The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, May 10, 1889, Image 2

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The Columbian.
0. E, Elwsll, I tiJii...
FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1880.
Tho lccmlfituro at IlarriBburcr on
Tuesday attempted to pass a blirpro-
lituiting tuo saio ot liquor on Decora
tlon day. Tbo vote, was 102 yoaa aud
78 nays, lacking ono of n constitutional
Tho House on Tuesday night by a
voto of 110 to 73'pasacd finally tbo bill
increasing tbo salaries of tbo judges of
tho coitus ot Hie commonwealth. Tlio
bill is now ready for tbo simialuru of
tbo Governor. Tho salaries will bo in
creased from 1000 to $5000 per year;
except in cities of the first class whore
it will bo increased to $6000. Tho bill
was a republican meastiro and nearly
all republican1 voted for it- Repre
sentatives lox and Arickuauin yoteu
against tbo bill.
Senator Gobiu, of Lebauon, who l
a republican, said that tho passage of
tho Judges' bill was the most infamous
piece of legislation over enacted by tbo
Pennsylvania legislature, and that if bo
wero a democrat ho would want noth
ing better nor stronger to secure tho
defeat of tho republican party this fall.
Tho Houao at Us scision Tuosday
afternoon passed finally tho following
bills which originated in tho Senate:
Authorizing county commissioners to
employ detective oflloers and pay ro
wards for tho detection, arrost and con
viotion of felons: to regulate tho cm
liloyment of women and children in
meroantilo industries and manufactur
ing establishments, and to provide for
tho anuointraent of inspectors to en
force tho same; providing that after
publication of description of names or
markB impressed upon bottles intended
.for tbo sale of beverages or other
nrtioles of morobandiso tho same may
bo registered in tbo onioe of tbo eecro
tary of tho commonwealth, aud do
daring what shall bo conclusive ovl
donco of such publication and rcgistra
tiorij to provide for the recovery of the
bodies of workmen enclosed, buried or
entombed in coal mines; providing
that any surface owner of land or coal
shall havo tho right to inspeot mine
maps: to authorize tho election of as
sessors in tho several boroughs and
townships of this commonwealth tor
three years.
James R. Young, tho Washington
correspondent of tho Philadelphia
Evening Star, has the following
strong sentences regarding tho effects
of intemperance. Years of residence
in Washington havo given him unua
ual opportunities to observe tho facts
on whioh his statements are based :
"In tho almost a quarter of a con
tury I have been out in the world plod
ding my way I have seen many splen
did fellows, some of them near and
dear friends, fall by tho wayside, van
ish from existence, the victims of tho
cursed habit of drink. I have seen
rioh men become poor ; men of fine in
tellect become inmates of the insane
asylum; refined and accomplished men
rcduoed to wearing tags, taken to tho
police court and sent to tho work'
house all arising from tho liquor ha
bit. I havo set n liquor turn men ot
genial and sunny temperaments into
being brutes, blackguards of the worst
ordor. 1 have seen reuneci and sensa
tive women, driven by the last extre
mity of poverty brought on them by
the liquor habit of their husbauds,
compelled to go out into tho world to
oak from their friends aid for them
selves and children. I could write
page after page of personal experiences
on the subject.
On Monday morning Judge Ikeler
read an opinion in court iu tbo matter
of tho road in Benton township near
J. J Karns. On February 10, 1888 a
petition was filed asking for tho ap
pointment of viewers of a road to begin
in a publio road in Benton and to end
at tfio Fair Ground gates. Viewers
were appointed and all tho proceedings
went on rogularly and tbo viewers
awarded Dr. Oolley 8210, and tho heirs
of R. L. F. Colley $100. Ezra Steph-
ens, one of the commissioners was
present at the view. Sept 24, 1888 the
report was confirmed. December 29
an order to open was issued, and the
supervisors opened tbo road to publio
use. whereupon the Uollevs demanded
their money, and then it was that tbo
county commissioners awoko to the
situation, and consulted their attorney,
who obtained a rule to show cause
why tho confirmation should not bo
stricken off and all proceedings set
aside. It was in this matter that the
opinion was filed. Tho court says:
"Upon careful examination of the
facts shown' by the depositions aud
records in this case, we are constrained
to sav that ills one of a number of road
cases, and by fat too great a number,
where the county has been made to
succumb to gross imposition and pri
vate cam of land owners who desire
road laid out nnd opened so that it will
bo larcelv beneficial and convenient to
themselves, making their adjoining
lands moro saleable and valuable, and
vet thev seem to have such influence
and control over tho proceedings as to
get enormous and. unreasonable daraa
ees in proportion to the land taken
and tho advantages derived, and thu
the county made to suffer paymont
thereof. ,
I this case then depositions, surveys
nnd plot of lauds of It. L. 'F. Colley
show that, tho Colds and farm land
not built upon, surrounding and adjoin
ing this road, wero run off and cut in
to thirtv bui dine lots by tbo owner:
and the identical ground over which
this road was laid, thirty feot wldo and
for whioh 8400.00 damages is olairoed
nnd allowed for 37 rods of land was
run off by It. L. F. Colley, tho owner.
