Imitation la Impossible. H has boon shown that in many crwos It is easy to successfully Imi tate Soarooly has a now invention ucon nnnouticeu hoforo a host of imitations TIIK spring up on every side. No hloher cnoomliim can bo paid . t. ! .. i .11 i A. I uiu nivuiiiui-ur uisuururur uuiii vu vii' i gnu counter imitation, notwithstanding mor bucu tiattory is not ncooptablo. In somo oases successful imitation is rendered imposs'iuli1, inasmuch as tho imitator is unable to lend a completo knowlodgo to tho subjoot or has not tho moans at hand to aid him. Perhaps no articlo lini bcon tho ob- jeet of attempted imitation moro than tho world-wide ppeelfio for tho proven- tion and euro of Kidney and liver d5- orders, familiarly known as Warner a Safe Core. In the preparation of this intensely popular remedical ncent, it is claimed that it is hnpossiblo lo successfully imitato safo cure, even If tho correot formula is known, beoauso the pcouliar .1 ! 1 t ' .1 . 1 . - ! . . . ... 1 . UUY1UCH SH1U IllgUiy UXIJl'IIBIVU lUUUIlilU- ism used in its' manufacture arobevond tuo roacn oi tuo woum-uo imitator. Adding to this tho laok of a long oxponenco. which has rendered per foot every step in its preparation wlncli invcntivo neuius can Miceest tocother with th i crroat skill exorcised in tho selection of only tho very best materials, the gonuino nrttolo is pence tion itsclt. Somo effort is aUo being mado to imitato n popular lino of old-fashionod loc cabin "homo euros" known as "Warner's Lou Cabin" remedies, com nriaintr a sarsanarilla for tho blood, hoD and buchu for tho stomach and system, cough remody for colds, rose cream for catarrh, extract for relief from pain, hair tonic, porous plastors and pills. , Succcalul imitation is rcn'dored im- possible for tho reason that the samo caro has been given in their prepara- tion. An expensive) laboratory, costing 1 thousands of dollars, has been special-1 ly constructed for their manufacture and is unilor tha immwliato suDcrvision I of ono of tho best chemists known. Poor mntr-rinl nnd means omnloved would bo susceptiblo to oay imitation, but with tho best of material, maohin- cry and ekillod labor cmnloyed, these household articles aro given to the public beyond tho reach of all success- ful counterfeiters. Alaska Distances. THE ENORMOUS EXTENT 01' THE (ILACIAL NOUTHWESTEUN TEKUITOUV. "Whon I sat at my desk in Sitka," said governor Swinoford, "I was furtn or away from Atta Island, tho Westernmost point in Alaska, than I was from 1'ortland Me. This may servo to'civo some nrodlcious distances of Alaska. But I can furnish a more strikinc one. If the canitol of tho United Sates was located in tho centre I I' . 1. . TT I C. . .1.1 ! . . .1 I Ui U1U Ulllll'U OLULUS U1U.1, Is IU BiiV Uk a point eouidistant from Quaddvhead. Me., and Atta Island, Alaska it would bo in tho Paoifio Ocean, Bomo COO miles north by west of ban Francisco." . It is, indeed, an almost boundless empiro that Mr. Swinoford has ceasod to govern and that red A. Maynard has lost. Few neonla annreoiato the collosal sizo of tho Alaskan dominion I of tho United States. Even nrominent nubile mon aro ant to recrard it as a littlo fringe of tho frozen zone, quite unworthy of their attention. William S. Ilolroan once hid this idea of Alaka. A ccuplo of years aco, when Governor Swineford was urciner tho House Committee on territories to re- port favorably on a bill to givo Alaska somoining moro man n BemDianco or territorial government, Mr. Holman said: "AVoll, Governor, my idea is that Alaska ought to bo mado a country of Washineton Territory.. That would bo the simplct way to dispose of the troublesom? Jtupsian purchase." Swineford was mad in a minute. He promptly advised tho great objector to go ana uuy somo primer gcograpny, and ho nover had tho patience to dis cuss the matter with him at;ain It has long been said that tho sun never sots on tho British Empire. But it is not generally known that it is equally true that tho sun never sots on tho domain of tho United States. It is shining in tha Aleutian Islands while it is tho dead of night on Martha's Vineyard The United btates laps noarly half way around tho world. It extends from G7 west longitude to 1C9 east longitude. Alaska has be tweon 800,000 and 'J00.0UU square miles of land surface, and a are3t water area. It is almost as larco as "bigoted priests and ministers," "pray tho United States cast of the Missis- :,, crusaders." "blaik abolitionists".'' Bippi. Uovernor Hwinetord toon a journey last summer ot moro than 10,000 Btatuto miles without leaving his do- main as Governor. lie went on the United Slates steamship Thetis, which was placed at his disposal by tho Secretary of tho Navy. The jonrney occupied four months nnd fivo days, being much longer than tho famous exploring expedition of Governor CaBs, which played a part in tho early history of Miohigan. ' 1 Sona. Gen. AVoomvAnD, U. S. Army, says ot the rsuns oi cnronio maianai poisouing : "Disorder of tho kidneys frequently complicates tho condition under consideration. Soanty, more or less albuminous urine is often observed, and thoso cases not iifr quert'y termi- iiato in cnronio Jingnts uisease, witn confirmed albuminuria, oedima or gen- oral anasarca." What at first is rccoK nized as malaria is subsequently found to bo Briirht's Disease, which Warn cr's Safo Curo cures. Tho curious