The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 26, 1889, Image 3

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Absolutely Pure.
tiS!2PKOW?SrnlT9rmlea- A marvel ot purity,
h7nnfS5'.1'0lt?oinenes!, Mo economical
ban the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in
compotlt ion with the multitude of low tot, short
weight alum or phosphate i owders. Sola oSvtn
cam. ItoTAtBiKiKO i-owDsn Co., ICS WaU SUN. Y.
The Columbian
. "nrPubltsbed every Friday, Subscription price.
$1.00 a year.
Entered at the Post Office at Bloomsburg. Pa..
M second class matter, March 1, 118.
FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1889.
Taking effect MONDAY. NOVEMBEIt 56, 1889.
Ar. Ar. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv.
STATIONS, r. M. r. Jt. A.M. A.W. r. II. p. H.
BlOOmstJUre, ...... 0 S8 1 05 8 0!) 8 35 5 25 840
Main Street 8 18 18 53 7 68 8 48 2 38 8(1
Irondale - 8 18 13 60 7 68 8 48 2 41 8 M
i-aper mm. ......... , in m iu t its o 08 y r-3 7 01
LlghtStreeU 6 OS IU S3 7 49 B 00 2 57 7 08
orangevllle oj is so i 33 9 10 3 20 7 is
Forks, 6 43 18 00 7 SO 9 S3 3 88 7 31
TUbbs ... 5 41 11 M 7 IB 9 30 8 43 T 36
Stillwater..... .... 3 37 11 45 7 10 37 3 so 7 41
Benton, 5 28 11 80 7 00 9 47 4 13 IM
Edsons, 5 S3 11 SO 6 38 9 M 4 SO 7 68
coles Creek, . s 20 11 15 62 9 no 4 ei koo
Bugarloaf, 5 is 11 10 6 41 10 00 4 ss 8 03
Laubachs, B 11 11 03 6 43 10 04 4 33 8 10
central 6 06 10 67 6 08 10 12 4 40 8 15
Echo rark. b 03 10 ta 8 sr-iu 19 4 43 8 is
Jamison city... 5 00 10 45 8 89 10 20 4 to 823
Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Ar
p. 11. a. 11. a. 11. a. i. p. u. p. M.
Trains on the P. & It. It. It. Unve Kupertat
NORTH. SOUTH. a. m. 11:01 a. m.
3:43 p. in. 620 p. m.
Tralnsonthe D.L. & W. R. R.loavo Bloomsburg
Q lununni
7:11 a. m. 8:33 a. m.
10:57 a. m. 12:08 p. m.
2:24 p. m. 4:18 p. m.
8:38 p.m. 8:47 p.m.
Tralnsonthe N.&W.B. Katlwaypass Bloom
11:85 a. m.
4-30 p. m.
8:39 p m
10:48 a. m.
8.16 p. m.
10:18 am
Foil Salb. Thhlv utn s of timber land in
Pino township, two uci l cleared, property
of Mrs. Mary A. Jynl Inquire of Geo,
K. Elwcll, Iiloomsbiiie- Tor terms. tf
For Halk. Fifty stv n acres of land in
Bugarloaf township, uiing part of the
Wolcott Harvey farm. Good farm land,
and a valuable timber tract. Inquire ot
Geo. . Elwcll, Bloomsburg. tf
Fob Sale. A valuable farm in Mudlson
Township containing 115 acres, fine build
ings. Will be sold on easy payments. If
not sold at private sale by Jul) 1st, will bo
sold at public sale. For terms inquire of
J. 8. Williams, IJloDmsburg. tf.
Fon Balk. A desirable and commodious
residence on Main street, supplied with
water, gas and steam. Apply to
jan20lf. h. N. Moyek.
For Sale. A valuable vacant lot on
Market St., seven lots on Eighth Street,
ten dwellings and a good store property in
Bloomsburg. Six farms, twoerlst .mills
and two store properties In Col. Co. A
?;ood farm of 307 acres with good bulld
ogs In Virginia and two farms in Kansas
by M. P. Lutz Insurance and Ileal Estate
Agt., Bloomsburg Pa.
XSotioe. Tbo undersigned offers his en
tire stock of dry goods, notions, hats, caps,
boots, shoes, rubbers, carpet cUaln, oil
cloth, window shades, glass, queens, wood
and willow ware, &c, at greatly reduced
prices for ready pay. Now is tho time to
buy good goods cheap. The above goods
arc all new, nice, and clean, no old shelf
goods. These goods must be sold, and re
member that money is what talks in these
dull times. So bo wiso ami tuke the ad
vantage of this offer.
Espy, Pa , April 6, 188J. 4w.
.Notice. Notice Is hereby given that
Arista Louder of Jackson twp, has loaned
John Winn, during her pleasure, the fol
lowing personal property: two horses,
one sled and wagon, and one birch still.
All persons arc cuutloncd not to interlero
with tbo same.
Apr, 133w. .'.nisTA Louder.
Miss Sallle Mclntyre of Philadelphia is
tbo guest of her sister Mrs. Dr. Arment.
Mr Fred Thorn of Philadelphia spent
Easter here.
Louis Lowcnberg is In New York and
Philadelphia tuls week buying new goods
for the Old Itellablo Clothing llouso of D.
Lowcnbcro's estate.
W. H. Englehard of Espy, has received a
patent on a mitre box.
Life size crayons in gold frames only
H'Killip Bros.
Mr. John 0. Snyder has been confined to
bis house for over six weeks with liver and
stomach troubles.
Don't forget tho Presbyterian concert at
the Opera House this (Friday) evening.
Reserved seats on salo at Dcotler's. Tick
ets 25 and 85 cents.
Everything which belongs to pure,
healthy blood is Imparted by Hood's Barsa
parllla. A trial will convince you of its
Uolland Mcllenry, of Benton, was in
Philadelphia last week, laying in a stock
of Spring goods for hU store, including a
full lino of 6 and 10 cent goods.
G. A. Candee ot New York, was in
Bloomsburg last Thursday and Friday in
the iulercit of the Bloomsburg Ss Bullivan
railroad. It Is the purposo soon to further
the completion of the road to Bernlce.
Rev. P. Born, D. D., of Sellnsgrove,
preached In the Lutheran church Easter
Sunday and administered tho Holy Com
munion. Two very able sermons were
given, morning and evening. The church
was beautifully decorated with (lowers.
In making mention of the Morgan a
Odorless Broiler, last week, we should
have stated that a cooking apparatus ac
companied it. It is called the Odorless
Broiler and Cooker, and is well adapted
for that purpose,
m m
ThoPpesbylerlan church In Bloomsburg,
as reported to Presbytery at Its mcclihg In
Muncy, contributed during tbo last year
the following sums:
Foreign Mission $1100 08
Homo Missions 303 73
Other benevolent objects 641 10
Congregational expenses 0000 20
$ 7103 00
Farmers, if you want a good field roller,
n scotch harrow or tho celebrated Lansing
spring tooth harrow, go to White, Conner
As Sloan, Orsncevllle, Pa. aS-iw
Fine Cabinets In vignetto or scroll.
