The Columbian. Q. B. Elwell, Iium... J. S. BltUnbealor., f Ei"- BLOOM8BUKG, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1889. WABHINGTOH LETTEB. From ovrltegular Correspondent. Washington, May 13, 1889 Harrison's religious following will prolably bo greatly shocked to loam that tho truly good and pious Benja min has bcon indulging in a sinful Sun day oxotirgion. But such is tho fact. Pious Bonny left Washington Saturday morninc on board of the Government vessel Despatch and tho sailing masters orders were to keep going night and day until tho return to Washington to night. And to mako matters worso ho hn9 lod off with him such innocents as Secretary Windom. who has not yet entirely recovered from tho effects of his own indulgence at the lato Now York celebration, Secretary Rrifek, who by tho way, needs salt air very much since, ho was "fresh" enough to think that wiolding a soytho for fivo minutes in tho presence of nowepnper corres pondents was sufficient to popularize him with tho Agriculturists and work ing people of the country, and lastly but by no means least, Joo Hawley, who although born in tho stato of North Carolina, can and does constant ly give tho trickiest citizens of the stato which ho represents in tho United States Scnalo Connecticut points in all manner of things. Mrs. Harrison was along, but so also were tho two MoKce children, who probably fully occupied her time leaving the four mark tho ntirahor pious gentlemen to indulge in their favorite game to as creat an extent as thev mav wish. What was dono will probably never bo known as neither of tho four concornod aro likely to tell any talcs. Chief Justice Fuller finding tho rcsi donoo in the suburbs which ho now occupies under leaso to be too far from tho capitot for him to wal' to and from tho Supreme Cour room in tho Capitol, has purchased ono ot trie most desira bio private houses in this citv, located in its centre. Tho price paid was $iuu,uuu casii. Mr. Palmor tho now Publio Printer took oharce of tho Government print ing office this morning. Mr. Benedict, tho retiring Publio Printer has not heen a popular, no man can be, in that office, who properly looks out for tho interest of the Government, but he has nevertheless been one of tho very bjst Publio Printors we have over had. There has been loss wasto nod more work turned out for tho amount paid than was over before known In ino nistorv of the olhce. At last tho colored man and brother has captured a Presidential appoint ment. Tho lucky man was Jtev. J. M. Townsond of Kichmond, Indiana, and the office was recorder of the General Land office not a big office by any means, uui just now me race is ez tremoly thankful for any thing it can got. Corporal Tanner is getting to im ncino himself the "biggest" man con nected with tho administration. Some of his personal friends have already l)ecnid"to talk of lam as a Presidential candidate. If less than two months at tho head of the pension bureau has had this much effect, what may be oxpected in four years! The S190,000,000 in tho United Mates treasury has all goa to bo count' od in order that Mr. Hyatt the retiring Treasurer may take tho receipt of the new Treasurer, Mr. Huston, for the samo. The count began to-day and is expected to last something uko three months. Nearly four-fifths of tho money consists of Btandard silver dol lars. Tho appointment of Ex-Governor Thompson of South Carolina as tho democratic and Mr. Theodore Roose velt of Now York, and the second re. publican member of the Civil Service Commission, makes the board oompleto for the first time in several months. One of the first things that tho Com- nvssioner intends to do is to contest tho recent decision of tho Interior de partment that appointments in tho Census bureaus would be mado without clvil-servico examinations. Mr. Wanamaker is opposed to one cent postage. He seems to have al ready become a victim to tho fever that Postmaster Generals always get soon after their appointments and nel dom ever cot rid of. That is the absurd desiro to make tho Post office department self sustaining. It's dollars to ginger cakes that some New Hampshire paper will get in its work early in the administration, on tho New Publio Printer. My reason for thinking so is that little ''Billy' Chandelier helped Palmer fix up his bond and also went on it himself. Now Chandelier never does anything for nothing, and bis long oxperience in monufacturing Government contracts in which be has been silently interested causes me to believo that iu this case he will stick to the samo lino of tactics that have mado him a rich man. Tho next Congress will have sixteen contested election cases to determine, thirteen of them from tho south. Tho papers in several coses are now at tho Government printiug office being put in type. Tbe Mind Beader Dead. Washington Irving Bishop, who be- nimn