fact has been demon Btratcd by bir John Lubbock that cer tntn kinds of ants are unable to oxist without keeping other ants as slaves, though why this is so ho has not found out. On removing tho slaves, froin a nest of fifty Blave-holdinc ants ho found that the latter immediately com menced to dio off, nnd were speedily reduced in nurabor to six. When tho slaves wero returned tho mortality ceased. A fortunate and Qratefal Woman. Mrs. J. II. Giles, of Everott, Pa , says: "I havo Buffered for years from kidney nnd "ravel trouble, No physi cians or medicine at homo did me any good. I finally visited my former homo at Rondout, N. Y., nnd began using Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Itondout, N. Y, A fow words tell tho result. I am a perfectly well rut? happy woman onco moro. ' may 24-4t A glovo shop in Paris has tho fol lowing announcement posted over the doon "Wanted, small hand. Por Bous taking eight ynd a quarter sizo bad better not oomi to this shop." Wiped up a Tramp- l.tTTLK OIKCUS ENJOYED 10UHTIICLA69 l'OSTMASTKH. 1IY A I was eatlnir dinner at a farmhouso In Indiana whou ono of tho children cama in nnd announced that a highway traiim had called at tho kitchen door i i i f , . rnu I - - nua lor n unu lu uiu. mu iiu- was a very short, very fat, and verv baidlicndod man, and ho was postmaster at tho corners and jnstioo of tho tieaco in and for tho county. Ho had a son callod James, anothor oallod Mosop, nnd a hired man who was ad- dressed as Towser. lie sent out word for tho tramp to sit down nnd rest, nnd as i laugh went around tho tablo ho explained. "After dlunor I shall bo pleased to show you how wo oncourago tramps in this section. This is ovldontly a now man to this part of tho stato or ho nover would havo called hero." After dinner wo wont out. Uio tramp iaa sitting under a ohorry tree, looking as oomfortablo as you pleaso, , r , . 1 . . .........! .. . 1 . A . mm. niltl OVlUeilliy UIISUJJJIUUUH mail Ulljf thini? oxcont dinner was in storo for him. Ho lookod to mo liko a bad man to fool with, but tho . farmer didn t Hoem to road him that way. "Now then, ho Baid, as no rnDooa his fat hands together, "you will stand "Pr. ... "What turr asucci tno tramp. "To bo klckodl I am noma to boot you from this spot down to that Blivcr od telephone pole." "Mut l onicet. "Can't help that. As a fourth-class nostmator of tho United Mates of America 1 cotnmaud vou to arise. "If I m kicked somobody elso will get hurt!'' cautioned the tramp as he trot up. "As ono of tho justices oH.ho peaco in and for this county I oomroand you to disperse," paid tho farmer, as he turned tho tramp toward tho gato and administered a kick. Next instant ho received a left-hand cr on the nose which knocked him into a coufuBcd heap on tho grass, and tho tramp got out of Ins old coat anu pro nared for business. "Towser. pulverize himl" shouted the farmer, as ho Btruecled to ills knees. In tho nime of tho United S.a 03 I command you to knock him down!" Towser advanced, his big fists doubled up, but the tramp dauced to tho right anu tno loit ami vuen euut iu ono on the hired man s commissary department which doubled him up, and laid him a iong the hollyhocks. "James, Moses, make him prisoner! yelled tho old man, as ho plucked a ... . i. ti. handttu oi grass anu neia 11 up iu um bleeding noso. Tho ttamp chuckled, 'mere was fun ahead. Tho two boys wcro strapping young follows, f.trong enough to knock down an ox, and they were willing to go in As they stripped off the tramp backed un botwoen two currant bushes, where they could not fiauk him, and as they I J ! I ... 1. .. all UUVUUUUll UIIUU unu IIU over, no played with them for i minuto or two, nnd then drew a long breath, mado two or three feints, and piled them on the grass togemer. Neither moved to gut up for full two minutes. Meanwhilo tho tramp rested and lookod over to me and queried: "You am t one of tho crowd! "No, "And don't want me to disperso!'' "Not particularly. All richt. I don't think tha United States and his gang want anything moro of mo iust now, and as I have an engagement down tho road, I'll move out When they get washed up and tho bandaues on tell 'em I used to Bciao with the boy in Chicago in days gono by, and that I h'ld myself in and let em oil very rami, vtjuu uy, oiruu cer. la, ta, old tally! And ho had been gono ten minutes bsforo tho pojtmaster came over to mo and whispered: "Did you cvor?" Ncv York Sun. Prohibition. Virtui' alone survives defeat, con tempt, and ndioulf. Where virtuons measures abound and necauso oi con tempt or temporary defeat the ohrit.tiauizd world would still bo dom inated and cursed by idolatry, poly gamy, autocratic tyranny, serfdom for womankind, aristoeralio slavery, and frliiit.nnv and the general debauehery through which it baa fought step by 8te., , G0(ps providence, with the oramon corav of moral advanc- ment Tho "rational" and "lucid" mijori ty, so called, has ever been at war with a "contemptibly" minority of "righteous fanatics,'' "howling zealots" ing crusaders," "blaik abolitionists,' "orauky prohibitionists. But how is it tiiat tho eciontifiu and lucid miionty oet wbimicd so often in tho various Rattles for God and humauity t Now I ia it ? Surely they have the greater numerical strength, and claim to havo ho better iudoment and sounder 8ense, sinco roligious excitement never distracts them. How is it, anyhow t i,0ok sharp to see, for tho balaccc of y0nr pilgrimage, my worldly-wise but gpiritually foolish friend, and you will discover things as the world progress- es. never vet dreamod of in your hriohtcst ohilosonh v. Look Bharp : nnd if you pray a littlo it will not bo- uiomi y0jr vision half so much as you may think. if WB should attemot to remind the Juoid majority that tho Lord is with mie "righteous fa-iatics" and "oranky prohibitionists' to day, rather than wjth tho worldly-wise and spiritually foolirth. they would lati'-h us lo scorn as usual ; but their sneer would not effect the rlnal result in the leust. Did the persecutions nud iiihumano efforts of tho "lucid mij irily" iu bo. half of Idolatry Btay tho onward pro gross of Christianity J Did polygamy, wuion was once inu ruu and not too exception, become tho exception and and not tho rule without an effort, aud sacrifico, in behalf of truo acd pure womanhood! Who but "righteous fauatios" would havo presuinod to ele vate tho gontler sex from groveling serfdom to her present superior and aud proper relations with mm rela tious that wo must now acknowledge aro for our mutual benefit and happi. ness 1 Surely not tho lusty skeptical world or tho "lucid majority." In our late uupleasautness in behalf of tho "personal liberty" of tho Afri can, undor our flag of the froe, did wo not havo about all of tho south to whip out of her "personal liberty to hold Blaves, anu about nan tno norm to noep . .t i . i ii..... r. ill obeyanoe that keen them from exercising tho "personal liberty" they thought they ought to have lo lut us a jtiok in tho rear, while wo wcro en gaged at tho frontl If our memory serves us right wo did; and tho south had tho best of us to begin with, nud hence bo was induced to taku tho tor rible and fatal step. Can It bo that tl o God of Israel raied up that "black abolilionUt Abo Lincoln," whom COLUMBIAN AND Booth assaslnatcd, to thus abolish slavciyt and to do it to) with tho aid of many who bittorly protottcd, and lo thus htuntiiaio through tho ravages of war tho aristocraoy of tho south tl'C now blest, blooming, nnd most favorod part of our countryt It looks so, don't t my lucid mends' JSow in beliall of prohibition, wo would remind you that this issuo is just following tho wako of tho moril advancement mado colore, step by step, through tlio help ot Uoil and "righteous fnnatlcs," and wo would bo pleased to havo yon nolo tho force and trnin ol our tirsl remark in this lettor, namely, "virtuo nlone survives defeat contempt and ridicule." 'Ilia peculiarity of this came,, nonllo roadur, is that it is not ton weak to got along without you, nor yet so strong that it does not need your help ami sympathy. Somo issues aro pi miliar and others wonderful: but this is both, considering its sourco and rapid growth in tho midst ot contempt and ridicule. it looks to mo as thouuh it would plnauo tho life .out of our politicians and distillers (1 moan their political nnd spirits U'jI life) for tho noxt tie- eaiK How does it look to you my lucid frlendf L't's think about it, in its good and ovll aspects, bnloro wo vote upon this homely question next month. Then it wo can fairlv deter mlno to como over to tho minority in the interest of homes and loved ones who but the lucid majority could blame ust surely iiod and "righteous. jana tics" would not. Hopefully Yours 1. J. Jamison. NeW Columbus, Pa., May 13, 1880. Temperance Wine. No matter what may bo said about tho tiso of wines, it is tho adulteration and trash mixtures that docs tho mis chief. Where pure wines aro ueed wo hear no complaint of inebriation. Wo nover hear of intoxication from tho uso of Spcer's Wine of Now Jersey. This wino and also the Unfermented Grapo Juice is held in iituii estimation by tho best doctors in tho country for the uso or tuo sick. RHEUMATISM For Mre than Twenty-flrc Year. A Com I plete BecoTery. Tfco Aleiuia Used I had Inflammatory BheumatUm. Tor nearly- a year X had to be fed and turnod In bod, I could And no relief. My stomach tvm ruined and cut to thecal with powerful medicines taken to effect a cure ao that I waa compelled to lire on bread and water. Z luffertdfor twentyflve years In this way. I was In duced to try Dr. Dayid Kennedy's Farorlto Remedy, made at Itondout, N, Y., and I Am Now Woll, tbuiks to thfe medicine. Dr. Kennedy's Ftrorlte Itemedy la my beet friend. Willi It I am enabled to enjoy a good vlgbt'i reat. Alio rood, such ti meat and paalry, which I havo been deprived of for ycara, ahowlntf that the Faroi-ito llemedyh&s no equal for the cure of Indigestion and Dyspepsia as well. If any should doubt this statement I wUl aond the ready proof at once. Oarrctt Lanslnfr, Troy, IT. T. It Is my pleasure and absolute duty toward thoso who are struggling for very lUo against tho deadly Diseases of tho Kldnoys to add my testimony to tha already weighty eil. dence of the wonderful efficacy of Dr. David Kcnno. dy'a ravorlto Bcmody, My wtfe was a hopeless case, abandoned by tho physicians. Dr. David Kcnnody'a ravorlto Remedy was reaortad tot not bocauso any hope was placed in It, but because nothing elio re mained. All meana and medicines had been tested without avail. Tho effect was little ahort of a mira. cle. At the seoond bottle she had regained strength, and continuing tha treatment has fully recovered. Jay Sweet, Albany, N.T, , FAVORITE REMEDY.' rrles One dollar. ITsparedat Bondout.N.Y.' Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. lYe pared by DR. DAVID KENNEDY, RONDOrJT.N.Y. 1 per bottle BlxtoraU. Si all druggists. BThe Greatest Blood PurifierE I This Clrpnt Oermnn XieiUpltin 1ft thnaT. iiuKmTTi:itsrori.oo,ics9thaii, ono cent ft dose. It will euro the. IU Q worst cases of ekla ulsenae, from. a common nlmnlo ou tho ttuxi I ta that awful fliAPflftA NrmfiilA.aT a snLi'iiun nm'uits ia thc beet mcdlclno to uso In nll caeca of audi stubborn nndaTM... t.-i.i leep seateil dleeases. Doncy8nrcout not ever tako aTnfi,.- ir.n BLUE PILLS ?.ui'j:"H Iormercury.thoynro uetul '-'. 'S ' ly. l'lacoj-our trust 1d?" f'?,? SULl'lIUK lllTTEItS,",?tt,?"vhat "ll9 tho purest and beetyu mecllclne ever maao.sllpinr Jjtt(n j J wlthayellowstlcliyDon'twaltnnUl yontJ 1 1 breath foul nndaro flat on your back, I I oUcnslvo? Vourbnt get some at once, It I I stomach le otitwlll euro you. Sulphur 1 1 of order. UeoBltU'rs Is OUI.l'IIUB. Mmk T..IJ, T.t-A lUTTKUSi lmmccliatolyThe youngr, tho aged and tot Is your UrtcrlDKaro soon made well by luo Uilck, -fits use. ltemember what you ropy, clo-0read here. It may savo your ornfe, It has saved hundreds. Uou't wait until to-morrow, Try a Bottle To-day I 6 Are vou low-sulrlted and weak. I or siiCTerlnir from the oxceBaes ofl Vouth? If so. bULl'llUU lll'l-IEltal mil curo you. Send 3 2cnt stamps to A. 1. Onluay A. Co., lloetoo, Mass., for beet medical work publhdicur 5A BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. NONC GENUINE WITHOUTTHE BA LABEL Manufd by Wm. Aykeb rosa. l'hllado., who make the famous Uorso lirand Baker BlanVeti. FRAZERgrease I1EHT IN TUB WOULD. I" wearing quallUea are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Hot enacted BTheat JUJiTTHK OENUINi. aierclinnti and lV1era Generally, May to r-4U ELY'S Catarrh Cream Balm Cleantses Ilia Nasa) I'dsuages, Allays 1'ttln and InUiimmallun, Hi'alo the Kok'8. Ht'atores the Beuses ot Tusto and Bnivll. TBY THE OUReHAY-EEVER A particle la applied Into each nosttll, and Is agreeable. Price oo cent at Druggists; by mall reroet, New York. Apr 'si CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Dunond Brand, 1 uUt Un. fmivd ttiu bliM rib At UrUKIflntka AWt NO Qimtr Ail CHLI III Id uilLt lu ituL enuKtcrfVIt ! 4. (UTniil for ' r b return wlU IV.UOtf trU tADiUui,MiiUiu. KuniriHt. A - 164 MOhlaalifTon DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, IA. rny Oia 111 c tin isruna, dhu nmra w JAItlirRODF BEAUTIFUL!. T DOLInUCD WITHOUT bflHUH. WolffsACMEBIacking rrodace polWi without th old bnuti, nd A iMm lc(N a vnM on mtn't and thru on uwntrCt $1o. TThj Btkk to old wifi In ttMM iUn ot procrvM t J Sold J Bhn Btomy Oroor, DratflBU, to. WOLFF & RANDOLPH. phiudlLPHIJU CURTIS QOMPDnHD. BLOOD, LlVEIt AND KIDNEY PUItlFIEU. Now is tho appointed timo for thoroughly cleansing tho system from all impurities, and all will find that tho Uurtts uompounu win exactly nil tno bill. It has stood the test of 22 yeais and its sales are larger than over, ovory year. Price 50o. and $1.00. For Sale Br Jaincs H. Mercer, DRUGGIST, Bloomsuuuq, Pa. TO CONSUMPTIVES Tho undersicned havinc been ro stored to health by simple means, after sueffring for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread diseaso Con(.umition, is anxious to make known lo Ills follow sufferers the means of cure. To thoso who desire it, he will cheerfully send (fr.eo of char e) a copy of tho prescription used, wnten tney will find aurocure for Consumption, Asthma. Catarrh, Buonciiitis and all throat and lunc Maladies, lie hones all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Thoso desiriim the orcRcrintion, which will cost them noth incr, and may prove a b'essing, will uleaso address. Rev. Edward A. Wiv son, Williamsuurg, lungs county, 1 ssii 1 r Now York. A-&-co.-dec-7-ly ninE INriUBA-NCK t'UniRTIAN V. KMAfl', ULOOMSBCKU,lA. HOME, OF N. Y. MBUCIIAHTS'. OF NBWAHK, N. J. CLINTON, N. V. PEOPLES' N. V. nwaniNrt. PA. GERMAN AMERICAN INS. C0..NEW VOKK. nURRNWinil 1NH no.. NEW YORK. JKUSET CITY FIRE INS. ,U0., JERSEY CITY, N.J. These old cobfobatiohs arewellsensoneqDy ami vins TKsnn and have never yet had a loss settled by any court ot law. Their assets are all Invested In solid sicdbitiis are Uabletothe aiardof FiRnonly. Losses promptly and honestly adjusted and ttxi as soon as determined by Christian t. KM AFP, 8 PICIA1. AOIKTAND ADJUSTER BLOOaKlirjRO, Pa Thopeoplaof Columbia county should patron ize the aicency where losses It any aro settled and call hv nnpof ttiftrnwn PUi7ona. , PROMPTNESS. EQUITY. FAIR DEALING. PENSIONS ! PENSIONS ! TT . PP-.VSTnVSdltn nvnv OKFICKR4. soldiers. Siiu'iis, their Widows, childurn nnd Defbndekt I'abemts everywnero. 11 in uuuuu ur u, coiuu Information wanted, write here. No WasnluRton, U. o ; or other Agency s J advantageous as this N. nnhousandi of renilona aggrcgatlnir millions of dollars, obtained through this Agency, and others allowed dally. i Addre-s with two Btamps Couniclor at Law, r. otaiu ou, iiiniuu, ... w. (Late U. E. pension Agent, N. J. liyt. Url. ?n'l.) IJr-Reters to uov., ll. B. Ben's and M. Cs N. J., posta O. A. lb, and Pensioners all U. 8., Canada c HoW lorviw, bui urn J. IMit Va wfttcft in im wnti. TiBiaa. iimvj ovua ui Uuntiaff uaim. no m uimi land cnU'alii,Ubworka and tuti of aqual taltia. on 1'erioR In itti I nitty un lecur una ttttt. ottbr with or lafB nd aU (!tla lias or Household Nntatplea Tkaia aauplta, aa wall as Iba watch, Mnd va. aakd fu vu bava ktel th.m In yo boma for 9 montba and rtowatbn U Uoaa "b mar hara called, Ib.j bacoma VIalw-iKTW Jt2h hft wrila at one raa M lara f lacalvtnr tha Vvatcn UMlin W VVti ' SI. C. SLOAN & BRO. BLOOMSBURG, PA. Manuracturersot CARRIAGES BUGOIES.PHAETNS SLEIGHS, PLATrOitV. WA.,r:5tC Flrst-clastworS always on nana, REPAIMjxU NEA 1L Y DONE. Prica rtduetdlo tuit the Una. yeats and Trade Marts obtained, and all ratent alneea conducted for MOUKIt TK FEES. OUH Ok'FICB IS Ol'l' iSITK U. 8. PATENT FF1CK. We have no sub.agencies, all business Irect, nencecan transact patent business In less Imeand at LESS COST than tnose remote from wasnmuton. . . send model, drawlns, or photo,wltn description, We advise If Ddtentable or not. tree ot charse, nur fee not due till Datent Is aecured. A bookV'llow to obtain l'atentfl,"wltU references o actual clients in your mate, couniy, or iowk. mire?. Auureaa C. A. SNOW & CO., Uppoaltn Patent oaice, Washington, D.O J. R. SMITH & CO LIMITED. MILTON, Pa., DKSIKIIS IN PIANOS, Ily the f ollowlns well known makers; Chickcrius:, Knabc, Wcbcr, Ilallet & DuviH. 9 Can also furnish uny of the cheaper raakea at matmlacturers T-- -.-il ! V- iiricea, xjo iwi uuy u iiunu uv n .ii i ioro geuuig our prices, .o. Catalogue and Price Lists On application, BtWtP'tS- PATENTS, Missing Links. The total tenement population of Now York City now is about 81,100, 000, or only nbOnt .r00,000 Icpb than tho city's estimated population. There aro 82,200 tenements In tho oily. Tho lnrorst continuous slocplna ear service in tho world Is that on tho Santa IAi system, whioh tuns through sleepers from San Diego, Ual., to Chi cago, a distanco of 2,311 miles. A woll-autlientlcatcd story is told of a Wntorbury cat which died of grief over tho tleatli of a mitttesj tor. wnom hod n rcmarkablo affection. As soon as tho nniinal saw tho faoo of tho dead girl It fell dead with a groan. A Now York shipping clerk, arrest ed for stealing from his employer, in court admitted his guilt, and said ho committed tho crimo in order to get money with which to start house-keep ing. He intended gotting married in a tw wteKs. Tho tedious work of removiiiir boul ders and remnants of nn nnoiont forest from the bed of the Thames Hiver still cors ou. It began sovmi yeais ago. At aat accounts 800 trees ana l.auu noui- ders had been taken out. Tho latter varied in weight from ono to four tons. An audacious tramp sreakid into a residence in Washington place, Now York, and tarried long enough on tho pn mises to make an tntiro change of clothing. Ho even appropriated und ergarments. It is said thatjon emerg ing be resembled a "swell" carrying a heavy cane and wearing a high hat. James Hannon, of Worth County, Georaia, has a powder gourd that was cairied by his grandfather in the re volutionary war. ll is well preserved, and seems good for several hundred years yet. Mr. Hannon also has n single barrel shot gun that did servico in the samo war, which is still capable of good service. Two boys played a fehrowd trick on a Boston photographer. They asked to havo thoir pictures taken, and when tho plate was about to bo exposed ono of tho rascals realized that ho would appear to bt-tter advantage if ho had a watcn. nio pnotogMpner loaned nis time-piece, and while he was again ad justing tho camera tho "customers'' ran out ot tho establishment. A French phys'.cian, Dr. Felz, men tions a curious apparent cause for lelt handedness. A child in a certain fam ily was left-hander), and tho second appuartd to bo so at tho age of ono year. It was then learned that tho mother always canied her ohildreii on her left arm. Sho was advised to change, and held on her other nrm the infaut, having its right arm -trio to grasp objects, soon became right-handed. A Great battle Is continually going on in the human Bystem. Tho demon of linpuro blood strives to gain victory over the consti tution, to ruin health', to drag victims to the cr.wc. A cood reliable mtdi- cino liko Hood's Sartapaiilla is tho weapon with which to .defond ones self, diivo tho desperato enemy from ino neiu, anu rcstoro peace aim uouny health for many years, iry this po euliar medicine. Safe Itulfs for the Voullry Yard. The following rules, if systematically carried out, will insuro successful poul try raising: In buying fowls or egi go to somo trustworthy breeder who has Ids reputa tion nt stake. Culls aro not cheap atnny price. Do not breed too many kinds of fowls at tho Bnmotime. Until your oxperieiico and accommodations warrant it conlino yourselves to ono or two well known va rieties. Introdiico new blood into your stock every year or so, by either buying a cockerel or betting of eggs from somo re liable breeder. Let old and young birds Iinvo ns wido a range us possible, nnd do not crowd too many in a house. If you do you will havo dlsea-so. Construct your houso good and warm, so ns to avoid damp iloors nnd afford a Hood of sunshine. Sunshine i3 better than medicine. Give plenty of fresh nir nt all times. Above all things keep tho houso clean. Clean roosts and bottom of laying nests, nnd whitewash often enough to keep all sweet and clean. Provide a dusting nnd scratching placo where you can bury wheat and corn nnd thus iuduco tho