In bis lifetime 04 foot wide.
His son Greelv Colley. another land
owner, also claiming and allowed $210
damages for 13 rods of land, is a primo
mover in tuo proceeuings, geimig w
order from tho clerk and placing it in
lmnds of sunorvisors. to havo tho road
nnnnfd and thoreupon demanding his
d&maacs from tho County Treasury,
To nrevent excessive and uureasona-
liln Anmaaea being thus obtained and
recovered from the County, His Honor
Judgo Elwell, made tho oautionary
and.judicious order, that iu all cases
of road views at least one of tho Ooun
iv Corainiuei'norB, should havo from
tho viewer, no less than five days pre
vious notice.
It seems that in this case Xlio- ro
nntinn iLramrdlnorto tho rule was
given and ono of tho County Commiss
ionert wu present at tho view, and all
proceedings wero allowed to go on
without cavil or objection until alter
tho road had been opened and demand
mado by holrs of 11. L. F. Colley and
Grooly Colloy upon the County Com
missioners for an order upon tho
County Treasurer in paymont of their
damages for tho land taken and appro
priated by the laying out of said road.
men perhaps lor tbo nrst timo ad
vising with their attorney, oimo their
petition upon whioh this rule issuod
and which wo would llko to mako ab
solute, but fail to find either law or
facts sufficient to warrant us in so
Tho clear intimation 1b that if tho
commissioners had been diligent in
their duty and taken an nppoal, that
thoso oxecssivo damages would havo
been out down greatly, or not award
ed at an.
From oar uegular Correspondent.!
Washingtbn, May 6, 1889
Ex-President Cleveland's oolebratcd
seal brown carriage horsos together
with his carriages, harness etc wero
sold to-day at auotibn. When Mr,
Cleveland left here he had not dcoided
whether ho would sell them or carry
them to New York. Tho prices real
ized woro satisfactory.
Tho Pacific coast has oapttired tho
biggest thing yet given out by thu
present administration. It is too con
tract to build tho mammoth armored
coast defonso vessel that was provided
for by tho last Congress, whioh has
been awarded by tho Navy Depart
ment to tho Union iron works of San
Francisoo. Ex-Secretary Whitney is
entitled to tho credit of having made
it possible to build such a vessel on tho
Paoifio ooast by the recognition he
gave to tho enterprise of the California
capitalists that established this plant
tor the building ot iron and steel ves
sels. The price of the new vessel is to
bo Sl,928,000.
"When the oat away tho mice will
play." John Sborman has gone to
Europo end the Forakor wing of the
republican party oi Ohio, with Foraker
at tbo head, ha. swooped down on
Washington to see what Harrison can
be coaxed or bull-dozed into giving
them. John Sherman has by bis
solfishness committed politioal suioido.
Ho got two or thrco offices for his
own personal favorites but ho has
made enemies of the entire Ohio Con
grossional delegation thereby. Repre
sentatives Butterworth and McKinley
havo long been able lieutenants of
Sherman's but now they train with tbo
Foraker crowd, with whom they havo
mado a league, offensive and defensive;
and unless the Bigns are greatly at fault
John Sherman 1b now serving his last
term in the Senate.
The United States officials that went
into the land-grabbing business in
Oklahoma have been called upon to
explain their aotions to the Interior
Ex-Senator Mahone is Btill here.
Ho made another piteous appeal to
Harrison last week and as a result ho
was allowed to name the United States
District Attorney for the eastern dis
trict of Virginia. There was auito
howl from the anti Mahone Virginia
republicans. em bowl.
.Among the lew appointments that
Haarison has found time to make since
his return from the New York celebra
tion was that of his brother, Carter B
Harrison, to bo United States Marshall
for the middle district of Tennessee.
If Mr. Cleveland had appointed- his
brother to a position every republican
editor in the country would have roar
ed for months, but they will discreetly
overlooK this little bit or nepotism.
Verily it does make a difference whose
ox is gored.
Army oourts seem to have rather
queer ideas in regard to making the
"punishment ht tho crime.
Mai. liVdeuKoi, who was the engi-
neer in charge ot the Washington
. T - . . w . .
aqueduot tunnel has been found guilty
by a court martial on seyeral counts of
having neglected his duty as an official
etc Aud tho said neglect has cost a
million dollars that have been spent on
tho tunnel whioh has now been aban
doned. Pretty serious crime one
would think and deserving of severe
punishment. What does the Court
Martial sav! That Maior Lvdtoker
shall bo fined $100, per month for nine
months and be reprimanded in general
orders, would anything bo more
ludicrous. An officer by neglect and
carelessness sacrifices $1,000,000 and
deprives a city of 'a muoh needed in
creaso of water supply, and is fined
$U00 therefor. Header perhaps you
may wonder why this sentence was
made so light. It can be answered in
two words, social inuaonco which is
tbo strongest of all powers in Washing
Senator Gorman it is generally
thought will suoceed the late W. H.
Barnum as chairman of tho democratic
national committee.
Republican office seekers say that
President Harrison has as much
trouble to arrive at a definito decision
as to making an appointment as did
the hungry ass that fable says starved
to death between two bundles of hay
becauso he could not decide whioh to
co to.
According to Senator Iogalls, Presi
dent Harrison will call an extra session
of Congress to meet early in October
in order to get the Jioa 10 organized
and in working order before tho
Christmas recess, lngalls speaks as
though the matter had been definitely
settled by tho l'resident.
The Legislature.
On Thursday next nt noon the
Pennsylvania state legislature will ad
iourn finally and in a short time th
law makers, who have been with us
for the past four months, will return
homo and the wheels of tho common
wealth will proceed to revolvo as they
did beforo tho "model members came,
A retrospective glance at tho work
dono and left undono by tho llepubli
can legislature of 1880 must bring
about tho conclusion that tl e great
mass of peoplo of the state will not
shed tears of rogret that the session is
drawing to a close. Although the
grand old party, for instauoj, claims to
bo the tried and true menu ot tho
worklngman, it is safe to Bay that
never in tho history of tbo common
wealth has tho interest of labor recti v od
as many blows as wero dealt it by tho
representatives who will take their
leave on Thursday,
They have put tbomselves on record
as being onnosed to ballot reform and
anti-discrimination; they havo throttled j
tho granger bill to equalize taxation
and havo killed with tho party club
Farroll's company store bill, the semi
monthly pay bill, Caffroy's dockage
bill, which was intended to prevent tho
miners from being robbed by unfair
dockage, aud several other measures
tho passage of which woald havo ma
terially benefitted the interest of labor,
It must certainly be plain to every in
telligent worklngman that the wage
worker need not Took to the republican
party for tBM.Patrto
Forest Fires in Mlolngan,
T1IK l,AH(lF.rt 1'OKTION 01-" HUI.L1VAN
Dctriot, Miob., May 8. A special
from Sullivan, Mich., says: Forost fires
Ignited this town yesterday noon and
burned the larger portion of it. T ten-ty-fivo
families ivo rondnrt d homoloaa
and destitute. Grand Rapids sent an
ongino that worked all last night to
save tho Sullivan Lumber Company's
mill. One hundred persons wero led
and sheltered at Ravonin, a vlllago
five miles distant. Tho stores aud
railroad depot wero saved. Tho losses
aggrogato $20,500
East Saginaw, Midi., May 8., Ro
ports of the destruction of property by
urea in me wooua sun coiuo in. inu
weather yestorday was a repetition of
fornior tUyf, tho tnernionioter register
ing eighty dogrces in tho shade. Tho
air is thick with smoke. In tho town
ship of Kawkawlin, Bay County, fivo
farms havo been burned over and every
thing intlimmablo destroyed. It is
also feared that a number of school
houses in remote districts have been
burned. Rtift Brothers Ss Co of this
oity hae lost cropi, quipaje and half
a million feet of log, valued at $0,
000, near Alger, and highway bridgts
in that seotioii bavo been added to the
immensd bonfire. Tho upper branch
of TiUabawsoe River, thu AuGtos the
Rifle and other st roams nre at so low a
stage that logs burn ivcn In tho beds
of streams.
Ciuiu-kwa Falls., Wis., May 8
Reports reached hero last evening lrom
tho town of Cloveland in this county,
to tho effect that tho woods in that
scotion aro all on firo. Four farm
houses, with their barns and contents
woro burned. There is a great quan
tity of standing pine in that vicinity,
and it is feared that it will all bo des
Frankfort, Mich., May 8. Forest
fires are raging on every sido. Muoh
fencing and many buildings aro being
destroyed, but no loss ot life is re
Frederick T. Romkrts, M. D.,
Physician to and Professor of Clinical
jMedicino at University Uollego Hos
pital, "London, Eng., says: Bright's
Disease has no symptoms of its own,
nnd may long exist without the knowl
edge ol the patient or practitioner, us
no nam will be felt m tho kidneys or
that vicinity." This accounts for
many pooplo dying with Bright's
Disease, or advauccd kidney malady.
The disease is not suspected until it
reaches tho fatal period. If Warner's
Safe Cure is used nt tho proper time,
the fatality from that disease would be
greatly decreased. Dr. Thompson also
Bays: "More adults aro carried off in
this country by chronic kidney disease
than by any ono malady except con
Look Out For a Big Storm
The Weather Bureau at Washington
predicts that a large and vigorou
storm, at present centering in the West,
is coming East. "It will be a heavy
Spring storm," said Sergt. Dunn, "and
comes direotly from the west where it
covers an enormous area. Its prelimin
aries will bo warm and humid weather,
followed by a rapidly falling barometer
and gaios from tho east to southeast.
It will be tho worst storm we have
had for somo time. Its force is at
present working in tbo west, but the
cltects will booh be felt here. West
ern barometers in somo localities have
fallen as low as 28.90 degrees. An
odd feature of the storm is the unusual
ly high temperature attending 'it. In
Montana tho temperature was 70 de
grees. Hail and winds that at times
attain a velocity of fifty miles an hour
are coming with the storm." The
Washington bureau will order tho
coast signals to be displayed at the
GrsL fall of the barometer.
It is Useless
lor young ladies who are tioubled
with freckles pimple?, moth and tan
and a bad skin generally to ubo liquid
paints or dry powders, for they only
make tbo skin look well for tho time
being. To have a good complexion
you roust have pure blood. Use
Sulphur Bitleas and your skin will bo
fair and complexiou rosy. Young
Zarfiea' Magazine. 4-10 2t
verily, do we livo in a progressive
age. following in the wako of "pro
gressive luncheons'1 and "progressive
dinners" and "progressive card parties,"
wo have now "progressive conversation
assemblages.'' A programme, ar
ranged like a dance card, Is provided;
the topics to be discussed are number
ed upon it. Engagements aro made
previously and entered on the card, for
the discussion of eaoh topic, to which
a stipulated number ot minutes is al
lowed. At tho tinglo of a bell, subject
and partner aro both changed. May
Table Talk.
Neur Central, Columbia county, April 18,
1889, Perry It. Sliocmakor, son of Martin
Shoemaker, and wife, of pneumonia, aged
0 years, 10 months, 18 days. Interment at
Bt. Gabriel cemetery, Coles Creek,
In BuKarloaf township Columbia county,
April 18, 1880, Miss Mary Jane Hess,
daughter of YVm. and Jullanna Hess, aged
47 years, 1 month and 18 days. Interment
at Bt. Gabriel cemetery.
Salt Rheum
The agonies ot those who suffer from severe
salt rheum are Indescribable, The cleansing,
healing, purifying Influences of Hood's Sana
parllla are unequalled by any other medicine.
"I take pleasure In recommending Hood's
Sarsaparllla, for It has done wonders for me,
I had salt rheum very severely, affecting me
over uearly my entire body. Only those who
have suffered from this disease In its wont
form can imagine the extent of my affliction,
I tried many medicines, but failed to receive
benefit until I took Hood's Barsaparllla,
Then the disease began to subside, the
Agonizing Itch and Pain
disappeared, and now I am entirely free from
the dlstase. My blood seems to be thor
oughly purified, and my general health Is
greatly benefited." I.vjun Au.ek, Sexton
K, E. Church, North Chicago, 111.
"Myon had salt rheum on his hands and
the calves of his legs, so bad that they would
crack open and bleed. He took Hood's Sar
saparllla and Is entirely cured." J, B. Stan
ton, Mt. Vernon, Ohio,
From 108 to 135
"I was seriously troubled with salt rheum
for three years, and receiving no benefit from
medical treatment I decided to try Hood's
Sarsaparllla. I am now entirely cured of salt
rheum my weight has lucreased from IDS lbs,
tol35." Mns. Alicb Buith, 6Umford, Conu,
If you suffer from salt rheum, or any blood
dleaie,try Hood's Sarsaparllla. It his cured
many othen, and will cure you,
Hood's Sarsaparllla
BoldbyalldrusdiU, (ll.llforJJ. rrrdonlr
by O, I. HOOD CO., ApothecaiiM, Lov.ll, Mui,
100 Poses One Dollar
An OraMtmnco, to permit The itloomsuuiir licit
Jiauroaa company tooccupr a portion ut Her
f nth street for railroad purposes.
'""i in moorasuurc nut itallrnad Com-
pnr, as appears or Letters Patent., exhibited,
twarlnj date tho twenljr.ctaiitr. day ol January,
ISM became an lucoronratcd mmpany, under
articles or Association dco'arln? that ; 'rho road
oltho coinpiny n to bo o natructed within tho
corporate limits of the Town ot Illoomsbunr. from
a point n-ar the i Intersection of tho ll'oonwbtirir
ana Huriran lta lroad Company's tracks, with the
tracks of the Delaware Lackawanna and Western
Railroad" ompany, eanwardly to and upon hot.
Si'ii?t.t..t9E'l,i ttrect, (honce by the most
eligible, route to nnd about tho turnaeo ot William
Neal AHons, and wenwardly thcreirom to tho
canal wharves late of the liloomibunr Iron Com.
tany, and to the place of beginning, and to bo of
- v;"'" ui. i-s huu
WnRRKl. Thfl Kfllfl. IhA tHfVtmahtiH.
road Company, has requested permlwlon to locate
construct, establish and uso a railroad In persu
ancoot the charter of the said company, upon
se?entb Mreet; and also a large number of proiwr
ty owners on said Hojcnth street have requested
therefore: Company.tho same permission
Boi on 1. Be It ordained and enacted by tho
Town Council of tho Town of Bloomsbunr.and It la
hereby ordained and enacted by authority of tho
ame, that the Uloomsburg Ilelt Railroad Com-
vi. x...? u"2y permmca to locato, con
struct, entabl'sh andUvt ArnUrnnrl. nf olncrlnf mrt-
upon iwventb street, from the west hide nf market
street to the eaat side of Kast street, ntor about
tho southwest corner of the property owned by
Herman llaswrt, at or near the intersection it
said hast street with the Ilerwlck road t 1'roTldcd.
that such trot k shall be mid at the frradeoftho
sMd Seventh street, and that tho said lallroad
snail bo located and constructed ti thosatl&fac
tloo and acceptance of the Knfrlnecr and surveyor
of the Town of nioomsbunr. ind In such manner
no uu, w uivuutfr iu its mainienaufo ana use said
seventh stroK, as ft publio highway, ixcent so
much as Is actually necessary for the reasonable
and UrODer lOCfltlnn. rntiatrtitl n an.lii.anf lha
said railroad.
miction s. That The Dloom bunr Uelt
Comptriy shall locate, tonstru t and maintain tbo
ralirojd in all lta parts at the crossings of st recta
or other hlghwajs, at such grade as sTiall be nxed
by the Town council, nnd to the tmtlsiacilon and
acceptance of the Engineer and surveyor of the
Town of utoomsbunr so as not to Interfere with
th6 use of all such streets and highways as publio
highways, except so much as is actually necessary
ror tho reasonable, and proper location, construc
tion ana uso of the said railroad
Bctiok a. That The Uloomsburg Uelt Uallroad
ConiPan shall so construct the railroad as that
iSS?,-?.1!1. ?trcel and " streets and highways upon
which It Is constructed, or which it crosses, Bhall
be free and clear tor publio uso as pubUc highways
and thoroughfares, and by said company shall
so kept and maintained, execot so far an thn aai
may bo obstructed In the reasonable and
location, construction nnd uso of the said railroad.
HKCTiqw 4. That the said railroad shall be oper
atod and managod that there shall be no unjust
SSf r,'Sloai 'i"1 Tn frsKst or charges, and that un
der Just and equitable conditions there shall be
afforded opportunity of connection by switches or
otherwise with other railroad companies, and In
?ililuais J!"11.n Property or conducting works,
along the line thereof
SECTION ft. That The ninnmahnrtr Ttan. ninmirt
Company, Its successors, lease s, or others oper
ating the railroad shall submit to and observe all
legal and reasonable munlolpal regulations which I
may be at any time made with reference to speed
of trains, gates,nagmen, c I
Siction s. Thafnothlng in this ofdlnanre con-
tainea HnSll DA rnnarmM tn nnw manna tn a fTrw.
I the rights or individuals or others as to. damages
f by reason ot the location, construction, main.
Ear "1!! uao UI lu0 Bala rallr' aa. ana mat tne
said, Tho Dloomsbunr Belt Uallroad Company, its
successors, lessees or others owning or operating
tho said railroad and structures In good order ana
condition, ard save tho Town of Bloomsburg
harmless, so far as the said town may be liable
therefor, from any responslbiuty or UablUty
whatever, that may grow out of the location,
construetlrn, maintenance and uso of tho said
miction 7. This ordinance shall not be ot foreo
until It shall be certified to tho Uloomsburg Belt
itaiiroad Company, and by said company accepted
nJ?-..p?I?TC3' ana sucn acceptance and approval
certified to tho Town Council:
.I'spd J-ta meeUngottho Town Council, held
P. 8. 1IAHMAN,
To the Town Council ot the Town of Uloomsburg.
Ointiehj :At a meeting ot tho Board of Dl
rSS1.0,!8,0..1110 Uloomsburg Bolt Uallroad company
held 7th May lsss, tho provisions of ordinance No.
44 were accepted and approved.
Certined from the minutes.
secy. u. a it. Co.
Real Estate!
By virtue of a writ of PL Ft issued out ot the Court
ot common Pleas, of CoL Co., Pa., and to mo di
rected there wUl be exposed to publio sale at the
Court Douse, Bloomsburg, on
SATURDAY, MAY 11th, 1889.
at s o'clock to the afternoon.
All that certain lot or parcel of land situate in
the township of Jackson, Columbia county and
state of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to-wltt Beginning at a chestnut, thence
by land ot Ellas MendenhaU, north twenty-three
degrees east one hundred and Sve perches and
four-tenths to a post, thence south seventy-three
and one-half degrees east seventeen and two
tenth perches to a post; thence north twenty-three
degrees cast thlrty-Blx and one-tenth perches to a
post thence by land of south seventy-
three and one-half degrees east ninety-four and
seven-tenths perches to a post ; thence Jy land of
ana wuuam Brink south seven-
teen degrees west one hundred and forty and one
half perches to a;post; thence by land of Iram
Derr north seventy three and one-half degrees,
west ono hundred and twenty-seven and two
tenths perches to the place ot beginning ; contain
ing one hundred acres strict measure be the same
more or less, whereon aro erected a Dwelling
House and outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution at tho suit of Albert
Williams vs. Joshua Bldlar, and to be sold as tho
property ot Joshua Bldlar.
Herring Att'y.
teafjamet DlWne. late of MadUm loumlitji,
Columbia county, deceased.
Notice, is hereby elven that letters of adminis
tration on the estate ot James Dlldlne, late ot the
township ot Madison, county of Columbia, and
state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been grant
ed to 'Vesley illdlne ot Jcrseytown, Columbia
county Pa., to whom all persons indebted to said
estate are requesia to maie payments, ana those
uuiuik uuiiia ur ucuiuim will
make known the
same witnout aeiay to
P. O. Jerseytown, CoL Co. Pa
Apr. 12
Or Modern Rxainplcs of
.Mot crate fo-t Houses.
SotiBcHptlon SI ner annum.
ruMUtaU In reiai'ir quarterly
parts, on thu Urt of January.
E April, July and October, ftu-h
I unit bclnu com nit Ic In Itirlt
Czv.y.jj ltprcipntKtlGsliioftuildIiisi
lieu limy modern low cmt dw cUlnj-i, ami furnlln- inch
iiuurmniion uj inoe niienuiiTg
110 DU1IU 4U WUl MS 9 Ultlll
""-T rrfr-
The abQTO art fcd rain la ture spec lutein of Its illuitrfi.
rfln 7hc! I wilt end a pcimenpopy, ur a copy
I till U of "A (toy Home," the mon initructlvu
Mile boon ever Uiucd on house ipUnnlnn nud. tmUdini;.
FDR $1 J11'!11 ert(l (bar parti alKadjUiuctl
FOR $1.50 !il
mid the touri'iirta tot
I I will nd tho four parts for 1913
1 already Usued andVt'oiyiloine,"
tot luued In loo.
Descriptive Circular of all flooU fret.
V. ! SJUTU, ArcLIUct, 2 School bt., Bottom
-In V'.J V4 U
The Oldest
MeraEaet s Taitoriig
E$tmMMeet hi
Bloomsburg, Pa. .
Blood Dlsoneoa
tho persevering
nro cured uy
uso of Ayor's
This medicine Is an Alterative, and
causes a radical change in the system.
The process, in some cases, may not be
quite so rapid as in others but, with
persistence, the result Is certain.
Bead these testimonials I
"For two years I suffered from a se
vere pain In my right side, and had
other troubles caused by a torpid liver
and dyspepsia. After giving several
medicines a fair trial without a cure, I
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparllla. I
was greatly benefited by the first bottle,
and after taking Ave bottles I was com
pletely cured." John W. Ilensou, 70
Lawrence St., Lowell, Mass.
Last May a large carbuncle broke out
on my arm. Tho usual remedies had no
effect and I was confined to my bed for
eight weeks. A friend induced mo to try
Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Less than three
bottles healed the sore. In all uiy expe
rience with medicine, I never saw mora
Wonderful Results.
Another marked effect of the use of this
medlclno was the strengthening of my
sight." Mrs, Carrie Adams, Holly
oprings, xezos.
" I had a dry scal7 humor for years,
nnd suffered terribly t and. as mv broth
r on
er nnd sister were similarly afflicted, I
presume the malady Is hereditary. Last
winter. Dr. Tyron. (of Fernandina.
Fla.,) recommended me to tako Ayer's
Sarsaparllla, and continue it for a year.
For five months I took it dally. I havo
not had a blemish upon my body for tho
last thrco months." T. K. 'Wiley. 140
Chambers St., New York City.
"Last tall and winter I was troubled
with a dull, heavy pain in my sldo. I
did not notice It much at first, but it
gradually crew worse until It became
almost unbearable. During the latter
part ot this time, disorders ot the stom
ach and liver increased my troubles. 1
began taking Ayer's Sarsaparllla, and,
after faithfullv continuing the use of
this medicine for some months, the pain
disappeared and I was completely
cureu. jars. Augusta A. jurnusn,
Haverhill, Mass.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rnarAMD bt
Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowtll, Mais.
PrlH II ; six twulM, l. Worth $1 a bUU.
Tealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for nigh
School Building" will bo received up to May is.
ltss-ts o'clock, noon, for the grading of ground,
material and erection of the Bloomsburg Ulgn
School building. Plans and specifications can be
Been at the office ot the Secret .rr in Movers'
All bids to bo addressed to tho Sec re
payment to be made monthly as the ma
l furnished or woric done unon the estimate
of the architect, twenty per cent, to be r served
until final completion of the work and until the
building Is accepted by the board. .
Each proposal must be accompanied with a
bond in the sum ot f 12,000.00 with approved secur
ity for tho falthrul completion ot the work accord
ing to the specineatlons and plans and the com
pletion of tho bJlldlng not later than Sept. 1, 1839
and to forfeit (laoo per day for each and every
day over and beyond the above specified time.
Unless a proposal Is accompanied with a bond as
nbove set forth the same will not be consldo.-ed.
The Board reserves tho right to reject any or all
Wu. CHItlSMAN, i'res't.
May 4 tf. sec'y.
Estate of Slaty St. Smier, deceased, fate of
Letters testamentary on said estate having been
grunteu to tne unaersignea execuwr, an perrons
Indebted to said estate aro hereby notified to pty
the same, and those having claims against raid
esiatM to present tne same to
' N. U. FUNK,
May s et. Executor.
notice is hereby given that a meeting ot the
stockholders or "Manor Best Inn Company ot
Jameson city, Fa.," will be held at the office of
the Secietary In Bloomsburg, Pa., on Monday
July s, 18S9, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose ot
voting on a proposition to Increase the indebted
ness ot Bald corporation by placing a mortgage
upon Its property at Jameson city.
May 3-8 1. Secretary.
w. i, mm
The fine weather in April has
Drought up the carpets, and
house cleaning has begun in
Right at this point let us say,
that the walls and ceilings of the
cleaned room will need papering,
we are well fixed to show a fine
line of plain aud ornamental
ceiling decorations aa you might
wfsh to see.'
Last week and this week have
been red letter days for wall
paper and window curtains.
We have a window full of dado
curtains, and more patterns in
side which we can't show. We
trim square and hem curtains
any length; you select the shades
we make the curtains and hang
them without extra charge.
W. H. Brooke & Co.
-r-1 ir- TililTP -..-.
inc. inn r. uu, ua v .
Curtis omuii
Now Is tho appointed time for
thorouiilily cleatiBinit tbo system from
all imparities, and all will find thai tho
Uurtis Uompound win exactly nil tne
bill. It has stood tho test of 22 yens
and its sales aro larger than ever, every
year. Prioo 50o. and S1.00.
Fort Salb By
JamcB H. Mercer,
Bloousuuro, Pa.
1L MAIEM, The UMiaM OloiMer.
Why aro we doing the largest Clothing and Hat trade in Bloomsburg? Good reason for i
you may bo sure. We keep tho best and most fashionable goods, and prices aro ALWAYS THE
LOWEST. Our store is spacious, cheerful and well lighted and a model in all its appointments
and equipments. Our stock is NEW, BRIGHT and
The Largest Clothing and
"Wholesale. Kctall.
Wheat per bushel..
Hye " " ..
Crru " "
Oata " " ..
Flour "bbl..... ..
Dried Apples
Lard per lb
Vinegar per gal
Veal skins"...
Wool per lb ,
32 45
0 00
24 20
13 14
12 15
03 05
08 10
10 12J
U 11
20 80
5 to 7
Coil, nw Win pl-
No (1 $2.00: Nos 2. 8, & Lump $3.85
No. 6 tS.OO Bltumtmi $8.85
8011 Climate and
Location In the Soutn
1IANC11A, Claremont Va.
May io-d-4t-
For Catalogue, apply to
J.H.M.KN0X, D.D., LL. D., Prcs't.
R. Bros. Apr. 1S4U
OrllUftL ImhL out MnIn a 11,1
rWlallo t'.U fur !. hem Fall, j
Aftl fct Chltke$ttr'i EngluhC
Ditmond Brand, In red m
uhia bcxtn, t-K.e.iwith tluefili
boQt At IruirirUt AmiI
na Othr. All Dill In na.u.
board bOIOI. t'lDk Wrtrira. r .1an.
fcV ouacoiintci-rtlt. tfcmi 4c. UUmi-ror
. 10 rioulM ud ( 111 f fUP I.ndlrV' n
X H' m..lS'Jr' l' wt urn milt. 10,000 teatl.
monlnUfroinlADItS ho tire unptHheni, hanie l'iir.
CUclicater Chemical t'o.,3IadIboaSj.Jl,hlIt.1V
Apr. 12-d4t.
A rUTVTTCWANVIiD--rcrmanent em
oUrMi 1 opiojment and pood salary or
commission. Address A. D. WIATT. Nurseryman.
Itocuester, N. V. Apr. i2-d-4t
May lo.d-4t.
ELY'S Catarrh
Cream Balm
Cleanses the
Nasal Passages,
Allays 1'aln and
Heals tho Sores.
ltestores the
Senses ot Taste
and Smell.
Apanicie is appueu iuio each nostril, and Is
asToeame. rrice &o cent at Druggists; by mall
vniniiim iiiruni in
auystiiRe, acute or chponk. alao
i "ay Fever or Cold in Head, rapid,
ly cured. High medical endorve
mem. a lawyer who nad Catarrh
17 ra rl I orl vara a wklnl, t .
-t cum nuiku !
mv Krii iu yuv WOriQ. HQ CO-
NrVwrVj caine or naxmrul iubatance No
"NahmE tnufT or douche. Easy. nafe. nitree
ablp, B? ml for circular with home leatlmonlal.
irtxered, wc. ' " f A Vmk V Co., Tfa'mK
Apr. K-r-4t.
uterine i'alns. Rheumatic hclatio, Sharp and
.. . uvL.iuK n.uo, iDiiDiwi iu una IU1UUU) 07
St Guticura Anti-Pain Plaster SS
PTW r;piples,blackhead8, chapped andT "PfJ
JT1J.V1 ollv skin cured by Cutlcura Soap. trLla
lNOiiceu hereby itlren that the foiinwincr n..
"as been tiled In the Court ot rjommonl'leas
ot Columbia County, and will be presented to the
said Court on the nrst Monday of May A. IK isws
ed within tour days therealter, win connrmed
.tuKepondaocount of Samuel K. Smith, Trustee
or the bequest of John K. Fowler, deceaaed. to the
Poor of litlarcroclcTwp. Columbia county, f'a.
Prothy8 omce, April 8, 168). W "fothonotary.
t proposed to the clUiens of this Commonwealth
Ey the tloneral Assembly of the Commonwealth
oi l'ennaylTanH, for their approval or rejection at
a special election to be neuf june la. 1S. lniti
1Jr,h?A b.y ord8r ot the secretary of the Common.
MUul!on.n pureuanc8 01 rtlcle XVIII of the con.
.iJ.ut .rSs'.,.dUo1 proposlnir an amendment to
tho ConsUtutlon ot this Commonwealth t
section J. lie It resolved by the senate and
House of lteprcsentatlves of the commonwealth
?. iraylvama. In (general Assembly met. That
the following amendment Is proposed to the Con.
stltullon ot the Commonwealth of l'ennsilvanla.
in accordance with the Eighteenth Article thereof.
There shall be an additional article to said Con.
stltutlon to be designated as Artlclo jcijcT as fol.
!TU9 manufaclure, sale, or keeping for sale of
ntojlcatlng liquor, to bo used as a oe ve rair e la
'fnl pt?S HS.8 and anr rlolauoa of thS pro
lb tlon shall be a misdemeanor, punishable i m
shall be provided by law, iu.uumi ui
The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale of la.
toxloating liquor for other purpows than as a
ueveragd may be allowed In such manner only as
may be presorlbcd by law. The nenlSfl AsSibly
shaU at the Orst session succeeding the adontlon
of this artlclo of tne Constltuuon, enact laws
with adequate penalties for its enforcement.
A true copy ot the Joint Itesoluiion.
Secretary of the Commonwealth,
n vi jrMfl.l vjfi .....
m tk tirmm. u4 titru.i m dirliu 1
Inru u In iiUiuuLA nutu
and comprehensive, and always we will maintain the position of
Hat Store in Columbia and Montour Counties.
Genuine American Watch for
Ladies' Gold Watch for $19.
Ladies' Silver Watches $8.00.
LadieB' and
Chains for 25
Solid Gold Ear
Largest stock of Carpets in tbo County at
Latest Styles, Newest Patterns in
Velvets, Body and Tapestry
Brussels, Ingrains, Arc.
A full lino of Cocoa and Canton Mattings.
The best WIRE FOOT MAT in tho Market.
Bloomsburg Pa.
Carpet aai milUuvvy.
Now Carpgts, , Now Btyles in Velvols, Tapestrtos and Ingrains, at reason
able prices. Old Patterns, Short Picoes and Odd Lengths
Smyrna Rugs from 75cts. up. Qt KEITJbiR.
Hew milliuery.
Latest Spring Styles. Best Material. Best Work. FairPricea.
At Hj-nry C. flartraan's old stand. Next door tn I. W. Hartmin & Son's
Mam street, below Market. BLOOMSBURG, PA.
That's the reason wliy our business Is
.rowing so inpidly. Ifs against your
tntVrai as veil at ours to spend your
money for a Spring Overcoat, a Spring
Suitor a Pair of Bpring Trousers, wltti.
out examining our London Made Gar
ments. FAsmoN Oiiiuwus iMo smrtzs
Fbis bt MlIL.
Tailor Clothier Importer,
(Orrosin mi Mint.)
This handiomo Fountain Pen is fitted up with one of our finest 14k Gold
Pop indium pointed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cannot get out of ordor.
With OirO Wil laH n I fetimn. Wn fnrnl.l. !!. o.M A., l ..V UiUVT'
celebrated Imperial Waterproof Intonso
ano pen is worm g.ou, ana you
Gold Pons of
overv siie. in all
00 YOU
styles of holders
from Sl.OO for
Gold Pen and
Pearl Holders.
hoskins lap TAiHw.T ic
;.!..! .a ,1 ne
cents to $8.00.
rings for $1.00
Black Ink.
can not equal it for that sum.
There are no
better Gold
Pens than those
made by us, we
will always ex
change till buy-
nr in unttaflol
... .Tr?mf.. , . ..
r nijin j. uriuuiu jWfo JOT Biauonorv 2
l0r,'-f' t0 Pay postage, we send samples of onr
12 New Styles of Pens, Writing Paper we sell by the.
pound, Stylos of Engra?lng, and our Illustrate?
Catalogue of Stationery.
Wm. H. Hoskins Co.. Th8 UadlD bi",