fnmnna in thld nnnnt.rv ami in Europo by his extraordinary, and to log performances, died at noon Monday at the Lambs Club, No. 34 Wost Twenty-sixth street N. Y. The circum stances attending bis death were as singular as, and in perfect keeping uritli Inn romnrVnhln carper, for it was tlia effort to perform a wonderful feat ot tbouglit-reading wntcii caused mo cataleptic fit that ultimately pro ed fatal. Friday last Mr. Bishop camo to New York from Philadelphia to sign a con tract with his manager, Mr. R'tcbie, and was stopping at the HoiTman House, On Suuday night tho mem bore of the Lambs Club gave one of their suppers and entertainments. Mr. Bishop seemed to be in oxcollent spirits and apparently enjoyed tho affair very much. Whon Mr. Clay Greene, the Secretary of tho club, called upon him to contribute to tho amusomont of tho evening Bishop readily consented, and performed bis famous dagger trick. The hearty applauso that greeted this performance led him to announce another nnd moro difficult one, that of finding a word In a book whioli was to bo previously selected by one of tho gentlemen present Tbe mental offort attending this perforraanco proved too great, for he suddenly foil to tho floor fn a state very like a cataleptic fit, tho incident causing conaiderabla confution moDg tho festlvo party, Juit then, Dr. A. Irwlne. of No. H Wost Twenty. ninth street, who is a member of tho club, happened to oomo in and ho took tho patient in charge. His prompt nso of stimulants soon hi ought Mr, Bishop around when, to tho amazement of all who wero in tho room, ho announced his intention of performing tho feat previously undertaken. Dr. Irwinc protested against tbo at' tompt and all tho gentlemen endeavor ed to dissuade him, to no purpose, however, for evon tho physician's allu sion to tho danger of another attaok, failed to shako Bishop. "Why" said he, "I am not affrald of theso fits, for I'vo had over a dozon of them, and I'm alivo yet. But I intend to do tho feat oven if it kills me, just to show all that I oan do It,' Dr. Irwino and Mr. Grceno then do- cended to tho basement, and among a lot of old account books picked out tho minuto book of tho club and on page 87 selcoted tho word "Townsond," afterwards secreting tho book in e dis used drawor among somo discarded rubbish. On returning to tho room whore Bishop was sitting JJr. irwino again endeavored to dissuado him from pro ceeding in what ho gravely informed him was a very dangerous experiment., But Bishon for tho second timo re marked han he would accomplish tho feat even if it killed him, and insisted that ho bo immediately blindfoldod. When the handkerchiof had bcon tied over his eves -ho was led downstairs, his right hand being clasped on Air. Greene's wrist. In duo time ho dis covered tho room, then tho drawer and tho book, and on the leaves of tho lat ter being rapidly turned over by him, ho stopped nt tho right ono and then ran over it with a pencil. Suddenly ho seemed to mako a private mark, and then nervously requested that the book bo brought upstairs. Ho had no sooner er.tered tho room where the members were assembled than ho pulled a bandage from his oyes and oxolaimod. "Quioki quick, give me a bit of paperl'' and on receiv ing it ho dashed off "Dnesn wot," that being tho selec -ed word written back ward, so that it could bo read in a mirror. Ho bad performed tho feat but Boarcely had he written tno word when ho was again seized by the cata leptic fit, from which ho never recover ed. The Fetca Lvw. Probably no other act passed at tho rccont session of the Legislature is so important to tho farmers of tbe state . . , T. , as tno act repealing mo renco law. This old statute, passed in 1700, mado all persons liable in damages for in juries done to them to stray cattle, sheep or hogs in driving them from their premises, provided the premises were not protected by a high and close fence as prescribed by law. Now there is no need of the fence, tho own er of the land is not responsible for in juries done to trespassing cattle in driving them off his grounds. Wheth er he can obtain damages for tho mis chief done by the trespassing cattle is not so clear. If the purpose of tho Legislature was to abolish the necessity for fences it would have accomplished this objeot moro certainly and saved litigation by making it a misdemeanor for the owner of cat tie or stock to suffer them to run at largo. It is uot everyone, even though injured by trespassing cattle, who cares to maim or kill tbera simply to punish their owners for not keeping them in their fields. Tbe repeal of the Fenco law has no effect upon the rail road companies in tho stato at large, because they were not bound to fence their tracks nor liable to tho owners of cattle killed thereon, while the fenoe law still stood. By a special act, ap plicable to Warren Venango, McKean, Bradford, and pes haps somo other counties, railroads are required to oreot fences and cattle guards or pay for oatllo injured for want of them. Thoso special laws remain operative, in spite of the repeal of the general Fence law. As tho law now stands it appears that ovcryoue in the rural districts may suffer his cattle, sheep and horses to roam at large and do what damage thoy please, subject only to the risk that some irate neighbor who finds them tramping down his wheat may injure them, and in a few counties, if tbo stray cattle derail a locomotive and are crushed in tbe act, their owner may recover their full value from tho railroad company. Press. Sagarloaf. Fishing season is in its brightest days. Mr. Gardner of Bloomsburg, tried his skill as a fisherman on Tues day l'lth inst, aud succeeded in cap turing several fine trout. Mr. Jno. Klineer, who fell aud in jured himself on Saturday 11th, is con- valesing slowly. Mr. Kaufman of Lancaster, a prohi bition lecturer, addressed a meeting of 49 persons at tbo JJtaudon SI. Church, Tuesday evening 14th inst. His arguments were based upon facts, but groat many of his exclamations wero uufounded and basoless. Tho thinness of tho audienco was Bomewhat of a surprise to many, for it was gen erally conceded that moro voters were in favor of prohibition. The meeting was opened by singing Crown Him Lord of All, after which Air. A. it. Fritz lod in prayer. Aftor prayer Mr, Kaufman was introduced, who made a few very bold and rigid exolamations. Ono most remarkable was that whoso ever cast their voto on the 18th day of Juno for license, was an accomplice in crime and would bavo to suffer pun ishment in tbe face ot uoil. Sl'1'.ClAl. Died For Bcieno's Bake. Dr. Frank R. Vincont of Clifton Springs N. Y., met with a peculiar ueaiu ounuay morning itusi. For some timo past Dr. Vinoent had been experimenting with an instrument known as "die Sayre suspension ap paratus." It consists of a wo-den tripod about eight fcot high, from which is suspen- ed by moans ot compound pulleys an iron oross-bar. From this cross-bar straps desceud, which support the pa tlent by tbo chin and back of tho head Arm straps nro also added when the palieut, instead of raising himself, U pulled up by an assistant The instrument, as originally de vised, was used for tho suspension of natlents while plaster laokots woro ap plied to tho spino, but during tho past low months, sinoo the experiments of tbo celebrated Pro. Charoot, of l'iris, have been mado known, tho apparatus has been oxtensively used in tho Uni ted States for the treatment by suspon. sion of various organio and functional spinal complaints and derangements of tho nervous system. On Sunday rooming Dr. Vinoent rose early, as was his custom, and ar ranged his linen for tho day wuh minuto care. Then ba went to the bath room and took bit bath, telling THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. an attendant that he was going to try tho tripod suspension on blroselt to noto Its clToots. Ho had also told two of his patients who testified boforo tho Uoronor s jury that ho was going to mako suoh a test tho first opportunity ho might have. Aftor his bath ho was particularly ohoorful and happy. Ho wrapped his oain roue aoout, mm, and ran lightly up ono night ot stairs to his office, whore he had been using tho sayro in strnmont on ono or two patients. From this point It is all surmise. It is supposed that tho dootor adjusted tho bolt under or around his ohin, whero it was loosely buckled. Then ho lowered himself, and, losing his hold of tho ropo, it How up to tho apex of tho machlno beyond his roach, while tho pad instead of resting on his ohin, drew up owing to his weight over his mouth and nostrils. Ho had a full beard, and it is supposed that this also tended to render him insensible by helping to suffocato him. Everything in tho arrangement of tho raachino in dicated that this must have been tho causo of his death. He loaves a wifo and two sons. Ho was reg.irde"d as a very nblo physician and skillful surgeon, and was very popular among his acquaintances. He was thirty-seven years of ago. Tbo remains will be taken to Lewisburg, l a,, tor interment. Items. Joseph Cook's cstlmaton is that, at tho present increase, in 1910 the popu lation of tho United States will num ber 100,000,000, that in tho year 2000 there will bo 4uu,uuu,uuu. Great progress is being mado in dentistry for animals. Barnum's hippopotamus lately sat and bad a bad luuiu uxiruuiuu wuuuui, a growl, anu tho samo operation is now practiced on lions and tigers. When tho wild beasts are all provided with false teeth wo propose to interview a few of them in their cages. The counting of S178.394.763.45 in cash in the vaults of tho Sub-Treasury was completed Saturday Inst and tho amount found to bo correct. Assistant Treasurer Ellis tian now givo bis receipt and shoulder tbe