fowls to tuko tho need ful oxcrciso. Givo plenty of fresh water daily, and never allow tho fowls to go thirsty. Food them systematically twico a day; scatter tho food so they can't eat too fast or without proper oxorcise. Do not feed more thau thoy will eat up clean, or they will get tired of that kind of feed. Givo them a variety of both dry and cooked feed; a mixture of cooked meat and vegetables is nn excellent thing for their morning meal. Givo boft feed in tho morning and tho wholo grain at night, except a littlo wheat or cracked corn placed in tho scratching places to givo thorn exerciao during tho day. CATARRH, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fevers a Nirtv no.Mi: TitKATamNT. Sufferers nro not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of Uvlngpara.sltes In tho lining ineiiibranu of tho noso nnd eus tachian tubes. Microscopic lusearch, how ever, has proved tills to bo a fact and tho result Is that a shnplo remedy has been for mulated whereby cutnrrli, catarrhal deafness nnd liay fever are permanently cured hi from one to thrco simple applications mado at homo by tho patient onco In two weeks. N II. For catarrhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment Is bent on receipt of fen cents by A. II. Dixon & Son, 804 Yest King St, Toronto, Canada. Selcnftlo tmcrictm. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles bhould read tho above carefully. Out of tho uroastworks. Tats SrRlNOs, Tenn., July 4, 18BS The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I tried a physician, the best at command, but secured no benefit. My throat began to get sore, and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse, I felt that my grave must be reached In tie near future, I gave up the doctors' treat ment, and with a despairing hope I com menced taking your medicine. I began to Improve from the first bottle, and in a short time the ulcers healed, and my skin cleared off and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed la my system. The physician did his best, but could not cure me ; but two bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief, J. II. Robinson. Kaufman, Tex.. June j, :888. The Swift Specific Co,, Atlanta. Ga.s GcnUemen I have been afflicted with sUn disease for about twelve years, and the best medical treatment failed to give me re lief, I am now using Swift's Specific, and have received the greatest benefit from Its use. Yours truly, Wm. Jones. For tale by all druggists. Til Swnrr SrEciric Co,, Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, 7(6, Broadway. " )l now Iris, PERR runE UAItLKY from aoleclod Barley Malt and IfasMntccd to ( b eMlcj Mr pure and iron trom InJurlousotU and oclds oltcn contn 'nej IcfonySmnllTM being especially adapted to pcreons trqulrln? a stlmu atlnKjon i."." -, is a lniiretlv rreatly benenttod by its Hie. liccommendcd br lcjidlnB PW'M" "VbiiIUNe's Servlno, Tonlo and MterMitc. .For wn''nP!VfViin i-iniK 1 AliI.KV MALT WlllHKr.V Insures a return of vigor to the Komacn, mi i & : a. appetite, ar ch and anunuani 1110011 ami inti"""1""..;: ".vv Vraallnir dl" S i . stimulant mild and gentle in effect. , "W'r!". ,?? ,Srier aTt Wbl?k"y, f raws rati t entirely conquered by tlio me nr p"'7"lKS ... . sf ,1 1. ,.t,,i ,i;r.tin omi a imivrrfui Rtienatlicner to mo entire waum. ; iff H Is a tonlo and diuretic nnd a powerful ."iraR"'" V 'Vm c rial nro Mtlon to niNifs mum IIAIILKV Al.r Wl IHKUl lias proei a medicinal pro'"-"?" l" IINH'S PUIIK IIAIILKVMAI.T ii-vaWT'L,?lf w inose who nuraiiH liieiruTWHuuua ""-;, HrWcrur nr irrocer for for rty?. T &? excentloiial powers of endurnnco. ArK Tpul nearest druggist or Brwrior wr ,... tut,. nviiAiin,.a i n l hrt onrn all in wet nnd rigorous wcatuer. It will lte an raiuuju. Hard workers of every voe.ttlon and persons wtoniaiiedrjurTiiie rcrmeni pronnju IfflfBS? "55 ln. ?a.ll S'TSrTlt appears by the Lag nnd holner to'dlSMtlou. runii iiAiur.i (iaiji it without unrluir Bttmulatirirf it.iiat , ril rV if It'n enuincun Koi buicuj ail druggUt and grocers throughout l!nlt.(l nnd . Canada. - . U P countera 0 elToi'ti of fal & f, tensconrtath nro and isa Wr :'rim H(it Hone f.'mnt din less bcarlni ."iWiN.' l"r" enulncun rsazEBssasa 37 NORTH FRONT ST. 38NORT1I WATER ST., PHIL A ifoiwALE urunUGQisra AND ALL dcvlkhs. PENNY (10ODB A SPKCIALTY. soLiinnNTS roa p. r. ADAJ1S & CO., INB CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Sole agents of the fol lowing brands of Cigars. HENRY CLAY, LOND1IES, NOIlMAL, INDIAN ritlNCEbf:, SAMSON, SILVEli ASH. Alexander Bros. I Co, WHOLESA1.K DEALERS IN CIGARS, TOBACCO, FRUITS AND NUTS. OLK AGENTS FOIt IIJSjS'KY MAIUARDS lCAN.DIES. I'liESH VEUV WEEK. Bloomsburg, Pa. C. IB. MOBIINI Wamigm Mt Ma mmtio WINES AND LIQUOilb AM JOBBER IM CIGARS, BLOOMSBURG, PA. IIB-1JIMIIT Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Mines-. Music - - - - VVarerooms, Bloomsbui'g, 3?a THE TANITE CO.. CuiRr1- ' Stroudsduro -Pa. gJ'" V) Apr sa-a-4t. DR. THEEI. ROD MIHTJI FOl iini bl'liKJIT, Uluw Urn, 000 ftUladolibU, 1'a. Kvsular Kraioluiltd and reU lofad pbralclui, andiurffOB, iba out kphmIuc leailluir pevUllat (n mkticrvbat eifaeri luajr cialoi) Utt jCMra 1 rurtlvHl nnd 1'uropcun lluapltMl ilxiicxlcutu t dlpluiuaaad crlifiaiei wv,tur Sl'KCIAI, IIISIUSES ANI ULOOI) POISON, llOTU bKV. Important duii roan or old, Kltl'l' b7,!,5?.."d Ajrraloii ltiKutUljr, llrlslila Itlat'M ofUf kiaarj Tiles tlfedlnif orlulirnit.lljapf veetlllr oared, IiMtnicutit4-ltdTa. U.Uel l ono. Tht nut tiubbom imi awllelttd. Mr, Tbil itudlad Allopatbfa, llnioatBla Kelaotla and ItulauU trtteuii of luadlciaa, and brcotublbliia tha m luraulcabouri vbarf otbari fall. l)r, 1 hrt-1 wrna luffuren acaluit om pound i-llli, vcitublo lulstarca, blood furlaaia and uob braparatlanaaaauchd not curt, plieuoaar diQrr cnt la otiurc and projtrau and hr-in rvqulica leUntiBa traalncut, acnditanip tur txwk Trutb. tba oiy rtllabU bitdlcai irtil oa heeUI ua& vrToua lllara. HMt aiafceraUd and borrlblt forma, tnui llvtni tbt Poor uff.r. mi U Haaa dprlflQ tbau of all bopo maElDv tKni vlatiiut of dBaeroinilausblr nt iDianUv, Dr. Tbil lu dc cqsal and haa provtk If rtiu iL.l bit ability U worib toor to iuirrra tban nil ibo fr n conanliallam. narutati andrrumleiub artdallrotfaral but Idem pt. Nirittlr wMautUt WrltooroalU Tbouianda ol Itat dim, . .Idttiotil.a. iloun.ttol. and I to. Wad, tUI It. gab turn 1 ,hl , til 1 y.M, BilfilarttlUU WALT WHISKEY. WlIIHKUl nas w'" ""'X'. rJ 'unrirniia It bclonemytottlwltaTO l'KUHINK'H IL'sItUITirV ii.O'V' the kltl- llcDtlrely nee from fusel olliiuu. a metals nnil nclds and s.oWUitcljB LUutj, has miolcsoitro thOlAhiM 1 bure," Mtnira. cwnwa Anmn , '"r'. iiram'cnth'e UntortMnnf Munich. ? tue siifun (Jewmmia uruoaii". ANY OIIDKH VOli FESTIVAL wUlbo SUI'PMEDVViril THE LOWEST 1 as follows: ouangp:s, LEMONS, BANANAS, PEANUTS, ENGLISH WALNUTSS CUEAM NUTS, ALMONDS, l'OP CORN BALLS. -AT 8. WILMAMH, AUOTiONEEtt. BLOO MSB una, TA. oal Estate Bm3ht and BdU. Parties ilf sirinp to buy liorsea and wngons SHORT-HAND AND TYPE-WRITING. 71 blu -lie a, aod nnw Karu k ill to S a raniil. Am mn tixA l a.,.. . occujUonr laxu bhorthacd. yttu money spent will ruturn nunjfoU. ItLanntcppluatoua lllviuluKtoiit Ao. W.I toauootwa;.' It la a atepplu atoua I if uni .Si mjU, udf. Purutiooi fcr. lirnkom by illnll.fur bumoj atudr. Po - e k.( -uia'BJun Mar ts-d it CATARRH t'i""" or In uuy htuua, acuu. or chronic, also imjr ever or uoia in liFaa.rauia. r cured. Illffh miwllful Jiucnt. A lawyer who had Catarrh .i jr.. uiMxivera a cure wnica u now given to the world. No co. it orrtnarn"ul lulxunca No ahle. Beu.1 for clKular wllh home, ieittnioulala. ruiiredTwe."' "PaW1. CO, jS&stv-r A pr. ISMt. UiWUIBB KJH TIIK OOLUiiBU em joVen Wire Fencing iKopesoivoBo A 11 111 v. ... ii 11 iiu II. Market Vt., cU.,, ill. FcbM 0 0 W.13U anil NlrtrMiiPiiltirT lo at sncv eiiiniMii Ciny oar meiunnj, hm. wa will Mkd 4 K ttrnir-michlnt mutt n world, with all th aitirhtntnt will tUo ad frre a cfrnnini oefor will nd vtlutM trt mtilpt In rclura w till, thai nt ifhow whit w rtid, to thai who monlhlftll atatlt botna rir own prttfrff. ThU Irrand marhln it mutaahif lha 8ltlKrr ratanti, WMCB mi rMfi(a k ran rai tl told for SO it, wlih the va tafhmtnta. and bow mIU lot Ailtnarhln In Iht world. AW I tint, .N eitrftal r4Qlrd. riitn. auro ? tht bet Mwtnir-michliio In ! world, and tha VJXU J: ts CU.t & 740 Augiwtu, Maine jaaffcs'fr " GHATBFOIi COMFOHT1NG. EPP'S COCOA. BUEAKFABT. "Ilyatliorousliknowlciluooftlio natural laws wlilch KOtcrn tho opoiatlons of dlgeBtloii and nutrition, and by careful application of the lino properties of well-delected ocoa, Mr. Eppshas proflded our brcokfnst tables with a delicately flavored bovcrogo whtcli may save us many heavy doctors' bill?. Itlnbytuo Judicious uso of bucu nrtlclos ot diet tliu t a constitution may bo gradual, ly built up unUlslrong enough to resist every ten. dencyto dl'enno. Hundreds of subtlo maladies aro noatlug around us roady to attacH wherever there is a weak point. Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with puro blood aDd a properly nourished framo."-Cftf! berth Gatt tie iloilo fclinply with boiling water or milk, sold only In halt pound tins, by orocere, labelled thus r JAMES El'ls & CO., nomccopathlc Chemists, oct 20-d-ct. London, Kngland. RAILIIOAD TIIWH TABID loBIaBBBnoinarBDwi pvELAWAHE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTEUN ItAILHOAD. BLOOMSBUUG DIVISION. STATIONS. ai i i.v ' immt .una h Mil I If nrm Jaw CPttcbCF I 11 LCI I 1 1L-L. NortTn. r H A. U, A, M 1 85 10 10 6 15 10 !5 C 30 .... 10 S9 liSl 1 68 10 SB s 40 2 14 10 53 6 ta 2 19 11 00 7 05 ! ii 11 07 7 12 2 29 11 IB 7 SO .... 11 22 7 S7 .... 11 SO 7 31 11 30 7 85 2 43 1137 7 41 2 54 11 41 7 49 2 59 11 4? 55 3 09 11 6S 8 06 3 19 12 08 8 17 3 10 12 10 8 22 12 20 8 2? S 83 1! 23 8 33 3 39 1! 30 8 38 3 43 12 37 8 45 .... 12 41 8 49 12 45 8 S3 3 52 12 50 8 68 3 53 It 55 0 3 4 01 1 03 1 11 1 19 1 85 I 4 22 1 80 9 T U P M SOUTH. am m ru 9 50 2 05 GO 9 55 .... 5 25 10 00 2 14 6 30 10 08 2 21 6 37 10 16 2 28 6 45 10 22 2 84 0 50 10 27 2 89 6 55 10 30 ... 8 59 10 34. 2 47 7 03 10 38 S 50 7 07 10 42 2 54 7 12 10 47 2 59 7 16 10 61 3 03 7 21 10 55 8 05 7 25 11 02 3 19 7 43 II 12 3 29 7 65 11 23 8 39 8 07 II 28 3 45 8 13 11 37 3 61 8 20 3 67 8 27 11 4S 4 01 8 31 11 52 4 05 8 35 11 59 4 12 8 41 12 05 4 18 8 47 12 10 4 24 8 52 12 15 4 29 8 67 12 SO 4 46 9 16 4 64 9 23 12 40 5 00 9 !8 12 51 6 15 9 45 r si r m r m P M NOKTUUUBBRLAND fi 40 Cameron 6 65 chulasky o oo Danville o 08 Catawlbsa., 0 25 r, sci 6 se Kupcrt.. llloomsburg Espy, Lime Itldge, Willow drove.... Urlarcreek Berwick lieneh Haven..., Hick's Ferry Nhlckshlnny Huulock's Nantlcoke a 43 6 B0 (I 61 C 63 7 05 7 11 7 IS 7 KO 7 43 7 60 7 M 7 09 Avondale 1 lvmouth.. Pit mouth Junction. H 03 KlnL'sion 8 Ucnuolt 8 12 Maltby S 17 wyomini; a v-: West rittston 8 S7 I'lttston 8 S3 Lackawanna 8 40 Tavlorilllo. 8 48 Dcllevuo 8 Rt SCRANTON - u oo r u STATIONS. A H SCRAKTOH 6 10 llcllevue 6 15 Taylorvllle c 50 LacKawanna. ft 21 rittston 6 36 West I'lttston 6 42 Wvomlntr. 6 47 Maltby 6 61 uenneti e 55 Kingston 6 68 Plymouth Junction..... 7 0s Plymouth 7 10 Avondale. 7 14 Nantlcoke 7 19 Hunlock's 7 26 bhlf kshluny 7 47 hick's rerry 7 55 Uracil Haven 8 01 Uerwlck 8 07 linnrcreek 8 13 willow orove 8 10 Llmo Itldire 8 "0 Kspy..... R 26 Itloomsburg 8 32 Hunert 8 87 Catawlssa 8 '2 Danville 8 57 Chulasky. ... 9 03 Cameron y 07 OKTnrSIBEBLAND...... 9 22 1 u connections at. ihmprt. with rhilmipinhiu Headlnir llallroad for Tnmanend. Tamanna. will. iamsport, unbury. rotlsviile, etc AtNorthum. berland with r. K. Dlv. 1'. K. H. for Ilarrlsburir, liOCis Haven, Emporium, warren, corry andSrle. v. t: halstjcau, uen. wan., Bcranton, l'a Pennsylvania Railroad. livi: Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Divis" ion, and Northern Central Railway. x TIME TABLE. In errnct MAY ia isso. Trains leave sunbuir KASTWAKD 9.40 a. m.. Hea Shore RrnrpRH Mfillv- Avnont Sunday), for narrtsburu andlntcrmedlatestatlonB, arriving at Philadelphia 3.15s. m. : KewYork. 6.60 p.m.; Baltimore, p. m. ; Washington, 4X0 p. m., connecting at Philadelphia for MI Sea ?,??.re Potits. Through passenger coaou to Philadelphia. . ,. . , 1.43 p. ra. Day Express dally except Sunday),! or narrlsburg and la i erme dlate stations, arriving at 1'hlladelphla 6.50 p. m. ; New Yorlt, 9.S5 p. m, : Baltimore 6.45 p.m.; Washington, 8.10 p. m. Parlor car iiiivuku vu i xiiituiriuuia ana passenger coaches through to Philadelphia and Baltimore. 8.00 p. m. Kenovo Accommodation (daily for Harrlsburg and all Intermediate stations, arriv ing at Philadelphia 4.25 a. m. ; New York 7.10 a. m. Baltimore, 5.15 . m. ; Washlnpton 6 80 a.i m. : inillman sleeping car from llarrlsbure to Phlladel phla and New York. Philadelphia passengers can remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7 a. m. Philadelphia sleeper Is run on this train from Vllllamport on Sundays. 1.50 a. rru-Erlo Mall(dallj) lor Harrlsburg and intermediate Btatlons, anivmg at Philadelphia 0. 50 a. m. Now York, .So a. m.; Through Pullman sleeping oars and passetger coaches to Philadel phia. 2.t0a. m. Southern Express (dally) for Harris, burg ana Intcriredtate statlrns arriving at Haiti raoio 7.20, and Washp gton 8.45, ard through Pull mon He' ping cars to lialt'mie and woshlngton, and through passenger conches to Baltimore. WESTWAKli. ".-Erie M&ll (dally), for Erie aol at Canandalgua ai d Intermediate stations, Koches. ter, Buffalo and Niagara Palls, with through Pull man pan ;e oars and to Brie and Moane'tor. and Intermediate stations. 1.43 p. m. Niagara Express (dally except Bun lay) for Kane, 'jlguaand Intermodlatesta. tlon, K rhester, Buffalo and Niagara Kalis with tnioughpassenger coachesto Kane and Hochester and Parlorcar to Watklns. 6.30 p. m. Fast Line (dally except Sundayjtor lie novo, watktns and Intermediate stations, with thrpuih paBrfnger coaches to lienovo and Watxlns. 10.12 p, ra, Wllliamsport Exprera daily except Sunday) for Wllllau sport and Intermediate sti. Hons. THUOUQU Tit A INS FOU SDNIlimY FltOM THE EAST AND SOUTH, News Express leaves Philadelphia 4.S0 a.m. Baltimore, 4.30a. in. Uarrlsburg, 5.10 a.m. dally arilvlng at hunbury 9.63. a. m. Dkn. ... u , Niagara Expressleaves Philadelphia, H 60 a. m. ; Washington 8 10 a. m. Bal. tlmore 9.00 a. m. (da'U except Sunda) arrtvlng at S?7f"ir?' I.4 r-m- w"" tbrough Parlor car from Philadelphia andvnroughpasaengercoachea from Philadelphia and Baltimore. Fast Line loaveB New oi k 9.00 a.m.: Phlladel phla,u.50a. m, ; Washington, 9.60 a. m.: Balti more, 10.45 a. ra, (dally except Sunday) arriving at suubury. 6.80 p.m.. with through passenger 001.S?'rom 1'blladolphla and Balirmore. u' VA11.l,4?,,F9r.' E'P'fts leaves New York 8 00 p. m. Philadelphia 6 Si p.m. Washington 2 60 p. m. H, .i?Sre i a0 P-J"- Wally exept Sunday) arrtr. Ing at bunbury io.a p. m, with through pisseng ercoaches from Phlladslphla nnd Baltimore ,Krle Mall leaves New York 8.00 p. m. ; phlladel. Phla,ll.25p. m. ; Washlngtcn.ifMp.m.rBalt . """.'Kf ., (dally) arrlvlnc at Bunbury 6.10 f.V, a'J Vi? through Pullmai Hceplng cars from Philadelphia, Washlngtr.r ar.d Baltimore and through pasetrger touLu utni Ihlladelphla KAII.ltO.U) AN1I MIUTII AMI WKHT HUANI1II U1IMVAY. ..... (Bally except Sunday.) ni',r? Mifi loa?ea sunbury 10 oo a. ra. SJiOp in ry a,m-' Wlxes-barre ExpressEast leaves Sunbury 6.35 pr to., arriving at Bfoom Ferry 6.20 p. m.. Wlfltea-barre 7.60 p. m. in,bi1,r,a,JlleaT?s,NSlke9Darre a mTarriv: IngatBUom Ferry 12 srp. u., Hunbury 1.30 p. m. vi!ipr,e1?,e,itJt""e8 WIlkei-liarrB lis p. m., S vUu; at Bloom Ferry 4.30 p, m., Sunbury 5.20p. m. SUNDAY THAINS. .SfflS m!' leaves Sunbury lo.oo a. m., ar riving at Bloom Ferry a. m., Wllkes-Barre 1. t U 4 Ul. Sunday accommodation leaves Wllkes-Barre 5:10 Fisop' S 4t U10ora ',S p,ul, Bun6ttry o'uah. a: ruaa, j. . woon. A ilvfrllserH by addressing Ceo. I, . "w c Cm. 10 hpruce St.. Now York In good faith, can obtain alf needed, li.formatlon imcahSplera.UnB U UVWKQ l N0Va.M,w7PttSePanlI"'Ut'tW' V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers