POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of nnr ttnmgth and wliolesomeness. Moro economical ban tho ordinary Kinds, nna cannot be sold In compcutlon with tlio multitude ot low test, snort weight alum or phosphate lowdcrs. Sold only in The Columbian nrmbllsned ercry Friday. Subscription price, fl.w a j van Entered at the I'ost omco at Bloomsburg, I'a. tUi divuuu viuoa maiLii, muitii i, 1 coo. BLOOMSBURG, PA FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1880. COSRllT BilUOiD TIIIIC TillLC BLooMsnnita suluvan uailroad Taking effect MONDAY, NOVE.MHEH So, 185. tSUUTU. NOHTII. 'Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. STATIONS, r. m. r. h. a.m. a.m. v. m. r. m. Bloomsburg,.. ts 1 or. 8 ci 8 35 2 a am Main Street 0 18 U 63 7 G8 8 10 2 56 0 Si Irondale c lis 13 50 " Ml 8 14 2 41 HI Paper Mill 6 08 12 40 7 48 8 60 i M 7 Ul Lightstreet, o 03 1 35 7 4 t oo s 57 7 os orangevlllo 5 5i 12 20 7 35 9 10 3 till 7 10 FOrka, 6 43 12 00 7 50 9 S3 3 3 7 31 TUbbS 5 44 11 63 7 15 0 30 3 42 7 311 Stillwater 6 87 11 45 7 10 9 37 3 60 7 4.1 Benton, 5 28 11 30 7 00 'J 47 4 15 7 62 Kdsons, 6 23 11 20 G 61 M 4 !0 7 fill Coles Creek o so 11 15 62 u 60 4 21 8 00 Sugarloaf, S 13 11 10 6 44 10 00 4 2S 8 03 Laubacns, o 12 11 03 6 43 10 04 4 33 8 10 central. 6 06 10 Ii7 6 88 10 12 4 40 8 15 KCUO l'ark. 5 03 10 62 0 10 13 4 43 8 19 Jamison city.... 6 oo 10 45 o 39 10 so 4 to 8 ss Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar P. SI. A. M. A. M. A. M. 1-. M. I'. M. o Trains on the r. 11. It. It. lcavo Hupertis loiiows ; NORTH. SOUTH. 7:23 a.m. 11:01 a.m. 8:49 p. m. C:2o p. m. 0 Tralnsontho D. L. & W. It. R.loave Bloomsburg M iouows: xobtii. Bourn. 7:is a. m. 8:32 a. m. 10:57 a. m. 12:0C p. m. ;s:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m. 6:36 p. m. 8:47 p. m. o Tralnsontha N.tW.l). Kailwaypass Bloom irerry as iouows : north. eotjTn. 10:48 a. m. 12:37 p. m. e.! p. m, 4-30 p. m. 8DNDAT. NORTH. BOUTII. 10:43 a m 6:39 p m BAI.l'.H. JnURv 0th. Michael Ilolshlinn will sell valuable personal property on his premises. Id liendertown, Col. Co., :it 0 o'clock n. m. Jdnk 7th. Executors of Mary N. liar, man, deceased, will offer residence on Market street for sale at 0 a. m. Fort Hals. Thlttv ucr 3 of timber land In Pino township, two nw 1 cleared, property .of Mrs. Mary A. Jnynl Inquire of Geo. E. Elwcll, Bloomsbuiir. Tor terms. tf Fort Balk. Flfly-suv r ncres of land In BuRarloaf township, uiing part of the Wolcott Ilarvcy farr.i. Good farm land, and a valuable timber tract. Inquire ot Geo. E. Elwell, Bloomsburg. tf Fob Balk. A valuable farm In Mudison Township containing 115 acres, line build ings. Will bo sold on easy payments. If not sold at private'salo by July 1st, will be sold at public sale. For terms inquire of J. 8. Williams, Bloamsburg. tf. For Balk. A desirable and commodious residence on Main street, supplied with water, gas and steam. Apply to jan20tf. Li. N. Mover. For Sale A valuable vacnnt lot on Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street, ten dwellings and a good store property in Bloomsburg. Six farms, two grist mills and two store properties In Col. Co. A good farm of 807 acres with good build ings In Virginia and two farms In Kansas by M. P. Lutz Insuranco and Heal Estate Agf., Bloomsburg I'a. Leaders in styles new styles of neck wear. Linen collars oufl's hosiery shirts haiidaomo dress shirts at Lowenbcrg's. l'eiHoiial. Miss Stella Slcklcr of Tiinkhnnnoch, is tho guest of Miss E. W, McICelvy. Geo. E. Elwell attended court at La. porte on Wednesday. Miss Laura Patterson, of Boston, is vis iting at Iicv. I. M. Patterson's. Mrs. Thomas Paxton, of Carlisle, Pa., is visiting at Rev. W. C. Lcverett's. ' Rev. F. L. Hlller, of Oneonta, N. Y., is the guest of his son-in-law, Prof. G. E. Wllber. Mrs. Dora Kasc, of Riverside, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf, this week. Bruce Clark, of the firm of Clark & Son, is now In New York, looking up goods for mid summer wear. Mrs. Ira Dietrick, of (Jhadion, Neb., who for'tke past few weeks has been visiting relatives here, started for her home on Moo. day. Wm. Ilart, who has been conducting iron ore raining at Bellcfoute, visited his family this weeks. The family expect soon to move tp.Bcllcfonte. R. C. Ncal's family moved to Harrisburg oil Tuesday. Mr. Neal has becu engaged In business thcro for some time. In his removal Bloomsburg loses an energetic citizen. I. W. McKclvy lost a valuablo horso on Thursday morning. Tho aulmal had been sick for several days. E. A. Hawllngs is making somo extensivo repairs to his dwelling house on Fourth street. Tho concort given by Prof. Kilcs ot tho Normal School last Friday evening was a success In every respect. Life size crayons in 910. tf gold frames only H'Klllip Bros. An elegant lino of snmmf r merino Balbriggan underwear just opened at ,Loweuberg'i?. Tho first base-ball game of tho season will take placo at Atlieletic Park this (Thursduy) afternoon botween Bloomsburg and Northumberland nines. Hon. D. L. Hhonc, of Wllkes-Barro, will speak In favor of tho amendment at Ber wick Saturday evening Juno 1st, and In the Court House at Bloomsburg Sunday afternoon June Sd. If you want a good watch, nt a low price, call at 8. B. HItteDbcndtr's, Benton. Jewelty, chains &c. nearly at cost. He pairing piomptly done and warranted.' Mayl7-4t. ' Ihe work of raising funds to secure a oirpet faclory In this placr, Is sleadily pio grijsslnf, A ft.w thousand ilmlurs is yet needed. Will lone of our mor.it d men Btep In bliI enmpicto tho Hit. Five per cent Is guaiantccd upon the money, Flue Cabinets In vignette or scroll, tf M'Klllip ilros. Tlio old Jail is about torn down and tho work of grading Is In progress. It Is the purposo to mako tho grounds as nearly level as possible. It will be a beautiful slto or a school when completed. Tho members of Ht. Columns', church will hold a festival In Muslo Hall, Tuurs. ny, Friday and Batunlav 30th and 81st, and Juno 1st. Everybody Is Intiilii.l t. .11. . """-II iu aucnu. Call and Ron tfin hats, latest colors in soft and stiff lust I'firniDr.l I 1 . . - "I'liui' DtriLn ill Popular Store of D. Lowenbcrg. Post Master John Wnnnmnkcr li piui.. Ilshcd ft trco ilcllverv nvnlpm t with four carriers to begin Julv IsL Unr-li - - j - j - . .laublUU. carrier win receive ifOOO per annum which may be Increased under certain conditions 10 $850 per year. The business of this onico has reached n point where all tho machinery used In a city olllce Is neccsmy. Wo have lust or. dcrcd a Inreo slereotype outfit, and expect 10 navo 11 in operation Inside nf two weeks, No other oQlco In the county has this ma. chlncry. Bavagcs expect to imblbo bravcrv bv drinking the blood of their brave enemies, A more enlightened method of vitalizing 1110 uioou is uy taking Aycr's Barsaparllla it braces up tho nerves and elves strength and fortitude to enduro the trials of life. A grand festival will be held at tho Af- ton Park on Saturday evening, June 15th ror the bcncQt of tho M. E. church at Af. ton. lco cream and cake and all the dell cacles of the season will be served. Good music will be In attendance. Com. The heads ot tho democratic post masters are falling fast. Two wrre removed Inst week, one at Espy and the other at Tourus, It Is only tho small oftlccs that suffer, those under the care of the assistant post master, who thinks more nf pnrty than public ser vice. The presidential iippointmenls will probably servo their full term. icacners' examinations will be held ns follows: Ccntralla and Conyngham at Centralis, Juno 5 and 0; Catawlssa and Franklin at Uatawlssi, June 14 ; Berwick, new school house Juno 18: Bloomsburg, Third St., Juno 20. Tho Centralla examination will commence June C at 2 p. m. Applicants will please to xamined In the districts in which they ex pect to teach. J. 8. Grimes. List ot letters remaining in tho Post Of. flee nt Bloomsburg for week ending May 23, 18S9. Air. G. 3. T. Alexander, Mrs. E. Ilazzard Christ Ilarman, Mrs. Kate Jncobv, John , Lemon. Persons calling for these letters wil please say "advertised." Geokuk A. Clark, P. M. The ordinance requiring the name of the owner and registration number placed upon tho collar of every dog, goes into eifect Set urday June 1st. We predict that there will ie a large number of dogs on that day without collars, and that the number of dogs in our town will shortly be considera bly reduced. Wo could spare about:one half uf them. Under the increasing rigors of license laws in this and other States, the progress f Prohibition in the South, and the grow. ing popularity of chronic boozers, bar keepers will not continue to be the most active purchasers of diomond shirt-front studs null scarf-pins, nr.r saloon proprietors remain the owners of swift horse-lleBh and shiny equipages. Tho repeal of the fence law does not seem to please the farmers in the rural districts. The farmers will understand that U'idcr the fence law ns It now stands they must take cire of their stork. Owners of land do not need to fence out cuttle, and therefore, the owner of cattle Is responsible for tho amagc his cattle do, if ho permits them to run at large. This is a yery radical change iu tho law, and it may be, in many places, difficult for tho owners of cattle to accom modate themselves to it, but they will bo compelled to do so or suffer for the damage their cattlo muy do. We are reliably Informed that after a prohibition meeting held in the Lutheran church nt Canby, Mt. Pleasant township, a little over a week ago, some one of the udience so far lost sight of his personality as a citizen that he fired a rotten egg at the speaker. It any ono In Mt. Pleasant town, ship knows tho person who wilfully com mitted such a breech upon citizenship he owes it to his neighbors, as well as to the county, to expose him. Wo did not sup pose that thcro wa3 any trace of barbarism left in the county. The speaker was Hev. A. Wirt ot liughcsvllle, at present the presiding officer of tho Susquehanna Synod 01 the Lutheran church. Dr. Austin Flint, late professor In Bcl- evue Hospital Medical College, Fellow of ow York ' cademy of Mcdicluo, member of tho state medical societies of New York, Irginla, Ithodo Island, Massachusetts, etc , says in speaking of Brlghts's disease, or advanced kidney disease, "Tho minor effects aro head-ache, loss of vision, lm. paired hearing, involuntary muscular twitching, cramps, drowsiness, vomiat- g and diarrluca." These are but some of c common symptoms ot this malady, hlch accounts for Wnrner's Safe Cure curing so many diseases (so-called) which aro uot diseases, but aie symptoms of ad vanced kidney disorders. Kesolutions drafted by tho W. H. & F. Missionary Society of the Evangelical Lutheran church, Bloomsburg Pa. Whereas, Our Heavenly father, In his all-wise provldenco has seen ft. to call from our midst our beloved friend and sister, Mrs. Phcbo Wolf, to the rest that remain eth for the people of God, therefore, Jlesohal, That while wo bow In humble submission to the will of Him who never errs, we, as a society deeply mourn the Ions a faithful and devoted member, yet feel assured that what Is to us sorrow, is to her cyerUstlng joy and peace. Jlttohed, That by her earnestness and zeal In christian work, and godly life, sho has left us an Incentive to holy living ; that we will cherish her memory as that of one who was cyer ready to do her Master's bidding. lluohxd, That wo tender our heart-felt sympathy to the bereaved family and friends, praying that the same loving Ba viour who sustained our deceased sister in her sufferings, will likewise sustain aud comfort them In this their hour of trial. Miss Mart Unanost.) Mrs. F, 11. Jenkins, Mus. U. Turniiacii, ) Com. 100 I.aillrH Wauled, And 100 men to call on any druggist for a free trial packago of Lane's Family Medi cine, the great root and herb remedy, ills, covered by Dr. Silas Lino while In the Kocky Mountains. For diseases ot tho blood, liver and kidneys It Is a positive euro. For constipation and clearing up tho complexion 't does wonders. Children like it. Everyone praises i, Largcslze package, CO cents. At all druggls's,1 Apr. 20 0m, THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. nt rrv, a, w. swrnoei.. Delivered beforo tho Ent Post of tho G. A. It., of Bloomsburg, In tho Evangelical cnurch, May 20, 1889, nnd published by re quest of tho Post. Uzal II, Ent, Com., Post No. 250, G. A. It. "I havo fought n good fight. "-3 Tim. 4. 7. No ono who reads tho Scriptures with at tcntlon, can fall to percelvo tho flguratlvo stylo that pervades them from Genesis to ltcvclatlon. Figures for the Illustration or expression of Dlyino thought aro drawn from every sphcro of life, not only from those views of our earthly llfo which 1 themselves are pure, but also from those which are evil. Tho unjust Juusa nnd tho unjust steward aro employed by tho Bavlor In his parables, as w:!l as tho sower and tho righteous lord ci thn vineyard. So, too, Illustrations arc drawn from tho varlou: features of thy natural world and tho lu numerable instruments of peaceful and war like pursuits. Tho shield Is used as tho cmLlcm of faith,, tho breast plato as tho emblem of righteousness, tho anchor tho emblem of hope, while tbo sword, tho weapon of offenco and defence, Is used as tbo emblem of tho word of God. In the text Paul represents this life as battle, tho earth tho battle field nnd tho christian as tho wnrrlor. When he was wln'Mnc up his earthly career he took a retrospective view of his life, aud In doing so ho called to mind tho commander under whom he served, tho many battles ho had been engaged in, how many times ho had come out victorious nnd then thought of the cause tor which he fought, tho manner in which he fought and the result achieved and was pressed to exclaim, "I havo fought a good fight." I can conceive of no more appropriate text to bo found In tlio word for this occa' ston, than this expression of Paul to Tim" othy, and to mako it still more appropriate. wo might plurallzo it and Bay, "We have fought a good fight." In every ago of tho world's history tho poet and historian, tho sculptor and artist alike, have vicdwith each other, with clils el and brush and pen, In proso nnd verse, In music and In painting, in stone, iron nnd bronze, to pcrpetuato '.ho memory of their country's noble deeds and her heroic and brave fathers and sons. And we, Inspired by o feeling akin to this, havo assembled here to-day, with feelings of sorrow mingled with joy, to do honor to those who fought our country's battles and conquered tho enemy nnd restored Its peace, many of which havo been called home from the grand army of deadly conflict to join the innumerable army In eternal life. The first thing wo want to notice is tho cause for whifh you fought. Thcro is no battle without a cause, but whether the cause is always n good one or not, Is to he questioned. Yiu will not expect me to glvo the cause of our national trouble In detail, for that would require more time than wo can spare. Let mo say right hcrr, when Americans fight they fight not for blood, but lor liberty, union and principle. Thirty years ago our republic was wear- ing a chain of bondage whoso name was slavery. Tho grasping power of that bond age was seizing our nation and dragging It into the den ot eternal bondage. At this crisis a gigantic wnr was born to suppress and wipe out this monBter evil. It was uring this cruel war that thousands ot such brave men as you, left their homcsJ and gathered under the old Hag to liberate tho slave and save the uuion. What a sad time that was when you were called to leave the dearest spot on earth home bow tho tears of sadness coursed their way over the checks of your loved ones as you bade them good-bye, God on,ly knew, perhaps for the last lime. How your breast heaved and your heart heat with Biilness as you turned to take Ihe hst look at your dear home; you will never forget that day, I now, for it is just ds fresh lu your mem ory now as It was twenty years ago. Tho men of the North did not love tho men of the South less, but they loved tho old flag more. You remember your own feelings when the news of the insult to our national ban. ner was flashed along the wires on the 12th ay of April, 1801. Excitement unparallel ed in tho history of our nation pervaded every city and hamlet, every mansion and hovel, and almost every heart in the North. Tho farmer stopped his plow In the furrow, the merchant dropped his yard slick upon tho counter, tho blacksmith his hunracr upon the anvil, tho carpenter his plane upon the bench, nnd all with one accord listened In breathless silence to catch every word of the startling news. For the first time In our history tho Stars and Stripes were trail ed In the dust by traitors. Tho Indignation of a loyal people at that hour cannot bo dc. scribed. Patty lines, tor tho time being, were blotted out nnd with ono sentiment the men of all political parties rallied around the llag. At the first call of tho President for 75,000 men 300,000 brave men and true responded and plcdccd themselves to nro- tect their country. Battle after battle was fought with varied results. At times the most sanguine and patriotic men ot the nation felt tbnt Ihe life or death of our He public hung on tho scale, nearly equally balanced. But tho Goddess of Liberty watched over our republic and guided its statesmen in council nnd its generals in battle and victory was the result. Tho Union army met their enemies wllh, Liberty and Union" streaming upon their banners in the swamps that surrounded Vlcksburp.and abovo tho clouds of Lookout Mountain, aud In front of the gates of At lanla and upon the plains of Gettysburg and wherever they went, and the armies of treason and rebellion were forced to glvo way btfore tho invincible armies of the north. Thus it went on until the host marched through tho sandy plno forests of central and southern Georgia, knocking at and opening tho gates ot Savannah and linking their arms with the licet ot tho sea, and while they were thus engaged another part of the army was looking up tho inter cstsat Richmond. In Jan. '03 that army with 80,000 men left tho Savannah and inarch ed through the Carolluas, carrying death, desolation nnd terror through tho rebel host. Whllo on this march of 425 miles they re ceived Ihe news that Richmond tlio rebel cllldel had fallen and was taken. Two days later another dispatch camo that Leo had suirendcrcd and he with his entire army was taken The army lu North Carolina moved upon Italelgb and Johnson surren. dercd and once more the Stars and Stripes waved over the entire united republic, with no slaves or clanking chains beneath them. Marching through Richmond (May 10th, '05) this southern army encamped with tho northern part on tbo Potomac. Then caino tho review. Tho war Is over, the last bat tlo Is fought anil tho 200,000 veterans march through the streets of Washington, which nrq strewed with llowirs. For llj hours this triuifiphal procession, thirty miles long, In a solid column, of twenty men deep, pasred btfore tho president and his cublnet. A heart felt welcome to those who saved the countiy inng from every balcony and window, uud from tbo dome ot tho capltol icvcrbcrated throughout tho laud. Wo need not try to prove tbo reality of that war. Wo cannot go back of, or dls- pntr 'lu battles of Bull HunandBhiloh and U Li,ut J!oiiu and Pvk llldgo and An tictam and Gettysburg", etc. Wo cannot coyer up tho blood stained path of tho thousands. Thoy nro h tre. mendous reality, and wilt stand ns monu mcnts through nil time, In honor ot tho bravo "bays In blue." Our fathers fought to establish American Independence ( our brothers fought to dc. fond and pcrpetuato It. There was a tlmo when tho clank of tho chains of 4,000,000 slaves sounded upon our curs. Now, not slavo can be found. This, truly Is, "Tho land of tho frco and tho homo of tho bravo." Tho object for which you fought was gained. Tho flag under which you fought still floats from southern ports to norther; seas, nnd It commands the respect of every nation on God's fair earth. May It novcr again bo trailed In the dust. ucnuemcn, 01 1110 u. a. 11., when you look bark over your soldier llyes and con sldcr tho came for which you fought and what has been .gnlncd by your toll am self-denial and sacrifice, and In some cases blood shed, can you not soy, "wo have fought a good fight ?" Tho causo for which you fought was grand nnd glorious cause. It was. the cause of God nnd humanity. The victory you gained is n perfect one, for now wo havo The United States of America." This Union Is now ours to enjoy and ours to continue to protect. The strife is over and liberty has found her home on Amcrl can soil. Wo havo no more the call "To Arms. The sword and tho musket bang upon th wall. The canon's sound Is heard only In jubilee, the drum and fife recall what seems to bo n dream, and wo aro In the midst of peace nnd prosperity, ond you, gentlemen were snared to return to your homes and live to thts hour. But your number Is ill minlshing each year. A few more years nnd these services can be performed no longer by tboso who heard tho din of battle and shared tho hardships of tho war. Wo ore gettiug farther and farther away from tiic roar of that fearful conflict. May God grant that our soil may not be drenched again with blood. X should not feel ns If I had dono my duty on this occasion If I would not call your minds to the fact that wo aro engaged in another conflict of even greater Importance than the ono just referred to. Although wo arc living In a land and tlmo of peace to day, yet we may imitatoour heroes In their struggles nnd be heroes too. Remembering that the genuine hero is he who meets life's battles with a firm hand and a brave heart and a cautious hut tranquil spirit; who gath era strength by facing life's storms nnd dies, when called upon to die, as n christlon vic tor nt his post of duty. There are more Icttdly foes plotting against our peace thnn those who tore the Hag from Fort Sumpter, If wo must have wars to make heroes then let us remember that there Is no such bril Hunt, glorious war as tho war against wrong. There Is no hero's deeds so fit to bo prnlsed ns bis who gains tho yictory oyer sin ; there is no soldier's grave so de serving of decoration as his who has fought the good fight of faith." Arouse, ye, rally around the glorious banner of our king. Wc may never meet again as wo have me to-day. May wo all so live that when we shall receive our discharge from the'army ero below, wo may go joyfully ns from tho dark battle field of earth to tbo land of eter nal gbry and eternal peace, and as wo go to be able to look back and say, "I have fought a good fight." We speak of military reviews, grand and beautiful, but there has never been oue to e compared to that tevlcw which shall lake place in "That day in which He hath appointed to judge tbo world," when all the armies of the world, small and great shall pass before God for inspection. When the last bugle shall sound the 0 millions that fell In the wars of Napoleon, tho 12 millions that fell in the thirty years of the religious Wttis, the 25 millions that wero slain in Jewish battles, among them the ono million that fell in our late war, will como up before God to be judged. They 111 come up from Pea nidge and Bull Hun, fjom Richmond and Anlietam, from Pcrrys ville and Gettysburg, from Petersburg and Nashville, from Atlanta and Ylcksburg and hundred other places, and in one grand body will slnnd beforo God In judgment and al tbo command of the eternal to "Go forward,-" will march to their final and eternal homes. O, that we may be found batlliug fo: the right and under the right commander, Jesus Christ our Lord. May the old Hag under which nnd for which you fought, nnd of which wc all feel proud, continue to float high in the pure nlr of liberty, under tho cloudless sky of peace. Placo it just under the white banner of the cress nnd there let It wave, the red, the white aud the blue. Let its white bo to us an emblem ot christian purity, its blue an emblem of tho heavenly origin of our life nnd blessings, and its red ot thu self sacrifice by which they were won. Let us stand by both the llag and tho cross until time shall cease to be, then wo can say : "Angels, call tho roll up yonder, Muster-day in Heaven proclaim; Call the roll, nnd al the summons, I will answer to mv mime." Consumption hurcly Cured To the EniTOit Plcaso inform your read- ers llial I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been per. manently cured. I shall be glad to send wo bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who havo consumpt'on if they will send mo their express and post otllc address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM M. U..181 Pearl St., New York, racnt.21.ly Only A lllrtl. William II. Doanc, of Lancaster, has shot a "Western flicker," a bird hardly known east of Kansas, and novcr beforo killed In this State. lit. Well, and what harm had this bird dono that tho simpleton should havo shot and killed it? Is nothing safe from tho hand of a fool with a gun? (.rcat complaint is now mado here iu Bloomsburg of tho mil. lions of green worms which are Bwarmlng over and eating tho green leaves of tho maples. They are most; pestiferous and will Increase as long as legislatives like those of 1883 aro allowed to exist, and birds aro authorized to bo killed, It should bo mado a misdemeanor to kill a bird. Tho act of 1885 for the destruction of hawks, owls, and other animals named, was very properly repealed In 1887. If the birds could bo let alino wo should not troubled with worms and caterpillars. Any ono may see tho robins, and tho Eng lish sparrows picking tho grccu worm oil tbo maple leaf, and eating It, and carrying thcrn oil in half dozens to their young, and yet tho destruction of tho birds is al. lowed and encouraged. Gamo birds aro well nlgli annihilated anil Insectivorous birds nro almost strungors In our grounds. F. My Wllo Haiti to mo last night 1 How ini.ch do you sup. poso wo havo paid out for doctors aud medicine lu tho last year? I told her I did not know, To doctors I have pnld nothing, and flvo dollars worth of Sulphur Ullleis lias kept health In our family. I. Andrews, 12 Bowdoiu street, Boston, May 21-2t, J. G. Wells has gone to Chicago to tnko ft special optical course. Mr. W, U. Beers, ft nrst.class Jeweller of several years expo rlcncc. will take chargo of his store duilng his absence. For n spring suit put up in first class siyio go 10 tlio leading merchant tailor ing establishment of 1). Loweuborg. Hood's Harsnpirllla Is peculiar to Itself and superior to nil other preparations In strength, econohiy, nnd medicinal merit. CulCH CrccU. Editor Colcmhiani Rev. Rockwell Is appointed Post-master nt Coles Creek. Mr. Jonnlc Fritz has given up farming, and Is now going to school nt Uentou. Tho first festival of tbo season will bo held at St. Gnbrial church on Satutday Juno 1st, by tho King's dnughtors. Every- body invited to come. Good music will bo furnished by tbo Benton band. Mist Sadie Cole, Dora Laubach, Jonnlo Filtz nnd B. It. Laubach wero tho guests of Laura nnd Melvlu Moore. Mlsa Flora Fritz nnd Anna Swartwout drovo to Mlllvllo on Saturday last to visit the former lady's sister. They returned on Sunday. Eczema causes an Itching so persistent as to produce, not only sleeplessness, bu', at times, oven delirium. Local appllcn. lions will not remove tho cause, which is Impure blood." Aycr's Sarsuparllla cures this dlscaso by cleansing the' blood anil eradicating all humors. There Is satljfrlcllu In knowing where one's gifts of money go to, nnd wo now can givu that satisfaction to thousands of Presbyterians who have contributed to tho fund for the relief of the starving inhabi tants of the flood-swept valleys of Shan- tu tig, in Chlun. From a private letter, written by a lady engaged in missionary work at Chcfoo, wo learn that Dr. J. B. Neal, of our church, started about the first of March for tho region of food and famine, wllh an escort of soldiers for protection and with $15,000 in his possession for dis tribution among tho people. Ho is now busily engaged in his blessed work a doubly blessed work ot helping and heal- ng, tor this doctor is nn M. D., not a D. D. His trip is to consume three months, as ho hopes to care for those who succumb to the famine fever in the spring." It was expected that a dollar of our money would provide enough cheap food to keep ono native alive, through the three months and until tho June crops nro ready. Docs somo one uslc, Why a guard of soldiers ? Let our letter writer answer, and further ex- plain the situation as it stands this spring : To distribute mouoy to starving people is a matter attended with no small personal risk. The stronger ones will demand wnnt belongs to the weaker, and act like beasts to obtain it. Word comes that there aro many refugees at Hwang Hcln, sonic of whom nre dying. Iam anxious to return there, that we may do our sharo of relief work. 1 think there will be enough men familiar with the rt gton to do tho work Of distributing what funds arc sent. This win ter has been a mercifully open one, so that the suffering from exposure has not been as great as was expected. But, oh I tho tarvlog thousands I Parents are commit ting suicide rather than see their little onc starve, and men spend their last cash for arsenic, that they may spare themselves the prolonged pangs of death trom hunger. The l".ltrior, Chicago VorcccI to I. cave Home. Over CO people wero forced to lcavo their homes yesterday to call for a free trial ackago of Lane's 1 nmily Medicine. If our bloou is bad, your liver and kidneys out of order, if you uro constipated and have headache and nn unsightly complex Ion, don't fail to call on any druggist to- ay for a free sample of this grand remedy. Tho ladies prnlso it, Everyouo likes It. urge-size packago 50 cents. Apr. 20-0m. Grniiit l-'eMttvnl. The first of the season to be held by tho ladles of St, Columbia's Church In Music Hall, on Third street, May 30th, 31st, nnd uuo 1st. Refreshments of nil kinds will bo furnished In first-class style. Everyone Is cordially invited to attend and spend a pleasant evening. May 24-2t. Committee. A Snlury With expenses paid will come handy to nnyono who is now out of employment, especially whero no previous experience is required to get the position. If you want position, see advertisement on page 2nd, ended, "A Chance to Mako Money." Apr vu-41. Tlio only house to find a full lino of lochester ma'lo clothing best hats made is at tlio Popular store of D. Lowenborg. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorfa. When Bab was sick, we save her Cutorla. When she was a Child, she cried for CsstorU, When she became Mlas, she clung to Cutorla, When Bhe Lad Children, she gave them OostorU. WANAMAKER S. pnii.ADKLruu, Monday, May 57, 1S8U. We tell you day by day and week by week of the goods we lave for sale, ol the attractions f the store, of the conveniences offered to enable you to do your buying comfortably and easily. t you can come to the store all these await you. But you can enjoy them without coming. You and the store are nearer together to-day than ever before your wants and its power to supply. You can write for what you wish and be served as well as if you came. 1 he how-to do-it is here told. There is an important and carefully organized department of our business, emplovintr nindreds of people, which de votes its energies to filling or ders by mail from out-of-town customers. It is entirely inde pendent of the regular selling force of the house, ond as far as possibleis meant to represent the customer apd the interests of that customer. People who are trained in the qualities and val vies of goods expert shoppers. in fact take in hand your writ ten order and go from counter to counter selecting the goods required, just as you would do if buying from a list you had made. All possible care is exercised that the article select ed shall be just what the wri wanamaker's. asks for. ui course tiicrc are occa si'onal misunderstandings, and delays sometimes occur because we may not have the exact article wanted and must get it or have it made, or because customers fail to be explicit, even to the omission of quan titles, color, and sizes. Taking tne many hundreds oi daily orders into consideration, how ever these arc lew indeed. But to order clearly and sat isfactorily you must know the goods and their prices. Hence the General Catalogue of the store, issued bpnng and pall containing carefully compiled lists 01 articles kept for sale with their price, illustrated wherever possible. In the Catalogue you have sprcau oeiore you tor your cuoice the stock ol more than forty stores and so conveniently arranged and indexed that you can una any article in an instant, Ihats more than most shop keepers can do even in their own shops. It you wish that Catalogue asK ior it. t postal card re quest is enough, but be sure to give your name and address. The book will come by return man, without cost to you. John Wanamaker. LOCAL NOTICES. Prunes 0 lbs for 25c. Good, at THE GREAT EASTERN. Illuotlctl Fowls. Pit Games. Grist HhtwlnerkB. Itcntl.. woods, Black B. Reds, that will stay to win. Eggs, 13 for $1. Satisfaction Guaranteed. William Dennis, tf- Bloomsburg, Pa. (Mention this paper.) We have sometnlne In a chnmher snt in. day that will surprlso tho closest buyers, it Is a 10 piece, handsomoly decorated, with squaro design, fur S3 25 at THE GREAT EASTERN. BLOOMSBURG. Fine Cabinet portraits only $3. doz. Life size Crayons only $10.00. Viewing, copying and enlarging. Instant process used. tf. FINE STRAWBERRIES are selling fo 12Jc a basket nt THE GREAT EASTERN. Ladies' Cream White Dress Cloth at H. W. Sloan's PINEAPPLES To-day at The Great Eastern. 2 for 25c. Fans nm parasols, largo assortment nt Clark & Son's. The $1.29 sun or rain gloria umbrella is here again. Don't miss Tho latest novelties in fine millinery at E. Barkley's. Prices to suit nil. Como nnd see. Main below Market St. New Black and Whlto striped silk and wool goods, at H. W. Sloan's. Caiiuaqb, Onions, Citoomukrs, Tomatoes, Radishes, peas, beanb, lettuce, bananas, oranges, Lemons Hlcc. BARGAINS at THE UKEAT EASTERN. Bloomsburg nnd Bunbury, Pa. A fine lot cabbage, plants, also trmato plants now ready at W. II. Ycttcr's green boiifo. Also peas, sweet corn and all kinds of garden seeds. Apr 19-tf. Miss E. Barkley spent the early part of this week In Philadelphia selecting sum mer millinery in tho latest styles. Wo havo ten boxes containing 5? lbs each of those tine yellow peaches coming and will be here Friday. Price 10c. They sell at sight, and will plcaso you. Tbi Great Eastern. Weaver & Porter, Prop's. New Satins and Ginghams this week, at H. W. Sloan's. Eugraved visiting cards can bo obtained at the CoLUMniAN office. Ladles having plates can havo curds printed. tf. Fast Black Hose, best In tho world, ni; II. W. Sloan's. New BEANS and PEAS 40 and 45c a pk. at THE GREAT EASTERN. Cook stoves $13, ranges $15, stovo re. Balrs nil kinds, plow repairs for Advance, 'lamond chilled, Danville, Gale, Re mington, South Bend, Montrose, &c, ttc. at Sharpless' foundry. Apr. 12-8w. BANANAS 20c to'25cat THE GREAT EASTERN. I. W. HARTMA.N & SONS. "What 19 Hartman's price for this" "What is Hariman's price for that" "What is Hartman's prico for so and so." You can hear that all over the country day after day. It shows them to be leaders in prices and goods. Now to prove all this call and see the 3rd caso of oc challies, ( in all about 8, (3.30 yds.) Sold other places at 8c yd. See their 10 and 12 Jc seersuckers. See their 12ic, 15o, 2oc, 37j4c, and 44c sateens, ladies como from'Danville, Cata wissa, Rupert, Espy, Berwick, Lime Itidge, Light St., Orange ville, Benton and from all over tho country to see the 1 20 styles ot them. lake a look at the white dross goods from 10c to $4.50 a yd. Then see the 5000 yards ribbon for trimmings, etc.. we have trimmings for all shades of Uress boods. Sugars and coffee havo struck for higher prices, butter is cheap and dull, don't be discouraged farmers, it will soon go up, re member tho prices of dishes and 1 I l in .1 munis uro onty nan the price thoy wore a few years ago. Eggs aro still plenty and lair in price. will go up by harvest time. Our butter and ogg trade is large, thoy como from tho hills, the valloys, tho email farms, tho large farms uml all over. I. W. Hartman & Sons. GET YOUlt JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE COLUMBIAN BUSINESS NOTICES Frank Hatderson. of Beverlv. N. J writes. I suffered ten years with nervous Debility nnd Constitutional weakness, dur ing that titno havo consulted physicians of all schools, paying largo fees without bene fit. In 1880 1 consulted Dr. Thccl, 633 rtortu fourth Street, Philadelphia, after thorough examination bo pronounced mo curnuic. Aiuiougn ai. 1110 iimo Having lltllo faith in Doctors from nnntnxncrlnnrn. 1 placed myself under his care, nnd am unppy 10 tay no nas rcstorcii mo to sounil pnysicni iicaitn. Knowing Dr. Thccl ns I do, 1 hesitate not in advising nl! sufferers no matter whatthclr experience lias been to consul Iblm. ns they can put full confl. dence It his skill nnd Integrity. There seems (o bo no fulling oil in our Wall Paper sales. Though the season is fast eoni ing to a close. Why is this ho ? Eecause tho goods we send out arc as good in quality us can be bought anywhere at the prices wo offer them. Three things servo us, viz : uualitv. nuun ..1 1 r ' 1 uiy unci price, ihe pnncr we sell we guarantee full length and full weight. These are two points to be careful of in this stage of tho business. Unscru pulous manufacturers are mak ing their goods short length at cheaper price, but it takes more to do your rooms, hence you are the loser. W. H. Brooke & Co. Bloomsburg, Exchange Hotel. Pa. SHERIFF'S SALE. OF VALUABLE TCcstl E stale I By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex. iwiim nut. nf tho court of common neas of Columbia County and to mo directed, there will bo exposed to pub- ui; ettio un mo premises on FKIDAY, JUNE 21, 1889, at a o'clock p. m., all that certain lot of eround fJtuato In Beaver township, Columbia county, Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows to-wlt: On the north by tho land of Daniel Oearhart, on the cast by public road leading to Itlngtown, on tho Bouth and west by lands of a A. Shuman, contalnlne threo-fourthsot anjicre moro or ICbs, whereonaro erected a Pramo Dwelling House, Store Itoora, Saw Mia and other outbuildings. Also tho Individual half Interest of all that ccr- tain lot of unseated land In Beaver Twp. Colum bia county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wlt s on tho south by land of Jobn Ilennlnnor, on tho east by land of Daniel Slnffler. on tho west by land of Daniel llamer, and on tho north by land of John IWpert, containing Eight Acres, more or les. ticlzM taken In execution at fto suit of Fred- erl-.ls Hosier and George p. Hosier, executors of nenry Hosier, dec"d, and to bo sold as tno proocr- ty of Lucy Ann and T. J. Shuman. B. F. ZAnii, Att'y. JOHN B. CASEV. Mayer, 1839. suertrr. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Estate of Wm. M. Roberts, deceased. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court ot Columbia County, there will bo exposed to public salo at tho premises on JUNK 22, 1889, at S o'clock p. m. tho following pleco of land sit uate In Montour township, bounded on the north bylindof John O. quick, on tho cast by land of A. Roberts, on tho Eouth by land of Samuel Buck, and on tho west by land of William Neal, containing about 30 ACIfcES, ot which about SO acres aro cleared and under a goodBtato of cultivation, whereon 1) erected a two story J barn and other other out-bulldlngs. A good well of water convenient to tho honso and other lm- Improvements. TERMS OF SALE. Twenty-ne per cent, down, twenty-five per cent, on conilrmatlon ot sale nnd balance In six months from day of sale, with In terest from tho connrmatlon ; deferred payments to bo secured by bond nnd mortgage on tho pro mlses. C. C. rxACOCK, A1STHUR ItOBEItTS, Atty. . Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Hauue of Herman. Fahrlnaer. We of Locust ficjj.. Columbta Co. Htwasea. Notice is herebv dven th.it. lpt!eri nf nrtmlnta. t ration in tho estate ot llermon Fahrlngr, lato ot ixwust twp., county 01 Columbia, and Mato of Pennsylvania, deceased, have ben grunted to ltachael Fahrlncer and Jeremiah Faiirinmi of Locust Townshln. Columbia couutv. Pa., to whom all ttrtons lnd-btcd tn said estate aro requested to mako payments, anl those having claims or demands will make known the si me without delay to orto ItACHAELFAIIltlNOEIL Herkino, Admlnls'ratrlx. Atty. JEKEMIA1I FAIiniNOEIt, Administrator. Read T h i s a lvcnfcumutit nnd got posted on matit'is of ilnss. It is niorst important to all gen tltiraen "What ami Where" to buy and gri just whit thoy ncod in Clothing nt the right prices. You should That our plans of doiii husi nes aro calculated to benefit YOU as w-ell ns OUR SELVES. Consrquonlly it is to OUR intorcst to t-crvo you butio- every time whioh accounts for our increasing bminpfB. Wo loavo it for you to Act on these points by netting ac quainted with tho high quality and exceedingly low prices of our "SPECIAL LONDON MADE CLOTHING." In buying THIS Clothing you obtain all tho character and stylo of tho Finest Merchaut Tailoring But:-- Savo half your monoy. 1. 0. Ml Tailor Clothier Importer, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. lT.iI jr,ti"' 4 Ui" Uro anil luuirt, mil llui tn''nejlilllfuf hlood and tiUumrmi. Th! fraSS am i ii in i 1IIU1U1 uuu uddiiord.nnrnouiMUMdlwttii, SM, .ill ugHuu, Important to RailroadMen. A. H. flmith has been for fortr-nlno years road m Ktor on tho Host-on and Maine system, and Is now residing at (treat Falls, N. II. tlo sars track men, brakemcn, nrcmcn, engineers nnd conduc tors, ss well ai baggage matters and expressmen, aro subject to kidney disease sboro all others. All, therefore, will bo Interested tn tho statement of his experience. "I havo used tirown'g Sarsapa rllla for kidney and liver troubles, and can trulr say It has done moro for me than all tho doctors t ever employed, and I havo hd occasion to require tho services ot tlio best physicians In tlio Stato. Mywlfo also has been grcatlr benefited by Its use. A. K. SMITH, I load Master 11. a M, It. II." Tho kidneys h.uo been labored hard all winter is tho pores of tho skin have been closed, but now tho springtime Ins come, and ;thcy need, somo aid. Jlarbo you havo that pain across the back! that tired feeling; those drawing down jalns. If so, you cn get lmmedlato relief by fob owing the examine nf Mr. smith nnd hinwirn.tnnii USO that never railing nnd ornhd corrwtjir fnr t hn kidneys, liver and tlood, BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Nnt ernilfnft tltllM TYi fldrt lif At- Wan-tin fVi Bancor, Mo. maradiy ' XT' LECTION PROCLAMATION. t- S-!i2 .ct 2' AB3cmbly approved May 8. twa, It Is made the duty of tho SherlH of every county to plve notice of the spec'al flection to b held on the lsth day of JunolfW for tho purposo ot decid ing UPOn the annmVAl nnd rntinr-ntlnn nrmWMnn pi-tho following two proposed Anr-ndinents to iuu vuunui.ui.iuN, nami-iy, one Known nslliou c,so,,Am.c.nr'.m'.nt t0 prohibit t ie manufacture and sale ot Intoxicating liquors ftc. i n uiuci nuunu ui tno bu'itoko Amenflmcnt. inererore i, John 11 Casey High hherlfl ot col. umbla county, do hereby mane know n and pro claim to t ho qualified electors of Columbia county that a special election will bo held on TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1889, at tho pcveral election districts In said county for tho purposo of deciding upon tho approval and ratlilcatl-m or rejection of an Amendment to the constitution, known as tho Amendment prohibit ins the manufacture and sale of tntoxicntlnz liquors and also nn amendment known as the aut Iraue Amendment- itnri thnt. thn inM.,..