responsibility of tak ing caro of tho money. But in giving this receipt Mr. E'lU destroys the in dependence of his Utica newspaper aud joins tho army of oJitois with padlocked mouths. With Wanamaker collecting monoy to help the Prohibition cause in Penn sylvania and tjuay raising boodlo to help defeat tho proposed amendment in that stat1, tho republican party main tains its balaioa on this question in true rope-walker stvle. With tho pions John to look after what tho JLribune once called "Sunday school politics,'1 and the wiokrd Motthaw to keep tho "rum power eatiBbou, tbo party of high old moral ideas expects to steer clear of tho temperanco rocks. Secret Servico officers havo been notified to keep a sharp lookout for a bogus five dollar bill which is at pres ent being oxtensively circulated in and around Pittsburg. It is excellent im itation of tbo genuine article. Tho size is precisely the same, and the ooloring is so good as to domind the service of an expirt in distinguishing it from the genuine note. It can bo readily detected, however, by notioing tbe official seal, which is much smaller than that on a good bill and shows up mora conpicuoasiy. more is also au absence of silk threads and an imita tion of tbem is printed on the bills. During tho storm last Saturday afternoon in Berks County sixty bans, farm-houses and dwellings wero un robed or partly blown down by tho storm, entailing a los of $80,000. In the northern end of the county orchards were entirely denuded treos. Tho loss tothefruit crop is estimated nt $20,000. In Schuylkill County tiio loss on buildings is $40,000. Some of the country roads are impassa ble, being full of broken trees. Near the well-known "yellow house" in this county Thomas Snyder was riding a mule, lie was lifted olt by the wind and thrown over a fence twenty feet. Near Linfield Thomas Haglits was thrown from a passenger car and hurl ed into a field. A little girl was lifted up by tho wind at Sixth and Bingaman streete, in Reading, and carried about one hundred feet. She was uot hurt. Tbe employes of tbo Railway Mail Service number 5,300. About one- third of this number are republicans appointed snce the 4th of March, and a small number are republicans found in tho service by tho Cleveland admin istration and overlooked In the general slaughter which followed Cleveland's inauguration, the rest are domoo a s May 1, the entiro service pascd under the oontrol of tho Civil Service Ci m mission and in futuro when vacancies occur they will be filled from lumes certified by that body. Civil Servico Commissioner L)inan says thaf, lliu Commifsion has already on file more than 2000 applicants foi examination, friiiu parlies dt sirous of receiving ap pointments in the nervieo a d that ho anticipates no trouble wlintover in fill ing any requisition tint Superint- ndent Boll nf tho Railway Mall Servieo may mako on him for clerks. FRISDKItICK T. liOUKKTS, M. I) , Ex- aintiier in Medluino in the Itoyal Co! lego of Surgeons, London Eng., in sneaking of Bnght's Disease, says : "Death is usually hastened by urio acid poisoning, serious inflammation, bron chitis, pneumonia, dropiy, or by apo plexy." Warner's Safo Curo is a guar antoo againBt fatality from these bra bin muladi.'B, because it cures tho causo (diseased kidneys), and puts tho kid neys in a healthy condition, enabling them to expel tho poison or waste mat tor from tho system. Bentenoed to Suffer Death by Electricity. Buffal ., N. Y. May 14. Win. Kem mlur, for the murder of his paramour Mrs, Tillie Ziegler, on March 29 last, was this morning sentenced to dio by electricity. This was the firl asntcnoo under tho new law sinco its enactment and that fact drew a large crowd of curious people and members of the bar to Judgo Childs' court this morning. ICvmmler was brought in and asked what he had to say. Ho lookod fixedly at tho Ju Igo witli a troubled, anxious look upm his face and replied quietly, "nothing." The Judge then prooeodo 1 to pass sentence. Ho said the tiial had been fa'r and impartial? that the ovidcuco showed that Kemmlor deliberately planned and executed tbe murder, and tho verdict was satisfactory and entirely just. Tbe form of the sentence was as fol lows: "Tbo sentence is, that for tho crime of murder, of which you stand con victed, that within the week commotio- Inrr Mnnilnv .Turin 21. 1RR0. u-lthin the walli of Auburn State's prison, or I within the yard or enolosuro thereof, you sudor tho death punishment by bo lug executed by olootrlolty, and that you bo removed to and bo kept in confinement in Auburn Stnto's prison until that timo. May Gjd havo moroy on your soul." Kommler oxhihited but littlo emotion and walked steadily out of tho oourt room with tho otliacrs on his way back to jail. ' CltntiKC ot Timo Table on I'cnil Hylvimla Miillroml. On our fourth pago wo givo tho timo tablo of tho Pennsylvania railroad which went Into effect Slay 18th. Tbo train nr. riving at 2:55 n. m., going cast, will leave bunuury atliGO a. m arriving it Harris, burg nt 0:22, and at Philadelphia at Oi&O a. m. Train No. 2, leaving Bunbuty at 2:50 a. m., with connection from tho north for Harrlsburg, Halttmoro and Washington, will arrive nt Haltlmoro at 8:20, and Wash togton nt 8:4,1. Tho hnlanco of tho cast hound trains will remain as at present on the timo tabic. No. 11, west bound, Niagara Express, wilt Icavo Philadelphia at 8:N) a. m., arrive at IlarrUhurg at 12:03 p. m. t lcavo Ilarrls- burg at 12:15 p. m., arrlvo at Sunhury at 1:43, wbcro It will pass Day Express, The management havo decided to put on a irain io connect wun uarrisnurgixpross. leaving rnuaucipnia at 0:49 p. m., arrlvl: at Harrlsburg at 8:50, leaving there at and arriving at Sunhurv at 10:43. An additional train will bo placed on (ho Bhamokln division. It will leave Sliamo'iln at 1 p m., arriving In time to connect with Day Express and NlagAra, returning loi.vo Sunbury at 3 p. m., except Sunday. Train No. 8 on Bunhury division vlll arrive at Sunbury from Wimcabarro at i:S0 p. m., instead ot 12:20 p. m. It is. Useless tor young ladies who aro tiotibled wiiu iicckicb pimpies, mom ana tan and a bad skin generally to uso liquid nnints or drv nnwilnrn. fnr thnw nutw l J I - f - - v J -..J make the skin look well for tho timo being. lo have a good complexion you must, havo puro blood. Use Slllnlllir Hit.tPAA nrtil vnur alfin mill hn fair and complexion rosy. Young jyuciies jtiagazme. 4-1(1 zt VKfc The Chief Beaton for tho great suc cess ot Hood's SarsaparlUa is found la tho article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and tho fact that Hood's SarsaparlUa actually ac complishes what Is claimed (or It, Is what has given to this racdtelno a popularity and sale greater than that ot any other earsap IVieril VVIIIS nerbetore the public. Hood's SarsaparlUa cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens tho Nerves, hullds up the Whole System. Hood'a Mannparllln Is sold byall drug gists. ei;slxfor3. Prepared by O. I. Hood li Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. fJrsw Y1k PACKETS. Reported ol a. S. Palmer, Wlideiale Commit t ton jiercnani, w neaae St., .v. 1 . New York.. May 18th. 1880. Tho market for tho week opens activelv and outlook favorablo far a cood trade to continue, especially apples, as tno demand is good anu market llrm. recelnts uelnc very lleht. 8nv selllne to day from 8 50 lo-iou per uui. uomctmnir strictly line wouiu cxcccu incso ngurcs. uuoice uaid wins 8 00. Russets 2 75 to 8 00. Dressed calves also doing better and prlmo stock went out readily at from 7 to 8c. Bprlng lambs, prime, C 00 to 0 SO each ; other grades 8 00 to 5 00. Hogs steady at about 7 to 8c. Market on butter quiet, owing to liberal receipts. Creamery, fancy, 17 to 10c; select dairy tuhbs and palls 10 to 17c Fresh eggs from near by 18 to 14c pcruoz. ureseea poultry, turxcys, 13 to 15c Broilers 22 to 28c lb. Fowls 10 to 12c. Game plover. 1 00 to 1 60 per doz. Eng. snlpo 1 00 to 2 00. Tame squabs 2 00 to a zo. Old potatoes unlet and without material chango. Prices range to-day from I 00 to 1 23 per uui. ror State rose; hebron 1 00 to 1 12. burbank and white star 1 00 to 1 15. Sweet potatoes 3 60 to 4 00. Marrow beans 1 70 per bush, and suprly large. Medium 1 70. White kidney 2 00 to 2 iu and red I Ho to l vo. Evan. aDDles 5 to Cc. Raspberries 10 to 18c. Cherries 18) to loc. Huckleberries lUc Hecsnax 23 to 25c per lu. Tho receipts of manle sutrur are llcht and selling at 7 to 7jc per lb Syrup working out at Irregu lar ngurcs. , Rich and Poor, I'rince and Feasant, the Millionaire and Day Laborer, by their common use of this remedy, attest tho world-wide rep utation ot Ayer's Pills. Leading phy sicians recommend these pills for Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costive ness, Biliousness, and Sick Headache also, for Ilheumatlsm, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They are sugar-coated ; con tain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild, In operation ; and, therefore, the very best medicine for Family Use, u well u for Travelers and Tourists, i "I have derived great relief from Ayer Pill. Fivo year ago I wu taken bo 111 with Rheumatism that I was unable to do any -work X took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely cured. Bluce that time I am never without a box of thesn plus," Peter Chrlsteusen, Sherwood, Wis. "Ayor Pill have been in use In my family upward of twenty year and bavo completely verified ail that i claimed for them, In attack ot piles, from which I suffered many years, they afford greater relief than any other medicine I ever tried." T, F, Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. " I have used Ayer1 Pills for a num ber of years, and have never found any thing equal to them for giving me an appetite and Imparting energy and strength to the system. I always keep them In the house." It, U, Jacksou, Wilmington, Del. " Two boxes ot Ayer's Pills cured me ot severe Headache, from which I was long a sufferer." Emma Keyes, Ilubbardston, Ma. "Whenever I am troubled with con. tlpation, or suffer from loss of appetite, Aver' Pill set me right again," A. J. luer, Jr., ltock House, Va. "Ayer's Pill are In general demand among our customer. Our sale ot them exceed those of all other pill com bined. We have never known them fall to give entire aatisf action." Wright &llannelly, San Diego, Texas, Ayer's Pills, mxrABBD BY Dr, J. O. Ayer & Co.( Lowtll, Man. Bold by all Dealer In Msdlcto. JXKCUTOU'S NOlfUji. XttaU afilarv it. Snvaer, deceased, late of Zlloomsourv, Tjttni tAHtamentarr on aald estate havlnir been erantol to tbe undersigned executor, all persona Indebted to raid estate are hereby nouned to p it the lame, and those having claims agamic raid eiute to present the same to rmx tiayt-tt. ' MeFuTif. Importantto RailroadMon. A. K. Bmith has been for forty-nine year road mister on the Boston and Mains system, and la now residing at Great Falls, N. II. He Bays track men, brakemen, nremcn, engineers and conduc tors, as wen as baggage masters and expressmen, aro subject to kidney disease above all others. All, therefore, will bo Interested In the statement of bis experience, "t havo used Brown's Sarsapa rlUa for kldnoy and liver troubles, and can truly say It has. done more for me than all the doctors I ever employed, and I havo bad occasion to require inoBemccsorinobest physicians In tho State. y wire also has been greatly benefited by it, use. A. B. SMITH, ltoad Master B. A M. It. It." The kidney havo been labored hard all winter is the pores of the skin have been closed, but now me springtime lias come, and Jthey need, some aid. Mirbe you have that pain across the back; that tired feeling; thoso drawing down fiatns. If so, you cn cet lmmedlato relief byfol owing the example ofilr. smith and hlswlfo,and two that never falling and grand corrector for the iumi, b, liter lu'u uiuuu, BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. Not srennlne unless made by Ara Warren Co., Made to Our Special Order. IMPORTED FROM Write for Samples of Clotli nnd Cut showing Styles of Suits. Samples, Measure Blanks and Directions "How to Ordir Suits by Mail" free of charge. 1 0. THOMPSON Importer of London Made Oiothing, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, I'HILADELPMA. OPPOSITE TDK V. S. U1NT. QHD1NANCE NO. 41 An Ordinance, to permit The Bloomsburg Belt itaiiroaa company to occupy a portion oi sev- entn street ror ranroaa purposes. Wukkbxs. Th Hloomsburr BcttHatlmad Com. oany, as appears by Letters Patent, exhibited, Ivnrlntr data tbe twentv-eUrhth day of January. 18 became an Incorporated company, under articles or Association oecaunK urai ; --1 no roaa oftre company Is to bo constructed within the corporate limits of the Town ot Bloomsburg, from a point near the intersection of the Bloomsburg and Sulilva . ita Iroad Company's tracks, with tho tracKs of tne Delaware lACk-awanna ana western ltatirniui fomnanv. rastwardlv to and udoi hot. ei th street to East street, thence by tl o nrost eligible route to and about the lurnace ot William Nfial & Rons, and wctwadlr therefrom to the canal wharves late ot tbe nioomsbunr Iron Com pany, ana to tne place oi oeginning, ana to do or a lengtn oi two miies ' , anu WniREiH. The said. The Bloomsbunr Belt Kali- road Company, has requested permission to locate construct, establish and uso a railroad In persu anceotthe charter ot tho said company, upon seventh street; and also a large number of proper- In behalf ot the said Company.the same permission therefore : suction 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the iv owners on Haia buvcuui turret nave reauesLeu Town Council of the Town of nioomsbuw.and it is herebr ordained and enacted br authority of the same, that the Bloomsburg Belt Itallroad Com pany do, ana is nereoy permiucu w iuchw:, con struct, establish and use a railroad, of single track upon Seventh street, from the west side of Market street to the east side of Batt street, at or about the southwest comer of tbo property owned by Barman Hasten, at or near the mterescaon of said East street with the Be Tvlclc road : rrovlded. that such track shall bo laid at the crude otfe said seventh street, and that the Bald railroad anallbe located and constructed 1 1 tr e satisfac tion and accentance of the Engineer Surveyor ot the Town of itioomsburg. and in such manner as not to ODStruct in its maintenance ana use boiu Seventh street, as a publio highway, except so much as Is actually necessary for the reasonable and Droner location, construction, and use ot tho said railroad. skctiow 2. 'mat 'ino uioomDurg ueu itaiiroaa Company shall locate, constru't and maintain tho railroad In all Its parts at tho crossings or streets or other hlzhwRvs. at such grade as shall bo fixed by the Town Council, and to the satisfaction and acceptance ot the Engineer and surveyor otlbe Town of Bloon burg, so as not to Interfere with tne uso or au sucu streets ana nignways as puouo hlgnnays, except so much a Is actually necessary lor t"c reasonable and proper location, construc tion ana uso of the Bald railroad. Skction s. That The Bloomsburg Belt Itallroad Company shall so construct the railroad as that Keventh nt reM. and all streets and highways UDOn which It Is constructed, or which It crosses, shall do free ana clear ior puoiic use as puouo uiguways and thoroughfares, and by said company shall bo so kept and maintained, except so far as tbe same may bo obstructed In the reasonable and proper location, construction and uso of the said railroad. Section 4. That the said railroad shall be oper ated and managed that there shall bo no unjust discrimination In freight or charges, and that un der just and equitable conditions there shall be affo-ded opportunity of connection by switches or oll enise with otter railroad companies, and In dlvldi'als owning property or conducting works, along the line thereof. Sictiom 5. That Tho Uloorusburg Belt Itallroad Company, Its successors, lesse-s, or others oper ating tbe railroad shall submit to and observe all legal and reasonable municipal regulations which may be at any time made with reference to speed of trains, gates, flagmen, &0. section tt. That nothing In this ordlnan o con tained shall be construed in any manner to street the rights of Individuals or others as to damages by reason of the location, construction, main tenance and use of the said rallr ad. and that the sld, Tbe Bloomsburg Bell Itallroad Company, it successors, leasees, orlothers owning or operating tue saia ranroaa snail Keep uie aaiu raiiruau anu sfuctures in good order and condition, and save fie Town of Bloomsbunr harmless, so far as the satd town, may be liable therefor, from any re sponsibility or liability whatever, that may grow out or the location, construction, maintenance ana use or tne saia ranroaa. section 7. This ordinance shall not bo of force until It shall be certified to tbe Uloomsburg Belt Itallroad company, and by said company accepted and approved, and such acceptance and approval certified to the Town Council. passed at a meeung of the Town council, neia Mar. is, iwj. P. S. IIAllMAN. Saucxl Nr tii aud, frosldent. Decretory. To the Town Council ot the Town ot Bloomsburg. UiNTi : At a meeting of the Board ot Di rectors of the Bloomsburg Belt itallroad company held nil May lbu, the provisions ot ordinance No. 44 were accepted and approved. i;enuieu iruin tue uimuics. la B. WALLER. Secy. U. U. It. CO. EXECUTORS' SALE OF A Handsome Town Residence ! The executor ot Mary N. llarman late of Bloomsburg, deceased, will offer at publio sale on FRID'AY, JUNE 7, 18S9. at V o'clock a. m a lot on Market street, adjoining WUllam Neal's, whereon U erected a large two and a half story with stable, lco house, and aU necessary outbuild ings. This 1 one of the most desirable residences In Bloomsburg. Ilauae heated by steam t gas and water, and connected with sewer. Liberal term can bo mado with the purchaser. man i- w. uceilvv, II. D. Welsh, Ueo. E Klwiix, Executors. Atty, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE COLUMBIAN GREAT LEADERS. OUK SS.5D and M BUSINESS SUITS SPR . L MAIE1', Hi Mdmhh OotMer. "Why arc we doing the largest Clothing and Hat trade in Bloomsburg ? Good reason for it you may be sure. We keep the. best and moat fashionable goods, ami prices aro ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Our store is spacious, cheerful and well lighted and a model in all ita appointments and equipments. Our stock is and comprehensive, and always we will maintain tho position of "FAIR DEAMWG." RESPECTFULLY YOURS, 1 I. MAIER. 1 Tho Largest Clothing and Hat Store in Columbia and Montour Counties. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wholesale. Kctail. Wheat per bushel., Hyc " " ., 6G 00 33 4C 0.00 20 23 13 14 40 12 15 03 05 08 10 10 12 u 11 20 30 07 85 C to 7 Ccru " " Oats " " ., Flour " bbl Uutter Ekus Potatoes Hams Dried Apples Bide Bliouldcr Qceso Lard per lb Vinegar per gal Veal skins Wool per lb Hides Coal on Whauv. No 0 t2.00; Nos 2. 8, & Lump $3.25 No 5 48.00 Bltuminus J3.25 W. LUDKItCI. The fine weather in April has brought up the carpets, and house cleaning has begun in earnest. Eight at this point let us say, that the walls and ceilings of the cleaned room will need papering, we are well fixed to show a fine line of plain and ornamental ceiling decorations as you might wish to see. Last week and this week have been red letter days for wall paper unci window curtains. We have a window full of dado curtains, and more patterns in side which we can't show. We trim square and hem curtains any length; you select the shades we make the curtains and hang them, without extra charge. W. H. Brooke & Co. DMIMSTItATOlfS NOTIUE. 'tlateaf James Dliatne, late of Stailson tomwhlD NoUce Ls hereby dven that, iprtra n, B'm,,3 tratlon on the estate or James Blldlne, lato or the township ot Madison, county ot Columbia, and state or Pennsylvania, deceased, havo been grant ed to Vesley undine ot Jereeytown, Columbia county ra.. to whom all pereons lndebleu to said estate are requested to make payments, and those having- claims or demands will make known the Apr. 12 WE'LEY DILDINE. r. o. Jereeytown, col co. Pa "VTOT1CE. Jameson city, Pa.," -win be held at the orace of the Sec.otary In llloomsburg, Pa., on Monday July 8, 1SM, at 2 o'clock p. m.. for the purpoS) ot VftMlIC nil n nrnnAn Inn tAinn i.t.'1.... nponlta-propeny at Tjamesoneirr ""' ,, UEO. E. ELWELL, May 8-St. secretary. ndTunnui1??'! la fty UKe, acute or chronic, alio lUj FtverrColdlnliul,rapld ly can d. Ulgh medical aDdorte- 17 yr. dlseoNeri a cure which la XLcJ.tlAiW' or narmrui auutance No ViSHEp; anuffordouche. Easy, aafe, agree aide. Bend for circular with home testimonial!. Sooree cured. DrugifUti, Whi, mall, 603. , mail, re gUtered, 00c. PA YN K ft CO. Arursl Apr. 12-Wt, BacK IPltlVil Cinfo . m 1 1 nif t-i i'.,,.,,.,. . utfirln rains, Ilheumatio, bciatic, sharp and nrst uuuuuru mi-rain nastor BS only instantaneous paln-kllltng strentrthenlne tne o..i : t ; r th . feTifrui-and Chemical Co., liostSS" lu" PIM K&h,Vc May iWMt ' v AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION 1 1 fiuiuouu w uiDuuicmui mia uommouweann by the (leneral Assembly ot tho Commonwealth a special election to be held June is. ife). l-ub- wealth, in pursuance ot Article XVIII ot the Con. Btltutlon. Jolut resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution ot this commonwealth t Bctiok i. lie It resolved by the senate and nouso ot ltepresentatlves of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania In (leneral Assembly met. That Btltutlon ot the commonwealth ot l"enn8ytanla. In accordance with the Eighteenth Article thereof! AMENDMENT. There shall bo an additional article to said Con. Btltutlon to bo designated as Artlole XIX, as fol. AlfTlCLE XIX. Ths manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale ot Intoxicating liquor, to be used as a Werace. la hereby prohibited, and any violation of this pro hibition shall bo a misdemeanor, punishable aa nhall be provided by law. The manufacture, sale, or keoplng for sale of In toiicatlDg liquor tor other purpoxea than a a beverage may be allowed In such manner only aa may be prescribed by law. The General Assembly shall, at the first session succeeding tho adoption of this article of tne Constitution, enact laws wll h adequate penalties for it enforcement, A true copy ot the Joint Keaoiution. ClIAItLES W. STONE, Secretary ot the Commonw ealth. JJjJdl Location tn the South MANcilA, ciaiemont Va. im inrMriYoiL V UXAV Stones Trml PnaPoH .iiPE WMOUJALE oNiy by lY.OLPi.rt Apr 14-4-4 1. IHG OPIHIHG -OF- -AT- NEW, BRIGHT'and Largest stock of Carpets in tho County nt "W". ZEE. BROWBR'S Latest Styles, Newest Patterns in Vclvcis, 15olyaiti Tapestry Ji'msscB, Ingrains, cVc. A full lino of Cocoa and Canton Mattings. The best WIRE FOOT For SPRING go sLOWENBERG'S, The Oldest Meaisnrnit s Tai-toriiig COLUMBIA COUNTY. Bloomsburg, Pa. FINEST GOLD ' DIAMMMH RCffOTrfMEklOCD Genuine j&S&EREQA,! Wafela for $7.00. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S FINE GUARANTEED. $3? All Silverware engraved free of e.lmrgo, Slfjr if bought of Oarpets and Milliaery. ' Carpets. Nov Htylon ill Velvols, Tatiestrioa and Ingrains, at reason obit; pricos. Old Patterns, Short Pieces and Odd Lonatlis AT IiKDUOED PRICKS, nit Rugs from 75ets. tip, G. V7. EEITER. XSCew Milliseiry. Latest Spring Styles. Best Material. Best Work. Fair Prices. II. E. WASLEY. At Henry G. IlartraanV old stand. r!.. ... . ....i i , juu u Buoei, uoiqw iuarKot ELY'S Catarrh Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allay I'atn and Inflammation, Ileal the Bores, lteatoree tbo Sense ot Taste and Smell. TEY THE ODBEH AY-JBE.V E R Apanioie i appiieu iuio each nostril, and la agreeable. prloaWcent at Druggist; by mall Watered, w eta. XLY UKOTUKlts, It ftimg wreet, Mew Yorfc Apr l-a-it MAT in tho Markot. Bloomsburg Pa. Your SUITS to LINE OP GLASSES. nVPHVJIICIANa Noxt door to I. AV. Hartnun & Son's BLOOMSBURG, PA. PENNYROYAL PILLS rttlillt tdU for til. Vi lcdL fW-l-.l L..1 . loud Srtvnd, la r4 u- boAA Uiu nick vi.hM-l . CUchMUr taeittlcal CoH41oa So.,l'klla,'. Apr. ll-d-U. WANTIID.- Permanent em- opiojtnent ana vooa salary or Address A, I). 1'ltATT. Nurserymui. ltochestcr, N, Y. Apr. lS-d-4t May lod-lti MVi V