtosEast leaves Bunbury 6.85 p. m arming at Blooiur erry ii.86p. m., WllVes-barre 7.60 p. in. BuD.b!s' 4la 'MCBWllkesbariell.lT a.m.arriv ingut IHiKm Ferry 87 p. ir.,nunbury 1.30 p. m is press et taves VMlkesbarre Al5 p. m., ai vlng at IJlcom Ferry 4.80 p. m., Bunbury 6.20p. m SUNDAY TRAINS. VUkOhbarre mall leaves tunbury m.ora. m., ar rivtn at lnocm Ferry 10 48 a, m., wilkea-Barro Mihday acccmmcdatlon leaves Wilkes Darre5:I0 p. u, arming at Bloom Ferry, .S9 p.m., Bunbur 7wi p. ra, ciiAH. x. punn, j. k. wood, nuruVsn'irer uen poi.e'iio. Xf A !. vitlMcrH by scldrffdrg cicu, l. f- itowu tic cm. loiriuieft., New Toils In eockI lalth, cantilluln all nttdrd li.fonnsllon sbout tiiiy pioposed line ot DVKUHBlhU lo American Newspaper. tr ifsft-page Pamphlet, sec, NOV10r-4W,