& t- .hA L".1,d,strl?,"Xm be hcl(1 "10 followloj; Smith. " "uu u' Drake In the town of Ilenton. u-nAiiJi .!: .- "l" ontceot Jackson wooiiin In the borouirh of llerwicK. uorwicK. west at tho onico of J. O. Jacobr. In ft tho borotlirh nf Hrrwipt- Ttlnnm iTno, u. - . it. "... vuuit iiuuM.-, m moomsourir. !!i??m 5J.?sf at 'l'8 court House. Inllloomsburif. ltnarcrcck townshln. nt. thn mihii, ci.i near Kvansvliie. " r ' ,J3?J,ytaa2tmynshlp.attlio public houso of (). W. ltelfsnrdcr, In the town of Caiawu-sa. centralla, Ilorough at tho public hovso of Wm. iTlfer, deceasoJ. Centre townshln. atthnnpiuvit hni,.nn.. rnAV etto creasys. nnAngh1!? Nonh D'sflct, at tho school houss near the con erv nr .tnhn nn t- Tllo0ma.S?lonJfw!UtllI,latrlct'attl10 "ou ot J,ra- C. ii i witftoT town5hP' ttt th0 scli001 house neai house1""" townshP' at 11'0 Lawrenco schoo P.uiiu?to0ed,aSed0:n,3hlp' tbe h0US0 ot ' D Hemlock township, at tho public houso ot Chas ''Ifttprloli. I" tho town of liuck Horn. Knorr. in Nuinedia. Jm""u uu"" ul "u""m .Madison tnivnehlti nt- M.n ..V.ti. ..u i . Jcreeytown. ' "u l""uv" uuu50 ln v. suuman nshlp,atth0 PhUc houso of Addison ti.nl.,.?knsnlP,at the public houso of Aaron Hess, ln the town of Mimtnvf lie. MOntOUr townahln nt thn .,hnrt h A- Samuel HaitedlrieT at huperT "uu;,u ho w''eaSaat townsh'P' at llo MUlcrtown school ancvlfct0WnShlp' at 'alrman'8 hotel lnOr- nno township, nt tho Centre School House, ltoarlnccrrek tnwncitii nt tua h..n tT-.-tr f Leiby. " " "vuo" oumuci TntVrfSS tow.nshlP. at tho public houso of Joseph kleckner, ln Kspy. HCOtL W'PSt. nt. tlin ftiihllA hn,i.n . . t in Llghtsiriet, ' " "' '"""u SuriLrlOiif ntu-nthln nt thn hM... Colo. ' " " l'olls shall bo opened at seven o'clock a. m. and shall continue open without interruption or ad ,'i.n.men, un,tu !even o'clock p. in., wnen tho poll! will bo closed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That everv ry person excepting Justices of tho Aldermen, Notaries Public and rer- Peace and Al sons in me militia service of tho state, who Buiiu iiuiu ur snail wunin two months have held am ujnco ur appointment or pront or trust under thol'r'ted States, or of thl.t state, nmi ntvnr corporated district, whether a commissioned oJlcer or otnerwlse, a subordinate officer or agent who Is or shall bo erap.oyed under tlio Lcsrlsla-tu-e, Lxecutlvo or Judiciary Department of this btnte, or of any city or of any Incorporated dls- met, anil uiso, mat every member of Congress nnd of tho Stato Leirlslatnrp. nmi nf tim u..innt. or common council of any city, or commissioners . '"wi'uiui.--u uisinci, uro oy lawincapaoio of holding or cxcrclslhir nt tho samo tlmo tho ollleo or appointment of Judge, Inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth. iiio inspectors ond Judge ot tho elections Bhall meet at tho rtantr.ttvn hIipm nrn.ii..,nM holding the election In the district to whinhihnv respectively belong, betore seven o'clock in tho morning, and each of said inspectors shall M polnt one i clerk, who shall be a qualincd voter of such district. . , ,, -JOHN H. CASEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's onice, lltoornsburg, .May w. 9. A MEN DM EN V proposed to tl Cy tho ueneral A T TO THE CONSTITUTION the citizens or this comtnonweAit h Assemhlv nf thn t'nmmnnwpnlth of 1'ennsrlvnnli, for their approval or rejection at ?i,.-iui vieuiiuu ui oo neia .iune is. ibs'j. i uu ltshed by order of the secrelarv of the Common wealth. In nureuaneonf Artinin win nr Mm stltutlon. JOlllt resolution nrnnnslntr nn ntr.nn(tn-...nt tn tho constitution or this Commonwealth : bECTrON I. 11C It resnlvtvl hv ttin Kpnntn nn HOUSO Of lleDresentJlt.tVHn nf the rnmmnnwpnlth of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met. That the fOUOWlntr amendment. Is nrnnnsprl tn I hn (tin. stltutlon ot tho Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, wuimuiuj mtu uic r.iiiiccniu Article mercer: AMENDMENT. Thcro Shall be an Aririltlnnnl nrttnln tn entri f!nn stltutlon to bo ueslgnated as Artlclo XIX, as tot ARTICLE SIX. The manufacture. s.itn. nr l-nnntno- fnr CAtan, Intoxicating liquor, to be used as a beverage. Is hereby prohibited, and nny violation ot this pro hibition rhall bo u misdemeanor, punishable as shall bo provided by law. tuu iiiuiiui-tciuro. saie, or Keeping ror sale or In toxicating llnllOr fnr nthnr niirnnna than am n beverage may bo allowed in such manner only as may be prescribed by Uw. The (lenernl Assembly shall, at tho first session succeeding tho adoption of this artlclo of tno Constitution, enact laws tvuu adequate penalties for Its enforcement. ah no oopy oi mo joint iicraiution. CHA11LES W. STONE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. J-OTICE. Notico is hereby given that a meeting of tho stockholders ot '-Manor Iti-st Inn Company ot Jameson city, l'n.," wltl be held ut tho omco ot tho sec.etary ln Hloomsburg, i'a., on Monday July 6, 1M, at 3 o'clock p. in,, tor Iho purposo ot votlnjr ou a proposition to tncrt-.ise the Indebted ness nf said corporation by placing a mortgage upen Its property nt Jameson city. . . UEO. E. ELWELL, May 8-St, secretary. jgXECUTORS' NOTICE Kitaltf of 1'hlllp 8lamnai.fr. late nIHne UnetuMp, dfcettned. Letters testamentary on bald estato having been grarted to tho undersigned exet-Utors, all persons indebted to said ostato nre hereby notltled to pay tho saire, and those having claims against said esiato to present the same in K. F. WniTOYEB. . AllllAHAM 1 1T.MAN. May S5-6t. Execulors. ALES tvl E Ai'nr.Il tn i-nnrnu fnr tno hKio of Nursery Mock, birady employment guaranteol. Salary itntl Hxucmhvh paid losueceoKtui men. Apply at ooce, slating age. Mention thts pniHT, Ma) Il iKU lURUS' IMPROVED JM V m 3 IN LIOUIO NODOIUNC CASILY MADE TtHSPACKACE MAKES FIVE CAltONS IT- ft, - w - - S V . Vijjfi Th moat APl'ETIZIKO aud WHOLESOME TKMPBK ANOB DhlNK In the world, TRY rr, Aak your Drug-nut or Orocer for It. C. E HIRES, PHILADELPHIA. Maj-'il-d-lt. Al IUMI bIDKs AND 11 U K, IMP, KIDNEY t Nil ll-rlnet'aln-, UU.-uru-itr, bcUtlJ, hB ,p and tLa,Ul l""'"- 0-8 minute bv JimUt.wuU An;i-Pam 1 .actor? only Instantaneous pain-killing strengthinlmr piaster ict, Sforll. At drugglsta, or of m1". ter Viut tndthemlcaica, Hostou TTIT lpptblackhfad. chapped andTj'r TTP May lo-diit C Wltw "ooi'-irLtll &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers