COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The Columbian. L 0. a. lwH, 1 fl.ii... J. K. BltUnbtnior,, f B4ltor, BLOOM8BURG, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1880. Wo will print somo Interesting mat ter about tho Washington Centennial oti our outsido pages next week. Oklahoma, tho ouo-tinio land of promise, has turned out to ho a land of Band-Btorms, stagnant water, and small pox. What disappointed hopes havo tailed to accomplish towards depopu lating tho rccoutly populated territory disease will likely complete, if recent reports from its mushroom cities aro verified Tno Pennsylvania Lecislaturo at tonded tho Celebration iti Now York on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and tho people paid the expense, which is sam to Do QiUDU a day. This simply legalized robbory. If members ot tno legislature want to go on a pleasure trip they havo a porfect right to do so, but Uwy ought not to compel tho atato to foot the bills. It is well enough to bo patriotic, and very easy too, when somo ono elso pays for A terrible railroad acoident occurred on Sunday on tho Grand Trunk Rail way near Hamilton, Ontario, by which twenty lives were lost. Tho train was composed of an engine, two baggage oars, a smoker, three coaohes, a l ull man car and two sleepers. The accident ocourred at tho iuno lion, whero a "Y" is built. This "Y" is used to switcli through traius for Toronto on to the Toronto branoh from the main lino. ino train is said to have been run ning at the rato ot forty miles an hour or more. When directly on passing the switch the engine jumped the track ana pianged into a watcr-tanic which stood in a spaoo between tho "Y", smashing tho tank into atoms and turning tho engine upsido down. Tho baggaeo cirs came directly after tue ongine, and the brat ot these wa pitched over .the engine and thrown on tho main track, leaving its wheels uenind it. me other baggage car oaucl't fi o from the engine and the two were soon in flames. The coaohes following, with tho i x- ception ot me two Wagner oars in the rear ot the train, wore huddled tog-th er by th s shook, and soon caught fire from the baggage oirs. The pat- Sanger on ine train, numbering over 150, many of whom wero asleep, at the time, had a torriblo experience. Large slivers of iron and wood flew in all directions, and the contusion among the passengers can better bo imagined than desoribed. The majority of those aboard the tram were enabled to get out of the coaches before the fire reached them. but in the confusion whioh reigned it is not known how many victims were left to the mercy of tho flames, pinned in by the material of the wreck and unable to extricate themselves. t wo dead bodies, and the remains of fifteen others wero taken from the ruins. Seven cars including one baggage, two nrst ola39 coaclios, a smoker, first-olasH day coach, and two Wagner sleepnra wero bnrned, there being not a vestiga of wood or anything that would burn left. Ono car, the bag gage was demoralized, aod the engine was the most complete wreck ltnagina Die. Tho loss to tho company will be enormous. Many of those in the train wero on their way to Now York to take part in the Centennial festivities Among them was a part of the Detriot Light infantry, but none of them were injured, with the exception of one who got a slight cut over his eye. WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Regular Correeponaent.J Washington, April 29, 1889 j. i tBiuuni, xiurrmuii nan reiusen to extend the time for the Railway Mail Service to pass utuW tho rules of the Civil Servico Commission. Conse quently no appointment can be made in that branch of the government ser vice after May first, except through the Civil Service Commission. This action was taken In opposition to the wishes of l'ostmaster General Wana maker, who has.aaked to have tho time extended. The President and tho rest of the administration with its wives, daugh ters, sons, oousins, and aunts, to say nothing of the grandchildren, left here !1 . ! it - l- i -i r uii a spuumi uaiu luruiaiieu mem ireej shortly after 1 o'clook this morning en route to New York to take part in the Centennial celebration or George Washington s inauguration. Tho ot fioe seekers and Congressmen disap poared with tho appointing powors but most of them will probably be back by tho last of the week. The most thoroughly disappointed man in tho United States Billy Ma hono, of Virginia had quite a long interview with the President on Satur day, and it is said that he made a most piteous appeal for recognition of some sort Ho is no longer choice about what he gets. He started out by de manding a Cabinot position, but now be humbly asks to be allowed to name rt few of tho smaller Federal officials in Virginia, and it is by no means certain that even that privilege is to be al lowed him. President Harrisou as a lawyer must bo familiar with tho old English legal maxim which says "the receiver of stolen goods is as bad as tho thief," but his action in cutting the acquain tance of his old friend W. W. Dudloy, who organized the- doubtful voters of Indiana into "blocks of firo", and utolo the state, proves that he does not be lieve in the aforesaid maxim. It has been hinted around Washington for no mo time that President Harrison bad refused to speak to Col. Dudley elnco the latter was unfortunate enough to get khown up in tho "blocks of five" business. Could it bo beoanso tho President disapproves of such crooked ness? Why, Dudley has been ono of his crookedest and ablest lieutenants for Lo these many years, aud it was for jiibt such work that he, by special ro quest, had Dudley treasurer of the Re publican National Committee. Gen. Harrison did not seem to object to tho crookedness then, on the contrary he accepted all the benefit therefrom. But when Col. Dudloy was stupid enough to be caught, Gen. Harrison's virtue developed, and he resolved to have nothing more to do with such a very wicked man, as Dudley, It is Htrunge that ecrv body else should know of Col. Dudley's dark ways al) these years and that the President should havo been entirely ignorant. Dudley, IilnueH, has made tho ru mored snubbing a ccrtnlnlty by giving out n letter whloh ho w'roto to a gentle man tn Indiana, who had asked his influence in getting an office for whioh ho was an '.applioant Tho following paragraph from Dndloy's letter tells tho whole Btoryi "Perhaps there is no ono Iri tho whole country who has done ho inuoh for GoncraJ Ilarrtson during tho last twenty years as I have, but beoauso our Demooratio frionds down in In dianapolis havo started tho huo and cry on me, brother lion docs not teem to fool that ho can ailord to roooguizo m as an acquaintance and consequently I dont tako dinner at tho Whlto llotiso as might bo expeotcd." it 1 Vcsidont Harrison believed his friend Dudley to have boon such a ras cal that ho could not afford to rccort- nlzo him as an acquaintance, would he not havo been more consistent to ro fuse tho fruits of that rascality the Preildonoyt No sane man doubts that New York was carried by the same methods as Indiana. If Col. Dudley is a thief, who is tho receiver of the stolon coodsf- Private secretary Hallow says that tho President s health has not been better in twenty years than it is now. This story is gotten up for out-of-town consumptioni it will not pass here where people oan soo tue t'resident s ohalk face and tho watery looking puffs under his eyes. senator atewart continues to pound awav at the silver question, but bo has not yet been ablo to persuade tho ad ministration