M'KllllD Bros.
Dr. Parsons of Bunbury will preach In tho
Lutheran church Sunday morning and
B. Jacoby received somo flno
shad Wednesday. They wcro
tho first
uciawaro's this season.
Adancbwas given In tho hall In tho
Farmer's Produce Kxchango building Mon.
day night. Three slrolllng Itahaus furn.
tailed music for tho occasion.
Wo would call attention of our renders
to tho advertisement of O. W. Kettcr and
Miss Waslcy, which appears In another
leaders In stylos now Btyles of nook
wear. Linen collars culls hosiery
shirts hand-tome dross shirts at
L iwcnbtrrg't).
Tho Scott and Mills and Boostcllo com.
blnatlon delighted a fair-sized audience In
tho comedy "A Chip o' tho old Illo:k," at
tho Opera Unuso Monday night.
Dr. 8. U Armunt I now nicely located In
tho brick residence on Fifth Street, be
tween Centro and Market. Ho hag
placed a tclepbono at his home, which will
prove a great convenience for tuoso wishing
mm in liaste.
List ot letters remaining In tho Post l)f
flco at Bloomsburg for week crdlng Apr.
aa, 1B8U.
Miss Susie Hiucy, R. B. Jcrmyn, Mrs,
Harriet Lewis, Emanuel Summers, Thomas
Byloven, Mrs. M. D. Wells, Mr. J. 0. Win
i'crsons calling for these letters will
pioase say "advertised."
Georoe A. Clark, P. M.
In consequence of winter diet and lack
of open air exercise, the ivbolo physical
mechanism becomes Impaired. Aycr's
Sarsaparllla Is tho proper remedy, in the
spring of tho yenr, to strengthen tho nppc.
tite, Invigorate tho system, and expel all
tmptiritAcs from the blood.
There Is a little dwarf hairy elephant, it
self a great living curiosity, which actually
rides a bicycle in Barnum & Bailey's Great
est Show on earth to tho amazcmeLt and
de'lght of tho children. Subsequently, to.
getber wllh a pretty littlo Shetland. pony,
me eiepiiani sits at a table wilb Ills pony
companion, and both are served in a mad
cap style by a large trained monkey acting
in the capacity of waiter. It Is a very uni
que ana clever exhibition of the remark
ablo manner in which many animals havo
been trained to perform In lUrnuin and
Bailey's Greatest 8how on Earth, which
will come hero on May lltb,
It may not bo generally known thai
thero is a 'society In Bloomsburg composed
entirely ot Veterans who enlisted before
July 1st, 1803, aud served at lea3t two
years, unless discharged for wounds re
ceived in service. To he qua illed to be
come a member of this encampment the
applicant must havo enlisted before July
1st, lbuJ, and served at least two years.
Encampment No. 33, at Bloomsburg is
officered as follows:
J. J. Lawall. Col. Coradg.j L. Cohen, Lt
Col. j B F. Sharplcss, Mojor; 1;. II. Camp
bell, Adjt.; 0. 8. Fornwald, O., D j Jacob
Keller, Q. M ; G. W. Rhoads, Chap ; W.
E. Coffraau, Serg.; C. S. Furmau, 8. M.j
A. Herblne, Q M. S i F. W. Gllmore, U.
G-: Wm. Swentzel. B
The encampment meets In Odd Fellows
hall on the 1st Wednesday of every
month and Is in a prosperous condition.
Tho only liouao to find a full lino of
Rochester ma'lo ulothinc best bats
made ie at the
Popular store of D. Loweuberg.
At the mustcale to bo given for the bene
fit of the Presbyterian church on Tuesday
evenlns, April 33, the pupils of somo of
the finest teachers In tbo United States
will perform, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lockard
studied under Slgnor Record! Ban!!, of
Milan, Italy, and Prof. Maban, of Detroit.
Mrs. Miller was a pupil of the famous Pas-
quale Bondinclla, well known as the old
est Italian vocil teacher In America. Miss
Mann studied under D. D. Wood, the
blind organist, nod was also a pupil of
Marrltz Leefson, of the Conservatory of
Cologne, well known as one of tho finest
pianists of the present day. A good pro
gramme will be presented and all lovers of
good music should embrace this opportu
nity to spend an enjoyable evening. Sun
bury Daily.
Mr. and Mrs. Lockard, Miss Miller and
Miss Mann, will all take cart in the con.
cert tn be given in the Opera House Friday
Unruutn and Loiiduu iMflecu Mew
United Shows.
Among tbo chief things to be exhibited
this year by tho Barnum und London 15
United shows, and which havo been espe
cially imported at great expense from dis
tant foreign countries, Is a grand real wild
Moorish Caravan, with male and female
natives of the countries located adjacent to
Barbary, and comprising Moors, Algerians,
Bedouins, Bayaderes, Oulad-Naels. Arabs
and others, together with all their warriors,
horses, weapons, costumes, slaves, attend
ants, musical Instruments, domestic uten
sils, charming danclnt; girls, hlgh-prlcsts,
soothsayers, herders, tents ot animal skins,
and everything necessary to Illustrate the
lives of these remarkable people who havo
existed on the desert of Sahara n a noma
dic state sin".o tho days ot Solomon the
Great. Another new feature is the Paris
Olympla Hippodrome, purchased in Paris
especially tor these shows, and In which
will be run a series ot novel and thrilling
races, such as four horse Roman standing
races, four.horso chariot races, races by
trotting steers, giraffes, ostriches, moose,
sacred cattle, elephants, camels, ponies,
Hying pelican race, English whippet raco,
and others. There are besides other new
attractions, such as a real horse fair with
actually 880 first-premium horses, the won.
derful black tent teeming with chaste,
weird, and supernatural illusions produced
by fie aid of a modern scientific methods
by a famous magician, the talking seals,
the elevated circular stage performances,
the double menageries, museum ot wond
ers, performances in three rings, tho mid.
air artists, the celebrated imported female
riders, 7 open dens of trained beasts, 20
four-footed clowns, 20 pantomimic clowns,
and in fact everything- that could bo pro
cured by the expenditure ot large sums is
to be found within its mammoth teuts.
Thrco circus companies render 135 start
ling acts. All the tents will remain up un
til 0 at night and the night performances
will be precisely the same as those ot IJ10
afternoon. No peddling will be permitted
on tho scats. Tho new street parade with
its. elegant costumes, new chariots, 13
kinds ot music, full military bauds, etc.,
will take place every dty at 0 a m., rain or
shine. The shows will exhibit here just as
they did in New York, on May 11th.
Cure Vourself,
Don't pay large doctor bills. The best
taedlrlal book published, 100 pages, elegant
colored pistes, will bo sent you on receipt
of three 2-cent stamps to pay postage. Ad-
drees A. P. Ordway & Co., Boston Mass.
Apr. 20.9w, J
Clmrcli HcwH.
tUnder this head will be Inserted, free of charge,
an matters connected with tho churches of the
county, speilat meetings, chango of pastor, Im
provements or injuries to property, and any thine
of public 1 Interest about churches of all denomina
tions. Is invited. Pastors aro specially requested
to send In their reports.)
Tho Kov, Uaac M. Patterson will bo In
stalled as pasloi of thn Presbyterian church
on Wednesday evening tho 15th of May.
It Is expected that tho ltcv. V. Dayton
Roberts, of tho Tcmplo Presbyterian
church In Philadelphia will preach on the
occasion. The Uov. Drs. Ncsblt of Lock
Uaven, and Dean of Munoy, together with
Dr. Stuart Mitchell, tho lato pastor, will
take part in the services, as well as rest-
dent minister.
Services will be held in accordance with
the President's recommendation In the
Presbyterian church In this place, on the
80th Inst. It Is fitting that God's great
goodness to tho American people, during
the first century of their existence as a na
tion should bo acknowledged with thanks
giving, and his special blessing sought In
the commencement of tho second.
If you want tho latest stylo in mon'ti
boy b ana children b wear go to
Barnum's advertisement car arrived at
this place last Saturday and tho region a-
bout Bloomsbuig has been flooded with
circulars and posters announcing the com
ing of the 15 dew united shows,
Thursday of last week at a school chll
dren's picnio party near town one ot the
boys found a turtlo with James Pugh's
name and tho ilalo 1873 carved on its back.
The turtle had evidently been roaming
nbout the same spot for about sixteen years1
For tho delicate and agtd and all In
whom tho vital current Is impoverished
and sluggish, Aycr's Sarsaparllla Is the
very best tonic. It restores tbo wasted
tissues, and Imparts to tho system surpris
ing elasticity and vigor. Price ifl
Worth o a bottle.
The Bloomsburg & Sullivan Railroad
Company have arranged to run extra trains
on Saturday, May 11th, 1889, to accommo
date all persons desiring to attend the
Barnum and Bailey shows. An extra
train will leave Jamtfon City 7:30 a. m
arriving at Bloomsburg 0:20 a. m. in time
for the parade which tnkes place about 10
a. m. and tbo returning extra train will
leave Bloomsburg 11 p. m. Immediately
after the evening performance has closed.
Excursion tickets will be sold, good on all
trains. Copy ot details of B. & 8. trains
wilt be found elsewhere In this paper.
lillHt llCUtUII.
Think you not farmers that it tho 70
millions of dolla'S tn Pennsylvania annual
ly wasted for rum that Impoverishes thous
ands and thousands of families, robbing
them of peace, happiness, nnd tho neces
saries of life, were turned Into the proper
channels of trade that the merchant, me
chanic, laboring men and farmer would re
ceive such a refreshing of profits in all de
partments of business that the financial de
pressions so frequent and disastrous
would not only-bo remedied, but a thing
altogether of the past.
Mrs. Nathan Keefer tf Ashley is visiting
in UiU neighborhood. She Is John Ashlc
mans's daughter.
Alonzo Albertson is finishing his lumber
contract this week.
Rev. 8. P. Boone will preach on tho pro
posed amendment question at Uamlllne
Sunday 10:30 a. m., April 28.
Win. II Fisher of Muln township put u
a section of "Grove's patent fence, rail and
portable," at our place as a sample. All
who have examined it pronounce It a first
class fence.
Alonzo Albertson sold tits "Paradise
farm" near the foot of North Mountain to
Hess Bro9., sons of Joseph O Hess.
An olouaut lino of summer morino
Ualbripgin underwear just opened at
Ji0wenbtr! g.
Council I'roccedliiKS.
A special meeting, Friday April 10, 1889,
at the call of the president. Present:
President liar man, Messrs. Fettciman,
Gross, Ringler, Bchwinn and Yost.
President stated object of meeting to bo
to take steps toward fixing tax rate and
have that matter disposed of instead of
leaving it until later in the summer as had
been customary heretofore. He suggested
that a rate be proposed, laid over, and a
dopted at next meeting. Council should
also consider the matter ot purchasing
some stone as they had none on hand and
it could not be had on short notice.
Mr, Gross gave nollco that be would pro
pose a tax rate of six mills at next meet
ing. On motion John Q. Barkley, C. C. Kes.
ty and Wm. Lemons were appointed addi
tional policemen.
On motion of Mr. Gross the committee
on streets, alleys and materials shall have
entire supervision of all work done on the
streets and alleys and that tho Commis
sioner of highways be notified that all
work contemplated must havo the appro
val of said committee.
President Harman appointed the follow,
ing standing committees:
Streets, alleys, and materials Joshua
Fetterman, Isaac Yost, Fred Sclnvmn.
Fire, water and gas Louis Gross, E. C.
Wells. It. II. Ringler.
Flnnnce-E. C. Wells, It. II. Ringler,
Louis Gross.
Board of hoallh Louts Gross, Joshua
Fetterman, Isaac Yost,
Jiulldlng nermtts were granted to Wm.
L. Glrton, Wesley Knorr aud Weaver &,
Knorr, contractors for Joseph Chrlsman.
Messrs. Gross, Prlterman and Rlugler.were
appointed a commltteo to purchase a desk
for Council room.
The bund of Treasurer-elect James S.
Wilson was presented, read and on mo
tion was approved and ordered lllid. Mr,
Wllsou was then sworn tn by the presi
dent. On motion a book was orJercd made as
per draft of same prepaid by the Stcrr.
tary for the registration of dog. Adjourn,
Wm. B. Cujiminqs,
'1 ho selection of sacred music which tho
young men's orchestra had so appropriate
ly mado for the Easter services of St.
Paul's 8ur.ilt.y School, was most besutllul
ly rendered last Sunday evening. Not
only tbo Rector and his Sunday School,
but all who wcro In tho church at this ser
vice surely enjoyed apd appreciated it.
This was a fitting sequel ,to the dcllghTful.
music which had been furnished at the
earlier services of the day,
100 I.nillew Wanted,
And 100 men to pall on any druggist for
a frtt trial package of Lane's Family Medl
cine, the great root and herb remedy, dls.
covered by Ur. Silas Line while In the
Rocky Mountains. For diseases of the
blood, liver and kidneys It is a positive
T up
like it Everyone, praises V, Lamo-slze
so cents. At all dmggis's.' (
Apr. fiOQm, t
After April 1st, Charley Boo's Laundry
will be next door to Sloan's store, on Main
street, Bloomsburg. Mar. 20-81.
The Henry Wolf properly on Fifth Street
was sold at public salo last Monday to G.
M. Lockard for $1020.
Call nnd see tho now spring styles In
liatu, latest colors in soil and stiff just
reccivtu at tbo
Popular Store of D. Lowcnberg.
Tho Fifth Convention of the Bloomsburg
Sunday School will be held in tho Evangcll
cat Church May 2, afternoon and evening.
An Interesting program has been arranged,
A Salary
With expenses paid will come handy to
anyono who is now out of employment,
especially whero no previous experience is
required to get the position. If you want
a position, sco advertisement on psgo 2nd,
headed, "A Chance to Make Atoney."
Apr 20-4t,
The remains of Mrs Elmer E. Moycr were
brought hero from Sbarnokln last Thursday
and burled from the house ot O. A. Moyer
on Saturday. Sho was a daughter of tho
lato Richard Mlneagb, and was born here.
Sho leaves her husband, a little girl three
years old, and a young infant. Her death
dcptlves them of a loving wife and
mother, and many trlends ttnlto in mourn.
Ing tor one they loved.
Forced to Leave Home.
Over 00 people wero forced to leave
their homes yesterday to call for a frtt trial
packago of Lane's 1 nmtly Medicine. If
your blooa is bad, your liver and kidneys
out of order, it you aro constipated and
have hcadacho and an unsightly complex.
Ion, don't fall to call on any druggist to
day for ane sample of this grand remedy.
The ladies praise it, Everyone likes it.
Large-size package 00 cents. Apr. 20,-Om.
The threo services at the Episcopal
Church were well attended on Easter Sun
day. At tho second service, ttcv. W. C.
ficvcrett announced that tbc inurch was
out of debt, he held in his hand receipt
ed bills In full, and after some earnest re
marks on tbo subject of keeping out of
debt, ho placed the receipts amounting to
$950, on the altar, while the congregation
arose and sang the Doxology. It was an
Impressive occasion.
Cansuiuptlou Mure ly Cured
To the EniTon Please inform your read
ers that I have a positive remedy for the
above named disease. By its timely use
thousands of hopeless cases have been per
manently cured. I shall bo glad to send
wo bottles of my remedy free to any of
your readers who have consumption If they
will send me their express and post olllc
address. Respectfully, T. A. 8 LOCUM
M. C..181 Pearl St., Now York, sept-21-ly
For a eprinix suit nut up in first class
stylo go to tho leading merchant tailor
ing establishment oi 1). Lowcnberg.
Extra Trains on n. & H.
Superintendent Leader has made ar.
rangements to havo an additional train on
the road for the accommodation of tlic
people attending Barnum's Show in
Bloomsburg, Saturday May the 11th. The
following is tho schedule:
Arrive Leave.
a. m. p. m
9.20 Bloomsburg, 11.00
0.10 Main Street. 11.10
9 OG Irondale, 11. ly
8.00 Paper Mill. 11.23
8.0t Llghlstreet, 11.28
8.43 Orangevllle, 11.38
8.28 Forks. 11.50
8.21 Tubbs, 11.55
8.10 Stillwater, 12.00
8.00 Benton, 12.10
7.00 Edsons, 12.15
7.53 Coles Creek, 13 20
7 48 Sugarloaf, 13 23
45 ' Laubachs, 13.38
7.38 Central, 12.35
7.34 Echo l'ark. 13.40
7.30 Jamison City. 12 50
This train is only for Saturday May 11th.
Apr. 20-2U
F0U BHSUllATIStt" In any form tak
Brown's Sallcyline. Price 50 cents, two
bottles sent free for $1. Brown Sallcyline
Co., Elmlra, N. Y. It cures nine out of
ten. Mar.29-d.4t.
Trial I.iMt for May Term, 1889.
W..A. SI. Grler, vs. Jas. McAlaruey et al.
Joseph Clewell'a admr. vs. Abigal Wea
ver et al.
City of Phlla.. Trustee, Ac vs. James
Boucher et al.
City of Phlla. Trustee, &c. vs. Beujamln
City of Phlla. Trustee Ac. vs. George
C. W. McKelvy et al vs. 0. B. Brockway
et al.
A. IS, Stewart vs. McKelvy Blink.
M, A. Marklu vs. Berwick Boro.
Alfred Irvln vs. B. & S. It. R. Co.
John W. Hoffman vs. B. & 8 R R. Co.'
C. A. Snow & Co. vs. C. Mcars & Son.
E. W. M. Low vs. B. & & It. R. Co.
Jacob Gould vs. Charles Hughe.
Charles W. Colo vs. Ezeklel Cole.
Locust Mt. 0. & I, Co ts. Arthur Nash.
Locust ML C. & I. Co. vs. John Fortncr,
Phebe E Salmon's Admr. vs J. S. Bach,
man et al.
Frances Qatschall vs. Jeremiah Recder.
Catharine Catu et al vs. L. A, Riley &
George W. Hughes vs. Daniel Snyder,
Martha Yeager et al vs. William Adams
ct ut.
William Rabb vs. B Stohncr, Garnishee.
Catharine Cain vs. L A. Riley & Co.
Daniel Carter vs. Hamlin Car Wheel Mfg,
Wm. M. Stoker vs. William Miller,
Ablgial Colo vs. C. W. Eves,
The P. & It. R. n. Co. ve. Col. Co. A. II.
& M. Assn.
Catharine Lltwlier vs. Henry Lttwller
Children Cry for Pitcher's Ctstorla.
When Baby wm sick, ws ffavs htr Castorta, (
Whan aha wm a Child, tbs cried for Caatorts,
When she bom Klas, ah clmr to OutorU,
Wilts the had CtOMna, aht fvn tbam OutorU.
lniLioiLriiu, Monday, April Si, I6U9.
The Spring and Summer
Catalogue (illustrated is re.idv.
It will help you in ordering by
mail. The book will be sent
free if you ask for it on a postal
It needs to be repeated and
remembered that in all goods,
and most emphatically in dress
goods, not only is the stock we
show the most complete Jn tlje
world, but the prices are alwavs
as low or less than the market.
We Couldn't afford to have it
1 le e,,rt ,s frequently made
to misrepresent our policy in
respect to staple and medium
goods. We keep no trash.
We do keep everything in Dress
uoous tnat a seli-respccting and
complete dry poods house
should have. You can buy
piain staples nere at tlic least,
and can find the greatest variety.
We hold and, have' held the
only worthy stock of Gloriosa.
Mohairs Gloriosa so called
have been sold for them at low
er prices. Perhaps you've
Dougnt tliem. Had you come
here vou could have senn
Glosiosa and the whole range of
monatrs. eacli called correctly
ty name and at proper prices
1 lie same ts true of many
other things. Sound reasoning
says that you cannot afford to
ignore Wanamaker's on any
thing Wanamaker's have for
A choice pattern ol 40-inch
all-wool Black Veiling, 50c!
One straw from the whole Dress
Goods price-sheaf.
Black Surah at ko and 60
cents a yard, and Black Satin
Soleil, a wear well dress-silk, at
$1, are the bilk bargains of the
We need to say that sub rosa,
else the bargain Indias'might be
provoked thev are cheaD at 7?
cents and $1.
But it is the elecance. thn
completeness, the freneral ex
r 1
cellence and superiority of the
Silk stock of which we boas'.
You know it. as vour nurehasns
show. Ere lon we shall hnvf?
even greater cause lor boasting
-ana you lor buying.
Don't forpet what we told
you before the Museum for
Ginghams is here more than a
thousand stvles. The hest of
Scotland and New England
the cheapest m 1'hiladelphia.
In almost everv case Babv
Coach prices are less than last
year, and for better qualities at
that. All of the higher trades
are very much less in price. A
remarkably good Carnage
for $6; satin lined and some
gew-gaws, $g; benbboned,
cushioned and parasoled, $1 1.25;
special, shell body, and all the
needed aeonies. 5ao. As much
better as you care to pay for.
All the sorts (maybe fifty of
them) are where you can glance
them over in five minutes.
Not a bit too soon to think of
the Summer Bed Clothes.
Summer Blankets, like a film
of wool, warmth without weight.
Single, $3.50; double, $5 and $6.
uia-iashioned Uimity bpreads,
65c to $1.20.
Our most oonular Smnmpr
Spread last season was the
"Pique." Same weight as
Dimitv. but orettier. Four neat
block patterns, double bed size.
Colored Cheese-cloth com
fortables, to mellow the mattress
with or take edge from chill air.
The best $x shoe for men is
the "Wanamaker Wearwell."
they're made of tanned calf
seamless vamD. penuine Don-
gola kid top, solid leather insole
it ....
ana nan double sole, solid leath-
counter. I'ut together to
stay. Perfectly smooth insole;
no tacks or nails or thread to
harrow up vour sole. As easv
on the inside as a hand sewed
shoe. Every pair warranted.
rour styles;
Laced, capped toe
Laced, plain toe .
Congress, plain toe
Button, plain toe
Sent anywhere for $3. Send
your number and width.
John Wanamaker.
Fine- Cabinet nortrnlts onlv
$3. doz. Lifo size Cravons onlv
$10.00, Viewing, copying and
uiiiurging. instant process
useu. tf
Dlondeil Fowls.
Pit GamCfl. Grtat Rhon-tnn.ln Ilnntl,
woods, Black B. Reds, that will stay to win
Eggs, 13 for $1. Satisfaction Guaranteed
, Bloomsburg, Pa.
(Mention this paper.)
llOfllervl flnatnrvt AnnfltAP invrn II
of the Gordon fait black and other I(os.
ery just in at uiarK cs bou's.
Puro tea with handsome presents at
Pinn Atnnrlmftnt nf nnlil nnm nn.l
uv j. u. it ens ,
uuwlll find full lines of dress goods
now open at Clark & Son's. Dreaa rUn,
lOo yd. and up, a lot 23c dress goods 20c
yu.. anu a special ioi oi coiurcil Henrietta)
ni vinra v- oun 8
(Jreal Eastern.
Green vegetables on Friday and 8atur
day now cucumb n, onions, tomatoes, let.
nice, siring licans, radlsheii, spinach, cab.
uage, iko j nc UHKAi' 15 ASTERN,
J. II, Sleeker In Correll's building has
added glassware to his already largo stock
(f groceries ud notlous.
White spray is two beautiful cakes of
white floating soap for Aa at
Full lines nf corsets and bustles at Clark
& Bon's. Also sath ribbons and full lluis
ot ribbons of all kluds now open. Maud,
some steel buckles, buttons, braid, Persian
silk fringes at Clark $ Son's,
New fast black hoso for ladles and chil
dren. A good absolutely fast black hose
at 10c from 6 to 8) Inch at
Pull lines of fine perfumery, toilet pnwd.
ers, Florida water, hiy ruin, Jtc. nt Clark
& Sou's. 8 or. Florida water only !)c
Cook stoves $18, ranges $15, stove re.
pairs all kinds, plow repairs for Advance,
Diamond rhlllrd, Danville, Gale, Ho
inlliclou. Smith Bend. Mnnlrnar. &r.. Ac.
at Sharpless' foundry. Apr. 12-8w.
All grades of tho best (lour at lowest
Go to Clark & Bon's for your dress goods,
Gold and silver headed canes at J. G
Wells'. Gauze and Jersey underwear for ladlos
nuu cuiiurcn. look at our lva nnd 2oc
Jersoy uuuerwear for ladies.
Hamburg embroideries, flouncing, whlto
urcos guuus, iic at uiarK a oon'S.
California prunes nnd California raisins
at j. ii. Blockers.
3 cans of corn for 25c.
Gloves of r.ll kinds at Clark & Son's,
Lisle Lhrnnil nr. Purn atllr ntn h.a.ii.
00. The best kid clove f?r thn mnnitv at
uiu pair tu lyinrK x Don 8.
New satines. Our 15c satlues nre all In
veiy neat figures. Also rmali figures In
mourning satlncs ut
H. W Swan's.
LaCG cnrlfitnA. ftnrlma. raw titlba Tun..
mall ClirtnlllB Mm! f-MVIiitn nn1..o
bands, &c. at Cl irk & Son's. ' '
CO bunches bananas at the GREAT
ASTERN on Friday, wholesalo and retail.
You should see tho dress goods at Clark
& bon's.
(Innnr-fl mm. nr-nMica Imiina (inn
at J. H. Stccktr's In Corrclls' building. "'
Finest lot t)r n-n. mm ..,wn at T n
Whlto spray tho at GREAT EASTERN.
Snrinir shawld nml Inr-kMa at Plnrfr
Pllll lino rinnnofl mnnl, rttr-lilna mnalnv.l
sauce, fancy olives and jellies at
TlilS UI1K4T liASTJSltiS.
Crnr.V ftlnlll In wlilfn. prnm nlnlr l.ltm
and red at Clark & Son's.
Bananas, oranges. Inmnna
and Sunbury.
Ladles cauze vesta lfic. nn nt Hlnrk
Eucravcd visitlnp enrils run In- nlitntnpil
at tho Columbian office. Ladles having
plates can have cards printed. tf
Easter is past and the Spring
season is upon us; we lire ready
with 1121 styles ot new sateens.
with 200 pieces of seersuckers,
zephyr cloths and other wash
dress troods, (not including 3000
yds of beautiful challies at oc
yd.) Jiixtra line wool challies
from 20 to G5c. Spring dress
cloths iu all the new shades, by
the hundreds ot yards, from 2oc,
37ic, 50c, G2ic, 75c, to $1.25
Our Sprinsr lackets are takintr
the lead in style, quality and
Dur new curtain room full of
the latest, is drawing the people.
JNow as house cleaninir has
begun, you will wish vour win
dows to look as nice as vour
neighbor's. Come and see them,
from 7c yd. to $10.00 pair. The
oil shades are all ready to put
Uutter and ceres aro wanted
this mouth at good prices. Su
gars are excitetl and up some,
but our fine dishes and lamns
are as low as they can be made.
uur 5akiug rowuer (Hart
man's) is the best in the market.
I. V. Hartman & Sons.
IMIch ! IMlc-tf t ItcliliIK riles.
Symptoms Moisture : Intense Hchlnc anA
stinging j most at night ; worse by scratch.
ing. ii Biiuweu 10 continue tumors lorm,
which often bleed and ulcerato, becoming
very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops tho
itching and bleeding, heals ulceration! and
In most cases removes the lnmnrn. At
druggists, or by mall, for 50 ccntB. Dr.
Swayne fc Son, Philadelphia. rnay-4.1y,
Iicisciun, Itcliy, Mealy, Hklti
The simple annllcatlnn of "Swavne's
Ointment," without any Internal medicine
will cure any case of Tetter, Salt Rhtuin
Ringworm, Piles, Itch, Sores, Pimples,
Eczema, all Scaly, Itchy Sklu Eruptions,
luuuer amy uusunaic or long stantllng.
It is potent, effective, and costs but atrllle
Sr. The el, tho celebrated Sncclallst has v t
to receive a case of special disease, nervous
and kidney disease, or blood poison that
he did not promptly arrest in Its progrcs
and permanently cure. Wo would advise
all sufTciing to consult the Doctor, person
ally or uy letter, ins Knowleilgo and power
of healing is most inurvelousl (Jftlce 533
Noith Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
TBUriiBANOg PRINK In tbq wgtl'j, TRTTT,
Ak your Drugg-Uk ur arocr for It.
. -av v w rv H m m m W V4 bail 1AOC1 lit! iH
tllll Sllln nr NUU,. M,n..l- ...VrH.'
gurantecd. nlury imd lUiirn.r. naid to suo-
ifcS it i. App'r " onc tttlng ago. Hen.
?p"ftW,ROS' co' Rooheater, N. Y
Apr M-d-t,
ft H1UB.VIHIJ0EU ssc
jimportantto RailroadMen.
A. E. Bmith has been (or forty-nlno years road
nmrtcr on tbo Boston and Maine system, and Is
now residing at Great FallsTN. It. He says track,
men, brakemen, firemen, engineers and conduc
tors, as well a baggage masters and ezprcasmcn.
aro subject to kidney disease above all others.
ah, therefore, will be Interested tn tbo statement
of his experience, "t have used Brown's sarsspa
rllla ror kidney and liver troubles, aort can truly
say It baa done more for mo than all the doctors I
over employed, and 1 have had occasion to require
mo services or the best physicians In the 8tat.
My wlte also has been greatly bencnted by Its
Itoad Master II. A M. 1L It."
The kidneys have btcn labored 'hard all winter
la tho pores ot tho cktn havo been closed, but
now tho sprlngtlmo has come, and ;thcy need,
some aid. Maybe you havo that pain across the
back; that tired feeling; those drawing down
pains. If so, you cm get immediate relief by fol
lowing tho example of Mr. Bmlth and his
uso that never falling and grand corrector for the
Buiuivs, aver ara uiuoa,
Not wnulne unless mftdo by Ara Warren & Co.,
Notice Is hereby given to all legatees, creditors
and other persons Iniereitod in the estates of tho
respective decedents and minors that tho follow.
It administrators' executors' guardians accounts
im.n m-x-u mm, iu me nmcn or me jipgister or Col
umbia COUntV and Will hn nrrevntf1 tnr rnnnrma.
tlon and allowance in the Orphans' court to be
held In liloomsburg, May 1th, I8 at s o'clock
y. in. ui sum any.
1. Tho first and nnjt! nemnnt. nf ii, ivanir 7...
administrator of the cntntc O. I). 8. Marcley late
w. lug wnu Ul IMUUlUSUliri. QCCVOBCU.
s. Tho second and Onal account of reter Echroth
i-Avuuiui ui cuiuingu ixKrom lave or iieavcr town
ship Columbia County deceased.
3. Thesecondand final account ofKUas Ear
nest executor of tho la't will and testament of
John Earnest late of Locust township deceased.
4. The nrst and nnal account of 'Charles II. E.
Bower administrator of Alfred Bower late of cen
tre township Columbia County decoascd.
6. Tho nrst and nnal account of James Pen
nington executor ot Frederick Hilly lato of
Benton township Columbia county deceased.
6. The account ot w. K. and A.' a Dlldlne ex
eciitorsrf William Dlldlne lateot Madison town
ship Columbia county deceased.
7. Tho nrst and partial account of Susan
ltamlUCh Guardian of Marr R. ttnkn n mlnnr rhltrl
of Mary Alice Enko lateot Mantlcoke Luzerne
wuiuy Deceased.
8. The nrst and final account of Joseph W.IEves
administrator of tho estate or Iinnini Hntn intpnr
Greenwood township Columbia county deceased.
9. The nrst and final account of Jacob Terwll
Hirer, executor of Hamuet ARh. nf tintt. tnwn-
ship Columbia county, deceased.
10. Tho third and finnl nnmnnt. nf Tmn,tM .
bach, executor of John Conner lato of Benton
township, Columbia county, deceased.
11. The first and nnal nenmint nf Itotpi- n rtnlnv
executor ot tho last will and testament of N. U.
Harman. late of tho town nf 4.'flt.nwiuut. ivtinmhi.
county, deceased.
12. The first and nnnl AWMint. nf -Tnhn A .Tntin-
son, administrator of tho estate ot Jesse Johnson,
late ot Beaver township, Columbia county, dee'd.
13. ThO first, nnd flnnl nrrannt nf iwh.n
Smoicr and F. K. Smoicr, administrator ot the
estate of Samuel smoyer, lato ot Minim township.
Columbia county deceased.
. The nrst and final account of .rnhn v. Etnn.
executor or James Jacoby, latoof the borough ot
Berwick, deceased.
15. Tho first and final rt. w. noni-ira
administrator of Ellas fientvn. iniiinf r.npnt.tnwn.
ship, Columbia county, deceased.
16. The nrst and final Acnnnnt. nr .1. Aiiiann
ESSlCk. executor Of ThDmM L Hall. IntAnf lflrtl-
son township, Columbia county, deceased.
17. ThO first and final aftennnt. nf Mnrv Ahn.
bach and Silas Conner, exennrnr nr thn namtAnf
Samuel Achenhach lato ot Orango township, CoL
Co., deceased. '
IS. The first and final nwniint. nf u-m Vrinl-.
tmum and George W. orrell, executors of George
Inner, lato ot Hemlock township, deceased.
19. ThO first ond final Plino r' Wvnna
admlnlstratrator of tho estato of l'aul Former late
of the borourh of Berwick column! nnnntv. rip.
90. ThA Href nnit flnnl nn-innn, r.t T-nu, l.iuk.
Trustee of the estate ot John Jacoby late oi
uiwuisuun$, uuiuuiuia county, ueceaseu.
21. The first ana final account or lr. tr. iinimn.
executor of the estate ot Samuel Appleman, late
of the township of Benton, Columbia Co. deceased.
Thn first nnrt flnil anmnnl nf l.nlali tinn-a.
executor ot the estate ot Isaac Bower, late oi
juiururueK wwnsnip com rioia ciunty aeceased.
23' The ffi-Rt. and final fuvniinf. nr Ilftnrv .T Mn.
Ewen. administrator or Martran-.r McRnc-n lata nr
Greenwood township, Columbia county, deceased.
24. The first and final nccnunr. nf. Ins. W. Rvm
administrator ot Joseph bhoemaker. lato of line
township, Columbia county, deceased.
2.1. ThO account nf Isoon lVwltt mimlnlstrntn,-
Of the estate Isaac 1). I'fllfnn. lfttH nf llrppmvniul
township Columbia county, deceased.
20. The first and tlial ficcniinf. nf .ins. W. T!ves
administrator of tho estate of John Miller, lateot
Jit. Pleasant township Columbia county, deceased.
27. ThO first an1 final npnnnnt. nf n. It flnM-ann
administrator of the estate of Stephen Thomas,
late or Brlarcreck township, Columbia county,
SS. The first and final account, nf Mattin Am.
merman, admlnlstratilx of the estate ot Albert
Ammerman. lalo ot Flshlngcreek township, col-
uwuntvuuuij, UWetUseU.
Apr. 12 ' lteirlster.
Ileal Instate!
By virtue of sundry writs Issued out of the Court
of common Pleas, of CoL Co., Pa., and to mo di
rected thero will bo exposed to public itle at the
uouix uouso, uioomstjurg, on
FRIDAY, MAY 3rd. 1880.
at 10 o'clock a. m.
All that certain Dt ot ground situate In tho
township ot Con ngham, Columbia county, Pa.,
being lot No. 65, bounded and subscribed as fol
lows, to-wlt: On the north by lot ot wilUam
Crawley, on tho south by lot of John Gerrlty
dee'd. on the east by Catawlssa road leading to
ishland on the west by con
taining two ity.nve feet front on public road and
extending back two hundred feet In depth, where
on are erected a Frame House and stable.
Seized, taken In execution at tho suit of the citi
zens Building & Loan Association of Centralla, vs.
John Crane, and to be sold as tho property of John
ri. Fa.
Marr, Attorney,
at tho same time and place.
au mat certain lot or piece of ground sltmte In
Borough of Centralla, Columbia Co.. Pa., on the
west sido of weurt Aveuuo boundod and described
as follows, to-wlt : On tho east by Locust Avenue
on the south by lot of Mary Chapman and Maria
Hageity, on tho north by lot of c. 0. Murphy and
on the west by an alley containing in width or
oroadth in front on Locust avenue twenty-nvo
iecn) ana extending of that width or depth or
length westwardly ono hundred and forty teetilioj
to an alley, Loing tho lot which Is marked on the
raap;or plan ot ContralU with the number ui In
block tenty.nlno(9) and belnj the same pro
mises wmcn uawani nagerty by deed made the
efeth day of August A. 1). 18S1, and recorded In the
onice for recording deeds. 4c, at Bloomsburg In
and for the county ot Columbia, In deed book, vol
ume ai, pago no, sc., whereon are erected a
Frame llouso and outbuildings.
seized, taken In execution at the suit of the
Miners and Laborers saving Fund Association vs.
James Uagerty and his wife Maria Ilagerty in
right ot said wife and to be Bold as the property ot
James and Maria Ilagerty,
Lev. Fa.
Marr, Attorney.
at the same placo on
MONDAY MAY Gib, 1889.
aj, 8 o'clock p. in.
AU that certain piece or parcel ot land bltuate
In the Borough of Berwick, :columbla county. ra
on the northwest corner ot pine and second streets
boundod and described as follows, to wit: Begin
ningaiino corner of Pine and Second streets
thence by Pino street one hundred and thlity-ono
and a halt feet, more cr less, to the land belong .
log to the Jaoksou 4 Woodln Manufacturing Com-
puny ny same on a line parallel with So
cond bluti nlnety-ulnu fecit to a comer and from
thence one hundred and thirty-one and a half leet,
luureur mas, 10 eucono. street inence by second
atroet nlncty-nlno feet to the coruer, the plaou of
beginning, on vi hlch are erected a large Brick
Building used as an earthenware factory, a large
Pot Klin, Frame Ware House, Frame Stable and
seized, takenlnoxoaiUicnat tho ault ot B. I).
Frvas vs. O. A- Backer and to bo sold as the prop
erty of o. A. Becker.
n. ra.
Jackson, Atty. ..
At the same placo on
SATURDAY, MAY lltli, 1889.
at S o'clock (n the. a'teruoon,
All that certitu lot or parcel ot land situate In
ths township ot Jackson, eolua b'a county and
state ot rcnusylvanla, bounded aud ascribed as
follows, twlti Beginning at a ct-fbtuut, thence
by land of Ellas Mendenhall. norm twenty-three
degrees east one hundred and rive perch g and
four-tenths to a pobt, thenco sauth seventy-three
and dcg.-eeg east seventeen and two
tt nth pwnes to a yosti tUepce norttttwentr-ttr
derees east thirty six and one-tenth perchesto
port, I hence by Una tf south teventy.
three and one-half degrees east ninety-four and
seven-tenths porches to a post thence by land of
- and William Brink sooth seven
teen degrees west ono hundred and forty and one
half perches to a .post; thenco by land ot Irs m
Derr north seventy three and one halt degrees,
west eno hundred and twenty-seren and two
tenths perches to tho place ot beginning ; contain
ing ono hundred aires strict menu re be tho sam e
more or leas, whereon are erected a Dwel Ing
House and outbuildings.
fcelrcd, taken In execution at the suit of Albert
Williams vs. Joshua Bldlar, and to beBOldas the
property ot Joshua Bldlar.
FL Pa.
Herring Alt'y.
oUco Is hereby ilven that on romiest and id-
plication ot a number ot tho stockholders In the
corporators Is hereby called to asaemb'.o al Hart
rnans' Hall In Bloomsburg on Thursday the 5th
day of April, A. U. isrj, al 2 O'clock p.m., ot said
day forthepurposiof conslderlnz the Droorlety
of petitioning the court, of common Pleas of col
umbla county for a dissolution ot -aid corporation.
Ik tf,if, liliunnil,
Chairman ot the late meetinir ot corporators.
apr ft-31
The regular annual meeting of the stockholders
Cflhe state Normal Hchrjol and I Iteratr innritiin
will be held at the omco of Frank I1, niilmerer.
Secretary, on Monday May etli, tssg, between the
hours of 2 and 3 o'clock In the afternoon, when
tour trustees will be elected on the pan ot the
stockholders to nerve ror a period of three yean,
and four persons will bo nominated from whom
lb Superintendent of 1'ubllo Instruction mar atv-
polnt two Trustees on the put of tho state to
eerie ior a penuu or mree years
rHA,tli 1'. lilLUMtit KH,
be followinc Widow's Annrnlament will hn
presented to tho orphans' court or t'niumhi
county, on the nrst Monday of May A. 1). lfw, and
wuuruii-u nisi, anu unless exceptions are nice
Within four dars theraArter. wilt hn lyii nrmnl nn-
Joseph O. Keller estate, Orecnwood, Itealty S3O1.00
Andrew Kunyan estate. Benton, Personal-
alltr lia.Mii. iteuv -2t hi tvnm
James Commons est ate, Bloomsburg Itealty I3io.n0
Cyrus Mcllcnrr estato orange IVrsonslty r!00.(io
John c. Jones Est. Bloomsburg, Personalty t-jio.OO
Samuel long estate, Catawlssa, I'craonalt)'
j.pu, ivi-auy umuu
W. E. FrlUE estate. HucrarlOAf. Persnnalfr
Henry Wolf Esr,, Bloomsburg, Personalty
S2S.10. RpAlrv tvri on tanam
Julius Hon estate, Berwick, personalty
John Kline estate, Flshlngcreek, Itealty MOO.O0
John F. Fowler estate, Pine, Personalty WXI.0)
WM. U. 8NYDKH. Clerk O. C.
Clerk's office. Blooms- o. M. (dick, Deputy,
oarg l a., April ism, iswi.
AnnllcaUon will bo mado to tho Board of Par.
dons, at Its next regular session, .May iisM&n for
thn pardon of II. o. sttno, who plead guilty to two
Indictments for forgerv. No. 4 and No. 12 respect
ively ui jnay nussion, lent, ot mp uouniy or Colum
bia and was, on the lith, of May lS'-S. sentenced to
two years imprisonment bv seDarate and snUtarr
confinement la tho Eastern Penitentiary ot
A. 11. STINK.
UervetE. Smith,
Avi-y. Apr itf-xt
Estate if XlUalKth Kline, deomwd.
The underslrned auditor aprolnted by the Or
hans' Court ot Columbia Cnuntr to tnako dlstrt.
butlon ot tha funds in tho hands of A. It. Patter
son, executor, tn and nmnntrthn n.irtles
thereto, will nt at his onice fn Bloomsburg, Pa. on
Friday, Mays. ism'J at 10 o'clock a. m. to perform
the duties of his appointment, when and whero
all persons having claims against said estate must
appear and prove tho same, or bo debarred from
any share or said fund.
Apr 12:4w Auditor.
Tho. fine weather in Airil lias
brought up the carpets, and
louse cleaning has
Right at this point let us sav,
that the walls and ceilings of the
cleaned room will need papering,
we are well fixed to show a fine
iue of plain and ornamental
ceiling decorations as you might
wish to see.
Last week and this week have
been red letter davs ior wall
?aper und window curtains.
We haven window full of dado
curtains, and more patterns in
side which we can't show. We
trim square and hem curtains
any length; you select the shades
we make the curtains and hang
them without extra charge.
W. H. Brookk & Co.
curtis cram.
Now is tho apuointpil time for
thoroughly domicilii: tho system from
all impurities, and all will Bud that tho
Curtis Compound will exactly fill tho
run. it nas stood the tot of 22 years
acd its pales are larger than ever, every
year. Prico 50c and 1.00.
Foit Sale By
James H. Mercer,
Bi.ooMfiiuno, Pa.
mission If Drelerrtd. Salesmen wanted everv.
where. Noexrerlenco needed. Address, stating
n. w. l
, Foster S Co , Nurserymen, Box E. Geneva,
N. V.
MESS CURED krrMfbru.
Trkl.MrthKr44atUetlT. Contort.
bit, Sacuritib,rtft!lrr.nedlMrll. lllB.bttokatnwra
CrH. y.UlHOI.Hllnlj, I. r.
The Teacher
Who aJvlsoJ her pupils to strengthen
their minds by the use ot Aycr's Sar
saparllla, appreciated the truth that
Bodily health is essential to mental
vigor. 1'or persous ot delicate and fccblo
coustltution, whether young or old, this
medicine is retuarkubly beneficial, llo
sure you get Aycr's hnrsuparillu.
" Kvery spring and fall I take a num
ber of bottles of Aj er's Sursnparilla, and
nm greatly benefited." Mrs. James 11.
Eastman, Btoncbaui, Mass.
"I linve taken Aycr's Sarsaparllla
with great bennlit to my general health."
MIssThlrza U C'rerar, l'attuyra, Md.
"My daughter, twolvo years ot age,
has suffered for the past year from
General Debility.
A, few weeks since, we began to gtvo
her Ayer's Sarsaparllla. Her health ha
greatly improved." Mrs. Harriet II.
llattles, South Uhelmstord,Mass.
"About a year ago I begau using Aycr's
Sarsaparilla as a remedy for debility
and neuralgia resulting from malarial
axposure iu tho ormy. 1 was In it very
bad condition, but tlx bottles of tho Bar
iaparilla,wlth occasional doses of Ayer's
fills, havo greatly Improved my health,
t am uow able to work, and feel that I
annot say too much for your excellent
remedies.' P. A. l'iukham, South
doluucuj, Me,
"My daughter, sixteen years old, Is
using Ayer's Sarsaparllla with good el.
-ect." Uov. 8. J. Orahara, United
Urethren Church, Uuckhauuou,AV.Vtt.
',X suffered from
Nervous Prostration,
A-tth lame back nnd hcadacho, and have
xea much bcuollted by the use of Ayer's
jarsaparllla. X am uow StCyears of age,
.ud tun satisfied that my presetit health
.ml prolonged Ufa are due to the use ot
f',?,'1. Sarsaparilla." Iaicv MoUltt,
illliugly, Conu.
Mrs. Anu It. Farnswortb. a lady TO
ears old, So, Woodstock, Vt., writes :
'After c end weeks surTeriug fiom
icivous prostration, I procured a botllo
if Aycr's Sarsaparllla, nnd liefore I
lad taken half of It my usual health
eturued. '
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Jr, J. O. Aysr i. Co., Lowsll, Mais.
rrtMilt, WrtMi),m.,