to increase its monthly purchase of bullion. Ho still hopes to do so. Senators Sherman and Quay who have been saying uncomplimontaiy things about eaoh other, havo shaken hands and outwardly made up, but they havo both doubtless mado up their minds to get oven with the other at tho hrst opportunity. The lienerm Lianu uttice win invesu- fate tho charges that Government of oials took advantage of their official fiositious for taking possession fradu pntly of choice town lots and home steads in Oklahoma before tho bona fido settlers arrived. Guthrie had started with lis strange load at G o'clock In tho evening. It was useless to enforco the laws restrict ive of railroad travel. Thopooplo worn fleeing practically for their lives. They had ndded to long privation the suffering of seven teen hours without food or protection from tho oald. No train had passed them aud nouo was in sight bohlud. Thoy had left t howling mob in Guthrie baffled In lis t (Torts to join in the flight. The iisclcsstiesa ot pro ceedlng to Guthriu was apparont, nod tho correspondent seourid a footing for one foot, and returned to this point with tho laggard train. A terrible storm raised the miseries of Guthrio to almost a horror. A vio lent wind storm aioso as the sun sank and filled tho air with stifling red alkali dust that strews tho plains. A deluge of rain succeeded and through tno night it beat npon tho thousands of shelterless people. Just Married- How loving they are; this is always a sure sign. After tho first year some times it dou't hold good. When Charles comes homo to you grouty aud crofs, snappingand snarling, titiabto to relish the nice dinner you have cooked, and feels as though thcro was a ton of pig iron in bin stomach, ho is troubled with dyspepsia, and Sulphur Bitttra is the only medicine that will euro him. Dr T. Reman Bkriimer, an emin ent German authority, says: ' Con sumption is always duo tn deficient nu trition ot the lungs, oaused by bud blood." At the Brornpton Hospital for consumptives, London, Eng., n statement has been published that .52 per cent, of thi patients of that insti tution have unsuspected kidney dis order. This explains why the proprie-, tors of Warners Sife Cure cla'ra that 1 they have received many testimonials whioh they have not published, be cause of the incredulity with which they would be received were it claim-d that Warner's Safe Cure cures con sumption. But tho fact is that if your kidneys bo cured and put in a healthy condition they expel the urio aoid and poisonous waste matter, and prevent the irritation of the delicate substances of the lurgs, theroby removing tho oauso. When the effect is "removed the symptom of kidney disease, which is called consumption disappears, and with it the irritation which caused it. The Manufacturer Kicks. The Manufacturers' club, of Phila delphia, composed of members who favor a "proteotive tariff" publihes a fortnight review called the Manu facturer which is supposed to reflect tho views of tho club. An issue some time ago contained spiov reading about republican political bosses and the evil fruits of the r mismanagement of the party' in the Quaker city. This " publication naturally created some excitement but not half as much as an arliole in the last issue which denounced the business of granting pensions, said it was tune to put tho knife into it and declared that the nation's generosity had been imposed upon and abused, as about one fourth of all the ponsious granted had been fraudulently obtained. This is rather bold talk for a monopolistic journal to indulgw in. In the next issue the Manufacturer ought to treat of the high tariff and its bene ficiaries. It could doubtless present somo interesting reading on that subject. Patriot, Disgusted With Oklahoma- TERRIBLE PBIVATIONS AND SUFFERING AMONO THE SETTLERS. Chaos reigns not only in Oklahoma, but in the entire tributary country. Tho railroad is prostrated, communica tions aro entirely cut off. The West ern Union, with its crush of train dis patching, would not louoh a message of another character in the Teirilory though tho earth swallowed a town site. Guthrie's back seems broken, and there is a furious stampede to get out. People there aro wild from the deprivations that lack of shelter, water and food impose upon them. To these distresses are added the misfortunes of tempest, heat and tho absence of means of flight. Whon tho reporter reaohed Willow Springs from the Diamond Bar Ranche bo learned from the dispatches that neither the north or sou'h-bound pas senger traius, due, had been heard from. An hour of waiting passed, whon a train of twenty cattle cars crept up from the South. Tho cars were locked, but upon tbe roofs, the buffers, amid the coal on the tender, on tho pilot and tho gangway of the locomotive and packed in upon the caboose was a dense and miser ble throng of men. Tho tiaiu from The Oft Told Story 01 tho peculiar medicinal merits ot riood's Sarsaparllla Is folly confirmed by tlio volun tary testimony ot thousands who havo tried It. Fecullar In the combination, proportion, and preparation ot Its Ingredients, peculiar In tho cxtremo care with which It Is put up, Ilood's Sarsaparllla accomplishes cures whero other preparations entirely fall. Pecu liar In the unequalled good name It has made at home, which ts a "toner of strength abroad," peculiar In the phenomenal sales It has attained, Hood's Sarsaparllla la tho most popular and successful medicine before the publlo today tor purifying the blood, giving strength, creating an appetite. "I suffered from wakefulness and low spirits, and also had eczema on the back of my head and neck, which was very annoying. I took one bottle of Ilood's Sarsaparllla, and I have received so much benefit that I am i.f grateful, and 1 am always glad to speak a good word for this medicine." Mns. J. 8. BMTDEli, rottsvllle, IV mi. Purifies tho Blood Henry Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, had scrofulous sores all mcr his body for fifteen years. Ilood's Sarsaparllla completely cured him. Wallace Buck, of North Bloomfield, N. Y., suffered eleven years with a terrible varicose ulcer on his leg, so bad that he bad to give up business. lie was cured of tho ulcer, and also of catarrh, by Hood's Sarsaparllla BoldbTatldrugfcltts. gl(ilxfor5. rreparedonly by C. I. HOOD & CO.. Apothecaries. Lowell, Mm. IOO Doses One Dollar jOTICE. Notice ts berebr elren that the following ac count has been died In the Court ot Common Pleas ot Columbia county, ana win ue presented to tne said court on tho nrst Monaay ot May A. I), isss and confirmed nisi. an1 unleaa ExceMlons are 01 ed within four days thereafter, will be conormed absolute: 1. Hccond account of Samuel K. Smith. Trustee of the bequest of John K. Fowler, deceased, to the roor or wnarcreeKTwp. uoiumota uounir, ra. WM. n. SNYDER, Proth'ys office, AprU 8, 1889. Froth- notary. AMENDMENT n PennsTlvant. for their amiroval a special election to be held -Tune 19. 1883. Pub- TO proposed to the citizens of this commonwealth it the lieneral Assembly of the commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, for their approval or rejection at THE CONSTITUTION of the commonwealth Ushed br order of the Secretary or the Common wealth, in pursuance of Article XVIII of tho Con stitution. .Tolut resolution proposing an amendment to tbe cnnsututlnn or this commonwealth Miction 1. Be it resolved by the senate and House ot ltPDreaentatlves ot the oommonwealt'' of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met. That the tollowlnir amendment Is nrorjosed to the Con stltutlon ot the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, in accordance wuu ue ragnteemn Article tnereoi: AMENDMENT. There riiill be an additional article to said Con- sutuuon to do uesignatea as Article XIX, as toi lows : AltTICLE SIX. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale ot Intoxicating liquor, to be used as a oerrrage. Is hereby prohibited, and any vloiaUonot this pro hibition shall be a misdemeanor, punishable as shall be provided by law. The manufacture, sale, or keeping for sale of ln toi.lcatlng liquor for other purposes than as a beverage may be nllowed in such manner only a may oo prescuwa oy ttw. Tue unerai Asscmoiy shall, at the first session succeeding the adoption or mis arucie ni me constitution, enact law with adequate penalties for itsj-nforcement, A true copy ot the Joint Itesolu'lon. CHAItLKS W. STONK, Secretary of the commonwealth. iir Scores cured, entered, 60c, Apr. K-Mt, nilTlDDU0' Hose or UAIAKHN Throat In any tAge, acute or chronic, alio Itaj Fever or Cold In Ile&d, rapid ly cured. UIko medical endorse ment, A lawyer who had Catarrh 17 yra. dUcoveri a .cure which U now ?lTen to the World. No co caine or harmful aubeunce. No nufF ordmlcha- Kaiv.MfM.HvrM. uenn tor circular wiia Dime leiumomats, Drugslita, &io. i mall, 50a. t mall, re- m "sis 5; ' tv&-2 J? ii & mm a7JAk ft.! TEP OH FLAY ROOFS pa:; nu pi't o.v hv anv pf.hso.v- rHiilMAHTM Of POfXS 'SOID ANNUAILT , Mi UU.'t.f. lilCJI Ol' liVliBV Uhl'tlHir'l'iijM, UNO lull SUW OIlieVLAH CONTA1KIN0 I'RlUi; LIST ANU IISFMIBXCKS. PV5 en ACEHTS WAHTCP. EHRST, JR. & 00. P-ITS MAVbTACTUItEKS, Uk Stree. PHIUDEIPHIA. For Your SPRING SUITS go to v' LOWENBERGS, The Oldest MerdMnit 2 Twlbiing EstiaMishBMMiit Ira COIiUMBIA . COUNTY. JBloomsburg, Pa, EXniMTS AT BLOOMSBURG-, I01T, III 11th AFTKlSrVOOIV siimI WIOI1T. BARNUM & BAILEY'S Greatest Show on Earth Larger, Greater, Grander than ever "before in its history. Tho most colossal and stupendous amusement enterprise ever organized. Exhibited In all its monster magnificence and undivided greatness, for the edification, delec tation, amusement, delight, Instruction and wondcrof the whole people. 1 1 BARNUM J. L BAILEY'S J. 5 Ncw United Shows in One. J CAPITAL INVESTED, 83,000,000. I V. T. UAUNUM, DAILY EXI'ENBEs, 80,800. J. A. BAII.EV, ) l"81 Owners. Ui'e; Circus Companies in three Ilinps, Great Orieinal Pari Olympia Hippodrome, WizinlV 15lark Tent of Illusions, Ileal Wild Moorish Caravan, Double Monageries of Wild and Trained Baasti, Mammoth Museum teotnintr with wonders, Grand Horse Fair, with 380 horses, Hugo Eh'vatcd Stages, lor Olympian Games, Giirantio npgri'gation of Living Curiosities, - Immense Monster World' Fair, Extensive Aviary. Huge Aquarium, IJJ Athletio Games, Aquatic Sports, Real Black Tent of Mysteries Hugo continuous gallery of 40 chaste, beautiful living and speaking supernatural Illusions. GENUINE WILD MOORISH CARAVAN, (JontnInlnK a rare foast of Oriental Riches, and an cmharrasment of Eastern Splendors, Presented at an actual cost of $100,000, and comprising a perfect mirror of the life of the strange people Inhabiting the desert. CHARMING ALGERIAN DANCING MAIDENS, High Priests. Troubadour;. Desert Musicians. Soudanese, And whole tilbes of curious Eastern People, together with their War Weapons, Arabian Horses, Tents of Animal Sains, Costumes, Utensils, Hillglous Articles, etc. GRAND PARIS OLYMPIA HIPPODROME. With a myriad of novel and thrilling races, Huge Bird Races. Animal Races. Dog Races. THE MARVELOUS BICYCLE RIDING ELEPHANT, Only Dwarf Hairy Elephant in the World, TROUPE OP TRAINED TALKING AND ACTING SEALS. MAMMOTH HORSE FAIR, with 380 Hones, In a separate .tent, for publlo Inspection. A Tremontloiis Trained Animal Department, With Trained Sheep, Geese, Pelicans, airaffen', Ostriches, Gamo Roosters, Pigs, Cats, Dogs, Ponies, Horses, Ele pbahts, Camels, Linus, Tigers, Hyenas, Wolves, Pauthers, Leopards, etc. 300 of tlio most Phenomenal Artists. Jiiaio anu f emale Hippodrome uiucrs. SO Amazing and Astounding Aerlahsts, 30 of the Funniest Clowes on Eirlh. Two Monster Doable Menageries of Rare Wild Beasts. Mttsenm of Wonders. ELEVATED STAGES. THREE RINGS. All, UvcryililiiK, for One irlce ol AcIiiiIhhIom ADULTS, 5(5c. CHILDREN, under 9 years, 25c. TWO EXHIIUTIONH DAILY, al 3 aud 8 p. ra. Doors open uu hour earlier. For tho accommodation of ihojo wishing to avoid the crowds at the wagon, an office has hecu opened at the COLUMBIAN PRINTING OFFICE. near Post Office, where reserved numhored seats can he purchased at the regular price, and admUston ticket at tho usual slight advance ou day of show, GREAT FREE NEW STREET PARADE, Containing a mile of rich objects and features, at 0 to 10 o'clock on morning of show, CHEAP EXCURSIONS RN ALL RAILROADS. PRING 0PEH1HG -OF- JJirab BSE -AT- 1. MAKE'S, Tla MeiaM CMMeir. Why nrc we doing tlio largest Clothing and Hat trado in Bloorasburg ? Good reason for it you may'be sure. We keep the best and moat fashionable goods, and prices are ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Our store is spacious, cheerful and well lighted and a model in all its appointments and equipments. Ottr stock is NEW, RRIGHT and EXCEIIDIiVC?L g ATTRACTIVE and comprehensive, and always we will maintain the position of "FAIR DE4JL.IWG." RESPECTFULLY YOURS, ' 1 1. MAIER. 1 The Largest Clothing and Hat Store in Columbia and Montour Counties. BLOOMSBURG MARKET. Wholesale. Itctail. Wheat per bushel Kye " " Cent " " .... Oats " " Flour " hhl Uulter Gees Potatoes Hams Dried Apples Side Shoulder Chickens Geese Lard per lb Vinegar per gal Onions per bushel Veal skins Wool per lb Hides Coal on Wiiakj No ii 1-2.00; Nos 2. 3, & Lump $3.25 No 5 $3.00 nituminus JS.S5 60 50 32 45 COO 24 28 12 14 40 12 15 03 05 08 10 10 12 7 16 10 12 20 80 75 1 00 07 35 5 to 7 JUHOIIS Foil MAC TERM. All must bo at the Court Houae'Slonday, Mar th, !, at 10 o'clock- a. ra. Heaver Jacob Krjr. Berwlclc-oo. Walp, -..7. Knorr, Dan W. nol. 1.", s. p. Ilanly. llkom David Kdwards Jr., Clinton Ktertlng-. II. V. Kanier, Wesley Shutt, W. E. Knorr. Catawlssa-Jo Strieker. Centre Jos. Jllller, Aririur Creasy. Conynghatn Henry Whittake. Greenwood Chas. Dlldtne, J. Wesley Altertaon. It. U Grime. Jackson F. M. Parker. Madison John It. stout, John Stetler. Main- -William Hemley. Mltnin Wra. Hartzel, j. W. Creasy. Rcott A, P. HowelL rjUU VERSE JURORS, 1ST WEEK. All must appear at the court House Tuesday Mar 7th issj. at 9 o'clock a. in lleaver John Hawk Mr. llcnton I. v. Kitchen. Berwick H. B. Freas, K. G. Crispin, tecrand Jacoby. Woom J. J. Lawall, Wm. WeDh, Urlarcreck MlasE. Moyer, Isato Martz, Wm. I.amon. catawlssa Harman Young, J. c. !I!oeor. John It Dlcmer. a. it. lthawn. Centralla I ee Ooorge. centre John Miller. FUhlngcreek Hiram Varklo, BnJ. Pealer. A. W. Unckalew, Lel Belshllne, Moses Mcllenry, Is rael Doty. Franklin Francis Ealy, s. W. Iteeder. J ickson Caivln Derr. Icu8t Leander Bllllg, Samuel Camp. Mtmin-M. C. Hess. 'Montour Arthur Hoberts, s&uuel Brochus. Mt, Pleasant Clark Beagle. ornge-.lohn Weluh, Isaan Kline. Pcott C. B. Knt, It. w. Knt. Sugarloat inomas smith. KCO!D WKKK. Boaver-C. II. Ilittenhouse. Benton Howard welllver. Berwick Wm O. nook, Jeremiah McMurtrle. Bloom Wm. Hantaan. Noah ernes, John a. Cox, Frank cavanee. K. M. Crawford. Brlarcreek-M. II. Petty, Knoch Itlttenhouse. CentreIL C. Barton, Allen J. Hhellhamiaer. Isaac Whltmlre. ' oonyngham Mh-hael Brown. FUhlnp-rcok Win. Kramer. Franklin Jesse John. Greenwood H. A. Lemon, Jacob Utu Jackson P. C. Yorks, Daniel Stephens locust Uaao Kester, Daniel Karig, Jos. fletber, c ti. w. Fox. Mlfllln Henry Nu&s, .leremlah Yohe. Montour Emanuel Lazarus. Mt. Pleasant Thos. Mcllrlde, Jos, Ikeler. orange--Jonathan Pouw. Uoarlngcreek John Mourev, llne-Kllas Watts, John Kessler. Scott Francis Heck, II. H. Brown. Soil CUmate and Iv-ntlnn In ih. on.. i 1ANCHA, claremont Va. Apr M-i-ii LAFAYETTE COLLEGE EASTON, PA. FOUIt-COUnSES. TEUMSMODEItATE. For Catalogue, apply to J.H.M.KN0X,D.D.,LLD.,Pres,t. It. Bros. Apr. UWt. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Its CtSSS lUV'.in r.vkm sts css:s iwtvjs ram. rliklU pill tor Hi. ar Vkii. At ItruzUu. Imil p .ur, All pan 1. fuu. V boin, plBj , , 4.eri oud H-oa 4a. (lumul lur ,ai UU.rfi7l.U7i T MturD BIL IO.UIUI . ..I nalauneuiljjllj.liou,. ukJiHu. Xuai,-, " hlcliMttrL'licinlrilCo..HadlinnK m.n. - . , - - . . a. Apr. ia-d-4t. I'QWANTKD,' I Ml Permanent i-m. nloiment and ctohI mhrv m immhtsfon. Ariilrraa a. 11 iui-m- ltochcster, N. v. Apr.uUt Apr, lt-d t uKu.A.atxtrT.jtwXwfcoiti fb RHEUMATIG'1 RSoiQiie?Qins 1 KlIISUilATlO, -CIA lie, miuuTI..i, ultrtitP And Muscular Pains and Weaknesses, Back Ache. Uterine and chest palns,rell?td In one mlnuto by Cuticura Anti-Pain Piaster 258 only lns'antaneous paln-kllllng strengthenlne Apr. W-d-H 1 ELY'S Catarrh Cream Baltr Cleanses tbe Nasal Passages, Allays I'aln and Inllammatlun, Heals tlio Rorcs. lte.toits the Bcuses of Taste aud mell TBY THE OUEeHAY-EEVER A particle Is appiiea uiw each nostril, andls agreeable. Prtoosocent at Druinrtataj by raaS rtglitertd, so eta. ELY BHOTlffittl, U WaTrea rtren, New Vort. Apr u-fifi BARGAINS -IN- Watches and Silverware -U- -U- -U- O 1 O -t- -U- -C -0 -o- -o- The finest line of Gentlemen's Watches ever in Bloomsburg. In Ladies' and Gents' Gold "Watches, we will not be undersold. A very fine line of SOLID SILVER BRACELETS. All goods sold engraved free of charge. Repairing of all kinds done neatly, promptly, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. A WMMMM JEWB&BB, Columbian Building) 31oomsburg, Pa. Largest stock of CJarpeti id tho Couuty at "W". EC. BROKER7 Latest Styles, Newest Patterns in Velvets, BoIyaiul Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, &c. A full line of Cocoa and Canton Mattings. The best WIRE FOOT MAT in the Market. Bloomsburg Pa. reason- Carpet and MillinBrv. New Carpets , New styles in Velvets, Tap-stries and Ingrains, at i ablo prices. Old Patterns, Sl,rt Pieces and Otfd Lengths Smyrna Rugs from 75cts. up. Q y?, KEITER. Hew Millinery. Latent Spring Styles. Best Material. Best Work. Fair Prices H. E. WASLEY. At Hj-nry C. Ilartrnan's old stand. Next door to I. W Ilartnun & Son's Ma' 8tfcet be' Market. BLOOMSBURQ PA. YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING HIGH WITH US EXCEPT PRICES. That's the reason why our business Is growing so rapidly. It's against your tn(r( as Vell at oun to epend your money for a SprlnK Overcoat, a Spring 8u I or a fair ot Bprlng Trousers, wltu. out examining our London Made Gar. rnsnts. F48B10N CiTiUXlut AND BiUPLES Frii bt MlIU E. 0. THOMPSON, Tallor-Clothler Importer, 1338 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. (OrrosiTX ths Mint.) I V JSm? W?i8' op, on tho desk. . i t i ' i i i ii-j ui uxitruai nn an, paper and price v hmn every k nd and make any special stylo or pattern desired Pf),f; rw gnoi full Information, and slioiiM 1 114 in Quni-u nlll.n ' ' ... v v. UIUUU, lXTiro-II A TTn - -T ' Every known kind. Our Li. brary Stands aro the best in the world. FOR THE OFFICE Tin Cash Boxes, every size and stylo of lock. Document and other Tin Ware. We are headqqarters for Stationery of every kind, l iof'?' 10 J'?y l'08,1!0. we send samples of our n..i 7 ' fh "uB,B'Bi nu our ii uatrateq Catalogue of Stationery. Wm. H. Hoskins Co.. Tb8 stationer, " ' ' i tn Areh St., mialtlpkU. '